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authorSylvain Boulmé <sylvain.boulme@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2019-02-22 13:05:51 +0100
committerSylvain Boulmé <sylvain.boulme@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2019-02-22 13:05:51 +0100
commita86b505f9c392a558315df2d7acd08e914795f38 (patch)
parent721a9fa45aa53ed00b201c6f2b3a16713205a2cd (diff)
squelette de preuve pour Machblockgenproof.v
3 files changed, 228 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/mppa_k1c/Machblockgen.v b/mppa_k1c/Machblockgen.v
index a0786ac1..18abb927 100644
--- a/mppa_k1c/Machblockgen.v
+++ b/mppa_k1c/Machblockgen.v
@@ -38,11 +38,23 @@ Definition trans_inst (i:Mach.instruction) : Machblock_inst :=
| Mlabel l => MB_label l
+Definition empty_bblock:={| header := nil; body := nil; exit := None |}.
+Extraction Inline empty_bblock.
+Definition add_label l bb:={| header := l::(header bb); body := (body bb); exit := (exit bb) |}.
+Extraction Inline add_label.
+Definition add_basic bi bb :={| header := nil; body := bi::(body bb); exit := (exit bb) |}.
+Extraction Inline add_basic.
+Definition cfi_bblock cfi:={| header := nil; body := nil; exit := Some cfi |}.
+Extraction Inline cfi_bblock.
Definition add_to_new_bblock (i:Machblock_inst) : bblock :=
match i with
- | MB_label l => {| header := l::nil; body := nil; exit := None |}
- | MB_basic i => {| header := nil; body := i::nil; exit := None |}
- | MB_cfi i => {| header := nil; body := nil; exit := Some i |}
+ | MB_label l => add_label l empty_bblock
+ | MB_basic i => add_basic i empty_bblock
+ | MB_cfi i => cfi_bblock i
(* ajout d'une instruction en début d'une liste de blocks *)
@@ -53,15 +65,15 @@ Definition add_to_new_bblock (i:Machblock_inst) : bblock :=
(* label -> /1\ (dans header)*)
Definition add_to_code (i:Machblock_inst) (bl:code) : code :=
match bl with
- | h::bl0 => match i with
- | MB_label l => {| header := l::(header h); body := (body h); exit := (exit h) |}::bl0
- | MB_cfi i0 => add_to_new_bblock(i)::bl
- | MB_basic i0 => match (header h) with
- |_::_ => (add_to_new_bblock i)::bl
- | nil => {| header := (header h); body := i0::(body h); exit := (exit h) |}::bl0
+ | bh::bl0 => match i with
+ | MB_label l => add_label l bh::bl0
+ | MB_cfi i0 => cfi_bblock i0::bl
+ | MB_basic i0 => match header bh with
+ |_::_ => add_basic i0 empty_bblock::bl
+ | nil => add_basic i0 bh::bl0
- | _ => (add_to_new_bblock i)::nil
+ | _ => add_to_new_bblock i::nil
Fixpoint trans_code_rev (c: Mach.code) (bl:code) : code :=
@@ -74,6 +86,7 @@ Fixpoint trans_code_rev (c: Mach.code) (bl:code) : code :=
Function trans_code (c: Mach.code) : code :=
trans_code_rev (List.rev_append c nil) nil.
(* à finir pour passer des Mach.function au function, etc. *)
Definition transf_function (f: Mach.function) : function :=
{| fn_sig:=Mach.fn_sig f;
@@ -88,3 +101,88 @@ Definition transf_fundef (f: Mach.fundef) : fundef :=
Definition transf_program (src: Mach.program) : program :=
transform_program transf_fundef src.
+(** Abstraction de trans_code *)
+Inductive is_end_block: Machblock_inst -> code -> Prop :=
+ | End_empty mbi: is_end_block mbi nil
+ | End_basic bi bh bl: header bh <> nil -> is_end_block (MB_basic bi) (bh::bl)
+ | End_cfi cfi bl: bl <> nil -> is_end_block (MB_cfi cfi) bl.
+Local Hint Resolve End_empty End_basic End_cfi.
+Inductive is_trans_code: Mach.code -> code -> Prop :=
+ | Tr_nil: is_trans_code nil nil
+ | Tr_end_block i c bl:
+ is_trans_code c bl ->
+ is_end_block (trans_inst i) bl ->
+ is_trans_code (i::c) (add_to_new_bblock (trans_inst i)::bl)
+ | Tr_add_label i l bh c bl:
+ is_trans_code c (bh::bl) ->
+ i = Mlabel l ->
+ is_trans_code (i::c) (add_label l bh::bl)
+ | Tr_add_basic i bi bh c bl:
+ is_trans_code c (bh::bl) ->
+ trans_inst i = MB_basic bi ->
+ header bh = nil ->
+ is_trans_code (i::c) (add_basic bi bh::bl).
