{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} -- | -- Module : Verismith.Config -- Description : Configuration file format and parser. -- Copyright : (c) 2019, Yann Herklotz -- License : GPL-3 -- Maintainer : yann [at] yannherklotz [dot] com -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : POSIX -- -- TOML Configuration file format and parser. module Verismith.Config ( -- * TOML Configuration -- $conf Config (..), defaultConfig, -- ** Probabilities Probability (..), -- *** Expression ProbExpr (..), -- *** Module Item ProbModItem (..), -- *** Statement ProbStatement (..), -- *** Module ProbMod (..), -- ** EMI Configuration ConfEMI(..), -- ** ConfProperty ConfProperty (..), -- ** Simulator Description SimDescription (..), -- ** Synthesiser Description SynthDescription (..), -- * Useful Lenses fromXST, fromYosys, fromVivado, fromQuartus, fromQuartusLight, configEMI, configProbability, configProperty, configSimulators, configSynthesisers, confEMIGenerateProb, confEMINoGenerateProb, probModItem, probMod, probModDropOutput, probModKeepOutput, probStmnt, probExpr, probExprNum, probExprId, probExprRangeSelect, probExprUnOp, probExprBinOp, probExprCond, probExprConcat, probExprStr, probExprSigned, probExprUnsigned, probModItemAssign, probModItemSeqAlways, probModItemCombAlways, probModItemInst, probStmntBlock, probStmntNonBlock, probStmntCond, probStmntFor, propSampleSize, propSampleMethod, propSize, propSeed, propStmntDepth, propModDepth, propMaxModules, propCombine, propDeterminism, propNonDeterminism, propDefaultYosys, parseConfigFile, parseConfig, encodeConfig, encodeConfigFile, versionInfo, ) where import Control.Applicative (Alternative) import Control.Lens hiding ((.=)) import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..)) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Text (Text, pack) import qualified Data.Text.IO as T import Data.Version (showVersion) import Development.GitRev import Hedgehog.Internal.Seed (Seed) import Paths_verismith (version) import Shelly (toTextIgnore) import Toml ((.=), TomlCodec) import qualified Toml import Verismith.Tool.Quartus import Verismith.Tool.QuartusLight import Verismith.Tool.Vivado import Verismith.Tool.XST import Verismith.Tool.Yosys -- $conf -- -- Verismith supports a TOML configuration file that can be passed using the @-c@ -- flag or using the 'parseConfig' and 'encodeConfig' functions. The -- configuration can then be manipulated using the lenses that are also provided -- in this module. -- -- The configuration file can be used to tweak the random Verilog generation by -- passing different probabilities to each of the syntax nodes in the AST. It -- can also be used to specify which simulators to fuzz with which options. A -- seed for the run can also be set, to replay a previous run using the same -- exact generation. A default value is associated with each key in the -- configuration file, which means that only the options that need overriding -- can be added to the configuration. The defaults can be observed in -- 'defaultConfig' or when running @verismith config@. -- -- == Configuration Sections -- -- There are four main configuration sections in the TOML file: -- -- [@probability@] The @probability@ section defines the probabilities at -- every node in the AST. -- -- [@property@] Controls different properties of the generation, such as -- adding a seed or the depth of the statements. -- -- [@simulator@] This is an array of tables containing descriptions of the -- different simulators that should be used. It currently only supports -- . -- -- [@synthesiser@] This is also an array of tables containing descriptions of -- the different synthesisers that should be used. The synthesisers that are -- currently supported are: -- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- | Probability of different expressions nodes. data ProbExpr = ProbExpr { -- | @expr.number@: probability of generation a number like -- @4'ha@. This should never be set to 0, as it is used -- as a fallback in case there are no viable -- identifiers, such as none being in scope. _probExprNum :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int, -- | @expr.variable@: probability of generating an identifier that is in -- scope and of the right type. _probExprId :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int, -- | @expr.rangeselect@: probability of generating a range -- selection from a port (@reg1[2:0]@). _probExprRangeSelect :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int, -- | @expr.unary@: probability of generating a unary operator. _probExprUnOp :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int, -- | @expr.binary@: probability of generation a binary operator. _probExprBinOp :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int, -- | @expr.ternary@: probability of generating a conditional ternary -- operator. _probExprCond :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int, -- | @expr.concatenation@: probability of generating a concatenation. _probExprConcat :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int, -- | @expr.string@: probability of generating a string. This is not -- fully supported therefore currently cannot be set. _probExprStr :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int, -- | @expr.signed@: probability of generating a signed function -- @$signed(...)