diff options
8 files changed, 1141 insertions, 329 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 2b668724..a0744c0d 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
include Makefile.config
-DIRS=lib common $(ARCH) backend cfrontend driver \
+DIRS=lib common $(ARCH) backend cfrontend driver debug\
flocq/Core flocq/Prop flocq/Calc flocq/Appli exportclight \
cparser cparser/validator
diff --git a/debug/DwarfPrinter.ml b/debug/DwarfPrinter.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3e804532
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debug/DwarfPrinter.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* *)
+(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
+(* *)
+(* Bernhard Schommer, AbsInt Angewandte Informatik GmbH *)
+(* *)
+(* AbsInt Angewandte Informatik GmbH. All rights reserved. This file *)
+(* is distributed under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial *)
+(* License Agreement. *)
+(* *)
+(* *********************************************************************)
+open DwarfTypes
+open DwarfUtil
+module type DWARF_DEFS =
+ sig
+ (* Functions used for the printing of the dwarf abbreviations *)
+ val string_of_byte: bool -> string
+ val string_of_abbrv_entry: int -> string
+ val abbrv_section_start: out_channel -> unit
+ val abbrv_section_end: out_channel -> unit
+ val abbrv_prologue: out_channel -> int -> unit
+ val abbrv_epilogue: out_channel -> unit
+ val get_abbrv_start_addr: unit -> int
+ (* The form constants of the types *)
+ val sibling_type_abbr: int
+ val decl_file_type_abbr: int
+ val decl_line_type_abbr: int
+ val type_abbr: int
+ val name_type_abbr: int
+ val encoding_type_abbr: int
+ val byte_size_type_abbr: int
+ val high_pc_type_abbr: int
+ val low_pc_type_abbr: int
+ val stmt_list_type_abbr: int
+ val declaration_type_abbr: int
+ val external_type_abbr: int
+ val prototyped_type_abbr: int
+ val bit_offset_type_abbr: int
+ val comp_dir_type_abbr: int
+ val language_type_abbr: int
+ val producer_type_abbr: int
+ val value_type_abbr: int
+ val artificial_type_abbr: int
+ val variable_parameter_type_abbr: int
+ val bit_size_type_abbr: int
+ val location_const_type_abbr: int
+ val location_block_type_abbr: int
+ val data_location_block_type_abbr: int
+ val data_location_ref_type_abbr: int
+ val bound_const_type_abbr: int
+ val bound_ref_type_abbr: int
+ (* Functions for the printing of the debug information *)
+ val info_section_start: out_channel -> unit
+ val print_entry: out_channel -> dw_entry -> int -> unit
+ val info_section_end: out_channel -> unit
+ end
+module DwarfPrinter(Defs:DWARF_DEFS) :
+ sig
+ val print_debug: out_channel -> dw_entry -> unit
+ end =
+ (struct
+ let curr_abbrv = ref 0
+ let next_abbrv =
+ let abbrv = !curr_abbrv in
+ incr curr_abbrv;abbrv
+ let abbrvs: (string * int) list ref = ref []
+ let abbrv_mapping: (string,int) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 7
+ let add_byte buf value =
+ Buffer.add_string buf (Defs.string_of_byte value)
+ let add_abbr_uleb v buf =
+ Buffer.add_string buf (Defs.string_of_abbrv_entry v)
+ let add_abbr_entry (v1,v2) buf =
+ add_abbr_uleb v1 buf;
+ add_abbr_uleb v2 buf
+ let add_sibling = add_abbr_entry (0x1,Defs.sibling_type_abbr)
+ let add_decl_file = add_abbr_entry (0x3a,Defs.decl_file_type_abbr)
+ let add_decl_line = add_abbr_entry (0x3b,Defs.decl_line_type_abbr)
+ let add_type = add_abbr_entry (0x49,Defs.type_abbr)
+ let add_name = add_abbr_entry (0x3,Defs.name_type_abbr)
+ let add_encoding = add_abbr_entry (0x3e,Defs.encoding_type_abbr)
+ let add_byte_size = add_abbr_entry (0xb,Defs.byte_size_type_abbr)
+ let add_high_pc = add_abbr_entry (0x12,Defs.high_pc_type_abbr)
+ let add_low_pc = add_abbr_entry (0x11,Defs.low_pc_type_abbr)
+ let add_stmt_list = add_abbr_entry (0x10,Defs.stmt_list_type_abbr)
+ let add_declaration = add_abbr_entry (0x3c,Defs.declaration_type_abbr)
+ let add_external = add_abbr_entry (0x3f,Defs.external_type_abbr)
+ let add_prototyped = add_abbr_entry (0x27,Defs.prototyped_type_abbr)
+ let add_bit_offset = add_abbr_entry (0xd,Defs.bit_offset_type_abbr)
+ let add_comp_dir = add_abbr_entry (0x1b,Defs.comp_dir_type_abbr)
+ let add_language = add_abbr_entry (0x13,Defs.language_type_abbr)
+ let add_producer = add_abbr_entry (0x25,Defs.producer_type_abbr)
+ let add_value = add_abbr_entry (0x1c,Defs.value_type_abbr)
+ let add_artificial = add_abbr_entry (0x34,Defs.artificial_type_abbr)
+ let add_variable_parameter = add_abbr_entry (0x4b,Defs.variable_parameter_type_abbr)
+ let add_bit_size = add_abbr_entry (0xc,Defs.bit_size_type_abbr)
+ let add_location loc buf =
+ match loc with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some (LocConst _) -> add_abbr_entry (0x2,Defs.location_const_type_abbr) buf
+ | Some (LocBlock _) -> add_abbr_entry (0x2,Defs.location_block_type_abbr) buf
+ let add_data_location loc buf =
+ match loc with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some (DataLocBlock __) -> add_abbr_entry (0x38,Defs.data_location_block_type_abbr) buf
+ | Some (DataLocRef _) -> add_abbr_entry (0x38,Defs.data_location_ref_type_abbr) buf
+ let add_bound_value bound =
+ match bound with
+ | BoundConst _ -> add_abbr_entry (0x2f,Defs.bound_const_type_abbr)
+ | BoundRef _ -> add_abbr_entry (0x2f,Defs.bound_ref_type_abbr)
+ let abbrv_string_of_entity entity has_sibling =
+ let buf = Buffer.create 12 in
