{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Main where -- import Data.Char (isAlphaNum, isLetter, isNumber) -- import Data.Default (def) -- import Data.List (nub) -- import qualified Data.Text as T -- import Data.Text.Read (decimal) -- import Numeric (readInt, showIntAtBase) -- import qualified Relude.Extra.Map as Map -- import Text.Pandoc.Class (runIOorExplode) -- import Text.Pandoc.Definition (Block (..), Inline (..), Pandoc(..), MetaValue(..), Meta(..)) -- import Text.Pandoc.Readers (readOrg) -- import Text.Pandoc.Templates (compileTemplate, WithDefaultPartials(..), Template(..)) -- import Text.Pandoc.Writers (writeChunkedHTML, writeMarkdown) -- import Text.Pandoc.Options (WriterOptions(..)) -- import Text.Pandoc.Chunks (splitIntoChunks, PathTemplate(..), ChunkedDoc(..), Chunk(..), toTOCTree, tocToList) -- import Text.Pandoc.Shared (stringify) -- import Text.Pandoc.Walk (walkM, walk) -- import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B -- import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing) import Control.Exception (ioError) import System.Console.GetOpt import System.IO.Error (userError) import Zettel -- data HeaderState = HeaderState -- { headerStateMap :: Map Text ((ZettelId, Text), [Text]), -- headerStateCurrent :: Text -- } -- isLink :: Inline -> Bool -- isLink Link {} = True -- isLink _ = False -- -- parseIds :: Text -> Text -- parseIds t -- | T.null t = "" -- | T.head t == '#' && T.all isAlphaNum (T.tail t) = T.tail t -- | otherwise = "" -- -- addLinks :: [Inline] -> Block -> State HeaderState Block -- addLinks il b = do -- let f = filter isLink il -- s <- get -- let m' = -- Map.insertWith -- (\(_, y) (z, x) -> (z, x <> y)) -- (headerStateCurrent s) -- ((mempty, mempty), filter (not . T.null) (parseIds . stringify <$> f)) -- (headerStateMap s) -- put (HeaderState m' (headerStateCurrent s)) -- return b -- -- getHeaders :: Block -> State HeaderState Block -- getHeaders h@(Header _ (a, _, _) t) = do -- s <- get -- let m' = Map.insert a ((ZettelId a, stringify t), []) (headerStateMap s) -- put (HeaderState m' a) -- return h -- getHeaders p@(Plain i) = addLinks i p -- getHeaders p@(Para i) = addLinks i p -- getHeaders p@(LineBlock i) = addLinks (concat i) p -- getHeaders p = addLinks [] p -- -- splitId :: ZettelId -> [Text] -- splitId (ZettelId zid) -- | T.null zid = [] -- | isNumber (T.head zid) = T.takeWhile isNumber zid : (splitId . ZettelId $ T.dropWhile isNumber zid) -- | isLetter (T.head zid) = T.takeWhile isLetter zid : (splitId . ZettelId $ T.dropWhile isLetter zid) -- | otherwise = [] -- -- combineId :: [Text] -> ZettelId -- combineId = ZettelId . fold -- -- intToDigit26 :: Int -> Char -- intToDigit26 i -- | i <= 25 && i >= 0 = toEnum $ fromEnum 'a' + i -- | otherwise = error "Integer out of range." -- -- digitToInt26 :: Char -> Int -- digitToInt26 c = fromEnum c - fromEnum 'a' -- -- fromBase :: Int -> String -> Maybe Int -- fromBase base = fmap fst . viaNonEmpty head . readInt base ((< base) . digitToInt26) digitToInt26 -- -- toBase :: Int -> Int -> String -- toBase base num = showIntAtBase base intToDigit26 num "" -- -- opOnBase26 :: (Int -> Int) -> Text -> Maybe Text -- opOnBase26 f t = -- fromString . toBase 26 . f <$> fromBase 26 (toString t) -- -- opOnIdPart :: (Int -> Int) -> Text -> Maybe Text -- opOnIdPart f t -- | T.null t = Nothing -- | isNumber $ T.head t = -- case decimal t of -- Right (a, _) -> Just . show $ f a -- _ -> Nothing -- | isLetter $ T.head t = opOnBase26 f t -- | otherwise = Nothing -- -- defPredId :: ZettelId -> Maybe ZettelId -- defPredId z = -- case nonEmpty (splitId z) of -- Just ne -> -- if last ne == "a" || last ne == "1" -- then Just (combineId (init ne)) -- else combineId . (init ne <>) . (: []) <$> opOnIdPart (subtract 1) (last ne) -- Nothing -> Nothing -- -- quoted :: Text -> Text -- quoted t = "\"" <> t <> "\"" -- -- toDot :: [Text] -> (Text, [Text]) -> Text -- toDot _ (t, l) = foldMap (\l' -> quoted l' <> " -> " <> quoted t <> ";\n") l -- -- toDotNodes :: ZettelId -> Text -- toDotNodes (ZettelId t) -- | T.null t = "" -- | isNumber $ T.head t = quoted t <> " [color=" <> T.singleton (T.head t) <> "];\n" -- | otherwise = "" -- -- addSelfLinks :: Map Text ((ZettelId, Text), [Text]) -> ZettelId -> Map Text ((ZettelId, Text), [Text]) -- addSelfLinks m z = -- Map.insertWith (\((_, _), l') ((z', t), l) -> ((z', t), l ++ l')) (unZettelId z) ((mempty, mempty), [unZettelId z]) m -- -- addSelfLinks2 :: ((ZettelId, b), [Text]) -> ((ZettelId, b), [Text]) -- addSelfLinks2 ((t, b), l) = -- ((t, b), maybeToList (unZettelId <$> defPredId t) <> l) -- -- decode :: ByteString -> Text -- decode = decodeUtf8 -- -- normaliseHeadings :: Int -> Block -> Block -- normaliseHeadings i (Header _ a b) = Header i a b -- normaliseHeadings _ a = a -- -- subtractHeadings :: Int -> Block -> Block -- subtractHeadings i (Header current a b) = Header (current - i) a b -- subtractHeadings _ a = a -- -- removeHeadings :: Block -> Block -- removeHeadings (Header _ _ _) = Plain [] -- removeHeadings a = a -- -- mkLongPath :: ZettelId -> Text -- mkLongPath i = fold . intersperse "/" $ splitId i -- -- splitZettel :: Chunk -> Pandoc -- splitZettel c = -- walk removeHeadings -- (Pandoc -- (Meta -- (fromList [("title", MetaInlines $ chunkHeading c)])) -- (chunkContents c)) -- -- template :: Text -- template = unlines ["+++", -- "title = \"$title$\"", -- "$if(date)$", -- "date = \"$date$\"", -- "$endif$", -- "+++", -- "", -- "$body$"] -- -- main :: IO () -- main = do -- let fl = -- [ "/Users/ymherklotz/Dropbox/zk/verification.org", -- "/Users/ymherklotz/Dropbox/zk/mathematics.org", -- "/Users/ymherklotz/Dropbox/zk/hls.org", -- "/Users/ymherklotz/Dropbox/zk/computing.org", -- "/Users/ymherklotz/Dropbox/zk/hardware.org" -- ] -- fs <- mapM readFileBS fl -- x <- mapM (runIOorExplode . readOrg def . decode) fs -- let (_, s) = runState (forM x (walkM getHeaders)) (HeaderState mempty "toplevel") -- let allZettel = second nub . addSelfLinks2 <$> headerStateMap s -- writeFileText "out.dot" $ -- "digraph G {\noverlap=false;\nnode [colorscheme=pastel28,style=filled];\n" -- <> foldMap (toDotNodes . fst . fst) allZettel -- <> foldMap -- ( toDot (foldMap snd allZettel) -- . (\((ZettelId a, _), b) -> (a, b)) -- ) -- allZettel -- <> "}\n" -- -- let