path: root/scheduling
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Diffstat (limited to 'scheduling')
13 files changed, 9190 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scheduling/InstructionScheduler.ml b/scheduling/InstructionScheduler.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eab0b21a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scheduling/InstructionScheduler.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,1263 @@
+(* *************************************************************)
+(* *)
+(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
+(* *)
+(* Sylvain Boulmé Grenoble-INP, VERIMAG *)
+(* David Monniaux CNRS, VERIMAG *)
+(* Cyril Six Kalray *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Kalray. Copyright VERIMAG. All rights reserved. *)
+(* This file is distributed under the terms of the INRIA *)
+(* Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
+(* *)
+(* *************************************************************)
+let with_destructor dtor stuff f =
+ try let ret = f stuff in
+ dtor stuff;
+ ret
+ with exn -> dtor stuff;
+ raise exn;;
+let with_out_channel chan f = with_destructor close_out chan f;;
+let with_in_channel chan f = with_destructor close_in chan f;;
+(** Schedule instructions on a synchronized pipeline
+@author David Monniaux, CNRS, VERIMAG *)
+type latency_constraint = {
+ instr_from : int;
+ instr_to : int;
+ latency : int };;
+type problem = {
+ max_latency : int;
+ resource_bounds : int array;
+ instruction_usages : int array array;
+ latency_constraints : latency_constraint list;
+ };;
+let print_problem channel problem =
+ (if problem.max_latency >= 0
+ then Printf.fprintf channel "max makespan: %d\n" problem.max_latency);
+ output_string channel "resource bounds:";
+ (Array.iter (fun b -> Printf.fprintf channel " %d" b) problem.resource_bounds);
+ output_string channel ";\n";
+ (Array.iteri (fun i v ->
+ Printf.fprintf channel "instr%d:" i;
+ (Array.iter (fun b -> Printf.fprintf channel " %d" b) v);
+ output_string channel ";\n") problem.instruction_usages);
+ List.iter (fun instr ->
+ Printf.printf "t%d - t%d >= %d;\n"
+ instr.instr_to instr.instr_from instr.latency)
+ problem.latency_constraints;;
+let get_nr_instructions problem = Array.length problem.instruction_usages;;
+let get_nr_resources problem = Array.length problem.resource_bounds;;
+type solution = int array
+type scheduler = problem -> solution option
+(** Schedule the problem optimally by constraint solving using the Gecode solver. *)
+external gecode_scheduler : problem -> solution option =
+ "caml_gecode_schedule_instr";;
+ *)
+let maximum_slot_used times =
+ let maxi = ref (-1) in
+ for i=0 to (Array.length times)-2
+ do
+ maxi := max !maxi times.(i)
+ done;
+ !maxi;;
+let check_schedule (problem : problem) (times : solution) =
+ let nr_instructions = get_nr_instructions problem in
+ (if Array.length times <> nr_instructions+1
+ then failwith
+ (Printf.sprintf "check_schedule: %d times expected, got %d"
+ (nr_instructions+1) (Array.length times)));
+ (if problem.max_latency >= 0 && times.(nr_instructions)> problem.max_latency
+ then failwith "check_schedule: max_latency exceeded");
+ (Array.iteri (fun i time ->
+ (if time < 0
+ then failwith (Printf.sprintf "time[%d] < 0" i))) times);
+ let slot_resources = Array.init ((maximum_slot_used times)+1)
+ (fun _ -> Array.copy problem.resource_bounds) in
+ for i=0 to nr_instructions -1
+ do
+ let remaining_resources = slot_resources.(times.(i))
+ and used_resources = problem.instruction_usages.(i) in
+ for resource=0 to (Array.length used_resources)-1
+ do
+ let after = remaining_resources.(resource) - used_resources.(resource) in
+ (if after < 0
+ then failwith (Printf.sprintf "check_schedule: instruction %d exceeds resource %d at slot %d" i resource times.(i)));
+ remaining_resources.(resource) <- after
+ done
+ done;
+ List.iter (fun ctr ->
+ if times.(ctr.instr_to) - times.(ctr.instr_from) < ctr.latency
+ then failwith (Printf.sprintf "check_schedule: time[%d]=%d - time[%d]=%d < %d"
+ ctr.instr_to times.(ctr.instr_to)
+ ctr.instr_from times.(ctr.instr_from)
+ ctr.latency)
+ ) problem.latency_constraints;;
+let bound_max_time problem =
+ let total = ref(Array.length problem.instruction_usages) in
+ List.iter (fun ctr -> total := !total + ctr.latency) problem.latency_constraints;
+ !total;;
+let vector_less_equal a b =
+ try
+ Array.iter2 (fun x y ->
+ if x>y
+ then raise Exit) a b;
+ true
+ with Exit -> false;;
+let vector_subtract a b =
+ assert ((Array.length a) = (Array.length b));
+ for i=0 to (Array.length a)-1
+ do
+ b.(i) <- b.(i) - a.(i)
+ done;;
+(* The version with critical path ordering is much better! *)
+type list_scheduler_order =
+let int_max (x : int) (y : int) =
+ if x > y then x else y;;
+let int_min (x : int) (y : int) =
+ if x < y then x else y;;
+let get_predecessors problem =
+ let nr_instructions = get_nr_instructions problem in
+ let predecessors = Array.make (nr_instructions+1) [] in
+ List.iter (fun ctr ->
+ predecessors.(ctr.instr_to) <-
+ (ctr.instr_from, ctr.latency)::predecessors.(ctr.instr_to))
+ problem.latency_constraints;
+ predecessors;;
+let get_successors problem =
+ let nr_instructions = get_nr_instructions problem in
+ let successors = Array.make nr_instructions [] in
+ List.iter (fun ctr ->
+ successors.(ctr.instr_from) <-
+ (ctr.instr_to, ctr.latency)::successors.(ctr.instr_from))
+ problem.latency_constraints;
+ successors;;
+let critical_paths successors =
+ let nr_instructions = Array.length successors in
+ let path_lengths = Array.make nr_instructions (-1) in
+ let rec compute i =
+ if i=nr_instructions then 0 else
+ match path_lengths.(i) with
+ | -2 -> failwith "InstructionScheduler: the dependency graph has cycles"
+ | -1 -> path_lengths.(i) <- -2;
+ let x = List.fold_left
+ (fun cur (j, latency)-> int_max cur (latency+(compute j)))
+ 1 successors.(i)
+ in path_lengths.(i) <- x; x
+ | x -> x
+ in for i = nr_instructions-1 downto 0
+ do
+ ignore (compute i)
+ done;
+ path_lengths;;
+let maximum_critical_path problem =
+ let paths = critical_paths (get_successors problem) in
+ Array.fold_left int_max 0 paths;;
+let get_earliest_dates predecessors =
+ let nr_instructions = (Array.length predecessors)-1 in
+ let path_lengths = Array.make (nr_instructions+1) (-1) in
+ let rec compute i =
+ match path_lengths.(i) with
+ | -2 -> failwith "InstructionScheduler: the dependency graph has cycles"
+ | -1 -> path_lengths.(i) <- -2;
+ let x = List.fold_left
+ (fun cur (j, latency)-> int_max cur (latency+(compute j)))
+ 0 predecessors.(i)
+ in path_lengths.(i) <- x; x
+ | x -> x
+ in for i = 0 to nr_instructions
+ do
+ ignore (compute i)
+ done;
+ for i = 0 to nr_instructions - 1
+ do
+ path_lengths.(nr_instructions) <- int_max
+ path_lengths.(nr_instructions) (1 + path_lengths.(i))
+ done;
+ path_lengths;;
+exception Unschedulable
+let get_latest_dates deadline successors =
+ let nr_instructions = Array.length successors
+ and path_lengths = critical_paths successors in
+ Array.init (nr_instructions + 1)
+ (fun i ->
+ if i < nr_instructions then
+ let path_length = path_lengths.(i) in
+ assert (path_length >= 1);
+ (if path_length > deadline
+ then raise Unschedulable);
+ deadline - path_length
+ else deadline);;
+let priority_list_scheduler (order : list_scheduler_order)
+ (problem : problem) :
+ solution option =
+ let nr_instructions = get_nr_instructions problem in
+ let successors = get_successors problem
+ and predecessors = get_predecessors problem
+ and times = Array.make (nr_instructions+1) (-1) in
+ let priorities = match order with
+ | CRITICAL_PATH_ORDER -> Some (critical_paths successors) in
+ let module InstrSet =
+ Set.Make (struct type t=int
+ let compare = match priorities with
+ | None -> (fun x y -> x - y)
+ | Some p -> (fun x y ->
+ (match p.(y)-p.(x) with
+ | 0 -> x - y
+ | z -> z))
+ end) in
+ let max_time = bound_max_time problem in
+ let ready = Array.make max_time InstrSet.empty in
+ Array.iteri (fun i preds ->
+ if i<nr_instructions && preds=[]
+ then ready.(0) <- InstrSet.add i ready.(0)) predecessors;
+ let current_time = ref 0
+ and current_resources = Array.copy problem.resource_bounds
+ and earliest_time i =
+ try
+ let time = ref (-1) in
+ List.iter (fun (j, latency) ->
+ if times.(j) < 0
+ then raise Exit
+ else let t = times.(j) + latency in
+ if t > !time
+ then time := t) predecessors.(i);
+ assert(!time >= 0);
+ !time
+ with Exit -> -1
+ in
+ let advance_time() =
+ begin
+ (if !current_time < max_time-1
+ then
+ begin
+ Array.blit problem.resource_bounds 0 current_resources 0
+ (Array.length current_resources);
+ ready.(!current_time + 1) <-
+ InstrSet.union (ready.(!current_time)) (ready.(!current_time + 1));
+ ready.(!current_time) <- InstrSet.empty;
+ end);
+ incr current_time
+ end in
+ let attempt_scheduling ready usages =
+ let result = ref (-1) in
+ try
+ InstrSet.iter (fun i ->
+ (* Printf.printf "trying scheduling %d\n" i;
+ pr int_vector usages.(i);
+ print _vector current_resources; *)
+ if vector_less_equal usages.(i) current_resources
+ then
+ begin
+ vector_subtract usages.(i) current_resources;
+ result := i;
+ raise Exit
+ end) ready;
+ -1
+ with Exit -> !result in
+ while !current_time < max_time
+ do
+ if (InstrSet.is_empty ready.(!current_time))
+ then advance_time()
+ else
+ match attempt_scheduling ready.(!current_time)
+ problem.instruction_usages with
+ | -1 -> advance_time()
+ | i ->
+ begin
+ assert(times.(i) < 0);
+ times.(i) <- !current_time;
+ ready.(!current_time) <- InstrSet.remove i (ready.(!current_time));
+ List.iter (fun (instr_to, latency) ->
+ if instr_to < nr_instructions then
+ match earliest_time instr_to with
+ | -1 -> ()
+ | to_time ->
+ ready.(to_time) <- InstrSet.add instr_to ready.(to_time))
+ successors.(i);
+ successors.(i) <- []
+ end
+ done;
+ try
+ let final_time = ref (-1) in
+ for i=0 to nr_instructions-1
+ do
+ (if times.(i) < 0 then raise Exit);
+ (if !final_time < times.(i)+1 then final_time := times.(i)+1)
+ done;
+ List.iter (fun (i, latency) ->
+ let target_time = latency + times.(i) in
+ if target_time > !final_time
+ then final_time := target_time
+ ) predecessors.(nr_instructions);
+ times.(nr_instructions) <- !final_time;
+ Some times
+ with Exit -> None;;
+let list_scheduler = priority_list_scheduler CRITICAL_PATH_ORDER;;
+(* dummy code for placating ocaml's warnings *)
+let _ = fun x -> priority_list_scheduler INSTRUCTION_ORDER x;;
+type bundle = int list;;
+let rec extract_deps_to index = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | dep :: deps -> let extracts = extract_deps_to index deps in
+ if (dep.instr_to == index) then
+ dep :: extracts
+ else
+ extracts
+exception InvalidBundle;;
+let dependency_check problem bundle index =
+ let index_deps = extract_deps_to index problem.latency_constraints in
+ List.iter (fun i ->
+ List.iter (fun dep ->
+ if (dep.instr_from == i) then raise InvalidBundle
+ ) index_deps
+ ) bundle;;
+let rec make_bundle problem resources bundle index =
+ let resources_copy = Array.copy resources in
+ let nr_instructions = get_nr_instructions problem in
+ if (index >= nr_instructions) then (bundle, index+1) else
+ let inst_usage = problem.instruction_usages.(index) in
+ try match vector_less_equal inst_usage resources with
+ | false -> raise InvalidBundle
+ | true -> (
+ dependency_check problem bundle index;
+ vector_subtract problem.instruction_usages.(index) resources_copy;
+ make_bundle problem resources_copy (index::bundle) (index+1)
+ )
+ with InvalidBundle -> (bundle, index);;
+let rec make_bundles problem index : bundle list =
+ if index >= get_nr_instructions problem then
+ []
+ else
+ let (bundle, new_index) = make_bundle problem problem.resource_bounds [] index in
+ bundle :: (make_bundles problem new_index);;
+let bundles_to_schedule problem bundles : solution =
+ let nr_instructions = get_nr_instructions problem in
+ let schedule = Array.make (nr_instructions+1) (nr_instructions+4) in
+ let time = ref 0 in
+ List.iter (fun bundle ->
+ begin
+ List.iter (fun i ->
+ schedule.(i) <- !time
+ ) bundle;
+ time := !time + 1
+ end
+ ) bundles; schedule;;
+let greedy_scheduler (problem : problem) : solution option =
+ let bundles = make_bundles problem 0 in
+ Some (bundles_to_schedule problem bundles);;
+(* alternate implementation
+let swap_array_elements a i j =
+ let x = a.(i) in
+ a.(i) <- a.(j);
+ a.(j) <- x;;
+let array_reverse_slice a first last =
+ let i = ref first and j = ref last in
+ while i < j
+ do
+ swap_array_elements a !i !j;
+ incr i;
+ decr j
+ done;;
+let array_reverse a =
+ let a' = Array.copy a in
+ array_reverse_slice a' 0 ((Array.length a)-1);
+ a';;
+ *)
+(* unneeded
+let array_reverse a =
+ let n=Array.length a in
+ Array.init n (fun i -> a.(n-1-i));;
+ *)
+let reverse_constraint nr_instructions ctr =
+ { instr_to = nr_instructions -ctr.instr_from;
+ instr_from = nr_instructions - ctr.instr_to;
+ latency = ctr.latency };;
+(* unneeded
+let rec list_map_filter f = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | h::t ->
+ (match f h with
+ | None -> list_map_filter f t
+ | Some x -> x :: (list_map_filter f t));;
+ *)
+let reverse_problem problem =
+ let nr_instructions = get_nr_instructions problem in
+ {
+ max_latency = problem.max_latency;
+ resource_bounds = problem.resource_bounds;
+ instruction_usages = Array.init (nr_instructions + 1)
+ (fun i ->
+ if i=0
+ then Array.map (fun _ -> 0) problem.resource_bounds else problem.instruction_usages.(nr_instructions - i));
+ latency_constraints = List.map (reverse_constraint nr_instructions)
+ problem.latency_constraints
+ };;
+let max_scheduled_time solution =
+ let time = ref (-1) in
+ for i = 0 to ((Array.length solution) - 2)
+ do
+ time := max !time solution.(i)
+ done;
+ !time;;
+let recompute_makespan problem solution =
+ let n = (Array.length solution) - 1 and ms = ref 0 in
+ List.iter (fun cstr ->
+ if cstr.instr_to = n
+ then ms := max !ms (solution.(cstr.instr_from) + cstr.latency)
+ ) problem.latency_constraints;
+ !ms;;
+ *)
+let schedule_reversed (scheduler : problem -> solution option)
+ (problem : problem) =
+ match scheduler (reverse_problem problem) with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some solution ->
+ let nr_instructions = get_nr_instructions problem in
+ let makespan = max_scheduled_time solution in
+ let ret = Array.init (nr_instructions + 1)
+ (fun i -> makespan-solution.(nr_instructions-i)) in
+ ret.(nr_instructions) <- max ((max_scheduled_time ret) + 1)
+ (ret.(nr_instructions));
+ Some ret;;
+(** Schedule the problem using a greedy list scheduling algorithm, from the end. *)
+let reverse_list_scheduler = schedule_reversed list_scheduler;;
+let check_problem problem =
+ (if (Array.length problem.instruction_usages) < 1
+ then failwith "length(problem.instruction_usages) < 1");;
+let validated_scheduler (scheduler : problem -> solution option)
+ (problem : problem) =
+ check_problem problem;
+ match scheduler problem with
+ | None -> None
+ | (Some solution) as ret -> check_schedule problem solution; ret;;
+let get_max_latency solution =
+ solution.((Array.length solution)-1);;
+let show_date_ranges problem =
+ let deadline = problem.max_latency in
+ assert(deadline >= 0);
+ let successors = get_successors problem
+ and predecessors = get_predecessors problem in
+ let earliest_dates : int array = get_earliest_dates predecessors
+ and latest_dates : int array = get_latest_dates deadline successors in
+ assert ((Array.length earliest_dates) =
+ (Array.length latest_dates));
+ Array.iteri (fun i early ->
+ let late = latest_dates.(i) in
+ Printf.printf "t[%d] in %d..%d\n" i early late)
+ earliest_dates;;
+type pseudo_boolean_problem_type =
+type pseudo_boolean_mapper = {
+ mapper_pb_type : pseudo_boolean_problem_type;
+ mapper_nr_instructions : int;
+ mapper_nr_pb_variables : int;
+ mapper_earliest_dates : int array;
+ mapper_latest_dates : int array;
+ mapper_var_offsets : int array;
+ mapper_final_predecessors : (int * int) list
+(* Latency constraints are:
+ presence of instr-to at each t <= sum of presences of instr-from at compatible times
+ if reverse_encoding
+ presence of instr-from at each t <= sum of presences of instr-to at compatible times *)
+(* Experiments show reverse_encoding=true multiplies time by 2 in sat4j
+ without making hard instances easier *)
+let direct_encoding = false
+and reverse_encoding = false
+and delta_encoding = true
+let pseudo_boolean_print_problem channel problem pb_type =
+ let deadline = problem.max_latency in
+ assert (deadline > 0);
+ let nr_instructions = get_nr_instructions problem
+ and nr_resources = get_nr_resources problem
+ and successors = get_successors problem
+ and predecessors = get_predecessors problem in
+ let earliest_dates = get_earliest_dates predecessors
+ and latest_dates = get_latest_dates deadline successors in
+ let var_offsets = Array.make
+ (match pb_type with
+ | OPTIMIZATION -> nr_instructions+1
+ | SATISFIABILITY -> nr_instructions) 0 in
+ let nr_pb_variables =
+ (let nr = ref 0 in
+ for i=0 to (match pb_type with
+ | OPTIMIZATION -> nr_instructions
+ | SATISFIABILITY -> nr_instructions-1)
+ do
+ var_offsets.(i) <- !nr;
+ nr := !nr + latest_dates.(i) - earliest_dates.(i) + 1
+ done;
+ !nr)
+ and nr_pb_constraints =
+ (match pb_type with
+ | OPTIMIZATION -> nr_instructions+1
+ | SATISFIABILITY -> nr_instructions) +
+ (let count = ref 0 in
+ for t=0 to deadline-1
+ do
+ for j=0 to nr_resources-1
+ do
+ try
+ for i=0 to nr_instructions-1
+ do
+ let usage = problem.instruction_usages.(i).(j) in
+ if t >= earliest_dates.(i) && t <= latest_dates.(i)
+ && usage > 0 then raise Exit
+ done
+ with Exit -> incr count
+ done
+ done;
+ !count) +
+ (let count=ref 0 in
+ List.iter
+ (fun ctr ->
+ if ctr.instr_to < nr_instructions
+ then count := !count + 1 + latest_dates.(ctr.instr_to)
+ - earliest_dates.(ctr.instr_to)
+ + (if reverse_encoding
+ then 1 + latest_dates.(ctr.instr_from)
+ - earliest_dates.(ctr.instr_from)
+ else 0)
+ )
+ problem.latency_constraints;
+ !count) +
+ (match pb_type with
+ | OPTIMIZATION -> (1 + deadline - earliest_dates.(nr_instructions)) * nr_instructions
+ and measured_nr_constraints = ref 0 in
+ let pb_var i t =
+ assert(t >= earliest_dates.(i));
+ assert(t <= latest_dates.(i));
+ let v = 1+var_offsets.(i)+t-earliest_dates.(i) in
+ assert(v <= nr_pb_variables);
+ Printf.sprintf "x%d" v in
+ let end_constraint () =
+ begin
+ output_string channel ";\n";
+ incr measured_nr_constraints
+ end in
+ let gen_latency_constraint i_to i_from latency t_to =
+ Printf.fprintf channel "* t[%d] - t[%d] >= %d when t[%d]=%d\n"
+ i_to i_from latency i_to t_to;
+ for t_from=earliest_dates.(i_from) to
+ int_min latest_dates.(i_from) (t_to - latency)
+ do
+ Printf.fprintf channel "+1 %s " (pb_var i_from t_from)
+ done;
+ Printf.fprintf channel "-1 %s " (pb_var i_to t_to);
+ Printf.fprintf channel ">= 0";
+ end_constraint()
+ and gen_dual_latency_constraint i_to i_from latency t_from =
+ Printf.fprintf channel "* t[%d] - t[%d] >= %d when t[%d]=%d\n"
+ i_to i_from latency i_to t_from;
+ for t_to=int_max earliest_dates.(i_to) (t_from + latency)
+ to latest_dates.(i_to)
+ do
+ Printf.fprintf channel "+1 %s " (pb_var i_to t_to)
+ done;
+ Printf.fprintf channel "-1 %s " (pb_var i_from t_from);
+ Printf.fprintf channel ">= 0";
+ end_constraint()
+ in
+ Printf.fprintf channel "* #variable= %d #constraint= %d\n" nr_pb_variables nr_pb_constraints;
+ Printf.fprintf channel "* nr_instructions=%d deadline=%d\n" nr_instructions deadline;
+ begin
+ match pb_type with
+ output_string channel "min:";
+ for t=earliest_dates.(nr_instructions) to deadline
+ do
+ Printf.fprintf channel " %+d %s" t (pb_var nr_instructions t)
+ done;
+ output_string channel ";\n";
+ end;
+ for i=0 to (match pb_type with
+ | OPTIMIZATION -> nr_instructions
+ | SATISFIABILITY -> nr_instructions-1)
+ do
+ let early = earliest_dates.(i) and late= latest_dates.(i) in
+ Printf.fprintf channel "* t[%d] in %d..%d\n" i early late;
+ for t=early to late
+ do
+ Printf.fprintf channel "+1 %s " (pb_var i t)
+ done;
+ Printf.fprintf channel "= 1";
+ end_constraint()
+ done;
+ for t=0 to deadline-1
+ do
+ for j=0 to nr_resources-1
+ do
+ let bound = problem.resource_bounds.(j)
+ and coeffs = ref [] in
+ for i=0 to nr_instructions-1
+ do
+ let usage = problem.instruction_usages.(i).(j) in
+ if t >= earliest_dates.(i) && t <= latest_dates.(i)
+ && usage > 0
+ then coeffs := (i, usage) :: !coeffs
+ done;
+ if !coeffs <> [] then
+ begin
+ Printf.fprintf channel "* resource #%d at t=%d <= %d\n" j t bound;
+ List.iter (fun (i, usage) ->
+ Printf.fprintf channel "%+d %s " (-usage) (pb_var i t)) !coeffs;
+ Printf.fprintf channel ">= %d" (-bound);
+ end_constraint();
+ end
+ done
+ done;
+ List.iter
+ (fun ctr ->
+ if ctr.instr_to < nr_instructions then
+ begin
+ for t_to=earliest_dates.(ctr.instr_to) to latest_dates.(ctr.instr_to)
+ do
+ gen_latency_constraint ctr.instr_to ctr.instr_from ctr.latency t_to
+ done;
+ if reverse_encoding
+ then
+ for t_from=earliest_dates.(ctr.instr_from) to latest_dates.(ctr.instr_from)
+ do
+ gen_dual_latency_constraint ctr.instr_to ctr.instr_from ctr.latency t_from
+ done
+ end
+ ) problem.latency_constraints;
+ begin
+ match pb_type with
+ let final_latencies = Array.make nr_instructions 1 in
+ List.iter (fun (i, latency) ->
+ final_latencies.(i) <- int_max final_latencies.(i) latency)
+ predecessors.(nr_instructions);
+ for t_to=earliest_dates.(nr_instructions) to deadline
+ do
+ for i_from = 0 to nr_instructions -1
+ do
+ gen_latency_constraint nr_instructions i_from final_latencies.(i_from) t_to
+ done
+ done
+ end;
+ assert (!measured_nr_constraints = nr_pb_constraints);
+ {
+ mapper_pb_type = pb_type;
+ mapper_nr_instructions = nr_instructions;
+ mapper_nr_pb_variables = nr_pb_variables;
+ mapper_earliest_dates = earliest_dates;
+ mapper_latest_dates = latest_dates;
+ mapper_var_offsets = var_offsets;
+ mapper_final_predecessors = predecessors.(nr_instructions)
+ };;
+type pb_answer =
+ | Positive
+ | Negative
+ | Unknown
+let line_to_pb_solution sol line nr_pb_variables =
+ let assign s v =
+ begin
+ let i = int_of_string s in
+ sol.(i-1) <- v
+ end in
+ List.iter
+ begin
+ function "" -> ()
+ | item ->
+ (match String.get item 0 with
+ | '+' ->
+ assert ((String.length item) >= 3);
+ assert ((String.get item 1) = 'x');
+ assign (String.sub item 2 ((String.length item)-2)) Positive
+ | '-' ->
+ assert ((String.length item) >= 3);
+ assert ((String.get item 1) = 'x');
+ assign (String.sub item 2 ((String.length item)-2)) Negative
+ | 'x' ->
+ assert ((String.length item) >= 2);
+ assign (String.sub item 1 ((String.length item)-1)) Positive
+ | _ -> failwith "syntax error in pseudo Boolean solution: epected + - or x"
+ )
+ end
+ (String.split_on_char ' ' (String.sub line 2 ((String.length line)-2)));;
+let pb_solution_to_schedule mapper pb_solution =
+ Array.mapi (fun i offset ->
+ let first = mapper.mapper_earliest_dates.(i)
+ and last = mapper.mapper_latest_dates.(i)
+ and time = ref (-1) in
+ for t=first to last
+ do
+ match pb_solution.(t - first + offset) with
+ | Positive ->
+ (if !time = -1
+ then time:=t
+ else failwith "duplicate time in pseudo boolean solution")
+ | Negative -> ()
+ | Unknown -> failwith "unknown value in pseudo boolean solution"
+ done;
+ (if !time = -1
+ then failwith "no time in pseudo boolean solution");
+ !time
+ ) mapper.mapper_var_offsets;;
+let pseudo_boolean_read_solution mapper channel =
+ let optimum = ref (-1)
+ and optimum_found = ref false
+ and solution = Array.make mapper.mapper_nr_pb_variables Unknown in
+ try
+ while true do
+ match input_line channel with
+ | "" -> ()
+ | line ->
+ begin
+ match String.get line 0 with
+ | 'c' -> ()
+ | 'o' ->
+ assert ((String.length line) >= 2);
+ assert ((String.get line 1) = ' ');
+ optimum := int_of_string (String.sub line 2 ((String.length line)-2))
+ | 's' -> (match line with
+ | "s OPTIMUM FOUND" -> optimum_found := true
+ | "s SATISFIABLE" -> ()
+ | "s UNSATISFIABLE" -> close_in channel;
+ raise Unschedulable
+ | _ -> failwith line)
+ | 'v' -> line_to_pb_solution solution line mapper.mapper_nr_pb_variables
+ | x -> Printf.printf "unknown: %s\n" line
+ end
+ done;
+ assert false
+ with End_of_file ->
+ close_in channel;
+ begin
+ let sol = pb_solution_to_schedule mapper solution in
+ sol
+ end;;
+let recompute_max_latency mapper solution =
+ let maxi = ref (-1) in
+ for i=0 to (mapper.mapper_nr_instructions-1)
+ do
+ maxi := int_max !maxi (1+solution.(i))
+ done;
+ List.iter (fun (i, latency) ->
+ maxi := int_max !maxi (solution.(i) + latency)) mapper.mapper_final_predecessors;
+ !maxi;;
+let adjust_check_solution mapper solution =
+ match mapper.mapper_pb_type with
+ let max_latency = recompute_max_latency mapper solution in
+ assert (max_latency = solution.(mapper.mapper_nr_instructions));
+ solution
+ let max_latency = recompute_max_latency mapper solution in
+ Array.init (mapper.mapper_nr_instructions+1)
+ (fun i -> if i < mapper.mapper_nr_instructions
+ then solution.(i)
+ else max_latency);;
+(* let pseudo_boolean_solver = ref "/local/monniaux/progs/naps/naps" *)
+(* let pseudo_boolean_solver = ref "/local/monniaux/packages/sat4j/org.sat4j.pb.jar CuttingPlanes" *)
+(* let pseudo_boolean_solver = ref "java -jar /usr/share/java/org.sat4j.pb.jar CuttingPlanes" *)
+(* let pseudo_boolean_solver = ref "java -jar /usr/share/java/org.sat4j.pb.jar" *)
+(* let pseudo_boolean_solver = ref "clasp" *)
+(* let pseudo_boolean_solver = ref "/home/monniaux/progs/CP/open-wbo/open-wbo_static -formula=1" *)
+(* let pseudo_boolean_solver = ref "/home/monniaux/progs/CP/naps/naps" *)
+(* let pseudo_boolean_solver = ref "/home/monniaux/progs/CP/minisatp/build/release/bin/minisatp" *)
+(* let pseudo_boolean_solver = ref "java -jar sat4j-pb.jar CuttingPlanesStar" *)
+let pseudo_boolean_solver = ref "pb_solver"
+let pseudo_boolean_scheduler pb_type problem =
+ try
+ let filename_in = "problem.opb" in
+ (* needed only if not using stdout and filename_out = "problem.sol" *)
+ let mapper =
+ with_out_channel (open_out filename_in)
+ (fun opb_problem ->
+ pseudo_boolean_print_problem opb_problem problem pb_type) in
+ Some (with_in_channel
+ (Unix.open_process_in (!pseudo_boolean_solver ^ " " ^ filename_in))
+ (fun opb_solution -> adjust_check_solution mapper (pseudo_boolean_read_solution mapper opb_solution)))
+ with
+ | Unschedulable -> None;;
+let rec reoptimizing_scheduler (scheduler : scheduler) (previous_solution : solution) (problem : problem) =
+ if (get_max_latency previous_solution)>1 then
+ begin
+ Printf.printf "reoptimizing < %d\n" (get_max_latency previous_solution);
+ flush stdout;
+ match scheduler
+ { problem with max_latency = (get_max_latency previous_solution)-1 }
+ with
+ | None -> previous_solution
+ | Some solution -> reoptimizing_scheduler scheduler solution problem
+ end
+ else previous_solution;;
+let smt_var i = Printf.sprintf "t%d" i
+let is_resource_used problem j =
+ try
+ Array.iter (fun usages ->
+ if usages.(j) > 0
+ then raise Exit) problem.instruction_usages;
+ false
+ with Exit -> true;;
+let smt_use_quantifiers = false
+let smt_print_problem channel problem =
+ let nr_instructions = get_nr_instructions problem in
+ let gen_smt_resource_constraint time j =
+ output_string channel "(<= (+";
+ Array.iteri
+ (fun i usages ->
+ let usage=usages.(j) in
+ if usage > 0
+ then Printf.fprintf channel " (ite (= %s %s) %d 0)"
+ time (smt_var i) usage)
+ problem.instruction_usages;
+ Printf.fprintf channel ") %d)" problem.resource_bounds.(j)
+ in
+ output_string channel "(set-option :produce-models true)\n";
+ for i=0 to nr_instructions
+ do
+ Printf.fprintf channel "(declare-const %s Int)\n" (smt_var i);
+ Printf.fprintf channel "(assert (>= %s 0))\n" (smt_var i)
+ done;
+ for i=0 to nr_instructions-1
+ do
+ Printf.fprintf channel "(assert (< %s %s))\n"
+ (smt_var i) (smt_var nr_instructions)
+ done;
+ (if problem.max_latency > 0
+ then Printf.fprintf channel "(assert (<= %s %d))\n"
+ (smt_var nr_instructions) problem.max_latency);
+ List.iter (fun ctr ->
+ Printf.fprintf channel "(assert (>= (- %s %s) %d))\n"
+ (smt_var ctr.instr_to)
+ (smt_var ctr.instr_from)
+ ctr.latency) problem.latency_constraints;
+ for j=0 to (Array.length problem.resource_bounds)-1
+ do
+ if is_resource_used problem j
+ then
+ begin
+ if smt_use_quantifiers
+ then
+ begin
+ Printf.fprintf channel
+ "; resource #%d <= %d\n(assert (forall ((t Int)) "
+ j problem.resource_bounds.(j);
+ gen_smt_resource_constraint "t" j;
+ output_string channel "))\n"
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ (if problem.max_latency < 0
+ then failwith "quantifier explosion needs max latency");
+ for t=0 to problem.max_latency
+ do
+ Printf.fprintf channel
+ "; resource #%d <= %d at t=%d\n(assert "
+ j problem.resource_bounds.(j) t;
+ gen_smt_resource_constraint (string_of_int t) j;
+ output_string channel ")\n"
+ done
+ end
+ end
+ done;
+ output_string channel "(check-sat)(get-model)\n";;
+let ilp_print_problem channel problem pb_type =
+ let deadline = problem.max_latency in
+ assert (deadline > 0);
+ let nr_instructions = get_nr_instructions problem
+ and nr_resources = get_nr_resources problem
+ and successors = get_successors problem
+ and predecessors = get_predecessors problem in
+ let earliest_dates = get_earliest_dates predecessors
+ and latest_dates = get_latest_dates deadline successors in
+ let pb_var i t =
+ Printf.sprintf "x%d_%d" i t in
+ let gen_latency_constraint i_to i_from latency t_to =
+ Printf.fprintf channel "\\ t[%d] - t[%d] >= %d when t[%d]=%d\n"
+ i_to i_from latency i_to t_to;
+ Printf.fprintf channel "c_%d_%d_%d_%d: "
+ i_to i_from latency t_to;
+ for t_from=earliest_dates.(i_from) to
+ int_min latest_dates.(i_from) (t_to - latency)
+ do
+ Printf.fprintf channel "+1 %s " (pb_var i_from t_from)
+ done;
+ Printf.fprintf channel "-1 %s " (pb_var i_to t_to);
+ output_string channel ">= 0\n"
+ and gen_dual_latency_constraint i_to i_from latency t_from =
+ Printf.fprintf channel "\\ t[%d] - t[%d] >= %d when t[%d]=%d\n"
+ i_to i_from latency i_to t_from;
+ Printf.fprintf channel "d_%d_%d_%d_%d: "
+ i_to i_from latency t_from;
+ for t_to=int_max earliest_dates.(i_to) (t_from + latency)
+ to latest_dates.(i_to)
+ do
+ Printf.fprintf channel "+1 %s " (pb_var i_to t_to)
+ done;
+ Printf.fprintf channel "-1 %s " (pb_var i_from t_from);
+ Printf.fprintf channel ">= 0\n"
+ and gen_delta_constraint i_from i_to latency =
+ if delta_encoding
+ then Printf.fprintf channel "l_%d_%d_%d: +1 t%d -1 t%d >= %d\n"
+ i_from i_to latency i_to i_from latency
+ in
+ Printf.fprintf channel "\\ nr_instructions=%d deadline=%d\n" nr_instructions deadline;
+ begin
+ match pb_type with
+ | SATISFIABILITY -> output_string channel "Minimize dummy: 0\n"
+ Printf.fprintf channel "Minimize\nmakespan: t%d\n" nr_instructions
+ end;
+ output_string channel "Subject To\n";
+ for i=0 to (match pb_type with
+ | OPTIMIZATION -> nr_instructions
+ | SATISFIABILITY -> nr_instructions-1)
+ do
+ let early = earliest_dates.(i) and late= latest_dates.(i) in
+ Printf.fprintf channel "\\ t[%d] in %d..%d\ntimes%d: " i early late i;
+ for t=early to late
+ do
+ Printf.fprintf channel "+1 %s " (pb_var i t)
+ done;
+ Printf.fprintf channel "= 1\n"
+ done;
+ for t=0 to deadline-1
+ do
+ for j=0 to nr_resources-1
+ do
+ let bound = problem.resource_bounds.(j)
+ and coeffs = ref [] in
+ for i=0 to nr_instructions-1
+ do
+ let usage = problem.instruction_usages.(i).(j) in
+ if t >= earliest_dates.(i) && t <= latest_dates.(i)
+ && usage > 0
+ then coeffs := (i, usage) :: !coeffs
+ done;
+ if !coeffs <> [] then
+ begin
+ Printf.fprintf channel "\\ resource #%d at t=%d <= %d\nr%d_%d: " j t bound j t;
+ List.iter (fun (i, usage) ->
+ Printf.fprintf channel "%+d %s " (-usage) (pb_var i t)) !coeffs;
+ Printf.fprintf channel ">= %d\n" (-bound)
+ end
+ done
+ done;
+ List.iter
+ (fun ctr ->
+ if ctr.instr_to < nr_instructions then
+ begin
+ gen_delta_constraint ctr.instr_from ctr.instr_to ctr.latency;
+ begin
+ if direct_encoding
+ then
+ for t_to=earliest_dates.(ctr.instr_to) to latest_dates.(ctr.instr_to)
+ do
+ gen_latency_constraint ctr.instr_to ctr.instr_from ctr.latency t_to
+ done
+ end;
+ begin
+ if reverse_encoding
+ then
+ for t_from=earliest_dates.(ctr.instr_from) to latest_dates.(ctr.instr_from)
+ do
+ gen_dual_latency_constraint ctr.instr_to ctr.instr_from ctr.latency t_from
+ done
+ end
+ end
+ ) problem.latency_constraints;
+ begin
+ match pb_type with
+ let final_latencies = Array.make nr_instructions 1 in
+ List.iter (fun (i, latency) ->
+ final_latencies.(i) <- int_max final_latencies.(i) latency)
+ predecessors.(nr_instructions);
+ for i_from = 0 to nr_instructions -1
+ do
+ gen_delta_constraint i_from nr_instructions final_latencies.(i_from)
+ done;
+ for t_to=earliest_dates.(nr_instructions) to deadline
+ do
+ for i_from = 0 to nr_instructions -1
+ do
+ gen_latency_constraint nr_instructions i_from final_latencies.(i_from) t_to
+ done
+ done
+ end;
+ for i=0 to (match pb_type with
+ | OPTIMIZATION -> nr_instructions
+ | SATISFIABILITY -> nr_instructions-1)
+ do
+ Printf.fprintf channel "ct%d : -1 t%d" i i;
+ let early = earliest_dates.(i) and late= latest_dates.(i) in
+ for t=early to late do
+ Printf.fprintf channel " +%d %s" t (pb_var i t)
+ done;
+ output_string channel " = 0\n"
+ done;
+ output_string channel "Bounds\n";
+ for i=0 to (match pb_type with
+ | OPTIMIZATION -> nr_instructions
+ | SATISFIABILITY -> nr_instructions-1)
+ do
+ let early = earliest_dates.(i) and late= latest_dates.(i) in
+ begin
+ Printf.fprintf channel "%d <= t%d <= %d\n" early i late;
+ if true then
+ for t=early to late do
+ Printf.fprintf channel "0 <= %s <= 1\n" (pb_var i t)
+ done
+ end
+ done;
+ output_string channel "Integer\n";
+ for i=0 to (match pb_type with
+ | OPTIMIZATION -> nr_instructions
+ | SATISFIABILITY -> nr_instructions-1)
+ do
+ Printf.fprintf channel "t%d " i
+ done;
+ output_string channel "\nBinary\n";
+ for i=0 to (match pb_type with
+ | OPTIMIZATION -> nr_instructions
+ | SATISFIABILITY -> nr_instructions-1)
+ do
+ let early = earliest_dates.(i) and late= latest_dates.(i) in
+ for t=early to late do
+ output_string channel (pb_var i t);
+ output_string channel " "
+ done;
+ output_string channel "\n"
+ done;
+ output_string channel "End\n";
+ {
+ mapper_pb_type = pb_type;
+ mapper_nr_instructions = nr_instructions;
+ mapper_nr_pb_variables = 0;
+ mapper_earliest_dates = earliest_dates;
+ mapper_latest_dates = latest_dates;
+ mapper_var_offsets = [| |];
+ mapper_final_predecessors = predecessors.(nr_instructions)
+ };;
+(* Guess what? Cplex sometimes outputs 11.000000004 instead of integer 11 *)
+let positive_float_round x = truncate (x +. 0.5)
+let float_round (x : float) : int =
+ if x > 0.0
+ then positive_float_round x
+ else - (positive_float_round (-. x))
+let rounded_int_of_string x = float_round (float_of_string x)
+let ilp_read_solution mapper channel =
+ let times = Array.make
+ (match mapper.mapper_pb_type with
+ | OPTIMIZATION -> 1+mapper.mapper_nr_instructions
+ | SATISFIABILITY -> mapper.mapper_nr_instructions) (-1) in
+ try
+ while true do
+ let line = input_line channel in
+ ( if (String.length line) < 3
+ then failwith (Printf.sprintf "bad ilp output: length(line) < 3: %s" line));
+ match String.get line 0 with
+ | 'x' -> ()
+ | 't' -> let space =
+ try String.index line ' '
+ with Not_found ->
+ failwith "bad ilp output: no t variable number"
+ in
+ let tnumber =
+ try int_of_string (String.sub line 1 (space-1))
+ with Failure _ ->
+ failwith "bad ilp output: not a variable number"
+ in
+ (if tnumber < 0 || tnumber >= (Array.length times)
+ then failwith (Printf.sprintf "bad ilp output: not a correct variable number: %d (%d)" tnumber (Array.length times)));
+ let value =
+ let s = String.sub line (space+1) ((String.length line)-space-1) in
+ try rounded_int_of_string s
+ with Failure _ ->
+ failwith (Printf.sprintf "bad ilp output: not a time number (%s)" s)
+ in
+ (if value < 0
+ then failwith "bad ilp output: negative time");
+ times.(tnumber) <- value
+ | '#' -> ()
+ | '0' -> ()
+ | _ -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "bad ilp output: bad variable initial, line = %s" line)
+ done;
+ assert false
+ with End_of_file ->
+ Array.iteri (fun i x ->
+ if i<(Array.length times)-1
+ && x<0 then raise Unschedulable) times;
+ times;;
+let ilp_solver = ref "ilp_solver"
+let problem_nr = ref 0
+let ilp_scheduler pb_type problem =
+ try
+ let filename_in = Printf.sprintf "problem%05d.lp" !problem_nr
+ and filename_out = Printf.sprintf "problem%05d.sol" !problem_nr in
+ incr problem_nr;
+ let mapper = with_out_channel (open_out filename_in)
+ (fun opb_problem -> ilp_print_problem opb_problem problem pb_type) in
+ begin
+ match Unix.system (!ilp_solver ^ " " ^ filename_in ^ " " ^ filename_out) with
+ | Unix.WEXITED 0 ->
+ Some (with_in_channel
+ (open_in filename_out)
+ (fun opb_solution ->
+ adjust_check_solution mapper
+ (ilp_read_solution mapper opb_solution)))
+ | Unix.WEXITED _ -> failwith "failed to start ilp solver"
+ | _ -> None
+ end
+ with
+ | Unschedulable -> None;;
+let current_utime_all () =
+ let t = Unix.times() in
+ t.Unix.tms_cutime +. t.Unix.tms_utime;;
+let utime_all_fn fn arg =
+ let utime_start = current_utime_all () in
+ let output = fn arg in
+ let utime_end = current_utime_all () in
+ (output, utime_end -. utime_start);;
+let cascaded_scheduler (problem : problem) =
+ let (some_initial_solution, list_scheduler_time) =
+ utime_all_fn (validated_scheduler list_scheduler) problem in
+ match some_initial_solution with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some initial_solution ->
+ let (solution, reoptimizing_time) = utime_all_fn (reoptimizing_scheduler (validated_scheduler (ilp_scheduler SATISFIABILITY)) initial_solution) problem in
+ begin
+ let latency2 = get_max_latency solution
+ and latency1 = get_max_latency initial_solution in
+ Printf.printf "postpass %s: %d, %d, %d, %g, %g\n"
+ (if latency2 < latency1 then "REOPTIMIZED" else "unchanged")
+ (get_nr_instructions problem)
+ latency1 latency2
+ list_scheduler_time reoptimizing_time;
+ flush stdout
+ end;
+ Some solution;;
+let scheduler_by_name name =
+ match name with
+ | "ilp" -> validated_scheduler cascaded_scheduler
+ | "list" -> validated_scheduler list_scheduler
+ | "revlist" -> validated_scheduler reverse_list_scheduler
+ | "greedy" -> greedy_scheduler
+ | s -> failwith ("unknown scheduler: " ^ s);;
diff --git a/scheduling/InstructionScheduler.mli b/scheduling/InstructionScheduler.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fb7af3f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scheduling/InstructionScheduler.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+(** Schedule instructions on a synchronized pipeline
+by David Monniaux, CNRS, VERIMAG *)
+(** A latency constraint: instruction number [instr_to] should be scheduled at least [latency] clock ticks before [instr_from].
+It is possible to specify [latency]=0, meaning that [instr_to] can be scheduled at the same clock tick as [instr_from], but not before.
+[instr_to] can be the special value equal to the number of instructions, meaning that it refers to the final output latency. *)
+type latency_constraint = {
+ instr_from : int;
+ instr_to : int;
+ latency : int;
+ }
+(** A scheduling problem.
+In addition to the latency constraints, the resource constraints should be satisfied: at every clock tick, the sum of vectors of resources used by the instructions scheduled at that tick does not exceed the resource bounds.
+type problem = {
+ max_latency : int;
+ (** An optional maximal total latency of the problem, after which the problem is deemed not schedulable. -1 means there should be no maximum. *)
+ resource_bounds : int array;
+ (** An array of number of units available indexed by the kind of resources to be allocated. It can be empty, in which case the problem is scheduling without resource constraints. *)
+ instruction_usages: int array array;
+ (** At index {i i} the vector of resources used by instruction number {i i}. It must be the same length as [resource_bounds] *)
+ latency_constraints : latency_constraint list
+ (** The latency constraints that must be satisfied *)
+ };;
+(** Print problem for human readability. *)
+val print_problem : out_channel -> problem -> unit;;
+(** Get the number of instructions in a problem *)
+val get_nr_instructions : problem -> int;;
+(** Get the number of resources in a problem *)
+val get_nr_resources : problem -> int;;
+(** Scheduling solution. For {i n} instructions to schedule, and 0≤{i i}<{i n}, position {i i} contains the time to which instruction {i i} should be scheduled. Position {i n} contains the final output latency. *)
+type solution = int array
+(** A scheduling algorithm.
+The return value [Some x] is a solution [x].
+[None] means that scheduling failed. *)
+type scheduler = problem -> solution option;;
+(** Schedule the problem optimally by constraint solving using the Gecode solver. *)
+external gecode_scheduler : problem -> solution option
+ = "caml_gecode_schedule_instr"
+ *)
+(** Get the number the last scheduling time used for an instruction in a solution.
+@return The last clock tick used *)
+val maximum_slot_used : solution -> int
+(** Validate that a solution is truly a solution of a scheduling problem.
+@raise Failure if validation fails *)
+val check_schedule : problem -> solution -> unit
+(** Schedule the problem using a greedy list scheduling algorithm, from the start.
+The first (according to instruction ordering) instruction that is ready (according to the latency constraints) is scheduled at the current clock tick.
+Once a clock tick is full go to the next.
+@return [Some solution] when a solution is found, [None] if not. *)
+val list_scheduler : problem -> solution option
+(** Schedule the problem using the order of instructions without any reordering *)
+val greedy_scheduler : problem -> solution option
+(** Schedule a problem using a scheduler applied in the opposite direction, e.g. for list scheduling from the end instead of the start. BUGGY *)
+val schedule_reversed : scheduler -> problem -> int array option
+(** Schedule a problem from the end using a list scheduler. BUGGY *)
+val reverse_list_scheduler : problem -> int array option
+(** Check that a problem is well-formed.
+@raise Failure if validation fails *)
+val check_problem : problem -> unit
+(** Apply a scheduler and validate the result against the input problem.
+@return The solution found
+@raise Failure if validation fails *)
+val validated_scheduler : scheduler -> problem -> solution option;;
+(** Get max latency from solution
+@return Max latency *)
+val get_max_latency : solution -> int;;
+(** Get the length of a maximal critical path
+@return Max length *)
+val maximum_critical_path : problem -> int;;
+(** Apply line scheduler then advanced solver
+@return A solution if found *)
+val cascaded_scheduler : problem -> solution option;;
+val show_date_ranges : problem -> unit;;
+type pseudo_boolean_problem_type =
+type pseudo_boolean_mapper
+val pseudo_boolean_print_problem : out_channel -> problem -> pseudo_boolean_problem_type -> pseudo_boolean_mapper;;
+val pseudo_boolean_read_solution : pseudo_boolean_mapper -> in_channel -> solution;;
+val pseudo_boolean_scheduler : pseudo_boolean_problem_type -> problem -> solution option;;
+val smt_print_problem : out_channel -> problem -> unit;;
+val ilp_print_problem : out_channel -> problem -> pseudo_boolean_problem_type -> pseudo_boolean_mapper;;
+val ilp_scheduler : pseudo_boolean_problem_type -> problem -> solution option;;
+(** Schedule a problem using a scheduler given by a string name *)
+val scheduler_by_name : string -> problem -> int array option;;
diff --git a/scheduling/RTLpath.v b/scheduling/RTLpath.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..35512652
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scheduling/RTLpath.v
@@ -0,0 +1,1067 @@
+(** We introduce a data-structure extending the RTL CFG into a control-flow graph over "traces" (in the sense of "trace-scheduling")
+ Here, we use the word "path" instead of "trace" because "trace" has already a meaning in CompCert:
+ a "path" is simply a list of successive nodes in the CFG (modulo some additional wellformness conditions).
+ Actually, we extend syntactically the notion of RTL programs with a structure of "path_map":
+ this gives an alternative view of the CFG -- where "nodes" are paths instead of simple instructions.
+ Our wellformness condition on paths express that:
+ - the CFG on paths is wellformed: any successor of a given path points to another path (possibly the same).
+ - execution of a paths only emit single events.
+ We represent each path only by a natural: the number of nodes in the path. These nodes are recovered from a static notion of "default successor".
+ This notion of path is thus incomplete. For example, if a path contains a whole loop (and for example, unrools it several times),
+ then this loop must be a suffix of the path.
+ However: it is sufficient in order to represent superblocks (each superblock being represented as a path).
+ A superblock decomposition of the CFG exactly corresponds to the case where each node is in at most one path.
+ Our goal is to provide two bisimulable semantics:
+ - one is simply the RTL semantics
+ - the other is based on a notion of "path-step": each path is executed in a single step.
+ Remark that all analyses on RTL programs should thus be appliable for "free" also for RTLpath programs !
+Require Import Coqlib Maps.
+Require Import AST Integers Values Events Memory Globalenvs Smallstep.
+Require Import Op Registers.
+Require Import RTL Linking.
+Declare Scope option_monad_scope.
+Notation "'SOME' X <- A 'IN' B" := (match A with Some X => B | None => None end)
+ (at level 200, X ident, A at level 100, B at level 200)
+ : option_monad_scope.
+Notation "'ASSERT' A 'IN' B" := (if A then B else None)
+ (at level 200, A at level 100, B at level 200)
+ : option_monad_scope.
+Local Open Scope option_monad_scope.
+(** * Syntax of RTLpath programs *)
+(** Internal instruction = instruction with a default successor in a path. *)
+Definition default_succ (i: instruction): option node :=
+ match i with
+ | Inop s => Some s
+ | Iop op args res s => Some s
+ | Iload _ chunk addr args dst s => Some s
+ | Istore chunk addr args src s => Some s
+ | Icond cond args ifso ifnot _ => Some ifnot
+ | _ => None (* TODO: we could choose a successor for jumptable ? *)
+ end.
+Definition early_exit (i: instruction): option node := (* FIXME: for jumptable, replace [node] by [list node] *)
+ match i with
+ | Icond cond args ifso ifnot _ => Some ifso
+ | _ => None
+ end.
+(** Our notion of path.
+ We do not formally require that the set of path is a partition of the CFG.
+ path may have intersections !
+ Moreover, we do not formally require that path have a single entry-point (a superblock structure)
+ But, in practice, these properties are probably necessary in order to ensure the success of dynamic verification of scheduling.
+ Here: we only require that each exit-point of a path is the entry-point of a path
+ (and that internal node of a path are internal instructions)
+(* By convention, we say that node [n] is the entry-point of a path if it is a key of the path_map.
+ Such a path of entry [n] is defined from a natural [path] representing the [path] default-successors of [n].
+ Remark: a path can loop several times in the CFG.
+Record path_info := {
+ psize: nat; (* number minus 1 of instructions in the path *)
+ input_regs: Regset.t;
+ (** Registers that are used (as input_regs) by the "fallthrough successors" of the path *)
+ (** This field is not used by the verificator, but is helpful for the superblock scheduler *)
+ output_regs: Regset.t
+Definition path_map: Type := PTree.t path_info.
+Definition path_entry (*c:code*) (pm: path_map) (n: node): Prop
+ := pm!n <> None (*/\ c!n <> None*).
+Inductive wellformed_path (c:code) (pm: path_map): nat -> node -> Prop :=
+ | wf_last_node i pc:
+ c!pc = Some i ->
+ (forall n, List.In n (successors_instr i) -> path_entry (*c*) pm n) ->
+ wellformed_path c pm 0 pc
+ | wf_internal_node path i pc pc':
+ c!pc = Some i ->
+ default_succ i = Some pc' ->
+ (forall n, early_exit i = Some n -> path_entry (*c*) pm n) ->
+ wellformed_path c pm path pc' ->
+ wellformed_path c pm (S path) pc.
+(* all paths defined from the path_map are wellformed *)
+Definition wellformed_path_map (c:code) (pm: path_map): Prop :=
+ forall n path, pm!n = Some path -> wellformed_path c pm path.(psize) n.