+ let add_attr_some v f =
+ match v with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some _ -> f buf in
+ let prologue id =
+ let has_child = match entity.children with
+ | [] -> false
+ | _ -> true in
+ add_abbr_uleb id buf;
+ add_byte buf has_child;
+ if has_sibling then add_sibling buf;
+ in
+ (match entity.tag with
+ | DW_TAG_array_type e ->
+ prologue 0x1;
+ add_attr_some e.array_type_decl_file add_decl_file;
+ add_attr_some e.array_type_decl_line add_decl_line;
+ add_type buf
+ | DW_TAG_base_type _ ->
+ prologue 0x24;
+ add_encoding buf;
+ add_byte_size buf;
+ add_name buf
+ | DW_TAG_compile_unit e ->
+ prologue 0x11;
+ add_comp_dir buf;
+ add_high_pc buf;
+ add_low_pc buf;
+ add_language buf;
+ add_name buf;
+ add_producer buf;
+ add_attr_some e.compile_unit_stmt_list add_stmt_list
+ | DW_TAG_const_type _ ->
+ prologue 0x26;
+ add_type buf
+ | DW_TAG_enumeration_type e ->
+ prologue 0x4;
+ add_attr_some e.enumeration_decl_file add_decl_file;
+ add_attr_some e.enumeration_decl_line add_decl_line;
+ add_byte_size buf;
+ add_name buf;
+ add_attr_some e.enumeration_declaration add_declaration
+ | DW_TAG_enumerator e ->
+ prologue 0x28;
+ add_attr_some e.enumerator_decl_file add_decl_file;
+ add_attr_some e.enumerator_decl_line add_decl_line;
+ add_value buf;
+ add_name buf
+ | DW_TAG_formal_parameter e ->
+ prologue 0x34;
+ add_attr_some e.formal_parameter_decl_file add_decl_file;
+ add_attr_some e.formal_parameter_decl_line add_decl_line;
+ add_attr_some e.formal_parameter_artificial add_artificial;
+ add_location e.formal_parameter_location buf;
+ add_name buf;
+ add_location e.formal_parameter_segment buf;
+ add_type buf;
+ add_attr_some e.formal_parameter_variable_parameter add_variable_parameter
+ | DW_TAG_label _ ->
+ prologue 0xa;
+ add_low_pc buf;
+ add_name buf;
+ | DW_TAG_lexical_block _ ->
+ prologue 0xb;
+ add_high_pc buf;
+ add_low_pc buf
+ | DW_TAG_member e ->
+ prologue 0xd;
+ add_attr_some e.member_decl_file add_decl_file;
+ add_attr_some e.member_decl_line add_decl_line;
+ add_attr_some e.member_byte_size add_byte_size;
+ add_attr_some e.member_bit_offset add_bit_offset;
+ add_attr_some e.member_bit_size add_bit_size;
+ add_data_location e.member_data_member_location buf;
+ add_attr_some e.member_declaration add_declaration;
+ add_name buf;
+ add_type buf
+ | DW_TAG_pointer_type _ ->
+ prologue 0xf;
+ add_type buf
+ | DW_TAG_structure_type e ->
+ prologue 0x13;
+ add_attr_some e.structure_decl_file add_decl_file;
+ add_attr_some e.structure_decl_line add_decl_line;
+ add_byte_size buf;
+ add_attr_some e.structure_declaration add_declaration;
+ add_name buf
+ | DW_TAG_subprogram e ->
+ prologue 0x2e;
+ add_attr_some e.subprogram_decl_file add_decl_file;
+ add_attr_some e.subprogram_decl_line add_decl_line;
+ add_attr_some e.subprogram_external add_external;
+ add_high_pc buf;
+ add_low_pc buf;
+ add_name buf;
+ add_prototyped buf;
+ add_type buf
+ | DW_TAG_subrange_type e ->
+ prologue 0x21;
+ add_attr_some e.subrange_type add_type;
+ add_bound_value e.subrange_upper_bound buf
+ | DW_TAG_subroutine_type _ ->
+ prologue 0x15;
+ add_prototyped buf
+ | DW_TAG_typedef e ->
+ prologue 0x16;
+ add_attr_some e.typedef_decl_file add_decl_file;
+ add_attr_some e.typedef_decl_line add_decl_line;
+ add_name buf;
+ add_type buf
+ | DW_TAG_union_type e ->
+ prologue 0x17;
+ add_attr_some e.union_decl_file add_decl_file;
+ add_attr_some e.union_decl_line add_decl_line;
+ add_byte_size buf;
+ add_name buf
+ | DW_TAG_unspecified_parameter e ->
+ prologue 0x18;
+ add_attr_some e.unspecified_parameter_decl_file add_decl_file;
+ add_attr_some e.unspecified_parameter_decl_line add_decl_line;
+ add_attr_some e.unspecified_parameter_artificial add_artificial
+ | DW_TAG_variable e ->
+ prologue 0x34;
+ add_attr_some e.variable_decl_file add_decl_file;
+ add_attr_some e.variable_decl_line add_decl_line;
+ add_attr_some e.variable_declaration add_declaration;
+ add_attr_some e.variable_external add_external;
+ add_location e.variable_location buf;
+ add_name buf;
+ add_location e.variable_segment buf;
+ add_type buf
+ | DW_TAG_volatile_type _ ->
+ prologue 0x35;
+ add_type buf);
+ Buffer.contents buf
+ let get_abbrv entity has_sibling =
+ let abbrv_string = abbrv_string_of_entity entity has_sibling in
+ (try
+ Hashtbl.find abbrv_mapping abbrv_string
+ with Not_found ->
+ let id = next_abbrv in
+ abbrvs:=(abbrv_string,id)::!abbrvs;
+ Hashtbl.add abbrv_mapping abbrv_string id;
+ id)
+ let compute_abbrv entry =
+ entry_iter_sib (fun sib entry ->
+ let has_sib = match sib with
+ | None -> false
+ | Some _ -> true in
+ ignore (get_abbrv entry has_sib)) entry
+ let print_abbrv oc =
+ let abbrvs = List.sort (fun (_,a) (_,b) -> Pervasives.compare a b) !abbrvs in
+ Defs.abbrv_section_start oc;
+ List.iter (fun (s,id) ->
+ Defs.abbrv_prologue oc id;
+ output_string oc s;
+ Defs.abbrv_epilogue oc) abbrvs;
+ Defs.abbrv_section_end oc
+ let print_debug oc entry =
+ compute_abbrv entry;
+ print_abbrv oc;
+ Defs.info_section_start oc;
+ entry_iter_sib (fun sib entry ->
+ let has_sib = match sib with
+ | None -> false
+ | Some _ -> true in
+ let abbrv = get_abbrv entry has_sib in
+ Defs.print_entry oc entry abbrv) entry;
+ Defs.info_section_end oc
+ end)
diff --git a/debug/DwarfTypes.ml b/debug/DwarfTypes.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ecb346b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debug/DwarfTypes.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* *)
