path: root/scheduling/MyRTLpathScheduleraux.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'scheduling/MyRTLpathScheduleraux.ml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1619 deletions
diff --git a/scheduling/MyRTLpathScheduleraux.ml b/scheduling/MyRTLpathScheduleraux.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0375d26c..00000000
--- a/scheduling/MyRTLpathScheduleraux.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1619 +0,0 @@
-open DebugPrint
-open RTLpathLivegenaux
-open RTLpath
-open RTLpathCommon
-open RTL
-open Maps
-open Registers
-let print_superblock sb code =
- let insts = sb.instructions in
- let li = sb.liveins in
- let outs = sb.s_output_regs in
- begin
- debug "{ instructions = "; print_instructions (Array.to_list insts) code; debug "\n";
- debug " liveins = "; print_ptree_regset li; debug "\n";
- debug " output_regs = "; print_regset outs; debug "}"
- end
-let print_superblocks lsb code =
- let rec f = function
- | [] -> ()
- | sb :: lsb -> (print_superblock sb code; debug ",\n"; f lsb)
- in begin
- debug "[\n";
- f lsb;
- debug "]"
- end
-let get_superblocks = RTLpathScheduleraux.get_superblocks
-let get_ok = RTLpathScheduleraux.get_ok
-let apply_map' fw n = Duplicateaux.ptree_get_some n fw
-let apply_map_opt fw n =
- match PTree.get n fw with
- | Some n' -> n'
- | None -> n
-let change_arg_regs inst fwmap =
- let open Datatypes in
- match inst with
- | Icall (sgn, fn, args, dest, succ) ->
- let fn' =
- ( match fn with
- | Coq_inl r -> Datatypes.Coq_inl (apply_map_opt fwmap r)
- | Coq_inr _ as ident -> (* function name *) ident )
- in
- let args' = List.map (apply_map_opt fwmap) args in
- Icall (sgn, fn', args', dest, succ)
- | Ibuiltin (ef, args, dest, succ) ->
- let args' = List.map (AST.map_builtin_arg (apply_map_opt fwmap)) args in
- Ibuiltin (ef, args', dest, succ)
- | Ijumptable (arg, tbl) -> Ijumptable (apply_map_opt fwmap arg, tbl)
- | Itailcall (sgn, fn, args) ->
- let fn' =
- ( match fn with
- | Coq_inl r -> Datatypes.Coq_inl (apply_map_opt fwmap r)
- | Coq_inr _ as ident -> (* function name *) ident )
- in
- let args' = List.map (apply_map_opt fwmap) args in
- Itailcall (sgn, fn', args')
- | Ireturn (reg_opt) ->
- ( match reg_opt with
- | None -> Ireturn None
- | Some(reg) -> Ireturn (Some (apply_map_opt fwmap reg)) )
- | Icond (a, b, n1, n2, i) -> Icond (a, List.map (apply_map_opt fwmap) b, n1, n2, i)
- | Inop n -> Inop n
- | Iop (a, b, c, n) -> Iop (a, List.map (apply_map_opt fwmap) b, c, n)
- | Iload (a, b, c, d, e, n) ->
- Iload (a, b, c, List.map (apply_map_opt fwmap) d, e, n)
- | Istore (a, b, c, d, n) -> Istore (a, b, List.map (apply_map_opt fwmap) c, apply_map_opt fwmap d, n)
-let change_dest_reg inst fwmap =
- match inst with
- | Inop _
- | Istore _
- | Itailcall _
- (* XXX builtin is a special case?! *)
- | Ibuiltin _
- | Icond _
- | Ijumptable _
- | Ireturn _
- | Icall _ -> failwith "unexpectedly asked to change dest reg"
- | Iop(op, args, res, s) -> Iop(op, args, (apply_map' fwmap res), s)
- | Iload(trap, chunk, addr, args, dst, s) -> Iload(trap, chunk, addr, args, (apply_map' fwmap dst), s)
-let maybe_change_dest_reg ?only_rename inst fwmap ~next_free_reg =
- let do_nothing = (inst, fwmap, next_free_reg) in
- match inst with
- | Icall _
- | Ibuiltin _
- | Ijumptable _
- | Itailcall _
- | Ireturn _ ->
- (* Do not rename registers if the instructions MUST end a path because we cannot add
- * restoration code afterwards. *)
- do_nothing
- | _ as i ->
- match RTL.instr_defs i with
- | None -> do_nothing
- | Some r ->
- if Option.is_some only_rename && not (Regset.mem r (get_some only_rename)) then
- do_nothing
- else
- (match PTree.get r fwmap with
- | None -> (i, PTree.set r r fwmap, next_free_reg)
- | Some _previous_name ->
- let new_name = next_free_reg in
- let fwmap = PTree.set r new_name fwmap in
- (change_dest_reg i fwmap, fwmap, Camlcoq.P.succ next_free_reg) )
-let ptree_get_or_default ptree key default =
- match PTree.get key ptree with
- | None -> default
- | Some value -> value
-let is_icond = function
- | Icond _ -> true
- | _ -> false
-let side_exit_idxs sb code =
- Array.to_list sb.instructions
- |> List.map (fun pc -> get_some @@ PTree.get pc code)
- |> List.mapi (fun i inst -> (i, inst))
- |> List.filter (fun (_i, inst) -> is_icond inst
- && RTLpathLivegenaux.predicted_successor inst
- |> Option.is_some)
- |> List.map (fun (i, _inst) -> i)
-let side_exit_pcs sb code =
- side_exit_idxs sb code |> List.map (fun i -> sb.instructions.(i))
-module InsertPosition = struct
- type t =
- | Above of Camlcoq.P.t
- | Below of Camlcoq.P.t
- let anchor = function
- | Above x | Below x -> x
- let pseudo_map pos ~f = match pos with
- | Above x -> Above (f x)
- | Below x -> Below (f x)
- let compare x y =
- match Camlcoq.P.compare (anchor x) (anchor y) with
- | 0 -> (match x, y with
- | Above _, Above _ | Below _, Below _ -> 0
- | Above _, Below _ -> 1
- | Below _, Above _ -> -1 )
- | c -> c
-module InsertPositionMap = Map.Make(InsertPosition)
- let insert_code sb code pm (to_insert : RTL.instruction list InsertPositionMap.t) ~next_free_pc =
- let old_debug_flag = !debug_flag in
- debug_flag := false;
- debug "Before code insertion:\n";
- print_superblock sb code;
- debug "\n"; flush_all ();
- debug "Code to insert:\n";
- InsertPositionMap.iter
- (fun pos insts ->
- debug "%s %d: "
- (match pos with
- | InsertPosition.Above _ -> "Above"
- | InsertPosition.Below _ -> "Below")
- (Camlcoq.P.to_int @@ InsertPosition.anchor pos)
- ;
- List.iter (fun inst ->
- if !debug_flag then PrintRTL.print_instruction stdout (0, inst)) insts;
- debug "\n"; flush_all ()
- )
- to_insert
- ;
- let next_free_pc =
- let next_free_pc = ref next_free_pc in
- (fun () ->
- let pc = !next_free_pc in
- next_free_pc := Camlcoq.P.succ !next_free_pc;
- pc )
- in
- let original_length = Array.length sb.instructions in
- let orig_sort_keys =
- Duplicateaux.generate_fwmap
- (Array.to_list sb.instructions)
- (List.init original_length (fun i -> i * 2))
- PTree.empty
- in
- let new_key pos =
- let open InsertPosition in
- let anchor_key =
- InsertPosition.anchor pos
- |> apply_map' orig_sort_keys
- in
- match pos with
- | Above _ -> anchor_key - 1
- | Below _ -> anchor_key + 1
- in
- let (code, pc_lists, sort_keys) =
- InsertPositionMap.fold
- (fun (pos : InsertPosition.t) insts (code, pc_lists, sort_keys) ->
