path: root/backend/RTLtyping.v
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authorxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2006-02-09 14:55:48 +0000
committerxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2006-02-09 14:55:48 +0000
commit2ae43be7b9d4118335c9d2cef6e098f9b9f807fe (patch)
treebbb5e49ccbf7e3614966571acc317f8d318fecad /backend/RTLtyping.v
Initial import of compcert
git-svn-id: https://yquem.inria.fr/compcert/svn/compcert/trunk@1 fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e
Diffstat (limited to 'backend/RTLtyping.v')
1 files changed, 1277 insertions, 0 deletions
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index 00000000..d15dbb88
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+++ b/backend/RTLtyping.v
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+(** Typing rules and a type inference algorithm for RTL. *)
+Require Import Coqlib.
+Require Import Maps.
+Require Import AST.
+Require Import Op.
+Require Import Registers.
+Require Import RTL.
+Require Import union_find.
+(** * The type system *)
+(** Like Cminor and all intermediate languages, RTL can be equipped with
+ a simple type system that statically guarantees that operations
+ and addressing modes are applied to the right number of arguments
+ and that the arguments are of the correct types. The type algebra
+ is trivial, consisting of the two types [Tint] (for integers and pointers)
+ and [Tfloat] (for floats).
+ Additionally, we impose that each pseudo-register has the same type
+ throughout the function. This requirement helps with register allocation,
+ enabling each pseudo-register to be mapped to a single hardware register
+ or stack location of the correct type.
+ The typing judgement for instructions is of the form [wt_instr f env instr],
+ where [f] is the current function (used to type-check [Ireturn]
+ instructions) and [env] is a typing environment associating types to
+ pseudo-registers. Since pseudo-registers have unique types throughout
+ the function, the typing environment does not change during type-checking
+ of individual instructions. One point to note is that we have two
+ polymorphic operators, [Omove] and [Oundef], which can work both
+ over integers and floats.
+Definition regenv := reg -> typ.
+Section WT_INSTR.
+Variable env: regenv.
+Variable funct: function.
+Inductive wt_instr : instruction -> Prop :=
+ | wt_Inop:
+ forall s,
+ wt_instr (Inop s)
+ | wt_Iopmove:
+ forall r1 r s,
+ env r1 = env r ->
+ wt_instr (Iop Omove (r1 :: nil) r s)
+ | wt_Iopundef:
+ forall r s,
+ wt_instr (Iop Oundef nil r s)
+ | wt_Iop:
+ forall op args res s,
+ op <> Omove -> op <> Oundef ->
+ (List.map env args, env res) = type_of_operation op ->
+ wt_instr (Iop op args res s)
+ | wt_Iload:
+ forall chunk addr args dst s,
+ List.map env args = type_of_addressing addr ->
+ env dst = type_of_chunk chunk ->
+ wt_instr (Iload chunk addr args dst s)
+ | wt_Istore:
+ forall chunk addr args src s,
+ List.map env args = type_of_addressing addr ->
+ env src = type_of_chunk chunk ->
+ wt_instr (Istore chunk addr args src s)
+ | wt_Icall:
+ forall sig ros args res s,
+ match ros with inl r => env r = Tint | inr s => True end ->
+ List.map env args = sig.(sig_args) ->
+ env res = match sig.(sig_res) with None => Tint | Some ty => ty end ->
+ wt_instr (Icall sig ros args res s)
+ | wt_Icond:
+ forall cond args s1 s2,
+ List.map env args = type_of_condition cond ->
+ wt_instr (Icond cond args s1 s2)
+ | wt_Ireturn:
+ forall optres,
+ option_map env optres = funct.(fn_sig).(sig_res) ->
+ wt_instr (Ireturn optres).
+(** A function [f] is well-typed w.r.t. a typing environment [env],
+ written [wt_function env f], if all instructions are well-typed,
+ parameters agree in types with the function signature, and
+ names of parameters are pairwise distinct. *)
+Record wt_function (env: regenv) (f: function) : Prop :=
+ mk_wt_function {
+ wt_params:
+ List.map env f.(fn_params) = f.(fn_sig).(sig_args);
+ wt_norepet:
+ list_norepet f.(fn_params);
+ wt_instrs:
+ forall pc instr, f.(fn_code)!pc = Some instr -> wt_instr env f instr
+ }.
