path: root/backend/Conservative_criteria.v
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authorblazy <blazy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2010-01-08 07:53:02 +0000
committerblazy <blazy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2010-01-08 07:53:02 +0000
commita8c744000247af207b489d3cdd4e3d3cf60f72e1 (patch)
tree96c7ee4e244fccdb840233007604ba52d97c09e0 /backend/Conservative_criteria.v
parent283afabc594b385e4f17fa59647aa8cddee27f85 (diff)
ajout branche allocation de registres
git-svn-id: https://yquem.inria.fr/compcert/svn/compcert/trunk@1220 fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e
Diffstat (limited to 'backend/Conservative_criteria.v')
1 files changed, 339 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/backend/Conservative_criteria.v b/backend/Conservative_criteria.v
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..946a047b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/Conservative_criteria.v
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+Require Import FSets.
+Require Import InterfGraphMapImp.
+Require Import Affinity_relation.
+Require Import ZArith.
+Require Import Edges.
+Require Import MyRegisters.
+Import Edge RegFacts Props.
+(* Definition of the Briggs criterion *)
+Definition nb_of_significant_degree g K s :=
+VertexSet.fold (fun x n => if (le_lt_dec K (interf_degree g x)) then S n else n)
+ s 0.
+(* Definition of the conservative criteria : an affinity edge e is coalescible if
+ 1) one of its endpoints is not precolored
+ 2) the endpoints have less than K interference neighbors of high-degree *)
+Definition conservative_coalescing_criteria e g K :=
+if (is_precolored (fst_ext e) g && is_precolored (snd_ext e) g) then false else
+if le_lt_dec
+(nb_of_significant_degree g K
+ (VertexSet.union (interference_adj (fst_ext e) g)
+ (interference_adj (snd_ext e) g)))
+then false else true.
+(* Specification of the coalescing criterion *)
+Lemma conservative_coalescing_criteria_1 : forall e g K,
+~VertexSet.In (fst_ext e) (precolored g) \/
+~VertexSet.In (snd_ext e) (precolored g) ->
+In_graph_edge e g ->
+nb_of_significant_degree g K
+ (VertexSet.union (interference_adj (fst_ext e) g) (interference_adj (snd_ext e) g))
+ < K ->
+conservative_coalescing_criteria e g K = true.
+intros e g K H HHHH H0.
+assert (In_graph (fst_ext e) g /\ In_graph (snd_ext e) g).
+apply In_graph_edge_in_ext. assumption. destruct H1 as [HH HHH].
+unfold conservative_coalescing_criteria.
+case_eq (is_precolored (fst_ext e) g && is_precolored (snd_ext e) g); intros.
+destruct H.
+case_eq (is_precolored (fst_ext e) g); intros.
+elim H. apply (precolored_equiv _ _). split; assumption.
+rewrite H2 in H1. inversion H1.
+case_eq (is_precolored (snd_ext e) g); intros.
+destruct H. apply (precolored_equiv _ _). split; assumption.
+rewrite H2 in H1. destruct (is_precolored (fst_ext e)); auto.
+destruct (le_lt_dec K (nb_of_significant_degree g K
+ (VertexSet.union (interference_adj (fst_ext e) g)
+ (interference_adj (snd_ext e) g)))).
+Lemma conservative_coalescing_criteria_2 : forall e g palette,
+conservative_coalescing_criteria e g palette = true ->
+~VertexSet.In (fst_ext e) (precolored g) \/
+~VertexSet.In (snd_ext e) (precolored g).
+unfold conservative_coalescing_criteria in H.
+case_eq (is_precolored (fst_ext e) g && is_precolored (snd_ext e) g); intros.
+rewrite H0 in H.
+inversion H.
+rewrite H0 in H.
+case_eq (is_precolored (fst_ext e) g);intros.
+case_eq (is_precolored (snd_ext e) g); intros.
+rewrite H1 in H0. rewrite H2 in H0. inversion H0.
+intro H3. generalize (proj1 (precolored_equiv _ _) H3). intro.
+rewrite H2 in H4. destruct H4. inversion H4.
+intro H4. generalize (proj1 (precolored_equiv _ _) H4). intro.
+rewrite H1 in H2. destruct H2. inversion H2.
+Lemma conservative_coalescing_criteria_3 : forall e g K,
+conservative_coalescing_criteria e g K = true ->
+nb_of_significant_degree g K
+ (VertexSet.union (interference_adj (fst_ext e) g) (interference_adj (snd_ext e) g))
+ < K.
+unfold conservative_coalescing_criteria in H.
+case_eq (is_precolored (fst_ext e) g && is_precolored (snd_ext e) g); intros.
+rewrite H0 in H. inversion H.
+rewrite H0 in H.
+destruct (le_lt_dec
+ K
+ (nb_of_significant_degree g K
+ (VertexSet.union (interference_adj (fst_ext e) g)
+ (interference_adj (snd_ext e) g)))).