+(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
+(* *)
+(* Bernhard Schommer, AbsInt Angewandte Informatik GmbH *)
+(* *)
+(* AbsInt Angewandte Informatik GmbH. All rights reserved. This file *)
+(* is distributed under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial *)
+(* License Agreement. *)
+(* *)
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* Types used for writing dwarf debug information *)
+(* Basic types for the value of attributes *)
+type constant = int
+type flag = bool
+type reference = int
+type encoding =
+ | DW_ATE_address
+ | DW_ATE_boolean
+ | DW_ATE_complex_float
+ | DW_ATE_float
+ | DW_ATE_signed
+ | DW_ATE_signed_char
+ | DW_ATE_unsigned
+ | DW_ATE_unsigned_char
+type address = int
+type language =
+ | DW_LANG_C89
+type block = string
+type location_value =
+ | LocConst of constant
+ | LocBlock of block
+type data_location_value =
+ | DataLocBlock of block
+ | DataLocRef of reference
+type bound_value =
+ | BoundConst of constant
+ | BoundRef of reference
+(* Types representing the attribute information per tag value *)
+type dw_tag_array_type =
+ {
+ array_type_decl_file: constant option;
+ array_type_decl_line: constant option;
+ array_type: reference;
+ }
+type dw_tag_base_type =
+ {
+ base_type_byte_size: constant;
+ base_type_encoding: encoding;
+ base_type_name: string;
+ }
+type dw_tag_compile_unit =
+ {
+ compile_unit_comp_dir: string;
+ compile_unit_high_pc: address;
+ compile_unit_low_pc: address;
+ compile_unit_language: language;
+ compile_unit_name: string;
+ compile_unit_producer: string;
+ compile_unit_stmt_list: constant option;
+ }
+type dw_tag_const_type =
+ {
+ const_type: reference;
+ }
+type dw_tag_enumeration_type =
+ {
+ enumeration_decl_file: constant option;
+ enumeration_decl_line: constant option;
+ enumeration_byte_size: constant;
+ enumeration_declaration: flag option;
+ enumeration_name: string;
+ }
+type dw_tag_enumerator =
+ {
+ enumerator_decl_file: constant option;
+ enumerator_decl_line: constant option;
+ enumerator_value: constant;
+ enumerator_name: string;
+ }
+type dw_tag_formal_parameter =
+ {
+ formal_parameter_decl_file: constant option;
+ formal_parameter_decl_line: constant option;
+ formal_parameter_artificial: flag option;
+ formal_parameter_location: location_value option;
+ formal_parameter_name: string;
+ formal_parameter_segment: location_value option;
+ formal_parameter_type: reference;
+ formal_parameter_variable_parameter: flag option;
+ }
+type dw_tag_label =
+ {
+ label_low_pc: address;
+ label_name: string;
+ }
+type dw_tag_lexical_block =
+ {
+ lexical_block__high_pc: address;
+ lexical_block_low_pc: address;
+ }
+type dw_tag_member =
+ {
+ member_decl_file: constant option;
+ member_decl_line: constant option;
+ member_byte_size: constant option;
+ member_bit_offset: constant option;
+ member_bit_size: constant option;
+ member_data_member_location: data_location_value option;
+ member_declaration: flag option;
+ member_name: string;
+ member_type: reference;
+ }
+type dw_tag_pointer_type =
+ {
+ pointer_type: reference;
+ }
+type dw_tag_structure_type =
+ {
+ structure_decl_file: constant option;
+ structure_decl_line: constant option;
+ structure_byte_size: constant;
+ structure_declaration: flag option;
+ structure_name: string;
+ }
+type dw_tag_subprogram =
+ {
+ subprogram_decl_file: constant option;
+ subprogram_decl_line: constant option;
+ subprogram_external: flag option;
+ subprogram_frame_base: location_value option;
+ subprogram_high_pc: address;
+ subprogram_low_pc: address;
+ subprogram_name: string;
+ subprogram_prototyped: flag;
+ subprogram_type: reference;
+ }
+type dw_tag_subrange_type =
+ {
+ subrange_type: reference option;
+ subrange_upper_bound: bound_value;
+ }
+type dw_tag_subroutine_type =
+ {
+ subroutine_prototyped: flag;
+ }
+type dw_tag_typedef =
+ {
+ typedef_decl_file: constant option;
+ typedef_decl_line: constant option;
+ typedef_name: string;
+ typedef_type: reference;
+ }
+type dw_tag_union_type =
+ {
+ union_decl_file: constant option;
+ union_decl_line: constant option;
+ union_byte_size: constant;
+ union_name: string;
+ }
+type dw_tag_unspecified_parameter =
+ {
+ unspecified_parameter_decl_file: constant option;
+ unspecified_parameter_decl_line: constant option;
+ unspecified_parameter_artificial: flag option;
+ }
+type dw_tag_variable =
+ {
+ variable_decl_file: constant option;
+ variable_decl_line: constant option;
+ variable_declaration: flag option;
+ variable_external: flag option;
+ variable_location: location_value option;
+ variable_name: string;
+ variable_segment: location_value option;
+ variable_type: reference;
+ }
+type dw_tag_volatile_type =
+ {
+ volatile_type: reference;
+ }
+type dw_tag =
+ | DW_TAG_array_type of dw_tag_array_type
+ | DW_TAG_base_type of dw_tag_base_type
+ | DW_TAG_compile_unit of dw_tag_compile_unit
+ | DW_TAG_const_type of dw_tag_const_type
+ | DW_TAG_enumeration_type of dw_tag_enumeration_type
+ | DW_TAG_enumerator of dw_tag_enumerator
+ | DW_TAG_formal_parameter of dw_tag_formal_parameter
+ | DW_TAG_label of dw_tag_label
+ | DW_TAG_lexical_block of dw_tag_lexical_block
+ | DW_TAG_member of dw_tag_member
+ | DW_TAG_pointer_type of dw_tag_pointer_type
