# FMark Example

## Table of contents
<!-- Relative links do not work in VS code, use Create HTML File. -->

%%TOC depth=2

## Macros

### Macro Example 1
<script type="text/javascript">
    function loadCSS(filename){
       var file = document.createElement("link");
       file.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet");
       file.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
       file.setAttribute("href", filename);



{% macro input(text)

<form action="/html/tags/html_form_tag_action.cfm" method="post">
<textarea name="comments" id="comments" style="width:92%;height:140px;padding:2%;font-size:1.2em;border:12px outset #6DB72C;">
<input type="submit" value="Submit">


{{ input(This is the text to be inputted into the Textbox) }}

### Macro Example 2
{% macro make_table(00;01;02;10;11;12;20;21;22) 



{% macro default_table(10';11';12';20';21';22')
{{ make_table(default;table;contents;{{10'}};{{11'}};{{12'}};{{20'}};{{21'}};{{22'}}) }}

{{ default_table(hi;my;name;is;FMark;hi) }}

## Including files

{{ include test.fmark }}

## Spreadsheet functionality


## Standard Markdown

### Styling

*Emphasis* or _Emphasis_

**Bold** or __bold__

***Both*** or ___both___


Note: _underscores_ must have a space on either side.

# Heading 1

## Heading 2

### Heading 3

#### Heading 4

##### Heading 5

###### Heading 6

### Lists

Ordered List:

1. First
2. Second
    1. Nested First
    2. Nested Second
3. Third

Unordered List:

* First
* Second
    * Nested First
    * Nested Second
* Third

Unordered List 2:

- First
- Second
    - Nested First
    - Nested Second
- Third

### Links


<!-- Images produce correct HTML but don't display in VS Code-->

<!-- Relative links do not work in VS code, use Create HTML File -->
<a href="#this-header"> Relative link. </a>

### HTML passthrough
<!-- HTML is left unchanged. -->
<h2 id="this-header"><a href="broken-link"> A broken link. </a></h2>

## LateX maths

$$2* \begin{pmatrix} 
x_{00} & x_{01} & x_{01} \newline 
x_{10} & x_{11} & x_{11} \newline 
x_{20} & x_{21} & x_{21} \end{pmatrix}$$

## Footers

%%RefStyle= Harvard

### Simple footnote

Here are some[^1] words, and more words[^2].

### Simple footnote[^3] accepted in headers

[^2], A few lines to _explain_ the words. 
      Another line to **explain** the words.

[^1], Footnotes are sorted by ID numbers.

[^3], I'm a footnote in a header!

### References

All footnotes are collected and displayed at the end of the document[^Smith].
The style of references are set at the top of the document.[^Miller]

[^Smith], type = Book, author = FMark Smith, year = 2018, title = An Introduction to FMark

[^Miller], type=Website, author=Markie Miller, year = 2017, title = A Website on FMark,
access = 2018-03-22, url = www.example.com/website_on_stuff

Note: Simple footnotes takes numerical IDs, and references need alphabetical IDs.

Look the footers are rendered in order below this line.