{-| Module : VeriFuzz.Verilog.AST Description : Definition of the Verilog AST types. Copyright : (c) 2018-2019, Yann Herklotz Grave License : BSD-3 Maintainer : ymherklotz [at] gmail [dot] com Stability : experimental Poratbility : POSIX Defines the types to build a Verilog AST. -} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module VeriFuzz.Verilog.AST where import Control.Lens (makeLenses, makePrisms) import Control.Monad (replicateM) import Data.String (IsString, fromString) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Traversable (sequenceA) import qualified Test.QuickCheck as QC positiveArb :: (QC.Arbitrary a, Ord a, Num a) => QC.Gen a positiveArb = QC.suchThat QC.arbitrary (>0) -- | Identifier in Verilog. This is just a string of characters that can either -- be lowercase and uppercase for now. This might change in the future though, -- as Verilog supports many more characters in Identifiers. newtype Identifier = Identifier { _getIdentifier :: Text } deriving (Eq, Show, IsString, Semigroup, Monoid) makeLenses ''Identifier instance QC.Arbitrary Identifier where arbitrary = do l <- QC.choose (2, 10) Identifier . T.pack <$> replicateM l (QC.elements ['a'..'z']) -- | Verilog syntax for adding a delay, which is represented as @#num@. newtype Delay = Delay { _delay :: Int } deriving (Eq, Show, Num) instance QC.Arbitrary Delay where arbitrary = Delay <$> positiveArb -- | Verilog syntax for an event, such as @\@x@, which is used for always blocks data Event = EId Identifier | EExpr Expr | EAll deriving (Eq, Show) instance QC.Arbitrary Event where arbitrary = EId <$> QC.arbitrary -- | Binary operators that are currently supported in the verilog generation. data BinaryOperator = BinPlus -- ^ @+@ | BinMinus -- ^ @-@ | BinTimes -- ^ @*@ | BinDiv -- ^ @/@ | BinMod -- ^ @%@ | BinEq -- ^ @==@ | BinNEq -- ^ @!=@ | BinCEq -- ^ @===@ | BinCNEq -- ^ @!==@ | BinLAnd -- ^ @&&@ | BinLOr -- ^ @||@ | BinLT -- ^ @<@ | BinLEq -- ^ @<=@ | BinGT -- ^ @>@ | BinGEq -- ^ @>=@ | BinAnd -- ^ @&@ | BinOr -- ^ @|@ | BinXor -- ^ @^@ | BinXNor -- ^ @^~@ | BinXNorInv -- ^ @~^@ | BinPower -- ^ @**@ | BinLSL -- ^ @<<@ | BinLSR -- ^ @>>@ | BinASL -- ^ @<<<@ | BinASR -- ^ @>>>@ deriving (Eq, Show) instance QC.Arbitrary BinaryOperator where arbitrary = QC.elements [ BinPlus , BinMinus , BinTimes , BinDiv , BinMod , BinEq , BinNEq , BinCEq , BinCNEq , BinLAnd , BinLOr , BinLT , BinLEq , BinGT , BinGEq , BinAnd , BinOr , BinXor , BinXNor , BinXNorInv , BinPower , BinLSL , BinLSR , BinASL , BinASR ] -- | Unary operators that are currently supported by the generator. data UnaryOperator = UnPlus -- ^ @+@ | UnMinus -- ^ @-@ | UnNot -- ^ @!@ | UnAnd -- ^ @&@ | UnNand -- ^ @~&@ | UnOr -- ^ @|@ | UnNor -- ^ @~|@ | UnXor -- ^ @^@ | UnNxor -- ^ @~^@ | UnNxorInv -- ^ @^~@ deriving (Eq, Show) instance QC.Arbitrary UnaryOperator where arbitrary = QC.elements [ UnPlus , UnMinus , UnNot , UnAnd , UnNand , UnOr , UnNor , UnXor , UnNxor , UnNxorInv ] -- | Verilog expression, which can either be a primary expression, unary -- expression, binary operator expression or a conditional expression. data Expr = Number { _numSize :: Int , _numVal :: Integer } | Id { _exprId :: Identifier } | Concat { _concatExpr :: [Expr] } | UnOp { _exprUnOp :: UnaryOperator , _exprPrim :: Expr } | BinOp { _exprLhs :: Expr , _exprBinOp :: BinaryOperator , _exprRhs :: Expr } | Cond { _exprCond :: Expr , _exprTrue :: Expr , _exprFalse :: Expr } | Str { _exprStr :: Text } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Num Expr where a + b = BinOp a BinPlus b a - b = BinOp a