Just(firstDoc) = viaNonEmpty head x ---- print firstDoc -- let res = splitIntoChunks "%i.md" False Nothing 15 firstDoc -- Right templ <- runIOorExplode . runWithDefaultPartials $ compileTemplate "" template -- forM_ (chunkedChunks res) $ \c -> do -- print (chunkContents c) -- let toc = case Map.lookup (chunkId c) allZettel of -- Just toLinks -> -- [BulletList (map (\x -> [Para [Link mempty [Str ("#" <> x)] ("/" <> x, mempty)]]) (snd toLinks))] -- Nothing -> [] -- text <- runIOorExplode $ writeMarkdown (def { writerTemplate = Just templ }) (splitZettel c) -- writeFileText ("test/content/" <> chunkPath c) text -- data Options = Options { optBibliography :: Maybe FilePath, optOrgBibliography :: Maybe FilePath, optCsl :: Maybe FilePath, optIndex :: Maybe FilePath, optOutput :: Maybe FilePath, optVerbose :: Bool, optQuiet :: Bool, optShowVersion :: Bool, optShowHelp :: Bool } deriving (Show, Eq) defaultOptions :: Options defaultOptions = Options { optBibliography = Nothing, optOrgBibliography = Nothing, optCsl = Nothing, optIndex = Nothing, optOutput = Nothing, optVerbose = False, optQuiet = False, optShowVersion = False, optShowHelp = False } options :: [OptDescr (Options -> Options)] options = [ Option ['b'] ["bibliography"] (ReqArg (\f opts -> opts {optBibliography = Just f}) "FILE") "Bibliography FILE (default: references.bib)", Option ['c'] ["csl"] (ReqArg (\f opts -> opts {optCsl = Just f}) "FILE") "Csl FILE", Option ['h'] ["help"] (NoArg (\opts -> opts {optShowHelp = True})) "Show this help menu", Option ['i'] ["index"] (ReqArg (\f opts -> opts {optIndex = Just f}) "FILE") "Index FILE (default: org-zettelkasten-index)", Option ['o'] ["output"] (ReqArg (\f opts -> opts {optOutput = Just f}) "DIR") "output DIR", Option [] ["org-bibliography"] (ReqArg (\f opts -> opts {optOrgBibliography = Just f}) "FILE") "Bibliography FILE (default: bibliography.org)", Option ['q'] ["quiet"] (NoArg (\opts -> opts {optQuiet = True})) "Suppress all output", Option ['v'] ["verbose"] (NoArg (\opts -> opts {optVerbose = True})) "Verbose output while processing files", Option ['V', '?'] ["version"] (NoArg (\opts -> opts {optShowVersion = True})) "Show current version" ] version :: String version = "org-zk 0.1.0 - (C) 2023 Yann Herklotz" headerOpts :: String headerOpts = version <> "\n\nUsage: org-zk [OPTION...] [FILE...]\n\n[OPTION]" compilerOpts :: [String] -> IO (Options, [String]) compilerOpts argv = case getOpt Permute options argv of (o, n, []) -> return (foldl' (flip id) defaultOptions o, n) (_, _, errs) -> ioError (userError (concat errs ++ usageInfo headerOpts options)) main :: IO () main = do (zkOpts, fl) <- getArgs >>= compilerOpts when (optShowHelp zkOpts) $ do putStrLn $ usageInfo headerOpts options exitSuccess when (optShowVersion zkOpts) $ do putStrLn version exitSuccess graph <- parseZettelKasten (zip [1 ..] fl) (optOrgBibliography zkOpts) let pipeline = transcludeMdAll >> linkAll >> wrapZettelGraph >> handleBibliography renderZettelGraphFile (optVerbose zkOpts) ( fromMaybe "ieee.csl" (optCsl zkOpts) ) (optBibliography zkOpts) (fromMaybe "output" (optOutput zkOpts)) (pipeline graph)