path: root/mppa_k1c/PostpassSchedulingOracle.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'mppa_k1c/PostpassSchedulingOracle.ml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1029 deletions
diff --git a/mppa_k1c/PostpassSchedulingOracle.ml b/mppa_k1c/PostpassSchedulingOracle.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 325f70e5..00000000
--- a/mppa_k1c/PostpassSchedulingOracle.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1029 +0,0 @@
-(* *************************************************************)
-(* *)
-(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
-(* *)
-(* Sylvain Boulmé Grenoble-INP, VERIMAG *)
-(* David Monniaux CNRS, VERIMAG *)
-(* Cyril Six Kalray *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright Kalray. Copyright VERIMAG. All rights reserved. *)
-(* This file is distributed under the terms of the INRIA *)
-(* Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
-(* *)
-(* *************************************************************)
-open Asmvliw
-open Asmblock
-open Printf
-open Camlcoq
-open InstructionScheduler
-open TargetPrinter.Target
-let debug = false
- * Extracting infos from Asmvliw instructions
- *)
-type immediate = I32 of Integers.Int.int | I64 of Integers.Int64.int | Off of offset
-type location = Reg of preg | Mem
-type real_instruction =
- (* ALU *)
- | Addw | Andw | Compw | Mulw | Orw | Sbfw | Sbfxw | Sraw | Srlw | Sllw | Srsw | Rorw | Xorw
- | Addd | Andd | Compd | Muld | Ord | Sbfd | Sbfxd | Srad | Srld | Slld | Srsd | Xord
- | Nandw | Norw | Nxorw | Nandd | Nord | Nxord | Andnw | Ornw | Andnd | Ornd
- | Maddw | Maddd | Msbfw | Msbfd | Cmoved
- | Make | Nop | Extfz | Extfs | Insf
- | Addxw | Addxd
- (* LSU *)
- | Lbs | Lbz | Lhs | Lhz | Lws | Ld | Lq | Lo
- | Sb | Sh | Sw | Sd | Sq | So
- (* BCU *)
- | Icall | Call | Cb | Igoto | Goto | Ret | Get | Set
- (* FPU *)
- | Fabsd | Fabsw | Fnegw | Fnegd
- | Faddd | Faddw | Fsbfd | Fsbfw | Fmuld | Fmulw
- | Fmind | Fminw | Fmaxd | Fmaxw | Finvw
- | Ffmaw | Ffmad | Ffmsw | Ffmsd
- | Fnarrowdw | Fwidenlwd | Floatwz | Floatuwz | Floatdz | Floatudz | Fixedwz | Fixeduwz | Fixeddz | Fixedudz
- | Fcompw | Fcompd
-type ab_inst_rec = {
- inst: real_instruction;
- write_locs : location list;
- read_locs : location list;
- read_at_id : location list; (* Must be contained in read_locs *)
- read_at_e1 : location list; (* idem *)
- imm : immediate option;
- is_control : bool;
-(** Asmvliw constructor to real instructions *)
-exception OpaqueInstruction
-let arith_rr_real = function
- | Pcvtl2w -> Addw
- | Pmv -> Addd
- | Pnegw -> Sbfw
- | Pnegl -> Sbfd
- | Psxwd -> Extfs
- | Pzxwd -> Extfz
- | Pextfz(_,_) -> Extfz
- | Pextfs(_,_) -> Extfs
- | Pextfzl(_,_) -> Extfz
- | Pextfsl(_,_) -> Extfs
- | Pfabsw -> Fabsw
- | Pfabsd -> Fabsd
- | Pfnegw -> Fnegw
- | Pfnegd -> Fnegd
- | Pfinvw -> Finvw
- | Pfnarrowdw -> Fnarrowdw
- | Pfwidenlwd -> Fwidenlwd
- | Pfloatwrnsz -> Floatwz
- | Pfloatuwrnsz -> Floatuwz
- | Pfloatudrnsz -> Floatudz
- | Pfloatdrnsz -> Floatdz
- | Pfixedwrzz -> Fixedwz
- | Pfixeduwrzz -> Fixeduwz
- | Pfixeddrzz -> Fixeddz
- | Pfixedudrzz -> Fixedudz
- | Pfixeddrzz_i32 -> Fixeddz
- | Pfixedudrzz_i32 -> Fixedudz
-let arith_rrr_real = function
- | Pcompw it -> Compw
- | Pcompl it -> Compd
- | Pfcompw ft -> Fcompw
- | Pfcompl ft -> Fcompd
- | Paddw -> Addw
- | Paddxw _ -> Addxw
- | Psubw -> Sbfw
- | Prevsubxw _ -> Sbfxw
- | Pmulw -> Mulw
- | Pandw -> Andw
- | Pnandw -> Nandw
- | Porw -> Orw
- | Pnorw -> Norw
- | Pxorw -> Xorw
- | Pnxorw -> Nxorw
- | Pandnw -> Andnw
- | Pornw -> Ornw
- | Psraw -> Sraw
- | Psrlw -> Srlw
- | Psrxw -> Srsw
- | Psllw -> Sllw
- | Paddl -> Addd
- | Paddxl _ -> Addxd
- | Psubl -> Sbfd
- | Prevsubxl _ -> Sbfxd
- | Pandl -> Andd
- | Pnandl -> Nandd
- | Porl -> Ord
- | Pnorl -> Nord
- | Pxorl -> Xord
- | Pnxorl -> Nxord
- | Pandnl -> Andnd
- | Pornl -> Ornd
- | Pmull -> Muld
- | Pslll -> Slld
- | Psrll -> Srld
- | Psrxl -> Srsd
- | Psral -> Srad
- | Pfaddd -> Faddd
- | Pfaddw -> Faddw
- | Pfsbfd -> Fsbfd
- | Pfsbfw -> Fsbfw
- | Pfmuld -> Fmuld
- | Pfmulw -> Fmulw
- | Pfmind -> Fmind
- | Pfminw -> Fminw
- | Pfmaxd -> Fmaxd
- | Pfmaxw -> Fmaxw
-let arith_rri32_real = function
- | Pcompiw it -> Compw
- | Paddiw -> Addw
- | Paddxiw _ -> Addxw
- | Prevsubiw -> Sbfw
- | Prevsubxiw _ -> Sbfxw
- | Pmuliw -> Mulw
- | Pandiw -> Andw
- | Pnandiw -> Nandw
- | Poriw -> Orw
- | Pnoriw -> Norw
- | Pxoriw -> Xorw
- | Pnxoriw -> Nxorw
- | Pandniw -> Andnw
- | Porniw -> Ornw
- | Psraiw -> Sraw
- | Psrxiw -> Srsw
- | Psrliw -> Srlw
- | Pslliw -> Sllw
- | Proriw -> Rorw
- | Psllil -> Slld
- | Psrlil -> Srld
- | Psrail -> Srad
- | Psrxil -> Srsd