+(** We "extend" the notion of RTL program with the additional structure for path.
+ There is thus a trivial "forgetful functor" from RTLpath programs to RTL ones.
+Record function : Type :=
+ { fn_RTL:> RTL.function;
+ fn_path: path_map;
+ (* condition 1 below: the entry-point of the code is an entry-point of a path *)
+ fn_entry_point_wf: path_entry (*fn_RTL.(fn_code)*) fn_path fn_RTL.(fn_entrypoint);
+ (* condition 2 below: the path_map is well-formed *)
+ fn_path_wf: wellformed_path_map fn_RTL.(fn_code) fn_path
+ }.
+Definition fundef := AST.fundef function.
+Definition program := AST.program fundef unit.
+Definition genv := Genv.t fundef unit.
+Definition fundef_RTL (fu: fundef) : RTL.fundef :=
+ match fu with
+ | Internal f => Internal f.(fn_RTL)
+ | External ef => External ef
+ end.
+Coercion fundef_RTL: fundef >-> RTL.fundef.
+Definition transf_program (p: program) : RTL.program := transform_program fundef_RTL p.
+Coercion transf_program: program >-> RTL.program.
+(** * Path-step semantics of RTLpath programs *)
+(* Semantics of internal instructions (mimicking RTL semantics) *)
+Record istate := mk_istate { icontinue: bool; ipc: node; irs: regset; imem: mem }.
+(* FIXME - prediction *)
+(* Internal step through the path *)
+Definition istep (ge: RTL.genv) (i: instruction) (sp: val) (rs: regset) (m: mem): option istate :=
+ match i with
+ | Inop pc' => Some (mk_istate true pc' rs m)
+ | Iop op args res pc' =>
+ SOME v <- eval_operation ge sp op rs##args m IN
+ Some (mk_istate true pc' (rs#res <- v) m)
+ | Iload TRAP chunk addr args dst pc' =>
+ SOME a <- eval_addressing ge sp addr rs##args IN
+ SOME v <- Mem.loadv chunk m a IN
+ Some (mk_istate true pc' (rs#dst <- v) m)
+ | Iload NOTRAP chunk addr args dst pc' =>
+ let default_state := mk_istate true pc' rs#dst <- (default_notrap_load_value chunk) m in
+ match (eval_addressing ge sp addr rs##args) with
+ | None => Some default_state
+ | Some a => match (Mem.loadv chunk m a) with
+ | None => Some default_state
+ | Some v => Some (mk_istate true pc' (rs#dst <- v) m)
+ end
+ end
+ | Istore chunk addr args src pc' =>
+ SOME a <- eval_addressing ge sp addr rs##args IN
+ SOME m' <- Mem.storev chunk m a rs#src IN
+ Some (mk_istate true pc' rs m')
+ | Icond cond args ifso ifnot _ =>
+ SOME b <- eval_condition cond rs##args m IN
+ Some (mk_istate (negb b) (if b then ifso else ifnot) rs m)
+ | _ => None (* TODO jumptable ? *)
+ end.
+(** Execution of a path in a single step *)
+(* Executes until a state [st] is reached where st.(continue) is false *)
+Fixpoint isteps ge (path:nat) (f: function) sp rs m pc: option istate :=
+ match path with
+ | O => Some (mk_istate true pc rs m)
+ | S p =>
+ SOME i <- (fn_code f)!pc IN
+ SOME st <- istep ge i sp rs m IN
+ if (icontinue st) then
+ isteps ge p f sp (irs st) (imem st) (ipc st)
+ else
+ Some st
+ end.
+Definition find_function (pge: genv) (ros: reg + ident) (rs: regset) : option fundef :=
+ match ros with
+ | inl r => Genv.find_funct pge rs#r
+ | inr symb =>
+ match Genv.find_symbol pge symb with
+ | None => None
+ | Some b => Genv.find_funct_ptr pge b
+ end
+ end.
+Inductive stackframe : Type :=
+ | Stackframe
+ (res: reg) (**r where to store the result *)
+ (f: function) (**r calling function *)
+ (sp: val) (**r stack pointer in calling function *)
+ (pc: node) (**r program point in calling function *)
+ (rs: regset) (**r register state in calling function *)
+ .
+Definition stf_RTL (st: stackframe): RTL.stackframe :=
+ match st with
+ | Stackframe res f sp pc rs => RTL.Stackframe res f sp pc rs
+ end.
+Fixpoint stack_RTL (stack: list stackframe): list RTL.stackframe :=
+ match stack with
+ | nil => nil
+ | cons stf stack' => cons (stf_RTL stf) (stack_RTL stack')
+ end.
+Inductive state : Type :=
+ | State
+ (stack: list stackframe) (**r call stack *)
+ (f: function) (**r current function *)
+ (sp: val) (**r stack pointer *)
+ (pc: node) (**r current program point in [c] *)
+ (rs: regset) (**r register state *)
+ (m: mem) (**r memory state *)
+ | Callstate
+ (stack: list stackframe) (**r call stack *)
+ (f: fundef) (**r function to call *)
+ (args: list val) (**r arguments to the call *)
+ (m: mem) (**r memory state *)
+ | Returnstate
+ (stack: list stackframe) (**r call stack *)
+ (v: val) (**r return value for the call *)
+ (m: mem) (**r memory state *)
+ .
+Definition state_RTL (s: state): RTL.state :=
+ match s with
+ | State stack f sp pc rs m => RTL.State (stack_RTL stack) f sp pc rs m
+ | Callstate stack f args m => RTL.Callstate (stack_RTL stack) f args m
+ | Returnstate stack v m => RTL.Returnstate (stack_RTL stack) v m
+ end.
+Coercion state_RTL: state >-> RTL.state.
+(* Used to execute the last instruction of a path (isteps is only in charge of executing the instructions before the last) *)
+Inductive path_last_step ge pge stack (f: function): val -> node -> regset -> mem -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
+ | exec_istate i sp pc rs m st:
+ (fn_code f)!pc = Some i ->
+ istep ge i sp rs m = Some st ->
+ path_last_step ge pge stack f sp pc rs m
+ E0 (State stack f sp (ipc st) (irs st) (imem st))
+ | exec_Icall sp pc rs m sig ros args res pc' fd:
+ (fn_code f)!pc = Some(Icall sig ros args res pc') ->
+ find_function pge ros rs = Some fd ->
+ funsig fd = sig ->
+ path_last_step ge pge stack f sp pc rs m
+ E0 (Callstate (Stackframe res f sp pc' rs :: stack) fd rs##args m)
+ | exec_Itailcall stk pc rs m sig ros args fd m':
+ (fn_code f)!pc = Some(Itailcall sig ros args) ->
+ find_function pge ros rs = Some fd ->
+ funsig fd = sig ->
+ Mem.free m stk 0 f.(fn_stacksize) = Some m' ->
+ path_last_step ge pge stack f (Vptr stk Ptrofs.zero) pc rs m
+ E0 (Callstate stack fd rs##args m')
+ | exec_Ibuiltin sp pc rs m ef args res pc' vargs t vres m':
+ (fn_code f)!pc = Some(Ibuiltin ef args res pc') ->
+ eval_builtin_args ge (fun r => rs#r) sp m args vargs ->
+ external_call ef ge vargs m t vres m' ->
+ path_last_step ge pge stack f sp pc rs m
+ t (State stack f sp pc' (regmap_setres res vres rs) m')
+ | exec_Ijumptable sp pc rs m arg tbl n pc': (* TODO remove jumptable from here ? *)
+ (fn_code f)!pc = Some(Ijumptable arg tbl) ->
+ rs#arg = Vint n ->
+ list_nth_z tbl (Int.unsigned n) = Some pc' ->
+ path_last_step ge pge stack f sp pc rs m
+ E0 (State stack f sp pc' rs m)
+ | exec_Ireturn stk pc rs m or m':
+ (fn_code f)!pc = Some(Ireturn or) ->
+ Mem.free m stk 0 f.(fn_stacksize) = Some m' ->
+ path_last_step ge pge stack f (Vptr stk Ptrofs.zero) pc rs m
+ E0 (Returnstate stack (regmap_optget or Vundef rs) m').
+(* Executes an entire path *)
+Inductive path_step ge pge (path:nat) stack f sp rs m pc: trace -> state -> Prop :=
+ | exec_early_exit st:
+ isteps ge path f sp rs m pc = Some st ->
+ (icontinue st) = false ->
+ path_step ge pge path stack f sp rs m pc E0 (State stack f sp (ipc st) (irs st) (imem st))
+ | exec_normal_exit st t s:
+ isteps ge path f sp rs m pc = Some st ->
+ (icontinue st) = true ->
+ path_last_step ge pge stack f sp (ipc st) (irs st) (imem st) t s ->
+ path_step ge pge path stack f sp rs m pc t s.
+(* Either internal path execution, or the usual exec_function / exec_return borrowed from RTL *)
+Inductive step ge pge: state -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
+ | exec_path path stack f sp rs m pc t s:
+ (fn_path f)!pc = Some path ->
+ path_step ge pge path.(psize) stack f sp rs m pc t s ->
+ step ge pge (State stack f sp pc rs m) t s
+ | exec_function_internal s f args m m' stk:
+ Mem.alloc m 0 (fn_RTL f).(fn_stacksize) = (m', stk) ->
+ step ge pge (Callstate s (Internal f) args m)
+ E0 (State s
+ f
+ (Vptr stk Ptrofs.zero)
+ f.(fn_entrypoint)
+ (init_regs args f.(fn_params))
+ m')
+ | exec_function_external s ef args res t m m':
+ external_call ef ge args m t res m' ->
+ step ge pge (Callstate s (External ef) args m)
+ t (Returnstate s res m')
+ | exec_return res f sp pc rs s vres m:
+ step ge pge (Returnstate (Stackframe res f sp pc rs :: s) vres m)
+ E0 (State s f sp pc (rs#res <- vres) m).
+Inductive initial_state (p:program) : state -> Prop :=
+ initial_state_intro (b : block) (f : fundef) (m0 : mem):
+ Genv.init_mem p = Some m0 ->
+ Genv.find_symbol (Genv.globalenv p) (prog_main p) = Some b ->
+ Genv.find_funct_ptr (Genv.globalenv p) b = Some f ->
+ funsig f = signature_main -> initial_state p (Callstate nil f nil m0).
+Definition final_state (st: state) (i:int): Prop
+ := RTL.final_state st i.
+Definition semantics (p: program) :=
+ Semantics (step (Genv.globalenv (transf_program p))) (initial_state p) final_state (Genv.globalenv p).
+(** * Proving the bisimulation between (semantics p) and (RTL.semantics p). *)
+(** ** Preliminaries: simple tactics for option-monad *)
+Lemma destruct_SOME A B (P: option B -> Prop) (e: option A) (f: A -> option B):
+ (forall x, e = Some x -> P (f x)) -> (e = None -> P None) -> (P (SOME x <- e IN f x)).
+ intros; destruct e; simpl; auto.
+Lemma destruct_ASSERT B (P: option B -> Prop) (e: bool) (x: option B):
+ (e = true -> P x) -> (e = false -> P None) -> (P (ASSERT e IN x)).
+ intros; destruct e; simpl; auto.
+Ltac inversion_SOME x :=
+ try (eapply destruct_SOME; [ let x := fresh x in intro x | simpl; try congruence ]).
+Ltac inversion_ASSERT :=
+ try (eapply destruct_ASSERT; [ idtac | simpl; try congruence ]).
+Ltac simplify_someHyp :=
+ match goal with
+ | H: None = Some _ |- _ => inversion H; clear H; subst
+ | H: Some _ = None |- _ => inversion H; clear H; subst
+ | H: ?t = ?t |- _ => clear H
+ | H: Some _ = Some _ |- _ => inversion H; clear H; subst
+ | H: Some _ <> None |- _ => clear H
+ | H: None <> Some _ |- _ => clear H
+ | H: _ = Some _ |- _ => (try rewrite !H in * |- *); generalize H; clear H
+ | H: _ = None |- _ => (try rewrite !H in * |- *); generalize H; clear H
+ end.
+Ltac explore_destruct :=
+ repeat (match goal with
+ | [H: ?expr = ?val |- context[match ?expr with | _ => _ end]] => rewrite H
+ | [H: match ?var with | _ => _ end |- _] => destruct var
+ | [ |- context[match ?m with | _ => _ end] ] => destruct m
+ | _ => discriminate
+ end).
+Ltac simplify_someHyps :=
+ repeat (simplify_someHyp; simpl in * |- *).
+Ltac try_simplify_someHyps :=
+ try (intros; simplify_someHyps; eauto).
+(* TODO: try to improve this tactic with a better control over names and inversion *)
+Ltac simplify_SOME x :=
+ (repeat inversion_SOME x); try_simplify_someHyps.
+(** ** The easy way: Forward simulation of RTLpath by RTL
+This way can be viewed as a correctness property: all transitions in RTLpath are valid RTL transitions !
+Local Hint Resolve RTL.exec_Inop RTL.exec_Iop RTL.exec_Iload RTL.exec_Istore RTL.exec_Icond RTL.exec_Iload_notrap1 RTL.exec_Iload_notrap2: core.
+(* istep reflects RTL.step *)
+Lemma istep_correct ge i stack (f:function) sp rs m st :
+ istep ge i sp rs m = Some st ->
+ forall pc, (fn_code f)!pc = Some i ->
+ RTL.step ge (State stack f sp pc rs m) E0 (State stack f sp st.(ipc) st.(irs) st.(imem)).
+ destruct i; simpl; try congruence; simplify_SOME x.
+ 1-3: explore_destruct; simplify_SOME x.
+Local Hint Resolve star_refl: core.
+(* isteps reflects a star relation on RTL.step *)
+Lemma isteps_correct ge path stack f sp: forall rs m pc st,
+ isteps ge path f sp rs m pc = Some st ->
+ star RTL.step ge (State stack f sp pc rs m) E0 (State stack f sp st.(ipc) st.(irs) st.(imem)).
+ induction path; simpl; try_simplify_someHyps.
+ inversion_SOME i; intros Hi.
+ inversion_SOME st0; intros Hst0.
+ destruct (icontinue st0) eqn:cont.
+ + intros; eapply star_step.
+ - eapply istep_correct; eauto.
+ - simpl; eauto.
+ - auto.
+ + intros; simplify_someHyp; eapply star_step.
+ - eapply istep_correct; eauto.
+ - simpl; eauto.
+ - auto.
+Lemma isteps_correct_early_exit ge path stack f sp: forall rs m pc st,
+ isteps ge path f sp rs m pc = Some st ->
+ st.(icontinue) = false ->
+ plus RTL.step ge (State stack f sp pc rs m) E0 (State stack f sp st.(ipc) st.(irs) st.(imem)).
+ destruct path; simpl; try_simplify_someHyps; try congruence.
+ inversion_SOME i; intros Hi.
+ inversion_SOME st0; intros Hst0.
+ destruct (icontinue st0) eqn:cont.
+ + intros; eapply plus_left.
+ - eapply istep_correct; eauto.
+ - eapply isteps_correct; eauto.
+ - auto.
+ + intros X; inversion X; subst.
+ eapply plus_one.
+ eapply istep_correct; eauto.
+Local Hint Resolve list_forall2_nil match_globdef_fun linkorder_refl match_globvar_intro: core.
+Variable p: program.
+Lemma match_prog_RTL: match_program (fun _ f tf => tf = fundef_RTL f) eq p (transf_program p).
+ eapply match_transform_program; eauto.
+Let pge := Genv.globalenv p.
+Let ge := Genv.globalenv (transf_program p).
+Lemma senv_preserved: Senv.equiv pge ge.
+Proof (Genv.senv_match match_prog_RTL).
+Lemma symbols_preserved s: Genv.find_symbol ge s = Genv.find_symbol pge s.
+Proof (Genv.find_symbol_match match_prog_RTL s).
+Lemma find_function_RTL_match ros rs fd:
+ find_function pge ros rs = Some fd -> RTL.find_function ge ros rs = Some (fundef_RTL fd).
+ destruct ros; simpl.
+ + intro; exploit (Genv.find_funct_match match_prog_RTL); eauto.
+ intros (cuint & tf & H1 & H2 & H3); subst; auto.
+ + rewrite symbols_preserved.
+ destruct (Genv.find_symbol pge i); simpl; try congruence.
+ intro; exploit (Genv.find_funct_ptr_match match_prog_RTL); eauto.
+ intros (cuint & tf & H1 & H2 & H3); subst; auto.
+Local Hint Resolve istep_correct RTL.exec_Ibuiltin RTL.exec_Ijumptable RTL.exec_Ireturn RTL.exec_Icall RTL.exec_Itailcall find_function_RTL_match: core.
+Lemma path_last_step_correct stack f sp pc rs m t s:
+ path_last_step ge pge stack f sp pc rs m t s ->
+ RTL.step ge (State stack f sp pc rs m) t s.
+ destruct 1; try (eapply istep_correct); simpl; eauto.
+Lemma path_step_correct path stack f sp pc rs m t s:
+ path_step ge pge path stack f sp rs m pc t s ->
+ plus RTL.step ge (State stack f sp pc rs m) t s.
+ destruct 1.
+ + eapply isteps_correct_early_exit; eauto.
+ + eapply plus_right.
+ eapply isteps_correct; eauto.
+ eapply path_last_step_correct; eauto.
+ auto.
+Local Hint Resolve plus_one RTL.exec_function_internal RTL.exec_function_external RTL.exec_return: core.
+Lemma step_correct s t s': step ge pge s t s' -> plus RTL.step ge s t s'.
+ destruct 1; try (eapply path_step_correct); simpl; eauto.
+Theorem RTLpath_correct: forward_simulation (semantics p) (RTL.semantics p).
+ eapply forward_simulation_plus with (match_states := fun s1 s2 => s2 = state_RTL s1); simpl; auto.
+ - apply senv_preserved.
+ - destruct 1; intros; eexists; intuition eauto. econstructor; eauto.
+ + apply (Genv.init_mem_match match_prog_RTL); auto.
+ + rewrite (Genv.find_symbol_match match_prog_RTL).
+ rewrite (match_program_main match_prog_RTL); eauto.
+ + exploit (Genv.find_funct_ptr_match match_prog_RTL); eauto.
+ intros (cunit & tf0 & XX); intuition subst; eauto.
+ - unfold final_state; intros; subst; eauto.
+ - intros; subst. eexists; intuition.
+ eapply step_correct; eauto.
+Lemma program_equals {A B: Type} : forall (p1 p2: AST.program A B),
+ prog_defs p1 = prog_defs p2 ->
+ prog_public p1 = prog_public p2 ->
+ prog_main p1 = prog_main p2 ->
+ p1 = p2.
+ intros. destruct p1. destruct p2. simpl in *. subst. auto.
+Lemma cons_extract {A: Type} : forall (l: list A) a b, a = b -> a::l = b::l.
+ intros. congruence.
+(* Definition transf_program : RTLpath.program -> RTL.program := transform_program fundef_RTL.
+Lemma transf_program_proj: forall p, transf_program (transf_program p) = p.
+ intros p. destruct p as [defs pub main]. unfold program_proj. simpl.
+ apply program_equals; simpl; auto.
+ induction defs.
+ - simpl; auto.
+ - simpl. rewrite IHdefs.
+ destruct a as [id gd]; simpl.
+ destruct gd as [f|v]; simpl; auto.
+ rewrite transf_fundef_proj. auto.
+Qed. *)
+(** The hard way: Forward simulation of RTL by RTLpath
+This way can be viewed as a completeness property: all transitions in RTL can be represented as RTLpath transitions !
+(* This lemma is probably needed to compose a pass from RTL -> RTLpath with other passes.*)
+Lemma match_RTL_prog {LA: Linker fundef} {LV: Linker unit} p: match_program (fun _ f tf => f = fundef_RTL tf) eq (transf_program p) p.
+ unfold match_program, match_program_gen; intuition.
+ unfold transf_program at 2; simpl.
+ generalize (prog_defs p).
+ induction l as [|a l]; simpl; eauto.
+ destruct a; simpl.
+ intros; eapply list_forall2_cons; eauto.
+ unfold match_ident_globdef; simpl; intuition; destruct g as [f|v]; simpl; eauto.
+ eapply match_globdef_var. destruct v; eauto.
+(* Theory of wellformed paths *)
+Fixpoint nth_default_succ (c: code) (path:nat) (pc: node): option node :=
+ match path with
+ | O => Some pc
+ | S path' =>
+ SOME i <- c!pc IN
+ SOME pc' <- default_succ i IN
+ nth_default_succ c path' pc'
+ end.
+Lemma wellformed_suffix_path c pm path path':
+ (path' <= path)%nat ->
+ forall pc, wellformed_path c pm path pc ->
+ exists pc', nth_default_succ c (path-path') pc = Some pc' /\ wellformed_path c pm path' pc'.
+ induction 1 as [|m].
+ + intros. enough (path'-path'=0)%nat as ->; [simpl;eauto|omega].
+ + intros pc WF; enough (S m-path'=S (m-path'))%nat as ->; [simpl;eauto|omega].
+ inversion WF; subst; clear WF; intros; simplify_someHyps.
+ intros; simplify_someHyps; eauto.
+Definition nth_default_succ_inst (c: code) (path:nat) pc: option instruction :=
+ SOME pc <- nth_default_succ c path pc IN
+ c!pc.
+Lemma final_node_path f path pc:
+ (fn_path f)!pc = Some path ->
+ exists i, nth_default_succ_inst (fn_code f) path.(psize) pc = Some i
+ /\ (forall n, List.In n (successors_instr i) -> path_entry (*fn_code f*) (fn_path f) n).
+ intros; exploit fn_path_wf; eauto.
+ intro WF.
+ set (ps:=path.(psize)).
+ exploit (wellformed_suffix_path (fn_code f) (fn_path f) ps O); omega || eauto.
+ destruct 1 as (pc' & NTH_SUCC & WF'); auto.
+ assert (ps - 0 = ps)%nat as HH by omega. rewrite HH in NTH_SUCC. clear HH.
+ unfold nth_default_succ_inst.
+ inversion WF'; clear WF'; subst. simplify_someHyps; eauto.
+Lemma internal_node_path path f path0 pc:
+ (fn_path f)!pc = (Some path0) ->
+ (path < path0.(psize))%nat ->
+ exists i pc',
+ nth_default_succ_inst (fn_code f) path pc = Some i /\
+ default_succ i = Some pc' /\
+ (forall n, early_exit i = Some n -> path_entry (*fn_code f*) (fn_path f) n).
+ intros; exploit fn_path_wf; eauto.
+ set (ps:=path0.(psize)).
+ intro WF; exploit (wellformed_suffix_path (fn_code f) (fn_path f) ps (ps-path)); eauto. { omega. }
+ destruct 1 as (pc' & NTH_SUCC & WF').
+ assert (ps - (ps - path) = path)%nat as HH by omega. rewrite HH in NTH_SUCC. clear HH.
+ unfold nth_default_succ_inst.
+ inversion WF'; clear WF'; subst. { omega. }
+ simplify_someHyps; eauto.
+Lemma initialize_path (*c*) pm n: path_entry (*c*) pm n -> exists path, pm!n = Some path.
+ unfold path_entry; destruct pm!n; eauto. intuition congruence.
+Local Hint Resolve fn_entry_point_wf: core.
+Local Opaque path_entry.
+Lemma istep_successors ge i sp rs m st:
+ istep ge i sp rs m = Some st ->
+ In (ipc st) (successors_instr i).
+ destruct i; simpl; try congruence; simplify_SOME x.
+ all: explore_destruct; simplify_SOME x.
+Lemma istep_normal_exit ge i sp rs m st:
+ istep ge i sp rs m = Some st ->
+ st.(icontinue) = true ->
+ default_succ i = Some st.(ipc).
+ destruct i; simpl; try congruence; simplify_SOME x.
+ all: explore_destruct; simplify_SOME x.
+Lemma isteps_normal_exit ge path f sp: forall rs m pc st,
+ st.(icontinue) = true ->
+ isteps ge path f sp rs m pc = Some st ->
+ nth_default_succ (fn_code f) path pc = Some st.(ipc).
+ induction path; simpl. { try_simplify_someHyps. }
+ intros rs m pc st CONT; try_simplify_someHyps.
+ inversion_SOME i; intros Hi.
+ inversion_SOME st0; intros Hst0.
+ destruct (icontinue st0) eqn:X; try congruence.
+ try_simplify_someHyps.
+ intros; erewrite istep_normal_exit; eauto.
+(* TODO: the three following lemmas could maybe simplified by introducing an auxiliary
+ left-recursive definition equivalent to isteps ?
+Lemma isteps_step_right ge path f sp: forall rs m pc st i,
+ isteps ge path f sp rs m pc = Some st ->
+ st.(icontinue) = true ->
+ (fn_code f)!(st.(ipc)) = Some i ->
+ istep ge i sp st.(irs) st.(imem) = isteps ge (S path) f sp rs m pc.
+ induction path.
+ + simpl; intros; try_simplify_someHyps. simplify_SOME st.
+ destruct st as [b]; destruct b; simpl; auto.
+ + intros rs m pc st i H.
+ simpl in H.
+ generalize H; clear H; simplify_SOME xx.
+ destruct (icontinue xx0) eqn: CONTxx0.
+ * intros; erewrite IHpath; eauto.
+ * intros; congruence.
+Lemma isteps_inversion_early ge path f sp: forall rs m pc st,
+ isteps ge path f sp rs m pc = Some st ->
+ (icontinue st)=false ->
+ exists st0 i path0,
+ (path > path0)%nat /\
+ isteps ge path0 f sp rs m pc = Some st0 /\
+ st0.(icontinue) = true /\
+ (fn_code f)!(st0.(ipc)) = Some i /\
+ istep ge i sp st0.(irs) st0.(imem) = Some st.
+ induction path as [|path]; simpl.
+ - intros; try_simplify_someHyps; try congruence.
+ - intros rs m pc st; inversion_SOME i; inversion_SOME st0.
+ destruct (icontinue st0) eqn: CONT.
+ + intros STEP PC STEPS CONT0. exploit IHpath; eauto.
+ clear STEPS.
+ intros (st1 & i0 & path0 & BOUND & STEP1 & CONT1 & X1 & X2); auto.
+ exists st1. exists i0. exists (S path0). intuition.
+ simpl; try_simplify_someHyps.
+ rewrite CONT. auto.
+ + intros; try_simplify_someHyps; try congruence.
+ eexists. exists i. exists O; simpl. intuition eauto.
+ omega.
+Lemma isteps_resize ge path0 path1 f sp rs m pc st:
+ (path0 <= path1)%nat ->
+ isteps ge path0 f sp rs m pc = Some st ->
+ (icontinue st)=false ->
+ isteps ge path1 f sp rs m pc = Some st.
+ induction 1 as [|path1]; simpl; auto.
+ intros PSTEP CONT. exploit IHle; auto. clear PSTEP IHle H path0.
+ generalize rs m pc st CONT; clear rs m pc st CONT.
+ induction path1 as [|path]; simpl; auto.
+ - intros; try_simplify_someHyps; try congruence.
+ - intros rs m pc st; inversion_SOME i; inversion_SOME st0; intros; try_simplify_someHyps.
+ destruct (icontinue st0) eqn: CONT0; eauto.
+(* FIXME - add prediction *)
+Inductive is_early_exit pc: instruction -> Prop :=
+ | Icond_early_exit cond args ifnot predict:
+ is_early_exit pc (Icond cond args pc ifnot predict)
+ . (* TODO add jumptable here ? *)
+Lemma istep_early_exit ge i sp rs m st :
+ istep ge i sp rs m = Some st ->
+ st.(icontinue) = false ->
+ st.(irs) = rs /\ st.(imem) = m /\ is_early_exit st.(ipc) i.
+ Local Hint Resolve Icond_early_exit: core.
+ destruct i; simpl; try congruence; simplify_SOME b; simpl; try congruence.
+ all: explore_destruct; simplify_SOME b; try discriminate.
+Variable p: program.
+Let pge := Genv.globalenv p.
+Let ge := Genv.globalenv (transf_program p).
+Lemma find_funct_ptr_RTL_preserv b f:
+ Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b = Some f -> (exists f0, Genv.find_funct_ptr pge b = Some f0 /\ f = f0).
+ intros; exploit (Genv.find_funct_ptr_match (match_RTL_prog p)); eauto.
+ destruct 1 as (cunit & tf & X & Y & Z); subst.
+ eauto.
+Lemma find_RTL_function_match ros rs fd:
+ RTL.find_function ge ros rs = Some fd -> exists fd', fd = fundef_RTL fd' /\ find_function pge ros rs = Some fd'.
+ destruct ros; simpl.
+ + intro; exploit (Genv.find_funct_match (match_RTL_prog p)); eauto.
+ intros (cuint & tf & H1 & H2 & H3); subst; eauto.
+ + rewrite (symbols_preserved p); unfold pge.
+ destruct (Genv.find_symbol (Genv.globalenv p) i); simpl; try congruence.
+ intro; exploit find_funct_ptr_RTL_preserv; eauto.
+ intros (tf & H1 & H2); subst; eauto.
+(** *** Definition of well-formed stacks and of match_states *)
+Definition wf_stf (st: stackframe): Prop :=
+ match st with
+ | Stackframe res f sp pc rs => path_entry (*f.(fn_code)*) f.(fn_path) pc
+ end.
+Definition wf_stackframe (stack: list stackframe): Prop :=
+ forall st, List.In st stack -> wf_stf st.
+Lemma wf_stackframe_nil: wf_stackframe nil.
+ unfold wf_stackframe; simpl. tauto.
+Local Hint Resolve wf_stackframe_nil: core.
+Lemma wf_stackframe_cons st stack:
+ wf_stackframe (st::stack) <-> (wf_stf st) /\ wf_stackframe stack.
+ unfold wf_stackframe; simpl; intuition (subst; auto).
+Definition stack_of (s: state): list stackframe :=
+ match s with
+ | State stack f sp pc rs m => stack
+ | Callstate stack f args m => stack
+ | Returnstate stack v m => stack
+ end.
+Definition is_inst (s: RTL.state): bool :=
+ match s with
+ | RTL.State stack f sp pc rs m => true
+ | _ => false
+ end.
+Inductive match_inst_states_goal (idx: nat) (s1:RTL.state): state -> Prop :=
+ | State_match path stack f sp pc rs m s2:
+ (fn_path f)!pc = Some path ->
+ (idx <= path.(psize))%nat ->
+ isteps ge (path.(psize)-idx) f sp rs m pc = Some s2 ->
+ s1 = State stack f sp s2.(ipc) s2.(irs) s2.(imem) ->
+ match_inst_states_goal idx s1 (State stack f sp pc rs m).
+Definition match_inst_states (idx: nat) (s1:RTL.state) (s2:state): Prop :=
+ if is_inst s1 then match_inst_states_goal idx s1 s2 else s1 = state_RTL s2.
+Definition match_states (idx: nat) (s1:RTL.state) (s2:state): Prop :=
+ match_inst_states idx s1 s2
+ /\ wf_stackframe (stack_of s2).
+(** *** Auxiliary lemmas of completeness *)
+Lemma istep_complete t i stack f sp rs m pc s':
+ RTL.step ge (State stack f sp pc rs m) t s' ->
+ (fn_code f)!pc = Some i ->
+ default_succ i <> None ->
+ t = E0 /\ exists st, istep ge i sp rs m = Some st /\ s'=(State stack f sp st.(ipc) st.(irs) st.(imem)).
+ intros H X; inversion H; simpl; subst; try rewrite X in * |-; clear X; simplify_someHyps; try congruence;
+ (split; auto); simplify_someHyps; eexists; split; simplify_someHyps; eauto.
+ all: explore_destruct; simplify_SOME a.
+Lemma stuttering path idx stack f sp rs m pc st t s1':
+ isteps ge (path.(psize)-(S idx)) f sp rs m pc = Some st ->
+ (fn_path f)!pc = Some path ->
+ (S idx <= path.(psize))%nat ->
+ st.(icontinue) = true ->
+ RTL.step ge (State stack f sp st.(ipc) st.(irs) st.(imem)) t s1' ->
+ t = E0 /\ match_inst_states idx s1' (State stack f sp pc rs m).
+ intros PSTEP PATH BOUND CONT RSTEP; exploit (internal_node_path (path.(psize)-(S idx))); omega || eauto.
+ intros (i & pc' & Hi & Hpc & DUM).
+ unfold nth_default_succ_inst in Hi.
+ erewrite isteps_normal_exit in Hi; eauto.
+ exploit istep_complete; congruence || eauto.
+ intros (SILENT & st0 & STEP0 & EQ).
+ intuition; subst; unfold match_inst_states; simpl.
+ intros; refine (State_match _ _ path stack f sp pc rs m _ PATH _ _ _); simpl; omega || eauto.
+ set (ps:=path.(psize)). enough (ps - idx = S (ps - (S idx)))%nat as ->; try omega.
+ erewrite <- isteps_step_right; eauto.
+Lemma normal_exit path stack f sp rs m pc st t s1':
+ isteps ge path.(psize) f sp rs m pc = Some st ->
+ (fn_path f)!pc = Some path ->
+ st.(icontinue) = true ->
+ RTL.step ge (State stack f sp st.(ipc) st.(irs) st.(imem)) t s1' ->
+ wf_stackframe stack ->
+ exists s2',
+ (path_last_step ge pge stack f sp st.(ipc) st.(irs) st.(imem)) t s2'
+ /\ (exists idx', match_states idx' s1' s2').
+ Local Hint Resolve istep_successors list_nth_z_in: core. (* Hint for path_entry proofs *)
+ intros PSTEP PATH CONT RSTEP WF; exploit (final_node_path f path); eauto.
+ intros (i & Hi & SUCCS).
+ unfold nth_default_succ_inst in Hi.
+ erewrite isteps_normal_exit in Hi; eauto.
+ destruct (default_succ i) eqn:Hn0.
+ + (* exec_istate *)
+ exploit istep_complete; congruence || eauto.
+ intros (SILENT & st0 & STEP0 & EQ); subst.
+ exploit (exec_istate ge pge); eauto.
+ eexists; intuition eauto.
+ unfold match_states, match_inst_states; simpl.
+ destruct (initialize_path (*fn_code f*) (fn_path f) (ipc st0)) as (path0 & Hpath0); eauto.
+ exists (path0.(psize)); intuition eauto.
+ econstructor; eauto.
+ * enough (path0.(psize)-path0.(psize)=0)%nat as ->; simpl; eauto || omega.
+ * simpl; eauto.
+ + generalize Hi; inversion RSTEP; clear RSTEP; subst; (repeat (simplify_someHyp; simpl in * |- * )); try congruence; eauto.
+ - (* Icall *)
+ intros; exploit find_RTL_function_match; eauto.
+ intros (fd' & MATCHfd & Hfd'); subst.
+ exploit (exec_Icall ge pge); eauto.
+ eexists; intuition eauto.
+ eexists O; unfold match_states, match_inst_states; simpl; intuition eauto.
+ rewrite wf_stackframe_cons; intuition simpl; eauto.
+ - (* Itailcall *)
+ intros; exploit find_RTL_function_match; eauto.
+ intros (fd' & MATCHfd & Hfd'); subst.
+ exploit (exec_Itailcall ge pge); eauto.
+ eexists; intuition eauto.
+ eexists O; unfold match_states, match_inst_states; simpl; intuition eauto.
+ - (* Ibuiltin *)
+ intros; exploit exec_Ibuiltin; eauto.
+ eexists; intuition eauto.
+ unfold match_states, match_inst_states; simpl.
+ destruct (initialize_path (*fn_code f*) (fn_path f) pc') as (path0 & Hpath0); eauto.
+ exists path0.(psize); intuition eauto.
+ econstructor; eauto.
+ * enough (path0.(psize)-path0.(psize)=0)%nat as ->; simpl; eauto || omega.
+ * simpl; eauto.
+ - (* Ijumptable *)
+ intros; exploit exec_Ijumptable; eauto.
+ eexists; intuition eauto.
+ unfold match_states, match_inst_states; simpl.
+ destruct (initialize_path (*fn_code f*) (fn_path f) pc') as (path0 & Hpath0); eauto.
+ exists path0.(psize); intuition eauto.
+ econstructor; eauto.
+ * enough (path0.(psize)-path0.(psize)=0)%nat as ->; simpl; eauto || omega.
+ * simpl; eauto.
+ - (* Ireturn *)
+ intros; exploit exec_Ireturn; eauto.
+ eexists; intuition eauto.
+ eexists O; unfold match_states, match_inst_states; simpl; intuition eauto.
+Lemma path_step_complete stack f sp rs m pc t s1' idx path st:
+ isteps ge (path.(psize)-idx) f sp rs m pc = Some st ->
+ (fn_path f)!pc = Some path ->
+ (idx <= path.(psize))%nat ->
+ RTL.step ge (State stack f sp st.(ipc) st.(irs) st.(imem)) t s1' ->
+ wf_stackframe stack ->
+ exists idx' s2',
+ (path_step ge pge path.(psize) stack f sp rs m pc t s2'
+ \/ (t = E0 /\ s2'=(State stack f sp pc rs m) /\ (idx' < idx)%nat)
+ \/ (exists path', path_step ge pge path.(psize) stack f sp rs m pc E0 (State stack f sp st.(ipc) st.(irs) st.(imem))
+ /\ (fn_path f)!(ipc st) = Some path' /\ path'.(psize) = O
+ /\ path_step ge pge path'.(psize) stack f sp st.(irs) st.(imem) st.(ipc) t s2')
+ )
+ /\ match_states idx' s1' s2'.
+ Local Hint Resolve exec_early_exit exec_normal_exit: core.
+ intros PSTEP PATH BOUND RSTEP WF; destruct (st.(icontinue)) eqn: CONT.
+ destruct idx as [ | idx].
+ + (* path_step on normal_exit *)
+ assert (path.(psize)-0=path.(psize))%nat as HH by omega. rewrite HH in PSTEP. clear HH.
+ exploit normal_exit; eauto.
+ intros (s2' & LSTEP & (idx' & MATCH)).
+ exists idx'; exists s2'; intuition eauto.
+ + (* stuttering step *)
+ exploit stuttering; eauto.
+ unfold match_states; exists idx; exists (State stack f sp pc rs m);
+ intuition.
+ + (* one or two path_step on early_exit *)
+ exploit (isteps_resize ge (path.(psize) - idx)%nat path.(psize)); eauto; try omega.
+ clear PSTEP; intros PSTEP.
+ (* TODO for clarification: move the assert below into a separate lemma *)
+ assert (HPATH0: exists path0, (fn_path f)!(ipc st) = Some path0).
+ { clear RSTEP.
+ exploit isteps_inversion_early; eauto.
+ intros (st0 & i & path0 & BOUND0 & PSTEP0 & CONT0 & PC0 & STEP0).
+ exploit istep_early_exit; eauto.
+ intros (X1 & X2 & EARLY_EXIT).
+ destruct st as [cont pc0 rs0 m0]; simpl in * |- *; intuition subst.
+ exploit (internal_node_path path0); omega || eauto.
+ intros (i' & pc' & Hi' & Hpc' & ENTRY).
+ unfold nth_default_succ_inst in Hi'.
+ erewrite isteps_normal_exit in Hi'; eauto.
+ clear pc' Hpc' STEP0 PSTEP0 BOUND0; try_simplify_someHyps; intros.
+ destruct EARLY_EXIT as [cond args ifnot]; simpl in ENTRY;
+ destruct (initialize_path (*fn_code f*) (fn_path f) pc0); eauto.
+ }
+ destruct HPATH0 as (path1 & Hpath1).
+ destruct (path1.(psize)) as [|ps] eqn:Hpath1size.
+ * (* two step case *)
+ exploit (normal_exit path1); try rewrite Hpath1size; simpl; eauto.
+ simpl; intros (s2' & LSTEP & (idx' & MATCH)).
+ exists idx'. exists s2'. constructor; auto.
+ right. right. eexists; intuition eauto.
+ (* now, prove the last step *)
+ rewrite Hpath1size; exploit exec_normal_exit. 4:{ eauto. }
+ - simpl; eauto.
+ - simpl; eauto.
+ - simpl; eauto.
+ * (* single step case *)
+ exploit (stuttering path1 ps stack f sp (irs st) (imem st) (ipc st)); simpl; auto.
+ - { rewrite Hpath1size; enough (S ps-S ps=0)%nat as ->; try omega. simpl; eauto. }
+ - omega.
+ - simpl; eauto.
+ - simpl; eauto.
+ - intuition subst.
+ repeat eexists; intuition eauto.
+Lemma step_noninst_complete s1 t s1' s2:
+ is_inst s1 = false ->
+ s1 = state_RTL s2 ->
+ RTL.step ge s1 t s1' ->
+ wf_stackframe (stack_of s2) ->
+ exists s2', step ge pge s2 t s2' /\ exists idx, match_states idx s1' s2'.
+ intros H0 H1 H2 WFSTACK; destruct s2; subst; simpl in * |- *; try congruence;
+ inversion H2; clear H2; subst; try_simplify_someHyps; try congruence.
+ + (* exec_function_internal *)
+ destruct f; simpl in H3; inversion H3; subst; clear H3.
+ eexists; constructor 1.
+ * eapply exec_function_internal; eauto.
+ * unfold match_states, match_inst_states; simpl.
+ destruct (initialize_path (*fn_code f*) (fn_path f) (fn_entrypoint (fn_RTL f))) as (path & Hpath); eauto.
+ exists path.(psize). constructor; auto.
+ econstructor; eauto.
+ - set (ps:=path.(psize)). enough (ps-ps=O)%nat as ->; simpl; eauto.
+ omega.
+ - simpl; auto.
+ + (* exec_function_external *)
+ destruct f; simpl in H3 |-; inversion H3; subst; clear H3.
+ eexists; constructor 1.
+ * apply exec_function_external; eauto.
+ * unfold match_states, match_inst_states; simpl. exists O; auto.
+ + (* exec_return *)
+ destruct stack eqn: Hstack; simpl in H1; inversion H1; clear H1; subst.
+ destruct s0 eqn: Hs0; simpl in H0; inversion H0; clear H0; subst.
+ eexists; constructor 1.
+ * apply exec_return.
+ * unfold match_states, match_inst_states; simpl.
+ rewrite wf_stackframe_cons in WFSTACK.
+ destruct WFSTACK as (H0 & H1); simpl in H0.
+ destruct (initialize_path (*fn_code f0*) (fn_path f0) pc0) as (path & Hpath); eauto.
+ exists path.(psize). constructor; auto.
+ econstructor; eauto.
+ - set (ps:=path.(psize)). enough (ps-ps=O)%nat as ->; simpl; eauto.
+ omega.
+ - simpl; auto.
+(** *** The main completeness lemma and the simulation theorem...*)
+Lemma step_complete s1 t s1' idx s2:
+ match_states idx s1 s2 ->
+ RTL.step ge s1 t s1' ->
+ exists idx' s2', (plus (step ge) pge s2 t s2' \/ (t = E0 /\ s2=s2' /\ (idx' < idx)%nat)) /\ match_states idx' s1' s2'.
+ Local Hint Resolve plus_one plus_two exec_path: core.
+ unfold match_states at 1, match_inst_states. intros (IS_INST & WFSTACK). destruct (is_inst s1) eqn: His1.
+ - clear His1; destruct IS_INST as [path stack f sp pc rs m s2 X X0 X1 X2]; auto; subst; simpl in * |- *.
+ intros STEP; exploit path_step_complete; eauto.
+ intros (idx' & s2' & H0 & H1).
+ eexists; eexists; eauto.
+ destruct H0 as [H0|[H0|(path'&H0)]]; intuition subst; eauto.
+ - intros; exploit step_noninst_complete; eauto.
+ intros (s2' & STEP & (idx0 & MATCH)).
+ exists idx0; exists s2'; intuition auto.
+Theorem RTLpath_complete: forward_simulation (RTL.semantics p) (semantics p).
+ eapply (Forward_simulation (L1:=RTL.semantics p) (L2:=semantics p) lt match_states).
+ constructor 1; simpl.
+ - apply lt_wf.
+ - unfold match_states, match_inst_states. destruct 1; simpl; exists O.
+ destruct (find_funct_ptr_RTL_preserv b f) as (f0 & X1 & X2); subst; eauto.
+ exists (Callstate nil f0 nil m0). simpl; split; try econstructor; eauto.
+ + apply (Genv.init_mem_match (match_RTL_prog p)); auto.
+ + rewrite (Genv.find_symbol_match (match_RTL_prog p)).
+ rewrite (match_program_main (match_RTL_prog p)); eauto.
+ - unfold final_state, match_states, match_inst_states. intros i s1 s2 r (H0 & H1) H2; destruct H2.
+ destruct s2; simpl in * |- *; inversion H0; subst.
+ constructor.
+ - Local Hint Resolve star_refl: core.
+ intros; exploit step_complete; eauto.
+ destruct 1 as (idx' & s2' & X).
+ exists idx'. exists s2'. intuition (subst; eauto).
+ - intros id; destruct (senv_preserved p); simpl in * |-. intuition.
diff --git a/scheduling/RTLpathLivegen.v b/scheduling/RTLpathLivegen.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1f0ebe3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scheduling/RTLpathLivegen.v
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+(** Building a RTLpath program with liveness annotation.
+Require Import Coqlib.
+Require Import Maps.
+Require Import Lattice.
+Require Import AST.
+Require Import Op.
+Require Import Registers.
+Require Import Globalenvs Smallstep RTL RTLpath.
+Require Import Bool Errors.
+Require Import Program.
+Local Open Scope lazy_bool_scope.
+Local Open Scope option_monad_scope.
+Axiom build_path_map: RTL.function -> path_map.
+Extract Constant build_path_map => "RTLpathLivegenaux.build_path_map".
+Fixpoint list_mem (rl: list reg) (alive: Regset.t) {struct rl}: bool :=
+ match rl with
+ | nil => true
+ | r1 :: rs => Regset.mem r1 alive &&& list_mem rs alive
+ end.
+Definition exit_checker {A} (pm: path_map) (alive: Regset.t) (pc: node) (v:A): option A :=
+ SOME path <- pm!pc IN
+ ASSERT Regset.subset path.(input_regs) alive IN
+ Some v.
+Lemma exit_checker_path_entry A (pm: path_map) (alive: Regset.t) (pc: node) (v:A) res:
+ exit_checker pm alive pc v = Some res -> path_entry pm pc.
+ unfold exit_checker, path_entry.
+ inversion_SOME path; simpl; congruence.
+Lemma exit_checker_res A (pm: path_map) (alive: Regset.t) (pc: node) (v:A) res:
+ exit_checker pm alive pc v = Some res -> v=res.
+ unfold exit_checker, path_entry.
+ inversion_SOME path; try_simplify_someHyps.
+ inversion_ASSERT; try_simplify_someHyps.
+(* FIXME - what about trap? *)
+Definition iinst_checker (pm: path_map) (alive: Regset.t) (i: instruction): option (Regset.t * node) :=
+ match i with
+ | Inop pc' => Some (alive, pc')
+ | Iop op args dst pc' =>
+ ASSERT list_mem args alive IN
+ Some (Regset.add dst alive, pc')
+ | Iload _ chunk addr args dst pc' =>
+ ASSERT list_mem args alive IN
+ Some (Regset.add dst alive, pc')
+ | Istore chunk addr args src pc' =>
+ ASSERT Regset.mem src alive IN
+ ASSERT list_mem args alive IN
+ Some (alive, pc')
+ | Icond cond args ifso ifnot _ =>
+ ASSERT list_mem args alive IN
+ exit_checker pm alive ifso (alive, ifnot)
+ | _ => None (* TODO jumptable ? *)
+ end.
+Local Hint Resolve exit_checker_path_entry: core.
+Lemma iinst_checker_path_entry (pm: path_map) (alive: Regset.t) (i: instruction) res pc:
+ iinst_checker pm alive i = Some res ->
+ early_exit i = Some pc -> path_entry pm pc.
+ destruct i; simpl; try_simplify_someHyps; subst.
+ inversion_ASSERT; try_simplify_someHyps.
+Lemma iinst_checker_default_succ (pm: path_map) (alive: Regset.t) (i: instruction) res pc:
+ iinst_checker pm alive i = Some res ->
+ pc = snd res ->
+ default_succ i = Some pc.
+ destruct i; simpl; try_simplify_someHyps; subst;
+ repeat (inversion_ASSERT); try_simplify_someHyps.
+ intros; exploit exit_checker_res; eauto.
+ intros; subst. simpl; auto.
+Fixpoint ipath_checker (ps:nat) (f: RTL.function) (pm: path_map) (alive: Regset.t) (pc:node): option (Regset.t * node) :=
+ match ps with
+ | O => Some (alive, pc)
+ | S p =>
+ SOME i <- f.(fn_code)!pc IN
+ SOME res <- iinst_checker pm alive i IN
+ ipath_checker p f pm (fst res) (snd res)
+ end.
+Lemma ipath_checker_wellformed f pm ps: forall alive pc res,
+ ipath_checker ps f pm alive pc = Some res ->
+ wellformed_path f.(fn_code) pm 0 (snd res) ->
+ wellformed_path f.(fn_code) pm ps pc.
+ induction ps; simpl; try_simplify_someHyps.
+ inversion_SOME i; inversion_SOME res'.
+ intros. eapply wf_internal_node; eauto.
+ * eapply iinst_checker_default_succ; eauto.
+ * intros; eapply iinst_checker_path_entry; eauto.
+Definition reg_option_mem (or: option reg) (alive: Regset.t) :=
+ match or with None => true | Some r => Regset.mem r alive end.
+Definition reg_sum_mem (ros: reg + ident) (alive: Regset.t) :=
+ match ros with inl r => Regset.mem r alive | inr s => true end.
+(* NB: definition following [regmap_setres] in [RTL.step] semantics *)
+Definition reg_builtin_res (res: builtin_res reg) (alive: Regset.t): Regset.t :=
+ match res with
+ | BR r => Regset.add r alive
+ | _ => alive
+ end.
+Fixpoint exit_list_checker (pm: path_map) (alive: Regset.t) (l: list node): bool :=
+ match l with
+ | nil => true
+ | pc::l' => exit_checker pm alive pc tt &&& exit_list_checker pm alive l'
+ end.
+Lemma lazy_and_Some_true A (o: option A) (b: bool): o &&& b = true <-> (exists v, o = Some v) /\ b = true.
+ destruct o; simpl; intuition.
+ - eauto.
+ - firstorder. try_simplify_someHyps.
+Lemma lazy_and_Some_tt_true (o: option unit) (b: bool): o &&& b = true <-> o = Some tt /\ b = true.
+ intros; rewrite lazy_and_Some_true; firstorder.
+ destruct x; auto.
+Lemma exit_list_checker_correct pm alive l pc:
+ exit_list_checker pm alive l = true -> List.In pc l -> exit_checker pm alive pc tt = Some tt.
+ intros EXIT PC; induction l; intuition.
+ simpl in * |-. rewrite lazy_and_Some_tt_true in EXIT.
+ firstorder (subst; eauto).
+Local Hint Resolve exit_list_checker_correct: core.
+Definition inst_checker (pm: path_map) (alive: Regset.t) (i: instruction): option unit :=
+ match i with
+ | Icall sig ros args res pc' =>
+ ASSERT list_mem args alive IN
+ ASSERT reg_sum_mem ros alive IN
+ exit_checker pm (Regset.add res alive) pc' tt
+ | Itailcall sig ros args =>
+ ASSERT list_mem args alive IN
+ ASSERT reg_sum_mem ros alive IN
+ Some tt
+ | Ibuiltin ef args res pc' =>
+ ASSERT list_mem (params_of_builtin_args args) alive IN
+ exit_checker pm (reg_builtin_res res alive) pc' tt
+ | Ijumptable arg tbl =>
+ ASSERT Regset.mem arg alive IN
+ ASSERT exit_list_checker pm alive tbl IN
+ Some tt
+ | Ireturn optarg =>
+ ASSERT (reg_option_mem optarg) alive IN
+ Some tt
+ | _ =>
+ SOME res <- iinst_checker pm alive i IN
+ exit_checker pm (fst res) (snd res) tt
+ end.
+Lemma inst_checker_wellformed (c:code) pc (pm: path_map) (alive: Regset.t) (i: instruction):
+ inst_checker pm alive i = Some tt ->
+ c!pc = Some i -> wellformed_path c pm 0 pc.
+ intros CHECK PC. eapply wf_last_node; eauto.
+ clear c pc PC. intros pc PC.
+ destruct i; simpl in * |- *; intuition (subst; eauto);
+ try (generalize CHECK; clear CHECK; try (inversion_SOME path); repeat inversion_ASSERT; try_simplify_someHyps).
+ intros X; exploit exit_checker_res; eauto.
+ clear X. intros; subst; eauto.
+Definition path_checker (f: RTL.function) pm (pc: node) (path:path_info): option unit :=
+ SOME res <- ipath_checker (path.(psize)) f pm (path.(input_regs)) pc IN
+ SOME i <- f.(fn_code)!(snd res) IN
+ inst_checker pm (fst res) i.
+Lemma path_checker_wellformed f pm pc path:
+ path_checker f pm pc path = Some tt -> wellformed_path (f.(fn_code)) pm (path.(psize)) pc.
+ unfold path_checker.
+ inversion_SOME res.
+ inversion_SOME i.
+ intros; eapply ipath_checker_wellformed; eauto.
+ eapply inst_checker_wellformed; eauto.
+Fixpoint list_path_checker f pm (l:list (node*path_info)): bool :=
+ match l with
+ | nil => true
+ | (pc, path)::l' =>
+ path_checker f pm pc path &&& list_path_checker f pm l'
+ end.
+Lemma list_path_checker_correct f pm l:
+ list_path_checker f pm l = true -> forall e, List.In e l -> path_checker f pm (fst e) (snd e) = Some tt.
+ intros CHECKER e H; induction l as [|(pc & path) l]; intuition.
+ simpl in * |- *. rewrite lazy_and_Some_tt_true in CHECKER. intuition (subst; auto).
+Definition function_checker (f: RTL.function) pm: bool :=
+ pm!(f.(fn_entrypoint)) &&& list_path_checker f pm (PTree.elements pm).
+Lemma function_checker_correct f pm pc path:
+ function_checker f pm = true ->
+ pm!pc = Some path ->
+ path_checker f pm pc path = Some tt.
+ unfold function_checker; rewrite lazy_and_Some_true.
+ intros (ENTRY & PATH) PC.
+ exploit list_path_checker_correct; eauto.
+ - eapply PTree.elements_correct; eauto.
