diff options
2 files changed, 19 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/FMark/src/Common/MarkdownGen/MarkdownGen.fs b/FMark/src/Common/MarkdownGen/MarkdownGen.fs
index 8abf61c..13008ef 100644
--- a/FMark/src/Common/MarkdownGen/MarkdownGen.fs
+++ b/FMark/src/Common/MarkdownGen/MarkdownGen.fs
@@ -74,9 +74,9 @@ let mdTable (rows: PRow list) =
| false ->
mdInlineElements line
|> (fun cellContent -> pStr + cellContent + "|")
List.fold (cellsFolder alignRow) "|" row
let foldRows alignRow rows =
let rowsFolder alignRow pStr row =
pStr + (foldCells alignRow) row + "\n"
@@ -90,20 +90,20 @@ let mdTable (rows: PRow list) =
/// recursively process a list
let rec mdList list =
let mdListItem ord tab (pStr,pCount) li =
- let makeTabs num =
+ let makeTabs num =
if num <= 0 then "" else String.replicate num "\t"
- let retFold s = pStr + s, pCount + 1;
+ let retFold s = pStr + s, pCount + 1
match li with
- | StringItem(line) -> mdInlineElements line |> (fun s ->
+ | StringItem(line) -> mdInlineElements line |> (fun s ->
match ord,s with
| _,"" -> ""
- | true,_ ->
+ | true,_ ->
sprintf "%s%i. %s\n" (makeTabs tab) pCount s
|> logPassN logger.Debug
- | false,_ ->
+ | false,_ ->
sprintf "%s- %s\n" (makeTabs tab) s) |> retFold
| NestedList(list) -> mdList list |> retFold
match list with
| {ListType=lt; ListItem=liS; Depth=d} ->
let ord = match lt with | OL _ -> true | UL -> false
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ let mdHeader header =
match header with
| {HeaderName=line;Level=lv} ->
(line |> mdInlineElements)
- |> sprintf "%s %s\n" (String.replicate lv "#")
+ |> sprintf "%s %s\n" (String.replicate lv "#")
/// process HTML body part
let mdBody pObjs =
@@ -131,6 +131,3 @@ let mdBody pObjs =
//| Footnote (fnId, _) -> mdInlineFootnote fnId
| _ -> sprintf "%A is not implemented" pObj
List.fold folder "" pObjs
diff --git a/FMark/src/FMarkCLI/FMarkCLI.fs b/FMark/src/FMarkCLI/FMarkCLI.fs
index 667a720..0364bb9 100644
--- a/FMark/src/FMarkCLI/FMarkCLI.fs
+++ b/FMark/src/FMarkCLI/FMarkCLI.fs
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ let setLoggerLevel (r:ParseResults<CLIArguments>)=
|> function | l -> globLog <- Logger(l) // update the global logger with the new log value
let welcomeMsg a =
globLog.Info None "Welcome to FMark!"
@@ -69,15 +70,15 @@ let processCLI argv =
|> ifFlagRunTests
|> ifFileReadFrom
|> function
- | None(_) -> () // Do nothing
- | Some(instr,fname) ->
- let format = results.GetResult(Format,defaultValue = HTML) // Find out format and output file name, convert.
- let defaultOutfile = if format=HTML then replaceChars "\.[a-zA-Z]+$" ".html" fname else replaceChars "\.[a-zA-Z]+$" "1.md" fname
- let outFile = results.GetResult(Output,defaultValue=defaultOutfile)
- FMark.processString "" format instr
- |> function
- | Ok(s)
- | Error(s) -> FileIO.writeToFile outFile s
+ | None(_) -> () // Do nothing
+ | Some(instr,fname) ->
+ let format = results.GetResult(Format,defaultValue = HTML) // Find out format and output file name, convert.
+ let defaultOutfile = if format=HTML then replaceChars "\.[a-zA-Z]+$" ".html" fname else replaceChars "\.[a-zA-Z]+$" "1.md" fname
+ let outFile = results.GetResult(Output,defaultValue=defaultOutfile)
+ FMark.processString "" format instr
+ |> function
+ | Ok(s)
+ | Error(s) -> FileIO.writeToFile outFile s
let main argv =