path: root/picorv32/
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-PicoRV32 - A Size-Optimized RISC-V CPU
-PicoRV32 is a CPU core that implements the [RISC-V RV32IMC Instruction Set](
-It can be configured as RV32E, RV32I, RV32IC, RV32IM, or RV32IMC core, and optionally
-contains a built-in interrupt controller.
-Tools (gcc, binutils, etc..) can be obtained via the [RISC-V Website](
-The examples bundled with PicoRV32 expect various RV32 toolchains to be installed in `/opt/riscv32i[m][c]`. See
-the [build instructions below](#building-a-pure-rv32i-toolchain) for details.
-Many Linux distributions now include the tools for RISC-V (for example
-Ubuntu 20.04 has `gcc-riscv64-unknown-elf`). To compile using those set
-`TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX` accordingly (eg. `make TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX=riscv64-unknown-elf-`).
-PicoRV32 is free and open hardware licensed under the [ISC license](
-(a license that is similar in terms to the MIT license or the 2-clause BSD license).
-#### Table of Contents
-- [Features and Typical Applications](#features-and-typical-applications)
-- [Files in this Repository](#files-in-this-repository)
-- [Verilog Module Parameters](#verilog-module-parameters)
-- [Cycles per Instruction Performance](#cycles-per-instruction-performance)
-- [PicoRV32 Native Memory Interface](#picorv32-native-memory-interface)
-- [Pico Co-Processor Interface (PCPI)](#pico-co-processor-interface-pcpi)
-- [Custom Instructions for IRQ Handling](#custom-instructions-for-irq-handling)
-- [Building a pure RV32I Toolchain](#building-a-pure-rv32i-toolchain)
-- [Linking binaries with newlib for PicoRV32](#linking-binaries-with-newlib-for-picorv32)
-- [Evaluation: Timing and Utilization on Xilinx 7-Series FPGAs](#evaluation-timing-and-utilization-on-xilinx-7-series-fpgas)
-Features and Typical Applications
-- Small (750-2000 LUTs in 7-Series Xilinx Architecture)
-- High f<sub>max</sub> (250-450 MHz on 7-Series Xilinx FPGAs)
-- Selectable native memory interface or AXI4-Lite master
-- Optional IRQ support (using a simple custom ISA)
-- Optional Co-Processor Interface
-This CPU is meant to be used as auxiliary processor in FPGA designs and ASICs. Due
-to its high f<sub>max</sub> it can be integrated in most existing designs without crossing
-clock domains. When operated on a lower frequency, it will have a lot of timing
-slack and thus can be added to a design without compromising timing closure.
-For even smaller size it is possible disable support for registers `x16`..`x31` as
-well as `RDCYCLE[H]`, `RDTIME[H]`, and `RDINSTRET[H]` instructions, turning the
-processor into an RV32E core.
-Furthermore it is possible to choose between a dual-port and a single-port
-register file implementation. The former provides better performance while
-the latter results in a smaller core.
-*Note: In architectures that implement the register file in dedicated memory
-resources, such as many FPGAs, disabling the 16 upper registers and/or
-disabling the dual-port register file may not further reduce the core size.*
-The core exists in three variations: `picorv32`, `picorv32_axi` and `picorv32_wb`.
-The first provides a simple native memory interface, that is easy to use in simple
-environments. `picorv32_axi` provides an AXI-4 Lite Master interface that can
-easily be integrated with existing systems that are already using the AXI
-standard. `picorv32_wb` provides a Wishbone master interface.
-A separate core `picorv32_axi_adapter` is provided to bridge between the native
-memory interface and AXI4. This core can be used to create custom cores that
-include one or more PicoRV32 cores together with local RAM, ROM, and
-memory-mapped peripherals, communicating with each other using the native
-interface, and communicating with the outside world via AXI4.
-The optional IRQ feature can be used to react to events from the outside, implement
-fault handlers, or catch instructions from a larger ISA and emulate them in
-The optional Pico Co-Processor Interface (PCPI) can be used to implement
-non-branching instructions in an external coprocessor. Implementations
-of PCPI cores that implement the M Standard Extension instructions
-`MUL[H[SU|U]]` and `DIV[U]/REM[U]` are included in this package.
-Files in this Repository
-You are reading it right now.