@. _probExprSigned :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int, -- | @expr.unsigned@: probability of generating an unsigned function -- @$unsigned(...)@. _probExprUnsigned :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Probability of generating different nodes inside a module declaration. data ProbModItem = ProbModItem { -- | @moditem.assign@: probability of generating an @assign@. _probModItemAssign :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int, -- | @moditem.sequential@: probability of generating a sequential @always@ block. _probModItemSeqAlways :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int, -- | @moditem.combinational@: probability of generating an combinational @always@ -- block. This is currently not implemented. _probModItemCombAlways :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int, -- | @moditem.instantiation@: probability of generating a module -- instantiation. _probModItemInst :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Probability of generating different statements. data ProbStatement = ProbStatement { -- | @statement.blocking@: probability of generating blocking assignments. _probStmntBlock :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int, -- | @statement.nonblocking@: probability of generating nonblocking assignments. _probStmntNonBlock :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int, -- | @statement.conditional@: probability of generating conditional -- statements (@if@ statements). _probStmntCond :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int, -- | @statement.forloop@: probability of generating for loops. _probStmntFor :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Probability of generating various properties of a module. data ProbMod = ProbMod { -- | "@module.drop_output@: frequency of a wire or register being dropped from the output." _probModDropOutput :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int, -- | "@module.keep_output@: frequency of a wire or register being kept in the output." _probModKeepOutput :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | @[probability]@: combined probabilities. data Probability = Probability { -- | Probabilities for module items. _probModItem :: {-# UNPACK #-} !ProbModItem, -- | Probabilities for statements. _probStmnt :: {-# UNPACK #-} !ProbStatement, -- | Probaiblities for expressions. _probExpr :: {-# UNPACK #-} !ProbExpr, _probMod :: {-# UNPACK #-} !ProbMod } deriving (Eq, Show) data ConfEMI = ConfEMI { -- | Probability of generating a new EMI statement with a new EMI entry. _confEMIGenerateProb :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int, _confEMINoGenerateProb :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | @[property]@: properties for the generated Verilog file. data ConfProperty = ConfProperty { -- | @size@: the size of the generated Verilog. _propSize :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int, -- | @seed@: a possible seed that could be used to -- generate the same Verilog. _propSeed :: !(Maybe Seed), -- | @statement.depth@: the maximum statement depth that should be -- reached. _propStmntDepth :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int, -- | @module.depth@: the maximium module depth that should be -- reached. _propModDepth :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int, -- | @module.max@: the maximum number of modules that are -- allowed to be created at each level. _propMaxModules :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int, -- | @sample.method@: the sampling method that should be used to -- generate specific distributions of random -- programs. _propSampleMethod :: !Text, -- | @sample.size@: the number of samples to take for the -- sampling method. _propSampleSize :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int, -- | @output.combine@: if the output should be combined into one -- bit or not. _propCombine :: !Bool, -- | @nondeterminism@: the frequency at which nondeterminism -- should be generated (currently a work in progress). _propNonDeterminism :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int, -- | @determinism@: the frequency at which determinism should -- be generated (currently modules are always deterministic). _propDeterminism :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int, -- | @default.yosys@: Default location for Yosys, which will be used for -- equivalence checking. _propDefaultYosys :: !