path: root/backend/CastOptim.v
diff options
authorxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2010-08-18 09:06:55 +0000
committerxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2010-08-18 09:06:55 +0000
commita15858a0a8fcea82db02fe8c9bd2ed912210419f (patch)
tree5c0c19439f0d0f9e8873ce0dad2034cb9cafc4ba /backend/CastOptim.v
parentadedca3a1ff17ff8ac66eb2bcd533a50df0927a0 (diff)
Merge of branches/full-expr-4:
- Csyntax, Csem: source C language has side-effects within expressions, performs implicit casts, and has nondeterministic reduction semantics for expressions - Cstrategy: deterministic red. sem. for the above - Clight: the previous source C language, with pure expressions. Added: temporary variables + implicit casts. - New pass SimplExpr to pull side-effects out of expressions (previously done in untrusted Caml code in cparser/) - Csharpminor: added temporary variables to match Clight. - Cminorgen: adapted, removed cast optimization (moved to back-end) - CastOptim: RTL-level optimization of casts - cparser: transformations Bitfields, StructByValue and StructAssign now work on non-simplified expressions - Added pretty-printers for several intermediate languages, and matching -dxxx command-line flags. git-svn-id: https://yquem.inria.fr/compcert/svn/compcert/trunk@1467 fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e
Diffstat (limited to 'backend/CastOptim.v')
1 files changed, 276 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/backend/CastOptim.v b/backend/CastOptim.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ae5ab0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/CastOptim.v
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* *)
+(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
+(* *)
+(* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
+(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
+(* *)
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(** Elimination of redundant conversions to small numerical types. *)
+Require Import Coqlib.
+Require Import Maps.
+Require Import AST.
+Require Import Integers.
+Require Import Floats.
+Require Import Values.
+Require Import Globalenvs.
+Require Import Op.
+Require Import Registers.
+Require Import RTL.
+Require Import Lattice.
+Require Import Kildall.
+(** * Static analysis *)
+(** Compile-time approximations *)
+Inductive approx : Type :=
+ | Unknown (**r any value *)
+ | Int7 (**r [[0,127]] *)
+ | Int8s (**r [[-128,127] *)
+ | Int8u (**r [[0,255]] *)
+ | Int15 (**r [[0,32767]] *)
+ | Int16s (**r [[-32768,32767]] *)
+ | Int16u (**r [[0,65535] *)
+ | Single (**r single-precision float *)
+ | Novalue. (**r empty *)
+(** We equip this type of approximations with a semi-lattice structure.
+ The ordering is inclusion between the sets of values denoted by
+ the approximations. *)
+ Definition t := approx.
+ Definition eq (x y: t) := (x = y).
+ Definition eq_refl: forall x, eq x x := (@refl_equal t).
+ Definition eq_sym: forall x y, eq x y -> eq y x := (@sym_equal t).
+ Definition eq_trans: forall x y z, eq x y -> eq y z -> eq x z := (@trans_equal t).
+ Lemma eq_dec: forall (x y: t), {x=y} + {x<>y}.
+ Proof.
+ decide equality.
+ Qed.
+ Definition beq (x y: t) := if eq_dec x y then true else false.
+ Lemma beq_correct: forall x y, beq x y = true -> x = y.
+ Proof.
+ unfold beq; intros. destruct (eq_dec x y). auto. congruence.
+ Qed.
+ Definition ge (x y: t) : Prop :=
+ match x, y with
+ | Unknown, _ => True
+ | _, Novalue => True
+ | Int7, Int7 => True
+ | Int8s, (Int7 | Int8s) => True
+ | Int8u, (Int7 | Int8u) => True
+ | Int15, (Int7 | Int8u | Int15) => True
+ | Int16s, (Int7 | Int8s | Int8u | Int15 | Int16s) => True
+ | Int16u, (Int7 | Int8u | Int15 | Int16u) => True
+ | Single, Single => True
+ | _, _ => False
+ end.
+ Lemma ge_refl: forall x y, eq x y -> ge x y.
+ Proof.