-#### picorv32.v
-This Verilog file contains the following Verilog modules:
-| Module | Description |
-| ------------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `picorv32` | The PicoRV32 CPU |
-| `picorv32_axi` | The version of the CPU with AXI4-Lite interface |
-| `picorv32_axi_adapter` | Adapter from PicoRV32 Memory Interface to AXI4-Lite |
-| `picorv32_wb` | The version of the CPU with Wishbone Master interface |
-| `picorv32_pcpi_mul` | A PCPI core that implements the `MUL[H[SU\|U]]` instructions |
-| `picorv32_pcpi_fast_mul` | A version of `picorv32_pcpi_fast_mul` using a single cycle multiplier |
-| `picorv32_pcpi_div` | A PCPI core that implements the `DIV[U]/REM[U]` instructions |
-Simply copy this file into your project.
-#### Makefile and testbenches
-A basic test environment. Run `make test` to run the standard test bench (`testbench.v`)
-in the standard configurations. There are other test benches and configurations. See
-the `test_*` make target in the Makefile for details.
-Run `make test_ez` to run `testbench_ez.v`, a very simple test bench that does
-not require an external firmware .hex file. This can be useful in environments
-where the RISC-V compiler toolchain is not available.
-*Note: The test bench is using Icarus Verilog. However, Icarus Verilog 0.9.7
-(the latest release at the time of writing) has a few bugs that prevent the
-test bench from running. Upgrade to the latest github master of Icarus Verilog
-to run the test bench.*
-#### firmware/
-A simple test firmware. This runs the basic tests from `tests/`, some C code, tests IRQ
-handling and the multiply PCPI core.
-All the code in `firmware/` is in the public domain. Simply copy whatever you can use.
-#### tests/
-Simple instruction-level tests from [riscv-tests](
-#### dhrystone/
-Another simple test firmware that runs the Dhrystone benchmark.
-#### picosoc/
-A simple example SoC using PicoRV32 that can execute code directly from a
-memory mapped SPI flash.
-#### scripts/
-Various scripts and examples for different (synthesis) tools and hardware architectures.
-Verilog Module Parameters
-The following Verilog module parameters can be used to configure the PicoRV32
-#### ENABLE_COUNTERS (default = 1)
-This parameter enables support for the `RDCYCLE[H]`, `RDTIME[H]`, and
-`RDINSTRET[H]` instructions. This instructions will cause a hardware
-trap (like any other unsupported instruction) if `ENABLE_COUNTERS` is set to zero.
-*Note: Strictly speaking the `RDCYCLE[H]`, `RDTIME[H]`, and `RDINSTRET[H]`
-instructions are not optional for an RV32I core. But chances are they are not
-going to be missed after the application code has been debugged and profiled.
-This instructions are optional for an RV32E core.*
-#### ENABLE_COUNTERS64 (default = 1)
-This parameter enables support for the `RDCYCLEH`, `RDTIMEH`, and `RDINSTRETH`
-instructions. If this parameter is set to 0, and `ENABLE_COUNTERS` is set to 1,
-then only the `RDCYCLE`, `RDTIME`, and `RDINSTRET` instructions are available.
-#### ENABLE_REGS_16_31 (default = 1)
-This parameter enables support for registers the `x16`..`x31`. The RV32E ISA
-excludes this registers. However, the RV32E ISA spec requires a hardware trap
-for when code tries to access this registers. This is not implemented in PicoRV32.
-#### ENABLE_REGS_DUALPORT (default = 1)
-The register file can be implemented with two or one read ports. A dual ported
-register file improves performance a bit, but can also increase the size of
-the core.
-#### LATCHED_MEM_RDATA (default = 0)
-Set this to 1 if the `mem_rdata` is kept stable by the external circuit after a
-transaction. In the default configuration the PicoRV32 core only expects the
-`mem_rdata` input to be valid in the cycle with `mem_valid && mem_ready` and
-latches the value internally.
-This parameter is only available for the `picorv32` core. In the
-`picorv32_axi` and `picorv32_wb` core this is implicitly set to 0.
-#### TWO_STAGE_SHIFT (default = 1)
-By default shift operations are performed in two stages: first shifts in units
-of 4 bits and then shifts in units of 1 bit. This speeds up shift operations,
-but adds additional hardware. Set this parameter to 0 to disable the two-stage
-shift to further reduce the size of the core.