-let arith_rri64_real = function
- | Pcompil it -> Compd
- | Paddil -> Addd
- | Prevsubil -> Sbfd
- | Paddxil _ -> Addxd
- | Prevsubxil _ -> Sbfxd
- | Pmulil -> Muld
- | Pandil -> Andd
- | Pnandil -> Nandd
- | Poril -> Ord
- | Pnoril -> Nord
- | Pxoril -> Xord
- | Pnxoril -> Nxord
- | Pandnil -> Andnd
- | Pornil -> Ornd
-let arith_arr_real = function
- | Pinsf (_, _) -> Insf
- | Pinsfl (_, _) -> Insf
-let arith_arrr_real = function
- | Pfmaddfw -> Ffmaw
- | Pfmaddfl -> Ffmad
- | Pfmsubfw -> Ffmsw
- | Pfmsubfl -> Ffmsd
- | Pmaddw -> Maddw
- | Pmaddl -> Maddd
- | Pmsubw -> Msbfw
- | Pmsubl -> Msbfd
- | Pcmove _ -> Cmoved
- | Pcmoveu _ -> Cmoved
-let arith_arri32_real = function
- | Pmaddiw -> Maddw
- | Pcmoveiw _ -> Cmoved
- | Pcmoveuiw _ -> Cmoved
-let arith_arri64_real = function
- | Pmaddil -> Maddd
- | Pcmoveil _ -> Cmoved
- | Pcmoveuil _ -> Cmoved
-let arith_ri32_real = Make
-let arith_ri64_real = Make
-let arith_rf32_real = Make
-let arith_rf64_real = Make
-let store_real = function
- | Psb -> Sb
- | Psh -> Sh
- | Psw -> Sw
- | Psw_a -> Sw
- | Psd -> Sd
- | Psd_a -> Sd
- | Pfss -> Sw
- | Pfsd -> Sd
-let load_real = function
- | Plb -> Lbs
- | Plbu -> Lbz
- | Plh -> Lhs
- | Plhu -> Lhz
- | Plw -> Lws
- | Plw_a -> Lws
- | Pld -> Ld
- | Pld_a -> Ld
- | Pfls -> Lws
- | Pfld -> Ld
-let set_real = Set
-let get_real = Get
-let nop_real = Nop
-let loadsymbol_real = Make
-let loadqrro_real = Lq
-let loadorro_real = Lo
-let storeqrro_real = Sq
-let storeorro_real = So
-let ret_real = Ret
-let call_real = Call
-let icall_real = Icall
-let goto_real = Goto
-let igoto_real = Igoto
-let jl_real = Goto
-let cb_real = Cb
-let cbu_real = Cb
-let arith_rri32_rec i rd rs imm32 = { inst = arith_rri32_real i; write_locs = [Reg rd]; read_locs = [Reg rs]; imm = imm32; is_control = false;
- read_at_id = []; read_at_e1 = [] }
-let arith_rri64_rec i rd rs imm64 = { inst = arith_rri64_real i; write_locs = [Reg rd]; read_locs = [Reg rs]; imm = imm64; is_control = false;
- read_at_id = []; read_at_e1 = [] }
-let arith_rrr_rec i rd rs1 rs2 = { inst = arith_rrr_real i; write_locs = [Reg rd]; read_locs = [Reg rs1; Reg rs2]; imm = None; is_control = false;
- read_at_id = []; read_at_e1 = [] }
-let arith_arri32_rec i rd rs imm32 =
- let rae1 = match i with Pmaddiw -> [Reg rd] | _ -> []
- in { inst = arith_arri32_real i; write_locs = [Reg rd]; read_locs = [Reg rd; Reg rs]; imm = imm32; is_control = false;
- read_at_id = [] ; read_at_e1 = rae1 }
-let arith_arri64_rec i rd rs imm64 =
- let rae1 = match i with Pmaddil -> [Reg rd] | _ -> []
- in { inst = arith_arri64_real i; write_locs = [Reg rd]; read_locs = [Reg rd; Reg rs]; imm = imm64; is_control = false;
- read_at_id = []; read_at_e1 = rae1 }
-let arith_arr_rec i rd rs = { inst = arith_arr_real i; write_locs = [Reg rd]; read_locs = [Reg rd; Reg rs]; imm = None; is_control = false;
- read_at_id = []; read_at_e1 = [] }
-let arith_arrr_rec i rd rs1 rs2 =
- let rae1 = match i with Pmaddl | Pmaddw | Pmsubl | Pmsubw -> [Reg rd] | _ -> []
- in { inst = arith_arrr_real i; write_locs = [Reg rd]; read_locs = [Reg rd; Reg rs1; Reg rs2]; imm = None; is_control = false;
- read_at_id = []; read_at_e1 = rae1 }
-let arith_rr_rec i rd rs = { inst = arith_rr_real i; write_locs = [Reg rd]; read_locs = [Reg rs]; imm = None; is_control = false;
- read_at_id = []; read_at_e1 = [] }
-let arith_r_rec i rd = match i with
- (* For Ploadsymbol, writing the highest integer since we do not know how many bits does a symbol have *)
- | Ploadsymbol (id, ofs) -> { inst = loadsymbol_real; write_locs = [Reg rd]; read_locs = []; imm = Some (I64 Integers.Int64.max_signed);
- is_control = false; read_at_id = []; read_at_e1 = [] }
-let arith_rec i =
- match i with
- | PArithRRI32 (i, rd, rs, imm32) -> arith_rri32_rec i (IR rd) (IR rs) (Some (I32 imm32))
- | PArithRRI64 (i, rd, rs, imm64) -> arith_rri64_rec i (IR rd) (IR rs) (Some (I64 imm64))
- | PArithRRR (i, rd, rs1, rs2) -> arith_rrr_rec i (IR rd) (IR rs1) (IR rs2)
- | PArithARR (i, rd, rs) -> arith_arr_rec i (IR rd) (IR rs)
- (* Seems like single constant constructor types are elided *)
- | PArithARRI32 (i, rd, rs, imm32) -> arith_arri32_rec i (IR rd) (IR rs) (Some (I32 imm32))
- | PArithARRI64 (i, rd, rs, imm64) -> arith_arri64_rec i (IR rd) (IR rs) (Some (I64 imm64))
- | PArithARRR (i, rd, rs1, rs2) -> arith_arrr_rec i (IR rd) (IR rs1) (IR rs2)
- | PArithRI32 (rd, imm32) -> { inst = arith_ri32_real; write_locs = [Reg (IR rd)]; read_locs = []; imm = (Some (I32 imm32)) ; is_control = false;
- read_at_id = []; read_at_e1 = [] }
- | PArithRI64 (rd, imm64) -> { inst = arith_ri64_real; write_locs = [Reg (IR rd)]; read_locs = []; imm = (Some (I64 imm64)) ; is_control = false;
