module GSA.Parser where import Data.Char import Data.IntMap.Strict (IntMap) import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IMap import Data.Map.Strict (Map) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Void (Void) import GSA.Types import Text.Megaparsec import Text.Megaparsec.Char import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer as L type Parser = Parsec Void Text sc :: Parser () sc = space1 (L.skipLineComment "//") (L.skipBlockComment "/*" "*/") lexeme :: Parser a -> Parser a lexeme = L.lexeme sc symbol :: Text -> Parser Text symbol = L.symbol sc parens :: Parser a -> Parser a parens = between (symbol "(") (symbol ")") braces :: Parser a -> Parser a braces = between (symbol "{") (symbol "}") brackets :: Parser a -> Parser a brackets = between (symbol "[") (symbol "]") integer :: Parser Integer integer = lexeme L.decimal float :: Parser Double float = lexeme L.float signedInteger :: Parser Integer signedInteger = L.signed sc integer signedFloat :: Parser Double signedFloat = L.signed sc float charLiteral :: Parser Char charLiteral = between (char '\'') (char '\'') L.charLiteral stringLiteral :: Parser String stringLiteral = char '\"' *> manyTill L.charLiteral (char '\"') typParser :: Parser Typ typParser = undefined retTypParser :: Parser RetTyp retTypParser = undefined chunkParser :: Parser Chunk chunkParser = undefined signatureParser :: Parser Signature signatureParser = undefined nodeParser :: Parser Node nodeParser = undefined regParser :: Parser Reg regParser = do char 'x' Reg . fromInteger <$> integer identParser :: Parser Ident identParser = undefined ptrofsParser :: Parser Ptrofs ptrofsParser = undefined comparisonParser :: Parser Comparison comparisonParser = choice [ string "==" >> return Ceq, string "!=" >> return Cne, string "<" >> return Clt, string "<=" >> return Cle, string ">" >> return Cgt, string ">=" >> return Cge ] compParser :: (Comparison -> Condition) -> Text -> Parser (Condition, [Reg]) compParser f t = do r1 <- regParser comp <- comparisonParser <* symbol t r2 <- regParser return $ (f comp, [r1, r2]) conditionParser :: Parser (Condition, [Reg]) conditionParser = choice [ compParser Ccomp "s", compParser Ccompu "u", compParser Ccompl "ls", compParser Ccomplu "lu" ] addressingParser :: Parser Addressing addressingParser = undefined omoveParser :: Parser (Operation, [Reg]) omoveParser = do r <- regParser return (Omove, [r]) ointconstParser :: Parser (Operation, [Reg]) ointconstParser = do i <- fromInteger <$> integer return (Ointconst i, []) onegParser :: Parser (Operation, [Reg]) onegParser = do r <- parens (symbol "-" >> regParser) return (Oneg, [r]) obinopParser :: Operation -> Text -> Parser (Operation, [Reg]) obinopParser op t = do r1 <- regParser r2 <- symbol t >> regParser return (op, [r1, r2]) obinopimmParser :: (Int -> Operation) -> Text -> Parser (Operation, [Reg]) obinopimmParser op t = do r1 <- regParser i <- symbol t >> fromInteger <$> integer return (op i, [r1]) operationParser :: Parser (Operation, [Reg]) operationParser = choice [ omoveParser, ointconstParser, onegParser, obinopParser Osub "-", obinopParser Omul "*", obinopimmParser Omulimm "*", obinopParser Odiv "/s", obinopParser Odivu "/u", obinopParser Omod "%s", obinopParser Omodu "%u", obinopParser Oand "&", obinopimmParser Oandimm "&", obinopParser Oor "|", obinopimmParser Oorimm "|" ] predicateParser :: Parser Predicate predicateParser = undefined mergeinstructionParser :: Parser Instruction mergeinstructionParser = undefined inopParser :: Int -> Parser Instruction inopParser i = symbol "nop" >> return (Inop . Node $ i -1) gotoParser' :: Parser Node gotoParser' = symbol "goto" >> integer >>= (return . Node . fromInteger) gotoParser :: Parser Instruction gotoParser = Inop <$> gotoParser' icondParser :: Parser Instruction icondParser = do (cond, args) <- symbol "if" >> parens conditionParser n1 <- gotoParser' n2 <- symbol "else" >> gotoParser' return $ Icond cond args n1 n2 iopParser :: Int -> Parser Instruction iopParser i = do r <- regParser symbol "=" (op, args) <- operationParser goto <- optional gotoParser' case goto of Just goto' -> return $ Iop op args r goto' Nothing -> return $ Iop op args r (Node $ i -1) instructionParser :: Parser (Int, Instruction) instructionParser = do i <- fromInteger <$> integer symbol ":" instr <- choice [gotoParser, inopParser i, icondParser, iopParser i] return (i, instr) codeParser :: Parser Code codeParser = Code . IMap.fromList <$> many instructionParser functionParser :: Parser (Text, Function) functionParser = do name <- lexeme (takeWhile1P (Just "Function name") isAlphaNum) args <- parens $ regParser `sepBy` symbol "," code <- braces codeParser return (name, Function signatureMain args 0 code (Node 0) []) gsaParser :: Parser Program gsaParser = Program . Map.fromList <$> many functionParser parse :: String -> Text -> Either String Program parse file t = case runParser gsaParser file t of Left a -> Left (show a) Right a -> Right a