+ | DW_TAG_structure_type of dw_tag_structure_type
+ | DW_TAG_subprogram of dw_tag_subprogram
+ | DW_TAG_subrange_type of dw_tag_subrange_type
+ | DW_TAG_subroutine_type of dw_tag_subroutine_type
+ | DW_TAG_typedef of dw_tag_typedef
+ | DW_TAG_union_type of dw_tag_union_type
+ | DW_TAG_unspecified_parameter of dw_tag_unspecified_parameter
+ | DW_TAG_variable of dw_tag_variable
+ | DW_TAG_volatile_type of dw_tag_volatile_type
+(* The type of the entries. *)
+type dw_entry =
+ {
+ tag: dw_tag;
+ children: dw_entry list;
+ id: reference;
+ }
diff --git a/debug/DwarfUtil.ml b/debug/DwarfUtil.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..79516e65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debug/DwarfUtil.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* *)
+(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
+(* *)
+(* Bernhard Schommer, AbsInt Angewandte Informatik GmbH *)
+(* *)
+(* AbsInt Angewandte Informatik GmbH. All rights reserved. This file *)
+(* is distributed under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial *)
+(* License Agreement. *)
+(* *)
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* Utility functions for the dwarf debuging type *)
+open DwarfTypes
+let id = ref 0
+let next_id () =
+ let nid = !id in
+ incr id; nid
+let reset_id () =
+ id := 0
+(* Hashtable to from type name to entry id *)
+let type_table: (string, int) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 7
+(* Clear the type map *)
+let reset_type_table () =
+ Hashtbl.clear type_table
+(* Generate a new entry from a given tag *)
+let new_entry tag =
+ let id = next_id () in
+ {
+ tag = tag;
+ children = [];
+ id = id;
+ }
+(* Add an entry as child to another entry *)
+let add_children entry child =
+ {entry with children = child::entry.children;}
+let list_iter_with_next f list =
+ let rec aux = (function
+ | [] -> ()
+ | [a] -> f None a
+ | a::b::rest -> f (Some b.id) a; aux (b::rest)) in
+ aux list
+(* Iter over the tree and pass the sibling id *)
+let entry_iter_sib f entry =
+ let rec aux sib entry =
+ f sib entry;
+ list_iter_with_next aux entry.children in
+ aux None entry
+(* Fold over the tree in prefix order *)
+let rec entry_fold f acc entry =
+ let acc = f acc entry.tag in
+ List.fold_left (entry_fold f) acc entry.children
+(* Attribute form encoding *)
+let dw_form_addr = 0x01
+let dw_form_block2 = 0x03
+let dw_form_block4 = 0x04
+let dw_form_data2 = 0x05
+let dw_form_data4 = 0x06
+let dw_form_data8 = 0x07
+let dw_form_string = 0x08
+let dw_form_block = 0x09
+let dw_form_block1 = 0x0a
+let dw_form_data1 = 0x0b
+let dw_form_flag = 0x0c
+let dw_form_sdata = 0x0d
+let dw_form_strp = 0x0e
+let dw_form_udata = 0x0f
+let dw_form_ref_addr = 0x10
+let dw_form_ref1 = 0x11
+let dw_form_ref2 = 0x12
+let dw_form_ref4 = 0x13
+let dw_form_ref8 = 0x14
+let dw_ref_udata = 0x15
+let dw_ref_indirect = 0x16
diff --git a/powerpc/PrintAsm.ml b/powerpc/PrintAsm.ml
index 587dfccf..3843a84e 100644
--- a/powerpc/PrintAsm.ml
+++ b/powerpc/PrintAsm.ml
@@ -20,277 +20,16 @@ open Sections
open AST
open Memdata
open Asm
-(* Recognition of target ABI and asm syntax *)
-module type SYSTEM =
- sig
- val comment: string
- val constant: out_channel -> constant -> unit
- val ireg: out_channel -> ireg -> unit
- val freg: out_channel -> freg -> unit
- val creg: out_channel -> int -> unit
- val name_of_section: section_name -> string
- val print_file_line: out_channel -> string -> string -> unit
- val reset_file_line: unit -> unit
- val cfi_startproc: out_channel -> unit
- val cfi_endproc: out_channel -> unit
- val cfi_adjust: out_channel -> int32 -> unit
- val cfi_rel_offset: out_channel -> string -> int32 -> unit
- val print_prologue: out_channel -> unit
- end
-let symbol oc symb =
- fprintf oc "%s" (extern_atom symb)
-let symbol_offset oc (symb, ofs) =
- symbol oc symb;
- if ofs <> 0l then fprintf oc " + %ld" ofs
-let symbol_fragment oc s n op =
- fprintf oc "(%a)%s" symbol_offset (s, camlint_of_coqint n) op
-let int_reg_name = function
- | GPR0 -> "0" | GPR1 -> "1" | GPR2 -> "2" | GPR3 -> "3"
- | GPR4 -> "4" | GPR5 -> "5" | GPR6 -> "6" | GPR7 -> "7"
- | GPR8 -> "8" | GPR9 -> "9" | GPR10 -> "10" | GPR11 -> "11"
- | GPR12 -> "12" | GPR13 -> "13" | GPR14 -> "14" | GPR15 -> "15"
- | GPR16 -> "16" | GPR17 -> "17" | GPR18 -> "18" | GPR19 -> "19"
- | GPR20 -> "20" | GPR21 -> "21" | GPR22 -> "22" | GPR23 -> "23"
- | GPR24 -> "24" | GPR25 -> "25" | GPR26 -> "26" | GPR27 -> "27"
- | GPR28 -> "28" | GPR29 -> "29" | GPR30 -> "30" | GPR31 -> "31"
-let float_reg_name = function
- | FPR0 -> "0" | FPR1 -> "1" | FPR2 -> "2" | FPR3 -> "3"
- | FPR4 -> "4" | FPR5 -> "5" | FPR6 -> "6" | FPR7 -> "7"
- | FPR8 -> "8" | FPR9 -> "9" | FPR10 -> "10" | FPR11 -> "11"
- | FPR12 -> "12" | FPR13 -> "13" | FPR14 -> "14" | FPR15 -> "15"
- | FPR16 -> "16" | FPR17 -> "17" | FPR18 -> "18" | FPR19 -> "19"
- | FPR20 -> "20" | FPR21 -> "21" | FPR22 -> "22" | FPR23 -> "23"
- | FPR24 -> "24" | FPR25 -> "25" | FPR26 -> "26" | FPR27 -> "27"
- | FPR28 -> "28" | FPR29 -> "29" | FPR30 -> "30" | FPR31 -> "31"
-module Linux_System =
- (struct
- let comment = "#"
- let constant oc cst =
- match cst with
- | Cint n ->
- fprintf oc "%ld" (camlint_of_coqint n)
- | Csymbol_low(s, n) ->
- symbol_fragment oc s n "@l"
- | Csymbol_high(s, n) ->
- symbol_fragment oc s n "@ha"
- | Csymbol_sda(s, n) ->
- symbol_fragment oc s n "@sda21"
