path: root/backend/CMtypecheck.ml
diff options
authorBernhard Schommer <bernhardschommer@gmail.com>2017-02-14 16:12:55 +0100
committerBernhard Schommer <bernhardschommer@gmail.com>2017-02-14 16:12:55 +0100
commitd000fe3f6df676596b5371f9760cdf0b2922ea11 (patch)
treebb4327ee16f1c5c21ae6c2b4d6f47433a73ebfb5 /backend/CMtypecheck.ml
parent8f5f07a486abad68e68c8fabe22f808c9ab9f9cb (diff)
Removed CMinor import. Bug 20992
Diffstat (limited to 'backend/CMtypecheck.ml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 350 deletions
diff --git a/backend/CMtypecheck.ml b/backend/CMtypecheck.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index cd0d25dc..00000000
--- a/backend/CMtypecheck.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,350 +0,0 @@
-(* *********************************************************************)
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-(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
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-(* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
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-(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
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-(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *)
-(* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *)
-(* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
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-(* *********************************************************************)
-(* A type-checker for Cminor *)
-(* FIXME: proper support for type Tsingle *)
-open Printf
-open Camlcoq
-open AST
-open PrintAST
-open Cminor
-exception Error of string
-type ty = Base of typ | Var of ty option ref
-let newvar () = Var (ref None)
-let tint = Base Tint
-let tfloat = Base Tfloat
-let tlong = Base Tlong
-let tsingle = Base Tsingle
-let tany32 = Base Tany32
-let tany64 = Base Tany64
-let ty_of_typ = function
- | Tint -> tint
- | Tfloat -> tfloat
- | Tlong -> tlong
- | Tsingle -> tsingle
- | Tany32 -> tany32
- | Tany64 -> tany64
-let ty_of_sig_args tyl = List.map ty_of_typ tyl
-let rec repr t =
- match t with
- | Base _ -> t
- | Var r -> match !r with None -> t | Some t' -> repr t'
-let unify t1 t2 =
- match (repr t1, repr t2) with
- | Base b1, Base b2 ->
- if b1 <> b2 then
- raise (Error (sprintf "Expected type %s, actual type %s\n"
- (name_of_type b1) (name_of_type b2)))
- | Base b, Var r -> r := Some (Base b)
- | Var r, Base b -> r := Some (Base b)
- | Var r1, Var r2 -> if r1 != r2 then r1 := Some (Var r2)
-let unify_list l1 l2 =
- let ll1 = List.length l1 and ll2 = List.length l2 in
- if ll1 <> ll2 then
- raise (Error (sprintf "Arity mismatch: expected %d, actual %d\n" ll1 ll2));
- List.iter2 unify l1 l2
-let type_var env id =
- try
- List.assoc id env
- with Not_found ->
- raise (Error (sprintf "Unbound variable %s\n" (extern_atom id)))
-let type_constant = function
- | Ointconst _ -> tint
- | Ofloatconst _ -> tfloat
- | Osingleconst _ -> tsingle
- | Olongconst _ -> tlong
- | Oaddrsymbol _ -> tint
- | Oaddrstack _ -> tint
-let type_unary_operation = function
- | Ocast8signed -> tint, tint
- | Ocast16signed -> tint, tint
- | Ocast8unsigned -> tint, tint
- | Ocast16unsigned -> tint, tint
- | Onegint -> tint, tint
- | Onotint -> tint, tint
- | Onegf -> tfloat, tfloat
- | Oabsf -> tfloat, tfloat
- | Onegfs -> tsingle, tsingle
- | Oabsfs -> tsingle, tsingle