+ unfold eq, ge; intros. subst y. destruct x; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma ge_trans: forall x y z, ge x y -> ge y z -> ge x z.
+ Proof.
+ unfold ge; intros.
+ destruct x; auto; (destruct y; auto; try contradiction; destruct z; auto).
+ Qed.
+ Lemma ge_compat: forall x x' y y', eq x x' -> eq y y' -> ge x y -> ge x' y'.
+ Proof.
+ unfold eq; intros. congruence.
+ Qed.
+ Definition bge (x y: t) : bool :=
+ match x, y with
+ | Unknown, _ => true
+ | _, Novalue => true
+ | Int7, Int7 => true
+ | Int8s, (Int7 | Int8s) => true
+ | Int8u, (Int7 | Int8u) => true
+ | Int15, (Int7 | Int8u | Int15) => true
+ | Int16s, (Int7 | Int8s | Int8u | Int15 | Int16s) => true
+ | Int16u, (Int7 | Int8u | Int15 | Int16u) => true
+ | Single, Single => true
+ | _, _ => false
+ end.
+ Lemma bge_correct: forall x y, bge x y = true -> ge x y.
+ Proof.
+ destruct x; destruct y; simpl; auto || congruence.
+ Qed.
+ Definition bot := Novalue.
+ Definition top := Unknown.
+ Lemma ge_bot: forall x, ge x bot.
+ Proof.
+ unfold ge, bot. destruct x; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma ge_top: forall x, ge top x.
+ Proof.
+ unfold ge, top. auto.
+ Qed.
+ Definition lub (x y: t) : t :=
+ match x, y with
+ | Novalue, _ => y
+ | _, Novalue => x
+ | Int7, Int7 => Int7
+ | Int7, Int8u => Int8u
+ | Int7, Int8s => Int8s
+ | Int7, Int15 => Int15
+ | Int7, Int16u => Int16u
+ | Int7, Int16s => Int16s
+ | Int8u, (Int7|Int8u) => Int8u
+ | Int8u, Int15 => Int15
+ | Int8u, Int16u => Int16u
+ | Int8u, Int16s => Int16s
+ | Int8s, (Int7|Int8s) => Int8s
+ | Int8s, (Int15|Int16s) => Int16s
+ | Int15, (Int7|Int8u|Int15) => Int15
+ | Int15, Int16u => Int16u
+ | Int15, (Int8s|Int16s) => Int16s
+ | Int16u, (Int7|Int8u|Int15|Int16u) => Int16u
+ | Int16s, (Int7|Int8u|Int8s|Int15|Int16s) => Int16s
+ | Single, Single => Single
+ | _, _ => Unknown
+ end.
+ Lemma lub_commut: forall x y, eq (lub x y) (lub y x).
+ Proof.
+ unfold lub, eq; intros.
+ destruct x; destruct y; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma ge_lub_left: forall x y, ge (lub x y) x.
+ Proof.
+ unfold lub, ge; intros.
+ destruct x; destruct y; auto.
+ Qed.
+End Approx.
+Module D := LPMap Approx.
+(** Abstract interpretation of operators *)
+Definition approx_bitwise_op (v1 v2: approx) : approx :=
+ if Approx.bge Int8u v1 && Approx.bge Int8u v2 then Int8u
+ else if Approx.bge Int16u v1 && Approx.bge Int16u v2 then Int16u
+ else Unknown.