+(** * Type inference *)
+(** There are several ways to ensure that RTL code is well-typed and
+ to obtain the typing environment (type assignment for pseudo-registers)
+ needed for register allocation. One is to start with well-typed Cminor
+ code and show type preservation for RTL generation and RTL optimizations.
+ Another is to start with untyped RTL and run a type inference algorithm
+ that reconstructs the typing environment, determining the type of
+ each pseudo-register from its uses in the code. We follow the second
+ approach.
+ The algorithm and its correctness proof in this section were
+ contributed by Damien Doligez. *)
+(** ** Type inference algorithm *)
+Set Implicit Arguments.
+(** Type inference for RTL is similar to that for simply-typed
+ lambda-calculus: we use type variables to represent the types
+ of registers that have not yet been determined to be [Tint] or [Tfloat]
+ based on their uses. We need exactly one type variable per pseudo-register,
+ therefore type variables can be conveniently equated with registers.
+ The type of a register during inference is therefore either
+ [tTy t] (with [t = Tint] or [t = Tfloat]) for a known type,
+ or [tReg r] to mean ``the same type as that of register [r]''. *)
+Inductive myT : Set :=
+ | tTy : typ -> myT
+ | tReg : reg -> myT.
+(** The algorithm proceeds by unification of the currently inferred
+ type for a pseudo-register with the type dictated by its uses.
+ Unification builds on a ``union-find'' data structure representing
+ equivalence classes of types (see module [Union_find]).
+Module myreg.
+ Definition T := myT.
+ Definition eq : forall (x y : T), {x=y}+{x<>y}.
+ Proof.
+ destruct x; destruct y; auto;
+ try (apply right; discriminate); try (apply left; discriminate).
+ destruct t; destruct t0;
+ try (apply right; congruence); try (apply left; congruence).
+ elim (peq r r0); intros.
+ rewrite a; apply left; apply refl_equal.
+ apply right; congruence.
+ Defined.
+End myreg.
+Module mymap.
+ Definition elt := myreg.T.
+ Definition encode (t : myreg.T) : positive :=
+ match t with
+ | tTy Tint => xH
+ | tTy Tfloat => xI xH
+ | tReg r => xO r
+ end.
+ Definition decode (p : positive) : elt :=
+ match p with
+ | xH => tTy Tint
+ | xI _ => tTy Tfloat
+ | xO r => tReg r
+ end.
+ Lemma encode_decode : forall x : myreg.T, decode (encode x) = x.
+ Proof.
+ destruct x; try destruct t; simpl; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma encode_injective :
+ forall (x y : myreg.T), encode x = encode y -> x = y.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ unfold encode in H. destruct x; destruct y; try congruence;
+ try destruct t; try destruct t0; congruence.
+ Qed.
+ Definition T := PTree.t positive.
+ Definition empty := PTree.empty positive.
+ Definition get (adr : elt) (t : T) :=
+ option_map decode (PTree.get (encode adr) t).
+ Definition add (adr dat : elt) (t : T) :=
+ PTree.set (encode adr) (encode dat) t.
+ Theorem get_empty : forall (x : elt), get x empty = None.
+ Proof.
+ intro.
+ unfold get. unfold empty.
+ rewrite PTree.gempty.
+ simpl; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Theorem get_add_1 :
+ forall (x y : elt) (m : T), get x (add x y m) = Some y.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ unfold add. unfold get.
+ rewrite PTree.gss.
+ simpl; rewrite encode_decode; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Theorem get_add_2 :
+ forall (x y z : elt) (m : T), z <> x -> get z (add x y m) = get z m.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ unfold get. unfold add.
+ rewrite PTree.gso; auto.
+ intro. apply H. apply encode_injective. auto.
+ Qed.
+End mymap.
+Module Uf := Unionfind (myreg) (mymap).
+Definition error := Uf.identify Uf.empty (tTy Tint) (tTy Tfloat).
+Fixpoint fold2 (A B : Set) (f : Uf.T -> A -> B -> Uf.T)
+ (init : Uf.T) (la : list A) (lb : list B) {struct la}
+ : Uf.T :=
+ match la, lb with
+ | ha::ta, hb::tb => fold2 f (f init ha hb) ta tb
+ | nil, nil => init
+ | _, _ => error
+ end.