(Maybe Text) } deriving (Eq, Show) data Info = Info { -- | @commit@: the hash of the commit that was compiled. _infoCommit :: !Text, -- | @version@: the version of Verismith that was compiled. _infoVersion :: !Text } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Description of the simulator data SimDescription = SimDescription {simName :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Text} deriving (Eq, Show) -- | @[[synthesiser]]@: description of the synthesis tool. There can be multiple of these sections in a config -- file. data SynthDescription = SynthDescription { -- | @name@: type of the synthesis tool. Can either be @yosys@, @quartus@, -- @quartuslight@, @vivado@, @xst@. synthName :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Text, -- | @bin@: location of the synthesis tool binary. synthBin :: Maybe Text, -- | @description@: description that should be used for the synthesis tool. synthDesc :: Maybe Text, -- | @output@: name of the output Verilog file. synthOut :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Show) data Config = Config { _configEMI :: {-# UNPACK #-} !ConfEMI, _configInfo :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Info, _configProbability :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Probability, _configProperty :: {-# UNPACK #-} !ConfProperty, _configSimulators :: [SimDescription], _configSynthesisers :: [SynthDescription] } deriving (Eq, Show) $(makeLenses ''ProbExpr) $(makeLenses ''ProbModItem) $(makeLenses ''ProbStatement) $(makeLenses ''ProbMod) $(makeLenses ''Probability) $(makeLenses ''ConfEMI) $(makeLenses ''ConfProperty) $(makeLenses ''Info) $(makeLenses ''Config) defaultValue :: (Alternative r, Applicative w) => b -> Toml.Codec r w a b -> Toml.Codec r w a b defaultValue x = Toml.dimap Just (fromMaybe x) . Toml.dioptional fromXST :: XST -> SynthDescription fromXST (XST a b c) = SynthDescription "xst" (toTextIgnore <$> a) (Just b) (Just $ toTextIgnore c) fromYosys :: Yosys -> SynthDescription fromYosys (Yosys a b c) = SynthDescription "yosys" (toTextIgnore <$> a) (Just b) (Just $ toTextIgnore c) fromVivado :: Vivado -> SynthDescription fromVivado (Vivado a b c) = SynthDescription "vivado" (toTextIgnore <$> a) (Just b) (Just $ toTextIgnore c) fromQuartus :: Quartus -> SynthDescription fromQuartus (Quartus a b c) = SynthDescription "quartus" (toTextIgnore <$> a) (Just b) (Just $ toTextIgnore c) fromQuartusLight :: QuartusLight -> SynthDescription fromQuartusLight (QuartusLight a b c) = SynthDescription "quartuslight" (toTextIgnore <$> a) (Just b) (Just $ toTextIgnore c) defaultConfig :: Config defaultConfig = Config (ConfEMI 2 8) (Info (pack $(gitHash)) (pack $ showVersion version)) (Probability defModItem defStmnt defExpr defMod) (ConfProperty 20 Nothing 3 2 5 "random" 10 False 0 1 Nothing) [] [fromYosys defaultYosys, fromVivado defaultVivado] where defMod = ProbMod 0 -- Drop Output 1 -- Keep Output defModItem = ProbModItem 5 -- Assign 1 -- Sequential Always 1 -- Combinational Always 1 -- Instantiation defStmnt = ProbStatement 0 -- Blocking assignment 3 -- Non-blocking assignment 1 -- Conditional 0 -- For loop defExpr = ProbExpr 1 -- Number 5 -- Identifier 5 -- Range selection 5 -- Unary operator 5 -- Binary operator 5 -- Ternary conditional 3 -- Concatenation 0 -- String 5 -- Signed function 5 -- Unsigned funtion twoKey :: Toml.Piece -> Toml.Piece -> Toml.Key twoKey a b = Toml.Key (a :| [b]) int :: Toml.Piece -> Toml.Piece -> TomlCodec Int int a = Toml.int . twoKey a exprCodec :: TomlCodec ProbExpr exprCodec = ProbExpr <$> defaultValue (defProb probExprNum) (intE "number") .= _probExprNum <*> defaultValue (defProb probExprId) (intE "variable") .= _probExprId <*> defaultValue (defProb probExprRangeSelect) (intE "rangeselect") .= _probExprRangeSelect <*> defaultValue (defProb probExprUnOp) (intE "unary") .= _probExprUnOp <*> defaultValue (defProb probExprBinOp) (intE "binary") .= _probExprBinOp <*> defaultValue (defProb probExprCond) (intE "ternary") .= _probExprCond <*> defaultValue (defProb probExprConcat) (intE "concatenation") .= _probExprConcat <*> defaultValue (defProb probExprStr) (intE "string") .= _probExprStr <*> defaultValue (defProb probExprSigned) (intE "signed") .= _probExprSigned <*> defaultValue (defProb probExprUnsigned) (intE "unsigned") .= _probExprUnsigned where defProb i = defaultConfig ^. configProbability . probExpr . i intE = int "expr" stmntCodec :: TomlCodec ProbStatement stmntCodec = ProbStatement <$> defaultValue (defProb probStmntBlock) (intS "blocking") .= _probStmntBlock <*> defaultValue (defProb probStmntNonBlock) (intS "nonblocking") .= _probStmntNonBlock <*> defaultValue (defProb probStmntCond) (intS "conditional") .= _probStmntCond <*> defaultValue (defProb probStmntFor) (intS "forloop") .