-- | -- Module : Verismith.Tool.Icarus -- Description : Icarus verilog module. -- Copyright : (c) 2018-2019, Yann Herklotz -- License : GPL-3 -- Maintainer : yann [at] yannherklotz [dot] com -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : POSIX -- -- Icarus verilog module. module Verismith.Tool.Icarus ( Icarus (..), defaultIcarus, runSimIc, runSimIcEMI, runSimIcEC, ) where import Control.DeepSeq (NFData, rnf, rwhnf) import Control.Lens import Control.Monad (void) import Crypto.Hash (Digest, hash) import Crypto.Hash.Algorithms (SHA256) import Data.Binary (encode) import Data.Bits import qualified Data.ByteArray as BA (convert) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString as B import Data.ByteString.Lazy (toStrict) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L (ByteString) import Data.Char (digitToInt) import Data.Foldable (fold) import Data.List (transpose) import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import Numeric (readInt) import Shelly import Shelly.Lifted (liftSh) import Verismith.CounterEg (CounterEg (..)) import Verismith.Result import Verismith.Tool.Internal import Verismith.Tool.Template import Verismith.Verilog.AST import Verismith.Verilog.BitVec import Verismith.Verilog.CodeGen import Verismith.Verilog.Internal import Verismith.Verilog.Mutate import Prelude hiding (FilePath) data Icarus = Icarus { icarusPath :: FilePath, vvpPath :: FilePath } deriving (Eq) instance Show Icarus where show _ = "iverilog" instance Tool Icarus where toText _ = "iverilog" instance Simulator Icarus where runSim = runSimIcarus runSimWithFile = runSimIcarusWithFile instance NFData Icarus where rnf = rwhnf defaultIcarus :: Icarus defaultIcarus = Icarus "iverilog" "vvp" addDisplay :: [Statement ann] -> [Statement ann] addDisplay s = concat $ transpose [ s, replicate l $ TimeCtrl 1 Nothing, replicate l . SysTaskEnable $ Task "display" ["%b", Id "y"] ] where l = length s assignFunc :: [Port] -> ByteString -> Statement ann assignFunc inp bs = NonBlockAssign . Assign conc Nothing . Number . BitVec (B.length bs * 8) $ bsToI bs where conc = RegConcat (portToExpr <$> inp) convert :: Text -> ByteString convert = toStrict . (encode :: Integer -> L.ByteString) . maybe 0 fst . listToMaybe . readInt 2 (`elem` ("01" :: String)) digitToInt . T.unpack mask :: Text -> Text mask = T.replace "x" "0" callback :: ByteString -> Text -> ByteString callback b t = b <> convert (mask t) runSimIcarus :: Show ann => Icarus -> (SourceInfo ann) -> [ByteString] -> ResultSh ByteString runSimIcarus sim rinfo bss = do let tb = ModDecl "main" [] [] [ Initial $ fold (addDisplay $ assignFunc (_modInPorts m) <$> bss) <> (SysTaskEnable $ Task "finish" []) ] [] let newtb = instantiateMod m tb let modWithTb = Verilog [newtb, m] liftSh . writefile "main.v" $ genSource modWithTb annotate (SimFail mempty) $ runSimWithFile sim "main.v" bss where m = rinfo ^. mainModule runSimIcarusWithFile :: Icarus -> FilePath -> [ByteString] -> ResultSh ByteString runSimIcarusWithFile sim f _ = annotate (SimFail mempty) . liftSh $ do dir <- pwd logCommand_ dir "icarus" $ run (icarusPath sim) ["-o", "main", toTextIgnore f] B.take 8 . BA.convert . (hash :: ByteString -> Digest SHA256) <$> logCommand dir "vvp" (runFoldLines (mempty :: ByteString) callback (vvpPath sim) ["main"]) fromBytes :: ByteString -> Integer fromBytes = B.foldl' f 0 where f a b = a `shiftL` 8 .