+ - simpl; auto.
+Lemma function_checker_wellformed_path_map f pm:
+ function_checker f pm = true -> wellformed_path_map f.(fn_code) pm.
+ unfold wellformed_path_map.
+ intros; eapply path_checker_wellformed; eauto.
+ intros; eapply function_checker_correct; eauto.
+Lemma function_checker_path_entry f pm:
+ function_checker f pm = true -> path_entry pm (f.(fn_entrypoint)).
+ unfold function_checker; rewrite lazy_and_Some_true;
+ unfold path_entry. firstorder congruence.
+Definition liveness_ok_function (f: function): Prop :=
+ forall pc path, f.(fn_path)!pc = Some path -> path_checker f f.(fn_path) pc path = Some tt.
+Program Definition transf_function (f: RTL.function): { r: res function | forall f', r = OK f' -> liveness_ok_function f' /\ f'.(fn_RTL) = f } :=
+ let pm := build_path_map f in
+ match function_checker f pm with
+ | true => OK {| fn_RTL := f; fn_path := pm |}
+ | false => Error(msg "RTLpathGen: function_checker failed")
+ end.
+Obligation 1.
+ apply function_checker_path_entry; auto.
+Obligation 2.
+ apply function_checker_wellformed_path_map; auto.
+Obligation 3.
+ unfold liveness_ok_function; simpl; intros; intuition.
+ apply function_checker_correct; auto.
+Definition transf_fundef (f: RTL.fundef) : res fundef :=
+ transf_partial_fundef (fun f => ` (transf_function f)) f.
+Inductive liveness_ok_fundef: fundef -> Prop :=
+ | liveness_ok_Internal f: liveness_ok_function f -> liveness_ok_fundef (Internal f)
+ | liveness_ok_External ef: liveness_ok_fundef (External ef).
+Lemma transf_fundef_correct f f':
+ transf_fundef f = OK f' -> (liveness_ok_fundef f') /\ fundef_RTL f' = f.
+ intros TRANSF; destruct f; simpl; monadInv TRANSF.
+ - destruct (transf_function f) as [res H]; simpl in * |- *; auto.
+ destruct (H _ EQ).
+ intuition subst; auto. apply liveness_ok_Internal; auto.
+ - intuition. apply liveness_ok_External; auto.
+Definition transf_program (p: RTL.program) : res program :=
+ transform_partial_program transf_fundef p.
diff --git a/scheduling/RTLpathLivegenaux.ml b/scheduling/RTLpathLivegenaux.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dd971db8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scheduling/RTLpathLivegenaux.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+open RTL
+open RTLpath
+open Registers
+open Maps
+open Camlcoq
+open Datatypes
+open Kildall
+open Lattice
+let debug_flag = ref false
+let dprintf fmt = let open Printf in
+ match !debug_flag with
+ | true -> printf fmt
+ | false -> ifprintf stdout fmt
+let get_some = function
+| None -> failwith "Got None instead of Some _"
+| Some thing -> thing
+let successors_inst = function
+| Inop n | Iop (_,_,_,n) | Iload (_,_,_,_,_,n) | Istore (_,_,_,_,n) | Icall (_,_,_,_,n) | Ibuiltin (_,_,_,n) -> [n]
+| Icond (_,_,n1,n2,_) -> [n1; n2]
+| Ijumptable (_,l) -> l
+| Itailcall _ | Ireturn _ -> []
+let predicted_successor = function
+| Inop n | Iop (_,_,_,n) | Iload (_,_,_,_,_,n) | Istore (_,_,_,_,n) -> Some n
+| Icall (_,_,_,_,n) | Ibuiltin (_,_,_,n) -> None
+| Icond (_,_,n1,n2,p) -> (
+ match p with
+ | Some true -> Some n1
+ | Some false -> Some n2
+ | None -> None )
+| Ijumptable _ | Itailcall _ | Ireturn _ -> None
+let non_predicted_successors i =
+ match predicted_successor i with
+ | None -> successors_inst i
+ | Some n -> List.filter (fun n' -> n != n') (successors_inst i)
+let rec list_to_regset = function
+ | [] -> Regset.empty
+ | r::l -> Regset.add r (list_to_regset l)
+let get_input_regs i =
+ let empty = Regset.empty in
+ match i with
+ | Inop _ -> empty
+ | Iop (_,lr,_,_) | Iload (_,_,_,lr,_,_) | Icond (_,lr,_,_,_) -> list_to_regset lr
+ | Istore (_,_,lr,r,_) -> Regset.add r (list_to_regset lr)
+ | Icall (_, ri, lr, _, _) | Itailcall (_, ri, lr) -> begin
+ let rs = list_to_regset lr in
+ match ri with
+ | Coq_inr _ -> rs
+ | Coq_inl r -> Regset.add r rs
+ end
+ | Ibuiltin (_, lbr, _, _) -> list_to_regset @@ AST.params_of_builtin_args lbr
+ | Ijumptable (r, _) -> Regset.add r empty
+ | Ireturn opr -> (match opr with Some r -> Regset.add r empty | None -> empty)
+let get_output_reg i =
+ match i with
+ | Inop _ | Istore _ | Icond _ | Itailcall _ | Ijumptable _ | Ireturn _ -> None
+ | Iop (_, _, r, _) | Iload (_, _, _, _, r, _) | Icall (_, _, _, r, _) -> Some r
+ | Ibuiltin (_, _, brr, _) -> (match brr with AST.BR r -> Some r | _ -> None)
+(* adapted from Linearizeaux.get_join_points *)
+let get_join_points code entry =
+ let reached = ref (PTree.map (fun n i -> false) code) in
+ let reached_twice = ref (PTree.map (fun n i -> false) code) in
+ let rec traverse pc =
+ if get_some @@ PTree.get pc !reached then begin
+ if not (get_some @@ PTree.get pc !reached_twice) then
+ reached_twice := PTree.set pc true !reached_twice
+ end else begin
+ reached := PTree.set pc true !reached;
+ traverse_succs (successors_inst @@ get_some @@ PTree.get pc code)
+ end
+ and traverse_succs = function
+ | [] -> ()
+ | [pc] -> traverse pc
+ | pc :: l -> traverse pc; traverse_succs l
+ in traverse entry; !reached_twice
+(* Does not set the input_regs and liveouts field *)
+let get_path_map code entry join_points =
+ let visited = ref (PTree.map (fun n i -> false) code) in
+ let path_map = ref PTree.empty in
+ let rec dig_path e =
+ let psize = ref (-1) in
+ let path_successors = ref [] in
+ let rec dig_path_rec n : (path_info * node list) option =
+ if not (get_some @@ PTree.get n !visited) then
+ let inst = get_some @@ PTree.get n code in
+ begin
+ visited := PTree.set n true !visited;
+ psize := !psize + 1;
+ let successor = match predicted_successor inst with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some n' -> if get_some @@ PTree.get n' join_points then None else Some n'
+ in match successor with
+ | Some n' -> begin
+ path_successors := !path_successors @ non_predicted_successors inst;
+ dig_path_rec n'
+ end
+ | None -> Some ({ psize = (Camlcoq.Nat.of_int !psize);
+ input_regs = Regset.empty; output_regs = Regset.empty },
+ !path_successors @ successors_inst inst)
+ end
+ else None
+ in match dig_path_rec e with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some ret ->
+ let (path_info, succs) = ret in
+ begin
+ path_map := PTree.set e path_info !path_map;
+ List.iter dig_path succs
+ end
+ in begin
+ dig_path entry;
+ !path_map
+ end
+let print_regset rs = begin
+ dprintf "[";
+ List.iter (fun n -> dprintf "%d " (P.to_int n)) (Regset.elements rs);
+ dprintf "]"
+let print_ptree_regset pt = begin
+ dprintf "[";
+ List.iter (fun (n, rs) ->
+ dprintf "\n\t";
+ dprintf "%d: " (P.to_int n);
+ print_regset rs
+ ) (PTree.elements pt);
+ dprintf "]"
+let transfer f pc after = let open Liveness in
+ match PTree.get pc f.fn_code with
+ | Some i ->
+ (match i with
+ | Inop _ -> after
+ | Iop (_, args, res, _) ->
+ reg_list_live args (Regset.remove res after)
+ | Iload (_, _, _, args, dst, _) ->
+ reg_list_live args (Regset.remove dst after)
+ | Istore (_, _, args, src, _) ->
+ reg_list_live args (Regset.add src after)
+ | Icall (_, ros, args, res, _) ->
+ reg_list_live args (reg_sum_live ros (Regset.remove res after))
+ | Itailcall (_, ros, args) ->
+ reg_list_live args (reg_sum_live ros Regset.empty)
+ | Ibuiltin (_, args, res, _) ->
+ reg_list_live (AST.params_of_builtin_args args)
+ (reg_list_dead (AST.params_of_builtin_res res) after)
+ | Icond (_, args, _, _, _) ->
+ reg_list_live args after
+ | Ijumptable (arg, _) ->
+ Regset.add arg after
+ | Ireturn optarg ->
+ reg_option_live optarg Regset.empty)
+ | None -> Regset.empty
+module RegsetLat = LFSet(Regset)
+module DS = Backward_Dataflow_Solver(RegsetLat)(NodeSetBackward)
+let analyze f =
+ let liveouts = get_some @@ DS.fixpoint f.fn_code successors_instr (transfer f) in
+ PTree.map (fun n _ -> let lo = PMap.get n liveouts in transfer f n lo) f.fn_code
+(** OLD CODE - If needed to have our own kildall
+let transfer after = let open Liveness in function
+ | Inop _ -> after
+ | Iop (_, args, res, _) ->
+ reg_list_live args (Regset.remove res after)
+ | Iload (_, _, _, args, dst, _) ->
+ reg_list_live args (Regset.remove dst after)
+ | Istore (_, _, args, src, _) ->
+ reg_list_live args (Regset.add src after)
+ | Icall (_, ros, args, res, _) ->
+ reg_list_live args (reg_sum_live ros (Regset.remove res after))
+ | Itailcall (_, ros, args) ->
+ reg_list_live args (reg_sum_live ros Regset.empty)
+ | Ibuiltin (_, args, res, _) ->
+ reg_list_live (AST.params_of_builtin_args args)
+ (reg_list_dead (AST.params_of_builtin_res res) after)
+ | Icond (_, args, _, _, _) ->
+ reg_list_live args after
+ | Ijumptable (arg, _) ->
+ Regset.add arg after
+ | Ireturn optarg ->
+ reg_option_live optarg Regset.empty
+let get_last_nodes f =
+ let visited = ref (PTree.map (fun n i -> false) f.fn_code) in
+ let rec step n =
+ let inst = get_some @@ PTree.get n f.fn_code in
+ let successors = successors_inst inst in
+ if get_some @@ PTree.get n !visited then []
+ else begin
+let analyze f =
+ let liveness = ref (PTree.map (fun n i -> None) f.fn_code) in
+ let predecessors = Duplicateaux.get_predecessors_rtl f.fn_code in
+ let last_nodes = get_last_nodes f in
+ let rec step liveout n = (* liveout is the input_regs from the successor *)
+ let inst = get_some @@ PTree.get n f.fn_code in
+ let continue = ref true in
+ let alive = match get_some @@ PTree.get n !liveness with
+ | None -> transfer liveout inst
+ | Some pre_alive -> begin
+ let union = Regset.union pre_alive liveout in
+ let new_alive = transfer union inst in
+ (if Regset.equal pre_alive new_alive then continue := false);
+ new_alive
+ end
+ in begin
+ liveness := PTree.set n (Some alive) !liveness;
+ if !continue then
+ let preds = get_some @@ PTree.get n predecessors in
+ List.iter (step alive) preds
+ end
+ in begin
+ List.iter (step Regset.empty) last_nodes;
+ let liveness_noopt = PTree.map (fun n i -> get_some i) !liveness in
+ begin
+ debug_flag := true;
+ dprintf "Liveness: "; print_ptree_regset liveness_noopt; dprintf "\n";
+ debug_flag := false;
+ liveness_noopt
+ end
+ end
+let rec traverse code n size =
+ let inst = get_some @@ PTree.get n code in
+ if (size == 0) then inst
+ else
+ let n' = get_some @@ predicted_successor inst in
+ traverse code n' (size-1)
+let get_outputs liveness code n pi =
+ let last_instruction = traverse code n (Camlcoq.Nat.to_int pi.psize) in
+ let path_last_successors = successors_inst last_instruction in
+ let list_input_regs = List.map (
+ fun n -> get_some @@ PTree.get n liveness
+ ) path_last_successors in
+ List.fold_left Regset.union Regset.empty list_input_regs
+let set_pathmap_liveness f pm =
+ let liveness = analyze f in
+ let new_pm = ref PTree.empty in
+ let code = f.fn_code in
+ begin
+ dprintf "Liveness: "; print_ptree_regset liveness; dprintf "\n";
+ List.iter (fun (n, pi) ->
+ let inputs = get_some @@ PTree.get n liveness in
+ let outputs = get_outputs liveness code n pi in
+ new_pm := PTree.set n
+ {psize=pi.psize; input_regs=inputs; output_regs=outputs} !new_pm
+ ) (PTree.elements pm);
+ !new_pm
+ end
+let print_true_nodes booltree = begin
+ dprintf "[";
+ List.iter (fun (n,b) ->
+ if b then dprintf "%d " (P.to_int n)
+ ) (PTree.elements booltree);
+ dprintf "]";
+let print_path_info pi = begin
+ dprintf "(psize=%d; " (Camlcoq.Nat.to_int pi.psize);
+ dprintf "input_regs=";
+ print_regset pi.input_regs;
+ dprintf "; output_regs=";
+ print_regset pi.output_regs;
+ dprintf ")"
+let print_path_map path_map = begin
+ dprintf "[";
+ List.iter (fun (n,pi) ->
+ dprintf "\n\t";
+ dprintf "%d: " (P.to_int n);
+ print_path_info pi
+ ) (PTree.elements path_map);
+ dprintf "]"
+let build_path_map f =
+ let code = f.fn_code in
+ let entry = f.fn_entrypoint in
+ let join_points = get_join_points code entry in
+ let path_map = set_pathmap_liveness f @@ get_path_map code entry join_points in
+ begin
+ dprintf "Join points: ";
+ print_true_nodes join_points;
+ dprintf "\nPath map: ";
+ print_path_map path_map;
+ dprintf "\n";
+ path_map
+ end
diff --git a/scheduling/RTLpathLivegenproof.v b/scheduling/RTLpathLivegenproof.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c6125985
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scheduling/RTLpathLivegenproof.v
@@ -0,0 +1,736 @@
+(** Proofs of the liveness properties from the liveness checker of RTLpathLivengen.
+Require Import Coqlib.
+Require Import Maps.
+Require Import Lattice.
+Require Import AST.
+Require Import Op.
+Require Import Registers.
+Require Import Globalenvs Smallstep RTL RTLpath RTLpathLivegen.
+Require Import Bool Errors Linking Values Events.
+Require Import Program.
+Definition match_prog (p: RTL.program) (tp: program) :=
+ match_program (fun _ f tf => transf_fundef f = OK tf) eq p tp.
+Lemma transf_program_match:
+ forall prog tprog, transf_program prog = OK tprog -> match_prog prog tprog.
+ intros. eapply match_transform_partial_program_contextual; eauto.
+Variables prog: RTL.program.
+Variables tprog: program.
+Hypothesis TRANSL: match_prog prog tprog.
+Let ge := Genv.globalenv prog.
+Let tpge := Genv.globalenv tprog.
+Let tge := Genv.globalenv (RTLpath.transf_program tprog).
+Lemma symbols_preserved s: Genv.find_symbol tge s = Genv.find_symbol ge s.
+ rewrite <- (Genv.find_symbol_match TRANSL).
+ apply (Genv.find_symbol_match (match_prog_RTL tprog)).
+Lemma senv_transitivity x y z: Senv.equiv x y -> Senv.equiv y z -> Senv.equiv x z.
+ unfold Senv.equiv. intuition congruence.
+Lemma senv_preserved: Senv.equiv ge tge.
+ eapply senv_transitivity. { eapply (Genv.senv_match TRANSL). }
+ eapply RTLpath.senv_preserved.
+Lemma function_ptr_preserved v f: Genv.find_funct_ptr ge v = Some f ->
+ exists tf, Genv.find_funct_ptr tpge v = Some tf /\ transf_fundef f = OK tf.
+ intros; apply (Genv.find_funct_ptr_transf_partial TRANSL); eauto.
+Lemma function_ptr_RTL_preserved v f: Genv.find_funct_ptr ge v = Some f -> Genv.find_funct_ptr tge v = Some f.
+ intros; exploit function_ptr_preserved; eauto.
+ intros (tf & Htf & TRANS).
+ exploit (Genv.find_funct_ptr_match (match_prog_RTL tprog)); eauto.
+ intros (cunit & tf0 & X & Y & DUM); subst.
+ unfold tge. rewrite X.
+ exploit transf_fundef_correct; eauto.
+ intuition subst; auto.
+Lemma find_function_preserved ros rs fd:
+ RTL.find_function ge ros rs = Some fd -> RTL.find_function tge ros rs = Some fd.
+ intros H; assert (X: exists tfd, find_function tpge ros rs = Some tfd /\ fd = fundef_RTL tfd).
+ * destruct ros; simpl in * |- *.
+ + intros; exploit (Genv.find_funct_match TRANSL); eauto.
+ intros (cuint & tf & H1 & H2 & H3); subst; repeat econstructor; eauto.
+ exploit transf_fundef_correct; eauto.
+ intuition auto.
+ + rewrite <- (Genv.find_symbol_match TRANSL) in H.
+ unfold tpge. destruct (Genv.find_symbol _ i); simpl; try congruence.
+ exploit function_ptr_preserved; eauto.
+ intros (tf & H1 & H2); subst; repeat econstructor; eauto.
+ exploit transf_fundef_correct; eauto.
+ intuition auto.
+ * destruct X as (tf & X1 & X2); subst.
+ eapply find_function_RTL_match; eauto.
+Local Hint Resolve symbols_preserved senv_preserved: core.
+Lemma transf_program_RTL_correct:
+ forward_simulation (RTL.semantics prog) (RTL.semantics (RTLpath.transf_program tprog)).
+ eapply forward_simulation_step with (match_states:=fun (s1 s2:RTL.state) => s1=s2); simpl; eauto.
+ - eapply senv_preserved.
+ - (* initial states *)
+ intros s1 INIT. destruct INIT as [b f m0 ge0 INIT SYMB PTR SIG]. eexists; intuition eauto.
+ econstructor; eauto.
+ + intros; eapply (Genv.init_mem_match (match_prog_RTL tprog)). apply (Genv.init_mem_match TRANSL); auto.
+ + rewrite symbols_preserved.
+ replace (prog_main (RTLpath.transf_program tprog)) with (prog_main prog).
+ * eapply SYMB.
+ * erewrite (match_program_main (match_prog_RTL tprog)). erewrite (match_program_main TRANSL); auto.
+ + exploit function_ptr_RTL_preserved; eauto.
+ - intros; subst; auto.
+ - intros s t s2 STEP s1 H; subst.
+ eexists; intuition.
+ destruct STEP.
+ + (* Inop *) eapply exec_Inop; eauto.
+ + (* Iop *) eapply exec_Iop; eauto.
+ erewrite eval_operation_preserved; eauto.
+ + (* Iload *) eapply exec_Iload; eauto.
+ all: erewrite eval_addressing_preserved; eauto.
+ + (* Iload notrap1 *) eapply exec_Iload_notrap1; eauto.
+ all: erewrite eval_addressing_preserved; eauto.
+ + (* Iload notrap2 *) eapply exec_Iload_notrap2; eauto.
+ all: erewrite eval_addressing_preserved; eauto.
+ + (* Istore *) eapply exec_Istore; eauto.
+ all: erewrite eval_addressing_preserved; eauto.
+ + (* Icall *)
+ eapply RTL.exec_Icall; eauto.
+ eapply find_function_preserved; eauto.
+ + (* Itailcall *)
+ eapply RTL.exec_Itailcall; eauto.
+ eapply find_function_preserved; eauto.
+ + (* Ibuiltin *)
+ eapply RTL.exec_Ibuiltin; eauto.
+ * eapply eval_builtin_args_preserved; eauto.
+ * eapply external_call_symbols_preserved; eauto.
+ + (* Icond *)
+ eapply exec_Icond; eauto.
+ + (* Ijumptable *)
+ eapply RTL.exec_Ijumptable; eauto.
+ + (* Ireturn *)
+ eapply RTL.exec_Ireturn; eauto.
+ + (* exec_function_internal *)
+ eapply RTL.exec_function_internal; eauto.
+ + (* exec_function_external *)
+ eapply RTL.exec_function_external; eauto.
+ eapply external_call_symbols_preserved; eauto.
+ + (* exec_return *)
+ eapply RTL.exec_return; eauto.
+Theorem transf_program_correct:
+ forward_simulation (RTL.semantics prog) (RTLpath.semantics tprog).
+ eapply compose_forward_simulations.
+ + eapply transf_program_RTL_correct.
+ + eapply RTLpath_complete.
+(* Properties used in hypothesis of [RTLpathLiveproofs.step_eqlive] theorem *)
+Theorem all_fundef_liveness_ok b f:
+ Genv.find_funct_ptr tpge b = Some f -> liveness_ok_fundef f.
+ unfold match_prog, match_program in TRANSL.
+ unfold Genv.find_funct_ptr, tpge; simpl; intro X.
+ destruct (Genv.find_def_match_2 TRANSL b) as [|f0 y H]; try congruence.
+ destruct y as [tf0|]; try congruence.
+ inversion X as [H1]. subst. clear X.
+ remember (@Gfun fundef unit f) as f2.
+ destruct H as [ctx' f1 f2 H0|]; try congruence.
+ inversion Heqf2 as [H2]. subst; clear Heqf2.
+ exploit transf_fundef_correct; eauto.
+ intuition.
+Local Open Scope lazy_bool_scope.
+Local Open Scope option_monad_scope.
+Local Notation ext alive := (fun r => Regset.In r alive).
+Lemma regset_add_spec live r1 r2: Regset.In r1 (Regset.add r2 live) <-> (r1 = r2 \/ Regset.In r1 live).
+ destruct (Pos.eq_dec r1 r2).
+ - subst. intuition; eapply Regset.add_1; auto.
+ - intuition.
+ * right. eapply Regset.add_3; eauto.
+ * eapply Regset.add_2; auto.
+Definition eqlive_reg (alive: Regset.elt -> Prop) (rs1 rs2: regset): Prop :=
+ forall r, (alive r) -> rs1#r = rs2#r.
+Lemma eqlive_reg_refl alive rs: eqlive_reg alive rs rs.
+ unfold eqlive_reg; auto.
+Lemma eqlive_reg_symmetry alive rs1 rs2: eqlive_reg alive rs1 rs2 -> eqlive_reg alive rs2 rs1.
+ unfold eqlive_reg; intros; symmetry; auto.
+Lemma eqlive_reg_trans alive rs1 rs2 rs3: eqlive_reg alive rs1 rs2 -> eqlive_reg alive rs2 rs3 -> eqlive_reg alive rs1 rs3.
+ unfold eqlive_reg; intros H0 H1 r H. rewrite H0; eauto.
+Lemma eqlive_reg_update (alive: Regset.elt -> Prop) rs1 rs2 r v: eqlive_reg (fun r1 => r1 <> r /\ alive r1) rs1 rs2 -> eqlive_reg alive (rs1 # r <- v) (rs2 # r <- v).
+ unfold eqlive_reg; intros EQLIVE r0 ALIVE.
+ destruct (Pos.eq_dec r r0) as [H|H].
+ - subst. rewrite! Regmap.gss. auto.
+ - rewrite! Regmap.gso; auto.
+Lemma eqlive_reg_monotonic (alive1 alive2: Regset.elt -> Prop) rs1 rs2: eqlive_reg alive2 rs1 rs2 -> (forall r, alive1 r -> alive2 r) -> eqlive_reg alive1 rs1 rs2.
+ unfold eqlive_reg; intuition.
+Lemma eqlive_reg_triv rs1 rs2: (forall r, rs1#r = rs2#r) <-> eqlive_reg (fun _ => True) rs1 rs2.
+ unfold eqlive_reg; intuition.
+Lemma eqlive_reg_triv_trans alive rs1 rs2 rs3: eqlive_reg alive rs1 rs2 -> (forall r, rs2#r = rs3#r) -> eqlive_reg alive rs1 rs3.
+ rewrite eqlive_reg_triv; intros; eapply eqlive_reg_trans; eauto.
+ eapply eqlive_reg_monotonic; eauto.
+ simpl; eauto.
+Local Hint Resolve Regset.mem_2 Regset.subset_2: core.
+Lemma lazy_and_true (b1 b2: bool): b1 &&& b2 = true <-> b1 = true /\ b2 = true.
+ destruct b1; simpl; intuition.
+Lemma list_mem_correct (rl: list reg) (alive: Regset.t):
+ list_mem rl alive = true -> forall r, List.In r rl -> ext alive r.
+ induction rl; simpl; try rewrite lazy_and_true; intuition subst; auto.
+Lemma eqlive_reg_list (alive: Regset.elt -> Prop) args rs1 rs2: eqlive_reg alive rs1 rs2 -> (forall r, List.In r args -> (alive r)) -> rs1##args = rs2##args.
+ induction args; simpl; auto.
+ intros EQLIVE ALIVE; rewrite IHargs; auto.
+ unfold eqlive_reg in EQLIVE.
+ rewrite EQLIVE; auto.
+Lemma eqlive_reg_listmem (alive: Regset.t) args rs1 rs2: eqlive_reg (ext alive) rs1 rs2 -> list_mem args alive = true -> rs1##args = rs2##args.
+ intros; eapply eqlive_reg_list; eauto.
+ intros; eapply list_mem_correct; eauto.
+Record eqlive_istate alive (st1 st2: istate): Prop :=
+ { eqlive_continue: icontinue st1 = icontinue st2;
+ eqlive_ipc: ipc st1 = ipc st2;
+ eqlive_irs: eqlive_reg alive (irs st1) (irs st2);
+ eqlive_imem: (imem st1) = (imem st2) }.
+Lemma iinst_checker_eqlive ge sp pm alive i res rs1 rs2 m st1:
+ eqlive_reg (ext alive) rs1 rs2 ->
+ iinst_checker pm alive i = Some res ->
+ istep ge i sp rs1 m = Some st1 ->
+ exists st2, istep ge i sp rs2 m = Some st2 /\ eqlive_istate (ext (fst res)) st1 st2.
+ intros EQLIVE.
+ destruct i; simpl; try_simplify_someHyps.
+ - (* Inop *)
+ repeat (econstructor; eauto).
+ - (* Iop *)
+ inversion_ASSERT; try_simplify_someHyps.
+ inversion_SOME v. intros EVAL.
+ erewrite <- eqlive_reg_listmem; eauto.
+ try_simplify_someHyps.
+ repeat (econstructor; simpl; eauto).
+ eapply eqlive_reg_update.
+ eapply eqlive_reg_monotonic; eauto.
+ intros r0; rewrite regset_add_spec.
+ intuition.
+ - (* Iload *)
+ inversion_ASSERT; try_simplify_someHyps.
+ destruct t. (* TODO - simplify that proof ? *)
+ + inversion_SOME a0. intros EVAL.
+ erewrite <- eqlive_reg_listmem; eauto.
+ try_simplify_someHyps.
+ inversion_SOME v; try_simplify_someHyps.
+ repeat (econstructor; simpl; eauto).
+ eapply eqlive_reg_update.
+ eapply eqlive_reg_monotonic; eauto.
+ intros r0; rewrite regset_add_spec.
+ intuition.
+ + erewrite <- (eqlive_reg_listmem _ _ rs1 rs2); eauto.
+ destruct (eval_addressing _ _ _ _).
+ * destruct (Memory.Mem.loadv _ _ _).
+ ** intros. inv H1. repeat (econstructor; simpl; eauto).
+ eapply eqlive_reg_update.
+ eapply eqlive_reg_monotonic; eauto.
+ intros r0; rewrite regset_add_spec.
+ intuition.
+ ** intros. inv H1. repeat (econstructor; simpl; eauto).
+ eapply eqlive_reg_update.
+ eapply eqlive_reg_monotonic; eauto.
+ intros r0; rewrite regset_add_spec.
+ intuition.
+ * intros. inv H1. repeat (econstructor; simpl; eauto).
+ eapply eqlive_reg_update.
+ eapply eqlive_reg_monotonic; eauto.
+ intros r0; rewrite regset_add_spec.
+ intuition.
+ - (* Istore *)
+ (repeat inversion_ASSERT); try_simplify_someHyps.
+ inversion_SOME a0. intros EVAL.
+ erewrite <- eqlive_reg_listmem; eauto.
+ rewrite <- (EQLIVE r); auto.
+ inversion_SOME v; try_simplify_someHyps.
+ try_simplify_someHyps.
+ repeat (econstructor; simpl; eauto).
+ - (* Icond *)
+ inversion_ASSERT.
+ inversion_SOME b. intros EVAL.
+ intros ARGS; erewrite <- eqlive_reg_listmem; eauto.
+ try_simplify_someHyps.
+ repeat (econstructor; simpl; eauto).
+ exploit exit_checker_res; eauto.
+ intro; subst; simpl. auto.
+Lemma iinst_checker_istep_continue ge sp pm alive i res rs m st:
+ iinst_checker pm alive i = Some res ->
+ istep ge i sp rs m = Some st ->
+ icontinue st = true ->
+ (snd res)=(ipc st).
+ intros; exploit iinst_checker_default_succ; eauto.
+ erewrite istep_normal_exit; eauto.
+ congruence.
+Lemma exit_checker_eqlive A (pm: path_map) (alive: Regset.t) (pc: node) (v:A) res rs1 rs2:
+ exit_checker pm alive pc v = Some res ->
+ eqlive_reg (ext alive) rs1 rs2 ->
+ exists path, pm!pc = Some path /\ eqlive_reg (ext path.(input_regs)) rs1 rs2.
+ unfold exit_checker.
+ inversion_SOME path.
+ inversion_ASSERT. try_simplify_someHyps.
+ repeat (econstructor; eauto).
+ intros; eapply eqlive_reg_monotonic; eauto.
+ intros; exploit Regset.subset_2; eauto.
+Lemma iinst_checker_eqlive_stopped ge sp pm alive i res rs1 rs2 m st1:
+ eqlive_reg (ext alive) rs1 rs2 ->
+ istep ge i sp rs1 m = Some st1 ->
+ iinst_checker pm alive i = Some res ->
+ icontinue st1 = false ->
+ exists path st2, pm!(ipc st1) = Some path /\ istep ge i sp rs2 m = Some st2 /\ eqlive_istate (ext path.(input_regs)) st1 st2.
+ intros EQLIVE.
+ set (tmp := istep ge i sp rs2).
+ destruct i; simpl; try_simplify_someHyps; repeat (inversion_ASSERT || inversion_SOME b); try_simplify_someHyps; try congruence.
+ 1-3: explore_destruct; simpl; try_simplify_someHyps; repeat (inversion_ASSERT || inversion_SOME b); try_simplify_someHyps; try congruence.
+ (* Icond *)
+ unfold tmp; clear tmp; simpl.
+ intros EVAL; erewrite <- eqlive_reg_listmem; eauto.
+ try_simplify_someHyps.
+ destruct b eqn:EQb; simpl in * |-; try congruence.
+ intros; exploit exit_checker_eqlive; eauto.
+ intros (path & PATH & EQLIVE2).
+ repeat (econstructor; simpl; eauto).
+Lemma ipath_checker_eqlive_normal ge ps (f:function) sp pm: forall alive pc res rs1 rs2 m st1,
+ eqlive_reg (ext alive) rs1 rs2 ->
+ ipath_checker ps f pm alive pc = Some res ->
+ isteps ge ps f sp rs1 m pc = Some st1 ->
+ icontinue st1 = true ->
+ exists st2, isteps ge ps f sp rs2 m pc = Some st2 /\ eqlive_istate (ext (fst res)) st1 st2.
+ induction ps as [|ps]; simpl; try_simplify_someHyps.
+ - repeat (econstructor; simpl; eauto).
+ - inversion_SOME i; try_simplify_someHyps.
+ inversion_SOME res0.
+ inversion_SOME st0.
+ intros.
+ exploit iinst_checker_eqlive; eauto.
+ destruct 1 as (st2 & ISTEP & [CONT PC RS MEM]).
+ try_simplify_someHyps.
+ rewrite <- CONT, <- MEM, <- PC.
+ destruct (icontinue st0) eqn:CONT'.
+ * intros; exploit iinst_checker_istep_continue; eauto.
+ rewrite <- PC; intros X; rewrite X in * |-. eauto.
+ * try_simplify_someHyps.
+ congruence.
+Lemma ipath_checker_isteps_continue ge ps (f:function) sp pm: forall alive pc res rs m st,
+ ipath_checker ps f pm alive pc = Some res ->
+ isteps ge ps f sp rs m pc = Some st ->
+ icontinue st = true ->
+ (snd res)=(ipc st).
+ induction ps as [|ps]; simpl; try_simplify_someHyps.
+ inversion_SOME i; try_simplify_someHyps.
+ inversion_SOME res0.
+ inversion_SOME st0.
+ destruct (icontinue st0) eqn:CONT'.
+ - intros; exploit iinst_checker_istep_continue; eauto.
+ intros EQ; rewrite EQ in * |-; clear EQ; eauto.
+ - try_simplify_someHyps; congruence.
+Lemma ipath_checker_eqlive_stopped ge ps (f:function) sp pm: forall alive pc res rs1 rs2 m st1,
+ eqlive_reg (ext alive) rs1 rs2 ->
+ ipath_checker ps f pm alive pc = Some res ->
+ isteps ge ps f sp rs1 m pc = Some st1 ->
+ icontinue st1 = false ->
+ exists path st2, pm!(ipc st1) = Some path /\ isteps ge ps f sp rs2 m pc = Some st2 /\ eqlive_istate (ext path.(input_regs)) st1 st2.
+ induction ps as [|ps]; simpl; try_simplify_someHyps; try congruence.
+ inversion_SOME i; try_simplify_someHyps.
+ inversion_SOME res0.
+ inversion_SOME st0.
+ intros.
+ destruct (icontinue st0) eqn:CONT'; try_simplify_someHyps; intros.
+ * intros; exploit iinst_checker_eqlive; eauto.
+ destruct 1 as (st2 & ISTEP & [CONT PC RS MEM]).
+ exploit iinst_checker_istep_continue; eauto.
+ intros PC'.
+ try_simplify_someHyps.
+ rewrite PC', <- CONT, <- MEM, <- PC, CONT'.
+ eauto.
+ * intros; exploit iinst_checker_eqlive_stopped; eauto.
+ intros EQLIVE; generalize EQLIVE; destruct 1 as (path & st2 & PATH & ISTEP & [CONT PC RS MEM]).
+ try_simplify_someHyps.
+ rewrite <- CONT, <- MEM, <- PC, CONT'.
+ try_simplify_someHyps.
+Inductive eqlive_stackframes: stackframe -> stackframe -> Prop :=
+ | eqlive_stackframes_intro path res f sp pc rs1 rs2
+ (LIVE: liveness_ok_function f)
+ (PATH: f.(fn_path)!pc = Some path)
+ (EQUIV: forall v, eqlive_reg (ext path.(input_regs)) (rs1 # res <- v) (rs2 # res <- v)):
+ eqlive_stackframes (Stackframe res f sp pc rs1) (Stackframe res f sp pc rs2).
+Inductive eqlive_states: state -> state -> Prop :=
+ | eqlive_states_intro
+ path st1 st2 f sp pc rs1 rs2 m
+ (STACKS: list_forall2 eqlive_stackframes st1 st2)
+ (LIVE: liveness_ok_function f)
+ (PATH: f.(fn_path)!pc = Some path)
+ (EQUIV: eqlive_reg (ext path.(input_regs)) rs1 rs2):
+ eqlive_states (State st1 f sp pc rs1 m) (State st2 f sp pc rs2 m)
+ | eqlive_states_call st1 st2 f args m
+ (LIVE: liveness_ok_fundef f)
+ (STACKS: list_forall2 eqlive_stackframes st1 st2):
+ eqlive_states (Callstate st1 f args m) (Callstate st2 f args m)
+ | eqlive_states_return st1 st2 v m
+ (STACKS: list_forall2 eqlive_stackframes st1 st2):
+ eqlive_states (Returnstate st1 v m) (Returnstate st2 v m).
+Section LivenessProperties.
+Variable prog: program.
+Let pge := Genv.globalenv prog.
+Let ge := Genv.globalenv (RTLpath.transf_program prog).
+Hypothesis all_fundef_liveness_ok: forall b f,
+ Genv.find_funct_ptr pge b = Some f ->
+ liveness_ok_fundef f.
+Lemma find_funct_liveness_ok v fd:
+ Genv.find_funct pge v = Some fd -> liveness_ok_fundef fd.
+ unfold Genv.find_funct.
+ destruct v; try congruence.
+ destruct (Integers.Ptrofs.eq_dec _ _); try congruence.
+ eapply all_fundef_liveness_ok; eauto.
+Lemma find_function_liveness_ok ros rs f:
+ find_function pge ros rs = Some f -> liveness_ok_fundef f.
+ destruct ros as [r|i]; simpl.
+ - intros; eapply find_funct_liveness_ok; eauto.
+ - destruct (Genv.find_symbol pge i); try congruence.
+ eapply all_fundef_liveness_ok; eauto.
+Lemma find_function_eqlive alive ros rs1 rs2:
+ eqlive_reg (ext alive) rs1 rs2 ->
+ reg_sum_mem ros alive = true ->
+ find_function pge ros rs1 = find_function pge ros rs2.
+ intros EQLIVE.
+ destruct ros; simpl; auto.
+ intros H; erewrite (EQLIVE r); eauto.
+Lemma inst_checker_from_iinst_checker i sp rs m st pm alive:
+ istep ge i sp rs m = Some st ->
+ inst_checker pm alive i = (SOME res <- iinst_checker pm alive i IN exit_checker pm (fst res) (snd res) tt).
+ destruct i; simpl; try congruence.
+Lemma exit_checker_eqlive_ext1 (pm: path_map) (alive: Regset.t) (pc: node) r rs1 rs2:
+ exit_checker pm (Regset.add r alive) pc tt = Some tt ->
+ eqlive_reg (ext alive) rs1 rs2 ->
+ exists path, pm!pc = Some path /\ (forall v, eqlive_reg (ext path.(input_regs)) (rs1 # r <- v) (rs2 # r <- v)).
+ unfold exit_checker.
+ inversion_SOME path.
+ inversion_ASSERT. try_simplify_someHyps.
+ repeat (econstructor; eauto).
+ intros; eapply eqlive_reg_update; eauto.
+ eapply eqlive_reg_monotonic; eauto.
+ intros r0 [X1 X2]; exploit Regset.subset_2; eauto.
+ rewrite regset_add_spec. intuition subst.
+Local Hint Resolve in_or_app: local.
+Lemma eqlive_eval_builtin_args alive rs1 rs2 sp m args vargs:
+ eqlive_reg alive rs1 rs2 ->
+ Events.eval_builtin_args ge (fun r => rs1 # r) sp m args vargs ->
+ (forall r, List.In r (params_of_builtin_args args) -> alive r) ->
+ Events.eval_builtin_args ge (fun r => rs2 # r) sp m args vargs.
+ unfold Events.eval_builtin_args.
+ intros EQLIVE; induction 1 as [|a1 al b1 bl EVAL1 EVALL]; simpl.
+ { econstructor; eauto. }
+ intro X.
+ assert (X1: eqlive_reg (fun r => In r (params_of_builtin_arg a1)) rs1 rs2).
+ { eapply eqlive_reg_monotonic; eauto with local. }
+ lapply IHEVALL; eauto with local.
+ clear X IHEVALL; intro X. econstructor; eauto.
+ generalize X1; clear EVALL X1 X.
+ induction EVAL1; simpl; try (econstructor; eauto; fail).
+ - intros X1; erewrite X1; [ econstructor; eauto | eauto ].
+ - intros; econstructor.
+ + eapply IHEVAL1_1; eauto.
+ eapply eqlive_reg_monotonic; eauto.
+ simpl; intros; eauto with local.
+ + eapply IHEVAL1_2; eauto.
+ eapply eqlive_reg_monotonic; eauto.
+ simpl; intros; eauto with local.
+ - intros; econstructor.
+ + eapply IHEVAL1_1; eauto.
+ eapply eqlive_reg_monotonic; eauto.
+ simpl; intros; eauto with local.
+ + eapply IHEVAL1_2; eauto.
+ eapply eqlive_reg_monotonic; eauto.
+ simpl; intros; eauto with local.
+Lemma exit_checker_eqlive_builtin_res (pm: path_map) (alive: Regset.t) (pc: node) rs1 rs2 (res:builtin_res reg):
+ exit_checker pm (reg_builtin_res res alive) pc tt = Some tt ->
+ eqlive_reg (ext alive) rs1 rs2 ->
+ exists path, pm!pc = Some path /\ (forall vres, eqlive_reg (ext path.(input_regs)) (regmap_setres res vres rs1) (regmap_setres res vres rs2)).
+ destruct res; simpl.
+ - intros; exploit exit_checker_eqlive_ext1; eauto.
+ - intros; exploit exit_checker_eqlive; eauto.
+ intros (path & PATH & EQLIVE).
+ eexists; intuition eauto.
+ - intros; exploit exit_checker_eqlive; eauto.
+ intros (path & PATH & EQLIVE).
+ eexists; intuition eauto.
+Lemma exit_list_checker_eqlive (pm: path_map) (alive: Regset.t) (tbl: list node) rs1 rs2 pc: forall n,
+ exit_list_checker pm alive tbl = true ->
+ eqlive_reg (ext alive) rs1 rs2 ->
+ list_nth_z tbl n = Some pc ->
+ exists path, pm!pc = Some path /\ eqlive_reg (ext path.(input_regs)) rs1 rs2.
+ induction tbl; simpl.
+ - intros; try congruence.
+ - intros n; rewrite lazy_and_Some_tt_true; destruct (zeq n 0) eqn: Hn.
+ * try_simplify_someHyps; intuition.
+ exploit exit_checker_eqlive; eauto.
+ * intuition. eapply IHtbl; eauto.
+Lemma inst_checker_eqlive (f: function) sp alive pc i rs1 rs2 m stk1 stk2 t s1:
+ list_forall2 eqlive_stackframes stk1 stk2 ->
+ eqlive_reg (ext alive) rs1 rs2 ->
+ liveness_ok_function f ->
+ (fn_code f) ! pc = Some i ->
+ path_last_step ge pge stk1 f sp pc rs1 m t s1 ->
+ inst_checker (fn_path f) alive i = Some tt ->
+ exists s2, path_last_step ge pge stk2 f sp pc rs2 m t s2 /\ eqlive_states s1 s2.
+ destruct 1 as [i' sp pc rs1 m st1|
+ sp pc rs1 m sig ros args res pc' fd|
+ st1 pc rs1 m sig ros args fd m'|
+ sp pc rs1 m ef args res pc' vargs t vres m'|
+ sp pc rs1 m arg tbl n pc' |
+ st1 pc rs1 m optr m'];
+ try_simplify_someHyps.
+ + (* istate *)
+ intros PC ISTEP. erewrite inst_checker_from_iinst_checker; eauto.
+ inversion_SOME res.
+ intros.
+ destruct (icontinue st1) eqn: CONT.
+ - (* CONT => true *)
+ exploit iinst_checker_eqlive; eauto.
+ destruct 1 as (st2 & ISTEP2 & [CONT' PC2 RS MEM]).
+ repeat (econstructor; simpl; eauto).
+ rewrite <- MEM, <- PC2.
+ exploit exit_checker_eqlive; eauto.
+ intros (path & PATH & EQLIVE2).
+ eapply eqlive_states_intro; eauto.
+ erewrite <- iinst_checker_istep_continue; eauto.
+ - (* CONT => false *)
+ intros; exploit iinst_checker_eqlive_stopped; eauto.
+ destruct 1 as (path & st2 & PATH & ISTEP2 & [CONT2 PC2 RS MEM]).
+ repeat (econstructor; simpl; eauto).
+ rewrite <- MEM, <- PC2.
+ eapply eqlive_states_intro; eauto.
+ + (* Icall *)
+ repeat inversion_ASSERT. intros.
+ exploit exit_checker_eqlive_ext1; eauto.
+ intros (path & PATH & EQLIVE2).
+ eexists; split.
+ - eapply exec_Icall; eauto.
+ erewrite <- find_function_eqlive; eauto.
+ - erewrite eqlive_reg_listmem; eauto.
+ eapply eqlive_states_call; eauto.
+ eapply find_function_liveness_ok; eauto.
+ repeat (econstructor; eauto).
+ + (* Itailcall *)
+ repeat inversion_ASSERT. intros.
+ eexists; split.
+ - eapply exec_Itailcall; eauto.
+ erewrite <- find_function_eqlive; eauto.
+ - erewrite eqlive_reg_listmem; eauto.
+ eapply eqlive_states_call; eauto.
+ eapply find_function_liveness_ok; eauto.
+ + (* Ibuiltin *)
+ repeat inversion_ASSERT. intros.
+ exploit exit_checker_eqlive_builtin_res; eauto.
+ intros (path & PATH & EQLIVE2).
+ eexists; split.
+ - eapply exec_Ibuiltin; eauto.
+ eapply eqlive_eval_builtin_args; eauto.
+ intros; eapply list_mem_correct; eauto.
+ - repeat (econstructor; simpl; eauto).
+ + (* Ijumptable *)
+ repeat inversion_ASSERT. intros.
+ exploit exit_list_checker_eqlive; eauto.
+ intros (path & PATH & EQLIVE2).
+ eexists; split.
+ - eapply exec_Ijumptable; eauto.
+ erewrite <- EQLIVE; eauto.
+ - repeat (econstructor; simpl; eauto).
+ + (* Ireturn *)
+ repeat inversion_ASSERT. intros.
+ eexists; split.
+ - eapply exec_Ireturn; eauto.
+ - destruct optr; simpl in * |- *.
+ * erewrite (EQLIVE r); eauto.
+ eapply eqlive_states_return; eauto.
+ * eapply eqlive_states_return; eauto.
+Lemma path_step_eqlive path stk1 f sp rs1 m pc t s1 stk2 rs2:
+ path_step ge pge (psize path) stk1 f sp rs1 m pc t s1 ->
+ list_forall2 eqlive_stackframes stk1 stk2 ->
+ eqlive_reg (ext (input_regs path)) rs1 rs2 ->
+ liveness_ok_function f ->
+ (fn_path f) ! pc = Some path ->
+ exists s2, path_step ge pge (psize path) stk2 f sp rs2 m pc t s2 /\ eqlive_states s1 s2.
+ unfold liveness_ok_function in LIVE.
+ exploit LIVE; eauto.
+ unfold path_checker.
+ inversion_SOME res; (* destruct res as [alive pc']. *) intros ICHECK. (* simpl. *)
+ inversion_SOME i; intros PC'.
+ destruct STEP as [st ISTEPS CONT|].
+ - (* early_exit *)
+ intros; exploit ipath_checker_eqlive_stopped; eauto.
+ destruct 1 as (path2 & st2 & PATH & ISTEP2 & [CONT2 PC2 RS MEM]).
+ repeat (econstructor; simpl; eauto).
+ rewrite <- MEM, <- PC2.
+ eapply eqlive_states_intro; eauto.
+ - (* normal_exit *)
+ intros; exploit ipath_checker_eqlive_normal; eauto.
+ destruct 1 as (st2 & ISTEP2 & [CONT' PC2 RS MEM]).
+ exploit ipath_checker_isteps_continue; eauto.
+ intros PC3; rewrite <- PC3, <- PC2 in * |-.
+ exploit inst_checker_eqlive; eauto.
+ intros (s2 & LAST_STEP & EQLIVE2).
+ eexists; split; eauto.
+ eapply exec_normal_exit; eauto.
+ rewrite <- PC3, <- MEM; auto.
+Theorem step_eqlive t s1 s1' s2:
+ step ge pge s1 t s1' ->
+ eqlive_states s1 s2 ->
+ exists s2', step ge pge s2 t s2' /\ eqlive_states s1' s2'.
+ destruct 1 as [path stack f sp rs m pc t s PATH STEP | | | ].
+ - intros EQLIVE; inv EQLIVE; simplify_someHyps.
+ intro PATH.
+ exploit path_step_eqlive; eauto.
+ intros (s2 & STEP2 & EQUIV2).
+ eexists; split; eauto.
+ eapply exec_path; eauto.
+ - intros EQLIVE; inv EQLIVE; inv LIVE.
+ exploit initialize_path. { eapply fn_entry_point_wf. }
+ intros (path & Hpath).
+ eexists; split.
+ * eapply exec_function_internal; eauto.
+ * eapply eqlive_states_intro; eauto.
+ eapply eqlive_reg_refl.
+ - intros EQLIVE; inv EQLIVE.
+ eexists; split.
+ * eapply exec_function_external; eauto.
+ * eapply eqlive_states_return; eauto.
+ - intros EQLIVE; inv EQLIVE.
+ inversion STACKS as [|s1 st1 s' s2 STACK STACKS']; subst; clear STACKS.
+ inv STACK.
+ exists (State s2 f sp pc (rs2 # res <- vres) m); split.
+ * apply exec_return.
+ * eapply eqlive_states_intro; eauto.
+End LivenessProperties.
diff --git a/scheduling/RTLpathSE_impl.v b/scheduling/RTLpathSE_impl.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..38930a75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scheduling/RTLpathSE_impl.v
@@ -0,0 +1,1509 @@
+(** Implementation and refinement of the symbolic execution *)
+Require Import Coqlib Maps Floats.
+Require Import AST Integers Values Events Memory Globalenvs Smallstep.
+Require Import Op Registers.
+Require Import RTL RTLpath.
+Require Import Errors.
+Require Import RTLpathSE_theory RTLpathLivegenproof.
+Require Import Axioms RTLpathSE_simu_specs.
+Local Open Scope error_monad_scope.
+Local Open Scope option_monad_scope.
+Require Import Impure.ImpHCons.
+Import Notations.
+Import HConsing.
+Local Open Scope impure.
+Local Open Scope hse.
+Import ListNotations.
+Local Open Scope list_scope.
+Definition XDEBUG {A} (x:A) (k: A -> ?? pstring): ?? unit := RET tt. (* TO REMOVE DEBUG INFO *)
+(* Definition XDEBUG {A} (x:A) (k: A -> ?? pstring): ?? unit := DO s <~ k x;; println ("DEBUG simu_check:" +; s). (* TO INSERT DEBUG INFO *) *)
+Definition DEBUG (s: pstring): ?? unit := XDEBUG tt (fun _ => RET s).
+(** * Implementation of Data-structure use in Hash-consing *)
+Definition hsval_get_hid (hsv: hsval): hashcode :=
+ match hsv with
+ | HSinput _ hid => hid
+ | HSop _ _ hid => hid
+ | HSload _ _ _ _ _ hid => hid
+ end.
+Definition list_hsval_get_hid (lhsv: list_hsval): hashcode :=
+ match lhsv with
+ | HSnil hid => hid
+ | HScons _ _ hid => hid
+ end.
+Definition hsmem_get_hid (hsm: hsmem): hashcode :=
+ match hsm with
+ | HSinit hid => hid
+ | HSstore _ _ _ _ _ hid => hid
+ end.
+Definition hsval_set_hid (hsv: hsval) (hid: hashcode): hsval :=
+ match hsv with
+ | HSinput r _ => HSinput r hid
+ | HSop o lhsv _ => HSop o lhsv hid
+ | HSload hsm trap chunk addr lhsv _ => HSload hsm trap chunk addr lhsv hid
+ end.
+Definition list_hsval_set_hid (lhsv: list_hsval) (hid: hashcode): list_hsval :=
+ match lhsv with
+ | HSnil _ => HSnil hid
+ | HScons hsv lhsv _ => HScons hsv lhsv hid
+ end.
+Definition hsmem_set_hid (hsm: hsmem) (hid: hashcode): hsmem :=
+ match hsm with
+ | HSinit _ => HSinit hid
+ | HSstore hsm chunk addr lhsv srce _ => HSstore hsm chunk addr lhsv srce hid
+ end.
+Lemma hsval_set_hid_correct x y ge sp rs0 m0:
+ hsval_set_hid x unknown_hid = hsval_set_hid y unknown_hid ->
+ seval_hsval ge sp x rs0 m0 = seval_hsval ge sp y rs0 m0.
+ destruct x, y; intro H; inversion H; subst; simpl; auto.
+Local Hint Resolve hsval_set_hid_correct: core.
+Lemma list_hsval_set_hid_correct x y ge sp rs0 m0:
+ list_hsval_set_hid x unknown_hid = list_hsval_set_hid y unknown_hid ->
+ seval_list_hsval ge sp x rs0 m0 = seval_list_hsval ge sp y rs0 m0.
+ destruct x, y; intro H; inversion H; subst; simpl; auto.
+Local Hint Resolve list_hsval_set_hid_correct: core.
+Lemma hsmem_set_hid_correct x y ge sp rs0 m0:
+ hsmem_set_hid x unknown_hid = hsmem_set_hid y unknown_hid ->
+ seval_hsmem ge sp x rs0 m0 = seval_hsmem ge sp y rs0 m0.
+ destruct x, y; intro H; inversion H; subst; simpl; auto.
+Local Hint Resolve hsmem_set_hid_correct: core.
+(** Now, we build the hash-Cons value from a "hash_eq".
+ Informal specification:
+ [hash_eq] must be consistent with the "hashed" constructors defined above.
+ We expect that hashinfo values in the code of these "hashed" constructors verify:
+ (hash_eq (hdata x) (hdata y) ~> true) <-> (hcodes x)=(hcodes y)
+Definition hsval_hash_eq (sv1 sv2: hsval): ?? bool :=
+ match sv1, sv2 with
+ | HSinput r1 _, HSinput r2 _ => struct_eq r1 r2 (* NB: really need a struct_eq here ? *)
+ | HSop op1 lsv1 _, HSop op2 lsv2 _ =>
+ DO b1 <~ phys_eq lsv1 lsv2;;
+ if b1
+ then struct_eq op1 op2 (* NB: really need a struct_eq here ? *)
+ else RET false
+ | HSload sm1 trap1 chk1 addr1 lsv1 _, HSload sm2 trap2 chk2 addr2 lsv2 _ =>
+ DO b1 <~ phys_eq lsv1 lsv2;;
+ DO b2 <~ phys_eq sm1 sm2;;
+ DO b3 <~ struct_eq trap1 trap2;;
+ DO b4 <~ struct_eq chk1 chk2;;
+ if b1 && b2 && b3 && b4
+ then struct_eq addr1 addr2
+ else RET false
+ | _,_ => RET false
+ end.