-#### BARREL_SHIFTER (default = 0)
-By default shift operations are performed by successively shifting by a
-small amount (see `TWO_STAGE_SHIFT` above). With this option set, a barrel
-shifter is used instead.
-#### TWO_CYCLE_COMPARE (default = 0)
-This relaxes the longest data path a bit by adding an additional FF stage
-at the cost of adding an additional clock cycle delay to the conditional
-branch instructions.
-*Note: Enabling this parameter will be most effective when retiming (aka
-"register balancing") is enabled in the synthesis flow.*
-#### TWO_CYCLE_ALU (default = 0)
-This adds an additional FF stage in the ALU data path, improving timing
-at the cost of an additional clock cycle for all instructions that use
-the ALU.
-*Note: Enabling this parameter will be most effective when retiming (aka
-"register balancing") is enabled in the synthesis flow.*
-#### COMPRESSED_ISA (default = 0)
-This enables support for the RISC-V Compressed Instruction Set.
-#### CATCH_MISALIGN (default = 1)
-Set this to 0 to disable the circuitry for catching misaligned memory
-#### CATCH_ILLINSN (default = 1)
-Set this to 0 to disable the circuitry for catching illegal instructions.
-The core will still trap on `EBREAK` instructions with this option
-set to 0. With IRQs enabled, an `EBREAK` normally triggers an IRQ 1. With
-this option set to 0, an `EBREAK` will trap the processor without
-triggering an interrupt.
-#### ENABLE_PCPI (default = 0)
-Set this to 1 to enable the Pico Co-Processor Interface (PCPI).
-#### ENABLE_MUL (default = 0)
-This parameter internally enables PCPI and instantiates the `picorv32_pcpi_mul`
-core that implements the `MUL[H[SU|U]]` instructions. The external PCPI
-interface only becomes functional when ENABLE_PCPI is set as well.
-#### ENABLE_FAST_MUL (default = 0)
-This parameter internally enables PCPI and instantiates the `picorv32_pcpi_fast_mul`
-core that implements the `MUL[H[SU|U]]` instructions. The external PCPI
-interface only becomes functional when ENABLE_PCPI is set as well.
-If both ENABLE_MUL and ENABLE_FAST_MUL are set then the ENABLE_MUL setting
-will be ignored and the fast multiplier core will be instantiated.
-#### ENABLE_DIV (default = 0)
-This parameter internally enables PCPI and instantiates the `picorv32_pcpi_div`
-core that implements the `DIV[U]/REM[U]` instructions. The external PCPI
-interface only becomes functional when ENABLE_PCPI is set as well.
-#### ENABLE_IRQ (default = 0)
-Set this to 1 to enable IRQs. (see "Custom Instructions for IRQ Handling" below
-for a discussion of IRQs)
-#### ENABLE_IRQ_QREGS (default = 1)
-Set this to 0 to disable support for the `getq` and `setq` instructions. Without
-the q-registers, the irq return address will be stored in x3 (gp) and the IRQ
-bitmask in x4 (tp), the global pointer and thread pointer registers according
-to the RISC-V ABI. Code generated from ordinary C code will not interact with
-those registers.
-Support for q-registers is always disabled when ENABLE_IRQ is set to 0.
-#### ENABLE_IRQ_TIMER (default = 1)
-Set this to 0 to disable support for the `timer` instruction.
-Support for the timer is always disabled when ENABLE_IRQ is set to 0.
-#### ENABLE_TRACE (default = 0)
-Produce an execution trace using the `trace_valid` and `trace_data` output ports.
-For a demontration of this feature run `make test_vcd` to create a trace file
-and then run `python3 testbench.trace firmware/firmware.elf` to decode
-#### REGS_INIT_ZERO (default = 0)
-Set this to 1 to initialize all registers to zero (using a Verilog `initial` block).
-This can be useful for simulation or formal verification.
-#### MASKED_IRQ (default = 32'h 0000_0000)
-A 1 bit in this bitmask corresponds to a permanently disabled IRQ.
-#### LATCHED_IRQ (default = 32'h ffff_ffff)
-A 1 bit in this bitmask indicates that the corresponding IRQ is "latched", i.e.
-when the IRQ line is high for only one cycle, the interrupt will be marked as
-pending and stay pending until the interrupt handler is called (aka "pulse
-interrupts" or "edge-triggered interrupts").
