path: root/backend/Coloring.v
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authorxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2006-02-09 14:55:48 +0000
committerxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2006-02-09 14:55:48 +0000
commit2ae43be7b9d4118335c9d2cef6e098f9b9f807fe (patch)
treebbb5e49ccbf7e3614966571acc317f8d318fecad /backend/Coloring.v
Initial import of compcert
git-svn-id: https://yquem.inria.fr/compcert/svn/compcert/trunk@1 fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e
Diffstat (limited to 'backend/Coloring.v')
1 files changed, 267 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/backend/Coloring.v b/backend/Coloring.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1a34a124
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/Coloring.v
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+(** Construction and coloring of the interference graph. *)
+Require Import Coqlib.
+Require Import Maps.
+Require Import AST.
+Require Import Op.
+Require Import Registers.
+Require Import RTL.
+Require Import RTLtyping.
+Require Import Locations.
+Require Import Conventions.
+Require Import InterfGraph.
+(** * Construction of the interference graph *)
+(** Two registers interfere if there exists a program point where
+ they are both simultaneously live, and it is possible that they
+ contain different values at this program point. Consequently,
+ two registers that do not interfere can be merged into one register
+ while preserving the program behavior: there is no program point
+ where this merged register would have to hold two different values
+ (for the two original registers), so to speak.
+ The simplified algorithm for constructing the interference graph
+ from the results of the liveness analysis is as follows:
+ start with empty interference graph
+ for each parameter p and register r live at the function entry point:
+ add conflict edge p <-> r
+ for each instruction I in function:
+ let L be the live registers "after" I
+ if I is a "move" instruction dst <- src, and dst is live:
+ add conflict edges dst <-> r for each r in L \ {dst, src}
+ else if I is an instruction with result dst, and dst is live:
+ add conflict edges dst <-> r for each r in L \ {dst};
+ if I is a "call" instruction dst <- f(args),
+ add conflict edges between all pseudo-registers in L \ {dst}
+ and all caller-save machine registers
+ done
+ Notice that edges are added only when a register becomes live.
+ A register becomes live either if it is the result of an operation
+ (and is live afterwards), or if we are at the function entrance
+ and the register is a function parameter. For two registers to
+ be simultaneously live at some program point, it must be the case
+ that one becomes live at a point where the other is already live.
+ Hence, it suffices to add interference edges between registers
+ that become live at some instruction and registers that are already
+ live at this instruction.
+ Notice also the special treatment of ``move'' instructions:
+ since the destination register of the ``move'' is assigned the same value
+ as the source register, it is semantically correct to assign
+ the destination and the source registers to the same register,
+ even if the source register remains live afterwards.
+ (This is even desirable, since the ``move'' instruction can then
+ be eliminated.) Thus, no interference is added between the
+ source and the destination of a ``move'' instruction.
+ Finally, for ``call'' instructions, we must make sure that
+ pseudo-registers live across the instruction are allocated to
+ callee-save machine register or to stack slots, but never to
+ caller-save machine registers (these lose their values across
+ the call). We therefore add the corresponding conflict edges
+ between pseudo-registers live across and caller-save machine
+ registers (pairwise).
+ The full algorithm is similar to the simplified algorithm above,
+ but records preference edges in addition to conflict edges.
+ Preference edges guide the graph coloring algorithm by telling it
+ that better code will be obtained eventually if it is possible
+ to allocate certain pseudo-registers to the same location or to
+ a given machine register. Preference edges are added:
+- between the destination and source pseudo-registers of a ``move''
+ instruction;
+- between the arguments of a ``call'' instruction and the locations
+ of the arguments as dictated by the calling conventions;
+- between the result of a ``call'' instruction and the location
+ of the result as dictated by the calling conventions.
+Definition add_interf_live
+ (filter: reg -> bool) (res: reg) (live: Regset.t) (g: graph): graph :=
+ Regset.fold
+ (fun g r => if filter r then add_interf r res g else g) live g.
+Definition add_interf_op
+ (res: reg) (live: Regset.t) (g: graph): graph :=
+ add_interf_live
+ (fun r => if Reg.eq r res then false else true)
+ res live g.
+Definition add_interf_move
+ (arg res: reg) (live: Regset.t) (g: graph): graph :=
+ add_interf_live
+ (fun r =>
+ if Reg.eq r res then false else
+ if Reg.eq r arg then false else true)
+ res live g.
+Definition add_interf_call
+ (live: Regset.t) (destroyed: list mreg) (g: graph): graph :=
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun g mr => Regset.fold (fun g r => add_interf_mreg r mr g) live g)
+ destroyed g.
+Fixpoint add_prefs_call
+ (args: list reg) (locs: list loc) (g: graph) {struct args} : graph :=
+ match args, locs with
+ | a1 :: al, l1 :: ll =>
+ add_prefs_call al ll
+ (match l1 with R mr => add_pref_mreg a1 mr g | _ => g end)
+ | _, _ => g
+ end.
+Definition add_interf_entry
+ (params: list reg) (live: Regset.t) (g: graph): graph :=
+ List.fold_left (fun g r => add_interf_op r live g) params g.
+Fixpoint add_interf_params
+ (params: list reg) (g: graph) {struct params}: graph :=
+ match params with
+ | nil => g
+ | p1 :: pl =>
+ add_interf_params pl
+ (List.fold_left
+ (fun g r => if Reg.eq r p1 then g else add_interf r p1 g)
+ pl g)
+ end.