- let insts_length = List.length insts in
- let key = new_key pos in
- let pcs = List.init insts_length (fun _ -> next_free_pc ()) in
- let new_sort_keys = List.init insts_length (fun _ -> key) in
- let code =
- ListLabels.fold_left2 pcs insts
- ~init:code
- ~f:(fun code pc inst -> PTree.set pc inst code)
- in
- let sort_keys = Duplicateaux.generate_fwmap pcs new_sort_keys sort_keys in
- (code, pcs::pc_lists, sort_keys) )
- to_insert
- (code, [], orig_sort_keys)
- in
- let new_pcs = List.flatten pc_lists |> Array.of_list in
- let last_instruction = [| sb.instructions.(original_length - 1) |] in
- let upto_last =
- if original_length > 1 then
- Array.sub sb.instructions 0 (original_length - 1)
- else [| |]
- in
- let instructions = Array.concat [upto_last; new_pcs; last_instruction ] in
- let instructions_order = Array.copy instructions in
- ArrayLabels.stable_sort instructions_order
- ~cmp:(fun x y -> Int.compare (apply_map' sort_keys x) (apply_map' sort_keys y));
- let new_length = Array.length instructions in
- let fwmap = Duplicateaux.generate_fwmap (Array.to_list instructions_order) (Array.init new_length (fun i -> i) |> Array.to_list) PTree.empty in
- let fwmap_pc =
- Duplicateaux.generate_fwmap
- (Array.to_list sb.instructions)
- (Array.to_list @@ Array.map (fun pc -> instructions.(apply_map' fwmap pc)) sb.instructions)
- PTree.empty
- in
- let liveins' =
- PTree.fold
- (fun liveins' pc live_regs ->
- PTree.set (apply_map' fwmap_pc pc) live_regs liveins')
- sb.liveins PTree.empty
- in
- let sb' = {sb with instructions = instructions; liveins = liveins'} in
- let code = RTLpathScheduleraux.apply_schedule code sb' instructions_order in
- let num_added = new_length - original_length in
- let first_pc = sb.instructions.(0) in
- let pi = get_some @@ PTree.get first_pc pm in
- let module N = Camlcoq.Nat in
- let new_size = N.to_int pi.psize + num_added |> N.of_int in
- let pm = PTree.set first_pc {pi with psize = new_size} pm in
- debug_flag := old_debug_flag;
- (sb', code, pm, next_free_pc (), fwmap_pc)
-let prepend_nops_before_iconds sb code =
- (* We need the a first and last instruction so that
- * a) the pc of the superblock entry stays the same and
- * b) apply_schedule correclty preserved the successors of the last instruction *)
- if Array.length sb.instructions < 2 then
- (* Early exit, this should probably be replaced by a more general exclusion of
- * superblock with just one instruction. *)
- InsertPositionMap.empty
- else
- (* TODO, probably only need it before side exits *)
- let icond_pcs =
- Array.to_list sb.instructions
- |> List.filter (fun pc ->
- let inst = get_some @@ PTree.get pc code in
- is_icond inst )
- in
- let to_insert =
- ListLabels.fold_left icond_pcs
- ~init:InsertPositionMap.empty
- ~f:(fun acc icond_pc -> InsertPositionMap.add (InsertPosition.Above icond_pc) [Inop Camlcoq.P.one] acc)
- in
- to_insert
-type renamed =
- { old_name : reg
- ; new_name : reg }
-let update_live_renames pc live_renames fwmap regs =
- Regset.fold
- (fun live_reg renames ->
- match PTree.get live_reg fwmap with
- | None -> renames
- | Some(r) when r = live_reg -> renames
- | Some(new_name) ->
- let old = ptree_get_or_default renames pc [] in
- let upd = {old_name = live_reg; new_name} :: old in
- PTree.set pc upd renames )
- regs
- live_renames
-let my_merge_overwrite m1 m2 =
- PTree.combine (fun x y -> match (x, y) with
- | None, None -> None
- | Some x, None
- | None, Some x -> Some x
- | Some _, Some y -> Some y
- ) m1 m2
-let rename_regs ?only_rename sb code ~liveatentry ~next_free_reg =
- let old_debug_flag = !debug_flag in
- let length = Array.length sb.instructions in
- assert (length > 0);
- (* Early exit *)
- if length = 1 then (code, PTree.empty, next_free_reg) else
- (* The last instruction is treated in a special way because if it defines a register,
- * that register cannot possibly be used afterwards in the path AND often we cannot
- * insert restoration code later after it since it must remain at the end of the path.
- * In the future, this may be resolved by only renaming registers which are used
- * afterwards in path, which would exclude the register possibly assigned by the last
- * instruction. *)
- let last_pc = sb.instructions.(length - 1) in
- let upto_last = Array.init (length - 1) (fun i -> sb.instructions.(i)) in
- let liveatentry = Regset.elements liveatentry in
- let fwmap = Duplicateaux.generate_fwmap liveatentry liveatentry PTree.empty in
- let (code, fwmap, live_renames, next_free_reg) =
- ArrayLabels.fold_left upto_last
- ~init:(code, fwmap, PTree.empty, next_free_reg)
- ~f:(fun (code, fwmap, live_renames, next_free_reg) pc ->
- (* Rewrite instruction to use potentially renamed registers *)
- let inst = get_some @@ PTree.get pc code in
- let inst = change_arg_regs inst fwmap in
- let (inst, fwmap, next_free_reg) =
- maybe_change_dest_reg ?only_rename inst fwmap ~next_free_reg
- in
- let code = PTree.set pc inst code in
- let (live_renames, fwmap)=
- if is_icond inst then (
- (* Pretend that registers that are live at an exit already have a definition, so
- * this catches a couple of edge cases where an instruction was not renamed and
- * could thus not be moved up. *)
- let live_regs = Regset.elements @@ get_some @@ PTree.get pc sb.liveins in
- let fwmap' = Duplicateaux.generate_fwmap live_regs live_regs PTree.empty in
- let fwmap = my_merge_overwrite fwmap' fwmap in
- (update_live_renames pc live_renames fwmap (get_some @@ PTree.get pc sb.liveins)
- , fwmap)
- ) else
- (live_renames, fwmap)
- in
- (code, fwmap, live_renames, next_free_reg)
- )
- in
- let last_inst = get_some @@ PTree.get last_pc code in
- let last_inst = change_arg_regs last_inst fwmap in
- let (last_inst, fwmap, next_free_reg) =
- maybe_change_dest_reg ?only_rename last_inst fwmap ~next_free_reg
- in
- let code = PTree.set last_pc last_inst code in
- let live_renames = update_live_renames last_pc live_renames fwmap sb.s_output_regs in
- debug_flag := old_debug_flag;
- (code, live_renames, next_free_reg)
-(* Pass over the superblock instruction in-order
- * For each redefinition of a register, create a new register name and use that one from
- * then on. There is one exception, if the last instruction defines a register, it will be
- * left unchanged since the rest of the path cannot possibly use it.
