path: root/mppa_k1c/Asmblock.v
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1 files changed, 244 insertions, 168 deletions
diff --git a/mppa_k1c/Asmblock.v b/mppa_k1c/Asmblock.v
index 3bcb321d..0f65b1d0 100644
--- a/mppa_k1c/Asmblock.v
+++ b/mppa_k1c/Asmblock.v
@@ -33,13 +33,234 @@ Require Import Conventions.
Require Import Errors.
Require Export Asmvliw.
+(** * Auxiliary utilies on basic blocks *)
+(** ** A unified view of Kalray instructions *)
+Inductive instruction : Type :=
+ | PBasic (i: basic)
+ | PControl (i: control)
+Coercion PBasic: basic >-> instruction.
+Coercion PControl: control >-> instruction.
+Definition code := list instruction.
+Definition bcode := list basic.
+Fixpoint basics_to_code (l: list basic) :=
+ match l with
+ | nil => nil
+ | bi::l => (PBasic bi)::(basics_to_code l)
+ end.
+Fixpoint code_to_basics (c: code) :=
+ match c with
+ | (PBasic i)::c =>
+ match code_to_basics c with
+ | None => None
+ | Some l => Some (i::l)
+ end
+ | _::c => None
+ | nil => Some nil
+ end.
+Lemma code_to_basics_id: forall c, code_to_basics (basics_to_code c) = Some c.
+ intros. induction c as [|i c]; simpl; auto.
+ rewrite IHc. auto.
+Lemma code_to_basics_dist:
+ forall c c' l l',
+ code_to_basics c = Some l ->
+ code_to_basics c' = Some l' ->
+ code_to_basics (c ++ c') = Some (l ++ l').
+ induction c as [|i c]; simpl; auto.
+ - intros. inv H. simpl. auto.
+ - intros. destruct i; try discriminate. destruct (code_to_basics c) eqn:CTB; try discriminate.
+ inv H. erewrite IHc; eauto. auto.
+ Asmblockgen will have to translate a Mach control into a list of instructions of the form
+ i1 :: i2 :: i3 :: ctl :: nil ; where i1..i3 are basic instructions, ctl is a control instruction
+ These functions provide way to extract the basic / control instructions
+Fixpoint extract_basic (c: code) :=
+ match c with
+ | nil => nil
+ | PBasic i :: c => i :: (extract_basic c)
+ | PControl i :: c => nil
+ end.
+Fixpoint extract_ctl (c: code) :=
+ match c with
+ | nil => None
+ | PBasic i :: c => extract_ctl c
+ | PControl i :: nil => Some i
+ | PControl i :: _ => None (* if the first found control instruction isn't the last *)
+ end.
+(** ** Wellformness of basic blocks *)
+Ltac exploreInst :=
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ H : match ?var with | _ => _ end = _ |- _ ] => destruct var
+ | [ H : OK _ = OK _ |- _ ] => monadInv H
+ | [ |- context[if ?b then _ else _] ] => destruct b
+ | [ |- context[match ?m with | _ => _ end] ] => destruct m
+ | [ |- context[match ?m as _ return _ with | _ => _ end]] => destruct m
+ | [ H : bind _ _ = OK _ |- _ ] => monadInv H
+ | [ H : Error _ = OK _ |- _ ] => inversion H
+ end.
+Definition non_empty_bblock (body: list basic) (exit: option control): Prop
+ := body <> nil \/ exit <> None.
+Lemma non_empty_bblock_refl:
+ forall body exit,
+ non_empty_bblock body exit <->
+ Is_true (non_empty_bblockb body exit).
+ intros. split.
+ - destruct body; destruct exit.
+ all: simpl; auto. intros. inversion H; contradiction.
+ - destruct body; destruct exit.
+ all: simpl; auto.
+ all: intros; try (right; discriminate); try (left; discriminate).
+ contradiction.
+Definition builtin_alone (body: list basic) (exit: option control) := forall ef args res,
+ exit = Some (PExpand (Pbuiltin ef args res)) -> body = nil.
