path: root/kvx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kvx')
4 files changed, 4 insertions, 519 deletions
diff --git a/kvx/BTL_SEsimplify.v b/kvx/BTL_SEsimplify.v
new file mode 120000
index 00000000..f190e6d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kvx/BTL_SEsimplify.v
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+../aarch64/BTL_SEsimplify.v \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/kvx/ExpansionOracle.ml b/kvx/ExpansionOracle.ml
index 3b63b80d..ee2674bf 100644..120000
--- a/kvx/ExpansionOracle.ml
+++ b/kvx/ExpansionOracle.ml
@@ -1,17 +1 @@
-(* *************************************************************)
-(* *)
-(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
-(* *)
-(* Léo Gourdin UGA, VERIMAG *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright VERIMAG. All rights reserved. *)
-(* This file is distributed under the terms of the INRIA *)
-(* Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
-(* *)
-(* *************************************************************)
-open RTLpathCommon
-let expanse (sb : superblock) code pm = (code, pm)
-let find_last_node_reg c = ()
+../aarch64/ExpansionOracle.ml \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/kvx/PrepassSchedulingOracle.ml b/kvx/PrepassSchedulingOracle.ml
index 53a81095..912e9ffa 100644..120000
--- a/kvx/PrepassSchedulingOracle.ml
+++ b/kvx/PrepassSchedulingOracle.ml
@@ -1,485 +1 @@
-open AST
-open RTL
-open Maps
-open InstructionScheduler
-open Registers
-open PrepassSchedulingOracleDeps
-let use_alias_analysis () = false
-let length_of_chunk = function
-| Mint8signed
-| Mint8unsigned -> 1
-| Mint16signed
-| Mint16unsigned -> 2
-| Mint32
-| Mfloat32
-| Many32 -> 4
-| Mint64
-| Mfloat64
-| Many64 -> 8;;
-let get_simple_dependencies (opweights : opweights) (seqa : (instruction*Regset.t) array) =
- let last_reg_reads : int list PTree.t ref = ref PTree.empty
- and last_reg_write : (int*int) PTree.t ref = ref PTree.empty
- and last_mem_reads : int list ref = ref []
- and last_mem_write : int option ref = ref None
- and last_branch : int option ref = ref None
- and last_non_pipelined_op : int array = Array.make
- opweights.nr_non_pipelined_units ( -1 )
- and latency_constraints : latency_constraint list ref = ref [] in
- let add_constraint instr_from instr_to latency =
- assert (instr_from <= instr_to);
- assert (latency >= 0);
- if instr_from = instr_to
- then (if latency = 0
- then ()
- else failwith "PrepassSchedulingOracle.get_dependencies: negative self-loop")
- else
- latency_constraints :=
- { instr_from = instr_from;
- instr_to = instr_to;
- latency = latency
- }:: !latency_constraints
- and get_last_reads reg =
- match PTree.get reg !last_reg_reads
- with Some l -> l
- | None -> [] in
- let add_input_mem i =
- if not (use_alias_analysis ())
- then
- begin
- begin
- (* Read after write *)
- match !last_mem_write with
- | None -> ()
- | Some j -> add_constraint j i 1
- end;
- last_mem_reads := i :: !last_mem_reads
- end
- and add_output_mem i =
- if not (use_alias_analysis ())
- then
- begin
- begin
- (* Write after write *)
- match !last_mem_write with
- | None -> ()
- | Some j -> add_constraint j i 1
- end;
- (* Write after read *)
- List.iter (fun j -> add_constraint j i 0) !last_mem_reads;
- last_mem_write := Some i;
- last_mem_reads := []
- end
- and add_input_reg i reg =
- begin
- (* Read after write *)
- match PTree.get reg !last_reg_write with
- | None -> ()
- | Some (j, latency) -> add_constraint j i latency