+Local Hint Resolve Tr_nil Tr_end_block.
+Lemma add_to_code_is_trans_code i c bl:
+ is_trans_code c bl ->
+ is_trans_code (i::c) (add_to_code (trans_inst i) bl).
+ destruct bl as [|bh0 bl]; simpl.
+ - intro H; inversion H; subst; eauto.
+ - remember (trans_inst i) as ti.
+ destruct ti as [l|bi|cfi].
+ + intros; eapply Tr_add_label; eauto. destruct i; simpl in * |- *; congruence.
+ +
+Admitted. (* A FINIR *)
+Local Hint Resolve add_to_code_is_trans_code.
+Lemma trans_code_is_trans_code_rev c1: forall c2 mbi,
+ is_trans_code c2 mbi ->
+ is_trans_code (rev_append c1 c2) (trans_code_rev c1 mbi).
+ induction c1 as [| i c1]; simpl; auto.
+Lemma trans_code_is_trans_code c: is_trans_code c (trans_code c).
+ unfold trans_code.
+ rewrite <- rev_alt.
+ rewrite <- (rev_involutive c) at 1.
+ rewrite rev_alt at 1.
+ apply trans_code_is_trans_code_rev; auto.
+Lemma add_to_code_is_trans_code_inv i c bl:
+ is_trans_code (i::c) bl -> exists bl0, is_trans_code c bl0 /\ bl = add_to_code (trans_inst i) bl0.
+ intro H; inversion H as [|H0 H1 bl0| | H0 bi bh H1 bl0]; clear H; subst; (repeat econstructor); eauto.
+ + (* case Tr_end_block *) inversion H3; subst; simpl; auto.
+ * destruct (header bh); congruence.
+ * destruct bl0; simpl; congruence.
+ + (* case Tr_add_basic *)
+Admitted. (* A FINIR *)
+Lemma trans_code_is_trans_code_rev_inv c1: forall c2 mbi,
+ is_trans_code (rev_append c1 c2) mbi ->
+ exists mbi0, is_trans_code c2 mbi0 /\ mbi=trans_code_rev c1 mbi0.
+ induction c1 as [| i c1]; simpl; eauto.
+ intros; exploit IHc1; eauto.
+ intros (mbi0 & H1 & H2); subst.
+ exploit add_to_code_is_trans_code_inv; eauto.
+Admitted. (* A FINIR *)
+Local Hint Resolve trans_code_is_trans_code.
+Theorem is_trans_code_inv c bl: is_trans_code c bl <-> bl=(trans_code c).
+ constructor; intros; subst; auto.
+Admitted. (* A FINIR *)
diff --git a/mppa_k1c/Machblockgenproof.v b/mppa_k1c/Machblockgenproof.v
index 62c1e0ed..d7a5ed7d 100644
--- a/mppa_k1c/Machblockgenproof.v
+++ b/mppa_k1c/Machblockgenproof.v
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Fixpoint trans_stack (mst: list Mach.stackframe) : list stackframe :=
| msf :: mst0 => (trans_stackframe msf) :: (trans_stack mst0)
-Definition trans_state (ms: Mach.state) : state :=
+Definition trans_state (ms: Mach.state): state :=
match ms with
| Mach.State s f sp c rs m => State (trans_stack s) f sp (trans_code c) rs m
| Mach.Callstate s f rs m => Callstate (trans_stack s) f rs m
@@ -170,6 +170,8 @@ Definition concat (h: list label) (c: code): code :=
| b::c' => {| header := h ++ (header b); body := body b; exit := exit b |}::c'
Lemma to_bblock_start_label i c l b c0:
(b, c0) = to_bblock (i :: c)
-> In l (header b)
@@ -264,13 +266,23 @@ Proof.
- destruct i; try (
simpl in H; inversion H; subst; clear H; auto; fail).
+Axiom TODO: False. (* A ELIMINER *)
Lemma find_label_transcode_preserved:
forall l c c',
Mach.find_label l c = Some c' ->
exists h, In l h /\ find_label l (trans_code c) = Some (concat h (trans_code c')).
- intros l c; induction c, (trans_code c) using trans_code_ind.
+ intros l c. remember (trans_code _) as bl.
+ rewrite <- is_trans_code_inv in * |-.
+ induction Heqbl;
+ elim TODO. (* A FAIRE *)
+ induction c, (trans_code c) using trans_code_ind.
- intros c' H; inversion H.
- intros c' H. subst _x. destruct c as [| i c]; try tauto.
unfold to_bblock in * |-.
@@ -290,7 +302,7 @@ Proof.
erewrite (to_bblock_body_find_label c1 l c2); eauto.
erewrite (to_bblock_exit_find_label c2 l c0); eauto.
Lemma find_label_preserved:
forall l f c,
@@ -311,7 +323,13 @@ Qed.