+Lemma builtin_alone_refl:
+ forall body exit,
+ builtin_alone body exit <-> Is_true (builtin_aloneb body exit).
+ intros. split.
+ - destruct body; destruct exit.
+ all: simpl; auto.
+ all: exploreInst; simpl; auto.
+ unfold builtin_alone. intros. assert (Some (Pbuiltin e l b0) = Some (Pbuiltin e l b0)); auto.
+ assert (b :: body = nil). eapply H; eauto. discriminate.
+ - destruct body; destruct exit.
+ all: simpl; auto; try constructor.
+ + exploreInst; try discriminate.
+ simpl. contradiction.
+ + intros. discriminate.
+Definition wf_bblock (body: list basic) (exit: option control) :=
+ non_empty_bblock body exit /\ builtin_alone body exit.
+Lemma wf_bblock_refl:
+ forall body exit,
+ wf_bblock body exit <-> Is_true (wf_bblockb body exit).
+ intros. split.
+ - intros. inv H. apply non_empty_bblock_refl in H0. apply builtin_alone_refl in H1.
+ apply andb_prop_intro. auto.
+ - intros. apply andb_prop_elim in H. inv H.
+ apply non_empty_bblock_refl in H0. apply builtin_alone_refl in H1.
+ unfold wf_bblock. split; auto.
+Ltac bblock_auto_correct := (apply non_empty_bblock_refl; try discriminate; try (left; discriminate); try (right; discriminate)).
+(* Local Obligation Tactic := bblock_auto_correct. *)
+Lemma Istrue_proof_irrelevant (b: bool): forall (p1 p2:Is_true b), p1=p2.
+ destruct b; simpl; auto.
+ - destruct p1, p2; auto.
+ - destruct p1.
+Lemma bblock_equality bb1 bb2: header bb1=header bb2 -> body bb1 = body bb2 -> exit bb1 = exit bb2 -> bb1 = bb2.
+ destruct bb1 as [h1 b1 e1 c1], bb2 as [h2 b2 e2 c2]; simpl.
+ intros; subst.
+ rewrite (Istrue_proof_irrelevant _ c1 c2).
+ auto.
+Program Definition bblock_single_inst (i: instruction) :=
+ match i with
+ | PBasic b => {| header:=nil; body:=(b::nil); exit:=None |}
+ | PControl ctl => {| header:=nil; body:=nil; exit:=(Some ctl) |}
+ end.
+Next Obligation.
+ apply wf_bblock_refl. constructor.
+ right. discriminate.
+ constructor.
+Lemma length_nonil {A: Type} : forall l:(list A), l <> nil -> (length l > 0)%nat.
+ intros. destruct l; try (contradict H; auto; fail).
+ simpl. omega.
+Lemma to_nat_pos : forall z:Z, (Z.to_nat z > 0)%nat -> z > 0.
+ intros. destruct z; auto.
+ - contradict H. simpl. apply gt_irrefl.
+ - apply Zgt_pos_0.
+ - contradict H. simpl. apply gt_irrefl.
+Lemma size_positive (b:bblock): size b > 0.
+ unfold size. destruct b as [hd bdy ex cor]. simpl.
+ destruct ex; destruct bdy; try (apply to_nat_pos; rewrite Nat2Z.id; simpl; omega).
+ inversion cor; contradict H; simpl; auto.
+Program Definition no_header (bb : bblock) := {| header := nil; body := body bb; exit := exit bb |}.
+Next Obligation.
+ destruct bb; simpl. assumption.
+Lemma no_header_size:
+ forall bb, size (no_header bb) = size bb.
+ intros. destruct bb as [hd bdy ex COR]. unfold no_header. simpl. reflexivity.
+Program Definition stick_header (h : list label) (bb : bblock) := {| header := h; body := body bb; exit := exit bb |}.
+Next Obligation.
+ destruct bb; simpl. assumption.
+Lemma stick_header_size:
+ forall h bb, size (stick_header h bb) = size bb.
+ intros. destruct bb. unfold stick_header. simpl. reflexivity.
+Lemma stick_header_no_header:
+ forall bb, stick_header (header bb) (no_header bb) = bb.
