diff options
11 files changed, 11023 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/_CoqProject b/_CoqProject
index 50397a7..63b228c 100644
--- a/_CoqProject
+++ b/_CoqProject
@@ -1 +1 @@
--R src TVSMT
+-R src TVSMT \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/flake.lock b/flake.lock
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4517537
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flake.lock
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ "nodes": {
+ "nixpkgs": {
+ "locked": {
+ "lastModified": 1684336284,
+ "narHash": "sha256-JFRaAJNSa5Z3/0rcS+ot70uNBb6oP9g6fYPQdCUskcw=",
+ "owner": "nixos",
+ "repo": "nixpkgs",
+ "rev": "ab53f08df4fdc9cceb93b128678b5e57846360d0",
+ "type": "github"
+ },
+ "original": {
+ "owner": "nixos",
+ "repo": "nixpkgs",
+ "type": "github"
+ }
+ },
+ "root": {
+ "inputs": {
+ "nixpkgs": "nixpkgs"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "root": "root",
+ "version": 7
diff --git a/flake.nix b/flake.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7982b35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flake.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+ description = "CompCertGSA dependencies";
+ inputs = { nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs"; };
+ outputs = { self, nixpkgs }:
+ let
+ pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.x86_64-linux;
+ ncoq = pkgs.coq_8_13;
+ ncoqPackages = pkgs.coqPackages_8_13;
+ veriT' = pkgs.veriT.overrideAttrs (oA: {
+ src = pkgs.fetchurl {
+ url = "https://www.lri.fr/~keller/Documents-recherche/Smtcoq/veriT9f48a98.tar.gz";
+ sha256 = "sha256-Pe46PxQVHWwWwx5Ei4Bl95A0otCiXZuUZ2nXuZPYnhY=";
+ };
+ meta.broken = false;
+ });
+ dpkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.x86_64-darwin;
+ dncoq = dpkgs.coq_8_13;
+ dncoqPackages = dpkgs.coqPackages_8_13;
+ in {
+ devShell.x86_64-linux = pkgs.mkShell {
+ buildInputs = with pkgs;
+ [ ncoq
+ dune_2
+ gcc
+ ncoq.ocaml
+ creduce
+# ncoqPackages.smtcoq
+ zchaff
+ veriT'
+ ncoqPackages.serapi
+ python3
+ python3Packages.alectryon
+ python3Packages.sphinx_rtd_theme
+ ] ++
+ (with ncoq.ocamlPackages;
+ [findlib menhir menhirLib ocamlgraph ocp-indent utop num zarith merlin]);
+ };
+ devShell.x86_64-darwin = dpkgs.mkShell {
+ buildInputs = with dpkgs;
+ [ dncoq
+ dune_2
+ gcc
+ dncoq.ocaml
+ dncoq.ocamlPackages.findlib
+ dncoq.ocamlPackages.menhir
+ dncoq.ocamlPackages.menhirLib
+ dncoq.ocamlPackages.ocamlgraph
+ dncoq.ocamlPackages.ocp-indent
+ dncoq.ocamlPackages.utop
+ ncoq.ocamlPackages.z3
+ z3
+ dncoqPackages.serapi
+ python3
+ python3Packages.alectryon
+ python3Packages.sphinx_rtd_theme
+ ];
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/src/Common.v b/src/Common.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e5523b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Common.v
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+Require Export Coq.Bool.Bool.
+Require Export Coq.Lists.List.
+Require Export Coq.Strings.String.
+Require Export Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
+Require Export Coq.ZArith.Znumtheory.
+Require Import Coq.micromega.Lia.
+Require Export TVSMT.Coqlib.
+(* Require Import compcert.lib.Integers. *)
+Require Export TVSMT.Errors.
+(* This tactic due to Clement Pit-Claudel with some minor additions by JDP to
+ allow the result to be named: https://pit-claudel.fr/clement/MSc/#org96a1b5f *)
+Inductive Learnt {A: Type} (a: A) :=
+ | AlreadyKnown : Learnt a.
+Ltac learn_tac fact name :=
+ lazymatch goal with
+ | [ H: Learnt fact |- _ ] =>
+ fail 0 "fact" fact "has already been learnt"
+ | _ => let type := type of fact in
+ lazymatch goal with
+ | [ H: @Learnt type _ |- _ ] =>
+ fail 0 "fact" fact "of type" type "was already learnt through" H
+ | _ => let learnt := fresh "Learn" in
+ pose proof (AlreadyKnown fact) as learnt; pose proof fact as name
+ end
+ end.
+Tactic Notation "learn" constr(fact) := let name := fresh "H" in learn_tac fact name.
+Tactic Notation "learn" constr(fact) "as" simple_intropattern(name) := learn_tac fact name.
+Ltac unfold_rec c := unfold c; fold c.
+Ltac solve_by_inverts n :=
+ match goal with | H : ?T |- _ =>
+ match type of T with Prop =>
+ inversion H;
+ match n with S (S (?n')) => subst; try constructor; solve_by_inverts (S n') end
+ end
+ end.
+Ltac solve_by_invert := solve_by_inverts 1.
+Ltac invert x := inversion x; subst; clear x.
+Ltac destruct_match :=
+ match goal with
+ | [ |- context[match ?x with | _ => _ end ] ] => destruct x eqn:?
+ | [ H: context[match ?x with | _ => _ end] |- _ ] => destruct x eqn:?
+ end.
+Ltac auto_destruct x := destruct x eqn:?; simpl in *; try discriminate; try congruence.
+Ltac nicify_hypotheses :=
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ H : ex _ |- _ ] => invert H
+ | [ H : Some _ = Some _ |- _ ] => invert H
+ | [ H : OK _ = OK _ |- _ ] => invert H
+ | [ H : ?x = ?x |- _ ] => clear H
+ | [ H : _ /\ _ |- _ ] => invert H
+ | [ H : (_, _) = (_, _) |- _ ] => invert H
+ end.
+Ltac nicify_goals :=
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ |- _ /\ _ ] => split
+ | [ |- Some _ = Some _ ] => f_equal
+ | [ |- OK _ = OK _ ] => f_equal
+ | [ |- S _ = S _ ] => f_equal
+ end.
+Ltac kill_bools :=
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ H : _ && _ = true |- _ ] => apply andb_prop in H
+ | [ H : _ || _ = false |- _ ] => apply orb_false_elim in H
+ | [ H : negb _ = true |- _ ] => apply negb_true_iff in H
+ | [ H : negb _ = false |- _ ] => apply negb_false_iff in H
+ | [ H : _ <=? _ = true |- _ ] => apply Z.leb_le in H
+ | [ H : _ <=? _ = false |- _ ] => apply Z.leb_gt in H
+ | [ H : _ <? _ = true |- _ ] => apply Z.ltb_lt in H
+ | [ H : _ <? _ = false |- _ ] => apply Z.ltb_ge in H
+ | [ H : _ >=? _ = _ |- _ ] => rewrite Z.geb_leb in H
+ | [ H : _ >? _ = _ |- _ ] => rewrite Z.gtb_ltb in H
+ | [ H : _ =? _ = true |- _ ] => apply Z.eqb_eq in H
+ | [ H : _ =? _ = false |- _ ] => apply Z.eqb_neq in H
+ | [ H : (_ <=? _)%positive = true |- _ ] => apply Pos.leb_le in H
+ | [ H : (_ <=? _)%positive = false |- _ ] => apply Pos.leb_gt in H
+ | [ H : (_ <? _)%positive = true |- _ ] => apply Pos.ltb_lt in H
+ | [ H : (_ <? _)%positive = false |- _ ] => apply Pos.ltb_ge in H
+ | [ H : (_ =? _)%positive = true |- _ ] => apply Pos.eqb_eq in H
+ | [ H : (_ =? _)%positive = false |- _ ] => apply Pos.eqb_neq in H
+ end.
+Ltac substpp :=
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ H1 : ?x = Some _, H2 : ?x = Some _ |- _ ] =>
+ let EQ := fresh "EQ" in
+ learn H1 as EQ; rewrite H2 in EQ; invert EQ
+ | _ => idtac
+ end.
+Ltac simplify := intros; simpl in *;
+ repeat progress (try nicify_hypotheses; try nicify_goals; try kill_bools; substpp);
+ simpl in *.
+Ltac crush := simplify; try discriminate; try congruence; try (zify; lia);
+ try assumption; try (solve [auto]).
+Ltac ecrush m := simplify; try discriminate; try congruence; try (zify; lia);
+ try assumption; try (solve [eauto with m]).
diff --git a/src/Coqlib.v b/src/Coqlib.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99e0dbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Coqlib.v
@@ -0,0 +1,1312 @@
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* *)
+(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
+(* *)
+(* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
+(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as *)
+(* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of *)
+(* the License, or (at your option) any later version. *)
+(* This file is also distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
+(* *)
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(** This file collects a number of definitions and theorems that are
+ used throughout the development. It complements the Coq standard
+ library. *)
+Require Export String.
+Require Export ZArith.
+Require Export Znumtheory.
+Require Export List.
+Require Export Bool.
+From Coq Require Export Lia.
+Global Set Asymmetric Patterns.
+(** * Useful tactics *)
+Ltac inv H := inversion H; clear H; subst.
+Ltac predSpec pred predspec x y :=
+ generalize (predspec x y); case (pred x y); intro.
+Ltac caseEq name :=
+ generalize (eq_refl name); pattern name at -1 in |- *; case name.
+Ltac destructEq name :=
+ destruct name eqn:?.
+Ltac decEq :=
+ match goal with
+ | [ |- _ = _ ] => f_equal
+ | [ |- (?X ?A <> ?X ?B) ] =>
+ cut (A <> B); [intro; congruence | try discriminate]
+ end.
+Ltac byContradiction := exfalso.
+Lemma modusponens: forall (P Q: Prop), P -> (P -> Q) -> Q.
+Proof. auto. Qed.
+Ltac exploit x :=
+ refine (modusponens _ _ (x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _)
+ || refine (modusponens _ _ (x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _)
+ || refine (modusponens _ _ (x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _)
+ || refine (modusponens _ _ (x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _)
+ || refine (modusponens _ _ (x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _)
+ || refine (modusponens _ _ (x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _)
+ || refine (modusponens _ _ (x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _)
+ || refine (modusponens _ _ (x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _)
+ || refine (modusponens _ _ (x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _)
+ || refine (modusponens _ _ (x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _)
+ || refine (modusponens _ _ (x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _)
+ || refine (modusponens _ _ (x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _)
+ || refine (modusponens _ _ (x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _)
+ || refine (modusponens _ _ (x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _)
+ || refine (modusponens _ _ (x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _)
+ || refine (modusponens _ _ (x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _)
+ || refine (modusponens _ _ (x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _)
+ || refine (modusponens _ _ (x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _)
+ || refine (modusponens _ _ (x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _)
+ || refine (modusponens _ _ (x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _)
+ || refine (modusponens _ _ (x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _)
+ || refine (modusponens _ _ (x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _)
+ || refine (modusponens _ _ (x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _)
+ || refine (modusponens _ _ (x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _)
+ || refine (modusponens _ _ (x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _)
+ || refine (modusponens _ _ (x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _)
+ || refine (modusponens _ _ (x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _)
+ || refine (modusponens _ _ (x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _)
+ || refine (modusponens _ _ (x _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _)
+ || refine (modusponens _ _ (x _ _ _ _ _ _) _)
+ || refine (modusponens _ _ (x _ _ _ _ _) _)
+ || refine (modusponens _ _ (x _ _ _ _) _)
+ || refine (modusponens _ _ (x _ _ _) _)
+ || refine (modusponens _ _ (x _ _) _)
+ || refine (modusponens _ _ (x _) _).
+(** * Definitions and theorems over the type [positive] *)
+Definition peq: forall (x y: positive), {x = y} + {x <> y} := Pos.eq_dec.
+Global Opaque peq.
+Lemma peq_true:
+ forall (A: Type) (x: positive) (a b: A), (if peq x x then a else b) = a.
+ intros. case (peq x x); intros.
+ auto.
+ elim n; auto.
+Lemma peq_false:
+ forall (A: Type) (x y: positive) (a b: A), x <> y -> (if peq x y then a else b) = b.
+ intros. case (peq x y); intros.
+ elim H; auto.
+ auto.
+Definition Plt: positive -> positive -> Prop := Pos.lt.
+Lemma Plt_ne:
+ forall (x y: positive), Plt x y -> x <> y.
+ unfold Plt; intros. red; intro. subst y. eelim Pos.lt_irrefl; eauto.
+Global Hint Resolve Plt_ne: coqlib.
+Lemma Plt_trans:
+ forall (x y z: positive), Plt x y -> Plt y z -> Plt x z.
+Proof (Pos.lt_trans).
+Lemma Plt_succ:
+ forall (x: positive), Plt x (Pos.succ x).
+ unfold Plt; intros. apply Pos.lt_succ_r. apply Pos.le_refl.
+Global Hint Resolve Plt_succ: coqlib.
+Lemma Plt_trans_succ:
+ forall (x y: positive), Plt x y -> Plt x (Pos.succ y).
+ intros. apply Plt_trans with y. assumption. apply Plt_succ.
+Global Hint Resolve Plt_succ: coqlib.
+Lemma Plt_succ_inv:
+ forall (x y: positive), Plt x (Pos.succ y) -> Plt x y \/ x = y.
+ unfold Plt; intros. rewrite Pos.lt_succ_r in H.
+ apply Pos.le_lteq; auto.
+Definition plt (x y: positive) : {Plt x y} + {~ Plt x y}.
+ unfold Plt, Pos.lt; intros. destruct (Pos.compare x y).
+ - right; congruence.
+ - left; auto.
+ - right; congruence.
+Global Opaque plt.
+Definition Ple: positive -> positive -> Prop := Pos.le.
+Lemma Ple_refl: forall (p: positive), Ple p p.
+Proof (Pos.le_refl).
+Lemma Ple_trans: forall (p q r: positive), Ple p q -> Ple q r -> Ple p r.
+Proof (Pos.le_trans).
+Lemma Plt_Ple: forall (p q: positive), Plt p q -> Ple p q.
+Proof (Pos.lt_le_incl).
+Lemma Ple_succ: forall (p: positive), Ple p (Pos.succ p).
+ intros. apply Plt_Ple. apply Plt_succ.
+Lemma Plt_Ple_trans:
+ forall (p q r: positive), Plt p q -> Ple q r -> Plt p r.
+Proof (Pos.lt_le_trans).
+Lemma Plt_strict: forall p, ~ Plt p p.
+Proof (Pos.lt_irrefl).
+Global Hint Resolve Ple_refl Plt_Ple Ple_succ Plt_strict: coqlib.
+Ltac extlia := unfold Plt, Ple in *; lia.
+(** Peano recursion over positive numbers. *)
+Lemma Plt_wf: well_founded Plt.
+ apply well_founded_lt_compat with Pos.to_nat.
+ intros. apply nat_of_P_lt_Lt_compare_morphism. exact H.
+Variable A: Type.
+Variable v1: A.
+Variable f: positive -> A -> A.
+Lemma Ppred_Plt:
+ forall x, x <> xH -> Plt (Pos.pred x) x.
+ intros. elim (Pos.succ_pred_or x); intro. contradiction.
+ set (y := Pos.pred x) in *. rewrite <- H0. apply Plt_succ.
+Let iter (x: positive) (P: forall y, Plt y x -> A) : A :=
+ match peq x xH with
+ | left EQ => v1
+ | right NOTEQ => f (Pos.pred x) (P (Pos.pred x) (Ppred_Plt x NOTEQ))
+ end.
+Definition positive_rec : positive -> A :=
+ Fix Plt_wf (fun _ => A) iter.
+Lemma unroll_positive_rec:
+ forall x,
+ positive_rec x = iter x (fun y _ => positive_rec y).
+ unfold positive_rec. apply (Fix_eq Plt_wf (fun _ => A) iter).
+ intros. unfold iter. case (peq x 1); intro. auto. decEq. apply H.
+Lemma positive_rec_base:
+ positive_rec 1%positive = v1.
+ rewrite unroll_positive_rec. unfold iter. case (peq 1 1); intro.
+ auto. elim n; auto.
+Lemma positive_rec_succ:
+ forall x, positive_rec (Pos.succ x) = f x (positive_rec x).
+ intro. rewrite unroll_positive_rec. unfold iter.
+ case (peq (Pos.succ x) 1); intro.
+ destruct x; simpl in e; discriminate.
+ rewrite Pos.pred_succ. auto.
+Lemma positive_Peano_ind:
+ forall (P: positive -> Prop),
+ P xH ->
+ (forall x, P x -> P (Pos.succ x)) ->
+ forall x, P x.
+ intros.
+ apply (well_founded_ind Plt_wf P).
+ intros.
+ case (peq x0 xH); intro.
+ subst x0; auto.
+ elim (Pos.succ_pred_or x0); intro. contradiction. rewrite <- H2.
+ apply H0. apply H1. apply Ppred_Plt. auto.
+(** * Definitions and theorems over the type [Z] *)
+Definition zeq: forall (x y: Z), {x = y} + {x <> y} := Z.eq_dec.
+Lemma zeq_true:
+ forall (A: Type) (x: Z) (a b: A), (if zeq x x then a else b) = a.
+ intros. case (zeq x x); intros.
+ auto.
+ elim n; auto.
+Lemma zeq_false:
+ forall (A: Type) (x y: Z) (a b: A), x <> y -> (if zeq x y then a else b) = b.
+ intros. case (zeq x y); intros.
+ elim H; auto.
+ auto.
+Open Scope Z_scope.
+Definition zlt: forall (x y: Z), {x < y} + {x >= y} := Z_lt_dec.
+Lemma zlt_true:
+ forall (A: Type) (x y: Z) (a b: A),
+ x < y -> (if zlt x y then a else b) = a.
+ intros. case (zlt x y); intros.
+ auto.
+ extlia.
+Lemma zlt_false:
+ forall (A: Type) (x y: Z) (a b: A),
+ x >= y -> (if zlt x y then a else b) = b.
+ intros. case (zlt x y); intros.
+ extlia.
+ auto.
+Definition zle: forall (x y: Z), {x <= y} + {x > y} := Z_le_gt_dec.
+Lemma zle_true:
+ forall (A: Type) (x y: Z) (a b: A),
+ x <= y -> (if zle x y then a else b) = a.
+ intros. case (zle x y); intros.
+ auto.
+ extlia.
+Lemma zle_false:
+ forall (A: Type) (x y: Z) (a b: A),
+ x > y -> (if zle x y then a else b) = b.
+ intros. case (zle x y); intros.
+ extlia.
+ auto.
+(** Properties of powers of two. *)
+Lemma two_power_nat_O : two_power_nat O = 1.
+Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
+Lemma two_power_nat_pos : forall n : nat, two_power_nat n > 0.
+ induction n. rewrite two_power_nat_O. lia.
+ rewrite two_power_nat_S. lia.
+Lemma two_power_nat_two_p:
+ forall x, two_power_nat x = two_p (Z.of_nat x).
+ induction x. auto.
+ rewrite two_power_nat_S. rewrite Nat2Z.inj_succ. rewrite two_p_S. lia. lia.
+Lemma two_p_monotone:
+ forall x y, 0 <= x <= y -> two_p x <= two_p y.
+ intros.
+ replace (two_p x) with (two_p x * 1) by lia.
+ replace y with (x + (y - x)) by lia.
+ rewrite two_p_is_exp; try lia.
+ apply Zmult_le_compat_l.
+ assert (two_p (y - x) > 0). apply two_p_gt_ZERO. lia. lia.
+ assert (two_p x > 0). apply two_p_gt_ZERO. lia. lia.
+Lemma two_p_monotone_strict:
+ forall x y, 0 <= x < y -> two_p x < two_p y.
+ intros. assert (two_p x <= two_p (y - 1)). apply two_p_monotone; lia.
+ assert (two_p (y - 1) > 0). apply two_p_gt_ZERO. lia.
+ replace y with (Z.succ (y - 1)) by lia. rewrite two_p_S. lia. lia.
+Lemma two_p_strict:
+ forall x, x >= 0 -> x < two_p x.
+ intros x0 GT. pattern x0. apply natlike_ind.
+ simpl. lia.
+ intros. rewrite two_p_S; auto. generalize (two_p_gt_ZERO x H). lia.
+ lia.
+Lemma two_p_strict_2:
+ forall x, x >= 0 -> 2 * x - 1 < two_p x.
+ intros. assert (x = 0 \/ x - 1 >= 0) by lia. destruct H0.
+ subst. vm_compute. auto.
+ replace (two_p x) with (2 * two_p (x - 1)).
+ generalize (two_p_strict _ H0). lia.
+ rewrite <- two_p_S. decEq. lia. lia.
+(** Properties of [Zmin] and [Zmax] *)
+Lemma Zmin_spec:
+ forall x y, Z.min x y = if zlt x y then x else y.
+ intros. case (zlt x y); unfold Z.lt, Z.ge; intro z.
+ unfold Z.min. rewrite z. auto.
+ unfold Z.min. caseEq (x ?= y); intro.
+ apply Z.compare_eq. auto.
+ contradiction.
+ reflexivity.
+Lemma Zmax_spec:
+ forall x y, Z.max x y = if zlt y x then x else y.
+ intros. case (zlt y x); unfold Z.lt, Z.ge; intro z.
+ unfold Z.max. rewrite <- (Zcompare_antisym y x).
+ rewrite z. simpl. auto.
+ unfold Z.max. rewrite <- (Zcompare_antisym y x).
+ caseEq (y ?= x); intro; simpl.
+ symmetry. apply Z.compare_eq. auto.
+ contradiction. reflexivity.
+Lemma Zmax_bound_l:
+ forall x y z, x <= y -> x <= Z.max y z.
+ intros. generalize (Z.le_max_l y z). lia.
+Lemma Zmax_bound_r:
+ forall x y z, x <= z -> x <= Z.max y z.
+ intros. generalize (Z.le_max_r y z). lia.
+(** Properties of Euclidean division and modulus. *)
+Lemma Zmod_unique:
+ forall x y a b,
+ x = a * y + b -> 0 <= b < y -> x mod y = b.
+ intros. subst x. rewrite Z.add_comm.
+ rewrite Z_mod_plus. apply Z.mod_small. auto. lia.
+Lemma Zdiv_unique:
+ forall x y a b,
+ x = a * y + b -> 0 <= b < y -> x / y = a.
+ intros. subst x. rewrite Z.add_comm.
+ rewrite Z_div_plus. rewrite (Zdiv_small b y H0). lia. lia.
+Lemma Zdiv_Zdiv:
+ forall a b c,
+ b > 0 -> c > 0 -> (a / b) / c = a / (b * c).
+ intros. apply Z.div_div; lia.
+Lemma Zdiv_interval_1:
+ forall lo hi a b,
+ lo <= 0 -> hi > 0 -> b > 0 ->
+ lo * b <= a < hi * b ->
+ lo <= a/b < hi.
+ intros.
+ generalize (Z_div_mod_eq a b H1). generalize (Z_mod_lt a b H1). intros.
+ set (q := a/b) in *. set (r := a mod b) in *.
+ split.
+ assert (lo < (q + 1)).
+ apply Zmult_lt_reg_r with b. lia.
+ apply Z.le_lt_trans with a. lia.
+ replace ((q + 1) * b) with (b * q + b) by ring.
+ lia.
+ lia.
+ apply Zmult_lt_reg_r with b. lia.
+ replace (q * b) with (b * q) by ring.
+ lia.
+Lemma Zdiv_interval_2:
+ forall lo hi a b,
+ lo <= a <= hi -> lo <= 0 -> hi >= 0 -> b > 0 ->
+ lo <= a/b <= hi.
+ intros.
+ assert (lo <= a / b < hi+1).
+ apply Zdiv_interval_1. lia. lia. auto.
+ assert (lo * b <= lo * 1) by (apply Z.mul_le_mono_nonpos_l; lia).
+ replace (lo * 1) with lo in H3 by ring.
+ assert ((hi + 1) * 1 <= (hi + 1) * b) by (apply Z.mul_le_mono_nonneg_l; lia).
+ replace ((hi + 1) * 1) with (hi + 1) in H4 by ring.
+ lia.
+ lia.
+Lemma Zmod_recombine:
+ forall x a b,
+ a > 0 -> b > 0 ->
+ x mod (a * b) = ((x/b) mod a) * b + (x mod b).
+ intros. rewrite (Z.mul_comm a b). rewrite Z.rem_mul_r by lia. ring.
+(** Properties of divisibility. *)
+Lemma Zdivide_interval:
+ forall a b c,
+ 0 < c -> 0 <= a < b -> (c | a) -> (c | b) -> 0 <= a <= b - c.
+ intros. destruct H1 as [x EQ1]. destruct H2 as [y EQ2]. subst. destruct H0.
+ split. lia. exploit Zmult_lt_reg_r; eauto. intros.
+ replace (y * c - c) with ((y - 1) * c) by ring.
+ apply Zmult_le_compat_r; lia.
+(** Conversion from [Z] to [nat]. *)
+Lemma Z_to_nat_neg:
+ forall n, n <= 0 -> Z.to_nat n = O.
+ destruct n; unfold Z.le; simpl; auto. congruence.
+Lemma Z_to_nat_max:
+ forall z, Z.of_nat (Z.to_nat z) = Z.max z 0.
+ intros. destruct (zle 0 z).
+- rewrite Z2Nat.id by auto. extlia.
+- rewrite Z_to_nat_neg by lia. extlia.
+(** Alignment: [align n amount] returns the smallest multiple of [amount]
+ greater than or equal to [n]. *)
+Definition align (n: Z) (amount: Z) :=
+ ((n + amount - 1) / amount) * amount.
+Lemma align_le: forall x y, y > 0 -> x <= align x y.
+ intros. unfold align.
+ generalize (Z_div_mod_eq (x + y - 1) y H). intro.
+ replace ((x + y - 1) / y * y)
+ with ((x + y - 1) - (x + y - 1) mod y).
+ generalize (Z_mod_lt (x + y - 1) y H). lia.
+ rewrite Z.mul_comm. lia.
+Lemma align_divides: forall x y, y > 0 -> (y | align x y).
+ intros. unfold align. apply Z.divide_factor_r.
+(** * Definitions and theorems on the data types [option], [sum] and [list] *)
+Set Implicit Arguments.
+(** Comparing option types. *)
+Definition option_eq (A: Type) (eqA: forall (x y: A), {x=y} + {x<>y}):
+ forall (x y: option A), {x=y} + {x<>y}.
+Proof. decide equality. Defined.
+Global Opaque option_eq.
+(** Lifting a relation to an option type. *)
+Inductive option_rel (A B: Type) (R: A -> B -> Prop) : option A -> option B -> Prop :=
+ | option_rel_none: option_rel R None None
+ | option_rel_some: forall x y, R x y -> option_rel R (Some x) (Some y).
+(** Mapping a function over an option type. *)
+Definition option_map (A B: Type) (f: A -> B) (x: option A) : option B :=
+ match x with
+ | None => None
+ | Some y => Some (f y)
+ end.
+(** Mapping a function over a sum type. *)
+Definition sum_left_map (A B C: Type) (f: A -> B) (x: A + C) : B + C :=
+ match x with
+ | inl y => inl C (f y)
+ | inr z => inr B z
+ end.
+(** Properties of [List.nth] (n-th element of a list). *)
+Global Hint Resolve in_eq in_cons: coqlib.
+Lemma nth_error_in:
+ forall (A: Type) (n: nat) (l: list A) (x: A),
+ List.nth_error l n = Some x -> In x l.
+ induction n; simpl.
+ destruct l; intros.
+ discriminate.
+ injection H; intro; subst a. apply in_eq.
+ destruct l; intros.
+ discriminate.
+ apply in_cons. auto.
+Global Hint Resolve nth_error_in: coqlib.
+Lemma nth_error_nil:
+ forall (A: Type) (idx: nat), nth_error (@nil A) idx = None.
+ induction idx; simpl; intros; reflexivity.
+Global Hint Resolve nth_error_nil: coqlib.
+(** Compute the length of a list, with result in [Z]. *)
+Fixpoint list_length_z_aux (A: Type) (l: list A) (acc: Z) {struct l}: Z :=
+ match l with
+ | nil => acc
+ | hd :: tl => list_length_z_aux tl (Z.succ acc)
+ end.
+Remark list_length_z_aux_shift:
+ forall (A: Type) (l: list A) n m,
+ list_length_z_aux l n = list_length_z_aux l m + (n - m).
+ induction l; intros; simpl.
+ lia.
+ replace (n - m) with (Z.succ n - Z.succ m) by lia. auto.
+Definition list_length_z (A: Type) (l: list A) : Z :=
+ list_length_z_aux l 0.
+Lemma list_length_z_cons:
+ forall (A: Type) (hd: A) (tl: list A),
+ list_length_z (hd :: tl) = list_length_z tl + 1.
+ intros. unfold list_length_z. simpl.
+ rewrite (list_length_z_aux_shift tl 1 0). lia.
+Lemma list_length_z_pos:
+ forall (A: Type) (l: list A),
+ list_length_z l >= 0.
+ induction l; simpl. unfold list_length_z; simpl. lia.
+ rewrite list_length_z_cons. lia.
+Lemma list_length_z_map:
+ forall (A B: Type) (f: A -> B) (l: list A),
+ list_length_z (map f l) = list_length_z l.
+ induction l. reflexivity. simpl. repeat rewrite list_length_z_cons. congruence.
+(** Extract the n-th element of a list, as [List.nth_error] does,
+ but the index [n] is of type [Z]. *)
+Fixpoint list_nth_z (A: Type) (l: list A) (n: Z) {struct l}: option A :=
+ match l with
+ | nil => None
+ | hd :: tl => if zeq n 0 then Some hd else list_nth_z tl (Z.pred n)
+ end.
+Lemma list_nth_z_in:
+ forall (A: Type) (l: list A) n x,
+ list_nth_z l n = Some x -> In x l.
+ induction l; simpl; intros.
+ congruence.
+ destruct (zeq n 0). left; congruence. right; eauto.
+Lemma list_nth_z_map:
+ forall (A B: Type) (f: A -> B) (l: list A) n,
+ list_nth_z (List.map f l) n = option_map f (list_nth_z l n).
+ induction l; simpl; intros.
+ auto.
+ destruct (zeq n 0). auto. eauto.
+Lemma list_nth_z_range:
+ forall (A: Type) (l: list A) n x,
+ list_nth_z l n = Some x -> 0 <= n < list_length_z l.
+ induction l; simpl; intros.
+ discriminate.
+ rewrite list_length_z_cons. destruct (zeq n 0).
+ generalize (list_length_z_pos l); lia.
+ exploit IHl; eauto. lia.
+(** Properties of [List.incl] (list inclusion). *)
+Lemma incl_cons_inv:
+ forall (A: Type) (a: A) (b c: list A),
+ incl (a :: b) c -> incl b c.
+ unfold incl; intros. apply H. apply in_cons. auto.
+Global Hint Resolve incl_cons_inv: coqlib.
+Lemma incl_app_inv_l:
+ forall (A: Type) (l1 l2 m: list A),
+ incl (l1 ++ l2) m -> incl l1 m.
+ unfold incl; intros. apply H. apply in_or_app. left; assumption.
+Lemma incl_app_inv_r:
+ forall (A: Type) (l1 l2 m: list A),
+ incl (l1 ++ l2) m -> incl l2 m.
+ unfold incl; intros. apply H. apply in_or_app. right; assumption.
+Global Hint Resolve incl_tl incl_refl incl_app_inv_l incl_app_inv_r: coqlib.
+Lemma incl_same_head:
+ forall (A: Type) (x: A) (l1 l2: list A),
+ incl l1 l2 -> incl (x::l1) (x::l2).
+ intros; red; simpl; intros. intuition.
+(** Properties of [List.map] (mapping a function over a list). *)
+Lemma list_map_exten:
+ forall (A B: Type) (f f': A -> B) (l: list A),
+ (forall x, In x l -> f x = f' x) ->
+ List.map f' l = List.map f l.
+ induction l; simpl; intros.
+ reflexivity.
+ rewrite <- H. rewrite IHl. reflexivity.
+ intros. apply H. tauto.
+ tauto.
+Lemma list_map_compose:
+ forall (A B C: Type) (f: A -> B) (g: B -> C) (l: list A),
+ List.map g (List.map f l) = List.map (fun x => g(f x)) l.
+ induction l; simpl. reflexivity. rewrite IHl; reflexivity.
+Lemma list_map_identity:
+ forall (A: Type) (l: list A),
+ List.map (fun (x:A) => x) l = l.
+ induction l; simpl; congruence.
+Lemma list_map_nth:
+ forall (A B: Type) (f: A -> B) (l: list A) (n: nat),
+ nth_error (List.map f l) n = option_map f (nth_error l n).
+ induction l; simpl; intros.
+ repeat rewrite nth_error_nil. reflexivity.
+ destruct n; simpl. reflexivity. auto.
+Lemma list_length_map:
+ forall (A B: Type) (f: A -> B) (l: list A),
+ List.length (List.map f l) = List.length l.
+ induction l; simpl; congruence.
+Lemma list_in_map_inv:
+ forall (A B: Type) (f: A -> B) (l: list A) (y: B),
+ In y (List.map f l) -> exists x:A, y = f x /\ In x l.
+ induction l; simpl; intros.
+ contradiction.
+ elim H; intro.
+ exists a; intuition auto.
+ generalize (IHl y H0). intros [x [EQ IN]].
+ exists x; tauto.
+Lemma list_append_map:
+ forall (A B: Type) (f: A -> B) (l1 l2: list A),
+ List.map f (l1 ++ l2) = List.map f l1 ++ List.map f l2.
+ induction l1; simpl; intros.
+ auto. rewrite IHl1. auto.
+Lemma list_append_map_inv:
+ forall (A B: Type) (f: A -> B) (m1 m2: list B) (l: list A),
+ List.map f l = m1 ++ m2 ->
+ exists l1, exists l2, List.map f l1 = m1 /\ List.map f l2 = m2 /\ l = l1 ++ l2.
+ induction m1; simpl; intros.
+ exists (@nil A); exists l; auto.
+ destruct l; simpl in H; inv H.
+ exploit IHm1; eauto. intros [l1 [l2 [P [Q R]]]]. subst l.
+ exists (a0 :: l1); exists l2; intuition. simpl; congruence.
+(** Folding a function over a list *)
+Section LIST_FOLD.
+Variables A B: Type.
+Variable f: A -> B -> B.
+(** This is exactly [List.fold_left] from Coq's standard library,
+ with [f] taking arguments in a different order. *)
+Fixpoint list_fold_left (accu: B) (l: list A) : B :=
+ match l with nil => accu | x :: l' => list_fold_left (f x accu) l' end.
+(** This is exactly [List.fold_right] from Coq's standard library,
+ except that it runs in constant stack space. *)
+Definition list_fold_right (l: list A) (base: B) : B :=
+ list_fold_left base (List.rev' l).
+Remark list_fold_left_app:
+ forall l1 l2 accu,
+ list_fold_left accu (l1 ++ l2) = list_fold_left (list_fold_left accu l1) l2.
+ induction l1; simpl; intros.
+ auto.
+ rewrite IHl1. auto.
+Lemma list_fold_right_eq:
+ forall l base,
+ list_fold_right l base =
+ match l with nil => base | x :: l' => f x (list_fold_right l' base) end.
+ unfold list_fold_right; intros.
+ destruct l.
+ auto.
+ unfold rev'. rewrite <- ! rev_alt. simpl.
+ rewrite list_fold_left_app. simpl. auto.
+Lemma list_fold_right_spec:
+ forall l base, list_fold_right l base = List.fold_right f base l.
+ induction l; simpl; intros; rewrite list_fold_right_eq; congruence.
+(** Properties of list membership. *)
+Lemma in_cns:
+ forall (A: Type) (x y: A) (l: list A), In x (y :: l) <-> y = x \/ In x l.
+ intros. simpl. tauto.
+Lemma in_app:
+ forall (A: Type) (x: A) (l1 l2: list A), In x (l1 ++ l2) <-> In x l1 \/ In x l2.
+ intros. split; intro. apply in_app_or. auto. apply in_or_app. auto.
+Lemma list_in_insert:
+ forall (A: Type) (x: A) (l1 l2: list A) (y: A),
+ In x (l1 ++ l2) -> In x (l1 ++ y :: l2).
+ intros. apply in_or_app; simpl. elim (in_app_or _ _ _ H); intro; auto.
+(** [list_disjoint l1 l2] holds iff [l1] and [l2] have no elements
+ in common. *)
+Definition list_disjoint (A: Type) (l1 l2: list A) : Prop :=
+ forall (x y: A), In x l1 -> In y l2 -> x <> y.
+Lemma list_disjoint_cons_l:
+ forall (A: Type) (a: A) (l1 l2: list A),
+ list_disjoint l1 l2 -> ~In a l2 -> list_disjoint (a :: l1) l2.
+ unfold list_disjoint; simpl; intros. destruct H1. congruence. apply H; auto.
+Lemma list_disjoint_cons_r:
+ forall (A: Type) (a: A) (l1 l2: list A),
+ list_disjoint l1 l2 -> ~In a l1 -> list_disjoint l1 (a :: l2).
+ unfold list_disjoint; simpl; intros. destruct H2. congruence. apply H; auto.
+Lemma list_disjoint_cons_left:
+ forall (A: Type) (a: A) (l1 l2: list A),
+ list_disjoint (a :: l1) l2 -> list_disjoint l1 l2.
+ unfold list_disjoint; simpl; intros. apply H; tauto.
+Lemma list_disjoint_cons_right:
+ forall (A: Type) (a: A) (l1 l2: list A),
+ list_disjoint l1 (a :: l2) -> list_disjoint l1 l2.
+ unfold list_disjoint; simpl; intros. apply H; tauto.
+Lemma list_disjoint_notin:
+ forall (A: Type) (l1 l2: list A) (a: A),
+ list_disjoint l1 l2 -> In a l1 -> ~(In a l2).
+ unfold list_disjoint; intros; red; intros.
+ apply H with a a; auto.
+Lemma list_disjoint_sym:
+ forall (A: Type) (l1 l2: list A),
+ list_disjoint l1 l2 -> list_disjoint l2 l1.
+ unfold list_disjoint; intros.
+ apply not_eq_sym. apply H; auto.
+Lemma list_disjoint_dec:
+ forall (A: Type) (eqA_dec: forall (x y: A), {x=y} + {x<>y}) (l1 l2: list A),
+ {list_disjoint l1 l2} + {~list_disjoint l1 l2}.
+ induction l1; intros.
+ left; red; intros. elim H.
+ case (In_dec eqA_dec a l2); intro.
+ right; red; intro. apply (H a a); auto with coqlib.
+ case (IHl1 l2); intro.
+ left; red; intros. elim H; intro.
+ red; intro; subst a y. contradiction.
+ apply l; auto.
+ right; red; intros. elim n0. eapply list_disjoint_cons_left; eauto.
+(** [list_equiv l1 l2] holds iff the lists [l1] and [l2] contain the same elements. *)
+Definition list_equiv (A : Type) (l1 l2: list A) : Prop :=
+ forall x, In x l1 <-> In x l2.
+(** [list_norepet l] holds iff the list [l] contains no repetitions,
+ i.e. no element occurs twice. *)
+Inductive list_norepet (A: Type) : list A -> Prop :=
+ | list_norepet_nil:
+ list_norepet nil
+ | list_norepet_cons:
+ forall hd tl,
+ ~(In hd tl) -> list_norepet tl -> list_norepet (hd :: tl).
+Lemma list_norepet_dec:
+ forall (A: Type) (eqA_dec: forall (x y: A), {x=y} + {x<>y}) (l: list A),
+ {list_norepet l} + {~list_norepet l}.
+ induction l.
+ left; constructor.
+ destruct IHl.
+ case (In_dec eqA_dec a l); intro.
+ right. red; intro. inversion H. contradiction.
+ left. constructor; auto.
+ right. red; intro. inversion H. contradiction.
+Lemma list_map_norepet:
+ forall (A B: Type) (f: A -> B) (l: list A),
+ list_norepet l ->
+ (forall x y, In x l -> In y l -> x <> y -> f x <> f y) ->
+ list_norepet (List.map f l).
+ induction 1; simpl; intros.
+ constructor.
+ constructor.
+ red; intro. generalize (list_in_map_inv f _ _ H2).
+ intros [x [EQ IN]]. generalize EQ. change (f hd <> f x).
+ apply H1. tauto. tauto.
+ red; intro; subst x. contradiction.
+ apply IHlist_norepet. intros. apply H1. tauto. tauto. auto.
+Remark list_norepet_append_commut:
+ forall (A: Type) (a b: list A),
+ list_norepet (a ++ b) -> list_norepet (b ++ a).
+ intro A.
+ assert (forall (x: A) (b: list A) (a: list A),
+ list_norepet (a ++ b) -> ~(In x a) -> ~(In x b) ->
+ list_norepet (a ++ x :: b)).
+ induction a; simpl; intros.
+ constructor; auto.
+ inversion H. constructor. red; intro.
+ elim (in_app_or _ _ _ H6); intro.
+ elim H4. apply in_or_app. tauto.
+ elim H7; intro. subst a. elim H0. left. auto.
+ elim H4. apply in_or_app. tauto.
+ auto.
+ induction a; simpl; intros.
+ rewrite <- app_nil_end. auto.
+ inversion H0. apply H. auto.
+ red; intro; elim H3. apply in_or_app. tauto.
+ red; intro; elim H3. apply in_or_app. tauto.
+Lemma list_norepet_app:
+ forall (A: Type) (l1 l2: list A),
+ list_norepet (l1 ++ l2) <->
+ list_norepet l1 /\ list_norepet l2 /\ list_disjoint l1 l2.
+ induction l1; simpl; intros; split; intros.
+ intuition. constructor. red;simpl;auto.
+ tauto.
+ inversion H; subst. rewrite IHl1 in H3. rewrite in_app in H2.
+ intuition.
+ constructor; auto. red; intros. elim H2; intro. congruence. auto.
+ destruct H as [B [C D]]. inversion B; subst.
+ constructor. rewrite in_app. intuition. elim (D a a); auto. apply in_eq.
+ rewrite IHl1. intuition. red; intros. apply D; auto. apply in_cons; auto.
+Lemma list_norepet_append:
+ forall (A: Type) (l1 l2: list A),
+ list_norepet l1 -> list_norepet l2 -> list_disjoint l1 l2 ->
+ list_norepet (l1 ++ l2).
+ generalize list_norepet_app; firstorder.
+Lemma list_norepet_append_right:
+ forall (A: Type) (l1 l2: list A),
+ list_norepet (l1 ++ l2) -> list_norepet l2.
+ generalize list_norepet_app; firstorder.
+Lemma list_norepet_append_left:
+ forall (A: Type) (l1 l2: list A),
+ list_norepet (l1 ++ l2) -> list_norepet l1.
+ generalize list_norepet_app; firstorder.
+Lemma list_norepet_rev:
+ forall (A: Type) (l: list A), list_norepet l -> list_norepet (List.rev l).
+ induction 1; simpl.
+- constructor.
+- apply list_norepet_append_commut. simpl. constructor; auto. rewrite <- List.in_rev; auto.
+(** [is_tail l1 l2] holds iff [l2] is of the form [l ++ l1] for some [l]. *)
+Inductive is_tail (A: Type): list A -> list A -> Prop :=
+ | is_tail_refl:
+ forall c, is_tail c c
+ | is_tail_cons:
+ forall i c1 c2, is_tail c1 c2 -> is_tail c1 (i :: c2).
+Lemma is_tail_in:
+ forall (A: Type) (i: A) c1 c2, is_tail (i :: c1) c2 -> In i c2.
+ induction c2; simpl; intros.
+ inversion H.
+ inversion H. tauto. right; auto.
+Lemma is_tail_cons_left:
+ forall (A: Type) (i: A) c1 c2, is_tail (i :: c1) c2 -> is_tail c1 c2.
+ induction c2; intros; inversion H.
+ constructor. constructor. constructor. auto.
+Global Hint Resolve is_tail_refl is_tail_cons is_tail_in is_tail_cons_left: coqlib.
+Lemma is_tail_incl:
+ forall (A: Type) (l1 l2: list A), is_tail l1 l2 -> incl l1 l2.
+ induction 1; eauto with coqlib.
+Lemma is_tail_trans:
+ forall (A: Type) (l1 l2: list A),
+ is_tail l1 l2 -> forall (l3: list A), is_tail l2 l3 -> is_tail l1 l3.
+ induction 1; intros. auto. apply IHis_tail. eapply is_tail_cons_left; eauto.
+(** [list_forall2 P [x1 ... xN] [y1 ... yM]] holds iff [N = M] and
+ [P xi yi] holds for all [i]. *)
+Section FORALL2.
+Variable A: Type.
+Variable B: Type.
+Variable P: A -> B -> Prop.
+Inductive list_forall2: list A -> list B -> Prop :=
+ | list_forall2_nil:
+ list_forall2 nil nil
+ | list_forall2_cons:
+ forall a1 al b1 bl,
+ P a1 b1 ->
+ list_forall2 al bl ->
+ list_forall2 (a1 :: al) (b1 :: bl).
+Lemma list_forall2_app:
+ forall a2 b2 a1 b1,
+ list_forall2 a1 b1 -> list_forall2 a2 b2 ->
+ list_forall2 (a1 ++ a2) (b1 ++ b2).
+ induction 1; intros; simpl. auto. constructor; auto.
+Lemma list_forall2_length:
+ forall l1 l2,
+ list_forall2 l1 l2 -> length l1 = length l2.
+ induction 1; simpl; congruence.
+Lemma list_forall2_in_left:
+ forall x1 l1 l2,
+ list_forall2 l1 l2 -> In x1 l1 -> exists x2, In x2 l2 /\ P x1 x2.
+ induction 1; simpl; intros. contradiction. destruct H1.
+ subst; exists b1; auto.
+ exploit IHlist_forall2; eauto. intros (x2 & U & V); exists x2; auto.
+Lemma list_forall2_in_right:
+ forall x2 l1 l2,
+ list_forall2 l1 l2 -> In x2 l2 -> exists x1, In x1 l1 /\ P x1 x2.
+ induction 1; simpl; intros. contradiction. destruct H1.
+ subst; exists a1; auto.
+ exploit IHlist_forall2; eauto. intros (x1 & U & V); exists x1; auto.
+Lemma list_forall2_imply:
+ forall (A B: Type) (P1: A -> B -> Prop) (l1: list A) (l2: list B),
+ list_forall2 P1 l1 l2 ->
+ forall (P2: A -> B -> Prop),
+ (forall v1 v2, In v1 l1 -> In v2 l2 -> P1 v1 v2 -> P2 v1 v2) ->
+ list_forall2 P2 l1 l2.
+ induction 1; intros.
+ constructor.
+ constructor. auto with coqlib. apply IHlist_forall2; auto.
+ intros. auto with coqlib.
+(** Dropping the first N elements of a list. *)
+Fixpoint list_drop (A: Type) (n: nat) (x: list A) {struct n} : list A :=
+ match n with
+ | O => x
+ | S n' => match x with nil => nil | hd :: tl => list_drop n' tl end
+ end.
+Lemma list_drop_incl:
+ forall (A: Type) (x: A) n (l: list A), In x (list_drop n l) -> In x l.
+ induction n; simpl; intros. auto.
+ destruct l; auto with coqlib.
+Lemma list_drop_norepet:
+ forall (A: Type) n (l: list A), list_norepet l -> list_norepet (list_drop n l).
+ induction n; simpl; intros. auto.
+ inv H. constructor. auto.
+Lemma list_map_drop:
+ forall (A B: Type) (f: A -> B) n (l: list A),
+ list_drop n (map f l) = map f (list_drop n l).
+ induction n; simpl; intros. auto.
+ destruct l; simpl; auto.
+(** * Definitions and theorems over boolean types *)
+Definition proj_sumbool {P Q: Prop} (a: {P} + {Q}) : bool :=
+ if a then true else false.
+Coercion proj_sumbool: sumbool >-> bool.
+Lemma proj_sumbool_true:
+ forall (P Q: Prop) (a: {P}+{Q}), proj_sumbool a = true -> P.
+ intros P Q a. destruct a; simpl. auto. congruence.
+Lemma proj_sumbool_is_true:
+ forall (P: Prop) (a: {P}+{~P}), P -> proj_sumbool a = true.
+ intros. unfold proj_sumbool. destruct a. auto. contradiction.
+Ltac InvBooleans :=
+ match goal with
+ | [ H: _ && _ = true |- _ ] =>
+ destruct (andb_prop _ _ H); clear H; InvBooleans
+ | [ H: _ || _ = false |- _ ] =>
+ destruct (orb_false_elim _ _ H); clear H; InvBooleans
+ | [ H: proj_sumbool ?x = true |- _ ] =>
+ generalize (proj_sumbool_true _ H); clear H; intro; InvBooleans
+ | _ => idtac
+ end.
+Variable A: Type.
+Variable dec_eq: forall (x y: A), {x=y} + {x<>y}.
+Variable B: Type.
+Lemma dec_eq_true:
+ forall (x: A) (ifso ifnot: B),
+ (if dec_eq x x then ifso else ifnot) = ifso.
+ intros. destruct (dec_eq x x). auto. congruence.
+Lemma dec_eq_false:
+ forall (x y: A) (ifso ifnot: B),
+ x <> y -> (if dec_eq x y then ifso else ifnot) = ifnot.
+ intros. destruct (dec_eq x y). congruence. auto.
+Lemma dec_eq_sym:
+ forall (x y: A) (ifso ifnot: B),
+ (if dec_eq x y then ifso else ifnot) =
+ (if dec_eq y x then ifso else ifnot).
+ intros. destruct (dec_eq x y).
+ subst y. rewrite dec_eq_true. auto.
+ rewrite dec_eq_false; auto.
+Variable P: Prop.
+Variable dec: {P} + {~P}.
+Variable A: Type.
+Lemma pred_dec_true:
+ forall (a b: A), P -> (if dec then a else b) = a.
+ intros. destruct dec. auto. contradiction.
+Lemma pred_dec_false:
+ forall (a b: A), ~P -> (if dec then a else b) = b.
+ intros. destruct dec. contradiction. auto.
+(** * Well-founded orderings *)
+Require Import Relations.
+(** A non-dependent version of lexicographic ordering. *)
+Section LEX_ORDER.
+Variable A: Type.
+Variable B: Type.
+Variable ordA: A -> A -> Prop.
+Variable ordB: B -> B -> Prop.
+Inductive lex_ord: A*B -> A*B -> Prop :=
+ | lex_ord_left: forall a1 b1 a2 b2,
+ ordA a1 a2 -> lex_ord (a1,b1) (a2,b2)
+ | lex_ord_right: forall a b1 b2,
+ ordB b1 b2 -> lex_ord (a,b1) (a,b2).
+Lemma wf_lex_ord:
+ well_founded ordA -> well_founded ordB -> well_founded lex_ord.
+ intros Awf Bwf.
+ assert (forall a, Acc ordA a -> forall b, Acc ordB b -> Acc lex_ord (a, b)).
+ induction 1. induction 1. constructor; intros. inv H3.
+ apply H0. auto. apply Bwf.
+ apply H2; auto.
+ red; intros. destruct a as [a b]. apply H; auto.
+Lemma transitive_lex_ord:
+ transitive _ ordA -> transitive _ ordB -> transitive _ lex_ord.
+ intros trA trB; red; intros.
+ inv H; inv H0.
+ left; eapply trA; eauto.
+ left; auto.
+ left; auto.
+ right; eapply trB; eauto.
+(** * Nonempty lists *)
+Inductive nlist (A: Type) : Type :=
+ | nbase: A -> nlist A
+ | ncons: A -> nlist A -> nlist A.
+Definition nfirst {A: Type} (l: nlist A) :=
+ match l with nbase a => a | ncons a l' => a end.
+Fixpoint nlast {A: Type} (l: nlist A) :=
+ match l with nbase a => a | ncons a l' => nlast l' end.
+Fixpoint nIn {A: Type} (x: A) (l: nlist A) : Prop :=
+ match l with
+ | nbase a => a = x
+ | ncons a l => a = x \/ nIn x l
+ end.
+Inductive nlist_forall2 {A B: Type} (R: A -> B -> Prop) : nlist A -> nlist B -> Prop :=
+ | nbase_forall2: forall a b, R a b -> nlist_forall2 R (nbase a) (nbase b)
+ | ncons_forall2: forall a l b m, R a b -> nlist_forall2 R l m -> nlist_forall2 R (ncons a l) (ncons b m).
+Lemma nlist_forall2_imply:
+ forall (A B: Type) (P1: A -> B -> Prop) (l1: nlist A) (l2: nlist B),
+ nlist_forall2 P1 l1 l2 ->
+ forall (P2: A -> B -> Prop),
+ (forall v1 v2, nIn v1 l1 -> nIn v2 l2 -> P1 v1 v2 -> P2 v1 v2) ->
+ nlist_forall2 P2 l1 l2.
+ induction 1; simpl; intros; constructor; auto.
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+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* *)
+(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
+(* *)
+(* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
+(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as *)
+(* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of *)
+(* the License, or (at your option) any later version. *)
+(* This file is also distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
+(* *)
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(** Error reporting and the error monad. *)
+Require Import String.
+Require Import Coqlib.
+Close Scope string_scope.
+Set Implicit Arguments.
+(** * Representation of error messages. *)
+(** Compile-time errors produce an error message, represented in Coq
+ as a list of either substrings or positive numbers encoding
+ a source-level identifier (see module AST). *)
+Inductive errcode: Type :=
+ | MSG: string -> errcode
+ | CTX: positive -> errcode (* a top-level identifier *)
+ | POS: positive -> errcode. (* a positive integer, e.g. a PC *)
+Definition errmsg: Type := list errcode.
+Definition msg (s: string) : errmsg := MSG s :: nil.
+(** * The error monad *)
+(** Compilation functions that can fail have return type [res A].
+ The return value is either [OK res] to indicate success,
+ or [Error msg] to indicate failure. *)
+Inductive res (A: Type) : Type :=
+| OK: A -> res A
+| Error: errmsg -> res A.
+Arguments Error [A].
+(** To automate the propagation of errors, we use a monadic style
+ with the following [bind] operation. *)
+Definition bind (A B: Type) (f: res A) (g: A -> res B) : res B :=
+ match f with
+ | OK x => g x
+ | Error msg => Error msg
+ end.
+Definition bind2 (A B C: Type) (f: res (A * B)) (g: A -> B -> res C) : res C :=
+ match f with
+ | OK (x, y) => g x y
+ | Error msg => Error msg
+ end.
+(** The [do] notation, inspired by Haskell's, keeps the code readable. *)
+Notation "'do' X <- A ; B" := (bind A (fun X => B))
+ (at level 200, X ident, A at level 100, B at level 200)
+ : error_monad_scope.
+Notation "'do' ( X , Y ) <- A ; B" := (bind2 A (fun X Y => B))
+ (at level 200, X ident, Y ident, A at level 100, B at level 200)
+ : error_monad_scope.
+Remark bind_inversion:
+ forall (A B: Type) (f: res A) (g: A -> res B) (y: B),
+ bind f g = OK y ->
+ exists x, f = OK x /\ g x = OK y.
+ intros until y. destruct f; simpl; intros.
+ exists a; auto.
+ discriminate.
+Remark bind2_inversion:
+ forall (A B C: Type) (f: res (A*B)) (g: A -> B -> res C) (z: C),
+ bind2 f g = OK z ->
+ exists x, exists y, f = OK (x, y) /\ g x y = OK z.
+ intros until z. destruct f; simpl.
+ destruct p; simpl; intros. exists a; exists b; auto.
+ intros; discriminate.
+(** Assertions *)
+Definition assertion_failed {A: Type} : res A := Error(msg "Assertion failed").
+Notation "'assertion' A ; B" := (if A then B else assertion_failed)
+ (at level 200, A at level 100, B at level 200)
+ : error_monad_scope.
+(** This is the familiar monadic map iterator. *)
+Local Open Scope error_monad_scope.
+Fixpoint mmap (A B: Type) (f: A -> res B) (l: list A) {struct l} : res (list B) :=
+ match l with
+ | nil => OK nil
+ | hd :: tl => do hd' <- f hd; do tl' <- mmap f tl; OK (hd' :: tl')
+ end.
+Remark mmap_inversion:
+ forall (A B: Type) (f: A -> res B) (l: list A) (l': list B),
+ mmap f l = OK l' ->
+ list_forall2 (fun x y => f x = OK y) l l'.
+ induction l; simpl; intros.
+ inversion_clear H. constructor.
+ destruct (bind_inversion _ _ H) as [hd' [P Q]].
+ destruct (bind_inversion _ _ Q) as [tl' [R S]].
+ inversion_clear S.
+ constructor. auto. auto.
+(** * Reasoning over monadic computations *)
+(** The [monadInv H] tactic below simplifies hypotheses of the form
+ H: (do x <- a; b) = OK res
+ By definition of the bind operation, both computations [a] and
+ [b] must succeed for their composition to succeed. The tactic
+ therefore generates the following hypotheses:
+ x: ...
+ H1: a = OK x
+ H2: b x = OK res
+Ltac monadInv1 H :=
+ match type of H with
+ | (OK _ = OK _) =>
+ inversion H; clear H; try subst
+ | (Error _ = OK _) =>
+ discriminate
+ | (bind ?F ?G = OK ?X) =>
+ let x := fresh "x" in (
+ let EQ1 := fresh "EQ" in (
+ let EQ2 := fresh "EQ" in (
+ destruct (bind_inversion F G H) as [x [EQ1 EQ2]];
+ clear H;
+ try (monadInv1 EQ2))))
+ | (bind2 ?F ?G = OK ?X) =>
+ let x1 := fresh "x" in (
+ let x2 := fresh "x" in (
+ let EQ1 := fresh "EQ" in (
+ let EQ2 := fresh "EQ" in (
+ destruct (bind2_inversion F G H) as [x1 [x2 [EQ1 EQ2]]];
+ clear H;
+ try (monadInv1 EQ2)))))
+ | (match ?X with left _ => _ | right _ => assertion_failed end = OK _) =>
+ destruct X; [try (monadInv1 H) | discriminate]
+ | (match (negb ?X) with true => _ | false => assertion_failed end = OK _) =>
+ destruct X as [] eqn:?; simpl negb in H; [discriminate | try (monadInv1 H)]
+ | (match ?X with true => _ | false => assertion_failed end = OK _) =>
+ destruct X as [] eqn:?; [try (monadInv1 H) | discriminate]
+ | (mmap ?F ?L = OK ?M) =>
+ generalize (mmap_inversion F L H); intro
+ end.
+Ltac monadInv H :=
+ monadInv1 H ||
+ match type of H with
+ | (?F _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = OK _) =>
+ ((progress simpl in H) || unfold F in H); monadInv1 H
+ | (?F _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = OK _) =>
+ ((progress simpl in H) || unfold F in H); monadInv1 H
+ | (?F _ _ _ _ _ _ = OK _) =>
+ ((progress simpl in H) || unfold F in H); monadInv1 H
+ | (?F _ _ _ _ _ = OK _) =>
+ ((progress simpl in H) || unfold F in H); monadInv1 H
+ | (?F _ _ _ _ = OK _) =>
+ ((progress simpl in H) || unfold F in H); monadInv1 H
+ | (?F _ _ _ = OK _) =>
+ ((progress simpl in H) || unfold F in H); monadInv1 H
+ | (?F _ _ = OK _) =>
+ ((progress simpl in H) || unfold F in H); monadInv1 H
+ | (?F _ = OK _) =>
+ ((progress simpl in H) || unfold F in H); monadInv1 H
+ end.
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fca7a1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Hashtree.v
@@ -0,0 +1,599 @@
+Require Import Coq.Structures.Equalities.
+Require Import TVSMT.Maps.
+Require Import TVSMT.Errors.
