path: root/flocq/Core/Fcore_rnd_ne.v
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1 files changed, 531 insertions, 0 deletions
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+This file is part of the Flocq formalization of floating-point
+arithmetic in Coq: http://flocq.gforge.inria.fr/
+Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Sylvie Boldo
+#<br />#
+Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Guillaume Melquiond
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+COPYING file for more details.
+(** * Rounding to nearest, ties to even: existence, unicity... *)
+Require Import Fcore_Raux.
+Require Import Fcore_defs.
+Require Import Fcore_rnd.
+Require Import Fcore_generic_fmt.
+Require Import Fcore_float_prop.
+Require Import Fcore_ulp.
+Notation ZnearestE := (Znearest (fun x => negb (Zeven x))).
+Section Fcore_rnd_NE.
+Variable beta : radix.
+Notation bpow e := (bpow beta e).
+Variable fexp : Z -> Z.
+Context { valid_exp : Valid_exp fexp }.
+Notation format := (generic_format beta fexp).
+Notation canonic := (canonic beta fexp).
+Definition NE_prop (_ : R) f :=
+ exists g : float beta, f = F2R g /\ canonic g /\ Zeven (Fnum g) = true.
+Definition Rnd_NE_pt :=
+ Rnd_NG_pt format NE_prop.
+Definition DN_UP_parity_pos_prop :=
+ forall x xd xu,
+ (0 < x)%R ->
+ ~ format x ->
+ canonic xd ->
+ canonic xu ->
+ F2R xd = round beta fexp Zfloor x ->
+ F2R xu = round beta fexp Zceil x ->
+ Zeven (Fnum xu) = negb (Zeven (Fnum xd)).
+Definition DN_UP_parity_prop :=
+ forall x xd xu,
+ ~ format x ->
+ canonic xd ->
+ canonic xu ->
+ F2R xd = round beta fexp Zfloor x ->
+ F2R xu = round beta fexp Zceil x ->
+ Zeven (Fnum xu) = negb (Zeven (Fnum xd)).
+Lemma DN_UP_parity_aux :
+ DN_UP_parity_pos_prop ->
+ DN_UP_parity_prop.
+intros Hpos x xd xu Hfx Hd Hu Hxd Hxu.
+destruct (total_order_T 0 x) as [[Hx|Hx]|Hx].
+(* . *)
+exact (Hpos x xd xu Hx Hfx Hd Hu Hxd Hxu).
+elim Hfx.
+rewrite <- Hx.
+apply generic_format_0.
+(* . *)
+assert (Hx': (0 < -x)%R).
+apply Ropp_lt_cancel.
+now rewrite Ropp_involutive, Ropp_0.
+destruct xd as (md, ed).
+destruct xu as (mu, eu).
+rewrite <- (Bool.negb_involutive (Zeven mu)).
+apply f_equal.
+apply sym_eq.
+rewrite <- (Zeven_opp mu), <- (Zeven_opp md).
+change (Zeven (Fnum (Float beta (-md) ed)) = negb (Zeven (Fnum (Float beta (-mu) eu)))).
+apply (Hpos (-x)%R _ _ Hx').
+intros H.
+apply Hfx.
+rewrite <- Ropp_involutive.
+now apply generic_format_opp.
+now apply canonic_opp.
+now apply canonic_opp.
+rewrite round_DN_opp, F2R_Zopp.
+now apply f_equal.
+rewrite round_UP_opp, F2R_Zopp.
+now apply f_equal.
+Class Exists_NE :=
+ exists_NE : Zeven beta = false \/ forall e,
+ ((fexp e < e)%Z -> (fexp (e + 1) < e)%Z) /\ ((e <= fexp e)%Z -> fexp (fexp e + 1) = fexp e).
+Context { exists_NE_ : Exists_NE }.
+Theorem DN_UP_parity_generic_pos :
+ DN_UP_parity_pos_prop.
+Proof with auto with typeclass_instances.
+intros x xd xu H0x Hfx Hd Hu Hxd Hxu.
+destruct (ln_beta beta x) as (ex, Hexa).
+specialize (Hexa (Rgt_not_eq _ _ H0x)).
+generalize Hexa. intros Hex.
+rewrite (Rabs_pos_eq _ (Rlt_le _ _ H0x)) in Hex.