-Set a bit in this bitmask to 0 to convert an interrupt line to operate
-as "level sensitive" interrupt.
-#### PROGADDR_RESET (default = 32'h 0000_0000)
-The start address of the program.
-#### PROGADDR_IRQ (default = 32'h 0000_0010)
-The start address of the interrupt handler.
-#### STACKADDR (default = 32'h ffff_ffff)
-When this parameter has a value different from 0xffffffff, then register `x2` (the
-stack pointer) is initialized to this value on reset. (All other registers remain
-uninitialized.) Note that the RISC-V calling convention requires the stack pointer
-to be aligned on 16 bytes boundaries (4 bytes for the RV32I soft float calling
-Cycles per Instruction Performance
-*A short reminder: This core is optimized for size and f<sub>max</sub>, not performance.*
-Unless stated otherwise, the following numbers apply to a PicoRV32 with
-ENABLE_REGS_DUALPORT active and connected to a memory that can accommodate
-requests within one clock cycle.
-The average Cycles per Instruction (CPI) is approximately 4, depending on the mix of
-instructions in the code. The CPI numbers for the individual instructions can
-be found in the table below. The column "CPI (SP)" contains the CPI numbers for
-a core built without ENABLE_REGS_DUALPORT.
-| Instruction | CPI | CPI (SP) |
-| ---------------------| ----:| --------:|
-| direct jump (jal) | 3 | 3 |
-| ALU reg + immediate | 3 | 3 |
-| ALU reg + reg | 3 | 4 |
-| branch (not taken) | 3 | 4 |
-| memory load | 5 | 5 |
-| memory store | 5 | 6 |
-| branch (taken) | 5 | 6 |
-| indirect jump (jalr) | 6 | 6 |
-| shift operations | 4-14 | 4-15 |
-When `ENABLE_MUL` is activated, then a `MUL` instruction will execute
-in 40 cycles and a `MULH[SU|U]` instruction will execute in 72 cycles.
-When `ENABLE_DIV` is activated, then a `DIV[U]/REM[U]` instruction will
-execute in 40 cycles.
-When `BARREL_SHIFTER` is activated, a shift operation takes as long as
-any other ALU operation.
-The following dhrystone benchmark results are for a core with enabled
-Dhrystone benchmark results: 0.516 DMIPS/MHz (908 Dhrystones/Second/MHz)
-For the Dhrystone benchmark the average CPI is 4.100.
-Without using the look-ahead memory interface (usually required for max
-clock speed), this results drop to 0.305 DMIPS/MHz and 5.232 CPI.
-PicoRV32 Native Memory Interface
-The native memory interface of PicoRV32 is a simple valid-ready interface
-that can run one memory transfer at a time:
- output mem_valid
- output mem_instr
- input mem_ready
- output [31:0] mem_addr
- output [31:0] mem_wdata
- output [ 3:0] mem_wstrb
- input [31:0] mem_rdata
-The core initiates a memory transfer by asserting `mem_valid`. The valid
-signal stays high until the peer asserts `mem_ready`. All core outputs
-are stable over the `mem_valid` period. If the memory transfer is an
-instruction fetch, the core asserts `mem_instr`.
-#### Read Transfer
-In a read transfer `mem_wstrb` has the value 0 and `mem_wdata` is unused.
-The memory reads the address `mem_addr` and makes the read value available on
-`mem_rdata` in the cycle `mem_ready` is high.
-There is no need for an external wait cycle. The memory read can be implemented
-asynchronously with `mem_ready` going high in the same cycle as `mem_valid`, or
-`mem_ready` being tied to constant 1.
-#### Write Transfer
-In a write transfer `mem_wstrb` is not 0 and `mem_rdata` is unused. The memory
-write the data at `mem_wdata` to the address `mem_addr` and acknowledges the
-transfer by asserting `mem_ready`.
-The 4 bits of `mem_wstrb` are write enables for the four bytes in the addressed
-word. Only the 8 values `0000`, `1111`, `1100`, `0011`, `1000`, `0100`, `0010`,
-and `0001` are possible, i.e. no write, write 32 bits, write upper 16 bits,
-write lower 16, or write a single byte respectively.
-There is no need for an external wait cycle. The memory can acknowledge the
-write immediately with `mem_ready` going high in the same cycle as
-`mem_valid`, or `mem_ready` being tied to constant 1.