+inversion H.
+Definition is_none (o : option Edge.t) :=
+match o with
+|None => true
+|Some _ => false
+(* Function picking an edge satisfying a function f in a set s*)
+Definition get_element_such_f (f : Edge.t -> bool) s :=
+EdgeSet.fold (fun e o => if (is_none o) then if (f e) then Some e else None else o) s None.
+(* Specification of the get_element_such function *)
+Lemma element_some : forall l (f : Edge.t -> bool) a,
+ (fun (a : option Edge.t) (e : EdgeSet.elt) =>
+ if is_none a then if f e then Some e else None else a) l (Some a) = Some a.
+induction l; simpl; intros.
+apply IHl.
+Lemma get_element_correct : forall f s (x : Edge.t),
+get_element_such_f f s = Some x -> f x = true.
+unfold get_element_such_f. intros f s x H.
+unfold get_element_such_f in H.
+rewrite EdgeSet.fold_1 in H.
+induction (EdgeSet.elements s); simpl in H.
+simpl in H. inversion H.
+case_eq (f a); intro H0; rewrite H0 in H.
+rewrite element_some in H. inversion H. subst. assumption.
+apply IHl. assumption.
+Lemma get_element_in : forall f s x,
+get_element_such_f f s = Some x -> EdgeSet.In x s.
+intros f s x H.
+unfold get_element_such_f in H.
+rewrite EdgeSet.fold_1 in H.
+generalize (EdgeSet.elements_2);intro H0.
+generalize (H0 s);clear H0;intro H0.
+induction (EdgeSet.elements s);simpl in *.
+inversion H.
+case_eq (f a); intro H1; rewrite H1 in H.
+rewrite element_some in H. inversion H. subst.
+apply H0. intuition.
+apply IHl; intuition.
+Lemma compat_is_precolored : forall x y g,
+Register.eq x y ->
+is_precolored x g = is_precolored y g.
+exact is_precolored_ext.
+(* Definition of the any_coalescible_edge function which picks an affinity
+ edge satisfying the coalescing criterion for K in g in the set moves *)
+Definition any_coalescible_edge moves g K :=
+match (get_element_such_f (fun e => conservative_coalescing_criteria e g K) moves) with
+|None => None
+|Some e => if (is_precolored (fst_ext e) g) then Some e else Some (snd_ext e, fst_ext e, get_weight e)
+Lemma adj_of_significant_degree_compat_set : forall g s s' K,
+VertexSet.Equal s s' ->
+nb_of_significant_degree g K s =
+nb_of_significant_degree g K s'.
+intros g s s' K H.
+unfold nb_of_significant_degree.
+cut (eqlistA Register.eq (VertexSet.elements s) (VertexSet.elements s')). intro H0.
+do 2 rewrite VertexSet.fold_1.
+generalize H0. generalize (VertexSet.elements s').
+clear H0. generalize 0.
+induction (VertexSet.elements s). simpl.
+intros n l H0.
+destruct l.
+simpl. reflexivity.
+inversion H0.
+simpl. intro n.
+destruct l0. simpl. intro H0. inversion H0.
+intro H0. simpl.
+inversion H0. subst.
+case_eq (le_lt_dec K (interf_degree g a)); intros H1 _;
+case_eq (le_lt_dec K (interf_degree g e)); intros H2 _.
+apply IHl. assumption.
+unfold interf_degree in H1. rewrite (compat_interference_adj _ _ _ H4) in H1.
+apply False_ind. intuition.
+unfold interf_degree in H2. apply False_ind. intuition.
+unfold interf_degree in H1. rewrite (compat_interference_adj _ _ _ H4) in H1.
+unfold interf_degree in H2. apply False_ind. intuition.
+apply IHl. assumption.
+apply SortA_equivlistA_eqlistA with (ltA := Register.lt).
+apply Register.eq_refl.
+apply Register.eq_sym.
+apply Register.eq_trans.
+apply Register.lt_trans.
+apply Register.lt_not_eq.
+apply OTFacts.lt_eq.
+apply OTFacts.eq_lt.
+apply VertexSet.elements_3.
+apply VertexSet.elements_3.
+apply equal_equivlist. assumption.
+Lemma compat_criteria_aux : forall e e' g K,
+eq e e' ->
+In_graph_edge e g ->
+conservative_coalescing_criteria e g K = true ->
+conservative_coalescing_criteria e' g K = true.
+intros e e' g K H HH H0.
+apply conservative_coalescing_criteria_1.
+generalize (conservative_coalescing_criteria_2 _ _ _ H0). intro H1.
+destruct H1.
+destruct (eq_charac _ _ H); change_rewrite; destruct H2.
+left. rewrite <-H2. assumption.
+right. rewrite <-H2. assumption.
+destruct (eq_charac _ _ H); change_rewrite; destruct H2.
+right. rewrite <-H3. assumption.