+Require Import TVSMT.Common.
+#[local] Open Scope positive.
+#[local] Hint Resolve in_eq : core.
+#[local] Hint Resolve in_cons : core.
+Declare Scope monad_scope.
+Module Type Monad.
+ Parameter mon : Type -> Type.
+ Parameter ret : forall (A : Type) (x : A), mon A.
+ Arguments ret [A].
+ Parameter bind : forall (A B : Type) (f : mon A) (g : A -> mon B), mon B.
+ Arguments bind [A B].
+ Parameter bind2 : forall (A B C: Type) (f: mon (A * B)) (g: A -> B -> mon C), mon C.
+ Arguments bind2 [A B C].
+End Monad.
+Module MonadExtra(M : Monad).
+ Import M.
+ Module Import MonadNotation.
+ Notation "'do' X <- A ; B" :=
+ (bind A (fun X => B))
+ (at level 200, X ident, A at level 100, B at level 200) : monad_scope.
+ Notation "'do' ( X , Y ) <- A ; B" :=
+ (bind2 A (fun X Y => B))
+ (at level 200, X ident, Y ident, A at level 100, B at level 200) : monad_scope.
+ End MonadNotation.
+ #[local] Open Scope monad_scope.
+ Fixpoint traverselist {A B: Type} (f: A -> mon B) (l: list A) {struct l}: mon (list B) :=
+ match l with
+ | nil => ret nil
+ | x::xs =>
+ do r <- f x;
+ do rs <- traverselist f xs;
+ ret (r::rs)
+ end.
+ Fixpoint collectlist {A : Type} (f : A -> mon unit) (l : list A) {struct l} : mon unit :=
+ match l with
+ | nil => ret tt
+ | x::xs => do y <- f x; collectlist f xs
+ end.
+ Definition mfold_left {A B} (f: A -> B -> mon A) (l: list B) (s: mon A): mon A :=
+ fold_left (fun a b => do a' <- a; f a' b) l s.
+End MonadExtra.
+Module Type State.
+ Parameter st : Type.
+ Parameter st_prop : st -> st -> Prop.
+ Axiom st_refl : forall s, st_prop s s.
+ Axiom st_trans : forall s1 s2 s3, st_prop s1 s2 -> st_prop s2 s3 -> st_prop s1 s3.
+End State.
+Module Statemonad(S : State) <: Monad.
+ Inductive res (A: Type) (s: S.st): Type :=
+ | Error : Errors.errmsg -> res A s
+ | OK : A -> forall (s' : S.st), S.st_prop s s' -> res A s.
+ Arguments OK [A s].
+ Arguments Error [A s].
+ Definition mon (A: Type) : Type := forall (s: S.st), res A s.
+ Definition ret {A: Type} (x: A) : mon A :=
+ fun (s : S.st) => OK x s (S.st_refl s).
+ Definition bind {A B: Type} (f: mon A) (g: A -> mon B) : mon B :=
+ fun (s : S.st) =>
+ match f s with
+ | Error msg => Error msg
+ | OK a s' i =>
+ match g a s' with
+ | Error msg => Error msg
+ | OK b s'' i' => OK b s'' (S.st_trans s s' s'' i i')
+ end
+ end.
+ Definition bind2 {A B C: Type} (f: mon (A * B)) (g: A -> B -> mon C) : mon C :=
+ bind f (fun xy => g (fst xy) (snd xy)).
+ Definition handle_error {A: Type} (f g: mon A) : mon A :=
+ fun (s : S.st) =>
+ match f s with
+ | OK a s' i => OK a s' i
+ | Error _ => g s
+ end.
+ Definition error {A: Type} (err: Errors.errmsg) : mon A := fun (s: S.st) => Error err.
+ Definition get : mon S.st := fun s => OK s s (S.st_refl s).
+ Definition set (s: S.st) (i: forall s', S.st_prop s' s) : mon unit :=
+ fun s' => OK tt s (i s').
+ Definition run_mon {A: Type} (s: S.st) (m: mon A): Errors.res A :=
+ match m s with
+ | OK a s' i => Errors.OK a
+ | Error err => Errors.Error err
+ end.
+End Statemonad.
+Definition max_key {A} (t: PTree.t A) :=
+ fold_right Pos.max 1%positive (map fst (PTree.elements t)).
+Lemma max_key_correct' :
+ forall l hi, In hi l -> hi <= fold_right Pos.max 1 l.
+ induction l; crush.
+ inv H. lia.
+ destruct (Pos.max_dec a (fold_right Pos.max 1 l)); rewrite e.
+ - apply Pos.max_l_iff in e.
+ assert (forall a b c, a <= c -> c <= b -> a <= b) by lia.
+ eapply H; eauto.
+ - apply IHl; auto.
+Lemma max_key_correct :
+ forall A h_tree hi (c: A),
+ h_tree ! hi = Some c ->
+ hi <= max_key h_tree.
+ unfold max_key. intros. apply PTree.elements_correct in H.
+ apply max_key_correct'.
+ eapply in_map with (f := fst) in H. auto.
+Lemma max_not_present :
+ forall A k (h: PTree.t A), k > max_key h -> h ! k = None.
+ intros. destruct (h ! k) eqn:?; auto.
+ apply max_key_correct in Heqo. lia.
+Lemma filter_none :
+ forall A f l (x: A), filter f l = nil -> In x l -> f x = false.
+Proof. induction l; crush; inv H0; subst; destruct_match; crush. Qed.
+Lemma filter_set :
+ forall A l l' f (x: A),
+ (In x l -> In x l') ->
+ In x (filter f l) ->
+ In x (filter f l').
+ induction l; crush.
+ destruct_match; crush. inv H0; crush.
+ apply filter_In. simplify; crush.
+Lemma filter_cons_true :
+ forall A f l (a: A) l',
+ filter f l = a :: l' -> f a = true.
+ induction l; crush. destruct (f a) eqn:?.
+ inv H. auto. eapply IHl; eauto.
+Lemma PTree_set_elements :
+ forall A t x x' (c: A),
+ In x (PTree.elements t) ->
+ x' <> (fst x) ->
+ In x (PTree.elements (PTree.set x' c t)).
+ intros. destruct x.
+ eapply PTree.elements_correct. simplify.
+ rewrite PTree.gso; auto. apply PTree.elements_complete in H. auto.
+Lemma filter_set2 :
+ forall A x y z (h: PTree.t A),
+ In z (PTree.elements (PTree.set x y h)) ->
+ In z (PTree.elements h) \/ fst z = x.
+ intros. destruct z.
+ destruct (Pos.eq_dec p x); subst.
+ tauto.
+ left. apply PTree.elements_correct. apply PTree.elements_complete in H.
+ rewrite PTree.gso in H; auto.
+Lemma in_filter : forall A f l (x: A), In x (filter f l) -> In x l.
+Proof. induction l; crush. destruct_match; crush. inv H; crush. Qed.
+Lemma filter_norepet:
+ forall A f (l: list A),
+ list_norepet l ->
+ list_norepet (filter f l).
+ induction l; crush.
+ inv H. destruct (f a).
+ constructor. unfold not in *; intros. apply H2.
+ eapply in_filter; eauto.
+ apply IHl; auto.
+ apply IHl; auto.
+Lemma filter_norepet2:
+ forall A B g (l: list (A * B)),
+ list_norepet (map fst l) ->
+ list_norepet (map fst (filter g l)).
+ induction l; crush.
+ inv H. destruct (g a) eqn:?.
+ simplify. constructor. unfold not in *. intros.
+ eapply H2.
+ apply list_in_map_inv in H. simplify; subst.
+ rewrite H.
+ apply filter_In in H1. simplify.
+ apply in_map. eauto.
+ eapply IHl. eauto.
+ eapply IHl. eauto.
+Module Type Hashable := UsualDecidableType.
+Module HashTree(Import H: Hashable).
+ Definition hash := positive.
+ Definition hash_tree := PTree.t t.
+ Definition empty := PTree.empty t.
+ Definition find_tree (el: t) (h: hash_tree) : option hash :=
+ match filter (fun x => if eq_dec el (snd x) then true else false) (PTree.elements h) with
+ | (p, _) :: nil => Some p
+ | _ => None
+ end.
+ Definition hash_value (max: hash) (e: t) (h: hash_tree): hash * hash_tree :=
+ match find_tree e h with
+ | Some p => (p, h)
+ | None =>
+ let nkey := Pos.max max (max_key h) + 1 in
+ (nkey, PTree.set nkey e h)
+ end.
+ Definition hash_value2 (max: hash) (e: t * t) (h: hash_tree): (hash * hash) * hash_tree :=
+ let (e1, e2) := e in
+ let (v1, h1) := hash_value max e1 h in
+ let (v2, h2) := hash_value max e2 h1 in
+ ((v1, v2), h2).
+ Definition hash_value3 (max: hash) (e: t * t * t) (h: hash_tree): (hash * hash * hash) * hash_tree :=
+ let '(e1, e2, e3) := e in
+ let (v1, h1) := hash_value max e1 h in
+ let (v2, h2) := hash_value max e2 h1 in
+ let (v3, h3) := hash_value max e3 h2 in
+ ((v1, v2, v3), h3).
+ Definition hash_value4 (max: hash) (e: t * t * t * t) (h: hash_tree): (hash * hash * hash * hash) * hash_tree :=
+ let '(e1, e2, e3, e4) := e in
+ let (v1, h1) := hash_value max e1 h in
+ let (v2, h2) := hash_value max e2 h1 in
+ let (v3, h3) := hash_value max e3 h2 in
+ let (v4, h4) := hash_value max e4 h3 in
+ ((v1, v2, v3, v4), h4).
+ Definition hash_list (max: hash) (e: list t) (h: hash_tree): list hash * hash_tree :=
+ fold_left (fun s e =>
+ let (i, h') := hash_value max e (snd s) in
+ (fst s ++ i::nil, h')
+ ) e (nil, h).
+ Definition wf_hash_table h_tree :=
+ (forall x c, h_tree ! x = Some c -> find_tree c h_tree = Some x).
+ Lemma find_tree_correct :
+ forall c h_tree p,
+ find_tree c h_tree = Some p ->
+ h_tree ! p = Some c.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ unfold find_tree in H. destruct_match; crush.
+ destruct_match; simplify.
+ destruct_match; crush.
+ assert (In (p, t0) (filter
+ (fun x : hash * t =>
+ if eq_dec c (snd x) then true else false) (PTree.elements h_tree))).
+ { setoid_rewrite Heql. constructor; auto. }
+ apply filter_In in H. simplify. destruct_match; crush. subst.
+ apply PTree.elements_complete; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma find_tree_unique :
+ forall c h_tree p p',
+ find_tree c h_tree = Some p ->
+ h_tree ! p' = Some c ->
+ p = p'.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ unfold find_tree in H.
+ repeat (destruct_match; crush; []).
+ assert (In (p, t0) (filter
+ (fun x : hash * t =>
+ if eq_dec c (snd x) then true else false) (PTree.elements h_tree))).
+ { setoid_rewrite Heql. constructor; auto. }
+ apply filter_In in H. simplify.
+ destruct (Pos.eq_dec p p'); auto.
+ exfalso.
+ destruct_match; subst; crush.
+ assert (In (p', t0) (PTree.elements h_tree) /\ (fun x : hash * t =>
+ if eq_dec t0 (snd x) then true else false) (p', t0) = true).
+ { split. apply PTree.elements_correct. auto. setoid_rewrite Heqs. auto. }
+ apply filter_In in H. setoid_rewrite Heql in H. inv H. simplify. crush. crush.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma hash_no_element' :
+ forall c h_tree,
+ find_tree c h_tree = None ->
+ wf_hash_table h_tree ->
+ ~ forall x, h_tree ! x = Some c.
+ Proof.
+ unfold not, wf_hash_table; intros.
+ specialize (H1 1). eapply H0 in H1. crush.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma hash_no_element :
+ forall c h_tree,
+ find_tree c h_tree = None ->
+ wf_hash_table h_tree ->
+ ~ exists x, h_tree ! x = Some c.
+ Proof.
+ unfold not, wf_hash_table; intros.
+ simplify. apply H0 in H2. rewrite H in H2. crush.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma wf_hash_table_set_gso' :
+ forall h x p0 c',
+ filter
+ (fun x : hash * t =>
+ if eq_dec c' (snd x) then true else false) (PTree.elements h) =
+ (x, p0) :: nil ->
+ h ! x = Some p0 /\ p0 = c'.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ match goal with
+ | H: filter ?f ?el = ?x::?xs |- _ =>
+ assert (In x (filter f el)) by (rewrite H; crush)
+ end.
+ apply filter_In in H0. simplify. destruct_match; subst; crush.
+ apply PTree.elements_complete; auto.
+ destruct_match; crush.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma wf_hash_table_set_gso :
+ forall x x' c' c h,
+ x <> x' ->
+ wf_hash_table h ->
+ find_tree c' h = Some x ->
+ find_tree c h = None ->
+ find_tree c' (PTree.set x' c h) = Some x.
+ Proof.
+ intros. pose proof H1 as X. unfold find_tree in H1.
+ destruct_match; crush.
+ destruct p. destruct l; crush.
+ apply wf_hash_table_set_gso' in Heql. simplify.
+ pose proof H2 as Z. apply hash_no_element in H2; auto.
+ destruct (eq_dec c c'); subst.
+ { exfalso. eapply H2. econstructor; eauto. }
+ unfold wf_hash_table in H0.
+ assert (In (x', c) (PTree.elements (PTree.set x' c h))).
+ { apply PTree.elements_correct. rewrite PTree.gss; auto. }
+ assert (In (x, c') (PTree.elements h)).
+ { apply PTree.elements_correct; auto. }
+ assert (In (x, c') (PTree.elements (PTree.set x' c h))).
+ { apply PTree.elements_correct. rewrite PTree.gso; auto. }
+ pose proof X as Y.
+ unfold find_tree in X. repeat (destruct_match; crush; []).
+ match goal with
+ | H: filter ?f ?el = ?x::?xs |- _ =>
+ assert (In x (filter f el)) by (rewrite H; crush)
+ end.
+ apply filter_In in H6. simplify. destruct_match; crush; subst.
+ unfold find_tree. repeat (destruct_match; crush).
+ { eapply filter_none in Heql0.
+ 2: { apply PTree.elements_correct. rewrite PTree.gso; eauto. }
+ destruct_match; crush. }
+ { subst.
+ repeat match goal with
+ | H: filter ?f ?el = ?x::?xs |- _ =>
+ learn H; assert (In x (filter f el)) by (rewrite H; crush)
+ end.
+ eapply filter_set in H10. rewrite Heql0 in H10. inv H10. simplify. auto.
+ inv H11. auto. }
+ { exfalso. subst.
+ repeat match goal with
+ | H: filter ?f ?el = ?x::?xs |- _ =>
+ learn H; assert (In x (filter f el)) by (rewrite H; crush)
+ end.
+ pose proof H8 as X2. destruct p1.
+ pose proof X2 as X4.
+ apply in_filter in X2. apply PTree.elements_complete in X2.
+ assert (In (p, t2) (filter
+ (fun x : positive * t => if eq_dec t0 (snd x) then true else false)
+ (PTree.elements (PTree.set x' c h)))) by (rewrite H6; eauto).
+ pose proof H11 as X3.
+ apply in_filter in H11. apply PTree.elements_complete in H11.
+ destruct (peq p0 p); subst.
+ {
+ assert (list_norepet (map fst (filter
+ (fun x : positive * t => if eq_dec t0 (snd x) then true else false)
+ (PTree.elements (PTree.set x' c h))))).
+ { eapply filter_norepet2. eapply PTree.elements_keys_norepet. }
+ rewrite Heql0 in H12. simplify. inv H12. eapply H15. apply in_eq.
+ }
+ { apply filter_In in X4. simplify. destruct_match; crush; subst.
+ apply filter_In in X3. simplify. destruct_match; crush; subst.
+ destruct (peq p x'); subst.
+ { rewrite PTree.gss in H11; crush. }
+ { destruct (peq p0 x'); subst.
+ { rewrite PTree.gss in X2; crush. }
+ { rewrite PTree.gso in X2 by auto.
+ rewrite PTree.gso in H11 by auto.
+ assert (p = p0) by (eapply find_tree_unique; eauto).
+ crush. } } } }
+ Qed.
+ Lemma wf_hash_table_set :
+ forall h_tree c v (GT: v > max_key h_tree),
+ find_tree c h_tree = None ->
+ wf_hash_table h_tree ->
+ wf_hash_table (PTree.set v c h_tree).
+ Proof.
+ unfold wf_hash_table; simplify.
+ destruct (peq v x); subst.
+ pose proof (hash_no_element c h_tree H H0).
+ rewrite PTree.gss in H1. simplify.
+ unfold find_tree.
+ assert (In (x, c0) (PTree.elements (PTree.set x c0 h_tree))
+ /\ (fun x : positive * t => if eq_dec c0 (snd x) then true else false)
+ (x, c0) = true).
+ { simplify. apply PTree.elements_correct. rewrite PTree.gss. auto.
+ destruct (eq_dec c0 c0); crush. }
+ destruct_match.
+ apply filter_In in H1. rewrite Heql in H1. crush.
+ apply filter_In in H1. repeat (destruct_match; crush; []). subst.
+ destruct l. simplify. rewrite Heql in H1. inv H1. inv H3. auto.
+ crush.
+ exfalso. apply H2. destruct p.
+ pose proof Heql as X. apply filter_cons_true in X. destruct_match; crush; subst.
+ assert (In (p0, t0) (filter
+ (fun x : positive * t => if eq_dec t0 (snd x) then true else false)
+ (PTree.elements (PTree.set x t0 h_tree)))) by (rewrite Heql; eauto).
+ assert (In (p, t1) (filter
+ (fun x : positive * t => if eq_dec t0 (snd x) then true else false)
+ (PTree.elements (PTree.set x t0 h_tree)))) by (rewrite Heql; eauto).
+ apply filter_In in H4. simplify. destruct_match; crush; subst.
+ apply in_filter in H3. apply PTree.elements_complete in H5. apply PTree.elements_complete in H3.
+ assert (list_norepet (map fst (filter
+ (fun x : positive * t => if eq_dec t1 (snd x) then true else false)
+ (PTree.elements (PTree.set x t1 h_tree))))).
+ { eapply filter_norepet2. eapply PTree.elements_keys_norepet. }
+ rewrite Heql in H4. simplify.
+ destruct (peq p0 p); subst.
+ { inv H4. exfalso. eapply H8. eauto. }
+ destruct (peq x p); subst.
+ rewrite PTree.gso in H3; auto. econstructor; eauto.
+ rewrite PTree.gso in H5; auto. econstructor; eauto.
+ rewrite PTree.gso in H1; auto.
+ destruct (eq_dec c c0); subst.
+ { apply H0 in H1. rewrite H in H1. discriminate. }
+ apply H0 in H1.
+ apply wf_hash_table_set_gso; eauto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma wf_hash_table_distr :
+ forall m p h_tree h h_tree',
+ hash_value m p h_tree = (h, h_tree') ->
+ wf_hash_table h_tree ->
+ wf_hash_table h_tree'.
+ Proof.
+ unfold hash_value; simplify.
+ destruct_match.
+ - inv H; auto.
+ - inv H. apply wf_hash_table_set; try lia; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma wf_hash_table_eq :
+ forall h_tree a b c,
+ wf_hash_table h_tree ->
+ h_tree ! a = Some c ->
+ h_tree ! b = Some c ->
+ a = b.
+ Proof.
+ unfold wf_hash_table; intros; apply H in H0; eapply find_tree_unique; eauto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma hash_constant :
+ forall p h h_tree hi c h_tree' m,
+ h_tree ! hi = Some c ->
+ hash_value m p h_tree = (h, h_tree') ->
+ h_tree' ! hi = Some c.
+ Proof.
+ intros. unfold hash_value in H0. destruct_match.
+ inv H0. eauto.
+ inv H0.
+ pose proof H. apply max_key_correct in H0.
+ rewrite PTree.gso; solve [eauto | lia].
+ Qed.
+ Lemma find_tree_Some :
+ forall el h v,
+ find_tree el h = Some v ->
+ h ! v = Some el.
+ Proof.
+ intros. unfold find_tree in *.
+ destruct_match; crush. destruct p.
+ destruct_match; crush.
+ match goal with
+ | H: filter ?f ?el = ?x::?xs |- _ =>
+ assert (In x (filter f el)) by (rewrite H; crush)
+ end.
+ apply PTree.elements_complete.
+ apply filter_In in H. inv H.
+ destruct_match; crush.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma hash_present_eq :
+ forall m e1 e2 p1 h h',
+ hash_value m e2 h = (p1, h') ->
+ h ! p1 = Some e1 -> e1 = e2.
+ Proof.
+ intros. unfold hash_value in *. destruct_match.
+ - inv H. apply find_tree_Some in Heqo.
+ rewrite Heqo in H0. inv H0. auto.
+ - inv H. assert (h ! (Pos.max m (max_key h) + 1) = None)
+ by (apply max_not_present; lia). crush.
+ Qed.
+ Module HashState <: State.
+ Definition st := hash_tree.
+ Definition st_prop (h1 h2: hash_tree): Prop :=
+ forall x y, h1 ! x = Some y -> h2 ! x = Some y.
+ Lemma st_refl :
+ forall s, st_prop s s.
+ Proof. unfold st_prop; auto. Qed.
+ Lemma st_trans :
+ forall s1 s2 s3,
+ st_prop s1 s2 -> st_prop s2 s3 -> st_prop s1 s3.
+ Proof.
+ unfold st_prop; intros; eauto.
+ Qed.
+ #[global] Instance HashStatePreorder : PreOrder st_prop :=
+ { PreOrder_Reflexive := st_refl;
+ PreOrder_Transitive := st_trans;
+ }.
+ End HashState.
+ Module HashMonad := Statemonad(HashState).
+End HashTree.
+Definition gt_1 {A} h :=
+ forall x (y: A), h ! x = Some y -> 1 < x.
+Module HashTreeProperties (Import H: Hashable).
+ Module Import HT := HashTree(H).
+ Lemma hash_value_gt :
+ forall max v h,
+ gt_1 h ->
+ gt_1 (snd (hash_value max v h)).
+ Proof.
+ unfold gt_1, hash_value; intros.
+ destruct_match; eauto.
+ destruct (peq (Pos.max max (max_key h) + 1) x); [subst;lia|].
+ cbn [snd] in *. rewrite PTree.gso in H0; eauto.
+ Qed.
+End HashTreeProperties.
diff --git a/src/Maps.v b/src/Maps.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6bc6e14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Maps.v
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+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* *)
+(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
+(* *)
+(* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
+(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as *)
+(* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of *)
+(* the License, or (at your option) any later version. *)
+(* This file is also distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
+(* *)
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(** Applicative finite maps are the main data structure used in this
+ project. A finite map associates data to keys. The two main operations
+ are [set k d m], which returns a map identical to [m] except that [d]
+ is associated to [k], and [get k m] which returns the data associated
+ to key [k] in map [m]. In this library, we distinguish two kinds of maps:
+- Trees: the [get] operation returns an option type, either [None]
+ if no data is associated to the key, or [Some d] otherwise.
+- Maps: the [get] operation always returns a data. If no data was explicitly
+ associated with the key, a default data provided at map initialization time
+ is returned.
+ In this library, we provide efficient implementations of trees and
+ maps whose keys range over the type [positive] of binary positive
+ integers or any type that can be injected into [positive]. The
+ implementation is based on radix-2 search trees (uncompressed
+ Patricia trees) and guarantees logarithmic-time operations. An
+ inefficient implementation of maps as functions is also provided.
+Require Import Equivalence EquivDec.
+Require Import Coqlib.
+(* To avoid useless definitions of inductors in extracted code. *)
+Local Unset Elimination Schemes.
+Local Unset Case Analysis Schemes.
+Set Implicit Arguments.
+(** * The abstract signatures of trees *)
+Module Type TREE.
+ Parameter elt: Type.
+ Parameter elt_eq: forall (a b: elt), {a = b} + {a <> b}.
+ Parameter t: Type -> Type.
+ Parameter empty: forall (A: Type), t A.
+ Parameter get: forall (A: Type), elt -> t A -> option A.
+ Parameter set: forall (A: Type), elt -> A -> t A -> t A.
+ Parameter remove: forall (A: Type), elt -> t A -> t A.
+ (** The ``good variables'' properties for trees, expressing
+ commutations between [get], [set] and [remove]. *)
+ Axiom gempty:
+ forall (A: Type) (i: elt), get i (empty A) = None.
+ Axiom gss:
+ forall (A: Type) (i: elt) (x: A) (m: t A), get i (set i x m) = Some x.
+ Axiom gso:
+ forall (A: Type) (i j: elt) (x: A) (m: t A),
+ i <> j -> get i (set j x m) = get i m.
+ Axiom gsspec:
+ forall (A: Type) (i j: elt) (x: A) (m: t A),
+ get i (set j x m) = if elt_eq i j then Some x else get i m.
+ (* We could implement the following, but it's not needed for the moment.
+ Hypothesis gsident:
+ forall (A: Type) (i: elt) (m: t A) (v: A),
+ get i m = Some v -> set i v m = m.
+ Hypothesis grident:
+ forall (A: Type) (i: elt) (m: t A) (v: A),
+ get i m = None -> remove i m = m.
+ *)
+ Axiom grs:
+ forall (A: Type) (i: elt) (m: t A), get i (remove i m) = None.
+ Axiom gro:
+ forall (A: Type) (i j: elt) (m: t A),
+ i <> j -> get i (remove j m) = get i m.
+ Axiom grspec:
+ forall (A: Type) (i j: elt) (m: t A),
+ get i (remove j m) = if elt_eq i j then None else get i m.
+ (** Extensional equality between trees. *)
+ Parameter beq: forall (A: Type), (A -> A -> bool) -> t A -> t A -> bool.
+ Axiom beq_correct:
+ forall (A: Type) (eqA: A -> A -> bool) (t1 t2: t A),
+ beq eqA t1 t2 = true <->
+ (forall (x: elt),
+ match get x t1, get x t2 with
+ | None, None => True
+ | Some y1, Some y2 => eqA y1 y2 = true
+ | _, _ => False
+ end).
+ (** Applying a function to all data of a tree. *)
+ Parameter map:
+ forall (A B: Type), (elt -> A -> B) -> t A -> t B.
+ Axiom gmap:
+ forall (A B: Type) (f: elt -> A -> B) (i: elt) (m: t A),
+ get i (map f m) = option_map (f i) (get i m).
+ (** Same as [map], but the function does not receive the [elt] argument. *)
+ Parameter map1:
+ forall (A B: Type), (A -> B) -> t A -> t B.
+ Axiom gmap1:
+ forall (A B: Type) (f: A -> B) (i: elt) (m: t A),
+ get i (map1 f m) = option_map f (get i m).
+ (** Applying a function pairwise to all data of two trees. *)
+ Parameter combine:
+ forall (A B C: Type), (option A -> option B -> option C) -> t A -> t B -> t C.
+ Axiom gcombine:
+ forall (A B C: Type) (f: option A -> option B -> option C),
+ f None None = None ->
+ forall (m1: t A) (m2: t B) (i: elt),
+ get i (combine f m1 m2) = f (get i m1) (get i m2).
+ (** Enumerating the bindings of a tree. *)
+ Parameter elements:
+ forall (A: Type), t A -> list (elt * A).
+ Axiom elements_correct:
+ forall (A: Type) (m: t A) (i: elt) (v: A),
+ get i m = Some v -> In (i, v) (elements m).
+ Axiom elements_complete:
+ forall (A: Type) (m: t A) (i: elt) (v: A),
+ In (i, v) (elements m) -> get i m = Some v.
+ Axiom elements_keys_norepet:
+ forall (A: Type) (m: t A),
+ list_norepet (List.map (@fst elt A) (elements m)).
+ Axiom elements_extensional:
+ forall (A: Type) (m n: t A),
+ (forall i, get i m = get i n) ->
+ elements m = elements n.
+ Axiom elements_remove:
+ forall (A: Type) i v (m: t A),
+ get i m = Some v ->
+ exists l1 l2, elements m = l1 ++ (i,v) :: l2 /\ elements (remove i m) = l1 ++ l2.
+ (** Folding a function over all bindings of a tree. *)
+ Parameter fold:
+ forall (A B: Type), (B -> elt -> A -> B) -> t A -> B -> B.
+ Axiom fold_spec:
+ forall (A B: Type) (f: B -> elt -> A -> B) (v: B) (m: t A),
+ fold f m v =
+ List.fold_left (fun a p => f a (fst p) (snd p)) (elements m) v.
+ (** Same as [fold], but the function does not receive the [elt] argument. *)
+ Parameter fold1:
+ forall (A B: Type), (B -> A -> B) -> t A -> B -> B.
+ Axiom fold1_spec:
+ forall (A B: Type) (f: B -> A -> B) (v: B) (m: t A),
+ fold1 f m v =
+ List.fold_left (fun a p => f a (snd p)) (elements m) v.
+End TREE.
+(** * The abstract signatures of maps *)
+Module Type MAP.
+ Parameter elt: Type.
+ Parameter elt_eq: forall (a b: elt), {a = b} + {a <> b}.
+ Parameter t: Type -> Type.
+ Parameter init: forall (A: Type), A -> t A.
+ Parameter get: forall (A: Type), elt -> t A -> A.
+ Parameter set: forall (A: Type), elt -> A -> t A -> t A.
+ Axiom gi:
+ forall (A: Type) (i: elt) (x: A), get i (init x) = x.
+ Axiom gss:
+ forall (A: Type) (i: elt) (x: A) (m: t A), get i (set i x m) = x.
+ Axiom gso:
+ forall (A: Type) (i j: elt) (x: A) (m: t A),
+ i <> j -> get i (set j x m) = get i m.
+ Axiom gsspec:
+ forall (A: Type) (i j: elt) (x: A) (m: t A),
+ get i (set j x m) = if elt_eq i j then x else get i m.
+ Axiom gsident:
+ forall (A: Type) (i j: elt) (m: t A), get j (set i (get i m) m) = get j m.
+ Parameter map: forall (A B: Type), (A -> B) -> t A -> t B.
+ Axiom gmap:
+ forall (A B: Type) (f: A -> B) (i: elt) (m: t A),
+ get i (map f m) = f(get i m).
+End MAP.
+(** * An implementation of trees over type [positive] *)
+Module PTree <: TREE.
+ Definition elt := positive.
+ Definition elt_eq := peq.
+ Inductive tree (A : Type) : Type :=
+ | Leaf : tree A
+ | Node : tree A -> option A -> tree A -> tree A.
+ Arguments Leaf {A}.
+ Arguments Node [A].
+ Scheme tree_ind := Induction for tree Sort Prop.
+ Definition t := tree.
+ Definition empty (A : Type) := (Leaf : t A).
+ Fixpoint get (A : Type) (i : positive) (m : t A) {struct i} : option A :=
+ match m with
+ | Leaf => None
+ | Node l o r =>
+ match i with
+ | xH => o
+ | xO ii => get ii l
+ | xI ii => get ii r
+ end
+ end.
+ Fixpoint set (A : Type) (i : positive) (v : A) (m : t A) {struct i} : t A :=
+ match m with
+ | Leaf =>
+ match i with
+ | xH => Node Leaf (Some v) Leaf
+ | xO ii => Node (set ii v Leaf) None Leaf
+ | xI ii => Node Leaf None (set ii v Leaf)
+ end
+ | Node l o r =>
+ match i with
+ | xH => Node l (Some v) r
+ | xO ii => Node (set ii v l) o r
+ | xI ii => Node l o (set ii v r)
+ end
+ end.
+ Fixpoint remove (A : Type) (i : positive) (m : t A) {struct i} : t A :=
+ match i with
+ | xH =>
+ match m with
+ | Leaf => Leaf
+ | Node Leaf o Leaf => Leaf
+ | Node l o r => Node l None r
+ end
+ | xO ii =>
+ match m with
+ | Leaf => Leaf
+ | Node l None Leaf =>
+ match remove ii l with
+ | Leaf => Leaf
+ | mm => Node mm None Leaf
+ end
+ | Node l o r => Node (remove ii l) o r
+ end
+ | xI ii =>
+ match m with
+ | Leaf => Leaf
+ | Node Leaf None r =>
+ match remove ii r with
+ | Leaf => Leaf
+ | mm => Node Leaf None mm
+ end
+ | Node l o r => Node l o (remove ii r)
+ end
+ end.
+ Theorem gempty:
+ forall (A: Type) (i: positive), get i (empty A) = None.
+ Proof.
+ induction i; simpl; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Theorem gss:
+ forall (A: Type) (i: positive) (x: A) (m: t A), get i (set i x m) = Some x.
+ Proof.
+ induction i; destruct m; simpl; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma gleaf : forall (A : Type) (i : positive), get i (Leaf : t A) = None.
+ Proof. exact gempty. Qed.
+ Theorem gso:
+ forall (A: Type) (i j: positive) (x: A) (m: t A),
+ i <> j -> get i (set j x m) = get i m.
+ Proof.
+ induction i; intros; destruct j; destruct m; simpl;
+ try rewrite <- (gleaf A i); auto; try apply IHi; congruence.
+ Qed.
+ Theorem gsspec:
+ forall (A: Type) (i j: positive) (x: A) (m: t A),
+ get i (set j x m) = if peq i j then Some x else get i m.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ destruct (peq i j); [ rewrite e; apply gss | apply gso; auto ].
+ Qed.
+ Theorem gsident:
+ forall (A: Type) (i: positive) (m: t A) (v: A),
+ get i m = Some v -> set i v m = m.
+ Proof.
+ induction i; intros; destruct m; simpl; simpl in H; try congruence.
+ rewrite (IHi m2 v H); congruence.
+ rewrite (IHi m1 v H); congruence.
+ Qed.
+ Theorem set2:
+ forall (A: Type) (i: elt) (m: t A) (v1 v2: A),
+ set i v2 (set i v1 m) = set i v2 m.
+ Proof.
+ induction i; intros; destruct m; simpl; try (rewrite IHi); auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma rleaf : forall (A : Type) (i : positive), remove i (Leaf : t A) = Leaf.
+ Proof. destruct i; simpl; auto. Qed.
+ Theorem grs:
+ forall (A: Type) (i: positive) (m: t A), get i (remove i m) = None.
+ Proof.
+ induction i; destruct m.
+ simpl; auto.
+ destruct m1; destruct o; destruct m2 as [ | ll oo rr]; simpl; auto.
+ rewrite (rleaf A i); auto.
+ cut (get i (remove i (Node ll oo rr)) = None).
+ destruct (remove i (Node ll oo rr)); auto; apply IHi.
+ apply IHi.
+ simpl; auto.
+ destruct m1 as [ | ll oo rr]; destruct o; destruct m2; simpl; auto.
+ rewrite (rleaf A i); auto.
+ cut (get i (remove i (Node ll oo rr)) = None).
+ destruct (remove i (Node ll oo rr)); auto; apply IHi.
+ apply IHi.
+ simpl; auto.
+ destruct m1; destruct m2; simpl; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Theorem gro:
+ forall (A: Type) (i j: positive) (m: t A),
+ i <> j -> get i (remove j m) = get i m.
+ Proof.
+ induction i; intros; destruct j; destruct m;
+ try rewrite (rleaf A (xI j));
+ try rewrite (rleaf A (xO j));
+ try rewrite (rleaf A 1); auto;
+ destruct m1; destruct o; destruct m2;
+ simpl;
+ try apply IHi; try congruence;
+ try rewrite (rleaf A j); auto;
+ try rewrite (gleaf A i); auto.
+ cut (get i (remove j (Node m2_1 o m2_2)) = get i (Node m2_1 o m2_2));
+ [ destruct (remove j (Node m2_1 o m2_2)); try rewrite (gleaf A i); auto
+ | apply IHi; congruence ].
+ destruct (remove j (Node m1_1 o0 m1_2)); simpl; try rewrite (gleaf A i);
+ auto.
+ destruct (remove j (Node m2_1 o m2_2)); simpl; try rewrite (gleaf A i);
+ auto.
+ cut (get i (remove j (Node m1_1 o0 m1_2)) = get i (Node m1_1 o0 m1_2));
+ [ destruct (remove j (Node m1_1 o0 m1_2)); try rewrite (gleaf A i); auto
+ | apply IHi; congruence ].
+ destruct (remove j (Node m2_1 o m2_2)); simpl; try rewrite (gleaf A i);
+ auto.
+ destruct (remove j (Node m1_1 o0 m1_2)); simpl; try rewrite (gleaf A i);
+ auto.
+ Qed.
+ Theorem grspec:
+ forall (A: Type) (i j: elt) (m: t A),
+ get i (remove j m) = if elt_eq i j then None else get i m.
+ Proof.
+ intros. destruct (elt_eq i j). subst j. apply grs. apply gro; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Variable A: Type.
+ Variable beqA: A -> A -> bool.
+ Fixpoint bempty (m: t A) : bool :=
+ match m with
+ | Leaf => true
+ | Node l None r => bempty l && bempty r
+ | Node l (Some _) r => false
+ end.
+ Fixpoint beq (m1 m2: t A) {struct m1} : bool :=
+ match m1, m2 with
+ | Leaf, _ => bempty m2
+ | _, Leaf => bempty m1
+ | Node l1 o1 r1, Node l2 o2 r2 =>
+ match o1, o2 with
+ | None, None => true
+ | Some y1, Some y2 => beqA y1 y2
+ | _, _ => false
+ end
+ && beq l1 l2 && beq r1 r2
+ end.
+ Lemma bempty_correct:
+ forall m, bempty m = true <-> (forall x, get x m = None).
+ Proof.
+ induction m; simpl.
+ split; intros. apply gleaf. auto.
+ destruct o; split; intros.
+ congruence.
+ generalize (H xH); simpl; congruence.
+ destruct (andb_prop _ _ H). rewrite IHm1 in H0. rewrite IHm2 in H1.
+ destruct x; simpl; auto.
+ apply andb_true_intro; split.
+ apply IHm1. intros; apply (H (xO x)).
+ apply IHm2. intros; apply (H (xI x)).
+ Qed.
+ Lemma beq_correct:
+ forall m1 m2,
+ beq m1 m2 = true <->
+ (forall (x: elt),
+ match get x m1, get x m2 with
+ | None, None => True
+ | Some y1, Some y2 => beqA y1 y2 = true
+ | _, _ => False
+ end).
+ Proof.
+ induction m1; intros.
+ - simpl. rewrite bempty_correct. split; intros.
+ rewrite gleaf. rewrite H. auto.
+ generalize (H x). rewrite gleaf. destruct (get x m2); tauto.
+ - destruct m2.
+ + unfold beq. rewrite bempty_correct. split; intros.
+ rewrite H. rewrite gleaf. auto.
+ generalize (H x). rewrite gleaf. destruct (get x (Node m1_1 o m1_2)); tauto.
+ + simpl. split; intros.
+ * destruct (andb_prop _ _ H). destruct (andb_prop _ _ H0).
+ rewrite IHm1_1 in H3. rewrite IHm1_2 in H1.
+ destruct x; simpl. apply H1. apply H3.
+ destruct o; destruct o0; auto || congruence.
+ * apply andb_true_intro. split. apply andb_true_intro. split.
+ generalize (H xH); simpl. destruct o; destruct o0; tauto.
+ apply IHm1_1. intros; apply (H (xO x)).
+ apply IHm1_2. intros; apply (H (xI x)).
+ Qed.
+ Fixpoint prev_append (i j: positive) {struct i} : positive :=
+ match i with
+ | xH => j
+ | xI i' => prev_append i' (xI j)
+ | xO i' => prev_append i' (xO j)
+ end.
+ Definition prev (i: positive) : positive :=
+ prev_append i xH.
+ Lemma prev_append_prev i j:
+ prev (prev_append i j) = prev_append j i.
+ Proof.
+ revert j. unfold prev.
+ induction i as [i IH|i IH|]. 3: reflexivity.
+ intros j. simpl. rewrite IH. reflexivity.
+ intros j. simpl. rewrite IH. reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma prev_involutive i :
+ prev (prev i) = i.
+ Proof (prev_append_prev i xH).
+ Lemma prev_append_inj i j j' :
+ prev_append i j = prev_append i j' -> j = j'.
+ Proof.
+ revert j j'.
+ induction i as [i Hi|i Hi|]; intros j j' H; auto;
+ specialize (Hi _ _ H); congruence.
+ Qed.
+ Fixpoint xmap (A B : Type) (f : positive -> A -> B) (m : t A) (i : positive)
+ {struct m} : t B :=
+ match m with
+ | Leaf => Leaf
+ | Node l o r => Node (xmap f l (xO i))
+ (match o with None => None | Some x => Some (f (prev i) x) end)
+ (xmap f r (xI i))
+ end.
+ Definition map (A B : Type) (f : positive -> A -> B) m := xmap f m xH.
+ Lemma xgmap:
+ forall (A B: Type) (f: positive -> A -> B) (i j : positive) (m: t A),
+ get i (xmap f m j) = option_map (f (prev (prev_append i j))) (get i m).
+ Proof.
+ induction i; intros; destruct m; simpl; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Theorem gmap:
+ forall (A B: Type) (f: positive -> A -> B) (i: positive) (m: t A),
+ get i (map f m) = option_map (f i) (get i m).
+ Proof.
+ intros A B f i m.
+ unfold map.
+ rewrite xgmap. repeat f_equal. exact (prev_involutive i).
+ Qed.
+ Fixpoint map1 (A B: Type) (f: A -> B) (m: t A) {struct m} : t B :=
+ match m with
+ | Leaf => Leaf
+ | Node l o r => Node (map1 f l) (option_map f o) (map1 f r)
+ end.
+ Theorem gmap1:
+ forall (A B: Type) (f: A -> B) (i: elt) (m: t A),
+ get i (map1 f m) = option_map f (get i m).
+ Proof.
+ induction i; intros; destruct m; simpl; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Definition Node' (A: Type) (l: t A) (x: option A) (r: t A): t A :=
+ match l, x, r with
+ | Leaf, None, Leaf => Leaf
+ | _, _, _ => Node l x r
+ end.
+ Lemma gnode':
+ forall (A: Type) (l r: t A) (x: option A) (i: positive),
+ get i (Node' l x r) = get i (Node l x r).
+ Proof.
+ intros. unfold Node'.
+ destruct l; destruct x; destruct r; auto.
+ destruct i; simpl; auto; rewrite gleaf; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Fixpoint filter1 (A: Type) (pred: A -> bool) (m: t A) {struct m} : t A :=
+ match m with
+ | Leaf => Leaf
+ | Node l o r =>
+ let o' := match o with None => None | Some x => if pred x then o else None end in
+ Node' (filter1 pred l) o' (filter1 pred r)
+ end.
+ Theorem gfilter1:
+ forall (A: Type) (pred: A -> bool) (i: elt) (m: t A),
+ get i (filter1 pred m) =
+ match get i m with None => None | Some x => if pred x then Some x else None end.
+ Proof.
+ intros until m. revert m i. induction m; simpl; intros.
+ rewrite gleaf; auto.
+ rewrite gnode'. destruct i; simpl; auto. destruct o; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Section COMBINE.
+ Variables A B C: Type.
+ Variable f: option A -> option B -> option C.
+ Hypothesis f_none_none: f None None = None.
+ Fixpoint xcombine_l (m : t A) {struct m} : t C :=
+ match m with
+ | Leaf => Leaf
+ | Node l o r => Node' (xcombine_l l) (f o None) (xcombine_l r)
+ end.
+ Lemma xgcombine_l :
+ forall (m: t A) (i : positive),
+ get i (xcombine_l m) = f (get i m) None.
+ Proof.
+ induction m; intros; simpl.
+ repeat rewrite gleaf. auto.
+ rewrite gnode'. destruct i; simpl; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Fixpoint xcombine_r (m : t B) {struct m} : t C :=
+ match m with
+ | Leaf => Leaf
+ | Node l o r => Node' (xcombine_r l) (f None o) (xcombine_r r)
+ end.
+ Lemma xgcombine_r :
+ forall (m: t B) (i : positive),
+ get i (xcombine_r m) = f None (get i m).
+ Proof.
+ induction m; intros; simpl.
+ repeat rewrite gleaf. auto.
+ rewrite gnode'. destruct i; simpl; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Fixpoint combine (m1: t A) (m2: t B) {struct m1} : t C :=
+ match m1 with
+ | Leaf => xcombine_r m2
+ | Node l1 o1 r1 =>
+ match m2 with
+ | Leaf => xcombine_l m1
+ | Node l2 o2 r2 => Node' (combine l1 l2) (f o1 o2) (combine r1 r2)
+ end
+ end.
+ Theorem gcombine:
+ forall (m1: t A) (m2: t B) (i: positive),
+ get i (combine m1 m2) = f (get i m1) (get i m2).
+ Proof.
+ induction m1; intros; simpl.
+ rewrite gleaf. apply xgcombine_r.
+ destruct m2; simpl.
+ rewrite gleaf. rewrite <- xgcombine_l. auto.
+ repeat rewrite gnode'. destruct i; simpl; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma xcombine_lr :
+ forall (A B: Type) (f g : option A -> option A -> option B) (m : t A),
+ (forall (i j : option A), f i j = g j i) ->
+ xcombine_l f m = xcombine_r g m.
+ Proof.
+ induction m; intros; simpl; auto.
+ rewrite IHm1; auto.
+ rewrite IHm2; auto.
+ rewrite H; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Theorem combine_commut:
+ forall (A B: Type) (f g: option A -> option A -> option B),
+ (forall (i j: option A), f i j = g j i) ->
+ forall (m1 m2: t A),
+ combine f m1 m2 = combine g m2 m1.
+ Proof.
+ intros A B f g EQ1.
+ assert (EQ2: forall (i j: option A), g i j = f j i).
+ intros; auto.
+ induction m1; intros; destruct m2; simpl;
+ try rewrite EQ1;
+ repeat rewrite (xcombine_lr f g);
+ repeat rewrite (xcombine_lr g f);
+ auto.
+ rewrite IHm1_1.
+ rewrite IHm1_2.
+ auto.
+ Qed.
+ Fixpoint xelements (A : Type) (m : t A) (i : positive)
+ (k: list (positive * A)) {struct m}
+ : list (positive * A) :=
+ match m with
+ | Leaf => k
+ | Node l None r =>
+ xelements l (xO i) (xelements r (xI i) k)
+ | Node l (Some x) r =>
+ xelements l (xO i)
+ ((prev i, x) :: xelements r (xI i) k)
+ end.
+ Definition elements (A: Type) (m : t A) := xelements m xH nil.
+ Remark xelements_append:
+ forall A (m: t A) i k1 k2,
+ xelements m i (k1 ++ k2) = xelements m i k1 ++ k2.
+ Proof.
+ induction m; intros; simpl.
+ - auto.
+ - destruct o; rewrite IHm2; rewrite <- IHm1; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Remark xelements_leaf:
+ forall A i, xelements (@Leaf A) i nil = nil.
+ Proof.
+ intros; reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Remark xelements_node:
+ forall A (m1: t A) o (m2: t A) i,
+ xelements (Node m1 o m2) i nil =
+ xelements m1 (xO i) nil
+ ++ match o with None => nil | Some v => (prev i, v) :: nil end
+ ++ xelements m2 (xI i) nil.
+ Proof.
+ intros. simpl. destruct o; simpl; rewrite <- xelements_append; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma xelements_incl:
+ forall (A: Type) (m: t A) (i : positive) k x,
+ In x k -> In x (xelements m i k).
+ Proof.
+ induction m; intros; simpl.
+ auto.
+ destruct o.
+ apply IHm1. simpl; right; auto.
+ auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma xelements_correct:
+ forall (A: Type) (m: t A) (i j : positive) (v: A) k,
+ get i m = Some v -> In (prev (prev_append i j), v) (xelements m j k).
+ Proof.
+ induction m; intros.
+ rewrite (gleaf A i) in H; congruence.
+ destruct o; destruct i; simpl; simpl in H.
+ apply xelements_incl. right. auto.
+ auto.
+ inv H. apply xelements_incl. left. reflexivity.
+ apply xelements_incl. auto.
+ auto.
+ inv H.
+ Qed.
+ Theorem elements_correct:
+ forall (A: Type) (m: t A) (i: positive) (v: A),
+ get i m = Some v -> In (i, v) (elements m).
+ Proof.
+ intros A m i v H.
+ generalize (xelements_correct m i xH nil H). rewrite prev_append_prev. exact id.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma in_xelements:
+ forall (A: Type) (m: t A) (i k: positive) (v: A) ,
+ In (k, v) (xelements m i nil) ->
+ exists j, k = prev (prev_append j i) /\ get j m = Some v.
+ Proof.
+ induction m; intros.
+ - rewrite xelements_leaf in H. contradiction.
+ - rewrite xelements_node in H. rewrite ! in_app_iff in H. destruct H as [P | [P | P]].
+ + exploit IHm1; eauto. intros (j & Q & R). exists (xO j); auto.
+ + destruct o; simpl in P; intuition auto. inv H. exists xH; auto.
+ + exploit IHm2; eauto. intros (j & Q & R). exists (xI j); auto.
+ Qed.
+ Theorem elements_complete:
+ forall (A: Type) (m: t A) (i: positive) (v: A),
+ In (i, v) (elements m) -> get i m = Some v.
+ Proof.
+ unfold elements. intros A m i v H. exploit in_xelements; eauto. intros (j & P & Q).
+ rewrite prev_append_prev in P. change i with (prev_append 1 i) in P.
+ exploit prev_append_inj; eauto. intros; congruence.
+ Qed.
+ Definition xkeys (A: Type) (m: t A) (i: positive) :=
+ List.map (@fst positive A) (xelements m i nil).
+ Remark xkeys_leaf:
+ forall A i, xkeys (@Leaf A) i = nil.
+ Proof.
+ intros; reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Remark xkeys_node:
+ forall A (m1: t A) o (m2: t A) i,
+ xkeys (Node m1 o m2) i =
+ xkeys m1 (xO i)
+ ++ match o with None => nil | Some v => prev i :: nil end
+ ++ xkeys m2 (xI i).
+ Proof.
+ intros. unfold xkeys. rewrite xelements_node. rewrite ! map_app. destruct o; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma in_xkeys:
+ forall (A: Type) (m: t A) (i k: positive),
+ In k (xkeys m i) ->
+ (exists j, k = prev (prev_append j i)).
+ Proof.
+ unfold xkeys; intros.
+ apply (list_in_map_inv) in H. destruct H as ((j, v) & -> & H).
+ exploit in_xelements; eauto. intros (k & P & Q). exists k; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma xelements_keys_norepet:
+ forall (A: Type) (m: t A) (i: positive),
+ list_norepet (xkeys m i).
+ Proof.
+ induction m; intros.
+ - rewrite xkeys_leaf; constructor.
+ - assert (NOTIN1: ~ In (prev i) (xkeys m1 (xO i))).
+ { red; intros. exploit in_xkeys; eauto. intros (j & EQ).
+ rewrite prev_append_prev in EQ. simpl in EQ. apply prev_append_inj in EQ. discriminate. }
+ assert (NOTIN2: ~ In (prev i) (xkeys m2 (xI i))).
+ { red; intros. exploit in_xkeys; eauto. intros (j & EQ).
+ rewrite prev_append_prev in EQ. simpl in EQ. apply prev_append_inj in EQ. discriminate. }
+ assert (DISJ: forall x, In x (xkeys m1 (xO i)) -> In x (xkeys m2 (xI i)) -> False).
+ { intros. exploit in_xkeys. eexact H. intros (j1 & EQ1).
+ exploit in_xkeys. eexact H0. intros (j2 & EQ2).
+ rewrite prev_append_prev in *. simpl in *. rewrite EQ2 in EQ1. apply prev_append_inj in EQ1. discriminate. }
+ rewrite xkeys_node. apply list_norepet_append. auto.
+ destruct o; simpl; auto. constructor; auto.
+ red; intros. red; intros; subst y. destruct o; simpl in H0.
+ destruct H0. subst x. tauto. eauto. eauto.
+ Qed.
+ Theorem elements_keys_norepet:
+ forall (A: Type) (m: t A),
+ list_norepet (List.map (@fst elt A) (elements m)).
+ Proof.
+ intros. apply (xelements_keys_norepet m xH).
+ Qed.
+ Remark xelements_empty:
+ forall (A: Type) (m: t A) i, (forall i, get i m = None) -> xelements m i nil = nil.
+ Proof.
+ induction m; intros.
+ auto.
+ rewrite xelements_node. rewrite IHm1, IHm2. destruct o; auto.
+ generalize (H xH); simpl; congruence.
+ intros. apply (H (xI i0)).
+ intros. apply (H (xO i0)).
+ Qed.
+ Theorem elements_canonical_order':
+ forall (A B: Type) (R: A -> B -> Prop) (m: t A) (n: t B),
+ (forall i, option_rel R (get i m) (get i n)) ->
+ list_forall2
+ (fun i_x i_y => fst i_x = fst i_y /\ R (snd i_x) (snd i_y))
+ (elements m) (elements n).
+ Proof.
+ intros until n. unfold elements. generalize 1%positive. revert m n.
+ induction m; intros.
+ - simpl. rewrite xelements_empty. constructor.
+ intros. specialize (H i). rewrite gempty in H. inv H; auto.
+ - destruct n as [ | n1 o' n2 ].
+ + rewrite (xelements_empty (Node m1 o m2)). simpl; constructor.
+ intros. specialize (H i). rewrite gempty in H. inv H; auto.
+ + rewrite ! xelements_node. repeat apply list_forall2_app.
+ apply IHm1. intros. apply (H (xO i)).
+ generalize (H xH); simpl; intros OR; inv OR.
+ constructor.
+ constructor. auto. constructor.
+ apply IHm2. intros. apply (H (xI i)).
+ Qed.
+ Theorem elements_canonical_order:
+ forall (A B: Type) (R: A -> B -> Prop) (m: t A) (n: t B),
+ (forall i x, get i m = Some x -> exists y, get i n = Some y /\ R x y) ->
+ (forall i y, get i n = Some y -> exists x, get i m = Some x /\ R x y) ->
+ list_forall2
+ (fun i_x i_y => fst i_x = fst i_y /\ R (snd i_x) (snd i_y))
+ (elements m) (elements n).
+ Proof.
+ intros. apply elements_canonical_order'.
+ intros. destruct (get i m) as [x|] eqn:GM.
+ exploit H; eauto. intros (y & P & Q). rewrite P; constructor; auto.
+ destruct (get i n) as [y|] eqn:GN.
+ exploit H0; eauto. intros (x & P & Q). congruence.
+ constructor.
+ Qed.
+ Theorem elements_extensional:
+ forall (A: Type) (m n: t A),
+ (forall i, get i m = get i n) ->
+ elements m = elements n.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ exploit (@elements_canonical_order' _ _ (fun (x y: A) => x = y) m n).
+ intros. rewrite H. destruct (get i n); constructor; auto.
+ induction 1. auto. destruct a1 as [a2 a3]; destruct b1 as [b2 b3]; simpl in *.
+ destruct H0. congruence.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma xelements_remove:
+ forall (A: Type) v (m: t A) i j,
+ get i m = Some v ->
+ exists l1 l2,
+ xelements m j nil = l1 ++ (prev (prev_append i j), v) :: l2
+ /\ xelements (remove i m) j nil = l1 ++ l2.
+ Proof.
+ induction m; intros.
+ - rewrite gleaf in H; discriminate.
+ - assert (REMOVE: xelements (remove i (Node m1 o m2)) j nil =
+ xelements (match i with
+ | xH => Node m1 None m2
+ | xO ii => Node (remove ii m1) o m2
+ | xI ii => Node m1 o (remove ii m2) end)
+ j nil).
+ {
+ destruct i; simpl remove.
+ destruct m1; auto. destruct o; auto. destruct (remove i m2); auto.
+ destruct o; auto. destruct m2; auto. destruct (remove i m1); auto.
+ destruct m1; auto. destruct m2; auto.
+ }
+ rewrite REMOVE. destruct i; simpl in H.
+ + destruct (IHm2 i (xI j) H) as (l1 & l2 & EQ & EQ').
+ exists (xelements m1 (xO j) nil ++
+ match o with None => nil | Some x => (prev j, x) :: nil end ++
+ l1);
+ exists l2; split.
+ rewrite xelements_node, EQ, ! app_ass. auto.
+ rewrite xelements_node, EQ', ! app_ass. auto.
+ + destruct (IHm1 i (xO j) H) as (l1 & l2 & EQ & EQ').
+ exists l1;
+ exists (l2 ++
+ match o with None => nil | Some x => (prev j, x) :: nil end ++
+ xelements m2 (xI j) nil);
+ split.
+ rewrite xelements_node, EQ, ! app_ass. auto.
+ rewrite xelements_node, EQ', ! app_ass. auto.
+ + subst o. exists (xelements m1 (xO j) nil); exists (xelements m2 (xI j) nil); split.
+ rewrite xelements_node. rewrite prev_append_prev. auto.
+ rewrite xelements_node; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Theorem elements_remove:
+ forall (A: Type) i v (m: t A),
+ get i m = Some v ->
+ exists l1 l2, elements m = l1 ++ (i,v) :: l2 /\ elements (remove i m) = l1 ++ l2.
+ Proof.
+ intros. exploit xelements_remove. eauto. instantiate (1 := xH).
+ rewrite prev_append_prev. auto.
+ Qed.
+ Fixpoint xfold (A B: Type) (f: B -> positive -> A -> B)
+ (i: positive) (m: t A) (v: B) {struct m} : B :=
+ match m with
+ | Leaf => v
+ | Node l None r =>
+ let v1 := xfold f (xO i) l v in
+ xfold f (xI i) r v1
+ | Node l (Some x) r =>
+ let v1 := xfold f (xO i) l v in
+ let v2 := f v1 (prev i) x in
+ xfold f (xI i) r v2
+ end.
+ Definition fold (A B : Type) (f: B -> positive -> A -> B) (m: t A) (v: B) :=
+ xfold f xH m v.
+ Lemma xfold_xelements:
+ forall (A B: Type) (f: B -> positive -> A -> B) m i v l,
+ List.fold_left (fun a p => f a (fst p) (snd p)) l (xfold f i m v) =
+ List.fold_left (fun a p => f a (fst p) (snd p)) (xelements m i l) v.
+ Proof.
+ induction m; intros.
+ simpl. auto.
+ destruct o; simpl.
+ rewrite <- IHm1. simpl. rewrite <- IHm2. auto.
+ rewrite <- IHm1. rewrite <- IHm2. auto.
+ Qed.
+ Theorem fold_spec:
+ forall (A B: Type) (f: B -> positive -> A -> B) (v: B) (m: t A),
+ fold f m v =
+ List.fold_left (fun a p => f a (fst p) (snd p)) (elements m) v.
+ Proof.
+ intros. unfold fold, elements. rewrite <- xfold_xelements. auto.
+ Qed.
+ Fixpoint fold1 (A B: Type) (f: B -> A -> B) (m: t A) (v: B) {struct m} : B :=
+ match m with
+ | Leaf => v
+ | Node l None r =>
+ let v1 := fold1 f l v in
+ fold1 f r v1
+ | Node l (Some x) r =>
+ let v1 := fold1 f l v in
+ let v2 := f v1 x in
+ fold1 f r v2
+ end.
+ Lemma fold1_xelements:
+ forall (A B: Type) (f: B -> A -> B) m i v l,
+ List.fold_left (fun a p => f a (snd p)) l (fold1 f m v) =
+ List.fold_left (fun a p => f a (snd p)) (xelements m i l) v.
+ Proof.
+ induction m; intros.
+ simpl. auto.
+ destruct o; simpl.
+ rewrite <- IHm1. simpl. rewrite <- IHm2. auto.
+ rewrite <- IHm1. rewrite <- IHm2. auto.