- (* 32-bit relative addressing is supported by the Diab tools but not by
- GNU binutils. In the latter case, for testing purposes, we treat
- them as absolute addressings. The default base register being GPR0,
- this produces correct code, albeit with absolute addresses. *)
- | Csymbol_rel_low(s, n) ->
- symbol_fragment oc s n "@l"
- | Csymbol_rel_high(s, n) ->
- symbol_fragment oc s n "@ha"
- let ireg oc r =
- output_string oc (int_reg_name r)
- let freg oc r =
- output_string oc (float_reg_name r)
- let creg oc r =
- fprintf oc "%d" r
- let name_of_section = function
- | Section_text -> ".text"
- | Section_data i -> if i then ".data" else "COMM"
- | Section_small_data i ->
- if i
- then ".section .sdata,\"aw\",@progbits"
- else ".section .sbss,\"aw\",@progbits"
- | Section_const -> ".rodata"
- | Section_small_const -> ".section .sdata2,\"a\",@progbits"
- | Section_string -> ".rodata"
- | Section_literal -> ".section .rodata.cst8,\"aM\",@progbits,8"
- | Section_jumptable -> ".text"
- | Section_user(s, wr, ex) ->
- sprintf ".section \"%s\",\"a%s%s\",@progbits"
- s (if wr then "w" else "") (if ex then "x" else "")
- let filename_num : (string, int) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 7
- let reset_file_line () = Hashtbl.clear filename_num
- let print_file_line oc file line =
- if !Clflags.option_g && file <> "" then begin
- let filenum =
- try
- Hashtbl.find filename_num file
- with Not_found ->
- let n = Hashtbl.length filename_num + 1 in
- Hashtbl.add filename_num file n;
- fprintf oc " .file %d %S\n" n file;
- n
- in fprintf oc " .loc %d %s\n" filenum line
- end
- (* Emit .cfi directives *)
- let cfi_startproc =
- if Configuration.asm_supports_cfi then
- (fun oc -> fprintf oc " .cfi_startproc\n")
- else
- (fun _ -> ())
- let cfi_endproc =
- if Configuration.asm_supports_cfi then
- (fun oc -> fprintf oc " .cfi_endproc\n")
- else
- (fun _ -> ())
- let cfi_adjust =
- if Configuration.asm_supports_cfi then
- (fun oc delta -> fprintf oc " .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset %ld\n" delta)
- else
- (fun _ _ -> ())
- let cfi_rel_offset =
- if Configuration.asm_supports_cfi then
- (fun oc reg ofs -> fprintf oc " .cfi_rel_offset %s, %ld\n" reg ofs)
- else
- (fun _ _ _ -> ())
- let print_prologue oc = ()
- end:SYSTEM)
-module Diab_System =
- (struct
- let comment = ";"
- let constant oc cst =
- match cst with
- | Cint n ->
- fprintf oc "%ld" (camlint_of_coqint n)
- | Csymbol_low(s, n) ->
- symbol_fragment oc s n "@l"
- | Csymbol_high(s, n) ->
- symbol_fragment oc s n "@ha"
- | Csymbol_sda(s, n) ->
- symbol_fragment oc s n "@sdarx"
- | Csymbol_rel_low(s, n) ->
- symbol_fragment oc s n "@sdax@l"
- | Csymbol_rel_high(s, n) ->
- symbol_fragment oc s n "@sdarx@ha"
- let ireg oc r =
- output_char oc 'r';
- output_string oc (int_reg_name r)
- let freg oc r =
- output_char oc 'f';
- output_string oc (float_reg_name r)
- let creg oc r =
- fprintf oc "cr%d" r
- let name_of_section = function
- | Section_text -> ".text"
- | Section_data i -> if i then ".data" else ".bss"
- | Section_small_data i -> if i then ".sdata" else ".sbss"
- | Section_const -> ".text"
- | Section_small_const -> ".sdata2"
- | Section_string -> ".text"
- | Section_literal -> ".text"
- | Section_jumptable -> ".text"
- | Section_user(s, wr, ex) ->
- sprintf ".section \"%s\",,%c"
- s
- (match wr, ex with
- | true, true -> 'm' (* text+data *)
- | true, false -> 'd' (* data *)
- | false, true -> 'c' (* text *)
- | false, false -> 'r') (* const *)
- let last_file = ref ""
- let reset_file_line () = last_file := ""
- let print_file_line oc file line =
- if !Clflags.option_g && file <> "" then begin
- if file <> !last_file then begin
- fprintf oc " .d1file %S\n" file;
- last_file := file
- end;
- fprintf oc " .d1line %s\n" line
- end
- (* Emit .cfi directives *)
- let cfi_startproc oc = ()
- let cfi_endproc oc = ()
- let cfi_adjust oc delta = ()
- let cfi_rel_offset oc reg ofs = ()
- let print_prologue oc =
- fprintf oc " .xopt align-fill-text=0x60000000\n";
- if !Clflags.option_g then
- fprintf oc " .xopt asm-debug-on\n"
- end:SYSTEM)
+open PrintUtil
+open PrintLinux
+open PrintDiab
module AsmPrinter (Target : SYSTEM) =
- open Target
-(* On-the-fly label renaming *)
-let next_label = ref 100
-let new_label() =
- let lbl = !next_label in incr next_label; lbl
-let current_function_labels = (Hashtbl.create 39 : (label, int) Hashtbl.t)
-let transl_label lbl =
- try
- Hashtbl.find current_function_labels lbl
- with Not_found ->
- let lbl' = new_label() in
- Hashtbl.add current_function_labels lbl lbl';
- lbl'
+ include Target
(* Basic printing functions *)
-let coqint oc n =
- fprintf oc "%ld" (camlint_of_coqint n)
-let raw_symbol oc s =
- fprintf oc "%s" s
-let label oc lbl =
- fprintf oc ".L%d" lbl
-let label_low oc lbl =
- fprintf oc ".L%d@l" lbl
-let label_high oc lbl =
- fprintf oc ".L%d@ha" lbl
-let num_crbit = function
- | CRbit_0 -> 0
- | CRbit_1 -> 1
- | CRbit_2 -> 2
- | CRbit_3 -> 3
- | CRbit_6 -> 6
-let crbit oc bit =
- fprintf oc "%d" (num_crbit bit)
let ireg_or_zero oc r =
if r = GPR0 then output_string oc "0" else ireg oc r
@@ -309,29 +48,8 @@ let print_location oc loc =
print_file_line oc (fst loc) (string_of_int (snd loc))
-(* Encoding masks for rlwinm instructions *)
-let rolm_mask n =
- let mb = ref 0 (* location of last 0->1 transition *)
- and me = ref 32 (* location of last 1->0 transition *)
