path: root/arm/hardfloat/Stacklayout.v
diff options
authorxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2014-05-02 14:03:20 +0000
committerxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2014-05-02 14:03:20 +0000
commit2517b7385825981d19e3b9cb2dce0fc22578dcb0 (patch)
treef4c39eef0a7ce0f3dfff3c7d816740004591e9ee /arm/hardfloat/Stacklayout.v
parent16622052a7438287a09e15ef38e366a4999c0775 (diff)
Preliminary support for EABI-hardfloat calling conventions
git-svn-id: https://yquem.inria.fr/compcert/svn/compcert/trunk@2473 fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e
Diffstat (limited to 'arm/hardfloat/Stacklayout.v')
1 files changed, 132 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/arm/hardfloat/Stacklayout.v b/arm/hardfloat/Stacklayout.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7694dcfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arm/hardfloat/Stacklayout.v
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* *)
+(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
+(* *)
+(* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
+(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
+(* *)
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(** Machine- and ABI-dependent layout information for activation records. *)
+Require Import Coqlib.
+Require Import Bounds.
+(** The general shape of activation records is as follows,
+ from bottom (lowest offsets) to top:
+- Space for outgoing arguments to function calls.
+- Local stack slots.
+- Saved values of integer callee-save registers used by the function.
+- Saved values of float callee-save registers used by the function.
+- Saved return address into caller.
+- Pointer to activation record of the caller.
+- Space for the stack-allocated data declared in Cminor.
+The [frame_env] compilation environment records the positions of
+the boundaries between areas in the frame part.
+Definition fe_ofs_arg := 0.
+Record frame_env : Type := mk_frame_env {
+ fe_size: Z;
+ fe_ofs_link: Z;
+ fe_ofs_retaddr: Z;
+ fe_ofs_local: Z;
+ fe_ofs_int_callee_save: Z;
+ fe_num_int_callee_save: Z;
+ fe_ofs_float_callee_save: Z;
+ fe_num_float_callee_save: Z;
+ fe_stack_data: Z
+(** Computation of the frame environment from the bounds of the current
+ function. *)
+Definition make_env (b: bounds) :=
+ let ol := align (4 * b.(bound_outgoing)) 8 in (* locals *)
+ let oics := ol + 4 * b.(bound_local) in (* integer callee-saves *)
+ let oendi := oics + 4 * b.(bound_int_callee_save) in
+ let ofcs := align oendi 8 in (* float callee-saves *)
+ let ora := ofcs + 8 * b.(bound_float_callee_save) in (* retaddr *)
+ let olink := ora + 4 in (* back link *)
+ let ostkdata := olink + 4 in (* stack data *)
+ let sz := align (ostkdata + b.(bound_stack_data)) 8 in
+ mk_frame_env sz olink ora ol
+ oics b.(bound_int_callee_save)
+ ofcs b.(bound_float_callee_save)
+ ostkdata.
+(** Separation property *)
+Remark frame_env_separated:
+ forall b,
+ let fe := make_env b in
+ 0 <= fe_ofs_arg
+ /\ fe_ofs_arg + 4 * b.(bound_outgoing) <= fe.(fe_ofs_local)
+ /\ fe.(fe_ofs_local) + 4 * b.(bound_local) <= fe.(fe_ofs_int_callee_save)
+ /\ fe.(fe_ofs_int_callee_save) + 4 * b.(bound_int_callee_save) <= fe.(fe_ofs_float_callee_save)
+ /\ fe.(fe_ofs_float_callee_save) + 8 * b.(bound_float_callee_save) <= fe.(fe_ofs_retaddr)
+ /\ fe.(fe_ofs_retaddr) + 4 <= fe.(fe_ofs_link)
+ /\ fe.(fe_ofs_link) + 4 <= fe.(fe_stack_data)
+ /\ fe.(fe_stack_data) + b.(bound_stack_data) <= fe.(fe_size).
+ intros.
+ generalize (align_le (4 * bound_outgoing b) 8 (refl_equal)).
+ generalize (align_le (fe_ofs_int_callee_save fe + 4 * b.(bound_int_callee_save)) 8 (refl_equal _)).
+ generalize (align_le (fe_stack_data fe + b.(bound_stack_data)) 8 (refl_equal)).
+ unfold fe, make_env, fe_size, fe_ofs_link, fe_ofs_retaddr,
+ fe_ofs_local, fe_ofs_int_callee_save, fe_num_int_callee_save,
+ fe_ofs_float_callee_save, fe_num_float_callee_save,
+ fe_stack_data, fe_ofs_arg.
+ intros.
+ generalize (bound_local_pos b); intro;
+ generalize (bound_int_callee_save_pos b); intro;
+ generalize (bound_float_callee_save_pos b); intro;
+ generalize (bound_outgoing_pos b); intro;
+ generalize (bound_stack_data_pos b); intro.
+ omega.
+(** Alignment property *)
+Remark frame_env_aligned:
+ forall b,
+ let fe := make_env b in
+ (4 | fe.(fe_ofs_link))
+ /\ (8 | fe.(fe_ofs_local))
+ /\ (4 | fe.(fe_ofs_int_callee_save))
+ /\ (8 | fe.(fe_ofs_float_callee_save))
+ /\ (4 | fe.(fe_ofs_retaddr))
+ /\ (8 | fe.(fe_stack_data))
+ /\ (8 | fe.(fe_size)).
+ intros.
+ unfold fe, make_env, fe_size, fe_ofs_link, fe_ofs_retaddr,
+ fe_ofs_local, fe_ofs_int_callee_save, fe_num_int_callee_save,
+ fe_ofs_float_callee_save, fe_num_float_callee_save,
+ fe_stack_data.
+ set (x1 := 4 * bound_outgoing b).
+ assert (4 | x1). unfold x1; exists (bound_outgoing b); ring.
+ set (x2 := align x1 8).
+ assert (8 | x2). apply align_divides. omega.
+ set (x3 := x2 + 4 * bound_local b).
+ assert (4 | x3). apply Zdivide_plus_r. apply Zdivides_trans with 8; auto. exists 2; auto.
+ exists (bound_local b); ring.
+ set (x4 := align (x3 + 4 * bound_int_callee_save b) 8).
+ assert (8 | x4). apply align_divides. omega.
+ set (x5 := x4 + 8 * bound_float_callee_save b).
+ assert (8 | x5). apply Zdivide_plus_r; auto. exists (bound_float_callee_save b); ring.
+ assert (4 | x5). apply Zdivides_trans with 8; auto. exists 2; auto.
+ set (x6 := x5 + 4).
+ assert (4 | x6). apply Zdivide_plus_r; auto. exists 1; auto.
+ set (x7 := x6 + 4).
+ assert (8 | x7). unfold x7, x6. replace (x5 + 4 + 4) with (x5 + 8) by omega.
+ apply Zdivide_plus_r; auto. exists 1; auto.
+ set (x8 := align (x7 + bound_stack_data b) 8).
+ assert (8 | x8). apply align_divides. omega.
+ tauto.