- read_at_id = []; read_at_e1 = [] }
- | PArithRF32 (rd, f) -> { inst = arith_rf32_real; write_locs = [Reg (IR rd)]; read_locs = [];
- imm = (Some (I32 (Floats.Float32.to_bits f))); is_control = false; read_at_id = []; read_at_e1 = []}
- | PArithRF64 (rd, f) -> { inst = arith_rf64_real; write_locs = [Reg (IR rd)]; read_locs = [];
- imm = (Some (I64 (Floats.Float.to_bits f))); is_control = false; read_at_id = []; read_at_e1 = []}
- | PArithRR (i, rd, rs) -> arith_rr_rec i (IR rd) (IR rs)
- | PArithR (i, rd) -> arith_r_rec i (IR rd)
-let load_rec i = match i with
- | PLoadRRO (trap, i, rs1, rs2, imm) ->
- { inst = load_real i; write_locs = [Reg (IR rs1)]; read_locs = [Mem; Reg (IR rs2)]; imm = (Some (Off imm)) ; is_control = false;
- read_at_id = []; read_at_e1 = [] }
- | PLoadQRRO(rs, ra, imm) ->
- let (rs0, rs1) = gpreg_q_expand rs in
- { inst = loadqrro_real; write_locs = [Reg (IR rs0); Reg (IR rs1)]; read_locs = [Mem; Reg (IR ra)]; imm = (Some (Off imm)) ; is_control = false;
- read_at_id = []; read_at_e1 = [] }
- | PLoadORRO(rs, ra, imm) ->
- let (((rs0, rs1), rs2), rs3) = gpreg_o_expand rs in
- { inst = loadorro_real; write_locs = [Reg (IR rs0); Reg (IR rs1); Reg (IR rs2); Reg (IR rs3)]; read_locs = [Mem; Reg (IR ra)];
- imm = (Some (Off imm)) ; is_control = false; read_at_id = []; read_at_e1 = []}
- | PLoadRRR (trap, i, rs1, rs2, rs3) | PLoadRRRXS (trap, i, rs1, rs2, rs3) ->
- { inst = load_real i; write_locs = [Reg (IR rs1)]; read_locs = [Mem; Reg (IR rs2); Reg (IR rs3)]; imm = None ; is_control = false;
- read_at_id = []; read_at_e1 = [] }
-let store_rec i = match i with
- | PStoreRRO (i, rs, ra, imm) ->
- { inst = store_real i; write_locs = [Mem]; read_locs = [Reg (IR rs); Reg (IR ra)]; imm = (Some (Off imm));
- read_at_id = []; read_at_e1 = [Reg (IR rs)] ; is_control = false}
- | PStoreQRRO (rs, ra, imm) ->
- let (rs0, rs1) = gpreg_q_expand rs in
- { inst = storeqrro_real; write_locs = [Mem]; read_locs = [Reg (IR rs0); Reg (IR rs1); Reg (IR ra)]; imm = (Some (Off imm));
- read_at_id = []; read_at_e1 = [Reg (IR rs0); Reg (IR rs1)] ; is_control = false}
- | PStoreORRO (rs, ra, imm) ->
- let (((rs0, rs1), rs2), rs3) = gpreg_o_expand rs in
- { inst = storeorro_real; write_locs = [Mem]; read_locs = [Reg (IR rs0); Reg (IR rs1); Reg (IR rs2); Reg (IR rs3); Reg (IR ra)];
- imm = (Some (Off imm)); read_at_id = []; read_at_e1 = [Reg (IR rs0); Reg (IR rs1); Reg (IR rs2); Reg (IR rs3)]; is_control = false}
- | PStoreRRR (i, rs, ra1, ra2) | PStoreRRRXS (i, rs, ra1, ra2) ->
- { inst = store_real i; write_locs = [Mem]; read_locs = [Reg (IR rs); Reg (IR ra1); Reg (IR ra2)]; imm = None;
- read_at_id = []; read_at_e1 = [Reg (IR rs)]; is_control = false}
-let get_rec (rd:gpreg) rs = { inst = get_real; write_locs = [Reg (IR rd)]; read_locs = [Reg rs]; imm = None; is_control = false;
- read_at_id = []; read_at_e1 = [] }
-let set_rec rd (rs:gpreg) = { inst = set_real; write_locs = [Reg rd]; read_locs = [Reg (IR rs)]; imm = None; is_control = false;
- read_at_id = [Reg (IR rs)]; read_at_e1 = [] }
-let basic_rec i =
- match i with
- | PArith i -> arith_rec i
- | PLoad i -> load_rec i
- | PStore i -> store_rec i
- | Pallocframe (_, _) -> raise OpaqueInstruction
- | Pfreeframe (_, _) -> raise OpaqueInstruction
- | Pget (rd, rs) -> get_rec rd rs
- | Pset (rd, rs) -> set_rec rd rs
- | Pnop -> { inst = nop_real; write_locs = []; read_locs = []; imm = None ; is_control = false; read_at_id = []; read_at_e1 = []}
-let expand_rec = function
- | Pbuiltin _ -> raise OpaqueInstruction
-let ctl_flow_rec = function
- | Pret -> { inst = ret_real; write_locs = []; read_locs = [Reg RA]; imm = None ; is_control = true; read_at_id = [Reg RA]; read_at_e1 = []}
- | Pcall lbl -> { inst = call_real; write_locs = [Reg RA]; read_locs = []; imm = None ; is_control = true; read_at_id = []; read_at_e1 = []}
- | Picall r -> { inst = icall_real; write_locs = [Reg RA]; read_locs = [Reg (IR r)]; imm = None; is_control = true;
- read_at_id = [Reg (IR r)]; read_at_e1 = [] }
- | Pgoto lbl -> { inst = goto_real; write_locs = []; read_locs = []; imm = None ; is_control = true; read_at_id = []; read_at_e1 = []}
- | Pigoto r -> { inst = igoto_real; write_locs = []; read_locs = [Reg (IR r)]; imm = None ; is_control = true;
- read_at_id = [Reg (IR r)]; read_at_e1 = [] }
- | Pj_l lbl -> { inst = goto_real; write_locs = []; read_locs = []; imm = None ; is_control = true; read_at_id = []; read_at_e1 = []}
- | Pcb (bt, rs, lbl) -> { inst = cb_real; write_locs = []; read_locs = [Reg (IR rs)]; imm = None ; is_control = true;
- read_at_id = [Reg (IR rs)]; read_at_e1 = [] }
