path: root/backend/CSE3analysis.v
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Diffstat (limited to 'backend/CSE3analysis.v')
1 files changed, 403 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/backend/CSE3analysis.v b/backend/CSE3analysis.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..12fb2d1f
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+++ b/backend/CSE3analysis.v
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+Require Import Coqlib Maps Errors Integers Floats Lattice Kildall.
+Require Import AST Linking.
+Require Import Memory Registers Op RTL Maps CSE2deps.
+Require Import HashedSet.
+Require List Compopts.
+Definition typing_env := reg -> typ.
+Definition loadv_storev_compatible_type
+ (chunk : memory_chunk) (ty : typ) : bool :=
+ match chunk, ty with
+ | Mint32, Tint
+ | Mint64, Tlong
+ | Mfloat32, Tsingle
+ | Mfloat64, Tfloat => true
+ | _, _ => false
+ end.
+ Definition t := PSet.t.
+ Definition eq (x : t) (y : t) := x = y.
+ Lemma eq_refl: forall x, eq x x.
+ Proof.
+ unfold eq. trivial.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma eq_sym: forall x y, eq x y -> eq y x.
+ Proof.
+ unfold eq. congruence.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma eq_trans: forall x y z, eq x y -> eq y z -> eq x z.
+ Proof.
+ unfold eq. congruence.
+ Qed.
+ Definition beq (x y : t) := if PSet.eq x y then true else false.
+ Lemma beq_correct: forall x y, beq x y = true -> eq x y.
+ Proof.
+ unfold beq.
+ intros.
+ destruct PSet.eq; congruence.
+ Qed.
+ Definition ge (x y : t) := (PSet.is_subset x y) = true.
+ Lemma ge_refl: forall x y, eq x y -> ge x y.
+ Proof.
+ unfold eq, ge.
+ intros.
+ subst y.
+ apply PSet.is_subset_spec.
+ trivial.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma ge_trans: forall x y z, ge x y -> ge y z -> ge x z.
+ Proof.
+ unfold ge.
+ intros.
+ rewrite PSet.is_subset_spec in *.
+ intuition.
+ Qed.
+ Definition lub := PSet.inter.
+ Lemma ge_lub_left: forall x y, ge (lub x y) x.
+ Proof.
+ unfold ge, lub.
+ intros.
+ apply PSet.is_subset_spec.
+ intro.
+ rewrite PSet.ginter.
+ rewrite andb_true_iff.
+ intuition.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma ge_lub_right: forall x y, ge (lub x y) y.
+ Proof.
+ unfold ge, lub.
+ intros.
+ apply PSet.is_subset_spec.
+ intro.
+ rewrite PSet.ginter.
+ rewrite andb_true_iff.
+ intuition.
+ Qed.
+ Definition top := PSet.empty.
+Module DS := Dataflow_Solver(RB)(NodeSetForward).
+Inductive sym_op : Type :=
+| SOp : operation -> sym_op
+| SLoad : memory_chunk -> addressing -> sym_op.
+Definition eq_dec_sym_op : forall s s' : sym_op, {s = s'} + {s <> s'}.
+ generalize eq_operation.
+ generalize eq_addressing.
+ generalize chunk_eq.
+ decide equality.
+Definition eq_dec_args : forall l l' : list reg, { l = l' } + { l <> l' }.
+ apply List.list_eq_dec.
+ exact peq.
+Record equation :=
+ mkequation
+ { eq_lhs : reg;
+ eq_op : sym_op;
+ eq_args : list reg }.
+Definition eq_dec_equation :
+ forall eq eq' : equation, {eq = eq'} + {eq <> eq'}.
+ generalize peq.
+ generalize eq_dec_sym_op.
+ generalize eq_dec_args.
+ decide equality.
+Definition eq_id := node.
+Definition add_i_j (i : reg) (j : eq_id) (m : Regmap.t PSet.t) :=
+ Regmap.set i (PSet.add j (Regmap.get i m)) m.
+Definition add_ilist_j (ilist : list reg) (j : eq_id) (m : Regmap.t PSet.t) :=
+ List.fold_left (fun already i => add_i_j i j already) ilist m.
+Definition get_reg_kills (eqs : PTree.t equation) :
+ Regmap.t PSet.t :=
+ PTree.fold (fun already (eqno : eq_id) (eq : equation) =>
+ add_i_j (eq_lhs eq) eqno
+ (add_ilist_j (eq_args eq) eqno already)) eqs
+ (PMap.init PSet.empty).
+Definition eq_depends_on_mem eq :=
+ match eq_op eq with
+ | SLoad _ _ => true
+ | SOp op => op_depends_on_memory op
+ end.