+ intros. destruct bb as [hd bdy ex COR]. simpl. unfold no_header; unfold stick_header; simpl. reflexivity.
+(** * Sequential Semantics of basic blocks *)
Section RELSEM.
(** Execution of arith instructions *)
Variable ge: genv.
+(* TODO: delete this or define it as [parexec_arith_instr ge ai rs rs] *)
Definition exec_arith_instr (ai: ar_instruction) (rs: regset): regset :=
match ai with
| PArithR n d => rs#d <- (arith_eval_r ge n)
@@ -68,7 +289,7 @@ Definition exec_arith_instr (ai: ar_instruction) (rs: regset): regset :=
(** Auxiliaries for memory accesses *)
+(* TODO: delete this or define it as [parexec_load_offset ge chunk rs rs m m d a ofs] *)
Definition exec_load_offset (chunk: memory_chunk) (rs: regset) (m: mem) (d a: ireg) (ofs: offset) :=
match (eval_offset ge ofs) with
| OK ptr => match Mem.loadv chunk m (Val.offset_ptr (rs a) ptr) with
@@ -78,12 +299,14 @@ Definition exec_load_offset (chunk: memory_chunk) (rs: regset) (m: mem) (d a: ir
| _ => Stuck
+(* TODO: delete this or define it as [parexec_load_reg ge chunk rs rs m m d a ro] *)
Definition exec_load_reg (chunk: memory_chunk) (rs: regset) (m: mem) (d a ro: ireg) :=
match Mem.loadv chunk m (Val.addl (rs a) (rs ro)) with
| None => Stuck
| Some v => Next (rs#d <- v) m
+(* TODO: delete this as define it as ... *)
Definition exec_store_offset (chunk: memory_chunk) (rs: regset) (m: mem) (s a: ireg) (ofs: offset) :=
match (eval_offset ge ofs) with
| OK ptr => match Mem.storev chunk m (Val.offset_ptr (rs a) ptr) (rs s) with
@@ -93,6 +316,7 @@ Definition exec_store_offset (chunk: memory_chunk) (rs: regset) (m: mem) (s a: i
| _ => Stuck
+(* TODO: delete this as define it as ... *)
Definition exec_store_reg (chunk: memory_chunk) (rs: regset) (m: mem) (s a ro: ireg) :=
match Mem.storev chunk m (Val.addl (rs a) (rs ro)) (rs s) with
| None => Stuck
@@ -103,6 +327,7 @@ Definition exec_store_reg (chunk: memory_chunk) (rs: regset) (m: mem) (s a ro: i
(** * basic instructions *)
+(* TODO: define this [parexec_basic_instr ge bi rs rs m m] *)
Definition exec_basic_instr (bi: basic) (rs: regset) (m: mem) : outcome :=
match bi with
| PArith ai => Next (exec_arith_instr ai rs) m
@@ -157,12 +382,9 @@ Fixpoint exec_body (body: list basic) (rs: regset) (m: mem): outcome :=
+(** * control-flow instructions *)
-(** Position corresponding to a label *)
+(* TODO: delete this or define it as [par_goto_label ge f lbl rs rs m] *)
Definition goto_label (f: function) (lbl: label) (rs: regset) (m: mem) : outcome :=
match label_pos lbl 0 (fn_blocks f) with
| None => Stuck
@@ -173,11 +395,7 @@ Definition goto_label (f: function) (lbl: label) (rs: regset) (m: mem) : outcome
-(** Evaluating a branch
-Warning: in m PC is assumed to be already pointing on the next instruction !
+(* TODO: delete this or define it as [par_eval_branch ge f l rs rs m res] *)
Definition eval_branch (f: function) (l: label) (rs: regset) (m: mem) (res: option bool) : outcome :=
match res with
| Some true => goto_label f l rs m
@@ -185,23 +403,7 @@ Definition eval_branch (f: function) (l: label) (rs: regset) (m: mem) (res: opti
| None => Stuck
-(** Execution of a single control-flow instruction [i] in initial state [rs] and
- [m]. Return updated state.