- end;
- last_reg_reads := PTree.set reg
- (i :: get_last_reads reg)
- !last_reg_reads
- and add_output_reg i latency reg =
- begin
- (* Write after write *)
- match PTree.get reg !last_reg_write with
- | None -> ()
- | Some (j, _) -> add_constraint j i 1
- end;
- begin
- (* Write after read *)
- List.iter (fun j -> add_constraint j i 0) (get_last_reads reg)
- end;
- last_reg_write := PTree.set reg (i, latency) !last_reg_write;
- last_reg_reads := PTree.remove reg !last_reg_reads
- in
- let add_input_regs i regs = List.iter (add_input_reg i) regs in
- let rec add_builtin_res i (res : reg builtin_res) =
- match res with
- | BR r -> add_output_reg i 10 r
- | BR_none -> ()
- | BR_splitlong (hi, lo) -> add_builtin_res i hi;
- add_builtin_res i lo in
- let rec add_builtin_arg i (ba : reg builtin_arg) =
- match ba with
- | BA r -> add_input_reg i r
- | BA_int _ | BA_long _ | BA_float _ | BA_single _ -> ()
- | BA_loadstack(_,_) -> add_input_mem i
- | BA_addrstack _ -> ()
- | BA_loadglobal(_, _, _) -> add_input_mem i
- | BA_addrglobal _ -> ()
- | BA_splitlong(hi, lo) -> add_builtin_arg i hi;
- add_builtin_arg i lo
- | BA_addptr(a1, a2) -> add_builtin_arg i a1;
- add_builtin_arg i a2 in
- let irreversible_action i =
- match !last_branch with
- | None -> ()
- | Some j -> add_constraint j i 1 in
- let set_branch i =
- irreversible_action i;
- last_branch := Some i in
- let add_non_pipelined_resources i resources =
- Array.iter2
- (fun latency last ->
- if latency >= 0 && last >= 0 then add_constraint last i latency)
- resources last_non_pipelined_op;
- Array.iteri (fun rsc latency ->
- if latency >= 0
- then last_non_pipelined_op.(rsc) <- i) resources
- in
- Array.iteri
- begin
- fun i (insn, other_uses) ->
- List.iter (fun use ->
- add_input_reg i use)
- (Regset.elements other_uses);
- match insn with
- | Inop _ -> ()
- | Iop(op, inputs, output, _) ->
- add_non_pipelined_resources i
- (opweights.non_pipelined_resources_of_op op (List.length inputs));
- (if Op.is_trapping_op op then irreversible_action i);
- add_input_regs i inputs;
- add_output_reg i (opweights.latency_of_op op (List.length inputs)) output
- | Iload(trap, chunk, addressing, addr_regs, output, _) ->
- (if trap=TRAP then irreversible_action i);
- add_input_mem i;
- add_input_regs i addr_regs;
- add_output_reg i (opweights.latency_of_load trap chunk addressing (List.length addr_regs)) output
- | Istore(chunk, addressing, addr_regs, input, _) ->
- irreversible_action i;
- add_input_regs i addr_regs;
- add_input_reg i input;
- add_output_mem i
- | Icall(signature, ef, inputs, output, _) ->
- set_branch i;
- (match ef with
- | Datatypes.Coq_inl r -> add_input_reg i r
- | Datatypes.Coq_inr symbol -> ()
- );
- add_input_mem i;
- add_input_regs i inputs;
- add_output_reg i (opweights.latency_of_call signature ef) output;
- add_output_mem i;
- failwith "Icall"
- | Itailcall(signature, ef, inputs) ->
- set_branch i;
- (match ef with
- | Datatypes.Coq_inl r -> add_input_reg i r
- | Datatypes.Coq_inr symbol -> ()
- );
- add_input_mem i;
- add_input_regs i inputs;
- failwith "Itailcall"
- | Ibuiltin(ef, builtin_inputs, builtin_output, _) ->
- set_branch i;
- add_input_mem i;
- List.iter (add_builtin_arg i) builtin_inputs;
- add_builtin_res i builtin_output;
- add_output_mem i;
- failwith "Ibuiltin"
- | Icond(cond, inputs, _, _, _) ->
- set_branch i;
- add_input_mem i;
- add_input_regs i inputs
- | Ijumptable(input, _) ->
- set_branch i;
- add_input_reg i input;