- * WARNING: This invalidates the superblock, it will need to be repaired with the
- * information returned. *)
-let local_single_assignment sb code liveatentry ~next_free_reg =
- let old_debug_flag = !debug_flag in
- let (code, live_renames, next_free_reg) =
- rename_regs sb code ~liveatentry ~next_free_reg
- in
- debug_flag := old_debug_flag;
- (code, live_renames, next_free_reg)
-let final_restoration_code sb code live_renames =
- let last_inst_pc = sb.instructions.(Array.length sb.instructions - 1) in
- let last_inst = get_some @@ PTree.get last_inst_pc code in
- let last_inst_is_basic = match last_inst with
- | Icall _
- | Ibuiltin _
- | Ijumptable _
- | Itailcall _
- | Ireturn _
- | Icond _ -> false
- | _ -> true
- in
- let final_renames = ptree_get_or_default live_renames last_inst_pc [] in
- let live_regs_opt = PTree.get last_inst_pc sb.liveins in
- let (above, below) = let open Either in
- ListLabels.partition_map final_renames
- ~f:(fun {old_name; new_name} ->
- let inst = Iop (Op.Omove, [new_name], old_name, Camlcoq.P.one) in
- match last_inst_is_basic, live_regs_opt with
- | true, _ ->
- (* Printf.eprintf "Putting %d below basic inst\n" (Camlcoq.P.to_int old_name); *)
- Right inst
- | false, None ->
- (* Printf.eprintf "Putting %d above unpredicted icond.\n" (Camlcoq.P.to_int old_name); *)
- Left inst
- | false, Some live_regs ->
- if Regset.mem old_name live_regs then (
- (* Printf.eprintf "Putting %d above icond\n" (Camlcoq.P.to_int old_name); *)
- Left inst
- ) else (
- (* Printf.eprintf "Putting %d below icond\n" (Camlcoq.P.to_int old_name); *)
- Right inst))
- in
- InsertPositionMap.empty
- |> InsertPositionMap.add (InsertPosition.Above last_inst_pc) above
- |> InsertPositionMap.add (InsertPosition.Below last_inst_pc) below
-let used_before_redefinition sb code ~offset ~reg =
- let length = Array.length sb.instructions in
- if not (offset < length) then
- raise (Invalid_argument (Printf.sprintf "offset must be less than the superblock's length: %d is not less than %d" offset length))
- ;
- let finished = ref false in
- let i = ref offset in
- let res = ref false in
- while (!i < length && not !finished) do
- let inst = get_some @@ PTree.get sb.instructions.(!i) code in
- if List.mem reg (RTL.instr_uses inst) then (
- res := true;
- finished := true;
- ) else
- ()
- ;
- let defined_reg = RTL.instr_defs inst in
- (match defined_reg with
- | None -> ()
- | Some r -> if r = reg then finished := true else ());
- i := !i + 1;
- done;
- !res
-type restoration_actions =
- | Just_restore of renamed
- | Restore_and_alias of renamed
-let restoration_instructions' sb code live_renames ~next_free_reg =
- let next_free_reg =
- let next_free_reg = ref next_free_reg in
- (fun () ->
- let r = !next_free_reg in
- next_free_reg := Camlcoq.P.succ !next_free_reg;
- r )
- in
- let length = Array.length sb.instructions in
- let pc_to_idx =
- Duplicateaux.generate_fwmap
- (Array.to_list sb.instructions)
- (List.init length (fun i -> i))
- PTree.empty
- in
- let live_renames = PTree.map
- (fun pc renames ->
- let offset = apply_map' pc_to_idx pc in
- List.map
- (fun rename ->
- let {old_name; new_name} = rename in
- if used_before_redefinition sb code ~offset ~reg:old_name then
- Restore_and_alias rename
- else
- Just_restore rename)
- renames)
- live_renames
- in
- let to_rename = PTree.map1
- (fun renames ->
- let old_names = List.filter_map (fun rename ->
- match rename with
- | Just_restore _ -> None
- | Restore_and_alias {old_name; new_name} -> Some old_name) renames
- in
- let aliases = List.init (List.length old_names) (fun _ -> next_free_reg ()) in
- let fwmap = Duplicateaux.generate_fwmap old_names aliases PTree.empty in
- fwmap
- )
- live_renames
- in
- let to_insert_restore =
- PTree.fold
- (fun to_insert side_exit_pc renames ->
- let alias_map = get_some @@ PTree.get side_exit_pc to_rename in
- let insts = ListLabels.map renames
- ~f:(fun rename ->
- match rename with
- | Just_restore {old_name; new_name} -> [Iop (Op.Omove, [new_name], old_name, Camlcoq.P.one)]
- | Restore_and_alias {old_name; new_name} ->
- [ Iop (Op.Omove, [old_name], apply_map' alias_map old_name, Camlcoq.P.one)
- ; Iop (Op.Omove, [new_name], old_name, Camlcoq.P.one)] )
- in
- let insts = List.flatten insts in
- InsertPositionMap.add (InsertPosition.Above side_exit_pc) insts to_insert)
- live_renames
- InsertPositionMap.empty
- in
- (to_insert_restore, to_rename, next_free_reg ())
-(* Assumes the path is in local single assignment form *)
-let intra_path_dependencies (sb : superblock) (code : code) =
- let old_debug_flag = !debug_flag in
- debug_flag := false;
- (* Directly taken from RTLpathScheduleraux *)
- let nr_instr = Array.length sb.instructions in
- let trailer_length =
- match PTree.get (sb.instructions.(nr_instr-1)) code with
- | None -> 0
- | Some ii ->
- (match predicted_successor ii with
- | Some _ -> 0
- | None -> 1 )
- in
- let module IS = InstructionScheduler in
- let opweights = OpWeights.get_opweights () in
- let seqa =
- ArrayLabels.map (Array.sub sb.instructions 0 (Array.length sb.instructions - trailer_length))
- ~f:(fun i ->
- (match PTree.get i code with
- | Some ii -> ii
- | None -> failwith "MyRTLpathScheduleraux.intra_path_dependencies"),
- (match PTree.get i sb.liveins with
- | Some s -> s
- | None -> Regset.empty) )
- in
- let latency_constraints = PrepassSchedulingOracle.get_simple_dependencies opweights seqa in
- debug "intra_path_dependencies for superblock:\n";
- print_superblock sb code;
- debug "\nlatency_constraints:\n\n";
- ListLabels.iter latency_constraints
- ~f:(fun {IS.instr_from; instr_to; latency} ->
- debug "instr_from: %2d\ninstr_to: %4d\nlatency: %3d\n\n" instr_from instr_to latency );
- flush_all ();
- let deps =
- ListLabels.fold_left latency_constraints
- ~init:PTree.empty
- ~f:(fun deps {IS.instr_from; instr_to; latency = _} ->
- let to_pc = sb.instructions.(instr_to) in
- let from_pc = sb.instructions.(instr_from) in
- let inst_deps = ptree_get_or_default deps to_pc HashedSet.PSet.empty in
- let inst_deps' = HashedSet.PSet.add from_pc inst_deps in
- PTree.set to_pc inst_deps' deps )
- in
- debug_flag := old_debug_flag;
- deps
-let transitive_dependencies deps pc =
- let old_debug_flag = !debug_flag in
- let immediate_deps = ptree_get_or_default deps pc HashedSet.PSet.empty in
- let rec iter ~acc ~todo ~seen =
- match todo with
- | [] -> acc
- | pc'::todo -> (* NB: todo has just shrunk *)
- if HashedSet.PSet.contains seen pc' then
- iter ~acc ~todo ~seen
- else
- let deps_of_dep = ptree_get_or_default deps pc' HashedSet.PSet.empty in
- let new_todo = HashedSet.PSet.subtract deps_of_dep acc |> HashedSet.PSet.elements in
- iter
- ~acc:(HashedSet.PSet.add pc' acc)
- ~todo:(new_todo @ todo)
- ~seen:(HashedSet.PSet.add pc' seen)
- in
- let transitive_dependencies =
- iter
- ~acc:HashedSet.PSet.empty
- ~todo:(HashedSet.PSet.elements immediate_deps)
- ~seen:HashedSet.PSet.empty
- in
- debug_flag := old_debug_flag;
- transitive_dependencies
-let moved_dependencies deps order side_exit_pc =
- let old_debug_flag = !debug_flag in
- let dependencies = transitive_dependencies deps side_exit_pc in
- let side_exit_pc_idx = apply_map' order side_exit_pc in
- let moved_dependencies =
- HashedSet.PSet.filter
- (fun pc ->
- let dep_idx = apply_map' order pc in
- dep_idx > side_exit_pc_idx )
- dependencies
- in
- debug_flag := old_debug_flag;
- moved_dependencies
-let update_liveins liveins live_renames =
- PTree.map
- (fun pc liveregs ->
- match PTree.get pc live_renames with
- | None -> liveregs
- | Some renames ->
- let old_to_new = ListLabels.fold_left renames
- ~init:PTree.empty
- ~f:(fun acc {old_name; new_name} -> PTree.set old_name new_name acc)
- in
- (* There doesn't seem to be a proper map function for Regset.t *)
- let liveregs' =
- Regset.fold
- (fun r acc ->
- let r' = ptree_get_or_default old_to_new r r in
- Regset.add r' acc)
- liveregs
- Regset.empty
- in
- liveregs'
- )
- liveins
-let replace_iconds_by_ocmps sb code ~next_free_reg =
- let module P = Camlcoq.P in
- let (code, _previous_icond, next_free_reg) =
- ArrayLabels.fold_left sb.instructions
- ~init:(code, None, next_free_reg)
- ~f:(fun (code, previous_icond_proxy_reg, next_free_reg) pc ->
- let inst = get_some @@ PTree.get pc code in
- match inst with
- | Istore(chunk, addr, args, src, succ) ->
- ( match previous_icond_proxy_reg with
- | None -> (code, previous_icond_proxy_reg, next_free_reg)
- | Some r ->
- let istore' = Istore(chunk, addr, r::args, src, succ) in
- let code' = PTree.set pc istore' code in
- (code', previous_icond_proxy_reg, next_free_reg) )
- | Icond(cond, args, ifso, ifnot, prediction) ->
- (match prediction with
- | None ->
- (* Case only happens at the very end of the path; no transformation necessary *)
- assert(sb.instructions.(Array.length sb.instructions - 1) = pc);
- (code, None, next_free_reg)
- | Some true -> (
- let ocmp = match previous_icond_proxy_reg with