- and last = ref ((Int32.logand n 1l) <> 0l) (* last bit seen *)
- and count = ref 0 (* number of transitions *)
- and mask = ref 0x8000_0000l in
- for mx = 0 to 31 do
- if Int32.logand n !mask <> 0l then
- if !last then () else (incr count; mb := mx; last := true)
- else
- if !last then (incr count; me := mx; last := false) else ();
- mask := Int32.shift_right_logical !mask 1
- done;
- if !me = 0 then me := 32;
- assert (!count = 2 || (!count = 0 && !last));
- (!mb, !me-1)
(* Handling of annotations *)
-let re_file_line = Str.regexp "#line:\\(.*\\):\\([1-9][0-9]*\\)$"
let print_annot_stmt oc txt targs args =
if Str.string_match re_file_line txt 0 then begin
print_file_line oc (Str.matched_group 1 txt) (Str.matched_group 2 txt)
@@ -340,14 +58,6 @@ let print_annot_stmt oc txt targs args =
PrintAnnot.print_annot_stmt preg "R1" oc txt targs args
-(* Determine if the displacement of a conditional branch fits the short form *)
-let short_cond_branch tbl pc lbl_dest =
- match PTree.get lbl_dest tbl with
- | None -> assert false
- | Some pc_dest ->
- let disp = pc_dest - pc in -0x2000 <= disp && disp < 0x2000
(* Printing of instructions *)
let float_literals : (int * int64) list ref = ref []
@@ -679,37 +389,6 @@ let print_instruction oc tbl pc fallthrough = function
| Pcfi_rel_offset n ->
cfi_rel_offset oc "lr" (camlint_of_coqint n)
-(* Determine if an instruction falls through *)
-let instr_fall_through = function
- | Pb _ -> false
- | Pbctr _ -> false
- | Pbs _ -> false
- | Pblr -> false
- | _ -> true
-(* Estimate the size of an Asm instruction encoding, in number of actual
- PowerPC instructions. We can over-approximate. *)
-let instr_size = function
- | Pbf(bit, lbl) -> 2
- | Pbt(bit, lbl) -> 2
- | Pbtbl(r, tbl) -> 5
- | Plfi(r1, c) -> 2
- | Plfis(r1, c) -> 2
- | Plabel lbl -> 0
- | Pbuiltin(ef, args, res) -> 0
- | Pannot(ef, args) -> 0
- | Pcfi_adjust _ | Pcfi_rel_offset _ -> 0
- | _ -> 1
-(* Build a table label -> estimated position in generated code.
- Used to predict if relative conditional branches can use the short form. *)
-let rec label_positions tbl pc = function
- | [] -> tbl
- | Plabel lbl :: c -> label_positions (PTree.set lbl pc tbl) pc c
- | i :: c -> label_positions tbl (pc + instr_size i) c
(* Emit a sequence of instructions *)
@@ -869,9 +548,9 @@ let print_program oc p =
let module Target = (val (match target with
| Linux -> (module Linux_System:SYSTEM)
| Diab -> (module Diab_System:SYSTEM)):SYSTEM) in
- Target.reset_file_line();
- PrintAnnot.print_version_and_options oc Target.comment;
let module Printer = AsmPrinter(Target) in
- Target.print_prologue oc;
+ Printer.reset_file_line();
+ PrintAnnot.print_version_and_options oc Printer.comment;
+ Printer.print_prologue oc;
List.iter (Printer.print_globdef oc) p.prog_defs
diff --git a/powerpc/PrintDiab.ml b/powerpc/PrintDiab.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d8083168
--- /dev/null
+++ b/powerpc/PrintDiab.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* *)
+(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
+(* *)
+(* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
+(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
+(* *)
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* The Diab specific printing functions *)
+open Printf
+open Datatypes
+open DwarfTypes
+open DwarfUtil
+open DwarfPrinter
+open Camlcoq
+open Sections
+open Asm
+open PrintUtil
+module Diab_System =
+ (struct
+ let comment = ";"
+ let constant oc cst =
+ match cst with
+ | Cint n ->
+ fprintf oc "%ld" (camlint_of_coqint n)
+ | Csymbol_low(s, n) ->
+ symbol_fragment oc s n "@l"
+ | Csymbol_high(s, n) ->
+ symbol_fragment oc s n "@ha"
+ | Csymbol_sda(s, n) ->
+ symbol_fragment oc s n "@sdarx"
+ | Csymbol_rel_low(s, n) ->
+ symbol_fragment oc s n "@sdax@l"
+ | Csymbol_rel_high(s, n) ->
+ symbol_fragment oc s n "@sdarx@ha"
+ let ireg oc r =
+ output_char oc 'r';
+ output_string oc (int_reg_name r)
+ let freg oc r =
+ output_char oc 'f';
+ output_string oc (float_reg_name r)
+ let creg oc r =
+ fprintf oc "cr%d" r
+ let name_of_section = function
+ | Section_text -> ".text"
+ | Section_data i -> if i then ".data" else ".bss"
+ | Section_small_data i -> if i then ".sdata" else ".sbss"
+ | Section_const -> ".text"
+ | Section_small_const -> ".sdata2"
+ | Section_string -> ".text"
+ | Section_literal -> ".text"
+ | Section_jumptable -> ".text"
+ | Section_user(s, wr, ex) ->
+ sprintf ".section \"%s\",,%c"
+ s
+ (match wr, ex with
+ | true, true -> 'm' (* text+data *)
+ | true, false -> 'd' (* data *)
+ | false, true -> 'c' (* text *)
+ | false, false -> 'r') (* const *)
+ let last_file = ref ""
+ let reset_file_line () = last_file := ""
+ let print_file_line oc file line =
+ if !Clflags.option_g && file <> "" then begin
+ if file <> !last_file then begin
+ fprintf oc " .d1file %S\n" file;
+ last_file := file
+ end;
+ fprintf oc " .d1line %s\n" line
+ end
+ (* Emit .cfi directives *)
+ let cfi_startproc oc = ()
+ let cfi_endproc oc = ()
+ let cfi_adjust oc delta = ()
+ let cfi_rel_offset oc reg ofs = ()
+ let print_prologue oc =
+ fprintf oc " .xopt align-fill-text=0x60000000\n";
+ if !Clflags.option_g then
+ fprintf oc " .xopt asm-debug-on\n"
+ module DwarfDefs =
+ (struct
+ let string_of_byte value =
+ if value then
+ " .byte 0x1\n"
+ else
+ " .byte 0x0\n"
+ let string_of_abbrv_entry v =