- As above: PC is assumed to be incremented on the next block before the control-flow instruction
- For instructions that correspond tobuiltin
- actual RISC-V instructions, the cases are straightforward
- transliterations of the informal descriptions given in the RISC-V
- user-mode specification. For pseudo-instructions, refer to the
- informal descriptions given above.
- Note that we set to [Vundef] the registers used as temporaries by
- the expansions of the pseudo-instructions, so that the RISC-V code
- we generate cannot use those registers to hold values that must
- survive the execution of the pseudo-instruction. *)
+(* TODO: delete this or define it as [parexec_control ge f oc rs rs m] *)
Definition exec_control (f: function) (oc: option control) (rs: regset) (m: mem) : outcome :=
match oc with
| Some ic =>
@@ -252,32 +454,30 @@ Definition exec_control (f: function) (oc: option control) (rs: regset) (m: mem)
| None => Next rs m
+(* TODO: change [exec_bblock] for a definition like this one:
+Definition exec_exit (f: function) ext size_b (rs: regset) (m: mem)
+ := parexec_exit ge f ext size_b rs rs m.
Definition exec_bblock (f: function) (b: bblock) (rs0: regset) (m: mem) : outcome :=
match exec_body (body b) rs0 m with
- | Next rs' m' =>
- let rs1 := nextblock b rs' in exec_control f (exit b) rs1 m'
+ | Next rs' m' => exec_exit f (exit b) (Ptrofs.repr (size b)) rs' m'
| Stuck => Stuck
-(** Translation of the LTL/Linear/Mach view of machine registers to
- the RISC-V view. Note that no LTL register maps to [X31]. This
- register is reserved as temporary, to be used by the generated RV32G
- code. *)
+Definition exec_bblock (f: function) (b: bblock) (rs0: regset) (m: mem) : outcome :=
+ match exec_body (body b) rs0 m with
+ | Next rs' m' =>
+ let rs1 := nextblock b rs' in exec_control f (exit b) rs1 m'
+ | Stuck => Stuck
+ end.
(** Execution of the instruction at [rs PC]. *)
-(** TODO
- * For now, we consider a builtin is alone in a basic block.
- * Perhaps there is a way to avoid that ?
- *)
Inductive step: state -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
| exec_step_internal:
forall b ofs f bi rs m rs' m',
@@ -318,68 +518,6 @@ End RELSEM.
Definition semantics (p: program) :=
Semantics step (initial_state p) final_state (Genv.globalenv p).
-(* Useless
-Remark extcall_arguments_determ:
- forall rs m sg args1 args2,
- extcall_arguments rs m sg args1 -> extcall_arguments rs m sg args2 -> args1 = args2.
- intros until m.
- assert (A: forall l v1 v2,
- extcall_arg rs m l v1 -> extcall_arg rs m l v2 -> v1 = v2).
- { intros. inv H; inv H0; congruence. }
- assert (B: forall p v1 v2,
- extcall_arg_pair rs m p v1 -> extcall_arg_pair rs m p v2 -> v1 = v2).
- { intros. inv H; inv H0.
- eapply A; eauto.
- f_equal; eapply A; eauto. }
- assert (C: forall ll vl1, list_forall2 (extcall_arg_pair rs m) ll vl1 ->
- forall vl2, list_forall2 (extcall_arg_pair rs m) ll vl2 -> vl1 = vl2).
- {
- induction 1; intros vl2 EA; inv EA.
- auto.
- f_equal; eauto. }
- intros. eapply C; eauto.
-Lemma semantics_determinate: forall p, determinate (semantics p).
-Ltac Equalities :=
- match goal with
- | [ H1: ?a = ?b, H2: ?a = ?c |- _ ] =>
- rewrite H1 in H2; inv H2; Equalities
- | _ => idtac
- end.
- intros; constructor; simpl; intros.
-- (* determ *)
- inv H; inv H0; Equalities.
- + split. constructor. auto.
- + unfold exec_bblock in H4. destruct (exec_body _ _ _ _); try discriminate.
- rewrite H9 in H4. discriminate.