+destruct (Zle_or_lt ex (fexp ex)) as [Hxe|Hxe].
+(* small x *)
+assert (Hd3 : Fnum xd = Z0).
+apply F2R_eq_0_reg with beta (Fexp xd).
+change (F2R xd = R0).
+rewrite Hxd.
+apply round_DN_small_pos with (1 := Hex) (2 := Hxe).
+assert (Hu3 : xu = Float beta (1 * Zpower beta (fexp ex - fexp (fexp ex + 1))) (fexp (fexp ex + 1))).
+apply canonic_unicity with (1 := Hu).
+apply (f_equal fexp).
+rewrite <- F2R_change_exp.
+now rewrite F2R_bpow, ln_beta_bpow.
+now apply valid_exp.
+rewrite <- F2R_change_exp.
+rewrite F2R_bpow.
+apply sym_eq.
+rewrite Hxu.
+apply sym_eq.
+apply round_UP_small_pos with (1 := Hex) (2 := Hxe).
+now apply valid_exp.
+rewrite Hd3, Hu3.
+rewrite Zmult_1_l.
+destruct exists_NE_ as [H|H].
+apply Zeven_Zpower_odd with (2 := H).
+apply Zle_minus_le_0.
+now apply valid_exp.
+rewrite (proj2 (H ex)).
+now rewrite Zminus_diag.
+exact Hxe.
+(* large x *)
+assert (Hd4: (bpow (ex - 1) <= Rabs (F2R xd) < bpow ex)%R).
+rewrite Rabs_pos_eq.
+rewrite Hxd.
+apply (round_DN_pt beta fexp x).
+apply generic_format_bpow.
+ring_simplify (ex - 1 + 1)%Z.
+apply Hex.
+apply Rle_lt_trans with (2 := proj2 Hex).
+apply (round_DN_pt beta fexp x).
+rewrite Hxd.
+apply (round_DN_pt beta fexp x).
+apply generic_format_0.
+now apply Rlt_le.
+assert (Hxe2 : (fexp (ex + 1) <= ex)%Z) by now apply valid_exp.
+assert (Hud: (F2R xu = F2R xd + ulp beta fexp x)%R).
+rewrite Hxu, Hxd.
+now apply ulp_DN_UP.
+destruct (total_order_T (bpow ex) (F2R xu)) as [[Hu2|Hu2]|Hu2].
+(* - xu > bpow ex *)
+elim (Rlt_not_le _ _ Hu2).
+rewrite Hxu.
+apply round_bounded_large_pos...
+(* - xu = bpow ex *)
+assert (Hu3: xu = Float beta (1 * Zpower beta (ex - fexp (ex + 1))) (fexp (ex + 1))).
+apply canonic_unicity with (1 := Hu).
+apply (f_equal fexp).
+rewrite <- F2R_change_exp.
+now rewrite F2R_bpow, ln_beta_bpow.
+now apply valid_exp.
+rewrite <- Hu2.
+apply sym_eq.
+rewrite <- F2R_change_exp.
+apply F2R_bpow.
+exact Hxe2.
+assert (Hd3: xd = Float beta (Zpower beta (ex - fexp ex) - 1) (fexp ex)).
+assert (H: F2R xd = F2R (Float beta (Zpower beta (ex - fexp ex) - 1) (fexp ex))).
+unfold F2R. simpl.
+rewrite Z2R_minus.
+unfold Rminus.
+rewrite Rmult_plus_distr_r.
+rewrite Z2R_Zpower, <- bpow_plus.
+ring_simplify (ex - fexp ex + fexp ex)%Z.
+rewrite Hu2, Hud.
+unfold ulp, canonic_exp.
+rewrite ln_beta_unique with beta x ex.
+unfold F2R.
+simpl. ring.
+rewrite Rabs_pos_eq.
+exact Hex.
+now apply Rlt_le.
+apply Zle_minus_le_0.
+now apply Zlt_le_weak.
+apply canonic_unicity with (1 := Hd) (3 := H).
+apply (f_equal fexp).
+rewrite <- H.
+apply sym_eq.
+now apply ln_beta_unique.
+rewrite Hd3, Hu3.
+unfold Fnum.
+rewrite Zeven_mult. simpl.
+unfold Zminus at 2.
