diff options
authorJustus Fasse <justus.fasse@etu.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2021-07-29 13:30:18 +0200
committerJustus Fasse <justus.fasse@etu.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2021-07-29 13:34:29 +0200
commit1e3440e7c452a41d37bbf961fb03456a7bc894c3 (patch)
parent963a57be0ce0eb0f6e1aa3d2f0f80fe9fa9e0f67 (diff)
Update downschedule_compensation_code function
Transitively consider the additional dependent instructions. This is necessary since we delete the originals of duplicated-for-code-motion instruction since this is the only way it will [currently] work for memory stores. Before only instructions that directly dependent on a monved/copied for code motion instruction were considered.
1 files changed, 33 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/scheduling/MyRTLpathScheduleraux.ml b/scheduling/MyRTLpathScheduleraux.ml
index 79a6ae64..ef8d5eb5 100644
--- a/scheduling/MyRTLpathScheduleraux.ml
+++ b/scheduling/MyRTLpathScheduleraux.ml
@@ -778,22 +778,18 @@ let downschedule_compensation_code sb code pm live_renames ~next_free_pc ~next_f
let liveins' = update_liveins sb.liveins live_renames in
(* Use the new names to calculate proper dependencies *)
let path_deps = intra_path_dependencies {sb with liveins = liveins'} code in
- (* Maps from a pc, to all instructions (pcs) that directly depend on it *)
- (* TODO: extract into its own function *)
- let uses = PTree.fold
- (fun uses pc deps ->
- let uses = HashedSet.PSet.fold
- (fun uses dep ->
- let old = ptree_get_or_default uses dep HashedSet.PSet.empty in
- let upd = HashedSet.PSet.add pc old in
- PTree.set dep upd uses )
- deps
- uses
- in
- uses )
+ let path_deps_without_iconds = PTree.map
+ (fun _pc deps ->
+ HashedSet.PSet.filter
+ (fun dep_pc -> not @@ is_icond @@ get_some @@ PTree.get dep_pc code)
+ deps)
- PTree.empty
+ in
+ let transitive_path_deps_without_iconds =
+ PTree.map (fun pc _deps -> transitive_dependencies path_deps_without_iconds pc)
+ path_deps
+ let transitive_uses_without_iconds = uses_of_deps transitive_path_deps_without_iconds in
(* For each side-exit, check if all the dependencies are still above it
* if not, remember the pc and transitively consider its dependencies until
@@ -810,46 +806,45 @@ let downschedule_compensation_code sb code pm live_renames ~next_free_pc ~next_f
(side_exit_pc, moved_deps_sorted) )
let (side_exit_pcs, insts_pcs) = List.split side_exit_and_compensation in
- assert (List.for_all (fun pc -> Array.mem pc orig_sb.instructions) side_exit_pcs);
- let pc_to_orig_idx =
- Duplicateaux.generate_fwmap
- (Array.to_list orig_sb.instructions)
- (List.init (Array.length orig_sb.instructions) (fun i -> i))
- PTree.empty
- in
let to_insert_pcs =
ListLabels.fold_left2 side_exit_pcs insts_pcs
~f:(fun acc side_exit_pc pcs ->
InsertPositionMap.add (InsertPosition.Above side_exit_pc) pcs acc) in
- let (to_insert_below_side_exit : Camlcoq.P.t list InsertPositionMap.t)=
- (* XXX: This code is not correct right now, we need to transitively find dependent
- * instructions (cf. moved_dependencies). *)
+ let (to_insert_as_well : Camlcoq.P.t list InsertPositionMap.t)=
(fun side_exit_pc pcs_to_insert acc ->
let side_exit_pc = InsertPosition.anchor side_exit_pc in
- let uses = List.map (fun pc -> ptree_get_or_default uses pc HashedSet.PSet.empty) pcs_to_insert in
- let uses = List.fold_left HashedSet.PSet.union HashedSet.PSet.empty uses in
- let uses = HashedSet.PSet.filter
- (fun pc ->
- not @@ List.mem pc pcs_to_insert
- && apply_map' pc_to_idx pc < apply_map' pc_to_idx side_exit_pc
- (* Cannot move Iconds *)
- && (not @@ is_icond @@ get_some @@ PTree.get pc code))
- uses
+ let ( let* ) = Option.bind in
+ let collateral_moves =
+ pcs_to_insert
+ |> List.filter_map (fun pc ->
+ let* uses = PTree.get pc transitive_uses_without_iconds in
+ HashedSet.PSet.filter
+ (fun pc ->
+ not @@ List.mem pc pcs_to_insert
+ && apply_map' pc_to_idx pc < apply_map' pc_to_idx side_exit_pc
+ && (not @@ is_icond @@ get_some @@ PTree.get pc code))
+ uses
+ |> Option.some)
+ |> ListLabels.fold_left ~f:HashedSet.PSet.union ~init:HashedSet.PSet.empty
- let uses = ListLabels.sort (HashedSet.PSet.elements uses)
+ let collateral_moves = ListLabels.sort (HashedSet.PSet.elements collateral_moves)
~cmp:(fun pc1 pc2 -> Int.compare (apply_map' pc_to_idx pc1) (apply_map' pc_to_idx pc2))
- let side_exit_idx = apply_map' pc_to_orig_idx side_exit_pc in
- let acc = InsertPositionMap.add (InsertPosition.Below orig_sb.instructions.(side_exit_idx)) uses acc in
- (* let acc = InsertPositionMap.add (InsertPosition.Below side_exit_pc) uses acc in *)
+ (* TODO?
+ * In principle we should be able to move the instructions Below, unless they are
+ * live (liveins') at the side exit.
+ * But adding them above is simpler and unnecessary instructions should be removed
+ * by DCE. *)
+ let acc = InsertPositionMap.add (InsertPosition.Above side_exit_pc) collateral_moves acc in
- let to_insert_pcs = InsertPositionMap.merge merge_append to_insert_pcs to_insert_below_side_exit in
+ let to_insert_pcs = InsertPositionMap.merge merge_append to_insert_pcs to_insert_as_well in
+ (* TODO: Move out of this function since it can be inferred from to_insert *)
let to_rename =
InsertPositionMap.to_seq to_insert_pcs
|> List.of_seq