- + unfold exec_bblock in H13. destruct (exec_body _ _ _ _); try discriminate.
- rewrite H4 in H13. discriminate.
- + assert (vargs0 = vargs) by (eapply eval_builtin_args_determ; eauto). subst vargs0.
- exploit external_call_determ. eexact H6. eexact H13. intros [A B].
- split. auto. intros. destruct B; auto. subst. auto.
- + assert (args0 = args) by (eapply extcall_arguments_determ; eauto). subst args0.
- exploit external_call_determ. eexact H3. eexact H8. intros [A B].
- split. auto. intros. destruct B; auto. subst. auto.
-- (* trace length *)
- red; intros. inv H; simpl.
- omega.
- eapply external_call_trace_length; eauto.
- eapply external_call_trace_length; eauto.
-- (* initial states *)
- inv H; inv H0. f_equal. congruence.
-- (* final no step *)
- assert (NOTNULL: forall b ofs, Vnullptr <> Vptr b ofs).
- { intros; unfold Vnullptr; destruct Archi.ptr64; congruence. }
- inv H. unfold Vzero in H0. red; intros; red; intros.
- inv H; rewrite H0 in *; eelim NOTNULL; eauto.
-- (* final states *)
- inv H; inv H0. congruence.
Definition data_preg (r: preg) : bool :=
match r with
@@ -390,65 +528,3 @@ Definition data_preg (r: preg) : bool :=
| PC => false
-(** Determinacy of the [Asm] semantics. *)
-(* Useless.
-Remark extcall_arguments_determ:
- forall rs m sg args1 args2,
- extcall_arguments rs m sg args1 -> extcall_arguments rs m sg args2 -> args1 = args2.
- intros until m.
- assert (A: forall l v1 v2,
- extcall_arg rs m l v1 -> extcall_arg rs m l v2 -> v1 = v2).
- { intros. inv H; inv H0; congruence. }
- assert (B: forall p v1 v2,
- extcall_arg_pair rs m p v1 -> extcall_arg_pair rs m p v2 -> v1 = v2).
- { intros. inv H; inv H0.
- eapply A; eauto.
- f_equal; eapply A; eauto. }
- assert (C: forall ll vl1, list_forall2 (extcall_arg_pair rs m) ll vl1 ->
- forall vl2, list_forall2 (extcall_arg_pair rs m) ll vl2 -> vl1 = vl2).
- {
- induction 1; intros vl2 EA; inv EA.
- auto.
- f_equal; eauto. }
- intros. eapply C; eauto.
-Lemma semantics_determinate: forall p, determinate (semantics p).
-Ltac Equalities :=
- match goal with
- | [ H1: ?a = ?b, H2: ?a = ?c |- _ ] =>
- rewrite H1 in H2; inv H2; Equalities
- | _ => idtac
- end.
- intros; constructor; simpl; intros.
-- (* determ *)
- inv H; inv H0; Equalities.
- split. constructor. auto.
- discriminate.
- discriminate.
- assert (vargs0 = vargs) by (eapply eval_builtin_args_determ; eauto). subst vargs0.
- exploit external_call_determ. eexact H5. eexact H11. intros [A B].
- split. auto. intros. destruct B; auto. subst. auto.
- assert (args0 = args) by (eapply extcall_arguments_determ; eauto). subst args0.
- exploit external_call_determ. eexact H3. eexact H8. intros [A B].
- split. auto. intros. destruct B; auto. subst. auto.
-- (* trace length *)
- red; intros. inv H; simpl.
- omega.
- eapply external_call_trace_length; eauto.
- eapply external_call_trace_length; eauto.
-- (* initial states *)
- inv H; inv H0. f_equal. congruence.
-- (* final no step *)
- assert (NOTNULL: forall b ofs, Vnullptr <> Vptr b ofs).
- { intros; unfold Vnullptr; destruct Archi.ptr64; congruence. }
- inv H. unfold Vzero in H0. red; intros; red; intros.
- inv H; rewrite H0 in *; eelim NOTNULL; eauto.
-- (* final states *)
- inv H; inv H0. congruence.