+Lemma and_true_split a b: a && b = true <-> a = true /\ b = true.
+ destruct a; simpl; intuition.
+Lemma hsval_hash_eq_correct x y:
+ WHEN hsval_hash_eq x y ~> b THEN
+ b = true -> hsval_set_hid x unknown_hid = hsval_set_hid y unknown_hid.
+ destruct x, y; wlp_simplify; try (rewrite !and_true_split in *); intuition; subst; try congruence.
+Global Opaque hsval_hash_eq.
+Local Hint Resolve hsval_hash_eq_correct: wlp.
+Definition list_hsval_hash_eq (lsv1 lsv2: list_hsval): ?? bool :=
+ match lsv1, lsv2 with
+ | HSnil _, HSnil _ => RET true
+ | HScons sv1 lsv1' _, HScons sv2 lsv2' _ =>
+ DO b <~ phys_eq lsv1' lsv2';;
+ if b
+ then phys_eq sv1 sv2
+ else RET false
+ | _,_ => RET false
+ end.
+Lemma list_hsval_hash_eq_correct x y:
+ WHEN list_hsval_hash_eq x y ~> b THEN
+ b = true -> list_hsval_set_hid x unknown_hid = list_hsval_set_hid y unknown_hid.
+ destruct x, y; wlp_simplify; try (rewrite !and_true_split in *); intuition; subst; try congruence.
+Global Opaque list_hsval_hash_eq.
+Local Hint Resolve list_hsval_hash_eq_correct: wlp.
+Definition hsmem_hash_eq (sm1 sm2: hsmem): ?? bool :=
+ match sm1, sm2 with
+ | HSinit _, HSinit _ => RET true
+ | HSstore sm1 chk1 addr1 lsv1 sv1 _, HSstore sm2 chk2 addr2 lsv2 sv2 _ =>
+ DO b1 <~ phys_eq lsv1 lsv2;;
+ DO b2 <~ phys_eq sm1 sm2;;
+ DO b3 <~ phys_eq sv1 sv2;;
+ DO b4 <~ struct_eq chk1 chk2;;
+ if b1 && b2 && b3 && b4
+ then struct_eq addr1 addr2
+ else RET false
+ | _,_ => RET false
+ end.
+Lemma hsmem_hash_eq_correct x y:
+ WHEN hsmem_hash_eq x y ~> b THEN
+ b = true -> hsmem_set_hid x unknown_hid = hsmem_set_hid y unknown_hid.
+ destruct x, y; wlp_simplify; try (rewrite !and_true_split in *); intuition; subst; try congruence.
+Global Opaque hsmem_hash_eq.
+Local Hint Resolve hsmem_hash_eq_correct: wlp.
+Definition hSVAL: hashP hsval := {| hash_eq := hsval_hash_eq; get_hid:=hsval_get_hid; set_hid:=hsval_set_hid |}.
+Definition hLSVAL: hashP list_hsval := {| hash_eq := list_hsval_hash_eq; get_hid:= list_hsval_get_hid; set_hid:= list_hsval_set_hid |}.
+Definition hSMEM: hashP hsmem := {| hash_eq := hsmem_hash_eq; get_hid:= hsmem_get_hid; set_hid:= hsmem_set_hid |}.
+Program Definition mk_hash_params: Dict.hash_params hsval :=
+ {|
+ Dict.test_eq := phys_eq;
+ Dict.hashing := fun (ht: hsval) => RET (hsval_get_hid ht);
+ Dict.log := fun hv =>
+ DO hv_name <~ string_of_hashcode (hsval_get_hid hv);;
+ println ("unexpected undef behavior of hashcode:" +; (CamlStr hv_name)) |}.
+Obligation 1.
+ wlp_simplify.
+(** ** various auxiliary (trivial lemmas) *)
+Lemma hsilocal_refines_sreg ge sp rs0 m0 hst st:
+ hsilocal_refines ge sp rs0 m0 hst st -> hsok_local ge sp rs0 m0 hst -> forall r, hsi_sreg_eval ge sp hst r rs0 m0 = seval_sval ge sp (si_sreg st r) rs0 m0.
+ unfold hsilocal_refines; intuition.
+Local Hint Resolve hsilocal_refines_sreg: core.
+Lemma hsilocal_refines_valid_pointer ge sp rs0 m0 hst st:
+ hsilocal_refines ge sp rs0 m0 hst st -> forall m b ofs, seval_smem ge sp st.(si_smem) rs0 m0 = Some m -> Mem.valid_pointer m b ofs = Mem.valid_pointer m0 b ofs.
+ unfold hsilocal_refines; intuition.
+Local Hint Resolve hsilocal_refines_valid_pointer: core.
+Lemma hsilocal_refines_smem_refines ge sp rs0 m0 hst st:
+ hsilocal_refines ge sp rs0 m0 hst st -> hsok_local ge sp rs0 m0 hst -> smem_refines ge sp rs0 m0 (hsi_smem hst) (st.(si_smem)).
+ unfold hsilocal_refines; intuition.
+Local Hint Resolve hsilocal_refines_smem_refines: core.
+Lemma hsistate_refines_dyn_exits ge sp rs0 m0 hst st:
+ hsistate_refines_dyn ge sp rs0 m0 hst st -> hsiexits_refines_dyn ge sp rs0 m0 (hsi_exits hst) (si_exits st).
+ unfold hsistate_refines_dyn; intuition.
+Local Hint Resolve hsistate_refines_dyn_exits: core.
+Lemma hsistate_refines_dyn_local ge sp rs0 m0 hst st:
+ hsistate_refines_dyn ge sp rs0 m0 hst st -> hsilocal_refines ge sp rs0 m0 (hsi_local hst) (si_local st).
+ unfold hsistate_refines_dyn; intuition.
+Local Hint Resolve hsistate_refines_dyn_local: core.
+Lemma hsistate_refines_dyn_nested ge sp rs0 m0 hst st:
+ hsistate_refines_dyn ge sp rs0 m0 hst st -> nested_sok ge sp rs0 m0 (si_local st) (si_exits st).
+ unfold hsistate_refines_dyn; intuition.
+Local Hint Resolve hsistate_refines_dyn_nested: core.
+(** * Implementation of symbolic execution *)
+Section CanonBuilding.
+Variable hC_hsval: hashinfo hsval -> ?? hsval.
+Hypothesis hC_hsval_correct: forall hs,
+ WHEN hC_hsval hs ~> hs' THEN forall ge sp rs0 m0,
+ seval_hsval ge sp (hdata hs) rs0 m0 = seval_hsval ge sp hs' rs0 m0.
+Variable hC_list_hsval: hashinfo list_hsval -> ?? list_hsval.
+Hypothesis hC_list_hsval_correct: forall lh,
+ WHEN hC_list_hsval lh ~> lh' THEN forall ge sp rs0 m0,
+ seval_list_hsval ge sp (hdata lh) rs0 m0 = seval_list_hsval ge sp lh' rs0 m0.
+Variable hC_hsmem: hashinfo hsmem -> ?? hsmem.
+Hypothesis hC_hsmem_correct: forall hm,
+ WHEN hC_hsmem hm ~> hm' THEN forall ge sp rs0 m0,
+ seval_hsmem ge sp (hdata hm) rs0 m0 = seval_hsmem ge sp hm' rs0 m0.
+(* First, we wrap constructors for hashed values !*)
+Definition reg_hcode := 1.
+Definition op_hcode := 2.
+Definition load_hcode := 3.
+Definition hSinput_hcodes (r: reg) :=
+ DO hc <~ hash reg_hcode;;
+ DO hv <~ hash r;;
+ RET [hc;hv].
+Extraction Inline hSinput_hcodes.
+Definition hSinput (r:reg): ?? hsval :=
+ DO hv <~ hSinput_hcodes r;;
+ hC_hsval {| hdata:=HSinput r unknown_hid; hcodes :=hv; |}.
+Lemma hSinput_correct r:
+ WHEN hSinput r ~> hv THEN forall ge sp rs0 m0,
+ sval_refines ge sp rs0 m0 hv (Sinput r).
+ wlp_simplify.
+Global Opaque hSinput.
+Local Hint Resolve hSinput_correct: wlp.
+Definition hSop_hcodes (op:operation) (lhsv: list_hsval) :=
+ DO hc <~ hash op_hcode;;
+ DO hv <~ hash op;;
+ RET [hc;hv;list_hsval_get_hid lhsv].
+Extraction Inline hSop_hcodes.
+Definition hSop (op:operation) (lhsv: list_hsval): ?? hsval :=
+ DO hv <~ hSop_hcodes op lhsv;;
+ hC_hsval {| hdata:=HSop op lhsv unknown_hid; hcodes :=hv |}.
+Lemma hSop_correct op lhsv:
+ WHEN hSop op lhsv ~> hv THEN forall ge sp rs0 m0 lsv sm m
+ (MEM: seval_smem ge sp sm rs0 m0 = Some m)
+ (MVALID: forall b ofs, Mem.valid_pointer m b ofs = Mem.valid_pointer m0 b ofs)
+ (LR: list_sval_refines ge sp rs0 m0 lhsv lsv),
+ sval_refines ge sp rs0 m0 hv (Sop op lsv sm).
+ wlp_simplify.
+ rewrite <- H, MEM, LR.
+ destruct (seval_list_sval _ _ lsv _); try congruence.
+ eapply op_valid_pointer_eq; eauto.
+Global Opaque hSop.
+Local Hint Resolve hSop_correct: wlp.
+Definition hSload_hcodes (hsm: hsmem) (trap: trapping_mode) (chunk: memory_chunk) (addr: addressing) (lhsv: list_hsval):=
+ DO hc <~ hash load_hcode;;
+ DO hv1 <~ hash trap;;
+ DO hv2 <~ hash chunk;;
+ DO hv3 <~ hash addr;;
+ RET [hc; hsmem_get_hid hsm; hv1; hv2; hv3; list_hsval_get_hid lhsv].
+Extraction Inline hSload_hcodes.
+Definition hSload (hsm: hsmem) (trap: trapping_mode) (chunk: memory_chunk) (addr: addressing) (lhsv: list_hsval): ?? hsval :=
+ DO hv <~ hSload_hcodes hsm trap chunk addr lhsv;;
+ hC_hsval {| hdata := HSload hsm trap chunk addr lhsv unknown_hid; hcodes := hv |}.
+Lemma hSload_correct hsm trap chunk addr lhsv:
+ WHEN hSload hsm trap chunk addr lhsv ~> hv THEN forall ge sp rs0 m0 lsv sm
+ (LR: list_sval_refines ge sp rs0 m0 lhsv lsv)
+ (MR: smem_refines ge sp rs0 m0 hsm sm),
+ sval_refines ge sp rs0 m0 hv (Sload sm trap chunk addr lsv).
+ wlp_simplify.
+ rewrite <- LR, <- MR.
+ auto.
+Global Opaque hSload.
+Local Hint Resolve hSload_correct: wlp.
+Definition hSnil (_: unit): ?? list_hsval :=
+ hC_list_hsval {| hdata := HSnil unknown_hid; hcodes := nil |}.
+Lemma hSnil_correct:
+ WHEN hSnil() ~> hv THEN forall ge sp rs0 m0,
+ list_sval_refines ge sp rs0 m0 hv Snil.
+ wlp_simplify.
+Global Opaque hSnil.
+Local Hint Resolve hSnil_correct: wlp.
+Definition hScons (hsv: hsval) (lhsv: list_hsval): ?? list_hsval :=
+ hC_list_hsval {| hdata := HScons hsv lhsv unknown_hid; hcodes := [hsval_get_hid hsv; list_hsval_get_hid lhsv] |}.
+Lemma hScons_correct hsv lhsv:
+ WHEN hScons hsv lhsv ~> lhsv' THEN forall ge sp rs0 m0 sv lsv
+ (VR: sval_refines ge sp rs0 m0 hsv sv)
+ (LR: list_sval_refines ge sp rs0 m0 lhsv lsv),
+ list_sval_refines ge sp rs0 m0 lhsv' (Scons sv lsv).
+ wlp_simplify.
+ rewrite <- VR, <- LR.
+ auto.
+Global Opaque hScons.
+Local Hint Resolve hScons_correct: wlp.
+Definition hSinit (_: unit): ?? hsmem :=
+ hC_hsmem {| hdata := HSinit unknown_hid; hcodes := nil |}.
+Lemma hSinit_correct:
+ WHEN hSinit() ~> hm THEN forall ge sp rs0 m0,
+ smem_refines ge sp rs0 m0 hm Sinit.
+ wlp_simplify.
+Global Opaque hSinit.
+Local Hint Resolve hSinit_correct: wlp.
+Definition hSstore_hcodes (hsm: hsmem) (chunk: memory_chunk) (addr: addressing) (lhsv: list_hsval) (srce: hsval):=
+ DO hv1 <~ hash chunk;;
+ DO hv2 <~ hash addr;;
+ RET [hsmem_get_hid hsm; hv1; hv2; list_hsval_get_hid lhsv; hsval_get_hid srce].
+Extraction Inline hSstore_hcodes.
+Definition hSstore (hsm: hsmem) (chunk: memory_chunk) (addr: addressing) (lhsv: list_hsval) (srce: hsval): ?? hsmem :=
+ DO hv <~ hSstore_hcodes hsm chunk addr lhsv srce;;
+ hC_hsmem {| hdata := HSstore hsm chunk addr lhsv srce unknown_hid; hcodes := hv |}.
+Lemma hSstore_correct hsm chunk addr lhsv hsv:
+ WHEN hSstore hsm chunk addr lhsv hsv ~> hsm' THEN forall ge sp rs0 m0 lsv sm sv
+ (LR: list_sval_refines ge sp rs0 m0 lhsv lsv)
+ (MR: smem_refines ge sp rs0 m0 hsm sm)
+ (VR: sval_refines ge sp rs0 m0 hsv sv),
+ smem_refines ge sp rs0 m0 hsm' (Sstore sm chunk addr lsv sv).
+ wlp_simplify.
+ rewrite <- LR, <- MR, <- VR.
+ auto.
+Global Opaque hSstore.
+Local Hint Resolve hSstore_correct: wlp.
+Definition hsi_sreg_get (hst: PTree.t hsval) r: ?? hsval :=
+ match PTree.get r hst with
+ | None => hSinput r
+ | Some sv => RET sv
+ end.
+Lemma hsi_sreg_get_correct hst r:
+ WHEN hsi_sreg_get hst r ~> hsv THEN forall ge sp rs0 m0 (f: reg -> sval)
+ (RR: forall r, hsi_sreg_eval ge sp hst r rs0 m0 = seval_sval ge sp (f r) rs0 m0),
+ sval_refines ge sp rs0 m0 hsv (f r).
+ unfold hsi_sreg_eval, hsi_sreg_proj; wlp_simplify; rewrite <- RR; try_simplify_someHyps.
+Global Opaque hsi_sreg_get.
+Local Hint Resolve hsi_sreg_get_correct: wlp.
+Fixpoint hlist_args (hst: PTree.t hsval) (l: list reg): ?? list_hsval :=
+ match l with
+ | nil => hSnil()
+ | r::l =>
+ DO v <~ hsi_sreg_get hst r;;
+ DO lhsv <~ hlist_args hst l;;
+ hScons v lhsv
+ end.
+Lemma hlist_args_correct hst l:
+ WHEN hlist_args hst l ~> lhsv THEN forall ge sp rs0 m0 (f: reg -> sval)
+ (RR: forall r, hsi_sreg_eval ge sp hst r rs0 m0 = seval_sval ge sp (f r) rs0 m0),
+ list_sval_refines ge sp rs0 m0 lhsv (list_sval_inj (List.map f l)).
+ induction l; wlp_simplify.
+Global Opaque hlist_args.
+Local Hint Resolve hlist_args_correct: wlp.
+(** ** Assignment of memory *)
+Definition hslocal_set_smem (hst:hsistate_local) hm :=
+ {| hsi_smem := hm;
+ hsi_ok_lsval := hsi_ok_lsval hst;
+ hsi_sreg:= hsi_sreg hst
+ |}.
+Lemma sok_local_set_mem ge sp rs0 m0 st sm:
+ sok_local ge sp rs0 m0 (slocal_set_smem st sm)
+ <-> (sok_local ge sp rs0 m0 st /\ seval_smem ge sp sm rs0 m0 <> None).
+ unfold slocal_set_smem, sok_local; simpl; intuition (subst; eauto).
+Lemma hsok_local_set_mem ge sp rs0 m0 hst hsm:
+ (seval_hsmem ge sp (hsi_smem hst) rs0 m0 = None -> seval_hsmem ge sp hsm rs0 m0 = None) ->
+ hsok_local ge sp rs0 m0 (hslocal_set_smem hst hsm)
+ <-> (hsok_local ge sp rs0 m0 hst /\ seval_hsmem ge sp hsm rs0 m0 <> None).
+ unfold hslocal_set_smem, hsok_local; simpl; intuition.
+Lemma hslocal_set_mem_correct ge sp rs0 m0 hst st hsm sm:
+ (seval_hsmem ge sp (hsi_smem hst) rs0 m0 = None -> seval_hsmem ge sp hsm rs0 m0 = None) ->
+ (forall m b ofs, seval_smem ge sp sm rs0 m0 = Some m -> Mem.valid_pointer m b ofs = Mem.valid_pointer m0 b ofs) ->
+ hsilocal_refines ge sp rs0 m0 hst st ->
+ (hsok_local ge sp rs0 m0 hst -> smem_refines ge sp rs0 m0 hsm sm) ->
+ hsilocal_refines ge sp rs0 m0 (hslocal_set_smem hst hsm) (slocal_set_smem st sm).
+ split; rewrite! hsok_local_set_mem; simpl; eauto; try tauto.
+ rewrite sok_local_set_mem.
+ intuition congruence.
+Definition hslocal_store (hst: hsistate_local) chunk addr args src: ?? hsistate_local :=
+ let pt := hst.(hsi_sreg) in
+ DO hargs <~ hlist_args pt args;;
+ DO hsrc <~ hsi_sreg_get pt src;;
+ DO hm <~ hSstore hst chunk addr hargs hsrc;;
+ RET (hslocal_set_smem hst hm).
+Lemma hslocal_store_correct hst chunk addr args src:
+ WHEN hslocal_store hst chunk addr args src ~> hst' THEN forall ge sp rs0 m0 st
+ (REF: hsilocal_refines ge sp rs0 m0 hst st),
+ hsilocal_refines ge sp rs0 m0 hst' (slocal_store st chunk addr args src).
+ wlp_simplify.
+ eapply hslocal_set_mem_correct; simpl; eauto.
+ + intros X; erewrite H1; eauto.
+ rewrite X. simplify_SOME z.
+ + unfold hsilocal_refines in *;
+ simplify_SOME z; intuition.
+ erewrite <- Mem.storev_preserv_valid; [| eauto].
+ eauto.
+ + unfold hsilocal_refines in *; intuition eauto.
+Global Opaque hslocal_store.
+Local Hint Resolve hslocal_store_correct: wlp.
+(** ** Assignment of local state *)
+Definition hsist_set_local (hst: hsistate) (pc: node) (hnxt: hsistate_local): hsistate :=
+ {| hsi_pc := pc; hsi_exits := hst.(hsi_exits); hsi_local:= hnxt |}.
+Lemma hsist_set_local_correct_stat hst st pc hnxt nxt:
+ hsistate_refines_stat hst st ->
+ hsistate_refines_stat (hsist_set_local hst pc hnxt) (sist_set_local st pc nxt).
+ unfold hsistate_refines_stat; simpl; intuition.
+Lemma hsist_set_local_correct_dyn ge sp rs0 m0 hst st pc hnxt nxt:
+ hsistate_refines_dyn ge sp rs0 m0 hst st ->
+ hsilocal_refines ge sp rs0 m0 hnxt nxt ->
+ (sok_local ge sp rs0 m0 nxt -> sok_local ge sp rs0 m0 (si_local st)) ->
+ hsistate_refines_dyn ge sp rs0 m0 (hsist_set_local hst pc hnxt) (sist_set_local st pc nxt).
+ unfold hsistate_refines_dyn; simpl.
+ intros (EREF & LREF & NESTED) LREFN SOK; intuition.
+ destruct NESTED as [|st0 se lse TOP NEST]; econstructor; simpl; auto.
+(** ** Assignment of registers *)
+(** locally new symbolic values during symbolic execution *)
+Inductive root_sval: Type :=
+| Rop (op: operation)
+| Rload (trap: trapping_mode) (chunk: memory_chunk) (addr: addressing)
+Definition root_apply (rsv: root_sval) (lr: list reg) (st: sistate_local): sval :=
+ let lsv := list_sval_inj (List.map (si_sreg st) lr) in
+ let sm := si_smem st in
+ match rsv with
+ | Rop op => Sop op lsv sm
+ | Rload trap chunk addr => Sload sm trap chunk addr lsv
+ end.
+Coercion root_apply: root_sval >-> Funclass.
+Definition root_happly (rsv: root_sval) (lr: list reg) (hst: hsistate_local) : ?? hsval :=
+ DO lhsv <~ hlist_args hst lr;;
+ match rsv with
+ | Rop op => hSop op lhsv
+ | Rload trap chunk addr => hSload hst trap chunk addr lhsv
+ end.
+Lemma root_happly_correct (rsv: root_sval) lr hst:
+ WHEN root_happly rsv lr hst ~> hv' THEN forall ge sp rs0 m0 st
+ (REF:hsilocal_refines ge sp rs0 m0 hst st)
+ (OK:hsok_local ge sp rs0 m0 hst),
+ sval_refines ge sp rs0 m0 hv' (rsv lr st).
+ unfold hsilocal_refines, root_apply, root_happly; destruct rsv; wlp_simplify.
+ unfold sok_local in *.
+ generalize (H0 ge sp rs0 m0 (list_sval_inj (map (si_sreg st) lr)) (si_smem st)); clear H0.
+ destruct (seval_smem ge sp (si_smem st) rs0 m0) as [m|] eqn:X; eauto.
+ intuition congruence.
+Global Opaque root_happly.
+Hint Resolve root_happly_correct: wlp.
+Local Open Scope lazy_bool_scope.
+(* NB: return [false] if the rsv cannot fail *)
+Definition may_trap (rsv: root_sval) (lr: list reg): bool :=
+ match rsv with
+ | Rop op => is_trapping_op op ||| negb (Nat.eqb (length lr) (args_of_operation op)) (* cf. lemma is_trapping_op_sound *)
+ | Rload TRAP _ _ => true
+ | _ => false
+ end.
+Lemma lazy_orb_negb_false (b1 b2:bool):
+ (b1 ||| negb b2) = false <-> (b1 = false /\ b2 = true).
+ unfold negb; explore; simpl; intuition (try congruence).
+Lemma seval_list_sval_length ge sp rs0 m0 (f: reg -> sval) (l:list reg):
+ forall l', seval_list_sval ge sp (list_sval_inj (List.map f l)) rs0 m0 = Some l' ->
+ Datatypes.length l = Datatypes.length l'.
+ induction l.
+ - simpl. intros. inv H. reflexivity.
+ - simpl. intros. destruct (seval_sval _ _ _ _ _); [|discriminate].
+ destruct (seval_list_sval _ _ _ _ _) eqn:SLS; [|discriminate]. inv H. simpl.
+ erewrite IHl; eauto.
+Lemma may_trap_correct (ge: RTL.genv) (sp:val) (rsv: root_sval) (rs0: regset) (m0: mem) (lr: list reg) st:
+ may_trap rsv lr = false ->
+ seval_list_sval ge sp (list_sval_inj (List.map (si_sreg st) lr)) rs0 m0 <> None ->
+ seval_smem ge sp (si_smem st) rs0 m0 <> None ->
+ seval_sval ge sp (rsv lr st) rs0 m0 <> None.
+ destruct rsv; simpl; try congruence.
+ - rewrite lazy_orb_negb_false. intros (TRAP1 & TRAP2) OK1 OK2.
+ explore; try congruence.
+ eapply is_trapping_op_sound; eauto.
+ erewrite <- seval_list_sval_length; eauto.
+ apply Nat.eqb_eq in TRAP2.
+ assumption.
+ - intros X OK1 OK2.
+ explore; try congruence.
+(** simplify a symbolic value before assignment to a register *)
+Definition simplify (rsv: root_sval) (lr: list reg) (hst: hsistate_local): ?? hsval :=
+ match rsv with
+ | Rop op =>
+ match is_move_operation op lr with
+ | Some arg => hsi_sreg_get hst arg (** optimization of Omove *)
+ | None =>
+ DO lhsv <~ hlist_args hst lr;;
+ hSop op lhsv
+ end
+ | Rload _ chunk addr =>
+ DO lhsv <~ hlist_args hst lr;;
+ hSload hst NOTRAP chunk addr lhsv
+ end.
+Lemma simplify_correct rsv lr hst:
+ WHEN simplify rsv lr hst ~> hv THEN forall ge sp rs0 m0 st
+ (REF: hsilocal_refines ge sp rs0 m0 hst st)
+ (OK0: hsok_local ge sp rs0 m0 hst)
+ (OK1: seval_sval ge sp (rsv lr st) rs0 m0 <> None),
+ sval_refines ge sp rs0 m0 hv (rsv lr st).
+ destruct rsv; simpl; auto.
+ - (* Rop *)
+ destruct (is_move_operation _ _) eqn: Hmove; wlp_simplify.
+ + exploit is_move_operation_correct; eauto.
+ intros (Hop & Hlsv); subst; simpl in *.
+ simplify_SOME z.
+ * erewrite H; eauto.
+ * try_simplify_someHyps; congruence.
+ * congruence.
+ + clear Hmove.
+ generalize (H0 ge sp rs0 m0 (list_sval_inj (map (si_sreg st) lr)) (si_smem st)); clear H0.
+ destruct (seval_smem ge sp (si_smem st) rs0 m0) as [m|] eqn:X; eauto.
+ intro H0; clear H0; simplify_SOME z; congruence. (* absurd case *)
+ - (* Rload *)
+ destruct trap; wlp_simplify.
+ erewrite H0; eauto.
+ erewrite H; eauto.
+ erewrite hsilocal_refines_smem_refines; eauto.
+ destruct (seval_list_sval _ _ _ _) as [args|] eqn: Hargs; try congruence.
+ destruct (eval_addressing _ _ _ _) as [a|] eqn: Ha; try congruence.
+ destruct (seval_smem _ _ _ _) as [m|] eqn: Hm; try congruence.
+ destruct (Mem.loadv _ _ _); try congruence.
+Global Opaque simplify.
+Local Hint Resolve simplify_correct: wlp.
+Definition red_PTree_set (r: reg) (hsv: hsval) (hst: PTree.t hsval): PTree.t hsval :=
+ match hsv with
+ | HSinput r' _ =>
+ if Pos.eq_dec r r'
+ then PTree.remove r' hst
+ else PTree.set r hsv hst
+ | _ => PTree.set r hsv hst
+ end.
+Lemma red_PTree_set_correct (r r0:reg) hsv hst ge sp rs0 m0:
+ hsi_sreg_eval ge sp (red_PTree_set r hsv hst) r0 rs0 m0 = hsi_sreg_eval ge sp (PTree.set r hsv hst) r0 rs0 m0.
+ destruct hsv; simpl; auto.
+ destruct (Pos.eq_dec r r1); auto.
+ subst; unfold hsi_sreg_eval, hsi_sreg_proj.
+ destruct (Pos.eq_dec r0 r1); auto.
+ - subst; rewrite PTree.grs, PTree.gss; simpl; auto.
+ - rewrite PTree.gro, PTree.gso; simpl; auto.
+Lemma red_PTree_set_refines (r r0:reg) hsv hst sv st ge sp rs0 m0:
+ hsilocal_refines ge sp rs0 m0 hst st ->
+ sval_refines ge sp rs0 m0 hsv sv ->
+ hsok_local ge sp rs0 m0 hst ->
+ hsi_sreg_eval ge sp (red_PTree_set r hsv hst) r0 rs0 m0 = seval_sval ge sp (if Pos.eq_dec r r0 then sv else si_sreg st r0) rs0 m0.
+ intros; rewrite red_PTree_set_correct.
+ exploit hsilocal_refines_sreg; eauto.
+ unfold hsi_sreg_eval, hsi_sreg_proj.
+ destruct (Pos.eq_dec r r0); auto.
+ - subst. rewrite PTree.gss; simpl; auto.
+ - rewrite PTree.gso; simpl; eauto.
+Lemma sok_local_set_sreg (rsv:root_sval) ge sp rs0 m0 st r lr:
+ sok_local ge sp rs0 m0 (slocal_set_sreg st r (rsv lr st))
+ <-> (sok_local ge sp rs0 m0 st /\ seval_sval ge sp (rsv lr st) rs0 m0 <> None).
+ unfold slocal_set_sreg, sok_local; simpl; split.
+ + intros ((SVAL0 & PRE) & SMEM & SVAL).
+ repeat (split; try tauto).
+ - intros r0; generalize (SVAL r0); clear SVAL; destruct (Pos.eq_dec r r0); try congruence.
+ - generalize (SVAL r); clear SVAL; destruct (Pos.eq_dec r r); try congruence.
+ + intros ((PRE & SMEM & SVAL0) & SVAL).
+ repeat (split; try tauto; eauto).
+ intros r0; destruct (Pos.eq_dec r r0); try congruence.
+Definition hslocal_set_sreg (hst: hsistate_local) (r: reg) (rsv: root_sval) (lr: list reg): ?? hsistate_local :=
+ DO ok_lhsv <~
+ (if may_trap rsv lr
+ then DO hv <~ root_happly rsv lr hst;;
+ XDEBUG hv (fun hv => DO hv_name <~ string_of_hashcode (hsval_get_hid hv);; RET ("-- insert undef behavior of hashcode:" +; (CamlStr hv_name))%string);;
+ RET (hv::(hsi_ok_lsval hst))
+ else RET (hsi_ok_lsval hst));;
+ DO simp <~ simplify rsv lr hst;;
+ RET {| hsi_smem := hst;
+ hsi_ok_lsval := ok_lhsv;
+ hsi_sreg := red_PTree_set r simp (hsi_sreg hst) |}.
+Lemma hslocal_set_sreg_correct hst r rsv lr:
+ WHEN hslocal_set_sreg hst r rsv lr ~> hst' THEN forall ge sp rs0 m0 st
+ (REF: hsilocal_refines ge sp rs0 m0 hst st),
+ hsilocal_refines ge sp rs0 m0 hst' (slocal_set_sreg st r (rsv lr st)).
+ wlp_simplify.
+ + (* may_trap ~> true *)
+ assert (X: sok_local ge sp rs0 m0 (slocal_set_sreg st r (rsv lr st)) <->
+ hsok_local ge sp rs0 m0 {| hsi_smem := hst; hsi_ok_lsval := exta :: hsi_ok_lsval hst; hsi_sreg := red_PTree_set r exta0 hst |}).
+ { rewrite sok_local_set_sreg; generalize REF.
+ intros (OKeq & MEM & REG & MVALID); rewrite OKeq; clear OKeq.
+ unfold hsok_local; simpl; intuition (subst; eauto);
+ erewrite <- H0 in *; eauto; unfold hsok_local; simpl; intuition eauto.
+ }
+ unfold hsilocal_refines; simpl; split; auto.
+ rewrite <- X, sok_local_set_sreg. intuition eauto.
+ - destruct REF; intuition eauto.
+ - generalize REF; intros (OKEQ & _). rewrite OKEQ in * |-; erewrite red_PTree_set_refines; eauto.
+ + (* may_trap ~> false *)
+ assert (X: sok_local ge sp rs0 m0 (slocal_set_sreg st r (rsv lr st)) <->
+ hsok_local ge sp rs0 m0 {| hsi_smem := hst; hsi_ok_lsval := hsi_ok_lsval hst; hsi_sreg := red_PTree_set r exta hst |}).
+ {
+ rewrite sok_local_set_sreg; generalize REF.
+ intros (OKeq & MEM & REG & MVALID); rewrite OKeq.
+ unfold hsok_local; simpl; intuition (subst; eauto).
+ assert (X0:hsok_local ge sp rs0 m0 hst). { unfold hsok_local; intuition. }
+ exploit may_trap_correct; eauto.
+ * intro X1; eapply seval_list_sval_inj_not_none; eauto.
+ assert (X2: sok_local ge sp rs0 m0 st). { intuition. }
+ unfold sok_local in X2; intuition eauto.
+ * rewrite <- MEM; eauto.
+ }
+ unfold hsilocal_refines; simpl; split; auto.
+ rewrite <- X, sok_local_set_sreg. intuition eauto.
+ - destruct REF; intuition eauto.
+ - generalize REF; intros (OKEQ & _). rewrite OKEQ in * |-; erewrite red_PTree_set_refines; eauto.
+Global Opaque hslocal_set_sreg.
+Local Hint Resolve hslocal_set_sreg_correct: wlp.
+(** ** Execution of one instruction *)
+Definition hsiexec_inst (i: instruction) (hst: hsistate): ?? (option hsistate) :=
+ match i with
+ | Inop pc' =>
+ RET (Some (hsist_set_local hst pc' hst.(hsi_local)))
+ | Iop op args dst pc' =>
+ DO next <~ hslocal_set_sreg hst.(hsi_local) dst (Rop op) args;;
+ RET (Some (hsist_set_local hst pc' next))
+ | Iload trap chunk addr args dst pc' =>
+ DO next <~ hslocal_set_sreg hst.(hsi_local) dst (Rload trap chunk addr) args;;
+ RET (Some (hsist_set_local hst pc' next))
+ | Istore chunk addr args src pc' =>
+ DO next <~ hslocal_store hst.(hsi_local) chunk addr args src;;
+ RET (Some (hsist_set_local hst pc' next))
+ | Icond cond args ifso ifnot _ =>
+ let prev := hst.(hsi_local) in
+ DO vargs <~ hlist_args prev args ;;
+ let ex := {| hsi_cond:=cond; hsi_scondargs:=vargs; hsi_elocal := prev; hsi_ifso := ifso |} in
+ RET (Some {| hsi_pc := ifnot; hsi_exits := ex::hst.(hsi_exits); hsi_local := prev |})
+ | _ => RET None (* TODO jumptable ? *)
+ end.
+Remark hsiexec_inst_None_correct i hst:
+ WHEN hsiexec_inst i hst ~> o THEN forall st, o = None -> siexec_inst i st = None.
+ destruct i; wlp_simplify; congruence.
+Lemma seval_condition_refines hst st ge sp cond hargs args rs m:
+ hsok_local ge sp rs m hst ->
+ hsilocal_refines ge sp rs m hst st ->
+ list_sval_refines ge sp rs m hargs args ->
+ hseval_condition ge sp cond hargs (hsi_smem hst) rs m
+ = seval_condition ge sp cond args (si_smem st) rs m.
+ Proof.
+ intros HOK (_ & MEMEQ & _) LR. unfold hseval_condition, seval_condition.
+ rewrite LR, <- MEMEQ; auto.
+Lemma sok_local_set_sreg_simp (rsv:root_sval) ge sp rs0 m0 st r lr:
+ sok_local ge sp rs0 m0 (slocal_set_sreg st r (rsv lr st))
+ -> sok_local ge sp rs0 m0 st.
+ rewrite sok_local_set_sreg; intuition.
+Local Hint Resolve hsist_set_local_correct_stat: core.
+Lemma hsiexec_inst_correct i hst:
+ WHEN hsiexec_inst i hst ~> o THEN forall hst' st,
+ o = Some hst' ->
+ exists st', siexec_inst i st = Some st'
+ /\ (forall (REF:hsistate_refines_stat hst st), hsistate_refines_stat hst' st')
+ /\ (forall ge sp rs0 m0 (REF:hsistate_refines_dyn ge sp rs0 m0 hst st), hsistate_refines_dyn ge sp rs0 m0 hst' st').
+ destruct i; simpl; wlp_simplify; try_simplify_someHyps; eexists; intuition eauto.
+ - (* refines_dyn Iop *)
+ eapply hsist_set_local_correct_dyn; eauto.
+ generalize (sok_local_set_sreg_simp (Rop o)); simpl; eauto.
+ - (* refines_dyn Iload *)
+ eapply hsist_set_local_correct_dyn; eauto.
+ generalize (sok_local_set_sreg_simp (Rload t0 m a)); simpl; eauto.
+ - (* refines_dyn Istore *)
+ eapply hsist_set_local_correct_dyn; eauto.
+ unfold sok_local; simpl; intuition.
+ - (* refines_stat Icond *)
+ unfold hsistate_refines_stat, hsiexits_refines_stat in *; simpl; intuition.
+ constructor; simpl; eauto.
+ constructor.
+ - (* refines_dyn Icond *)
+ destruct REF as (EXREF & LREF & NEST).
+ split.
+ + constructor; simpl; auto.
+ constructor; simpl; auto.
+ intros; erewrite seval_condition_refines; eauto.
+ + split; simpl; auto.
+ destruct NEST as [|st0 se lse TOP NEST];
+ econstructor; simpl; auto; constructor; auto.
+Global Opaque hsiexec_inst.
+Local Hint Resolve hsiexec_inst_correct: wlp.
+Definition some_or_fail {A} (o: option A) (msg: pstring): ?? A :=
+ match o with
+ | Some x => RET x
+ | None => FAILWITH msg
+ end.
+Fixpoint hsiexec_path (path:nat) (f: function) (hst: hsistate): ?? hsistate :=
+ match path with
+ | O => RET hst
+ | S p =>
+ let pc := hst.(hsi_pc) in
+ XDEBUG pc (fun pc => DO name_pc <~ string_of_Z (Zpos pc);; RET ("- sym exec node: " +; name_pc)%string);;
+ DO i <~ some_or_fail ((fn_code f)!pc) "hsiexec_path.internal_error.1";;
+ DO ohst1 <~ hsiexec_inst i hst;;
+ DO hst1 <~ some_or_fail ohst1 "hsiexec_path.internal_error.2";;
+ hsiexec_path p f hst1
+ end.
+Lemma hsiexec_path_correct path f: forall hst,
+ WHEN hsiexec_path path f hst ~> hst' THEN forall st
+ (RSTAT:hsistate_refines_stat hst st),
+ exists st', siexec_path path f st = Some st'
+ /\ hsistate_refines_stat hst' st'
+ /\ (forall ge sp rs0 m0 (REF:hsistate_refines_dyn ge sp rs0 m0 hst st), hsistate_refines_dyn ge sp rs0 m0 hst' st').
+ induction path; wlp_simplify; try_simplify_someHyps. clear IHpath.
+ generalize RSTAT; intros (PCEQ & _) INSTEQ.
+ rewrite <- PCEQ, INSTEQ; simpl.
+ exploit H0; eauto. clear H0.
+ intros (st0 & SINST & ISTAT & IDYN); erewrite SINST.
+ exploit H1; eauto. clear H1.
+ intros (st' & SPATH & PSTAT & PDYN).
+ eexists; intuition eauto.
+Global Opaque hsiexec_path.
+Local Hint Resolve hsiexec_path_correct: wlp.
+Fixpoint hbuiltin_arg (hst: PTree.t hsval) (arg : builtin_arg reg): ?? builtin_arg hsval :=
+ match arg with
+ | BA r =>
+ DO v <~ hsi_sreg_get hst r;;
+ RET (BA v)
+ | BA_int n => RET (BA_int n)
+ | BA_long n => RET (BA_long n)
+ | BA_float f0 => RET (BA_float f0)
+ | BA_single s => RET (BA_single s)
+ | BA_loadstack chunk ptr => RET (BA_loadstack chunk ptr)
+ | BA_addrstack ptr => RET (BA_addrstack ptr)
+ | BA_loadglobal chunk id ptr => RET (BA_loadglobal chunk id ptr)
+ | BA_addrglobal id ptr => RET (BA_addrglobal id ptr)
+ | BA_splitlong ba1 ba2 =>
+ DO v1 <~ hbuiltin_arg hst ba1;;
+ DO v2 <~ hbuiltin_arg hst ba2;;
+ RET (BA_splitlong v1 v2)
+ | BA_addptr ba1 ba2 =>
+ DO v1 <~ hbuiltin_arg hst ba1;;
+ DO v2 <~ hbuiltin_arg hst ba2;;
+ RET (BA_addptr v1 v2)
+ end.
+Lemma hbuiltin_arg_correct hst arg:
+ WHEN hbuiltin_arg hst arg ~> hargs THEN forall ge sp rs0 m0 (f: reg -> sval)
+ (RR: forall r, hsi_sreg_eval ge sp hst r rs0 m0 = seval_sval ge sp (f r) rs0 m0),
+ seval_builtin_sval ge sp (builtin_arg_map hsval_proj hargs) rs0 m0 = seval_builtin_sval ge sp (builtin_arg_map f arg) rs0 m0.
+ induction arg; wlp_simplify.
+ + erewrite H; eauto.
+ + erewrite H; eauto.
+ erewrite H0; eauto.
+ + erewrite H; eauto.
+ erewrite H0; eauto.
+Global Opaque hbuiltin_arg.
+Local Hint Resolve hbuiltin_arg_correct: wlp.
+Fixpoint hbuiltin_args (hst: PTree.t hsval) (args: list (builtin_arg reg)): ?? list (builtin_arg hsval) :=
+ match args with
+ | nil => RET nil
+ | a::l =>
+ DO ha <~ hbuiltin_arg hst a;;
+ DO hl <~ hbuiltin_args hst l;;
+ RET (ha::hl)
+ end.
+Lemma hbuiltin_args_correct hst args:
+ WHEN hbuiltin_args hst args ~> hargs THEN forall ge sp rs0 m0 (f: reg -> sval)
+ (RR: forall r, hsi_sreg_eval ge sp hst r rs0 m0 = seval_sval ge sp (f r) rs0 m0),
+ bargs_refines ge sp rs0 m0 hargs (List.map (builtin_arg_map f) args).
+ unfold bargs_refines, seval_builtin_args; induction args; wlp_simplify.
+ erewrite H; eauto.
+ erewrite H0; eauto.
+Global Opaque hbuiltin_args.
+Local Hint Resolve hbuiltin_args_correct: wlp.
+Definition hsum_left (hst: PTree.t hsval) (ros: reg + ident): ?? (hsval + ident) :=
+ match ros with
+ | inl r => DO hr <~ hsi_sreg_get hst r;; RET (inl hr)
+ | inr s => RET (inr s)
+ end.
+Lemma hsum_left_correct hst ros:
+ WHEN hsum_left hst ros ~> hsi THEN forall ge sp rs0 m0 (f: reg -> sval)
+ (RR: forall r, hsi_sreg_eval ge sp hst r rs0 m0 = seval_sval ge sp (f r) rs0 m0),
+ sum_refines ge sp rs0 m0 hsi (sum_left_map f ros).
+ unfold sum_refines; destruct ros; wlp_simplify.
+Global Opaque hsum_left.
+Local Hint Resolve hsum_left_correct: wlp.
+Definition hsexec_final (i: instruction) (hst: PTree.t hsval): ?? hsfval :=
+ match i with
+ | Icall sig ros args res pc =>
+ DO svos <~ hsum_left hst ros;;
+ DO sargs <~ hlist_args hst args;;
+ RET (HScall sig svos sargs res pc)
+ | Itailcall sig ros args =>
+ DO svos <~ hsum_left hst ros;;
+ DO sargs <~ hlist_args hst args;;
+ RET (HStailcall sig svos sargs)
+ | Ibuiltin ef args res pc =>
+ DO sargs <~ hbuiltin_args hst args;;
+ RET (HSbuiltin ef sargs res pc)
+ | Ijumptable reg tbl =>
+ DO sv <~ hsi_sreg_get hst reg;;
+ RET (HSjumptable sv tbl)
+ | Ireturn or =>
+ match or with
+ | Some r => DO hr <~ hsi_sreg_get hst r;; RET (HSreturn (Some hr))
+ | None => RET (HSreturn None)
+ end
+ | _ => RET (HSnone)
+ end.
+Lemma hsexec_final_correct (hsl: hsistate_local) i:
+ WHEN hsexec_final i hsl ~> hsf THEN forall ge sp rs0 m0 sl
+ (OK: hsok_local ge sp rs0 m0 hsl)
+ (REF: hsilocal_refines ge sp rs0 m0 hsl sl),
+ hfinal_refines ge sp rs0 m0 hsf (sexec_final i sl).
+ destruct i; wlp_simplify; try econstructor; simpl; eauto.
+Global Opaque hsexec_final.
+Local Hint Resolve hsexec_final_correct: wlp.
+Definition init_hsistate_local (_:unit): ?? hsistate_local
+ := DO hm <~ hSinit ();;
+ RET {| hsi_smem := hm; hsi_ok_lsval := nil; hsi_sreg := PTree.empty hsval |}.
+Lemma init_hsistate_local_correct:
+ WHEN init_hsistate_local () ~> hsl THEN forall ge sp rs0 m0,
+ hsilocal_refines ge sp rs0 m0 hsl init_sistate_local.
+ unfold hsilocal_refines; wlp_simplify.
+ - unfold hsok_local; simpl; intuition. erewrite H in *; congruence.
+ - unfold hsok_local, sok_local; simpl in *; intuition; try congruence.
+ - unfold hsi_sreg_eval, hsi_sreg_proj. rewrite PTree.gempty. reflexivity.
+ - try_simplify_someHyps.
+Global Opaque init_hsistate_local.
+Local Hint Resolve init_hsistate_local_correct: wlp.
+Definition init_hsistate pc: ?? hsistate
+ := DO hst <~ init_hsistate_local ();;
+ RET {| hsi_pc := pc; hsi_exits := nil; hsi_local := hst |}.
+Lemma init_hsistate_correct pc:
+ WHEN init_hsistate pc ~> hst THEN
+ hsistate_refines_stat hst (init_sistate pc)
+ /\ forall ge sp rs0 m0, hsistate_refines_dyn ge sp rs0 m0 hst (init_sistate pc).
+ unfold hsistate_refines_stat, hsistate_refines_dyn, hsiexits_refines_dyn; wlp_simplify; constructor.
+Global Opaque init_hsistate.
+Local Hint Resolve init_hsistate_correct: wlp.
+Definition hsexec (f: function) (pc:node): ?? hsstate :=
+ DO path <~ some_or_fail ((fn_path f)!pc) "hsexec.internal_error.1";;
+ DO hinit <~ init_hsistate pc;;
+ DO hst <~ hsiexec_path path.(psize) f hinit;;
+ DO i <~ some_or_fail ((fn_code f)!(hst.(hsi_pc))) "hsexec.internal_error.2";;
+ DO ohst <~ hsiexec_inst i hst;;
+ match ohst with
+ | Some hst' => RET {| hinternal := hst'; hfinal := HSnone |}
+ | None => DO hsvf <~ hsexec_final i hst.(hsi_local);;
+ RET {| hinternal := hst; hfinal := hsvf |}
+ end.
+Lemma hsexec_correct_aux f pc:
+ WHEN hsexec f pc ~> hst THEN
+ exists st, sexec f pc = Some st /\ hsstate_refines hst st.
+ unfold hsstate_refines, sexec; wlp_simplify.
+ - (* Some *)
+ rewrite H; clear H.
+ exploit H0; clear H0; eauto.
+ intros (st0 & EXECPATH & SREF & DREF).
+ rewrite EXECPATH; clear EXECPATH.
+ generalize SREF. intros (EQPC & _).
+ rewrite <- EQPC, H3; clear H3.
+ exploit H4; clear H4; eauto.
+ intros (st' & EXECL & SREF' & DREF').
+ try_simplify_someHyps.
+ eexists; intuition (simpl; eauto).
+ constructor.
+ - (* None *)
+ rewrite H; clear H H4.
+ exploit H0; clear H0; eauto.
+ intros (st0 & EXECPATH & SREF & DREF).
+ rewrite EXECPATH; clear EXECPATH.
+ generalize SREF. intros (EQPC & _).
+ rewrite <- EQPC, H3; clear H3.
+ erewrite hsiexec_inst_None_correct; eauto.
+ eexists; intuition (simpl; eauto).
+Global Opaque hsexec.
+End CanonBuilding.
+(** Correction of concrete symbolic execution wrt abstract symbolic execution *)
+Theorem hsexec_correct
+ (hC_hsval : hashinfo hsval -> ?? hsval)
+ (hC_list_hsval : hashinfo list_hsval -> ?? list_hsval)
+ (hC_hsmem : hashinfo hsmem -> ?? hsmem)
+ (f : function)
+ (pc : node):
+ WHEN hsexec hC_hsval hC_list_hsval hC_hsmem f pc ~> hst THEN forall
+ (hC_hsval_correct: forall hs,
+ WHEN hC_hsval hs ~> hs' THEN forall ge sp rs0 m0,
+ seval_sval ge sp (hsval_proj (hdata hs)) rs0 m0 =
+ seval_sval ge sp (hsval_proj hs') rs0 m0)
+ (hC_list_hsval_correct: forall lh,
+ WHEN hC_list_hsval lh ~> lh' THEN forall ge sp rs0 m0,
+ seval_list_sval ge sp (hsval_list_proj (hdata lh)) rs0 m0 =
+ seval_list_sval ge sp (hsval_list_proj lh') rs0 m0)
+ (hC_hsmem_correct: forall hm,
+ WHEN hC_hsmem hm ~> hm' THEN forall ge sp rs0 m0,
+ seval_smem ge sp (hsmem_proj (hdata hm)) rs0 m0 =
+ seval_smem ge sp (hsmem_proj hm') rs0 m0),
+ exists st : sstate, sexec f pc = Some st /\ hsstate_refines hst st.
+ wlp_simplify.
+ eapply hsexec_correct_aux; eauto.
+Local Hint Resolve hsexec_correct: wlp.
+(** * Implementing the simulation test with concrete hash-consed symbolic execution *)
+Definition phys_check {A} (x y:A) (msg: pstring): ?? unit :=
+ DO b <~ phys_eq x y;;
+ assert_b b msg;;
+ RET tt.
+Definition struct_check {A} (x y: A) (msg: pstring): ?? unit :=
+ DO b <~ struct_eq x y;;
+ assert_b b msg;;
+ RET tt.
+Lemma struct_check_correct {A} (a b: A) msg:
+ WHEN struct_check a b msg ~> _ THEN
+ a = b.
+Proof. wlp_simplify. Qed.
+Global Opaque struct_check.
+Hint Resolve struct_check_correct: wlp.
+Definition option_eq_check {A} (o1 o2: option A): ?? unit :=
+ match o1, o2 with
+ | Some x1, Some x2 => phys_check x1 x2 "option_eq_check: data physically differ"
+ | None, None => RET tt
+ | _, _ => FAILWITH "option_eq_check: structure differs"
+ end.
+Lemma option_eq_check_correct A (o1 o2: option A): WHEN option_eq_check o1 o2 ~> _ THEN o1=o2.
+ wlp_simplify.
+Global Opaque option_eq_check.
+Hint Resolve option_eq_check_correct:wlp.
+Import PTree.
+Fixpoint PTree_eq_check {A} (d1 d2: PTree.t A): ?? unit :=
+ match d1, d2 with
+ | Leaf, Leaf => RET tt
+ | Node l1 o1 r1, Node l2 o2 r2 =>
+ option_eq_check o1 o2;;
+ PTree_eq_check l1 l2;;
+ PTree_eq_check r1 r2
+ | _, _ => FAILWITH "PTree_eq_check: some key is absent"
+ end.
+Lemma PTree_eq_check_correct A d1: forall (d2: t A),
+ WHEN PTree_eq_check d1 d2 ~> _ THEN forall x, PTree.get x d1 = PTree.get x d2.
+ induction d1 as [|l1 Hl1 o1 r1 Hr1]; destruct d2 as [|l2 o2 r2]; simpl;
+ wlp_simplify. destruct x; simpl; auto.
+Global Opaque PTree_eq_check.
+Local Hint Resolve PTree_eq_check_correct: wlp.
+Fixpoint PTree_frame_eq_check {A} (frame: list positive) (d1 d2: PTree.t A): ?? unit :=
+ match frame with
+ | nil => RET tt
+ | k::l =>
+ option_eq_check (PTree.get k d1) (PTree.get k d2);;
+ PTree_frame_eq_check l d1 d2
+ end.
+Lemma PTree_frame_eq_check_correct A l (d1 d2: t A):
+ WHEN PTree_frame_eq_check l d1 d2 ~> _ THEN forall x, List.In x l -> PTree.get x d1 = PTree.get x d2.
+ induction l as [|k l]; simpl; wlp_simplify.
+ subst; auto.
+Global Opaque PTree_frame_eq_check.
+Local Hint Resolve PTree_frame_eq_check_correct: wlp.
+Definition hsilocal_simu_check hst1 hst2 : ?? unit :=
+ DEBUG("? last check");;
+ phys_check (hsi_smem hst2) (hsi_smem hst1) "hsilocal_simu_check: hsi_smem sets aren't equiv";;
+ PTree_eq_check (hsi_sreg hst1) (hsi_sreg hst2);;
+ Sets.assert_list_incl mk_hash_params (hsi_ok_lsval hst2) (hsi_ok_lsval hst1);;
+ DEBUG("=> last check: OK").
+Lemma hsilocal_simu_check_correct hst1 hst2:
+ WHEN hsilocal_simu_check hst1 hst2 ~> _ THEN
+ hsilocal_simu_spec None hst1 hst2.
+ unfold hsilocal_simu_spec; wlp_simplify.
+Hint Resolve hsilocal_simu_check_correct: wlp.
+Global Opaque hsilocal_simu_check.
+Definition hsilocal_frame_simu_check frame hst1 hst2 : ?? unit :=
+ DEBUG("? frame check");;
+ phys_check (hsi_smem hst2) (hsi_smem hst1) "hsilocal_frame_simu_check: hsi_smem sets aren't equiv";;
+ PTree_frame_eq_check frame (hsi_sreg hst1) (hsi_sreg hst2);;
+ Sets.assert_list_incl mk_hash_params (hsi_ok_lsval hst2) (hsi_ok_lsval hst1);;
+ DEBUG("=> frame check: OK").
+Lemma setoid_in {A: Type} (a: A): forall l,
+ SetoidList.InA (fun x y => x = y) a l ->
+ In a l.