+ Qed.
+ Theorem fold1_spec:
+ forall (A B: Type) (f: B -> A -> B) (v: B) (m: t A),
+ fold1 f m v =
+ List.fold_left (fun a p => f a (snd p)) (elements m) v.
+ Proof.
+ intros. apply fold1_xelements with (l := @nil (positive * A)).
+ Qed.
+End PTree.
+(** * An implementation of maps over type [positive] *)
+Module PMap <: MAP.
+ Definition elt := positive.
+ Definition elt_eq := peq.
+ Definition t (A : Type) : Type := (A * PTree.t A)%type.
+ Definition init (A : Type) (x : A) :=
+ (x, PTree.empty A).
+ Definition get (A : Type) (i : positive) (m : t A) :=
+ match PTree.get i (snd m) with
+ | Some x => x
+ | None => fst m
+ end.
+ Definition set (A : Type) (i : positive) (x : A) (m : t A) :=
+ (fst m, PTree.set i x (snd m)).
+ Theorem gi:
+ forall (A: Type) (i: positive) (x: A), get i (init x) = x.
+ Proof.
+ intros. unfold init. unfold get. simpl. rewrite PTree.gempty. auto.
+ Qed.
+ Theorem gss:
+ forall (A: Type) (i: positive) (x: A) (m: t A), get i (set i x m) = x.
+ Proof.
+ intros. unfold get. unfold set. simpl. rewrite PTree.gss. auto.
+ Qed.
+ Theorem gso:
+ forall (A: Type) (i j: positive) (x: A) (m: t A),
+ i <> j -> get i (set j x m) = get i m.
+ Proof.
+ intros. unfold get. unfold set. simpl. rewrite PTree.gso; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Theorem gsspec:
+ forall (A: Type) (i j: positive) (x: A) (m: t A),
+ get i (set j x m) = if peq i j then x else get i m.
+ Proof.
+ intros. destruct (peq i j).
+ rewrite e. apply gss. auto.
+ apply gso. auto.
+ Qed.
+ Theorem gsident:
+ forall (A: Type) (i j: positive) (m: t A),
+ get j (set i (get i m) m) = get j m.
+ Proof.
+ intros. destruct (peq i j).
+ rewrite e. rewrite gss. auto.
+ rewrite gso; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Definition map (A B : Type) (f : A -> B) (m : t A) : t B :=
+ (f (fst m), PTree.map1 f (snd m)).
+ Theorem gmap:
+ forall (A B: Type) (f: A -> B) (i: positive) (m: t A),
+ get i (map f m) = f(get i m).
+ Proof.
+ intros. unfold map. unfold get. simpl. rewrite PTree.gmap1.
+ unfold option_map. destruct (PTree.get i (snd m)); auto.
+ Qed.
+ Theorem set2:
+ forall (A: Type) (i: elt) (x y: A) (m: t A),
+ set i y (set i x m) = set i y m.
+ Proof.
+ intros. unfold set. simpl. decEq. apply PTree.set2.
+ Qed.
+End PMap.
+(** * An implementation of maps over any type that injects into type [positive] *)
+Module Type INDEXED_TYPE.
+ Parameter t: Type.
+ Parameter index: t -> positive.
+ Axiom index_inj: forall (x y: t), index x = index y -> x = y.
+ Parameter eq: forall (x y: t), {x = y} + {x <> y}.
+Module IMap(X: INDEXED_TYPE).
+ Definition elt := X.t.
+ Definition elt_eq := X.eq.
+ Definition t : Type -> Type := PMap.t.
+ Definition init (A: Type) (x: A) := PMap.init x.
+ Definition get (A: Type) (i: X.t) (m: t A) := PMap.get (X.index i) m.
+ Definition set (A: Type) (i: X.t) (v: A) (m: t A) := PMap.set (X.index i) v m.
+ Definition map (A B: Type) (f: A -> B) (m: t A) : t B := PMap.map f m.
+ Lemma gi:
+ forall (A: Type) (x: A) (i: X.t), get i (init x) = x.
+ Proof.
+ intros. unfold get, init. apply PMap.gi.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma gss:
+ forall (A: Type) (i: X.t) (x: A) (m: t A), get i (set i x m) = x.
+ Proof.
+ intros. unfold get, set. apply PMap.gss.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma gso:
+ forall (A: Type) (i j: X.t) (x: A) (m: t A),
+ i <> j -> get i (set j x m) = get i m.
+ Proof.
+ intros. unfold get, set. apply PMap.gso.
+ red. intro. apply H. apply X.index_inj; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma gsspec:
+ forall (A: Type) (i j: X.t) (x: A) (m: t A),
+ get i (set j x m) = if X.eq i j then x else get i m.
+ Proof.
+ intros. unfold get, set.
+ rewrite PMap.gsspec.
+ case (X.eq i j); intro.
+ subst j. rewrite peq_true. reflexivity.
+ rewrite peq_false. reflexivity.
+ red; intro. elim n. apply X.index_inj; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma gmap:
+ forall (A B: Type) (f: A -> B) (i: X.t) (m: t A),
+ get i (map f m) = f(get i m).
+ Proof.
+ intros. unfold map, get. apply PMap.gmap.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma set2:
+ forall (A: Type) (i: elt) (x y: A) (m: t A),
+ set i y (set i x m) = set i y m.
+ Proof.
+ intros. unfold set. apply PMap.set2.
+ Qed.
+End IMap.
+Module ZIndexed.
+ Definition t := Z.
+ Definition index (z: Z): positive :=
+ match z with
+ | Z0 => xH
+ | Zpos p => xO p
+ | Zneg p => xI p
+ end.
+ Lemma index_inj: forall (x y: Z), index x = index y -> x = y.
+ Proof.
+ unfold index; destruct x; destruct y; intros;
+ try discriminate; try reflexivity.
+ congruence.
+ congruence.
+ Qed.
+ Definition eq := zeq.
+End ZIndexed.
+Module ZMap := IMap(ZIndexed).
+Module NIndexed.
+ Definition t := N.
+ Definition index (n: N): positive :=
+ match n with
+ | N0 => xH
+ | Npos p => xO p
+ end.
+ Lemma index_inj: forall (x y: N), index x = index y -> x = y.
+ Proof.
+ unfold index; destruct x; destruct y; intros;
+ try discriminate; try reflexivity.
+ congruence.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma eq: forall (x y: N), {x = y} + {x <> y}.
+ Proof.
+ decide equality. apply peq.
+ Qed.
+End NIndexed.
+Module NMap := IMap(NIndexed).
+(** * An implementation of maps over any type with decidable equality *)
+ Parameter t: Type.
+ Parameter eq: forall (x y: t), {x = y} + {x <> y}.
+Module EMap(X: EQUALITY_TYPE) <: MAP.
+ Definition elt := X.t.
+ Definition elt_eq := X.eq.
+ Definition t (A: Type) := X.t -> A.
+ Definition init (A: Type) (v: A) := fun (_: X.t) => v.
+ Definition get (A: Type) (x: X.t) (m: t A) := m x.
+ Definition set (A: Type) (x: X.t) (v: A) (m: t A) :=
+ fun (y: X.t) => if X.eq y x then v else m y.
+ Lemma gi:
+ forall (A: Type) (i: elt) (x: A), init x i = x.
+ Proof.
+ intros. reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma gss:
+ forall (A: Type) (i: elt) (x: A) (m: t A), (set i x m) i = x.
+ Proof.
+ intros. unfold set. case (X.eq i i); intro.
+ reflexivity. tauto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma gso:
+ forall (A: Type) (i j: elt) (x: A) (m: t A),
+ i <> j -> (set j x m) i = m i.
+ Proof.
+ intros. unfold set. case (X.eq i j); intro.
+ congruence. reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma gsspec:
+ forall (A: Type) (i j: elt) (x: A) (m: t A),
+ get i (set j x m) = if elt_eq i j then x else get i m.
+ Proof.
+ intros. unfold get, set, elt_eq. reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma gsident:
+ forall (A: Type) (i j: elt) (m: t A), get j (set i (get i m) m) = get j m.
+ Proof.
+ intros. unfold get, set. case (X.eq j i); intro.
+ congruence. reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Definition map (A B: Type) (f: A -> B) (m: t A) :=
+ fun (x: X.t) => f(m x).
+ Lemma gmap:
+ forall (A B: Type) (f: A -> B) (i: elt) (m: t A),
+ get i (map f m) = f(get i m).
+ Proof.
+ intros. unfold get, map. reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+End EMap.
+(** * A partial implementation of trees over any type that injects into type [positive] *)
+Module ITree(X: INDEXED_TYPE).
+ Definition elt := X.t.
+ Definition elt_eq := X.eq.
+ Definition t : Type -> Type := PTree.t.
+ Definition empty (A: Type): t A := PTree.empty A.
+ Definition get (A: Type) (k: elt) (m: t A): option A := PTree.get (X.index k) m.
+ Definition set (A: Type) (k: elt) (v: A) (m: t A): t A := PTree.set (X.index k) v m.
+ Definition remove (A: Type) (k: elt) (m: t A): t A := PTree.remove (X.index k) m.
+ Theorem gempty:
+ forall (A: Type) (i: elt), get i (empty A) = None.
+ Proof.
+ intros. apply PTree.gempty.
+ Qed.
+ Theorem gss:
+ forall (A: Type) (i: elt) (x: A) (m: t A), get i (set i x m) = Some x.
+ Proof.
+ intros. apply PTree.gss.
+ Qed.
+ Theorem gso:
+ forall (A: Type) (i j: elt) (x: A) (m: t A),
+ i <> j -> get i (set j x m) = get i m.
+ Proof.
+ intros. apply PTree.gso. red; intros; elim H; apply X.index_inj; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Theorem gsspec:
+ forall (A: Type) (i j: elt) (x: A) (m: t A),
+ get i (set j x m) = if elt_eq i j then Some x else get i m.
+ Proof.
+ intros. destruct (elt_eq i j). subst j; apply gss. apply gso; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Theorem grs:
+ forall (A: Type) (i: elt) (m: t A), get i (remove i m) = None.
+ Proof.
+ intros. apply PTree.grs.
+ Qed.
+ Theorem gro:
+ forall (A: Type) (i j: elt) (m: t A),
+ i <> j -> get i (remove j m) = get i m.
+ Proof.
+ intros. apply PTree.gro. red; intros; elim H; apply X.index_inj; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Theorem grspec:
+ forall (A: Type) (i j: elt) (m: t A),
+ get i (remove j m) = if elt_eq i j then None else get i m.
+ Proof.
+ intros. destruct (elt_eq i j). subst j; apply grs. apply gro; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Definition beq: forall (A: Type), (A -> A -> bool) -> t A -> t A -> bool := PTree.beq.
+ Theorem beq_sound:
+ forall (A: Type) (eqA: A -> A -> bool) (t1 t2: t A),
+ beq eqA t1 t2 = true ->
+ forall (x: elt),
+ match get x t1, get x t2 with
+ | None, None => True
+ | Some y1, Some y2 => eqA y1 y2 = true
+ | _, _ => False
+ end.
+ Proof.
+ unfold beq, get. intros. rewrite PTree.beq_correct in H. apply H.
+ Qed.
+ Definition combine: forall (A B C: Type), (option A -> option B -> option C) -> t A -> t B -> t C := PTree.combine.
+ Theorem gcombine:
+ forall (A B C: Type) (f: option A -> option B -> option C),
+ f None None = None ->
+ forall (m1: t A) (m2: t B) (i: elt),
+ get i (combine f m1 m2) = f (get i m1) (get i m2).
+ Proof.
+ intros. apply PTree.gcombine. auto.
+ Qed.
+End ITree.
+Module ZTree := ITree(ZIndexed).
+(** * Additional properties over trees *)
+Module Tree_Properties(T: TREE).
+(** Two induction principles over [fold]. *)
+Variables V A: Type.
+Variable f: A -> T.elt -> V -> A.
+Variable P: T.t V -> A -> Type.
+Variable init: A.
+Variable m_final: T.t V.
+Hypothesis H_base:
+ forall m,
+ (forall k, T.get k m = None) ->
+ P m init.
+Hypothesis H_rec:
+ forall m a k v,
+ T.get k m = Some v -> T.get k m_final = Some v ->
+ P (T.remove k m) a -> P m (f a k v).
+Let f' (p : T.elt * V) (a: A) := f a (fst p) (snd p).
+Let P' (l: list (T.elt * V)) (a: A) : Type :=
+ forall m, (forall k v, In (k, v) l <-> T.get k m = Some v) -> P m a.
+Let H_base':
+ P' nil init.
+ intros m EQV. apply H_base.
+ intros. destruct (T.get k m) as [v|] eqn:G; auto.
+ apply EQV in G. contradiction.
+Let H_rec':
+ forall k v l a,
+ ~In k (List.map fst l) ->
+ T.get k m_final = Some v ->
+ P' l a ->
+ P' ((k, v) :: l) (f a k v).
+ unfold P'; intros k v l a NOTIN FINAL HR m EQV.
+ set (m0 := T.remove k m).
+ apply H_rec.
+- apply EQV. simpl; auto.
+- auto.
+- apply HR. intros k' v'. rewrite T.grspec. split; intros; destruct (T.elt_eq k' k).
+ + subst k'. elim NOTIN. change k with (fst (k, v')). apply List.in_map; auto.
+ + apply EQV. simpl; auto.
+ + congruence.
+ + apply EQV in H. simpl in H. intuition congruence.
+Lemma fold_ind_aux:
+ forall l,
+ (forall k v, In (k, v) l -> T.get k m_final = Some v) ->
+ list_norepet (List.map fst l) ->
+ P' l (List.fold_right f' init l).
+ induction l as [ | [k v] l ]; simpl; intros FINAL NOREPET.
+- apply H_base'.
+- apply H_rec'.
+ + inv NOREPET. auto.
+ + apply FINAL. auto.
+ + apply IHl. auto. inv NOREPET; auto.
+Theorem fold_ind:
+ P m_final (T.fold f m_final init).
+ intros.
+ set (l' := List.rev (T.elements m_final)).
+ assert (P' l' (List.fold_right f' init l')).
+ { apply fold_ind_aux.
+ intros. apply T.elements_complete. apply List.in_rev. auto.
+ unfold l'; rewrite List.map_rev. apply list_norepet_rev. apply T.elements_keys_norepet. }
+ unfold l', f' in X; rewrite fold_left_rev_right in X.
+ rewrite T.fold_spec. apply X.
+ intros; simpl. rewrite <- List.in_rev.
+ split. apply T.elements_complete. apply T.elements_correct.
+Variables V A: Type.
+Variable f: A -> T.elt -> V -> A.
+Variable P: T.t V -> A -> Prop.
+Variable init: A.
+Variable m_final: T.t V.
+Hypothesis P_compat:
+ forall m m' a,
+ (forall x, T.get x m = T.get x m') ->
+ P m a -> P m' a.
+Hypothesis H_base:
+ P (T.empty _) init.
+Hypothesis H_rec:
+ forall m a k v,
+ T.get k m = None -> T.get k m_final = Some v -> P m a -> P (T.set k v m) (f a k v).
+Theorem fold_rec:
+ P m_final (T.fold f m_final init).
+ apply fold_ind.
+- intros. apply P_compat with (T.empty V); auto.
+ + intros. rewrite T.gempty. auto.
+- intros. apply P_compat with (T.set k v (T.remove k m)).
+ + intros. rewrite T.gsspec, T.grspec. destruct (T.elt_eq x k); auto. congruence.
+ + apply H_rec; auto. apply T.grs.
+(** A nonnegative measure over trees *)
+Section MEASURE.
+Variable V: Type.
+Definition cardinal (x: T.t V) : nat := List.length (T.elements x).
+Theorem cardinal_remove:
+ forall x m y, T.get x m = Some y -> (cardinal (T.remove x m) < cardinal m)%nat.
+ unfold cardinal; intros.
+ exploit T.elements_remove; eauto. intros (l1 & l2 & P & Q).
+ rewrite P, Q. rewrite ! app_length. simpl. lia.
+Theorem cardinal_set:
+ forall x m y, T.get x m = None -> (cardinal m < cardinal (T.set x y m))%nat.
+ intros. set (m' := T.set x y m).
+ replace (cardinal m) with (cardinal (T.remove x m')).
+ apply cardinal_remove with y. unfold m'; apply T.gss.
+ unfold cardinal. f_equal. apply T.elements_extensional.
+ intros. unfold m'. rewrite T.grspec, T.gsspec.
+ destruct (T.elt_eq i x); auto. congruence.
+(** Forall and exists *)
+Variable A: Type.
+Definition for_all (m: T.t A) (f: T.elt -> A -> bool) : bool :=
+ T.fold (fun b x a => b && f x a) m true.
+Lemma for_all_correct:
+ forall m f,
+ for_all m f = true <-> (forall x a, T.get x m = Some a -> f x a = true).
+ intros m0 f.
+ unfold for_all. apply fold_rec; intros.
+- (* Extensionality *)
+ rewrite H0. split; intros. rewrite <- H in H2; auto. rewrite H in H2; auto.
+- (* Base case *)
+ split; intros. rewrite T.gempty in H0; congruence. auto.
+- (* Inductive case *)
+ split; intros.
+ destruct (andb_prop _ _ H2). rewrite T.gsspec in H3. destruct (T.elt_eq x k).
+ inv H3. auto.
+ apply H1; auto.
+ apply andb_true_intro. split.
+ rewrite H1. intros. apply H2. rewrite T.gso; auto. congruence.
+ apply H2. apply T.gss.
+Definition exists_ (m: T.t A) (f: T.elt -> A -> bool) : bool :=
+ T.fold (fun b x a => b || f x a) m false.
+Lemma exists_correct:
+ forall m f,
+ exists_ m f = true <-> (exists x a, T.get x m = Some a /\ f x a = true).
+ intros m0 f.
+ unfold exists_. apply fold_rec; intros.
+- (* Extensionality *)
+ rewrite H0. split; intros (x0 & a0 & P & Q); exists x0; exists a0; split; auto; congruence.
+- (* Base case *)
+ split; intros. congruence. destruct H as (x & a & P & Q). rewrite T.gempty in P; congruence.
+- (* Inductive case *)
+ split; intros.
+ destruct (orb_true_elim _ _ H2).
+ rewrite H1 in e. destruct e as (x1 & a1 & P & Q).
+ exists x1; exists a1; split; auto. rewrite T.gso; auto. congruence.
+ exists k; exists v; split; auto. apply T.gss.
+ destruct H2 as (x1 & a1 & P & Q). apply orb_true_intro.
+ rewrite T.gsspec in P. destruct (T.elt_eq x1 k).
+ inv P. right; auto.
+ left. apply H1. exists x1; exists a1; auto.
+Remark exists_for_all:
+ forall m f,
+ exists_ m f = negb (for_all m (fun x a => negb (f x a))).
+ intros. unfold exists_, for_all. rewrite ! T.fold_spec.
+ change false with (negb true). generalize (T.elements m) true.
+ induction l; simpl; intros.
+ auto.
+ rewrite <- IHl. f_equal.
+ destruct b; destruct (f (fst a) (snd a)); reflexivity.
+Remark for_all_exists:
+ forall m f,
+ for_all m f = negb (exists_ m (fun x a => negb (f x a))).
+ intros. unfold exists_, for_all. rewrite ! T.fold_spec.
+ change true with (negb false). generalize (T.elements m) false.
+ induction l; simpl; intros.
+ auto.
+ rewrite <- IHl. f_equal.
+ destruct b; destruct (f (fst a) (snd a)); reflexivity.
+Lemma for_all_false:
+ forall m f,
+ for_all m f = false <-> (exists x a, T.get x m = Some a /\ f x a = false).
+ intros. rewrite for_all_exists.
+ rewrite negb_false_iff. rewrite exists_correct.
+ split; intros (x & a & P & Q); exists x; exists a; split; auto.
+ rewrite negb_true_iff in Q. auto.
+ rewrite Q; auto.
+Lemma exists_false:
+ forall m f,
+ exists_ m f = false <-> (forall x a, T.get x m = Some a -> f x a = false).
+ intros. rewrite exists_for_all.
+ rewrite negb_false_iff. rewrite for_all_correct.
+ split; intros. apply H in H0. rewrite negb_true_iff in H0. auto. rewrite H; auto.
+(** More about [beq] *)
+Variable A: Type.
+Variable beqA: A -> A -> bool.
+Theorem beq_false:
+ forall m1 m2,
+ T.beq beqA m1 m2 = false <->
+ exists x, match T.get x m1, T.get x m2 with
+ | None, None => False
+ | Some a1, Some a2 => beqA a1 a2 = false
+ | _, _ => True
+ end.
+ intros; split; intros.
+- (* beq = false -> existence *)
+ set (p1 := fun x a1 => match T.get x m2 with None => false | Some a2 => beqA a1 a2 end).
+ set (p2 := fun x a2 => match T.get x m1 with None => false | Some a1 => beqA a1 a2 end).
+ destruct (for_all m1 p1) eqn:F1; [destruct (for_all m2 p2) eqn:F2 | idtac].
+ + cut (T.beq beqA m1 m2 = true). congruence.
+ rewrite for_all_correct in *. rewrite T.beq_correct; intros.
+ destruct (T.get x m1) as [a1|] eqn:X1.
+ generalize (F1 _ _ X1). unfold p1. destruct (T.get x m2); congruence.
+ destruct (T.get x m2) as [a2|] eqn:X2; auto.
+ generalize (F2 _ _ X2). unfold p2. rewrite X1. congruence.
+ + rewrite for_all_false in F2. destruct F2 as (x & a & P & Q).
+ exists x. rewrite P. unfold p2 in Q. destruct (T.get x m1); auto.
+ + rewrite for_all_false in F1. destruct F1 as (x & a & P & Q).
+ exists x. rewrite P. unfold p1 in Q. destruct (T.get x m2); auto.
+- (* existence -> beq = false *)
+ destruct H as [x P].
+ destruct (T.beq beqA m1 m2) eqn:E; auto.
+ rewrite T.beq_correct in E.
+ generalize (E x). destruct (T.get x m1); destruct (T.get x m2); tauto || congruence.
+(** Extensional equality between trees *)
+Variable A: Type.
+Variable eqA: A -> A -> Prop.
+Hypothesis eqAeq: Equivalence eqA.
+Definition Equal (m1 m2: T.t A) : Prop :=
+ forall x, match T.get x m1, T.get x m2 with
+ | None, None => True
+ | Some a1, Some a2 => a1 === a2
+ | _, _ => False
+ end.
+Lemma Equal_refl: forall m, Equal m m.
+ intros; red; intros. destruct (T.get x m); auto. reflexivity.
+Lemma Equal_sym: forall m1 m2, Equal m1 m2 -> Equal m2 m1.
+ intros; red; intros. generalize (H x). destruct (T.get x m1); destruct (T.get x m2); auto. intros; symmetry; auto.
+Lemma Equal_trans: forall m1 m2 m3, Equal m1 m2 -> Equal m2 m3 -> Equal m1 m3.
+ intros; red; intros. generalize (H x) (H0 x).
+ destruct (T.get x m1); destruct (T.get x m2); try tauto;
+ destruct (T.get x m3); try tauto.
+ intros. transitivity a0; auto.
+Instance Equal_Equivalence : Equivalence Equal := {
+ Equivalence_Reflexive := Equal_refl;
+ Equivalence_Symmetric := Equal_sym;
+ Equivalence_Transitive := Equal_trans
+Hypothesis eqAdec: EqDec A eqA.
+Program Definition Equal_dec (m1 m2: T.t A) : { m1 === m2 } + { m1 =/= m2 } :=
+ match T.beq (fun a1 a2 => proj_sumbool (a1 == a2)) m1 m2 with
+ | true => left _
+ | false => right _
+ end.
+Next Obligation.
+ rename Heq_anonymous into B.
+ symmetry in B. rewrite T.beq_correct in B.
+ red; intros. generalize (B x).
+ destruct (T.get x m1); destruct (T.get x m2); auto.
+ intros. eapply proj_sumbool_true; eauto.
+Next Obligation.
+ assert (T.beq (fun a1 a2 => proj_sumbool (a1 == a2)) m1 m2 = true).
+ apply T.beq_correct; intros.
+ generalize (H x).
+ destruct (T.get x m1); destruct (T.get x m2); try tauto.
+ intros. apply proj_sumbool_is_true; auto.
+ unfold equiv, complement in H0. congruence.
+Instance Equal_EqDec : EqDec (T.t A) Equal := Equal_dec.
+(** Creating a tree from a list of (key, value) pairs. *)
+Section OF_LIST.
+Variable A: Type.
+Let f := fun (m: T.t A) (k_v: T.elt * A) => T.set (fst k_v) (snd k_v) m.
+Definition of_list (l: list (T.elt * A)) : T.t A :=
+ List.fold_left f l (T.empty _).
+Lemma in_of_list:
+ forall l k v, T.get k (of_list l) = Some v -> In (k, v) l.
+ assert (REC: forall k v l m,
+ T.get k (fold_left f l m) = Some v -> In (k, v) l \/ T.get k m = Some v).
+ { induction l as [ | [k1 v1] l]; simpl; intros.
+ - tauto.
+ - apply IHl in H. unfold f in H. simpl in H. rewrite T.gsspec in H.
+ destruct H; auto.
+ destruct (T.elt_eq k k1). inv H. auto. auto.
+ }
+ intros. apply REC in H. rewrite T.gempty in H. intuition congruence.
+Lemma of_list_dom:
+ forall l k, In k (map fst l) -> exists v, T.get k (of_list l) = Some v.
+ assert (REC: forall k l m,
+ In k (map fst l) \/ (exists v, T.get k m = Some v) ->
+ exists v, T.get k (fold_left f l m) = Some v).
+ { induction l as [ | [k1 v1] l]; simpl; intros.
+ - tauto.
+ - apply IHl. unfold f; rewrite T.gsspec. simpl. destruct (T.elt_eq k k1).
+ right; econstructor; eauto.
+ intuition congruence.
+ }
+ intros. apply REC. auto.
+Remark of_list_unchanged:
+ forall k l m, ~In k (map fst l) -> T.get k (List.fold_left f l m) = T.get k m.
+ induction l as [ | [k1 v1] l]; simpl; intros.
+- auto.
+- rewrite IHl by tauto. unfold f; apply T.gso; intuition auto.
+Lemma of_list_unique:
+ forall k v l1 l2,
+ ~In k (map fst l2) -> T.get k (of_list (l1 ++ (k, v) :: l2)) = Some v.
+ intros. unfold of_list. rewrite fold_left_app. simpl.
+ rewrite of_list_unchanged by auto. unfold f; apply T.gss.
+Lemma of_list_norepet:
+ forall l k v, list_norepet (map fst l) -> In (k, v) l -> T.get k (of_list l) = Some v.
+ assert (REC: forall k v l m,
+ list_norepet (map fst l) ->
+ In (k, v) l ->
+ T.get k (fold_left f l m) = Some v).
+ { induction l as [ | [k1 v1] l]; simpl; intros.
+ contradiction.
+ inv H. destruct H0.
+ inv H. rewrite of_list_unchanged by auto. apply T.gss.
+ apply IHl; auto.
+ }
+ intros; apply REC; auto.
+Lemma of_list_elements:
+ forall m k, T.get k (of_list (T.elements m)) = T.get k m.
+ intros. destruct (T.get k m) as [v|] eqn:M.
+- apply of_list_norepet. apply T.elements_keys_norepet. apply T.elements_correct; auto.
+- destruct (T.get k (of_list (T.elements m))) as [v|] eqn:M'; auto.
+ apply in_of_list in M'. apply T.elements_complete in M'. congruence.
+Lemma of_list_related:
+ forall (A B: Type) (R: A -> B -> Prop) k l1 l2,
+ list_forall2 (fun ka kb => fst ka = fst kb /\ R (snd ka) (snd kb)) l1 l2 ->
+ option_rel R (T.get k (of_list l1)) (T.get k (of_list l2)).
+ intros until k. unfold of_list.
+ set (R' := fun ka kb => fst ka = fst kb /\ R (snd ka) (snd kb)).
+ set (fa := fun (m : T.t A) (k_v : T.elt * A) => T.set (fst k_v) (snd k_v) m).
+ set (fb := fun (m : T.t B) (k_v : T.elt * B) => T.set (fst k_v) (snd k_v) m).
+ assert (REC: forall l1 l2, list_forall2 R' l1 l2 ->
+ forall m1 m2, option_rel R (T.get k m1) (T.get k m2) ->
+ option_rel R (T.get k (fold_left fa l1 m1)) (T.get k (fold_left fb l2 m2))).
+ { induction 1; intros; simpl.
+ - auto.
+ - apply IHlist_forall2. unfold fa, fb. rewrite ! T.gsspec.
+ destruct H as [E F]. rewrite E. destruct (T.elt_eq k (fst b1)).
+ constructor; auto.
+ auto. }
+ intros. apply REC; auto. rewrite ! T.gempty. constructor.
+End Tree_Properties.
+Module PTree_Properties := Tree_Properties(PTree).
+(** * Useful notations *)
+Notation "a ! b" := (PTree.get b a) (at level 1).
+Notation "a !! b" := (PMap.get b a) (at level 1).
diff --git a/src/Predicate.v b/src/Predicate.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ff9831
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Predicate.v
@@ -0,0 +1,1242 @@
+Require Import Coq.Structures.Equalities.
+Require Import TVSMT.Coqlib.
+Require Import TVSMT.Maps.
+Require Import TVSMT.Errors.
+Require Import TVSMT.Sat.
+Require Import TVSMT.Common.
+Require Import TVSMT.Hashtree.
+Local Open Scope error_monad_scope.
+Local Open Scope positive.
+(** The [predicate] type defines the path predicates that are used in the [Ieta] and [Igamma]
+ instructions. *)
+Inductive pred {A}: Type :=
+| Ptrue : pred
+| Pfalse : pred
+| Pundef : pred
+| Pbase : A -> pred
+| Pand : pred -> pred -> pred
+| Por : pred -> pred -> pred
+| Pimp : pred -> pred -> pred
+| Pnot : pred -> pred.
+Module PredicateNotation.
+ Declare Scope predicate.
+ Notation "A ∧ B" := (Pand A B) (at level 20, left associativity) : predicate.
+ Notation "A ∨ B" := (Por A B) (at level 25, left associativity) : predicate.
+ Notation "A → B" := (Pimp A B) (at level 30, right associativity) : predicate.
+ Notation "¬ A" := (Pnot A) (at level 15) : predicate.
+ Notation "⟂" := (Pfalse) : predicate.
+ Notation "'T'" := (Ptrue) : predicate.
+ Notation "○" := (Pundef) : predicate.
+End PredicateNotation.
+Import PredicateNotation.
+Local Open Scope predicate.
+Local Open Scope bool.
+Local Open Scope positive.
+Module ThreeValued(Base: UsualDecidableTypeBoth).
+Definition A := Base.t.
+Definition el_dec: forall a b: A, {a = b} + {a <> b} := Base.eq_dec.
+Module Import AH := HashTree(Base).
+Module Import AH_Prop := HashTreeProperties(Base).
+Section EVAL.
+Context (eval: A -> option bool).
+Definition predicate := @pred A.
+(* This evaluation follows Łukasiewicz logic. *)
+Fixpoint eval_predicate (p: predicate) : option bool :=
+ match p with
+ | T => Some true
+ | ⟂ => Some false
+ | ○ => None
+ | ¬ p =>
+ match eval_predicate p with
+ | None => None
+ | Some b => Some (negb b)
+ end
+ | Pbase c =>
+ match eval c with
+ | Some p => Some p
+ | None => None
+ end
+ | p1 ∧ p2 =>
+ match eval_predicate p1, eval_predicate p2 with
+ | Some p1', Some p2' => Some (p1' && p2')
+ | Some false, None => Some false
+ | None, Some false => Some false
+ | _, _ => None
+ end
+ | p1 ∨ p2 =>
+ match eval_predicate p1, eval_predicate p2 with
+ | Some p1', Some p2' => Some (p1' || p2')
+ | Some true, None => Some true
+ | None, Some true => Some true
+ | _, _ => None
+ end
+ | p1 → p2 =>
+ match eval_predicate p1, eval_predicate p2 with
+ | Some p1', Some p2' => Some (negb p1' || p2')
+ | None, Some false => None
+ | Some true, None => None
+ | _, _ => Some true
+ end
+ end.
+Definition equiv {A} (a b: @pred A) :=
+ Pand (Pimp a b) (Pimp b a).
+Definition hash_pred := @pred positive.
+Definition hash_tree := PTree.t A.
+Lemma comp_list_dec :
+ forall (a b: list positive),
+ {a = b} + {a <> b}.
+Proof. generalize Pos.eq_dec. decide equality. Defined.
+Lemma hash_pred_dec :
+ forall (a b: hash_pred),
+ {a = b} + {a <> b}.
+Proof. generalize Pos.eq_dec. generalize bool_dec. repeat decide equality. Defined.
+Lemma predicate_dec :
+ forall (a b: predicate),
+ {a = b} + {a <> b}.
+Proof. generalize el_dec. generalize bool_dec. repeat decide equality. Defined.
+Definition find_tree (el: A) (h: hash_tree) : option positive :=
+ match
+ filter (fun x => match x with (a, b) => if el_dec el b then true else false end)
+ (PTree.elements h) with
+ | (p, _) :: nil => Some p
+ | _ => None
+ end.
+Definition combine_option {A} (a b: option A) : option A :=
+ match a, b with
+ | Some a', _ => Some a'
+ | _, Some b' => Some b'
+ | _, _ => None
+ end.
+Definition max_key {A} (t: PTree.t A) :=
+ fold_right Pos.max 1 (map fst (PTree.elements t)).
+Fixpoint hash_predicate (p: predicate) (h: PTree.t A)
+ : hash_pred * PTree.t A :=
+ match p with
+ | T => (T, h)
+ | ⟂ => (⟂, h)
+ | ○ => (○, h)
+ | ¬ p => let (p', t) := hash_predicate p h in (¬ p', t)
+ | Pbase c =>
+ match find_tree c h with
+ | Some p => (Pbase p, h)
+ | None =>
+ let nkey := max_key h + 1 in
+ (Pbase nkey, PTree.set nkey c h)
+ end
+ | p1 ∧ p2 =>
+ let (p1', t1) := hash_predicate p1 h in
+ let (p2', t2) := hash_predicate p2 t1 in
+ (p1' ∧ p2', t2)
+ | p1 ∨ p2 =>
+ let (p1', t1) := hash_predicate p1 h in
+ let (p2', t2) := hash_predicate p2 t1 in
+ (p1' ∨ p2', t2)
+ | p1 → p2 =>
+ let (p1', t1) := hash_predicate p1 h in
+ let (p2', t2) := hash_predicate p2 t1 in
+ (p1' → p2', t2)
+ end.
+Fixpoint eval_hash_pred (p: hash_pred) (a: PTree.t bool) : option bool :=
+ match p with
+ | T => Some true
+ | ⟂ => Some false
+ | ○ => None
+ | ¬ p =>
+ match eval_hash_pred p a with
+ | Some b => Some (negb b)
+ | None => None
+ end
+ | Pbase k => a ! k
+ | p1 ∧ p2 =>
+ match eval_hash_pred p1 a, eval_hash_pred p2 a with
+ | Some p1', Some p2' => Some (p1' && p2')
+ | Some false, None => Some false
+ | None, Some false => Some false
+ | _, _ => None
+ end
+ | p1 ∨ p2 =>
+ match eval_hash_pred p1 a, eval_hash_pred p2 a with
+ | Some p1', Some p2' => Some (p1' || p2')
+ | Some true, None => Some true
+ | None, Some true => Some true
+ | _, _ => None
+ end
+ | p1 → p2 =>
+ match eval_hash_pred p1 a, eval_hash_pred p2 a with
+ | Some p1', Some p2' => Some (negb p1' || p2')
+ | None, Some false => None
+ | Some true, None => None
+ | _, _ => Some true
+ end
+ end.
+(** The [predicate] type defines the path predicates that are used in the [Ieta] and [Igamma]
+ instructions. *)
+Inductive pred_bin {A}: Type :=
+| PBtrue : pred_bin
+| PBfalse : pred_bin
+| PBbase : (bool * A) -> pred_bin
+| PBand : pred_bin -> pred_bin -> pred_bin
+| PBor : pred_bin -> pred_bin -> pred_bin.
+Definition hash_pred_bin : Type := @pred_bin positive * @pred_bin positive.
+Fixpoint eval_hash_pred_bin1 (p1: @pred_bin positive) (m: PMap.t bool) : bool :=
+ match p1 with
+ | PBtrue => true
+ | PBfalse => false
+ | PBbase (b, p) => if b then m!!p else negb m!!p
+ | PBand p1 p2 => eval_hash_pred_bin1 p1 m && eval_hash_pred_bin1 p2 m
+ | PBor p1 p2 => eval_hash_pred_bin1 p1 m || eval_hash_pred_bin1 p2 m
+ end.
+Definition eval_hash_pred_bin (p1: hash_pred_bin) (m: PMap.t bool) : (bool * bool) :=
+ (eval_hash_pred_bin1 (fst p1) m, eval_hash_pred_bin1 (snd p1) m).
+Fixpoint negate (h: @pred_bin positive) : @pred_bin positive :=
+ match h with
+ | PBtrue => PBfalse
+ | PBfalse => PBtrue
+ | PBbase (b, p) => PBbase (negb b, p)
+ | PBand p1 p2 => PBor (negate p1) (negate p2)
+ | PBor p1 p2 => PBand (negate p1) (negate p2)
+ end.
+Fixpoint conv_hash_pred (p: hash_pred) (h: PTree.t positive) (fresh: positive):
+ (hash_pred_bin * PTree.t positive * positive) :=
+ match p with
+ | Ptrue => ((PBfalse, PBtrue), h, fresh)
+ | Pfalse => ((PBfalse, PBfalse), h, fresh)
+ | Pundef => ((PBtrue, PBfalse), h, fresh)
+ | Pnot p => let '((p1, p2), h', fresh') := conv_hash_pred p h fresh in
+ ((p1, negate p2), h', fresh')
+ | Pand p1 p2 =>
+ let '((p1s, p1'), h', fresh') := conv_hash_pred p1 h fresh in
+ let '((p2s, p2'), h'', fresh'') := conv_hash_pred p2 h' fresh' in
+ ((PBor (PBand p1' p2s) (PBor (PBand p1s p2s) (PBand p1s p2')),
+ PBand p1' p2'), h'', fresh'')
+ | Por p1 p2 =>
+ let '((p1s, p1'), h', fresh') := conv_hash_pred p1 h fresh in
+ let '((p2s, p2'), h'', fresh'') := conv_hash_pred p2 h' fresh' in
+ ((PBor (PBand (negate p1') p2s) (PBor (PBand (negate p2') p1s) (PBand p1s p2s)),
+ PBor p1' p2'), h'', fresh'')
+ | Pimp p1 p2 =>
+ let '((p1s, p1'), h', fresh') := conv_hash_pred p1 h fresh in
+ let '((p2s, p2'), h'', fresh'') := conv_hash_pred p2 h' fresh' in
+ ((PBor (PBand (negate p1s) (PBand p1' p2s)) (PBand (negate p2s) (PBand (negate p2') p1s)),
+ PBor p1s (PBor (negate p1') p2')), h'', fresh'')
+ | Pbase k =>
+ ((PBbase (true, fresh), PBbase (true, k)), PTree.set k fresh h, fresh+1)
+ end.
+Fixpoint mult {A: Type} (a b: list (list A)) : list (list A) :=
+ match a with
+ | nil => nil
+ | l :: ls => mult ls b ++ (List.map (fun x => l ++ x) b)
+ end.
+Definition simplify' {A} (p: @pred A) :=
+ match p with
+ | A ∧ T => A
+ | T ∧ A => A
+ | _ ∧ ⟂ => ⟂
+ | ⟂ ∧ _ => ⟂
+ | ○ ∧ ○ => ○
+ | A ∨ ⟂ => A
+ | ⟂ ∨ A => A
+ | _ ∨ T => T
+ | T ∨ _ => T
+ | ○ ∨ ○ => ○
+ | T → A => A
+ | ⟂ → _ => T
+ | _ → T => T
+ | ○ → ○ => T
+ | ¬ T => ⟂
+ | ¬ ⟂ => T
+ | ¬ ○ => ○
+ | A => A
+ end.
+Fixpoint simplify {A} (dec: forall a b: @pred A, {a = b} + {a <> b} ) (p: @pred A) :=
+ match p with
+ | A ∧ B =>
+ let A' := simplify dec A in
+ let B' := simplify dec B in
+ if dec A' B' then A' else simplify' (A' ∧ B')
+ | A ∨ B =>
+ let A' := simplify dec A in
+ let B' := simplify dec B in
+ if dec A' B' then A' else simplify' (A' ∨ B')
+ | A → B =>
+ let A' := simplify dec A in
+ let B' := simplify dec B in
+ if dec A' B' then A' else simplify' (A' → B')
+ | ¬ p => simplify' (¬ (simplify dec p))
+ | T => T
+ | ⟂ => ⟂
+ | ○ => ○
+ | Pbase a => Pbase a
+ end.
+Fixpoint sat_hash_pred_bin1' (p: @pred_bin positive) (a: asgn) : bool :=
+ match p with
+ | PBtrue => true
+ | PBfalse => false
+ | PBbase (b, p') => if b then a (Pos.to_nat p') else negb (a (Pos.to_nat p'))
+ | PBand p1 p2 => sat_hash_pred_bin1' p1 a && sat_hash_pred_bin1' p2 a
+ | PBor p1 p2 => sat_hash_pred_bin1' p1 a || sat_hash_pred_bin1' p2 a
+ end.
+Fixpoint sat_hash_pred_bin1 (p: @pred_bin positive) (a: PMap.t bool) : bool :=
+ match p with
+ | PBtrue => true
+ | PBfalse => false
+ | PBbase (b, p') => if b then a !! p' else negb (a !! p')
+ | PBand p1 p2 => sat_hash_pred_bin1 p1 a && sat_hash_pred_bin1 p2 a
+ | PBor p1 p2 => sat_hash_pred_bin1 p1 a || sat_hash_pred_bin1 p2 a
+ end.
+Definition sat_hash_pred_bin (p: hash_pred_bin) (a: PMap.t bool) : bool :=
+ negb (sat_hash_pred_bin1 (fst p) a) && sat_hash_pred_bin1 (snd p) a.
+Definition conv_tree (p: PTree.t positive) (assigns: PTree.t bool) : PMap.t bool :=
+ PTree.fold (fun m i a =>
+ match assigns ! i with
+ | Some true => PMap.set a false (PMap.set i true m)
+ | Some false => PMap.set a false (PMap.set i false m)
+ | None => PMap.set a true (PMap.set i false m)
+ end) p (PMap.init false).
+Definition interp_bin (b: bool * bool): option bool :=
+ match b with | (true, _) => None | (_, b) => Some b end.
+Fixpoint max_hash_pred (p: hash_pred) :=
+ match p with
+ | T | ⟂ | ○ => 1
+ | Pbase k => k
+ | p1 ∧ p2 | p1 ∨ p2 | p1 → p2 => Pos.max (max_hash_pred p1) (max_hash_pred p2)
+ | ¬ p' => max_hash_pred p'
+ end.
+Definition eval_through_bin (p: hash_pred) (a: PTree.t bool) :=
+ let '(p', h, f) := conv_hash_pred p (PTree.empty _) (max_hash_pred p + 1) in
+ let m := conv_tree h a in
+ interp_bin (sat_hash_pred_bin1 (fst p') m, sat_hash_pred_bin1 (snd p') m).
+(*Compute eval_hash_pred (Pand (Por (Pbase 1) (Pbase 2)) (Pbase 3))
+ (PTree.set 1 true (PTree.set 3 true (PTree.empty _))).
+Compute eval_through_bin (Pand (Por (Pbase 1) (Pbase 2)) (Pbase 3))
+ (PTree.set 1 true (PTree.set 3 true (PTree.empty _))).*)
+Lemma satFormula_concat:
+ forall a b agn,
+ satFormula a agn ->
+ satFormula b agn ->
+ satFormula (a ++ b) agn.
+Proof. induction a; crush. Qed.
+Lemma satFormula_concat2:
+ forall a b agn,
+ satFormula (a ++ b) agn ->
+ satFormula a agn /\ satFormula b agn.
+ induction a; simplify;
+ try apply IHa in H1; crush.
+Lemma satClause_concat:
+ forall a a1 a0,
+ satClause a a1 ->
+ satClause (a0 ++ a) a1.
+Proof. induction a0; crush. Qed.
+Lemma satClause_concat2:
+ forall a a1 a0,
+ satClause a0 a1 ->
+ satClause (a0 ++ a) a1.
+ induction a0; crush.
+ inv H; crush.
+Lemma satClause_concat3:
+ forall a b c,
+ satClause (a ++ b) c ->
+ satClause a c \/ satClause b c.
+ induction a; crush.
+ inv H; crush.
+ apply IHa in H0; crush.
+ inv H0; crush.
+Lemma satFormula_mult':
+ forall p2 a a0,
+ satFormula p2 a0 \/ satClause a a0 ->
+ satFormula (map (fun x : list lit => a ++ x) p2) a0.
+ induction p2; crush.
+ - inv H. inv H0. apply satClause_concat. auto.
+ apply satClause_concat2; auto.
+ - apply IHp2.
+ inv H; crush; inv H0; crush.
+Lemma satFormula_mult2':
+ forall p2 a a0,
+ satFormula (map (fun x : list lit => a ++ x) p2) a0 ->
+ satClause a a0 \/ satFormula p2 a0.
+ induction p2; crush.
+ apply IHp2 in H1. inv H1; crush.
+ apply satClause_concat3 in H0.
+ inv H0; crush.
+Lemma satFormula_mult:
+ forall p1 p2 a,
+ satFormula p1 a \/ satFormula p2 a ->
+ satFormula (mult p1 p2) a.
+ induction p1; crush.
+ apply satFormula_concat; crush.
+ inv H. inv H0.
+ apply IHp1. auto.
+ apply IHp1. auto.
+ apply satFormula_mult';
+ inv H; crush.
+Lemma satFormula_mult2:
+ forall p1 p2 a,
+ satFormula (mult p1 p2) a ->
+ satFormula p1 a \/ satFormula p2 a.
+ induction p1; crush.
+ apply satFormula_concat2 in H; crush.
+ apply IHp1 in H0.
+ inv H0; crush.
+ apply satFormula_mult2' in H1. inv H1; crush.
+Fixpoint trans_pred (p: @pred_bin positive) :
+ {fm: formula | forall a, sat_hash_pred_bin1' p a = true <-> satFormula fm a}.
+ refine
+ (match p with
+ | PBtrue => exist _ nil _
+ | PBfalse => exist _ (nil :: nil) _
+ | PBbase (b, p') => exist _ (((b, Pos.to_nat p') :: nil) :: nil) _
+ | PBand p1 p2 =>
+ match trans_pred p1, trans_pred p2 with
+ | exist p1' _, exist p2' _ => exist _ (p1' ++ p2') _
+ end
+ | PBor p1 p2 =>
+ match trans_pred p1, trans_pred p2 with
+ | exist p1' _, exist p2' _ => exist _ (mult p1' p2') _
+ end
+ end); split; crush.
+ - destruct_match; subst. tauto. simplify. tauto.
+ - inv H0; crush. destruct_match; crush. subst. apply negb_true_iff. crush.
+ - apply satFormula_concat. apply i; auto. apply i0; auto.
+ - apply satFormula_concat2 in H. simplify. apply andb_true_intro.
+ split. apply i in H0. auto.
+ apply i0 in H1. auto.
+ - apply orb_prop in H. inv H; apply satFormula_mult. apply i in H0. auto.
+ apply i0 in H0. auto.
+ - apply orb_true_intro.
+ apply satFormula_mult2 in H. inv H. apply i in H0. auto.
+ apply i0 in H0. auto.
+Definition sat_pred (bound: nat) (p: @pred_bin positive) :
+ option ({al : alist | sat_hash_pred_bin1' p (interp_alist al) = true}
+ + {forall a : asgn, sat_hash_pred_bin1' p a = false}).
+ refine
+ ( match trans_pred p with
+ | exist fm _ =>
+ match boundedSat bound fm with
+ | Some (inleft (exist a _)) => Some (inleft (exist _ a _))
+ | Some (inright _) => Some (inright _)
+ | None => None
+ end
+ end ).
+ - apply i in s1. auto.
+ - intros. specialize (n a). specialize (i a).
+ destruct (sat_hash_pred_bin1' p a). exfalso.
+ apply n. apply i. auto. auto.
+Lemma negate_correct :
+ forall h a, sat_hash_pred_bin1' (negate h) a = negb (sat_hash_pred_bin1' h a).
+ induction h; crush.
+ - repeat destruct_match; subst; crush; symmetry; apply negb_involutive.
+ - rewrite negb_andb; crush.
+ - rewrite negb_orb; crush.
+Lemma sat_implication :
+ forall h h' a,
+ sat_hash_pred_bin1' (PBand (negate h) h') a = false ->
+ sat_hash_pred_bin1' h' a = true ->
+ sat_hash_pred_bin1' h a = true.
+ intros. simplify. rewrite negate_correct in H.
+ rewrite H0 in H. rewrite andb_true_r in H. crush.
+Fixpoint trans_pred_simple (p: @pred_bin positive) :=
+ match p with
+ | PBtrue => nil
+ | PBfalse => nil :: nil
+ | PBbase (b, p') => ((b, Pos.to_nat p') :: nil) :: nil
+ | PBand p1 p2 =>
+ match trans_pred_simple p1, trans_pred_simple p2 with
+ | p1', p2' => (p1' ++ p2')
+ end
+ | PBor p1 p2 =>
+ match trans_pred_simple p1, trans_pred_simple p2 with
+ | p1', p2' => (mult p1' p2')
+ end
+ end.
+(*Compute trans_pred_simple (PBand (PBbase (false, 1)) (PBbase (true, 3))).*)
+Definition sat_pred_simple (bound: nat) (p: @pred_bin positive) :=
+ boundedSatSimple bound (trans_pred_simple p).
+Definition sat_hash_pred_simple (bound: nat) (p: hash_pred_bin) :=
+ match sat_pred_simple bound (PBor (fst p) (negate (snd p))) with
+ | Some None => Some None
+ | Some (Some a) => Some (Some a)
+ | None => None
+ end.
+Definition sat_hpred_simple bound (p: hash_pred) :=
+ let '(p', h, f) := conv_hash_pred p (PTree.empty _) (max_hash_pred p + 1) in
+ sat_hash_pred_simple bound p'.
+Lemma max_key_correct' :
+ forall l hi, In hi l -> hi <= fold_right Pos.max 1 l.
+ induction l; crush.
+ inv H. lia.
+ destruct (Pos.max_dec a (fold_right Pos.max 1 l)); rewrite e.
+ - apply Pos.max_l_iff in e.
+ assert (forall a b c, a <= c -> c <= b -> a <= b) by lia.
+ eapply H; eauto.
+ - apply IHl; auto.
+Definition bar (p1: lit): lit := (negb (fst p1), (snd p1)).
+Definition stseytin_or (cur p1 p2: lit) : formula :=
+ (bar cur :: p1 :: p2 :: nil)
+ :: (cur :: bar p1 :: nil)
+ :: (cur :: bar p2 :: nil) :: nil.
+Definition stseytin_and (cur p1 p2: lit) : formula :=
+ (cur :: bar p1 :: bar p2 :: nil)
+ :: (bar cur :: p1 :: nil)
+ :: (bar cur :: p2 :: nil) :: nil.
+Fixpoint xtseytin (next: nat) (p: @pred_bin positive) {struct p} : (nat * lit * formula) :=
+ match p with
+ | PBbase (b, p') => (next, (b, Pos.to_nat p'), nil)
+ | PBtrue =>
+ ((next+1)%nat, (true, next), ((true, next)::nil)::nil)
+ | PBfalse =>
+ ((next+1)%nat, (true, next), ((false, next)::nil)::nil)
+ | PBor p1 p2 =>
+ let '(m1, n1, f1) := xtseytin next p1 in
+ let '(m2, n2, f2) := xtseytin m1 p2 in
+ ((m2+1)%nat, (true, m2), stseytin_or (true, m2) n1 n2 ++ f1 ++ f2)
+ | PBand p1 p2 =>
+ let '(m1, n1, f1) := xtseytin next p1 in
+ let '(m2, n2, f2) := xtseytin m1 p2 in
+ ((m2+1)%nat, (true, m2), stseytin_and (true, m2) n1 n2 ++ f1 ++ f2)
+ end.
+Lemma stseytin_and_correct :
+ forall cur p1 p2 fm c,
+ stseytin_and cur p1 p2 = fm ->
+ satLit cur c ->
+ satLit p1 c /\ satLit p2 c ->
+ satFormula fm c.
+ intros.
+ unfold stseytin_and in *. rewrite <- H.
+ unfold satLit in *. destruct p1. destruct p2. destruct cur.
+ simpl in *|-. cbn. unfold satLit. cbn. crush.
+Lemma stseytin_or_correct :
+ forall cur p1 p2 fm c,
+ stseytin_or cur p1 p2 = fm ->
+ satLit cur c ->
+ satLit p1 c \/ satLit p2 c ->
+ satFormula fm c.
+ intros.
+ unfold stseytin_or in *. rewrite <- H. inv H1.
+ unfold satLit in *. destruct p1. destruct p2. destruct cur.
+ simpl in *|-. cbn. unfold satLit. cbn. crush.
+ unfold satLit in *. destruct p1. destruct p2. destruct cur.
+ simpl in *|-. cbn. unfold satLit. cbn. crush.
+Fixpoint max_predicate (p: @pred_bin positive) : positive :=
+ match p with
+ | PBbase (b, p) => p
+ | PBtrue => 1
+ | PBfalse => 1
+ | PBand a b => Pos.max (max_predicate a) (max_predicate b)
+ | PBor a b => Pos.max (max_predicate a) (max_predicate b)
+ end.
+Definition tseytin_simple (p: @pred_bin positive) : formula :=
+ let m := Pos.to_nat (max_predicate p + 1) in
+ let '(m, n, fm) := xtseytin m p in
+ (n::nil) :: fm.
+Definition sat_pred_simple_tseytin (p: @pred_bin positive) : option (option alist) :=
+ match boundedSatSimple 10000%nat (tseytin_simple p) with
+ | Some (Some a) => Some (Some a)
+ | Some None => Some None
+ | None => None
+ end.
+Definition sat_hash_pred_simple_tseytin (p: hash_pred_bin) :=
+ match sat_pred_simple_tseytin (PBor (fst p) (negate (snd p))) with
+ | Some None => Some None
+ | Some (Some a) => Some (Some a)
+ | None => None
+ end.
+Definition sat_hpred_simple_tseytin (p: hash_pred) :=
+ let '(p', h, f) := conv_hash_pred p (PTree.empty _) (max_hash_pred p + 1) in
+ sat_hash_pred_simple_tseytin p'.
+(*Compute sat_hpred_simple_tseytin ((Pbase 1 ∨ Pbase 2) → (Pbase 1 ∨ Pbase 2)).
+Compute sat_hpred_simple 1000%nat (simplify ((Pbase 1 ∨ Pbase 2) → (Pbase 1 ∨ Pbase 2))).*)
+Lemma max_key_correct :
+ forall A h_tree hi (c: A),
+ h_tree ! hi = Some c ->
+ hi <= max_key h_tree.
+ unfold max_key. intros. apply PTree.elements_correct in H.
+ apply max_key_correct'.
+ eapply in_map with (f := fst) in H. auto.
+Lemma hash_constant :
+ forall p h h_tree hi c h_tree',
+ h_tree ! hi = Some c ->
+ hash_predicate p h_tree = (h, h_tree') ->
+ h_tree' ! hi = Some c.
+ induction p; crush.
+ - repeat (destruct_match; crush); subst.
+ pose proof H as X. apply max_key_correct in X.
+ rewrite PTree.gso by lia; auto.
+ - repeat (destruct_match; crush). exploit IHp1; eauto.
+ - repeat (destruct_match; crush). exploit IHp1; eauto.
+ - repeat (destruct_match; crush). exploit IHp1; eauto.
+ - repeat (destruct_match; crush). exploit IHp; eauto.
+Lemma find_tree_correct :
+ forall c h_tree p,
+ find_tree c h_tree = Some p ->
+ h_tree ! p = Some c.
+ intros.
+ unfold find_tree in H. destruct_match; crush.
+ destruct_match; simplify.
+ destruct_match; crush.
+ assert (In (p, a) (filter
+ (fun x : positive * A =>
+ let (_, b) := x in if el_dec c b then true else false) (PTree.elements h_tree))).
+ { rewrite Heql. constructor. auto. }
+ apply filter_In in H. simplify. destruct_match; crush. subst.
+ apply PTree.elements_complete; auto.
+Lemma find_tree_unique :
+ forall c h_tree p p',
+ find_tree c h_tree = Some p ->
+ h_tree ! p' = Some c ->
+ p = p'.
+ intros.
+ unfold find_tree in H.
+ repeat (destruct_match; crush; []).
+ assert (In (p, a) (filter
+ (fun x : positive * A =>
+ let (_, b) := x in if el_dec c b then true else false) (PTree.elements h_tree))).
+ { rewrite Heql. constructor. auto. }
+ apply filter_In in H. simplify.
+ destruct (Pos.eq_dec p p'); auto.
+ exfalso.
+ destruct_match; subst; crush.
+ assert (In (p', a) (PTree.elements h_tree) /\ (fun x : positive * A =>
+ let (_, b) := x in if el_dec a b then true else false) (p', a) = true).
+ { split. apply PTree.elements_correct. auto. rewrite Heqs. auto. }
+ apply filter_In in H. rewrite Heql in H. inv H. simplify. crush. crush.
+Lemma hash_predicate_hash_le :
+ forall p n p' n',
+ hash_predicate p n = (p', n') ->
+ (PTree_Properties.cardinal n <= PTree_Properties.cardinal n')%nat.
+ induction p; crush.
+ - repeat (destruct_match; crush).
+ assert (n ! (max_key n + 1) = None).
+ { destruct (n ! (max_key n + 1)) eqn:?; auto.
+ apply max_key_correct in Heqo0. lia. }
+ exploit PTree_Properties.cardinal_set; eauto.
+ instantiate (1 := a); intros. lia.
+ - repeat (destruct_match; crush).
+ apply IHp1 in Heqp. apply IHp2 in Heqp0. lia.
+ - repeat (destruct_match; crush).
+ apply IHp1 in Heqp. apply IHp2 in Heqp0. lia.
+ - repeat (destruct_match; crush).
+ apply IHp1 in Heqp. apply IHp2 in Heqp0. lia.
+ - repeat (destruct_match; crush).
+ apply IHp in Heqp0. lia.
+Lemma hash_predicate_hash_len :
+ forall p n p' n',
+ hash_predicate p n = (p', n') ->
+ PTree_Properties.cardinal n = PTree_Properties.cardinal n' ->
+ n = n'.
+ induction p; crush.
+ - repeat (destruct_match; crush).
+ assert (n ! (max_key n + 1) = None).
+ { destruct (n ! (max_key n + 1)) eqn:?; auto.
+ apply max_key_correct in Heqo0. lia. }
+ exploit PTree_Properties.cardinal_set; eauto.
+ instantiate (1 := a); intros. lia.
+ - repeat (destruct_match; crush).
+ pose proof Heqp as X; apply hash_predicate_hash_le in X.
+ pose proof Heqp0 as X0; apply hash_predicate_hash_le in X0.
+ exploit IHp1; eauto. lia. intros; subst.
+ exploit IHp2; eauto.
+ - repeat (destruct_match; crush).
+ pose proof Heqp as X; apply hash_predicate_hash_le in X.