+Definition get_mem_kills (eqs : PTree.t equation) : PSet.t :=
+ PTree.fold (fun already (eqno : eq_id) (eq : equation) =>
+ if eq_depends_on_mem eq
+ then PSet.add eqno already
+ else already) eqs PSet.empty.
+Definition is_move (op : operation) :
+ { op = Omove } + { op <> Omove }.
+ destruct op; try (right ; congruence).
+ left; trivial.
+Definition is_smove (sop : sym_op) :
+ { sop = SOp Omove } + { sop <> SOp Omove }.
+ destruct sop; try (right ; congruence).
+ destruct (is_move o).
+ - left; congruence.
+ - right; congruence.
+Definition get_moves (eqs : PTree.t equation) :
+ Regmap.t PSet.t :=
+ PTree.fold (fun already (eqno : eq_id) (eq : equation) =>
+ if is_smove (eq_op eq)
+ then add_i_j (eq_lhs eq) eqno already
+ else already) eqs (PMap.init PSet.empty).
+Record eq_context := mkeqcontext
+ { eq_catalog : eq_id -> option equation;
+ eq_find_oracle : node -> equation -> option eq_id;
+ eq_rhs_oracle : node -> sym_op -> list reg -> PSet.t;
+ eq_kill_reg : reg -> PSet.t;
+ eq_kill_mem : unit -> PSet.t;
+ eq_moves : reg -> PSet.t }.
+ Context {ctx : eq_context}.
+ Definition kill_reg (r : reg) (rel : RELATION.t) : RELATION.t :=
+ PSet.subtract rel (eq_kill_reg ctx r).
+ Definition kill_mem (rel : RELATION.t) : RELATION.t :=
+ PSet.subtract rel (eq_kill_mem ctx tt).
+ Definition pick_source (l : list reg) := (* todo: take min? *)
+ match l with
+ | h::t => Some h
+ | nil => None
+ end.
+ Definition forward_move (rel : RELATION.t) (x : reg) : reg :=
+ match pick_source (PSet.elements (PSet.inter rel (eq_moves ctx x))) with
+ | None => x
+ | Some eqno =>
+ match eq_catalog ctx eqno with
+ | Some eq =>
+ if is_smove (eq_op eq) && peq x (eq_lhs eq)
+ then
+ match eq_args eq with
+ | src::nil => src
+ | _ => x
+ end
+ else x
+ | _ => x
+ end
+ end.
+ Definition forward_move_l (rel : RELATION.t) : list reg -> list reg :=
+ List.map (forward_move rel).
+ Section PER_NODE.
+ Variable no : node.
+ Definition eq_find (eq : equation) :=
+ match eq_find_oracle ctx no eq with
+ | Some id =>
+ match eq_catalog ctx id with
+ | Some eq' => if eq_dec_equation eq eq' then Some id else None
+ | None => None
+ end
+ | None => None
+ end.
+ Definition rhs_find (sop : sym_op) (args : list reg) (rel : RELATION.t) : option reg :=
+ match pick_source (PSet.elements (PSet.inter (eq_rhs_oracle ctx no sop args) rel)) with
+ | None => None
+ | Some src =>
+ match eq_catalog ctx src with
+ | None => None
+ | Some eq =>
+ if eq_dec_sym_op sop (eq_op eq) && eq_dec_args args (eq_args eq)
+ then Some (eq_lhs eq)
+ else None
+ end
+ end.
+ Definition oper2 (dst : reg) (op: sym_op)(args : list reg)
+ (rel : RELATION.t) : RELATION.t :=
+ let rel' := kill_reg dst rel in
+ match eq_find {| eq_lhs := dst;
+ eq_op := op;
+ eq_args:= args |} with
+ | Some id => PSet.add id rel'
+ | None => rel'
+ end.
+ Definition oper1 (dst : reg) (op: sym_op) (args : list reg)
+ (rel : RELATION.t) : RELATION.t :=
+ if List.in_dec peq dst args
+ then kill_reg dst rel
+ else oper2 dst op args rel.
+ Definition move (src dst : reg) (rel : RELATION.t) : RELATION.t :=
+ match eq_find {| eq_lhs := dst;
+ eq_op := SOp Omove;
+ eq_args:= src::nil |} with
+ | Some eq_id => PSet.add eq_id (kill_reg dst rel)
+ | None => kill_reg dst rel
+ end.
+ Definition oper (dst : reg) (op: sym_op) (args : list reg)
+ (rel : RELATION.t) : RELATION.t :=
+ match rhs_find op (forward_move_l rel args) rel with
+ | Some r => move r dst rel
+ | None => oper1 dst op args rel
+ end.