+ induction l; intros; inv H.
+ - constructor. reflexivity.
+ - right. auto.
+Lemma regset_elements_in r rs:
+ Regset.In r rs ->
+ In r (Regset.elements rs).
+ intros. exploit Regset.elements_1; eauto. intro SIN.
+ apply setoid_in. assumption.
+Local Hint Resolve regset_elements_in: core.
+Lemma hsilocal_frame_simu_check_correct hst1 hst2 alive:
+ WHEN hsilocal_frame_simu_check (Regset.elements alive) hst1 hst2 ~> _ THEN
+ hsilocal_simu_spec (Some alive) hst1 hst2.
+ unfold hsilocal_simu_spec; wlp_simplify. symmetry; eauto.
+Hint Resolve hsilocal_frame_simu_check_correct: wlp.
+Global Opaque hsilocal_frame_simu_check.
+Definition revmap_check_single (dm: PTree.t node) (n tn: node) : ?? unit :=
+ DO res <~ some_or_fail (dm ! tn) "revmap_check_single: no mapping for tn";;
+ struct_check n res "revmap_check_single: n and res are physically different".
+Lemma revmap_check_single_correct dm pc1 pc2:
+ WHEN revmap_check_single dm pc1 pc2 ~> _ THEN
+ dm ! pc2 = Some pc1.
+ wlp_simplify. congruence.
+Hint Resolve revmap_check_single_correct: wlp.
+Global Opaque revmap_check_single.
+Definition hsiexit_simu_check (dm: PTree.t node) (f: RTLpath.function) (hse1 hse2: hsistate_exit): ?? unit :=
+ struct_check (hsi_cond hse1) (hsi_cond hse2) "hsiexit_simu_check: conditions do not match";;
+ phys_check (hsi_scondargs hse1) (hsi_scondargs hse2) "hsiexit_simu_check: args do not match";;
+ revmap_check_single dm (hsi_ifso hse1) (hsi_ifso hse2);;
+ DO path <~ some_or_fail ((fn_path f) ! (hsi_ifso hse1)) "hsiexit_simu_check: internal error";;
+ hsilocal_frame_simu_check (Regset.elements path.(input_regs)) (hsi_elocal hse1) (hsi_elocal hse2).
+Lemma hsiexit_simu_check_correct dm f hse1 hse2:
+ WHEN hsiexit_simu_check dm f hse1 hse2 ~> _ THEN
+ hsiexit_simu_spec dm f hse1 hse2.
+ unfold hsiexit_simu_spec; wlp_simplify.
+Hint Resolve hsiexit_simu_check_correct: wlp.
+Global Opaque hsiexit_simu_check.
+Fixpoint hsiexits_simu_check (dm: PTree.t node) (f: RTLpath.function) (lhse1 lhse2: list hsistate_exit) :=
+ match lhse1,lhse2 with
+ | nil, nil => RET tt
+ | hse1 :: lhse1, hse2 :: lhse2 =>
+ hsiexit_simu_check dm f hse1 hse2;;
+ hsiexits_simu_check dm f lhse1 lhse2
+ | _, _ => FAILWITH "siexists_simu_check: lengths do not match"
+ end.
+Lemma hsiexits_simu_check_correct dm f: forall le1 le2,
+ WHEN hsiexits_simu_check dm f le1 le2 ~> _ THEN
+ hsiexits_simu_spec dm f le1 le2.
+ unfold hsiexits_simu_spec; induction le1; simpl; destruct le2; wlp_simplify; constructor; eauto.
+Hint Resolve hsiexits_simu_check_correct: wlp.
+Global Opaque hsiexits_simu_check.
+Definition hsistate_simu_check (dm: PTree.t node) (f: RTLpath.function) (hst1 hst2: hsistate) :=
+ hsiexits_simu_check dm f (hsi_exits hst1) (hsi_exits hst2);;
+ hsilocal_simu_check (hsi_local hst1) (hsi_local hst2).
+Lemma hsistate_simu_check_correct dm f hst1 hst2:
+ WHEN hsistate_simu_check dm f hst1 hst2 ~> _ THEN
+ hsistate_simu_spec dm f hst1 hst2.
+ unfold hsistate_simu_spec; wlp_simplify.
+Hint Resolve hsistate_simu_check_correct: wlp.
+Global Opaque hsistate_simu_check.
+Fixpoint revmap_check_list (dm: PTree.t node) (ln ln': list node): ?? unit :=
+ match ln, ln' with
+ | nil, nil => RET tt
+ | n::ln, n'::ln' =>
+ revmap_check_single dm n n';;
+ revmap_check_list dm ln ln'
+ | _, _ => FAILWITH "revmap_check_list: lists have different lengths"
+ end.
+Lemma revmap_check_list_correct dm: forall lpc lpc',
+ WHEN revmap_check_list dm lpc lpc' ~> _ THEN
+ ptree_get_list dm lpc' = Some lpc.
+ induction lpc.
+ - destruct lpc'; wlp_simplify.
+ - destruct lpc'; wlp_simplify. try_simplify_someHyps.
+Global Opaque revmap_check_list.
+Hint Resolve revmap_check_list_correct: wlp.
+Definition svos_simu_check (svos1 svos2: hsval + ident) :=
+ match svos1, svos2 with
+ | inl sv1, inl sv2 => phys_check sv1 sv2 "svos_simu_check: sval mismatch"
+ | inr id1, inr id2 => phys_check id1 id2 "svos_simu_check: symbol mismatch"
+ | _, _ => FAILWITH "svos_simu_check: type mismatch"
+ end.
+Lemma svos_simu_check_correct svos1 svos2:
+ WHEN svos_simu_check svos1 svos2 ~> _ THEN
+ svos1 = svos2.
+ destruct svos1; destruct svos2; wlp_simplify.
+Global Opaque svos_simu_check.
+Hint Resolve svos_simu_check_correct: wlp.
+Fixpoint builtin_arg_simu_check (bs bs': builtin_arg hsval) :=
+ match bs with
+ | BA sv =>
+ match bs' with
+ | BA sv' => phys_check sv sv' "builtin_arg_simu_check: sval mismatch"
+ | _ => FAILWITH "builtin_arg_simu_check: BA mismatch"
+ end
+ | BA_splitlong lo hi =>
+ match bs' with
+ | BA_splitlong lo' hi' =>
+ builtin_arg_simu_check lo lo';;
+ builtin_arg_simu_check hi hi'
+ | _ => FAILWITH "builtin_arg_simu_check: BA_splitlong mismatch"
+ end
+ | BA_addptr b1 b2 =>
+ match bs' with
+ | BA_addptr b1' b2' =>
+ builtin_arg_simu_check b1 b1';;
+ builtin_arg_simu_check b2 b2'
+ | _ => FAILWITH "builtin_arg_simu_check: BA_addptr mismatch"
+ end
+ | bs => struct_check bs bs' "builtin_arg_simu_check: basic mismatch"
+ end.
+Lemma builtin_arg_simu_check_correct: forall bs1 bs2,
+ WHEN builtin_arg_simu_check bs1 bs2 ~> _ THEN
+ builtin_arg_map hsval_proj bs1 = builtin_arg_map hsval_proj bs2.
+ induction bs1.
+ all: try (wlp_simplify; subst; reflexivity).
+ all: destruct bs2; wlp_simplify; congruence.
+Global Opaque builtin_arg_simu_check.
+Hint Resolve builtin_arg_simu_check_correct: wlp.
+Fixpoint list_builtin_arg_simu_check lbs1 lbs2 :=
+ match lbs1, lbs2 with
+ | nil, nil => RET tt
+ | bs1::lbs1, bs2::lbs2 =>
+ builtin_arg_simu_check bs1 bs2;;
+ list_builtin_arg_simu_check lbs1 lbs2
+ | _, _ => FAILWITH "list_builtin_arg_simu_check: length mismatch"
+ end.
+Lemma list_builtin_arg_simu_check_correct: forall lbs1 lbs2,
+ WHEN list_builtin_arg_simu_check lbs1 lbs2 ~> _ THEN
+ List.map (builtin_arg_map hsval_proj) lbs1 = List.map (builtin_arg_map hsval_proj) lbs2.
+ induction lbs1; destruct lbs2; wlp_simplify. congruence.
+Global Opaque list_builtin_arg_simu_check.
+Hint Resolve list_builtin_arg_simu_check_correct: wlp.
+Definition sfval_simu_check (dm: PTree.t node) (f: RTLpath.function) (pc1 pc2: node) (fv1 fv2: hsfval) :=
+ match fv1, fv2 with
+ | HSnone, HSnone => revmap_check_single dm pc1 pc2
+ | HScall sig1 svos1 lsv1 res1 pc1, HScall sig2 svos2 lsv2 res2 pc2 =>
+ revmap_check_single dm pc1 pc2;;
+ phys_check sig1 sig2 "sfval_simu_check: Scall different signatures";;
+ phys_check res1 res2 "sfval_simu_check: Scall res do not match";;
+ svos_simu_check svos1 svos2;;
+ phys_check lsv1 lsv2 "sfval_simu_check: Scall args do not match"
+ | HStailcall sig1 svos1 lsv1, HStailcall sig2 svos2 lsv2 =>
+ phys_check sig1 sig2 "sfval_simu_check: Stailcall different signatures";;
+ svos_simu_check svos1 svos2;;
+ phys_check lsv1 lsv2 "sfval_simu_check: Stailcall args do not match"
+ | HSbuiltin ef1 lbs1 br1 pc1, HSbuiltin ef2 lbs2 br2 pc2 =>
+ revmap_check_single dm pc1 pc2;;
+ phys_check ef1 ef2 "sfval_simu_check: builtin ef do not match";;
+ phys_check br1 br2 "sfval_simu_check: builtin br do not match";;
+ list_builtin_arg_simu_check lbs1 lbs2
+ | HSjumptable sv ln, HSjumptable sv' ln' =>
+ revmap_check_list dm ln ln';;
+ phys_check sv sv' "sfval_simu_check: Sjumptable sval do not match"
+ | HSreturn osv1, HSreturn osv2 =>
+ option_eq_check osv1 osv2
+ | _, _ => FAILWITH "sfval_simu_check: structure mismatch"
+ end.
+Lemma sfval_simu_check_correct dm f opc1 opc2 fv1 fv2:
+ WHEN sfval_simu_check dm f opc1 opc2 fv1 fv2 ~> _ THEN
+ hfinal_simu_spec dm f opc1 opc2 fv1 fv2.
+ unfold hfinal_simu_spec; destruct fv1; destruct fv2; wlp_simplify; try congruence.
+Hint Resolve sfval_simu_check_correct: wlp.
+Global Opaque sfval_simu_check.
+Definition hsstate_simu_check (dm: PTree.t node) (f: RTLpath.function) (hst1 hst2: hsstate) :=
+ hsistate_simu_check dm f (hinternal hst1) (hinternal hst2);;
+ sfval_simu_check dm f (hsi_pc hst1) (hsi_pc hst2) (hfinal hst1) (hfinal hst2).
+Lemma hsstate_simu_check_correct dm f hst1 hst2:
+ WHEN hsstate_simu_check dm f hst1 hst2 ~> _ THEN
+ hsstate_simu_spec dm f hst1 hst2.
+ unfold hsstate_simu_spec; wlp_simplify.
+Hint Resolve hsstate_simu_check_correct: wlp.
+Global Opaque hsstate_simu_check.
+Definition simu_check_single (dm: PTree.t node) (f: RTLpath.function) (tf: RTLpath.function) (m: node * node): ?? unit :=
+ let (pc2, pc1) := m in
+ (* creating the hash-consing tables *)
+ DO hC_sval <~ hCons hSVAL;;
+ DO hC_list_hsval <~ hCons hLSVAL;;
+ DO hC_hsmem <~ hCons hSMEM;;
+ let hsexec := hsexec hC_sval.(hC) hC_list_hsval.(hC) hC_hsmem.(hC) in
+ (* performing the hash-consed executions *)
+ XDEBUG pc1 (fun pc => DO name_pc <~ string_of_Z (Zpos pc);; RET ("entry-point of input superblock: " +; name_pc)%string);;
+ DO hst1 <~ hsexec f pc1;;
+ XDEBUG pc2 (fun pc => DO name_pc <~ string_of_Z (Zpos pc);; RET ("entry-point of output superblock: " +; name_pc)%string);;
+ DO hst2 <~ hsexec tf pc2;;
+ (* comparing the executions *)
+ hsstate_simu_check dm f hst1 hst2.
+Lemma simu_check_single_correct dm tf f pc1 pc2:
+ WHEN simu_check_single dm f tf (pc2, pc1) ~> _ THEN
+ sexec_simu dm f tf pc1 pc2.
+ unfold sexec_simu; wlp_simplify.
+ exploit H2; clear H2. 1-3: wlp_simplify.
+ intros (st2 & SEXEC2 & REF2). try_simplify_someHyps.
+ exploit H3; clear H3. 1-3: wlp_simplify.
+ intros (st3 & SEXEC3 & REF3). try_simplify_someHyps.
+ eexists. split; eauto.
+ intros ctx.
+ eapply hsstate_simu_spec_correct; eauto.
+Global Opaque simu_check_single.
+Global Hint Resolve simu_check_single_correct: wlp.
+Fixpoint simu_check_rec (dm: PTree.t node) (f: RTLpath.function) (tf: RTLpath.function) lm : ?? unit :=
+ match lm with
+ | nil => RET tt
+ | m :: lm =>
+ simu_check_single dm f tf m;;
+ simu_check_rec dm f tf lm
+ end.
+Lemma simu_check_rec_correct dm f tf lm:
+ WHEN simu_check_rec dm f tf lm ~> _ THEN
+ forall pc1 pc2, In (pc2, pc1) lm -> sexec_simu dm f tf pc1 pc2.
+ induction lm; wlp_simplify.
+ match goal with
+ | X: (_,_) = (_,_) |- _ => inversion X; subst
+ end.
+ subst; eauto.
+Global Opaque simu_check_rec.
+Global Hint Resolve simu_check_rec_correct: wlp.
+Definition imp_simu_check (dm: PTree.t node) (f: RTLpath.function) (tf: RTLpath.function): ?? unit :=
+ simu_check_rec dm f tf (PTree.elements dm);;
+ DEBUG("simu_check OK!").
+Local Hint Resolve PTree.elements_correct: core.
+Lemma imp_simu_check_correct dm f tf:
+ WHEN imp_simu_check dm f tf ~> _ THEN
+ forall pc1 pc2, dm ! pc2 = Some pc1 -> sexec_simu dm f tf pc1 pc2.
+ wlp_simplify.
+Global Opaque imp_simu_check.
+Global Hint Resolve imp_simu_check_correct: wlp.
+Program Definition aux_simu_check (dm: PTree.t node) (f: RTLpath.function) (tf: RTLpath.function): ?? bool :=
+ DO r <~
+ (TRY
+ imp_simu_check dm f tf;;
+ RET true
+ CATCH_FAIL s, _ =>
+ println ("simu_check_failure:" +; s);;
+ RET false
+ ENSURE (fun b => b=true -> forall pc1 pc2, dm ! pc2 = Some pc1 -> sexec_simu dm f tf pc1 pc2));;
+ RET (`r).
+Obligation 1.
+ split; wlp_simplify. discriminate.
+Lemma aux_simu_check_correct dm f tf:
+ WHEN aux_simu_check dm f tf ~> b THEN
+ b=true -> forall pc1 pc2, dm ! pc2 = Some pc1 -> sexec_simu dm f tf pc1 pc2.
+ unfold aux_simu_check; wlp_simplify.
+ destruct exta; simpl; auto.
+(* Coerce aux_simu_check into a pure function (this is a little unsafe like all oracles in CompCert). *)
+Import UnsafeImpure.
+Definition simu_check (dm: PTree.t node) (f: RTLpath.function) (tf: RTLpath.function) : res unit :=
+ match unsafe_coerce (aux_simu_check dm f tf) with
+ | Some true => OK tt
+ | _ => Error (msg "simu_check has failed")
+ end.
+Lemma simu_check_correct dm f tf:
+ simu_check dm f tf = OK tt ->
+ forall pc1 pc2, dm ! pc2 = Some pc1 ->
+ sexec_simu dm f tf pc1 pc2.
+ unfold simu_check.
+ destruct (unsafe_coerce (aux_simu_check dm f tf)) as [[|]|] eqn:Hres; simpl; try discriminate.
+ intros; eapply aux_simu_check_correct; eauto.
+ eapply unsafe_coerce_not_really_correct; eauto.
+Qed. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scheduling/RTLpathSE_simu_specs.v b/scheduling/RTLpathSE_simu_specs.v
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index 00000000..c9e272c0
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+(** Low-level specifications of the simulation tests by symbolic execution with hash-consing *)
+Require Import Coqlib Maps Floats.
+Require Import AST Integers Values Events Memory Globalenvs Smallstep.
+Require Import Op Registers.
+Require Import RTL RTLpath.
+Require Import Errors.
+Require Import RTLpathSE_theory RTLpathLivegenproof.
+Require Import Axioms.
+Local Open Scope error_monad_scope.
+Local Open Scope option_monad_scope.
+Require Export Impure.ImpHCons.
+Import ListNotations.
+Local Open Scope list_scope.
+(** * Auxilary notions on simulation tests *)
+Definition silocal_simu (dm: PTree.t node) (f: RTLpath.function) (sl1 sl2: sistate_local) (ctx: simu_proof_context f): Prop :=
+ forall is1, ssem_local (the_ge1 ctx) (the_sp ctx) sl1 (the_rs0 ctx) (the_m0 ctx) (irs is1) (imem is1) ->
+ exists is2, ssem_local (the_ge2 ctx) (the_sp ctx) sl2 (the_rs0 ctx) (the_m0 ctx) (irs is2) (imem is2)
+ /\ istate_simu f dm is1 is2.
+(* a kind of negation of sabort_local *)
+Definition sok_local (ge: RTL.genv) (sp:val) (rs0: regset) (m0: mem) (st: sistate_local): Prop :=
+ (st.(si_pre) ge sp rs0 m0)
+ /\ seval_smem ge sp st.(si_smem) rs0 m0 <> None
+ /\ forall (r: reg), seval_sval ge sp (si_sreg st r) rs0 m0 <> None.
+Lemma ssem_local_sok ge sp rs0 m0 st rs m:
+ ssem_local ge sp st rs0 m0 rs m -> sok_local ge sp rs0 m0 st.
+ unfold sok_local, ssem_local.
+ intuition congruence.
+Definition siexit_simu (dm: PTree.t node) (f: RTLpath.function) (ctx: simu_proof_context f) (se1 se2: sistate_exit) :=
+ (sok_local (the_ge1 ctx) (the_sp ctx) (the_rs0 ctx) (the_m0 ctx) (si_elocal se1) ->
+ (seval_condition (the_ge1 ctx) (the_sp ctx) (si_cond se1) (si_scondargs se1)
+ (si_smem (si_elocal se1)) (the_rs0 ctx) (the_m0 ctx)) =
+ (seval_condition (the_ge2 ctx) (the_sp ctx) (si_cond se2) (si_scondargs se2)
+ (si_smem (si_elocal se2)) (the_rs0 ctx) (the_m0 ctx)))
+ /\ forall is1,
+ icontinue is1 = false ->
+ ssem_exit (the_ge1 ctx) (the_sp ctx) se1 (the_rs0 ctx) (the_m0 ctx) (irs is1) (imem is1) (ipc is1) ->
+ exists is2,
+ ssem_exit (the_ge2 ctx) (the_sp ctx) se2 (the_rs0 ctx) (the_m0 ctx) (irs is2) (imem is2) (ipc is2)
+ /\ istate_simu f dm is1 is2.
+Definition siexits_simu (dm: PTree.t node) (f: RTLpath.function) (lse1 lse2: list sistate_exit) (ctx: simu_proof_context f) :=
+ list_forall2 (siexit_simu dm f ctx) lse1 lse2.
+(** * Implementation of Data-structure use in Hash-consing *)
+(** ** Implementation of symbolic values/symbolic memories with hash-consing data *)
+Inductive hsval :=
+ | HSinput (r: reg) (hid: hashcode)
+ | HSop (op: operation) (lhsv: list_hsval) (hid: hashcode) (** NB: does not depend on the memory ! *)
+ | HSload (hsm: hsmem) (trap: trapping_mode) (chunk: memory_chunk) (addr: addressing) (lhsv: list_hsval) (hid: hashcode)
+with list_hsval :=
+ | HSnil (hid: hashcode)
+ | HScons (hsv: hsval) (lhsv: list_hsval) (hid: hashcode)
+with hsmem :=
+ | HSinit (hid: hashcode)
+ | HSstore (hsm: hsmem) (chunk: memory_chunk) (addr: addressing) (lhsv: list_hsval) (srce: hsval) (hid:hashcode).
+Scheme hsval_mut := Induction for hsval Sort Prop
+with list_hsval_mut := Induction for list_hsval Sort Prop
+with hsmem_mut := Induction for hsmem Sort Prop.
+(** Symbolic final value -- from hash-consed values
+ It does not seem useful to hash-consed these final values (because they are final).
+Inductive hsfval :=
+ | HSnone
+ | HScall (sig: signature) (svos: hsval + ident) (lsv: list_hsval) (res: reg) (pc: node)
+ | HStailcall (sig: signature) (svos: hsval + ident) (lsv: list_hsval)
+ | HSbuiltin (ef: external_function) (sargs: list (builtin_arg hsval)) (res: builtin_res reg) (pc: node)
+ | HSjumptable (sv: hsval) (tbl: list node)
+ | HSreturn (res: option hsval)
+(** * gives the semantics of hash-consed symbolic values *)
+Fixpoint hsval_proj hsv :=
+ match hsv with
+ | HSinput r _ => Sinput r
+ | HSop op hl _ => Sop op (hsval_list_proj hl) Sinit (** NB: use the initial memory of the path ! *)
+ | HSload hm t chk addr hl _ => Sload (hsmem_proj hm) t chk addr (hsval_list_proj hl)
+ end
+with hsval_list_proj hl :=
+ match hl with
+ | HSnil _ => Snil
+ | HScons hv hl _ => Scons (hsval_proj hv) (hsval_list_proj hl)
+ end
+with hsmem_proj hm :=
+ match hm with
+ | HSinit _ => Sinit
+ | HSstore hm chk addr hl hv _ => Sstore (hsmem_proj hm) chk addr (hsval_list_proj hl) (hsval_proj hv)
+ end.
+Declare Scope hse.
+Local Open Scope hse.
+(** We use a Notation instead a Definition, in order to get more automation "for free" *)
+Notation "'seval_hsval' ge sp hsv" := (seval_sval ge sp (hsval_proj hsv))
+ (only parsing, at level 0, ge at next level, sp at next level, hsv at next level): hse.
+Notation "'seval_list_hsval' ge sp lhv" := (seval_list_sval ge sp (hsval_list_proj lhv))
+ (only parsing, at level 0, ge at next level, sp at next level, lhv at next level): hse.
+Notation "'seval_hsmem' ge sp hsm" := (seval_smem ge sp (hsmem_proj hsm))
+ (only parsing, at level 0, ge at next level, sp at next level, hsm at next level): hse.
+Notation "'sval_refines' ge sp rs0 m0 hv sv" := (seval_hsval ge sp hv rs0 m0 = seval_sval ge sp sv rs0 m0)
+ (only parsing, at level 0, ge at next level, sp at next level, rs0 at next level, m0 at next level, hv at next level, sv at next level): hse.
+Notation "'list_sval_refines' ge sp rs0 m0 lhv lsv" := (seval_list_hsval ge sp lhv rs0 m0 = seval_list_sval ge sp lsv rs0 m0)
+ (only parsing, at level 0, ge at next level, sp at next level, rs0 at next level, m0 at next level, lhv at next level, lsv at next level): hse.
+Notation "'smem_refines' ge sp rs0 m0 hm sm" := (seval_hsmem ge sp hm rs0 m0 = seval_smem ge sp sm rs0 m0)
+ (only parsing, at level 0, ge at next level, sp at next level, rs0 at next level, m0 at next level, hm at next level, sm at next level): hse.
+(** ** Implementation of symbolic states (with hash-consing) *)
+(** *** Syntax and semantics of symbolic internal local states
+The semantics is given by the refinement relation [hsilocal_refines] wrt to (abstract) symbolic internal local states
+(* NB: "h" stands for hash-consing *)
+Record hsistate_local :=
+ {
+ (** [hsi_smem] represents the current smem symbolic evaluations.
+ (we also recover the history of smem in hsi_smem) *)
+ hsi_smem:> hsmem;
+ (** For the values in registers:
+ 1) we store a list of sval evaluations
+ 2) we encode the symbolic regset by a PTree *)
+ hsi_ok_lsval: list hsval;
+ hsi_sreg:> PTree.t hsval
+ }.
+Definition hsi_sreg_proj (hst: PTree.t hsval) r: sval :=
+ match PTree.get r hst with
+ | None => Sinput r
+ | Some hsv => hsval_proj hsv
+ end.
+Definition hsi_sreg_eval ge sp hst r := seval_sval ge sp (hsi_sreg_proj hst r).
+Definition hsok_local ge sp rs0 m0 (hst: hsistate_local) : Prop :=
+ (forall hsv, List.In hsv (hsi_ok_lsval hst) -> seval_hsval ge sp hsv rs0 m0 <> None)
+ /\ (seval_hsmem ge sp (hst.(hsi_smem)) rs0 m0 <> None).
+(* refinement link between a (st: sistate_local) and (hst: hsistate_local) *)
+Definition hsilocal_refines ge sp rs0 m0 (hst: hsistate_local) (st: sistate_local) :=
+ (sok_local ge sp rs0 m0 st <-> hsok_local ge sp rs0 m0 hst)
+ /\ (hsok_local ge sp rs0 m0 hst -> smem_refines ge sp rs0 m0 (hsi_smem hst) (st.(si_smem)))
+ /\ (hsok_local ge sp rs0 m0 hst -> forall r, hsi_sreg_eval ge sp hst r rs0 m0 = seval_sval ge sp (si_sreg st r) rs0 m0)
+ /\ (* the below invariant allows to evaluate operations in the initial memory of the path instead of the current memory *)
+ (forall m b ofs, seval_smem ge sp st.(si_smem) rs0 m0 = Some m -> Mem.valid_pointer m b ofs = Mem.valid_pointer m0 b ofs)
+ .
+(** *** Syntax and semantics of symbolic exit states *)
+Record hsistate_exit := mk_hsistate_exit
+ { hsi_cond: condition; hsi_scondargs: list_hsval; hsi_elocal: hsistate_local; hsi_ifso: node }.
+(** NB: we split the refinement relation between a "static" part -- independendent of the initial context
+ and a "dynamic" part -- that depends on it
+Definition hsiexit_refines_stat (hext: hsistate_exit) (ext: sistate_exit): Prop :=
+ hsi_ifso hext = si_ifso ext.
+Definition hseval_condition ge sp cond hcondargs hmem rs0 m0 :=
+ seval_condition ge sp cond (hsval_list_proj hcondargs) (hsmem_proj hmem) rs0 m0.
+Lemma hseval_condition_preserved ge ge' sp cond args mem rs0 m0:
+ (forall s : ident, Genv.find_symbol ge' s = Genv.find_symbol ge s) ->
+ hseval_condition ge sp cond args mem rs0 m0 = hseval_condition ge' sp cond args mem rs0 m0.
+ intros. unfold hseval_condition. erewrite seval_condition_preserved; [|eapply H].
+ reflexivity.
+Definition hsiexit_refines_dyn ge sp rs0 m0 (hext: hsistate_exit) (ext: sistate_exit): Prop :=
+ hsilocal_refines ge sp rs0 m0 (hsi_elocal hext) (si_elocal ext)
+ /\ (hsok_local ge sp rs0 m0 (hsi_elocal hext) ->
+ hseval_condition ge sp (hsi_cond hext) (hsi_scondargs hext) (hsi_smem (hsi_elocal hext)) rs0 m0
+ = seval_condition ge sp (si_cond ext) (si_scondargs ext) (si_smem (si_elocal ext)) rs0 m0).
+Definition hsiexits_refines_stat lhse lse :=
+ list_forall2 hsiexit_refines_stat lhse lse.
+Definition hsiexits_refines_dyn ge sp rs0 m0 lhse se :=
+ list_forall2 (hsiexit_refines_dyn ge sp rs0 m0) lhse se.
+(** *** Syntax and Semantics of symbolic internal state *)
+Record hsistate := { hsi_pc: node; hsi_exits: list hsistate_exit; hsi_local: hsistate_local }.
+(* expresses the "monotony" of sok_local along sequences *)
+Inductive nested_sok ge sp rs0 m0: sistate_local -> list sistate_exit -> Prop :=
+ nsok_nil st: nested_sok ge sp rs0 m0 st nil
+ | nsok_cons st se lse:
+ (sok_local ge sp rs0 m0 st -> sok_local ge sp rs0 m0 (si_elocal se)) ->
+ nested_sok ge sp rs0 m0 (si_elocal se) lse ->
+ nested_sok ge sp rs0 m0 st (se::lse).
+Lemma nested_sok_prop ge sp st sle rs0 m0:
+ nested_sok ge sp rs0 m0 st sle ->
+ sok_local ge sp rs0 m0 st ->
+ forall se, In se sle -> sok_local ge sp rs0 m0 (si_elocal se).
+ induction 1; simpl; intuition (subst; eauto).
+Lemma nested_sok_elocal ge sp rs0 m0 st2 exits:
+ nested_sok ge sp rs0 m0 st2 exits ->
+ forall st1, (sok_local ge sp rs0 m0 st1 -> sok_local ge sp rs0 m0 st2) ->
+ nested_sok ge sp rs0 m0 st1 exits.
+ induction 1; [intros; constructor|].
+ intros. constructor; auto.
+Lemma nested_sok_tail ge sp rs0 m0 st lx exits:
+ is_tail lx exits ->
+ nested_sok ge sp rs0 m0 st exits ->
+ nested_sok ge sp rs0 m0 st lx.
+ induction 1; [auto|].
+ intros. inv H0. eapply IHis_tail. eapply nested_sok_elocal; eauto.
+Definition hsistate_refines_stat (hst: hsistate) (st:sistate): Prop :=
+ hsi_pc hst = si_pc st
+ /\ hsiexits_refines_stat (hsi_exits hst) (si_exits st).
+Definition hsistate_refines_dyn ge sp rs0 m0 (hst: hsistate) (st:sistate): Prop :=
+ hsiexits_refines_dyn ge sp rs0 m0 (hsi_exits hst) (si_exits st)
+ /\ hsilocal_refines ge sp rs0 m0 (hsi_local hst) (si_local st)
+ /\ nested_sok ge sp rs0 m0 (si_local st) (si_exits st) (* invariant necessary to prove "monotony" of sok_local along execution *)
+ .
+(** *** Syntax and Semantics of symbolic state *)
+Definition hfinal_proj (hfv: hsfval) : sfval :=
+ match hfv with
+ | HSnone => Snone
+ | HScall s hvi hlv r pc => Scall s (sum_left_map hsval_proj hvi) (hsval_list_proj hlv) r pc
+ | HStailcall s hvi hlv => Stailcall s (sum_left_map hsval_proj hvi) (hsval_list_proj hlv)
+ | HSbuiltin ef lbh br pc => Sbuiltin ef (List.map (builtin_arg_map hsval_proj) lbh) br pc
+ | HSjumptable hv ln => Sjumptable (hsval_proj hv) ln
+ | HSreturn oh => Sreturn (option_map hsval_proj oh)
+ end.
+Variable ge: RTL.genv.
+Variable sp: val.
+Variable rs0: regset.
+Variable m0: mem.
+Definition option_refines (ohsv: option hsval) (osv: option sval) :=
+ match ohsv, osv with
+ | Some hsv, Some sv => sval_refines ge sp rs0 m0 hsv sv
+ | None, None => True
+ | _, _ => False
+ end.
+Definition sum_refines (hsi: hsval + ident) (si: sval + ident) :=
+ match hsi, si with
+ | inl hv, inl sv => sval_refines ge sp rs0 m0 hv sv
+ | inr id, inr id' => id = id'
+ | _, _ => False
+ end.
+Definition bargs_refines (hargs: list (builtin_arg hsval)) (args: list (builtin_arg sval)): Prop :=
+ seval_list_builtin_sval ge sp (List.map (builtin_arg_map hsval_proj) hargs) rs0 m0 = seval_list_builtin_sval ge sp args rs0 m0.
+Inductive hfinal_refines: hsfval -> sfval -> Prop :=
+ | hsnone_ref: hfinal_refines HSnone Snone
+ | hscall_ref: forall hros ros hargs args s r pc,
+ sum_refines hros ros ->
+ list_sval_refines ge sp rs0 m0 hargs args ->
+ hfinal_refines (HScall s hros hargs r pc) (Scall s ros args r pc)
+ | hstailcall_ref: forall hros ros hargs args s,
+ sum_refines hros ros ->
+ list_sval_refines ge sp rs0 m0 hargs args ->
+ hfinal_refines (HStailcall s hros hargs) (Stailcall s ros args)
+ | hsbuiltin_ref: forall ef lbha lba br pc,
+ bargs_refines lbha lba ->
+ hfinal_refines (HSbuiltin ef lbha br pc) (Sbuiltin ef lba br pc)
+ | hsjumptable_ref: forall hsv sv lpc,
+ sval_refines ge sp rs0 m0 hsv sv -> hfinal_refines (HSjumptable hsv lpc) (Sjumptable sv lpc)
+ | hsreturn_ref: forall ohsv osv,
+ option_refines ohsv osv -> hfinal_refines (HSreturn ohsv) (Sreturn osv).
+Record hsstate := { hinternal:> hsistate; hfinal: hsfval }.
+Definition hsstate_refines (hst: hsstate) (st:sstate): Prop :=
+ hsistate_refines_stat (hinternal hst) (internal st)
+ /\ (forall ge sp rs0 m0, hsistate_refines_dyn ge sp rs0 m0 (hinternal hst) (internal st))
+ /\ (forall ge sp rs0 m0, hsok_local ge sp rs0 m0 (hsi_local (hinternal hst)) -> hfinal_refines ge sp rs0 m0 (hfinal hst) (final st))
+ .
+(** * Intermediate specifications of the simulation tests *)
+(** ** Specification of the simulation test on [hsistate_local].
+ It is motivated by [hsilocal_simu_spec_correct theorem] below
+Definition hsilocal_simu_spec (oalive: option Regset.t) (hst1 hst2: hsistate_local) :=
+ List.incl (hsi_ok_lsval hst2) (hsi_ok_lsval hst1)
+ /\ (forall r, (match oalive with Some alive => Regset.In r alive | _ => True end) -> PTree.get r hst2 = PTree.get r hst1)
+ /\ hsi_smem hst1 = hsi_smem hst2.
+Definition seval_sval_partial ge sp rs0 m0 hsv :=
+ match seval_hsval ge sp hsv rs0 m0 with
+ | Some v => v
+ | None => Vundef
+ end.
+Definition select_first (ox oy: option val) :=
+ match ox with
+ | Some v => Some v
+ | None => oy
+ end.
+(** If the register was computed by hrs, evaluate the symbolic value from hrs.
+ Else, take the value directly from rs0 *)
+Definition seval_partial_regset ge sp rs0 m0 hrs :=
+ let hrs_eval := PTree.map1 (seval_sval_partial ge sp rs0 m0) hrs in
+ (fst rs0, PTree.combine select_first hrs_eval (snd rs0)).
+Lemma seval_partial_regset_get ge sp rs0 m0 hrs r:
+ (seval_partial_regset ge sp rs0 m0 hrs) # r =
+ match (hrs ! r) with Some sv => seval_sval_partial ge sp rs0 m0 sv | None => (rs0 # r) end.
+ unfold seval_partial_regset. unfold Regmap.get. simpl.
+ rewrite PTree.gcombine; [| simpl; reflexivity]. rewrite PTree.gmap1.
+ destruct (hrs ! r); simpl; [reflexivity|].
+ destruct ((snd rs0) ! r); reflexivity.
+Lemma ssem_local_refines_hok ge sp rs0 m0 hst st rs m:
+ ssem_local ge sp st rs0 m0 rs m -> hsilocal_refines ge sp rs0 m0 hst st -> hsok_local ge sp rs0 m0 hst.
+ intros H0 (H1 & _ & _). apply H1. eapply ssem_local_sok. eauto.
+Lemma hsilocal_simu_spec_nofail ge1 ge2 of sp rs0 m0 hst1 hst2:
+ hsilocal_simu_spec of hst1 hst2 ->
+ (forall s, Genv.find_symbol ge1 s = Genv.find_symbol ge2 s) ->
+ hsok_local ge1 sp rs0 m0 hst1 ->
+ hsok_local ge2 sp rs0 m0 hst2.
+ intros (RSOK & _ & MEMOK) GFS (OKV & OKM). constructor.
+ - intros sv INS. apply RSOK in INS. apply OKV in INS. erewrite seval_preserved; eauto.
+ - erewrite MEMOK in OKM. erewrite smem_eval_preserved; eauto.
+Theorem hsilocal_simu_spec_correct hst1 hst2 of ge1 ge2 sp rs0 m0 rs m st1 st2:
+ hsilocal_simu_spec of hst1 hst2 ->
+ hsilocal_refines ge1 sp rs0 m0 hst1 st1 ->
+ hsilocal_refines ge2 sp rs0 m0 hst2 st2 ->
+ (forall s, Genv.find_symbol ge1 s = Genv.find_symbol ge2 s) ->
+ ssem_local ge1 sp st1 rs0 m0 rs m ->
+ match of with
+ | None => ssem_local ge2 sp st2 rs0 m0 rs m
+ | Some alive =>
+ let rs' := seval_partial_regset ge2 sp rs0 m0 (hsi_sreg hst2)
+ in ssem_local ge2 sp st2 rs0 m0 rs' m /\ eqlive_reg (fun r => Regset.In r alive) rs rs'
+ end.
+ refine (modusponens _ _ (ssem_local_refines_hok _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _); eauto.
+ intro HOK1.
+ refine (modusponens _ _ (hsilocal_simu_spec_nofail _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _); eauto.
+ intro HOK2.
+ destruct SEML as (PRE & MEMEQ & RSEQ).
+ assert (SIPRE: si_pre st2 ge2 sp rs0 m0). { destruct HREF2 as (OKEQ & _ & _). rewrite <- OKEQ in HOK2. apply HOK2. }
+ assert (SMEMEVAL: seval_smem ge2 sp (si_smem st2) rs0 m0 = Some m). {
+ destruct HREF2 as (_ & MEMEQ2 & _). destruct HREF1 as (_ & MEMEQ1 & _).
+ destruct CORE as (_ & _ & MEMEQ3).
+ rewrite <- MEMEQ2; auto. rewrite <- MEMEQ3.
+ erewrite smem_eval_preserved; [| eapply GFS].
+ rewrite MEMEQ1; auto. }
+ destruct of as [alive |].
+ - constructor.
+ + constructor; [assumption | constructor; [assumption|]].
+ destruct HREF2 as (B & _ & A & _).
+ (** B is used for the auto below. *)
+ assert (forall r : positive, hsi_sreg_eval ge2 sp hst2 r rs0 m0 = seval_sval ge2 sp (si_sreg st2 r) rs0 m0) by auto.
+ intro r. rewrite <- H. clear H.
+ generalize (A HOK2 r). unfold hsi_sreg_eval.
+ rewrite seval_partial_regset_get.
+ unfold hsi_sreg_proj.
+ destruct (hst2 ! r) eqn:HST2; [| simpl; reflexivity].
+ unfold seval_sval_partial. generalize HOK2; rewrite <- B; intros (_ & _ & C) D.
+ assert (seval_sval ge2 sp (hsval_proj h) rs0 m0 <> None) by congruence.
+ destruct (seval_sval ge2 sp _ rs0 m0); [reflexivity | contradiction].
+ + intros r ALIVE. destruct HREF2 as (_ & _ & A & _). destruct HREF1 as (_ & _ & B & _).
+ destruct CORE as (_ & C & _). rewrite seval_partial_regset_get.
+ assert (OPT: forall (x y: val), Some x = Some y -> x = y) by congruence.
+ destruct (hst2 ! r) eqn:HST2; apply OPT; clear OPT.
+ ++ unfold seval_sval_partial.
+ assert (seval_sval ge2 sp (hsval_proj h) rs0 m0 = hsi_sreg_eval ge2 sp hst2 r rs0 m0). {
+ unfold hsi_sreg_eval, hsi_sreg_proj. rewrite HST2. reflexivity. }
+ rewrite H. clear H. unfold hsi_sreg_eval, hsi_sreg_proj. rewrite C; [|assumption].
+ erewrite seval_preserved; [| eapply GFS].
+ unfold hsi_sreg_eval, hsi_sreg_proj in B; rewrite B; [|assumption]. rewrite RSEQ. reflexivity.
+ ++ rewrite <- RSEQ. rewrite <- B; [|assumption]. unfold hsi_sreg_eval, hsi_sreg_proj.
+ rewrite <- C; [|assumption]. rewrite HST2. reflexivity.
+ - constructor; [|constructor].
+ + destruct HREF2 as (OKEQ & _ & _). rewrite <- OKEQ in HOK2. apply HOK2.
+ + destruct HREF2 as (_ & MEMEQ2 & _). destruct HREF1 as (_ & MEMEQ1 & _).
+ destruct CORE as (_ & _ & MEMEQ3).
+ rewrite <- MEMEQ2; auto. rewrite <- MEMEQ3.
+ erewrite smem_eval_preserved; [| eapply GFS].
+ rewrite MEMEQ1; auto.
+ + intro r. destruct HREF2 as (_ & _ & A & _). destruct HREF1 as (_ & _ & B & _).
+ destruct CORE as (_ & C & _). rewrite <- A; auto. unfold hsi_sreg_eval, hsi_sreg_proj.
+ rewrite C; [|auto]. erewrite seval_preserved; [| eapply GFS].
+ unfold hsi_sreg_eval, hsi_sreg_proj in B; rewrite B; auto.
+(** ** Specification of the simulation test on [hsistate_exit].
+ It is motivated by [hsiexit_simu_spec_correct theorem] below
+Definition hsiexit_simu_spec dm f (hse1 hse2: hsistate_exit) :=
+ (exists path, (fn_path f) ! (hsi_ifso hse1) = Some path
+ /\ hsilocal_simu_spec (Some path.(input_regs)) (hsi_elocal hse1) (hsi_elocal hse2))
+ /\ dm ! (hsi_ifso hse2) = Some (hsi_ifso hse1)
+ /\ hsi_cond hse1 = hsi_cond hse2
+ /\ hsi_scondargs hse1 = hsi_scondargs hse2.
+Definition hsiexit_simu dm f (ctx: simu_proof_context f) hse1 hse2: Prop := forall se1 se2,
+ hsiexit_refines_stat hse1 se1 ->
+ hsiexit_refines_stat hse2 se2 ->
+ hsiexit_refines_dyn (the_ge1 ctx) (the_sp ctx) (the_rs0 ctx) (the_m0 ctx) hse1 se1 ->
+ hsiexit_refines_dyn (the_ge2 ctx) (the_sp ctx) (the_rs0 ctx) (the_m0 ctx) hse2 se2 ->
+ siexit_simu dm f ctx se1 se2.
+Lemma hsiexit_simu_spec_nofail dm f hse1 hse2 ge1 ge2 sp rs m:
+ hsiexit_simu_spec dm f hse1 hse2 ->
+ (forall s, Genv.find_symbol ge1 s = Genv.find_symbol ge2 s) ->
+ hsok_local ge1 sp rs m (hsi_elocal hse1) ->
+ hsok_local ge2 sp rs m (hsi_elocal hse2).
+ intros CORE GFS HOK1.
+ destruct CORE as ((p & _ & CORE') & _ & _ & _).
+ eapply hsilocal_simu_spec_nofail; eauto.
+Theorem hsiexit_simu_spec_correct dm f hse1 hse2 ctx:
+ hsiexit_simu_spec dm f hse1 hse2 ->
+ hsiexit_simu dm f ctx hse1 hse2.
+ intros SIMUC st1 st2 HREF1 HREF2 HDYN1 HDYN2.
+ assert (SEVALC:
+ sok_local (the_ge1 ctx) (the_sp ctx) (the_rs0 ctx) (the_m0 ctx) (si_elocal st1) ->
+ (seval_condition (the_ge1 ctx) (the_sp ctx) (si_cond st1) (si_scondargs st1) (si_smem (si_elocal st1))
+ (the_rs0 ctx) (the_m0 ctx)) =
+ (seval_condition (the_ge2 ctx) (the_sp ctx) (si_cond st2) (si_scondargs st2) (si_smem (si_elocal st2))
+ (the_rs0 ctx) (the_m0 ctx))).
+ { destruct HDYN1 as ((OKEQ1 & _) & SCOND1).
+ rewrite OKEQ1; intro OK1. rewrite <- SCOND1 by assumption. clear SCOND1.
+ generalize (genv_match ctx).
+ intro GFS; exploit hsiexit_simu_spec_nofail; eauto.
+ destruct HDYN2 as (_ & SCOND2). intro OK2. rewrite <- SCOND2 by assumption. clear OK1 OK2 SCOND2.
+ destruct SIMUC as ((path & _ & LSIMU) & _ & CONDEQ & ARGSEQ). destruct LSIMU as (_ & _ & MEMEQ).
+ rewrite CONDEQ. rewrite ARGSEQ. rewrite MEMEQ. erewrite <- hseval_condition_preserved; eauto.
+ }
+ constructor; [assumption|]. intros is1 ICONT SSEME.
+ assert (OK1: sok_local (the_ge1 ctx) (the_sp ctx) (the_rs0 ctx) (the_m0 ctx) (si_elocal st1)). {
+ destruct SSEME as (_ & SSEML & _). eapply ssem_local_sok; eauto. }
+ assert (HOK1: hsok_local (the_ge1 ctx) (the_sp ctx) (the_rs0 ctx) (the_m0 ctx) (hsi_elocal hse1)). {
+ destruct HDYN1 as (LREF & _). destruct LREF as (OKEQ & _ & _). rewrite <- OKEQ. assumption. }
+ exploit hsiexit_simu_spec_nofail. 2: eapply ctx. all: eauto. intro HOK2.
+ destruct SSEME as (SCOND & SLOC & PCEQ). destruct SIMUC as ((path & PATH & LSIMU) & REVEQ & _ & _); eauto.
+ destruct HDYN1 as (LREF1 & _). destruct HDYN2 as (LREF2 & _).
+ exploit hsilocal_simu_spec_correct; eauto; [apply ctx|]. simpl.
+ intros (SSEML & EQREG).
+ eexists (mk_istate (icontinue is1) (si_ifso st2) _ (imem is1)). simpl. constructor.
+ - constructor; intuition congruence || eauto.
+ - unfold istate_simu. rewrite ICONT.
+ simpl. assert (PCEQ': hsi_ifso hse1 = ipc is1) by congruence.
+ exists path. constructor; [|constructor]; [congruence| |congruence].
+ constructor; [|constructor]; simpl; auto.
+Remark hsiexit_simu_siexit dm f ctx hse1 hse2 se1 se2:
+ hsiexit_simu dm f ctx hse1 hse2 ->
+ hsiexit_refines_stat hse1 se1 ->
+ hsiexit_refines_stat hse2 se2 ->
+ hsiexit_refines_dyn (the_ge1 ctx) (the_sp ctx) (the_rs0 ctx) (the_m0 ctx) hse1 se1 ->
+ hsiexit_refines_dyn (the_ge2 ctx) (the_sp ctx) (the_rs0 ctx) (the_m0 ctx) hse2 se2 ->
+ siexit_simu dm f ctx se1 se2.
+ auto.
+(** ** Specification of the simulation test on [list hsistate_exit].
+ It is motivated by [hsiexit_simu_spec_correct theorem] below
+Definition hsiexits_simu dm f (ctx: simu_proof_context f) (lhse1 lhse2: list hsistate_exit): Prop :=
+ list_forall2 (hsiexit_simu dm f ctx) lhse1 lhse2.
+Definition hsiexits_simu_spec dm f lhse1 lhse2: Prop :=
+ list_forall2 (hsiexit_simu_spec dm f) lhse1 lhse2.
+Theorem hsiexits_simu_spec_correct dm f lhse1 lhse2 ctx:
+ hsiexits_simu_spec dm f lhse1 lhse2 ->
+ hsiexits_simu dm f ctx lhse1 lhse2.
+ induction 1; [constructor|].
+ constructor; [|apply IHlist_forall2; assumption].
+ apply hsiexit_simu_spec_correct; assumption.
+Lemma siexits_simu_all_fallthrough dm f ctx: forall lse1 lse2,
+ siexits_simu dm f lse1 lse2 ctx ->
+ all_fallthrough (the_ge1 ctx) (the_sp ctx) lse1 (the_rs0 ctx) (the_m0 ctx) ->
+ (forall se1, In se1 lse1 -> sok_local (the_ge1 ctx) (the_sp ctx) (the_rs0 ctx) (the_m0 ctx) (si_elocal se1)) ->
+ all_fallthrough (the_ge2 ctx) (the_sp ctx) lse2 (the_rs0 ctx) (the_m0 ctx).
+ induction 1; [unfold all_fallthrough; contradiction|]; simpl.
+ intros X OK ext INEXT. eapply all_fallthrough_revcons in X. destruct X as (SEVAL & ALLFU).
+ apply IHlist_forall2 in ALLFU.
+ - destruct H as (CONDSIMU & _).
+ inv INEXT; [|eauto].
+ erewrite <- CONDSIMU; eauto.
+ - intros; intuition.
+Lemma siexits_simu_all_fallthrough_upto dm f ctx lse1 lse2:
+ siexits_simu dm f lse1 lse2 ctx ->
+ forall ext1 lx1,
+ (forall se1, In se1 lx1 -> sok_local (the_ge1 ctx) (the_sp ctx) (the_rs0 ctx) (the_m0 ctx) (si_elocal se1)) ->
+ all_fallthrough_upto_exit (the_ge1 ctx) (the_sp ctx) ext1 lx1 lse1 (the_rs0 ctx) (the_m0 ctx) ->
+ exists ext2 lx2,
+ all_fallthrough_upto_exit (the_ge2 ctx) (the_sp ctx) ext2 lx2 lse2 (the_rs0 ctx) (the_m0 ctx)
+ /\ length lx1 = length lx2.
+ induction 1.
+ - intros ext lx1. intros OK H. destruct H as (ITAIL & ALLFU). eapply is_tail_false in ITAIL. contradiction.
+ - simpl; intros ext lx1 OK ALLFUE.
+ destruct ALLFUE as (ITAIL & ALLFU). inv ITAIL.
+ + eexists; eexists.
+ constructor; [| eapply list_forall2_length; eauto].
+ constructor; [econstructor | eapply siexits_simu_all_fallthrough; eauto].
+ + exploit IHlist_forall2.
+ * intuition. apply OK. eassumption.
+ * constructor; eauto.
+ * intros (ext2 & lx2 & ALLFUE2 & LENEQ).
+ eexists; eexists. constructor; eauto.
+ eapply all_fallthrough_upto_exit_cons; eauto.
+Lemma hsiexits_simu_siexits dm f ctx lhse1 lhse2:
+ hsiexits_simu dm f ctx lhse1 lhse2 ->
+ forall lse1 lse2,
+ hsiexits_refines_stat lhse1 lse1 ->
+ hsiexits_refines_stat lhse2 lse2 ->
+ hsiexits_refines_dyn (the_ge1 ctx) (the_sp ctx) (the_rs0 ctx) (the_m0 ctx) lhse1 lse1 ->
+ hsiexits_refines_dyn (the_ge2 ctx) (the_sp ctx) (the_rs0 ctx) (the_m0 ctx) lhse2 lse2 ->
+ siexits_simu dm f lse1 lse2 ctx.
+ induction 1.
+ - intros. inv H. inv H0. constructor.
+ - intros lse1 lse2 SREF1 SREF2 DREF1 DREF2. inv SREF1. inv SREF2. inv DREF1. inv DREF2.
+ constructor; [| eapply IHlist_forall2; eauto].
+ eapply hsiexit_simu_siexit; eauto.
+(** ** Specification of the simulation test on [hsistate].
+ It is motivated by [hsistate_simu_spec_correct theorem] below
+Definition hsistate_simu_spec dm f (hse1 hse2: hsistate) :=
+ list_forall2 (hsiexit_simu_spec dm f) (hsi_exits hse1) (hsi_exits hse2)
+ /\ hsilocal_simu_spec None (hsi_local hse1) (hsi_local hse2).
+Definition hsistate_simu dm f (hst1 hst2: hsistate) (ctx: simu_proof_context f): Prop := forall st1 st2,
+ hsistate_refines_stat hst1 st1 ->
+ hsistate_refines_stat hst2 st2 ->
+ hsistate_refines_dyn (the_ge1 ctx) (the_sp ctx) (the_rs0 ctx) (the_m0 ctx) hst1 st1 ->
+ hsistate_refines_dyn (the_ge2 ctx) (the_sp ctx) (the_rs0 ctx) (the_m0 ctx) hst2 st2 ->
+ sistate_simu dm f st1 st2 ctx.
+Lemma list_forall2_nth_error {A} (l1 l2: list A) P:
+ list_forall2 P l1 l2 ->
+ forall x1 x2 n,
+ nth_error l1 n = Some x1 ->
+ nth_error l2 n = Some x2 ->
+ P x1 x2.
+ induction 1.
+ - intros. rewrite nth_error_nil in H. discriminate.
+ - intros x1 x2 n. destruct n as [|n]; simpl.
+ + intros. inv H1. inv H2. assumption.
+ + apply IHlist_forall2.
+Lemma is_tail_length {A} (l1 l2: list A):
+ is_tail l1 l2 ->
+ (length l1 <= length l2)%nat.
+ induction l2.
+ - intro. destruct l1; auto. apply is_tail_false in H. contradiction.
+ - intros ITAIL. inv ITAIL; auto.
+ apply IHl2 in H1. clear IHl2. simpl. omega.
+Lemma is_tail_nth_error {A} (l1 l2: list A) x:
+ is_tail (x::l1) l2 ->
+ nth_error l2 ((length l2) - length l1 - 1) = Some x.
+ induction l2.
+ - intro ITAIL. apply is_tail_false in ITAIL. contradiction.
+ - intros ITAIL. assert (length (a::l2) = S (length l2)) by auto. rewrite H. clear H.
