path: root/mppa_k1c/Asmblock.v
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Diffstat (limited to 'mppa_k1c/Asmblock.v')
1 files changed, 29 insertions, 182 deletions
diff --git a/mppa_k1c/Asmblock.v b/mppa_k1c/Asmblock.v
index 0f65b1d0..ed145f21 100644
--- a/mppa_k1c/Asmblock.v
+++ b/mppa_k1c/Asmblock.v
@@ -260,117 +260,21 @@ Section RELSEM.
Variable ge: genv.
-(* TODO: delete this or define it as [parexec_arith_instr ge ai rs rs] *)
-Definition exec_arith_instr (ai: ar_instruction) (rs: regset): regset :=
- match ai with
- | PArithR n d => rs#d <- (arith_eval_r ge n)
- | PArithRR n d s => rs#d <- (arith_eval_rr n rs#s)
- | PArithRI32 n d i => rs#d <- (arith_eval_ri32 n i)
- | PArithRI64 n d i => rs#d <- (arith_eval_ri64 n i)
- | PArithRF32 n d i => rs#d <- (arith_eval_rf32 n i)
- | PArithRF64 n d i => rs#d <- (arith_eval_rf64 n i)
- | PArithRRR n d s1 s2 => rs#d <- (arith_eval_rrr n rs#s1 rs#s2)
- | PArithRRI32 n d s i => rs#d <- (arith_eval_rri32 n rs#s i)
- | PArithRRI64 n d s i => rs#d <- (arith_eval_rri64 n rs#s i)
- | PArithARRR n d s1 s2 => rs#d <- (arith_eval_arrr n rs#d rs#s1 rs#s2)
- | PArithARRI32 n d s i => rs#d <- (arith_eval_arri32 n rs#d rs#s i)
- | PArithARRI64 n d s i => rs#d <- (arith_eval_arri64 n rs#d rs#s i)
- end.
-(** * load/store *)
+Definition exec_arith_instr (ai: ar_instruction) (rs: regset): regset := parexec_arith_instr ge ai rs rs.
(** Auxiliaries for memory accesses *)
-(* TODO: delete this or define it as [parexec_load_offset ge chunk rs rs m m d a ofs] *)
-Definition exec_load_offset (chunk: memory_chunk) (rs: regset) (m: mem) (d a: ireg) (ofs: offset) :=
- match (eval_offset ge ofs) with
- | OK ptr => match Mem.loadv chunk m (Val.offset_ptr (rs a) ptr) with
- | None => Stuck
- | Some v => Next (rs#d <- v) m
- end
- | _ => Stuck
- end.
-(* TODO: delete this or define it as [parexec_load_reg ge chunk rs rs m m d a ro] *)
-Definition exec_load_reg (chunk: memory_chunk) (rs: regset) (m: mem) (d a ro: ireg) :=
- match Mem.loadv chunk m (Val.addl (rs a) (rs ro)) with
- | None => Stuck
- | Some v => Next (rs#d <- v) m
- end.
-(* TODO: delete this as define it as ... *)
-Definition exec_store_offset (chunk: memory_chunk) (rs: regset) (m: mem) (s a: ireg) (ofs: offset) :=
- match (eval_offset ge ofs) with
- | OK ptr => match Mem.storev chunk m (Val.offset_ptr (rs a) ptr) (rs s) with
- | None => Stuck
- | Some m' => Next rs m'
- end
- | _ => Stuck
- end.
+Definition exec_load_offset (chunk: memory_chunk) (rs: regset) (m: mem) (d a: ireg) (ofs: offset) := parexec_load_offset ge chunk rs rs m m d a ofs.
-(* TODO: delete this as define it as ... *)
-Definition exec_store_reg (chunk: memory_chunk) (rs: regset) (m: mem) (s a ro: ireg) :=
- match Mem.storev chunk m (Val.addl (rs a) (rs ro)) (rs s) with
- | None => Stuck
- | Some m' => Next rs m'
- end.
