diff options
authorBernhard Schommer <bernhardschommer@gmail.com>2018-03-07 13:37:20 +0100
committerBernhard Schommer <bernhardschommer@gmail.com>2018-03-07 13:37:20 +0100
commit36f52bf433614156a64358dbd71019b8d34865c5 (patch)
parentc91b33e36d96a51329d53bd9efa1523e567d1812 (diff)
Improve and simplify error messages.
The checks on the argument and format arguments are now performed during C2C translation by calling the validate_ais_annotations function and result in an error instead of a warning in the backend to be more consistent with the rest of the builtin functions.
3 files changed, 55 insertions, 36 deletions
diff --git a/backend/AisAnnot.ml b/backend/AisAnnot.ml
index f4dab4c9..afa7e50f 100644
--- a/backend/AisAnnot.ml
+++ b/backend/AisAnnot.ml
@@ -34,22 +34,35 @@ let addr_global id ofs =
[String addr_o;Symbol id;String addr_e]
exception Bad_parameter of string
-exception Unknown_parameter of string
-exception Unknown_type of char
-let ais_expr_arg lval preg_string sp_reg_name arg =
+let warn_lval_arg pos arg =
+ let warn ty =
+ let msg = sprintf "expected register or memory cell but found %s for parameter '%s'" ty pos in
+ raise (Bad_parameter msg) in
+ match arg with
+ | BA_int _
+ | BA_long _ -> warn "constant"
+ | BA_float _
+ | BA_single _ -> assert false (* Should never occur and be avoided in C2C *)
+ | BA_addrstack ofs ->
+ warn "stack cell"
+ | BA_addrglobal(id, ofs) ->
+ warn "global address"
+ | BA_splitlong(hi, lo) ->
+ warn "register pair";
+ | BA_addptr(a1, a2) ->
+ warn "pointer computation"
+ | _ -> ()
+let ais_expr_arg pos preg_string sp_reg_name arg =
let preg reg = sprintf "reg(\"%s\")" (preg_string reg)
and sp = sprintf "reg(\"%s\")" sp_reg_name
and simple s = [String s]
- and lval ty =
- if lval then
- let msg = sprintf "expected register or memory cell but found %s" ty in
- raise (Bad_parameter msg)
let rec ais_arg = function
| BA x -> simple (preg x)
- | BA_int n -> lval "constant"; simple (sprintf "%ld" (camlint_of_coqint n))
- | BA_long n ->lval "constant"; simple (sprintf "%Ld" (camlint64_of_coqint n))
+ | BA_int n -> simple (sprintf "%ld" (camlint_of_coqint n))
+ | BA_long n -> simple (sprintf "%Ld" (camlint64_of_coqint n))
| BA_float _
| BA_single _ -> assert false (* Should never occur and be avoided in C2C *)
| BA_loadstack(chunk, ofs) ->
@@ -58,7 +71,6 @@ let ais_expr_arg lval preg_string sp_reg_name arg =
(size_chunk chunk) in
simple loadstack
| BA_addrstack ofs ->
- lval "stack cell";
let addrstack = sprintf "(%s%s)" sp (offset ofs) in
simple addrstack
| BA_loadglobal(chunk, id, ofs) ->
@@ -68,14 +80,12 @@ let ais_expr_arg lval preg_string sp_reg_name arg =
(size_chunk chunk) in
[String mem_o;Symbol id;String mem_e]
| BA_addrglobal(id, ofs) ->
- lval "global address";
addr_global id ofs
| BA_splitlong(hi, lo) ->
combine " * 0x100000000 + " hi lo
| BA_addptr(a1, a2) ->
combine " + " a1 a2
and combine mid arg1 arg2 =
- lval "pointer computation";
let op_br = simple "("
and mid = simple mid
and cl_br = simple ")"
@@ -106,7 +116,7 @@ let loc_of_txt txt =
with _ ->
-let re_ais_annot_param = Str.regexp "%%\\|%[aelp][1-9][0-9]*\\|%here\\|\007"
+let re_ais_annot_param = Str.regexp "%%\\|%[el][1-9][0-9]*\\|%here\\|\007"
let add_ais_annot lbl preg_string sp_reg_name txt args =
let fragment = function
@@ -121,30 +131,20 @@ let add_ais_annot lbl preg_string sp_reg_name txt args =
| Str.Delim s ->
let typ = String.get s 1
and n = int_of_string (String.sub s 2 (String.length s - 2)) in
- let arg = try
- List.nth args (n-1)
- with _ ->
- raise (Unknown_parameter s) in
+ let arg = List.nth args (n-1) in
begin match typ with
- | 'e' -> ais_expr_arg false preg_string sp_reg_name arg