+left. rewrite <-H3. assumption.
+rewrite <-H. assumption.
+generalize (conservative_coalescing_criteria_3 _ _ _ H0). intro H1.
+destruct (eq_charac _ _ H); change_rewrite; destruct H2 as [H2 H3];
+rewrite <-(compat_interference_adj _ _ _ H2) in *;
+rewrite <-(compat_interference_adj _ _ _ H3) in *.
+rewrite adj_of_significant_degree_compat_set with
+(s':= VertexSet.union (interference_adj (fst_ext e) g) (interference_adj (snd_ext e) g)).
+apply union_sym.
+Lemma compat_criteria : forall e e' g K,
+eq e e' ->
+In_graph_edge e g ->
+conservative_coalescing_criteria e g K =
+conservative_coalescing_criteria e' g K.
+intros e e' g palette HH H.
+case_eq (conservative_coalescing_criteria e g palette); intros.
+symmetry. apply compat_criteria_aux with (e:=e). assumption. assumption. assumption.
+case_eq (conservative_coalescing_criteria e' g palette); intros.
+assert (conservative_coalescing_criteria e g palette = true).
+apply compat_criteria_aux with (e:=e'). apply eq_sym. assumption.
+rewrite <-HH. assumption. assumption.
+rewrite H0 in H2. inversion H2.
+(* Specification of any_coalescible_edge *)
+Lemma any_coalescible_edge_1 : forall e g K s,
+(forall e', EdgeSet.In e' s -> In_graph_edge e' g) ->
+any_coalescible_edge s g K = Some e ->
+conservative_coalescing_criteria e g K = true /\ EdgeSet.In e s.
+intros e g K s HH H.
+unfold any_coalescible_edge in H.
+case_eq (get_element_such_f (fun e : t => conservative_coalescing_criteria e g K) s).
+intros t0 H0.
+rewrite H0 in H.
+destruct (is_precolored (fst_ext t0) g);inversion H;subst.
+apply (get_element_correct _ _ _ H0).
+apply (get_element_in _ _ _ H0).
+assert (eq t0 (snd_ext t0, fst_ext t0, get_weight t0)) by (Eq_comm_eq; apply Regs.eq_refl).
+rewrite (compat_criteria _ _ _ _ (eq_sym H1)).
+apply (get_element_correct _ _ _ H0).
+apply HH. rewrite <-H1. apply (get_element_in _ _ _ H0).
+rewrite <-H1. apply (get_element_in _ _ _ H0).
+intro H0. rewrite H0 in H. inversion H.
+Lemma any_coalescible_edge_11 : forall e g palette s,
+any_coalescible_edge s g palette = Some e ->
+EdgeSet.In e s.
+unfold any_coalescible_edge in H.
+case_eq (get_element_such_f
+ (fun e : t => conservative_coalescing_criteria e g palette) s); intros.
+rewrite H0 in H.
+case_eq (is_precolored (fst_ext t0) g); intros.
+rewrite H1 in H.
+inversion H. subst.
+apply (get_element_in _ _ _ H0).
+rewrite H1 in H.
+inversion H. subst.
+rewrite edge_comm. change Regs.registers with Regs.t. rewrite <-(edge_eq t0).
+ apply (get_element_in _ _ _ H0).
+rewrite H0 in H.
+inversion H.
+Lemma any_coalescible_edge_2 : forall e g palette s,
+(forall e', EdgeSet.In e' s -> In_graph_edge e' g) ->
+any_coalescible_edge s g palette = Some e ->
+~VertexSet.In (snd_ext e) (precolored g).
+intros e g palette s H H0.
+intro H1.
+generalize (any_coalescible_edge_1 _ _ _ _ H H0). intro HH.
+unfold any_coalescible_edge in H0.
+case_eq (get_element_such_f (fun e : t =>conservative_coalescing_criteria e g palette) s).
+intros t0 H2.
+rewrite H2 in H0.
+case_eq (is_precolored (fst_ext t0) g);intro H3.
+rewrite H3 in H0.
+generalize (proj1 (precolored_equiv _ _ ) H1);clear H1;intro H1.
+inversion H0;subst. destruct HH as [HH H5].
+generalize (conservative_coalescing_criteria_2 _ _ _ HH). intro H4.
+destruct H4; elim H4; apply (proj2 (precolored_equiv _ _)).
+split. assumption. apply (proj1 (In_graph_edge_in_ext _ _ (H e (get_element_in _ _ _ H2)))).
+destruct H1. split; assumption.
+rewrite H3 in H0.
+inversion H0;subst.
+clear H0.
+change (snd_ext (snd_ext t0,fst_ext t0,get_weight t0)) with (fst_ext t0) in H1.
+generalize (proj1 (precolored_equiv _ _) H1);clear H1;intro H1.
+rewrite H3 in H1;inversion H1. inversion H0.
+intro H2;rewrite H2 in H0.
+inversion H0.