- | None -> Iop((Op.Ocmp cond), args, next_free_reg, ifso)
- | Some r -> Iop((Op.Ocmp cond), r::args, next_free_reg, ifso)
- in
- let code' = PTree.set pc ocmp code in
- (code', Some next_free_reg, P.succ next_free_reg) )
- | Some false -> (
- let ocmp = match previous_icond_proxy_reg with
- | None -> Iop((Op.Ocmp cond), args, next_free_reg, ifnot)
- | Some r -> Iop((Op.Ocmp cond), r::args, next_free_reg, ifnot)
- in
- let code' = PTree.set pc ocmp code in
- (code', Some next_free_reg, P.succ next_free_reg) ))
- | Iload(trap, chunk, addr, args, dest, succ) -> (
- if !Machine.config.Machine.has_non_trapping_loads then
- (code, previous_icond_proxy_reg, next_free_reg)
- else
- match previous_icond_proxy_reg with
- | None -> (code, previous_icond_proxy_reg, next_free_reg)
- | Some r ->
- let load' = Iload(trap, chunk, addr, r::args, dest, succ) in
- let code' = PTree.set pc load' code in
- (code', previous_icond_proxy_reg, next_free_reg) )
- | _ -> (code, previous_icond_proxy_reg, next_free_reg)
- )
- in
- (code, next_free_reg)
-let is_store = function
- | Istore _ -> true
- | _ -> false
-type heuristic_mode =
- | Default
- | Ignore_liveness
- | Move_stores
-let ideal_schedule'' sb code mode =
- let old_debug_flag = !debug_flag in
- let dep_function = match mode with
- | Default -> PrepassSchedulingOracle.get_simple_dependencies'
- | Ignore_liveness -> PrepassSchedulingOracle.get_fake_deps_liveness
- | Move_stores -> PrepassSchedulingOracle.get_fake_deps_liveness_stores
- in
- (* copy-paste from RTLpathScheduleraux.schedule_superblock *)
- let nr_instr = Array.length sb.instructions in
- let trailer_length =
- match PTree.get (sb.instructions.(nr_instr-1)) code with
- | None -> 0
- | Some ii ->
- match predicted_successor ii with
- | Some _ -> 0
- | None -> 1 in
- let live_regs_entry = RTLpathScheduleraux.get_live_regs_entry sb code in
- let seqa =
- Array.map (fun i ->
- (match PTree.get i code with
- | Some ii -> ii
- | None -> failwith "RTLpathScheduleraux.schedule_superblock"),
- (match PTree.get i sb.liveins with
- | Some s -> s
- | None -> Regset.empty))
- (Array.sub sb.instructions 0 (nr_instr-trailer_length))
- in
- let nr_scheduled_instr = nr_instr - trailer_length in
- (* Copy-pasted from PrepassSchedulingOracle.schedule_sequence *)
- let opweights = OpWeights.get_opweights () in
- (* NB: Early exit *)
- if (Array.length seqa) <= 1 then None else
- (* Copy-pasted from PrepassSchedulingOracle.define_problem *)
- let problem =
- let deps = dep_function opweights seqa in
- debug_flag := false;
- debug "Fake deps:\n";
- if !debug_flag then (
- deps
- |> List.iter (fun {InstructionScheduler.instr_from; instr_to; latency} ->
- debug "%2d depends on %2d\n" (Camlcoq.P.to_int sb.instructions.(instr_to)) (Camlcoq.P.to_int sb.instructions.(instr_from)));
- flush_all ();
- );
- { InstructionScheduler.max_latency = -1
- ; resource_bounds = opweights.PrepassSchedulingOracleDeps.pipelined_resource_bounds
- ; live_regs_entry = live_regs_entry
- ; typing = sb.typing
- ; reference_counting = Option.some @@ RTLpathScheduleraux.reference_counting seqa sb.s_output_regs sb.typing
- ; instruction_usages = Array.map (PrepassSchedulingOracle.resources_of_instruction opweights) (Array.map fst seqa)
- ; latency_constraints = deps }
- in
- match PrepassSchedulingOracle.prepass_scheduler_by_name
- (!Clflags.option_fprepass_sched)
- problem
- (Array.map (fun (ins, _) ->
- match ins with
- | Icond _ -> true
- | _ -> false) seqa)
- with
- | None ->
- debug_flag := old_debug_flag;
- failwith "no solution in prepass scheduling\n"
- | Some solution ->
- let positions = Array.init nr_scheduled_instr (fun i -> i) in
- let final_time = solution.(nr_scheduled_instr) in
- Array.sort (fun i j ->
- let si = solution.(i) and sj = solution.(j) in
- if si < sj then -1
- else if si > sj then 1
- else i - j) positions;
- let ins' =
- Array.append
- (Array.map (fun i -> sb.instructions.(i)) positions)
- (Array.sub sb.instructions (nr_instr - trailer_length) trailer_length) in
- Some (ins', final_time)
-(* Improved scheduling heuristic which allows moving memory writes downwards by turning
- * Iconds into Ocmps for the purpose of dependency calculations. *)
-let ideal_schedule' sb code ~next_free_reg =
- let old_debug_flag = !debug_flag in
- let (fake_code, _next_free_reg) = replace_iconds_by_ocmps sb code ~next_free_reg in
- (* Does PTree.empty work or do I need to map the entries to Regset.empty *)
- let fake_sb = { sb with liveins = PTree.empty } in
- (* Copied from RTLpathScheduleraux.schedule_superblock *)
- let nr_instr_sb = Array.length sb.instructions in
- assert (nr_instr_sb = Array.length fake_sb.instructions);
- let trailer_length =
- match PTree.get (sb.instructions.(nr_instr_sb - 1)) code with
- | None -> 0
- | Some ii ->
- match predicted_successor ii with
- | Some _ -> 0
- | None -> 1
- in
- let seqa =
- (Array.map (fun i ->
- (match PTree.get i code with
- | Some ii -> ii
- | None -> failwith "MyRTLpathScheduleraux.ideal_schedule'"),
- (match PTree.get i sb.liveins with
- | Some s -> s
- | None -> Regset.empty))
- (Array.sub sb.instructions 0 (nr_instr_sb - trailer_length)))
- in
- let fake_seqa =
- (Array.map (fun i ->
- (match PTree.get i fake_code with
- | Some ii -> ii
- | None -> failwith "MyRTLpathScheduleraux.ideal_schedule'"),
- (match PTree.get i fake_sb.liveins with
- | Some s -> s
- | None -> Regset.empty))
- (Array.sub fake_sb.instructions 0 (nr_instr_sb - trailer_length)))
- in
- (* Copied from PrepassSchedulingOracle.schedule_sequence *)
- let opweights = OpWeights.get_opweights () in
- (* WARNING: Early exit in case there is only on instruction to schedule *)
- if (Array.length fake_seqa) <= 1 then None else
- let nr_instr_fake_seqa = Array.length fake_seqa in
- assert (nr_instr_fake_seqa = Array.length seqa);
- let nr_instr_seqa = nr_instr_fake_seqa in
- let store_idxs =
- Array.to_list sb.instructions
- |> List.mapi (fun i pc -> (i, get_some @@ PTree.get pc code))
- |> List.filter (fun (_i, inst) -> is_store inst)
- |> List.map (fun (i, _inst) -> i)
- in
- let side_exit_idxs = side_exit_idxs sb code in
- let store_side_exit_limit =
- ListLabels.map store_idxs
- ~f:(fun st_idx ->
- let first_se = List.find_opt (fun se_idx -> se_idx > st_idx) side_exit_idxs in
- let second_se =
- Option.bind
- first_se
- (fun se_idx -> List.find_opt (fun se_idx' -> se_idx' > se_idx) side_exit_idxs)
- in
- second_se )
- in
- let store_side_exit_deps =
- ListLabels.map2 store_idxs store_side_exit_limit
- ~f:(fun st_idx se_idx_opt ->
- let module IS = InstructionScheduler in
- match se_idx_opt with
- | None -> None
- | Some se_idx -> Some {IS.instr_to = se_idx; instr_from = st_idx; latency = 0} )
- |> List.filter_map (fun x -> x)
- in
- (* Copied from PrepassSchedulingOracle.define_problem *)
- let fake_deps = PrepassSchedulingOracle.get_simple_dependencies opweights fake_seqa in
- let fake_deps = store_side_exit_deps @ fake_deps in
- let problem =
- { InstructionScheduler.max_latency = -1
- ; live_regs_entry = RTLpathScheduleraux.get_live_regs_entry fake_sb fake_code
- ; typing = fake_sb.typing
- ; reference_counting = Some (RTLpathScheduleraux.reference_counting fake_seqa fake_sb.s_output_regs fake_sb.typing)
- ; resource_bounds = opweights.PrepassSchedulingOracleDeps.pipelined_resource_bounds
- ; instruction_usages = Array.map (PrepassSchedulingOracle.resources_of_instruction opweights) (Array.map fst seqa)
- ; latency_constraints = fake_deps }
- in
- let scheduled_sequence =
- match
- PrepassSchedulingOracle.prepass_scheduler_by_name
- (!Clflags.option_fprepass_sched)
- problem
- (Array.map (fun (ins, _) ->
- match ins with
- | Icond _ -> true
- | _ -> false)
- seqa)
- with
- | None -> None
- | Some solution ->
- (* Printf.eprintf "Scheduling instruction sequence of length: %d\n" nr_instructions; flush_all ();
- Printf.eprintf "Result: %d\n" solution.(nr_instructions); flush_all (); *)
- let positions = Array.init nr_instr_seqa (fun i -> i) in
- let final_time = solution.(nr_instr_seqa) in
- Array.sort (fun i j ->
- let si = solution.(i) and sj = solution.(j) in
- if si < sj then -1
- else if si > sj then 1
- else i - j) positions;
- Some (positions, final_time)
- in
- debug_flag := old_debug_flag;
- match scheduled_sequence with
- | None -> None
- | Some (order, final_time) ->
- let ins' =
- Array.append
- (Array.map (fun i -> sb.instructions.(i)) order)
- (Array.sub sb.instructions (nr_instr_sb - trailer_length) trailer_length) in
- Some (ins', final_time)
-(* "ideal" *)
-let ideal_schedule sb code =
- let schedule =
- RTLpathScheduleraux.schedule_superblock
- {sb with liveins = PTree.map (fun n _regs -> Regset.empty) sb.liveins}
- code
- in
- schedule
-let merge_append _ x y = match x, y with
- | None, None -> None
- | Some x, None | None, Some x -> Some x
- | Some x, Some y -> Some (x @ y)
-(* Turns a tree of dependencies (pc -> [pcs; that; depend; on pc]) into a tree of uses by
- * "inverting" tree.