+ pose proof Heqp0 as X0; apply hash_predicate_hash_le in X0.
+ exploit IHp1; eauto. lia. intros; subst.
+ exploit IHp2; eauto.
+ - repeat (destruct_match; crush).
+ pose proof Heqp as X; apply hash_predicate_hash_le in X.
+ pose proof Heqp0 as X0; apply hash_predicate_hash_le in X0.
+ exploit IHp1; eauto. lia. intros; subst.
+ exploit IHp2; eauto.
+ - repeat (destruct_match; crush).
+ pose proof Heqp0 as X; apply hash_predicate_hash_le in X.
+ exploit IHp; eauto.
+Inductive pred_In {A} : A -> @pred A -> Prop :=
+| pred_In_Pbase : forall a, pred_In a (Pbase a)
+| pred_In_Pand1 : forall c p1 p2, pred_In c p1 -> pred_In c (p1 ∧ p2)
+| pred_In_Pand2 : forall c p1 p2, pred_In c p2 -> pred_In c (p1 ∧ p2)
+| pred_In_Por1 : forall c p1 p2, pred_In c p1 -> pred_In c (p1 ∨ p2)
+| pred_In_Por2 : forall c p1 p2, pred_In c p2 -> pred_In c (p1 ∨ p2)
+| pred_In_Pimp1 : forall c p1 p2, pred_In c p1 -> pred_In c (p1 → p2)
+| pred_In_Pimp2 : forall c p1 p2, pred_In c p2 -> pred_In c (p1 → p2)
+| pred_In_Pnot : forall c p, pred_In c p -> pred_In c (¬ p).
+Lemma pred_In_dec :
+ forall A (c: A) p,
+ (forall a b : A, { a = b } + { a <> b }) ->
+ { pred_In c p } + { ~ pred_In c p }.
+ induction p; crush.
+ - right. unfold not. intros. inv H.
+ - right. unfold not. intros. inv H.
+ - right. unfold not. intros. inv H.
+ - destruct (X c a); subst.
+ { left. constructor. }
+ { right. unfold not. intros. inv H. auto. }
+ - pose proof X as X1. pose proof X as X2.
+ apply IHp1 in X1. apply IHp2 in X2.
+ inv X1; inv X2. left. constructor. tauto.
+ left. constructor. auto.
+ left. apply pred_In_Pand2. auto.
+ right. unfold not. intros. inv H1; auto.
+ - pose proof X as X1. pose proof X as X2.
+ apply IHp1 in X1. apply IHp2 in X2.
+ inv X1; inv X2. left. constructor. tauto.
+ left. constructor. auto.
+ left. apply pred_In_Por2. auto.
+ right. unfold not. intros. inv H1; auto.
+ - pose proof X as X1. pose proof X as X2.
+ apply IHp1 in X1. apply IHp2 in X2.
+ inv X1; inv X2. left. constructor. tauto.
+ left. constructor. auto.
+ left. apply pred_In_Pimp2. auto.
+ right. unfold not. intros. inv H1; auto.
+ - pose proof X as X1. apply IHp in X1.
+ inv X1. left. constructor. tauto.
+ right. unfold not. intros. inv H0; auto.
+Lemma pred_In_hash :
+ forall p n p' n' c,
+ hash_predicate p n = (p', n') ->
+ pred_In c p ->
+ exists t, n' ! t = Some c /\ pred_In t p'.
+ induction p; simplify.
+ - inv H0.
+ - inv H0.
+ - inv H0.
+ - repeat (destruct_match; crush; []); subst.
+ destruct_match; simplify.
+ { inv H0. apply find_tree_correct in Heqo.
+ econstructor; ecrush core. constructor. }
+ { inv H0. econstructor. rewrite PTree.gss. crush. constructor. }
+ - repeat (destruct_match; crush; []). inv H0.
+ exploit IHp1; eauto. simplify. econstructor. simplify. eapply hash_constant; eauto.
+ constructor; auto.
+ exploit IHp2; eauto. simplify. econstructor; ecrush core. apply pred_In_Pand2. auto.
+ - repeat (destruct_match; crush; []). inv H0.
+ exploit IHp1; eauto. simplify. econstructor. simplify. eapply hash_constant; eauto.
+ constructor; auto.
+ exploit IHp2; eauto. simplify. econstructor; ecrush core. apply pred_In_Por2. auto.
+ - repeat (destruct_match; crush; []). inv H0.
+ exploit IHp1; eauto. simplify. econstructor. simplify. eapply hash_constant; eauto.
+ constructor; auto.
+ exploit IHp2; eauto. simplify. econstructor; ecrush core. apply pred_In_Pimp2. auto.
+ - repeat (destruct_match; crush; []). inv H0. exploit IHp; eauto; simplify.
+ econstructor; simplify; eauto. econstructor; auto.
+Lemma hash_pred_In' :
+ forall p h t c n n',
+ hash_predicate p n = (h, n') ->
+ n ! t = None ->
+ n' ! t = Some c ->
+ pred_In c p.
+ induction p; crush.
+ - repeat (destruct_match); subst; crush.
+ destruct (Pos.eq_dec t (max_key n + 1)); subst.
+ { rewrite PTree.gss in H1. simplify. constructor. }
+ { rewrite PTree.gso in H1; crush. }
+ - repeat (destruct_match); subst; crush.
+ destruct (t0 ! t) eqn:?.
+ { pose proof Heqo as X. eapply hash_constant in X; eauto. simplify.
+ constructor. eapply IHp1; eauto. }
+ { apply pred_In_Pand2; eapply IHp2; eauto. }
+ - repeat (destruct_match); subst; crush.
+ destruct (t0 ! t) eqn:?.
+ { pose proof Heqo as X. eapply hash_constant in X; eauto. simplify.
+ constructor. eapply IHp1; eauto. }
+ { apply pred_In_Por2; eapply IHp2; eauto. }
+ - repeat (destruct_match); subst; crush.
+ destruct (t0 ! t) eqn:?.
+ { pose proof Heqo as X. eapply hash_constant in X; eauto. simplify.
+ constructor. eapply IHp1; eauto. }
+ { apply pred_In_Pimp2; eapply IHp2; eauto. }
+ - repeat (destruct_match); subst; crush.
+ exploit IHp; eauto; intros. econstructor; auto.
+Lemma hash_pred_In :
+ forall p h p' h' c n,
+ hash_predicate p (PTree.empty _) = (h, n) ->
+ hash_predicate p' n = (h', n) ->
+ pred_In c p' -> pred_In c p.
+ intros. exploit pred_In_hash; eauto. simplify.
+ eapply hash_pred_In'; eauto. apply PTree.gempty.
+Lemma pred_In_hash2 :
+ forall p h n n' t,
+ hash_predicate p n = (h, n') ->
+ pred_In t h ->
+ exists c, n' ! t = Some c /\ pred_In c p.
+ induction p; simplify.
+ - inv H0.
+ - inv H0.
+ - inv H0.
+ - repeat (destruct_match; crush; []); subst.
+ destruct_match; simplify.
+ { inv H0. apply find_tree_correct in Heqo.
+ econstructor; ecrush core. constructor. }
+ { inv H0. econstructor. rewrite PTree.gss. crush. constructor. }
+ - repeat (destruct_match; crush; []). inv H0.
+ exploit IHp1; eauto. simplify. econstructor. simplify. eapply hash_constant; eauto.
+ constructor; auto.
+ exploit IHp2; eauto. simplify. econstructor; ecrush core. apply pred_In_Pand2. auto.
+ - repeat (destruct_match; crush; []). inv H0.
+ exploit IHp1; eauto. simplify. econstructor. simplify. eapply hash_constant; eauto.
+ constructor; auto.
+ exploit IHp2; eauto. simplify. econstructor; ecrush core. apply pred_In_Por2. auto.
+ - repeat (destruct_match; crush; []). inv H0.
+ exploit IHp1; eauto. simplify. econstructor. simplify. eapply hash_constant; eauto.
+ constructor; auto.
+ exploit IHp2; eauto. simplify. econstructor; ecrush core. apply pred_In_Pimp2. auto.
+ - repeat (destruct_match; crush; []). inv H0.
+ exploit IHp; eauto; simplify; repeat econstructor; ecrush core.
+Lemma hash_constant2 :
+ forall p n h n' v c c',
+ hash_predicate p n = (h, n') ->
+ n ! v = Some c ->
+ n' ! v = Some c' ->
+ c = c'.
+ intros.
+ eapply hash_constant in H; eauto. rewrite H1 in H. crush.
+Lemma pred_not_in_Pand :
+ forall A (c: A) p1 p2,
+ ~ pred_In c (p1 ∧ p2) ->
+ ~ pred_In c p1 /\ ~ pred_In c p2.
+ intros. split.
+ - unfold not in *. intros. apply H. constructor. auto.
+ - unfold not in *. intros. apply H. apply pred_In_Pand2. auto.
+Lemma pred_not_in_Por :
+ forall A (c: A) p1 p2,
+ ~ pred_In c (p1 ∨ p2) ->
+ ~ pred_In c p1 /\ ~ pred_In c p2.
+ intros. split.
+ - unfold not in *. intros. apply H. constructor. auto.
+ - unfold not in *. intros. apply H. apply pred_In_Por2. auto.
+Lemma simplify'_correct :
+ forall h a,
+ eval_hash_pred (simplify' h) a = eval_hash_pred h a.
+Proof. destruct h; crush; repeat (destruct_match; crush). Qed.
+Lemma eval_hash_pred_Pand_destr :
+ forall p1 p2 p1' p2' a,
+ eval_hash_pred p1 a = eval_hash_pred p1' a ->
+ eval_hash_pred p2 a = eval_hash_pred p2' a ->
+ eval_hash_pred (Pand p1 p2) a = eval_hash_pred (Pand p1' p2') a.
+Proof. intros. simpl. rewrite H in *. rewrite H0 in *. auto. Qed.
+Lemma eval_hash_pred_Pand_symm :
+ forall p1 p2 a,
+ eval_hash_pred (Pand p1 p2) a = eval_hash_pred (Pand p2 p1) a.
+Proof. simplify. repeat destruct_match; auto. Qed.
+Lemma eval_hash_pred_Por_symm :
+ forall p1 p2 a,
+ eval_hash_pred (Por p1 p2) a = eval_hash_pred (Por p2 p1) a.
+Proof. simplify. repeat destruct_match; auto. Qed.
+Lemma eval_hash_pred_Por_destr :
+ forall p1 p2 p1' p2' a,
+ eval_hash_pred p1 a = eval_hash_pred p1' a ->
+ eval_hash_pred p2 a = eval_hash_pred p2' a ->
+ eval_hash_pred (Por p1 p2) a = eval_hash_pred (Por p1' p2') a.
+Proof. intros. simpl. rewrite H in *. rewrite H0 in *. auto. Qed.
+Lemma eval_hash_pred_Pand_refl :
+ forall p1 a,
+ eval_hash_pred (Pand p1 p1) a = eval_hash_pred p1 a.
+Proof. intros. simpl. repeat destruct_match; auto. Qed.
+Lemma eval_hash_pred_Por_refl :
+ forall p1 a,
+ eval_hash_pred (Por p1 p1) a = eval_hash_pred p1 a.
+Proof. intros. simpl. repeat destruct_match; auto. Qed.
+ Lemma pand_false :
+ forall a b l,
+ eval_hash_pred (Pand a b) l <> Some true ->
+ eval_hash_pred b l = Some true ->
+ eval_hash_pred a l <> Some true.
+Proof. simplify. repeat destruct_match; crush. Qed.
+Lemma pand_true :
+ forall a b l,
+ eval_hash_pred (Pand a b) l = Some true ->
+ eval_hash_pred a l = Some true /\ eval_hash_pred b l = Some true.
+Proof. simplify; repeat destruct_match; crush. Qed.
+Lemma pand_true2 :
+ forall a b l,
+ eval_hash_pred b l = Some true ->
+ eval_hash_pred a l = Some true ->
+ eval_hash_pred (Pand a b) l = Some true.
+Proof. simplify; repeat destruct_match; crush. Qed.
+Lemma eval_hash_pred_fold_Pand :
+ forall l x la,
+ eval_hash_pred (fold_left Pand l x) la = Some true ->
+ eval_hash_pred x la = Some true.
+ induction l as [| el l' IHl ]; [tauto|].
+ intros * EVAL. cbn in *.
+ eapply IHl in EVAL. eapply pand_true in EVAL; tauto.
+Lemma eval_hash_pred_fold_Pand2 :
+ forall l x la y,
+ eval_hash_pred (fold_left Pand l x) la = Some true ->
+ eval_hash_pred y la = Some true ->
+ eval_hash_pred (fold_left Pand l y) la = Some true.
+ induction l as [| el l' IHl ]; [tauto|].
+ intros * EVAL EVALY. cbn in *.
+ pose proof EVAL as EVAL2.
+ apply eval_hash_pred_fold_Pand in EVAL.
+ eapply IHl; eauto. apply pand_true2; apply pand_true in EVAL; tauto.
+Lemma eval_hash_pred_fold_Pand3 :
+ forall l x la,
+ eval_hash_pred (fold_left Pand l x) la = Some true ->
+ eval_hash_pred (fold_left Pand l T) la = Some true.
+Proof. eauto using eval_hash_pred_fold_Pand2. Qed.
+Lemma eval_hash_pred_fold_Pand4 :
+ forall l x la,
+ eval_hash_pred (fold_left Pand l x) la = Some true ->
+ eval_hash_pred (fold_left Pand l T) la = Some true /\ eval_hash_pred x la = Some true.
+ intros; split;
+ eauto using eval_hash_pred_fold_Pand3, eval_hash_pred_fold_Pand.
+Lemma eval_equiv2 :
+ forall a b la,
+ eval_hash_pred a la = eval_hash_pred b la ->
+ eval_hash_pred (equiv a b) la = Some true.
+ unfold equiv; intros. unfold eval_hash_pred in *. fold eval_hash_pred in *.
+ repeat destruct_match; try discriminate; crush.
+Lemma eval_equiv :
+ forall a b la,
+ eval_hash_pred (equiv a b) la = Some true ->
+ eval_hash_pred a la = eval_hash_pred b la.
+ unfold equiv; intros. unfold eval_hash_pred in *. fold eval_hash_pred in *.
+ repeat destruct_match; try discriminate; crush.
+Lemma eval_hash_pred_T_Pand :
+ forall a l,
+ eval_hash_pred (Pand T a) l = eval_hash_pred a l.
+ intros; unfold eval_hash_pred; fold eval_hash_pred;
+ destruct_match; auto.
+Lemma fold_and_forall :
+ forall p a pt,
+ eval_hash_pred (fold_left Pand p pt) a = Some true ->
+ Forall (fun x => eval_hash_pred x a = Some true) p.
+ induction p; crush.
+ constructor.
+ - apply eval_hash_pred_fold_Pand in H. eapply pand_true; eauto.
+ - eapply IHp. eauto.
+Lemma fold_and_forall2 :
+ forall p a pt,
+ eval_hash_pred pt a = Some true ->
+ Forall (fun x => eval_hash_pred x a = Some true) p ->
+ eval_hash_pred (fold_left Pand p pt) a = Some true.
+ induction p; crush. inv H0.
+ eapply IHp; eauto.
+ apply pand_true2; eauto.
+Lemma fold_and_forall3 :
+ forall p a,
+ Forall (fun x => eval_hash_pred x a = Some true) p <->
+ eval_hash_pred (fold_left Pand p T) a = Some true.
+ intros; split; intros.
+ eapply fold_and_forall2; eauto.
+ eapply fold_and_forall; eauto.
+Lemma eval_hash_pred_gso2 :
+ forall p x y b,
+ ~ pred_In y p ->
+ eval_hash_pred p (PTree.set y b x) = eval_hash_pred p x.
+ induction p; try solve [crush].
+ - intros * MAX. cbn in *. rewrite PTree.gso; auto. unfold not; intros.
+ apply MAX; subst; constructor.
+ - intros. cbn in H. simplify. erewrite !IHp1.
+ erewrite !IHp2. auto. unfold not in *; intros; apply H; now apply pred_In_Pand2.
+ unfold not in *; intros; apply H; now constructor.
+ - intros. cbn in H. simplify. erewrite !IHp1.
+ erewrite !IHp2. auto. unfold not in *; intros; apply H; now apply pred_In_Por2.
+ unfold not in *; intros; apply H; now constructor.
+ - intros. cbn in H. simplify. erewrite !IHp1.
+ erewrite !IHp2. auto. unfold not in *; intros; apply H; now apply pred_In_Pimp2.
+ unfold not in *; intros; apply H; now constructor.
+ - intros. cbn in H. simplify. erewrite !IHp. auto.
+ unfold not in *; intros; apply H; now constructor.
+Lemma eval_hash_pred_gso :
+ forall p x y b,
+ (max_hash_pred p < y)%positive ->
+ eval_hash_pred p (PTree.set y b x) = eval_hash_pred p x.
+ induction p; try solve [crush].
+ - intros * MAX. cbn in *. now rewrite PTree.gso by lia.
+ - intros. cbn in H. simplify. erewrite !IHp1 by lia.
+ now erewrite !IHp2 by lia.
+ - intros. cbn in H. simplify. erewrite !IHp1 by lia.
+ now erewrite !IHp2 by lia.
+ - intros. cbn in H. simplify. erewrite !IHp1 by lia.
+ now erewrite !IHp2 by lia.
+ - intros. cbn in H. simplify. now erewrite !IHp by lia.
+Lemma eval_hash_pred_get :
+ forall p a,
+ eval_hash_pred (Pbase p) a = a ! p.
+Proof. crush. Qed.
+Lemma eval_hash_pred_except :
+ forall p a a0 a0',
+ ~ pred_In a p ->
+ (forall x : positive, x <> a -> a0 ! x = a0' ! x) ->
+ eval_hash_pred p a0 = eval_hash_pred p a0'.
+ induction p; crush.
+ - destruct (peq a0 a); subst.
+ + exfalso. apply H. constructor.
+ + now rewrite H0 by auto.
+ - erewrite IHp1; eauto.
+ erewrite IHp2; eauto.
+ unfold not; intros; apply H. apply pred_In_Pand2; auto.
+ unfold not; intros; apply H. constructor; auto.
+ - erewrite IHp1; eauto.
+ erewrite IHp2; eauto.
+ unfold not; intros; apply H. apply pred_In_Por2; auto.
+ unfold not; intros; apply H. constructor; auto.
+ - erewrite IHp1; eauto.
+ erewrite IHp2; eauto.
+ unfold not; intros; apply H. apply pred_In_Pimp2; auto.
+ unfold not; intros; apply H. constructor; auto.
+ - erewrite IHp; eauto.
+ unfold not; intros; apply H. constructor; auto.
+Lemma eval_hash_pred_pand :
+ forall p p1 p2 p3 a a',
+ eval_hash_pred p1 a = eval_hash_pred p a' ->
+ eval_hash_pred p2 a = eval_hash_pred p3 a' ->
+ eval_hash_pred (p1 ∧ p2) a = eval_hash_pred (p ∧ p3) a'.
+Proof. simplify; rewrite !H; now rewrite !H0. Qed.
+Lemma eval_hash_pred_por :
+ forall p p1 p2 p3 a a',
+ eval_hash_pred p1 a = eval_hash_pred p a' ->
+ eval_hash_pred p2 a = eval_hash_pred p3 a' ->
+ eval_hash_pred (p1 ∨ p2) a = eval_hash_pred (p ∨ p3) a'.
+Proof. simplify; rewrite !H; now rewrite !H0. Qed.
+Lemma eval_hash_pred_pimp :
+ forall p p1 p2 p3 a a',
+ eval_hash_pred p1 a = eval_hash_pred p a' ->
+ eval_hash_pred p2 a = eval_hash_pred p3 a' ->
+ eval_hash_pred (p1 → p2) a = eval_hash_pred (p → p3) a'.
+Proof. simplify; rewrite !H; now rewrite !H0. Qed.
+Lemma eval_hash_pred_pnot :
+ forall p p' a a',
+ eval_hash_pred p a = eval_hash_pred p' a' ->
+ eval_hash_pred (¬ p) a = eval_hash_pred (¬ p') a'.
+Proof. simplify; now rewrite !H. Qed.
+Lemma fold_left_Pand_rev :
+ forall l b,
+ eval_hash_pred (fold_left Pand (rev l) T) b = Some true ->
+ eval_hash_pred (fold_left Pand l T) b = Some true.
+ intros.
+ apply fold_and_forall3.
+ apply fold_and_forall3 in H.
+ apply Forall_forall; intros.
+ now eapply Forall_forall in H; [|rewrite <- in_rev; eassumption].
+Lemma fold_left_Pand_rev2 :
+ forall l b,
+ eval_hash_pred (fold_left Pand l T) b = Some true ->
+ eval_hash_pred (fold_left Pand (rev l) T) b = Some true.
+ intros.
+ apply fold_and_forall3.
+ apply fold_and_forall3 in H.
+ apply Forall_forall; intros.
+ now eapply Forall_forall in H; [|rewrite in_rev; eassumption].
+Lemma eval_hash_pred_T_Pand2 :
+ forall a b l,
+ eval_hash_pred b l = Some true ->
+ eval_hash_pred (Pand a b) l = eval_hash_pred a l.
+ intros; unfold eval_hash_pred; fold eval_hash_pred.
+ repeat (destruct_match; crush).
+Lemma eval_hash_pred_T_Pand3:
+ forall b a,
+ eval_hash_pred (b ∧ T) a = eval_hash_pred b a.
+ unfold eval_hash_pred; crush.
+ repeat (destruct_match; crush).
+End EVAL.
+End ThreeValued.
diff --git a/src/Sat.v b/src/Sat.v
new file mode 100644
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+(** Homework Assignment 6#<br>#
+#<a href="http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~adamc/itp/">#Interactive Computer Theorem
+CS294-9, Fall 2006#<br>#
+UC Berkeley *)
+(** Submit your solution file for this assignment as an attachment
+ #<a href="mailto:adamc@cs.berkeley.edu?subject=ICTP HW6">#by e-mail#</a># with
+ the subject "ICTP HW6" by the start of class on October 12.
+ You should write your solutions entirely on your own, which includes not
+ consulting any solutions to these problems that may be posted on the web.
+ #<a href="HW6.v">#Template source file#</a>#
+ *)
+Require Import Arith Bool List.
+(** This assignment involves building a certified boolean satisfiability solver
+ based on the DPLL algorithm. Your certified procedure will take as input a
+ boolean formula in conjunctive normal form (CNF) and either return a
+ satisfying assignment to the variables or a value signifying that the input
+ formula is unsatisfiable. Moreover, the procedure will be implemented with a
+ rich specification, so you'll know that the answer it gives is correct. By
+ the end of the assignment, you'll have extracted OCaml code that can be used
+ to solve some of the more modest classes of problems in the SATLIB archive.
+ If you need to page in the relevant background material, try the Wikipedia
+ pages on
+ #<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boolean_satisfiability_problem">#SAT#</a>#
+ and
+ #<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DPLL_algorithm">#the DPLL
+ algorithm#</a>#. The implementation we'll develop here omits the pure literal
+ heuristic mentioned on the Wikipedia page but is otherwise identical.
+ *)
+(** * Problem Definition *)
+Definition var := nat.
+(** We identify propositional variables with natural numbers. *)
+Definition lit := (bool * var)%type.
+(** A literal is a combination of a truth value and a variable. *)
+Definition clause := list lit.
+(** A clause is a list (disjunction) of literals. *)
+Definition formula := list clause.
+(** A formula is a list (conjunction) of clauses. *)
+Definition asgn := var -> bool.
+(** An assignment is a function from variables to their truth values. *)
+Definition satLit (l : lit) (a : asgn) :=
+ a (snd l) = fst l.
+(** An assignment satisfies a literal if it maps it to true. *)
+Fixpoint satClause (cl : clause) (a : asgn) {struct cl} : Prop :=
+ match cl with
+ | nil => False
+ | l :: cl' => satLit l a \/ satClause cl' a
+ end.
+(** An assignment satisfies a clause if it satisfies at least one of its
+ literals.
+ *)
+Fixpoint satFormula (fm: formula) (a: asgn) {struct fm} : Prop :=
+ match fm with
+ | nil => True
+ | cl :: fm' => satClause cl a /\ satFormula fm' a
+ end.
+(** An assignment satisfies a formula if it satisfies all of its clauses. *)
+(** * Subroutines *)
+(** This is the only section of this assignment where you need to provide your
+ own solutions. You will be implementing four crucial subroutines used by
+ I've provided a number of useful definitions and lemmas which you should feel
+ free to take advantage of in your definitions. A few tips to keep in mind
+ while writing these strongly specified functions:
+ - You have a case-by-case choice of a "programming" approach, based around the
+ [refine] tactic; or a "proving" approach, where the "code" parts of your
+ definitions are constructed step by step with tactics. The former is often
+ harder to get started with, but it tends to be more maintainable.
+ - When you use [refine] with a [fix] expression, it's usually a good idea to
+ use the [clear] tactic to remove the recursive function name from the
+ context immediately afterward. This is because Coq won't check that you
+ call this function with strictly smaller arguments until the whole proof is
+ done, and it's a real downer to be told you had an invalid recursion
+ somewhere after you finally "finish" a proof. Instead, make all recursive
+ calls explicit in the [refine] argument and clear the function name
+ afterward.
+ - You'll probably end up with a lot of proof obligations to discharge, and you
+ definitely won't want to prove most of them manually. These tactics will
+ probably be your best friends here: [intuition], [firstorder], [eauto],
+ [simpl], [subst], .... You will probably want to follow your [refine] tactics
+ with semicolons and strings of semicolon-separated tactics. These strings
+ should probably start out with basic simplifiers like [intros], [simpl], and
+ [subst].
+ - A word of warning about the [firstorder] tactic: When it works, it works
+ really well! However, this tactic has a way of running forever on
+ complicated enough goals. Be ready to cancel its use (e.g., press the
+ "Stop" button in Proof General) if it takes more than a few seconds. If
+ you do things the way I have, be prepared to mix and match all sorts of
+ different combinations of the automating tactics to get a proof script that
+ solves the problem quickly enough.
+ - The dependent type families that we use with rich specifications are all
+ defined in #<a href="http://coq.inria.fr/library/Coq.Init.Specif.html">#the
+ Specif module#</a># of the Coq standard library. One potential gotcha when
+ using them comes from the fact that they are defined inductively with
+ parameters; that is, some arguments to these type families are defined
+ before the colon in the [Inductive] command. Compared to general arguments
+ stemming from function types after that colon, usage of parameters is
+ restricted; they aren't allowed to vary in recursive occurrences of the
+ type being defined, for instance. Because of this, parameters are ignored
+ for the purposes of pattern-matching, while they must be passed when
+ actually constructing new values. For instance, one would pattern-match a
+ value of a [sig] type with a pattern like [exist x pf], while one would
+ construct a new value of the same type like [exist _ x pf]. The parameter
+ [P] is passed in the second case, and we use an underscore when the Coq
+ type-checker ought to be able to infer its value. When this inference isn't
+ possible, you may need to specify manually the predicate defining the [sig]
+ type you want.
+ You can also consult the sizeable example at the end of this file, which ties
+ together the pieces you are supposed to write.
+ *)
+(** You'll probably want to compare booleans for equality at some point. *)
+Definition bool_eq_dec : forall (x y : bool), {x = y} + {x <> y}.
+ decide equality.
+(** A literal and its negation can't be true simultaneously. *)
+Lemma contradictory_assignment : forall s l cl a,
+ s <> fst l
+ -> satLit l a
+ -> satLit (s, snd l) a
+ -> satClause cl a.
+ intros.
+ red in H0, H1.
+ simpl in H1.
+ subst.
+ tauto.
+Local Hint Resolve contradictory_assignment : core.
+(** Augment an assignment with a new mapping. *)
+Definition upd (a : asgn) (l : lit) : asgn :=
+ fun v : var =>
+ if eq_nat_dec v (snd l)
+ then fst l
+ else a v.
+(** Some lemmas about [upd] *)
+Lemma satLit_upd_eq : forall l a,
+ satLit l (upd a l).
+ unfold satLit, upd; simpl; intros.
+ destruct (eq_nat_dec (snd l) (snd l)); tauto.
+Local Hint Resolve satLit_upd_eq : core.
+Lemma satLit_upd_neq : forall v l s a,
+ v <> snd l
+ -> satLit (s, v) (upd a l)
+ -> satLit (s, v) a.
+ unfold satLit, upd; simpl; intros.
+ destruct (eq_nat_dec v (snd l)); tauto.
+Local Hint Resolve satLit_upd_neq : core.
+Lemma satLit_upd_neq2 : forall v l s a,
+ v <> snd l
+ -> satLit (s, v) a
+ -> satLit (s, v) (upd a l).
+ unfold satLit, upd; simpl; intros.
+ destruct (eq_nat_dec v (snd l)); tauto.
+Local Hint Resolve satLit_upd_neq2 : core.
+Lemma satLit_contra : forall s l a cl,
+ s <> fst l
+ -> satLit (s, snd l) (upd a l)
+ -> satClause cl a.
+ unfold satLit, upd; simpl; intros.
+ destruct (eq_nat_dec (snd l) (snd l)); intuition.
+ assert False; intuition.
+Local Hint Resolve satLit_contra : core.
+(** Here's the tactic that I used to discharge #<i>#all#</i># proof obligations
+ in my implementations of the four functions you will define.
+ It comes with no warranty, as different implementations may lead to
+ obligations that it can't solve, or obligations that it takes 42 years to
+ solve.
+ However, if you think enough like me, each of the four definitions you fill in
+ should read like: [[
+refine some_expression_with_holes; clear function_name; magic_solver.
+]] leaving out the [clear] invocation for non-recursive function definitions.
+ *)
+Ltac magic_solver := simpl; intros; subst; intuition eauto; firstorder;
+ match goal with
+ | [ H1 : satLit ?l ?a, H2 : satClause ?cl ?a |- _ ] =>
+ assert (satClause cl (upd a l)); firstorder
+ end.
+(** OK, here's your first challenge. Write this strongly-specified function to
+ update a clause to reflect the effect of making a particular literal true.
+ *)
+Definition setClause : forall (cl : clause) (l : lit),
+ {cl' : clause |
+ forall a, satClause cl (upd a l) <-> satClause cl' a}
+ + {forall a, satLit l a -> satClause cl a}.
+ refine (fix setClause (cl: clause) (l: lit) {struct cl} :=
+ match cl with
+ | nil => inleft (exist _ nil _)
+ | x :: xs =>
+ match setClause xs l with
+ | inright p => inright _
+ | inleft (exist _ cl' H) =>
+ match eq_nat_dec (snd x) (snd l), bool_eq_dec (fst x) (fst l) with
+ | left nat_eq, left bool_eq => inright _
+ | left eq, right ne => inleft (exist _ cl' _)
+ | right neq, _ => inleft (exist _ (x :: cl') _)
+ end
+ end
+ end); clear setClause; try magic_solver.
+ - intros; simpl; left; apply injective_projections in bool_eq; subst; auto.
+ - split; intros. simpl in H0. inversion H0. eapply satLit_contra; eauto.
+ destruct x; simpl in *; subst. auto.
+ apply H. eauto.
+ simpl. right. apply H; eauto.
+ - split; intros; simpl in *. inversion H0. destruct x; simpl in *; subst.
+ left. eauto.
+ right. apply H. eauto.
+ inversion H0. left. apply satLit_upd_neq2. auto. auto.
+ right. apply H. auto.
+(** For testing purposes, we define a weakly-specified function as a thin
+ wrapper around [setClause].
+ *)
+Definition setClauseSimple (cl : clause) (l : lit) :=
+ match setClause cl l with
+ | inleft (exist _ cl' _) => Some cl'
+ | inright _ => None
+ end.
+(** When your [setClause] implementation is done, you should be able to
+ uncomment these test cases and verify that each one yields the correct answer.
+ Be sure that your [setClause] definition ends in [Defined] and not [Qed], as
+ the former exposes the definition for use in computational reduction, while
+ the latter doesn't.
+ *)
+(*Eval compute in setClauseSimple ((false, 1%nat) :: nil) (true, 1%nat).*)
+(*Eval compute in setClauseSimple nil (true, 0).
+Eval compute in setClauseSimple ((true, 0) :: nil) (true, 0).
+Eval compute in setClauseSimple ((true, 0) :: nil) (false, 0).
+Eval compute in setClauseSimple ((true, 0) :: nil) (true, 1).
+Eval compute in setClauseSimple ((true, 0) :: nil) (false, 1).
+Eval compute in setClauseSimple ((true, 0) :: (true, 1) :: nil) (true, 1).
+Eval compute in setClauseSimple ((true, 0) :: (true, 1) :: nil) (false, 1).
+Eval compute in setClauseSimple ((true, 0) :: (false, 1) :: nil) (true, 1).
+Eval compute in setClauseSimple ((true, 0) :: (false, 1) :: nil) (false, 1).*)
+(** It's useful to have this strongly-specified nilness check. *)
+Definition isNil : forall (A : Set) (ls : list A), {ls = nil} + {True}.
+ destruct ls; [left|right]; eauto.
+Arguments isNil [A].
+(** Some more lemmas that I found helpful.... *)
+Lemma satLit_idem_lit : forall l a l',
+ satLit l a
+ -> satLit l' a
+ -> satLit l' (upd a l).
+ unfold satLit, upd; simpl; intros.
+ destruct (eq_nat_dec (snd l') (snd l)); congruence.
+Local Hint Resolve satLit_idem_lit : core.
+Lemma satLit_idem_clause : forall l a cl,
+ satLit l a
+ -> satClause cl a
+ -> satClause cl (upd a l).
+ induction cl; simpl; intuition.
+Local Hint Resolve satLit_idem_clause : core.
+Lemma satLit_idem_formula : forall l a fm,
+ satLit l a
+ -> satFormula fm a
+ -> satFormula fm (upd a l).
+ induction fm; simpl; intuition.
+Local Hint Resolve satLit_idem_formula : core.
+(** Challenge 2: Write this function that updates an entire formula to reflect
+ setting a literal to true.
+ *)
+Definition setFormula : forall (fm : formula) (l : lit),
+ {fm' : formula |
+ forall a, satFormula fm (upd a l) <-> satFormula fm' a}
+ + {forall a, satLit l a -> ~satFormula fm a}.
+ refine (fix setFormula (fm: formula) (l: lit) {struct fm} :=
+ match fm with
+ | nil => inleft (exist _ nil _)
+ | cl' :: fm' =>
+ match setFormula fm' l with
+ | inright p => inright _
+ | inleft (exist _ fm'' H) =>
+ match setClause cl' l with
+ | inright H' => inleft (exist _ fm'' _)
+ | inleft (exist _ cl'' _) =>
+ if isNil cl''
+ then inright _
+ else inleft (exist _ (cl'' :: fm'') _)
+ end
+ end
+ end); clear setFormula; try solve [magic_solver].
+(** Here's some code for testing your implementation. *)
+Definition setFormulaSimple (fm : formula) (l : lit) :=
+ match setFormula fm l with
+ | inleft (exist _ fm' _) => Some fm'
+ | inright _ => None
+ end.
+(*Eval compute in setFormulaSimple (((true, 1%nat) :: nil) :: ((false, 1%nat) :: nil) :: nil) (true, 1%nat).
+Eval compute in setFormulaSimple nil (true, 0).
+Eval compute in setFormulaSimple (((true, 0) :: nil) :: nil) (true, 0).
+Eval compute in setFormulaSimple (((false, 0) :: nil) :: nil) (true, 0).
+Eval compute in setFormulaSimple (((false, 1) :: nil) :: nil) (true, 0).
+Eval compute in setFormulaSimple (((false, 1) :: (true, 0) :: nil) :: nil) (true, 0).
+Eval compute in setFormulaSimple (((false, 1) :: (false, 0) :: nil) :: nil) (true, 0).*)
+Local Hint Extern 1 False => discriminate : core.
+Local Hint Extern 1 False =>
+ match goal with
+ | [ H : In _ (_ :: _) |- _ ] => inversion H; clear H; subst
+ end : core.
+(** Challenge 3: Write this code that either finds a unit clause in a formula
+ or declares that there are none.
+ *)
+Definition findUnitClause : forall (fm: formula),
+ {l : lit | In (l :: nil) fm}
+ + {forall l, ~In (l :: nil) fm}.
+ refine (fix findUnitClause (fm: formula) {struct fm} :=
+ match fm with
+ | nil => inright _
+ | (l :: nil) :: fm' => inleft (exist _ l _)
+ | cl :: fm' =>
+ match findUnitClause fm' with
+ | inleft (exist _ l _) => inleft (exist _ l _)
+ | inright H => inright _
+ end
+ end
+ ); clear findUnitClause; magic_solver.
+(** The literal in a unit clause must always be true in a satisfying
+ assignment.
+ *)
+Lemma unitClauseTrue : forall l a fm,
+ In (l :: nil) fm
+ -> satFormula fm a
+ -> satLit l a.
+ induction fm; intuition.
+ inversion H.
+ inversion H; subst; simpl in H0; intuition.
+Local Hint Resolve unitClauseTrue : core.
+(** Final challenge: Implement unit propagation. The return type of
+ [unitPropagate] signifies that three results are possible:
+ - [None]: There are no unit clauses.
+ - [Some (inleft _)]: There is a unit clause, and here is a formula reflecting
+ setting its literal to true.
+ - [Some (inright _)]: There is a unit clause, and propagating it reveals that
+ the formula is unsatisfiable.
+ *)
+Definition unitPropagate : forall (fm : formula), option (sigT (fun fm' : formula =>
+ {l : lit |
+ (forall a, satFormula fm a -> satLit l a)
+ /\ forall a, satFormula fm (upd a l) <-> satFormula fm' a})
++ {forall a, ~satFormula fm a}).
+ refine (fix unitPropagate (fm: formula) {struct fm} :=
+ match findUnitClause fm with
+ | inright H => None
+ | inleft (exist _ l _) =>
+ match setFormula fm l with
+ | inright _ => Some (inright _)
+ | inleft (exist _ fm' _) =>
+ Some (inleft (existT _ fm' (exist _ l _)))
+ end
+ end
+ ); clear unitPropagate; magic_solver.
+Definition unitPropagateSimple (fm : formula) :=
+ match unitPropagate fm with
+ | None => None
+ | Some (inleft (existT _ fm' (exist _ l _))) => Some (Some (fm', l))
+ | Some (inright _) => Some None
+ end.
+(*Eval compute in unitPropagateSimple (((true, 1%nat) :: nil) :: ((false, 1%nat) :: nil) :: nil).
+Eval compute in unitPropagateSimple nil.
+Eval compute in unitPropagateSimple (((true, 0) :: nil) :: nil).
+Eval compute in unitPropagateSimple (((true, 0) :: nil) :: ((false, 0) :: nil) :: nil).
+Eval compute in unitPropagateSimple (((true, 0) :: nil) :: ((false, 1) :: nil) :: nil).
+Eval compute in unitPropagateSimple (((true, 0) :: nil) :: ((false, 0) :: (false, 1) :: nil) :: nil).
+Eval compute in unitPropagateSimple (((false, 0) :: (false, 1) :: nil) :: ((true, 0) :: nil) :: nil).*)
+(** * The SAT Solver *)
+(** This section defines a DPLL SAT solver in terms of the subroutines you've
+ written.
+ *)
+(** An arbitrary heuristic to choose the next variable to split on *)
+Definition chooseSplit (fm : formula) :=
+ match fm with
+ | ((l :: _) :: _) => l
+ | _ => (true, 0)
+ end.
+Definition negate (l : lit) := (negb (fst l), snd l).
+Local Hint Unfold satFormula : core.
+Lemma satLit_dec : forall l a,
+ {satLit l a} + {satLit (negate l) a}.
+ destruct l.
+ unfold satLit; simpl; intro.
+ destruct b; destruct (a v); simpl; auto.
+(** We'll represent assignments as lists of literals instead of functions. *)
+Definition alist := list lit.
+Fixpoint interp_alist (al : alist) : asgn :=
+ match al with
+ | nil => fun _ => true
+ | l :: al' => upd (interp_alist al') l
+ end.
+(** Here's the final definition! This is not the way you should write proof
+ scripts. ;-)
+ This implementation isn't #<i>#quite#</i># what you would expect, since it
+ takes an extra parameter expressing a search tree depth. Writing the function
+ without that parameter would be trickier when it came to proving termination.
+ In practice, you can just seed the bound with one plus the number of variables
+ in the input, but the function's return type still indicates a possibility for
+ a "time-out" by returning [None].
+ *)
+Definition boundedSat: forall (bound : nat) (fm : formula),
+ option ({al : alist | satFormula fm (interp_alist al)}
+ + {forall a, ~satFormula fm a}).
+ refine (fix boundedSat (bound : nat) (fm : formula) {struct bound}
+ : option ({al : alist | satFormula fm (interp_alist al)}
+ + {forall a, ~satFormula fm a}) :=
+ match bound with
+ | O => None
+ | S bound' =>
+ if isNil fm
+ then Some (inleft _ (exist _ nil _))
+ else match unitPropagate fm with
+ | Some (inleft (existT _ fm' (exist _ l _))) =>
+ match boundedSat bound' fm' with
+ | None => None
+ | Some (inleft (exist _ al _)) => Some (inleft _ (exist _ (l :: al) _))
+ | Some (inright _) => Some (inright _ _)
+ end
+ | Some (inright _) => Some (inright _ _)
+ | None =>
+ let l := chooseSplit fm in
+ match setFormula fm l with
+ | inleft (exist _ fm' _) =>
+ match boundedSat bound' fm' with
+ | None => None
+ | Some (inleft (exist _ al _)) => Some (inleft _ (exist _ (l :: al) _))
+ | Some (inright _) =>
+ match setFormula fm (negate l) with
+ | inleft (exist _ fm' _) =>
+ match boundedSat bound' fm' with
+ | None => None
+ | Some (inleft (exist _ al _)) => Some (inleft _ (exist _ (negate l :: al) _))
+ | Some (inright _) => Some (inright _ _)
+ end
+ | inright _ => Some (inright _ _)
+ end
+ end
+ | inright _ =>
+ match setFormula fm (negate l) with
+ | inleft (exist _ fm' _) =>
+ match boundedSat bound' fm' with
+ | None => None
+ | Some (inleft (exist _ al _)) => Some (inleft _ (exist _ (negate l :: al) _))
+ | Some (inright _) => Some (inright _ _)
+ end
+ | inright _ => Some (inright _ _)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end); simpl; intros; subst; intuition; try generalize dependent (interp_alist al).
+ firstorder.
+ firstorder.
+ firstorder.
+ firstorder.
+ assert (satFormula fm (upd a0 l)); firstorder.
+ assert (satFormula fm (upd a0 l)); firstorder.
+ firstorder.
+ firstorder.
+ firstorder.
+ firstorder.
+ firstorder.
+ firstorder.
+ firstorder.
+ firstorder.
+ firstorder.
+ firstorder.
+ destruct (satLit_dec l a);
+ [assert (satFormula fm (upd a l)) | assert (satFormula fm (upd a (negate l)))]; firstorder.
+ destruct (satLit_dec l a);
+ [assert (satFormula fm (upd a l)) | assert (satFormula fm (upd a (negate l)))]; firstorder.
+ destruct (satLit_dec l a);
+ [assert (satFormula fm (upd a l)) | assert (satFormula fm (upd a (negate l)))]; firstorder.
+ destruct (satLit_dec l a);
+ [assert (satFormula fm (upd a l)) | assert (satFormula fm (upd a (negate l)))]; firstorder.
+ destruct (satLit_dec l a); intuition eauto;
+ assert (satFormula fm (upd a l)); firstorder.
+ destruct (satLit_dec l a); intuition eauto;
+ assert (satFormula fm (upd a l)); firstorder.
+ firstorder.
+ firstorder.
+ destruct (satLit_dec l a); intuition eauto;
+ assert (satFormula fm (upd a (negate l))); firstorder.
+ destruct (satLit_dec l a); intuition eauto;
+ assert (satFormula fm (upd a (negate l))); firstorder.
+ destruct (satLit_dec l a);
+ [assert (satFormula fm (upd a l)) | assert (satFormula fm (upd a (negate l)))]; firstorder.
+Definition boundedSatSimple (bound : nat) (fm : formula) :=
+ match boundedSat bound fm with
+ | None => None
+ | Some (inleft (exist _ a _)) => Some (Some a)
+ | Some (inright _) => Some None
+ end.
+(*Eval compute in boundedSatSimple 100 nil.
+Eval compute in boundedSatSimple 100 (((true, 1%nat) :: nil) :: ((false, 1%nat) :: nil) :: nil).
+Eval compute in boundedSatSimple 100 (((true, 0) :: nil) :: nil).
+Eval compute in boundedSatSimple 100 (((true, 0) :: nil) :: ((false, 0) :: nil) :: nil).
+Eval compute in boundedSatSimple 100 (((true, 0) :: (false, 1) :: nil) :: ((true, 1) :: nil) :: nil).
+Eval compute in boundedSatSimple 100 (((true, 0) :: (false, 1) :: nil) :: ((true, 1) :: (false, 0) :: nil) :: nil).
+Eval compute in boundedSatSimple 100 (((true, 0) :: (false, 1) :: nil) :: ((false, 0) :: (false, 0) :: nil) :: ((true, 1) :: nil) :: nil).
+Eval compute in boundedSatSimple 100 (((false, 0) :: (true, 1) :: nil) :: ((false, 1) :: (true, 0) :: nil) :: nil).*)
diff --git a/src/Smtpredicate.v b/src/Smtpredicate.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3594d53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Smtpredicate.v
@@ -0,0 +1,5138 @@
+Require Import Coq.Logic.Decidable.
+Require Import Coq.Structures.Equalities.
+Require Import Coq.Numbers.Cyclic.Int63.Int63.
+Require Import Coq.Sorting.Sorted.
+Require Import Coq.Classes.RelationClasses.
+Require Import TVSMT.Coqlib.
+Require Import TVSMT.Maps.
+Require Import TVSMT.Errors.
+Require Import TVSMT.Sat.
+Require Import TVSMT.Common.
+Require Import TVSMT.Predicate.
+Require Import TVSMT.Hashtree.
+Import TVSMT.Predicate.PredicateNotation.
+Require SMTCoq.SMTCoq.
+Import SMTCoq.SMT_terms.
+Import SMTCoq.SMT_terms.Atom.
+Import SMTCoq.SMT_terms.Form.
+Import SMTCoq.Trace.
+#[local] Open Scope error_monad_scope.
+#[local] Open Scope predicate.
+#[export] Hint Unfold is_true : smtpred.
+Local Notation predicate := (@pred positive).
+Parameter pred_verit_unsat :
+ PArray.array Atom.atom ->
+ PArray.array Form.form ->
+ PArray.array Int63.int ->
+ (PArray.array Form.form
+ * PArray.array Atom.atom
+ * PArray.array Int63.int
+ * option (PArray.array Int63.int)
+ * Checker_Ext.certif)
+Notation latom := Int63.int (only parsing).
+Notation _llit := Int63.int (only parsing).
+Notation lfargs := (list _llit) (only parsing).
+Inductive lform : Type :=
+| LFatom (_:latom)
+| LFtrue
+| LFfalse
+| LFnot2 (_:Int63.int) (_:_llit)
+| LFand (_:lfargs)
+| LFor (_:lfargs)
+| LFimp (_:lfargs)
+| LFxor (_:_llit) (_:_llit)
+| LFiff (_:_llit) (_:_llit)
+| LFite (_:_llit) (_:_llit) (_:_llit)
+(* Bit-blasting predicate (theory of bit vectors):
+ bbT a [l1;...;ln] means [l1;...;ln] is the bitwise representation of a
+ (in little endian)
+ WARNING: this is a slight infringement of stratification
+ *)
+| LFbbT (_:latom) (_:list _llit)
+(* TODO: replace [list _lit] with [fargs] *)
+Fixpoint of_list' {A} (i: Z) (a: PArray.array A) (l: list A) :=
+ match l with
+ | nil => a
+ | el :: b =>
+ of_list' (i+1) (PArray.set a (Int63.of_Z i) el) b
+ end.
+Definition of_list {A} (d: A) (l: list A) :=
+ of_list' 0 (PArray.make (Int63.of_Z (Zlength l)) d) l.
+Definition lform_to_form (f: lform): form :=
+ match f with
+ | LFatom a => Fatom a
+ | LFtrue => Ftrue
+ | LFfalse => Ffalse
+ | LFnot2 i l => Fnot2 i l
+ | LFand args => Fand (of_list (Int63.of_Z 0) args)
+ | LFor args => For (of_list (Int63.of_Z 0) args)
+ | LFimp args => Fimp (of_list (Int63.of_Z 0) args)
+ | LFxor l1 l2 => Fxor l1 l2
+ | LFiff l1 l2 => Fiff l1 l2
+ | LFite l1 l2 l3 => Fite l1 l2 l3
+ | LFbbT a b => FbbT a b
+ end.
+Definition form_to_lform (f: form): lform :=
+ match f with
+ | Fatom a => LFatom a
+ | Ftrue => LFtrue
+ | Ffalse => LFfalse
+ | Fnot2 i l => LFnot2 i l
+ | Fand args => LFand (Misc.to_list args)
+ | For args => LFor (Misc.to_list args)
+ | Fimp args => LFimp (Misc.to_list args)
+ | Fxor l1 l2 => LFxor l1 l2
+ | Fiff l1 l2 => LFiff l1 l2
+ | Fite l1 l2 l3 => LFite l1 l2 l3
+ | FbbT a b => LFbbT a b
+ end.
+Definition int_dec: forall a b: Int63.int, {a = b} + {a <> b}.
+ intros.
+ destruct (Int63.eqb a b) eqn:?; [left|right].
+ now apply Int63.eqb_correct.
+ unfold not; intros. apply Int63.eqb_complete in H.
+ now rewrite H in Heqb0.
+Definition form_eq_dec :
+ forall d1 d2: lform, {d1 = d2} + {d1 <> d2}.
+ intros.
+ pose proof int_dec.
+ pose proof (list_eq_dec H).
+ decide equality.
+Definition atom_eq_dec :
+ forall d1 d2: atom, {d1 = d2} + {d1 <> d2}.
+ intros. destruct (eqb d1 d2) eqn:?. apply eqb_spec in Heqb. auto.
+ right. unfold not; intros. apply Typ.not_is_true_eq_false in Heqb.
+ apply Heqb. unfold is_true. apply eqb_spec. trivial.
+Module AtomDec <: MiniDecidableType.
+ Definition t := atom.
+ Definition eq_dec := atom_eq_dec.
+End AtomDec.
+Module AtomHash := Make_UDT(AtomDec).
+Module Import AH := HashTree(AtomHash).
+Module Import AH_Prop := HashTreeProperties(AtomHash).
+Module FormDec <: MiniDecidableType.
+ Definition t := lform.
+ Definition eq_dec := form_eq_dec.
+End FormDec.
+Module FormHash := Make_UDT(FormDec).
+Module Import FH := HashTree(FormHash).
+Module Import FH_Prop := HashTreeProperties(FormHash).
+Definition pred_list: Type := (predicate * list (positive * predicate)).
+Definition to_equiv (p: list (positive * predicate)) :=
+ map (fun x => equiv (Pbase (fst x)) (snd x)) p.
+Definition eval_pred_list (p: pred_list) (a: PTree.t bool): option bool :=
+ eval_hash_pred
+ (Pand (fst p)
+ (fold_left Pand (to_equiv (snd p)) Ptrue)) a.
+Fixpoint unnest_predicate (fresh: positive) (p: predicate)
+ : (pred_list * positive) :=
+ match p with
+ | Ptrue => (Ptrue, nil, fresh)
+ | Pfalse => (Pfalse, nil, fresh)
+ | Pundef => (Pundef, nil, fresh)
+ | Pbase p' => (Pbase p', nil, fresh)
+ | Pand p1 p2 =>
+ let '(p1', p1l, fresh1) := unnest_predicate fresh p1 in
+ let '(p2', p2l, fresh2) := unnest_predicate fresh1 p2 in
+ let nvar := Pbase fresh2 in
+ (nvar, (fresh2, (Pand p1' p2')) :: p2l ++ p1l, Pos.succ fresh2)
+ | Por p1 p2 =>
+ let '(p1', p1l, fresh1) := unnest_predicate fresh p1 in
+ let '(p2', p2l, fresh2) := unnest_predicate fresh1 p2 in
+ let nvar := Pbase fresh2 in
+ (nvar, (fresh2, (Por p1' p2')) :: p2l ++ p1l, Pos.succ fresh2)
+ | Pimp p1 p2 =>
+ let '(p1', p1l, fresh1) := unnest_predicate fresh p1 in
+ let '(p2', p2l, fresh2) := unnest_predicate fresh1 p2 in
+ let nvar := Pbase fresh2 in
+ (nvar, (fresh2, (Pimp p1' p2')) :: p2l ++ p1l, Pos.succ fresh2)
+ | Pnot p1 =>
+ let '(p1', p1l, fresh1) := unnest_predicate fresh p1 in
+ let nvar := Pbase fresh1 in
+ (nvar, (fresh1, Pnot p1') :: p1l, Pos.succ fresh1)
+ end.
+Notation form_t := (PArray.array SMT_terms.Form.form).
+Notation atom_t := (PArray.array SMT_terms.Atom.atom).
+Notation root_t := (PArray.array Int63.int) (only parsing).
+Fixpoint all_preds (tree: PTree.t unit) (p: predicate): PTree.t unit :=
+ match p with
+ | Ptrue | Pfalse | Pundef => tree
+ | Pbase p' => PTree.set p' tt tree
+ | Pand p1 p2 | Por p1 p2 | Pimp p1 p2 => all_preds (all_preds tree p1) p2
+ | Pnot p1 => all_preds tree p1
+ end.
+Definition of_P (a: positive) := Int63.of_Z (Zpos a - 2).
+Definition to_P (a: Int63.int) := Z.to_pos (Int63.to_Z a + 2).
+Definition P_of_P (a: positive) := Int63.of_Z ((Zpos a - 2) * 2).
+Definition N_of_P (a: positive) := Int63.of_Z ((Zpos a - 2) * 2 + 1).
+Definition of_map {A} (l: PMap.t A): PArray.array A :=
+ PTree.fold (fun st i a => PArray.set st (of_P i) a)
+ (snd l)
+ (PArray.make (Int63.of_pos (max_key (snd l))) (fst l)).
+Definition of_tree {A} (d: A) (l: PTree.t A): option (PArray.array A) :=
+ let max := ((max_key l) + 1)%positive in
+ if Z.pos max <? Int63.wB then
+ Some (PTree.fold (fun st i a => PArray.set st (of_P i) a)
+ l (PArray.make (of_P max) d))
+ else None.
+Lemma max_key_empty :
+ forall A (m: PTree.t A),
+ PTree.bempty m = true ->
+ max_key m = 1%positive.
+ intros.
+ rewrite PTree.bempty_correct in H.
+ unfold max_key.
+ rewrite PTree.elements_extensional with (n:= PTree.Leaf); auto.
+ intros. rewrite PTree.gleaf; auto.
+Lemma max_key_list_in : forall l,
+ ((fold_right Pos.max 1%positive l) = 1%positive /\ l = nil)
+ \/ (In (fold_right Pos.max 1%positive l) l /\ l <> nil).
+ induction l ; intros.
+ - auto.
+ - inv IHl.
+ + inv H. right. simpl.
+ split; [lia | congruence].
+ + inv H. right. simpl.
+ split; [| congruence].
+ edestruct Pos.max_spec with (n:= a) (m:= (fold_right Pos.max 1%positive l)).
+ * inv H. rewrite H3. right. auto.
+ * inv H. rewrite H3. left. auto.
+Lemma max_key_list_not_nil : forall A l (m: PTree.t A),
+ (l <> nil) ->
+ (forall k v, m ! k = Some v -> In k l) ->
+ (forall k, In k l -> exists v, m ! k = Some v) ->
+ exists x, m ! (fold_right Pos.max 1%positive l) = Some x.
+ intros A l.
+ generalize (max_key_list_in l).
+ intros [HCASE | HCASE]; intros.
+ - inv HCASE. congruence.
+ - inv HCASE.
+ eapply H1; eauto.
+Lemma PTree_bempty_false_exists : forall A (m: PTree.t A),
+ PTree.bempty m = false ->
+ exists x v, m ! x = Some v.
+ induction m ; intros.
+ - simpl in *. congruence.
+ - simpl in *.
+ destruct o.
+ + exists xH. simpl. eauto.
+ + apply andb_false_iff in H.
+ inv H.
+ * exploit IHm1; eauto. intros [x [v HSOME]].
+ exists (xO x). eauto.
+ * exploit IHm2; eauto. intros [x [v HSOME]].
+ exists (xI x). eauto.
+Lemma max_key_in :
+ forall A (m: PTree.t A),
+ PTree.bempty m = false ->
+ exists x, m ! (max_key m) = Some x.
+ unfold max_key.
+ intros * BEMPTY.
+ eapply max_key_list_not_nil with (l := (map fst (PTree.elements m))).
+ - intro. apply map_eq_nil in H.
+ generalize (PTree_bempty_false_exists _ m BEMPTY); eauto.
+ intros [x [v HGET]].
+ eapply PTree.elements_correct in HGET.
+ rewrite H in *. inv HGET.
+ - intros.
+ eapply PTree.elements_correct in H.
+ apply in_map_iff. exists (k,v). auto.
+ - intros.
+ apply in_map_iff in H. destruct H as [[kk v] [Hfst Helt]]. subst.
+ simpl. eapply PTree.elements_complete in Helt.
+ eauto.
+Lemma max_key_ext1 :
+ forall A (m: PTree.t A) m',
+ (forall x, m ! x = m' ! x) ->
+ PTree.bempty m = false ->
+ (max_key m <= max_key m')%positive.
+ intros * ALL BEMPTY.
+ pose proof (max_key_in _ m BEMPTY) as X. inversion X as [x IN]; clear X.
+ pose proof IN as Y. rewrite ALL in Y.
+ assert (BEMPTY2: PTree.bempty m' = false).
+ { apply not_true_iff_false; unfold not; intros BEMPTY2.
+ apply not_true_iff_false in BEMPTY. apply BEMPTY.
+ apply PTree.bempty_correct; intros.
+ rewrite ALL. eapply PTree.bempty_correct in BEMPTY2; eauto.
+ }
+ pose proof (max_key_in _ m' BEMPTY2) as XX. inversion XX as [y IN2]; clear XX.
+ eapply max_key_correct; eauto.
+Lemma max_key_ext2 :
+ forall A (m: PTree.t A) m',
+ (forall x, m ! x = m' ! x) ->
+ PTree.bempty m' = false ->
+ (max_key m' <= max_key m)%positive.
+ intros * ALL BEMPTY.
+ pose proof (max_key_in _ m' BEMPTY) as X. inversion X as [x IN]; clear X.
+ pose proof IN as Y. rewrite <- ALL in Y.
+ assert (BEMPTY2: PTree.bempty m = false).
+ { apply not_true_iff_false; unfold not; intros BEMPTY2.
+ apply not_true_iff_false in BEMPTY. apply BEMPTY.
+ apply PTree.bempty_correct; intros.
+ rewrite <- ALL. eapply PTree.bempty_correct in BEMPTY2; eauto.
+ }
+ pose proof (max_key_in _ m BEMPTY2) as XX. inversion XX as [y IN2]; clear XX.
+ eapply max_key_correct; eauto.
+Lemma max_key_ext :
+ forall A (m: PTree.t A) m',
+ (forall x, m ! x = m' ! x) ->
+ max_key m' = max_key m.
+ unfold max_key; intros; erewrite PTree.elements_extensional; eauto.
+Lemma max_key_map_le :
+ forall A B (m: PTree.t A) (m': PTree.t B),
+ (forall x, m ! x <> None <-> m' ! x <> None) ->
+ PTree.bempty m = false ->
+ (max_key m <= max_key m')%positive.