- | Osingleoffloat -> tfloat, tsingle
- | Ofloatofsingle -> tsingle, tfloat
- | Ointoffloat -> tfloat, tint
- | Ointuoffloat -> tfloat, tint
- | Ofloatofint -> tint, tfloat
- | Ofloatofintu -> tint, tfloat
- | Ointofsingle -> tsingle, tint
- | Ointuofsingle -> tsingle, tint
- | Osingleofint -> tint, tsingle
- | Osingleofintu -> tint, tsingle
- | Onegl -> tlong, tlong
- | Onotl -> tlong, tlong
- | Ointoflong -> tlong, tint
- | Olongofint -> tint, tlong
- | Olongofintu -> tint, tlong
- | Olongoffloat -> tfloat, tlong
- | Olonguoffloat -> tfloat, tlong
- | Ofloatoflong -> tlong, tfloat
- | Ofloatoflongu -> tlong, tfloat
- | Olongofsingle -> tsingle, tlong
- | Olonguofsingle -> tsingle, tlong
- | Osingleoflong -> tlong, tfloat
- | Osingleoflongu -> tlong, tfloat
-let type_binary_operation = function
- | Oadd -> tint, tint, tint
- | Osub -> tint, tint, tint
- | Omul -> tint, tint, tint
- | Odiv -> tint, tint, tint
- | Odivu -> tint, tint, tint
- | Omod -> tint, tint, tint
- | Omodu -> tint, tint, tint
- | Oand -> tint, tint, tint
- | Oor -> tint, tint, tint
- | Oxor -> tint, tint, tint
- | Oshl -> tint, tint, tint
- | Oshr -> tint, tint, tint
- | Oshru -> tint, tint, tint
- | Oaddf -> tfloat, tfloat, tfloat
- | Osubf -> tfloat, tfloat, tfloat
- | Omulf -> tfloat, tfloat, tfloat
- | Odivf -> tfloat, tfloat, tfloat
- | Oaddfs -> tsingle, tsingle, tsingle
- | Osubfs -> tsingle, tsingle, tsingle
- | Omulfs -> tsingle, tsingle, tsingle
- | Odivfs -> tsingle, tsingle, tsingle
- | Oaddl -> tlong, tlong, tlong
- | Osubl -> tlong, tlong, tlong
- | Omull -> tlong, tlong, tlong
- | Odivl -> tlong, tlong, tlong
- | Odivlu -> tlong, tlong, tlong
- | Omodl -> tlong, tlong, tlong
- | Omodlu -> tlong, tlong, tlong
- | Oandl -> tlong, tlong, tlong
- | Oorl -> tlong, tlong, tlong
- | Oxorl -> tlong, tlong, tlong
- | Oshll -> tlong, tint, tlong
- | Oshrl -> tlong, tint, tlong
- | Oshrlu -> tlong, tint, tlong
- | Ocmp _ -> tint, tint, tint
- | Ocmpu _ -> tint, tint, tint
- | Ocmpf _ -> tfloat, tfloat, tint
- | Ocmpfs _ -> tsingle, tsingle, tint
- | Ocmpl _ -> tlong, tlong, tint
- | Ocmplu _ -> tlong, tlong, tint
-let name_of_unary_operation = PrintCminor.name_of_unop
-let name_of_binary_operation = PrintCminor.name_of_binop
-let type_chunk = function
- | Mint8signed -> tint
- | Mint8unsigned -> tint
- | Mint16signed -> tint
- | Mint16unsigned -> tint
- | Mint32 -> tint
- | Mint64 -> tlong
- | Mfloat32 -> tsingle
- | Mfloat64 -> tfloat
- | Many32 -> tany32
- | Many64 -> tany64
-let name_of_chunk = PrintAST.name_of_chunk
-let rec type_expr env lenv e =
- match e with
- | Evar id ->
- type_var env id
- | Econst cst ->
- type_constant cst
- | Eunop(op, e1) ->
- let te1 = type_expr env lenv e1 in
- let (targ, tres) = type_unary_operation op in
- begin try
- unify targ te1
- with Error s ->
- raise (Error (sprintf "In application of operator %s:\n%s"
- (name_of_unary_operation op) s))
- end;
- tres
- | Ebinop(op, e1, e2) ->
- let te1 = type_expr env lenv e1 in
- let te2 = type_expr env lenv e2 in
- let (targ1, targ2, tres) = type_binary_operation op in
- begin try
- unify targ1 te1; unify targ2 te2
- with Error s ->
- raise (Error (sprintf "In application of operator %s:\n%s"
- (name_of_binary_operation op) s))
- end;
- tres
- | Eload(chunk, e) ->
- let te = type_expr env lenv e in
- begin try
- unify tint te
- with Error s ->
- raise (Error (sprintf "In load %s:\n%s"
- (name_of_chunk chunk) s))
- end;
