path: root/backend/Duplicateaux.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'backend/Duplicateaux.ml')
1 files changed, 16 insertions, 111 deletions
diff --git a/backend/Duplicateaux.ml b/backend/Duplicateaux.ml
index b3635527..7504f724 100644
--- a/backend/Duplicateaux.ml
+++ b/backend/Duplicateaux.ml
@@ -270,120 +270,25 @@ let get_inner_loops f code is_loop_header =
) (PTree.elements loopmap)
-(* Returns a PTree of either None or Some b where b determines the node following the loop, for a cb instruction *)
-(* It uses the fact that loops in CompCert are done by a branch (backedge) instruction followed by a cb *)
+(* Returns a PTree of either None or Some b where b determines the node in the loop body, for a cb instruction *)
let get_loop_info f is_loop_header bfs_order code =
- debug "GET LOOP INFO\n";
- debug "==================================\n";
let loop_info = ref (PTree.map (fun n i -> None) code) in
- let mark_path n lbody =
- let cb_info = ref PTree.empty in
- let visited = ref (PTree.map (fun n i -> false) code) in
- (* Returns true if there is a path from src to dest (not involving jumptables) *)
- (* Mark nodes as visited along the way *)
- let explore src dest =
- debug "Trying to dive a path from %d to %d\n" (P.to_int src) (P.to_int dest);
- (* Memoizing the results to avoid exponential blow-up *)
- let memory = ref PTree.empty in
- let rec explore_rec src =
- debug "explore_rec %d vs %d... " (P.to_int src) (P.to_int dest);
- if (P.to_int src) == (P.to_int dest) then (debug "FOUND\n"; true)
- else if (get_some @@ PTree.get src !visited) then (debug "VISITED... :( \n"; false)
- (* if we went out of the innermost loop *)
- else if (not @@ List.mem src lbody) then (debug "Out of innermost...\n"; false)
- else begin
- let inst = get_some @@ PTree.get src code in
- visited := PTree.set src true !visited;
- match rtl_successors inst with
- | [] -> false
- | [s] -> explore_wrap s
- | [s1; s2] -> let snapshot_visited = ref !visited in begin
- debug "\t\tSplit at %d: either %d or %d\n" (P.to_int src) (P.to_int s1) (P.to_int s2);
- (* Remembering that we tried the ifso node *)
- cb_info := PTree.set src true !cb_info;
- match explore_wrap s1 with
- | true -> (
- visited := !snapshot_visited;
- match explore_wrap s2 with
- | true -> begin
- (* Both paths lead to a loop: we cannot predict the CB
- * (but the explore still succeeds) *)
- cb_info := PTree.remove src !cb_info;
- true
- end
- | false -> true (* nothing to do, the explore succeeded *)
- )
- | false -> begin
- cb_info := PTree.set src false !cb_info;
- match explore_wrap s2 with
- | true -> true
- | false -> (cb_info := PTree.remove src !cb_info; false)
- end
- end
- | _ -> false
- end
- and explore_wrap src = begin
- match PTree.get src !memory with
- | Some b -> b
- | None ->
- let result = explore_rec src in
- (memory := PTree.set src result !memory; result)
- end in explore_wrap src
- (* Goes forward until a CB is encountered
- * Returns None if no CB was found, or Some the_cb_node
- * Marks nodes as visited along the way *)
- in let rec advance_to_cb src =
- if (get_some @@ PTree.get src !visited) then None
- else begin
- visited := PTree.set src true !visited;
- match get_some @@ PTree.get src code with
- | Inop s | Iop (_, _, _, s) | Iload (_,_,_,_,_,s) | Istore (_,_,_,_,s) | Icall (_,_,_,_,s)
- | Ibuiltin (_,_,_,s) -> advance_to_cb s
- | Icond _ -> Some src
- | Ijumptable _ | Itailcall _ | Ireturn _ -> None
- end
- in begin
- debug "Attempting to find natural loop from HEAD %d..\n" (P.to_int n);
- match advance_to_cb n with
- | None -> (debug "\tNo CB found\n")
- | Some s -> ( debug "\tFound a CB! %d\n" (P.to_int s);
- match get_some @@ PTree.get s !loop_info with
- | None | Some _ -> begin
- match get_some @@ PTree.get s code with
- | Icond (_, _, n1, n2, _) -> (
- let b1 = explore n1 n in
- let b2 = explore n2 n in
- if (b1 && b2) then
- debug "\tBoth paths lead back to the head: NONE\n"
- else if (b1 || b2) then begin
- if b1 then begin
- debug "\tTrue path leads to the head: TRUE\n";
- loop_info := PTree.set s (Some true) !loop_info;
- end else if b2 then begin
- debug "\tFalse path leads to the head: FALSE\n";
- loop_info := PTree.set s (Some false) !loop_info
- end;
- debug "\tSetting other CBs encountered..\n";
- List.iter (fun (cb, dir) ->
- debug "\t\t%d is %B\n" (P.to_int cb) dir;
- loop_info := PTree.set cb (Some dir) !loop_info
- ) (PTree.elements !cb_info)
- end else
- debug "\tNo path leads back to the head: NONE\n"
- )
- | _ -> failwith "\tNot an Icond\n"
- end
- (* | Some _ -> ( debug "already loop info there\n" ) FIXME - we don't know yet whether a branch to a loop head is a backedge or not *)
- )
- end
+ let mark_iloop iloop =
+ List.iter (fun n ->
+ match get_some @@ PTree.get n code with
+ | Icond (_, _, ifso, ifnot, _) ->
+ let b1 = List.mem ifso iloop.body in
+ let b2 = List.mem ifnot iloop.body in
+ if (b1 && b2) then ()
+ else if (b1 || b2) then begin
+ if b1 then loop_info := PTree.set n (Some true) !loop_info
+ else if b2 then loop_info := PTree.set n (Some false) !loop_info
+ end
+ | _ -> ()
+ ) iloop.body
in let iloops = get_inner_loops f code is_loop_header in
- begin
- List.iter (fun il -> mark_path il.head il.body) iloops;
- (* List.iter mark_path @@ List.filter (fun n -> get_some @@ PTree.get n is_loop_header) bfs_order; *)
- debug "==================================\n";
- !loop_info
- end
+ List.iter mark_iloop iloops;
+ !loop_info
(* Remark - compared to the original Branch Prediction for Free paper, we don't use the store heuristic *)
let get_directions f code entrypoint = begin