- failwith "Ijumptable"
- | Ireturn(Some input) ->
- set_branch i;
- add_input_reg i input;
- failwith "Ireturn"
- | Ireturn(None) ->
- set_branch i;
- failwith "Ireturn none"
- end seqa;
- !latency_constraints;;
-let resources_of_instruction (opweights : opweights) = function
- | Inop _ -> Array.map (fun _ -> 0) opweights.pipelined_resource_bounds
- | Iop(op, inputs, output, _) ->
- opweights.resources_of_op op (List.length inputs)
- | Iload(trap, chunk, addressing, addr_regs, output, _) ->
- opweights.resources_of_load trap chunk addressing (List.length addr_regs)
- | Istore(chunk, addressing, addr_regs, input, _) ->
- opweights.resources_of_store chunk addressing (List.length addr_regs)
- | Icall(signature, ef, inputs, output, _) ->
- opweights.resources_of_call signature ef
- | Ibuiltin(ef, builtin_inputs, builtin_output, _) ->
- opweights.resources_of_builtin ef
- | Icond(cond, args, _, _ , _) ->
- opweights.resources_of_cond cond (List.length args)
- | Itailcall _ | Ijumptable _ | Ireturn _ -> opweights.pipelined_resource_bounds
-let print_sequence pp (seqa : instruction array) =
- Array.iteri (
- fun i (insn : instruction) ->
- PrintRTL.print_instruction pp (i, insn)) seqa;;
-type unique_id = int
-type 'a symbolic_term_node =
- | STop of Op.operation * 'a list
- | STinitial_reg of int
- | STother of int;;
-type symbolic_term = {
- hash_id : unique_id;
- hash_ct : symbolic_term symbolic_term_node
- };;
-let rec print_term channel term =
- match term.hash_ct with
- | STop(op, args) ->
- PrintOp.print_operation print_term channel (op, args)
- | STinitial_reg n -> Printf.fprintf channel "x%d" n
- | STother n -> Printf.fprintf channel "y%d" n;;
-type symbolic_term_table = {
- st_table : (unique_id symbolic_term_node, symbolic_term) Hashtbl.t;
- mutable st_next_id : unique_id };;
-let hash_init () = {
- st_table = Hashtbl.create 20;
- st_next_id = 0
- };;
-let ground_to_id = function
- | STop(op, l) -> STop(op, List.map (fun t -> t.hash_id) l)
- | STinitial_reg r -> STinitial_reg r
- | STother i -> STother i;;
-let hash_node (table : symbolic_term_table) (term : symbolic_term symbolic_term_node) : symbolic_term =
- let grounded = ground_to_id term in
- match Hashtbl.find_opt table.st_table grounded with
- | Some x -> x
- | None ->
- let term' = { hash_id = table.st_next_id;
- hash_ct = term } in
- (if table.st_next_id = max_int then failwith "hash: max_int");
- table.st_next_id <- table.st_next_id + 1;
- Hashtbl.add table.st_table grounded term';
- term';;
-type access = {
- base : symbolic_term;
- offset : int64;
- length : int
- };;
-let term_equal a b = (a.hash_id = b.hash_id);;
-let access_of_addressing get_reg chunk addressing args =
- match addressing, args with
- | (Op.Aindexed ofs), [reg] -> Some
- { base = get_reg reg;
- offset = Camlcoq.camlint64_of_ptrofs ofs;
- length = length_of_chunk chunk
- }
- | _, _ -> None ;;
-(* TODO: global *)
-let symbolic_execution (seqa : instruction array) =
- let regs = ref PTree.empty
- and table = hash_init() in
- let assign reg term = regs := PTree.set reg term !regs
- and hash term = hash_node table term in
- let get_reg reg =
- match PTree.get reg !regs with
- | None -> hash (STinitial_reg (Camlcoq.P.to_int reg))
- | Some x -> x in
- let targets = Array.make (Array.length seqa) None in
- Array.iteri
- begin
- fun i insn ->
- match insn with
- | Iop(Op.Omove, [input], output, _) ->
- assign output (get_reg input)
- | Iop(op, inputs, output, _) ->