- | Pcbu (bt, rs, lbl) -> { inst = cbu_real; write_locs = []; read_locs = [Reg (IR rs)]; imm = None ; is_control = true;
- read_at_id = [Reg (IR rs)]; read_at_e1 = [] }
- | Pjumptable (r, _) -> raise OpaqueInstruction (* { inst = "Pjumptable"; write_locs = [Reg (IR GPR62); Reg (IR GPR63)]; read_locs = [Reg (IR r)]; imm = None ; is_control = true} *)
-let control_rec i =
- match i with
- | PExpand i -> expand_rec i
- | PCtlFlow i -> ctl_flow_rec i
-let rec basic_recs body = match body with
- | [] -> []
- | bi :: body -> (basic_rec bi) :: (basic_recs body)
-let exit_rec exit = match exit with
- | None -> []
- | Some ex -> [control_rec ex]
-let instruction_recs bb = (basic_recs bb.body) @ (exit_rec bb.exit)
- * Providing informations relative to the real instructions
- *)
-(** Abstraction providing all the necessary informations for solving the scheduling problem *)
-type inst_info = {
- write_locs : location list;
- read_locs : location list;
- reads_at_id : bool;
- reads_at_e1 : bool;
- is_control : bool;
- usage: int array; (* resources consumed by the instruction *)
- latency: int;
-(** Figuring out whether an immediate is s10, u27l10 or e27u27l10 *)
-type imm_encoding = U6 | S10 | U27L5 | U27L10 | E27U27L10
-let rec pow a = function
- | 0 -> Int64.one
- | 1 -> Int64.of_int a
- | n -> let b = pow a (n/2) in
- Int64.mul b (Int64.mul b (if n mod 2 = 0 then Int64.one else Int64.of_int a))
-let signed_interval n : (int64 * int64) = begin
- assert (n > 0);
- let min = Int64.neg @@ pow 2 (n-1)
- and max = Int64.sub (pow 2 (n-1)) Int64.one
- in (min, max)
-let within i interv = match interv with (min, max) -> (i >= min && i <= max)
-let signed_length (i:int64) =
- let rec f (i:int64) n =
- let interv = signed_interval n
- in if (within i interv) then n else f i (n+1)
- in f i 1
-let unsigned_length (i:int64) = (signed_length i) - 1
-let encode_imm (imm:int64) =
- if (Int64.compare imm Int64.zero < 0) then
- let length = signed_length imm
- in if length <= 10 then S10
- else if length <= 32 then U27L5
- else if length <= 37 then U27L10
- else if length <= 64 then E27U27L10
- else failwith @@ sprintf "encode_imm: integer too big! (%Ld)" imm
- else
- let length = unsigned_length imm
- in if length <= 6 then U6
- else if length <= 9 then S10 (* Special case for S10 - stay signed no matter what *)
- else if length <= 32 then U27L5
- else if length <= 37 then U27L10
- else if length <= 64 then E27U27L10
- else failwith @@ sprintf "encode_imm: integer too big! (%Ld)" imm
-(** Resources *)
-type rname = Rissue | Rtiny | Rlite | Rfull | Rlsu | Rmau | Rbcu | Rtca | Rauxr | Rauxw | Rcrrp | Rcrwl | Rcrwh | Rnop
-let resource_names = [Rissue; Rtiny; Rlite; Rfull; Rlsu; Rmau; Rbcu; Rtca; Rauxr; Rauxw; Rcrrp; Rcrwl; Rcrwh; Rnop]
-let rec find_index elt l =
- match l with
- | [] -> raise Not_found
- | e::l -> if (e == elt) then 0
- else 1 + find_index elt l
-let resource_id resource : int = find_index resource resource_names
-let resource_bound resource : int =
- match resource with
- | Rissue -> 8
- | Rtiny -> 4
- | Rlite -> 2
- | Rfull -> 1
- | Rlsu -> 1
- | Rmau -> 1
- | Rbcu -> 1
- | Rtca -> 1
- | Rauxr -> 1
- | Rauxw -> 1
- | Rcrrp -> 1
- | Rcrwl -> 1
- | Rcrwh -> 1
- | Rnop -> 4
-let resource_bounds : int array = Array.of_list (List.map resource_bound resource_names)
-(** Reservation tables *)
-let alu_full : int array = let resmap = fun r -> match r with
- | Rissue -> 1 | Rtiny -> 1 | Rlite -> 1 | Rfull -> 1 | _ -> 0
- in Array.of_list (List.map resmap resource_names)
-let alu_lite : int array = let resmap = fun r -> match r with
- | Rissue -> 1 | Rtiny -> 1 | Rlite -> 1 | _ -> 0
- in Array.of_list (List.map resmap resource_names)
-let alu_lite_x : int array = let resmap = fun r -> match r with
- | Rissue -> 2 | Rtiny -> 1 | Rlite -> 1 | _ -> 0
- in Array.of_list (List.map resmap resource_names)
-let alu_lite_y : int array = let resmap = fun r -> match r with
- | Rissue -> 3 | Rtiny -> 1 | Rlite -> 1 | _ -> 0
- in Array.of_list (List.map resmap resource_names)
-let alu_nop : int array = let resmap = fun r -> match r with
- | Rissue -> 1 | Rnop -> 1 | _ -> 0
- in Array.of_list (List.map resmap resource_names)
-let alu_tiny : int array = let resmap = fun r -> match r with
- | Rissue -> 1 | Rtiny -> 1 | _ -> 0
- in Array.of_list (List.map resmap resource_names)
-let alu_tiny_x : int array = let resmap = fun r -> match r with
- | Rissue -> 2 | Rtiny -> 1 | _ -> 0
- in Array.of_list (List.map resmap resource_names)
-let alu_tiny_y : int array = let resmap = fun r -> match r with
- | Rissue -> 3 | Rtiny -> 1 | _ -> 0
- in Array.of_list (List.map resmap resource_names)
