path: root/riscV/CSE2depsproof.v
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Diffstat (limited to 'riscV/CSE2depsproof.v')
1 files changed, 139 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/riscV/CSE2depsproof.v b/riscV/CSE2depsproof.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f283c8ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/riscV/CSE2depsproof.v
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+(* *************************************************************)
+(* *)
+(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
+(* *)
+(* David Monniaux CNRS, VERIMAG *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright VERIMAG. All rights reserved. *)
+(* This file is distributed under the terms of the INRIA *)
+(* Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
+(* *)
+(* *************************************************************)
+Require Import Coqlib Maps Errors Integers Floats Lattice Kildall.
+Require Import AST Linking.
+Require Import Memory Registers Op RTL Maps.
+Require Import Globalenvs Values.
+Require Import Linking Values Memory Globalenvs Events Smallstep.
+Require Import Registers Op RTL.
+Require Import CSE2 CSE2deps.
+Require Import Lia.
+Lemma ptrofs_size :
+ Ptrofs.wordsize = (if Archi.ptr64 then 64 else 32)%nat.
+ unfold Ptrofs.wordsize.
+ unfold Wordsize_Ptrofs.wordsize.
+ trivial.
+Lemma ptrofs_modulus :
+ Ptrofs.modulus = if Archi.ptr64 then 18446744073709551616 else 4294967296.
+ unfold Ptrofs.modulus.
+ rewrite ptrofs_size.
+ destruct Archi.ptr64; reflexivity.
+ Variable F V : Type.
+ Variable genv: Genv.t F V.
+ Variable sp : val.
+ Variable m m2 : mem.
+ Variable chunkw chunkr : memory_chunk.
+ Variable base : val.
+ Variable addrw addrr valw : val.
+ Hypothesis STORE : Mem.storev chunkw m addrw valw = Some m2.
+ Variable ofsw ofsr : ptrofs.
+ Hypothesis ADDRW : eval_addressing genv sp
+ (Aindexed ofsw) (base :: nil) = Some addrw.
+ Hypothesis ADDRR : eval_addressing genv sp
+ (Aindexed ofsr) (base :: nil) = Some addrr.
+ Lemma load_store_away1 :
+ forall RANGEW : 0 <= Ptrofs.unsigned ofsw <= Ptrofs.modulus - largest_size_chunk,
+ forall RANGER : 0 <= Ptrofs.unsigned ofsr <= Ptrofs.modulus - largest_size_chunk,
+ forall SWAPPABLE : Ptrofs.unsigned ofsw + size_chunk chunkw <= Ptrofs.unsigned ofsr
+ \/ Ptrofs.unsigned ofsr + size_chunk chunkr <= Ptrofs.unsigned ofsw,
+ Mem.loadv chunkr m2 addrr = Mem.loadv chunkr m addrr.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ pose proof (max_size_chunk chunkr) as size_chunkr_bounded.
+ pose proof (max_size_chunk chunkw) as size_chunkw_bounded.
+ unfold largest_size_chunk in *.
+ rewrite ptrofs_modulus in *.
+ simpl in *.
+ inv ADDRR.
+ inv ADDRW.
+ destruct base; try discriminate.
+ eapply Mem.load_store_other with (chunk := chunkw) (v := valw) (b := b).
+ exact STORE.
+ right.
+ all: try (destruct (Ptrofs.unsigned_add_either i ofsr) as [OFSR | OFSR];
+ rewrite OFSR).
+ all: try (destruct (Ptrofs.unsigned_add_either i ofsw) as [OFSW | OFSW];
+ rewrite OFSW).
+ all: try rewrite ptrofs_modulus in *.
+ all: destruct Archi.ptr64.
+ all: intuition lia.
+ Qed.
+ Theorem load_store_away :
+ can_swap_accesses_ofs (Ptrofs.unsigned ofsr) chunkr (Ptrofs.unsigned ofsw) chunkw = true ->
+ Mem.loadv chunkr m2 addrr = Mem.loadv chunkr m addrr.
+ Proof.
+ intro SWAP.
+ unfold can_swap_accesses_ofs in SWAP.
+ repeat rewrite andb_true_iff in SWAP.
+ repeat rewrite orb_true_iff in SWAP.
+ repeat rewrite Z.leb_le in SWAP.
+ apply load_store_away1.
+ all: tauto.
+ Qed.
+ Variable F V : Type.
+ Variable genv: Genv.t F V.
+ Variable sp : val.
+Lemma may_overlap_sound:
+ forall m m' : mem,
+ forall chunk addr args chunk' addr' args' v a a' rs,
+ (eval_addressing genv sp addr (rs ## args)) = Some a ->
+ (eval_addressing genv sp addr' (rs ## args')) = Some a' ->
+ (may_overlap chunk addr args chunk' addr' args') = false ->
+ (Mem.storev chunk m a v) = Some m' ->
+ (Mem.loadv chunk' m' a') = (Mem.loadv chunk' m a').
+ intros until rs.
+ destruct addr; destruct addr'; try discriminate.
+ { (* Aindexed / Aindexed *)
+ destruct args as [ | base [ | ]]. 1,3: discriminate.
+ destruct args' as [ | base' [ | ]]. 1,3: discriminate.
+ simpl in OVERLAP.
+ destruct (peq base base'). 2: discriminate.
+ subst base'.
+ destruct (can_swap_accesses_ofs (Ptrofs.unsigned i0) chunk' (Ptrofs.unsigned i) chunk) eqn:SWAP.
+ 2: discriminate.
+ simpl in *.
+ eapply load_store_away with (F:=F) (V:=V) (genv:=genv) (sp:=sp); eassumption.
+ }