dotfilesDotfiles for Linux and Macos. 12 monthssummarylogtree
yannherklotz.comPersonal website hosted at 12 monthssummarylogtree
gitolite-adminUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. 14 monthssummarylogtree
compcertCompCert fork with minor modifications for Vericert. 15 monthssummarylogtree
emacs-zettelkastenSimple zettelkasten mode for emacs. 18 monthssummarylogtree
vericertVericert is a formally verified high-level synthesis tool. 22 monthssummarylogtree
ox-tufteUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. 2 yearssummarylogtree
vericert-kvxUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. 2 yearssummarylogtree
compcert-kvxUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. 2 yearssummarylogtree
vericert-docsDocumentation for Vericert. 2 yearssummarylogtree
hugo-ymherklotzCustom Hugo theme for 3 yearssummarylogtree
SimplexSimplex algorithm implementation for integer linear programming. 3 yearssummarylogtree
CompilerMIPS Compiler implemented in standard C++. 3 yearssummarylogtree
MipsCPUCycle accurate MIPS CPU simulation. 3 yearssummarylogtree
YAGEYAGE game engine implementation. 3 yearssummarylogtree
pfmHaskell parser for the pfm file format for HDR images. 3 yearssummarylogtree
mirror-ballMirror ball ray tracing implementation. 3 yearssummarylogtree
median-cutMedian cut illumination map generation implementation implemented in Haskell. 3 yearssummarylogtree
FMarkCommonmark parser written in F sharp with various extensions added such as macro...3 yearssummarylogtree
alluvial-hsAlluvial diagram generation for Tex using Haskell. 3 yearssummarylogtree
VivantOpenGL low-poly terrain generation written in Haskell. 3 yearssummarylogtree
leelaRay tracer written in pure rust running on the CPU. 3 yearssummarylogtree
verismithVerilog Fuzzer to test the major simulators and sythesisers by generating random...3 yearssummarylogtree
SMTCoqUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. summarylogtree
butterstickUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. summarylogtree
chocAn implementation of the Calculus of Construction. summarylogtree
cohpredUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. summarylogtree
org-zettelkastenUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. summarylogtree
testingUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. summarylogtree
ymh-emacsUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. summarylogtree
ymhg-notesPublic notes that are shared. summarylogtree
zk-themeUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. summarylogtree
zk-visualUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. summarylogtree
zk-webUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. summarylogtree
picorv32Fork of 21 monthssummarylogtree
smtcoqFork of summarylogtree
fccm22_rsvhlsResource sharing for verified high-level synthesis. 2 yearssummarylogtree
latte21_hlstpcHigh-level synthesis tools should be proven correct. 3 yearssummarylogtree
fccm21_esrhlsEmpirical study of the reliability of high-level synthesis. 3 yearssummarylogtree
fpga20_fubfstFinding and understanding bugs in FPGA synthesis tools. 3 yearssummarylogtree
oopsla21_fvhlsFormal verification of high-level synthesis. 3 yearssummarylogtree
flashlight22[no description]summarylogtree
ini22[no description]summarylogtree
lsr22_fvhls[no description]8 monthssummarylogtree
biteq[no description]summarylogtree
pred-aware-ai[no description]summarylogtree
zk-visual[no description]19 monthssummarylogtree
gsa-mlir[no description]22 monthssummarylogtree
gsa-parser[no description]3 yearssummarylogtree
aoc21[no description]summarylogtree