- * Now, each pc has the pcs associated to it that depend on it, according to the original
- * tree. *)
-let uses_of_deps p_ptree =
- PTree.fold
- (fun acc p vs ->
- let acc = HashedSet.PSet.fold
- (fun acc v ->
- let old = ptree_get_or_default acc v HashedSet.PSet.empty in
- let upd = HashedSet.PSet.add p old in
- PTree.set v upd acc)
- vs
- acc
- in
- acc
- )
- p_ptree
- PTree.empty
-(* Returns for every side-exit pc, a list of instructions that should be executed beforehand *)
-let downschedule_compensation_code sb code pm live_renames ~next_free_pc ~next_free_reg =
- (* TODO: Right now we are copying the instructions even if there are duplicates per
- * basic block. This leads to an issue where two identical memory writes lead to
- * non-matching symbolic memory states.
- * As a work-around we could eliminate the first/original memory write, this would
- * allow moving memory writes at least one side-exit further down, but not
- * farther. For that we would need to refine the symbolic memory model/evaluation
- * which might be related to memory aliasing in general?!
- * For now however, we simply use a more restrictive ideal_schedule function which
- * does not propose moving memory writes below side-exits. *)
- let old_debug_flag = !debug_flag in
- let mode = match !Clflags.option_prepass_past_side_exits_sched with
- | "move_stores" -> Move_stores
- | "no_move_stores" -> Ignore_liveness
- | _ -> failwith "Unsupported option for scheduling code past side exits"
- in
- let sb_with_liveins = {sb with liveins = update_liveins sb.liveins live_renames} in
- match ideal_schedule'' sb_with_liveins code mode, ideal_schedule'' sb_with_liveins code Default with
- | None, None -> InsertPositionMap.empty (* Early Exit*)
- | None, Some _ | Some _, None -> failwith "downschedule_compensation_code: Scheduling procedure failed."
- | Some (idealized_schedule, idealized_final_time)
- , Some (default_schedule, default_final_time) ->
- if idealized_final_time >= default_final_time then (
- if (!debug_flag && idealized_final_time > default_final_time) then (
- debug "Unexpectedly, idealized dependencies lead to a worse expected final time.\n";
- debug "idealized_final_time = %d, default_final_time = %d\n" idealized_final_time default_final_time;
- debug "For superblock %d" (Camlcoq.P.to_int sb.instructions.(0));
- failwith "Unexpectedly bad final time for idealized schedule";
- );
- (* Early exit *)
- InsertPositionMap.empty
- ) else (
- let sb_length = Array.length sb.instructions in
- let pc_to_idx =
- Duplicateaux.generate_fwmap
- (Array.to_list sb.instructions)
- (List.init sb_length (fun i -> i))
- PTree.empty
- in
- let pc_to_idx' =
- Duplicateaux.generate_fwmap
- (Array.to_list idealized_schedule)
- (List.init sb_length (fun i -> i))
- PTree.empty
- in
- let side_exit_pcs = side_exit_pcs sb code in
- (* NB: for the purpose of this heuristic we consider the superblock to include the final
- * restoration code. sb has changed. *)
- let liveins' = update_liveins sb.liveins live_renames in
- (* Use the new names to calculate proper dependencies *)
- let path_deps = intra_path_dependencies {sb with liveins = liveins'} code in
- let path_deps_without_iconds = PTree.map
- (fun _pc deps ->
- HashedSet.PSet.filter
- (fun dep_pc -> not @@ is_icond @@ get_some @@ PTree.get dep_pc code)
- deps)
- path_deps
- in
- let transitive_path_deps_without_iconds =
- PTree.map (fun pc _deps -> transitive_dependencies path_deps_without_iconds pc)
- path_deps
- in
- let transitive_uses_without_iconds = uses_of_deps transitive_path_deps_without_iconds in
- (* For each side-exit, check if all the dependencies are still above it
- * if not, remember the pc and transitively consider its dependencies until
- * no further insts to be covered are discovered *)
- let side_exit_and_compensation =
- ListLabels.map side_exit_pcs
- ~f:(fun side_exit_pc ->
- let moved_deps = moved_dependencies path_deps pc_to_idx' side_exit_pc in
- let moved_deps_sorted =
- ListLabels.sort (HashedSet.PSet.elements moved_deps)
- ~cmp:(fun pc1 pc2 -> Int.compare (apply_map' pc_to_idx pc1) (apply_map' pc_to_idx pc2))
- in
- (* The sucessors are *incorrect* at this point *)
- (side_exit_pc, moved_deps_sorted) )
- in
- let (side_exit_pcs, insts_pcs) = List.split side_exit_and_compensation in
- let to_insert_pcs =
- ListLabels.fold_left2 side_exit_pcs insts_pcs
- ~init:InsertPositionMap.empty
- ~f:(fun acc side_exit_pc pcs ->
- InsertPositionMap.add (InsertPosition.Above side_exit_pc) pcs acc) in
- let (to_insert_as_well : Camlcoq.P.t list InsertPositionMap.t)=
- InsertPositionMap.fold
- (fun side_exit_pc pcs_to_insert acc ->
- let side_exit_pc = InsertPosition.anchor side_exit_pc in
- let ( let* ) = Option.bind in
- let collateral_moves =
- pcs_to_insert
- |> List.filter_map (fun pc ->
- let* uses = PTree.get pc transitive_uses_without_iconds in
- HashedSet.PSet.filter
- (fun pc ->
- not @@ List.mem pc pcs_to_insert
- && apply_map' pc_to_idx pc < apply_map' pc_to_idx side_exit_pc
- && (not @@ is_icond @@ get_some @@ PTree.get pc code))
- uses
- |> Option.some)
- |> ListLabels.fold_left ~f:HashedSet.PSet.union ~init:HashedSet.PSet.empty
- in
- let collateral_moves = ListLabels.sort (HashedSet.PSet.elements collateral_moves)
- ~cmp:(fun pc1 pc2 -> Int.compare (apply_map' pc_to_idx pc1) (apply_map' pc_to_idx pc2))
- in
- (* TODO?
