path: root/mppa_k1c/Machblockgenproof.v
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1 files changed, 64 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/mppa_k1c/Machblockgenproof.v b/mppa_k1c/Machblockgenproof.v
index 07ec9d08..11c3db6d 100644
--- a/mppa_k1c/Machblockgenproof.v
+++ b/mppa_k1c/Machblockgenproof.v
@@ -17,6 +17,11 @@ Require Import Machblock.
Require Import Machblockgen.
Require Import ForwardSimulationBlock.
+Ltac subst_is_trans_code H :=
+ rewrite is_trans_code_inv in H;
+ rewrite <- H in * |- *;
+ rewrite <- is_trans_code_inv in H.
Definition inv_trans_rao (rao: function -> code -> ptrofs -> Prop) (f: Mach.function) (c: Mach.code) :=
rao (transf_function f) (trans_code c).
@@ -199,11 +204,6 @@ Definition concat (h: list label) (c: code): code :=
| b::c' => {| header := h ++ (header b); body := body b; exit := exit b |}::c'
-Ltac subst_is_trans_code H :=
- rewrite is_trans_code_inv in H;
- rewrite <- H in * |- *;
- rewrite <- is_trans_code_inv in H.
Lemma find_label_transcode_preserved:
forall l c c',
Mach.find_label l c = Some c' ->
@@ -650,3 +650,62 @@ Proof.
+(** Auxiliary lemmas used in [Asmgenproof.return_address_exists] *)
+Lemma is_trans_code_monotonic i c b l:
+ is_trans_code c (b::l) ->
+ exists l' b', is_trans_code (i::c) (l' ++ (b'::l)).
+ intro H; destruct c as [|i' c]. { inversion H. }
+ remember (trans_inst i) as ti.
+ destruct ti as [lbl|bi|cfi].
+ - (*i=lbl *) cutrewrite (i = Mlabel lbl). 2:{ destruct i; simpl in * |- *; try congruence. }
+ exists nil; simpl; eexists. eapply Tr_add_label; eauto.
+Admitted. (* A FINIR *)
+Lemma trans_code_monotonic i c b l:
+ (b::l) = trans_code c ->
+ exists l' b', trans_code (i::c) = (l' ++ (b'::l)).
+ intro H; rewrite <- is_trans_code_inv in H.
+ destruct (is_trans_code_monotonic i c b l H) as (l' & b' & H0).
+ subst_is_trans_code H0.
+ eauto.
+(* FIXME: these two lemma should go into [Coqlib.v] *)
+Lemma is_tail_app A (l1: list A): forall l2, is_tail l2 (l1 ++ l2).
+ induction l1; simpl; auto with coqlib.
+Hint Resolve is_tail_app: coqlib.
+Lemma is_tail_app_inv A (l1: list A): forall l2 l3, is_tail (l1 ++ l2) l3 -> is_tail l2 l3.
+ induction l1; simpl; auto with coqlib.
+ intros l2 l3 H; inversion H; eauto with coqlib.
+Hint Resolve is_tail_app_inv: coqlib.
+Lemma Mach_Machblock_tail sg ros c c1 c2: c1=(Mcall sg ros :: c) -> is_tail c1 c2 ->
+ exists b, is_tail (b :: trans_code c) (trans_code c2).
+ intros H; induction 1.
+ - intros; subst.
+ remember (trans_code (Mcall _ _::c)) as tc2.
+ rewrite <- is_trans_code_inv in Heqtc2.
+ inversion Heqtc2; simpl in * |- *; subst; try congruence.
+ subst_is_trans_code H1.
+ eapply ex_intro; eauto with coqlib.
+ - intros; exploit IHis_tail; eauto. clear IHis_tail.
+ intros (b & Hb). inversion Hb; clear Hb.
+ * exploit (trans_code_monotonic i c2); eauto.
+ intros (l' & b' & Hl'); rewrite Hl'.
+ exists b'; simpl; eauto with coqlib.
+ * exploit (trans_code_monotonic i c2); eauto.
+ intros (l' & b' & Hl'); rewrite Hl'.
+ simpl; eapply ex_intro.
+ eapply is_tail_trans; eauto with coqlib.