+ assert (forall n n', ((S n) - n' - 1)%nat = (n - n')%nat) by (intros; omega). rewrite H. clear H.
+ inv ITAIL.
+ + assert (forall n, (n - n)%nat = 0%nat) by (intro; omega). rewrite H.
+ simpl. reflexivity.
+ + exploit IHl2; eauto. intros. clear IHl2.
+ assert (forall n n', (n > n')%nat -> (n - n')%nat = S (n - n' - 1)%nat) by (intros; omega).
+ exploit (is_tail_length (x::l1)); eauto. intro. simpl in H2.
+ assert ((length l2 > length l1)%nat) by omega. clear H2.
+ rewrite H0; auto.
+Theorem hsistate_simu_spec_correct dm f hst1 hst2 ctx:
+ hsistate_simu_spec dm f hst1 hst2 ->
+ hsistate_simu dm f hst1 hst2 ctx.
+ intros (ESIMU & LSIMU) st1 st2 (PCREF1 & EREF1) (PCREF2 & EREF2) DREF1 DREF2 is1 SEMI.
+ destruct DREF1 as (DEREF1 & LREF1 & NESTED). destruct DREF2 as (DEREF2 & LREF2 & _).
+ exploit hsiexits_simu_spec_correct; eauto. intro HESIMU.
+ unfold ssem_internal in SEMI. destruct (icontinue _) eqn:ICONT.
+ - destruct SEMI as (SSEML & PCEQ & ALLFU).
+ exploit hsilocal_simu_spec_correct; eauto; [apply ctx|]. simpl. intro SSEML2.
+ exists (mk_istate (icontinue is1) (si_pc st2) (irs is1) (imem is1)). constructor.
+ + unfold ssem_internal. simpl. rewrite ICONT. constructor; [assumption | constructor; [reflexivity |]].
+ eapply siexits_simu_all_fallthrough; eauto.
+ * eapply hsiexits_simu_siexits; eauto.
+ * eapply nested_sok_prop; eauto.
+ eapply ssem_local_sok; eauto.
+ + unfold istate_simu. rewrite ICONT. constructor; [simpl; assumption | constructor; [| reflexivity]].
+ constructor.
+ - destruct SEMI as (ext & lx & SSEME & ALLFU).
+ assert (SESIMU: siexits_simu dm f (si_exits st1) (si_exits st2) ctx) by (eapply hsiexits_simu_siexits; eauto).
+ exploit siexits_simu_all_fallthrough_upto; eauto.
+ * destruct ALLFU as (ITAIL & ALLF).
+ exploit nested_sok_tail; eauto. intros NESTED2.
+ inv NESTED2. destruct SSEME as (_ & SSEML & _). eapply ssem_local_sok in SSEML.
+ eapply nested_sok_prop; eauto.
+ * intros (ext2 & lx2 & ALLFU2 & LENEQ).
+ assert (EXTSIMU: siexit_simu dm f ctx ext ext2). {
+ eapply list_forall2_nth_error; eauto.
+ - destruct ALLFU as (ITAIL & _). eapply is_tail_nth_error; eauto.
+ - destruct ALLFU2 as (ITAIL & _). eapply is_tail_nth_error in ITAIL.
+ assert (LENEQ': length (si_exits st1) = length (si_exits st2)) by (eapply list_forall2_length; eauto).
+ congruence. }
+ apply EXTSIMU in SSEME; [|assumption]. clear EXTSIMU. destruct SSEME as (is2 & SSEME2 & ISIMU).
+ exists (mk_istate (icontinue is1) (ipc is2) (irs is2) (imem is2)). constructor.
+ + unfold ssem_internal. simpl. rewrite ICONT. exists ext2, lx2. constructor; assumption.
+ + unfold istate_simu in *. rewrite ICONT in *. destruct ISIMU as (path & PATHEQ & ISIMULIVE & DMEQ).
+ exists path. repeat (constructor; auto).
+(** ** Specification of the simulation test on [sfval].
+ It is motivated by [hfinal_simu_spec_correct theorem] below
+Definition final_simu_spec (dm: PTree.t node) (f: RTLpath.function) (pc1 pc2: node) (f1 f2: sfval): Prop :=
+ match f1 with
+ | Scall sig1 svos1 lsv1 res1 pc1 =>
+ match f2 with
+ | Scall sig2 svos2 lsv2 res2 pc2 =>
+ dm ! pc2 = Some pc1 /\ sig1 = sig2 /\ svos1 = svos2 /\ lsv1 = lsv2 /\ res1 = res2
+ | _ => False
+ end
+ | Sbuiltin ef1 lbs1 br1 pc1 =>
+ match f2 with
+ | Sbuiltin ef2 lbs2 br2 pc2 =>
+ dm ! pc2 = Some pc1 /\ ef1 = ef2 /\ lbs1 = lbs2 /\ br1 = br2
+ | _ => False
+ end
+ | Sjumptable sv1 lpc1 =>
+ match f2 with
+ | Sjumptable sv2 lpc2 =>
+ ptree_get_list dm lpc2 = Some lpc1 /\ sv1 = sv2
+ | _ => False
+ end
+ | Snone =>
+ match f2 with
+ | Snone => dm ! pc2 = Some pc1
+ | _ => False
+ end
+ (* Stailcall, Sreturn *)
+ | _ => f1 = f2
+ end.
+Definition hfinal_simu_spec (dm: PTree.t node) (f: RTLpath.function) (pc1 pc2: node) (hf1 hf2: hsfval): Prop :=
+ final_simu_spec dm f pc1 pc2 (hfinal_proj hf1) (hfinal_proj hf2).
+Lemma svident_simu_refl f ctx s:
+ svident_simu f ctx s s.
+ destruct s; constructor; [| reflexivity].
+ erewrite <- seval_preserved; [| eapply ctx]. constructor.
+Lemma list_proj_refines_eq ge ge' sp rs0 m0 lsv lhsv:
+ (forall s, Genv.find_symbol ge s = Genv.find_symbol ge' s) ->
+ list_sval_refines ge sp rs0 m0 lhsv lsv ->
+ forall lhsv' lsv',
+ list_sval_refines ge' sp rs0 m0 lhsv' lsv' ->
+ hsval_list_proj lhsv = hsval_list_proj lhsv' ->
+ seval_list_sval ge sp lsv rs0 m0 = seval_list_sval ge' sp lsv' rs0 m0.
+ intros GFS H lhsv' lsv' H' H0.
+ erewrite <- H, H0.
+ erewrite list_sval_eval_preserved; eauto.
+Lemma seval_builtin_sval_preserved ge ge' sp sv rs0 m0:
+ (forall s : ident, Genv.find_symbol ge' s = Genv.find_symbol ge s) ->
+ seval_builtin_sval ge sp sv rs0 m0 =
+ seval_builtin_sval ge' sp sv rs0 m0.
+ induction sv; intro FIND; cbn.
+ all: try (erewrite seval_preserved by eauto); trivial.
+ all: erewrite IHsv1 by eauto; erewrite IHsv2 by eauto; reflexivity.
+Lemma seval_list_builtin_sval_preserved ge ge' sp lsv rs0 m0:
+ (forall s : ident, Genv.find_symbol ge' s = Genv.find_symbol ge s) ->
+ seval_list_builtin_sval ge sp lsv rs0 m0 =
+ seval_list_builtin_sval ge' sp lsv rs0 m0.
+ induction lsv; intro FIND; cbn. { trivial. }
+ erewrite seval_builtin_sval_preserved by eauto.
+ erewrite IHlsv by eauto.
+ reflexivity.
+Lemma barg_proj_refines_eq ge ge' sp rs0 m0:
+ (forall s, Genv.find_symbol ge s = Genv.find_symbol ge' s) ->
+ forall lhsv lsv, bargs_refines ge sp rs0 m0 lhsv lsv ->
+ forall lhsv' lsv', bargs_refines ge' sp rs0 m0 lhsv' lsv' ->
+ List.map (builtin_arg_map hsval_proj) lhsv = List.map (builtin_arg_map hsval_proj) lhsv' ->
+ seval_list_builtin_sval ge sp lsv rs0 m0 = seval_list_builtin_sval ge' sp lsv' rs0 m0.
+ unfold bargs_refines; intros GFS lhsv lsv H lhsv' lsv' H' H0.
+ erewrite <- H, H0.
+ erewrite seval_list_builtin_sval_preserved; eauto.
+Lemma sval_refines_proj ge ge' sp rs m hsv sv hsv' sv':
+ (forall s, Genv.find_symbol ge s = Genv.find_symbol ge' s) ->
+ sval_refines ge sp rs m hsv sv ->
+ sval_refines ge' sp rs m hsv' sv' ->
+ hsval_proj hsv = hsval_proj hsv' ->
+ seval_sval ge sp sv rs m = seval_sval ge' sp sv' rs m.
+ intros GFS REF REF' PROJ.
+ rewrite <- REF, PROJ.
+ erewrite <- seval_preserved; eauto.
+Theorem hfinal_simu_spec_correct dm f ctx opc1 opc2 hf1 hf2 f1 f2:
+ hfinal_simu_spec dm f opc1 opc2 hf1 hf2 ->
+ hfinal_refines (the_ge1 ctx) (the_sp ctx) (the_rs0 ctx) (the_m0 ctx) hf1 f1 ->
+ hfinal_refines (the_ge2 ctx) (the_sp ctx) (the_rs0 ctx) (the_m0 ctx) hf2 f2 ->
+ sfval_simu dm f opc1 opc2 ctx f1 f2.
+ assert (GFS: forall s : ident, Genv.find_symbol (the_ge1 ctx) s = Genv.find_symbol (the_ge2 ctx) s) by apply ctx.
+ intros CORE FREF1 FREF2.
+ destruct hf1; inv FREF1.
+ (* Snone *)
+ - destruct hf2; try contradiction. inv FREF2.
+ inv CORE. constructor. assumption.
+ (* Scall *)
+ - rename H5 into SREF1. rename H6 into LREF1.
+ destruct hf2; try contradiction. inv FREF2.
+ rename H5 into SREF2. rename H6 into LREF2.
+ destruct CORE as (PCEQ & ? & ? & ? & ?). subst.
+ rename H0 into SVOSEQ. rename H1 into LSVEQ.
+ constructor; [assumption | |].
+ + destruct svos.
+ * destruct svos0; try discriminate. destruct ros; try contradiction.
+ destruct ros0; try contradiction. constructor.
+ simpl in SVOSEQ. inv SVOSEQ.
+ simpl in SREF1. simpl in SREF2.
+ rewrite <- SREF1. rewrite <- SREF2.
+ erewrite <- seval_preserved; [| eapply GFS]. congruence.
+ * destruct svos0; try discriminate. destruct ros; try contradiction.
+ destruct ros0; try contradiction. constructor.
+ simpl in SVOSEQ. inv SVOSEQ. congruence.
+ + erewrite list_proj_refines_eq; eauto.
+ (* Stailcall *)
+ - rename H3 into SREF1. rename H4 into LREF1.
+ destruct hf2; try (inv CORE; fail). inv FREF2.
+ rename H4 into LREF2. rename H3 into SREF2.
+ inv CORE. rename H1 into SVOSEQ. rename H2 into LSVEQ.
+ constructor.
+ + destruct svos. (** Copy-paste from Scall *)
+ * destruct svos0; try discriminate. destruct ros; try contradiction.
+ destruct ros0; try contradiction. constructor.
+ simpl in SVOSEQ. inv SVOSEQ.
+ simpl in SREF1. simpl in SREF2.
+ rewrite <- SREF1. rewrite <- SREF2.
+ erewrite <- seval_preserved; [| eapply GFS]. congruence.
+ * destruct svos0; try discriminate. destruct ros; try contradiction.
+ destruct ros0; try contradiction. constructor.
+ simpl in SVOSEQ. inv SVOSEQ. congruence.
+ + erewrite list_proj_refines_eq; eauto.
+ (* Sbuiltin *)
+ - rename H4 into BREF1. destruct hf2; try (inv CORE; fail). inv FREF2.
+ rename H4 into BREF2. inv CORE. destruct H0 as (? & ? & ?). subst.
+ rename H into PCEQ. rename H1 into ARGSEQ. constructor; [assumption|].
+ erewrite barg_proj_refines_eq; eauto. constructor.
+ (* Sjumptable *)
+ - rename H2 into SREF1. destruct hf2; try contradiction. inv FREF2.
+ rename H2 into SREF2. destruct CORE as (A & B). constructor; [assumption|].
+ erewrite sval_refines_proj; eauto.
+ (* Sreturn *)
+ - rename H0 into SREF1.
+ destruct hf2; try discriminate. inv CORE.
+ inv FREF2. destruct osv; destruct res; inv SREF1.
+ + destruct res0; try discriminate. destruct osv0; inv H1.
+ constructor. simpl in H0. inv H0. erewrite sval_refines_proj; eauto.
+ + destruct res0; try discriminate. destruct osv0; inv H1. constructor.
+(** ** Specification of the simulation test on [hsstate].
+ It is motivated by [hsstate_simu_spec_correct theorem] below
+Definition hsstate_simu_spec (dm: PTree.t node) (f: RTLpath.function) (hst1 hst2: hsstate) :=
+ hsistate_simu_spec dm f (hinternal hst1) (hinternal hst2)
+ /\ hfinal_simu_spec dm f (hsi_pc (hinternal hst1)) (hsi_pc (hinternal hst2)) (hfinal hst1) (hfinal hst2).
+Definition hsstate_simu dm f (hst1 hst2: hsstate) ctx: Prop :=
+ forall st1 st2,
+ hsstate_refines hst1 st1 ->
+ hsstate_refines hst2 st2 -> sstate_simu dm f st1 st2 ctx.
+Theorem hsstate_simu_spec_correct dm f ctx hst1 hst2:
+ hsstate_simu_spec dm f hst1 hst2 ->
+ hsstate_simu dm f hst1 hst2 ctx.
+ intros (SCORE & FSIMU) st1 st2 (SREF1 & DREF1 & FREF1) (SREF2 & DREF2 & FREF2).
+ generalize SCORE. intro SIMU; eapply hsistate_simu_spec_correct in SIMU; eauto.
+ constructor; auto.
+ intros is1 SEM1 CONT1.
+ unfold hsistate_simu in SIMU. exploit SIMU; clear SIMU; eauto.
+ unfold istate_simu, ssem_internal in *; intros (is2 & SEM2 & SIMU).
+ rewrite! CONT1 in *. destruct SIMU as (CONT2 & _).
+ rewrite! CONT1, <- CONT2 in *.
+ destruct SEM1 as (SEM1 & _ & _).
+ destruct SEM2 as (SEM2 & _ & _).
+ eapply hfinal_simu_spec_correct in FSIMU; eauto.
+ - destruct SREF1 as (PC1 & _). destruct SREF2 as (PC2 & _). rewrite <- PC1. rewrite <- PC2.
+ eapply FSIMU.
+ - eapply FREF1. exploit DREF1. intros (_ & (OK & _) & _). rewrite <- OK. eapply ssem_local_sok; eauto.
+ - eapply FREF2. exploit DREF2. intros (_ & (OK & _) & _). rewrite <- OK. eapply ssem_local_sok; eauto.
diff --git a/scheduling/RTLpathSE_theory.v b/scheduling/RTLpathSE_theory.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4c492ecd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scheduling/RTLpathSE_theory.v
@@ -0,0 +1,1897 @@
+(* A theory of symbolic execution on RTLpath
+NB: an efficient implementation with hash-consing will be defined in RTLpathSE_impl.v
+Require Import Coqlib Maps Floats.
+Require Import AST Integers Values Events Memory Globalenvs Smallstep.
+Require Import Op Registers.
+Require Import RTL RTLpath.
+Require Import Errors Duplicate.
+Local Open Scope error_monad_scope.
+(* Enhanced from kvx/Asmblockgenproof.v *)
+Ltac explore_hyp :=
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ H : match ?var with | _ => _ end = _ |- _ ] => (let EQ1 := fresh "EQ" in (destruct var eqn:EQ1; try discriminate))
+ | [ H : OK _ = OK _ |- _ ] => monadInv H
+ | [ H : bind _ _ = OK _ |- _ ] => monadInv H
+ | [ H : Error _ = OK _ |- _ ] => inversion H
+ | [ H : Some _ = Some _ |- _ ] => inv H
+ | [ x : unit |- _ ] => destruct x
+ end.
+Ltac explore := explore_hyp;
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ |- context[if ?b then _ else _] ] => (let EQ1 := fresh "IEQ" in destruct b eqn:EQ1)
+ | [ |- context[match ?m with | _ => _ end] ] => (let DEQ1 := fresh "DEQ" in destruct m eqn:DEQ1)
+ | [ |- context[match ?m as _ return _ with | _ => _ end]] => (let DREQ1 := fresh "DREQ" in destruct m eqn:DREQ1)
+ end.
+(* Ltac explore :=
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ H : match ?var with | _ => _ end = _ |- _ ] => (let EQ1 := fresh "EQ" in (destruct var eqn:EQ1; try discriminate))
+ | [ H : OK _ = OK _ |- _ ] => monadInv H
+ | [ |- context[if ?b then _ else _] ] => (let EQ1 := fresh "IEQ" in destruct b eqn:EQ1)
+ | [ |- context[match ?m with | _ => _ end] ] => (let DEQ1 := fresh "DEQ" in destruct m eqn:DEQ1)
+ | [ |- context[match ?m as _ return _ with | _ => _ end]] => (let DREQ1 := fresh "DREQ" in destruct m eqn:DREQ1)
+ | [ H : bind _ _ = OK _ |- _ ] => monadInv H
+ | [ H : Error _ = OK _ |- _ ] => inversion H
+ | [ H : Some _ = Some _ |- _ ] => inv H
+ | [ x : unit |- _ ] => destruct x
+ end. *)
+(** * Syntax and semantics of symbolic values *)
+(* symbolic value *)
+Inductive sval :=
+ | Sinput (r: reg)
+ | Sop (op:operation) (lsv: list_sval) (sm: smem)
+ | Sload (sm: smem) (trap: trapping_mode) (chunk:memory_chunk) (addr:addressing) (lsv:list_sval)
+with list_sval :=
+ | Snil
+ | Scons (sv: sval) (lsv: list_sval)
+(* symbolic memory *)
+with smem :=
+ | Sinit
+ | Sstore (sm: smem) (chunk:memory_chunk) (addr:addressing) (lsv:list_sval) (srce: sval).
+Scheme sval_mut := Induction for sval Sort Prop
+with list_sval_mut := Induction for list_sval Sort Prop
+with smem_mut := Induction for smem Sort Prop.
+Fixpoint list_sval_inj (l: list sval): list_sval :=
+ match l with
+ | nil => Snil
+ | v::l => Scons v (list_sval_inj l)
+ end.
+Local Open Scope option_monad_scope.
+Fixpoint seval_sval (ge: RTL.genv) (sp:val) (sv: sval) (rs0: regset) (m0: mem): option val :=
+ match sv with
+ | Sinput r => Some (rs0#r)
+ | Sop op l sm =>
+ SOME args <- seval_list_sval ge sp l rs0 m0 IN
+ SOME m <- seval_smem ge sp sm rs0 m0 IN
+ eval_operation ge sp op args m
+ | Sload sm trap chunk addr lsv =>
+ match trap with
+ | TRAP =>
+ SOME args <- seval_list_sval ge sp lsv rs0 m0 IN
+ SOME a <- eval_addressing ge sp addr args IN
+ SOME m <- seval_smem ge sp sm rs0 m0 IN
+ Mem.loadv chunk m a
+ | NOTRAP =>
+ SOME args <- seval_list_sval ge sp lsv rs0 m0 IN
+ match (eval_addressing ge sp addr args) with
+ | None => Some (default_notrap_load_value chunk)
+ | Some a =>
+ SOME m <- seval_smem ge sp sm rs0 m0 IN
+ match (Mem.loadv chunk m a) with
+ | None => Some (default_notrap_load_value chunk)
+ | Some val => Some val
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+with seval_list_sval (ge: RTL.genv) (sp:val) (lsv: list_sval) (rs0: regset) (m0: mem): option (list val) :=
+ match lsv with
+ | Snil => Some nil
+ | Scons sv lsv' =>
+ SOME v <- seval_sval ge sp sv rs0 m0 IN
+ SOME lv <- seval_list_sval ge sp lsv' rs0 m0 IN
+ Some (v::lv)
+ end
+with seval_smem (ge: RTL.genv) (sp:val) (sm: smem) (rs0: regset) (m0: mem): option mem :=
+ match sm with
+ | Sinit => Some m0
+ | Sstore sm chunk addr lsv srce =>
+ SOME args <- seval_list_sval ge sp lsv rs0 m0 IN
+ SOME a <- eval_addressing ge sp addr args IN
+ SOME m <- seval_smem ge sp sm rs0 m0 IN
+ SOME sv <- seval_sval ge sp srce rs0 m0 IN
+ Mem.storev chunk m a sv
+ end.
+(* Syntax and Semantics of local symbolic internal states *)
+(* [si_pre] is a precondition on initial ge, sp, rs0, m0 *)
+Record sistate_local := { si_pre: RTL.genv -> val -> regset -> mem -> Prop; si_sreg: reg -> sval; si_smem: smem }.
+(* Predicate on which (rs, m) is a possible final state after evaluating [st] on (rs0, m0) *)
+Definition ssem_local (ge: RTL.genv) (sp:val) (st: sistate_local) (rs0: regset) (m0: mem) (rs: regset) (m: mem): Prop :=
+ st.(si_pre) ge sp rs0 m0
+ /\ seval_smem ge sp st.(si_smem) rs0 m0 = Some m
+ /\ forall (r:reg), seval_sval ge sp (st.(si_sreg) r) rs0 m0 = Some (rs#r).
+Definition sabort_local (ge: RTL.genv) (sp:val) (st: sistate_local) (rs0: regset) (m0: mem): Prop :=
+ ~(st.(si_pre) ge sp rs0 m0)
+ \/ seval_smem ge sp st.(si_smem) rs0 m0 = None
+ \/ exists (r: reg), seval_sval ge sp (st.(si_sreg) r) rs0 m0 = None.
+(* Syntax and semantics of symbolic exit states *)
+Record sistate_exit := mk_sistate_exit
+ { si_cond: condition; si_scondargs: list_sval; si_elocal: sistate_local; si_ifso: node }.
+Definition seval_condition ge sp (cond: condition) (lsv: list_sval) (sm: smem) rs0 m0 : option bool :=
+ SOME args <- seval_list_sval ge sp lsv rs0 m0 IN
+ SOME m <- seval_smem ge sp sm rs0 m0 IN
+ eval_condition cond args m.
+Definition all_fallthrough ge sp (lx: list sistate_exit) rs0 m0: Prop :=
+ forall ext, List.In ext lx ->
+ seval_condition ge sp ext.(si_cond) ext.(si_scondargs) ext.(si_elocal).(si_smem) rs0 m0 = Some false.
+Lemma all_fallthrough_revcons ge sp ext rs m lx:
+ all_fallthrough ge sp (ext::lx) rs m ->
+ seval_condition ge sp (si_cond ext) (si_scondargs ext) (si_smem (si_elocal ext)) rs m = Some false
+ /\ all_fallthrough ge sp lx rs m.
+ intros ALLFU. constructor.
+ - assert (In ext (ext::lx)) by (constructor; auto). apply ALLFU in H. assumption.
+ - intros ext' INEXT. assert (In ext' (ext::lx)) by (apply in_cons; auto).
+ apply ALLFU in H. assumption.
+(** Semantic of an exit in pseudo code:
+ if si_cond (si_condargs)
+ si_elocal; goto if_so
+ else ()
+Definition ssem_exit (ge: RTL.genv) (sp: val) (ext: sistate_exit) (rs: regset) (m: mem) rs' m' (pc': node) : Prop :=
+ seval_condition ge sp (si_cond ext) (si_scondargs ext) ext.(si_elocal).(si_smem) rs m = Some true
+ /\ ssem_local ge sp (si_elocal ext) rs m rs' m'
+ /\ (si_ifso ext) = pc'.
+(* Either an abort on the condition evaluation OR an abort on the sistate_local IF the condition was true *)
+Definition sabort_exit (ge: RTL.genv) (sp: val) (ext: sistate_exit) (rs: regset) (m: mem) : Prop :=
+ let sev_cond := seval_condition ge sp (si_cond ext) (si_scondargs ext) ext.(si_elocal).(si_smem) rs m in
+ sev_cond = None
+ \/ (sev_cond = Some true /\ sabort_local ge sp ext.(si_elocal) rs m).
+(** * Syntax and Semantics of symbolic internal state *)
+Record sistate := { si_pc: node; si_exits: list sistate_exit; si_local: sistate_local }.
+Definition all_fallthrough_upto_exit ge sp ext lx' lx rs m : Prop :=
+ is_tail (ext::lx') lx /\ all_fallthrough ge sp lx' rs m.
+(** Semantic of a sistate in pseudo code:
+ si_exit1; si_exit2; ...; si_exitn;
+ si_local; goto si_pc *)
+(* Note: in RTLpath, is.(icontinue) = false iff we took an early exit *)
+Definition ssem_internal (ge: RTL.genv) (sp:val) (st: sistate) (rs: regset) (m: mem) (is: istate): Prop :=
+ if (is.(icontinue))
+ then
+ ssem_local ge sp st.(si_local) rs m is.(irs) is.(imem)
+ /\ st.(si_pc) = is.(ipc)
+ /\ all_fallthrough ge sp st.(si_exits) rs m
+ else exists ext lx,
+ ssem_exit ge sp ext rs m is.(irs) is.(imem) is.(ipc)
+ /\ all_fallthrough_upto_exit ge sp ext lx st.(si_exits) rs m.
+Definition sabort (ge: RTL.genv) (sp: val) (st: sistate) (rs: regset) (m: mem): Prop :=
+ (* No early exit was met but we aborted on the si_local *)
+ (all_fallthrough ge sp st.(si_exits) rs m /\ sabort_local ge sp st.(si_local) rs m)
+ (* OR we aborted on an evaluation of one of the early exits *)
+ \/ (exists ext lx, all_fallthrough_upto_exit ge sp ext lx st.(si_exits) rs m /\ sabort_exit ge sp ext rs m).
+Definition ssem_internal_opt ge sp (st: sistate) rs0 m0 (ois: option istate): Prop :=
+ match ois with
+ | Some is => ssem_internal ge sp st rs0 m0 is
+ | None => sabort ge sp st rs0 m0
+ end.
+Definition ssem_internal_opt2 ge sp (ost: option sistate) rs0 m0 (ois: option istate) : Prop :=
+ match ost with
+ | Some st => ssem_internal_opt ge sp st rs0 m0 ois
+ | None => ois=None
+ end.
+(** * An internal state represents a parallel program !
+ We prove below that the semantics [ssem_internal_opt] is deterministic.
+ *)
+Definition istate_eq ist1 ist2 :=
+ ist1.(icontinue) = ist2.(icontinue) /\
+ ist1.(ipc) = ist2.(ipc) /\
+ (forall r, (ist1.(irs)#r) = ist2.(irs)#r) /\
+ ist1.(imem) = ist2.(imem).
+Lemma all_fallthrough_noexit ge sp ext lx rs0 m0 rs m pc:
+ ssem_exit ge sp ext rs0 m0 rs m pc ->
+ In ext lx ->
+ all_fallthrough ge sp lx rs0 m0 ->
+ False.
+ Local Hint Resolve is_tail_in: core.
+ intros SSEM INE ALLF.
+ destruct SSEM as (SSEM & SSEM').
+ unfold all_fallthrough in ALLF. rewrite ALLF in SSEM; eauto.
+ discriminate.
+Lemma ssem_internal_exclude_incompatible_continue ge sp st rs m is1 is2:
+ is1.(icontinue) = true ->
+ is2.(icontinue) = false ->
+ ssem_internal ge sp st rs m is1 ->
+ ssem_internal ge sp st rs m is2 ->
+ False.
+ Local Hint Resolve all_fallthrough_noexit: core.
+ unfold ssem_internal.
+ intros CONT1 CONT2.
+ rewrite CONT1, CONT2; simpl.
+ intuition eauto.
+ destruct H0 as (ext & lx & SSEME & ALLFU).
+ destruct ALLFU as (ALLFU & ALLFU').
+ eapply all_fallthrough_noexit; eauto.
+Lemma ssem_internal_determ_continue ge sp st rs m is1 is2:
+ ssem_internal ge sp st rs m is1 ->
+ ssem_internal ge sp st rs m is2 ->
+ is1.(icontinue) = is2.(icontinue).
+ Local Hint Resolve ssem_internal_exclude_incompatible_continue: core.
+ destruct (Bool.bool_dec is1.(icontinue) is2.(icontinue)) as [|H]; auto.
+ intros H1 H2. assert (absurd: False); intuition.
+ destruct (icontinue is1) eqn: His1, (icontinue is2) eqn: His2; eauto.
+Lemma ssem_local_determ ge sp st rs0 m0 rs1 m1 rs2 m2:
+ ssem_local ge sp st rs0 m0 rs1 m1 ->
+ ssem_local ge sp st rs0 m0 rs2 m2 ->
+ (forall r, rs1#r = rs2#r) /\ m1 = m2.
+ unfold ssem_local. intuition try congruence.
+ generalize (H5 r); rewrite H4; congruence.
+(* TODO: lemma to move in Coqlib *)
+Lemma is_tail_bounded_total {A} (l1 l2 l3: list A): is_tail l1 l3 -> is_tail l2 l3
+ -> is_tail l1 l2 \/ is_tail l2 l1.
+ Local Hint Resolve is_tail_cons: core.
+ induction 1 as [|i l1 l3 T1 IND]; simpl; auto.
+ intros T2; inversion T2; subst; auto.
+Lemma exit_cond_determ ge sp rs0 m0 l1 l2:
+ is_tail l1 l2 -> forall ext1 lx1 ext2 lx2,
+ l1=(ext1 :: lx1) ->
+ l2=(ext2 :: lx2) ->
+ all_fallthrough ge sp lx1 rs0 m0 ->
+ seval_condition ge sp (si_cond ext1) (si_scondargs ext1) (si_smem (si_elocal ext1)) rs0 m0 = Some true ->
+ all_fallthrough ge sp lx2 rs0 m0 ->
+ ext1=ext2.
+ destruct 1 as [l1|i l1 l3 T1]; intros ext1 lx1 ext2 lx2 EQ1 EQ2; subst;
+ inversion EQ2; subst; auto.
+ intros D1 EVAL NYE.
+ Local Hint Resolve is_tail_in: core.
+ unfold all_fallthrough in NYE.
+ rewrite NYE in EVAL; eauto.
+ try congruence.
+Lemma ssem_exit_determ ge sp ext rs0 m0 rs1 m1 pc1 rs2 m2 pc2:
+ ssem_exit ge sp ext rs0 m0 rs1 m1 pc1 ->
+ ssem_exit ge sp ext rs0 m0 rs2 m2 pc2 ->
+ pc1 = pc2 /\ (forall r, rs1#r = rs2#r) /\ m1 = m2.
+ Local Hint Resolve exit_cond_determ eq_sym: core.
+ intros SSEM1 SSEM2. destruct SSEM1 as (SEVAL1 & SLOC1 & PCEQ1). destruct SSEM2 as (SEVAL2 & SLOC2 & PCEQ2). subst.
+ destruct (ssem_local_determ ge sp (si_elocal ext) rs0 m0 rs1 m1 rs2 m2); auto.
+Remark is_tail_inv_left {A: Type} (a a': A) l l':
+ is_tail (a::l) (a'::l') ->
+ (a = a' /\ l = l') \/ (In a l' /\ is_tail l (a'::l')).
+ intros. inv H.
+ - left. eauto.
+ - right. econstructor.
+ + eapply is_tail_in; eauto.
+ + eapply is_tail_cons_left; eauto.
+Lemma ssem_internal_determ ge sp st rs m is1 is2:
+ ssem_internal ge sp st rs m is1 ->
+ ssem_internal ge sp st rs m is2 ->
+ istate_eq is1 is2.
+ unfold istate_eq.
+ intros SEM1 SEM2.
+ exploit (ssem_internal_determ_continue ge sp st rs m is1 is2); eauto.
+ intros CONTEQ. unfold ssem_internal in * |-. rewrite CONTEQ in * |- *.
+ destruct (icontinue is2).
+ - destruct (ssem_local_determ ge sp (si_local st) rs m (irs is1) (imem is1) (irs is2) (imem is2));
+ intuition (try congruence).
+ - destruct SEM1 as (ext1 & lx1 & SSEME1 & ALLFU1). destruct SEM2 as (ext2 & lx2 & SSEME2 & ALLFU2).
+ destruct ALLFU1 as (ALLFU1 & ALLFU1'). destruct ALLFU2 as (ALLFU2 & ALLFU2').
+ destruct SSEME1 as (SSEME1 & SSEME1' & SSEME1''). destruct SSEME2 as (SSEME2 & SSEME2' & SSEME2'').
+ assert (X:ext1=ext2).
+ { destruct (is_tail_bounded_total (ext1 :: lx1) (ext2 :: lx2) (si_exits st)) as [TAIL|TAIL]; eauto. }
+ subst. destruct (ssem_local_determ ge sp (si_elocal ext2) rs m (irs is1) (imem is1) (irs is2) (imem is2)); auto.
+ intuition. congruence.
+Lemma ssem_local_exclude_sabort_local ge sp loc rs m rs' m':
+ ssem_local ge sp loc rs m rs' m' ->
+(* all_fallthrough ge sp (si_exits st) rs m -> *)
+ sabort_local ge sp loc rs m ->
+ False.
+ intros SIML (* ALLF *) ABORT. inv SIML. destruct H0 as (H0 & H0').
+ inversion ABORT as [ABORT1 | [ABORT2 | ABORT3]]; [ | | inv ABORT3]; congruence.
+(* TODO: remove this JUNK ?
+Lemma ssem_local_exclude_sabort_exit ge sp st ext lx rs m rs' m':
+ ssem_local ge sp (si_local st) rs m rs' m' ->
+ all_fallthrough ge sp (si_exits st) rs m ->
+ is_tail (ext :: lx) (si_exits st) ->
+ sabort_exit ge sp ext rs m ->
+ False.
+ inv ABORT.
+ - exploit ALLF; eauto. congruence.
+ - (* FIXME Problem : if we have a ssem_local, this means we ONLY evaluated the conditions,
+ but we NEVER actually evaluated the si_elocal from the sistate_exit ! So we cannot prove
+ a lack of abort on the si_elocal.. We must change the definitions *)
+Lemma ssem_local_exclude_sabort ge sp st rs m rs' m':
+ ssem_local ge sp (si_local st) rs m rs' m' ->
+ all_fallthrough ge sp (si_exits st) rs m ->
+ sabort ge sp st rs m ->
+ False.
+ inv ABORT.
+ - intuition; eapply ssem_local_exclude_sabort_local; eauto.
+ - destruct H as (ext & lx & ALLFU & SABORT).
+ destruct ALLFU as (TAIL & _). eapply is_tail_in in TAIL.
+ eapply ALLF in TAIL.
+ destruct SABORT as [CONDFAIL | (CONDTRUE & ABORTL)]; congruence.
+Lemma ssem_exit_fallthrough_upto_exit ge sp ext ext' lx lx' exits rs m rs' m' pc':
+ ssem_exit ge sp ext rs m rs' m' pc' ->
+ all_fallthrough_upto_exit ge sp ext lx exits rs m ->
+ all_fallthrough_upto_exit ge sp ext' lx' exits rs m ->
+ is_tail (ext'::lx') (ext::lx).
+ destruct ALLFU as (ISTAIL & ALLFU). destruct ALLFU' as (ISTAIL' & ALLFU').
+ destruct (is_tail_bounded_total (ext::lx) (ext'::lx') exits); eauto.
+ inv H.
+ - econstructor; eauto.
+ - eapply is_tail_in in H2. eapply ALLFU' in H2.
+ destruct SSEME as (SEVAL & _). congruence.
+Lemma ssem_exit_exclude_sabort_exit ge sp ext rs m rs' m' pc':
+ ssem_exit ge sp ext rs m rs' m' pc' ->
+ sabort_exit ge sp ext rs m ->
+ False.
+ intros A B. destruct A as (A & A' & A''). inv B.
+ - congruence.
+ - destruct H as (_ & H). eapply ssem_local_exclude_sabort_local; eauto.
+Lemma ssem_exit_exclude_sabort ge sp ext st lx rs m rs' m' pc':
+ ssem_exit ge sp ext rs m rs' m' pc' ->
+ all_fallthrough_upto_exit ge sp ext lx (si_exits st) rs m ->
+ sabort ge sp st rs m ->
+ False.
+ inv ABORT.
+ - destruct H as (ALLF & _). destruct ALLFU as (TAIL & _).
+ eapply is_tail_in in TAIL.
+ destruct SSEM as (SEVAL & _ & _).
+ eapply ALLF in TAIL. congruence.
+ - destruct H as (ext' & lx' & ALLFU' & ABORT).
+ exploit ssem_exit_fallthrough_upto_exit; eauto. intros ITAIL.
+ destruct ALLFU as (ALLFU1 & ALLFU2). destruct ALLFU' as (ALLFU1' & ALLFU2').
+ exploit (is_tail_inv_left ext' ext lx' lx); eauto. intro. inv H.
+ + inv H0. eapply ssem_exit_exclude_sabort_exit; eauto.
+ + destruct H0 as (INE & TAIL). eapply ALLFU2 in INE. destruct ABORT as [ABORT | (ABORT & ABORT')]; congruence.
+Lemma ssem_internal_exclude_sabort ge sp st rs m is:
+ sabort ge sp st rs m ->
+ ssem_internal ge sp st rs m is -> False.
+ intros ABORT SEM.
+ unfold ssem_internal in SEM. destruct icontinue.
+ - destruct SEM as (SEM1 & SEM2 & SEM3).
+ eapply ssem_local_exclude_sabort; eauto.
+ - destruct SEM as (ext & lx & SEM1 & SEM2). eapply ssem_exit_exclude_sabort; eauto.
+Definition istate_eq_opt ist1 oist :=
+ exists ist2, oist = Some ist2 /\ istate_eq ist1 ist2.
+Lemma ssem_internal_opt_determ ge sp st rs m ois is:
+ ssem_internal_opt ge sp st rs m ois ->
+ ssem_internal ge sp st rs m is ->
+ istate_eq_opt is ois.
+ destruct ois as [is1|]; simpl; eauto.
+ - intros; eexists; intuition; eapply ssem_internal_determ; eauto.
+ - intros; exploit ssem_internal_exclude_sabort; eauto. destruct 1.
+(** * Symbolic execution of one internal step *)
+Definition slocal_set_sreg (st:sistate_local) (r:reg) (sv:sval) :=
+ {| si_pre:=(fun ge sp rs m => seval_sval ge sp (st.(si_sreg) r) rs m <> None /\ (st.(si_pre) ge sp rs m));
+ si_sreg:=fun y => if Pos.eq_dec r y then sv else st.(si_sreg) y;
+ si_smem:= st.(si_smem)|}.
+Definition slocal_set_smem (st:sistate_local) (sm:smem) :=
+ {| si_pre:=(fun ge sp rs m => seval_smem ge sp st.(si_smem) rs m <> None /\ (st.(si_pre) ge sp rs m));
+ si_sreg:= st.(si_sreg);
+ si_smem:= sm |}.
+Definition sist_set_local (st: sistate) (pc: node) (nxt: sistate_local): sistate :=
+ {| si_pc := pc; si_exits := st.(si_exits); si_local:= nxt |}.
+Definition slocal_store st chunk addr args src : sistate_local :=
+ let args := list_sval_inj (List.map (si_sreg st) args) in
+ let src := si_sreg st src in
+ let sm := Sstore (si_smem st) chunk addr args src
+ in slocal_set_smem st sm.
+Definition siexec_inst (i: instruction) (st: sistate): option sistate :=
+ match i with
+ | Inop pc' =>
+ Some (sist_set_local st pc' st.(si_local))
+ | Iop op args dst pc' =>
+ let prev := st.(si_local) in
+ let vargs := list_sval_inj (List.map prev.(si_sreg) args) in
+ let next := slocal_set_sreg prev dst (Sop op vargs prev.(si_smem)) in
+ Some (sist_set_local st pc' next)
+ | Iload trap chunk addr args dst pc' =>
+ let prev := st.(si_local) in
+ let vargs := list_sval_inj (List.map prev.(si_sreg) args) in
+ let next := slocal_set_sreg prev dst (Sload prev.(si_smem) trap chunk addr vargs) in
+ Some (sist_set_local st pc' next)
+ | Istore chunk addr args src pc' =>
+ let next := slocal_store st.(si_local) chunk addr args src in
+ Some (sist_set_local st pc' next)
+ | Icond cond args ifso ifnot _ =>
+ let prev := st.(si_local) in
+ let vargs := list_sval_inj (List.map prev.(si_sreg) args) in
+ let ex := {| si_cond:=cond; si_scondargs:=vargs; si_elocal := prev; si_ifso := ifso |} in
+ Some {| si_pc := ifnot; si_exits := ex::st.(si_exits); si_local := prev |}
+ | _ => None (* TODO jumptable ? *)
+ end.
+Lemma seval_list_sval_inj ge sp l rs0 m0 (sreg: reg -> sval) rs:
+ (forall r : reg, seval_sval ge sp (sreg r) rs0 m0 = Some (rs # r)) ->
+ seval_list_sval ge sp (list_sval_inj (map sreg l)) rs0 m0 = Some (rs ## l).
+ intros H; induction l as [|r l]; simpl; auto.
+ inversion_SOME v.
+ inversion_SOME lv.
+ generalize (H r).
+ try_simplify_someHyps.
+Lemma slocal_set_sreg_preserves_sabort_local ge sp st rs0 m0 r sv:
+ sabort_local ge sp st rs0 m0 ->
+ sabort_local ge sp (slocal_set_sreg st r sv) rs0 m0.
+ unfold sabort_local. simpl; intuition.
+ destruct H as [r1 H]. destruct (Pos.eq_dec r r1) as [TEST|TEST] eqn: HTEST.
+ - subst; rewrite H; intuition.
+ - right. right. exists r1. rewrite HTEST. auto.
+Lemma slocal_set_smem_preserves_sabort_local ge sp st rs0 m0 m:
+ sabort_local ge sp st rs0 m0 ->
+ sabort_local ge sp (slocal_set_smem st m) rs0 m0.
+ unfold sabort_local. simpl; intuition.
+Lemma all_fallthrough_upto_exit_cons ge sp ext lx ext' exits rs m:
+ all_fallthrough_upto_exit ge sp ext lx exits rs m ->
+ all_fallthrough_upto_exit ge sp ext lx (ext'::exits) rs m.
+ intros. inv H. econstructor; eauto.
+Lemma all_fallthrough_cons ge sp exits rs m ext:
+ all_fallthrough ge sp exits rs m ->
+ seval_condition ge sp (si_cond ext) (si_scondargs ext) (si_smem (si_elocal ext)) rs m = Some false ->
+ all_fallthrough ge sp (ext::exits) rs m.
+ intros. unfold all_fallthrough in *. intros.
+ inv H1; eauto.
+Lemma siexec_inst_preserves_sabort i ge sp rs m st st':
+ siexec_inst i st = Some st' ->
+ sabort ge sp st rs m -> sabort ge sp st' rs m.
+ intros SISTEP ABORT.
+ destruct i; simpl in SISTEP; try discriminate; inv SISTEP; unfold sabort; simpl.
+ (* NOP *)
+ * destruct ABORT as [(ALLF & ABORTL) | (ext0 & lx0 & ALLFU & ABORTE)].
+ - left. constructor; eauto.
+ - right. exists ext0, lx0. constructor; eauto.
+ (* OP *)
+ * destruct ABORT as [(ALLF & ABORTL) | (ext0 & lx0 & ALLFU & ABORTE)].
+ - left. constructor; eauto. eapply slocal_set_sreg_preserves_sabort_local; eauto.
+ - right. exists ext0, lx0. constructor; eauto.
+ (* LOAD *)
+ * destruct ABORT as [(ALLF & ABORTL) | (ext0 & lx0 & ALLFU & ABORTE)].
+ - left. constructor; eauto. eapply slocal_set_sreg_preserves_sabort_local; eauto.
+ - right. exists ext0, lx0. constructor; eauto.
+ (* STORE *)
+ * destruct ABORT as [(ALLF & ABORTL) | (ext0 & lx0 & ALLFU & ABORTE)].
+ - left. constructor; eauto. eapply slocal_set_smem_preserves_sabort_local; eauto.
+ - right. exists ext0, lx0. constructor; eauto.
+ (* COND *)
+ * remember ({| si_cond := _; si_scondargs := _; si_elocal := _; si_ifso := _ |}) as ext.
+ destruct ABORT as [(ALLF & ABORTL) | (ext0 & lx0 & ALLFU & ABORTE)].
+ - destruct (seval_condition ge sp (si_cond ext) (si_scondargs ext)
+ (si_smem (si_elocal ext)) rs m) eqn:SEVAL; [destruct b|].
+ (* case true *)
+ + right. exists ext, (si_exits st).
+ constructor.
+ ++ constructor. econstructor; eauto. eauto.
+ ++ unfold sabort_exit. right. constructor; eauto.
+ subst. simpl. eauto.
+ (* case false *)
+ + left. constructor; eauto. eapply all_fallthrough_cons; eauto.
+ (* case None *)
+ + right. exists ext, (si_exits st). constructor.
+ ++ constructor. econstructor; eauto. eauto.
+ ++ unfold sabort_exit. left. eauto.
+ - right. exists ext0, lx0. constructor; eauto. eapply all_fallthrough_upto_exit_cons; eauto.
+Lemma siexec_inst_WF i st:
+ siexec_inst i st = None -> default_succ i = None.
+ destruct i; simpl; unfold sist_set_local; simpl; congruence.
+Lemma siexec_inst_default_succ i st st':
+ siexec_inst i st = Some st' -> default_succ i = Some (st'.(si_pc)).
+ destruct i; simpl; unfold sist_set_local; simpl; try congruence;
+ intro H; inversion_clear H; simpl; auto.
+Lemma seval_list_sval_inj_not_none ge sp st rs0 m0: forall l,
+ (forall r, List.In r l -> seval_sval ge sp (si_sreg st r) rs0 m0 = None -> False) ->
+ seval_list_sval ge sp (list_sval_inj (map (si_sreg st) l)) rs0 m0 = None -> False.
+ induction l.
+ - intuition discriminate.
+ - intros ALLR. simpl.
+ inversion_SOME v.
+ + intro SVAL. inversion_SOME lv; [discriminate|].
+ assert (forall r : reg, In r l -> seval_sval ge sp (si_sreg st r) rs0 m0 = None -> False).
+ { intros r INR. eapply ALLR. right. assumption. }
+ intro SVALLIST. intro. eapply IHl; eauto.
+ + intros. exploit (ALLR a); simpl; eauto.
+Lemma siexec_inst_correct ge sp i st rs0 m0 rs m:
+ ssem_local ge sp st.(si_local) rs0 m0 rs m ->
+ all_fallthrough ge sp st.(si_exits) rs0 m0 ->
+ ssem_internal_opt2 ge sp (siexec_inst i st) rs0 m0 (istep ge i sp rs m).
+ intros (PRE & MEM & REG) NYE.
+ destruct i; simpl; auto.
+ + (* Nop *)
+ constructor; [|constructor]; simpl; auto.
+ constructor; auto.
+ + (* Op *)
+ inversion_SOME v; intros OP; simpl.
+ - constructor; [|constructor]; simpl; auto.
+ constructor; simpl; auto.
+ * constructor; auto. congruence.
+ * constructor; auto.
+ intro r0. destruct (Pos.eq_dec r r0); [|rewrite Regmap.gso; auto].
+ subst. rewrite Regmap.gss; simpl; auto.
+ erewrite seval_list_sval_inj; simpl; auto.
+ try_simplify_someHyps.
+ - left. constructor; simpl; auto.
+ unfold sabort_local. right. right.
+ simpl. exists r. destruct (Pos.eq_dec r r); try congruence.
+ simpl. erewrite seval_list_sval_inj; simpl; auto.
+ try_simplify_someHyps.
+ + (* LOAD *)
+ inversion_SOME a0; intro ADD.
+ { inversion_SOME v; intros LOAD; simpl.
+ - explore_destruct; unfold ssem_internal, ssem_local; simpl; intuition.
+ * unfold ssem_internal. simpl. constructor; [|constructor]; auto.
+ constructor; constructor; simpl; auto. congruence. intro r0.
+ destruct (Pos.eq_dec r r0); [|rewrite Regmap.gso; auto].
+ subst; rewrite Regmap.gss; simpl.
+ erewrite seval_list_sval_inj; simpl; auto.
+ try_simplify_someHyps.
+ * unfold ssem_internal. simpl. constructor; [|constructor]; auto.
+ constructor; constructor; simpl; auto. congruence. intro r0.
+ destruct (Pos.eq_dec r r0); [|rewrite Regmap.gso; auto].
+ subst; rewrite Regmap.gss; simpl.
+ inversion_SOME args; intros ARGS.
+ 2: { exploit seval_list_sval_inj_not_none; eauto; intuition congruence. }
+ exploit seval_list_sval_inj; eauto. intro ARGS'. erewrite ARGS in ARGS'. inv ARGS'. rewrite ADD.
+ inversion_SOME m2. intro SMEM.
+ assert (m = m2) by congruence. subst. rewrite LOAD. reflexivity.
+ - explore_destruct; unfold sabort, sabort_local; simpl.
+ * unfold sabort. simpl. left. constructor; auto.
+ right. right. exists r. simpl. destruct (Pos.eq_dec r r); try congruence.
+ simpl. erewrite seval_list_sval_inj; simpl; auto.
+ rewrite ADD; simpl; auto. try_simplify_someHyps.
+ * unfold ssem_internal. simpl. constructor; [|constructor]; auto.
+ constructor; constructor; simpl; auto. congruence. intro r0.
+ destruct (Pos.eq_dec r r0); [|rewrite Regmap.gso; auto].
+ subst; rewrite Regmap.gss; simpl.
+ erewrite seval_list_sval_inj; simpl; auto.
+ try_simplify_someHyps.
+ } { rewrite ADD. destruct t.
+ - simpl. left; eauto. simpl. econstructor; eauto.
+ right. right. simpl. exists r. destruct (Pos.eq_dec r r); [|contradiction].
+ simpl. inversion_SOME args. intro SLS.
+ eapply seval_list_sval_inj in REG. rewrite REG in SLS. inv SLS.
+ rewrite ADD. reflexivity.
+ - simpl. constructor; [|constructor]; simpl; auto.
+ constructor; simpl; constructor; auto; [congruence|].
+ intro r0. destruct (Pos.eq_dec r r0); [|rewrite Regmap.gso; auto].
+ subst. simpl. rewrite Regmap.gss.
+ erewrite seval_list_sval_inj; simpl; auto.
+ try_simplify_someHyps.
+ }
+ + (* STORE *)
+ inversion_SOME a0; intros ADD.
+ { inversion_SOME m'; intros STORE; simpl.
+ - unfold ssem_internal, ssem_local; simpl; intuition.
+ * congruence.
+ * erewrite seval_list_sval_inj; simpl; auto.
+ erewrite REG.
+ try_simplify_someHyps.
+ - unfold sabort, sabort_local; simpl.
+ left. constructor; auto. right. left.
+ erewrite seval_list_sval_inj; simpl; auto.
+ erewrite REG.
+ try_simplify_someHyps. }
+ { unfold sabort, sabort_local; simpl.
+ left. constructor; auto. right. left.
+ erewrite seval_list_sval_inj; simpl; auto.
+ erewrite ADD; simpl; auto. }
+ + (* COND *)
+ Local Hint Resolve is_tail_refl: core.
+ Local Hint Unfold ssem_local: core.
+ inversion_SOME b; intros COND.
+ { destruct b; simpl; unfold ssem_internal, ssem_local; simpl.
+ - remember (mk_sistate_exit _ _ _ _) as ext. exists ext, (si_exits st).
+ constructor; constructor; subst; simpl; auto.
+ unfold seval_condition. subst; simpl.
+ erewrite seval_list_sval_inj; simpl; auto.
+ try_simplify_someHyps.
+ - intuition. unfold all_fallthrough in * |- *. simpl.
+ intuition. subst. simpl.
+ unfold seval_condition.
+ erewrite seval_list_sval_inj; simpl; auto.
+ try_simplify_someHyps. }
+ { unfold sabort. simpl. right.
+ remember (mk_sistate_exit _ _ _ _) as ext. exists ext, (si_exits st).
+ constructor; [constructor; subst; simpl; auto|].
+ left. subst; simpl; auto.
+ unfold seval_condition.
+ erewrite seval_list_sval_inj; simpl; auto.
+ try_simplify_someHyps. }
+Lemma siexec_inst_correct_None ge sp i st rs0 m0 rs m:
+ ssem_local ge sp (st.(si_local)) rs0 m0 rs m ->
+ siexec_inst i st = None ->
+ istep ge i sp rs m = None.
+ intros (PRE & MEM & REG).
+ destruct i; simpl; unfold sist_set_local, ssem_internal, ssem_local; simpl; try_simplify_someHyps.
+(** * Symbolic execution of the internal steps of a path *)
+Fixpoint siexec_path (path:nat) (f: function) (st: sistate): option sistate :=
+ match path with
+ | O => Some st
+ | S p =>
+ SOME i <- (fn_code f)!(st.(si_pc)) IN
+ SOME st1 <- siexec_inst i st IN
+ siexec_path p f st1
+ end.
+Lemma siexec_inst_add_exits i st st':
+ siexec_inst i st = Some st' ->
+ ( si_exits st' = si_exits st \/ exists ext, si_exits st' = ext :: si_exits st ).
+ destruct i; simpl; intro SISTEP; inversion_clear SISTEP; unfold siexec_inst; simpl; (discriminate || eauto).
+Lemma siexec_inst_preserves_allfu ge sp ext lx rs0 m0 st st' i:
+ all_fallthrough_upto_exit ge sp ext lx (si_exits st) rs0 m0 ->
+ siexec_inst i st = Some st' ->
+ all_fallthrough_upto_exit ge sp ext lx (si_exits st') rs0 m0.
+ intros ALLFU SISTEP. destruct ALLFU as (ISTAIL & ALLF).
+ constructor; eauto.
+ destruct i; simpl in SISTEP; inversion_clear SISTEP; simpl; (discriminate || eauto).
