{-| Module : VeriFuzz.Fuzz Description : Environment to run the simulator and synthesisers in a matrix. Copyright : (c) 2019, Yann Herklotz License : GPL-3 Maintainer : ymherklotz [at] gmail [dot] com Stability : experimental Portability : POSIX Environment to run the simulator and synthesisers in a matrix. -} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module VeriFuzz.Fuzz ( SynthTool(..) , SimTool(..) , FuzzResult(..) , Fuzz , fuzz , runFuzz , defaultIcarusSim , defaultVivadoSynth , defaultYosysSynth , defaultXSTSynth , defaultQuartusSynth ) where import Control.Lens import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift) import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader hiding (local) import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.List (nubBy) import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Time import Hedgehog (Gen) import qualified Hedgehog.Gen as Hog import Prelude hiding (FilePath) import Shelly hiding (get) import Shelly.Lifted (MonadSh, liftSh) import VeriFuzz.Internal import VeriFuzz.Result import VeriFuzz.Sim.Icarus import VeriFuzz.Sim.Internal import VeriFuzz.Sim.Quartus import VeriFuzz.Sim.Vivado import VeriFuzz.Sim.XST import VeriFuzz.Sim.Yosys import VeriFuzz.Verilog.AST -- | Common type alias for synthesis results type UResult = Result Failed () -- | Commont type alias for simulation results type BResult = Result Failed ByteString data SynthTool = XSTSynth {-# UNPACK #-} !XST | VivadoSynth {-# UNPACK #-} !Vivado | YosysSynth {-# UNPACK #-} !Yosys | QuartusSynth !Quartus deriving (Eq) instance Show SynthTool where show (XSTSynth xst) = show xst show (VivadoSynth vivado) = show vivado show (YosysSynth yosys) = show yosys show (QuartusSynth quartus) = show quartus instance Tool SynthTool where toText (XSTSynth xst) = toText xst toText (VivadoSynth vivado) = toText vivado toText (YosysSynth yosys) = toText yosys toText (QuartusSynth quartus) = toText quartus instance Synthesiser SynthTool where runSynth (XSTSynth xst) = runSynth xst runSynth (VivadoSynth vivado) = runSynth vivado runSynth (YosysSynth yosys) = runSynth yosys runSynth (QuartusSynth quartus) = runSynth quartus synthOutput (XSTSynth xst) = synthOutput xst synthOutput (VivadoSynth vivado) = synthOutput vivado synthOutput (YosysSynth yosys) = synthOutput yosys synthOutput (QuartusSynth quartus) = synthOutput quartus setSynthOutput (YosysSynth yosys) = YosysSynth . setSynthOutput yosys setSynthOutput (XSTSynth xst) = XSTSynth . setSynthOutput xst setSynthOutput (VivadoSynth vivado) = VivadoSynth . setSynthOutput vivado setSynthOutput (QuartusSynth quartus) = QuartusSynth . setSynthOutput quartus defaultYosysSynth :: SynthTool defaultYosysSynth = YosysSynth defaultYosys defaultQuartusSynth :: SynthTool defaultQuartusSynth = QuartusSynth defaultQuartus defaultVivadoSynth :: SynthTool defaultVivadoSynth = VivadoSynth defaultVivado defaultXSTSynth :: SynthTool defaultXSTSynth = XSTSynth defaultXST newtype SimTool = IcarusSim Icarus deriving (Eq) instance Tool SimTool where toText (IcarusSim icarus) = toText icarus instance Simulator SimTool where runSim (IcarusSim icarus) = runSim icarus runSimWithFile (IcarusSim icarus) = runSimWithFile icarus instance Show SimTool where show (IcarusSim icarus) = show icarus defaultIcarusSim :: SimTool defaultIcarusSim = IcarusSim defaultIcarus data FuzzEnv = FuzzEnv { getSynthesisers :: ![SynthTool] , getSimulators :: ![SimTool] , yosysInstance :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Yosys } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | The results from running a tool through a simulator. It can either fail or -- return a result, which is most likely a 'ByteString'. data SimResult = SimResult !SynthTool !SimTool !