+ Printf.sprintf " .uleb128 %d\n" v
+ let abbrv_start_addr = ref (-1)
+ let debug_end_addr = ref (-1)
+ let get_abbrv_start_addr () = !abbrv_start_addr
+ let sibling_type_abbr = dw_form_ref4
+ let decl_file_type_abbr = dw_form_data4
+ let decl_line_type_abbr = dw_form_udata
+ let type_abbr = dw_form_ref_addr
+ let name_type_abbr = dw_form_string
+ let encoding_type_abbr = dw_form_data1
+ let byte_size_type_abbr = dw_form_data1
+ let high_pc_type_abbr = dw_form_addr
+ let low_pc_type_abbr = dw_form_addr
+ let stmt_list_type_abbr = dw_form_data4
+ let declaration_type_abbr = dw_form_flag
+ let external_type_abbr = dw_form_flag
+ let prototyped_type_abbr = dw_form_flag
+ let bit_offset_type_abbr = dw_form_data1
+ let comp_dir_type_abbr = dw_form_string
+ let language_type_abbr = dw_form_udata
+ let producer_type_abbr = dw_form_string
+ let value_type_abbr = dw_form_sdata
+ let artificial_type_abbr = dw_form_flag
+ let variable_parameter_type_abbr = dw_form_flag
+ let bit_size_type_abbr = dw_form_data1
+ let location_const_type_abbr = dw_form_data4
+ let location_block_type_abbr = dw_form_block
+ let data_location_block_type_abbr = dw_form_block
+ let data_location_ref_type_abbr = dw_form_ref4
+ let bound_const_type_abbr = dw_form_udata
+ let bound_ref_type_abbr=dw_form_ref4
+ let abbrv_section_start oc =
+ fprintf oc " .section .debug_abbrev,,n\n";
+ let lbl = new_label () in
+ abbrv_start_addr := lbl;
+ fprintf oc "%a:\n" label lbl
+ let abbrv_section_end oc =
+ fprintf oc " .section .debug_abbrev,,n\n";
+ fprintf oc " .sleb128 0\n"
+ let abbrv_prologue oc id =
+ fprintf oc " .section .debug_abbrev,,n\n";
+ fprintf oc " .uleb128 %d\n" id
+ let abbrv_epilogue oc =
+ fprintf oc " .uleb128 0\n";
+ fprintf oc " .uleb128 0\n"
+ let info_section_start oc =
+ fprintf oc " .section .debug_info,,n\n";
+ let debug_start = new_label ()
+ and debug_end = new_label () in
+ debug_end_addr:= debug_end;
+ fprintf oc " .4byte %a-%a\n" label debug_end label debug_start;
+ fprintf oc "%a:\n" label debug_start;
+ fprintf oc " .2byte 0x2\n";
+ fprintf oc " .4byte %a\n" label !abbrv_start_addr;
+ fprintf oc " .1byte %d\n" !Machine.config.Machine.sizeof_ptr
+ let info_section_end oc =
+ fprintf oc "%a\n" label !debug_end_addr
+ let print_entry oc entry abbrv =
+ ()
+ end:SYSTEM)
diff --git a/powerpc/PrintLinux.ml b/powerpc/PrintLinux.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..593b6413
--- /dev/null
+++ b/powerpc/PrintLinux.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* *)
+(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
+(* *)
+(* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
+(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
+(* *)
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* The Linux specific printing functions *)
+open Printf
+open Datatypes
+open Camlcoq
+open Sections
+open Asm
+open PrintUtil
+module Linux_System =
+ (struct
+ let comment = "#"
+ let constant oc cst =
+ match cst with
+ | Cint n ->
+ fprintf oc "%ld" (camlint_of_coqint n)
+ | Csymbol_low(s, n) ->
+ symbol_fragment oc s n "@l"
+ | Csymbol_high(s, n) ->
+ symbol_fragment oc s n "@ha"
+ | Csymbol_sda(s, n) ->
+ symbol_fragment oc s n "@sda21"
+ (* 32-bit relative addressing is supported by the Diab tools but not by
+ GNU binutils. In the latter case, for testing purposes, we treat
+ them as absolute addressings. The default base register being GPR0,
+ this produces correct code, albeit with absolute addresses. *)
+ | Csymbol_rel_low(s, n) ->
+ symbol_fragment oc s n "@l"
+ | Csymbol_rel_high(s, n) ->
+ symbol_fragment oc s n "@ha"
+ let ireg oc r =
+ output_string oc (int_reg_name r)
+ let freg oc r =
+ output_string oc (float_reg_name r)
+ let creg oc r =
+ fprintf oc "%d" r
+ let name_of_section = function
+ | Section_text -> ".text"
+ | Section_data i -> if i then ".data" else "COMM"
+ | Section_small_data i ->
+ if i
+ then ".section .sdata,\"aw\",@progbits"
+ else ".section .sbss,\"aw\",@progbits"
+ | Section_const -> ".rodata"
+ | Section_small_const -> ".section .sdata2,\"a\",@progbits"
+ | Section_string -> ".rodata"
+ | Section_literal -> ".section .rodata.cst8,\"aM\",@progbits,8"
+ | Section_jumptable -> ".text"
+ | Section_user(s, wr, ex) ->
+ sprintf ".section \"%s\",\"a%s%s\",@progbits"
+ s (if wr then "w" else "") (if ex then "x" else "")
+ let filename_num : (string, int) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 7
+ let reset_file_line () = Hashtbl.clear filename_num
+ let print_file_line oc file line =
+ if !Clflags.option_g && file <> "" then begin
+ let filenum =
+ try
+ Hashtbl.find filename_num file
+ with Not_found ->
+ let n = Hashtbl.length filename_num + 1 in
+ Hashtbl.add filename_num file n;
+ fprintf oc " .file %d %S\n" n file;
+ n
+ in fprintf oc " .loc %d %s\n" filenum line
+ end
+ (* Emit .cfi directives *)
+ let cfi_startproc =
+ if Configuration.asm_supports_cfi then
+ (fun oc -> fprintf oc " .cfi_startproc\n")
+ else
+ (fun _ -> ())
+ let cfi_endproc =
+ if Configuration.asm_supports_cfi then
+ (fun oc -> fprintf oc " .cfi_endproc\n")
+ else
+ (fun _ -> ())
+ let cfi_adjust =
+ if Configuration.asm_supports_cfi then
+ (fun oc delta -> fprintf oc " .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset %ld\n" delta)
+ else
+ (fun _ _ -> ())
+ let cfi_rel_offset =
+ if Configuration.asm_supports_cfi then
+ (fun oc reg ofs -> fprintf oc " .cfi_rel_offset %s, %ld\n" reg ofs)