- type_chunk chunk
-and type_exprlist env lenv el =
- match el with
- | [] -> []
- | e1 :: et ->
- let te1 = type_expr env lenv e1 in
- let tet = type_exprlist env lenv et in
- (te1 :: tet)
-and type_condexpr env lenv e =
- let te = type_expr env lenv e in
- begin try
- unify tint te
- with Error s ->
- raise (Error (sprintf "In condition:\n%s" s))
- end
-let rec type_stmt env blk ret s =
- match s with
- | Sskip -> ()
- | Sassign(id, e1) ->
- let tid = type_var env id in
- let te1 = type_expr env [] e1 in
- begin try
- unify tid te1
- with Error s ->
- raise (Error (sprintf "In assignment to %s:\n%s" (extern_atom id) s))
- end
- | Sstore(chunk, e1, e2) ->
- let te1 = type_expr env [] e1 in
- let te2 = type_expr env [] e2 in
- begin try
- unify tint te1;
- unify (type_chunk chunk) te2
- with Error s ->
- raise (Error (sprintf "In store %s:\n%s"
- (name_of_chunk chunk) s))
- end
- | Scall(optid, sg, e1, el) ->
- let te1 = type_expr env [] e1 in
- let tel = type_exprlist env [] el in
- begin try
- unify tint te1;
- unify_list (ty_of_sig_args sg.sig_args) tel;
- let ty_res =
- match sg.sig_res with
- | None -> tint (*???*)
- | Some t -> ty_of_typ t in
- begin match optid with
- | None -> ()
- | Some id -> unify (type_var env id) ty_res
- end
- with Error s ->
- raise (Error (sprintf "In call:\n%s" s))
- end
- | Sbuiltin(optid, ef, el) ->
- let sg = ef_sig ef in
- let tel = type_exprlist env [] el in
- begin try
- unify_list (ty_of_sig_args sg.sig_args) tel;
- let ty_res =
- match sg.sig_res with
- | None -> tint (*???*)
- | Some t -> ty_of_typ t in
- begin match optid with
- | None -> ()
- | Some id -> unify (type_var env id) ty_res
- end
- with Error s ->
- raise (Error (sprintf "In builtin call:\n%s" s))
- end
- | Sseq(s1, s2) ->
- type_stmt env blk ret s1;
- type_stmt env blk ret s2
- | Sifthenelse(ce, s1, s2) ->
- type_condexpr env [] ce;
- type_stmt env blk ret s1;
- type_stmt env blk ret s2
- | Sloop s1 ->
- type_stmt env blk ret s1
- | Sblock s1 ->
- type_stmt env (blk + 1) ret s1
- | Sexit n ->
- if Nat.to_int n >= blk then
- raise (Error (sprintf "Bad exit(%d)\n" (Nat.to_int n)))
- | Sswitch(islong, e, cases, deflt) ->
- unify (type_expr env [] e) (if islong then tlong else tint)
- | Sreturn None ->
- begin match ret with
- | None -> ()
- | Some tret -> raise (Error ("return without argument"))
- end
- | Sreturn (Some e) ->
- begin match ret with
- | None -> raise (Error "return with argument")
- | Some tret ->
- begin try
- unify (type_expr env [] e) (ty_of_typ tret)
- with Error s ->
- raise (Error (sprintf "In return:\n%s" s))
- end
- end
- | Stailcall(sg, e1, el) ->
- let te1 = type_expr env [] e1 in
- let tel = type_exprlist env [] el in
- begin try
- unify tint te1;
- unify_list (ty_of_sig_args sg.sig_args) tel
- with Error s ->
- raise (Error (sprintf "In tail call:\n%s" s))
- end
- | Slabel(lbl, s1) ->
- type_stmt env blk ret s1
- | Sgoto lbl ->
- ()
-let rec env_of_vars idl =
- match idl with
- | [] -> []
- | id1 :: idt -> (id1, newvar()) :: env_of_vars idt
-let type_function id f =
- try
- type_stmt
- (env_of_vars f.fn_vars @ env_of_vars f.fn_params)
- 0 f.fn_sig.sig_res f.fn_body
- with Error s ->
- raise (Error (sprintf "In function %s:\n%s" (extern_atom id) s))
-let type_globdef (id, gd) =
- match gd with
- | Gfun(Internal f) -> type_function id f
- | Gfun(External ef) -> ()
- | Gvar v -> ()
-let type_program p =
- List.iter type_globdef p.prog_defs; p