+Definition add_edges_instr
+ (sig: signature) (i: instruction) (live: Regset.t) (g: graph) : graph :=
+ match i with
+ | Iop op args res s =>
+ if Regset.mem res live then
+ match is_move_operation op args with
+ | Some arg =>
+ add_pref arg res (add_interf_move arg res live g)
+ | None =>
+ add_interf_op res live g
+ end
+ else g
+ | Iload chunk addr args dst s =>
+ if Regset.mem dst live
+ then add_interf_op dst live g
+ else g
+ | Icall sig ros args res s =>
+ add_prefs_call args (loc_arguments sig)
+ (add_pref_mreg res (loc_result sig)
+ (add_interf_op res live
+ (add_interf_call
+ (Regset.remove res live) destroyed_at_call_regs g)))
+ | Ireturn (Some r) =>
+ add_pref_mreg r (loc_result sig) g
+ | _ => g
+ end.
+Definition add_edges_instrs (f: function) (live: PMap.t Regset.t) : graph :=
+ PTree.fold
+ (fun g pc i => add_edges_instr f.(fn_sig) i live!!pc g)
+ f.(fn_code)
+ empty_graph.
+Definition interf_graph (f: function) (live: PMap.t Regset.t) (live0: Regset.t) :=
+ add_prefs_call f.(fn_params) (loc_parameters f.(fn_sig))
+ (add_interf_params f.(fn_params)
+ (add_interf_entry f.(fn_params) live0
+ (add_edges_instrs f live))).
+(** * Graph coloring *)
+(** The actual coloring of the graph is performed by a function written
+ directly in Caml, and not proved correct in any way. This function
+ takes as argument the [RTL] function, the interference graph for
+ this function, an assignment of types to [RTL] pseudo-registers,
+ and the set of all [RTL] pseudo-registers mentioned in the
+ interference graph. It returns the coloring as a function from
+ pseudo-registers to locations. *)
+Parameter graph_coloring:
+ function -> graph -> regenv -> Regset.t -> (reg -> loc).
+(** To ensure that the result of [graph_coloring] is a correct coloring,
+ we check a posteriori its result using the following Coq functions.
+ Let [coloring] be the function [reg -> loc] returned by [graph_coloring].
+ The three properties checked are:
+- [coloring r1 <> coloring r2] if there is a conflict edge between
+ [r1] and [r2] in the interference graph.
+- [coloring r1 <> R m2] if there is a conflict edge between pseudo-register
+ [r1] and machine register [m2] in the interference graph.
+- For all [r] mentioned in the interference graph,
+ the location [coloring r] is acceptable and has the same type as [r].
+Definition check_coloring_1 (g: graph) (coloring: reg -> loc) :=
+ SetRegReg.for_all
+ (fun r1r2 =>
+ if Loc.eq (coloring (fst r1r2)) (coloring (snd r1r2)) then false else true)
+ g.(interf_reg_reg).
+Definition check_coloring_2 (g: graph) (coloring: reg -> loc) :=
+ SetRegMreg.for_all
+ (fun r1mr2 =>
+ if Loc.eq (coloring (fst r1mr2)) (R (snd r1mr2)) then false else true)
+ g.(interf_reg_mreg).
+Definition same_typ (t1 t2: typ) :=
+ match t1, t2 with
+ | Tint, Tint => true
+ | Tfloat, Tfloat => true
+ | _, _ => false
+ end.
+Definition loc_is_acceptable (l: loc) :=
+ match l with
+ | R r =>
+ if In_dec Loc.eq l temporaries then false else true
+ | S (Local ofs ty) =>
+ if zlt ofs 0 then false else true
+ | _ =>
+ false
+ end.
+Definition check_coloring_3 (rs: Regset.t) (env: regenv) (coloring: reg -> loc) :=
+ Regset.for_all
+ (fun r =>
+ let l := coloring r in
+ andb (loc_is_acceptable l) (same_typ (env r) (Loc.type l)))
+ rs.
+Definition check_coloring
+ (g: graph) (env: regenv) (rs: Regset.t) (coloring: reg -> loc) :=
+ andb (check_coloring_1 g coloring)
+ (andb (check_coloring_2 g coloring)
+ (check_coloring_3 rs env coloring)).
+(** To preserve decidability of checking, the checks
+ (especially the third one) are performed for the pseudo-registers
+ mentioned in the interference graph. To facilitate the proofs,
+ it is convenient to ensure that the properties hold for all
+ pseudo-registers. To this end, we ``clip'' the candidate coloring
+ returned by [graph_coloring]: the final coloring behave identically
+ over pseudo-registers mentioned in the interference graph,
+ but returns a dummy machine register of the correct type otherwise. *)
+Definition alloc_of_coloring (coloring: reg -> loc) (env: regenv) (rs: Regset.t) :=
+ fun r =>
+ if Regset.mem r rs
+ then coloring r
+ else match env r with Tint => R R3 | Tfloat => R F1 end.
+(** * Coloring of the interference graph *)
+(** The following function combines the phases described above:
+ construction of the interference graph, coloring by untrusted
+ Caml code, checking of the candidate coloring returned,
+ and adjustment of this coloring. If the coloring candidate is
+ incorrect, [None] is returned, causing register allocation to fail. *)
+Definition regalloc
+ (f: function) (live: PMap.t Regset.t) (live0: Regset.t) (env: regenv) :=
+ let g := interf_graph f live live0 in
+ let rs := all_interf_regs g in
+ let coloring := graph_coloring f g env rs in
+ if check_coloring g env rs coloring
+ then Some (alloc_of_coloring coloring env rs)
+ else None.