+ Definition clever_kill_store
+ (chunk : memory_chunk) (addr: addressing) (args : list reg)
+ (src : reg)
+ (rel : RELATION.t) : RELATION.t :=
+ PSet.subtract rel
+ (PSet.filter
+ (fun eqno =>
+ match eq_catalog ctx eqno with
+ | None => false
+ | Some eq =>
+ match eq_op eq with
+ | SOp op => true
+ | SLoad chunk' addr' =>
+ may_overlap chunk addr args chunk' addr' (eq_args eq)
+ end
+ end)
+ (PSet.inter rel (eq_kill_mem ctx tt))).
+ Definition store2
+ (chunk : memory_chunk) (addr: addressing) (args : list reg)
+ (src : reg)
+ (rel : RELATION.t) : RELATION.t :=
+ if Compopts.optim_CSE3_alias_analysis tt
+ then clever_kill_store chunk addr args src rel
+ else kill_mem rel.
+ Definition store1
+ (chunk : memory_chunk) (addr: addressing) (args : list reg)
+ (src : reg) (ty: typ)
+ (rel : RELATION.t) : RELATION.t :=
+ let rel' := store2 chunk addr args src rel in
+ if loadv_storev_compatible_type chunk ty
+ then
+ match eq_find {| eq_lhs := src;
+ eq_op := SLoad chunk addr;
+ eq_args:= args |} with
+ | Some id => PSet.add id rel'
+ | None => rel'
+ end
+ else rel'.
+ Definition store
+ (chunk : memory_chunk) (addr: addressing) (args : list reg)
+ (src : reg) (ty: typ)
+ (rel : RELATION.t) : RELATION.t :=
+ store1 chunk addr (forward_move_l rel args) src ty rel.
+ Definition apply_instr (tenv : typing_env) (instr : RTL.instruction) (rel : RELATION.t) : RB.t :=
+ match instr with
+ | Inop _
+ | Icond _ _ _ _
+ | Ijumptable _ _ => Some rel
+ | Istore chunk addr args src _ =>
+ Some (store chunk addr args src (tenv src) rel)
+ | Iop op args dst _ => Some (oper dst (SOp op) args rel)
+ | Iload trap chunk addr args dst _ => Some (oper dst (SLoad chunk addr) args rel)
+ | Icall _ _ _ dst _ => Some (kill_reg dst (kill_mem rel))
+ | Ibuiltin _ _ res _ => Some (RELATION.top) (* TODO (kill_builtin_res res x) *)
+ | Itailcall _ _ _ | Ireturn _ => RB.bot
+ end.
+Definition apply_instr' (tenv : typing_env) code (pc : node) (ro : RB.t) : RB.t :=
+ match ro with
+ | None => None
+ | Some x =>
+ match code ! pc with
+ | None => RB.bot
+ | Some instr => apply_instr pc tenv instr x
+ end
+ end.
+Definition invariants := PMap.t RB.t.
+Definition rel_leb (x y : RELATION.t) : bool := (PSet.is_subset y x).
+Definition relb_leb (x y : RB.t) : bool :=
+ match x, y with
+ | None, _ => true
+ | (Some _), None => false
+ | (Some x), (Some y) => rel_leb x y
+ end.
+Definition check_inductiveness (fn : RTL.function) (tenv: typing_env) (inv: invariants) :=
+ (RB.beq (Some RELATION.top) (PMap.get (fn_entrypoint fn) inv)) &&
+ PTree_Properties.for_all (fn_code fn)
+ (fun pc instr =>
+ match PMap.get pc inv with
+ | None => true
+ | Some rel =>
+ let rel' := apply_instr pc tenv instr rel in
+ List.forallb
+ (fun pc' => relb_leb rel' (PMap.get pc' inv))
+ (RTL.successors_instr instr)
+ end).
+Definition internal_analysis
+ (tenv : typing_env)
+ (f : RTL.function) : option invariants := DS.fixpoint
+ (RTL.fn_code f) RTL.successors_instr
+ (apply_instr' tenv (RTL.fn_code f)) (RTL.fn_entrypoint f) (Some RELATION.top).
+Record analysis_hints :=
+ mkanalysis_hints
+ { hint_eq_catalog : PTree.t equation;
+ hint_eq_find_oracle : node -> equation -> option eq_id;
+ hint_eq_rhs_oracle : node -> sym_op -> list reg -> PSet.t }.
+Definition context_from_hints (hints : analysis_hints) :=
+ let eqs := hint_eq_catalog hints in
+ let reg_kills := get_reg_kills eqs in
+ let mem_kills := get_mem_kills eqs in
+ let moves := get_moves eqs in
+ {|
+ eq_catalog := fun eq_id => PTree.get eq_id eqs;
+ eq_find_oracle := hint_eq_find_oracle hints ;
+ eq_rhs_oracle := hint_eq_rhs_oracle hints;
+ eq_kill_reg := fun reg => PMap.get reg reg_kills;
+ eq_kill_mem := fun _ => mem_kills;
+ eq_moves := fun reg => PMap.get reg moves
+ |}.