= _probStmntFor where defProb i = defaultConfig ^. configProbability . probStmnt . i intS = int "statement" modItemCodec :: TomlCodec ProbModItem modItemCodec = ProbModItem <$> defaultValue (defProb probModItemAssign) (intM "assign") .= _probModItemAssign <*> defaultValue (defProb probModItemSeqAlways) (intM "sequential") .= _probModItemSeqAlways <*> defaultValue (defProb probModItemCombAlways) (intM "combinational") .= _probModItemCombAlways <*> defaultValue (defProb probModItemInst) (intM "instantiation") .= _probModItemInst where defProb i = defaultConfig ^. configProbability . probModItem . i intM = int "moditem" modCodec :: TomlCodec ProbMod modCodec = ProbMod <$> defaultValue (defProb probModDropOutput) (intM "drop_output") .= _probModDropOutput <*> defaultValue (defProb probModKeepOutput) (intM "keep_output") .= _probModKeepOutput where defProb i = defaultConfig ^. configProbability . probMod . i intM = int "module" probCodec :: TomlCodec Probability probCodec = Probability <$> defaultValue (defProb probModItem) modItemCodec .= _probModItem <*> defaultValue (defProb probStmnt) stmntCodec .= _probStmnt <*> defaultValue (defProb probExpr) exprCodec .= _probExpr <*> defaultValue (defProb probMod) modCodec .= _probMod where defProb i = defaultConfig ^. configProbability . i propCodec :: TomlCodec ConfProperty propCodec = ConfProperty <$> defaultValue (defProp propSize) (Toml.int "size") .= _propSize <*> Toml.dioptional (Toml.read "seed") .= _propSeed <*> defaultValue (defProp propStmntDepth) (int "statement" "depth") .= _propStmntDepth <*> defaultValue (defProp propModDepth) (int "module" "depth") .= _propModDepth <*> defaultValue (defProp propMaxModules) (int "module" "max") .= _propMaxModules <*> defaultValue (defProp propSampleMethod) (Toml.text (twoKey "sample" "method")) .= _propSampleMethod <*> defaultValue (defProp propSampleSize) (int "sample" "size") .= _propSampleSize <*> defaultValue (defProp propCombine) (Toml.bool (twoKey "output" "combine")) .= _propCombine <*> defaultValue (defProp propNonDeterminism) (Toml.int "nondeterminism") .= _propNonDeterminism <*> defaultValue (defProp propDeterminism) (Toml.int "determinism") .= _propDeterminism <*> Toml.dioptional (Toml.text (twoKey "default" "yosys")) .= _propDefaultYosys where defProp i = defaultConfig ^. configProperty . i simulator :: TomlCodec SimDescription simulator = Toml.textBy pprint parseIcarus "name" where parseIcarus i@"icarus" = Right $ SimDescription i parseIcarus s = Left $ "Could not match '" <> s <> "' with a simulator." pprint (SimDescription a) = a synthesiser :: TomlCodec SynthDescription synthesiser = SynthDescription <$> Toml.text "name" .= synthName <*> Toml.dioptional (Toml.text "bin") .= synthBin <*> Toml.dioptional (Toml.text "description") .= synthDesc <*> Toml.dioptional (Toml.text "output") .= synthOut emiCodec :: TomlCodec ConfEMI emiCodec = ConfEMI <$> defaultValue (defaultConfig ^. configEMI . confEMIGenerateProb) (Toml.int "generate_prob") .= _confEMIGenerateProb <*> defaultValue (defaultConfig ^. configEMI . confEMINoGenerateProb) (Toml.int "nogenerate_prob") .= _confEMINoGenerateProb infoCodec :: TomlCodec Info infoCodec = Info <$> defaultValue (defaultConfig ^. configInfo . infoCommit) (Toml.text "commit") .= _infoCommit <*> defaultValue (defaultConfig ^. configInfo . infoVersion) (Toml.text "version") .= _infoVersion configCodec :: TomlCodec Config configCodec = Config <$> defaultValue (defaultConfig ^. configEMI) (Toml.table emiCodec "emi") .= _configEMI <*> defaultValue (defaultConfig ^. configInfo) (Toml.table infoCodec "info") .= _configInfo <*> defaultValue (defaultConfig ^. configProbability) (Toml.table probCodec "probability") .= _configProbability <*> defaultValue (defaultConfig ^. configProperty) (Toml.table propCodec "property") .= _configProperty <*> defaultValue (defaultConfig ^. configSimulators) (Toml.list simulator "simulator") .= _configSimulators <*> defaultValue (defaultConfig ^. configSynthesisers) (Toml.list synthesiser "synthesiser") .= _configSynthesisers parseConfigFile :: FilePath -> IO Config parseConfigFile = Toml.decodeFile configCodec parseConfig :: Text -> Config parseConfig t = case Toml.decode configCodec t of Right c -> c Left Toml.TrivialError -> error "Trivial error while parsing Toml config" Left (Toml.KeyNotFound k) -> error $ "Key " ++ show k ++ " not found" Left (Toml.TableNotFound k) -> error $ "Table " ++ show k ++ " not found" Left (Toml.TypeMismatch k _ _) -> error $ "Type mismatch with key " ++ show k Left _ -> error "Config file parse error" encodeConfig :: Config -> Text encodeConfig = Toml.encode configCodec encodeConfigFile :: FilePath -> Config -> IO () encodeConfigFile f = T.writeFile f . encodeConfig versionInfo :: String versionInfo = "Verismith " <> showVersion version <> " (" <> $(gitCommitDate) <> " " <> $(gitHash) <> ")"