library verilog; use verilog.vl_types.all; entity spi2dac is generic( BUF : vl_logic := Hi1; GA_N : vl_logic := Hi1; SHDN_N : vl_logic := Hi1; TC : vl_logic_vector(0 to 4) := (Hi1, Hi1, Hi0, Hi0, Hi0); IDLE : vl_logic_vector(0 to 1) := (Hi0, Hi0); WAIT_CSB_FALL : vl_logic_vector(0 to 1) := (Hi0, Hi1); WAIT_CSB_HIGH : vl_logic_vector(0 to 1) := (Hi1, Hi0) ); port( sysclk : in vl_logic; data_in : in vl_logic_vector(9 downto 0); load : in vl_logic; dac_sdi : out vl_logic; dac_cs : out vl_logic; dac_sck : out vl_logic; dac_ld : out vl_logic ); attribute mti_svvh_generic_type : integer; attribute mti_svvh_generic_type of BUF : constant is 1; attribute mti_svvh_generic_type of GA_N : constant is 1; attribute mti_svvh_generic_type of SHDN_N : constant is 1; attribute mti_svvh_generic_type of TC : constant is 1; attribute mti_svvh_generic_type of IDLE : constant is 1; attribute mti_svvh_generic_type of WAIT_CSB_FALL : constant is 1; attribute mti_svvh_generic_type of WAIT_CSB_HIGH : constant is 1; end spi2dac;