- * In principle we should be able to move the instructions Below, unless they are
- * live (liveins') at the side exit.
- * But adding them above is simpler and unnecessary instructions should be removed
- * by DCE. *)
- let acc = InsertPositionMap.add (InsertPosition.Above side_exit_pc) collateral_moves acc in
- acc)
- to_insert_pcs
- InsertPositionMap.empty
- in
- let to_insert_pcs = InsertPositionMap.merge merge_append to_insert_pcs to_insert_as_well in
- let num_probably_duplicated = InsertPositionMap.fold (fun _pos pcs n ->
- n + List.length pcs)
- to_insert_pcs
- 0
- in
- let gain = default_final_time - idealized_final_time in
- assert(gain > 0);
- if gain * !Clflags.option_fliftif < num_probably_duplicated then (
- debug_flag := false;
- debug "Expected number of cycles gained, %d, not considered worth the code duplication, expected at %d instructions.\n"
- gain num_probably_duplicated;
- debug_flag := old_debug_flag;
- InsertPositionMap.empty
- ) else (
- debug_flag := old_debug_flag;
- to_insert_pcs
- ))
-let my_merge_no_overwrite m1 m2 =
- PTree.combine (fun x y -> match (x, y) with
- | None, None -> None
- | Some x, None
- | None, Some x -> Some x
- | Some x, Some y ->
- if x = y then Some x
- else failwith "Merge conflict."
- ) m1 m2
-let print_schedule schedule =
- debug "Schedule\n";
- Array.iter (fun pos -> debug "%d\n" (Camlcoq.P.to_int pos)) schedule;
- debug "\n";
- flush_all ();
-(* Walk through sb and find those register which possibly take on different values
- * i.e. which are written to twice. *)
-let find_mutated_registers (sb : superblock) code input_regs : Regset.t =
- let (defined, defined_multiple) =
- ArrayLabels.fold_left sb.instructions
- ~init:(input_regs, Regset.empty)
- ~f:(fun (defined, defined_multiple) pc ->
- let inst = get_some @@ PTree.get pc code in
- match RTL.instr_defs inst with
- | None -> (defined, defined_multiple)
- | Some(r) ->
- if Regset.mem r defined then
- let defined_multiple = Regset.add r defined_multiple in
- (defined, defined_multiple)
- else
- let defined = Regset.add r defined in
- (defined, defined_multiple)
- )
- in
- defined_multiple
-(* Map each register in regs to the index of its first definition in the superblock
- * Returns: mapping from a register to the index of the definition that first defines it
- * in the superblock *)
-let find_first_definition (sb : superblock) code (regs : Regset.t) : int PTree.t =
- let (regs, first_defs, _index) =
- ArrayLabels.fold_left sb.instructions
- ~init:(regs, PTree.empty, 0)
- ~f:(fun (regs, first_defs, index) pc ->
- let inst = get_some @@ PTree.get pc code in
- match RTL.instr_defs inst with
- | None -> (regs, first_defs, index + 1)
- | Some(r) ->
- if Regset.mem r regs then
- let regs = Regset.remove r regs in
- let first_defs = PTree.set r index first_defs in
- (regs, first_defs, index + 1)
- else
- (regs, first_defs, index + 1) )
- in
- assert (Regset.empty = regs);
- first_defs
-let print_int_ptree pt =
- let module P = Camlcoq.P in
- if not !debug_flag then () else
- debug "Mappings, P.t -> Int.t:\n";
- List.iter (fun (p, i) -> debug "%d |-> %d\n" (P.to_int p) i) (PTree.elements pt)
-(* [def_index], the index in the superblock of the instruction defining [r] is set to -1
- * if the register is first defined outside of the path *)
-let is_read_after_definition (sb : superblock) code (r : reg) (def_index) : bool =
- let start = if def_index < 0 then 0 else def_index + 1 in
- let stop = Array.length sb.instructions in
- let rec aux n =
- if n > stop then false else
- let pc = sb.instructions.(n) in
- let inst = get_some @@ PTree.get pc code in
- if List.mem r @@ RTL.instr_uses inst then
- true
- else
- aux (n + 1)
- in
- aux start
-let registers_to_alias (sb : superblock) code pm =
- let first_pc = sb.instructions.(0) in
- let pi = get_some @@ PTree.get first_pc pm in
- let sb_length = Array.length sb.instructions in
- let mutated_registers = find_mutated_registers sb code pi.input_regs in
- (* Registers are of interest if they would need to be restored after renaming *)
- let registers_of_interest = Regset.inter sb.s_output_regs mutated_registers in
- let first_defs_in_sb = find_first_definition sb code registers_of_interest in
- (* If the register is first defined by the last instruction of the path, it does not
- * need to be aliased, since it cannot possibly be used afterwards in the superblock.
- * Furthermore, the renaming pass won't rename this register, in case the definition
- * happens by a path-ending instruction in which case it would be impossible to place
- * restoration code afterwards *)
- let registers_to_alias =
- registers_of_interest
- |> Regset.filter (fun r -> if apply_map' first_defs_in_sb r = sb_length - 1 then false else true)
- in
- registers_to_alias
-let add_aliasing_code sb code pm : RTL.instruction list InsertPositionMap.t =
- let first_pc = sb.instructions.(0) in
- let pi = get_some @@ PTree.get first_pc pm in
- let to_alias = registers_to_alias sb code pm in
- let (initial, other) = Regset.partition (fun r -> Regset.mem r pi.input_regs) to_alias in
- let to_insert =
- (* If registers that are already live at the beginning of the superblock need to be
- * aliased, they need to be inserted before (above) the first instruction of the
- * superblock. *)
- InsertPositionMap.singleton
- (InsertPosition.Above sb.instructions.(0))
- (Regset.elements initial |> List.map (fun r -> Iop (Op.Omove, [r], r, Camlcoq.P.one)))
- in
- let first_def_other = find_first_definition sb code other in
- let to_insert = PTree.fold
- (fun to_insert r idx ->
- let pos = (InsertPosition.Below sb.instructions.(idx)) in
- let old =
- match InsertPositionMap.find_opt pos to_insert with
- | None -> []
- | Some v -> v
- in
- let upd = (Iop (Op.Omove, [r], r, Camlcoq.P.one)) :: old in
- InsertPositionMap.add pos upd to_insert)
- first_def_other
- to_insert
- in
- to_insert
-type icond_frame =
- { inop_idx : int
- ; icond_idx : int }
-let find_icond_frames (sb : superblock) code =
- let (_last_inop_idx, frames, _i) =
- ArrayLabels.fold_left sb.instructions
- ~init:(None, [], 0)
- ~f:(fun (last_inop_idx, frames, i) pc ->
- let inst = get_some @@ PTree.get pc code in
- match inst with
- | Inop _ -> (Some i, frames, i + 1)
- | Icond _ ->
- ( match last_inop_idx with
- | None -> (None, frames, i + 1)
- | Some inop_idx -> (None, {inop_idx; icond_idx = i} :: frames, i + 1) )
- | _ -> (last_inop_idx, frames, i + 1) )
- in
- frames
-let stage_duplication sb code staged_dupcode staged_revmap ~next_free_pc =
- let module D = Duplicateaux in
- (* let module P = Camlcoq.P in *)
- let icond_frames = find_icond_frames sb code in
- let (code, staged_dupcode, staged_revmap, next_free_pc) =
- ListLabels.fold_left icond_frames
- ~init:(code, staged_dupcode, staged_revmap, next_free_pc)
- ~f:(fun (code, staged_dupcode, staged_revmap, next_free_pc) {inop_idx; icond_idx} ->
- if (* icond_idx = Array.length sb.instructions - 1 (* Do not lift code before end of path *)
- || *) icond_idx = inop_idx + 1 then (* Sentinel value that no code needs to be duplicated *)
- (* do nothing *)
- (code, staged_dupcode, staged_revmap, next_free_pc)
- else
- let pcs_to_copy = Array.sub sb.instructions (inop_idx + 1) (icond_idx - inop_idx) in
- let (staged_dupcode', staged_revmap', dupcode, fwmap, next_free_pc) = D.clone_only_new code next_free_pc (Array.to_list pcs_to_copy) in