+rewrite Zeven_plus.
+rewrite eqb_sym. simpl.
+fold (negb (Zeven (beta ^ (ex - fexp ex)))).
+rewrite Bool.negb_involutive.
+rewrite (Zeven_Zpower beta (ex - fexp ex)). 2: omega.
+destruct exists_NE_.
+rewrite H.
+apply Zeven_Zpower_odd with (2 := H).
+now apply Zle_minus_le_0.
+apply Zeven_Zpower.
+specialize (H ex).
+(* - xu < bpow ex *)
+revert Hud.
+unfold ulp, F2R.
+rewrite Hd, Hu.
+unfold canonic_exp.
+rewrite ln_beta_unique with beta (F2R xu) ex.
+rewrite ln_beta_unique with (1 := Hd4).
+rewrite ln_beta_unique with (1 := Hexa).
+intros H.
+replace (Fnum xu) with (Fnum xd + 1)%Z.
+rewrite Zeven_plus.
+now apply eqb_sym.
+apply sym_eq.
+apply eq_Z2R.
+rewrite Z2R_plus.
+apply Rmult_eq_reg_r with (bpow (fexp ex)).
+rewrite H.
+simpl. ring.
+apply Rgt_not_eq.
+apply bpow_gt_0.
+rewrite Rabs_pos_eq.
+apply Rle_trans with (1 := proj1 Hex).
+rewrite Hxu.
+apply (round_UP_pt beta fexp x).
+exact Hu2.
+apply Rlt_le.
+apply Rlt_le_trans with (1 := H0x).
+rewrite Hxu.
+apply (round_UP_pt beta fexp x).
+Theorem DN_UP_parity_generic :
+ DN_UP_parity_prop.
+apply DN_UP_parity_aux.
+apply DN_UP_parity_generic_pos.
+Theorem Rnd_NE_pt_total :
+ round_pred_total Rnd_NE_pt.
+apply satisfies_any_imp_NG.
+now apply generic_format_satisfies_any.
+intros x d u Hf Hd Hu.
+generalize (proj1 Hd).
+unfold generic_format.
+set (ed := canonic_exp beta fexp d).
+set (md := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp d)).
+intros Hd1.
+case_eq (Zeven md) ; [ intros He | intros Ho ].
+exists (Float beta md ed).
+unfold Fcore_generic_fmt.canonic.
+rewrite <- Hd1.
+now repeat split.
+generalize (proj1 Hu).
+unfold generic_format.
+set (eu := canonic_exp beta fexp u).
+set (mu := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp u)).
+intros Hu1.
+rewrite Hu1.
+eexists ; repeat split.
+unfold Fcore_generic_fmt.canonic.
+now rewrite <- Hu1.
+rewrite (DN_UP_parity_generic x (Float beta md ed) (Float beta mu eu)).
+now rewrite Ho.
+exact Hf.
+unfold Fcore_generic_fmt.canonic.
+now rewrite <- Hd1.
+unfold Fcore_generic_fmt.canonic.
+now rewrite <- Hu1.
+rewrite <- Hd1.
+apply Rnd_DN_pt_unicity with (1 := Hd).
+now apply round_DN_pt.
+rewrite <- Hu1.
+apply Rnd_UP_pt_unicity with (1 := Hu).
+now apply round_UP_pt.
+Theorem Rnd_NE_pt_monotone :
+ round_pred_monotone Rnd_NE_pt.
+apply Rnd_NG_pt_monotone.
+intros x d u Hd Hdn Hu Hun (cd, (Hd1, Hd2)) (cu, (Hu1, Hu2)).
+destruct (Req_dec x d) as [Hx|Hx].
+rewrite <- Hx.
+apply sym_eq.
+apply Rnd_UP_pt_idempotent with (1 := Hu).
+rewrite Hx.
+apply Hd.
+rewrite (DN_UP_parity_aux DN_UP_parity_generic_pos x cd cu) in Hu2 ; try easy.
+now rewrite (proj2 Hd2) in Hu2.
+intros Hf.
+apply Hx.
+apply sym_eq.
+now apply Rnd_DN_pt_idempotent with (1 := Hd).
+rewrite <- Hd1.
+apply Rnd_DN_pt_unicity with (1 := Hd).