+ intros * ALL BEMPTY.
+ assert (BEMPTY2: PTree.bempty m' = false).
+ { apply not_true_iff_false; unfold not; intros BEMPTY2.
+ apply not_true_iff_false in BEMPTY. apply BEMPTY.
+ apply PTree.bempty_correct; intros.
+ case_eq (m ! x); intros; auto.
+ specialize (ALL x). rewrite H in *.
+ rewrite PTree.bempty_correct in BEMPTY2.
+ specialize (BEMPTY2 x).
+ intuition congruence.
+ }
+ pose proof (max_key_in _ m BEMPTY) as X. inversion X as [x INx]; clear X.
+ assert (Y : exists y, m' ! (max_key m) = Some y).
+ { case_eq (m' ! (max_key m)); intros; eauto.
+ specialize (ALL (max_key m)). intuition congruence.
+ }
+ inversion Y as [y INy].
+ try solve [eapply max_key_correct; eauto].
+Lemma ptree_map_same_keys: forall A B (f: positive -> A -> B) m,
+ forall x, m ! x <> None <-> (PTree.map f m) ! x <> None.
+ split; intros.
+ - intro. elim H.
+ rewrite PTree.gmap in H0.
+ case_eq (m ! x); intros; auto.
+ rewrite H1 in H0; auto.
+ simpl in H0. congruence.
+ - intro. elim H.
+ rewrite PTree.gmap.
+ rewrite H0. auto.
+Lemma max_key_map :
+ forall A B (m: PTree.t A) (f: positive -> A -> B),
+ max_key m = max_key (PTree.map f m).
+ intros *. destruct (PTree.bempty m) eqn:Heqb.
+ - assert (BEMPTY2: PTree.bempty (PTree.map f m) = true).
+ { apply PTree.bempty_correct; intros.
+ eapply PTree.bempty_correct in Heqb; eauto.
+ rewrite PTree.gmap; eauto.
+ rewrite Heqb. auto.
+ }
+ rewrite ! max_key_empty; auto.
+ - assert (BEMPTY2: PTree.bempty (PTree.map f m) = false).
+ { apply not_true_iff_false; intro BEMPTY2.
+ apply not_true_iff_false in Heqb. apply Heqb.
+ apply PTree.bempty_correct; intros.
+ eapply PTree.bempty_correct with (x:= x) in BEMPTY2; eauto.
+ rewrite PTree.gmap in BEMPTY2; eauto.
+ unfold option_map in *. destruct_match; easy.
+ }
+ eapply Pos.le_antisym; eauto.
+ + eapply max_key_map_le; eauto.
+ eapply ptree_map_same_keys; eauto.
+ + eapply max_key_map_le; eauto.
+ split.
+ * intros. eapply ptree_map_same_keys; eauto.
+ * intros. eapply ptree_map_same_keys in H; eauto.
+Lemma gt_1_map_iff :
+ forall A B (m: PTree.t A) (f: positive -> A -> B),
+ gt_1 m <-> gt_1 (PTree.map f m).
+ unfold gt_1 in *; simplify.
+ split.
+ - simplify.
+ rewrite PTree.gmap in *. unfold option_map in *.
+ destruct (m ! x) eqn:?. eapply H. eauto. easy.
+ - simplify.
+ eapply H; eauto.
+ rewrite PTree.gmap. unfold option_map in *.
+ rewrite H0. easy.
+(* From Coq.micromega Require Import RingMicromega QMicromega EnvRing Tauto ZifyComparison ZifyBool ZifyInt63. *)
+(* Ltac Zify.zify_post_hook ::= Z.div_mod_to_equations. *)
+Lemma bounded_lt :
+ forall a b n, a < b -> 0 <= a < n -> 0 <= b < n -> a mod n < b mod n.
+ intros; rewrite !Z.mod_small; lia. Qed.
+Lemma max_key_set_le : forall A (m: PTree.t A) k v,
+ (max_key m <= max_key (PTree.set k v m))%positive.
+ intros.
+ case_eq (Pos.leb (max_key m) (max_key (PTree.set k v m)))%positive; intros.
+ - apply Pos.leb_le; auto.
+ - apply Pos.leb_gt in H; auto.
+ apply Pos.lt_gt in H.
+ exploit max_not_present; eauto.
+ intros.
+ assert (k <= max_key (PTree.set k v m))%positive.
+ { eapply max_key_correct; eauto.
+ rewrite PTree.gss; auto.
+ }
+ case_eq (PTree.bempty m); intros.
+ + exploit max_key_empty; eauto.
+ intros. rewrite H3 in *.
+ lia.
+ + exploit (max_key_in _ m); eauto.
+ intros [vmk HSome].
+ rewrite PTree.gso in H0.
+ * congruence.
+ * intro; subst.
+ rewrite PTree.gss in H0.
+ congruence.
+Lemma PArray_length_fold_set : forall A B a f (t: PTree.t A) (g: A -> B),
+ PArray.length (PTree.fold (fun st i a => PArray.set st (f i) (g a)) t a)
+ = PArray.length a.
+ intros.
+ eapply PTree_Properties.fold_rec; eauto.
+ intros.
+ rewrite PArray.length_set.
+ auto.
+Lemma of_pos_rec_inj: forall p1 p2
+ (PVALID: 0 <= Z.pos p1 < wB)
+ (KVALID: 0 <= Z.pos p2 < wB),
+ (φ (of_pos_rec size p1) = φ (of_pos_rec size p2))%int63 ->
+ p1 = p2.
+ unfold wB. intros.
+ rewrite ! of_pos_rec_spec in H; auto.
+ rewrite ! Z.mod_small in H; try lia.
+Lemma of_P_inj : forall k p
+ (PVALID: 0 <= Z.pos p - 2 < wB)
+ (KVALID: 0 <= Z.pos k - 2 < wB),
+ of_P k = of_P p -> k = p.
+ unfold of_P, of_Z, wB, of_pos; intros.
+ do 2 destruct_match; try lia.
+ - generalize (of_pos_rec_spec size (Nat.le_refl _) p0).
+ rewrite Z.mod_small; auto. intros.
+ rewrite <- H in H0.
+ rewrite to_Z_0 in H0.
+ lia.
+ - generalize (of_pos_rec_spec size (Nat.le_refl _) p0).
+ rewrite Z.mod_small; auto. intros.
+ rewrite H in H0.
+ rewrite to_Z_0 in H0.
+ lia.
+ - generalize (of_pos_rec_spec size (Nat.le_refl _) p0).
+ generalize (of_pos_rec_spec size (Nat.le_refl _) p1).
+ rewrite !Z.mod_small; auto. intros.
+ assert (p0 = p1).
+ { eapply of_pos_rec_inj; eauto.
+ congruence.
+ }
+ lia.
+Definition tree_a_wf (t: PTree.t atom) :=
+ 1 < Zpos (max_key t) < wB
+ /\ gt_1 t
+ /\ t ! 2 = Some (Acop CO_xH)
+ /\ t ! 3 = Some (Auop UO_Zpos (of_P 2))
+ /\ t ! 4 = Some (Auop UO_Zopp (of_P 3))
+Definition tree_f_wf (t: PTree.t lform) :=
+ 1 < Zpos (max_key t)
+ /\ (Zpos (max_key t) - 2) * 2 + 1 < wB
+ /\ gt_1 t
+ /\ t ! 2 = Some (LFtrue)
+ /\ t ! 3 = Some (LFfalse)
+(* Abstracting over the type of elements of the tree *)
+Definition tree_key_wf A (t: PTree.t A) :=
+ 1 < Zpos (max_key t)
+ /\ ((Zpos (max_key t) - 2) * 2 + 1 < wB
+ \/ Zpos (max_key t) < wB)
+ /\ gt_1 t.
+Lemma of_tree_of_P :
+ forall A d t p (v: A) a
+ (TAWF: tree_key_wf _ t),
+ gt_1 t ->
+ t ! p = Some v ->
+ of_tree d t = Some a ->
+ PArray.get a (of_P p) = v.
+ unfold of_tree.
+ intros. destruct_match; try discriminate. inv H1.
+ assert
+ (X: 0 <= Z.pos (max_key t) - 1 <=
+ to_Z (PArray.length (PTree.fold (fun st i a => PArray.set st (of_P i) a) t
+ (PArray.make (of_P (max_key t + 1)) d)))).
+ { erewrite PArray_length_fold_set; eauto.
+ rewrite PArray.length_make.
+ unfold PArray.max_length.
+ unfold wB, size in Heqb.
+ inv TAWF.
+ destruct_match; try lia.
+ - unfold of_P. rewrite of_Z_spec.
+ rewrite Z.mod_small; try lia.
+ - rewrite Misc.max_int_wB.
+ unfold wB in *. lia.
+ }
+ unfold gt_1 in *.
+ generalize dependent H.
+ generalize dependent Heqb.
+ generalize dependent v.
+ generalize dependent p.
+ generalize dependent X.
+ apply PTree_Properties.fold_rec; eauto. intros.
+ - rewrite <- H in H1.
+ eapply H0; auto.
+ + erewrite max_key_ext; eauto.
+ + erewrite max_key_ext; eauto.
+ + intros. rewrite H in H3; eauto.
+ - intros.
+ now rewrite PTree.gempty in H0.
+ - intros.
+ destruct (peq k p); subst.
+ + rewrite PTree.gss in H2. inv H2.
+ rewrite PArray.get_set_same; auto.
+ apply Int63.ltb_spec.
+ rewrite PArray.length_set in X.
+ destruct X as [XX X].
+ eapply Z.lt_le_trans; eauto.
+ * unfold of_P. rewrite of_Z_spec.
+ assert (p <= max_key (PTree.set p v0 m))%positive.
+ { eapply max_key_correct; eauto.
+ rewrite PTree.gss; auto.
+ }
+ rewrite Z.mod_small; try lia.
+ inv TAWF. inv H5. unfold gt_1 in *.
+ specialize (H7 _ _ H0).
+ apply max_key_correct with (hi:= p) in H0; eauto.
+ apply Pos2Z.pos_le_pos in H0. lia.
+ + rewrite PTree.gso in H2; auto.
+ rewrite PArray.get_set_other.
+ * apply H1; auto.
+ -- rewrite PArray.length_set in X.
+ destruct X as [XX X].
+ split; [lia |].
+ eapply Z.le_trans; eauto.
+ assert (max_key m <= max_key (PTree.set k v m))%positive
+ by (eapply max_key_set_le; eauto).
+ lia.
+ -- rewrite PArray.length_set in X.
+ assert (max_key m <= max_key (PTree.set k v m))%positive
+ by (eapply max_key_set_le; eauto).
+ rewrite Z.ltb_lt in *.
+ lia.
+ -- intros. eapply H3; eauto.
+ erewrite PTree.gso; eauto.
+ congruence.
+ * intro; subst.
+ eapply of_P_inj in H4; eauto.
+ apply Z.ltb_lt in Heqb.
+ rewrite PArray.length_set in X.
+ -- assert (1 < p)%positive.
+ { eapply H3; eauto.
+ rewrite PTree.gso; eauto.
+ }
+ assert (p <= max_key (PTree.set k v m))%positive.
+ { eapply max_key_correct; eauto.
+ rewrite PTree.gso; eauto.
+ }
+ lia.
+ -- assert (1 < k)%positive.
+ { eapply H3; eauto.
+ rewrite PTree.gss; auto.
+ }
+ assert (k <= max_key (PTree.set k v m))%positive.
+ { eapply max_key_correct; eauto.
+ rewrite PTree.gss; auto.
+ }
+ apply Z.ltb_lt in Heqb; auto.
+ rewrite PArray.length_set in X.
+ lia.
+Definition to_smt_i ah p :=
+ match p with
+ | Pbase p => match AH.find_tree (Aapp (of_P p) nil) ah with
+ | Some pi =>
+ if (1 <? Zpos pi) && (Zpos pi <? wB) && (0 <=? Z.pos p - 2) && (Z.pos p - 2 <? wB)
+ then Some (of_P pi)
+ else None
+ | _ => None
+ end
+ | Ptrue => Some (Int63.of_Z 1)
+ | Pfalse => Some (Int63.of_Z 2)
+ | _ => None
+ end.
+Fixpoint get_index_acc {A} (dec: A -> A -> bool) (l : list A)
+ (a : A) (acc : nat) {struct l} : option nat :=
+ match l with
+ | nil => None
+ | x :: m => if dec x a then Some acc else get_index_acc dec m a (acc + 1)%nat
+ end.
+Definition get_index {A} dec (l : list A) (a : A) := get_index_acc dec l a 0.
+Definition form_eqb (f1 f2: form) :=
+ match f1, f2 with
+ | Fatom i1, Fatom i2 => Int63.eqb i1 i2
+ | Ftrue, Ftrue => true
+ | Ffalse, Ffalse => true
+ | Fnot2 a1 b1, Fnot2 a2 b2
+ | Fiff a1 b1, Fiff a2 b2
+ | Fxor a1 b1, Fxor a2 b2 => Int63.eqb a1 a2 && Int63.eqb b1 b2
+ | Fand args1, Fand args2
+ | For args1, For args2
+ | Fimp args1, Fimp args2 => list_beq Int63.eqb (Misc.to_list args1) (Misc.to_list args2)
+ | Fite a1 b1 c1, Fite a2 b2 c2 => Int63.eqb a1 a2 && Int63.eqb b1 b2 && Int63.eqb c1 c2
+ | _, _ => false
+ end.
+Definition get_fi (lf: list form) (fresh: Z) (f: form): Z * Z * list form :=
+ match get_index form_eqb lf f with Some i => (Z.of_nat i, fresh, lf) | _ => (fresh, Z.succ fresh, lf ++ f::nil) end.
+Definition get_ai (lf: list atom) (fresh: Z) (f: atom): Z * Z * list atom :=
+ match get_index Atom.eqb lf f with Some i => (Z.of_nat i, fresh, lf) | _ => (fresh, Z.succ fresh, lf ++ f::nil) end.
+Definition to_smt_and hf ha p p1 p2 :=
+ let (a1, ha1) := AH.hash_value 1%positive (Abop BO_Zlt p1 p2) ha in
+ let (a2, ha2) := AH.hash_value 1%positive (Abop (BO_eq Typ.TZ) p p1) ha1 in
+ let (a3, ha3) := AH.hash_value 1%positive (Abop (BO_eq Typ.TZ) p p2) ha2 in
+ let (i1, hf1) := FH.hash_value 1%positive (LFatom (of_P a1)) hf in
+ let (i2, hf2) := FH.hash_value 1%positive (LFatom (of_P a2)) hf1 in
+ let (i3, hf3) := FH.hash_value 1%positive (LFatom (of_P a3)) hf2 in
+ let (i4, hf4) := FH.hash_value 1%positive (LFite (P_of_P i1) (P_of_P i2) (P_of_P i3)) hf3 in
+ (hf4, ha3, i4).
+Definition to_smt_or hf ha p p1 p2 :=
+ let '(a1, ha1) := AH.hash_value 1%positive (Abop BO_Zlt p1 p2) ha in
+ let '(a2, ha2) := AH.hash_value 1%positive (Abop (BO_eq Typ.TZ) p p2) ha1 in
+ let '(a3, ha3) := AH.hash_value 1%positive (Abop (BO_eq Typ.TZ) p p1) ha2 in
+ let '(i1, hf1) := FH.hash_value 1%positive (LFatom (of_P a1)) hf in
+ let '(i2, hf2) := FH.hash_value 1%positive (LFatom (of_P a2)) hf1 in
+ let '(i3, hf3) := FH.hash_value 1%positive (LFatom (of_P a3)) hf2 in
+ let '(i4, hf4) := FH.hash_value 1%positive (LFite (P_of_P i1) (P_of_P i2) (P_of_P i3)) hf3 in
+ (hf4, ha3, i4).
+Definition to_smt_imp hf ha p p1 p2 :=
+ let '(a1, ha1) := AH.hash_value 1%positive (Abop BO_Zminus (of_P 3) p1) ha in
+ let '(a2, ha2) := AH.hash_value 1%positive (Abop BO_Zplus (of_P a1) p2) ha1 in
+ let '(a3, ha3) := AH.hash_value 1%positive (Abop BO_Zlt (of_P 3) (of_P a2)) ha2 in
+ let '(a4, ha4) := AH.hash_value 1%positive (Abop (BO_eq Typ.TZ) p (of_P 3)) ha3 in
+ let '(a5, ha5) := AH.hash_value 1%positive (Abop (BO_eq Typ.TZ) p (of_P a2)) ha4 in
+ let '(i1, hf1) := FH.hash_value 1%positive (LFatom (of_P a3)) hf in
+ let '(i2, hf2) := FH.hash_value 1%positive (LFatom (of_P a4)) hf1 in
+ let '(i3, hf3) := FH.hash_value 1%positive (LFatom (of_P a5)) hf2 in
+ let '(i4, hf4) := FH.hash_value 1%positive (LFite (P_of_P i1) (P_of_P i2) (P_of_P i3)) hf3 in
+ (hf4, ha5, i4).
+Definition to_smt_not hf ha p p1 :=
+ let '(a1, ha1) := AH.hash_value 1%positive (Auop UO_Zopp p1) ha in
+ let '(a2, ha2) := AH.hash_value 1%positive (Abop (BO_eq Typ.TZ) p (of_P a1)) ha1 in
+ let '(i1, hf1) := FH.hash_value 1%positive (LFatom (of_P a2)) hf in
+ (hf1, ha2, i1).
+Definition to_smt_l (el: positive * predicate) (state: option (list Int63.int * FH.hash_tree * AH.hash_tree)) :=
+ match state with
+ | Some (r, f, a) =>
+ let to_smt_i := to_smt_i a in
+ match el with
+ | (p, Pand p1 p2) =>
+ match to_smt_i (Pbase p), to_smt_i p1, to_smt_i p2 with
+ | Some p', Some p1', Some p2' =>
+ let '(f', a', r') := to_smt_and f a p' p1' p2' in
+ Some (r++(P_of_P r'::nil), f', a')
+ | _, _, _ => None
+ end
+ | (p, Por p1 p2) =>
+ match to_smt_i (Pbase p), to_smt_i p1, to_smt_i p2 with
+ | Some p', Some p1', Some p2' =>
+ let '(f', a', r') := to_smt_or f a p' p1' p2' in
+ Some (r++(P_of_P r'::nil), f', a')
+ | _, _, _ => None
+ end
+ | (p, Pimp p1 p2) =>
+ match to_smt_i (Pbase p), to_smt_i p1, to_smt_i p2 with
+ | Some p', Some p1', Some p2' =>
+ let '(f', a', r') := to_smt_imp f a p' p1' p2' in
+ Some (r++(P_of_P r'::nil), f', a')
+ | _, _, _ => None
+ end
+ | (p, Pnot p1) =>
+ match to_smt_i (Pbase p), to_smt_i p1 with
+ | Some p', Some p1' =>
+ let '(f', a', r') := to_smt_not f a p' p1' in
+ Some (r++(P_of_P r'::nil), f', a')
+ | _, _ => None
+ end
+ | _ => None
+ end
+ | _ => None
+ end.
+Definition declare_atoms_with_bounds
+ (a: Z * list Int63.int * FH.hash_tree * AH.hash_tree) :=
+ let '(num, cr, cf, ca) := a in
+ let (happ, ca_inter) := AH.hash_value 1%positive (Aapp (Int63.of_Z num) nil) ca in
+ let '((hlt1, hlt2), ca') :=
+ AH.hash_value2 1%positive
+ (Abop BO_Zle (of_P 4) (of_P happ),
+ Abop BO_Zge (of_P 3) (of_P happ)) ca_inter in
+ let '((halt1, halt2), cf_inter) :=
+ FH.hash_value2 1%positive (LFatom (of_P hlt1), LFatom (of_P hlt2)) cf in
+ let (hlfand, cf') :=
+ FH.hash_value 1%positive (LFand (P_of_P halt1 :: P_of_P halt2 :: nil)) cf_inter in
+ (num + 1, cr ++ (P_of_P hlfand :: nil), cf', ca').
+Definition check_tree_f_wf (f: PTree.t lform) :=
+ let max := Z.pos (max_key f) in
+ (1 <? max)
+ && ((max - 2) * 2 + 1 <? wB)
+ && match f ! 1 with None => true | _ => false end
+ && match f ! 2 with Some LFtrue => true | _ => false end
+ && match f ! 3 with Some LFfalse => true | _ => false end.
+Definition check_tree_a_wf (a: PTree.t atom) :=
+ let max := Z.pos (max_key a) in
+ (1 <? max)
+ && (max <? wB)
+ && match a ! 1 with None => true | _ => false end
+ && match a ! 2 with Some (Acop CO_xH) => true | _ => false end
+ && match a ! 3 with Some (Auop UO_Zpos v) => (v =? 0)%int63 | _ => false end
+ && match a ! 4 with Some (Auop UO_Zopp v) => (v =? 1)%int63 | _ => false end.
+Definition to_smt (max: positive) (p: pred_list): option (root_t * form_t * atom_t) :=
+ let (p', pl) := p in
+ let '(_, init_forms) := FH.hash_value2 1%positive (LFtrue, LFfalse) FH.empty in
+ let (hpone, ia_inter1) := AH.hash_value 1%positive (Acop CO_xH) AH.empty in
+ let (hzone, ia_inter2) := AH.hash_value 1%positive (Auop UO_Zpos (of_P hpone)) ia_inter1 in
+ let (hzmone, init_atoms) := AH.hash_value 1%positive (Auop UO_Zopp (of_P hzone)) ia_inter2 in
+ let '(v, r_defs, form_defs, atom_defs) :=
+ fold_right (fun _ => declare_atoms_with_bounds)
+ (0, nil, init_forms, init_atoms)
+ (repeat tt (Pos.to_nat max - 1))
+ in
+ match
+ fold_right to_smt_l (Some (r_defs, form_defs, atom_defs)) pl,
+ to_smt_i atom_defs p'
+ with
+ | Some (r, f, a), Some p'' =>
+ let '(a1, fin_a) := AH.hash_value 1%positive (Abop (BO_eq Typ.TZ) p'' (Int63.of_Z 1)) a in
+ let '(f1, fin_f) := FH.hash_value 1%positive (LFatom (of_P a1)) f in
+ let fin_r := r ++ (N_of_P f1)::nil in
+ match
+ of_tree Ftrue (PTree.map (fun _ => lform_to_form) fin_f),
+ of_tree (Acop CO_xH) fin_a
+ with
+ | Some fin_f', Some fin_a' =>
+ if check_form fin_f'
+ && check_atom fin_a'
+ && check_tree_f_wf fin_f
+ && check_tree_a_wf fin_a
+ && (v <? wB)
+ && (Zlength fin_r <? wB)
+ then Some (of_list (Int63.of_Z 0) fin_r, fin_f', fin_a')
+ else None
+ | _, _ => None
+ end
+ | _, _ => None
+ end.
+Fixpoint check_list {A} (comp: A -> A -> bool) (a b: list A) :=
+ match b, a with
+ | _, nil => true
+ | x::xs, y::ys => comp x y && check_list comp ys xs
+ | _, _ => false
+ end.
+Definition check_array {A} (comp: A -> A -> bool) a b :=
+ check_list comp (Misc.to_list a) (Misc.to_list b).
+Definition single_form_not_bv f :=
+ match f with
+ | Fatom _ | Ftrue | Ffalse | Fnot2 _ _ | Fand _
+ | For _ | Fxor _ _ | Fiff _ _ | Fite _ _ _ => true
+ | FbbT _ _ | Fimp _ => false
+ end.
+Definition check_atoms_in_form (l: Int63.int) (f: form) :=
+ match f with
+ | Fatom a => Int63.ltb a l
+ | _ => true
+ end.
+Definition check_local_form la f :=
+ Form.check_form f
+ && Misc.aforallbi (fun i f' => single_form_not_bv f'
+ && check_atoms_in_form la f') f.
+Definition bool_typ_compdec := SMT_classes.Typ_compdec bool SMT_classes_instances.bool_compdec.
+Definition Z_typ_compdec := SMT_classes.Typ_compdec Z SMT_classes_instances.Z_compdec.
+Definition t_i_empty := PArray.make (Int63.of_Z 0) Z_typ_compdec.
+Definition Ztrue := 1.
+Definition Zfalse := -1.
+Definition Zundef := 0.
+Definition Zand (a b: Z) :=
+ if a <? b then a else b.
+Definition Zor (a b: Z) :=
+ if a <? b then b else a.
+Definition Zimp (a b: Z) :=
+ if 1 <? (1 - a + b) then 1 else (1 - a + b).
+Definition Znot (a: Z) := - a.
+Definition Zval (v: option bool): Z :=
+ match v with
+ | Some true => 1
+ | Some false => -1
+ | None => 0
+ end.
+Definition t_func_mk: Z -> tval t_i_empty := fun b => Tval t_i_empty (nil, Typ.TZ) b.
+(* Definition asgn_transl' (max: positive) (a: PTree.t bool) := *)
+(* Misc.foldi (fun i na => PArray.set na i (t_func_mk (Zval (a!(to_P i))))) *)
+(* (Int63.of_Z 0) (of_P max) *)
+(* (PArray.make (of_P max) (t_func_mk 0)). *)
+Inductive asgn_transl_spec (a: PTree.t bool) (res: PArray.array (tval t_i_empty)) :=
+| asgn_transl_rule :
+ (forall i, 0 <= Z.pos i - 2 < wB -> PArray.get res (of_P i) = t_func_mk (Zval (a!i))) ->
+ PArray.default res = t_func_mk 0 /\ (forall i, exists n, PArray.get res i = t_func_mk n) ->
+ asgn_transl_spec a res.
+Definition asgn_transl (a: PTree.t bool) :=
+ let max := max_key a in
+ PTree.fold (fun na i el =>
+ PArray.set na (of_P i) (t_func_mk (Zval (Some el)))
+ ) a (PArray.make (of_P (max + 1)) (t_func_mk 0)).
+Lemma PArray_set_out_of_bound: forall A (a: PArray.array A) k d i,
+ (k <? PArray.length a = false)%int63 ->
+ PArray.get (PArray.set a k d) i = PArray.get a i.
+ intros.
+ unfold PArray.set in *.
+ destruct a. simpl PArray.length in *.
+ destruct_match.
+ - auto.
+ - rewrite Misc.ltb_negb_geb in H.
+ rewrite negb_false_iff in H.
+ congruence.
+Lemma PArray_default_fold_set : forall A B (m: PTree.t A) f (g: A -> B) array,
+ PArray.default (PTree.fold (fun st i a => PArray.set st (f i) (g a)) m array) =
+ PArray.default array.
+ intros.
+ eapply PTree_Properties.fold_rec; eauto.
+ intros. rewrite PArray.default_set; auto.
+Lemma asgn_transl_OOB: forall a k,
+ (k <? PArray.length (asgn_transl a) = false)%int63 ->
+ PArray.get (asgn_transl a) k = t_func_mk 0.
+ unfold asgn_transl.
+ intros.
+ rewrite PArray.get_outofbound; auto.
+ rewrite PArray_default_fold_set; auto.
+Lemma exists_asgn:
+ forall a,
+ forall (MAX: Z.pos (max_key a) - 2 < wB - 1),
+ (forall k x, a ! k = Some x -> (0 <= Z.pos k - 2 < wB)%int63) ->
+ exists res, asgn_transl_spec a res.
+ intros. exists (asgn_transl a).
+ constructor.
+ intros i.
+ case_eq (of_P i <? PArray.length (asgn_transl a))%int63.
+ - unfold asgn_transl in *.
+ revert H.
+ eapply PTree_Properties.fold_rec; eauto.
+ + intros. rewrite <- H.
+ eapply H0; eauto.
+ intros. eapply H1; eauto.
+ rewrite <- H. eauto.
+ + intros. simpl. unfold Zval. rewrite PTree.gempty.
+ destruct_match; auto.
+ + unfold Zval. intros.
+ rewrite PArray.length_set in H3.
+ destruct (peq i k).
+ * subst.
+ rewrite PTree.gss.
+ rewrite PArray.get_set_same; auto.
+ * rewrite PTree.gso; auto.
+ rewrite PArray.get_set_other; auto.
+ -- eapply H1; eauto.
+ intros. eapply H2; eauto.
+ rewrite PTree.gso; eauto.
+ congruence.
+ -- intro. eapply of_P_inj in H5; eauto.
+ exploit (H2 k); eauto.
+ rewrite PTree.gss; eauto.
+ - intros.
+ rewrite PArray.get_outofbound; auto.
+ unfold asgn_transl.
+ rewrite PArray_default_fold_set.
+ rewrite PArray.default_make.
+ case_eq (a ! i); auto. intros b Haib.
+ unfold asgn_transl in H0.
+ rewrite PArray_length_fold_set in H0.
+ rewrite PArray.length_make in H0.
+ assert (0 <= Z.pos (max_key a) - 2 < wB).
+ { case_eq (PTree.bempty a); intros.
+ - rewrite PTree.bempty_correct in H2.
+ specialize (H2 i).
+ congruence.
+ - eapply max_key_in in H2.
+ destruct H2 as [x Hmax].
+ eapply H in Hmax; eauto.
+ }
+ assert (i <= max_key a)%positive by (eapply max_key_correct; eauto).
+ case_eq (of_P (max_key a + 1) ≤? PArray.max_length)%int63; intros.
+ + rewrite H4 in H0.
+ rewrite Misc.ltb_negb_geb in H0.
+ rewrite negb_false_iff in H0.
+ unfold PArray.max_length in *.
+ unfold of_P in *.
+ rewrite ! leb_spec in *.
+ rewrite ! of_Z_spec in *.
+ rewrite Misc.max_int_wB in *.
+ rewrite ! Z.mod_small in *; try lia.
+ + rewrite H4 in *.
+ rewrite Misc.leb_negb_gtb in H4.
+ rewrite negb_false_iff in H4.
+ unfold PArray.max_length in *.
+ rewrite ! ltb_spec in *.
+ rewrite Misc.max_int_wB in *.
+ unfold of_P in *.
+ rewrite of_Z_spec in *.
+ rewrite Z.mod_small in *; try lia.
+ - unfold asgn_transl; intros.
+ eapply PTree_Properties.fold_rec; eauto; split; intros.
+ + auto.
+ + econstructor. rewrite PArray.get_make. auto.
+ + rewrite PArray.default_set. tauto.
+ + inv H2.
+ * destruct (int_dec (of_P k) i); subst.
+ ** destruct (of_P k <? PArray.length a0)%int63 eqn:?.
+ *** econstructor. rewrite PArray.get_set_same; eauto.
+ *** econstructor. rewrite PArray.get_outofbound. rewrite PArray.default_set. eassumption.
+ rewrite PArray.length_set. auto.
+ ** destruct (i <? PArray.length a0)%int63 eqn:?.
+ *** specialize (H4 i). inv H4. econstructor. rewrite PArray.get_set_other; eassumption.
+ *** econstructor. rewrite PArray.get_outofbound. rewrite PArray.default_set. eassumption.
+ rewrite PArray.length_set. auto.
+Definition empty_tfunc :=
+ PArray.make 0 (t_func_mk 0).
+Definition check_root_index (f: PArray.array form) (r: PArray.array Int63.int) :=
+ forallb (fun x => to_Z (State.Lit.blit x) <? to_Z (PArray.length f)) (Misc.to_list r).
+Definition check_wt_extra a :=
+ Misc.aforallbi (fun i a' =>
+ match a' with
+ | Anop _ _ => false
+ | Aapp _ (_::_) => false
+ | _ => true
+ end) a.
+Fixpoint pred_in c p :=
+ match p with
+ | Ptrue | Pfalse | Pundef => false
+ | Pbase c2 => (c =? c2)%positive
+ | Pand p1 p2 | Por p1 p2 | Pimp p1 p2 => pred_in c p1 || pred_in c p2
+ | Pnot p' => pred_in c p'
+ end.
+Definition check_smt (p: predicate): bool :=
+ let a_preds1 :=
+ (max_hash_pred p + 1)%positive
+ in
+ let '(p', a_preds) := unnest_predicate a_preds1 p in
+ match to_smt a_preds p' with
+ | Some (d, forms, atoms) =>
+ let '(nf, na, roots, used_roots, cert) := pred_verit_unsat atoms forms d in
+ check_array form_eqb forms nf
+ && check_array Atom.eqb atoms na
+ && check_local_form (PArray.length atoms) forms
+ && Atom.check_atom na
+ && Atom.wt _ empty_tfunc na
+ && check_wt_extra na
+ && (check_root_index forms d && negb (pred_in 1 p) && (Z.pos a_preds <? wB))
+ && Checker_Ext.checker_ext na nf d used_roots cert
+ | None => false
+ end.
+Definition mutate1_p (p: predicate): predicate :=
+ match p with
+ | Pand p1 p2 => Pand p2 p1
+ | Por p1 p2 => Por p2 p1
+ | Pimp (Pand p1 p2) b => Pimp (Pand p2 p1) b
+ | Pimp (Por p1 p2) b => Pimp (Por p2 p1) b
+ | Pimp b (Pand p1 p2) => Pimp b (Pand p2 p1)
+ | Pimp b (Por p1 p2) => Pimp b (Por p2 p1)
+ | Pnot (Pand p1 p2) => Pnot (Pand p2 p1)
+ | Pnot (Por p1 p2) => Pnot (Por p2 p1)
+ | p => p
+ end.
+Fixpoint has_Pbase (p: predicate) :=
+ match p with
+ | Ptrue | Pfalse | Pundef => false
+ | Pbase _ => true
+ | Pand a b | Por a b | Pimp a b => has_Pbase a || has_Pbase b
+ | Pnot a => has_Pbase a
+ end.
+Definition check_smt_total (p: predicate): bool :=
+ if check_smt p then true
+ else if check_smt (mutate1_p p) then true
+ else false.
+ (** We need a higher level specification for this function so that everything is easier to prove. *)
+ Definition upd_asgn :=
+ fold_left
+ (fun a' el =>
+ match eval_hash_pred (snd el) a' with
+ | Some p_b => PTree.set (fst el) p_b a'
+ | _ => a'
+ end).
+ Inductive upd_asgn_spec: list (positive * predicate) -> PTree.t bool -> PTree.t bool -> Prop :=
+ | upd_asgn_intros x :
+ upd_asgn_spec nil x x
+ | upd_asgn_cons_Some x xs t1 t2 b:
+ eval_hash_pred (snd x) t1 = Some b ->
+ upd_asgn_spec xs (PTree.set (fst x) b t1) t2 ->
+ upd_asgn_spec (x :: xs) t1 t2
+ | upd_asgn_cons_None x xs t1 t2:
+ eval_hash_pred (snd x) t1 = None ->
+ upd_asgn_spec xs t1 t2 ->
+ upd_asgn_spec (x :: xs) t1 t2.
+ (* #[local] Open Scope positive. *)
+ (* Compute PTree.get 3 (upd_asgn ((3, Pbase 2)::(2, Pbase 1)::nil) (PTree.set 1 false (PTree.empty _))). *)
+ (* Lemma upd_asgn_cons : *)
+ (* forall p form r a, *)
+ (* (forall pb, pred_In pb form -> ~ In pb (map fst r)) -> *)
+ (* (upd_asgn ((p, form)::r) a) ! p = eval_hash_pred form a. *)
+ (* Proof. *)
+ (* Lemma upd_asgn_cons_form : *)
+ (* forall p form r a, *)
+ (* eval_hash_pred (Pbase p) (upd_asgn ((p, form)::r) a) = eval_hash_pred form a. *)
+ (* Proof. *)
+ (* Lemma wt_correct' : *)
+ (* v_type Typ.type (Typ.interp t_i_empty) (PArray.get (Atom.t_interp t_i_empty a' atoms) i) *)
+ Ltac ldestruct_match :=
+ match goal with
+ | [ H: context[match ?x with | _ => _ end] |- _ ] => destruct x eqn:?
+ end.
+ Lemma wt_correct' :
+ forall a' a (atoms: atom_t)
+ (ATOMSNONOP: forall i x l, PArray.get atoms i <> Anop x l)
+ (ATOMSAPP: forall i n l, PArray.get atoms i = Aapp n l -> l = nil)
+ (GETA1: forall i, exists n, PArray.get a' i = t_func_mk n)
+ (GETA2: forall i, exists n, PArray.get a i = t_func_mk n),
+ forall i,
+ v_type Typ.type (Typ.interp t_i_empty)
+ (PArray.get (Atom.t_interp t_i_empty a atoms) i) =
+ v_type Typ.type (Typ.interp t_i_empty) (PArray.get (Atom.t_interp t_i_empty a' atoms) i).
+ Proof.
+ intros. generalize dependent i.
+ pose proof (Atom.length_t_interp t_i_empty a atoms) as Y1.
+ pose proof (Atom.length_t_interp t_i_empty a' atoms) as Y2.
+ generalize dependent Y2.
+ generalize dependent Y1.
+ apply Misc.foldi_ind2 with
+ (P := (fun x b b' =>
+ PArray.length b = PArray.length atoms ->
+ PArray.length b' = PArray.length atoms ->
+ (forall i,
+ v_type Typ.type (Typ.interp t_i_empty) (PArray.get b i)
+ = v_type Typ.type (Typ.interp t_i_empty) (PArray.get b' i)))).
+ + apply Misc.leb_0.
+ + intros. rewrite PArray.get_make in *. crush.
+ + intros.
+ rewrite PArray.length_set in *.
+ pose proof H0 as LT1. apply Int63.ltb_spec in LT1.
+ pose proof H as LE2. apply Int63.leb_spec in LE2.
+ destruct (int_dec i i0); subst.
+ rewrite !PArray.get_set_same by (apply Int63.ltb_spec; try (rewrite H3); try rewrite H2; lia); auto.
+ specialize (H1 H2 H3). assert (EQ1:=H2). assert (EQ2:=H3). clear H2. clear H3.
+ destruct (PArray.get atoms i0) eqn:ATOMS; subst; simplify.
+ - unfold interp_cop; repeat destruct_match; subst; auto.
+ - assert (HEQ := H1 i). unfold interp_uop; destruct_match; unfold apply_unop;
+ repeat destruct_match; auto;
+ setoid_rewrite Heqb0 in HEQ; simplify;
+ setoid_rewrite Heqb in HEQ; simplify; subst; rewrite Heqc in Heqc0; discriminate.
+ - assert (HEQ1 := H1 i). assert (HEQ2 := H1 i1).
+ unfold interp_bop. destruct_match;
+ unfold apply_binop; repeat destruct_match; auto;
+ try (setoid_rewrite Heqb4 in HEQ2; setoid_rewrite Heqb2 in HEQ2;
+ setoid_rewrite Heqb3 in HEQ1; setoid_rewrite Heqb1 in HEQ1;
+ simplify; subst; try rewrite Heqc0 in *; try rewrite Heqc1 in *;
+ try rewrite Heqc2 in *; try rewrite Heqc3 in *; discriminate).
+ - assert (HEQ1 := H1 i). assert (HEQ2 := H1 i1). assert (HEQ3 := H1 i2).
+ unfold interp_top. destruct_match; subst. unfold apply_terop.
+ repeat destruct_match; auto;
+ setoid_rewrite Heqb4 in HEQ3; setoid_rewrite Heqb2 in HEQ1; setoid_rewrite Heqb3 in HEQ2;
+ setoid_rewrite Heqb1 in HEQ3; setoid_rewrite Heqb in HEQ1; setoid_rewrite Heqb0 in HEQ2;
+ simplify; subst; try rewrite Heqc4 in *; try rewrite Heqc3 in *; try rewrite Heqc2 in *;
+ try rewrite Heqc1 in *; try rewrite Heqc0 in *; try rewrite Heqc in *; discriminate.
+ - exfalso. eapply ATOMSNONOP; eassumption.
+ - assert (HEQ1 := H1 i). specialize (GETA1 i). specialize (GETA2 i).
+ inv GETA1. inv GETA2.
+ repeat destruct_match. assert (l = nil) by (eapply ATOMSAPP; eassumption); subst.
+ cbn [map]. unfold t_func_mk in *. unfold Tval in *. inv H2. simpl.
+ inv H3. auto.
+ - rewrite !PArray.get_set_other
+ by (auto; apply Int63.ltb_spec; try (rewrite H3); try rewrite H2; lia);
+ eauto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma wt_correct2 :
+ forall atoms a a'
+ (ATOMSNONOP: forall i x l, PArray.get atoms i <> Anop x l)
+ (ATOMSAPP: forall i n l, PArray.get atoms i = Aapp n l -> l = nil)
+ (GETA1: forall i, exists n, PArray.get a' i = t_func_mk n)
+ (GETA2: forall i, exists n, PArray.get a i = t_func_mk n),
+ is_true (wt t_i_empty a atoms) ->
+ is_true (wt t_i_empty a' atoms).
+ Proof.
+ unfold is_true, wt; intros.
+ apply Misc.aforallbi_spec; intros i LTB.
+ eapply Misc.aforallbi_spec in H; [|eassumption].
+ unfold check_aux in *.
+ destruct (PArray.get atoms i) eqn:?; unfold get_type' in *.
+ - erewrite wt_correct'; eassumption.
+ - destruct_match. simplify.
+ setoid_rewrite wt_correct' with (a':=a); eauto.
+ rewrite H0. rewrite H1. auto.
+ - repeat destruct_match; simplify.
+ setoid_rewrite wt_correct' with (a':=a); eauto.
+ rewrite H1. rewrite H. rewrite H2. auto.
+ - repeat destruct_match; simplify.
+ setoid_rewrite wt_correct' with (a':=a); eauto.
+ rewrite H1. rewrite H0. rewrite H2. rewrite H3. auto.
+ - exfalso; eapply ATOMSNONOP; eauto.
+ - repeat destruct_match; crush. eapply ATOMSAPP in Heqa0; subst. simplify.
+ assert (GETB1:=GETA1). assert (GETB2:=GETA2).
+ specialize (GETA1 i0). specialize (GETA2 i0). inv GETA1. inv GETA2.
+ rewrite H in Heqf. rewrite H2 in Heqf0. unfold t_func_mk, Tval in *.
+ simplify. erewrite wt_correct'; eauto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma wf_empty_tfunc :
+ forall i,
+ exists n, PArray.get empty_tfunc i = t_func_mk n.
+ Proof. unfold empty_tfunc. intros. eexists. rewrite PArray.get_make. eauto. Qed.
+ Lemma to_P_of_P :
+ forall p, 1 < Z.pos p < wB -> to_P (of_P p) = p.
+ Proof.
+ unfold to_P, of_P; intros * LT.
+ rewrite of_Z_spec. rewrite !Z.mod_small by lia.
+ assert (forall x, x - 2 + 2 = x) by lia.
+ rewrite H; auto.
+ Qed.
+Lemma not_int63_lt_0 : forall i, 0 <= Int63.to_Z i.
+ intro i.
+ assert (~ Int63.to_Z i < 0).
+ { unfold not; intros. rewrite <- Int63.to_Z_0 in H.
+ apply Int63.ltb_spec in H. now apply Misc.ltb_0 in H. }
+ lia.
+ Lemma of_P_to_P :
+ forall p, of_P (to_P p) = p.
+ Proof.
+ unfold to_P, of_P; intros. rewrite Z2Pos.id.
+ assert (forall x, x + 2 - 2 = x) by lia. rewrite H.
+ now rewrite of_to_Z.
+ pose proof (not_int63_lt_0 p). lia.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma wf_asgn_spec :
+ forall a a',
+ asgn_transl_spec a a' ->
+ forall i, exists n, PArray.get a' i = t_func_mk n.
+ Proof. inversion 1; intros. inv H1. eauto. Qed.
+ Lemma wt_correct :
+ forall atoms a a'
+ (ATOMSNONOP: forall i x l, PArray.get atoms i <> Anop x l)
+ (ATOMSAPP: forall i n l, PArray.get atoms i = Aapp n l -> l = nil),
+ is_true (wt _ empty_tfunc atoms) ->
+ asgn_transl_spec a a' ->
+ is_true (wt _ a' atoms).
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ pose proof (wf_asgn_spec _ _ H0).
+ pose proof wf_empty_tfunc.
+ eapply wt_correct2; eauto.
+ Qed.
+Section SMT_PROOF.
+ Fixpoint Zeval (a: PTree.t bool) (p: predicate) :=
+ match p with
+ | Ptrue => 1
+ | Pfalse => -1
+ | Pundef => 0
+ | Pbase p' => Zval (a ! p')
+ | Pnot p' => Znot (Zeval a p')
+ | Pand p1 p2 => Zand (Zeval a p1) (Zeval a p2)
+ | Por p1 p2 => Zor (Zeval a p1) (Zeval a p2)
+ | Pimp p1 p2 => Zimp (Zeval a p1) (Zeval a p2)
+ end.
+ Lemma Zeval_correct :
+ forall a p,
+ Zeval a p = Zval (eval_hash_pred p a).
+ Proof.
+ induction p; crush;
+ repeat (destruct_match; simplify);
+ try (rewrite IHp1; rewrite IHp2);
+ auto; rewrite IHp; auto; discriminate.
+ Qed.
+Lemma check_local_form_spec :
+ forall l f,
+ is_true (check_local_form l f) ->
+ (forall i a b, PArray.get f i <> FbbT a b)
+ /\ (forall i a, PArray.get f i <> Fimp a)
+ /\ (forall i a, PArray.get f i = Fatom a -> is_true (Int63.ltb a l))
+ /\ is_true (check_form f).
+ unfold check_local_form, is_true; simplify; auto.
+ - unfold not; intros.
+ destruct (Int63.ltb i (PArray.length f)) eqn:Heqb.
+ + eapply Misc.aforallbi_spec in H1; try eassumption. now rewrite H in H1.
+ + unfold check_form in H0. simplify. unfold is_Ffalse, is_Ftrue in *.
+ repeat (destruct_match; try discriminate).
+ rewrite PArray.get_outofbound in H; auto. now rewrite Heqf1 in H.
+ - unfold not; intros.
+ destruct (Int63.ltb i (PArray.length f)) eqn:Heqb.
+ + eapply Misc.aforallbi_spec in H1; try eassumption. now rewrite H in H1.
+ + unfold check_form in H0. simplify. unfold is_Ffalse, is_Ftrue in *.
+ repeat (destruct_match; try discriminate).
+ rewrite PArray.get_outofbound in H; auto. now rewrite Heqf1 in H.
+ - intros.
+ destruct (Int63.ltb i (PArray.length f)) eqn:Heqb.
+ + eapply Misc.aforallbi_spec in H1; try eassumption. simplify.
+ unfold check_atoms_in_form in H3. now rewrite H in H3.
+ + unfold check_form in H0. simplify. unfold is_Ffalse, is_Ftrue in *.
+ repeat (destruct_match; try discriminate).
+ rewrite PArray.get_outofbound in H by auto. now rewrite Heqf1 in H.
+Lemma to_list_corr' :
+ forall A a,
+ (fun f b =>
+ (forall i, (Int63.to_Z i < Int63.to_Z f) ->
+ PArray.get a i = nth (Z.to_nat (Int63.to_Z i)) (rev b) (PArray.default a))
+ /\ Int63.to_Z f = Zlength b)
+ (PArray.length a)
+ (Misc.foldi (fun i (l : list A) => PArray.get a i :: l)
+ (Int63.of_Z 0)
+ (PArray.length a) nil).
+ intros. apply Misc.foldi_ind; intros.
+ apply Int63.leb_spec. simplify; auto.
+ pose proof (not_int63_lt_0 (PArray.length a)).
+ rewrite Int63.to_Z_0. auto.
+ split; intros. simpl in H. rewrite Int63.to_Z_0 in H.
+ rewrite <- Int63.to_Z_0 in H. apply Int63.ltb_spec in H.
+ now apply Misc.ltb_0 in H. auto.
+ split; [|erewrite Misc.to_Z_add_1 by eassumption;
+ rewrite Zlength_cons; lia].
+ cbn [rev]. intros. erewrite Misc.to_Z_add_1 in H2 by eassumption.
+ assert (Int63.to_Z i0 < Int63.to_Z i \/ Int63.to_Z i0 = Int63.to_Z i) by lia.
+ inv H3. rewrite app_nth1; auto. apply H1; lia. apply Nat2Z.inj_lt.
+ rewrite rev_length.
+ rewrite <- Zlength_correct.
+ rewrite Z_to_nat_max.
+ apply Int63.leb_spec in H.
+ apply Int63.ltb_spec in H0.
+ pose proof (not_int63_lt_0 i0). lia.
+ apply Int63.leb_spec in H.
+ apply Int63.ltb_spec in H0. simpl in H.
+ rewrite app_nth2; rewrite rev_length.
+ replace (Datatypes.length a0) with (Z.to_nat (Z.of_nat (Datatypes.length a0)))
+ by (now apply Nat2Z.id).
+ rewrite <- Zlength_correct.
+ rewrite <- Z2Nat.inj_sub. rewrite Zeq_minus by lia.
+ simpl. apply Int63.to_Z_inj in H4.
+ now subst.
+ rewrite Zlength_correct. lia.
+ zify. rewrite <- Zlength_correct. lia.
+Lemma to_list_corr :
+ forall A (a: PArray.array A) i,
+ Int63.to_Z i < Int63.to_Z (PArray.length a) ->
+ PArray.get a i = nth (Z.to_nat (Int63.to_Z i)) (Misc.to_list a) (PArray.default a).
+ intros; pose proof (to_list_corr' A a).
+ inv H0; auto.
+Lemma check_list_correct :
+ forall A comp (a: list A) b i da db
+ (CHK : is_true (check_list comp a b))
+ (LT : (i < (length a))%nat),
+ is_true (comp (nth i b db) (nth i a da)).
+ unfold is_true; induction a; try solve[crush].
+ intros.
+ simpl in CHK. destruct_match; try discriminate.
+ apply andb_prop in CHK. inv CHK.
+ simplify. destruct i. auto.
+ apply IHa; auto. lia.
+Lemma Zlength_aux_concat: forall A (l1 l2: list A) (acc: Z),
+ Zlength_aux acc _ (l1 ++ l2) = Zlength_aux (Zlength_aux acc _ l1) _ l2.
+ induction l1 ; intros; eauto.
+ simpl.
+ rewrite IHl1; eauto.
+Lemma length_to_list :
+ forall A (a: PArray.array A),
+ Int63.to_Z (PArray.length a) = Zlength (Misc.to_list a).
+ intros. unfold Misc.to_list.
+ eapply Misc.foldi_ind; eauto.
+ - apply Misc.leb_0.
+ - intros. unfold Zlength in *. simpl.
+ rewrite Zlength_aux_concat.
+ rewrite <- H1. simpl.
+ erewrite Misc.to_Z_add_1; eauto.
+Lemma check_list_length :
+ forall A comp (l1: list A) l2,
+ is_true (check_list comp l1 l2) ->
+ Zlength l1 <= Zlength l2.
+ induction l1; crush. rewrite Zlength_nil. rewrite Zlength_correct. lia.
+ destruct l2; crush. rewrite !Zlength_cons.
+ unfold is_true in H. simplify. eapply IHl1 in H1. lia.
+Lemma check_array_length :
+ forall A comp (a: PArray.array A) b,
+ is_true (check_array comp a b) ->
+ Int63.to_Z (PArray.length a) <= Int63.to_Z (PArray.length b).
+ intros. unfold check_array in *.
+ eapply check_list_length in H. rewrite !length_to_list; auto.
+Lemma check_array_correct :
+ forall A comp (a: PArray.array A) b,
+ is_true (check_array comp a b) ->
+ forall i,
+ Int63.to_Z i < Int63.to_Z (PArray.length a) ->
+ is_true (comp (PArray.get b i) (PArray.get a i)).
+ unfold check_array, is_true; intros * CHK i LT.
+ pose proof (not_int63_lt_0 i).
+ repeat rewrite to_list_corr.
+ apply check_list_correct; auto. zify. rewrite <- Zlength_correct.
+ rewrite <- length_to_list. lia.
+ lia. apply check_array_length in CHK. lia.
+Section PROOF.
+ Context (t_i: PArray.array SMT_classes.typ_compdec).
+ Context (t_func: PArray.array (tval t_i)).
+ Definition bo_dec:
+ forall (a b: option bool),
+ {a = b} + {a <> b}.
+ Proof. pose proof bool_dec. decide equality. Qed.
+ Lemma of_list'_length : forall A,
+ forall (b: list A) acc array,
+ PArray.length (of_list' acc array b) = PArray.length array.
+ Proof.
+ induction b; intros.
+ - reflexivity.
+ - simpl of_list'.
+ erewrite IHb; eauto.
+ rewrite PArray.length_set. auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma of_list_Zlength : forall A (d: A) b,
+ Zlength b < wB ->
+ PArray.length (of_list d b) = of_Z (Z.of_nat (length b)).
+ Proof.
+ unfold of_list.
+ intros. rewrite of_list'_length; eauto.
+ rewrite PArray.length_make.
+ unfold PArray.max_length.
+ destruct_match.
+ - rewrite Zlength_correct. auto.
+ - rewrite Misc.leb_negb_gtb in Heqb0.
+ rewrite negb_false_iff in Heqb0.
+ eapply ltb_spec in Heqb0.
+ rewrite of_Z_spec in Heqb0.
+ rewrite Z.mod_small in Heqb0; try lia.
+ + rewrite Misc.max_int_wB in Heqb0. lia.
+ + split; auto. rewrite Zlength_correct. lia.
+ Qed.
+ Opaque PArray.set.
+ Lemma Zlength_aux_pos : forall A (b: list A) acc,
+ acc >= 0 ->
+ Zlength_aux acc A b >= 0.
+ Proof.
+ induction b; intros.
+ - auto.
+ - simpl. eapply IHb; eauto.
+ lia.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma Zlength_pos : forall A (b: list A),
+ Zlength b >= 0.
+ Proof.
+ unfold Zlength.
+ intros. eapply Zlength_aux_pos; eauto.
+ lia.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma of_list'_idx_preserve : forall A (b: list A) idx array,
+ forall i,
+ (0 <= idx)%Z ->
+ (i <? of_Z idx = true)%int63 ->
+ (0 <= idx + (Zlength b) < wB)%Z ->
+ (PArray.get (of_list' idx array b) i) = PArray.get array i.
+ Proof.
+ induction b; intros.
+ - auto.
+ - simpl of_list'.
+ rewrite Zlength_cons in *.
+ erewrite IHb; eauto.
+ + rewrite PArray.get_set_other; eauto.
+ intro ; subst. eelim Misc.not_ltb_refl; eauto.
+ + lia.
+ + rewrite ltb_spec in *. rewrite of_Z_spec in *.
+ assert (Zlength b >= 0) by (eapply Zlength_pos; eauto).
+ rewrite ! Z.mod_small in *; try lia.
+ + lia.
+ Qed.
+ Opaque PArray.set.
+ Lemma to_list_of_list'3 :
+ forall A (l: list A) arr x y,
+ y + Zlength l < wB ->
+ to_Z x < y ->
+ to_Z x < to_Z (PArray.length arr) ->
+ PArray.get (of_list' y arr l) x = PArray.get arr x.
+ Proof.
+ induction l; crush.
+ erewrite IHl. rewrite PArray.get_set_other; auto.
+ - unfold not; intros. assert (forall x y, x = y -> to_Z x = to_Z y) by (intros; now subst).
+ apply H3 in H2. rewrite of_Z_spec in H2. rewrite Z.mod_small in H2; subst. lia.
+ pose proof (not_int63_lt_0 x). split. lia. rewrite Zlength_cons in H.
+ pose proof (Zlength_pos _ l). lia.
+ - rewrite Zlength_cons in H. lia.
+ - lia.
+ - rewrite PArray.length_set. auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma to_list_of_list'2 :
+ forall A l (d: A) x0 v a
+ (PARRR: to_Z x0 < to_Z (PArray.length a))
+ (XXXXX: v + Zlength l < wB),
+ PArray.default a = d ->
+ to_Z (PArray.length a) <= Zlength l + v ->
+ v <= to_Z x0 ->
+ PArray.get (of_list' v a l) x0 = nth ((Z.to_nat (to_Z x0 - v))) l d.
+ Proof.
+ induction l; intros.
+ - simpl. assert ((x0 <? 0)%int63 = false).
+ { destruct ((x0 <? 0)%int63) eqn:?; auto. pose proof (not_int63_lt_0 x0). apply Int63.ltb_spec in Heqb.
+ replace (to_Z 0) with 0 in Heqb by auto. lia.
+ } rewrite Zlength_nil in H0. pose proof (not_int63_lt_0 (PArray.length a)).
+ rewrite PArray.get_outofbound. rewrite H. destruct_match; auto.
+ apply not_true_is_false. unfold not; intros. apply Int63.ltb_spec in H4. lia.
+ - simpl. destruct_match.
+ assert (forall x y, x = y -> Z.of_nat x = Z.of_nat y) by (intros; subst; auto).
+ apply H2 in Heqn. rewrite Z_to_nat_max in Heqn.
+ rewrite Zlength_cons in H0. unfold Z.succ in H0.
+ { replace (Z.max (to_Z x0 - v) 0) with (to_Z x0 - v) in Heqn by lia.
+ assert (to_Z x0 = v) by lia. subst.
+ rewrite of_to_Z. erewrite to_list_of_list'3; try lia.
+ rewrite PArray.get_set_same; auto.
+ apply Int63.ltb_spec. auto.
+ rewrite Zlength_cons in XXXXX. lia.
+ rewrite PArray.length_set; auto.
+ }
+ rewrite IHl with (d:=d).
+ assert (Z.to_nat (to_Z x0 - (v + 1)) = n).
+ { assert (forall a b, a = b -> (a - 1)%nat = (b - 1)%nat) by lia.
+ apply H2 in Heqn.
+ assert ((S n - 1)%nat = n) by lia. rewrite H3 in Heqn. rewrite <- Heqn.
+ lia.
+ } rewrite H2. auto.
+ rewrite PArray.length_set. lia. rewrite Zlength_cons in XXXXX. lia.
+ rewrite PArray.default_set. auto.
+ rewrite PArray.length_set. rewrite Zlength_cons in H0. lia.
+ lia.
+ Qed.
+ Transparent PArray.set.
+ Lemma to_list_of_list' :
+ forall A l (d: A) x0,
+ Zlength l < wB ->
+ to_Z x0 < Zlength l ->
+ PArray.get (of_list d l) x0 = nth (Z.to_nat (Int63.to_Z x0)) l d.
+ Proof.
+ unfold of_list. intros.
+ replace (to_Z x0) with (to_Z x0 - 0) by lia.
+ pose proof (Zlength_pos _ l).
+ apply to_list_of_list'2.
+ rewrite PArray.length_make.
+ assert ((of_Z (Zlength l) <=? PArray.max_length)%int63 = true).
+ apply Int63.leb_spec. rewrite of_Z_spec. rewrite Z.mod_small by lia.
+ unfold PArray.max_length. rewrite Misc.max_int_wB. lia. rewrite H2.
+ rewrite of_Z_spec. rewrite Z.mod_small by lia. auto.
+ lia.
+ rewrite PArray.default_make; auto.
+ rewrite PArray.length_make.
+ assert ((of_Z (Zlength l) <=? PArray.max_length)%int63 = true).
+ apply Int63.leb_spec. rewrite of_Z_spec. rewrite Z.mod_small by lia.
+ unfold PArray.max_length. rewrite Misc.max_int_wB. lia. rewrite H2.
+ rewrite of_Z_spec. rewrite Z.mod_small by lia. auto. lia.
+ pose proof (not_int63_lt_0 x0). lia.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma to_list_of_list2 : (* lemmes nth of_list' *)
+ forall A (d: A) (b: list A) x,
+ Zlength b < wB ->
+ In x (Misc.to_list (of_list d b)) ->
+ In x b.
+ Proof.
+ intros. apply Misc.In_to_list in H0. simplify.