+Function approx_operation (op: operation) (vl: list approx) : approx :=
+ match op, vl with
+ | Omove, v1 :: nil => v1
+ | Ointconst n, _ =>
+ if Int.eq_dec n (Int.zero_ext 7 n) then Int7
+ else if Int.eq_dec n (Int.zero_ext 8 n) then Int8u
+ else if Int.eq_dec n (Int.sign_ext 8 n) then Int8s
+ else if Int.eq_dec n (Int.zero_ext 15 n) then Int15
+ else if Int.eq_dec n (Int.zero_ext 16 n) then Int16u
+ else if Int.eq_dec n (Int.sign_ext 16 n) then Int16s
+ else Unknown
+ | Ofloatconst n, _ =>
+ if Float.eq_dec n (Float.singleoffloat n) then Single else Unknown
+ | Ocast8signed, _ => Int8s
+ | Ocast8unsigned, _ => Int8u
+ | Ocast16signed, _ => Int16s
+ | Ocast16unsigned, _ => Int16u
+ | Osingleoffloat, _ => Single
+ | Oand, v1 :: v2 :: nil => approx_bitwise_op v1 v2
+ | Oor, v1 :: v2 :: nil => approx_bitwise_op v1 v2
+ | Oxor, v1 :: v2 :: nil => approx_bitwise_op v1 v2
+ (* Problem: what about and/or/xor immediate? and other
+ machine-specific operators? *)
+ | Ocmp c, _ => Int7
+ | _, _ => Unknown
+ end.
+Definition approx_of_chunk (chunk: memory_chunk) :=
+ match chunk with
+ | Mint8signed => Int8s
+ | Mint8unsigned => Int8u
+ | Mint16signed => Int16s
+ | Mint16unsigned => Int16u
+ | Mint32 => Unknown
+ | Mfloat32 => Single
+ | Mfloat64 => Unknown
+ end.
+(** Transfer function for the analysis *)
+Definition approx_reg (app: D.t) (r: reg) :=
+ D.get r app.
+Definition approx_regs (app: D.t) (rl: list reg):=
+ List.map (approx_reg app) rl.
+Definition transfer (f: function) (pc: node) (before: D.t) :=
+ match f.(fn_code)!pc with
+ | None => before
+ | Some i =>
+ match i with
+ | Iop op args res s =>
+ let a := approx_operation op (approx_regs before args) in
+ D.set res a before
+ | Iload chunk addr args dst s =>
+ D.set dst (approx_of_chunk chunk) before
+ | Icall sig ros args res s =>
+ D.set res Unknown before
+ | Ibuiltin ef args res s =>
+ D.set res Unknown before
+ | _ =>
+ before
+ end
+ end.
+(** The static analysis is a forward dataflow analysis. *)
+Module DS := Dataflow_Solver(D)(NodeSetForward).
+Definition analyze (f: RTL.function): PMap.t D.t :=
+ match DS.fixpoint (successors f) (transfer f)
+ ((f.(fn_entrypoint), D.top) :: nil) with
+ | None => PMap.init D.top
+ | Some res => res
+ end.
+(** * Code transformation *)
+(** Cast operations that have no effect (because the argument is already
+ in the right range) are turned into moves. *)
+Function transf_operation (op: operation) (vl: list approx) : operation :=
+ match op, vl with
+ | Ocast8signed, v :: nil => if Approx.bge Int8s v then Omove else op
+ | Ocast8unsigned, v :: nil => if Approx.bge Int8u v then Omove else op
+ | Ocast16signed, v :: nil => if Approx.bge Int16s v then Omove else op
+ | Ocast16unsigned, v :: nil => if Approx.bge Int16u v then Omove else op
+ | Osingleoffloat, v :: nil => if Approx.bge Single v then Omove else op
+ | _, _ => op
+ end.
+Definition transf_instr (app: D.t) (instr: instruction) :=
+ match instr with
+ | Iop op args res s =>
+ let op' := transf_operation op (approx_regs app args) in
+ Iop op' args res s
+ | _ =>
+ instr
+ end.
+Definition transf_code (approxs: PMap.t D.t) (instrs: code) : code :=
+ PTree.map (fun pc instr => transf_instr approxs!!pc instr) instrs.
+Definition transf_function (f: function) : function :=
+ let approxs := analyze f in
+ mkfunction
+ f.(fn_sig)
+ f.(fn_params)
+ f.(fn_stacksize)
+ (transf_code approxs f.(fn_code))
+ f.(fn_entrypoint).
+Definition transf_fundef (fd: fundef) : fundef :=
+ AST.transf_fundef transf_function fd.
+Definition transf_program (p: program) : program :=
+ transform_program transf_fundef p.