BinMinus b a * b = BinOp a BinTimes b negate = UnOp UnMinus abs = undefined signum = undefined fromInteger = Number 32 . fromInteger instance Semigroup Expr where (Concat a) <> (Concat b) = Concat $ a <> b (Concat a) <> b = Concat $ a <> [b] a <> (Concat b) = Concat $ a : b a <> b = Concat [a, b] instance Monoid Expr where mempty = Concat [] instance IsString Expr where fromString = Str . fromString expr :: Int -> QC.Gen Expr expr 0 = QC.oneof [ Id <$> QC.arbitrary , Number <$> positiveArb <*> QC.arbitrary , UnOp <$> QC.arbitrary <*> QC.arbitrary -- , Str <$> QC.arbitrary ] expr n | n > 0 = QC.oneof [ Id <$> QC.arbitrary , Number <$> positiveArb <*> QC.arbitrary , Concat <$> QC.listOf1 (subexpr 4) , UnOp <$> QC.arbitrary <*> QC.arbitrary -- , Str <$> QC.arbitrary , BinOp <$> subexpr 2 <*> QC.arbitrary <*> subexpr 2 , Cond <$> subexpr 3 <*> subexpr 3 <*> subexpr 3 ] | otherwise = expr 0 where subexpr y = expr (n `div` y) instance QC.Arbitrary Expr where arbitrary = QC.sized expr traverseExpr :: (Applicative f) => (Expr -> f Expr) -> Expr -> f Expr traverseExpr f (Concat e) = Concat <$> sequenceA (f <$> e) traverseExpr f (UnOp un e) = UnOp un <$> f e traverseExpr f (BinOp l op r) = BinOp <$> f l <*> pure op <*> f r traverseExpr f (Cond c l r) = Cond <$> f c <*> f l <*> f r traverseExpr _ e = pure e makeLenses ''Expr -- | Constant expression, which are known before simulation at compilation time. newtype ConstExpr = ConstExpr { _constNum :: Int } deriving (Eq, Show, Num, QC.Arbitrary) -- | Type that represents the left hand side of an assignment, which can be a -- concatenation such as in: -- -- @ -- {a, b, c} = 32'h94238; -- @ data LVal = RegId Identifier | RegExpr { _regExprId :: Identifier , _regExpr :: Expr } | RegSize { _regSizeId :: Identifier , _regSizeMSB :: ConstExpr , _regSizeLSB :: ConstExpr } | RegConcat { _regConc :: [Expr] } deriving (Eq, Show) makeLenses ''LVal instance QC.Arbitrary LVal where arbitrary = QC.oneof [ RegId <$> QC.arbitrary , RegExpr <$> QC.arbitrary <*> QC.arbitrary , RegSize <$> QC.arbitrary <*> QC.arbitrary <*> QC.arbitrary ] -- | Different port direction that are supported in Verilog. data PortDir = PortIn -- ^ Input direction for port (@input@). | PortOut -- ^ Output direction for port (@output@). | PortInOut -- ^ Inout direction for port (@inout@). deriving (Eq, Show) instance QC.Arbitrary PortDir where arbitrary = QC.elements [PortIn, PortOut, PortInOut] -- | Currently, only @wire@ and @reg@ are supported, as the other net types are -- not that common and not a priority. data PortType = Wire | Reg { _regSigned :: Bool } deriving (Eq, Show) instance QC.Arbitrary PortType where arbitrary = QC.oneof [pure Wire, Reg <$> QC.arbitrary] makeLenses ''PortType -- | Port declaration. It contains information about the type of the port, the -- size, and the port name. It used to also contain information about if it was -- an input or output port. However, this is not always necessary and was more -- cumbersome than useful, as a lot of ports can be declared without input and -- output port. -- -- This is now implemented inside 'ModDecl' itself, which uses a list of output -- and input ports. data Port = Port { _portType :: PortType , _portSize :: Int , _portName :: Identifier } deriving (Eq, Show) makeLenses ''Port instance QC.Arbitrary Port where arbitrary = Port <$> QC.arbitrary <*> positiveArb <*> QC.arbitrary -- | This is currently a type because direct module declaration should also be -- added: -- -- @ -- mod a(.y(y1), .x1(x11), .x2(x22)); -- @ newtype ModConn = ModConn { _modConn :: Expr } deriving (Eq, Show, QC.Arbitrary) makeLenses ''ModConn data Assign = Assign { _assignReg :: LVal , _assignDelay :: Maybe Delay , _assignExpr :: Expr } deriving (Eq, Show) instance QC.Arbitrary Assign where arbitrary = Assign <$> QC.arbitrary <*> QC.arbitrary <*> QC.arbitrary data ContAssign = ContAssign { _contAssignNetLVal :: Identifier , _contAssignExpr :: Expr } deriving (Eq, Show) makeLenses ''ContAssign instance QC.Arbitrary ContAssign where arbitrary = ContAssign <$> QC.arbitrary <*> QC.arbitrary -- | Stmnts in Verilog. data Stmnt = TimeCtrl { _statDelay :: Delay , _statDStat :: Maybe Stmnt } -- ^ Time control (@#NUM@) | EventCtrl { _statEvent :: Event , _statEStat :: Maybe Stmnt } | SeqBlock { _statements :: [Stmnt] } -- ^ Sequential block (@begin ... end@) | BlockAssign Assign -- ^ blocking assignment (@=@) | NonBlockAssign Assign -- ^ Non blocking assignment (@<=@) | StatCA ContAssign -- ^ Stmnt continuous assignment. May not be correct. | TaskEnable Task | SysTaskEnable Task deriving (Eq, Show) instance Semigroup Stmnt where (SeqBlock a) <> (SeqBlock b) = SeqBlock $ a <> b (SeqBlock a) <> b = SeqBlock $ a <> [b] a <> (SeqBlock b) = SeqBlock $ a : b a <> b = SeqBlock [a, b] instance Monoid Stmnt where mempty = SeqBlock [] statement :: Int -> QC.Gen Stmnt statement 0 = QC.oneof [ BlockAssign <$> QC.arbitrary , NonBlockAssign <$> QC.arbitrary -- , StatCA <$> QC.arbitrary , TaskEnable <$> QC.arbitrary , SysTaskEnable <$> QC.arbitrary ] statement n | n > 0 = QC.oneof [ TimeCtrl <$> QC.arbitrary <*> (Just <$> substat 2) , SeqBlock <$> QC.listOf1 (substat 4) , BlockAssign <$> QC.arbitrary , NonBlockAssign <$> QC.arbitrary -- , StatCA <$> QC.arbitrary , TaskEnable <$> QC.arbitrary , SysTaskEnable <$> QC.arbitrary ] | otherwise = statement 0 where substat y = statement (n `div` y) instance QC.Arbitrary Stmnt where arbitrary = QC.sized statement data Task = Task { _taskName :: Identifier , _taskExpr :: [Expr] } deriving (Eq, Show) makeLenses ''Task instance QC.Arbitrary Task where arbitrary = Task <$> QC.arbitrary <*> QC.arbitrary -- | Module item which is the body of the module expression. data ModItem = ModCA ContAssign | ModInst { _modInstId :: Identifier , _modInstName :: Identifier , _modInstConns :: [ModConn] } | Initial Stmnt | Always Stmnt | Decl { declDir :: Maybe PortDir , declPort :: Port } deriving (Eq, Show) makeLenses ''ModItem makePrisms ''ModItem instance QC.Arbitrary ModItem where arbitrary = QC.oneof [ ModCA <$> QC.arbitrary , ModInst <$> QC.arbitrary <*> QC.arbitrary <*> QC.arbitrary , Initial <$> QC.arbitrary , Always <$> (EventCtrl <$> QC.arbitrary <*> QC.arbitrary) , Decl <$> pure Nothing <*> QC.arbitrary ] -- | 'module' module_identifier [list_of_ports] ';' { module_item } 'end_module' data ModDecl = ModDecl { _moduleId :: Identifier , _modOutPorts :: [Port] , _modInPorts :: [Port] , _moduleItems :: [ModItem] } deriving (Eq, Show) makeLenses ''ModDecl modPortGen :: QC.Gen Port modPortGen = QC.oneof [ Port Wire <$> positiveArb <*> QC.arbitrary , Port <$> (Reg <$> QC.arbitrary) <*> positiveArb <*> QC.arbitrary ] instance QC.Arbitrary ModDecl where arbitrary = ModDecl <$> QC.arbitrary <*> QC.arbitrary <*> QC.listOf1 modPortGen <*> QC.arbitrary -- | Description of the Verilog module. newtype Description = Description { _getDescription :: ModDecl } deriving (Eq, Show, QC.Arbitrary) makeLenses ''Description -- | The complete sourcetext for the Verilog module. newtype VerilogSrc = VerilogSrc { _getVerilogSrc :: [Description] } deriving (Eq, Show, QC.Arbitrary, Semigroup, Monoid) makeLenses ''VerilogSrc