-#### Look-Ahead Interface
-The PicoRV32 core also provides a "Look-Ahead Memory Interface" that provides
-all information about the next memory transfer one clock cycle earlier than the
-normal interface.
- output mem_la_read
- output mem_la_write
- output [31:0] mem_la_addr
- output [31:0] mem_la_wdata
- output [ 3:0] mem_la_wstrb
-In the clock cycle before `mem_valid` goes high, this interface will output a
-pulse on `mem_la_read` or `mem_la_write` to indicate the start of a read or
-write transaction in the next clock cycle.
-*Note: The signals `mem_la_read`, `mem_la_write`, and `mem_la_addr` are driven
-by combinatorial circuits within the PicoRV32 core. It might be harder to
-achieve timing closure with the look-ahead interface than with the normal
-memory interface described above.*
-Pico Co-Processor Interface (PCPI)
-The Pico Co-Processor Interface (PCPI) can be used to implement non-branching
-instructions in external cores:
- output pcpi_valid
- output [31:0] pcpi_insn
- output [31:0] pcpi_rs1
- output [31:0] pcpi_rs2
- input pcpi_wr
- input [31:0] pcpi_rd
- input pcpi_wait
- input pcpi_ready
-When an unsupported instruction is encountered and the PCPI feature is
-activated (see ENABLE_PCPI above), then `pcpi_valid` is asserted, the
-instruction word itself is output on `pcpi_insn`, the `rs1` and `rs2`
-fields are decoded and the values in those registers are output
-on `pcpi_rs1` and `pcpi_rs2`.
-An external PCPI core can then decode the instruction, execute it, and assert
-`pcpi_ready` when execution of the instruction is finished. Optionally a
-result value can be written to `pcpi_rd` and `pcpi_wr` asserted. The
-PicoRV32 core will then decode the `rd` field of the instruction and
-write the value from `pcpi_rd` to the respective register.
-When no external PCPI core acknowledges the instruction within 16 clock
-cycles, then an illegal instruction exception is raised and the respective
-interrupt handler is called. A PCPI core that needs more than a couple of
-cycles to execute an instruction, should assert `pcpi_wait` as soon as
-the instruction has been decoded successfully and keep it asserted until
-it asserts `pcpi_ready`. This will prevent the PicoRV32 core from raising
-an illegal instruction exception.
-Custom Instructions for IRQ Handling
-*Note: The IRQ handling features in PicoRV32 do not follow the RISC-V
-Privileged ISA specification. Instead a small set of very simple custom
-instructions is used to implement IRQ handling with minimal hardware
-The following custom instructions are only supported when IRQs are enabled
-via the `ENABLE_IRQ` parameter (see above).
-The PicoRV32 core has a built-in interrupt controller with 32 interrupt inputs. An
-interrupt can be triggered by asserting the corresponding bit in the `irq`
-input of the core.
-When the interrupt handler is started, the `eoi` End Of Interrupt (EOI) signals
-for the handled interrupts go high. The `eoi` signals go low again when the
-interrupt handler returns.
-The IRQs 0-2 can be triggered internally by the following built-in interrupt sources:
-| IRQ | Interrupt Source |
-| ---:| ------------------------------------|
-| 0 | Timer Interrupt |
-| 1 | EBREAK/ECALL or Illegal Instruction |
-| 2 | BUS Error (Unalign Memory Access) |
-This interrupts can also be triggered by external sources, such as co-processors
-connected via PCPI.
-The core has 4 additional 32-bit registers `q0 .. q3` that are used for IRQ
-handling. When the IRQ handler is called, the register `q0` contains the return
-address and `q1` contains a bitmask of all IRQs to be handled. This means one
-call to the interrupt handler needs to service more than one IRQ when more than
-one bit is set in `q1`.
-When support for compressed instructions is enabled, then the LSB of q0 is set
-when the interrupted instruction is a compressed instruction. This can be used if
-the IRQ handler wants to decode the interrupted instruction.
-Registers `q2` and `q3` are uninitialized and can be used as temporary storage
-when saving/restoring register values in the IRQ handler.
-All of the following instructions are encoded under the `custom0` opcode. The f3
-and rs2 fields are ignored in all this instructions.