+Definition exec_load_reg (chunk: memory_chunk) (rs: regset) (m: mem) (d a ro: ireg) := parexec_load_reg chunk rs rs m m d a ro.
+Definition exec_store_offset (chunk: memory_chunk) (rs: regset) (m: mem) (s a: ireg) (ofs: offset) := parexec_store_offset ge chunk rs rs m m s a ofs.
+Definition exec_store_reg (chunk: memory_chunk) (rs: regset) (m: mem) (s a ro: ireg) := parexec_store_reg chunk rs rs m m s a ro.
(** * basic instructions *)
-(* TODO: define this [parexec_basic_instr ge bi rs rs m m] *)
-Definition exec_basic_instr (bi: basic) (rs: regset) (m: mem) : outcome :=
- match bi with
- | PArith ai => Next (exec_arith_instr ai rs) m
- | PLoadRRO n d a ofs => exec_load_offset (load_chunk n) rs m d a ofs
- | PLoadRRR n d a ro => exec_load_reg (load_chunk n) rs m d a ro
- | PStoreRRO n s a ofs => exec_store_offset (store_chunk n) rs m s a ofs
- | PStoreRRR n s a ro => exec_store_reg (store_chunk n) rs m s a ro
- | Pallocframe sz pos =>
- let (m1, stk) := Mem.alloc m 0 sz in
- let sp := (Vptr stk Ptrofs.zero) in
- match Mem.storev Mptr m1 (Val.offset_ptr sp pos) rs#SP with
- | None => Stuck
- | Some m2 => Next (rs #FP <- (rs SP) #SP <- sp #RTMP <- Vundef) m2
- end
- | Pfreeframe sz pos =>
- match Mem.loadv Mptr m (Val.offset_ptr rs#SP pos) with
- | None => Stuck
- | Some v =>
- match rs SP with
- | Vptr stk ofs =>
- match Mem.free m stk 0 sz with
- | None => Stuck
- | Some m' => Next (rs#SP <- v #RTMP <- Vundef) m'
- end
- | _ => Stuck
- end
- end
- | Pget rd ra =>
- match ra with
- | RA => Next (rs#rd <- (rs#ra)) m
- | _ => Stuck
- end
- | Pset ra rd =>
- match ra with
- | RA => Next (rs#ra <- (rs#rd)) m
- | _ => Stuck
- end
- | Pnop => Next rs m
+Definition exec_basic_instr (bi: basic) (rs: regset) (m: mem) : outcome := parexec_basic_instr ge bi rs rs m m.
Fixpoint exec_body (body: list basic) (rs: regset) (m: mem): outcome :=
match body with
@@ -382,90 +286,34 @@ Fixpoint exec_body (body: list basic) (rs: regset) (m: mem): outcome :=
-(** * control-flow instructions *)
-(* TODO: delete this or define it as [par_goto_label ge f lbl rs rs m] *)
-Definition goto_label (f: function) (lbl: label) (rs: regset) (m: mem) : outcome :=
- match label_pos lbl 0 (fn_blocks f) with
- | None => Stuck
- | Some pos =>
- match rs#PC with
- | Vptr b ofs => Next (rs#PC <- (Vptr b (Ptrofs.repr pos))) m
- | _ => Stuck
- end
- end.
+(** Position corresponding to a label *)
-(* TODO: delete this or define it as [par_eval_branch ge f l rs rs m res] *)
-Definition eval_branch (f: function) (l: label) (rs: regset) (m: mem) (res: option bool) : outcome :=
- match res with
- | Some true => goto_label f l rs m
- | Some false => Next rs m
- | None => Stuck
- end.
+Definition goto_label (f: function) (lbl: label) (rs: regset) (m: mem) : outcome := par_goto_label f lbl rs rs m.