+ else
+ (fun _ _ _ -> ())
+ let print_prologue oc = ()
+ end:SYSTEM)
diff --git a/powerpc/PrintUtil.ml b/powerpc/PrintUtil.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0acb7990
--- /dev/null
+++ b/powerpc/PrintUtil.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* *)
+(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
+(* *)
+(* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
+(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
+(* *)
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* Common functions for the AsmPrinter *)
+open Printf
+open Maps
+open Camlcoq
+open Sections
+open Asm
+(* Recognition of target ABI and asm syntax *)
+module type SYSTEM =
+ sig
+ val comment: string
+ val constant: out_channel -> constant -> unit
+ val ireg: out_channel -> ireg -> unit
+ val freg: out_channel -> freg -> unit
+ val creg: out_channel -> int -> unit
+ val name_of_section: section_name -> string
+ val print_file_line: out_channel -> string -> string -> unit
+ val reset_file_line: unit -> unit
+ val cfi_startproc: out_channel -> unit
+ val cfi_endproc: out_channel -> unit
+ val cfi_adjust: out_channel -> int32 -> unit
+ val cfi_rel_offset: out_channel -> string -> int32 -> unit
+ val print_prologue: out_channel -> unit
+ end
+let symbol oc symb =
+ fprintf oc "%s" (extern_atom symb)
+let symbol_offset oc (symb, ofs) =
+ symbol oc symb;
+ if ofs <> 0l then fprintf oc " + %ld" ofs
+let symbol_fragment oc s n op =
+ fprintf oc "(%a)%s" symbol_offset (s, camlint_of_coqint n) op
+let int_reg_name = function
+ | GPR0 -> "0" | GPR1 -> "1" | GPR2 -> "2" | GPR3 -> "3"
+ | GPR4 -> "4" | GPR5 -> "5" | GPR6 -> "6" | GPR7 -> "7"
+ | GPR8 -> "8" | GPR9 -> "9" | GPR10 -> "10" | GPR11 -> "11"
+ | GPR12 -> "12" | GPR13 -> "13" | GPR14 -> "14" | GPR15 -> "15"
+ | GPR16 -> "16" | GPR17 -> "17" | GPR18 -> "18" | GPR19 -> "19"
+ | GPR20 -> "20" | GPR21 -> "21" | GPR22 -> "22" | GPR23 -> "23"
+ | GPR24 -> "24" | GPR25 -> "25" | GPR26 -> "26" | GPR27 -> "27"
+ | GPR28 -> "28" | GPR29 -> "29" | GPR30 -> "30" | GPR31 -> "31"
+let float_reg_name = function
+ | FPR0 -> "0" | FPR1 -> "1" | FPR2 -> "2" | FPR3 -> "3"
+ | FPR4 -> "4" | FPR5 -> "5" | FPR6 -> "6" | FPR7 -> "7"
+ | FPR8 -> "8" | FPR9 -> "9" | FPR10 -> "10" | FPR11 -> "11"
+ | FPR12 -> "12" | FPR13 -> "13" | FPR14 -> "14" | FPR15 -> "15"
+ | FPR16 -> "16" | FPR17 -> "17" | FPR18 -> "18" | FPR19 -> "19"
+ | FPR20 -> "20" | FPR21 -> "21" | FPR22 -> "22" | FPR23 -> "23"
+ | FPR24 -> "24" | FPR25 -> "25" | FPR26 -> "26" | FPR27 -> "27"
+ | FPR28 -> "28" | FPR29 -> "29" | FPR30 -> "30" | FPR31 -> "31"
+(* On-the-fly label renaming *)
+let next_label = ref 100
+let new_label() =
+ let lbl = !next_label in incr next_label; lbl
+let current_function_labels = (Hashtbl.create 39 : (label, int) Hashtbl.t)
+let transl_label lbl =
+ try
+ Hashtbl.find current_function_labels lbl
+ with Not_found ->
+ let lbl' = new_label() in
+ Hashtbl.add current_function_labels lbl lbl';
+ lbl'
+(* Basic printing functions *)
+let coqint oc n =
+ fprintf oc "%ld" (camlint_of_coqint n)
+let raw_symbol oc s =
+ fprintf oc "%s" s
+let label oc lbl =
+ fprintf oc ".L%d" lbl
+let label_low oc lbl =
+ fprintf oc ".L%d@l" lbl
+let label_high oc lbl =
+ fprintf oc ".L%d@ha" lbl
+let num_crbit = function
+ | CRbit_0 -> 0
+ | CRbit_1 -> 1
+ | CRbit_2 -> 2
+ | CRbit_3 -> 3
+ | CRbit_6 -> 6
+let crbit oc bit =
+ fprintf oc "%d" (num_crbit bit)
+(* Encoding masks for rlwinm instructions *)
+let rolm_mask n =
+ let mb = ref 0 (* location of last 0->1 transition *)
+ and me = ref 32 (* location of last 1->0 transition *)
+ and last = ref ((Int32.logand n 1l) <> 0l) (* last bit seen *)
+ and count = ref 0 (* number of transitions *)
+ and mask = ref 0x8000_0000l in
+ for mx = 0 to 31 do
+ if Int32.logand n !mask <> 0l then
+ if !last then () else (incr count; mb := mx; last := true)
+ else
+ if !last then (incr count; me := mx; last := false) else ();
+ mask := Int32.shift_right_logical !mask 1
+ done;
+ if !me = 0 then me := 32;
+ assert (!count = 2 || (!count = 0 && !last));
+ (!mb, !me-1)
+(* Handling of annotations *)
+let re_file_line = Str.regexp "#line:\\(.*\\):\\([1-9][0-9]*\\)$"
+(* Determine if the displacement of a conditional branch fits the short form *)
+let short_cond_branch tbl pc lbl_dest =
+ match PTree.get lbl_dest tbl with
+ | None -> assert false
+ | Some pc_dest ->
+ let disp = pc_dest - pc in -0x2000 <= disp && disp < 0x2000
+(* Determine if an instruction falls through *)
+let instr_fall_through = function
+ | Pb _ -> false
+ | Pbctr _ -> false
+ | Pbs _ -> false
+ | Pblr -> false
+ | _ -> true
+(* Estimate the size of an Asm instruction encoding, in number of actual
+ PowerPC instructions. We can over-approximate. *)
+let instr_size = function
+ | Pbf(bit, lbl) -> 2
+ | Pbt(bit, lbl) -> 2
+ | Pbtbl(r, tbl) -> 5
+ | Plfi(r1, c) -> 2
+ | Plfis(r1, c) -> 2
+ | Plabel lbl -> 0
+ | Pbuiltin(ef, args, res) -> 0
+ | Pannot(ef, args) -> 0
+ | Pcfi_adjust _ | Pcfi_rel_offset _ -> 0
+ | _ -> 1
+(* Build a table label -> estimated position in generated code.
+ Used to predict if relative conditional branches can use the short form. *)
+let rec label_positions tbl pc = function
+ | [] -> tbl
+ | Plabel lbl :: c -> label_positions (PTree.set lbl pc tbl) pc c
+ | i :: c -> label_positions tbl (pc + instr_size i) c