-See [firmware/custom_ops.S](firmware/custom_ops.S) for GNU assembler macros that
-implement mnemonics for this instructions.
-See [firmware/start.S](firmware/start.S) for an example implementation of an
-interrupt handler assembler wrapper, and [firmware/irq.c](firmware/irq.c) for
-the actual interrupt handler.
-#### getq rd, qs
-This instruction copies the value from a q-register to a general-purpose
- 0000000 ----- 000XX --- XXXXX 0001011
- f7 rs2 qs f3 rd opcode
- getq x5, q2
-#### setq qd, rs
-This instruction copies the value from a general-purpose register to a
- 0000001 ----- XXXXX --- 000XX 0001011
- f7 rs2 rs f3 qd opcode
- setq q2, x5
-#### retirq
-Return from interrupt. This instruction copies the value from `q0`
-to the program counter and re-enables interrupts.
- 0000010 ----- 00000 --- 00000 0001011
- f7 rs2 rs f3 rd opcode
- retirq
-#### maskirq
-The "IRQ Mask" register contains a bitmask of masked (disabled) interrupts.
-This instruction writes a new value to the irq mask register and reads the old
- 0000011 ----- XXXXX --- XXXXX 0001011
- f7 rs2 rs f3 rd opcode
- maskirq x1, x2
-The processor starts with all interrupts disabled.
-An illegal instruction or bus error while the illegal instruction or bus error
-interrupt is disabled will cause the processor to halt.
-#### waitirq
-Pause execution until an interrupt becomes pending. The bitmask of pending IRQs
-is written to `rd`.
- 0000100 ----- 00000 --- XXXXX 0001011
- f7 rs2 rs f3 rd opcode
- waitirq x1
-#### timer
-Reset the timer counter to a new value. The counter counts down clock cycles and
-triggers the timer interrupt when transitioning from 1 to 0. Setting the
-counter to zero disables the timer. The old value of the counter is written to
- 0000101 ----- XXXXX --- XXXXX 0001011
- f7 rs2 rs f3 rd opcode
- timer x1, x2
-Building a pure RV32I Toolchain
-TL;DR: Run the following commands to build the complete toolchain:
- make download-tools
- make -j$(nproc) build-tools
-The default settings in the [riscv-tools]( build
-scripts will build a compiler, assembler and linker that can target any RISC-V ISA,
-but the libraries are built for RV32G and RV64G targets. Follow the instructions
-below to build a complete toolchain (including libraries) that target a pure RV32I
-The following commands will build the RISC-V GNU toolchain and libraries for a
-pure RV32I target, and install it in `/opt/riscv32i`:
- # Ubuntu packages needed:
- sudo apt-get install autoconf automake autotools-dev curl libmpc-dev \
- libmpfr-dev libgmp-dev gawk build-essential bison flex texinfo \
- gperf libtool patchutils bc zlib1g-dev git libexpat1-dev
- sudo mkdir /opt/riscv32i
- sudo chown $USER /opt/riscv32i
- git clone riscv-gnu-toolchain-rv32i
- cd riscv-gnu-toolchain-rv32i
- git checkout 411d134
- git submodule update --init --recursive
- mkdir build; cd build
- ../configure --with-arch=rv32i --prefix=/opt/riscv32i
- make -j$(nproc)
-The commands will all be named using the prefix `riscv32-unknown-elf-`, which
-makes it easy to install them side-by-side with the regular riscv-tools (those
-are using the name prefix `riscv64-unknown-elf-` by default).
-Alternatively you can simply use one of the following make targets from PicoRV32's
-Makefile to build a `RV32I[M][C]` toolchain. You still need to install all
-prerequisites, as described above. Then run any of the following commands in the
-PicoRV32 source directory:
-| Command | Install Directory | ISA |
-|:---------------------------------------- |:------------------ |:-------- |
-| `make -j$(nproc) build-riscv32i-tools` | `/opt/riscv32i/` | `RV32I` |
-| `make -j$(nproc) build-riscv32ic-tools` | `/opt/riscv32ic/` | `RV32IC` |
-| `make -j$(nproc) build-riscv32im-tools` | `/opt/riscv32im/` | `RV32IM` |
-| `make -j$(nproc) build-riscv32imc-tools` | `/opt/riscv32imc/` | `RV32IMC` |
-Or simply run `make -j$(nproc) build-tools` to build and install all four tool chains.