-let bcu : int array = let resmap = fun r -> match r with
- | Rissue -> 1 | Rbcu -> 1 | _ -> 0
- in Array.of_list (List.map resmap resource_names)
-let bcu_tiny_tiny_mau_xnop : int array = let resmap = fun r -> match r with
- | Rissue -> 1 | Rtiny -> 2 | Rmau -> 1 | Rbcu -> 1 | Rnop -> 4 | _ -> 0
- in Array.of_list (List.map resmap resource_names)
-let lsu_auxr : int array = let resmap = fun r -> match r with
- | Rissue -> 1 | Rtiny -> 1 | Rlsu -> 1 | Rauxr -> 1 | _ -> 0
- in Array.of_list (List.map resmap resource_names)
-let lsu_auxr_x : int array = let resmap = fun r -> match r with
- | Rissue -> 2 | Rtiny -> 1 | Rlsu -> 1 | Rauxr -> 1 | _ -> 0
- in Array.of_list (List.map resmap resource_names)
-let lsu_auxr_y : int array = let resmap = fun r -> match r with
- | Rissue -> 3 | Rtiny -> 1 | Rlsu -> 1 | Rauxr -> 1 | _ -> 0
- in Array.of_list (List.map resmap resource_names)
-let lsu_auxw : int array = let resmap = fun r -> match r with
- | Rissue -> 1 | Rtiny -> 1 | Rlsu -> 1 | Rauxw -> 1 | _ -> 0
- in Array.of_list (List.map resmap resource_names)
-let lsu_auxw_x : int array = let resmap = fun r -> match r with
- | Rissue -> 2 | Rtiny -> 1 | Rlsu -> 1 | Rauxw -> 1 | _ -> 0
- in Array.of_list (List.map resmap resource_names)
-let lsu_auxw_y : int array = let resmap = fun r -> match r with
- | Rissue -> 3 | Rtiny -> 1 | Rlsu -> 1 | Rauxw -> 1 | _ -> 0
- in Array.of_list (List.map resmap resource_names)
-let mau : int array = let resmap = fun r -> match r with
- | Rissue -> 1 | Rtiny -> 1 | Rmau -> 1 | _ -> 0
- in Array.of_list (List.map resmap resource_names)
-let mau_x : int array = let resmap = fun r -> match r with
- | Rissue -> 2 | Rtiny -> 1 | Rmau -> 1 | _ -> 0
- in Array.of_list (List.map resmap resource_names)
-let mau_y : int array = let resmap = fun r -> match r with
- | Rissue -> 3 | Rtiny -> 1 | Rmau -> 1 | _ -> 0
- in Array.of_list (List.map resmap resource_names)
-let mau_auxr : int array = let resmap = fun r -> match r with
- | Rissue -> 1 | Rtiny -> 1 | Rmau -> 1 | Rauxr -> 1 | _ -> 0
- in Array.of_list (List.map resmap resource_names)
-let mau_auxr_x : int array = let resmap = fun r -> match r with
- | Rissue -> 2 | Rtiny -> 1 | Rmau -> 1 | Rauxr -> 1 | _ -> 0
- in Array.of_list (List.map resmap resource_names)
-let mau_auxr_y : int array = let resmap = fun r -> match r with
- | Rissue -> 3 | Rtiny -> 1 | Rmau -> 1 | Rauxr -> 1 | _ -> 0
- in Array.of_list (List.map resmap resource_names)
-(** Real instructions *)
-exception InvalidEncoding
-let rec_to_usage r =
- let encoding = match r.imm with None -> None | Some (I32 i) | Some (I64 i) -> Some (encode_imm @@ Z.to_int64 i)
- | Some (Off ptr) -> Some (encode_imm @@ camlint64_of_ptrofs ptr)
- in match r.inst with
- | Addw | Andw | Nandw | Orw | Norw | Sbfw | Xorw
- | Nxorw | Andnw | Ornw ->
- (match encoding with None | Some U6 | Some S10 -> alu_tiny
- | Some U27L5 | Some U27L10 -> alu_tiny_x
- | _ -> raise InvalidEncoding)
- | Sbfxw | Sbfxd ->
- (match encoding with None -> alu_lite
- | Some U6 | Some S10 | Some U27L5 -> alu_lite_x
- | _ -> raise InvalidEncoding)
- | Addd | Andd | Nandd | Ord | Nord | Sbfd | Xord
- | Nxord | Andnd | Ornd ->
- (match encoding with None | Some U6 | Some S10 -> alu_tiny
- | Some U27L5 | Some U27L10 -> alu_tiny_x
- | Some E27U27L10 -> alu_tiny_y)
- |Cmoved ->
- (match encoding with None | Some U6 | Some S10 -> alu_lite
- | Some U27L5 | Some U27L10 -> alu_lite_x
- | Some E27U27L10 -> alu_lite_y)
- | Addxw ->
- (match encoding with None | Some U6 | Some S10 -> alu_lite
- | Some U27L5 | Some U27L10 -> alu_lite_x
- | _ -> raise InvalidEncoding)
- | Addxd ->
- (match encoding with None | Some U6 | Some S10 -> alu_lite
- | Some U27L5 | Some U27L10 -> alu_lite_x
- | Some E27U27L10 -> alu_lite_y)
- | Compw -> (match encoding with None -> alu_tiny
- | Some U6 | Some S10 | Some U27L5 -> alu_tiny_x
- | _ -> raise InvalidEncoding)
- | Compd -> (match encoding with None | Some U6 | Some S10 -> alu_tiny
- | Some U27L5 | Some U27L10 -> alu_tiny_x
- | Some E27U27L10 -> alu_tiny_y)
- | Fcompw -> (match encoding with None -> alu_lite
- | Some U6 | Some S10 | Some U27L5 -> alu_lite_x
- | _ -> raise InvalidEncoding)
- | Fcompd -> (match encoding with None -> alu_lite
- | Some U6 | Some S10 | Some U27L5 -> alu_lite_x
- | _ -> raise InvalidEncoding)
- | Make -> (match encoding with Some U6 | Some S10 -> alu_tiny
- | Some U27L5 | Some U27L10 -> alu_tiny_x
- | Some E27U27L10 -> alu_tiny_y
- | _ -> raise InvalidEncoding)
- | Maddw -> (match encoding with None -> mau_auxr
- | Some U6 | Some S10 | Some U27L5 -> mau_auxr_x
- | _ -> raise InvalidEncoding)
- | Maddd -> (match encoding with None | Some U6 | Some S10 -> mau_auxr
