+++ title = "Proper SAT solution" author = "Yann Herklotz" tags = [] categories = [] backlinks = ["2e1c4", "2e1c3a"] forwardlinks = ["2e1c6"] zettelid = "2e1c5" +++ One could also encode the following SAT query, which should be *unsatisfiable*, in the case where the SAT solver supports simple arithmetic. $$(P \rightarrow x = 1) \land (\neg P \land Q \rightarrow x = 2) \land (\neg P\land \neg Q \land R \rightarrow x = 3) \land (\neg P \land \neg Q \land \neg R\rightarrow x = 4) \land (Q \rightarrow x' = 2) \land (\neg Q \land P\rightarrow x' = 1) \land (\neg Q \land \neg P \land R \rightarrow x' = 3) \land(\neg Q \land \neg P \land \neg R \rightarrow x' = 4) \land \neg (x = x') $$ This solution was proposed by George during the group meeting.