path: root/cparser
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Diffstat (limited to 'cparser')
1 files changed, 7 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/cparser/Parse.ml b/cparser/Parse.ml
index d9f9aa1c..3ed193f9 100644
--- a/cparser/Parse.ml
+++ b/cparser/Parse.ml
@@ -72,12 +72,13 @@ let preprocessed_file transfs name sourcefile =
(fun () ->
Parser.translation_unit_file log_fuel (Lexer.tokens_stream name text)) ()
- | Parser.MenhirLibParser.Inter.Fail_pr ->
- (* Theoretically impossible : implies inconsistencies
- between grammars. *)
- Diagnostics.fatal_error Diagnostics.no_loc "internal error while parsing"
- | Parser.MenhirLibParser.Inter.Timeout_pr -> assert false
- | Parser.MenhirLibParser.Inter.Parsed_pr (ast, _ ) -> ast) in
+ | Parser.MenhirLibParser.Inter.Parsed_pr (ast, _ ) -> ast
+ | _ -> (* Fail_pr or Fail_pr_full or Timeout_pr, depending
+ on the version of Menhir.
+ Fail_pr{,_full} means that there's an inconsistency
+ between the pre-parser and the parser.
+ Timeout_pr means that we ran for 2^50 steps. *)
+ Diagnostics.fatal_error Diagnostics.no_loc "internal error while parsing") in
let p1 = Timing.time "Elaboration" Elab.elab_file ast in
Diagnostics.check_errors ();
Timing.time2 "Emulations" transform_program t p1 name in