+ rewrite to_list_of_list'. apply nth_In.
+ apply Int63.ltb_spec in H0. rewrite of_list_Zlength in H0 by auto.
+ rewrite of_Z_spec in H0. rewrite Z.mod_small in H0.
+ assert (Z.of_nat (Z.to_nat φ (x0)%int63) < Z.of_nat (Datatypes.length b)).
+ { rewrite Z_to_nat_max.
+ pose proof (not_int63_lt_0 x0).
+ lia.
+ }
+ lia.
+ simplify. lia.
+ rewrite <- Zlength_correct; auto.
+ auto.
+ apply Int63.ltb_spec in H0. rewrite of_list_Zlength in H0; auto.
+ rewrite <- Zlength_correct in H0. rewrite Int63.of_Z_spec in H0.
+ rewrite Z.mod_small in H0; auto.
+ pose proof (Zlength_pos _ b). lia.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma of_pos_rec_unfold_xO : forall n p,
+ of_pos_rec (S n) (xO p) = (of_pos_rec n p << 1)%int63.
+ Proof.
+ intros. reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma is_even_of_pos :
+ forall p a,
+ (Z.pos a - 2) * 2 = Z.pos p ->
+ is_even (of_pos p) = true.
+ Proof.
+ destruct p.
+ - lia.
+ - intros.
+ unfold of_pos, size.
+ rewrite of_pos_rec_unfold_xO.
+ eapply is_even_lsl_1.
+ - lia.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma is_pos_P_of_P:
+ forall a,
+ 0 <= (Zpos a - 2) * 2 < wB ->
+ State.Lit.is_pos (P_of_P a) = true.
+ Proof.
+ unfold State.Lit.is_pos, P_of_P.
+ intros.
+ unfold of_Z. case_eq ((Z.pos a - 2) * 2); intros; try lia.
+ - apply Bva_checker.is_even_0.
+ - eapply is_even_of_pos; eauto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma of_pos_rec_unfold_xI : forall n p,
+ of_pos_rec (S n) (xI p) = (of_pos_rec n p << 1 lor 1)%int63.
+ Proof.
+ intros. reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma is_even_of_pos_false :
+ forall p a,
+ (Z.pos a - 2) * 2 + 1 = Z.pos p ->
+ is_even (of_pos p) = false.
+ Proof.
+ destruct p.
+ - intros. unfold of_pos, size.
+ rewrite of_pos_rec_unfold_xI.
+ rewrite Misc.is_even_or.
+ rewrite andb_false_r; auto.
+ - lia.
+ - intros. auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma is_neg_N_of_P:
+ forall a,
+ 0 <= (Zpos a - 2) * 2 + 1 < wB ->
+ State.Lit.is_pos (N_of_P a) = false.
+ Proof.
+ unfold State.Lit.is_pos, N_of_P.
+ intros.
+ unfold of_Z. case_eq ((Z.pos a - 2) * 2 + 1); intros; try lia.
+ eapply is_even_of_pos_false; eauto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma blit_N_of_P:
+ forall a,
+ 1 < Z.pos a ->
+ (Z.pos a - 2) * 2 + 1 < wB ->
+ State.Lit.blit (N_of_P a) = of_P a.
+ Proof.
+ unfold State.Lit.blit, of_P, N_of_P; intros.
+ apply to_Z_inj.
+ rewrite lsr_spec.
+ replace (to_Z (1)%int63) with 1 by crush.
+ replace (2 ^ 1) with 2 by lia.
+ rewrite !of_Z_spec.
+ rewrite !Z.mod_small by lia.
+ rewrite Z.div_add_l by lia.
+ assert (X: 1 / 2 = 0) by auto.
+ rewrite X. rewrite Z.add_0_r. auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma blit_P_of_P:
+ forall a,
+ 1 < Z.pos a ->
+ (Z.pos a - 2) * 2 < wB ->
+ State.Lit.blit (P_of_P a) = of_P a.
+ Proof.
+ unfold State.Lit.blit, of_P, P_of_P; intros.
+ apply to_Z_inj.
+ rewrite lsr_spec.
+ replace (to_Z (1)%int63) with 1 by crush.
+ replace (2 ^ 1) with 2 by lia.
+ rewrite !of_Z_spec.
+ rewrite !Z.mod_small by lia.
+ rewrite Z_div_mult by lia. auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma in_tree_lt_array :
+ forall d tree f x y,
+ tree_key_wf _ tree ->
+ of_tree d (PTree.map (fun _ : positive => lform_to_form) tree) = Some f ->
+ tree ! x = Some y ->
+ is_true (of_P x <? PArray.length f)%int63.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ unfold of_tree in *.
+ destruct_match; try congruence.
+ inv H0. rewrite PArray_length_fold_set.
+ rewrite PArray.length_make.
+ unfold PArray.max_length in *.
+ erewrite <- max_key_map in *; eauto.
+ destruct_match.
+ + pose proof (max_key_correct _ _ _ _ H1).
+ unfold of_P, is_true, tree_key_wf, gt_1 in *.
+ rewrite ltb_spec.
+ rewrite Z.ltb_lt in *.
+ rewrite ! of_Z_spec.
+ inv H. inv H3. specialize (H4 x y H1).
+ rewrite ! Z.mod_small; try lia.
+ + pose proof (max_key_correct _ _ _ _ H1).
+ unfold of_P, is_true, tree_key_wf, gt_1 in *.
+ rewrite ltb_spec.
+ rewrite ! of_Z_spec.
+ rewrite Z.ltb_lt in *.
+ rewrite Misc.max_int_wB.
+ rewrite ! Z.mod_small; try lia.
+ inv H. inv H3. specialize (H4 x y H1). lia.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma of_tree_default :
+ forall A (d: A) f y,
+ of_tree d f = Some y ->
+ PArray.default y = d.
+ Proof.
+ intros. unfold of_tree in *. destruct_match; try discriminate; simplify.
+ rewrite PArray_default_fold_set; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma hash_value_in :
+ forall max f ht h ht',
+ hash_value max f ht = (h, ht') ->
+ ht' ! h = Some f.
+ Proof.
+ unfold hash_value. intros.
+ destruct_match.
+ - inv H. eapply find_tree_correct; eauto.
+ - inv H. rewrite PTree.gss. auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma AHhash_value_in :
+ forall max f ht h ht',
+ AH.hash_value max f ht = (h, ht') ->
+ ht' ! h = Some f.
+ Proof.
+ unfold AH.hash_value; intros.
+ destruct_match.
+ - inv H. eapply AH.find_tree_correct; eauto.
+ - inv H. rewrite PTree.gss. auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma pos_of_tree_max_key :
+ forall A (d: A) h11 h6 x h,
+ tree_a_wf h11 ->
+ (max_key h6 <= max_key h11)%positive ->
+ h11 ! h = h6 ! h ->
+ AH.find_tree x h6 = Some h ->
+ 1 < Z.pos h < wB.
+ Proof.
+ intros. eapply AH.find_tree_Some in H2.
+ pose proof H2. rewrite <- H1 in H3.
+ eapply max_key_correct in H2.
+ unfold tree_a_wf in *. inversion H as [RANGE [PROP [SOME1 [SOME2 SOME3]]]].
+ apply PROP in H3. lia.
+ Qed.
+ Definition match_one {A} (f: PTree.t A) lf :=
+ forall y z, lf ! y = Some z -> f ! y = Some z.
+ Definition match_all {A} (f: PTree.t A) lf :=
+ Forall (match_one f) lf.
+Lemma match_one_refl :
+ forall A x, @match_one A x x.
+Proof. unfold match_one; auto. Qed.
+Instance match_one_Reflexive {A} : Reflexive (@match_one A).
+Proof. unfold Reflexive. auto using match_one_refl. Qed.
+Lemma match_one_trans :
+ forall A x y z, @match_one A x y -> match_one y z -> match_one x z.
+Proof. unfold match_one; auto. Qed.
+Instance match_one_Transitive {A} : Transitive (@match_one A).
+Proof. unfold Transitive. eauto using match_one_trans. Qed.
+ Lemma tree_a_wf_lt :
+ forall h x y,
+ tree_a_wf h ->
+ h ! x = Some y ->
+ 0 <= Z.pos x - 2 < wB.
+ Proof.
+ unfold tree_a_wf; intros. pose proof H0 as X. apply max_key_correct in H0.
+ unfold gt_1 in *. inv H. inv H2. apply H in X.
+ all: lia.
+ Qed.
+ Section PROOF_MORE.
+ Context (f: form_t) (a: atom_t) (f_t: PTree.t lform) (a_t: PTree.t atom).
+ Context (CHKF: is_true (check_form f)).
+ Context (CHKA: is_true (check_atom a)).
+ Context (WFF: tree_f_wf f_t).
+ Context (WFA: tree_a_wf a_t).
+ Context (GENF: of_tree Ftrue (PTree.map (fun _ => lform_to_form) f_t) = Some f).
+ Context (GENA: of_tree (Acop CO_xH) a_t = Some a).
+ Context (la: PTree.t bool).
+ Context (la_arr: PArray.array (tval t_i_empty)).
+ Context (MATCH_LA: forall i : positive, 0 <= Z.pos i - 2 < wB ->
+ PArray.get la_arr (of_P i) = t_func_mk (Zval la ! i)).
+ Lemma match_one_hash_value :
+ forall max x h h' y y',
+ hash_value max y h = (y', h') ->
+ match_one x h' ->
+ match_one x h.
+ Proof.
+ unfold match_one.
+ intros.
+ eapply H0; eauto.
+ eapply hash_constant; eauto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma AHmatch_one_hash_value :
+ forall max x h h' y y',
+ AH.hash_value max y h = (y', h') ->
+ match_one x h' ->
+ match_one x h.
+ Proof.
+ unfold match_one.
+ intros.
+ eapply H0; eauto.
+ eapply AH.hash_constant; eauto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma gt_1_map :
+ gt_1 (PTree.map (fun _ : positive => lform_to_form) f_t).
+ Proof.
+ inversion WFF; unfold gt_1 in *; simplify.
+ rewrite PTree.gmap in H1. unfold option_map in *.
+ destruct (f_t ! x) eqn:?. eapply H0. eauto. easy.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma gt_1_a :
+ gt_1 a_t.
+ Proof. inversion WFA; crush. Qed.
+ Lemma in_tree_bounded :
+ forall t p y,
+ t ! p = Some y ->
+ match_one f_t t ->
+ 0 <= (Z.pos p - 2) * 2 + 1 < wB.
+ Proof.
+ intros. unfold match_one in *. apply H0 in H.
+ pose proof H. apply max_key_correct in H.
+ unfold tree_f_wf in WFF. inversion WFF as [X1 [X2 [X3 X4]]].
+ unfold gt_1 in X3.
+ apply X3 in H1.
+ lia.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma in_tree_bounded2 :
+ forall t p y,
+ t ! p = Some y ->
+ match_one f_t t ->
+ 0 <= (Z.pos p - 2) * 2 < wB.
+ Proof.
+ intros. unfold match_one in *. apply H0 in H.
+ pose proof H. apply max_key_correct in H.
+ unfold tree_f_wf in WFF. inversion WFF as [X1 [X2 [X3 X4]]].
+ unfold gt_1 in X3.
+ apply X3 in H1.
+ lia.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma in_tree_bounded3 :
+ forall t p y,
+ t ! p = Some y ->
+ match_one f_t t ->
+ 0 <= Z.pos p - 2 < wB.
+ Proof.
+ intros. unfold match_one in *. apply H0 in H.
+ pose proof H. apply max_key_correct in H.
+ unfold tree_f_wf in WFF. inversion WFF as [X1 [X2 [X3 X4]]].
+ unfold gt_1 in X3.
+ apply X3 in H1.
+ lia.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma in_tree_bounded4 :
+ forall t p y,
+ t ! p = Some y ->
+ match_one a_t t ->
+ 0 <= Z.pos p - 2 < wB.
+ Proof.
+ intros. unfold match_one in *. apply H0 in H.
+ pose proof H. apply max_key_correct in H.
+ unfold tree_a_wf in WFA. inversion WFA as [X1 [X2 [X3 X4]]].
+ unfold gt_1 in X2.
+ apply X2 in H1.
+ lia.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma tree_f_wf_tree_key_wf: forall f_t,
+ tree_f_wf f_t ->
+ tree_key_wf _ f_t.
+ Proof.
+ clear. intros.
+ inversion H as [X1 [X2 [X3 [X4 X5]]]].
+ unfold tree_key_wf.
+ repeat split; try lia.
+ auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma tree_a_wf_tree_key_wf: forall f_t,
+ tree_a_wf f_t ->
+ tree_key_wf _ f_t.
+ Proof.
+ clear. intros.
+ inversion H as [X1 [X2 [X3 [X4 X5]]]].
+ unfold tree_key_wf.
+ repeat split; try lia.
+ auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma tree_key_wf_map : forall A B f_t (f: positive -> A -> B),
+ tree_key_wf _ f_t ->
+ tree_key_wf _ (PTree.map f f_t).
+ Proof.
+ clear. intros.
+ inversion H as [X1 [X2 X3]].
+ unfold tree_key_wf.
+ repeat split; try (erewrite <- max_key_map; eauto).
+ rewrite <- gt_1_map_iff; eauto.
+ Qed.
+ #[local] Hint Resolve gt_1_map : to_smt.
+ #[local] Hint Resolve gt_1_a : to_smt.
+ #[local] Hint Resolve in_tree_bounded : to_smt.
+ #[local] Hint Resolve in_tree_bounded2 : to_smt.
+ #[local] Hint Resolve in_tree_bounded3 : to_smt.
+ #[local] Hint Resolve in_tree_bounded4 : to_smt.
+ Lemma of_tree_of_P_2 :
+ forall t p v,
+ t ! p = Some v ->
+ match_one f_t t ->
+ PArray.get f (of_P p) = (lform_to_form v).
+ Proof.
+ unfold match_one; intros.
+ eapply of_tree_of_P; eauto with to_smt.
+ - eapply tree_key_wf_map; eauto.
+ eapply tree_f_wf_tree_key_wf; eauto.
+ - rewrite PTree.gmap. apply H0 in H. rewrite H. auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma of_tree_of_P_2_hv :
+ forall t p v x h,
+ hash_value x v h = (p, t) ->
+ match_one f_t t ->
+ PArray.get f (of_P p) = (lform_to_form v).
+ Proof.
+ intros; apply hash_value_in in H; auto.
+ eapply of_tree_of_P_2; eassumption.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma AHof_tree_of_P_2 :
+ forall t p v,
+ t ! p = Some v ->
+ match_one a_t t ->
+ PArray.get a (of_P p) = v.
+ Proof.
+ intros. pose proof H0. unfold match_one in H0; intros.
+ pose proof H. apply H0 in H.
+ eapply of_tree_of_P; eauto with to_smt.
+ eapply tree_a_wf_tree_key_wf; eauto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma AHof_tree_of_P_2_hv :
+ forall t p v x h,
+ AH.hash_value x v h = (p, t) ->
+ match_one a_t t ->
+ PArray.get a (of_P p) = v.
+ Proof.
+ unfold match_one; intros. apply AHhash_value_in in H.
+ pose proof H. apply H0 in H.
+ eapply of_tree_of_P; eauto with to_smt.
+ eapply tree_a_wf_tree_key_wf; eauto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma is_true_Atom_wf :
+ is_true (Atom.wf a).
+ Proof.
+ unfold is_true in *. unfold check_atom in CHKA. repeat (destruct_match; try discriminate; []); auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma is_true_Form_wf :
+ is_true (wf f).
+ Proof.
+ unfold is_true in *. unfold check_form in CHKF. repeat (destruct_match; try discriminate; []); crush.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma is_true_default_a :
+ PArray.default a = Acop CO_xH.
+ Proof.
+ unfold is_true in *. unfold check_atom in CHKA. repeat (destruct_match; try discriminate; []); auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma gt_1_in :
+ forall h h1 y,
+ h ! h1 = Some y ->
+ match_one f_t h ->
+ 1 < Z.pos h1.
+ Proof.
+ intros. unfold match_one in H0. apply H0 in H.
+ inv WFF. unfold gt_1 in *.
+ inv H2. inv H4. inv H5.
+ apply H2 in H. lia.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma gt_1_in2 :
+ forall h h1 y,
+ h ! h1 = Some y ->
+ match_one f_t h ->
+ (Z.pos h1 - 2) * 2 < wB.
+ Proof.
+ intros. unfold match_one in H0. apply H0 in H.
+ inv WFF. apply max_key_correct in H. lia.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma gt_1_in3 :
+ forall h h1 y,
+ h ! h1 = Some y ->
+ match_one f_t h ->
+ (Z.pos h1 - 2) * 2 + 1 < wB.
+ Proof.
+ intros. unfold match_one in H0. apply H0 in H.
+ inv WFF. apply max_key_correct in H. lia.
+ Qed.
+ #[local] Hint Resolve gt_1_in : to_smt.
+ #[local] Hint Resolve gt_1_in2: to_smt.
+ #[local] Hint Resolve gt_1_in3: to_smt.
+ Lemma blit_lt_length :
+ forall h1 h y,
+ h ! h1 = Some y ->
+ match_one f_t h ->
+ is_true (State.Lit.blit (P_of_P h1) <? PArray.length f)%int63.
+ Proof.
+ intros. rewrite blit_P_of_P; eauto with to_smt.
+ eapply in_tree_lt_array; eauto with to_smt.
+ eapply tree_f_wf_tree_key_wf; eauto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma blit_lt_length2 :
+ forall h1 h y max h',
+ hash_value max y h' = (h1, h) ->
+ match_one f_t h ->
+ is_true (State.Lit.blit (P_of_P h1) <? PArray.length f)%int63.
+ Proof.
+ intros. eapply hash_value_in in H; eauto using blit_lt_length.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma blit_lt_length_N :
+ forall h1 h y,
+ h ! h1 = Some y ->
+ match_one f_t h ->
+ is_true (State.Lit.blit (N_of_P h1) <? PArray.length f)%int63.
+ Proof.
+ intros. rewrite blit_N_of_P; eauto with to_smt.
+ eapply in_tree_lt_array; eauto with to_smt.
+ eapply tree_f_wf_tree_key_wf; eauto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma blit_lt_length_N2 :
+ forall h1 h y max h',
+ hash_value max y h' = (h1, h) ->
+ match_one f_t h ->
+ is_true (State.Lit.blit (N_of_P h1) <? PArray.length f)%int63.
+ Proof.
+ intros. eapply hash_value_in in H; eauto using blit_lt_length_N.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma lt_pos_in :
+ forall h1 y h,
+ h ! h1 = Some y ->
+ match_one f_t h ->
+ 0 <= (Z.pos h1 - 2) * 2 < wB.
+ Proof.
+ intros. inversion WFF as [BOUNDS [MAXKEY [GT [S2 S3]]]]. unfold gt_1 in GT.
+ unfold match_one in *. apply H0 in H. pose proof H as X. apply GT in H.
+ apply max_key_correct in X. lia.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma lt_pos_in2 :
+ forall h1 y h max h',
+ hash_value max y h' = (h1, h) ->
+ match_one f_t h ->
+ 0 <= (Z.pos h1 - 2) * 2 < wB.
+ Proof.
+ intros. eapply hash_value_in in H. eapply lt_pos_in; eauto.
+ Qed.
+ #[local] Hint Resolve is_true_Atom_wf : to_smt.
+ #[local] Hint Resolve is_true_Form_wf : to_smt.
+ #[local] Hint Resolve is_true_default_a : to_smt.
+ #[local] Hint Resolve blit_lt_length2 : to_smt.
+ #[local] Hint Resolve lt_pos_in2 : to_smt.
+ #[local] Hint Resolve blit_lt_length_N2 : to_smt.
+ #[local] Hint Resolve tree_a_wf_tree_key_wf : to_smt.
+ #[local] Hint Resolve tree_f_wf_tree_key_wf : to_smt.
+ #[local] Opaque Z.sub.
+ Lemma to_smt_i_correct :
+ forall h p i,
+ match_one a_t h ->
+ to_smt_i h p = Some i ->
+ Atom.interp_aux t_i_empty la_arr (PArray.get (Atom.t_interp t_i_empty la_arr a)) (PArray.get a i)
+ = Bval _ Typ.TZ (Zval (eval_hash_pred p la)).
+ Proof.
+ intros * MATCH TO_SMT.
+ unfold to_smt_i in TO_SMT.
+ destruct_match; try discriminate; simplify.
+ unfold tree_a_wf in WFA. inversion WFA as [BOUND [PROP [AT1 [AT2 AT3]]]].
+ replace (of_pos 1) with (of_P 3) by auto.
+ erewrite ! of_tree_of_P; try eassumption; try lia; simpl.
+ rewrite Atom.t_interp_wf by auto with to_smt.
+ erewrite ! of_tree_of_P; try eassumption; try lia; auto.
+ repeat split; auto; try lia.
+ repeat split; auto; try lia.
+ unfold tree_a_wf in WFA. inversion WFA as [BOUND [PROP [AT1 [AT2 AT3]]]].
+ replace (of_pos 2) with (of_P 4) by auto.
+ erewrite ! of_tree_of_P; try eassumption; try lia; simpl.
+ rewrite Atom.t_interp_wf by auto with to_smt.
+ erewrite ! of_tree_of_P; try eassumption; try lia; simpl.
+ rewrite Atom.t_interp_wf by auto with to_smt.
+ erewrite ! of_tree_of_P; try eassumption; try lia; simpl. auto.
+ repeat split; auto; try lia.
+ repeat split; auto; try lia.
+ repeat split; auto; try lia.
+ repeat (destruct_match; try discriminate; []). simplify.
+ apply AH.find_tree_correct in Heqo.
+ erewrite ! AHof_tree_of_P_2; try eassumption; try lia; simpl.
+ destruct_match.
+ rewrite MATCH_LA in Heqt.
+ destruct (la ! p0) eqn:?; [destruct b|]; simplify; unfold t_func_mk, Tval in Heqt;
+ symmetry in Heqt; inv Heqt; eapply Eqdep.EqdepTheory.inj_pair2 in H5; subst; auto.
+ lia.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma interp_eval_pred :
+ forall h13 h11 h6 p0 i h8 h10 h9 h12,
+ match_one f_t h13 ->
+ match_one a_t h11 ->
+ match_one a_t h6 ->
+ eval_hash_pred p0 la <> Some true ->
+ to_smt_i h6 p0 = Some i ->
+ AH.hash_value 1%positive (Abop (BO_eq Typ.TZ) i (Int63.of_pos 1)) h8 = (h10, h11) ->
+ hash_value 1%positive (LFatom (of_P h10)) h9 = (h12, h13) ->
+ State.Lit.interp (interp_state_var (interp_form_hatom t_i_empty la_arr a)
+ (interp_form_hatom_bv t_i_empty la_arr a) f)
+ (N_of_P h12) = true.
+ Proof.
+ intros * M1 M2 M3 EVAL TOSMT HASH1 HASH2. unfold State.Lit.interp.
+ unfold State.Var.interp, interp_state_var.
+ pose proof HASH1 as IN1. eapply AHhash_value_in in IN1.
+ pose proof HASH2 as IN2. eapply hash_value_in in IN2.
+ rewrite is_neg_N_of_P by eauto with to_smt.
+ rewrite t_interp_wf by eauto with to_smt.
+ rewrite blit_N_of_P by eauto with to_smt.
+ erewrite ! of_tree_of_P_2 by eauto with to_smt; simpl.
+ unfold interp_form_hatom, interp_hatom.
+ rewrite Atom.t_interp_wf by eauto with to_smt.
+ erewrite ! AHof_tree_of_P_2 by eauto with to_smt; simpl.
+ rewrite !Atom.t_interp_wf by eauto with to_smt.
+ erewrite to_smt_i_correct by eauto with to_smt.
+ replace (of_pos 1) with (of_P 3) by auto.
+ inversion WFA as [X1 [X2 [X3 [X4 X5]]]].
+ erewrite of_tree_of_P;
+ [idtac|idtac|eauto with to_smt|eauto with to_smt|eauto with to_smt].
+ simpl. rewrite !Atom.t_interp_wf by eauto with to_smt.
+ erewrite of_tree_of_P;
+ [idtac|idtac|eauto with to_smt|eauto with to_smt|eauto with to_smt].
+ simpl.
+ destruct (eval_hash_pred p0 la) eqn:?; [destruct b|]; try discriminate; auto.
+ eapply tree_a_wf_tree_key_wf; eauto.
+ eapply tree_a_wf_tree_key_wf; eauto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma eval_hash_pred_Pand_lt :
+ forall la p1 p2,
+ Zval (eval_hash_pred (p1 ∧ p2) la) =
+ if Zval (eval_hash_pred p1 la) <? Zval (eval_hash_pred p2 la)
+ then Zval (eval_hash_pred p1 la) else Zval (eval_hash_pred p2 la).
+ Proof.
+ intros. destruct (eval_hash_pred p1 la0) eqn:A; [destruct b|];
+ destruct (eval_hash_pred p2 la0) eqn:B; try destruct b;
+ simplify; rewrite !A; rewrite !B; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma eval_hash_pred_Por_lt :
+ forall la p1 p2,
+ Zval (eval_hash_pred (p1 ∨ p2) la) =
+ if Zval (eval_hash_pred p1 la) <? Zval (eval_hash_pred p2 la)
+ then Zval (eval_hash_pred p2 la) else Zval (eval_hash_pred p1 la).
+ Proof.
+ intros. destruct (eval_hash_pred p1 la0) eqn:A; [destruct b|];
+ destruct (eval_hash_pred p2 la0) eqn:B; try destruct b;
+ simplify; rewrite !A; rewrite !B; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma eval_hash_pred_Pimp_lt :
+ forall la p1 p2,
+ Zval (eval_hash_pred (p1 → p2) la) =
+ if 1 <? 1 - Zval (eval_hash_pred p1 la) + Zval (eval_hash_pred p2 la)
+ then 1 else 1 - Zval (eval_hash_pred p1 la) + Zval (eval_hash_pred p2 la).
+ Proof.
+ intros. destruct (eval_hash_pred p1 la0) eqn:A; [destruct b|];
+ destruct (eval_hash_pred p2 la0) eqn:B; try destruct b;
+ simplify; rewrite !A; rewrite !B; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma eval_hash_pred_Pnot_lt :
+ forall la p1,
+ Zval (eval_hash_pred (¬ p1) la) = - Zval (eval_hash_pred p1 la).
+ Proof.
+ intros. destruct (eval_hash_pred p1 la0) eqn:A; [destruct b|];
+ simplify; rewrite !A; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma to_smt_and_correct :
+ forall h fa0 i p1_1 i0 p1_2 i1 h0 h9 h8 h1,
+ to_smt_and h0 h i i0 i1 = (h9, h8, h1) ->
+ match_one f_t h9 ->
+ match_one a_t h8 ->
+ to_smt_i h (Pbase fa0) = Some i ->
+ to_smt_i h p1_1 = Some i0 ->
+ to_smt_i h p1_2 = Some i1 ->
+ eval_hash_pred (equiv (Pbase fa0) (p1_1 ∧ p1_2)) la = Some true ->
+ State.Lit.interp (interp_state_var (interp_form_hatom t_i_empty la_arr a)
+ (interp_form_hatom_bv t_i_empty la_arr a) f)
+ (P_of_P h1) = true.
+ Proof.
+ intros * SMTAND M1 M2 SMT1 SMT2 SMT3 EVAL. unfold State.Lit.interp.
+ unfold to_smt_and in SMTAND. repeat ldestruct_match; []. inversion SMTAND; clear SMTAND; subst.
+ assert (match_one f_t h15) by (eapply match_one_hash_value; eauto).
+ assert (match_one f_t h13) by (eapply match_one_hash_value; eauto).
+ assert (match_one f_t h11) by (eapply match_one_hash_value; eauto).
+ assert (match_one f_t h0) by (eapply match_one_hash_value; eauto).
+ assert (match_one a_t h5) by (eapply AHmatch_one_hash_value; eauto).
+ assert (match_one a_t h3) by (eapply AHmatch_one_hash_value; eauto).
+ assert (match_one a_t h) by (eapply AHmatch_one_hash_value; eauto).
+ rewrite is_pos_P_of_P by eauto with to_smt.
+ unfold State.Var.interp. unfold interp_state_var.
+ rewrite t_interp_wf by eauto with to_smt.
+ rewrite blit_P_of_P.
+ erewrite of_tree_of_P_2_hv; try eassumption. simpl.
+ unfold State.Lit.interp, State.Var.interp.
+ rewrite !is_pos_P_of_P by eauto with to_smt.
+ rewrite !t_interp_wf by eauto with to_smt.
+ rewrite !blit_P_of_P.
+ erewrite !of_tree_of_P_2_hv; try eassumption; simpl.
+ unfold interp_form_hatom, interp_hatom.
+ rewrite !Atom.t_interp_wf by auto with to_smt.
+ erewrite !AHof_tree_of_P_2_hv; try eassumption; simpl.
+ rewrite !Atom.t_interp_wf by auto with to_smt.
+ erewrite !to_smt_i_correct by eassumption. simpl.
+ apply eval_equiv in EVAL.
+ replace (eval_hash_pred (Pbase fa0) la) with (la ! fa0) in EVAL by auto.
+ rewrite EVAL.
+ rewrite !eval_hash_pred_Pand_lt.
+ destruct_match; apply Typ.i_eqb_refl.
+ all: match goal with
+ | H: hash_value _ _ _ = (?v, _) |- _ < Z.pos ?v =>
+ apply hash_value_in in H; eauto with to_smt
+ | H: hash_value _ _ _ = (?v, _) |- (Z.pos ?v - _) * _ < _ =>
+ apply hash_value_in in H; eauto with to_smt
+ end.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma to_smt_and_match_one :
+ forall h i i0 i1 h0 h9 h8 h1,
+ to_smt_and h0 h i i0 i1 = (h9, h8, h1) ->
+ match_one f_t h9 ->
+ match_one f_t h0.
+ Proof.
+ unfold to_smt_and; intros * SMTAND M1.
+ repeat ldestruct_match; []. inversion SMTAND; clear SMTAND; subst.
+ repeat (eapply match_one_hash_value; try eassumption).
+ Qed.
+ Lemma to_smt_and_match_one2 :
+ forall h i i0 i1 h0 h9 h8 h1,
+ to_smt_and h0 h i i0 i1 = (h9, h8, h1) ->
+ match_one a_t h8 ->
+ match_one a_t h.
+ Proof.
+ unfold to_smt_and; intros * SMTAND M1.
+ repeat ldestruct_match; []. inversion SMTAND; clear SMTAND; subst.
+ repeat (eapply AHmatch_one_hash_value; try eassumption).
+ Qed.
+ Lemma to_smt_or_correct :
+ forall h fa0 i p1_1 i0 p1_2 i1 h0 h9 h8 h1,
+ to_smt_or h0 h i i0 i1 = (h9, h8, h1) ->
+ match_one f_t h9 ->
+ match_one a_t h8 ->
+ to_smt_i h (Pbase fa0) = Some i ->
+ to_smt_i h p1_1 = Some i0 ->
+ to_smt_i h p1_2 = Some i1 ->
+ eval_hash_pred (equiv (Pbase fa0) (p1_1 ∨ p1_2)) la = Some true ->
+ State.Lit.interp (interp_state_var (interp_form_hatom t_i_empty la_arr a)
+ (interp_form_hatom_bv t_i_empty la_arr a) f)
+ (P_of_P h1) = true.
+ Proof.
+ intros * SMTOR M1 M2 SMT1 SMT2 SMT3 EVAL. unfold State.Lit.interp.
+ unfold to_smt_or in SMTOR. repeat ldestruct_match; []. inversion SMTOR; clear SMTOR; subst.
+ assert (match_one f_t h15) by (eapply match_one_hash_value; eauto).
+ assert (match_one f_t h13) by (eapply match_one_hash_value; eauto).
+ assert (match_one f_t h11) by (eapply match_one_hash_value; eauto).
+ assert (match_one f_t h0) by (eapply match_one_hash_value; eauto).
+ assert (match_one a_t h5) by (eapply AHmatch_one_hash_value; eauto).
+ assert (match_one a_t h3) by (eapply AHmatch_one_hash_value; eauto).
+ assert (match_one a_t h) by (eapply AHmatch_one_hash_value; eauto).
+ rewrite is_pos_P_of_P by eauto with to_smt.
+ unfold State.Var.interp. unfold interp_state_var.
+ rewrite t_interp_wf by eauto with to_smt.
+ rewrite blit_P_of_P.
+ erewrite of_tree_of_P_2_hv; try eassumption. simpl.
+ unfold State.Lit.interp, State.Var.interp.
+ rewrite !is_pos_P_of_P by eauto with to_smt.
+ rewrite !t_interp_wf by eauto with to_smt.
+ rewrite !blit_P_of_P.
+ erewrite !of_tree_of_P_2_hv; try eassumption; simpl.
+ unfold interp_form_hatom, interp_hatom.
+ rewrite !Atom.t_interp_wf by auto with to_smt.
+ erewrite !AHof_tree_of_P_2_hv; try eassumption; simpl.
+ rewrite !Atom.t_interp_wf by auto with to_smt.
+ erewrite !to_smt_i_correct by eassumption. simpl.
+ apply eval_equiv in EVAL.
+ replace (eval_hash_pred (Pbase fa0) la) with (la ! fa0) in EVAL by auto.
+ rewrite EVAL.
+ rewrite !eval_hash_pred_Por_lt.
+ destruct_match; apply Typ.i_eqb_refl.
+ all: match goal with
+ | H: hash_value _ _ _ = (?v, _) |- _ < Z.pos ?v =>
+ apply hash_value_in in H; eauto with to_smt
+ | H: hash_value _ _ _ = (?v, _) |- (Z.pos ?v - _) * _ < _ =>
+ apply hash_value_in in H; eauto with to_smt
+ end.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma to_smt_or_match_one :
+ forall h i i0 i1 h0 h9 h8 h1,
+ to_smt_or h0 h i i0 i1 = (h9, h8, h1) ->
+ match_one f_t h9 ->
+ match_one f_t h0.
+ Proof.
+ unfold to_smt_or; intros * SMTOR M1.
+ repeat ldestruct_match; []. inversion SMTOR; clear SMTOR; subst.
+ repeat (eapply match_one_hash_value; try eassumption).
+ Qed.
+ Lemma to_smt_or_match_one2 :
+ forall h i i0 i1 h0 h9 h8 h1,
+ to_smt_or h0 h i i0 i1 = (h9, h8, h1) ->
+ match_one a_t h8 ->
+ match_one a_t h.
+ Proof.
+ unfold to_smt_or; intros * SMTOR M1.
+ repeat ldestruct_match; []. inversion SMTOR; clear SMTOR; subst.
+ repeat (eapply AHmatch_one_hash_value; try eassumption).
+ Qed.
+ Lemma to_smt_imp_correct :
+ forall h fa0 i p1_1 i0 p1_2 i1 h0 h9 h8 h1,
+ to_smt_imp h0 h i i0 i1 = (h9, h8, h1) ->
+ match_one f_t h9 ->
+ match_one a_t h8 ->
+ to_smt_i h (Pbase fa0) = Some i ->
+ to_smt_i h p1_1 = Some i0 ->
+ to_smt_i h p1_2 = Some i1 ->
+ eval_hash_pred (equiv (Pbase fa0) (p1_1 → p1_2)) la = Some true ->
+ State.Lit.interp (interp_state_var (interp_form_hatom t_i_empty la_arr a)
+ (interp_form_hatom_bv t_i_empty la_arr a) f)
+ (P_of_P h1) = true.
+ Proof.
+ intros * SMTIMP M1 M2 SMT1 SMT2 SMT3 EVAL. unfold State.Lit.interp.
+ unfold to_smt_imp in SMTIMP. repeat ldestruct_match; []. inversion SMTIMP; clear SMTIMP; subst.
+ assert (match_one f_t h19) by (eapply match_one_hash_value; eauto).
+ assert (match_one f_t h17) by (eapply match_one_hash_value; eauto).
+ assert (match_one f_t h15) by (eapply match_one_hash_value; eauto).
+ assert (match_one f_t h0) by (eapply match_one_hash_value; eauto).
+ assert (match_one a_t h11) by (eapply AHmatch_one_hash_value; eauto).
+ assert (match_one a_t h7) by (eapply AHmatch_one_hash_value; eauto).
+ assert (match_one a_t h5) by (eapply AHmatch_one_hash_value; eauto).
+ assert (match_one a_t h3) by (eapply AHmatch_one_hash_value; eauto).
+ assert (match_one a_t h) by (eapply AHmatch_one_hash_value; eauto).
+ rewrite is_pos_P_of_P by eauto with to_smt.
+ unfold State.Var.interp. unfold interp_state_var.
+ rewrite t_interp_wf by eauto with to_smt.
+ rewrite blit_P_of_P.
+ erewrite of_tree_of_P_2_hv by eassumption. simpl.
+ unfold State.Lit.interp, State.Var.interp.
+ rewrite !is_pos_P_of_P by eauto with to_smt.
+ rewrite !t_interp_wf by eauto with to_smt.
+ rewrite !blit_P_of_P.
+ erewrite !of_tree_of_P_2_hv by eassumption; simpl.
+ unfold interp_form_hatom, interp_hatom.
+ rewrite !Atom.t_interp_wf by auto with to_smt.
+ erewrite !AHof_tree_of_P_2_hv by eassumption; simpl.
+ rewrite !Atom.t_interp_wf by auto with to_smt.
+ inversion WFA as [WFA1 [WFA2 [WFA3 [WFA4 WFA5]]]].
+ erewrite !of_tree_of_P by
+ (try eassumption; try (eapply tree_a_wf_tree_key_wf; eauto); lia).
+ simpl.
+ rewrite !Atom.t_interp_wf by auto with to_smt.
+ erewrite !of_tree_of_P by
+ (try eassumption; try (eapply tree_a_wf_tree_key_wf; eauto); lia).
+ erewrite !AHof_tree_of_P_2_hv by eassumption.
+ erewrite !to_smt_i_correct by eassumption. cbn [Atom.interp_aux].
+ rewrite !Atom.t_interp_wf by auto with to_smt.
+ erewrite !AHof_tree_of_P_2_hv by eassumption.
+ erewrite !to_smt_i_correct by eassumption. cbn [Atom.interp_aux].
+ rewrite !Atom.t_interp_wf by auto with to_smt.
+ erewrite !of_tree_of_P by
+ (try eassumption; try (eapply tree_a_wf_tree_key_wf; eauto); lia).
+ cbn [Atom.interp_aux].
+ rewrite !Atom.t_interp_wf by auto with to_smt.
+ erewrite !of_tree_of_P by
+ (try eassumption; try (eapply tree_a_wf_tree_key_wf; eauto); lia).
+ erewrite !to_smt_i_correct by eassumption.
+ cbn -[Z.sub].
+ apply eval_equiv in EVAL.
+ replace (eval_hash_pred (Pbase fa0) la) with (la ! fa0) in EVAL by auto.
+ rewrite EVAL.
+ rewrite !eval_hash_pred_Pimp_lt.
+ destruct_match; auto using Z.eqb_refl.
+ all: match goal with
+ | H: hash_value _ _ _ = (?v, _) |- _ < Z.pos ?v =>
+ apply hash_value_in in H; eauto with to_smt
+ | H: hash_value _ _ _ = (?v, _) |- (Z.pos ?v - _) * _ < _ =>
+ apply hash_value_in in H; eauto with to_smt
+ end.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma to_smt_imp_match_one :
+ forall h i i0 i1 h0 h9 h8 h1,
+ to_smt_imp h0 h i i0 i1 = (h9, h8, h1) ->
+ match_one f_t h9 ->
+ match_one f_t h0.
+ Proof.
+ unfold to_smt_imp; intros * SMTIMP M1.
+ repeat ldestruct_match; []. inversion SMTIMP; clear SMTIMP; subst.
+ repeat (eapply match_one_hash_value; try eassumption).
+ Qed.
+ Lemma to_smt_imp_match_one2 :
+ forall h i i0 i1 h0 h9 h8 h1,
+ to_smt_imp h0 h i i0 i1 = (h9, h8, h1) ->
+ match_one a_t h8 ->
+ match_one a_t h.
+ Proof.
+ unfold to_smt_imp; intros * SMTIMP M1.
+ repeat ldestruct_match; []. inversion SMTIMP; clear SMTIMP; subst.
+ repeat (eapply AHmatch_one_hash_value; try eassumption).
+ Qed.
+ Lemma to_smt_not_correct :
+ forall h fa0 i p1_1 i0 h0 h9 h8 h1,
+ to_smt_not h0 h i i0 = (h9, h8, h1) ->
+ match_one f_t h9 ->
+ match_one a_t h8 ->
+ to_smt_i h (Pbase fa0) = Some i ->
+ to_smt_i h p1_1 = Some i0 ->
+ eval_hash_pred (equiv (Pbase fa0) (¬ p1_1)) la = Some true ->
+ State.Lit.interp (interp_state_var (interp_form_hatom t_i_empty la_arr a)
+ (interp_form_hatom_bv t_i_empty la_arr a) f)
+ (P_of_P h1) = true.
+ Proof.
+ intros * SMTNOT M1 M2 SMT1 SMT2 EVAL. unfold State.Lit.interp.
+ unfold to_smt_not in SMTNOT. repeat ldestruct_match; []. inversion SMTNOT; clear SMTNOT; subst.
+ assert (match_one f_t h0) by (eapply match_one_hash_value; eauto).
+ assert (match_one a_t h3) by (eapply AHmatch_one_hash_value; eauto).
+ assert (match_one a_t h) by (eapply AHmatch_one_hash_value; eauto).
+ rewrite is_pos_P_of_P by eauto with to_smt.
+ unfold State.Var.interp. unfold interp_state_var.
+ rewrite t_interp_wf by eauto with to_smt.
+ rewrite blit_P_of_P.
+ erewrite of_tree_of_P_2_hv by eassumption. cbn.
+ unfold interp_form_hatom. unfold interp_hatom.
+ rewrite Atom.t_interp_wf by eauto with to_smt.
+ erewrite !AHof_tree_of_P_2_hv by eassumption. cbn.
+ rewrite Atom.t_interp_wf by eauto with to_smt.
+ inversion WFA as [WFA1 [WFA2 [WFA3 [WFA4 WFA5]]]].
+ erewrite !to_smt_i_correct by eassumption.
+ rewrite Atom.t_interp_wf by eauto with to_smt.
+ erewrite !AHof_tree_of_P_2_hv by eassumption. cbn.
+ rewrite Atom.t_interp_wf by eauto with to_smt.
+ erewrite !to_smt_i_correct by eassumption. cbn.
+ apply eval_equiv in EVAL.
+ replace (eval_hash_pred (Pbase fa0) la) with (la ! fa0) in EVAL by auto.
+ rewrite EVAL.
+ rewrite !eval_hash_pred_Pnot_lt.
+ auto using Z.eqb_refl.
+ all: match goal with
+ | H: hash_value _ _ _ = (?v, _) |- _ < Z.pos ?v =>
+ apply hash_value_in in H; eauto with to_smt
+ | H: hash_value _ _ _ = (?v, _) |- (Z.pos ?v - _) * _ < _ =>
+ apply hash_value_in in H; eauto with to_smt
+ end.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma to_smt_not_match_one :
+ forall h i i0 h0 h9 h8 h1,
+ to_smt_not h0 h i i0 = (h9, h8, h1) ->
+ match_one f_t h9 ->
+ match_one f_t h0.
+ Proof.
+ unfold to_smt_not; intros * SMTNOT M1.
+ repeat ldestruct_match; []. inversion SMTNOT; clear SMTNOT; subst.
+ repeat (eapply match_one_hash_value; try eassumption).
+ Qed.
+ Lemma to_smt_not_match_one2 :
+ forall h i i0 h0 h9 h8 h1,
+ to_smt_not h0 h i i0 = (h9, h8, h1) ->
+ match_one a_t h8 ->
+ match_one a_t h.
+ Proof.
+ unfold to_smt_not; intros * SMTNOT M1.
+ repeat ldestruct_match; []. inversion SMTNOT; clear SMTNOT; subst.
+ repeat (eapply AHmatch_one_hash_value; try eassumption).
+ Qed.
+ Lemma fold_to_smt_l_correct :
+ forall l l0 h7 h6 l1 h9 h8 x,
+ match_one f_t h9 -> match_one a_t h8 ->
+ fold_right to_smt_l (Some (l0, h7, h6)) l = Some (l1, h9, h8) ->
+ (forall y, In y l0 -> State.Lit.interp (interp_state_var
+ (interp_form_hatom t_i_empty la_arr a)
+ (interp_form_hatom_bv t_i_empty la_arr a) f) y = true) ->
+ eval_hash_pred (fold_left Pand (to_equiv l) T) la = Some true ->
+ In x l1 ->
+ State.Lit.interp (interp_state_var
+ (interp_form_hatom t_i_empty la_arr a)
+ (interp_form_hatom_bv t_i_empty la_arr a) f) x = true.
+ Proof.
+ induction l as [|a0 l' IHl]; intros * M1 M2 TO_SMT_L PREV_LIST EVAL_FOLD IN. simplify; eauto.
+ simpl in EVAL_FOLD.
+ apply eval_hash_pred_fold_Pand4 in EVAL_FOLD. inversion EVAL_FOLD as [EVAL_FOLD' EVAL_A0].
+ destruct a0 as [fa0 sa0]. cbn [fst snd] in *.
+ simpl in TO_SMT_L. unfold to_smt_l in TO_SMT_L. fold to_smt_l in TO_SMT_L.
+ repeat (destruct_match; try discriminate; []).
+ destruct_match; try discriminate;
+ repeat (destruct_match; try discriminate; []); inversion TO_SMT_L; subst;
+ [ assert (match_one f_t h0) by (eapply to_smt_and_match_one; eauto);
+ assert (match_one a_t h) by (eapply to_smt_and_match_one2; eauto)
+ | assert (match_one f_t h0) by (eapply to_smt_or_match_one; eauto);
+ assert (match_one a_t h) by (eapply to_smt_or_match_one2; eauto)
+ | assert (match_one f_t h0) by (eapply to_smt_imp_match_one; eauto);
+ assert (match_one a_t h) by (eapply to_smt_imp_match_one2; eauto)
+ | assert (match_one f_t h0) by (eapply to_smt_not_match_one; eauto);
+ assert (match_one a_t h) by (eapply to_smt_not_match_one2; eauto) ].
+ all: apply in_app_or in IN; inversion IN as [INL | INP]; clear IN; [solve [eauto]|];
+ inversion INP as [EQ | NIL]; clear INP; [|solve [inversion NIL]]; subst.
+ - eapply to_smt_and_correct; eauto. now rewrite <- eval_hash_pred_T_Pand.
+ - eapply to_smt_or_correct; eauto. now rewrite <- eval_hash_pred_T_Pand.
+ - eapply to_smt_imp_correct; eauto. now rewrite <- eval_hash_pred_T_Pand.
+ - eapply to_smt_not_correct; eauto. now rewrite <- eval_hash_pred_T_Pand.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma gt_1_fold_init :
+ forall (lx: list unit) v' l0 init_forms init_atoms v l1 form_defs atom_defs,
+ fold_right (fun _ => declare_atoms_with_bounds)
+ (v', l0, init_forms, init_atoms)
+ lx = (v, l1, form_defs, atom_defs) ->
+ 0 <= v' -> 0 <= v.
+ Proof.
+ induction lx; crush.
+ remember (fold_right (fun _ : unit => declare_atoms_with_bounds)
+ (v', l0, init_forms, init_atoms) lx) as folds.
+ symmetry in Heqfolds. destruct folds as [[[A1 A2] A3] A4].
+ eapply IHlx in Heqfolds; eauto. unfold declare_atoms_with_bounds in H.
+ repeat (destruct_match; []). simplify. lia.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma fold_init_correct :
+ forall (lx: list unit) l1 x init_forms init_atoms form_defs atom_defs l0 v v',
+ match_one f_t form_defs -> match_one a_t atom_defs ->
+ fold_right (fun _ => declare_atoms_with_bounds)
+ (v', l0, init_forms, init_atoms)
+ lx = (v, l1, form_defs, atom_defs) ->
+ (forall y, In y l0 ->
+ State.Lit.interp (interp_state_var
+ (interp_form_hatom t_i_empty la_arr a)
+ (interp_form_hatom_bv t_i_empty la_arr a) f) y = true) ->
+ In x l1 -> 0 <= v' -> v < wB ->
+ State.Lit.interp (interp_state_var
+ (interp_form_hatom t_i_empty la_arr a)
+ (interp_form_hatom_bv t_i_empty la_arr a) f) x = true.
+ Proof.
+ induction lx; crush. assert (VPRIME := H4). clear H4. assert (VPRIME2 := H5). clear H5.
+ remember (fold_right (fun _ : unit => declare_atoms_with_bounds) (v', l0, init_forms, init_atoms) lx) as folds.
+ symmetry in Heqfolds. destruct folds as [[[V R] F] A]. simpl in H1.
+ repeat (destruct_match; []). simplify.
+ eapply in_app in H3. inv H3. eapply IHlx in Heqfolds; eauto; try lia.
+ assert (match_one f_t h4) by (eapply match_one_hash_value; eauto).
+ assert (match_one f_t h10) by (eapply match_one_hash_value; eauto).
+ eapply match_one_hash_value; eauto.
+ assert (match_one a_t h14) by (eapply AHmatch_one_hash_value; eauto).
+ assert (match_one a_t h0) by (eapply AHmatch_one_hash_value; eauto).
+ eapply AHmatch_one_hash_value; eauto.
+ assert (F1: match_one f_t h4) by (eapply match_one_hash_value; eauto).
+ assert (F2: match_one f_t h10) by (eapply match_one_hash_value; eauto).
+ assert (A1: match_one a_t h14) by (eapply AHmatch_one_hash_value; eauto).
+ assert (A2: match_one a_t h0) by (eapply AHmatch_one_hash_value; eauto).
+ inv H1; [|inv H3].
+ unfold State.Lit.interp.
+ rewrite is_pos_P_of_P by eauto with to_smt.
+ unfold State.Var.interp. unfold interp_state_var.
+ rewrite t_interp_wf by eauto with to_smt.
+ rewrite blit_P_of_P.
+ erewrite of_tree_of_P_2_hv by eassumption. cbn.
+ unfold State.Lit.interp.
+ rewrite !is_pos_P_of_P by eauto with to_smt.
+ unfold State.Var.interp. rewrite !t_interp_wf by eauto with to_smt.
+ rewrite !blit_P_of_P.
+ erewrite !of_tree_of_P_2_hv by eassumption. cbn.
+ unfold interp_form_hatom, interp_hatom.
+ rewrite !Atom.t_interp_wf by eauto with to_smt.
+ erewrite !AHof_tree_of_P_2_hv by eassumption. cbn.
+ inversion WFA as [WFA1 [WFA2 [WFA3 [WFA4 WFA5]]]].
+ rewrite !Atom.t_interp_wf by eauto with to_smt.
+ erewrite !AHof_tree_of_P_2 by (try eassumption; reflexivity). cbn.
+ rewrite !Atom.t_interp_wf by eauto with to_smt.
+ erewrite !AHof_tree_of_P_2 by (try eassumption; reflexivity). cbn.
+ rewrite !Atom.t_interp_wf by eauto with to_smt.
+ erewrite !AHof_tree_of_P_2 by (try eassumption; reflexivity). cbn.
+ erewrite !AHof_tree_of_P_2_hv by eassumption. cbn.
+ repeat (destruct_match; []). repeat (ldestruct_match; []).
+ assert (0 <= V).
+ { eapply gt_1_fold_init; eauto. }
+ replace (of_Z V) with (of_P (Z.to_pos (V + 2))) in Heqt by
+ (unfold of_P; f_equal; rewrite Z2Pos.id by lia; lia).
+ rewrite MATCH_LA in Heqt.
+ destruct (la ! (Z.to_pos (V + 2))). destruct b.
+ unfold t_func_mk, Tval in Heqt. cbn in Heqt.
+ symmetry in Heqt. inv Heqt. eapply Eqdep.EqdepTheory.inj_pair2 in H5. subst.
+ simpl in Heqb. unfold Bval in Heqb. symmetry in Heqb. inv Heqb.
+ eapply Eqdep.EqdepTheory.inj_pair2 in H5. subst. auto.
+ unfold t_func_mk, Tval in Heqt. cbn in Heqt.
+ symmetry in Heqt. inv Heqt. eapply Eqdep.EqdepTheory.inj_pair2 in H5. subst.
+ simpl in Heqb. unfold Bval in Heqb. symmetry in Heqb. inv Heqb.
+ eapply Eqdep.EqdepTheory.inj_pair2 in H5. subst. auto.
+ unfold t_func_mk, Tval in Heqt. cbn in Heqt.
+ symmetry in Heqt. inv Heqt. eapply Eqdep.EqdepTheory.inj_pair2 in H5. subst.
+ simpl in Heqb. unfold Bval in Heqb. symmetry in Heqb. inv Heqb.
+ eapply Eqdep.EqdepTheory.inj_pair2 in H5. subst. auto.
+ all: try match goal with
+ | H: hash_value _ _ _ = (?v, _) |- _ < Z.pos ?v =>
+ apply hash_value_in in H; eauto with to_smt
+ | H: hash_value _ _ _ = (?v, _) |- (Z.pos ?v - _) * _ < _ =>
+ apply hash_value_in in H; eauto with to_smt
+ end.
+ rewrite Z2Pos.id; lia.
+ Qed.
+ Definition pl_leq {A} (a b: positive * A): Prop :=
+ ((fst a) <= (fst b))%positive.
+ Definition pl_lt {A} (a b: positive * A): Prop :=
+ ((fst a) < (fst b))%positive.
+ Definition pl_eq {A} (a b: positive * A): Prop :=
+ fst a = fst b.
+ Lemma pl_lt_trans :
+ forall A (a b c: positive * A), pl_lt a b -> pl_lt b c -> pl_lt a c.
+ Proof. unfold pl_lt; lia. Qed.
+ Lemma pl_lt_irrefl :
+ forall A (a: positive * A), ~ pl_lt a a.
+ Proof. unfold pl_lt; lia. Qed.
+ Lemma pl_lt_asymm :
+ forall A (a b: positive * A), pl_lt a b -> pl_lt b a -> False.
+ Proof. unfold pl_lt; lia. Qed.
+ Definition Sorted := Sorted (@pl_lt predicate).
+ Lemma pl_leq_refl :
+ forall A (a: positive * A), pl_leq a a.
+ Proof. unfold pl_leq; reflexivity. Qed.
+ Lemma pl_leq_trans :
+ forall A (a b c: positive * A), pl_leq a b -> pl_leq b c -> pl_leq a c.
+ Proof. unfold pl_leq; intros; lia. Qed.
+ Lemma pl_eq_refl :
+ forall A (a: positive * A), pl_eq a a.
+ Proof. unfold pl_leq; reflexivity. Qed.
+ Lemma pl_eq_symm :
+ forall A (a b: positive * A), pl_eq a b -> pl_eq b a.
+ Proof. unfold pl_eq; intros; lia. Qed.
+ Lemma pl_eq_trans :
+ forall A (a b c: positive * A), pl_eq a b -> pl_eq b c -> pl_eq a c.
+ Proof. unfold pl_eq; intros; lia. Qed.
+ #[global] Instance Reflexive_pl_leq {A} : Reflexive (@pl_leq A).
+ Proof. unfold Reflexive. apply pl_leq_refl. Qed.
+ #[global] Instance Transitive_pl_leq {A} : Transitive (@pl_leq A).
+ Proof. unfold Transitive. apply pl_leq_trans. Qed.
+ #[global] Instance PreOrder_pl_leq {A} : PreOrder (@pl_leq A) := {}.
+ #[global] Instance Reflexive_pl_eq {A} : Reflexive (@pl_eq A).
+ Proof. unfold Reflexive. apply pl_eq_refl. Qed.
+ #[global] Instance Symmetric_pl_eq {A} : Symmetric (@pl_eq A).
+ Proof. unfold Symmetric. apply pl_eq_symm. Qed.
+ #[global] Instance Transitive_pl_eq {A} : Transitive (@pl_eq A).
+ Proof. unfold Transitive. apply pl_eq_trans. Qed.
+ #[global] Instance Equivalence_pl_eq {A} : Equivalence (@pl_eq A) := {}.
+ #[global] Instance Antisymmetric_pl_leq {A} : Antisymmetric (positive * A) pl_eq pl_leq.
+ Proof. unfold Antisymmetric, pl_eq, pl_leq; lia. Qed.
+ #[global] Instance PartialOrder_pl_leq {A} : PartialOrder (@pl_eq A) (@pl_leq A).
+ Proof.
+ unfold PartialOrder, relation_equivalence, predicate_equivalence. crush.
+ unfold relation_conjunction, predicate_intersection. simplify. unfold pl_eq, pl_leq, Basics.flip.
+ split. lia. lia.
+ Qed.
+ #[global] Instance Irreflexive_pl_lt {A} : Irreflexive (@pl_lt A).
+ Proof. unfold Irreflexive, Reflexive, complement. apply pl_lt_irrefl. Qed.
+ #[global] Instance Asymmetric_pl_lt {A} : Asymmetric (@pl_lt A).
+ Proof. unfold Asymmetric. apply pl_lt_asymm. Qed.
+ #[global] Instance Transitive_pl_lt {A} : Transitive (@pl_lt A).
+ Proof. unfold Transitive. apply pl_lt_trans. Qed.
+ #[global] Instance StrictOrder_pl_lt {A} : StrictOrder (@pl_lt A) := {}.
+ Lemma eval_hash_pred_upd_asgn :
+ forall l p a,
+ Forall (fun x => (max_hash_pred p < fst x)%positive) l ->
+ eval_hash_pred p (upd_asgn l a) = eval_hash_pred p a.
+ Proof.
+ induction l as [| c l IHl]; try solve [crush].
+ intros * FORALL.
+ inversion FORALL as [|? ? EL FORALL2]; subst; clear FORALL.
+ unfold upd_asgn. cbn [fold_left]. destruct_match;
+ replace ((fold_left
+ (fun (a' : PTree.t bool) (el : positive * hash_pred) =>
+ match eval_hash_pred (snd el) a' with
+ | Some p_b => PTree.set (fst el) p_b a'
+ | None => a'
+ end) l a)) with (upd_asgn l a) in * by auto; eauto.
+ rewrite IHl; auto.
+ rewrite eval_hash_pred_gso; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma upd_asgn_not_in :
+ forall l c1 a,
+ ~ In c1 (map fst l) ->
+ (upd_asgn l a) ! c1 = a ! c1.
+ Proof.
+ induction l as [| c l IHl ]; try solve [crush].
+ intros * NOTIN. simplify.
+ assert (fst c <> c1).
+ { unfold not; intros. subst. apply NOTIN; tauto. }
+ assert (~ In c1 (map fst l)).
+ { unfold not; intros. apply NOTIN; tauto. }
+ destruct_match; auto.
+ erewrite IHl; eauto. rewrite PTree.gso; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Definition equiv_list_wf l :=
+ Sorted l /\ Forall (fun x => (max_hash_pred (snd x) < fst x)%positive) l.
+ Lemma equiv_list_wf_inv :
+ forall l a,
+ equiv_list_wf (a :: l) ->
+ equiv_list_wf l /\ Forall (pl_lt a) l /\ (max_hash_pred (snd a) < fst a)%positive.
+ Proof.
+ unfold equiv_list_wf; intros * S. inversion S as [A B].
+ split; split.
+ - inversion A; auto.
+ - inversion B; auto.
+ - apply Sorted_StronglySorted in A. inversion A; auto.
+ unfold Relations_1.Transitive. apply pl_lt_trans.