+now apply round_DN_pt.
+rewrite <- Hu1.
+apply Rnd_UP_pt_unicity with (1 := Hu).
+now apply round_UP_pt.
+Theorem Rnd_NE_pt_round :
+ round_pred Rnd_NE_pt.
+apply Rnd_NE_pt_total.
+apply Rnd_NE_pt_monotone.
+Lemma round_NE_pt_pos :
+ forall x,
+ (0 < x)%R ->
+ Rnd_NE_pt x (round beta fexp ZnearestE x).
+Proof with auto with typeclass_instances.
+intros x Hx.
+now apply round_N_pt.
+unfold NE_prop.
+set (mx := scaled_mantissa beta fexp x).
+set (xr := round beta fexp ZnearestE x).
+destruct (Req_dec (mx - Z2R (Zfloor mx)) (/2)) as [Hm|Hm].
+(* midpoint *)
+exists (Float beta (Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp xr)) (canonic_exp beta fexp xr)).
+apply round_N_pt...
+unfold Fcore_generic_fmt.canonic. simpl.
+apply f_equal.
+apply round_N_pt...
+unfold xr, round, Znearest.
+fold mx.
+rewrite Hm.
+rewrite Rcompare_Eq. 2: apply refl_equal.
+case_eq (Zeven (Zfloor mx)) ; intros Hmx.
+(* . even floor *)
+change (Zeven (Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp (round beta fexp Zfloor x))) = true).
+destruct (Rle_or_lt (round beta fexp Zfloor x) 0) as [Hr|Hr].
+rewrite (Rle_antisym _ _ Hr).
+unfold scaled_mantissa.
+rewrite Rmult_0_l.
+change R0 with (Z2R 0).
+now rewrite (Ztrunc_Z2R 0).
+rewrite <- (round_0 beta fexp Zfloor).
+apply round_le...
+now apply Rlt_le.
+rewrite scaled_mantissa_DN...
+now rewrite Ztrunc_Z2R.
+(* . odd floor *)
+change (Zeven (Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp (round beta fexp Zceil x))) = true).
+destruct (ln_beta beta x) as (ex, Hex).
+specialize (Hex (Rgt_not_eq _ _ Hx)).
+rewrite (Rabs_pos_eq _ (Rlt_le _ _ Hx)) in Hex.
+destruct (Z_lt_le_dec (fexp ex) ex) as [He|He].
+(* .. large pos *)
+assert (Hu := round_bounded_large_pos _ _ Zceil _ _ He Hex).
+assert (Hfc: Zceil mx = (Zfloor mx + 1)%Z).
+apply Zceil_floor_neq.
+intros H.
+rewrite H in Hm.
+unfold Rminus in Hm.
+rewrite Rplus_opp_r in Hm.
+elim (Rlt_irrefl 0).
+rewrite Hm at 2.
+apply Rinv_0_lt_compat.
+now apply (Z2R_lt 0 2).
+destruct (proj2 Hu) as [Hu'|Hu'].
+(* ... u <> bpow *)
+unfold scaled_mantissa.
+rewrite canonic_exp_fexp_pos with (1 := conj (proj1 Hu) Hu').
+unfold round, F2R. simpl.
+rewrite canonic_exp_fexp_pos with (1 := Hex).
+rewrite Rmult_assoc, <- bpow_plus, Zplus_opp_r, Rmult_1_r.
+rewrite Ztrunc_Z2R.
+fold mx.
+rewrite Hfc.
+now rewrite Zeven_plus, Hmx.
+(* ... u = bpow *)
+rewrite Hu'.
+unfold scaled_mantissa, canonic_exp.
+rewrite ln_beta_bpow.
+rewrite <- bpow_plus, <- Z2R_Zpower.
+rewrite Ztrunc_Z2R.
+case_eq (Zeven beta) ; intros Hr.
+destruct exists_NE_ as [Hs|Hs].
+now rewrite Hs in Hr.
+destruct (Hs ex) as (H,_).
+rewrite Zeven_Zpower.
+exact Hr.
+assert (Zeven (Zfloor mx) = true). 2: now rewrite H in Hmx.
+replace (Zfloor mx) with (Zceil mx + -1)%Z by omega.
+rewrite Zeven_plus.
+apply eqb_true.
+unfold mx.