Local Hint Resolve symbols_preserved senv_preserved init_mem_preserved prog_main_preserved functions_translated
-Definition dist_end_block_code (c: Mach.code) := (size (fst (to_bblock c))-1)%nat.
+Definition dist_end_block_code (c: Mach.code) :=
+ match trans_code c with
+ | nil => 0
+ | bh::_ => (size bh-1)%nat
+ end.
Definition dist_end_block (s: Mach.state): nat :=
@@ -323,6 +341,8 @@ Definition dist_end_block (s: Mach.state): nat :=
Local Hint Resolve exec_nil_body exec_cons_body.
Local Hint Resolve exec_MBgetstack exec_MBsetstack exec_MBgetparam exec_MBop exec_MBload exec_MBstore.
Ltac ExploitDistEndBlockCode :=
match goal with
| [ H : dist_end_block_code (Mlabel ?l :: ?c) <> 0%nat |- _ ] =>
@@ -377,11 +397,22 @@ Proof.
- contradict H. destruct i; try discriminate.
all: unfold dist_end_block_code; erewrite to_bblock_CFI; eauto; simpl; eauto.
+Lemma dist_end_block_code_simu_mid_block i c:
+ dist_end_block_code (i::c) <> 0 ->
+ (dist_end_block_code (i::c) = Datatypes.S (dist_end_block_code c)).
+ unfold dist_end_block_code.
+ remember (trans_code (i::c)) as bl.
+ rewrite <- is_trans_code_inv in * |-.
+ inversion Heqbl as [| | |]; subst.
+Admitted. (* A FAIRE *)
Local Hint Resolve dist_end_block_code_simu_mid_block.
Lemma step_simu_basic_step (i: Mach.instruction) (bi: basic_inst) (c: Mach.code) s f sp rs m (t:trace) (s':Mach.state):
- to_basic_inst i = Some bi ->
+ trans_inst i = MB_basic bi ->
Mach.step (inv_trans_rao rao) ge (Mach.State s f sp (i::c) rs m) t s' ->
exists rs' m', s'=Mach.State s f sp c rs' m' /\ t=E0 /\ basic_step tge (trans_stack s) f sp rs m bi rs' m'.
@@ -400,6 +431,7 @@ Proof.
Lemma star_step_simu_body_step s f sp c:
forall (p:bblock_body) c' rs m t s',
to_bblock_body c = (p, c') ->
@@ -426,6 +458,7 @@ Proof.
inversion_clear H; simpl.
intros X; inversion_clear X. intuition eauto.
Local Hint Resolve exec_MBcall exec_MBtailcall exec_MBbuiltin exec_MBgoto exec_MBcond_true exec_MBcond_false exec_MBjumptable exec_MBreturn exec_Some_exit exec_None_exit.
Local Hint Resolve eval_builtin_args_preserved external_call_symbols_preserved find_funct_ptr_same.
@@ -433,6 +466,16 @@ Local Hint Resolve eval_builtin_args_preserved external_call_symbols_preserved f
Lemma match_states_concat_trans_code st f sp c rs m h:
match_states (Mach.State st f sp c rs m) (State (trans_stack st) f sp (concat h (trans_code c)) rs m).
+ intros; remember (trans_code _) as bl.
+ rewrite <- is_trans_code_inv in * |-.
+ constructor 1; simpl.
+ + intros (t0 & s1' & H0) t s'.
+ inversion Heqbl as [| | |]; subst; simpl; (* inversion vs induction ?? *)
+ elim TODO. (* A FAIRE *)
+ + intros H r; constructor 1; intro X; inversion X.
constructor 1; simpl.
+ intros (t0 & s1' & H0) t s'.
rewrite! trans_code_equation.
@@ -486,7 +529,6 @@ Proof.
Lemma step_simu_exit_step c e c' stk f sp rs m t s' b:
to_bblock_exit c = (e, c') ->
starN (Mach.step (inv_trans_rao rao)) (Genv.globalenv prog) (length_opt e) (Mach.State stk f sp c rs m) t s' ->
@@ -516,6 +558,7 @@ Proof.
inversion H1; clear H1; subst; auto. autorewrite with trace_rewrite.
exploit IHc; eauto.
Lemma simu_end_block:
forall s1 t s1',
@@ -524,14 +567,23 @@ Lemma simu_end_block:
destruct s1; simpl.
+ (* State *)
- (* c cannot be nil *)
- destruct c as [|i c]; simpl; try ( (* nil => absurd *)
+ unfold dist_end_block_code.
+ remember (trans_code _) as bl.
+ rewrite <- is_trans_code_inv in * |-.
+ intros t s1' H.