-(* TODO: delete this or define it as [parexec_control ge f oc rs rs m] *)
-Definition exec_control (f: function) (oc: option control) (rs: regset) (m: mem) : outcome :=
- match oc with
- | Some ic =>
-(** Get/Set system registers *)
- match ic with
-(** Branch Control Unit instructions *)
- | Pret =>
- Next (rs#PC <- (rs#RA)) m
- | Pcall s =>
- Next (rs#RA <- (rs#PC) #PC <- (Genv.symbol_address ge s Ptrofs.zero)) m
- | Picall r =>
- Next (rs#RA <- (rs#PC) #PC <- (rs#r)) m
- | Pgoto s =>
- Next (rs#PC <- (Genv.symbol_address ge s Ptrofs.zero)) m
- | Pigoto r =>
- Next (rs#PC <- (rs#r)) m
- | Pj_l l =>
- goto_label f l rs m
- | Pjumptable r tbl =>
- match rs#r with
- | Vint n =>
- match list_nth_z tbl (Int.unsigned n) with
- | None => Stuck
- | Some lbl => goto_label f lbl (rs #GPR62 <- Vundef #GPR63 <- Vundef) m
- end
- | _ => Stuck
- end
- | Pcb bt r l =>
- match cmp_for_btest bt with
- | (Some c, Int) => eval_branch f l rs m (Val.cmp_bool c rs#r (Vint (Int.repr 0)))
- | (Some c, Long) => eval_branch f l rs m (Val.cmpl_bool c rs#r (Vlong (Int64.repr 0)))
- | (None, _) => Stuck
- end
- | Pcbu bt r l =>
- match cmpu_for_btest bt with
- | (Some c, Int) => eval_branch f l rs m (Val_cmpu_bool c rs#r (Vint (Int.repr 0)))
- | (Some c, Long) => eval_branch f l rs m (Val_cmplu_bool c rs#r (Vlong (Int64.repr 0)))
- | (None, _) => Stuck
- end
-(** Pseudo-instructions *)
- | Pbuiltin ef args res =>
- Stuck (**r treated specially below *)
- end
- | None => Next rs m
-(* TODO: change [exec_bblock] for a definition like this one:
-Definition exec_exit (f: function) ext size_b (rs: regset) (m: mem)
- := parexec_exit ge f ext size_b rs rs m.
+(** Evaluating a branch
-Definition exec_bblock (f: function) (b: bblock) (rs0: regset) (m: mem) : outcome :=
- match exec_body (body b) rs0 m with
- | Next rs' m' => exec_exit f (exit b) (Ptrofs.repr (size b)) rs' m'
- | Stuck => Stuck
- end.
+Warning: in m PC is assumed to be already pointing on the next instruction !
+Definition eval_branch (f: function) (l: label) (rs: regset) (m: mem) (res: option bool) : outcome := par_eval_branch f l rs rs m res.
+(** Execution of a single control-flow instruction [i] in initial state [rs] and
+ [m]. Return updated state.
+ As above: PC is assumed to be incremented on the next block before the control-flow instruction
+ For instructions that correspond tobuiltin
+ actual RISC-V instructions, the cases are straightforward
+ transliterations of the informal descriptions given in the RISC-V
+ user-mode specification. For pseudo-instructions, refer to the
+ informal descriptions given above.
+ Note that we set to [Vundef] the registers used as temporaries by
+ the expansions of the pseudo-instructions, so that the RISC-V code
+ we generate cannot use those registers to hold values that must
+ survive the execution of the pseudo-instruction. *)
+Definition exec_control (f: function) (oc: option control) (rs: regset) (m: mem) : outcome := parexec_control ge f oc rs rs m.
Definition exec_bblock (f: function) (b: bblock) (rs0: regset) (m: mem) : outcome :=
match exec_body (body b) rs0 m with
@@ -477,7 +325,6 @@ Definition exec_bblock (f: function) (b: bblock) (rs0: regset) (m: mem) : outcom
(** Execution of the instruction at [rs PC]. *)
Inductive step: state -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
| exec_step_internal:
forall b ofs f bi rs m rs' m',