+replace (Zceil (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x)) with (Zpower beta (ex - fexp ex)).
+rewrite Zeven_Zpower_odd with (2 := Hr).
+apply eq_Z2R.
+rewrite Z2R_Zpower. 2: omega.
+apply Rmult_eq_reg_r with (bpow (fexp ex)).
+unfold Zminus.
+rewrite bpow_plus.
+rewrite Rmult_assoc, <- bpow_plus, Zplus_opp_l, Rmult_1_r.
+pattern (fexp ex) ; rewrite <- canonic_exp_fexp_pos with (1 := Hex).
+now apply sym_eq.
+apply Rgt_not_eq.
+apply bpow_gt_0.
+generalize (proj1 (valid_exp ex) He).
+(* .. small pos *)
+assert (Zeven (Zfloor mx) = true). 2: now rewrite H in Hmx.
+unfold mx, scaled_mantissa.
+rewrite canonic_exp_fexp_pos with (1 := Hex).
+now rewrite mantissa_DN_small_pos.
+(* not midpoint *)
+intros g Hg.
+destruct (Req_dec x g) as [Hxg|Hxg].
+rewrite <- Hxg.
+apply sym_eq.
+apply round_generic...
+rewrite Hxg.
+apply Hg.
+set (d := round beta fexp Zfloor x).
+set (u := round beta fexp Zceil x).
+apply Rnd_N_pt_unicity with (d := d) (u := u) (4 := Hg).
+now apply round_DN_pt.
+now apply round_UP_pt.
+2: now apply round_N_pt.
+rewrite <- (scaled_mantissa_mult_bpow beta fexp x).
+unfold d, u, round, F2R. simpl. fold mx.
+rewrite <- 2!Rmult_minus_distr_r.
+intros H.
+apply Rmult_eq_reg_r in H.
+apply Hm.
+apply Rcompare_Eq_inv.
+rewrite Rcompare_floor_ceil_mid.
+now apply Rcompare_Eq.
+contradict Hxg.
+apply sym_eq.
+apply Rnd_N_pt_idempotent with (1 := Hg).
+rewrite <- (scaled_mantissa_mult_bpow beta fexp x).
+fold mx.
+rewrite <- Hxg.
+change (Z2R (Zfloor mx) * bpow (canonic_exp beta fexp x))%R with d.
+now eapply round_DN_pt.
+apply Rgt_not_eq.
+apply bpow_gt_0.
+Theorem round_NE_opp :
+ forall x,
+ round beta fexp ZnearestE (-x) = (- round beta fexp ZnearestE x)%R.
+intros x.
+unfold round. simpl.
+rewrite scaled_mantissa_opp, canonic_exp_opp.
+rewrite Znearest_opp.
+rewrite <- F2R_Zopp.
+apply (f_equal (fun v => F2R (Float beta (-v) _))).
+set (m := scaled_mantissa beta fexp x).
+unfold Znearest.
+case Rcompare ; trivial.
+apply (f_equal (fun (b : bool) => if b then Zceil m else Zfloor m)).
+rewrite Bool.negb_involutive.
+rewrite Zeven_opp.
+rewrite Zeven_plus.
+now rewrite eqb_sym.
+Theorem round_NE_pt :
+ forall x,
+ Rnd_NE_pt x (round beta fexp ZnearestE x).
+Proof with auto with typeclass_instances.
+intros x.
+destruct (total_order_T x 0) as [[Hx|Hx]|Hx].
+apply Rnd_NG_pt_sym.
+apply generic_format_opp.
+unfold NE_prop.
+intros _ f ((mg,eg),(H1,(H2,H3))).
+exists (Float beta (- mg) eg).
+repeat split.
+rewrite H1.
+now rewrite F2R_Zopp.
+now apply canonic_opp.
+now rewrite Zeven_opp.
+rewrite <- round_NE_opp.
+apply round_NE_pt_pos.
+now apply Ropp_0_gt_lt_contravar.
+rewrite Hx, round_0...
+apply Rnd_NG_pt_refl.
+apply generic_format_0.
+now apply round_NE_pt_pos.
+End Fcore_rnd_NE.
+(** Notations for backward-compatibility with Flocq 1.4. *)
+Notation rndNE := ZnearestE (only parsing).