|. fromIntegral b tbModule :: [ByteString] -> (ModDecl ann) -> (Verilog ann) tbModule bss top = Verilog [ instantiateMod top $ ModDecl "testbench" [] [] [ Initial $ fold [ BlockAssign (Assign "clk" Nothing 0), BlockAssign (Assign inConcat Nothing 0) ] <> fold ( ( \r -> TimeCtrl 10 (Just $ BlockAssign (Assign inConcat Nothing r)) ) . fromInteger . fromBytes <$> bss ) <> (TimeCtrl 10 . Just . SysTaskEnable $ Task "finish" []), Always . TimeCtrl 5 . Just $ BlockAssign (Assign "clk" Nothing (UnOp UnNot (Id "clk"))), Always . EventCtrl (EPosEdge "clk") . Just . SysTaskEnable $ Task "strobe" ["%b", Id "y"] ] [] ] where inConcat = (RegConcat . filter (/= (Id "clk")) $ (Id . fromPort <$> (top ^. modInPorts))) tbModule' :: [Identifier] -> [ByteString] -> (ModDecl ann) -> (Verilog ann) tbModule' ids bss top = Verilog [ instantiateMod top $ ModDecl "testbench" [] [] [ Initial $ fold [ BlockAssign (Assign "clk" Nothing 0), BlockAssign (Assign inConcat Nothing 0), if null ids then mempty else BlockAssign (Assign inIds Nothing 0) ] <> fold ( ( \r -> TimeCtrl 10 (Just $ BlockAssign (Assign inConcat Nothing r)) ) . fromInteger . fromBytes <$> bss ) <> (TimeCtrl 10 . Just . SysTaskEnable $ Task "finish" []), Always . TimeCtrl 5 . Just $ BlockAssign (Assign "clk" Nothing (UnOp UnNot (Id "clk"))), Always . EventCtrl (EPosEdge "clk") . Just . SysTaskEnable $ Task "strobe" ["%b", Id "y"] ] [] ] where inConcat = (RegConcat . filter (flip notElem $ fmap Id ids) . filter (/= (Id "clk")) $ (Id . fromPort <$> (top ^. modInPorts))) inIds = RegConcat $ fmap Id ids counterTestBench :: CounterEg -> (ModDecl ann) -> (Verilog ann) counterTestBench (CounterEg _ states) m = tbModule filtered m where filtered = convert . fold . fmap snd . filter ((/= "clk") . fst) <$> states runSimIc' :: (Synthesiser b, Show ann) => ([ByteString] -> (ModDecl ann) -> (Verilog ann)) -> FilePath -> Icarus -> b -> (SourceInfo ann) -> [ByteString] -> Maybe ByteString -> ResultSh ByteString runSimIc' fun datadir sim1 synth1 srcInfo bss bs = do dir <- liftSh pwd let top = srcInfo ^. mainModule let tb = fun bss top liftSh . writefile tbname $ icarusTestbench datadir tb synth1 liftSh $ exe dir "icarus" "iverilog" ["-o", exename, toTextIgnore tbname] s <- liftSh $ B.take 8 . BA.convert . (hash :: ByteString -> Digest SHA256) <$> logCommand dir "vvp" ( runFoldLines (mempty :: ByteString) callback (vvpPath sim1) [exename] ) case (bs, s) of (Nothing, s') -> ResultT . return $ Pass s' (Just bs', s') -> if bs' == s' then ResultT . return $ Pass s' else ResultT . return $ Fail (SimFail s') where exe dir name e = void . errExit False . logCommand dir name . timeout e tbname = fromText $ toText synth1 <> "_testbench.v" exename = toText synth1 <> "_main" runSimIc :: (Synthesiser b, Show ann) => -- | Data directory. FilePath -> -- | Icarus simulator. Icarus -> -- | Synthesis tool to be tested. b -> -- | Original generated program to test. SourceInfo ann -> -- | Test vectors to be passed as inputs to the generated Verilog. [ByteString] -> -- | What the correct output should be. If 'Nothing' is passed, then just return 'Pass ByteString' -- with the answer. Maybe ByteString -> ResultSh ByteString runSimIc = runSimIc' tbModule runSimIcEMI :: (Synthesiser b, Show ann) => -- | EMI Ids [Identifier] -> -- | Data directory. FilePath -> -- | Icarus simulator. Icarus -> -- | Synthesis tool to be tested. b -> -- | Original generated program to test. SourceInfo ann -> -- | Test vectors to be passed as inputs to the generated Verilog. [ByteString] -> -- | What the correct output should be. If 'Nothing' is passed, then just return 'Pass ByteString' -- with the answer. Maybe ByteString -> ResultSh ByteString runSimIcEMI ids = runSimIc' (tbModule' ids) runSimIcEC :: (Synthesiser b, Show ann) => FilePath -> Icarus -> b -> (SourceInfo ann) -> CounterEg -> Maybe ByteString -> ResultSh ByteString runSimIcEC a b c d e = runSimIc' (const $ counterTestBench e) a b c d []