+Lemma siexec_path_correct_false ge sp f rs0 m0 st' is:
+ forall path,
+ is.(icontinue)=false ->
+ forall st, ssem_internal ge sp st rs0 m0 is ->
+ siexec_path path f st = Some st' ->
+ ssem_internal ge sp st' rs0 m0 is.
+ induction path; simpl.
+ - intros. congruence.
+ - intros ICF st SSEM STEQ'.
+ destruct ((fn_code f) ! (si_pc st)) eqn:FIC; [|discriminate].
+ destruct (siexec_inst _ _) eqn:SISTEP; [|discriminate].
+ eapply IHpath. 3: eapply STEQ'. eauto.
+ unfold ssem_internal in SSEM. rewrite ICF in SSEM.
+ destruct SSEM as (ext & lx & SEXIT & ALLFU).
+ unfold ssem_internal. rewrite ICF. exists ext, lx.
+ constructor; auto. eapply siexec_inst_preserves_allfu; eauto.
+Lemma siexec_path_preserves_sabort ge sp path f rs0 m0 st': forall st,
+ siexec_path path f st = Some st' ->
+ sabort ge sp st rs0 m0 -> sabort ge sp st' rs0 m0.
+ Local Hint Resolve siexec_inst_preserves_sabort: core.
+ induction path; simpl.
+ + unfold sist_set_local; try_simplify_someHyps.
+ + intros st; inversion_SOME i.
+ inversion_SOME st1; eauto.
+Lemma siexec_path_WF path f: forall st,
+ siexec_path path f st = None -> nth_default_succ (fn_code f) path st.(si_pc) = None.
+ induction path; simpl.
+ + unfold sist_set_local. intuition congruence.
+ + intros st; destruct ((fn_code f) ! (si_pc st)); simpl; try tauto.
+ destruct (siexec_inst i st) as [st1|] eqn: Hst1; simpl.
+ - intros; erewrite siexec_inst_default_succ; eauto.
+ - intros; erewrite siexec_inst_WF; eauto.
+Lemma siexec_path_default_succ path f st': forall st,
+ siexec_path path f st = Some st' -> nth_default_succ (fn_code f) path st.(si_pc) = Some st'.(si_pc).
+ induction path; simpl.
+ + unfold sist_set_local. intros st H. inversion_clear H; simpl; try congruence.
+ + intros st; destruct ((fn_code f) ! (si_pc st)); simpl; try congruence.
+ destruct (siexec_inst i st) as [st1|] eqn: Hst1; simpl; try congruence.
+ intros; erewrite siexec_inst_default_succ; eauto.
+Lemma siexec_path_correct_true ge sp path (f:function) rs0 m0: forall st is,
+ is.(icontinue)=true ->
+ ssem_internal ge sp st rs0 m0 is ->
+ nth_default_succ (fn_code f) path st.(si_pc) <> None ->
+ ssem_internal_opt2 ge sp (siexec_path path f st) rs0 m0
+ (isteps ge path f sp is.(irs) is.(imem) is.(ipc))
+ .
+ Local Hint Resolve siexec_path_correct_false siexec_path_preserves_sabort siexec_path_WF: core.
+ induction path; simpl.
+ + intros st is CONT INV WF;
+ unfold ssem_internal, sist_set_local in * |- *;
+ try_simplify_someHyps. simpl.
+ destruct is; simpl in * |- *; subst; intuition auto.
+ + intros st is CONT; unfold ssem_internal at 1; rewrite CONT.
+ intros (LOCAL & PC & NYE) WF.
+ rewrite <- PC.
+ inversion_SOME i; intro Hi; rewrite Hi in WF |- *; simpl; auto.
+ exploit siexec_inst_correct; eauto.
+ inversion_SOME st1; intros Hst1; erewrite Hst1; simpl.
+ - inversion_SOME is1; intros His1;rewrite His1; simpl.
+ * destruct (icontinue is1) eqn:CONT1.
+ (* icontinue is0 = true *)
+ intros; eapply IHpath; eauto.
+ destruct i; simpl in * |- *; unfold sist_set_local in * |- *; try_simplify_someHyps.
+ (* icontinue is0 = false -> EARLY EXIT *)
+ destruct (siexec_path path f st1) as [st2|] eqn: Hst2; simpl; eauto.
+ destruct WF. erewrite siexec_inst_default_succ; eauto.
+ (* try_simplify_someHyps; eauto. *)
+ * destruct (siexec_path path f st1) as [st2|] eqn: Hst2; simpl; eauto.
+ - intros His1;rewrite His1; simpl; auto.
+(** REM: in the following two unused lemmas *)
+Lemma siexec_path_right_assoc_decompose f path: forall st st',
+ siexec_path (S path) f st = Some st' ->
+ exists st0, siexec_path path f st = Some st0 /\ siexec_path 1%nat f st0 = Some st'.
+ induction path; simpl; eauto.
+ intros st st'.
+ inversion_SOME i1.
+ inversion_SOME st1.
+ try_simplify_someHyps; eauto.
+Lemma siexec_path_right_assoc_compose f path: forall st st0 st',
+ siexec_path path f st = Some st0 ->
+ siexec_path 1%nat f st0 = Some st' ->
+ siexec_path (S path) f st = Some st'.
+ induction path.
+ + intros st st0 st' H. simpl in H.
+ try_simplify_someHyps; auto.
+ + intros st st0 st'.
+ assert (X:exists x, x=(S path)); eauto.
+ destruct X as [x X].
+ intros H1 H2. rewrite <- X.
+ generalize H1; clear H1. simpl.
+ inversion_SOME i1. intros Hi1; rewrite Hi1.
+ inversion_SOME st1. intros Hst1; rewrite Hst1.
+ subst; eauto.
+(** * Symbolic (final) value of a path *)
+Inductive sfval :=
+ | Snone
+ | Scall (sig:signature) (svos: sval + ident) (lsv:list_sval) (res:reg) (pc:node)
+ (* NB: [res] the return register is hard-wired ! Is it restrictive ? *)
+ | Stailcall: signature -> sval + ident -> list_sval -> sfval
+ | Sbuiltin (ef:external_function) (sargs: list (builtin_arg sval)) (res: builtin_res reg) (pc:node)
+ | Sjumptable (sv: sval) (tbl: list node)
+ | Sreturn: option sval -> sfval
+Definition sfind_function (pge: RTLpath.genv) (ge: RTL.genv) (sp: val) (svos : sval + ident) (rs0: regset) (m0: mem): option fundef :=
+ match svos with
+ | inl sv => SOME v <- seval_sval ge sp sv rs0 m0 IN Genv.find_funct pge v
+ | inr symb => SOME b <- Genv.find_symbol pge symb IN Genv.find_funct_ptr pge b
+ end.
+Section SEVAL_BUILTIN_ARG. (* adapted from Events.v *)
+Variable ge: RTL.genv.
+Variable sp: val.
+Variable m: mem.
+Variable rs0: regset.
+Variable m0: mem.
+Inductive seval_builtin_arg: builtin_arg sval -> val -> Prop :=
+ | seval_BA: forall x v,
+ seval_sval ge sp x rs0 m0 = Some v ->
+ seval_builtin_arg (BA x) v
+ | seval_BA_int: forall n,
+ seval_builtin_arg (BA_int n) (Vint n)
+ | seval_BA_long: forall n,
+ seval_builtin_arg (BA_long n) (Vlong n)
+ | seval_BA_float: forall n,
+ seval_builtin_arg (BA_float n) (Vfloat n)
+ | seval_BA_single: forall n,
+ seval_builtin_arg (BA_single n) (Vsingle n)
+ | seval_BA_loadstack: forall chunk ofs v,
+ Mem.loadv chunk m (Val.offset_ptr sp ofs) = Some v ->
+ seval_builtin_arg (BA_loadstack chunk ofs) v
+ | seval_BA_addrstack: forall ofs,
+ seval_builtin_arg (BA_addrstack ofs) (Val.offset_ptr sp ofs)
+ | seval_BA_loadglobal: forall chunk id ofs v,
+ Mem.loadv chunk m (Senv.symbol_address ge id ofs) = Some v ->
+ seval_builtin_arg (BA_loadglobal chunk id ofs) v
+ | seval_BA_addrglobal: forall id ofs,
+ seval_builtin_arg (BA_addrglobal id ofs) (Senv.symbol_address ge id ofs)
+ | seval_BA_splitlong: forall hi lo vhi vlo,
+ seval_builtin_arg hi vhi -> seval_builtin_arg lo vlo ->
+ seval_builtin_arg (BA_splitlong hi lo) (Val.longofwords vhi vlo)
+ | seval_BA_addptr: forall a1 a2 v1 v2,
+ seval_builtin_arg a1 v1 -> seval_builtin_arg a2 v2 ->
+ seval_builtin_arg (BA_addptr a1 a2)
+ (if Archi.ptr64 then Val.addl v1 v2 else Val.add v1 v2).
+Definition seval_builtin_args (al: list (builtin_arg sval)) (vl: list val) : Prop :=
+ list_forall2 seval_builtin_arg al vl.
+Lemma seval_builtin_arg_determ:
+ forall a v, seval_builtin_arg a v -> forall v', seval_builtin_arg a v' -> v' = v.
+ induction 1; intros v' EV; inv EV; try congruence.
+ f_equal; eauto.
+ apply IHseval_builtin_arg1 in H3. apply IHseval_builtin_arg2 in H5. subst; auto.
+Lemma eval_builtin_args_determ:
+ forall al vl, seval_builtin_args al vl -> forall vl', seval_builtin_args al vl' -> vl' = vl.
+ induction 1; intros v' EV; inv EV; f_equal; eauto using seval_builtin_arg_determ.
+Inductive ssem_final (pge: RTLpath.genv) (ge: RTL.genv) (sp:val) (npc: node) stack (f: function) (rs0: regset) (m0: mem): sfval -> regset -> mem -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
+ | exec_Snone rs m:
+ ssem_final pge ge sp npc stack f rs0 m0 Snone rs m E0 (State stack f sp npc rs m)
+ | exec_Scall rs m sig svos lsv args res pc fd:
+ sfind_function pge ge sp svos rs0 m0 = Some fd ->
+ funsig fd = sig ->
+ seval_list_sval ge sp lsv rs0 m0 = Some args ->
+ ssem_final pge ge sp npc stack f rs0 m0 (Scall sig svos lsv res pc) rs m
+ E0 (Callstate (Stackframe res f sp pc rs :: stack) fd args m)
+ | exec_Stailcall stk rs m sig svos args fd m' lsv:
+ sfind_function pge ge sp svos rs0 m0 = Some fd ->
+ funsig fd = sig ->
+ sp = Vptr stk Ptrofs.zero ->
+ Mem.free m stk 0 f.(fn_stacksize) = Some m' ->
+ seval_list_sval ge sp lsv rs0 m0 = Some args ->
+ ssem_final pge ge sp npc stack f rs0 m0 (Stailcall sig svos lsv) rs m
+ E0 (Callstate stack fd args m')
+ | exec_Sbuiltin m' rs m vres res pc t sargs ef vargs:
+ seval_builtin_args ge sp m rs0 m0 sargs vargs ->
+ external_call ef ge vargs m t vres m' ->
+ ssem_final pge ge sp npc stack f rs0 m0 (Sbuiltin ef sargs res pc) rs m
+ t (State stack f sp pc (regmap_setres res vres rs) m')
+ | exec_Sjumptable sv tbl pc' n rs m:
+ seval_sval ge sp sv rs0 m0 = Some (Vint n) ->
+ list_nth_z tbl (Int.unsigned n) = Some pc' ->
+ ssem_final pge ge sp npc stack f rs0 m0 (Sjumptable sv tbl) rs m
+ E0 (State stack f sp pc' rs m)
+ | exec_Sreturn stk osv rs m m' v:
+ sp = (Vptr stk Ptrofs.zero) ->
+ Mem.free m stk 0 f.(fn_stacksize) = Some m' ->
+ match osv with Some sv => seval_sval ge sp sv rs0 m0 | None => Some Vundef end = Some v ->
+ ssem_final pge ge sp npc stack f rs0 m0 (Sreturn osv) rs m
+ E0 (Returnstate stack v m')
+Record sstate := { internal:> sistate; final: sfval }.
+Inductive ssem pge (ge: RTL.genv) (sp:val) (st: sstate) stack f (rs0: regset) (m0: mem): trace -> state -> Prop :=
+ | ssem_early is:
+ is.(icontinue) = false ->
+ ssem_internal ge sp st rs0 m0 is ->
+ ssem pge ge sp st stack f rs0 m0 E0 (State stack f sp is.(ipc) is.(irs) is.(imem))
+ | ssem_normal is t s:
+ is.(icontinue) = true ->
+ ssem_internal ge sp st rs0 m0 is ->
+ ssem_final pge ge sp st.(si_pc) stack f rs0 m0 st.(final) is.(irs) is.(imem) t s ->
+ ssem pge ge sp st stack f rs0 m0 t s
+ .
+(* NB: generic function that could be put into [AST] file *)
+Fixpoint builtin_arg_map {A B} (f: A -> B) (arg: builtin_arg A) : builtin_arg B :=
+ match arg with
+ | BA x => BA (f x)
+ | BA_int n => BA_int n
+ | BA_long n => BA_long n
+ | BA_float f => BA_float f
+ | BA_single s => BA_single s
+ | BA_loadstack chunk ptr => BA_loadstack chunk ptr
+ | BA_addrstack ptr => BA_addrstack ptr
+ | BA_loadglobal chunk id ptr => BA_loadglobal chunk id ptr
+ | BA_addrglobal id ptr => BA_addrglobal id ptr
+ | BA_splitlong ba1 ba2 => BA_splitlong (builtin_arg_map f ba1) (builtin_arg_map f ba2)
+ | BA_addptr ba1 ba2 => BA_addptr (builtin_arg_map f ba1) (builtin_arg_map f ba2)
+ end.
+Lemma seval_builtin_arg_correct ge sp rs m rs0 m0 sreg: forall arg varg,
+ (forall r, seval_sval ge sp (sreg r) rs0 m0 = Some rs # r) ->
+ eval_builtin_arg ge (fun r => rs # r) sp m arg varg ->
+ seval_builtin_arg ge sp m rs0 m0 (builtin_arg_map sreg arg) varg.
+ induction arg.
+ all: try (intros varg SEVAL BARG; inv BARG; constructor; congruence).
+ - intros varg SEVAL BARG. inv BARG. simpl. constructor.
+ eapply IHarg1; eauto. eapply IHarg2; eauto.
+ - intros varg SEVAL BARG. inv BARG. simpl. constructor.
+ eapply IHarg1; eauto. eapply IHarg2; eauto.
+Lemma seval_builtin_args_correct ge sp rs m rs0 m0 sreg args vargs:
+ (forall r, seval_sval ge sp (sreg r) rs0 m0 = Some rs # r) ->
+ eval_builtin_args ge (fun r => rs # r) sp m args vargs ->
+ seval_builtin_args ge sp m rs0 m0 (map (builtin_arg_map sreg) args) vargs.
+ induction 2.
+ - constructor.
+ - simpl. constructor; [| assumption].
+ eapply seval_builtin_arg_correct; eauto.
+Lemma seval_builtin_arg_complete ge sp rs m rs0 m0 sreg: forall arg varg,
+ (forall r, seval_sval ge sp (sreg r) rs0 m0 = Some rs # r) ->
+ seval_builtin_arg ge sp m rs0 m0 (builtin_arg_map sreg arg) varg ->
+ eval_builtin_arg ge (fun r => rs # r) sp m arg varg.
+ induction arg.
+ all: intros varg SEVAL BARG; try (inv BARG; constructor; congruence).
+ - inv BARG. rewrite SEVAL in H0. inv H0. constructor.
+ - inv BARG. simpl. constructor.
+ eapply IHarg1; eauto. eapply IHarg2; eauto.
+ - inv BARG. simpl. constructor.
+ eapply IHarg1; eauto. eapply IHarg2; eauto.
+Lemma seval_builtin_args_complete ge sp rs m rs0 m0 sreg: forall args vargs,
+ (forall r, seval_sval ge sp (sreg r) rs0 m0 = Some rs # r) ->
+ seval_builtin_args ge sp m rs0 m0 (map (builtin_arg_map sreg) args) vargs ->
+ eval_builtin_args ge (fun r => rs # r) sp m args vargs.
+ induction args.
+ - simpl. intros. inv H0. constructor.
+ - intros vargs SEVAL BARG. simpl in BARG. inv BARG.
+ constructor; [| eapply IHargs; eauto].
+ eapply seval_builtin_arg_complete; eauto.
+(** * Symbolic execution of final step *)
+Definition sexec_final (i: instruction) (prev: sistate_local): sfval :=
+ match i with
+ | Icall sig ros args res pc =>
+ let svos := sum_left_map prev.(si_sreg) ros in
+ let sargs := list_sval_inj (List.map prev.(si_sreg) args) in
+ Scall sig svos sargs res pc
+ | Itailcall sig ros args =>
+ let svos := sum_left_map prev.(si_sreg) ros in
+ let sargs := list_sval_inj (List.map prev.(si_sreg) args) in
+ Stailcall sig svos sargs
+ | Ibuiltin ef args res pc =>
+ let sargs := List.map (builtin_arg_map prev.(si_sreg)) args in
+ Sbuiltin ef sargs res pc
+ | Ireturn or =>
+ let sor := SOME r <- or IN Some (prev.(si_sreg) r) in
+ Sreturn sor
+ | Ijumptable reg tbl =>
+ let sv := prev.(si_sreg) reg in
+ Sjumptable sv tbl
+ | _ => Snone
+ end.
+Lemma sexec_final_correct pge ge sp i (f:function) pc st stack rs0 m0 t rs m s:
+ (fn_code f) ! pc = Some i ->
+ pc = st.(si_pc) ->
+ ssem_local ge sp (si_local st) rs0 m0 rs m ->
+ path_last_step ge pge stack f sp pc rs m t s ->
+ siexec_inst i st = None ->
+ ssem_final pge ge sp pc stack f rs0 m0 (sexec_final i (si_local st)) rs m t s.
+ intros PC1 PC2 (PRE&MEM&REG) LAST. destruct LAST; subst; try_simplify_someHyps; simpl.
+ + (* Snone *) intro Hi; destruct i; simpl in Hi |- *; unfold sist_set_local in Hi; try congruence.
+ + (* Icall *) intros; eapply exec_Scall; auto.
+ - destruct ros; simpl in * |- *; auto.
+ rewrite REG; auto.
+ - erewrite seval_list_sval_inj; simpl; auto.
+ + (* Itailcall *) intros. eapply exec_Stailcall; auto.
+ - destruct ros; simpl in * |- *; auto.
+ rewrite REG; auto.
+ - erewrite seval_list_sval_inj; simpl; auto.
+ + (* Ibuiltin *) intros. eapply exec_Sbuiltin; eauto.
+ eapply seval_builtin_args_correct; eauto.
+ + (* Ijumptable *) intros. eapply exec_Sjumptable; eauto. congruence.
+ + (* Ireturn *) intros; eapply exec_Sreturn; simpl; eauto.
+ destruct or; simpl; auto.
+Lemma sexec_final_complete i (f:function) pc st ge pge sp stack rs0 m0 t rs m s:
+ (fn_code f) ! pc = Some i ->
+ pc = st.(si_pc) ->
+ ssem_local ge sp (si_local st) rs0 m0 rs m ->
+ ssem_final pge ge sp pc stack f rs0 m0 (sexec_final i (si_local st)) rs m t s ->
+ siexec_inst i st = None ->
+ path_last_step ge pge stack f sp pc rs m t s.
+ destruct i as [ (* Inop *) | (* Iop *) | (* Iload *) | (* Istore *)
+ | (* Icall *) sig ros args res pc'
+ | (* Itailcall *) sig ros args
+ | (* Ibuiltin *) ef bargs br pc'
+ | (* Icond *)
+ | (* Ijumptable *) jr tbl
+ | (*Ireturn*) or];
+ subst; try_simplify_someHyps; try (unfold sist_set_local in HSIS; try congruence);
+ inversion LAST; subst; clear LAST; simpl in * |- *.
+ + (* Icall *)
+ erewrite seval_list_sval_inj in * |- ; simpl; try_simplify_someHyps; auto.
+ intros; eapply exec_Icall; eauto.
+ destruct ros; simpl in * |- *; auto.
+ rewrite REG in * |- ; auto.
+ + (* Itailcall *)
+ intros HPC SMEM. erewrite seval_list_sval_inj in H10; auto. inv H10.
+ eapply exec_Itailcall; eauto.
+ destruct ros; simpl in * |- *; auto.
+ rewrite REG in * |- ; auto.
+ + (* Ibuiltin *) intros HPC SMEM.
+ eapply exec_Ibuiltin; eauto.
+ eapply seval_builtin_args_complete; eauto.
+ + (* Ijumptable *) intros HPC SMEM.
+ eapply exec_Ijumptable; eauto.
+ congruence.
+ + (* Ireturn *)
+ intros; subst. enough (v=regmap_optget or Vundef rs) as ->.
+ * eapply exec_Ireturn; eauto.
+ * intros; destruct or; simpl; congruence.
+(** * Main function of the symbolic execution *)
+Definition init_sistate_local := {| si_pre:= fun _ _ _ _ => True; si_sreg:= fun r => Sinput r; si_smem:= Sinit |}.
+Definition init_sistate pc := {| si_pc:= pc; si_exits:=nil; si_local:= init_sistate_local |}.
+Lemma init_ssem_internal ge sp pc rs m: ssem_internal ge sp (init_sistate pc) rs m (mk_istate true pc rs m).
+ unfold ssem_internal, ssem_local, all_fallthrough; simpl. intuition.
+Definition sexec (f: function) (pc:node): option sstate :=
+ SOME path <- (fn_path f)!pc IN
+ SOME st <- siexec_path path.(psize) f (init_sistate pc) IN
+ SOME i <- (fn_code f)!(st.(si_pc)) IN
+ Some (match siexec_inst i st with
+ | Some st' => {| internal := st'; final := Snone |}
+ | None => {| internal := st; final := sexec_final i st.(si_local) |}
+ end).
+Lemma final_node_path_simpl f path pc:
+ (fn_path f)!pc = Some path -> nth_default_succ_inst (fn_code f) path.(psize) pc <> None.
+ intros; exploit final_node_path; eauto.
+ intros (i & NTH & DUM).
+ congruence.
+Lemma symb_path_last_step i st st' ge pge stack (f:function) sp pc rs m t s:
+ (fn_code f) ! pc = Some i ->
+ pc = st.(si_pc) ->
+ siexec_inst i st = Some st' ->
+ path_last_step ge pge stack f sp pc rs m t s ->
+ exists mk_istate,
+ istep ge i sp rs m = Some mk_istate
+ /\ t = E0
+ /\ s = (State stack f sp mk_istate.(ipc) mk_istate.(RTLpath.irs) mk_istate.(imem)).
+ intros PC1 PC2 Hst' LAST; destruct LAST; subst; try_simplify_someHyps; simpl.
+(* NB: each concrete execution can be executed on the symbolic state (produced from [sexec])
+(sexec is a correct over-approximation)
+Theorem sexec_correct f pc pge ge sp path stack rs m t s:
+ (fn_path f)!pc = Some path ->
+ path_step ge pge path.(psize) stack f sp rs m pc t s ->
+ exists st, sexec f pc = Some st /\ ssem pge ge sp st stack f rs m t s.
+ Local Hint Resolve init_ssem_internal: core.
+ intros PATH STEP; unfold sexec; rewrite PATH; simpl.
+ lapply (final_node_path_simpl f path pc); eauto. intro WF.
+ exploit (siexec_path_correct_true ge sp path.(psize) f rs m (init_sistate pc) (mk_istate true pc rs m)); simpl; eauto.
+ { intros ABS. apply WF; unfold nth_default_succ_inst. rewrite ABS; auto. }
+ (destruct (nth_default_succ_inst (fn_code f) path.(psize) pc) as [i|] eqn: Hi; [clear WF|congruence]).
+ destruct STEP as [sti STEPS CONT|sti t s STEPS CONT LAST];
+ (* intro Hst *)
+ (rewrite STEPS; unfold ssem_internal_opt2; destruct (siexec_path _ _ _) as [st|] eqn: Hst; try congruence);
+ (* intro SEM *)
+ (simpl; unfold ssem_internal; simpl; rewrite CONT; intro SEM);
+ (* intro Hi' *)
+ ( assert (Hi': (fn_code f) ! (si_pc st) = Some i);
+ [ unfold nth_default_succ_inst in Hi;
+ exploit siexec_path_default_succ; eauto; simpl;
+ intros DEF; rewrite DEF in Hi; auto
+ | clear Hi; rewrite Hi' ]);
+ (* eexists *)
+ (eexists; constructor; eauto).
+ - (* early *)
+ eapply ssem_early; eauto.
+ unfold ssem_internal; simpl; rewrite CONT.
+ destruct (siexec_inst i st) as [st'|] eqn: Hst'; simpl; eauto.
+ destruct SEM as (ext & lx & SEM & ALLFU). exists ext, lx.
+ constructor; auto. eapply siexec_inst_preserves_allfu; eauto.
+ - destruct SEM as (SEM & PC & HNYE).
+ destruct (siexec_inst i st) as [st'|] eqn: Hst'; simpl.
+ + (* normal on Snone *)
+ rewrite <- PC in LAST.
+ exploit symb_path_last_step; eauto; simpl.
+ intros (mk_istate & ISTEP & Ht & Hs); subst.
+ exploit siexec_inst_correct; eauto. simpl.
+ erewrite Hst', ISTEP; simpl.
+ clear LAST CONT STEPS PC SEM HNYE Hst Hi' Hst' ISTEP st sti i.
+ intro SEM; destruct (mk_istate.(icontinue)) eqn: CONT.
+ { (* icontinue mk_istate = true *)
+ eapply ssem_normal; simpl; eauto.
+ unfold ssem_internal in SEM.
+ rewrite CONT in SEM.
+ destruct SEM as (SEM & PC & HNYE).
+ rewrite <- PC.
+ eapply exec_Snone. }
+ { eapply ssem_early; eauto. }
+ + (* normal non-Snone instruction *)
+ eapply ssem_normal; eauto.
+ * unfold ssem_internal; simpl; rewrite CONT; intuition.
+ * simpl. eapply sexec_final_correct; eauto.
+ rewrite PC; auto.
+(* TODO: déplacer les trucs sur equiv_stackframe dans RTLpath ? *)
+Inductive equiv_stackframe: stackframe -> stackframe -> Prop :=
+ | equiv_stackframe_intro res f sp pc rs1 rs2
+ (EQUIV: forall r : positive, rs1 !! r = rs2 !! r):
+ equiv_stackframe (Stackframe res f sp pc rs1) (Stackframe res f sp pc rs2).
+Inductive equiv_state: state -> state -> Prop :=
+ | State_equiv stack f sp pc rs1 m rs2
+ (EQUIV: forall r, rs1#r = rs2#r):
+ equiv_state (State stack f sp pc rs1 m) (State stack f sp pc rs2 m)
+ | Call_equiv stk stk' f args m
+ (STACKS: list_forall2 equiv_stackframe stk stk'):
+ equiv_state (Callstate stk f args m) (Callstate stk' f args m)
+ | Return_equiv stk stk' v m
+ (STACKS: list_forall2 equiv_stackframe stk stk'):
+ equiv_state (Returnstate stk v m) (Returnstate stk' v m).
+Lemma equiv_stackframe_refl stf: equiv_stackframe stf stf.
+ destruct stf. constructor; auto.
+Lemma equiv_stack_refl stk: list_forall2 equiv_stackframe stk stk.
+ Local Hint Resolve equiv_stackframe_refl: core.
+ induction stk; simpl; constructor; auto.
+Lemma equiv_state_refl s: equiv_state s s.
+ Local Hint Resolve equiv_stack_refl: core.
+ induction s; simpl; constructor; auto.
+Lemma equiv_stackframe_trans stf1 stf2 stf3:
+ equiv_stackframe stf1 stf2 -> equiv_stackframe stf2 stf3 -> equiv_stackframe stf1 stf3.
+ destruct 1; intros EQ; inv EQ; try econstructor; eauto.
+ intros; eapply eq_trans; eauto.
+Lemma equiv_stack_trans stk1 stk2:
+ list_forall2 equiv_stackframe stk1 stk2 ->
+ forall stk3, list_forall2 equiv_stackframe stk2 stk3 ->
+ list_forall2 equiv_stackframe stk1 stk3.
+ Local Hint Resolve equiv_stackframe_trans.
+ induction 1; intros stk3 EQ; inv EQ; econstructor; eauto.
+Lemma equiv_state_trans s1 s2 s3: equiv_state s1 s2 -> equiv_state s2 s3 -> equiv_state s1 s3.
+ Local Hint Resolve equiv_stack_trans.
+ destruct 1; intros EQ; inv EQ; econstructor; eauto.
+ intros; eapply eq_trans; eauto.
+Lemma regmap_setres_eq (rs rs': regset) res vres:
+ (forall r, rs # r = rs' # r) ->
+ forall r, (regmap_setres res vres rs) # r = (regmap_setres res vres rs') # r.
+ intros RSEQ r. destruct res; simpl; try congruence.
+ destruct (peq x r).
+ - subst. repeat (rewrite Regmap.gss). reflexivity.
+ - repeat (rewrite Regmap.gso); auto.
+Lemma ssem_final_equiv pge ge sp (f:function) st sv stack rs0 m0 t rs1 rs2 m s:
+ ssem_final pge ge sp st stack f rs0 m0 sv rs1 m t s ->
+ (forall r, rs1#r = rs2#r) ->
+ exists s', equiv_state s s' /\ ssem_final pge ge sp st stack f rs0 m0 sv rs2 m t s'.
+ Local Hint Resolve equiv_stack_refl: core.
+ destruct 1.
+ - (* Snone *) intros; eexists; econstructor.
+ + eapply State_equiv; eauto.
+ + eapply exec_Snone.
+ - (* Scall *)
+ intros; eexists; econstructor.
+ 2: { eapply exec_Scall; eauto. }
+ apply Call_equiv; auto.
+ repeat (constructor; auto).
+ - (* Stailcall *)
+ intros; eexists; econstructor; [| eapply exec_Stailcall; eauto].
+ apply Call_equiv; auto.
+ - (* Sbuiltin *)
+ intros; eexists; econstructor; [| eapply exec_Sbuiltin; eauto].
+ constructor. eapply regmap_setres_eq; eauto.
+ - (* Sjumptable *)
+ intros; eexists; econstructor; [| eapply exec_Sjumptable; eauto].
+ constructor. assumption.
+ - (* Sreturn *)
+ intros; eexists; econstructor; [| eapply exec_Sreturn; eauto].
+ eapply equiv_state_refl; eauto.
+Lemma siexec_inst_early_exit_absurd i st st' ge sp rs m rs' m' pc':
+ siexec_inst i st = Some st' ->
+ (exists ext lx, ssem_exit ge sp ext rs m rs' m' pc' /\
+ all_fallthrough_upto_exit ge sp ext lx (si_exits st) rs m) ->
+ all_fallthrough ge sp (si_exits st') rs m ->
+ False.
+ intros SIEXEC (ext & lx & SSEME & ALLFU) ALLF. destruct ALLFU as (TAIL & _).
+ exploit siexec_inst_add_exits; eauto. destruct 1 as [SIEQ | (ext0 & SIEQ)].
+ - rewrite SIEQ in *. eapply all_fallthrough_noexit. eauto. 2: eapply ALLF. eapply is_tail_in. eassumption.
+ - rewrite SIEQ in *. eapply all_fallthrough_noexit. eauto. 2: eapply ALLF. eapply is_tail_in.
+ constructor. eassumption.
+Lemma is_tail_false {A: Type}: forall (l: list A) a, is_tail (a::l) nil -> False.
+ intros. eapply is_tail_incl in H. unfold incl in H. pose (H a).
+ assert (In a (a::l)) by (constructor; auto). assert (In a nil) by auto. apply in_nil in H1.
+ contradiction.
+Lemma cons_eq_false {A: Type}: forall (l: list A) a,
+ a :: l = l -> False.
+ induction l; intros.
+ - discriminate.
+ - inv H. apply IHl in H2. contradiction.
+Lemma app_cons_nil_eq {A: Type}: forall l' l (a:A),
+ (l' ++ a :: nil) ++ l = l' ++ a::l.
+ induction l'; intros.
+ - simpl. reflexivity.
+ - simpl. rewrite IHl'. reflexivity.
+Lemma app_eq_false {A: Type}: forall l (l': list A) a,
+ l' ++ a :: l = l -> False.
+ induction l; intros.
+ - apply app_eq_nil in H. destruct H as (_ & H). apply cons_eq_false in H. contradiction.
+ - destruct l' as [|a' l'].
+ + simpl in H. apply cons_eq_false in H. contradiction.
+ + rewrite <- app_comm_cons in H. inv H.
+ apply (IHl (l' ++ (a0 :: nil)) a). rewrite app_cons_nil_eq. assumption.
+Lemma is_tail_false_gen {A: Type}: forall (l: list A) l' a, is_tail (l'++(a::l)) l -> False.
+ induction l.
+ - intros. destruct l' as [|a' l'].
+ + simpl in H. apply is_tail_false in H. contradiction.
+ + rewrite <- app_comm_cons in H. apply is_tail_false in H. contradiction.
+ - intros. inv H.
+ + apply app_eq_false in H2. contradiction.
+ + apply (IHl (l' ++ (a0 :: nil)) a). rewrite app_cons_nil_eq. assumption.
+Lemma is_tail_eq {A: Type}: forall (l l': list A),
+ is_tail l' l ->
+ is_tail l l' ->
+ l = l'.
+ destruct l as [|a l]; intros l' ITAIL ITAIL'.
+ - destruct l' as [|i' l']; auto. apply is_tail_false in ITAIL. contradiction.
+ - inv ITAIL; auto.
+ destruct l' as [|i' l']. { apply is_tail_false in ITAIL'. contradiction. }
+ exploit is_tail_trans. eapply ITAIL'. eauto. intro ABSURD.
+ apply (is_tail_false_gen l nil a) in ABSURD. contradiction.
+(* NB: each execution of a symbolic state (produced from [sexec]) represents a concrete execution
+ (sexec is exact).
+Theorem sexec_exact f pc pge ge sp path stack st rs m t s1:
+ (fn_path f)!pc = Some path ->
+ sexec f pc = Some st ->
+ ssem pge ge sp st stack f rs m t s1 ->
+ exists s2, path_step ge pge path.(psize) stack f sp rs m pc t s2 /\
+ equiv_state s1 s2.
+ Local Hint Resolve init_ssem_internal: core.
+ unfold sexec; intros PATH SSTEP SEM; rewrite PATH in SSTEP.
+ lapply (final_node_path_simpl f path pc); eauto. intro WF.
+ exploit (siexec_path_correct_true ge sp path.(psize) f rs m (init_sistate pc) (mk_istate true pc rs m)); simpl; eauto.
+ { intros ABS. apply WF; unfold nth_default_succ_inst. rewrite ABS; auto. }
+ (destruct (nth_default_succ_inst (fn_code f) path.(psize) pc) as [i|] eqn: Hi; [clear WF|congruence]).
+ unfold nth_default_succ_inst in Hi.
+ destruct (siexec_path path.(psize) f (init_sistate pc)) as [st0|] eqn: Hst0; simpl.
+ 2:{ (* absurd case *)
+ exploit siexec_path_WF; eauto.
+ simpl; intros NDS; rewrite NDS in Hi; congruence. }
+ exploit siexec_path_default_succ; eauto; simpl.
+ intros NDS; rewrite NDS in Hi.
+ rewrite Hi in SSTEP.
+ intros ISTEPS. try_simplify_someHyps.
+ destruct (siexec_inst i st0) as [st'|] eqn:Hst'; simpl.
+ + (* exit on Snone instruction *)
+ assert (SEM': t = E0 /\ exists is, ssem_internal ge sp st' rs m is
+ /\ s1 = (State stack f sp (if (icontinue is) then (si_pc st') else (ipc is)) (irs is) (imem is))).
+ { destruct SEM as [is CONT SEM|is t s CONT SEM1 SEM2]; simpl in * |- *.
+ - repeat (econstructor; eauto).
+ rewrite CONT; eauto.
+ - inversion SEM2. repeat (econstructor; eauto).
+ rewrite CONT; eauto. }
+ clear SEM; subst. destruct SEM' as [X (is & SEM & X')]; subst.
+ intros.
+ destruct (isteps ge (psize path) f sp rs m pc) as [is0|] eqn:RISTEPS; simpl in *.
+ * unfold ssem_internal in ISTEPS. destruct (icontinue is0) eqn: ICONT0.
+ ** (* icontinue is0=true: path_step by normal_exit *)
+ destruct ISTEPS as (SEMis0&H1&H2).
+ rewrite H1 in * |-.
+ exploit siexec_inst_correct; eauto.
+ rewrite Hst'; simpl.
+ intros; exploit ssem_internal_opt_determ; eauto.
+ destruct 1 as (st & Hst & EQ1 & EQ2 & EQ3 & EQ4).
+ eexists. econstructor 1.
+ *** eapply exec_normal_exit; eauto.
+ eapply exec_istate; eauto.
+ *** rewrite EQ1.
+ enough ((ipc st) = (if icontinue st then si_pc st' else ipc is)) as ->.
+ { rewrite EQ2, EQ4. eapply State_equiv; auto. }
+ destruct (icontinue st) eqn:ICONT; auto.
+ exploit siexec_inst_default_succ; eauto.
+ erewrite istep_normal_exit; eauto.
+ try_simplify_someHyps.
+ ** (* The concrete execution has not reached "i" => early exit *)
+ unfold ssem_internal in SEM.
+ destruct (icontinue is) eqn:ICONT.
+ { destruct SEM as (SEML & SIPC & ALLF).
+ exploit siexec_inst_early_exit_absurd; eauto. contradiction. }
+ eexists. econstructor 1.
+ *** eapply exec_early_exit; eauto.
+ *** destruct ISTEPS as (ext & lx & SSEME & ALLFU). destruct SEM as (ext' & lx' & SSEME' & ALLFU').
+ eapply siexec_inst_preserves_allfu in ALLFU; eauto.
+ exploit ssem_exit_fallthrough_upto_exit; eauto.
+ exploit ssem_exit_fallthrough_upto_exit. eapply SSEME. eapply ALLFU. eapply ALLFU'.
+ intros ITAIL ITAIL'. apply is_tail_eq in ITAIL; auto. clear ITAIL'.
+ inv ITAIL. exploit ssem_exit_determ. eapply SSEME. eapply SSEME'. intros (IPCEQ & IRSEQ & IMEMEQ).
+ rewrite <- IPCEQ. rewrite <- IMEMEQ. constructor. congruence.
+ * (* The concrete execution has not reached "i" => abort case *)
+ eapply siexec_inst_preserves_sabort in ISTEPS; eauto.
+ exploit ssem_internal_exclude_sabort; eauto. contradiction.
+ + destruct SEM as [is CONT SEM|is t s CONT SEM1 SEM2]; simpl in * |- *.
+ - (* early exit *)
+ intros.
+ exploit ssem_internal_opt_determ; eauto.
+ destruct 1 as (st & Hst & EQ1 & EQ2 & EQ3 & EQ4).
+ eexists. econstructor 1.
+ * eapply exec_early_exit; eauto.
+ * rewrite EQ2, EQ4; eapply State_equiv. auto.
+ - (* normal exit non-Snone instruction *)
+ intros.
+ exploit ssem_internal_opt_determ; eauto.
+ destruct 1 as (st & Hst & EQ1 & EQ2 & EQ3 & EQ4).
+ unfold ssem_internal in SEM1.
+ rewrite CONT in SEM1. destruct SEM1 as (SEM1 & PC0 & NYE0).
+ exploit ssem_final_equiv; eauto.
+ clear SEM2; destruct 1 as (s' & Ms' & SEM2).
+ rewrite ! EQ4 in * |-; clear EQ4.
+ rewrite ! EQ2 in * |-; clear EQ2.
+ exists s'; intuition.
+ eapply exec_normal_exit; eauto.
+ eapply sexec_final_complete; eauto.
+ * congruence.
+ * unfold ssem_local in * |- *.
+ destruct SEM1 as (A & B & C). constructor; [|constructor]; eauto.
+ intro r. congruence.
+ * congruence.
+(** * Simulation of RTLpath code w.r.t symbolic execution *)
+Section SymbValPreserved.
+Variable ge ge': RTL.genv.
+Hypothesis symbols_preserved_RTL: forall s, Genv.find_symbol ge' s = Genv.find_symbol ge s.
+Hypothesis senv_preserved_RTL: Senv.equiv ge ge'.
+Lemma senv_find_symbol_preserved id:
+ Senv.find_symbol ge id = Senv.find_symbol ge' id.
+ destruct senv_preserved_RTL as (A & B & C). congruence.
+Lemma senv_symbol_address_preserved id ofs:
+ Senv.symbol_address ge id ofs = Senv.symbol_address ge' id ofs.
+ unfold Senv.symbol_address. rewrite senv_find_symbol_preserved.
+ reflexivity.
+Lemma seval_preserved sp sv rs0 m0:
+ seval_sval ge sp sv rs0 m0 = seval_sval ge' sp sv rs0 m0.
+ Local Hint Resolve symbols_preserved_RTL: core.
+ induction sv using sval_mut with (P0 := fun lsv => seval_list_sval ge sp lsv rs0 m0 = seval_list_sval ge' sp lsv rs0 m0)
+ (P1 := fun sm => seval_smem ge sp sm rs0 m0 = seval_smem ge' sp sm rs0 m0); simpl; auto.
+ + rewrite IHsv; clear IHsv. destruct (seval_list_sval _ _ _ _); auto.
+ rewrite IHsv0; clear IHsv0. destruct (seval_smem _ _ _ _); auto.
+ erewrite eval_operation_preserved; eauto.
+ + rewrite IHsv0; clear IHsv0. destruct (seval_list_sval _ _ _ _); auto.
+ erewrite <- eval_addressing_preserved; eauto.
+ destruct (eval_addressing _ sp _ _); auto.
+ rewrite IHsv; auto.
+ + rewrite IHsv; clear IHsv. destruct (seval_sval _ _ _ _); auto.
+ rewrite IHsv0; auto.
+ + rewrite IHsv0; clear IHsv0. destruct (seval_list_sval _ _ _ _); auto.
+ erewrite <- eval_addressing_preserved; eauto.
+ destruct (eval_addressing _ sp _ _); auto.
+ rewrite IHsv; clear IHsv. destruct (seval_smem _ _ _ _); auto.
+ rewrite IHsv1; auto.
+Lemma seval_builtin_arg_preserved sp m rs0 m0:
+ forall bs varg,
+ seval_builtin_arg ge sp m rs0 m0 bs varg ->
+ seval_builtin_arg ge' sp m rs0 m0 bs varg.
+ induction 1.
+ all: try (constructor; auto).
+ - rewrite <- seval_preserved. assumption.
+ - rewrite <- senv_symbol_address_preserved. assumption.
+ - rewrite senv_symbol_address_preserved. eapply seval_BA_addrglobal.
+Lemma seval_builtin_args_preserved sp m rs0 m0 lbs vargs:
+ seval_builtin_args ge sp m rs0 m0 lbs vargs ->
+ seval_builtin_args ge' sp m rs0 m0 lbs vargs.
+ induction 1; constructor; eauto.
+ eapply seval_builtin_arg_preserved; auto.
+Lemma list_sval_eval_preserved sp lsv rs0 m0:
+ seval_list_sval ge sp lsv rs0 m0 = seval_list_sval ge' sp lsv rs0 m0.
+ induction lsv; simpl; auto.
+ rewrite seval_preserved. destruct (seval_sval _ _ _ _); auto.
+ rewrite IHlsv; auto.
+Lemma smem_eval_preserved sp sm rs0 m0:
+ seval_smem ge sp sm rs0 m0 = seval_smem ge' sp sm rs0 m0.
+ induction sm; simpl; auto.
+ rewrite list_sval_eval_preserved. destruct (seval_list_sval _ _ _ _); auto.
+ erewrite <- eval_addressing_preserved; eauto.
+ destruct (eval_addressing _ sp _ _); auto.
+ rewrite IHsm; clear IHsm. destruct (seval_smem _ _ _ _); auto.
+ rewrite seval_preserved; auto.
+Lemma seval_condition_preserved sp cond lsv sm rs0 m0:
+ seval_condition ge sp cond lsv sm rs0 m0 = seval_condition ge' sp cond lsv sm rs0 m0.
+ unfold seval_condition.
+ rewrite list_sval_eval_preserved. destruct (seval_list_sval _ _ _ _); auto.
+ rewrite smem_eval_preserved; auto.
+End SymbValPreserved.
+Require Import RTLpathLivegen RTLpathLivegenproof.
+Definition istate_simulive alive (srce: PTree.t node) (is1 is2: istate): Prop :=
+ is1.(icontinue) = is2.(icontinue)
+ /\ eqlive_reg alive is1.(irs) is2.(irs)
+ /\ is1.(imem) = is2.(imem).
+Definition istate_simu f (srce: PTree.t node) is1 is2: Prop :=
+ if is1.(icontinue) then
+ (* TODO: il faudra raffiner le (fun _ => True) si on veut autoriser l'oracle à
+ ajouter du "code mort" sur des registres non utilisés (loop invariant code motion à la David)
+ Typiquement, pour connaître la frame des registres vivants, il faudra faire une propagation en arrière
+ sur la dernière instruction du superblock. *)
+ istate_simulive (fun _ => True) srce is1 is2
+ else
+ exists path, f.(fn_path)!(is1.(ipc)) = Some path
+ /\ istate_simulive (fun r => Regset.In r path.(input_regs)) srce is1 is2
+ /\ srce!(is2.(ipc)) = Some is1.(ipc).
+Record simu_proof_context {f1: RTLpath.function} := {
+ liveness_hyps: liveness_ok_function f1;
+ the_ge1: RTL.genv;
+ the_ge2: RTL.genv;
+ genv_match: forall s, Genv.find_symbol the_ge1 s = Genv.find_symbol the_ge2 s;
+ the_sp: val;
+ the_rs0: regset;
+ the_m0: mem
+Arguments simu_proof_context: clear implicits.
+(* NOTE: a pure semantic definition on [sistate], for a total freedom in refinements *)
+Definition sistate_simu (dm: PTree.t node) (f: RTLpath.function) (st1 st2: sistate) (ctx: simu_proof_context f): Prop :=
+ forall is1, ssem_internal (the_ge1 ctx) (the_sp ctx) st1 (the_rs0 ctx) (the_m0 ctx) is1 ->
+ exists is2, ssem_internal (the_ge2 ctx) (the_sp ctx) st2 (the_rs0 ctx) (the_m0 ctx) is2
+ /\ istate_simu f dm is1 is2.
+Inductive svident_simu (f: RTLpath.function) (ctx: simu_proof_context f): (sval + ident) -> (sval + ident) -> Prop :=
+ | Sleft_simu sv1 sv2:
+ (seval_sval (the_ge1 ctx) (the_sp ctx) sv1 (the_rs0 ctx) (the_m0 ctx)) = (seval_sval (the_ge2 ctx) (the_sp ctx) sv2 (the_rs0 ctx) (the_m0 ctx))
+ -> svident_simu f ctx (inl sv1) (inl sv2)
+ | Sright_simu id1 id2:
+ id1 = id2
+ -> svident_simu f ctx (inr id1) (inr id2)
+ .
+Fixpoint ptree_get_list (pt: PTree.t node) (lp: list positive) : option (list positive) :=
+ match lp with
+ | nil => Some nil
+ | p1::lp => SOME p2 <- pt!p1 IN
+ SOME lp2 <- (ptree_get_list pt lp) IN
+ Some (p2 :: lp2)
+ end.
+Lemma ptree_get_list_nth dm p2: forall lp2 lp1,
+ ptree_get_list dm lp2 = Some lp1 ->
+ forall n, list_nth_z lp2 n = Some p2 ->
+ exists p1,
+ list_nth_z lp1 n = Some p1 /\ dm ! p2 = Some p1.
+ induction lp2.
+ - simpl. intros. inv H. simpl in *. discriminate.
+ - intros lp1 PGL n LNZ. simpl in PGL. explore.
+ inv LNZ. destruct (zeq n 0) eqn:ZEQ.
+ + subst. inv H0. exists n0. simpl; constructor; auto.
+ + exploit IHlp2; eauto. intros (p1 & LNZ & DMEQ).
+ eexists. simpl. rewrite ZEQ.
+ constructor; eauto.
+Lemma ptree_get_list_nth_rev dm p1: forall lp2 lp1,
+ ptree_get_list dm lp2 = Some lp1 ->
+ forall n, list_nth_z lp1 n = Some p1 ->
+ exists p2,
+ list_nth_z lp2 n = Some p2 /\ dm ! p2 = Some p1.
+ induction lp2.
+ - simpl. intros. inv H. simpl in *. discriminate.
+ - intros lp1 PGL n LNZ. simpl in PGL. explore.
+ inv LNZ. destruct (zeq n 0) eqn:ZEQ.
+ + subst. inv H0. exists a. simpl; constructor; auto.
+ + exploit IHlp2; eauto. intros (p2 & LNZ & DMEQ).
+ eexists. simpl. rewrite ZEQ.
+ constructor; eauto. congruence.
+Fixpoint seval_builtin_sval ge sp bsv rs0 m0 :=
+ match bsv with
+ | BA sv => SOME v <- seval_sval ge sp sv rs0 m0 IN Some (BA v)
+ | BA_splitlong sv1 sv2 =>
+ SOME v1 <- seval_builtin_sval ge sp sv1 rs0 m0 IN
+ SOME v2 <- seval_builtin_sval ge sp sv2 rs0 m0 IN
+ Some (BA_splitlong v1 v2)
+ | BA_addptr sv1 sv2 =>
+ SOME v1 <- seval_builtin_sval ge sp sv1 rs0 m0 IN
+ SOME v2 <- seval_builtin_sval ge sp sv2 rs0 m0 IN
+ Some (BA_addptr v1 v2)
+ | BA_int i => Some (BA_int i)
+ | BA_long l => Some (BA_long l)
+ | BA_float f => Some (BA_float f)
+ | BA_single s => Some (BA_single s)
+ | BA_loadstack chk ptr => Some (BA_loadstack chk ptr)
+ | BA_addrstack ptr => Some (BA_addrstack ptr)
+ | BA_loadglobal chk id ptr => Some (BA_loadglobal chk id ptr)
+ | BA_addrglobal id ptr => Some (BA_addrglobal id ptr)
+ end.
+Fixpoint seval_list_builtin_sval ge sp lbsv rs0 m0 :=
+ match lbsv with
+ | nil => Some nil
+ | bsv::lbsv => SOME v <- seval_builtin_sval ge sp bsv rs0 m0 IN
+ SOME lv <- seval_list_builtin_sval ge sp lbsv rs0 m0 IN
+ Some (v::lv)
+ end.
+Lemma seval_list_builtin_sval_nil ge sp rs0 m0 lbs2:
+ seval_list_builtin_sval ge sp lbs2 rs0 m0 = Some nil ->
+ lbs2 = nil.
+ destruct lbs2; simpl; auto.
+ intros. destruct (seval_builtin_sval _ _ _ _ _);
+ try destruct (seval_list_builtin_sval _ _ _ _ _); discriminate.
+Lemma seval_builtin_sval_arg (ge:RTL.genv) sp rs0 m0 bs:
+ forall ba m v,
+ seval_builtin_sval ge sp bs rs0 m0 = Some ba ->
+ eval_builtin_arg ge (fun id => id) sp m ba v ->
+ seval_builtin_arg ge sp m rs0 m0 bs v.
+ induction bs; simpl;
+ try (intros ba m v H; inversion H; subst; clear H;
+ intros H; inversion H; subst;
+ econstructor; auto; fail).
+ - intros ba m v; destruct (seval_sval _ _ _ _ _) eqn: SV;
+ intros H; inversion H; subst; clear H.
+ intros H; inversion H; subst.
+ econstructor; auto.
+ - intros ba m v.
+ destruct (seval_builtin_sval _ _ bs1 _ _) eqn: SV1; try congruence.
+ destruct (seval_builtin_sval _ _ bs2 _ _) eqn: SV2; try congruence.
+ intros H; inversion H; subst; clear H.
+ intros H; inversion H; subst.
+ econstructor; eauto.
+ - intros ba m v.
+ destruct (seval_builtin_sval _ _ bs1 _ _) eqn: SV1; try congruence.
+ destruct (seval_builtin_sval _ _ bs2 _ _) eqn: SV2; try congruence.
+ intros H; inversion H; subst; clear H.
+ intros H; inversion H; subst.
+ econstructor; eauto.
+Lemma seval_builtin_arg_sval ge sp m rs0 m0 v: forall bs,
+ seval_builtin_arg ge sp m rs0 m0 bs v ->
+ exists ba,
+ seval_builtin_sval ge sp bs rs0 m0 = Some ba
+ /\ eval_builtin_arg ge (fun id => id) sp m ba v.
+ induction 1.
+ all: try (eexists; constructor; [simpl; reflexivity | constructor]).
+ 2-3: try assumption.
+ - eexists. constructor.
+ + simpl. rewrite H. reflexivity.
+ + constructor.
+ - destruct IHseval_builtin_arg1 as (ba1 & A1 & B1).
+ destruct IHseval_builtin_arg2 as (ba2 & A2 & B2).
+ eexists. constructor.
+ + simpl. rewrite A1. rewrite A2. reflexivity.
+ + constructor; assumption.
+ - destruct IHseval_builtin_arg1 as (ba1 & A1 & B1).
+ destruct IHseval_builtin_arg2 as (ba2 & A2 & B2).
+ eexists. constructor.
+ + simpl. rewrite A1. rewrite A2. reflexivity.
+ + constructor; assumption.
+Lemma seval_builtin_sval_args (ge:RTL.genv) sp rs0 m0 lbs:
+ forall lba m v,
+ seval_list_builtin_sval ge sp lbs rs0 m0 = Some lba ->
+ list_forall2 (eval_builtin_arg ge (fun id => id) sp m) lba v ->
+ seval_builtin_args ge sp m rs0 m0 lbs v.
+ unfold seval_builtin_args; induction lbs; simpl; intros lba m v.
+ - intros H; inversion H; subst; clear H.
+ intros H; inversion H. econstructor.
+ - destruct (seval_builtin_sval _ _ _ _ _) eqn:SV; try congruence.