- assign output (hash (STop(op, List.map get_reg inputs)))
- | Iload(trap, chunk, addressing, args, output, _) ->
- let access = access_of_addressing get_reg chunk addressing args in
- targets.(i) <- access;
- assign output (hash (STother(i)))
- | Icall(_, _, _, output, _)
- | Ibuiltin(_, _, BR output, _) ->
- assign output (hash (STother(i)))
- | Istore(chunk, addressing, args, va, _) ->
- let access = access_of_addressing get_reg chunk addressing args in
- targets.(i) <- access
- | Inop _ -> ()
- | Ibuiltin(_, _, BR_none, _) -> ()
- | Ibuiltin(_, _, BR_splitlong _, _) -> failwith "BR_splitlong"
- | Itailcall (_, _, _)
- |Icond (_, _, _, _, _)
- |Ijumptable (_, _)
- |Ireturn _ -> ()
- end seqa;
- targets;;
-let print_access channel = function
- | None -> Printf.fprintf channel "any"
- | Some x -> Printf.fprintf channel "%a + %Ld" print_term x.base x.offset;;
-let print_targets channel seqa =
- let targets = symbolic_execution seqa in
- Array.iteri
- (fun i insn ->
- match insn with
- | Iload _ -> Printf.fprintf channel "%d: load %a\n"
- i print_access targets.(i)
- | Istore _ -> Printf.fprintf channel "%d: store %a\n"
- i print_access targets.(i)
- | _ -> ()
- ) seqa;;
-let may_overlap a0 b0 =
- match a0, b0 with
- | (None, _) | (_ , None) -> true
- | (Some a), (Some b) ->
- if term_equal a.base b.base
- then (max a.offset b.offset) <
- (min (Int64.add (Int64.of_int a.length) a.offset)
- (Int64.add (Int64.of_int b.length) b.offset))
- else match a.base.hash_ct, b.base.hash_ct with
- | STop(Op.Oaddrsymbol(ida, ofsa),[]),
- STop(Op.Oaddrsymbol(idb, ofsb),[]) ->
- (ida=idb) &&
- let ao = Int64.add a.offset (Camlcoq.camlint64_of_ptrofs ofsa)
- and bo = Int64.add b.offset (Camlcoq.camlint64_of_ptrofs ofsb) in
- (max ao bo) <
- (min (Int64.add (Int64.of_int a.length) ao)
- (Int64.add (Int64.of_int b.length) bo))
- | STop(Op.Oaddrstack _, []),
- STop(Op.Oaddrsymbol _, [])
- | STop(Op.Oaddrsymbol _, []),
- STop(Op.Oaddrstack _, []) -> false
- | STop(Op.Oaddrstack(ofsa),[]),
- STop(Op.Oaddrstack(ofsb),[]) ->
- let ao = Int64.add a.offset (Camlcoq.camlint64_of_ptrofs ofsa)
- and bo = Int64.add b.offset (Camlcoq.camlint64_of_ptrofs ofsb) in
- (max ao bo) <
- (min (Int64.add (Int64.of_int a.length) ao)
- (Int64.add (Int64.of_int b.length) bo))
- | _ -> true;;
-(* TODO suboptimal quadratic algorithm *)
-let get_alias_dependencies seqa =
- let targets = symbolic_execution seqa
- and deps = ref [] in
- let add_constraint instr_from instr_to latency =
- deps := { instr_from = instr_from;
- instr_to = instr_to;
- latency = latency
- }:: !deps in
- for i=0 to (Array.length seqa)-1
- do
- for j=0 to i-1
- do
- match seqa.(j), seqa.(i) with
- | (Istore _), ((Iload _) | (Istore _)) ->
- if may_overlap targets.(j) targets.(i)
- then add_constraint j i 1
- | (Iload _), (Istore _) ->
- if may_overlap targets.(j) targets.(i)
- then add_constraint j i 0
- | (Istore _ | Iload _), (Icall _ | Ibuiltin _)
- | (Icall _ | Ibuiltin _), (Icall _ | Ibuiltin _ | Iload _ | Istore _) ->
- add_constraint j i 1
- | (Inop _ | Iop _), _
- | _, (Inop _ | Iop _)
- | (Iload _), (Iload _) -> ()
- done
- done;
- !deps;;
- *)
-let define_problem (opweights : opweights) (live_entry_regs : Regset.t)
- (typing : RTLtyping.regenv) reference_counting seqa =
- let simple_deps = get_simple_dependencies opweights seqa in
- { max_latency = -1;
- resource_bounds = opweights.pipelined_resource_bounds;
- live_regs_entry = live_entry_regs;
- typing = typing;
- reference_counting = Some reference_counting;