- let staged_dupcode = my_merge_no_overwrite staged_dupcode staged_dupcode' in
- let staged_revmap = my_merge_no_overwrite staged_revmap staged_revmap' in
- let parental_icond = get_some @@ PTree.get sb.instructions.(icond_idx) code in
- let (useless_icond, staged_icond) =
- match parental_icond with
- | Icond(cond, args, ifso, ifnot, info) ->
- let staged_icond = Icond(cond, args, Camlcoq.P.of_int @@ List.hd dupcode, pcs_to_copy.(0), info) in
- let useless_icond = Icond(cond, args, pcs_to_copy.(0), pcs_to_copy.(0), info) in
- (useless_icond, staged_icond)
- | _ -> failwith "Instruction was expected to be Icond, but is not"
- in
- let staged_dupcode = PTree.set sb.instructions.(inop_idx) staged_icond staged_dupcode in
- let code = PTree.set sb.instructions.(inop_idx) useless_icond code in
- (code, staged_dupcode, staged_revmap, next_free_pc) )
- in
- (code, staged_dupcode, staged_revmap, next_free_pc)
-(* TODO? better name *)
-let apply_aliases sb code name_map ~offset =
- let code = ref code in
- let name_map = ref name_map in
- let length = Array.length sb.instructions in
- (* TODO: preferably there was an early exit condition when there is nothing left to do *)
- for i = offset to length - 1 do
- let pc = sb.instructions.(i) in
- let inst = get_some @@ PTree.get pc !code in
- let inst' = change_arg_regs inst !name_map in
- code := PTree.set pc inst' !code;
- name_map :=
- (match RTL.instr_defs inst with
- | None -> !name_map
- | Some r ->
- if Option.is_some @@ PTree.get r !name_map then (
- (* The restoration code, is no longer incorrectly applicable *)
- if not !Clflags.option_fpoormansssa then
- PTree.remove r !name_map
- else
- !name_map
- ) else
- !name_map)
- ;
- done;
- !code
-let scheduler f =
- (* let module D = Duplicateaux in
- let module P = Camlcoq.P in
- let module N = Camlcoq.Nat in *)
- (* TODO: - control for amount of code duplication *)
- let open! Duplicateaux in
- let f_rtl = f.fn_RTL in
- let code = f_rtl.fn_code in
- let _orig_code = code in
- let id_ptree = PTree.map (fun n i -> n) (f.fn_path) in
- let entry = f.fn_RTL.fn_entrypoint in
- let pm = f.fn_path in
- let do_nothing = ((((code, entry), pm), id_ptree), None) in
- (* TODO: Add flag to select between "conserative" downard scheduling and the one that
- * allows moving memory stores below the next side exit (singular). *)
- if not !Clflags.option_fpoormansssa && !Clflags.option_fliftif < 1 then do_nothing
- else (* NB: Early exit above *)
- let _orig_pm = pm in
- let typing = get_ok @@ RTLtyping.type_function f.fn_RTL in
- let is_loop_header = Duplicateaux.get_loop_headers code (f_rtl.fn_entrypoint) in
- let inner_loops = Duplicateaux.get_inner_loops f_rtl code is_loop_header in
- (* inner loop map: map loop headers to inner loops *)
- let ilmap = generate_fwmap (List.map (fun il -> il.head) inner_loops) inner_loops PTree.empty in
- let superblocks = get_superblocks code entry pm typing in
- (* Get only those superblocks that span an inner loop *)
- let superblocks =
- if not !Clflags.option_ftargetinnerloops then
- superblocks
- else
- List.filter (fun sb ->
- (* sanity check; a superblock contains at least one instruction *)
- assert (Array.length sb.instructions >= 1);
- (* Check if first instruction of a superblock is the beginning of an inner loop*)
- let first_pc = sb.instructions.(0) in
- match PTree.get first_pc ilmap with
- | None -> false
- | Some(il) -> (* List.length il.body = Array.length sb.instructions *)
- (match il.sb_final with
- (* don't bother if the loop is not predicted to loop *)
- | None -> false
- | Some pc ->
- pc == first_pc (* loop is spanned by the superblock *)
- (* Make sure the loop does not exceed the superblock *)
- && List.length il.body = Array.length sb.instructions
- )
- ) superblocks
- in
- let next_free_pc = next_free_pc code |> Camlcoq.P.of_int in
- let next_free_reg = max_reg_function f.fn_RTL |> Camlcoq.P.succ in
- (* Apply aliasing code *)
- let old_debug_flag = !debug_flag in
- debug_flag := false;
- debug "Initial code.\n";
- print_code code;
- print_path_map pm;
- print_superblocks superblocks code;
- debug "\n";
- flush_all ();
- (* TODO: Is this extra aliasing logic really useless? *)
- (* let (superblocks, code, pm, next_free_pc) =
- ListLabels.fold_left superblocks
- ~init:([], code, pm, next_free_pc)
- ~f:(fun (superblocks, code, pm, next_free_pc) sb ->
- let to_insert = add_aliasing_code sb code pm in
- let (sb', code', pm', next_free_pc') = insert_code sb code pm to_insert ~next_free_pc in
- (sb'::superblocks, code', pm', next_free_pc') )
- in
- debug "After adding aliasing code.\n";
- print_code code;
- print_path_map pm;
- print_superblocks superblocks code;
- debug "\n";
- flush_all (); *)
- let (superblocks, code, pm, next_free_pc) =
- ListLabels.fold_left superblocks
- ~init:([], code, pm, next_free_pc)
- ~f:(fun (superblocks, code, pm, next_free_pc) sb ->
- let to_insert = prepend_nops_before_iconds sb code in
- let (sb', code', pm', next_free_pc', _) = insert_code sb code pm to_insert ~next_free_pc in
- (sb'::superblocks, code', pm', next_free_pc') )
- in
- debug "After adding nops before Iconds.\n";
- print_code code;
- print_path_map pm;
- print_superblocks superblocks code;
- debug "\n";
- flush_all ();
- let (code, sb_renamings, next_free_reg) =
- if not !Clflags.option_fpoormansssa then
- (code, List.map (fun sb -> (sb, PTree.empty)) superblocks, next_free_reg)
- else (
- debug "pmSSA path\n"; flush_all ();
- ListLabels.fold_left superblocks
- ~init:(code, [], next_free_reg)
- ~f:(fun (code, sb_renamings, next_free_reg) sb ->
- let first_pc = sb.instructions.(0) in
- let pi = get_some @@ PTree.get first_pc pm in
- let (code, live_renames, next_free_reg) = local_single_assignment sb code pi.input_regs ~next_free_reg in
- (code, (sb, live_renames)::sb_renamings, next_free_reg)
- ) )
- in
- debug "After renaming :\n";
- print_code code;
- print_path_map pm;
- print_superblocks (fst @@ List.split sb_renamings) code;
- debug "\n";
- flush_all ();
- let (sb_renamings, code, pm, next_free_pc) = ListLabels.fold_left sb_renamings
- ~init:([], code, pm, next_free_pc)
- ~f:(fun (sbs, code, pm, next_free_pc) (sb, live_renames) ->
- let final_restoration = final_restoration_code sb code live_renames in
- let (sb, code, pm, next_free_pc, fwmap) = insert_code sb code pm final_restoration ~next_free_pc in
- let live_renames =
- PTree.fold
- (fun acc pc insts ->
- let pc' = apply_map' fwmap pc in
- (* Remove final renames, which were just inserted *)
- let insts = if Camlcoq.P.eq pc sb.instructions.(Array.length sb.instructions - 1) then [] else insts in
- PTree.set pc' insts acc)
- live_renames
- PTree.empty
- in
- ((sb, live_renames)::sbs, code, pm, next_free_pc)
- )
- in
- debug "After inserting the final restoration code:\n";
- (* print_code code; *)
- (* print_path_map pm; *)
- print_superblocks (fst @@ List.split sb_renamings) code;
- debug "\n";
- flush_all ();
- let sb_tocompensatepcs_liverenames =
- ListLabels.map sb_renamings
- ~f:(fun (sb, live_renames) ->
- let (to_insert_compensation_pcs, live_renames) =
- if !Clflags.option_prepass_past_side_exits then
- (downschedule_compensation_code sb code pm live_renames ~next_free_pc ~next_free_reg
- , live_renames )
- else
- (InsertPositionMap.empty, live_renames)
- in
- (sb, to_insert_compensation_pcs, live_renames ) )
- in