- | Some U27L5 | Some U27L10 -> mau_auxr_x
- | Some E27U27L10 -> mau_auxr_y)
- | Mulw| Msbfw -> (match encoding with None -> mau
- | Some U6 | Some S10 | Some U27L5 -> mau_x
- | _ -> raise InvalidEncoding)
- | Muld | Msbfd -> (match encoding with None | Some U6 | Some S10 -> mau
- | Some U27L5 | Some U27L10 -> mau_x
- | Some E27U27L10 -> mau_y)
- | Nop -> alu_nop
- | Sraw | Srlw | Sllw | Srad | Srld | Slld -> (match encoding with None | Some U6 -> alu_tiny | _ -> raise InvalidEncoding)
- (* TODO: check *)
- | Srsw | Srsd | Rorw -> (match encoding with None | Some U6 -> alu_lite | _ -> raise InvalidEncoding)
- | Extfz | Extfs | Insf -> (match encoding with None -> alu_lite | _ -> raise InvalidEncoding)
- | Fixeduwz | Fixedwz | Floatwz | Floatuwz | Fixeddz | Fixedudz | Floatdz | Floatudz -> mau
- | Lbs | Lbz | Lhs | Lhz | Lws | Ld | Lq | Lo ->
- (match encoding with None | Some U6 | Some S10 -> lsu_auxw
- | Some U27L5 | Some U27L10 -> lsu_auxw_x
- | Some E27U27L10 -> lsu_auxw_y)
- | Sb | Sh | Sw | Sd | Sq | So ->
- (match encoding with None | Some U6 | Some S10 -> lsu_auxr
- | Some U27L5 | Some U27L10 -> lsu_auxr_x
- | Some E27U27L10 -> lsu_auxr_y)
- | Icall | Call | Cb | Igoto | Goto | Ret | Set -> bcu
- | Get -> bcu_tiny_tiny_mau_xnop
- | Fnegd | Fnegw | Fabsd | Fabsw | Fwidenlwd
- | Fmind | Fmaxd | Fminw | Fmaxw -> alu_lite
- | Fnarrowdw -> alu_full
- | Faddd | Faddw | Fsbfd | Fsbfw | Fmuld | Fmulw | Finvw
- | Ffmad | Ffmaw | Ffmsd | Ffmsw -> mau
-let inst_info_to_dlatency i =
- begin
- assert (not (i.reads_at_id && i.reads_at_e1));
- match i.reads_at_id with
- | true -> +1
- | false -> (match i.reads_at_e1 with
- | true -> -1
- | false -> 0)
- end
-let real_inst_to_latency = function
- | Nop -> 0 (* Only goes through ID *)
- | Addw | Andw | Compw | Orw | Sbfw | Sbfxw | Sraw | Srsw | Srlw | Sllw | Xorw
- (* TODO check rorw *)
- | Rorw | Nandw | Norw | Nxorw | Ornw | Andnw
- | Nandd | Nord | Nxord | Ornd | Andnd
- | Addd | Andd | Compd | Ord | Sbfd | Sbfxd | Srad | Srsd | Srld | Slld | Xord | Make
- | Extfs | Extfz | Insf | Fcompw | Fcompd | Cmoved | Addxw | Addxd
- | Fmind | Fmaxd | Fminw | Fmaxw
- -> 1
- | Floatwz | Floatuwz | Fixeduwz | Fixedwz | Floatdz | Floatudz | Fixeddz | Fixedudz -> 4
- | Mulw | Muld | Maddw | Maddd | Msbfw | Msbfd -> 2 (* FIXME - WORST CASE. If it's S10 then it's only 1 *)
- | Lbs | Lbz | Lhs | Lhz | Lws | Ld | Lq | Lo -> 3
- | Sb | Sh | Sw | Sd | Sq | So -> 1 (* See k1c-Optimization.pdf page 19 *)
- | Get -> 1
- | Set -> 4 (* According to the manual should be 3, but I measured 4 *)
- | Icall | Call | Cb | Igoto | Goto | Ret -> 42 (* Should not matter since it's the final instruction of the basic block *)
- | Fnegd | Fnegw | Fabsd | Fabsw | Fwidenlwd | Fnarrowdw -> 1
- | Faddd | Faddw | Fsbfd | Fsbfw | Fmuld | Fmulw | Finvw
- | Ffmaw | Ffmad | Ffmsw | Ffmsd -> 4
-let rec empty_inter la = function
- | [] -> true
- | b::lb -> if (List.mem b la) then false else empty_inter la lb
-let rec_to_info r : inst_info =
- let usage = rec_to_usage r
- and latency = real_inst_to_latency r.inst
- and reads_at_id = not (empty_inter r.read_locs r.read_at_id)
- and reads_at_e1 = not (empty_inter r.read_locs r.read_at_e1)
- in { write_locs = r.write_locs; read_locs = r.read_locs; usage=usage; latency=latency; is_control=r.is_control;
- reads_at_id = reads_at_id; reads_at_e1 = reads_at_e1 }
-let instruction_infos bb = List.map rec_to_info (instruction_recs bb)
-let instruction_usages bb =
- let usages = List.map (fun info -> info.usage) (instruction_infos bb)
- in Array.of_list usages
- * Latency constraints building
- *)
-(* type access = { inst: int; loc: location } *)
-let preg2int pr = Camlcoq.P.to_int @@ Asmblockdeps.ppos pr
-let loc2int = function
- | Mem -> 1
- | Reg pr -> preg2int pr
-(* module HashedLoc = struct
- type t = { loc: location; key: int }
- let equal l1 l2 = (l1.key = l2.key)
- let hash l = l.key
- let create (l:location) : t = { loc=l; key = loc2int l }
-end *)
-(* module LocHash = Hashtbl.Make(HashedLoc) *)
-module LocHash = Hashtbl
-(* Hash table : location => list of instruction ids *)
-let rec intlist n =
- if n < 0 then failwith "intlist: n < 0"
- else if n = 0 then []
- else (n-1) :: (intlist (n-1))
-let find_in_hash hashloc loc =
- match LocHash.find_opt hashloc loc with
- | Some idl -> idl
- | None -> []
-(* Returns a list of instruction ids *)
-let rec get_accesses hashloc (ll: location list) = match ll with
- | [] -> []
- | loc :: llocs -> (find_in_hash hashloc loc) @ (get_accesses hashloc llocs)
-let compute_latency (ifrom: inst_info) (ito: inst_info) =
- let dlat = inst_info_to_dlatency ito
