path: root/backend/CMlexer.mll
diff options
authorBernhard Schommer <bernhardschommer@gmail.com>2017-02-14 16:12:55 +0100
committerBernhard Schommer <bernhardschommer@gmail.com>2017-02-14 16:12:55 +0100
commitd000fe3f6df676596b5371f9760cdf0b2922ea11 (patch)
treebb4327ee16f1c5c21ae6c2b4d6f47433a73ebfb5 /backend/CMlexer.mll
parent8f5f07a486abad68e68c8fabe22f808c9ab9f9cb (diff)
Removed CMinor import. Bug 20992
Diffstat (limited to 'backend/CMlexer.mll')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 180 deletions
diff --git a/backend/CMlexer.mll b/backend/CMlexer.mll
deleted file mode 100644
index 65f244b5..00000000
--- a/backend/CMlexer.mll
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-(* *********************************************************************)
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-open CMparser
-exception Error of string
-let blank = [' ' '\009' '\012' '\010' '\013']
-let floatlit =
- ("-"? (['0'-'9'] ['0'-'9' '_']*
- ('.' ['0'-'9' '_']* )?
- (['e' 'E'] ['+' '-']? ['0'-'9'] ['0'-'9' '_']*)? )) | "inf" | "nan"
-let ident = ['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '_'] ['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '_' '$' '0'-'9']*
-let qident = '\'' [ ^ '\'' ]+ '\''
-let temp = "$" ['1'-'9'] ['0'-'9']*
-let intlit = "-"? ( ['0'-'9']+ | "0x" ['0'-'9' 'a'-'f' 'A'-'F']+
- | "0o" ['0'-'7']+ | "0b" ['0'-'1']+ )
-let stringlit = "\"" [ ^ '"' ] * '"'
-rule token = parse
- | blank + { token lexbuf }
- | "/*" { comment lexbuf; token lexbuf }
- | "absf" { ABSF }
- | "&" { AMPERSAND }
- | "&l" { AMPERSANDL }
- | "!" { BANG }
- | "!=" { BANGEQUAL }
- | "!=f" { BANGEQUALF }
- | "!=l" { BANGEQUALL }
- | "!=lu" { BANGEQUALLU }
- | "!=u" { BANGEQUALU }
- | "|" { BAR }
- | "|l" { BARL }
- | "builtin" { BUILTIN }
- | "^" { CARET }
- | "^l" { CARETL }
- | "case" { CASE }
- | ":" { COLON }
- | "," { COMMA }
- | "default" { DEFAULT }
- | "else" { ELSE }
- | "=" { EQUAL }
- | "==" { EQUALEQUAL }
- | "==f" { EQUALEQUALF }
- | "==l" { EQUALEQUALL }
- | "==lu" { EQUALEQUALLU }
- | "==u" { EQUALEQUALU }
- | "exit" { EXIT }
- | "extern" { EXTERN }
- | "float" { FLOAT }
- | "float32" { FLOAT32 }
- | "float64" { FLOAT64 }
- | "floatofint" { FLOATOFINT }
- | "floatofintu" { FLOATOFINTU }
- | "floatoflong" { FLOATOFLONG }
- | "floatoflongu" { FLOATOFLONGU }
- | "goto" { GOTO }
- | ">" { GREATER }
- | ">f" { GREATERF }
- | ">l" { GREATERL }
- | ">lu" { GREATERLU }
- | ">u" { GREATERU }
- | ">=" { GREATEREQUAL }
- | ">=f" { GREATEREQUALF }
- | ">=l" { GREATEREQUALL }
- | ">=lu" { GREATEREQUALLU }
- | ">=u" { GREATEREQUALU }
- | "if" { IF }
- | "int" { INT }
- | "int16" { INT16 }
- | "int16s" { INT16S }
- | "int16u" { INT16U }
- | "int32" { INT32 }
- | "int64" { INT64 }
- | "int8" { INT8 }
- | "int8s" { INT8S }
- | "int8u" { INT8U }
- | "intoffloat" { INTOFFLOAT }
- | "intuoffloat" { INTUOFFLOAT }
- | "intoflong" { INTOFLONG }
- | "{" { LBRACE }
- | "{{" { LBRACELBRACE }
- | "[" { LBRACKET }
- | "<" { LESS }
- | "<u" { LESSU }
- | "<l" { LESSL }
- | "<lu" { LESSLU }
- | "<f" { LESSF }
- | "<=" { LESSEQUAL }
- | "<=u" { LESSEQUALU }
- | "<=f" { LESSEQUALF }
- | "<=l" { LESSEQUALL }
- | "<=lu" { LESSEQUALLU }
- | "<<" { LESSLESS }
- | "<<l" { LESSLESSL }
- | "long" { LONG }
- | "longofint" { LONGOFINT }
- | "longofintu" { LONGOFINTU }
- | "longoffloat" { LONGOFFLOAT }
- | "longuoffloat" { LONGUOFFLOAT }
- | "loop" { LOOP }
- | "(" { LPAREN }
- | "match" { MATCH }
- | "-" { MINUS }
- | "->" { MINUSGREATER }
- | "-f" { MINUSF }
- | "-s" { MINUSS }
- | "-l" { MINUSL }
- | "%" { PERCENT }
- | "%l" { PERCENTL }
- | "%lu" { PERCENTLU }
- | "%u" { PERCENTU }
- | "+" { PLUS }
- | "+f" { PLUSF }
- | "+s" { PLUSS }
- | "+l" { PLUSL }
- | "}" { RBRACE }
- | "}}" { RBRACERBRACE }
- | "]" { RBRACKET }
- | "readonly" { READONLY }
- | "return" { RETURN }
- | "runtime" { RUNTIME }
- | ")" { RPAREN }
- | ";" { SEMICOLON }
- | "/" { SLASH }
- | "/f" { SLASHF }
- | "/s" { SLASHS }
- | "/l" { SLASHL }
- | "/lu" { SLASHLU }
- | "/u" { SLASHU }
- | "single" { SINGLE }
- | "singleofint" { SINGLEOFINT }
- | "stack" { STACK }
- | "*" { STAR }
- | "*f" { STARF }
- | "*s" { STARS }
- | "*l" { STARL }
- | "switch" { SWITCH }
- | "switchl" { SWITCHL }
- | "tailcall" { TAILCALL }
- | "~" { TILDE }
- | "~l" { TILDEL }
- | "var" { VAR }
- | "void" { VOID }
- | "volatile" { VOLATILE }
- | "while" { WHILE }
- | intlit"LL" { let s = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
- LONGLIT(Int64.of_string(String.sub s 0 (String.length s - 2))) }
- | intlit { INTLIT(Int32.of_string(Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)) }
- | floatlit { FLOATLIT(float_of_string(Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)) }
- | stringlit { let s = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
- STRINGLIT(String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 2)) }
- | ident | temp { IDENT(Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) }
- | qident { let s = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
- IDENT(String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 2)) }
- | eof { EOF }
- | _ { raise(Error("illegal character `" ^ Char.escaped (Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf 0) ^ "'")) }
-and comment = parse
- "*/" { () }
- | eof { raise(Error "unterminated comment") }
- | _ { comment lexbuf }