-By default calling any of those make targets will (re-)download the toolchain
-sources. Run `make download-tools` to download the sources to `/var/cache/distfiles/`
-once in advance.
-*Note: These instructions are for git rev 411d134 (2018-02-14) of riscv-gnu-toolchain.*
-Linking binaries with newlib for PicoRV32
-The tool chains (see last section for install instructions) come with a version of
-the newlib C standard library.
-Use the linker script [firmware/riscv.ld](firmware/riscv.ld) for linking binaries
-against the newlib library. Using this linker script will create a binary that
-has its entry point at 0x10000. (The default linker script does not have a static
-entry point, thus a proper ELF loader would be needed that can determine the
-entry point at runtime while loading the program.)
-Newlib comes with a few syscall stubs. You need to provide your own implementation
-of those syscalls and link your program with this implementation, overwriting the
-default stubs from newlib. See `syscalls.c` in [scripts/cxxdemo/](scripts/cxxdemo/)
-for an example of how to do that.
-Evaluation: Timing and Utilization on Xilinx 7-Series FPGAs
-The following evaluations have been performed with Vivado 2017.3.
-#### Timing on Xilinx 7-Series FPGAs
-The `picorv32_axi` module with enabled `TWO_CYCLE_ALU` has been placed and
-routed for Xilinx Artix-7T, Kintex-7T, Virtex-7T, Kintex UltraScale, and Virtex
-UltraScale devices in all speed grades. A binary search is used to find the
-shortest clock period for which the design meets timing.
-See `make table.txt` in [scripts/vivado/](scripts/vivado/).
-| Device | Device | Speedgrade | Clock Period (Freq.) |
-|:------------------------- |:---------------------|:----------:| --------------------:|
-| Xilinx Kintex-7T | xc7k70t-fbg676-2 | -2 | 2.4 ns (416 MHz) |
-| Xilinx Kintex-7T | xc7k70t-fbg676-3 | -3 | 2.2 ns (454 MHz) |
-| Xilinx Virtex-7T | xc7v585t-ffg1761-2 | -2 | 2.3 ns (434 MHz) |
-| Xilinx Virtex-7T | xc7v585t-ffg1761-3 | -3 | 2.2 ns (454 MHz) |
-| Xilinx Kintex UltraScale | xcku035-fbva676-2-e | -2 | 2.0 ns (500 MHz) |
-| Xilinx Kintex UltraScale | xcku035-fbva676-3-e | -3 | 1.8 ns (555 MHz) |
-| Xilinx Virtex UltraScale | xcvu065-ffvc1517-2-e | -2 | 2.1 ns (476 MHz) |
-| Xilinx Virtex UltraScale | xcvu065-ffvc1517-3-e | -3 | 2.0 ns (500 MHz) |
-| Xilinx Kintex UltraScale+ | xcku3p-ffva676-2-e | -2 | 1.4 ns (714 MHz) |
-| Xilinx Kintex UltraScale+ | xcku3p-ffva676-3-e | -3 | 1.3 ns (769 MHz) |
-| Xilinx Virtex UltraScale+ | xcvu3p-ffvc1517-2-e | -2 | 1.5 ns (666 MHz) |
-| Xilinx Virtex UltraScale+ | xcvu3p-ffvc1517-3-e | -3 | 1.4 ns (714 MHz) |
-#### Utilization on Xilinx 7-Series FPGAs
-The following table lists the resource utilization in area-optimized synthesis
-for the following three cores:
-- **PicoRV32 (small):** The `picorv32` module without counter instructions,
- without two-stage shifts, with externally latched `mem_rdata`, and without
- catching of misaligned memory accesses and illegal instructions.
-- **PicoRV32 (regular):** The `picorv32` module in its default configuration.
-- **PicoRV32 (large):** The `picorv32` module with enabled PCPI, IRQ, MUL,
-See `make area` in [scripts/vivado/](scripts/vivado/).
-| Core Variant | Slice LUTs | LUTs as Memory | Slice Registers |
-|:------------------ | ----------:| --------------:| ---------------:|
-| PicoRV32 (small) | 761 | 48 | 442 |
-| PicoRV32 (regular) | 917 | 48 | 583 |
-| PicoRV32 (large) | 2019 | 88 | 1085 |