+ inversion Heqbl as [| | |]; subst; simpl in * |- *; (* inversion vs induction ?? *)
+ elim TODO. (* A FAIRE *)
+ destruct c as [|i c]; simpl; try ( (* nil => absurd *)
unfold dist_end_block_code; simpl;
intros t s1' H; inversion_clear H;
inversion_clear H0; fail
intros t s1' H.
remember (_::_) as c0. remember (trans_code c0) as tc0.
(* tc0 cannot be nil *)
@@ -576,6 +628,7 @@ Proof.
intros (s2' & H3 & H4).
eapply ex_intro; intuition eauto.
eapply exec_bblock; eauto.
+ (* Callstate *)
intros t s1' H; inversion_clear H.
eapply ex_intro; constructor 1; eauto.
@@ -604,8 +657,10 @@ Theorem transf_program_correct:
apply forward_simulation_block_trans with (dist_end_block := dist_end_block) (trans_state := trans_state).
(* simu_mid_block *)
- - intros s1 t s1' H1.
+ - intros s1 t s1' H1. elim TODO. (* A FAIRE *)
destruct H1; simpl; omega || (intuition auto).
+ *)
(* public_preserved *)
- apply senv_preserved.
(* match_initial_states *)
@@ -618,10 +673,13 @@ Proof.
(* match_final_states *)
- intros. simpl. destruct H. split with (r := r); auto.
(* final_states_end_block *)
- - intros. simpl in H0. inversion H0.
- inversion H; simpl; auto.
+ - intros. simpl in H0. elim TODO.
+ inversion H0.
+ inversion H; simpl; auto.
(* the remaining instructions cannot lead to a Returnstate *)
all: subst; discriminate.
+ *)
(* simu_end_block *)
- apply simu_end_block.
diff --git a/mppa_k1c/lib/ForwardSimulationBlock.v b/mppa_k1c/lib/ForwardSimulationBlock.v
index dc8beb29..39dd2234 100644
--- a/mppa_k1c/lib/ForwardSimulationBlock.v
+++ b/mppa_k1c/lib/ForwardSimulationBlock.v
@@ -271,6 +271,7 @@ However, the Machblock state after a goto remains "equivalent" to the trans_stat
Section ForwardSimuBlock_TRANS.
Variable L1 L2: semantics.
@@ -320,3 +321,53 @@ Proof.
End ForwardSimuBlock_TRANS.
+(* another version with a relation [trans_state_R] instead of a function [trans_state] *)
+Section ForwardSimuBlock_TRANS_R.
+Variable L1 L2: semantics.
+Variable trans_state_R: state L1 -> state L2 -> Prop.
+Definition match_states_R s1 s2: Prop :=
+ exists s2', trans_state_R s1 s2' /\ equiv_on_next_step _ (exists t s1', Step L1 s1 t s1') (exists r, final_state L1 s1 r) s2 s2'.
+Lemma match_states_trans_state_R s1 s2: trans_state_R s1 s2 -> match_states_R s1 s2.
+ unfold match_states, equiv_on_next_step. firstorder.
+Variable dist_end_block: state L1 -> nat.
+Hypothesis simu_mid_block:
+ forall s1 t s1', Step L1 s1 t s1' -> (dist_end_block s1)<>0 -> t = E0 /\ dist_end_block s1=S (dist_end_block s1').
+Hypothesis public_preserved:
+ forall id, Senv.public_symbol (symbolenv L2) id = Senv.public_symbol (symbolenv L1) id.
+Hypothesis match_initial_states:
+ forall s1, initial_state L1 s1 -> exists s2, match_states_R s1 s2 /\ initial_state L2 s2.
+Hypothesis match_final_states:
+ forall s1 s2 r, final_state L1 s1 r -> trans_state_R s1 s2 -> final_state L2 s2 r.
+Hypothesis final_states_end_block:
+ forall s1 t s1' r, Step L1 s1 t s1' -> final_state L1 s1' r -> dist_end_block s1 = 0.
+Hypothesis simu_end_block:
+ forall s1 t s1' s2, starN (step L1) (globalenv L1) (S (dist_end_block s1)) s1 t s1' -> trans_state_R s1 s2 -> exists s2', Step L2 s2 t s2' /\ match_states_R s1' s2'.
+Lemma forward_simulation_block_trans_R: forward_simulation L1 L2.
+ eapply forward_simulation_block_rel with (dist_end_block:=dist_end_block) (match_states:=match_states_R); try tauto.
+ + (* final_states *) intros s1 s2 r H1 (s2' & H2 & H3 & H4). rewrite H4; eauto.
+ + (* simu_end_block *)
+ intros s1 t s1' s2 H1 (s2' & H2 & H2a & H2b). exploit simu_end_block; eauto.
+ intros (x & Hx & (y & H3 & H4 & H5)). repeat (econstructor; eauto).
+ rewrite H2a; eauto.
+ inversion_clear H1. eauto.
+End ForwardSimuBlock_TRANS_R.