+ - inversion B; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma equiv_list_wf_nil :
+ equiv_list_wf nil.
+ Proof.
+ unfold equiv_list_wf; split; auto; apply Sorted_nil.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma sorted_not_in :
+ forall A l c1 (c2: A),
+ Forall (pl_lt (c1, c2)) l ->
+ ~ In c1 (map fst l).
+ Proof.
+ unfold not; intros.
+ eapply list_in_map_inv in H0. inv H0. inv H1.
+ eapply Forall_forall in H; eauto.
+ destruct x. simpl in H. unfold pl_lt in H. simpl in H. lia.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma upd_asgn_set_sorted :
+ forall l a x,
+ Forall (Pos.lt x) (map fst l) ->
+ (upd_asgn l a) ! x = a ! x.
+ Proof.
+ induction l; auto.
+ intros. cbn. inv H. erewrite IHl; auto.
+ destruct_match; auto; now rewrite PTree.gso by lia.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma eval_hash_pred_equiv_asgn :
+ forall l p a,
+ eval_hash_pred p a = Some true ->
+ equiv_list_wf l ->
+ Forall (fun x => a ! (fst x) = None) l ->
+ Forall (fun x => (max_hash_pred p < fst x)%positive) l ->
+ eval_hash_pred (fold_left Pand (to_equiv l) p) (upd_asgn l a) = Some true.
+ Proof.
+ induction l as [|c l IHl]; [crush|]. intros p a EVAL WF FORALL MAX.
+ destruct c as [c1 c2]. simpl.
+ inversion FORALL as [| ? ? NONE FORALL2]; subst; cbn [fst snd] in *; clear FORALL.
+ inversion MAX as [| ? ? MAXC MAX2]; subst; cbn [fst snd] in *; clear MAX.
+ eapply equiv_list_wf_inv in WF. inversion WF as [WF2 [FRL MHP]]; subst; clear WF.
+ cbn [snd fst] in *. destruct_match.
+ - rewrite IHl; eauto.
+ apply pand_true2; [|rewrite eval_hash_pred_gso by lia; auto].
+ apply eval_equiv2. symmetry; rewrite eval_hash_pred_gso by crush.
+ rewrite Heqo. crush. symmetry; apply PTree.gss.
+ apply Forall_forall; intros. repeat match goal with H: Forall _ _ |- _ => eapply Forall_forall in H; eauto end.
+ unfold pl_lt in *. simplify. rewrite PTree.gso by lia. auto.
+ apply Forall_forall; intros. repeat match goal with H: Forall _ _ |- _ => eapply Forall_forall in H; eauto end.
+ unfold pl_lt in *. simplify. lia.
+ - eapply IHl; eauto. apply pand_true2.
+ apply eval_equiv2. rewrite Heqo.
+ simpl. auto. auto.
+ apply Forall_forall; intros. repeat match goal with H: Forall _ _ |- _ => eapply Forall_forall in H; eauto end.
+ unfold pl_lt in *. simplify. lia.
+ Qed.
+#[local] Opaque max_key.
+#[local] Opaque Z.sub.
+#[local] Opaque PTree.get.
+Lemma check_tree_f_wf_correct :
+ forall f,
+ check_tree_f_wf f = true -> tree_f_wf f.
+ unfold check_tree_f_wf, tree_f_wf.
+ simplify; auto.
+ unfold gt_1; intros.
+ assert ((x = 1 \/ 1 < x)%positive) by lia.
+ inv H5; auto. rewrite H0 in H3. discriminate.
+ repeat (destruct_match; try discriminate; []); auto.
+ repeat (destruct_match; try discriminate; []); auto.
+Lemma check_tree_a_wf_correct :
+ forall a,
+ check_tree_a_wf a = true -> tree_a_wf a.
+ unfold check_tree_a_wf, tree_a_wf.
+ simplify; auto.
+ unfold gt_1; intros.
+ assert ((x = 1 \/ 1 < x)%positive) by lia.
+ inv H6; auto. rewrite H in H4. discriminate.
+ repeat (destruct_match; try discriminate; []); auto.
+ repeat (destruct_match; try discriminate; []); auto.
+ subst. apply Int63.eqb_spec in H2. apply Int63.eqb_spec in H1. subst.
+ auto.
+ repeat (destruct_match; try discriminate; []); auto.
+ subst. apply Int63.eqb_spec in H2. apply Int63.eqb_spec in H1. subst.
+ auto.
+#[local] Transparent max_key.
+#[local] Transparent Z.sub.
+#[local] Transparent PTree.get.
+Lemma to_smt_l_match_one2 :
+ forall a y l0 h0 h r' f' a',
+ to_smt_l a (Some (l0, h0, h)) = Some (r', f', a') ->
+ match_one y a' ->
+ match_one y h.
+ destruct a. destruct p0; simplify; try discriminate;
+ repeat (destruct_match; try discriminate; []); simplify;
+ eauto using to_smt_and_match_one2, to_smt_or_match_one2,
+ to_smt_imp_match_one2, to_smt_not_match_one2.
+Lemma to_smt_l_match_one :
+ forall a y l0 h0 h r' f' a',
+ to_smt_l a (Some (l0, h0, h)) = Some (r', f', a') ->
+ match_one y f' ->
+ match_one y h0.
+ destruct a. destruct p0; simplify; try discriminate;
+ repeat (destruct_match; try discriminate; []); simplify;
+ eauto using to_smt_and_match_one, to_smt_or_match_one,
+ to_smt_imp_match_one, to_smt_not_match_one.
+Lemma to_smt_l_fold_match_one2 :
+ forall l y r f a r' f' a',
+ fold_right to_smt_l (Some (r, f, a)) l = Some (r', f', a') ->
+ match_one y a' ->
+ match_one y a.
+ induction l; crush. remember (fold_right to_smt_l (Some (r, f, a0)) l) as folds.
+ destruct folds; [|crush]; [].
+ symmetry in Heqfolds.
+ destruct p. destruct p. eapply IHl; eauto.
+ eapply to_smt_l_match_one2; eauto.
+Lemma to_smt_l_fold_match_one :
+ forall l y r f a r' f' a',
+ fold_right to_smt_l (Some (r, f, a)) l = Some (r', f', a') ->
+ match_one y f' ->
+ match_one y f.
+ induction l; crush. remember (fold_right to_smt_l (Some (r, f, a0)) l) as folds.
+ destruct folds; [|crush]; [].
+ symmetry in Heqfolds.
+ destruct p. destruct p. eapply IHl; eauto.
+ eapply to_smt_l_match_one; eauto.
+#[local] Opaque Z.sub.
+Lemma valid_to_smt :
+ forall p r f a la max la_arr,
+ ~ (is_true (Euf_Checker.valid la_arr a f r)) ->
+ asgn_transl_spec la la_arr ->
+ to_smt max p = Some (r, f, a) ->
+ eval_hash_pred (fold_left Pand (to_equiv (snd p)) T) la = Some true ->
+ eval_pred_list p la = Some true.
+ intros.
+ destruct (bo_dec (eval_pred_list p la) (Some true)); auto.
+ exfalso. eapply H. inv H0. inv H4. assert (DEFAULT1:=H0).
+ assert (DEFAULT2:=H5). clear H5. clear H0.
+ unfold to_smt in H1. repeat (destruct_match; try discriminate; []).
+ simplify.
+ unfold is_true.
+ unfold eval_pred_list in n. cbn [fst snd] in *.
+ apply pand_false in n; auto; [].
+ unfold Euf_Checker.valid.
+ rewrite Misc.afold_left_and.
+ apply forallb_forall. intros.
+ eapply to_list_of_list2 in H4; [|lia].
+ apply in_app_or in H4.
+ (* These are all easy properties that need a bit of extra checking code inside of to_smt. *)
+ assert (tree_a_wf h11) by (now apply check_tree_a_wf_correct).
+ assert (tree_f_wf h13) by (now apply check_tree_f_wf_correct).
+ assert (match_one h11 h8) by (now (eapply AHmatch_one_hash_value; eauto)).
+ assert (match_one h13 h9) by (now (eapply match_one_hash_value; eauto)).
+ inv H4.
+ - eapply fold_to_smt_l_correct; eauto.
+ (* This is a proof that all the variables will only be between -1 and 1, which are the only
+ values allowed by Zval anyways, so there can't be larger values in the context. *)
+ assert (forall y : Int63.int,
+ In y l0 ->
+ State.Lit.interp
+ (interp_state_var (interp_form_hatom t_i_empty la_arr a)
+ (interp_form_hatom_bv t_i_empty la_arr a) f) y =
+ true).
+ { intros. eapply fold_init_correct with (form_defs := h7) (atom_defs := h6).
+ auto. auto. eassumption. eassumption. auto. auto. eauto.
+ eapply to_smt_l_fold_match_one; eauto. eapply to_smt_l_fold_match_one2; eauto.
+ eapply Heqp5. inversion 1. auto. lia. lia.
+ } auto.
+ - inv H13; [|inv H4]. eapply interp_eval_pred with (h6 := h6) (h11 := h11) (h13 := h13); eauto;
+ try reflexivity; eapply to_smt_l_fold_match_one2; eauto.
+#[local] Transparent Z.sub.
+ Lemma upd_asgn_get :
+ forall l y x a,
+ (upd_asgn l a) ! y = None ->
+ (upd_asgn (l ++ (y, x) :: nil) a) ! y = eval_hash_pred x (upd_asgn l a).
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ unfold upd_asgn; rewrite fold_left_app; cbn [fold_left].
+ cbn [fst snd]; destruct_match; auto; apply PTree.gss.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma list_app_cons :
+ forall A l1 l2 (a: A),
+ (l1 ++ a :: nil) ++ l2 = l1 ++ a :: l2.
+ Proof. induction l1; crush. Qed.
+ Lemma upd_asgn_app :
+ forall l1 l2 a,
+ upd_asgn (l1 ++ l2) a = upd_asgn l2 (upd_asgn l1 a).
+ Proof. intros; unfold upd_asgn; now rewrite fold_left_app. Qed.
+ Lemma upd_asgn_pred_In :
+ forall p a l1 a0,
+ ~ pred_In (fst a) p ->
+ eval_hash_pred p (upd_asgn (l1 ++ a :: nil) a0) = eval_hash_pred p (upd_asgn l1 a0).
+ Proof.
+ induction p; try solve [crush].
+ + intros. simpl. rewrite upd_asgn_app. simpl. destruct_match; auto.
+ destruct (peq (fst a0) a); subst.
+ - exfalso; apply H. constructor.
+ - apply PTree.gso; auto.
+ + simplify. rewrite IHp2. rewrite IHp1; auto.
+ unfold not; intros; apply H. constructor; auto.
+ unfold not; intros; apply H. apply pred_In_Pand2; auto.
+ + simplify. rewrite IHp2. rewrite IHp1; auto.
+ unfold not; intros; apply H. constructor; auto.
+ unfold not; intros; apply H. apply pred_In_Por2; auto.
+ + simplify. rewrite IHp2. rewrite IHp1; auto.
+ unfold not; intros; apply H. constructor; auto.
+ unfold not; intros; apply H. apply pred_In_Pimp2; auto.
+ + simplify. rewrite IHp; auto.
+ unfold not; intros; apply H. constructor; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma upd_asgn_app1 :
+ forall l2 l1 p a,
+ Forall (fun x => ~ pred_In (fst x) p) l2 ->
+ eval_hash_pred p (upd_asgn (l1 ++ l2) a) = eval_hash_pred p (upd_asgn l1 a).
+ Proof.
+ induction l2.
+ - intros. now rewrite app_nil_r.
+ - intros. rewrite <- list_app_cons. inv H.
+ rewrite IHl2; auto.
+ rewrite upd_asgn_pred_In; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma eval_hash_pred_upd_asgn_set :
+ forall l2 p a a0 a0',
+ ~ pred_In a p ->
+ Forall (fun x => a <> (fst x) /\ ~ pred_In a (snd x)) l2 ->
+ (forall x, x <> a -> a0 ! x = a0' ! x) ->
+ eval_hash_pred p (upd_asgn l2 a0) = eval_hash_pred p (upd_asgn l2 a0').
+ Proof.
+ induction l2; intros.
+ crush. eapply eval_hash_pred_except; eauto.
+ inversion H0 as [| ? ? [NEQ PRED] FRL ]; subst.
+ simpl.
+ assert (eval_hash_pred (snd a) a0' = eval_hash_pred (snd a) a1).
+ { eapply eval_hash_pred_except; eauto. intros. symmetry. eapply H1. auto. }
+ setoid_rewrite H2.
+ destruct_match; setoid_rewrite Heqo; eauto.
+ eapply IHl2; eauto; intros.
+ destruct (peq x (fst a)); subst.
+ now rewrite !PTree.gss.
+ rewrite !PTree.gso by auto; eauto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma eval_hash_pred_upd_asgn_set2 :
+ forall l2 p a a0 y,
+ ~ pred_In a p ->
+ Forall (fun x => a <> (fst x) /\ ~ pred_In a (snd x)) l2 ->
+ eval_hash_pred p (upd_asgn l2 (PTree.set a y a0))
+ = eval_hash_pred p (upd_asgn l2 a0).
+ Proof.
+ intros; eapply eval_hash_pred_upd_asgn_set; eauto.
+ intros; now apply PTree.gso.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma upd_asgn_app2 :
+ forall l1 l2 p a,
+ Forall (fun y => Forall (fun x => fst y <> fst x /\ ~ pred_In (fst y) (snd x)) l2) l1 ->
+ (forall x, In x l1 -> ~ pred_In (fst x) p) ->
+ eval_hash_pred p (upd_asgn (l1 ++ l2) a) = eval_hash_pred p (upd_asgn l2 a).
+ Proof.
+ induction l1; auto.
+ intros; simpl.
+ inv H.
+ rewrite IHl1; auto.
+ destruct_match; auto.
+ apply eval_hash_pred_upd_asgn_set2; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma sorted_rev :
+ forall A R l (b: A) a,
+ LocallySorted (Basics.flip R) (l ++ (b :: a :: nil)) ->
+ R a b.
+ Proof.
+ induction l; crush.
+ inv H. auto. inv H.
+ assert (forall A (a b: list A), nil = a ++ b -> a = nil /\ b = nil).
+ { induction a1; crush. }
+ apply H in H2. crush.
+ eapply IHl. rewrite <- H1. auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma sorted_rev2 :
+ forall A R l (b: A) a,
+ LocallySorted (Basics.flip R) (l ++ b :: nil) ->
+ R a b ->
+ LocallySorted (Basics.flip R) (l ++ (b :: a :: nil)).
+ Proof.
+ induction l; crush.
+ constructor. constructor. auto.
+ inv H.
+ assert (forall A (a b: list A), nil = a ++ b -> a = nil /\ b = nil).
+ { induction a1; crush. }
+ apply H in H3. crush.
+ replace (a :: l ++ b :: a0 :: nil) with ((a :: l ++ b :: nil) ++ a0 :: nil).
+ rewrite <- H2.
+ replace ((a :: b0 :: l0) ++ a0 :: nil) with (a :: b0 :: (l0 ++ a0 :: nil)).
+ constructor; auto.
+ replace (b0 :: l0 ++ a0 :: nil) with ((b0 :: l0) ++ a0 :: nil).
+ rewrite H2.
+ replace ((l ++ b :: nil) ++ a0 :: nil) with (l ++ b :: a0 :: nil).
+ eapply IHl; eauto. rewrite <- H2. auto.
+ rewrite list_app_cons. auto.
+ rewrite app_comm_cons. auto.
+ rewrite app_comm_cons. auto.
+ rewrite <- app_comm_cons.
+ rewrite list_app_cons. auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma sorted_rev3 :
+ forall A R l,
+ Sorted.LocallySorted R l ->
+ Sorted.LocallySorted (Basics.flip R) (@rev A l).
+ Proof.
+ induction l; crush. inv H. constructor.
+ inv H. crush. constructor.
+ crush.
+ replace ((rev l0 ++ b :: nil) ++ a :: nil) with (rev l0 ++ b :: a :: nil).
+ eapply sorted_rev2; eauto.
+ now rewrite list_app_cons.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma sorted_rev4 :
+ forall A R l,
+ Sorted.Sorted R l ->
+ Sorted.Sorted (Basics.flip R) (@rev A l).
+ Proof.
+ intros. apply Sorted_LocallySorted_iff.
+ apply sorted_rev3. apply Sorted_LocallySorted_iff. auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma unnest_predicate_lt_fresh :
+ forall p p' fresh fresh' lp,
+ unnest_predicate fresh p = (p', lp, fresh') ->
+ (fresh <= fresh')%positive.
+ Proof.
+ induction p; crush; repeat (destruct_match; []); simplify;
+ try (pose proof (IHp1 _ _ _ _ Heqp); pose proof (IHp2 _ _ _ _ Heqp4); lia).
+ apply IHp in Heqp0; lia.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma unnest_predicate_lt_in_list :
+ forall p p' fresh fresh' lp,
+ unnest_predicate fresh p = (p', lp, fresh') ->
+ Forall (fun x => (fresh <= fst x < fresh')%positive) lp.
+ Proof.
+ induction p; crush; repeat (destruct_match; []); simplify.
+ - pose proof (IHp1 _ _ _ _ Heqp).
+ pose proof (IHp2 _ _ _ _ Heqp4).
+ constructor; cbn.
+ + apply unnest_predicate_lt_fresh in Heqp4.
+ apply unnest_predicate_lt_fresh in Heqp. lia.
+ + apply Forall_app; split; apply Forall_forall; intros.
+ * eapply Forall_forall in H0; eauto.
+ apply unnest_predicate_lt_fresh in Heqp. lia.
+ * eapply Forall_forall in H; eauto.
+ apply unnest_predicate_lt_fresh in Heqp4. lia.
+ - pose proof (IHp1 _ _ _ _ Heqp).
+ pose proof (IHp2 _ _ _ _ Heqp4).
+ constructor; cbn.
+ + apply unnest_predicate_lt_fresh in Heqp4.
+ apply unnest_predicate_lt_fresh in Heqp. lia.
+ + apply Forall_app; split; apply Forall_forall; intros.
+ * eapply Forall_forall in H0; eauto.
+ apply unnest_predicate_lt_fresh in Heqp. lia.
+ * eapply Forall_forall in H; eauto.
+ apply unnest_predicate_lt_fresh in Heqp4. lia.
+ - pose proof (IHp1 _ _ _ _ Heqp).
+ pose proof (IHp2 _ _ _ _ Heqp4).
+ constructor; cbn.
+ + apply unnest_predicate_lt_fresh in Heqp4.
+ apply unnest_predicate_lt_fresh in Heqp. lia.
+ + apply Forall_app; split; apply Forall_forall; intros.
+ * eapply Forall_forall in H0; eauto.
+ apply unnest_predicate_lt_fresh in Heqp. lia.
+ * eapply Forall_forall in H; eauto.
+ apply unnest_predicate_lt_fresh in Heqp4. lia.
+ - pose proof (IHp _ _ _ _ Heqp0).
+ constructor; cbn.
+ + apply unnest_predicate_lt_fresh in Heqp0. lia.
+ + apply Forall_forall; intros. eapply Forall_forall in H; eauto.
+ lia.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma unnest_predicate_lt_in_list5 :
+ forall p p' fresh fresh' lp,
+ unnest_predicate fresh p = (p', lp, fresh') ->
+ (max_hash_pred p < fresh)%positive ->
+ (max_hash_pred p' < fresh')%positive.
+ Proof. induction p; crush; repeat (destruct_match; []); crush. Qed.
+ Lemma unnest_predicate_lt_in_list2 :
+ forall p p' fresh fresh' lp,
+ unnest_predicate fresh p = (p', lp, fresh') ->
+ (max_hash_pred p < fresh)%positive ->
+ Forall (fun x => (max_hash_pred (snd x) < fst x)%positive) lp.
+ Proof.
+ induction p; crush; repeat (destruct_match; []); simplify.
+ - pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ Heqp).
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ Heqp4).
+ pose proof (IHp1 _ _ _ _ Heqp ltac:(lia)) as X.
+ pose proof (IHp2 _ _ _ _ Heqp4 ltac:(lia)) as Y.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list5 _ _ _ _ _ Heqp ltac:(lia)).
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list5 _ _ _ _ _ Heqp4 ltac:(lia)).
+ constructor; cbn; [lia|].
+ apply Forall_app; split; eapply Forall_forall; intros.
+ + eapply Forall_forall in Y; eauto.
+ + eapply Forall_forall in X; eauto.
+ - pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ Heqp).
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ Heqp4).
+ pose proof (IHp1 _ _ _ _ Heqp ltac:(lia)) as X.
+ pose proof (IHp2 _ _ _ _ Heqp4 ltac:(lia)) as Y.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list5 _ _ _ _ _ Heqp ltac:(lia)).
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list5 _ _ _ _ _ Heqp4 ltac:(lia)).
+ constructor; cbn; [lia|].
+ apply Forall_app; split; eapply Forall_forall; intros.
+ + eapply Forall_forall in Y; eauto.
+ + eapply Forall_forall in X; eauto.
+ - pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ Heqp).
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ Heqp4).
+ pose proof (IHp1 _ _ _ _ Heqp ltac:(lia)) as X.
+ pose proof (IHp2 _ _ _ _ Heqp4 ltac:(lia)) as Y.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list5 _ _ _ _ _ Heqp ltac:(lia)).
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list5 _ _ _ _ _ Heqp4 ltac:(lia)).
+ constructor; cbn; [lia|].
+ apply Forall_app; split; eapply Forall_forall; intros.
+ + eapply Forall_forall in Y; eauto.
+ + eapply Forall_forall in X; eauto.
+ - pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ Heqp0).
+ pose proof (IHp _ _ _ _ Heqp0 ltac:(lia)) as X.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list5 _ _ _ _ _ Heqp0 ltac:(lia)).
+ constructor; cbn; [lia|auto].
+ Qed.
+ Lemma unnest_predicate_lt_in_list4 :
+ forall p p' fresh fresh' lp y,
+ unnest_predicate fresh p = (p', lp, fresh') ->
+ pred_In y p' ->
+ In y (map fst lp) \/ pred_In y p.
+ Proof.
+ induction p; crush; repeat (destruct_match; []); simplify.
+ - inv H0. tauto.
+ - inv H0. tauto.
+ - inv H0. tauto.
+ - inv H0. tauto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma unnest_predicate_lt_in_list3 :
+ forall p p' fresh fresh' lp,
+ unnest_predicate fresh p = (p', lp, fresh') ->
+ Forall (fun x => forall y, pred_In y (snd x) -> In y (map fst lp) \/ pred_In y p) lp.
+ Proof.
+ induction p; crush; repeat (destruct_match; []); simplify.
+ - pose proof (IHp1 _ _ _ _ Heqp).
+ pose proof (IHp2 _ _ _ _ Heqp4).
+ constructor; intros; cbn [snd] in *.
+ + inv H1.
+ * pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list4 _ _ _ _ _ _ Heqp H4).
+ inv H1. left. right. rewrite list_append_map. rewrite in_app. tauto.
+ right. now apply pred_In_Pand1.
+ * pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list4 _ _ _ _ _ _ Heqp4 H4).
+ inv H1. left. right. rewrite list_append_map. rewrite in_app. tauto.
+ right. now apply pred_In_Pand2.
+ + apply Forall_app; split.
+ * apply Forall_forall; intros. eapply Forall_forall in H0; eauto.
+ rewrite map_app. apply H0 in H2. inv H2.
+ left. right. apply in_app; tauto.
+ right. now apply pred_In_Pand2.
+ * apply Forall_forall; intros. eapply Forall_forall in H; eauto.
+ rewrite map_app. apply H in H2. inv H2.
+ left. right. apply in_app; tauto.
+ right. now apply pred_In_Pand1.
+ - pose proof (IHp1 _ _ _ _ Heqp).
+ pose proof (IHp2 _ _ _ _ Heqp4).
+ constructor; intros; cbn [snd] in *.
+ + inv H1.
+ * pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list4 _ _ _ _ _ _ Heqp H4).
+ inv H1. left. right. rewrite list_append_map. rewrite in_app. tauto.
+ right. now apply pred_In_Por1.
+ * pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list4 _ _ _ _ _ _ Heqp4 H4).
+ inv H1. left. right. rewrite list_append_map. rewrite in_app. tauto.
+ right. now apply pred_In_Por2.
+ + apply Forall_app; split.
+ * apply Forall_forall; intros. eapply Forall_forall in H0; eauto.
+ rewrite map_app. apply H0 in H2. inv H2.
+ left. right. apply in_app; tauto.
+ right. now apply pred_In_Por2.
+ * apply Forall_forall; intros. eapply Forall_forall in H; eauto.
+ rewrite map_app. apply H in H2. inv H2.
+ left. right. apply in_app; tauto.
+ right. now apply pred_In_Por1.
+ - pose proof (IHp1 _ _ _ _ Heqp).
+ pose proof (IHp2 _ _ _ _ Heqp4).
+ constructor; intros; cbn [snd] in *.
+ + inv H1.
+ * pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list4 _ _ _ _ _ _ Heqp H4).
+ inv H1. left. right. rewrite list_append_map. rewrite in_app. tauto.
+ right. now apply pred_In_Pimp1.
+ * pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list4 _ _ _ _ _ _ Heqp4 H4).
+ inv H1. left. right. rewrite list_append_map. rewrite in_app. tauto.
+ right. now apply pred_In_Pimp2.
+ + apply Forall_app; split.
+ * apply Forall_forall; intros. eapply Forall_forall in H0; eauto.
+ rewrite map_app. apply H0 in H2. inv H2.
+ left. right. apply in_app; tauto.
+ right. now apply pred_In_Pimp2.
+ * apply Forall_forall; intros. eapply Forall_forall in H; eauto.
+ rewrite map_app. apply H in H2. inv H2.
+ left. right. apply in_app; tauto.
+ right. now apply pred_In_Pimp1.
+ - pose proof (IHp _ _ _ _ Heqp0).
+ constructor; intros; cbn [snd] in *.
+ + inv H0.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list4 _ _ _ _ _ _ Heqp0 H3).
+ inv H0. tauto.
+ right. now apply pred_In_Pnot.
+ + apply Forall_forall; intros. eapply Forall_forall in H0; eauto.
+ apply H0 in H1. inv H1; [tauto|].
+ right. now apply pred_In_Pnot.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma unnest_predicate_sorted :
+ forall p p' lp fresh' fresh,
+ unnest_predicate fresh p = (p', lp, fresh') ->
+ Sorted.Sorted (Basics.flip pl_lt) lp.
+ Proof.
+ induction p; crush; try apply Sorted_nil;
+ repeat (destruct_match; []); simplify.
+ - constructor.
+ eapply SetoidList.SortA_app with (eqA := eq); auto.
+ eapply IHp2; eassumption.
+ eapply IHp1; eassumption.
+ intros. apply SetoidList.InA_alt in H; simplify.
+ apply SetoidList.InA_alt in H0; simplify.
+ unfold Basics.flip.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list _ _ _ _ _ Heqp).
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list _ _ _ _ _ Heqp4).
+ eapply Forall_forall in H; [|eassumption].
+ eapply Forall_forall in H0; [|eassumption].
+ destruct x, x0; unfold pl_lt; cbn [snd fst] in *; lia.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list _ _ _ _ _ Heqp).
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list _ _ _ _ _ Heqp4).
+ apply SetoidList.InfA_app.
+ + apply SetoidList.InA_InfA with (eqA := eq); auto; intros.
+ apply SetoidList.InA_alt in H1; simplify.
+ eapply Forall_forall in H0; [|eassumption].
+ unfold Basics.flip, pl_lt; destruct x; cbn [snd fst] in *. lia.
+ + apply SetoidList.InA_InfA with (eqA := eq); auto; intros.
+ apply SetoidList.InA_alt in H1; simplify.
+ eapply Forall_forall in H; [|eassumption].
+ unfold Basics.flip, pl_lt; destruct x; cbn [snd fst] in *.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ Heqp4). lia.
+ - constructor.
+ eapply SetoidList.SortA_app with (eqA := eq); auto.
+ eapply IHp2; eassumption.
+ eapply IHp1; eassumption.
+ intros. apply SetoidList.InA_alt in H; simplify.
+ apply SetoidList.InA_alt in H0; simplify.
+ unfold Basics.flip.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list _ _ _ _ _ Heqp).
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list _ _ _ _ _ Heqp4).
+ eapply Forall_forall in H; [|eassumption].
+ eapply Forall_forall in H0; [|eassumption].
+ destruct x, x0; unfold pl_lt; cbn [snd fst] in *; lia.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list _ _ _ _ _ Heqp).
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list _ _ _ _ _ Heqp4).
+ apply SetoidList.InfA_app.
+ + apply SetoidList.InA_InfA with (eqA := eq); auto; intros.
+ apply SetoidList.InA_alt in H1; simplify.
+ eapply Forall_forall in H0; [|eassumption].
+ unfold Basics.flip, pl_lt; destruct x; cbn [snd fst] in *. lia.
+ + apply SetoidList.InA_InfA with (eqA := eq); auto; intros.
+ apply SetoidList.InA_alt in H1; simplify.
+ eapply Forall_forall in H; [|eassumption].
+ unfold Basics.flip, pl_lt; destruct x; cbn [snd fst] in *.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ Heqp4). lia.
+ - constructor.
+ eapply SetoidList.SortA_app with (eqA := eq); auto.
+ eapply IHp2; eassumption.
+ eapply IHp1; eassumption.
+ intros. apply SetoidList.InA_alt in H; simplify.
+ apply SetoidList.InA_alt in H0; simplify.
+ unfold Basics.flip.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list _ _ _ _ _ Heqp).
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list _ _ _ _ _ Heqp4).
+ eapply Forall_forall in H; [|eassumption].
+ eapply Forall_forall in H0; [|eassumption].
+ destruct x, x0; unfold pl_lt; cbn [snd fst] in *; lia.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list _ _ _ _ _ Heqp).
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list _ _ _ _ _ Heqp4).
+ apply SetoidList.InfA_app.
+ + apply SetoidList.InA_InfA with (eqA := eq); auto; intros.
+ apply SetoidList.InA_alt in H1; simplify.
+ eapply Forall_forall in H0; [|eassumption].
+ unfold Basics.flip, pl_lt; destruct x; cbn [snd fst] in *. lia.
+ + apply SetoidList.InA_InfA with (eqA := eq); auto; intros.
+ apply SetoidList.InA_alt in H1; simplify.
+ eapply Forall_forall in H; [|eassumption].
+ unfold Basics.flip, pl_lt; destruct x; cbn [snd fst] in *.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ Heqp4). lia.
+ - constructor.
+ eapply IHp; eassumption.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list _ _ _ _ _ Heqp0).
+ apply SetoidList.InA_InfA with (eqA := eq); auto; intros.
+ apply SetoidList.InA_alt in H0; simplify.
+ eapply Forall_forall in H; [|eassumption].
+ unfold Basics.flip, pl_lt; destruct x; cbn [snd fst] in *. lia.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma to_equiv_rev :
+ forall l, rev (to_equiv l) = to_equiv (rev l).
+ Proof. unfold to_equiv; intros. rewrite map_rev. auto. Qed.
+ Lemma unnest_predicate_sorted_app :
+ forall p1 p l p0 p3 p4 l0 fresh p2,
+ unnest_predicate fresh p1 = (p, l, p0) ->
+ unnest_predicate p0 p2 = (p3, l0, p4) ->
+ Sorted.Sorted (Basics.flip pl_lt) l ->
+ Sorted.Sorted (Basics.flip pl_lt) l0 ->
+ Sorted.Sorted (Basics.flip pl_lt) (l0 ++ l).
+ Proof.
+ intros * NEST1 NEST2 SORT1 SORT2.
+ apply SetoidList.SortA_app with (eqA := eq); auto.
+ intros.
+ apply SetoidList.InA_alt in H.
+ apply SetoidList.InA_alt in H0. simplify.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list _ _ _ _ _ NEST1).
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list _ _ _ _ _ NEST2).
+ eapply Forall_forall in H; [|eassumption].
+ eapply Forall_forall in H1; [|eassumption].
+ unfold Basics.flip, pl_lt. lia.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma unnest_predicate_equiv_list :
+ forall p p0 p1 p2 p3 p4 l l0 fresh,
+ unnest_predicate fresh p1 = (p, l, p0) ->
+ unnest_predicate p0 p2 = (p3, l0, p4) ->
+ (Pos.max (max_hash_pred p1) (max_hash_pred p2) < fresh)%positive ->
+ equiv_list_wf (rev (l0 ++ l)).
+ Proof.
+ intros * NEST1 NEST2 MAX.
+ unfold equiv_list_wf. split. unfold Sorted.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_sorted _ _ _ _ _ NEST1).
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_sorted _ _ _ _ _ NEST2).
+ replace pl_lt with (Basics.flip (Basics.flip (@pl_lt predicate))) by (unfold Basics.flip; auto).
+ apply sorted_rev4.
+ eapply unnest_predicate_sorted_app; eauto.
+ apply Forall_rev; apply Forall_app; split;
+ eapply unnest_predicate_lt_in_list2; eauto.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST1).
+ lia. lia.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma pred_in_fold :
+ forall A l p y,
+ @pred_In A p (fold_left Pand l y) ->
+ (exists i, In i l /\ pred_In p i) \/ pred_In p y.
+ Proof.
+ induction l.
+ intros. simplify. tauto.
+ intros. simpl in *. apply IHl in H.
+ inv H; simplify. left. econstructor.
+ constructor. right. eauto. auto.
+ inv H0; try tauto.
+ do 2 econstructor; split; try eassumption; tauto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma max_hash_pred_lt :
+ forall p l,
+ pred_In l p ->
+ (l <= max_hash_pred p)%positive.
+ Proof.
+ induction p; intros; try inv H; crush;
+ try (apply IHp1 in H2; lia);
+ apply IHp2 in H2; lia.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma unnest_predicate_not_in :
+ forall p p0 p1 p2 p3 p4 l l0 fresh y,
+ unnest_predicate fresh p1 = (p, l, p0) ->
+ unnest_predicate p0 p2 = (p3, l0, p4) ->
+ (Pos.max (max_hash_pred p1) (max_hash_pred p2) < fresh)%positive ->
+ Forall (fun x : positive * hash_pred =>
+ ~ pred_In (fst x) (fold_left Pand (to_equiv (l0 ++ l)) T))
+ ((p4, y) :: nil).
+ Proof.
+ intros * NEST1 NEST2 MAX.
+ constructor; [|constructor]. cbn [fst]. unfold not; intros.
+ apply pred_in_fold in H. inv H; inv H0;
+ simplify. unfold to_equiv in H0. apply map_in_some in H0. simplify.
+ apply in_app_or in H0; inv H0.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST1) as TEMP.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list2 _ _ _ _ _ NEST2 ltac:(lia)).
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list _ _ _ _ _ NEST2).
+ eapply Forall_forall in H0; [|eassumption].
+ eapply Forall_forall in H2; [|eassumption]. destruct x0. cbn [snd fst] in *.
+ apply max_hash_pred_lt in H1. unfold equiv in H1.
+ unfold max_hash_pred in H1. fold max_hash_pred in H1. lia.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list2 _ _ _ _ _ NEST1 ltac:(lia)).
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list _ _ _ _ _ NEST1).
+ eapply Forall_forall in H0; [|eassumption].
+ eapply Forall_forall in H2; [|eassumption]. destruct x0. cbn [snd fst] in *.
+ apply max_hash_pred_lt in H1. unfold equiv in H1.
+ unfold max_hash_pred in H1. fold max_hash_pred in H1.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST2). lia.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma unnest_predicate_not_in4 :
+ forall p p0 p1 l fresh y,
+ unnest_predicate fresh p1 = (p, l, p0) ->
+ (max_hash_pred p1 < fresh)%positive ->
+ Forall (fun x : positive * hash_pred =>
+ ~ pred_In (fst x) (fold_left Pand (to_equiv l) T))
+ ((p0, y) :: nil).
+ Proof.
+ intros * NEST1 MAX.
+ constructor; [|constructor]. cbn [fst]. unfold not; intros.
+ apply pred_in_fold in H. inv H; inv H0;
+ simplify. unfold to_equiv in H0. apply map_in_some in H0. simplify.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list2 _ _ _ _ _ NEST1 ltac:(lia)).
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list _ _ _ _ _ NEST1).
+ eapply Forall_forall in H; [|eassumption].
+ eapply Forall_forall in H2; [|eassumption]. destruct x0. cbn [snd fst] in *.
+ apply max_hash_pred_lt in H1. unfold equiv in H1.
+ unfold max_hash_pred in H1. fold max_hash_pred in H1. lia.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma unnest_predicate_in_pred :
+ forall fresh p1 p l p0,
+ unnest_predicate fresh p1 = (p, l, p0) ->
+ (max_hash_pred p1 < fresh)%positive ->
+ ~ pred_In p0 p.
+ Proof.
+ destruct p1; unfold not; intros.
+ - inv H. inv H1.
+ - inv H. inv H1.
+ - inv H. inv H1.
+ - inv H. crush. inv H1. lia.
+ - simplify. repeat (destruct_match; []). simplify.
+ inv H1. lia.
+ - simplify. repeat (destruct_match; []). simplify.
+ inv H1. lia.
+ - simplify. repeat (destruct_match; []). simplify.
+ inv H1. lia.
+ - simplify. repeat (destruct_match; []). simplify.
+ inv H1. lia.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma unnest_predicate_in_pred2 :
+ forall fresh p1 p l p0,
+ unnest_predicate fresh p1 = (p, l, p0) ->
+ (max_hash_pred p1 < fresh)%positive ->
+ (max_hash_pred p < p0)%positive.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ destruct p1; crush.
+ - repeat (destruct_match; []); simplify; lia.
+ - repeat (destruct_match; []); simplify; lia.
+ - repeat (destruct_match; []); simplify; lia.
+ - repeat (destruct_match; []); simplify; lia.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma unnest_predicate_forall_none :
+ forall p1 p2 p0 p3 l0 l p4 fresh p a,
+ unnest_predicate fresh p1 = (p, l, p0) ->
+ unnest_predicate p0 p2 = (p3, l0, p4) ->
+ eval_hash_pred p1 a = eval_pred_list (p, l) (upd_asgn (rev l) a) ->
+ eval_hash_pred p2 a = eval_pred_list (p3, l0) (upd_asgn (rev l0) a) ->
+ (forall y : positive, (fresh <= y)%positive -> a ! y = None) ->
+ (max_hash_pred (p1 ∧ p2) < fresh)%positive ->
+ Forall (fun x : positive * predicate => a ! (fst x) = None) (rev (l0 ++ l)).
+ Proof.
+ apply Forall_forall; intros. apply GTMAX.
+ unfold max_hash_pred in *; fold max_hash_pred in *.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST2) as X3.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST1) as X4.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list2 _ _ _ _ _ NEST2 ltac:(lia)) as X1.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list _ _ _ _ _ NEST2) as X2.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list2 _ _ _ _ _ NEST1 ltac:(lia)) as Y1.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list _ _ _ _ _ NEST1) as Y2.
+ apply in_rev in H. apply in_app in H. inv H.
+ eapply Forall_forall in X1; eauto; [].
+ eapply Forall_forall in X2; eauto; []. lia.
+ eapply Forall_forall in Y1; eauto; [].
+ eapply Forall_forall in Y2; eauto; []. lia.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma unnest_predicate_forall_gt1 :
+ forall p1 p2 p0 p3 l0 l p4 fresh p a,
+ unnest_predicate fresh p1 = (p, l, p0) ->
+ unnest_predicate p0 p2 = (p3, l0, p4) ->
+ eval_hash_pred p1 a = eval_pred_list (p, l) (upd_asgn (rev l) a) ->
+ eval_hash_pred p2 a = eval_pred_list (p3, l0) (upd_asgn (rev l0) a) ->
+ (forall y : positive, (fresh <= y)%positive -> a ! y = None) ->
+ (max_hash_pred (p1 ∧ p2) < fresh)%positive ->
+ Forall (fun x : positive * predicate => (1 < fst x)%positive) (rev (l0 ++ l)).
+ Proof.
+ apply Forall_forall; intros.
+ unfold max_hash_pred in *; fold max_hash_pred in *.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST2) as X3.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST1) as X4.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list2 _ _ _ _ _ NEST2 ltac:(lia)) as X1.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list _ _ _ _ _ NEST2) as X2.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list2 _ _ _ _ _ NEST1 ltac:(lia)) as Y1.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list _ _ _ _ _ NEST1) as Y2.
+ apply in_rev in H. apply in_app in H. inv H.
+ eapply Forall_forall in X1; eauto; [].
+ eapply Forall_forall in X2; eauto; []. lia.
+ eapply Forall_forall in Y1; eauto; [].
+ eapply Forall_forall in Y2; eauto; []. lia.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma unnest_predicate_not_in3 :
+ forall p1 p0 l fresh p a,
+ unnest_predicate fresh p1 = (p, l, p0) ->
+ eval_hash_pred p1 a = eval_pred_list (p, l) (upd_asgn (rev l) a) ->
+ (forall y : positive, (fresh <= y)%positive -> a ! y = None) ->
+ (max_hash_pred p1 < fresh)%positive ->
+ ~ In p0 (map fst (rev l)).
+ Proof.
+ unfold not; intros.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list2 _ _ _ _ _ NEST1).
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list _ _ _ _ _ NEST1).
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST1).
+ apply map_in_some in H. simplify.
+ eapply in_rev in H.
+ eapply Forall_forall in H0; eauto.
+ eapply Forall_forall in H1; eauto.
+ destruct x; cbn [fst snd max_hash_pred] in *.
+ lia.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma unnest_predicate_not_in2 :
+ forall p1 p2 p0 p3 l0 l p4 fresh p a,
+ unnest_predicate fresh p1 = (p, l, p0) ->
+ unnest_predicate p0 p2 = (p3, l0, p4) ->
+ eval_hash_pred p1 a = eval_pred_list (p, l) (upd_asgn (rev l) a) ->
+ eval_hash_pred p2 a = eval_pred_list (p3, l0) (upd_asgn (rev l0) a) ->
+ (forall y : positive, (fresh <= y)%positive -> a ! y = None) ->
+ (max_hash_pred (p1 ∧ p2) < fresh)%positive ->
+ ~ In p4 (map fst (rev l ++ rev l0)).
+ Proof.
+ unfold not; intros.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST1) as TMP. cbn [max_hash_pred] in *.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list2 _ _ _ _ _ NEST2 ltac:(lia)).
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list _ _ _ _ _ NEST2).
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list2 _ _ _ _ _ NEST1 ltac:(lia)).
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list _ _ _ _ _ NEST1).
+ apply map_in_some in H. simplify.
+ apply in_app_or in H. inv H.
+ eapply in_rev in H4.
+ eapply Forall_forall in H2; eauto.
+ eapply Forall_forall in H3; eauto.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST2).
+ destruct x; cbn [fst snd] in *. lia.
+ eapply in_rev in H4.
+ eapply Forall_forall in H0; eauto.
+ eapply Forall_forall in H1; eauto.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST1).
+ destruct x; cbn [fst snd] in *. lia.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma eval_equiv_added :
+ forall p1 p2 p0 p3 l0 l p4 fresh p a,
+ unnest_predicate fresh p1 = (p, l, p0) ->
+ unnest_predicate p0 p2 = (p3, l0, p4) ->
+ eval_hash_pred p1 a = eval_pred_list (p, l) (upd_asgn (rev l) a) ->
+ eval_hash_pred p2 a = eval_pred_list (p3, l0) (upd_asgn (rev l0) a) ->
+ (forall y : positive, (fresh <= y)%positive -> a ! y = None) ->
+ (max_hash_pred (p1 ∧ p2) < fresh)%positive ->
+ eval_hash_pred (equiv (Pbase p4) (p ∧ p3)) (upd_asgn (rev l ++ rev l0 ++ (p4, p ∧ p3) :: nil) a) = Some true.
+ Proof.
+ apply eval_equiv2. rewrite eval_hash_pred_get.
+ rewrite app_assoc.
+ rewrite upd_asgn_get.
+ symmetry. rewrite upd_asgn_app1; auto.
+ constructor; [|constructor]; simpl.
+ pose proof NEST1 as X1. pose proof NEST2 as X2.
+ eapply unnest_predicate_in_pred2 in X1.
+ eapply unnest_predicate_in_pred2 in X2.
+ 2: { unfold max_hash_pred in *; fold max_hash_pred in *.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST1).
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST2). lia.
+ }
+ 2: { unfold max_hash_pred in *; fold max_hash_pred in *.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST1).
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST2). lia.
+ }
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST1).
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST2).
+ unfold not; intros. apply max_hash_pred_lt in H1.
+ cbn [max_hash_pred] in H1. lia.
+ rewrite upd_asgn_not_in. eapply GTMAX. unfold max_hash_pred in *. fold max_hash_pred in *.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST1).
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST2). lia.
+ eapply unnest_predicate_not_in2; eauto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma eval_equiv_added_Por :
+ forall p1 p2 p0 p3 l0 l p4 fresh p a,
+ unnest_predicate fresh p1 = (p, l, p0) ->
+ unnest_predicate p0 p2 = (p3, l0, p4) ->
+ eval_hash_pred p1 a = eval_pred_list (p, l) (upd_asgn (rev l) a) ->
+ eval_hash_pred p2 a = eval_pred_list (p3, l0) (upd_asgn (rev l0) a) ->
+ (forall y : positive, (fresh <= y)%positive -> a ! y = None) ->
+ (max_hash_pred (p1 ∨ p2) < fresh)%positive ->
+ eval_hash_pred (equiv (Pbase p4) (p ∨ p3)) (upd_asgn (rev l ++ rev l0 ++ (p4, p ∨ p3) :: nil) a) = Some true.
+ Proof.
+ apply eval_equiv2. rewrite eval_hash_pred_get.
+ rewrite app_assoc.
+ rewrite upd_asgn_get.
+ symmetry. rewrite upd_asgn_app1; auto.
+ constructor; [|constructor]; simpl.
+ pose proof NEST1 as X1. pose proof NEST2 as X2.
+ eapply unnest_predicate_in_pred2 in X1.
+ eapply unnest_predicate_in_pred2 in X2.
+ 2: { unfold max_hash_pred in *; fold max_hash_pred in *.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST1).
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST2). lia.
+ }
+ 2: { unfold max_hash_pred in *; fold max_hash_pred in *.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST1).
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST2). lia.
+ }
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST1).
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST2).
+ unfold not; intros. apply max_hash_pred_lt in H1.
+ cbn [max_hash_pred] in H1. lia.
+ rewrite upd_asgn_not_in. eapply GTMAX. unfold max_hash_pred in *. fold max_hash_pred in *.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST1).
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST2). lia.
+ eapply unnest_predicate_not_in2; eauto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma eval_equiv_added_Pimp :
+ forall p1 p2 p0 p3 l0 l p4 fresh p a,
+ unnest_predicate fresh p1 = (p, l, p0) ->
+ unnest_predicate p0 p2 = (p3, l0, p4) ->
+ eval_hash_pred p1 a = eval_pred_list (p, l) (upd_asgn (rev l) a) ->
+ eval_hash_pred p2 a = eval_pred_list (p3, l0) (upd_asgn (rev l0) a) ->
+ (forall y : positive, (fresh <= y)%positive -> a ! y = None) ->
+ (max_hash_pred (p1 → p2) < fresh)%positive ->
+ eval_hash_pred (equiv (Pbase p4) (p → p3)) (upd_asgn (rev l ++ rev l0 ++ (p4, p → p3) :: nil) a) = Some true.
+ Proof.
+ apply eval_equiv2. rewrite eval_hash_pred_get.
+ rewrite app_assoc.
+ rewrite upd_asgn_get.
+ symmetry. rewrite upd_asgn_app1; auto.
+ constructor; [|constructor]; simpl.
+ pose proof NEST1 as X1. pose proof NEST2 as X2.
+ eapply unnest_predicate_in_pred2 in X1.
+ eapply unnest_predicate_in_pred2 in X2.
+ 2: { unfold max_hash_pred in *; fold max_hash_pred in *.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST1).
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST2). lia.
+ }
+ 2: { unfold max_hash_pred in *; fold max_hash_pred in *.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST1).
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST2). lia.
+ }
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST1).
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST2).
+ unfold not; intros. apply max_hash_pred_lt in H1.
+ cbn [max_hash_pred] in H1. lia.
+ rewrite upd_asgn_not_in. eapply GTMAX. unfold max_hash_pred in *. fold max_hash_pred in *.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST1).
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST2). lia.
+ eapply unnest_predicate_not_in2; eauto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma unnest_predicate_correct_Pand :
+ forall p1 p2 p0 p3 l0 l p4 fresh p a,
+ unnest_predicate fresh p1 = (p, l, p0) ->
+ unnest_predicate p0 p2 = (p3, l0, p4) ->
+ eval_hash_pred p1 a = eval_pred_list (p, l) (upd_asgn (rev l) a) ->
+ eval_hash_pred p2 a = eval_pred_list (p3, l0) (upd_asgn (rev l0) a) ->
+ (forall y, (fresh <= y)%positive -> a ! y = None) ->
+ (max_hash_pred (p1 ∧ p2) < fresh)%positive ->
+ eval_hash_pred (p1 ∧ p2) a =
+ eval_hash_pred (Pbase p4 ∧ fold_left Pand (to_equiv (l0 ++ l)) (T ∧ equiv (Pbase p4) (p ∧ p3)))
+ (upd_asgn (rev (l0 ++ l) ++ (p4, p ∧ p3) :: nil) a).
+ Proof.
+ assert (eval_hash_pred (fold_left Pand (to_equiv (l0 ++ l)) (T ∧ equiv (Pbase p4) (p ∧ p3)))
+ (upd_asgn (rev l ++ rev l0 ++ (p4, p ∧ p3) :: nil) a) = Some true).
+ { apply eval_hash_pred_fold_Pand2 with (x := T).
+ rewrite app_assoc.
+ rewrite upd_asgn_app1; [|eapply unnest_predicate_not_in; eauto].
+ replace (rev l ++ rev l0) with (rev (l0 ++ l)) by (rewrite rev_app_distr; auto).
+ apply fold_left_Pand_rev.
+ rewrite to_equiv_rev.
+ apply eval_hash_pred_equiv_asgn; auto.
+ eapply unnest_predicate_equiv_list; eauto.
+ eapply unnest_predicate_forall_none; eauto.
+ eapply unnest_predicate_forall_gt1; eauto.
+ rewrite eval_hash_pred_T_Pand.
+ eapply eval_equiv_added; eauto.
+ }
+ assert (eval_hash_pred (p1 ∧ p2) a = eval_hash_pred (Pbase p4)
+ (upd_asgn ((rev l ++ rev l0) ++ (p4, p ∧ p3) :: nil) a)).
+ { rewrite eval_hash_pred_get.
+ rewrite upd_asgn_get.
+ 2: { rewrite upd_asgn_not_in by (eapply unnest_predicate_not_in2; eauto).
+ eapply GTMAX. unfold max_hash_pred in *. fold max_hash_pred in *.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST1).
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST2). lia.
+ }
+ apply eval_hash_pred_pand.
+ { rewrite EVAL1. unfold eval_pred_list. cbn [snd fst].
+ rewrite upd_asgn_app1.
+ { rewrite eval_hash_pred_T_Pand2; auto.
+ apply fold_left_Pand_rev. rewrite to_equiv_rev.
+ apply eval_hash_pred_equiv_asgn; auto.
+ { unfold equiv_list_wf, Sorted; split.
+ { replace pl_lt with (Basics.flip (Basics.flip (@pl_lt predicate))) by auto.
+ apply sorted_rev4. eapply unnest_predicate_sorted; eauto. }
+ { apply Forall_rev. eapply unnest_predicate_lt_in_list2; eauto. cbn [max_hash_pred] in *; lia. } }
+ { exploit unnest_predicate_forall_none. apply NEST1. apply NEST2.
+ all: eauto. intros. cbn. rewrite rev_app_distr in H0.
+ apply Forall_app in H0; crush. }
+ { exploit unnest_predicate_forall_gt1. apply NEST1. apply NEST2.
+ all: eauto. intros. cbn. rewrite rev_app_distr in H0.
+ apply Forall_app in H0; crush. } }
+ { apply Forall_rev. apply Forall_forall; intros.
+ cbn [max_hash_pred] in *.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST1) as TMP.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list2 _ _ _ _ _ NEST2 ltac:(lia)).
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list _ _ _ _ _ NEST2).
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST2).
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST1).
+ eapply Forall_forall in H1; eauto. eapply Forall_forall in H2; eauto.
+ unfold not; intros. apply max_hash_pred_lt in H5. destruct x; cbn [fst snd] in *.
+ unfold max_hash_pred in *; fold max_hash_pred in *.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_in_pred2 _ _ _ _ _ NEST1).
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_in_pred2 _ _ _ _ _ NEST2).
+ lia.
+ } }
+ { rewrite EVAL2. unfold eval_pred_list. cbn [snd fst].
+ rewrite upd_asgn_app2.
+ { rewrite eval_hash_pred_T_Pand2; auto.
+ apply fold_left_Pand_rev. rewrite to_equiv_rev.
+ apply eval_hash_pred_equiv_asgn; auto.
+ { unfold equiv_list_wf, Sorted; split.
+ { replace pl_lt with (Basics.flip (Basics.flip (@pl_lt predicate))) by auto.
+ apply sorted_rev4. eapply unnest_predicate_sorted; eauto. }
+ { apply Forall_rev. eapply unnest_predicate_lt_in_list2; eauto.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST1).
+ cbn [max_hash_pred] in *; lia. } }
+ { exploit unnest_predicate_forall_none. apply NEST1. apply NEST2.
+ all: eauto. intros. cbn. rewrite rev_app_distr in H0.
+ apply Forall_app in H0; crush. }
+ { exploit unnest_predicate_forall_gt1. apply NEST1. apply NEST2.
+ all: eauto. intros. cbn. rewrite rev_app_distr in H0.
+ apply Forall_app in H0; crush. } }
+ { apply Forall_rev. apply Forall_forall; intros.
+ apply Forall_rev. apply Forall_forall; intros. split.
+ cbn [max_hash_pred] in *.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST1) as TMP.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list2 _ _ _ _ _ NEST2 ltac:(lia)) as X2.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list _ _ _ _ _ NEST2) as Y2.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list2 _ _ _ _ _ NEST1 ltac:(lia)) as X1.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list _ _ _ _ _ NEST1) as Y1.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST2) as Z2.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST1) as Z1.
+ destruct x, x0. cbn [fst snd] in *.
+ eapply Forall_forall in X2; eauto. eapply Forall_forall in Y2; eauto.
+ eapply Forall_forall in X1; eauto. eapply Forall_forall in Y1; eauto.
+ cbn [fst snd] in *. lia.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list3 _ _ _ _ _ NEST2) as X.
+ unfold not; intros Y. eapply Forall_forall in X; eauto.
+ cbn [max_hash_pred] in *.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST1) as TMP.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list2 _ _ _ _ _ NEST2 ltac:(lia)) as X2.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list _ _ _ _ _ NEST2) as Y2.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list2 _ _ _ _ _ NEST1 ltac:(lia)) as X1.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list _ _ _ _ _ NEST1) as Y1.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST2) as Z2.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST1) as Z1.
+ eapply Forall_forall in X2; eauto. eapply Forall_forall in Y2; eauto.
+ eapply Forall_forall in X1; eauto. eapply Forall_forall in Y1; eauto.
+ destruct x, x0. cbn [fst snd] in *.
+ unfold max_hash_pred in *; fold max_hash_pred in *.
+ exploit unnest_predicate_in_pred2; eauto. lia; intros.
+ exploit unnest_predicate_in_pred2. eapply NEST1. lia. intros.
+ pose proof Y as YY. apply X in YY. inv YY.
+ eapply map_in_some in H4; simplify. destruct x; simplify.
+ eapply max_hash_pred_lt in Y.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list2 _ _ _ _ _ NEST2) as X22.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list _ _ _ _ _ NEST2) as Y22.
+ eapply Forall_forall in X22; eauto. eapply Forall_forall in Y22; eauto.
+ cbn [fst snd] in *.
+ cbn [max_hash_pred] in *.
+ lia. lia.
+ eapply max_hash_pred_lt in H4. lia.
+ }
+ { intros. apply in_rev in H0. destruct x; cbn [fst snd] in *.
+ unfold not; intros Y.
+ cbn [max_hash_pred] in *.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list2 _ _ _ _ _ NEST1 ltac:(lia)) as X1.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list _ _ _ _ _ NEST1) as Y1.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST1) as Z1.
+ eapply Forall_forall in X1; eauto. eapply Forall_forall in Y1; eauto.
+ cbn [max_hash_pred fst snd] in *.
+ exploit unnest_predicate_in_pred2; eauto. lia; intros. intros.
+ exploit unnest_predicate_in_pred2. eapply NEST1. lia. intros.
+ exploit unnest_predicate_lt_in_list4. eapply NEST2. eauto. intros. inv H3.
+ eapply map_in_some in H4; simplify.
+ destruct x.
+ cbn [max_hash_pred fst snd] in *.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list2 _ _ _ _ _ NEST2 ltac:(lia)) as X2.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list _ _ _ _ _ NEST2) as Y2.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST2) as Z2.
+ eapply Forall_forall in X2; eauto. eapply Forall_forall in Y2; eauto.
+ cbn [max_hash_pred fst snd] in *.
+ eapply max_hash_pred_lt in Y. lia.
+ eapply max_hash_pred_lt in H4. lia.
+ } } }
+ symmetry; rewrite eval_hash_pred_T_Pand2; rewrite rev_app_distr;
+ try solve [rewrite <- app_assoc; auto]; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma unnest_predicate_correct_Por :
+ forall p1 p2 p0 p3 l0 l p4 fresh p a,
+ unnest_predicate fresh p1 = (p, l, p0) ->
+ unnest_predicate p0 p2 = (p3, l0, p4) ->
+ eval_hash_pred p1 a = eval_pred_list (p, l) (upd_asgn (rev l) a) ->
+ eval_hash_pred p2 a = eval_pred_list (p3, l0) (upd_asgn (rev l0) a) ->
+ (forall y, (fresh <= y)%positive -> a ! y = None) ->
+ (max_hash_pred (p1 ∨ p2) < fresh)%positive ->
+ eval_hash_pred (p1 ∨ p2) a =
+ eval_hash_pred (Pbase p4 ∧ fold_left Pand (to_equiv (l0 ++ l)) (T ∧ equiv (Pbase p4) (p ∨ p3)))
+ (upd_asgn (rev (l0 ++ l) ++ (p4, p ∨ p3) :: nil) a).
+ Proof.
+ assert (eval_hash_pred (fold_left Pand (to_equiv (l0 ++ l)) (T ∧ equiv (Pbase p4) (p ∨ p3)))
+ (upd_asgn (rev l ++ rev l0 ++ (p4, p ∨ p3) :: nil) a) = Some true).
+ { apply eval_hash_pred_fold_Pand2 with (x := T).
+ rewrite app_assoc.
+ rewrite upd_asgn_app1; [|eapply unnest_predicate_not_in; eauto].
+ replace (rev l ++ rev l0) with (rev (l0 ++ l)) by (rewrite rev_app_distr; auto).
+ apply fold_left_Pand_rev.
+ rewrite to_equiv_rev.
+ apply eval_hash_pred_equiv_asgn; auto.
+ eapply unnest_predicate_equiv_list; eauto.
+ eapply unnest_predicate_forall_none; eauto.
+ eapply unnest_predicate_forall_gt1; eauto.
+ rewrite eval_hash_pred_T_Pand.
