path: root/riscV/ExpansionOracle.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'riscV/ExpansionOracle.ml')
1 files changed, 174 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/riscV/ExpansionOracle.ml b/riscV/ExpansionOracle.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..15a418fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/riscV/ExpansionOracle.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+(* *************************************************************)
+(* *)
+(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
+(* *)
+(* Léo Gourdin UGA, VERIMAG *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright VERIMAG. All rights reserved. *)
+(* This file is distributed under the terms of the INRIA *)
+(* Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
+(* *)
+(* *************************************************************)
+open RTLpathLivegenaux
+open RTLpathCommon
+open Datatypes
+open Maps
+open RTL
+open Op
+open Asmgen
+open DebugPrint
+open PrintRTL
+open! Integers
+let reg = ref 1
+let node = ref 1
+let r2p () = Camlcoq.P.of_int !reg
+let n2p () = Camlcoq.P.of_int !node
+let n2pi () = node := !node + 1; n2p()
+type immt = Xori | Slti
+let load_hilo32 dest hi lo succ k =
+ if Int.eq lo Int.zero then
+ Iop (OEluiw hi, [], dest, succ) :: k
+ else (
+ Iop (OEluiw hi, [], dest, n2pi()) :: (Iop (Oaddimm lo, [dest], dest, succ)) :: k)
+let loadimm32 dest n succ k =
+ match make_immed32 n with
+ | Imm32_single imm ->
+ Iop (OEaddiwr0 imm, [], dest, succ) :: k
+ | Imm32_pair (hi, lo) -> load_hilo32 dest hi lo succ k
+let get_opimm imm = function
+ | Xori -> OExoriw imm
+ | Slti -> OEsltiw imm
+let opimm32 a1 dest n succ k op opimm =
+ match make_immed32 n with
+ | Imm32_single imm ->
+ Iop (get_opimm imm opimm, [a1], dest, succ) :: k
+ | Imm32_pair (hi, lo) ->
+ reg := !reg + 1;
+ load_hilo32 (r2p()) hi lo (n2pi()) (Iop (op, [a1;r2p()], dest, succ) :: k)
+let xorimm32 a1 dest n succ k = opimm32 a1 dest n succ k Oxor Xori
+let sltimm32 a1 dest n succ k = opimm32 a1 dest n succ k (OEsltw None) Slti
+let cond_int32s_x0 cmp a1 dest succ k =
+ match cmp with
+ | Ceq -> Iop (OEseqw (Some false), [a1;a1], dest, succ) :: k
+ | Cne -> Iop (OEsnew (Some false), [a1;a1], dest, succ) :: k
+ | Clt -> Iop (OEsltw (Some false), [a1;a1], dest, succ) :: k
+ | Cle -> Iop (OEsltw (Some true), [a1;a1], dest, n2pi()) :: Iop (OExoriw Int.one, [dest], dest, succ) :: k
+ | Cgt -> Iop (OEsltw (Some true), [a1;a1], dest, succ) :: k
+ | Cge -> Iop (OEsltw (Some false), [a1;a1], dest, n2pi()) :: Iop (OExoriw Int.one, [dest], dest, succ) :: k
+let cond_int32s_reg cmp a1 a2 dest succ k =
+ match cmp with
+ | Ceq -> Iop (OEseqw None, [a1;a2], dest, succ) :: k
+ | Cne -> Iop (OEsnew None, [a1;a2], dest, succ) :: k
+ | Clt -> Iop (OEsltw None, [a1;a2], dest, succ) :: k
+ | Cle -> Iop (OEsltw None, [a2;a1], dest, n2pi()) :: Iop (OExoriw Int.one, [dest], dest, succ) :: k
+ | Cgt -> Iop (OEsltw None, [a2;a1], dest, succ) :: k
+ | Cge -> Iop (OEsltw None, [a1;a2], dest, n2pi()) :: Iop (OExoriw Int.one, [dest], dest, succ) :: k
+let expanse_condimm_int32s cmp a1 n dest succ k =
+ if Int.eq n Int.zero then cond_int32s_x0 cmp a1 dest succ k else
+ match cmp with
+ | Ceq | Cne ->