- in let lat = ifrom.latency + dlat
- in assert (lat >= 0); if (lat == 0) then 1 else lat
-let latency_constraints bb =
- let written = LocHash.create 70
- and read = LocHash.create 70
- and count = ref 0
- and constraints = ref []
- and instr_infos = instruction_infos bb
- in let step (i: inst_info) =
- let raw = get_accesses written i.read_locs
- and waw = get_accesses written i.write_locs
- and war = get_accesses read i.write_locs
- in begin
- List.iter (fun i -> constraints := {instr_from = i; instr_to = !count;
- latency = compute_latency (List.nth instr_infos i) (List.nth instr_infos !count)} :: !constraints) raw;
- List.iter (fun i -> constraints := {instr_from = i; instr_to = !count;
- latency = compute_latency (List.nth instr_infos i) (List.nth instr_infos !count)} :: !constraints) waw;
- List.iter (fun i -> constraints := {instr_from = i; instr_to = !count; latency = 0} :: !constraints) war;
- if i.is_control then List.iter (fun n -> constraints := {instr_from = n; instr_to = !count; latency = 0} :: !constraints) (intlist !count);
- (* Updating "read" and "written" hashmaps *)
- List.iter (fun loc ->
- begin
- LocHash.replace written loc [!count];
- LocHash.replace read loc []; (* Clearing all the entries of "read" hashmap when a register is written *)
- end) i.write_locs;
- List.iter (fun loc -> LocHash.replace read loc ((!count) :: (find_in_hash read loc))) i.read_locs;
- count := !count + 1
- end
- in (List.iter step instr_infos; !constraints)
- * Using the InstructionScheduler
- *)
-let build_problem bb =
- { max_latency = -1; resource_bounds = resource_bounds;
- instruction_usages = instruction_usages bb; latency_constraints = latency_constraints bb }
-let rec find_min_opt (l: int option list) =
- match l with
- | [] -> None
- | e :: l ->
- begin match find_min_opt l with
- | None -> e
- | Some m ->
- begin match e with
- | None -> Some m
- | Some n -> if n < m then Some n else Some m
- end
- end
-let rec filter_indexes predicate = function
- | [] -> []
- | e :: l -> if (predicate e) then e :: (filter_indexes predicate l) else filter_indexes predicate l
-let get_from_indexes indexes l = List.map (List.nth l) indexes
-let is_basic = function PBasic _ -> true | _ -> false
-let is_control = function PControl _ -> true | _ -> false
-let to_basic = function PBasic i -> i | _ -> failwith "to_basic: control instruction found"
-let to_control = function PControl i -> i | _ -> failwith "to_control: basic instruction found"
-let bundlize li hd =
- let last = List.nth li (List.length li - 1)
- in if is_control last then
- let cut_li = Array.to_list @@ Array.sub (Array.of_list li) 0 (List.length li - 1)
- in let bli = List.map to_basic cut_li
- in { header = hd; body = bli; exit = Some (to_control last) }
- else
- let bli = List.map to_basic li
- in { header = hd; body = bli; exit = None }
-let apply_pbasic b = PBasic b
-let extract_some o = match o with Some e -> e | None -> failwith "extract_some: None found"
-let rec find_min = function
- | [] -> None
- | e :: l ->
- match find_min l with
- | None -> Some e
- | Some m -> if (e < m) then Some e else Some m
-let rec remove_all m = function
- | [] -> []
- | e :: l -> if m=e then remove_all m l
- else e :: (remove_all m l)
-let rec find_mins l = match find_min l with
- | None -> []
- | Some m -> m :: find_mins (remove_all m l)
-let find_all_indices m l =
- let rec find m off = function
- | [] -> []
- | e :: l -> if m=e then off :: find m (off+1) l
- else find m (off+1) l
- in find m 0 l
-module TimeHash = Hashtbl
-(* Hash table : time => list of instruction ids *)
-let hashtbl2list h maxint =
- let rec f i = match TimeHash.find_opt h i with
- | None -> if (i > maxint) then [] else (f (i+1))
- | Some bund -> bund :: (f (i+1))
- in f 0
-let find_max l =
- let rec f = function
- | [] -> None
- | e :: l -> match f l with
- | None -> Some e
- | Some m -> if (e > m) then Some e else Some m
- in match (f l) with
- | None -> raise Not_found
- | Some m -> m
-(* [0, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 4, 5] -> [[0], [3, 4], [1, 5], [2], [6], [7]] *)
-let minpack_list (l: int list) =
- let timehash = TimeHash.create (List.length l)
- in let rec f i = function
- | [] -> ()
- | t::l -> begin
- (match TimeHash.find_opt timehash t with
- | None -> TimeHash.add timehash t [i]
- | Some bund -> TimeHash.replace timehash t (bund @ [i]));
- f (i+1) l
- end
- in begin
- f 0 l;
- hashtbl2list timehash (find_max l)
- end;;
-(* let minpack_list l =
- let mins = find_mins l
- in List.map (fun m -> find_all_indices m l) mins
- *)
-let bb_to_instrs bb = (List.map apply_pbasic bb.body) @ (match bb.exit with None -> [] | Some e -> [PControl e])
