{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-| Module : VeriFuzz.Report Description : Generate a report from a fuzz run. Copyright : (c) 2019, Yann Herklotz Grave License : GPL-3 Maintainer : ymherklotz [at] gmail [dot] com Stability : experimental Portability : POSIX Generate a report from a fuzz run. -} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module VeriFuzz.Report ( SynthTool(..) , SynthStatus(..) , SynthResult(..) , SimResult(..) , SimTool(..) , FuzzReport(..) , printResultReport , printSummary , synthResults , simResults , synthStatus , equivTime , fuzzDir , reducTime , synthTime , defaultIcarusSim , defaultVivadoSynth , defaultYosysSynth , defaultXSTSynth , defaultQuartusSynth , defaultIdentitySynth , descriptionToSim , descriptionToSynth ) where import Control.DeepSeq (NFData, rnf) import Control.Lens hiding (Identity, (<.>)) import Data.Bifunctor (bimap) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Monoid (Endo) import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text.Lazy (toStrict) import Data.Time import Data.Vector (fromList) import Prelude hiding (FilePath) import Shelly (FilePath, fromText, toTextIgnore, (<.>), ()) import Statistics.Sample (meanVariance) import Text.Blaze.Html (Html, (!)) import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Text (renderHtml) import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5 as H import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes as A import VeriFuzz.Config import VeriFuzz.Internal import VeriFuzz.Result import VeriFuzz.Sim import VeriFuzz.Sim.Internal -- | Common type alias for synthesis results type UResult = Result Failed () -- | Commont type alias for simulation results type BResult = Result Failed ByteString data SynthTool = XSTSynth {-# UNPACK #-} !XST | VivadoSynth {-# UNPACK #-} !Vivado | YosysSynth {-# UNPACK #-} !Yosys | QuartusSynth {-# UNPACK #-} !Quartus | IdentitySynth {-# UNPACK #-} !Identity deriving (Eq) instance NFData SynthTool where rnf (XSTSynth a) = rnf a rnf (VivadoSynth a) = rnf a rnf (YosysSynth a) = rnf a rnf (QuartusSynth a) = rnf a rnf (IdentitySynth a) = rnf a instance Show SynthTool where show (XSTSynth xst) = show xst show (VivadoSynth vivado) = show vivado show (YosysSynth yosys) = show yosys show (QuartusSynth quartus) = show quartus show (IdentitySynth identity) = show identity instance Tool SynthTool where toText (XSTSynth xst) = toText xst toText (VivadoSynth vivado) = toText vivado toText (YosysSynth yosys) = toText yosys toText (QuartusSynth quartus) = toText quartus toText (IdentitySynth identity) = toText identity instance Synthesiser SynthTool where runSynth (XSTSynth xst) = runSynth xst runSynth (VivadoSynth vivado) = runSynth vivado runSynth (YosysSynth yosys) = runSynth yosys runSynth (QuartusSynth quartus) = runSynth quartus runSynth (IdentitySynth identity) = runSynth identity synthOutput (XSTSynth xst) = synthOutput xst synthOutput (VivadoSynth vivado) = synthOutput vivado synthOutput (YosysSynth yosys) = synthOutput yosys synthOutput (QuartusSynth quartus) = synthOutput quartus synthOutput (IdentitySynth identity) = synthOutput identity setSynthOutput (YosysSynth yosys) = YosysSynth . setSynthOutput yosys setSynthOutput (XSTSynth xst) = XSTSynth . setSynthOutput xst setSynthOutput (VivadoSynth vivado) = VivadoSynth . setSynthOutput vivado setSynthOutput (QuartusSynth quartus) = QuartusSynth . setSynthOutput quartus setSynthOutput (IdentitySynth identity) = IdentitySynth . setSynthOutput identity defaultYosysSynth :: SynthTool defaultYosysSynth = YosysSynth defaultYosys defaultQuartusSynth :: SynthTool defaultQuartusSynth = QuartusSynth defaultQuartus defaultVivadoSynth :: SynthTool defaultVivadoSynth = VivadoSynth defaultVivado defaultXSTSynth :: SynthTool defaultXSTSynth = XSTSynth defaultXST defaultIdentitySynth :: SynthTool defaultIdentitySynth = IdentitySynth defaultIdentity newtype SimTool = IcarusSim Icarus deriving (Eq) instance NFData SimTool where rnf (IcarusSim a) = rnf a instance Tool SimTool where toText (IcarusSim icarus) = toText icarus instance Simulator SimTool where runSim (IcarusSim icarus) = runSim icarus runSimWithFile (IcarusSim icarus) = runSimWithFile icarus instance Show SimTool where show (IcarusSim icarus) = show icarus defaultIcarusSim :: SimTool defaultIcarusSim = IcarusSim defaultIcarus -- | The results from running a tool through a simulator. It can either fail or -- return a result, which is most likely a 'ByteString'. data SimResult = SimResult !SynthTool !SimTool !BResult !NominalDiffTime deriving (Eq) instance Show SimResult where show (SimResult synth sim r d) = show synth <> ", " <> show sim <> ": " <> show r <> " (" <> show d <> ")" getSimResult :: SimResult -> UResult getSimResult (SimResult _ _ (Pass _) _) = Pass () getSimResult (SimResult _ _ (Fail b) _) = Fail b -- | The results of comparing the synthesised outputs of two files using a -- formal equivalence checker. This will either return a failure or an output -- which is most likely '()'. data SynthResult = SynthResult !SynthTool !SynthTool !UResult !NominalDiffTime deriving (Eq) instance Show SynthResult where show (SynthResult synth synth2 r d) = show synth <> ", " <> show synth2 <> ": " <> show r <> " (" <> show d <> ")" getSynthResult :: SynthResult -> UResult getSynthResult (SynthResult _ _ a _) = a -- | The status of the synthesis using a simulator. This will be checked before -- attempting to run the equivalence checks on the simulator, as that would be -- unnecessary otherwise. data SynthStatus = SynthStatus !SynthTool !UResult !NominalDiffTime deriving (Eq) getSynthStatus :: SynthStatus -> UResult getSynthStatus (SynthStatus _ a _) = a instance Show SynthStatus where show (SynthStatus synth r d) = "synthesis " <> show synth <> ": " <> show r <> " (" <> show d <> ")" -- | The complete state that will be used during fuzzing, which contains the -- results from all the operations. data FuzzReport = FuzzReport { _fuzzDir :: {-# UNPACK #-} !FilePath , _synthResults :: ![SynthResult] , _simResults :: ![SimResult] , _synthStatus :: ![SynthStatus] , _synthTime :: {-# UNPACK #-} !NominalDiffTime , _equivTime :: {-# UNPACK #-} !NominalDiffTime , _reducTime :: {-# UNPACK #-} !NominalDiffTime } deriving (Eq, Show) $(makeLenses ''FuzzReport) descriptionToSim :: SimDescription -> SimTool descriptionToSim (SimDescription "icarus") = defaultIcarusSim descriptionToSim s = error $ "Could not find implementation for simulator '" <> show s <> "'" -- | Convert a description to a synthesiser. descriptionToSynth :: SynthDescription -> SynthTool descriptionToSynth (SynthDescription "yosys" bin desc out) = YosysSynth . Yosys (fromText <$> bin) (fromMaybe (yosysDesc defaultYosys) desc) $ maybe (yosysOutput defaultYosys) fromText out descriptionToSynth (SynthDescription "vivado" bin desc out) = VivadoSynth . Vivado (fromText <$> bin) (fromMaybe (vivadoDesc defaultVivado) desc) $ maybe (vivadoOutput defaultVivado) fromText out descriptionToSynth (SynthDescription "xst" bin desc out) = XSTSynth . XST (fromText <$> bin) (fromMaybe (xstDesc defaultXST) desc) $ maybe (xstOutput defaultXST) fromText out descriptionToSynth (SynthDescription "quartus" bin desc out) = QuartusSynth . Quartus (fromText <$> bin) (fromMaybe (quartusDesc defaultQuartus) desc) $ maybe (quartusOutput defaultQuartus) fromText out descriptionToSynth (SynthDescription "identity" _ desc out) = IdentitySynth . Identity (fromMaybe (identityDesc defaultIdentity) desc) $ maybe (identityOutput defaultIdentity) fromText out descriptionToSynth s = error $ "Could not find implementation for synthesiser '" <> show s <> "'" status :: Result Failed () -> Html status (Pass _ ) = H.td ! A.class_ "is-success" $ "Passed" status (Fail EmptyFail ) = H.td ! A.class_ "is-danger" $ "Failed" status (Fail EquivFail ) = H.td ! A.class_ "is-danger" $ "Equivalence failed" status (Fail SimFail ) = H.td ! A.class_ "is-danger" $ "Simulation failed" status (Fail SynthFail ) = H.td ! A.class_ "is-danger" $ "Synthesis failed" status (Fail EquivError ) = H.td ! A.class_ "is-danger" $ "Equivalence error" status (Fail TimeoutError) = H.td ! A.class_ "is-warning" $ "Time out" synthStatusHtml :: SynthStatus -> Html synthStatusHtml (SynthStatus synth res diff) = H.tr $ do H.td . H.toHtml $ toText synth status res H.td . H.toHtml $ showT diff synthResultHtml :: SynthResult -> Html synthResultHtml (SynthResult synth1 synth2 res diff) = H.tr $ do H.td . H.toHtml $ toText synth1 H.td . H.toHtml $ toText synth2 status res H.td . H.toHtml $ showT diff resultHead :: Text -> Html resultHead name = H.head $ do H.title $ "Fuzz Report - " <> H.toHtml name H.meta ! A.name "viewport" ! A.content "width=device-width, initial-scale=1" H.meta ! A.charset "utf8" H.link ! A.rel "stylesheet" ! A.href "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/bulma/0.7.4/css/bulma.min.css" resultReport :: Text -> FuzzReport -> Html resultReport name (FuzzReport _ synth _ stat _ _ _) = H.docTypeHtml $ do resultHead name H.body . (H.section ! A.class_ "section") . (H.div ! A.class_ "container") $ do H.h1 ! A.class_ "title is-1" $ "Fuzz Report - " <> H.toHtml name H.h2 ! A.class_ "title is-2" $ "Synthesis" H.table ! A.class_ "table" $ do H.thead . H.toHtml $ ( H.tr . H.toHtml $ [H.th "Tool", H.th "Status", H.th "Run time"] ) H.tbody . H.toHtml $ fmap synthStatusHtml stat H.h2 ! A.class_ "title is-2" $ "Equivalence Check" H.table ! A.class_ "table" $ do H.thead . H.toHtml $ ( H.tr . H.toHtml $ [ H.th "First tool" , H.th "Second tool" , H.th "Status" , H.th "Run time" ] ) H.tbody . H.toHtml $ fmap synthResultHtml synth resultStatus :: Result a b -> Html resultStatus (Pass _) = H.td ! A.class_ "is-success" $ "Passed" resultStatus (Fail _) = H.td ! A.class_ "is-danger" $ "Failed" fuzzStats :: (Real a1, Traversable t) => ((a1 -> Const (Endo [a1]) a1) -> a2 -> Const (Endo [a1]) a2) -> t a2 -> (Double, Double) fuzzStats sel fr = meanVariance converted where converted = fromList . fmap realToFrac $ fr ^.. traverse . sel fuzzStatus :: Text -> FuzzReport -> Html fuzzStatus name (FuzzReport dir s1 s2 s3 t1 t2 t3) = H.tr $ do H.td . ( H.a ! A.href ( H.textValue $ toTextIgnore (dir fromText "index" <.> "html") ) ) $ H.toHtml name resultStatus $ mconcat (fmap getSynthResult s1) <> mconcat (fmap getSimResult s2) <> mconcat (fmap getSynthStatus s3) H.td . H.string $ show t1 H.td . H.string $ show t2 H.td . H.string $ show t3 summary :: Text -> [FuzzReport] -> Html summary name fuzz = H.docTypeHtml $ do resultHead name H.body . (H.section ! A.class_ "section") . (H.div ! A.class_ "container") $ do H.h1 ! A.class_ "title is-1" $ "FuzzReport - " <> H.toHtml name H.table ! A.class_ "table" $ do H.thead . H.tr $ H.toHtml [ H.th "Name" , H.th "Status" , H.th "Synthesis time" , H.th "Equivalence check time" , H.th "Reduction time" ] H.tbody . H.toHtml . fmap (\(i, r) -> fuzzStatus ("Fuzz " <> showT (i :: Int)) r ) $ zip [1 ..] fuzz H.tfoot . H.toHtml $ do H.tr $ H.toHtml [ H.td $ H.strong "Total" , H.td mempty , sumUp synthTime , sumUp equivTime , sumUp reducTime ] H.tr $ H.toHtml [ H.td $ H.strong "Mean" , H.td mempty , fst $ meanVar synthTime , fst $ meanVar equivTime , fst $ meanVar reducTime ] H.tr $ H.toHtml [ H.td $ H.strong "Variance" , H.td mempty , snd $ meanVar synthTime , snd $ meanVar equivTime , snd $ meanVar reducTime ] where sumUp s = showHtml . sum $ fuzz ^.. traverse . s meanVar s = bimap d2T d2T $ fuzzStats s fuzz showHtml = H.td . H.string . show d2T = showHtml . (realToFrac :: Double -> NominalDiffTime) printResultReport :: Text -> FuzzReport -> Text printResultReport t f = toStrict . renderHtml $ resultReport t f printSummary :: Text -> [FuzzReport] -> Text printSummary t f = toStrict . renderHtml $ summary t f