+ destruct (seval_list_builtin_sval _ _ _ _ _) eqn: SVL; try congruence.
+ intros H; inversion H; subst; clear H.
+ intros H; inversion H; subst; clear H.
+ econstructor; eauto.
+ eapply seval_builtin_sval_arg; eauto.
+Lemma seval_builtin_args_sval ge sp m rs0 m0 lv: forall lbs,
+ seval_builtin_args ge sp m rs0 m0 lbs lv ->
+ exists lba,
+ seval_list_builtin_sval ge sp lbs rs0 m0 = Some lba
+ /\ list_forall2 (eval_builtin_arg ge (fun id => id) sp m) lba lv.
+ induction 1.
+ - eexists. constructor.
+ + simpl. reflexivity.
+ + constructor.
+ - destruct IHlist_forall2 as (lba & A & B).
+ apply seval_builtin_arg_sval in H. destruct H as (ba & A' & B').
+ eexists. constructor.
+ + simpl. rewrite A'. rewrite A. reflexivity.
+ + constructor; assumption.
+Lemma seval_builtin_sval_correct ge sp m rs0 m0: forall bs1 v bs2,
+ seval_builtin_arg ge sp m rs0 m0 bs1 v ->
+ (seval_builtin_sval ge sp bs1 rs0 m0) = (seval_builtin_sval ge sp bs2 rs0 m0) ->
+ seval_builtin_arg ge sp m rs0 m0 bs2 v.
+ intros. exploit seval_builtin_arg_sval; eauto.
+ intros (ba & X1 & X2).
+ eapply seval_builtin_sval_arg; eauto.
+ congruence.
+Lemma seval_list_builtin_sval_correct ge sp m rs0 m0 vargs: forall lbs1,
+ seval_builtin_args ge sp m rs0 m0 lbs1 vargs ->
+ forall lbs2, (seval_list_builtin_sval ge sp lbs1 rs0 m0) = (seval_list_builtin_sval ge sp lbs2 rs0 m0) ->
+ seval_builtin_args ge sp m rs0 m0 lbs2 vargs.
+ intros. exploit seval_builtin_args_sval; eauto.
+ intros (ba & X1 & X2).
+ eapply seval_builtin_sval_args; eauto.
+ congruence.
+(* NOTE: we need to mix semantical simulation and syntactic definition on [sfval] in order to abstract the [match_states] *)
+Inductive sfval_simu (dm: PTree.t node) (f: RTLpath.function) (opc1 opc2: node) (ctx: simu_proof_context f): sfval -> sfval -> Prop :=
+ | Snone_simu:
+ dm!opc2 = Some opc1 ->
+ sfval_simu dm f opc1 opc2 ctx Snone Snone
+ | Scall_simu sig svos1 svos2 lsv1 lsv2 res pc1 pc2:
+ dm!pc2 = Some pc1 ->
+ svident_simu f ctx svos1 svos2 ->
+ (seval_list_sval (the_ge1 ctx) (the_sp ctx) lsv1 (the_rs0 ctx) (the_m0 ctx))
+ = (seval_list_sval (the_ge2 ctx) (the_sp ctx) lsv2 (the_rs0 ctx) (the_m0 ctx)) ->
+ sfval_simu dm f opc1 opc2 ctx (Scall sig svos1 lsv1 res pc1) (Scall sig svos2 lsv2 res pc2)
+ | Stailcall_simu sig svos1 svos2 lsv1 lsv2:
+ svident_simu f ctx svos1 svos2 ->
+ (seval_list_sval (the_ge1 ctx) (the_sp ctx) lsv1 (the_rs0 ctx) (the_m0 ctx))
+ = (seval_list_sval (the_ge2 ctx) (the_sp ctx) lsv2 (the_rs0 ctx) (the_m0 ctx)) ->
+ sfval_simu dm f opc1 opc2 ctx (Stailcall sig svos1 lsv1) (Stailcall sig svos2 lsv2)
+ | Sbuiltin_simu ef lbs1 lbs2 br pc1 pc2:
+ dm!pc2 = Some pc1 ->
+ (seval_list_builtin_sval (the_ge1 ctx) (the_sp ctx) lbs1 (the_rs0 ctx) (the_m0 ctx))
+ = (seval_list_builtin_sval (the_ge2 ctx) (the_sp ctx) lbs2 (the_rs0 ctx) (the_m0 ctx)) ->
+ sfval_simu dm f opc1 opc2 ctx (Sbuiltin ef lbs1 br pc1) (Sbuiltin ef lbs2 br pc2)
+ | Sjumptable_simu sv1 sv2 lpc1 lpc2:
+ ptree_get_list dm lpc2 = Some lpc1 ->
+ (seval_sval (the_ge1 ctx) (the_sp ctx) sv1 (the_rs0 ctx) (the_m0 ctx))
+ = (seval_sval (the_ge2 ctx) (the_sp ctx) sv2 (the_rs0 ctx) (the_m0 ctx)) ->
+ sfval_simu dm f opc1 opc2 ctx (Sjumptable sv1 lpc1) (Sjumptable sv2 lpc2)
+ | Sreturn_simu_none: sfval_simu dm f opc1 opc2 ctx (Sreturn None) (Sreturn None)
+ | Sreturn_simu_some sv1 sv2:
+ (seval_sval (the_ge1 ctx) (the_sp ctx) sv1 (the_rs0 ctx) (the_m0 ctx))
+ = (seval_sval (the_ge2 ctx) (the_sp ctx) sv2 (the_rs0 ctx) (the_m0 ctx)) ->
+ sfval_simu dm f opc1 opc2 ctx (Sreturn (Some sv1)) (Sreturn (Some sv2)).
+Definition sstate_simu dm f (s1 s2: sstate) (ctx: simu_proof_context f): Prop :=
+ sistate_simu dm f s1.(internal) s2.(internal) ctx
+ /\ forall is1,
+ ssem_internal (the_ge1 ctx) (the_sp ctx) s1 (the_rs0 ctx) (the_m0 ctx) is1 ->
+ is1.(icontinue) = true ->
+ sfval_simu dm f s1.(si_pc) s2.(si_pc) ctx s1.(final) s2.(final).
+Definition sexec_simu dm (f1 f2: RTLpath.function) pc1 pc2: Prop :=
+ forall st1, sexec f1 pc1 = Some st1 ->
+ exists st2, sexec f2 pc2 = Some st2 /\ forall ctx, sstate_simu dm f1 st1 st2 ctx.
diff --git a/scheduling/RTLpathScheduler.v b/scheduling/RTLpathScheduler.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..beab405f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scheduling/RTLpathScheduler.v
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+(** RTLpath Scheduling from an external oracle.
+This module is inspired from [Duplicate] and [Duplicateproof]
+Require Import AST Linking Values Maps Globalenvs Smallstep Registers.
+Require Import Coqlib Maps Events Errors Op.
+Require Import RTL RTLpath RTLpathLivegen RTLpathLivegenproof RTLpathSE_theory RTLpathSE_impl.
+Notation "'ASSERT' A 'WITH' MSG 'IN' B" := (if A then B else Error (msg MSG))
+ (at level 200, A at level 100, B at level 200)
+ : error_monad_scope.
+Local Open Scope error_monad_scope.
+Local Open Scope positive_scope.
+(** External oracle returning the new RTLpath function and a mapping of new path_entries to old path_entries
+NB: the new RTLpath function is generated from the fn_code, the fn_entrypoint and the fn_path
+It requires to check that the path structure is wf !
+(* Returns: new code, new entrypoint, new pathmap, revmap
+ * Indeed, the entrypoint might not be the same if the entrypoint node is moved further down
+ * a path ; same reasoning for the pathmap *)
+Axiom untrusted_scheduler: RTLpath.function -> code * node * path_map * (PTree.t node).
+Extract Constant untrusted_scheduler => "RTLpathScheduleraux.scheduler".
+Program Definition function_builder (tfr: RTL.function) (tpm: path_map) :
+ { r : res RTLpath.function | forall f', r = OK f' -> fn_RTL f' = tfr} :=
+ match RTLpathLivegen.function_checker tfr tpm with
+ | false => Error (msg "In function_builder: (tfr, tpm) is not wellformed")
+ | true => OK {| fn_RTL := tfr; fn_path := tpm |}
+ end.
+Next Obligation.
+ apply function_checker_path_entry. auto.
+Defined. Next Obligation.
+ apply function_checker_wellformed_path_map. auto.
+Definition entrypoint_check (dm: PTree.t node) (fr tfr: RTL.function) : res unit :=
+ match dm ! (fn_entrypoint tfr) with
+ | None => Error (msg "No mapping for (entrypoint tfr)")
+ | Some etp => if (Pos.eq_dec (fn_entrypoint fr) etp) then OK tt
+ else Error (msg "Entrypoints do not match")
+ end.
+Lemma entrypoint_check_correct fr tfr dm:
+ entrypoint_check dm fr tfr = OK tt ->
+ dm ! (fn_entrypoint tfr) = Some (fn_entrypoint fr).
+ unfold entrypoint_check. explore; try discriminate. congruence.
+Definition path_entry_check_single (pm tpm: path_map) (m: node * node) :=
+ let (pc2, pc1) := m in
+ match (tpm ! pc2) with
+ | None => Error (msg "pc2 isn't an entry of tpm")
+ | Some _ =>
+ match (pm ! pc1) with
+ | None => Error (msg "pc1 isn't an entry of pm")
+ | Some _ => OK tt
+ end
+ end.
+Lemma path_entry_check_single_correct pm tpm pc1 pc2:
+ path_entry_check_single pm tpm (pc2, pc1) = OK tt ->
+ path_entry tpm pc2 /\ path_entry pm pc1.
+ unfold path_entry_check_single. intro. explore.
+ constructor; congruence.
+(* Inspired from Duplicate.verify_mapping_rec *)
+Fixpoint path_entry_check_rec (pm tpm: path_map) lm :=
+ match lm with
+ | nil => OK tt
+ | m :: lm => do u1 <- path_entry_check_single pm tpm m;
+ do u2 <- path_entry_check_rec pm tpm lm;
+ OK tt
+ end.
+Lemma path_entry_check_rec_correct pm tpm pc1 pc2: forall lm,
+ path_entry_check_rec pm tpm lm = OK tt ->
+ In (pc2, pc1) lm ->
+ path_entry tpm pc2 /\ path_entry pm pc1.
+ induction lm.
+ - simpl. intuition.
+ - simpl. intros. explore. destruct H0.
+ + subst. eapply path_entry_check_single_correct; eauto.
+ + eapply IHlm; assumption.
+Definition path_entry_check (dm: PTree.t node) (pm tpm: path_map) := path_entry_check_rec pm tpm (PTree.elements dm).
+Lemma path_entry_check_correct dm pm tpm:
+ path_entry_check dm pm tpm = OK tt ->
+ forall pc1 pc2, dm ! pc2 = Some pc1 ->
+ path_entry tpm pc2 /\ path_entry pm pc1.
+ unfold path_entry_check. intros. eapply PTree.elements_correct in H0.
+ eapply path_entry_check_rec_correct; eassumption.
+Definition function_equiv_checker (dm: PTree.t node) (f: RTLpath.function) (tf: RTLpath.function) : res unit :=
+ let pm := fn_path f in
+ let fr := fn_RTL f in
+ let tpm := fn_path tf in
+ let tfr := fn_RTL tf in
+ do _ <- entrypoint_check dm fr tfr;
+ do _ <- path_entry_check dm pm tpm;
+ do _ <- simu_check dm f tf;
+ OK tt.
+Lemma function_equiv_checker_entrypoint f tf dm:
+ function_equiv_checker dm f tf = OK tt ->
+ dm ! (fn_entrypoint tf) = Some (fn_entrypoint f).
+ unfold function_equiv_checker. intros. explore.
+ eapply entrypoint_check_correct; eauto.
+Lemma function_equiv_checker_pathentry1 f tf dm:
+ function_equiv_checker dm f tf = OK tt ->
+ forall pc1 pc2, dm ! pc2 = Some pc1 ->
+ path_entry (fn_path tf) pc2.
+ unfold function_equiv_checker. intros. explore.
+ exploit path_entry_check_correct. eassumption. all: eauto. intuition.
+Lemma function_equiv_checker_pathentry2 f tf dm:
+ function_equiv_checker dm f tf = OK tt ->
+ forall pc1 pc2, dm ! pc2 = Some pc1 ->
+ path_entry (fn_path f) pc1.
+ unfold function_equiv_checker. intros. explore.
+ exploit path_entry_check_correct. eassumption. all: eauto. intuition.
+Lemma function_equiv_checker_correct f tf dm:
+ function_equiv_checker dm f tf = OK tt ->
+ forall pc1 pc2, dm ! pc2 = Some pc1 ->
+ sexec_simu dm f tf pc1 pc2.
+ unfold function_equiv_checker. intros. explore.
+ eapply simu_check_correct; eauto.
+Definition verified_scheduler (f: RTLpath.function) : res (RTLpath.function * (PTree.t node)) :=
+ let (tctetpm, dm) := untrusted_scheduler f in
+ let (tcte, tpm) := tctetpm in
+ let (tc, te) := tcte in
+ let tfr := mkfunction (fn_sig f) (fn_params f) (fn_stacksize f) tc te in
+ do tf <- proj1_sig (function_builder tfr tpm);
+ do tt <- function_equiv_checker dm f tf;
+ OK (tf, dm).
+Theorem verified_scheduler_correct f tf dm:
+ verified_scheduler f = OK (tf, dm) ->
+ fn_sig f = fn_sig tf
+ /\ fn_params f = fn_params tf
+ /\ fn_stacksize f = fn_stacksize tf
+ /\ dm ! (fn_entrypoint tf) = Some (fn_entrypoint f)
+ /\ (forall pc1 pc2, dm ! pc2 = Some pc1 -> path_entry (fn_path f) pc1)
+ /\ (forall pc1 pc2, dm ! pc2 = Some pc1 -> path_entry (fn_path tf) pc2)
+ /\ (forall pc1 pc2, dm ! pc2 = Some pc1 -> sexec_simu dm f tf pc1 pc2)
+ intros VERIF. unfold verified_scheduler in VERIF. explore.
+ Local Hint Resolve function_equiv_checker_entrypoint
+ function_equiv_checker_pathentry1 function_equiv_checker_pathentry2
+ function_equiv_checker_correct: core.
+ destruct (function_builder _ _) as [res H]; simpl in * |- *; auto.
+ apply H in EQ2. rewrite EQ2. simpl.
+ repeat (constructor; eauto).
+ - exploit function_equiv_checker_entrypoint. eapply EQ4. rewrite EQ2. intuition.
+Record match_function (dupmap: PTree.t node) (f1 f2: RTLpath.function): Prop := {
+ preserv_fnsig: fn_sig f1 = fn_sig f2;
+ preserv_fnparams: fn_params f1 = fn_params f2;
+ preserv_fnstacksize: fn_stacksize f1 = fn_stacksize f2;
+ preserv_entrypoint: dupmap!(f2.(fn_entrypoint)) = Some f1.(fn_entrypoint);
+ dupmap_path_entry1: forall pc1 pc2, dupmap!pc2 = Some pc1 -> path_entry (fn_path f1) pc1;
+ dupmap_path_entry2: forall pc1 pc2, dupmap!pc2 = Some pc1 -> path_entry (fn_path f2) pc2;
+ dupmap_correct: forall pc1 pc2, dupmap!pc2 = Some pc1 -> sexec_simu dupmap f1 f2 pc1 pc2;
+Program Definition transf_function (f: RTLpath.function):
+ { r : res RTLpath.function | forall f', r = OK f' -> exists dm, match_function dm f f'} :=
+ match (verified_scheduler f) with
+ | Error e => Error e
+ | OK (tf, dm) => OK tf
+ end.
+Next Obligation.
+ exploit verified_scheduler_correct; eauto.
+ intros (A & B & C & D & E & F & G (* & H *)).
+ exists dm. econstructor; eauto.
+Theorem match_function_preserves f f' dm:
+ match_function dm f f' ->
+ fn_sig f = fn_sig f' /\ fn_params f = fn_params f' /\ fn_stacksize f = fn_stacksize f'.
+ intros.
+ intuition.
+Definition transf_fundef (f: fundef) : res fundef :=
+ transf_partial_fundef (fun f => proj1_sig (transf_function f)) f.
+Definition transf_program (p: program) : res program :=
+ transform_partial_program transf_fundef p.
+(** * Preservation proof *)
+Local Notation ext alive := (fun r => Regset.In r alive).
+Inductive match_fundef: RTLpath.fundef -> RTLpath.fundef -> Prop :=
+ | match_Internal dupmap f f': match_function dupmap f f' -> match_fundef (Internal f) (Internal f')
+ | match_External ef: match_fundef (External ef) (External ef).
+Inductive match_stackframes: stackframe -> stackframe -> Prop :=
+ | match_stackframe_intro dupmap res f sp pc rs1 rs2 f' pc' path
+ (TRANSF: match_function dupmap f f')
+ (DUPLIC: dupmap!pc' = Some pc)
+ (LIVE: liveness_ok_function f)
+ (PATH: f.(fn_path)!pc = Some path)
+ (EQUIV: forall v, eqlive_reg (ext path.(input_regs)) (rs1 # res <- v) (rs2 # res <- v)):
+ match_stackframes (Stackframe res f sp pc rs1) (Stackframe res f' sp pc' rs2).
+Inductive match_states: state -> state -> Prop :=
+ | match_states_intro dupmap st f sp pc rs1 rs2 m st' f' pc' path
+ (STACKS: list_forall2 match_stackframes st st')
+ (TRANSF: match_function dupmap f f')
+ (DUPLIC: dupmap!pc' = Some pc)
+ (LIVE: liveness_ok_function f)
+ (PATH: f.(fn_path)!pc = Some path)
+ (EQUIV: eqlive_reg (ext path.(input_regs)) rs1 rs2):
+ match_states (State st f sp pc rs1 m) (State st' f' sp pc' rs2 m)
+ | match_states_call st st' f f' args m
+ (STACKS: list_forall2 match_stackframes st st')
+ (TRANSF: match_fundef f f')
+ (LIVE: liveness_ok_fundef f):
+ match_states (Callstate st f args m) (Callstate st' f' args m)
+ | match_states_return st st' v m
+ (STACKS: list_forall2 match_stackframes st st'):
+ match_states (Returnstate st v m) (Returnstate st' v m).
+Lemma match_stackframes_equiv stf1 stf2 stf3:
+ match_stackframes stf1 stf2 -> equiv_stackframe stf2 stf3 -> match_stackframes stf1 stf3.
+ destruct 1; intros EQ; inv EQ; try econstructor; eauto.
+ intros; eapply eqlive_reg_trans; eauto.
+ rewrite eqlive_reg_triv in * |-.
+ eapply eqlive_reg_update.
+ eapply eqlive_reg_monotonic; eauto.
+ simpl; auto.
+Lemma match_stack_equiv stk1 stk2:
+ list_forall2 match_stackframes stk1 stk2 ->
+ forall stk3, list_forall2 equiv_stackframe stk2 stk3 ->
+ list_forall2 match_stackframes stk1 stk3.
+ Local Hint Resolve match_stackframes_equiv: core.
+ induction 1; intros stk3 EQ; inv EQ; econstructor; eauto.
+Lemma match_states_equiv s1 s2 s3: match_states s1 s2 -> equiv_state s2 s3 -> match_states s1 s3.
+ Local Hint Resolve match_stack_equiv: core.
+ destruct 1; intros EQ; inv EQ; econstructor; eauto.
+ intros; eapply eqlive_reg_triv_trans; eauto.
+Lemma eqlive_match_stackframes stf1 stf2 stf3:
+ eqlive_stackframes stf1 stf2 -> match_stackframes stf2 stf3 -> match_stackframes stf1 stf3.
+ destruct 1; intros MS; inv MS; try econstructor; eauto.
+ try_simplify_someHyps. intros; eapply eqlive_reg_trans; eauto.
+Lemma eqlive_match_stack stk1 stk2:
+ list_forall2 eqlive_stackframes stk1 stk2 ->
+ forall stk3, list_forall2 match_stackframes stk2 stk3 ->
+ list_forall2 match_stackframes stk1 stk3.
+ induction 1; intros stk3 MS; inv MS; econstructor; eauto.
+ eapply eqlive_match_stackframes; eauto.
+Lemma eqlive_match_states s1 s2 s3: eqlive_states s1 s2 -> match_states s2 s3 -> match_states s1 s3.
+ Local Hint Resolve eqlive_match_stack: core.
+ destruct 1; intros MS; inv MS; try_simplify_someHyps; econstructor; eauto.
+ eapply eqlive_reg_trans; eauto.
+Lemma eqlive_stackframes_refl stf1 stf2: match_stackframes stf1 stf2 -> eqlive_stackframes stf1 stf1.
+ destruct 1; econstructor; eauto.
+ intros; eapply eqlive_reg_refl; eauto.
+Lemma eqlive_stacks_refl stk1 stk2:
+ list_forall2 match_stackframes stk1 stk2 -> list_forall2 eqlive_stackframes stk1 stk1.
+ induction 1; simpl; econstructor; eauto.
+ eapply eqlive_stackframes_refl; eauto.
+Lemma transf_fundef_correct f f':
+ transf_fundef f = OK f' -> match_fundef f f'.
+ intros TRANSF; destruct f; simpl; monadInv TRANSF.
+ + destruct (transf_function f) as [res H]; simpl in * |- *; auto.
+ destruct (H _ EQ).
+ intuition subst; auto.
+ eapply match_Internal; eauto.
+ + eapply match_External.
diff --git a/scheduling/RTLpathScheduleraux.ml b/scheduling/RTLpathScheduleraux.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..66910bdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scheduling/RTLpathScheduleraux.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+open RTLpath
+open RTL
+open Maps
+open RTLpathLivegenaux
+open Registers
+open Camlcoq
+type superblock = {
+ instructions: P.t array; (* pointers to code instructions *)
+ (* each predicted Pcb has its attached liveins *)
+ (* This is indexed by the pc value *)
+ liveins: Regset.t PTree.t;
+ (* Union of the input_regs of the last successors *)
+ output_regs: Regset.t;
+ typing: RTLtyping.regenv
+let print_instructions insts code =
+ if (!debug_flag) then begin
+ dprintf "[ ";
+ List.iter (
+ fun n -> (PrintRTL.print_instruction stdout (P.to_int n, get_some @@ PTree.get n code))
+ ) insts; dprintf "]"
+ end
+let print_superblock sb code =
+ let insts = sb.instructions in
+ let li = sb.liveins in
+ let outs = sb.output_regs in
+ begin
+ dprintf "{ instructions = "; print_instructions (Array.to_list insts) code; dprintf "\n";
+ dprintf " liveins = "; print_ptree_regset li; dprintf "\n";
+ dprintf " output_regs = "; print_regset outs; dprintf "}"
+ end
+let print_superblocks lsb code =
+ let rec f = function
+ | [] -> ()
+ | sb :: lsb -> (print_superblock sb code; dprintf ",\n"; f lsb)
+ in begin
+ dprintf "[\n";
+ f lsb;
+ dprintf "]"
+ end
+(* Adapted from backend/PrintRTL.ml: print_function *)
+let print_code code = let open PrintRTL in let open Printf in
+ if (!debug_flag) then begin
+ fprintf stdout "{\n";
+ let instrs =
+ List.sort
+ (fun (pc1, _) (pc2, _) -> compare pc2 pc1)
+ (List.rev_map
+ (fun (pc, i) -> (P.to_int pc, i))
+ (PTree.elements code)) in
+ List.iter (print_instruction stdout) instrs;
+ fprintf stdout "}"
+ end
+let print_arrayp arr = begin
+ dprintf "[| ";
+ Array.iter (fun n -> dprintf "%d, " (P.to_int n)) arr;
+ dprintf "|]"
+let get_superblocks code entry pm typing =
+ let visited = ref (PTree.map (fun n i -> false) code) in
+ let rec get_superblocks_rec pc =
+ let liveins = ref (PTree.empty) in
+ let rec follow pc n =
+ let inst = get_some @@ PTree.get pc code in
+ if (n == 0) then begin
+ (match (non_predicted_successors inst) with
+ | [pcout] ->
+ let live = (get_some @@ PTree.get pcout pm).input_regs in
+ liveins := PTree.set pc live !liveins
+ | _ -> ());
+ ([pc], successors_inst inst)
+ end else
+ let nexts_from_exit = match (non_predicted_successors inst) with
+ | [pcout] ->
+ let live = (get_some @@ PTree.get pcout pm).input_regs in begin
+ liveins := PTree.set pc live !liveins;
+ [pcout]
+ end
+ | [] -> []
+ | _ -> failwith "Having more than one non_predicted_successor is not handled"
+ in match (predicted_successor inst) with
+ | None -> failwith "Incorrect path"
+ | Some succ ->
+ let (insts, nexts) = follow succ (n-1) in (pc :: insts, nexts_from_exit @ nexts)
+ in if (get_some @@ PTree.get pc !visited) then []
+ else begin
+ visited := PTree.set pc true !visited;
+ let pi = get_some @@ PTree.get pc pm in
+ let (insts, nexts) = follow pc (Camlcoq.Nat.to_int pi.psize) in
+ let superblock = { instructions = Array.of_list insts; liveins = !liveins;
+ output_regs = pi.output_regs; typing = typing } in
+ superblock :: (List.concat @@ List.map get_superblocks_rec nexts)
+ end
+ in let lsb = get_superblocks_rec entry in begin
+ (* debug_flag := true; *)
+ dprintf "Superblocks identified:"; print_superblocks lsb code; dprintf "\n";
+ (* debug_flag := false; *)
+ lsb
+(* TODO David *)
+let schedule_superblock sb code =
+ if not !Clflags.option_fprepass
+ then sb.instructions
+ else
+ (* let old_flag = !debug_flag in
+ debug_flag := true;
+ print_endline "ORIGINAL SUPERBLOCK";
+ print_superblock sb code;
+ debug_flag := old_flag; *)
+ let nr_instr = Array.length sb.instructions in
+ let trailer_length =
+ match PTree.get (sb.instructions.(nr_instr-1)) code with
+ | None -> 0
+ | Some ii ->
+ match predicted_successor ii with
+ | Some _ -> 0
+ | None -> 1 in
+ match PrepassSchedulingOracle.schedule_sequence
+ (Array.map (fun i ->
+ (match PTree.get i code with
+ | Some ii -> ii
+ | None -> failwith "RTLpathScheduleraux.schedule_superblock"),
+ (match PTree.get i sb.liveins with
+ | Some s -> s
+ | None -> Regset.empty))
+ (Array.sub sb.instructions 0 (nr_instr-trailer_length))) with
+ | None -> sb.instructions
+ | Some order ->
+ let ins' =
+ Array.append
+ (Array.map (fun i -> sb.instructions.(i)) order)
+ (Array.sub sb.instructions (nr_instr-trailer_length) trailer_length) in
+ (* Printf.printf "REORDERED SUPERBLOCK %d\n" (Array.length ins');
+ debug_flag := true;
+ print_instructions (Array.to_list ins') code;
+ debug_flag := old_flag;
+ flush stdout; *)
+ assert ((Array.length sb.instructions) = (Array.length ins'));
+ (*sb.instructions; *)
+ ins';;
+ (* stub2: reverse function *)
+ (*
+ let reversed = Array.of_list @@ List.rev @@ Array.to_list (sb.instructions) in
+ let tmp = reversed.(0) in
+ let last_index = Array.length reversed - 1 in
+ begin
+ reversed.(0) <- reversed.(last_index);
+ reversed.(last_index) <- tmp;
+ reversed
+ end *)
+ (* stub: identity function *)
+ * Perform basic checks on the new order :
+ * - must have the same length as the old order
+ * - non basic instructions (call, tailcall, return, jumptable, non predicted CB) must not move
+ *)
+let check_order code old_order new_order = begin
+ assert ((Array.length old_order) == (Array.length new_order));
+ let length = Array.length new_order in
+ if length > 0 then
+ let last_inst = Array.get old_order (length - 1) in
+ let instr = get_some @@ PTree.get last_inst code in
+ match predicted_successor instr with
+ | None ->
+ if (last_inst != Array.get new_order (length - 1)) then
+ failwith "The last instruction of the superblock is not basic, but was moved"
+ | _ -> ()
+type sinst =
+ (* Each middle instruction has a direct successor *)
+ (* A Smid can be the last instruction of a superblock, but a Send cannot be moved *)
+ | Smid of RTL.instruction * node
+ | Send of RTL.instruction
+let rinst_to_sinst inst =
+ match inst with
+ | Inop n -> Smid(inst, n)
+ | Iop (_,_,_,n) -> Smid(inst, n)
+ | Iload (_,_,_,_,_,n) -> Smid(inst, n)
+ | Istore (_,_,_,_,n) -> Smid(inst, n)
+ | Icond (_,_,n1,n2,p) -> (
+ match p with
+ | Some true -> Smid(inst, n1)
+ | Some false -> Smid(inst, n2)
+ | None -> Send(inst)
+ )
+ | Icall _ | Ibuiltin _ | Ijumptable _ | Itailcall _ | Ireturn _ -> Send(inst)
+let change_predicted_successor s = function
+ | Smid(i, n) -> Smid(i, s)
+ | Send _ -> failwith "Called change_predicted_successor on Send. Are you trying to move a non-basic instruction in the middle of the block?"
+(* Forwards the successor changes into an RTL instruction *)
+let sinst_to_rinst = function
+ | Smid(inst, s) -> (
+ match inst with
+ | Inop n -> Inop s
+ | Iop (a,b,c,n) -> Iop (a,b,c,s)
+ | Iload (a,b,c,d,e,n) -> Iload (a,b,c,d,e,s)
+ | Istore (a,b,c,d,n) -> Istore (a,b,c,d,s)
+ | Icond (a,b,n1,n2,p) -> (
+ match p with
+ | Some true -> Icond(a, b, s, n2, p)
+ | Some false -> Icond(a, b, n1, s, p)
+ | None -> failwith "Non predicted Icond as a middle instruction!"
+ )
+ | _ -> failwith "That instruction shouldn't be a middle instruction"
+ )
+ | Send i -> i
+let apply_schedule code sb new_order =
+ let tc = ref code in
+ let old_order = sb.instructions in
+ begin
+ check_order code old_order new_order;
+ Array.iteri (fun i n' ->
+ let inst' = get_some @@ PTree.get n' code in
+ let iend = Array.length old_order - 1 in
+ let new_inst =
+ if (i == iend) then
+ let final_inst_node = Array.get old_order iend in
+ let sinst' = rinst_to_sinst inst' in
+ match sinst' with
+ (* The below assert fails if a Send is in the middle of the original superblock *)
+ | Send i -> (assert (final_inst_node == n'); i)
+ | Smid _ ->
+ let final_inst = get_some @@ PTree.get final_inst_node code in
+ match rinst_to_sinst final_inst with
+ | Smid (_, s') -> sinst_to_rinst @@ change_predicted_successor s' sinst'
+ | Send _ -> assert(false) (* should have failed earlier *)
+ else
+ sinst_to_rinst
+ (* this will fail if the moved instruction is a Send *)
+ @@ change_predicted_successor (Array.get old_order (i+1))
+ @@ rinst_to_sinst inst'
+ in tc := PTree.set (Array.get old_order i) new_inst !tc
+ ) new_order;
+ !tc
+ end
+ (*
+let main_successors = function
+| Inop n | Iop (_,_,_,n) | Iload (_,_,_,_,_,n) | Istore (_,_,_,_,n) -> [n]
+| Icall (_,_,_,_,n) | Ibuiltin (_,_,_,n) -> [n]
+| Icond (_,_,n1,n2,p) -> (
+ match p with
+ | Some true -> [n1; n2]
+ | Some false -> [n2; n1]
+ | None -> [n1; n2] )
+| Ijumptable _ | Itailcall _ | Ireturn _ -> []
+let change_predicted_successor i s = match i with
+ | Itailcall _ | Ireturn _ -> failwith "Wrong instruction (5) - Tailcalls and returns should not be moved in the middle of a superblock"
+ | Ijumptable _ -> failwith "Wrong instruction (6) - Jumptables should not be moved in the middle of a superblock"
+ | Inop n -> Inop s
+ | Iop (a,b,c,n) -> Iop (a,b,c,s)
+ | Iload (a,b,c,d,e,n) -> Iload (a,b,c,d,e,s)
+ | Istore (a,b,c,d,n) -> Istore (a,b,c,d,s)
+ | Icall (a,b,c,d,n) -> Icall (a,b,c,d,s)
+ | Ibuiltin (a,b,c,n) -> Ibuiltin (a,b,c,s)
+ | Icond (a,b,n1,n2,p) -> (
+ match p with
+ | Some true -> Icond (a,b,s,n2,p)
+ | Some false -> Icond (a,b,n1,s,p)
+ | None -> failwith "Predicted a successor for an Icond with p=None - unpredicted CB should not be moved in the middle of the superblock"
+ )
+let rec change_successors i = function
+ | [] -> (
+ match i with
+ | Itailcall _ | Ireturn _ -> i
+ | _ -> failwith "Wrong instruction (1)")
+ | [s] -> (
+ match i with
+ | Inop n -> Inop s
+ | Iop (a,b,c,n) -> Iop (a,b,c,s)
+ | Iload (a,b,c,d,e,n) -> Iload (a,b,c,d,e,s)
+ | Istore (a,b,c,d,n) -> Istore (a,b,c,d,s)
+ | Icall (a,b,c,d,n) -> Icall (a,b,c,d,s)
+ | Ibuiltin (a,b,c,n) -> Ibuiltin (a,b,c,s)
+ | Ijumptable (a,[n]) -> Ijumptable (a,[s])
+ | Icond (a,b,n1,n2,p) -> (
+ match p with
+ | Some true -> Icond (a,b,s,n2,p)
+ | Some false -> Icond (a,b,n1,s,p)
+ | None -> failwith "Icond Wrong instruction (2) ; should not happen?"
+ )
+ | _ -> failwith "Wrong instruction (2)")
+ | [s1; s2] -> (
+ match i with
+ | Icond (a,b,n1,n2,p) -> Icond (a,b,s1,s2,p)
+ | Ijumptable (a, [n1; n2]) -> Ijumptable (a, [s1; s2])
+ | _ -> change_successors i [s1])
+ | ls -> (
+ match i with
+ | Ijumptable (a, ln) -> begin
+ assert ((List.length ln) == (List.length ls));
+ Ijumptable (a, ls)
+ end
+ | _ -> failwith "Wrong instruction (4)")
+let apply_schedule code sb new_order =
+ let tc = ref code in
+ let old_order = sb.instructions in
+ let last_node = Array.get old_order (Array.length old_order - 1) in
+ let last_successors = main_successors
+ @@ get_some @@ PTree.get last_node code in
+ begin
+ check_order code old_order new_order;
+ Array.iteri (fun i n' ->
+ let inst' = get_some @@ PTree.get n' code in
+ let new_inst =
+ if (i == (Array.length old_order - 1)) then
+ change_successors inst' last_successors
+ else
+ change_predicted_successor inst' (Array.get old_order (i+1))
+ in tc := PTree.set (Array.get old_order i) new_inst !tc
+ ) new_order;
+ !tc
+ end
+let rec do_schedule code = function
+ | [] -> code
+ | sb :: lsb ->
+ let schedule = schedule_superblock sb code in
+ let new_code = apply_schedule code sb schedule in
+ begin
+ (* debug_flag := true; *)
+ dprintf "Old Code: "; print_code code;
+ dprintf "\nSchedule to apply: "; print_arrayp schedule;
+ dprintf "\nNew Code: "; print_code new_code;
+ dprintf "\n";
+ (* debug_flag := false; *)
+ do_schedule new_code lsb
+ end
+let get_ok r = match r with Errors.OK x -> x | _ -> failwith "Did not get OK"
+let scheduler f =
+ let code = f.fn_RTL.fn_code in
+ let id_ptree = PTree.map (fun n i -> n) (f.fn_path) in
+ let entry = f.fn_RTL.fn_entrypoint in
+ let pm = f.fn_path in
+ let typing = get_ok @@ RTLtyping.type_function f.fn_RTL in
+ let lsb = get_superblocks code entry pm typing in
+ begin
+ (* debug_flag := true; *)
+ dprintf "Pathmap:\n"; dprintf "\n";
+ print_path_map pm;
+ dprintf "Superblocks:\n";
+ print_superblocks lsb code; dprintf "\n";
+ (* debug_flag := false; *)
+ let tc = do_schedule code lsb in
+ (((tc, entry), pm), id_ptree)
+ end
diff --git a/scheduling/RTLpathSchedulerproof.v b/scheduling/RTLpathSchedulerproof.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4ba197b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scheduling/RTLpathSchedulerproof.v
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+Require Import AST Linking Values Maps Globalenvs Smallstep Registers.
+Require Import Coqlib Maps Events Errors Op.
+Require Import RTL RTLpath RTLpathLivegen RTLpathLivegenproof RTLpathSE_theory.
+Require Import RTLpathScheduler.
+Definition match_prog (p tp: program) :=
+ match_program (fun _ f tf => transf_fundef f = OK tf) eq p tp.
+Lemma transf_program_match:
+ forall prog tprog, transf_program prog = OK tprog -> match_prog prog tprog.
+ intros. eapply match_transform_partial_program_contextual; eauto.
+Variable prog: program.
+Variable tprog: program.
+Hypothesis TRANSL: match_prog prog tprog.
+Let pge := Genv.globalenv prog.
+Let tpge := Genv.globalenv tprog.
+Hypothesis all_fundef_liveness_ok: forall b fd, Genv.find_funct_ptr pge b = Some fd -> liveness_ok_fundef fd.
+Lemma symbols_preserved s: Genv.find_symbol tpge s = Genv.find_symbol pge s.
+ rewrite <- (Genv.find_symbol_match TRANSL). reflexivity.
+Lemma senv_preserved:
+ Senv.equiv pge tpge.
+ eapply (Genv.senv_match TRANSL).
+Lemma functions_preserved:
+ forall (v: val) (f: fundef),
+ Genv.find_funct pge v = Some f ->
+ exists tf cunit, transf_fundef f = OK tf /\ Genv.find_funct tpge v = Some tf /\ linkorder cunit prog.
+ intros. exploit (Genv.find_funct_match TRANSL); eauto.
+ intros (cu & tf & A & B & C).
+ repeat eexists; intuition eauto.
+ + unfold incl; auto.
+ + eapply linkorder_refl.
+Lemma function_ptr_preserved:
+ forall v f,
+ Genv.find_funct_ptr pge v = Some f ->
+ exists tf,
+ Genv.find_funct_ptr tpge v = Some tf /\ transf_fundef f = OK tf.
+ intros.
+ exploit (Genv.find_funct_ptr_transf_partial TRANSL); eauto.
+Lemma function_sig_preserved:
+ forall f tf, transf_fundef f = OK tf -> funsig tf = funsig f.
+ intros. destruct f.
+ - simpl in H. monadInv H.
+ destruct (transf_function f) as [res H]; simpl in * |- *; auto.
+ destruct (H _ EQ).
+ intuition subst; auto.
+ symmetry.
+ eapply match_function_preserves.
+ eassumption.
+ - simpl in H. monadInv H. reflexivity.
+Theorem transf_initial_states:
+ forall s1, initial_state prog s1 ->
+ exists s2, initial_state tprog s2 /\ match_states s1 s2.
+ intros. inv H.
+ exploit function_ptr_preserved; eauto. intros (tf & FIND & TRANSF).
+ exists (Callstate nil tf nil m0).
+ split.
+ - econstructor; eauto.
+ + intros; apply (Genv.init_mem_match TRANSL); assumption.
+ + replace (prog_main tprog) with (prog_main prog). rewrite symbols_preserved. eauto.
+ symmetry. eapply match_program_main. eauto.
+ + destruct f.
+ * monadInv TRANSF. rewrite <- H3.
+ destruct (transf_function f) as [res H]; simpl in * |- *; auto.
+ destruct (H _ EQ).
+ intuition subst; auto.
+ symmetry; eapply match_function_preserves. eassumption.
+ * monadInv TRANSF. assumption.
+ - constructor; eauto.
+ + constructor.
+ + apply transf_fundef_correct; auto.
+(* + eapply all_fundef_liveness_ok; eauto. *)
+Theorem transf_final_states s1 s2 r:
+ final_state s1 r -> match_states s1 s2 -> final_state s2 r.
+ unfold final_state.
+ intros H; inv H.
+ intros H; inv H; simpl in * |- *; try congruence.
+ inv H1.
+ destruct st; simpl in * |- *; try congruence.
+ inv STACKS. constructor.
+Let ge := Genv.globalenv (RTLpath.transf_program prog).
+Let tge := Genv.globalenv (RTLpath.transf_program tprog).
+Lemma senv_sym x y: Senv.equiv x y -> Senv.equiv y x.
+ unfold Senv.equiv. intuition congruence.
+Lemma senv_transitivity x y z: Senv.equiv x y -> Senv.equiv y z -> Senv.equiv x z.
+ unfold Senv.equiv. intuition congruence.
+Lemma senv_preserved_RTL:
+ Senv.equiv ge tge.
+ eapply senv_transitivity. { eapply senv_sym; eapply RTLpath.senv_preserved. }
+ eapply senv_transitivity. { eapply senv_preserved. }
+ eapply RTLpath.senv_preserved.
+Lemma symbols_preserved_RTL s: Genv.find_symbol tge s = Genv.find_symbol ge s.
+ unfold tge, ge. erewrite RTLpath.symbols_preserved; eauto.
+ rewrite symbols_preserved.
+ erewrite RTLpath.symbols_preserved; eauto.
+Program Definition mkctx sp rs0 m0 {f1: RTLpath.function} (hyp: liveness_ok_function f1)
+ : simu_proof_context f1
+ := {| the_ge1:= ge; the_ge2 := tge; the_sp:=sp; the_rs0:=rs0; the_m0:=m0 |}.
+Obligation 2.
+ erewrite symbols_preserved_RTL. eauto.
+Lemma s_find_function_preserved f sp svos1 svos2 rs0 m0 fd
+ (LIVE: liveness_ok_function f):
+ (svident_simu f (mkctx sp rs0 m0 LIVE) svos1 svos2) ->
+ sfind_function pge ge sp svos1 rs0 m0 = Some fd ->
+ exists fd', sfind_function tpge tge sp svos2 rs0 m0 = Some fd'
+ /\ transf_fundef fd = OK fd'
+ /\ liveness_ok_fundef fd.
+ Local Hint Resolve symbols_preserved_RTL: core.
+ unfold sfind_function. intros [sv1 sv2 SIMU|]; simpl in *.
+ + rewrite !(seval_preserved ge tge) in *; eauto.
+ destruct (seval_sval _ _ _ _); try congruence.
+ erewrite <- SIMU; try congruence. clear SIMU.
+ intros; exploit functions_preserved; eauto.
+ intros (fd' & cunit & (X1 & X2 & X3)). eexists.
+ repeat split; eauto.
+ eapply find_funct_liveness_ok; eauto.
+(* intros. eapply all_fundef_liveness_ok; eauto. *)
+ + subst. rewrite symbols_preserved. destruct (Genv.find_symbol _ _); try congruence.
+ intros; exploit function_ptr_preserved; eauto.
+ intros (fd' & X). eexists. intuition eauto.
+(* intros. eapply all_fundef_liveness_ok; eauto. *)
+Lemma sistate_simu f dupmap sp st st' rs m is
+ (LIVE: liveness_ok_function f):
+ ssem_internal ge sp st rs m is ->
+ sistate_simu dupmap f st st' (mkctx sp rs m LIVE)->
+ exists is',
+ ssem_internal tge sp st' rs m is' /\ istate_simu f dupmap is is'.
+ intros SEM X; eapply X; eauto.
+Lemma seval_builtin_sval_preserved sp rs m:
+ forall bs, seval_builtin_sval ge sp bs rs m = seval_builtin_sval tge sp bs rs m.
+ induction bs.
+ all: try (simpl; try reflexivity; erewrite seval_preserved by eapply symbols_preserved_RTL; reflexivity).
+ all: simpl; rewrite IHbs1; rewrite IHbs2; reflexivity.
+Lemma seval_list_builtin_sval_preserved sp rs m:
+ forall lbs,
+ seval_list_builtin_sval ge sp lbs rs m = seval_list_builtin_sval tge sp lbs rs m.
+ induction lbs; [simpl; reflexivity|].
+ simpl. rewrite seval_builtin_sval_preserved. rewrite IHlbs.
+ reflexivity.
+Lemma ssem_final_simu dm f f' stk stk' sp st st' rs0 m0 sv sv' rs m t s
+ (LIVE: liveness_ok_function f):
+ match_function dm f f' ->
+ list_forall2 match_stackframes stk stk' ->
+ (* s_istate_simu f dupmap st st' -> *)
+ sfval_simu dm f st.(si_pc) st'.(si_pc) (mkctx sp rs0 m0 LIVE) sv sv' ->
+ ssem_final pge ge sp st.(si_pc) stk f rs0 m0 sv rs m t s ->
+ exists s', ssem_final tpge tge sp st'.(si_pc) stk' f' rs0 m0 sv' rs m t s' /\ match_states s s'.
+ Local Hint Resolve transf_fundef_correct: core.
+ intros FUN STK (* SIS *) SFV. destruct SFV; intros SEM; inv SEM; simpl in *.
+ - (* Snone *)
+ exploit initialize_path. { eapply dupmap_path_entry1; eauto. }
+ intros (path & PATH).
+ eexists; split; econstructor; eauto.
+ eapply eqlive_reg_refl.
+ - (* Scall *)
+ exploit s_find_function_preserved; eauto.
+ intros (fd' & FIND & TRANSF & LIVE').
+ erewrite <- function_sig_preserved; eauto.
+ exploit initialize_path. { eapply dupmap_path_entry1; eauto. }
+ intros (path & PATH).
+ eexists; split; econstructor; eauto.
+ + eapply eq_trans; try eassumption; auto.
+ + simpl. repeat (econstructor; eauto).
+ - (* Stailcall *)
+ exploit s_find_function_preserved; eauto.
+ intros (fd' & FIND & TRANSF & LIVE').
+ erewrite <- function_sig_preserved; eauto.
+ eexists; split; econstructor; eauto.
+ + erewrite <- preserv_fnstacksize; eauto.
+ + eapply eq_trans; try eassumption; auto.
+ - (* Sbuiltin *)
+ pose senv_preserved_RTL as SRTL.
+ exploit initialize_path. { eapply dupmap_path_entry1; eauto. }
+ intros (path & PATH).
+ eexists; split; econstructor; eauto.
+ + eapply seval_builtin_args_preserved; eauto.
+ eapply seval_list_builtin_sval_correct; eauto.
+ rewrite H0.
+ erewrite seval_list_builtin_sval_preserved; eauto.
+ + eapply external_call_symbols_preserved; eauto.
+ + eapply eqlive_reg_refl.
+ - (* Sjumptable *)
+ exploit ptree_get_list_nth_rev; eauto. intros (p2 & LNZ & DM).
+ exploit initialize_path. { eapply dupmap_path_entry1; eauto. }
+ intros (path & PATH).
+ eexists; split; econstructor; eauto.
+ + eapply eq_trans; try eassumption; auto.
+ + eapply eqlive_reg_refl.
+ - (* Sreturn *)
+ eexists; split; econstructor; eauto.
+ erewrite <- preserv_fnstacksize; eauto.
+ - (* Sreturn bis *)
+ eexists; split; econstructor; eauto.
+ + erewrite <- preserv_fnstacksize; eauto.
+ + rewrite <- H. erewrite <- seval_preserved; eauto.
+(* The main theorem on simulation of symbolic states ! *)
+Theorem ssem_sstate_simu dm f f' stk stk' sp st st' rs m t s:
+ match_function dm f f' ->
+ liveness_ok_function f ->
+ list_forall2 match_stackframes stk stk' ->
+ ssem pge ge sp st stk f rs m t s ->
+ (forall ctx: simu_proof_context f, sstate_simu dm f st st' ctx) ->
+ exists s', ssem tpge tge sp st' stk' f' rs m t s' /\ match_states s s'.
+ destruct (SIMU (mkctx sp rs m LIVE)) as (SIMU1 & SIMU2); clear SIMU.
+ destruct SEM as [is CONT SEM|is t s' CONT SEM1 SEM2]; simpl.
+ - (* sem_early *)
+ exploit sistate_simu; eauto.
+ unfold istate_simu; rewrite CONT.
+ intros (is' & SEM' & (path & PATH & (CONT' & RS' & M') & PC')).
+ exists (State stk' f' sp (ipc is') (irs is') (imem is')).
+ split.
+ + eapply ssem_early; auto. congruence.
+ + rewrite M'. econstructor; eauto.
+ - (* sem_normal *)
+ exploit sistate_simu; eauto.
+ unfold istate_simu; rewrite CONT.
+ intros (is' & SEM' & (CONT' & RS' & M')(* & DMEQ *)).
+ rewrite <- eqlive_reg_triv in RS'.
+ exploit ssem_final_simu; eauto.
+ clear SEM2; intros (s0 & SEM2 & MATCH0).
+ exploit ssem_final_equiv; eauto.
+ clear SEM2; rewrite M'; rewrite CONT' in CONT; intros (s1 & EQ & SEM2).
+ exists s1; split.
+ + eapply ssem_normal; eauto.
+ + eapply match_states_equiv; eauto.
+Lemma exec_path_simulation dupmap path stk stk' f f' sp rs m pc pc' t s:
+ (fn_path f)!pc = Some path ->
+ path_step ge pge path.(psize) stk f sp rs m pc t s ->
+ list_forall2 match_stackframes stk stk' ->
+ dupmap ! pc' = Some pc ->
+ match_function dupmap f f' ->
+ liveness_ok_function f ->
+ exists path' s', (fn_path f')!pc' = Some path' /\ path_step tge tpge path'.(psize) stk' f' sp rs m pc' t s' /\ match_states s s'.
+ exploit initialize_path. { eapply dupmap_path_entry2; eauto. }
+ intros (path' & PATH').
+ exists path'.
+ exploit (sexec_correct f pc pge ge sp path stk rs m t s); eauto.
+ intros (st & SYMB & SEM); clear STEP.
+ exploit dupmap_correct; eauto.
+ clear SYMB; intros (st' & SYMB & SIMU).
+ exploit ssem_sstate_simu; eauto.
+ intros (s0 & SEM0 & MATCH).
+ exploit sexec_exact; eauto.
+ intros (s' & STEP' & EQ).
+ exists s'; intuition.
+ eapply match_states_equiv; eauto.
+Lemma step_simulation s1 t s1' s2:
+ step ge pge s1 t s1' ->
+ match_states s1 s2 ->
+ exists s2',
+ step tge tpge s2 t s2'
+ /\ match_states s1' s2'.
+ Local Hint Resolve eqlive_stacks_refl transf_fundef_correct: core.
+ destruct 1 as [path stack f sp rs m pc t s PATH STEP | | | ]; intros MS; inv MS.
+(* exec_path *)
+ - try_simplify_someHyps. intros.
+ exploit path_step_eqlive; eauto. (* { intros. eapply all_fundef_liveness_ok; eauto. } *)
+ clear STEP EQUIV rs; intros (s2 & STEP & EQLIVE).
+ exploit exec_path_simulation; eauto.
+ clear STEP; intros (path' & s' & PATH' & STEP' & MATCH').
+ exists s'; split.
+ + eapply exec_path; eauto.
+ + eapply eqlive_match_states; eauto.
+(* exec_function_internal *)
+ - inv LIVE.
+ exploit initialize_path. { eapply (fn_entry_point_wf f). }
+ destruct 1 as (path & PATH).
+ inversion TRANSF as [f0 xf tf MATCHF|]; subst. eexists. split.
+ + eapply exec_function_internal. erewrite <- preserv_fnstacksize; eauto.
+ + erewrite preserv_fnparams; eauto.
+ econstructor; eauto.
+ { apply preserv_entrypoint; auto. }
+ { apply eqlive_reg_refl. }
+(* exec_function_external *)
+ - inversion TRANSF as [|]; subst. eexists. split.
+ + econstructor. eapply external_call_symbols_preserved; eauto. apply senv_preserved_RTL.
+ + constructor. assumption.
+(* exec_return *)
+ - inv STACKS. destruct b1 as [res' f' sp' pc' rs']. eexists. split.
+ + constructor.
+ + inv H1. econstructor; eauto.
+Theorem transf_program_correct:
+ forward_simulation (semantics prog) (semantics tprog).
+ eapply forward_simulation_step with match_states.
+ - eapply senv_preserved.
+ - eapply transf_initial_states.
+ - intros; eapply transf_final_states; eauto.
+ - intros; eapply step_simulation; eauto.
diff --git a/scheduling/RTLpathproof.v b/scheduling/RTLpathproof.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..20eded97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scheduling/RTLpathproof.v
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+Require Import Coqlib Maps.
+Require Import AST Integers Values Events Memory Globalenvs Smallstep.
+Require Import Op Registers.
+Require Import RTL Linking.
+Require Import RTLpath.
+Definition match_prog (p: RTLpath.program) (tp: RTL.program) :=
+ match_program (fun ctx f tf => tf = fundef_RTL f) eq p tp.
+Lemma transf_program_match:
+ forall p, match_prog p (transf_program p).
+ intros. eapply match_transform_program; eauto.
+Lemma match_program_transf:
+ forall p tp, match_prog p tp -> transf_program p = tp.
+ intros p tp H. inversion_clear H. inv H1.
+ destruct p as [defs pub main]. destruct tp as [tdefs tpub tmain]. simpl in *.
+ subst. unfold transf_program. unfold transform_program. simpl.
+ apply program_equals; simpl; auto.
+ induction H0; simpl; auto.
+ rewrite IHlist_forall2. apply cons_extract.
+ destruct a1 as [ida gda]. destruct b1 as [idb gdb].
+ simpl in *.
+ inv H. inv H2.
+ - simpl in *. subst. auto.
+ - simpl in *. subst. inv H. auto.
+Variable prog: RTLpath.program.
+Variable tprog: RTL.program.
+Hypothesis TRANSF: match_prog prog tprog.
+Let ge := Genv.globalenv prog.
+Let tge := Genv.globalenv tprog.
+Theorem transf_program_correct:
+ forward_simulation (RTLpath.semantics prog) (RTL.semantics tprog).
+ pose proof (match_program_transf prog tprog TRANSF) as TR. subst.
+ eapply RTLpath_correct.