-let bundlize_solution bb sol =
- let tmp = (Array.to_list @@ Array.sub sol 0 (Array.length sol - 1))
- in let packs = minpack_list tmp
- and instrs = bb_to_instrs bb
- in let rec bund hd = function
- | [] -> []
- | pack :: packs -> bundlize (get_from_indexes pack instrs) hd :: (bund [] packs)
- in bund bb.header packs
-let print_inst oc = function
- | Asm.Pallocframe(sz, ofs) -> fprintf oc " Pallocframe\n"
- | Asm.Pfreeframe(sz, ofs) -> fprintf oc " Pfreeframe\n"
- | Asm.Pbuiltin(ef, args, res) -> fprintf oc " Pbuiltin\n"
- | Asm.Pcvtl2w(rd, rs) -> fprintf oc " Pcvtl2w %a = %a\n" ireg rd ireg rs
- | i -> print_instruction oc i
-let print_bb oc bb =
- let asm_instructions = Asm.unfold_bblock bb
- in List.iter (print_inst oc) asm_instructions
-let do_schedule bb =
- let problem = build_problem bb
- in let solution = (if !Clflags.option_fpostpass_sched = "ilp" then
- validated_scheduler cascaded_scheduler
- else if !Clflags.option_fpostpass_sched = "list" then
- validated_scheduler list_scheduler
- else if !Clflags.option_fpostpass_sched = "revlist" then
- validated_scheduler reverse_list_scheduler
- else if !Clflags.option_fpostpass_sched = "greedy" then
- greedy_scheduler else failwith ("Invalid scheduler:" ^ !Clflags.option_fpostpass_sched)) problem
- in match solution with
- | None -> failwith "Could not find a valid schedule"
- | Some sol -> let bundles = bundlize_solution bb sol in
- (if debug then
- begin
- Printf.eprintf "Scheduling the following group of instructions:\n";
- print_bb stderr bb;
- Printf.eprintf "Gave the following solution:\n";
- List.iter (print_bb stderr) bundles;
- Printf.eprintf "--------------------------------\n"
- end;
- bundles)
- * Dumb schedule if the above doesn't work
- *)
-let bundlize_label l =
- match l with
- | [] -> []
- | l -> [{ header = l; body = []; exit = None }]
-let rec bundlize_basic l =
- match l with
- | [] -> []
- | b :: l -> { header = []; body = [b]; exit = None } :: bundlize_basic l
-let bundlize_exit e =
- match e with
- | Some e -> [{ header = []; body = []; exit = Some e }]
- | None -> []
-let dumb_schedule (bb : bblock) : bblock list = bundlize_label bb.header @ bundlize_basic bb.body @ bundlize_exit bb.exit
- * Separates the opaque instructions such as Pfreeframe and Pallocframe
- *)
-let is_opaque = function
- | PBasic (Pallocframe _) | PBasic (Pfreeframe _) | PControl (PExpand (Pbuiltin _)) -> true
- | _ -> false
-(* Returns : (accumulated instructions, remaining instructions, opaque instruction if found) *)
-let rec biggest_wo_opaque = function
- | [] -> ([], [], None)
- | i :: li -> if is_opaque i then ([], li, Some i)
- else let big, rem, opaque = biggest_wo_opaque li in (i :: big, rem, opaque);;
-let separate_opaque bb =
- let instrs = bb_to_instrs bb
- in let rec f hd li =
- match li with
- | [] -> []
- | li -> let big, rem, opaque = biggest_wo_opaque li in
- match opaque with
- | Some i ->
- (match big with
- | [] -> (bundlize [i] hd) :: (f [] rem)
- | big -> (bundlize big hd) :: (bundlize [i] []) :: (f [] rem)
- )
- | None -> (bundlize big hd) :: (f [] rem)
- in f bb.header instrs
-let smart_schedule bb =
- let lbb = separate_opaque bb
- in let rec f = function
- | [] -> []
- | bb :: lbb ->
- let bundles =
- try do_schedule bb
- with OpaqueInstruction -> dumb_schedule bb
- | e ->
- let msg = Printexc.to_string e
- and stack = Printexc.get_backtrace ()
- in begin
- Printf.eprintf "In regards to this group of instructions:\n";
- print_bb stderr bb;
- Printf.eprintf "Postpass scheduling could not complete: %s\n%s" msg stack;
- failwith "Invalid schedule"
- (*
- Printf.eprintf "Issuing one instruction per bundle instead\n\n";
- dumb_schedule bb
- *)
- end
- in bundles @ (f lbb)
- in f lbb
-let bblock_to_bundles bb =
- if debug then (eprintf "###############################\n"; Printf.eprintf "SCHEDULING\n"; print_bb stderr bb);
- (* print_problem (build_problem bb); *)
- if Compopts.optim_postpass () then smart_schedule bb else dumb_schedule bb
-(** To deal with the Coq Axiom schedule : bblock -> (list (list basic)) * option control *)
-let rec bundles_to_coq_schedule = function
- | [] -> ([], None)
- | bb :: [] -> ([bb.body], bb.exit)
- | bb :: lbb -> let (llb, oc) = bundles_to_coq_schedule lbb in (bb.body :: llb, oc)
-(** Called schedule function from Coq *)
-let schedule_notime bb = let toto = bundles_to_coq_schedule @@ bblock_to_bundles bb in toto
-let schedule bb = Timing.time_coq ('P'::('o'::('s'::('t'::('p'::('a'::('s'::('s'::('S'::('c'::('h'::('e'::('d'::('u'::('l'::('i'::('n'::('g'::(' '::('o'::('r'::('a'::('c'::('l'::('e'::([])))))))))))))))))))))))))) schedule_notime bb