@article{OOPSLA '21, author = {Herklotz, Yann and Pollard, James D. and Ramanathan, Nadesh and Wickerson, John}, title = {Formal Verification of High-Level Synthesis}, year = {2021}, number = {OOPSLA}, numpages = {30}, journal = {Proc. of the ACM on Programming Languages}, publisher = {ACM}, doi = {10.1145/3485494}, url_manuscript = {/papers/oopsla21_fvhls.pdf}, url_slides = {/docs/oopsla21/slides_fvhls.pdf}, url_artifact = {https://github.com/ymherklotz/vericert}, url_video = {https://youtu.be/clPiKbKVlUA} } @inproceedings{FCCM '21, author = {Herklotz, Yann and Du, Zewei and Ramanathan, Nadesh and Wickerson, John}, title = {An Empirical Study of the Reliability of High-Level Synthesis Tools}, year = {2021}, booktitle = {29th {IEEE} Annual Int. Symp. on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines}, keywords = {automated testing, compiler defect, compiler testing, random program generation, random testing}, numpages = 5, doi = {10.1109/FCCM51124.2021.00034}, url_manuscript = {/papers/fccm21_esrhls.pdf}, url_artifact = {https://github.com/ymherklotz/fuzzing-hls}, } @inproceedings{FPGA '20, author = {Yann Herklotz and John Wickerson}, title = {Finding and Understanding Bugs in {FPGA} Synthesis Tools}, year = 2020, booktitle = {ACM/SIGDA Int. Symp. on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays}, doi = {10.1145/3373087.3375310}, isbn = {978-1-4503-7099-8/20/02}, keywords = {automated testing, compiler defect, compiler testing, random program generation, random testing}, location = {Seaside, CA, USA}, numpages = 11, url_poster = {/docs/msrphd2019/verismith_poster.pdf}, url_slides = {/docs/fpga2020/verismith_slides.pdf}, url_blog_post = {/blog/2019-06-19-verismith.html}, url_manuscript = {/papers/fpga20_fubfst.pdf}, url_artifact = {https://github.com/ymherklotz/verismith}, }