(BResult) deriving (Eq) instance Show SimResult where show (SimResult synth sim r) = show synth <> ", " <> show sim <> ": " <> show r -- | The results of comparing the synthesised outputs of two files using a -- formal equivalence checker. This will either return a failure or an output -- which is most likely '()'. data SynthResult = SynthResult !SynthTool !SynthTool !(UResult) deriving (Eq) instance Show SynthResult where show (SynthResult synth synth2 r) = show synth <> ", " <> show synth2 <> ": " <> show r -- | The status of the synthesis using a simulator. This will be checked before -- attempting to run the equivalence checks on the simulator, as that would be -- unnecessary otherwise. data SynthStatus = SynthStatus !SynthTool !(UResult) deriving (Eq) instance Show SynthStatus where show (SynthStatus synth r) = "synthesis " <> show synth <> ": " <> show r -- | The complete state that will be used during fuzzing, which contains the -- results from all the operations. data FuzzResult = FuzzResult { _synthResults :: ![SynthResult] , _simResults :: ![SimResult] , _synthStatus :: ![SynthStatus] } deriving (Eq, Show) $(makeLenses ''FuzzResult) instance Semigroup FuzzResult where FuzzResult a1 b1 c1 <> FuzzResult a2 b2 c2 = FuzzResult (a1 <> a2) (b1 <> b2) (c1 <> c2) instance Monoid FuzzResult where mempty = FuzzResult [] [] [] -- | The main type for the fuzzing, which contains an environment that can be -- read from and the current state of all the results. type Fuzz m = StateT FuzzResult (ReaderT FuzzEnv m) runFuzz :: (Monad m) => [SynthTool] -> [SimTool] -> Yosys -> Fuzz m b -> m b runFuzz synth sim yos m = runReaderT (evalStateT m (FuzzResult [] [] [])) (FuzzEnv synth sim yos) synthesisers :: (Monad m) => Fuzz m [SynthTool] synthesisers = lift $ asks getSynthesisers --simulators :: (Monad m) => Fuzz () m [SimTool] --simulators = lift $ asks getSimulators combinations :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)] combinations l1 l2 = [ (x, y) | x <- l1, y <- l2 ] runInTmp :: (MonadSh m) => m a -> m a runInTmp a = liftSh (withTmpDir $ (\dir -> cd dir)) >> a mkAndRun :: (MonadSh m) => FilePath -> Sh a -> m a mkAndRun a = liftSh . chdir_p a liftWith' :: (MonadIO m) => (Sh (Result a b) -> Sh (Result a b)) -> ResultT a Sh b -> m (Result a b) liftWith' a = liftIO . shellyFailDir . a . runResultT --lift' :: (MonadIO m) => ResultT a Sh b -> m (Result a b) --lift' = liftWith' id logT :: (MonadIO m) => Text -> m () logT = liftIO . shelly . echoP timeit :: (MonadIO m) => m a -> m (NominalDiffTime, a) timeit a = do start <- liftIO getCurrentTime result <- a end <- liftIO getCurrentTime return (diffUTCTime end start, result) synthesis :: (MonadIO m) => SourceInfo -> Fuzz m () synthesis src = do synth <- synthesisers results <- mapM (\a -> liftWith' (mkAndRun . fromText $ showT a) $ runSynth a src (fromText $ "syn_" <> showT a <> ".v") ) synth synthStatus .= zipWith SynthStatus synth results liftIO $ print results generateSample :: (MonadIO m) => Gen SourceInfo -> Fuzz m SourceInfo generateSample gen = do logT "Sampling Verilog from generator" (t, src) <- timeit $ Hog.sample gen logT $ "Generated Verilog (" <> showT t <> ")" return src passedSynthesis :: (MonadIO m) => Fuzz m [SynthTool] passedSynthesis = fmap toSynth . filter passed . _synthStatus <$> get where passed (SynthStatus _ (Pass _)) = True toSynth (SynthStatus s _) = s fuzz :: (MonadIO m) => Gen SourceInfo -> Fuzz m FuzzResult fuzz gen = do yos <- lift $ asks yosysInstance src <- generateSample gen synthesis src synth <- passedSynthesis let synthComb = nubBy tupEq . filter (uncurry (/=)) $ combinations synth synth results <- mapM (uncurry $ equivalence yos src) synthComb liftIO $ print results return mempty where tupEq (a, b) (a', b') = (a == a' && b == b') || (a == b' && b == a') equivalence yos src a b = liftIO . shellyFailDir . runInTmp . runResultT $ runEquiv yos a (Just b) src