- instruction_usages = Array.map (resources_of_instruction opweights) (Array.map fst seqa);
- latency_constraints =
- (* if (use_alias_analysis ())
- then (get_alias_dependencies seqa) @ simple_deps
- else *) simple_deps };;
-let zigzag_scheduler problem early_ones =
- let nr_instructions = get_nr_instructions problem in
- assert(nr_instructions = (Array.length early_ones));
- match list_scheduler problem with
- | Some fwd_schedule ->
- let fwd_makespan = fwd_schedule.((Array.length fwd_schedule) - 1) in
- let constraints' = ref problem.latency_constraints in
- Array.iteri (fun i is_early ->
- if is_early then
- constraints' := {
- instr_from = i;
- instr_to = nr_instructions ;
- latency = fwd_makespan - fwd_schedule.(i) } ::!constraints' )
- early_ones;
- validated_scheduler reverse_list_scheduler
- { problem with latency_constraints = !constraints' }
- | None -> None;;
-let prepass_scheduler_by_name name problem early_ones =
- match name with
- | "zigzag" -> zigzag_scheduler problem early_ones
- | _ -> scheduler_by_name name problem
-let schedule_sequence (seqa : (instruction*Regset.t) array)
- (live_regs_entry : Registers.Regset.t)
- (typing : RTLtyping.regenv)
- reference =
- let opweights = OpWeights.get_opweights () in
- try
- if (Array.length seqa) <= 1
- then None
- else
- begin
- let nr_instructions = Array.length seqa in
- (if !Clflags.option_debug_compcert > 6
- then Printf.printf "prepass scheduling length = %d\n" (Array.length seqa));
- let problem = define_problem opweights live_regs_entry
- typing reference seqa in
- (if !Clflags.option_debug_compcert > 7
- then (print_sequence stdout (Array.map fst seqa);
- print_problem stdout problem));
- match prepass_scheduler_by_name
- (!Clflags.option_fprepass_sched)
- problem
- (Array.map (fun (ins, _) ->
- match ins with
- | Icond _ -> true
- | _ -> false) seqa) with
- | None -> Printf.printf "no solution in prepass scheduling\n";
- None
- | Some solution ->
- let positions = Array.init nr_instructions (fun i -> i) in
- Array.sort (fun i j ->
- let si = solution.(i) and sj = solution.(j) in
- if si < sj then -1
- else if si > sj then 1
- else i - j) positions;
- Some positions
- end
- with (Failure s) ->
- Printf.printf "failure in prepass scheduling: %s\n" s;
- None;;
+../aarch64/PrepassSchedulingOracle.ml \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/kvx/PrepassSchedulingOracleDeps.ml b/kvx/PrepassSchedulingOracleDeps.ml
index 8d10d406..1e955b85 100644..120000
--- a/kvx/PrepassSchedulingOracleDeps.ml
+++ b/kvx/PrepassSchedulingOracleDeps.ml
@@ -1,17 +1 @@
-type called_function = (Registers.reg, AST.ident) Datatypes.sum
-type opweights =
- {
- pipelined_resource_bounds : int array;
- nr_non_pipelined_units : int;
- latency_of_op : Op.operation -> int -> int;
- resources_of_op : Op.operation -> int -> int array;
- non_pipelined_resources_of_op : Op.operation -> int -> int array;
- latency_of_load : AST.trapping_mode -> AST.memory_chunk -> Op.addressing -> int -> int;
- resources_of_load : AST.trapping_mode -> AST.memory_chunk -> Op.addressing -> int -> int array;
- resources_of_store : AST.memory_chunk -> Op.addressing -> int -> int array;
- resources_of_cond : Op.condition -> int -> int array;
- latency_of_call : AST.signature -> called_function -> int;
- resources_of_call : AST.signature -> called_function -> int array;
- resources_of_builtin : AST.external_function -> int array
- };;
+../aarch64/PrepassSchedulingOracleDeps.ml \ No newline at end of file