- | 'l' -> ais_expr_arg true preg_string sp_reg_name arg
- | _ -> raise (Unknown_type typ)
+ | 'e' -> ais_expr_arg s preg_string sp_reg_name arg
+ | 'l' -> warn_lval_arg s arg; ais_expr_arg s preg_string sp_reg_name arg
+ | _ -> assert false
- let loc = loc_of_txt txt in
- let warn t s =
- warning loc Wrong_ais_parameter "%s %s" t s; []
- in
let annot =
List.concat (List.map fragment (Str.full_split re_ais_annot_param txt))
| Bad_parameter s ->
- warn "wrong ais parameter" s
- | Unknown_parameter s ->
- warn "unknown parameter" s
- | Unknown_type c ->
- warn "unknown format argument" (String.make 1 c)
+ let loc = loc_of_txt txt in
+ warning loc Wrong_ais_parameter "wrong ais parameter %s" s; []
let rec merge acc = function
| [] -> List.rev acc
@@ -157,3 +157,22 @@ let add_ais_annot lbl preg_string sp_reg_name txt args =
let annot = merge [] annot in
if annot <> [] then
ais_annot_list := (annot)::!ais_annot_list
+let validate_ais_annot env loc txt args =
+ let fragment arg =
+ match arg with
+ | Str.Delim "%here"
+ | Str.Text _
+ | Str.Delim "%%"
+ | Str.Delim "\007" -> ()
+ | Str.Delim s ->
+ let n = int_of_string (String.sub s 2 (String.length s - 2)) in
+ try
+ let arg = List.nth args (n-1) in
+ if Cutil.is_float_type env arg.C.etyp then
+ error loc "floating point types are not supported in ais annotations"
+ else if Cutil.is_volatile_variable env arg then
+ error loc "access to volatile variable '%a' is not supported in ais annotations" Cprint.exp (0,arg)
+ with _ ->
+ error loc "unknown parameter '%s'" s
+ in List.iter fragment (Str.full_split re_ais_annot_param txt)
diff --git a/backend/AisAnnot.mli b/backend/AisAnnot.mli
index 7219369c..59676b26 100644
--- a/backend/AisAnnot.mli
+++ b/backend/AisAnnot.mli
@@ -18,10 +18,8 @@ type t =
val add_ais_annot : int -> ('a -> string) -> string -> string -> 'a AST.builtin_arg list -> unit
(** [add_ais_annot lbl preg spreg txt args] adds the ais annotation [txt] were the format
specifiers are replace according to their type:
- -a: area definitions
-e: general expressions
-l: l-value expressions
- -p: program location
-here: the address of the ais annotation [lbl]
and [preg] is used to get the names of the registers, as well as [spreg] the name of the
stack pointer and [args] the arguments reference in the replacements
@@ -29,3 +27,9 @@ val add_ais_annot : int -> ('a -> string) -> string -> string -> 'a AST.builtin_
val get_ais_annots: unit -> (t list) list
(** [get_ais_annots ()] return the list of all ais annotations and reset it *)
+val validate_ais_annot: Env.t -> string * int -> string -> C.exp list -> unit
+(** [validate_ais env loc txt args] validates the ais annotation text and arguments, checking
+ that no volatile variables or float expressions are used as well as that no illegal format
+ specifier is used in the [txt]
diff --git a/cfrontend/C2C.ml b/cfrontend/C2C.ml
index c18a6e03..c4772688 100644
--- a/cfrontend/C2C.ml
+++ b/cfrontend/C2C.ml
@@ -882,11 +882,7 @@ let rec convertExpr env e =
let fun_name = !currentFunction in
let loc_string = Printf.sprintf "# file:%s line:%d function:%s\n" file line fun_name in
let targs1 = convertTypArgs env [] args1 in
- List.iter (fun exp -> if Cutil.is_float_type env exp.etyp then begin
- error "floating point types are not supported in ais annotations"
- end else if Cutil.is_volatile_variable env exp then begin
- error "access to volatile variables are not supported in ais annotations"
- end) args1;
+ AisAnnot.validate_ais_annot env !currentLocation txt args1;
AST.EF_annot(P.of_int 2,coqstring_of_camlstring (loc_string ^ txt), typlist_of_typelist targs1),
targs1, convertExprList env args1, convertTyp env e.etyp)