- let (sb_tocompensate_liverenames, code, next_free_reg) = ListLabels.fold_left sb_tocompensatepcs_liverenames
- ~init:([], code, next_free_reg)
- ~f:(fun (sbs, code, next_free_reg) (sb, to_compensate_pcs, live_renames) ->
- if !Clflags.option_fpoormansssa then (
- let to_compensate = InsertPositionMap.map (fun pcs ->
- let insts = List.map (fun pc -> get_some @@ PTree.get pc code) pcs in
- insts)
- to_compensate_pcs
- in
- let code = InsertPositionMap.fold
- (fun _pos pcs code->
- List.fold_left (fun code pc -> PTree.set pc (Inop Camlcoq.P.one) code)
- code
- pcs)
- to_compensate_pcs
- code
- in
- ((sb, to_compensate, live_renames)::sbs, code, next_free_reg)
- ) else (
- assert (PTree.elements live_renames |> List.for_all (fun (_, l) -> l = []));
- let dup_count = InsertPositionMap.fold
- (fun _pos (pcs : Camlcoq.P.t list) acc ->
- let acc = ListLabels.fold_left pcs
- ~init:acc
- ~f:(fun acc pc ->
- let old = ptree_get_or_default acc pc 0 in
- PTree.set pc (old + 1) acc)
- in
- acc )
- to_compensate_pcs
- PTree.empty
- in
- let pcs_dupd_twice_or_more =
- PTree.filter1 (fun n -> n > 1) dup_count
- |> PTree.elements
- |> List.map fst
- in
- let arg_regs = ListLabels.fold_left pcs_dupd_twice_or_more
- ~init:(Regset.empty)
- ~f:(fun acc pc ->
- let inst = get_some @@ PTree.get pc code in
- RTL.instr_uses inst
- |> List.fold_left
- (fun acc reg -> Regset.add reg acc)
- acc
- )
- in
- let pi = get_some @@ PTree.get sb.instructions.(0) pm in
- let (code, live_renames, next_free_reg) = rename_regs ~only_rename:arg_regs sb code ~liveatentry:pi.input_regs ~next_free_reg in
- let to_compensate = InsertPositionMap.map (fun pcs ->
- let insts = List.map (fun pc -> get_some @@ PTree.get pc code) pcs in
- insts)
- to_compensate_pcs
- in
- let code = InsertPositionMap.fold
- (fun _pos pcs code->
- List.fold_left (fun code pc -> PTree.set pc (Inop Camlcoq.P.one) code)
- code
- pcs)
- to_compensate_pcs
- code
- in
- ((sb, to_compensate, live_renames)::sbs, code, next_free_reg) ))
- in
- (* Insert the compensation code (downward scheduling) and update the restoration code
- * information to reflect the new pcs. *)
- let (superblocks_liverenames, code, pm, next_free_pc) = ListLabels.fold_left sb_tocompensate_liverenames
- ~init:([], code, pm, next_free_pc)
- ~f:(fun (sbs, code, pm, next_free_pc) (sb, to_insert_compensation, live_renames) ->
- let (sb, code, pm, next_free_pc, fwmap) = insert_code sb code pm to_insert_compensation ~next_free_pc in
- let live_renames =
- PTree.fold
- (fun acc pc insts ->
- let pc' = apply_map' fwmap pc in
- PTree.set pc' insts acc)
- live_renames
- PTree.empty
- in
- ((sb, live_renames)::sbs, code, pm, next_free_pc) )
- in
- debug "After inserting the compensation code:\n";
- (* print_code code; *)
- (* print_path_map pm; *)
- print_superblocks (fst @@ List.split superblocks_liverenames) code;
- debug "\n"; flush_all ();
- (* Insert the restoration code *)
- let (superblocks, code, pm, next_free_pc, next_free_reg) = ListLabels.fold_left superblocks_liverenames
- ~init:([], code, pm, next_free_pc, next_free_reg)
- ~f:(fun (sbs, code, pm, next_free_pc, next_free_reg) (sb, live_renames) ->
- let (sb, code, pm, next_free_pc, live_renames) =
- if !Clflags.option_fpoormansssa then
- (* Final restoration code was already inserted. *)
- (sb, code, pm, next_free_pc, live_renames)
- else
- (* Ther combination of code motion below side exits WITHOUT register renaming may
- * cause some restoration code to be necessary. Otherwise it is not safe to
- * duplicate instructions.
- * The final restoration code is special since it may insert below. *)
- let final_restoration = final_restoration_code sb code live_renames in
- let (sb, code, pm, next_free_pc, fwmap) = insert_code sb code pm final_restoration ~next_free_pc in
- let live_renames =
- PTree.fold
- (fun acc pc insts ->
- let pc' = apply_map' fwmap pc in
- (* Remove final renames, which were just inserted *)
- let insts = if Camlcoq.P.eq pc sb.instructions.(Array.length sb.instructions - 1) then [] else insts in
- PTree.set pc' insts acc)
- live_renames
- PTree.empty
- in
- (sb, code, pm, next_free_pc, live_renames)
- in
- let pc_to_idx = Duplicateaux.generate_fwmap
- (Array.to_list sb.instructions)
- (List.init (Array.length sb.instructions) (fun i -> i))
- PTree.empty
- in
- let (to_insert_restoration, to_rename, next_free_reg) = restoration_instructions' sb code live_renames ~next_free_reg in
- let side_exit_pcs = side_exit_pcs sb code in
- let code = ListLabels.fold_left side_exit_pcs
- ~init:code
- ~f:(fun code side_exit_pc ->
- match PTree.get side_exit_pc to_rename with
- | None -> code
- | Some aliases ->
- let idx = apply_map' pc_to_idx side_exit_pc in
- let code = apply_aliases sb code aliases ~offset:idx in
- code)
- in
- let (sb, code, pm, next_free_pc, _fwmap) = insert_code sb code pm to_insert_restoration ~next_free_pc in
- (sb::sbs, code, pm, next_free_pc, next_free_reg) )
- in
- debug "After inserting the restoration code:\n";
- (* print_code code; *)
- (* print_path_map pm; *)
- print_superblocks superblocks code;
- debug "\n"; flush_all ();
- (* let (superblocks, code, pm, next_free_pc, next_free_reg) =
- if not !Clflags.option_fpoormansssa then (
- (* In principle we need to do something like this because if we do not systematically
- * rename registers, the downward scheduling might copy a series of instructions like
- * this: i = i + 1, which when copied twice (to move below two side exits) is
- * incorrect unless we rename the register i (or at least its second redefinition).
- * However, at least the benchmarks do not seem to trigger this special case.
- ListLabels.fold_left superblocks_torename
- ~init:([], code, pm, next_free_pc, next_free_reg)
- ~f:(fun (sbs, code, pm, next_free_pc, next_free_reg) (sb, to_rename) ->
- let pi = get_some @@ PTree.get sb.instructions.(0) pm in
- let liveatentry = pi.input_regs in
- let (code, live_renames, next_free_reg) = rename_regs ~liveatentry ~only_rename:to_rename sb code ~next_free_reg in
- let restoration_insts = restoration_instructions live_renames in
- let (sb, code, pm, next_free_pc) = insert_code sb code pm restoration_insts ~next_free_pc in
- (sb::sbs, code, pm, next_free_pc, next_free_reg) ) *)
- (fst @@ List.split superblocks_torestore, code, pm, next_free_pc, next_free_reg)
- ) else
- (fst @@ List.split superblocks_torestore, code, pm, next_free_pc, next_free_reg)
- in *)
- let (code, to_lift) =
- if !Clflags.option_fliftif > 0 then
- (* TODO: Use this flag to control for the amount of duplicated code.
- * However, this is probably best controlled at the "downscheduling" level since only
- * those instructions need to be actually duplicated, i.e. restoration code writing
- * back the current value to renamed registers is not actually duplicated. *)
- let (code, staged_dupcode, staged_revmap, next_free_pc) = ListLabels.fold_left superblocks
- ~init:(code, PTree.empty, PTree.empty, (Camlcoq.P.to_int next_free_pc))
- ~f:(fun (code, staged_dupcode, staged_revmap, next_free_pc) sb ->
- stage_duplication sb code staged_dupcode staged_revmap ~next_free_pc )
- in
- (code, Some(staged_revmap, staged_dupcode))
- else
- (code, None)
- in
- debug "After staging the duplication (\"if-lifting\") :\n";
- print_code code;
- print_path_map pm;
- print_superblocks superblocks code;
- debug "\n";
- flush_all ();
- debug_flag := old_debug_flag;
- ((((code, entry), pm), id_ptree), to_lift)