+ eapply eval_equiv_added_Por; eauto.
+ }
+ assert (eval_hash_pred (p1 ∨ p2) a = eval_hash_pred (Pbase p4)
+ (upd_asgn ((rev l ++ rev l0) ++ (p4, p ∨ p3) :: nil) a)).
+ { rewrite eval_hash_pred_get.
+ rewrite upd_asgn_get.
+ 2: { rewrite upd_asgn_not_in by (eapply unnest_predicate_not_in2; eauto).
+ eapply GTMAX. unfold max_hash_pred in *. fold max_hash_pred in *.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST1).
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST2). lia.
+ }
+ apply eval_hash_pred_por.
+ { rewrite EVAL1. unfold eval_pred_list. cbn [snd fst].
+ rewrite upd_asgn_app1.
+ { rewrite eval_hash_pred_T_Pand2; auto.
+ apply fold_left_Pand_rev. rewrite to_equiv_rev.
+ apply eval_hash_pred_equiv_asgn; auto.
+ { unfold equiv_list_wf, Sorted; split.
+ { replace pl_lt with (Basics.flip (Basics.flip (@pl_lt predicate))) by auto.
+ apply sorted_rev4. eapply unnest_predicate_sorted; eauto. }
+ { apply Forall_rev. eapply unnest_predicate_lt_in_list2; eauto. cbn [max_hash_pred] in *; lia. } }
+ { exploit unnest_predicate_forall_none. apply NEST1. apply NEST2.
+ all: eauto. intros. cbn. rewrite rev_app_distr in H0.
+ apply Forall_app in H0; crush. }
+ { exploit unnest_predicate_forall_gt1. apply NEST1. apply NEST2.
+ all: eauto. intros. cbn. rewrite rev_app_distr in H0.
+ apply Forall_app in H0; crush. } }
+ { apply Forall_rev. apply Forall_forall; intros.
+ cbn [max_hash_pred] in *.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST1) as TMP.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list2 _ _ _ _ _ NEST2 ltac:(lia)).
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list _ _ _ _ _ NEST2).
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST2).
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST1).
+ eapply Forall_forall in H1; eauto. eapply Forall_forall in H2; eauto.
+ unfold not; intros. apply max_hash_pred_lt in H5. destruct x; cbn [fst snd] in *.
+ unfold max_hash_pred in *; fold max_hash_pred in *.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_in_pred2 _ _ _ _ _ NEST1).
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_in_pred2 _ _ _ _ _ NEST2).
+ lia.
+ } }
+ { rewrite EVAL2. unfold eval_pred_list. cbn [snd fst].
+ rewrite upd_asgn_app2.
+ { rewrite eval_hash_pred_T_Pand2; auto.
+ apply fold_left_Pand_rev. rewrite to_equiv_rev.
+ apply eval_hash_pred_equiv_asgn; auto.
+ { unfold equiv_list_wf, Sorted; split.
+ { replace pl_lt with (Basics.flip (Basics.flip (@pl_lt predicate))) by auto.
+ apply sorted_rev4. eapply unnest_predicate_sorted; eauto. }
+ { apply Forall_rev. eapply unnest_predicate_lt_in_list2; eauto.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST1).
+ cbn [max_hash_pred] in *; lia. } }
+ { exploit unnest_predicate_forall_none. apply NEST1. apply NEST2.
+ all: eauto. intros. cbn. rewrite rev_app_distr in H0.
+ apply Forall_app in H0; crush. }
+ { exploit unnest_predicate_forall_gt1. apply NEST1. apply NEST2.
+ all: eauto. intros. cbn. rewrite rev_app_distr in H0.
+ apply Forall_app in H0; crush. } }
+ { apply Forall_rev. apply Forall_forall; intros.
+ apply Forall_rev. apply Forall_forall; intros. split.
+ cbn [max_hash_pred] in *.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST1) as TMP.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list2 _ _ _ _ _ NEST2 ltac:(lia)) as X2.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list _ _ _ _ _ NEST2) as Y2.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list2 _ _ _ _ _ NEST1 ltac:(lia)) as X1.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list _ _ _ _ _ NEST1) as Y1.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST2) as Z2.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST1) as Z1.
+ destruct x, x0. cbn [fst snd] in *.
+ eapply Forall_forall in X2; eauto. eapply Forall_forall in Y2; eauto.
+ eapply Forall_forall in X1; eauto. eapply Forall_forall in Y1; eauto.
+ cbn [fst snd] in *. lia.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list3 _ _ _ _ _ NEST2) as X.
+ unfold not; intros Y. eapply Forall_forall in X; eauto.
+ cbn [max_hash_pred] in *.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST1) as TMP.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list2 _ _ _ _ _ NEST2 ltac:(lia)) as X2.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list _ _ _ _ _ NEST2) as Y2.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list2 _ _ _ _ _ NEST1 ltac:(lia)) as X1.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list _ _ _ _ _ NEST1) as Y1.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST2) as Z2.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST1) as Z1.
+ eapply Forall_forall in X2; eauto. eapply Forall_forall in Y2; eauto.
+ eapply Forall_forall in X1; eauto. eapply Forall_forall in Y1; eauto.
+ destruct x, x0. cbn [fst snd] in *.
+ unfold max_hash_pred in *; fold max_hash_pred in *.
+ exploit unnest_predicate_in_pred2; eauto. lia; intros.
+ exploit unnest_predicate_in_pred2. eapply NEST1. lia. intros.
+ pose proof Y as YY. apply X in YY. inv YY.
+ eapply map_in_some in H4; simplify. destruct x; simplify.
+ eapply max_hash_pred_lt in Y.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list2 _ _ _ _ _ NEST2) as X22.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list _ _ _ _ _ NEST2) as Y22.
+ eapply Forall_forall in X22; eauto. eapply Forall_forall in Y22; eauto.
+ cbn [fst snd] in *.
+ cbn [max_hash_pred] in *.
+ lia. lia.
+ eapply max_hash_pred_lt in H4. lia.
+ }
+ { intros. apply in_rev in H0. destruct x; cbn [fst snd] in *.
+ unfold not; intros Y.
+ cbn [max_hash_pred] in *.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list2 _ _ _ _ _ NEST1 ltac:(lia)) as X1.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list _ _ _ _ _ NEST1) as Y1.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST1) as Z1.
+ eapply Forall_forall in X1; eauto. eapply Forall_forall in Y1; eauto.
+ cbn [max_hash_pred fst snd] in *.
+ exploit unnest_predicate_in_pred2; eauto. lia; intros. intros.
+ exploit unnest_predicate_in_pred2. eapply NEST1. lia. intros.
+ exploit unnest_predicate_lt_in_list4. eapply NEST2. eauto. intros. inv H3.
+ eapply map_in_some in H4; simplify.
+ destruct x.
+ cbn [max_hash_pred fst snd] in *.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list2 _ _ _ _ _ NEST2 ltac:(lia)) as X2.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list _ _ _ _ _ NEST2) as Y2.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST2) as Z2.
+ eapply Forall_forall in X2; eauto. eapply Forall_forall in Y2; eauto.
+ cbn [max_hash_pred fst snd] in *.
+ eapply max_hash_pred_lt in Y. lia.
+ eapply max_hash_pred_lt in H4. lia.
+ } } }
+ symmetry; rewrite eval_hash_pred_T_Pand2; rewrite rev_app_distr;
+ try solve [rewrite <- app_assoc; auto]; auto.
+ Qed.
+Lemma unnest_predicate_correct_Pimp :
+ forall p1 p2 p0 p3 l0 l p4 fresh p a,
+ unnest_predicate fresh p1 = (p, l, p0) ->
+ unnest_predicate p0 p2 = (p3, l0, p4) ->
+ eval_hash_pred p1 a = eval_pred_list (p, l) (upd_asgn (rev l) a) ->
+ eval_hash_pred p2 a = eval_pred_list (p3, l0) (upd_asgn (rev l0) a) ->
+ (forall y, (fresh <= y)%positive -> a ! y = None) ->
+ (max_hash_pred (p1 → p2) < fresh)%positive ->
+ eval_hash_pred (p1 → p2) a =
+ eval_hash_pred (Pbase p4 ∧ fold_left Pand (to_equiv (l0 ++ l)) (T ∧ equiv (Pbase p4) (p → p3)))
+ (upd_asgn (rev (l0 ++ l) ++ (p4, p → p3) :: nil) a).
+ Proof.
+ assert (eval_hash_pred (fold_left Pand (to_equiv (l0 ++ l)) (T ∧ equiv (Pbase p4) (p → p3)))
+ (upd_asgn (rev l ++ rev l0 ++ (p4, p → p3) :: nil) a) = Some true).
+ { apply eval_hash_pred_fold_Pand2 with (x := T).
+ rewrite app_assoc.
+ rewrite upd_asgn_app1; [|eapply unnest_predicate_not_in; eauto].
+ replace (rev l ++ rev l0) with (rev (l0 ++ l)) by (rewrite rev_app_distr; auto).
+ apply fold_left_Pand_rev.
+ rewrite to_equiv_rev.
+ apply eval_hash_pred_equiv_asgn; auto.
+ eapply unnest_predicate_equiv_list; eauto.
+ eapply unnest_predicate_forall_none; eauto.
+ eapply unnest_predicate_forall_gt1; eauto.
+ rewrite eval_hash_pred_T_Pand.
+ eapply eval_equiv_added_Pimp; eauto.
+ }
+ assert (eval_hash_pred (p1 → p2) a = eval_hash_pred (Pbase p4)
+ (upd_asgn ((rev l ++ rev l0) ++ (p4, p → p3) :: nil) a)).
+ { rewrite eval_hash_pred_get.
+ rewrite upd_asgn_get.
+ 2: { rewrite upd_asgn_not_in by (eapply unnest_predicate_not_in2; eauto).
+ eapply GTMAX. unfold max_hash_pred in *. fold max_hash_pred in *.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST1).
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST2). lia.
+ }
+ apply eval_hash_pred_pimp.
+ { rewrite EVAL1. unfold eval_pred_list. cbn [snd fst].
+ rewrite upd_asgn_app1.
+ { rewrite eval_hash_pred_T_Pand2; auto.
+ apply fold_left_Pand_rev. rewrite to_equiv_rev.
+ apply eval_hash_pred_equiv_asgn; auto.
+ { unfold equiv_list_wf, Sorted; split.
+ { replace pl_lt with (Basics.flip (Basics.flip (@pl_lt predicate))) by auto.
+ apply sorted_rev4. eapply unnest_predicate_sorted; eauto. }
+ { apply Forall_rev. eapply unnest_predicate_lt_in_list2; eauto.
+ cbn [max_hash_pred] in *; lia. } }
+ { exploit unnest_predicate_forall_none. apply NEST1. apply NEST2.
+ all: eauto. intros. cbn. rewrite rev_app_distr in H0.
+ apply Forall_app in H0; crush. }
+ { exploit unnest_predicate_forall_gt1. apply NEST1. apply NEST2.
+ all: eauto. intros. cbn. rewrite rev_app_distr in H0.
+ apply Forall_app in H0; crush. } }
+ { apply Forall_rev. apply Forall_forall; intros.
+ cbn [max_hash_pred] in *.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST1) as TMP.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list2 _ _ _ _ _ NEST2 ltac:(lia)).
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list _ _ _ _ _ NEST2).
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST2).
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST1).
+ eapply Forall_forall in H1; eauto. eapply Forall_forall in H2; eauto.
+ unfold not; intros. apply max_hash_pred_lt in H5. destruct x; cbn [fst snd] in *.
+ unfold max_hash_pred in *; fold max_hash_pred in *.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_in_pred2 _ _ _ _ _ NEST1).
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_in_pred2 _ _ _ _ _ NEST2).
+ lia.
+ } }
+ { rewrite EVAL2. unfold eval_pred_list. cbn [snd fst].
+ rewrite upd_asgn_app2.
+ { rewrite eval_hash_pred_T_Pand2; auto.
+ apply fold_left_Pand_rev. rewrite to_equiv_rev.
+ apply eval_hash_pred_equiv_asgn; auto.
+ { unfold equiv_list_wf, Sorted; split.
+ { replace pl_lt with (Basics.flip (Basics.flip (@pl_lt predicate))) by auto.
+ apply sorted_rev4. eapply unnest_predicate_sorted; eauto. }
+ { apply Forall_rev. eapply unnest_predicate_lt_in_list2; eauto.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST1).
+ cbn [max_hash_pred] in *; lia. } }
+ { exploit unnest_predicate_forall_none. apply NEST1. apply NEST2.
+ all: eauto. intros. cbn. rewrite rev_app_distr in H0.
+ apply Forall_app in H0; crush. }
+ { exploit unnest_predicate_forall_gt1. apply NEST1. apply NEST2.
+ all: eauto. intros. cbn. rewrite rev_app_distr in H0.
+ apply Forall_app in H0; crush. } }
+ { apply Forall_rev. apply Forall_forall; intros.
+ apply Forall_rev. apply Forall_forall; intros. split.
+ cbn [max_hash_pred] in *.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST1) as TMP.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list2 _ _ _ _ _ NEST2 ltac:(lia)) as X2.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list _ _ _ _ _ NEST2) as Y2.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list2 _ _ _ _ _ NEST1 ltac:(lia)) as X1.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list _ _ _ _ _ NEST1) as Y1.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST2) as Z2.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST1) as Z1.
+ destruct x, x0. cbn [fst snd] in *.
+ eapply Forall_forall in X2; eauto. eapply Forall_forall in Y2; eauto.
+ eapply Forall_forall in X1; eauto. eapply Forall_forall in Y1; eauto.
+ cbn [fst snd] in *. lia.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list3 _ _ _ _ _ NEST2) as X.
+ unfold not; intros Y. eapply Forall_forall in X; eauto.
+ cbn [max_hash_pred] in *.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST1) as TMP.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list2 _ _ _ _ _ NEST2 ltac:(lia)) as X2.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list _ _ _ _ _ NEST2) as Y2.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list2 _ _ _ _ _ NEST1 ltac:(lia)) as X1.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list _ _ _ _ _ NEST1) as Y1.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST2) as Z2.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST1) as Z1.
+ eapply Forall_forall in X2; eauto. eapply Forall_forall in Y2; eauto.
+ eapply Forall_forall in X1; eauto. eapply Forall_forall in Y1; eauto.
+ destruct x, x0. cbn [fst snd] in *.
+ unfold max_hash_pred in *; fold max_hash_pred in *.
+ exploit unnest_predicate_in_pred2; eauto. lia; intros.
+ exploit unnest_predicate_in_pred2. eapply NEST1. lia. intros.
+ pose proof Y as YY. apply X in YY. inv YY.
+ eapply map_in_some in H4; simplify. destruct x; simplify.
+ eapply max_hash_pred_lt in Y.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list2 _ _ _ _ _ NEST2) as X22.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list _ _ _ _ _ NEST2) as Y22.
+ eapply Forall_forall in X22; eauto. eapply Forall_forall in Y22; eauto.
+ cbn [fst snd] in *.
+ cbn [max_hash_pred] in *.
+ lia. lia.
+ eapply max_hash_pred_lt in H4. lia.
+ }
+ { intros. apply in_rev in H0. destruct x; cbn [fst snd] in *.
+ unfold not; intros Y.
+ cbn [max_hash_pred] in *.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list2 _ _ _ _ _ NEST1 ltac:(lia)) as X1.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list _ _ _ _ _ NEST1) as Y1.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST1) as Z1.
+ eapply Forall_forall in X1; eauto. eapply Forall_forall in Y1; eauto.
+ cbn [max_hash_pred fst snd] in *.
+ exploit unnest_predicate_in_pred2; eauto. lia; intros. intros.
+ exploit unnest_predicate_in_pred2. eapply NEST1. lia. intros.
+ exploit unnest_predicate_lt_in_list4. eapply NEST2. eauto. intros. inv H3.
+ eapply map_in_some in H4; simplify.
+ destruct x.
+ cbn [max_hash_pred fst snd] in *.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list2 _ _ _ _ _ NEST2 ltac:(lia)) as X2.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list _ _ _ _ _ NEST2) as Y2.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST2) as Z2.
+ eapply Forall_forall in X2; eauto. eapply Forall_forall in Y2; eauto.
+ cbn [max_hash_pred fst snd] in *.
+ eapply max_hash_pred_lt in Y. lia.
+ eapply max_hash_pred_lt in H4. lia.
+ } } }
+ symmetry; rewrite eval_hash_pred_T_Pand2; rewrite rev_app_distr;
+ try solve [rewrite <- app_assoc; auto]; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma upd_asgn_nil :
+ forall a, upd_asgn nil a = a.
+ Proof. crush. Qed.
+ #[local] Opaque eval_hash_pred.
+ #[local] Opaque upd_asgn.
+ Lemma unnest_predicate_correct :
+ forall a p fresh p' lp fresh',
+ (max_hash_pred p < fresh)%positive ->
+ unnest_predicate fresh p = (p', lp, fresh') ->
+ (forall y : positive, (fresh <= y)%positive -> a ! y = None) ->
+ eval_hash_pred p a = eval_pred_list (p', lp) (upd_asgn (rev lp) a).
+ Proof.
+ induction p; try solve [crush].
+ - unfold eval_pred_list. simplify.
+ rewrite eval_hash_pred_T_Pand3.
+ rewrite upd_asgn_nil. auto.
+ - simplify.
+ destruct (unnest_predicate fresh p1) eqn:?. destruct p.
+ destruct (unnest_predicate p0 p2) eqn:?. destruct p3.
+ unfold eval_pred_list. simplify.
+ pose proof Heqp as X1. pose proof Heqp3 as X2.
+ pose proof X2 as X3.
+ pose proof X1 as X4.
+ apply IHp1 in X1; [|lia|auto].
+ apply unnest_predicate_lt_fresh in X2.
+ apply unnest_predicate_lt_fresh in X4.
+ apply IHp2 in X3; [|lia|intros; eapply H1; lia].
+ eapply unnest_predicate_correct_Pand; eauto.
+ - simplify.
+ destruct (unnest_predicate fresh p1) eqn:?. destruct p.
+ destruct (unnest_predicate p0 p2) eqn:?. destruct p3.
+ unfold eval_pred_list. simplify.
+ pose proof Heqp as X1. pose proof Heqp3 as X2.
+ pose proof X2 as X3.
+ pose proof X1 as X4.
+ apply IHp1 in X1; [|lia|auto].
+ apply unnest_predicate_lt_fresh in X2.
+ apply unnest_predicate_lt_fresh in X4.
+ apply IHp2 in X3; [|lia|intros; eapply H1; lia].
+ eapply unnest_predicate_correct_Por; eauto.
+ - simplify.
+ destruct (unnest_predicate fresh p1) eqn:?. destruct p.
+ destruct (unnest_predicate p0 p2) eqn:?. destruct p3.
+ unfold eval_pred_list. simplify.
+ pose proof Heqp as X1. pose proof Heqp3 as X2.
+ pose proof X2 as X3.
+ pose proof X1 as X4.
+ apply IHp1 in X1; [|lia|auto].
+ apply unnest_predicate_lt_fresh in X2.
+ apply unnest_predicate_lt_fresh in X4.
+ apply IHp2 in X3; [|lia|intros; eapply H1; lia].
+ eapply unnest_predicate_correct_Pimp; eauto.
+ - simplify. repeat destruct_match; simplify.
+ unfold eval_pred_list; simplify.
+ pose proof Heqp0 as X1.
+ pose proof Heqp0 as X2.
+ apply IHp in X1; [|lia|auto].
+ apply unnest_predicate_lt_fresh in X2.
+ symmetry; rewrite eval_hash_pred_T_Pand2; [symmetry|].
+ + rewrite eval_hash_pred_get.
+ rewrite upd_asgn_get;
+ [|rewrite upd_asgn_not_in; auto;
+ eapply unnest_predicate_not_in3; eauto]; [].
+ apply eval_hash_pred_pnot. rewrite X1. unfold eval_pred_list.
+ simplify.
+ rewrite eval_hash_pred_T_Pand2; auto; [].
+ apply fold_left_Pand_rev. rewrite to_equiv_rev.
+ apply eval_hash_pred_equiv_asgn; auto.
+ * unfold equiv_list_wf; split.
+ ** unfold Sorted.
+ replace pl_lt with (Basics.flip (Basics.flip (@pl_lt predicate))) by auto.
+ apply sorted_rev4. eapply unnest_predicate_sorted; eauto.
+ ** apply Forall_rev; eapply unnest_predicate_lt_in_list2; eauto.
+ * apply Forall_rev. apply Forall_forall; intros. apply H1.
+ apply unnest_predicate_lt_in_list in Heqp0. eapply Forall_forall in Heqp0; eauto.
+ lia.
+ * apply Forall_rev. apply Forall_forall; intros. simplify.
+ apply unnest_predicate_lt_in_list in Heqp0. eapply Forall_forall in Heqp0; eauto.
+ lia.
+ + apply eval_hash_pred_fold_Pand2 with (x := T).
+ * rewrite upd_asgn_app1; [|eapply unnest_predicate_not_in4; eauto]; [].
+ apply fold_left_Pand_rev. rewrite to_equiv_rev.
+ apply eval_hash_pred_equiv_asgn; auto.
+ ** unfold equiv_list_wf; split.
+ *** unfold Sorted.
+ replace pl_lt with (Basics.flip (Basics.flip (@pl_lt predicate))) by auto.
+ apply sorted_rev4. eapply unnest_predicate_sorted; eauto.
+ *** apply Forall_rev; eapply unnest_predicate_lt_in_list2; eauto.
+ ** apply Forall_rev. apply Forall_forall; intros. apply H1.
+ apply unnest_predicate_lt_in_list in Heqp0. eapply Forall_forall in Heqp0; eauto.
+ lia.
+ ** apply Forall_rev. apply Forall_forall; intros. simplify.
+ apply unnest_predicate_lt_in_list in Heqp0. eapply Forall_forall in Heqp0; eauto.
+ lia.
+ * rewrite eval_hash_pred_T_Pand.
+ apply eval_equiv2. rewrite eval_hash_pred_get.
+ rewrite upd_asgn_get.
+ ** symmetry. rewrite upd_asgn_app1; auto.
+ constructor; [|constructor]; simpl.
+ pose proof Heqp0 as NEST1.
+ pose proof NEST1 as Y1.
+ eapply unnest_predicate_in_pred2 in Y1.
+ *** pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST1).
+ unfold not; intros. apply max_hash_pred_lt in H2.
+ cbn [max_hash_pred] in H2. lia.
+ *** unfold max_hash_pred in *; fold max_hash_pred in *.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_fresh _ _ _ _ _ NEST1). lia.
+ ** rewrite upd_asgn_not_in; auto. eapply unnest_predicate_not_in3; eauto.
+ Qed.
+#[local] Transparent eval_hash_pred.
+#[local] Transparent upd_asgn.
+Lemma interp_aux_correct :
+ forall a ba f h1 h2,
+ (forall l, h1 <> Fimp l) ->
+ is_true (form_eqb h1 h2) ->
+ interp_aux a ba f h1 = interp_aux a ba f h2.
+ unfold is_true. intros * IMP **.
+ destruct h1; unfold form_eqb in *; try destruct_match; crush; auto.
+ - apply Int63.eqb_spec in H; subst; auto.
+ - apply Int63.eqb_spec in H0; subst;
+ apply Int63.eqb_spec in H1; subst; auto.
+ - apply list_beq_spec in H. subst.
+ rewrite !Misc.afold_left_and. rewrite H. auto.
+ exact Int63.eqb_spec.
+ - apply list_beq_spec in H. subst.
+ rewrite !Misc.afold_left_or. rewrite H. auto.
+ exact Int63.eqb_spec.
+ - apply Int63.eqb_spec in H0. apply Int63.eqb_spec in H1. subst; auto.
+ - apply Int63.eqb_spec in H0. apply Int63.eqb_spec in H1. subst; auto.
+ - apply Int63.eqb_spec in H. apply Int63.eqb_spec in H1. apply Int63.eqb_spec in H2. subst; auto.
+Lemma form_eqb_symm :
+ forall f1 f2,
+ is_true (form_eqb f1 f2) ->
+ is_true (form_eqb f2 f1).
+ unfold is_true, form_eqb. intros. repeat destruct_match; try discriminate; auto;
+ repeat match goal with
+ | H: Int63.eqb _ _ = true |- _ => apply Int63.eqb_spec in H
+ | |- Int63.eqb _ _ = true => apply Int63.eqb_spec
+ | H: list_beq _ _ _ = true |- _ => apply list_beq_spec in H; [|exact Int63.eqb_spec]
+ | |- list_beq _ _ _ = true => apply list_beq_spec; [exact Int63.eqb_spec|]
+ | H: _ && _ = true |- _ => simplify
+ | |- _ && _ = true => apply andb_true_intro; split
+ end; subst; auto.
+Lemma t_interp_check_form : (* First array might be shorter, but it's ok *)
+ forall a ba f1 f2 l,
+ is_true (check_array form_eqb f1 f2) ->
+ is_true (check_local_form l f1) ->
+ forall i,
+ to_Z i < to_Z (PArray.length f1) ->
+ PArray.get (t_interp a ba f1) i = PArray.get (t_interp a ba f2) i.
+ intros * TRUE CHK.
+ pose proof (check_array_length _ _ _ _ TRUE) as BOUNDS.
+ pose proof (length_t_interp a ba f1) as Y.
+ pose proof (length_t_interp a ba f2) as Z.
+ revert Y.
+ unfold t_interp.
+ apply Misc.foldi_ind with (P :=
+ fun iter fol =>
+ PArray.length fol = PArray.length f1 ->
+ forall i,
+ to_Z i < to_Z iter ->
+ PArray.get fol i = PArray.get _ i
+ ); intros.
+ + apply Misc.leb_0.
+ + pose proof (not_int63_lt_0 i). replace (to_Z 0) with 0 in H0 by auto. lia.
+ + rewrite PArray.length_set in H2. specialize (H1 H2).
+ erewrite Misc.to_Z_add_1 in H3 by eassumption.
+ destruct (int_dec i i0); subst.
+ - rewrite PArray.get_set_same by (now rewrite H2).
+ revert H1. revert Z. unfold t_interp.
+ assert (W: to_Z i0 < to_Z (PArray.length f2)).
+ { apply Int63.ltb_spec in H0. lia. } revert W.
+ apply Misc.foldi_ind with (P :=
+ fun iter fol =>
+ to_Z i0 < to_Z iter ->
+ PArray.length fol = PArray.length f2 ->
+ (forall i, to_Z i < to_Z i0 ->
+ PArray.get a0 i = PArray.get fol i) ->
+ _ = PArray.get fol i0
+ ); intros.
+ * apply Misc.leb_0.
+ * pose proof (not_int63_lt_0 i0). replace (to_Z 0) with 0 in H1 by auto. lia.
+ * rewrite PArray.length_set in H7. erewrite Misc.to_Z_add_1 in H6 by eassumption.
+ destruct (int_dec i0 i); subst. rewrite PArray.get_set_same by (now rewrite H7).
+ rewrite lt_form_interp_form_aux with (f2 := PArray.get a1) (i := i).
+ erewrite interp_aux_correct; auto.
+ eapply check_local_form_spec; eauto.
+ apply form_eqb_symm. eapply check_array_correct; eauto.
+ apply Int63.ltb_spec in H0. auto.
+ intros. rewrite H8. rewrite PArray.get_set_other; auto.
+ unfold not; intros; subst. apply Int63.ltb_spec in H9. lia.
+ apply Int63.ltb_spec in H9; auto.
+ unfold check_local_form, is_true in *. simplify.
+ unfold check_form in *. simplify. unfold wf in *.
+ eapply Misc.aforallbi_spec in H12; eauto.
+ rewrite PArray.get_set_other by auto. eapply H5; auto.
+ assert (to_Z i <> to_Z i0) by (unfold not; intros; apply n; now apply to_Z_inj).
+ lia. intros. rewrite H8; auto. rewrite PArray.get_set_other. auto.
+ unfold not; intros. subst. lia.
+ - rewrite PArray.get_set_other by auto. eapply H1.
+ assert (to_Z i <> to_Z i0) by (unfold not; intros; apply n; now apply to_Z_inj).
+ lia.
+(* Lemma a_interp_check_form : *)
+(* forall t_i (t_func: PArray.array (tval t_i)) a ba a1 a2, *)
+(* is_true (check_array Atom.eqb a1 a2) -> *)
+(* is_true (check_array Bool.eqb (Atom.t_interp t_i t_func a1) (Atom.t_interp t_i t_func a2)). *)
+(* Misc.foldi_ind2: *)
+(* forall (A B : Type) (P : Int63.int -> A -> B -> Prop) (f1 : Int63.int -> A -> A) *)
+(* (f2 : Int63.int -> B -> B) (from to : Int63.int) (a1 : A) (a2 : B), *)
+(* Int63.leb from to = true -> *)
+(* P from a1 a2 -> *)
+(* (forall (i : Int63.int) (a3 : A) (a4 : B), *)
+(* Int63.leb from i = true -> Int63.ltb i to = true -> P i a3 a4 -> P (Int63.add i 1) (f1 i a3) (f2 i a4)) -> *)
+(* P to (Misc.foldi f1 from to a1) (Misc.foldi f2 from to a2) *)
+Definition ind_S A a_init j (to: Int63.int) (fold1: PArray.array A) :=
+ PArray.get fold1 j = PArray.get a_init j.
+Lemma ind_S_nochange :
+ forall a2 j from to a_init,
+ Int63.to_Z j < Int63.to_Z from <= Int63.to_Z to ->
+ ind_S _ a_init j to (Misc.foldi
+ (fun (i : Int63.int) (t_a : PArray.array (bval t_i)) =>
+ PArray.set t_a i (Atom.interp_aux t_i t_func (PArray.get t_a) (PArray.get a2 i))) from to a_init).
+ intros. apply Misc.foldi_ind. apply Int63.leb_spec. lia. now unfold ind_S.
+ intros. unfold ind_S. rewrite PArray.get_set_other.
+ unfold ind_S in H2. auto. apply Int63.leb_spec in H0.
+ unfold not. intros. assert (Int63.to_Z i = Int63.to_Z j) by (now subst).
+ lia.
+Lemma foldi_array_get_constant :
+ forall a2 j from to a_init,
+ Int63.to_Z j < Int63.to_Z from <= Int63.to_Z to ->
+ PArray.get (Misc.foldi
+ (fun (i : Int63.int) (t_a : PArray.array (bval t_i)) =>
+ PArray.set t_a i (Atom.interp_aux t_i t_func (PArray.get t_a) (PArray.get a2 i))) from to a_init) j = PArray.get a_init j.
+Proof. apply ind_S_nochange; auto. Qed.
+Definition interp_ind_S t_i j (to: Int63.int) (fold1: PArray.array (bval t_i)) fold2 :=
+ PArray.get fold1 j = PArray.get fold2 j.
+(* (Misc.foldi *)
+(* (fun (i : Int63.int) (t_a : PArray.array (bval t_i)) => *)
+(* PArray.set t_a i (Atom.interp_aux t_i t_func (PArray.get t_a) (PArray.get a2 i))) (Int63.of_Z 0) *)
+(* (PArray.length a2) (PArray.make (PArray.length a2) (interp_cop t_i CO_xH))) *)
+Lemma get_t_interp :
+ forall a1 a2 j,
+ is_true (Atom.wf a1) ->
+ is_true (check_array Atom.eqb a1 a2) ->
+ Int63.to_Z j < Int63.to_Z (PArray.length a1) ->
+ PArray.get (Atom.t_interp t_i t_func a1) j =
+ PArray.get (Atom.t_interp t_i t_func a2) j.
+ intros * WF CHECK BOUNDS. unfold Atom.t_interp.
+ pose proof (check_array_length _ _ _ _ CHECK) as ABOUNDS.
+ pose proof (check_array_correct _ _ _ _ CHECK).
+ generalize dependent j.
+ assert (TMP: forall (A: Prop),
+ A /\ ((Int63.to_Z (PArray.length (Misc.foldi
+ (fun (i : Int63.int) (t_a : PArray.array (bval t_i)) =>
+ PArray.set t_a i (Atom.interp_aux t_i t_func (PArray.get t_a) (PArray.get a1 i))) (Int63.of_Z 0)
+ (PArray.length a1) (PArray.make (PArray.length a1) (interp_cop t_i CO_xH)))))
+ = Int63.to_Z (PArray.length a1)) -> A) by tauto. apply TMP. clear TMP.
+ apply Misc.foldi_ind with
+ (P := fun iter fol =>
+ (forall j,
+ Int63.to_Z j < Int63.to_Z iter ->
+ PArray.get fol j =
+ PArray.get
+ (Misc.foldi
+ (fun (i : Int63.int) (t_a : PArray.array (bval t_i)) =>
+ PArray.set t_a i (Atom.interp_aux t_i t_func (PArray.get t_a) (PArray.get a2 i)))
+ (Int63.of_Z 0)
+ (PArray.length a2) (PArray.make (PArray.length a2) (interp_cop t_i CO_xH))) j) /\
+ Int63.to_Z (PArray.length fol) = Int63.to_Z (PArray.length a1)
+ ).
+ apply Int63.leb_spec; simpl.
+ pose proof (not_int63_lt_0 (PArray.length a1)).
+ rewrite Int63.to_Z_0. auto.
+ split.
+ intros j BOUNDS0. pose proof (not_int63_lt_0 j). simpl in BOUNDS0. rewrite Int63.to_Z_0 in BOUNDS0. lia.
+ auto.
+ intros i a ILEB ILTB [HIND ARRLEN]; split.
+ intros j BOUNDS1.
+ erewrite Misc.to_Z_add_1 in BOUNDS1 by eassumption.
+ apply Int63.ltb_spec in ILTB.
+ apply Int63.leb_spec in ILEB.
+ assert (X: Int63.to_Z j < Int63.to_Z i \/ Int63.to_Z j = Int63.to_Z i) by lia.
+ inversion X as [X1|X1]. rewrite PArray.get_set_other.
+ rewrite HIND; auto; try lia.
+ unfold not; intro EQ. assert (Int63.to_Z j = Int63.to_Z i) by (now subst). lia.
+ assert (j = i) by (now apply Int63.to_Z_inj). subst.
+ rewrite PArray.get_set_same. 2: { apply Int63.ltb_spec. lia. }
+ generalize dependent HIND.
+ assert (X2: Int63.to_Z i < Int63.to_Z (PArray.length a2)) by lia.
+ generalize X2.
+ assert (TMP: forall (A: Prop),
+ A /\ ((Int63.to_Z (PArray.length (Misc.foldi
+ (fun (i0 : Int63.int) (t_a : PArray.array (bval t_i)) =>
+ PArray.set t_a i0 (Atom.interp_aux t_i t_func (PArray.get t_a) (PArray.get a2 i0)))
+ (Int63.of_Z 0) (PArray.length a2) (PArray.make (PArray.length a2) (interp_cop t_i CO_xH)))))
+ = Int63.to_Z (PArray.length a2)) -> A) by tauto. apply TMP. clear TMP.
+ apply Misc.foldi_ind with
+ (P := fun iter fol =>
+ (Int63.to_Z i < Int63.to_Z iter ->
+ (forall j : Int63.int,
+ Int63.to_Z j < Int63.to_Z i ->
+ PArray.get a j = PArray.get fol j) ->
+ Atom.interp_aux t_i t_func (PArray.get a) (PArray.get a1 i) = PArray.get fol i)
+ /\ Int63.to_Z (PArray.length fol) = Int63.to_Z (PArray.length a2)
+ ).
+ apply Int63.leb_spec. lia.
+ split. intros BOUNDS2.
+ pose proof (not_int63_lt_0 i). lia. auto.
+ intros i0 a0 ILEB1 ILTB1 HIND2. split.
+ intros BOUNDS3 HHIND.
+ erewrite Misc.to_Z_add_1 in BOUNDS3 by eassumption.
+ assert (A: Int63.to_Z i < Int63.to_Z i0 \/ Int63.to_Z i = Int63.to_Z i0) by lia.
+ inversion A as [A1|A1]; clear A; subst.
+ rewrite PArray.get_set_other. eapply HIND2. lia.
+ intros j BOUNDS4. rewrite HHIND. rewrite PArray.get_set_other; auto.
+ unfold not; intros EQ. assert (U: Int63.to_Z j = Int63.to_Z i0) by (now subst). lia. lia.
+ unfold not; intros EQ. assert (U: Int63.to_Z i = Int63.to_Z i0) by (now subst). lia.
+ assert (U: i = i0) by (now apply Int63.to_Z_inj). subst.
+ rewrite PArray.get_set_same by (apply Int63.ltb_spec; lia).
+ assert (EQ: PArray.get a2 i0 = PArray.get a1 i0).
+ { apply Atom.eqb_spec. apply check_array_correct; auto. }
+ rewrite EQ in *.
+ apply lt_interp_aux with (i := i0). intros j ILTB2.
+ rewrite HHIND. apply Int63.ltb_spec in ILTB2. rewrite PArray.get_set_other.
+ auto. unfold not; intros EQ1. assert (U: Int63.to_Z i0 = Int63.to_Z j) by (now subst). lia.
+ apply Int63.ltb_spec in ILTB2.
+ auto.
+ unfold Atom.wf in WF. eapply Misc.aforallbi_spec in WF. eassumption.
+ apply Int63.ltb_spec. lia.
+ rewrite PArray.length_set. lia.
+ rewrite PArray.length_set. lia.
+Lemma interp_form_hatom_preserved :
+ forall a1 a2 x,
+ is_true (Atom.wf a1) ->
+ is_true (check_array Atom.eqb a1 a2) ->
+ Int63.to_Z x < Int63.to_Z (PArray.length a1) ->
+ interp_form_hatom t_i t_func a1 x = interp_form_hatom t_i t_func a2 x.
+ unfold interp_form_hatom. unfold interp_hatom. intros.
+ erewrite get_t_interp; auto.
+(* Definition F f2 := *)
+(* (fun i fol => *)
+(* (forall x, 0 <= Int63.to_Z x < Int63.to_Z i -> *)
+(* PArray.get fol x *)
+(* = PArray.get *)
+(* (Misc.foldi *)
+(* (fun (i : Int63.int) (t_b : PArray.array bool) => *)
+(* PArray.set t_b i *)
+(* (interp_aux (interp_form_hatom t_i t_func a1) *)
+(* (interp_form_hatom_bv t_i t_func a1) *)
+(* (PArray.get t_b) (PArray.get f2 i))) *)
+(* (Int63.of_Z 0) (PArray.length f2) *)
+(* (PArray.make (PArray.length f2) true)) x)). *)
+Definition form_atom f P :=
+ forall i a, PArray.get f i = Fatom a -> P a.
+Definition single_form_atom f P :=
+ forall a, f = Fatom a -> P a.
+Lemma lt_form_interp_single_form_atom :
+ forall a1 a2 b f h,
+ single_form_atom h (fun j => a1 j = a2 j) ->
+ interp_aux a1 b f h = interp_aux a2 b f h.
+ destruct h;simpl;intros; trivial. auto.
+Lemma lt_form_interp_not_bv :
+ forall b1 b2 a f h,
+ is_true (single_form_not_bv h) ->
+ interp_aux a b1 f h = interp_aux a b2 f h.
+ destruct h;simpl;intros; trivial. discriminate.
+Lemma check_single_form_not_bv :
+ forall f1 l x,
+ is_true (check_local_form l f1) ->
+ to_Z x < to_Z (PArray.length f1) ->
+ is_true (single_form_not_bv (PArray.get f1 x)).
+ unfold check_local_form, is_true; simplify.
+ eapply Misc.aforallbi_spec in H2; [|apply Int63.ltb_spec; eassumption].
+ crush.
+Lemma is_true_lt_form :
+ forall a b f1 x,
+ to_Z a < to_Z b ->
+ is_true (lt_form a (PArray.get f1 x)) ->
+ is_true (lt_form b (PArray.get f1 x)).
+ unfold is_true, lt_form; intros. destruct_match; auto.
+ - apply Int63.ltb_spec in H0. apply Int63.ltb_spec. lia.
+ - apply Misc.aforallbi_spec; intros. eapply Misc.aforallbi_spec in H0; eauto.
+ apply Int63.ltb_spec in H0. apply Int63.ltb_spec. lia.
+ - apply Misc.aforallbi_spec; intros. eapply Misc.aforallbi_spec in H0; eauto.
+ apply Int63.ltb_spec in H0. apply Int63.ltb_spec. lia.
+ - apply Misc.aforallbi_spec; intros. eapply Misc.aforallbi_spec in H0; eauto.
+ apply Int63.ltb_spec in H0. apply Int63.ltb_spec. lia.
+ - simplify. apply Int63.ltb_spec in H1. apply Int63.ltb_spec in H2.
+ apply andb_true_intro. split; apply Int63.ltb_spec; lia.
+ - simplify. apply Int63.ltb_spec in H1. apply Int63.ltb_spec in H2.
+ apply andb_true_intro. split; apply Int63.ltb_spec; lia.
+ - simplify. apply Int63.ltb_spec in H2. apply Int63.ltb_spec in H3.
+ apply Int63.ltb_spec in H0.
+ apply andb_true_intro; split; [apply andb_true_intro;split|];
+ apply Int63.ltb_spec; lia.
+ - apply forallb_forall; intros. eapply forallb_forall in H0; try eassumption.
+ apply Int63.ltb_spec in H0. apply Int63.ltb_spec. lia.
+Lemma get_t_interp_form :
+ forall a1 a2 f1,
+ is_true (check_array Atom.eqb a1 a2) ->
+ is_true (check_local_form (PArray.length a1) f1) ->
+ is_true (Atom.wf a1) ->
+ forall x,
+ Int63.to_Z x < Int63.to_Z (PArray.length f1) ->
+ (PArray.get (t_interp (interp_form_hatom t_i t_func a2) (interp_form_hatom_bv t_i t_func a2) f1) x
+ = PArray.get (t_interp (interp_form_hatom t_i t_func a1) (interp_form_hatom_bv t_i t_func a1) f1) x).
+ intros * TRUE LOCAL WFA.
+ pose proof (length_t_interp (interp_form_hatom t_i t_func a1)
+ (interp_form_hatom_bv t_i t_func a1) f1) as Y1.
+ pose proof (length_t_interp (interp_form_hatom t_i t_func a2)
+ (interp_form_hatom_bv t_i t_func a2) f1) as Y2.
+ revert Y1. revert Y2.
+ unfold t_interp.
+ apply Misc.foldi_ind2 with (P :=
+ fun i a b =>
+ PArray.length a = PArray.length f1 ->
+ PArray.length b = PArray.length f1 ->
+ forall x,
+ to_Z x < to_Z (PArray.length f1) ->
+ PArray.get a x = PArray.get b x
+ ).
+ - apply Misc.leb_0.
+ - intros. now rewrite PArray.get_make.
+ - intros. rewrite PArray.length_set in H2. rewrite PArray.length_set in H3.
+ specialize (H1 H2 H3).
+ destruct (int_dec i x); subst.
+ + symmetry. rewrite !PArray.get_set_same
+ by (try rewrite H3 in *; try rewrite H2 in *; apply Int63.ltb_spec; lia); auto.
+ erewrite lt_form_interp_not_bv; [|eapply check_single_form_not_bv; eauto].
+ erewrite lt_form_interp_single_form_atom.
+ 2: { unfold single_form_atom; intros.
+ rewrite interp_form_hatom_preserved with (a2 := a2). eauto.
+ auto. auto. apply check_local_form_spec in LOCAL; simplify.
+ eapply Int63.ltb_spec. eapply H7; eauto. }
+ erewrite lt_form_interp_form_aux. eauto. intros. symmetry. eapply H1; eauto.
+ apply Int63.ltb_spec in H5. eauto.
+ unfold is_true in LOCAL. unfold check_local_form in LOCAL. simplify. unfold check_form in H5.
+ simplify. unfold wf in H8. eapply Misc.aforallbi_spec in H8; eauto.
+ eapply is_true_lt_form; eauto.
+ + rewrite !PArray.get_set_other by auto; auto.
+Lemma valid_same_corr :
+ forall r a1 a2 f1 f2,
+ ~ is_true (Euf_Checker.valid t_func a2 f2 r) ->
+ is_true (check_array Atom.eqb a1 a2) ->
+ is_true (check_array form_eqb f1 f2) ->
+ is_true (check_local_form (PArray.length a1) f1) ->
+ is_true (Atom.wf a1) ->
+ Forall (fun x => Int63.to_Z (State.Lit.blit x) < Int63.to_Z (PArray.length f1))
+ (Misc.to_list r) ->
+ ~ is_true (Euf_Checker.valid t_func a1 f1 r).
+ unfold is_true. intros * VAL CHKA CHKF LOCAL WFA LT.
+ unfold not in *. intros * VAL2; apply VAL.
+ unfold Euf_Checker.valid in *. rewrite Misc.afold_left_and in *.
+ rewrite forallb_forall in *; intros x IN.
+ pose proof IN as VAL3.
+ apply VAL2 in VAL3.
+ rewrite Forall_forall in LT.
+ pose proof IN as VAL4.
+ apply LT in VAL4.
+ unfold interp_state_var.
+ unfold State.Lit.interp.
+ unfold State.Var.interp.
+ pose proof CHKF as INTERP.
+ eapply t_interp_check_form in INTERP; eauto.
+ rewrite <- INTERP.
+ now rewrite get_t_interp_form with (a1 := a1).
+Lemma restrict_a :
+ forall p a a',
+ (forall y, (y <= max_hash_pred p)%positive -> a ! y = a' ! y) ->
+ eval_hash_pred p a = eval_hash_pred p a'.
+ induction p; crush.
+ - now rewrite H by lia.
+ - erewrite IHp1. erewrite IHp2. eauto.
+ intros. eapply H. lia.
+ intros. eapply H. lia.
+ - erewrite IHp1. erewrite IHp2. eauto.
+ intros. eapply H. lia.
+ intros. eapply H. lia.
+ - erewrite IHp1. erewrite IHp2. eauto.
+ intros. eapply H. lia.
+ intros. eapply H. lia.
+ - erewrite IHp. eauto.
+ intros. eapply H. lia.
+Definition nuke_asgn p (a: PTree.t bool) :=
+ PTree.fold (fun b i a =>
+ if (i <=? max_hash_pred p)%positive then PTree.set i a b else b
+ ) a (PTree.empty bool).
+Lemma eval_hash_pred_ext:
+ forall m m': PTree.t bool,
+ (forall x : PTree.elt, m ! x = m' ! x) ->
+ forall p,
+ eval_hash_pred p m = eval_hash_pred p m'.
+ intros. eapply restrict_a; eauto.
+Lemma nuke_asgn_spec :
+ forall p a,
+ exists a',
+ eval_hash_pred p a = eval_hash_pred p a'
+ /\ (forall y, (max_hash_pred p < y)%positive -> a' ! y = None).
+ intros. exists (nuke_asgn p a).
+ revert p. revert a.
+ split.
+ - eapply restrict_a; eauto.
+ intros. unfold nuke_asgn.
+ eapply PTree_Properties.fold_rec; eauto.
+ + intros. rewrite <- H0; auto.
+ + intros.
+ case_eq ((k <=? max_hash_pred p)%positive); intros.
+ * destruct (peq k y).
+ -- subst. rewrite ! PTree.gss; auto.
+ -- rewrite ! PTree.gso; auto.
+ * rewrite POrderedType.Positive_as_DT.leb_gt in H3.
+ assert (k <> y) by lia.
+ rewrite PTree.gso; auto.
+ - unfold nuke_asgn.
+ eapply PTree_Properties.fold_rec; eauto; intros.
+ + unfold PTree.empty. rewrite PTree.gleaf; auto.
+ + destruct_match.
+ * rewrite POrderedType.Positive_as_DT.leb_le in Heqb.
+ assert (k <> y) by lia.
+ rewrite PTree.gso; auto.
+ * eapply H1; eauto.
+Lemma nuke_1 :
+ forall p a x,
+ ~ pred_In x p ->
+ eval_hash_pred p a = eval_hash_pred p (PTree.remove x a).
+ induction p; crush.
+ - assert (a <> x) by (unfold not; intros; subst; apply H; constructor).
+ rewrite PTree.gro; auto.
+ - assert (~ pred_In x p1) by (unfold not; intros; apply H; apply pred_In_Pand1; auto).
+ assert (~ pred_In x p2) by (unfold not; intros; apply H; apply pred_In_Pand2; auto).
+ erewrite IHp1; [|eassumption]; erewrite IHp2; eauto.
+ - assert (~ pred_In x p1) by (unfold not; intros; apply H; apply pred_In_Por1; auto).
+ assert (~ pred_In x p2) by (unfold not; intros; apply H; apply pred_In_Por2; auto).
+ erewrite IHp1; [|eassumption]; erewrite IHp2; eauto.
+ - assert (~ pred_In x p1) by (unfold not; intros; apply H; apply pred_In_Pimp1; auto).
+ assert (~ pred_In x p2) by (unfold not; intros; apply H; apply pred_In_Pimp2; auto).
+ erewrite IHp1; [|eassumption]; erewrite IHp2; eauto.
+ - assert (~ pred_In x p) by (unfold not; intros; apply H; constructor; auto).
+ erewrite IHp; eauto.
+Lemma check_atom_to_smt :
+ forall a p d forms atoms,
+ to_smt a p = Some (d, forms, atoms) ->
+ is_true (check_atom atoms).
+ intros. unfold to_smt in *. repeat (destruct_match; try discriminate; []).
+ crush.
+Lemma check_wt_extra_spec :
+ forall a,
+ is_true (check_atom a) ->
+ is_true (check_wt_extra a) ->
+ (forall i x l, PArray.get a i <> Anop x l)
+ /\ (forall i n l, PArray.get a i = Aapp n l -> l = nil).
+ unfold check_wt_extra, is_true; intros.
+ split; intros.
+ - unfold not; intros. exploit PArray.get_not_default_lt. rewrite H1.
+ unfold check_atom in H. destruct (PArray.default a); try discriminate.
+ intros. eapply Misc.aforallbi_spec in H0; eauto.
+ rewrite H1 in H0. discriminate.
+ - unfold not; intros. exploit PArray.get_not_default_lt. rewrite H1.
+ unfold check_atom in H. destruct (PArray.default a); try discriminate.
+ intros. eapply Misc.aforallbi_spec in H0; eauto.
+ rewrite H1 in H0. destruct_match; crush.
+Lemma pred_in_correct :
+ forall p c,
+ pred_in c p = true ->
+ pred_In c p.
+ induction p; crush; subst.
+ - constructor.
+ - apply orb_prop in H. inv H; auto using pred_In_Pand1, pred_In_Pand2.
+ - apply orb_prop in H. inv H; auto using pred_In_Por1, pred_In_Por2.
+ - apply orb_prop in H. inv H; auto using pred_In_Pimp1, pred_In_Pimp2.
+ - constructor; auto.
+Lemma pred_in_complete :
+ forall p c,
+ pred_In c p ->
+ pred_in c p = true.
+ induction p; crush; subst; try solve [inv H].
+ - inv H. apply Pos.eqb_refl.
+ - apply orb_true_intro. inv H; intuition.
+ - apply orb_true_intro. inv H; intuition.
+ - apply orb_true_intro. inv H; intuition.
+ - inv H. auto.
+Lemma max_key_upd_asgn :
+ forall l a x,
+ Forall (fun y => Z.pos y < x) (map fst l) ->
+ (Z.pos (max_key a) < x) ->
+ (Z.pos (max_key (upd_asgn l a)) < x).
+ induction l; crush.
+ inv H. destruct_match. eapply IHl; auto.
+ - assert (exists y, (PTree.set (fst a) b a0) ! (max_key (PTree.set (fst a) b a0)) = Some y).
+ { apply max_key_in.
+ destruct (PTree.bempty (PTree.set (fst a) b a0)) eqn:?; auto.
+ exfalso. apply PTree.bempty_correct with (x := (fst a)) in Heqb0. rewrite PTree.gss in Heqb0. discriminate.
+ }
+ simplify. destruct (peq (max_key (PTree.set (fst a) b a0)) (fst a)).
+ + lia.
+ + rewrite PTree.gso in H1; auto.
+ assert (forall x y, ~ y <= x -> x < y) by lia.
+ apply H; unfold not; intros.
+ assert (Z.pos (max_key a0) < Z.pos (max_key (PTree.set (fst a) b a0))) by lia.
+ pose proof (max_not_present _ (max_key (PTree.set (fst a) b a0)) a0).
+ rewrite H6 in H1 by lia. discriminate.
+ - eapply IHl; eauto.
+Theorem valid_check_smt :
+ forall p a,
+ check_smt p = true -> eval_hash_pred p a = Some true.
+ intros * CHK. unfold check_smt in CHK. repeat (destruct_match; try discriminate; []).
+ apply andb_prop in CHK; inversion CHK as [CHK1 H0]; clear CHK.
+ apply andb_prop in CHK1; inversion CHK1 as [CHK6 CHKROOT]; clear CHK1.
+ apply andb_prop in CHK6; inversion CHK6 as [CHK2 CHK_EXTRA]; clear CHK6.
+ apply andb_prop in CHK2; inversion CHK2 as [CHK3 H2]; clear CHK2.
+ apply andb_prop in CHK3; inversion CHK3 as [CHK4 H3]; clear CHK3.
+ apply andb_prop in CHK4; inversion CHK4 as [CHK5 H4]; clear CHK4.
+ apply andb_prop in CHK5; inversion CHK5 as [H H5]; clear CHK5.
+ apply andb_prop in CHKROOT; inversion CHKROOT as [CHKROOT2 P1LT]; clear CHKROOT.
+ apply andb_prop in CHKROOT2; inversion CHKROOT2 as [CHKROOT3 NOTPREDIN]; clear CHKROOT2.
+ simplify. destruct p0.
+ exploit nuke_asgn_spec. intros. inv H1. inv H6. rewrite H1.
+ assert (NOTPRED: ~ pred_In 1%positive p).
+ { unfold not; intros HH. apply pred_in_complete in HH. rewrite HH in NOTPREDIN. discriminate. }
+ erewrite nuke_1; eauto.
+ assert (ALLEQ: forall y, (max_hash_pred p < y)%positive -> (PTree.remove 1 x) ! y = None).
+ { intros. destruct (peq 1 y); subst. rewrite PTree.grs. auto. rewrite PTree.gro; auto. }
+ erewrite unnest_predicate_correct; try eassumption; try lia; [|intros; eapply ALLEQ; lia].
+ pose proof (exists_asgn (upd_asgn (rev l) (PTree.remove 1 x))) as X.
+ assert (ASSUMP1: Z.pos (max_key (upd_asgn (rev l) (PTree.remove 1 x))) - 2 < wB - 1).
+ { assert (forall l a x,
+ Forall (fun y => Z.pos y < x) (map fst l) ->
+ (Z.pos (max_key a) < x) ->
+ (Z.pos (max_key (upd_asgn l a)) < x)).
+ { apply max_key_upd_asgn; auto. }
+ assert (Z.pos (max_key (upd_asgn (rev l) (PTree.remove 1 x))) < wB).
+ { assert (GTWB: Z.pos p1 < wB) by assumption. eapply H6. apply Forall_forall; intros.
+ apply map_in_some in H8. inv H8.
+ inv H9. destruct x1 in *. apply in_rev in H8.
+ apply unnest_predicate_lt_in_list in Heqp0. eapply Forall_forall in Heqp0; eauto.
+ cbn [fst snd] in *. lia.
+ assert ((max_key (PTree.remove 1 x) <= max_hash_pred p)%positive).
+ { assert (~ (max_hash_pred p < max_key (PTree.remove 1 x))%positive -> (max_key (PTree.remove 1 x) <= max_hash_pred p)%positive) by lia.
+ apply H8. unfold not; intros. pose proof H9. apply ALLEQ in H9.
+ destruct (PTree.bempty (PTree.remove 1 x)) eqn:?.
+ - rewrite max_key_empty in * by auto. lia.
+ - exploit max_key_in; try eassumption. intros. inv H11. rewrite H12 in H9. discriminate.
+ }
+ assert (max_hash_pred p < p1)%positive.
+ { eapply unnest_predicate_lt_fresh in Heqp0. lia. }
+ lia.
+ }
+ lia.
+ }
+ assert (ASSUMP2: (forall (k : positive) (x0 : bool),
+ (upd_asgn (rev l) (PTree.remove 1 x)) ! k = Some x0 -> 0 <= Z.pos k - 2 < wB)).
+ { intros. pose proof H6 as XXX. apply max_key_correct in H6.
+ destruct (in_dec peq k (map fst l)).
+ { apply map_in_some in i. inv i. inv H8. destruct x1; cbn [fst] in *.
+ apply unnest_predicate_lt_in_list in Heqp0. eapply Forall_forall in Heqp0; eauto.
+ cbn [fst] in *. lia.
+ }
+ { assert (~ In k (map fst (rev l))).
+ { unfold not; intros; apply n. rewrite map_rev in H8. apply in_rev in H8. auto. }
+ rewrite upd_asgn_not_in in XXX by auto.
+ assert (k = 1%positive \/ (1 < k)%positive) by lia. inv H9. rewrite PTree.grs in XXX. discriminate.
+ lia.
+ }
+ }
+ assert (X2 := X). clear X.
+ pose proof (X2 ASSUMP1 ASSUMP2) as X.
+ inversion X as [res ASGN]; clear X.
+ assert (ASSUMP3: forall (i : Int63.int) (x0 : nop) (l0 : list Int63.int),
+ PArray.get a5 i <> Anop x0 l0) by (eapply check_wt_extra_spec; eauto).
+ assert (ASSUMP4: forall (i n : Int63.int) (l0 : list Int63.int),
+ PArray.get a5 i = Aapp n l0 -> l0 = nil) by (eapply check_wt_extra_spec; eauto).
+ eapply wt_correct in H2; try eassumption.
+ pose proof (Checker_Ext.checker_ext_correct _ _ _ _ _ H0) as X.
+ assert (XX: is_true (Atom.wf a0)) by
+ (apply check_atom_to_smt in Heqo; unfold check_atom in *;
+ destruct (PArray.default a0); try discriminate;
+ destruct c0; crush).
+ eapply valid_same_corr in X; try eassumption.
+ eapply valid_to_smt; try eassumption.
+ simpl. eapply fold_left_Pand_rev.
+ rewrite to_equiv_rev. eapply eval_hash_pred_equiv_asgn; auto.
+ unfold equiv_list_wf, Sorted; split.
+ replace pl_lt with (Basics.flip (Basics.flip (@pl_lt predicate))) by auto.
+ eapply sorted_rev4. eapply unnest_predicate_sorted; eauto.
+ apply Forall_rev; eapply unnest_predicate_lt_in_list2; eauto; lia.
+ apply Forall_rev; apply Forall_forall; intros. eapply ALLEQ.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list _ _ _ _ _ Heqp0) as Y. eapply Forall_forall in Y; eauto. lia.
+ apply Forall_rev; apply Forall_forall; intros. simpl.
+ pose proof (unnest_predicate_lt_in_list _ _ _ _ _ Heqp0) as Y. eapply Forall_forall in Y; eauto. lia.
+ apply Forall_forall; intros. unfold check_root_index in CHKROOT3.
+ eapply forallb_forall in CHKROOT3; eauto.
+ lia.
+Lemma mutate_eval_correct :
+ forall p a,
+ eval_hash_pred (mutate1_p p) a = eval_hash_pred p a.
+ unfold mutate1_p; intros.
+ repeat (destruct_match; crush).
+Theorem valid_check_smt_total :
+ forall p a,
+ check_smt_total p = true -> eval_hash_pred p a = Some true.
+ unfold check_smt_total; intros.
+ destruct_match; auto using valid_check_smt.
+ rewrite <- mutate_eval_correct.
+ destruct_match; auto using valid_check_smt.
+ discriminate.