+ xorimm32 a1 dest n (n2pi()) (cond_int32s_x0 cmp dest dest succ k)
+ | Clt -> sltimm32 a1 dest n succ k
+ | Cle -> if Int.eq n (Int.repr Int.max_signed)
+ then loadimm32 dest Int.one succ k
+ else sltimm32 a1 dest (Int.add n Int.one) succ k
+ | _ -> reg := !reg + 1;
+ loadimm32 (r2p()) n (n2pi()) (cond_int32s_reg cmp a1 (r2p()) dest succ k)
+let rec write_tree exp n code' =
+ match exp with
+ | (Iop (_,_,_,succ)) as inst :: k ->
+ print_instruction stderr (0,inst);
+ Printf.eprintf "PLACING NODE %d\n" (Camlcoq.P.to_int n);
+ code' := PTree.set n inst !code';
+ Printf.eprintf "WITH SUCC %d\n" (Camlcoq.P.to_int succ);
+ write_tree k (Camlcoq.P.of_int ((Camlcoq.P.to_int n) + 1)) code'
+ | _ -> !code'
+let get_regindent = function
+ | Coq_inr _ -> []
+ | Coq_inl r -> [r]
+let get_regs_inst = function
+ | Inop (_) -> []
+ | Iop (_,args,dest,_) -> dest :: args
+ | Iload (_,_,_,args,dest,_) -> dest :: args
+ | Istore (_,_,args,src,_) -> src :: args
+ | Icall (_,t,args,dest,_) -> dest :: ((get_regindent t) @ args)
+ | Itailcall (_,t,args) -> (get_regindent t) @ args
+ | Ibuiltin (_,args,dest,_) ->
+ (AST.params_of_builtin_res dest) @
+ AST.params_of_builtin_args args
+ | Icond (_,args,_,_,_) -> args
+ | Ijumptable (arg,_) -> [arg]
+ | Ireturn (Some r) -> [r]
+ | _ -> []
+let generate_head_order n start_node new_order =
+ Printf.eprintf "GEN n %d start %d node %d\n" (Camlcoq.P.to_int n) (Camlcoq.P.to_int start_node) !node;
+ for i = !node downto (Camlcoq.P.to_int start_node) do
+ new_order := !new_order @ [Camlcoq.P.of_int i];
+ done;
+ new_order := n :: !new_order
+let expanse (sb: superblock) code =
+ debug_flag := true;
+ let new_order = ref [] in
+ let code' = ref code in
+ Array.iter (fun n ->
+ let inst = get_some @@ PTree.get n code in
+ match inst with
+ | Iop (Ocmp (Ccompimm (c, imm)), a1 :: nil, dest, succ) -> (
+ Printf.eprintf "[EXPANSION] Last node is: %d\n" !node;
+ Printf.eprintf "[EXPANSION] Last reg is: %d\n" !reg;
+ Printf.eprintf "CUR IS %d\n" (Camlcoq.P.to_int n);
+ Printf.eprintf "SUCC IS %d\n" (Camlcoq.P.to_int succ);
+ debug "[EXPANSION] Replace this:\n";
+ print_instruction stderr (0,inst);
+ debug "[EXPANSION] With:\n";
+ let start_node = Camlcoq.P.of_int (!node + 1) in
+ let exp = expanse_condimm_int32s c a1 imm dest succ [] in
+ code' := write_tree (List.rev exp) start_node code';
+ let first = Inop (n2pi()) in
+ code' := PTree.set n first !code';
+ generate_head_order n start_node new_order;
+ (*Printf.eprintf "entry is %d\n" (Camlcoq.P.to_int !entry);*)
+ (*entry := n2p()*)
+ (*| Icond (cond,args,ifso,ifnot,info) -> (code' :=
+ match cond, args with
+ | Ccompimm (c, imm), a1 :: nil ->
+ expanse_condimm_int32s cond a1 imm info ifso ifnot
+ PTree.set n (Icond (cond,args,ifso,ifnot,info)) !code'
+ | (_, _) -> !code'*)
+ (*PTree.set node*))
+ | _ -> new_order := !new_order @ [n]
+ ) sb.instructions;
+ sb.instructions <- Array.of_list !new_order;
+ (*print_arrayp sb.instructions;*)
+ debug_flag := false;
+ !code'
+let rec find_last_node_reg = function
+ | [] -> ()
+ | (pc, i) :: k ->
+ let rec traverse_list var = function
+ | [] -> ()
+ | e :: t ->
+ (let e' = Camlcoq.P.to_int e in
+ if e' > !var then var := e';
+ traverse_list var t) in
+ traverse_list node [pc];
+ traverse_list reg (get_regs_inst i);
+ find_last_node_reg k