+Definition option_fold2 (A B : Set) (f : Uf.T -> A -> B -> Uf.T)
+ (init : Uf.T) (oa : option A) (ob : option B)
+ : Uf.T :=
+ match oa, ob with
+ | Some a, Some b => f init a b
+ | None, None => init
+ | _, _ => error
+ end.
+Definition teq (ty1 ty2 : typ) : bool :=
+ match ty1, ty2 with
+ | Tint, Tint => true
+ | Tfloat, Tfloat => true
+ | _, _ => false
+ end.
+Definition type_rtl_arg (u : Uf.T) (r : reg) (t : typ) :=
+ Uf.identify u (tReg r) (tTy t).
+Definition type_rtl_ros (u : Uf.T) (ros : reg+ident) :=
+ match ros with
+ | inl r => Uf.identify u (tReg r) (tTy Tint)
+ | inr s => u
+ end.
+Definition type_of_sig_res (sig : signature) :=
+ match sig.(sig_res) with None => Tint | Some ty => ty end.
+(** This is the core type inference function. The [u] argument is
+ the current substitution / equivalence classes between types.
+ An updated set of equivalence classes, reflecting unifications
+ possibly performed during the type-checking of [i], is returned.
+ Note that [type_rtl_instr] never fails explicitly. However,
+ in case of type error (e.g. applying the [Oadd] integer operation
+ to float registers), the equivalence relation returned will
+ put [tTy Tint] and [tTy Tfloat] in the same equivalence class.
+ This fact will propagate through type inference for other instructions,
+ and be detected at the end of type inference, indicating a typing failure.
+Definition type_rtl_instr (rtyp : option typ)
+ (u : Uf.T) (_ : positive) (i : instruction) :=
+ match i with
+ | Inop _ => u
+ | Iop Omove (r1 :: nil) r0 _ => Uf.identify u (tReg r0) (tReg r1)
+ | Iop Omove _ _ _ => error
+ | Iop Oundef nil _ _ => u
+ | Iop Oundef _ _ _ => error
+ | Iop op args r0 _ =>
+ let (argtyp, restyp) := type_of_operation op in
+ let u1 := type_rtl_arg u r0 restyp in
+ fold2 type_rtl_arg u1 args argtyp
+ | Iload chunk addr args r0 _ =>
+ let u1 := type_rtl_arg u r0 (type_of_chunk chunk) in
+ fold2 type_rtl_arg u1 args (type_of_addressing addr)
+ | Istore chunk addr args r0 _ =>
+ let u1 := type_rtl_arg u r0 (type_of_chunk chunk) in
+ fold2 type_rtl_arg u1 args (type_of_addressing addr)
+ | Icall sign ros args r0 _ =>
+ let u1 := type_rtl_ros u ros in
+ let u2 := type_rtl_arg u1 r0 (type_of_sig_res sign) in
+ fold2 type_rtl_arg u2 args sign.(sig_args)
+ | Icond cond args _ _ =>
+ fold2 type_rtl_arg u args (type_of_condition cond)
+ | Ireturn o => option_fold2 type_rtl_arg u o rtyp
+ end.
+Definition mk_env (u : Uf.T) (r : reg) :=
+ if myreg.eq (Uf.repr u (tReg r)) (Uf.repr u (tTy Tfloat))
+ then Tfloat
+ else Tint.
+Fixpoint member (x : reg) (l : list reg) {struct l} : bool :=
+ match l with
+ | nil => false
+ | y :: rest => if peq x y then true else member x rest
+ end.
+Fixpoint repet (l : list reg) : bool :=
+ match l with
+ | nil => false
+ | x :: rest => member x rest || repet rest
+ end.
+Definition type_rtl_function (f : function) :=
+ let u1 := PTree.fold (type_rtl_instr f.(fn_sig).(sig_res))
+ f.(fn_code) Uf.empty in
+ let u2 := fold2 type_rtl_arg u1 f.(fn_params) f.(fn_sig).(sig_args) in
+ if repet f.(fn_params) then
+ None
+ else
+ if myreg.eq (Uf.repr u2 (tTy Tint)) (Uf.repr u2 (tTy Tfloat))
+ then None
+ else Some (mk_env u2).
+Unset Implicit Arguments.
+(** ** Correctness proof for type inference *)
+(** General properties of the type equivalence relation. *)
+Definition consistent (u : Uf.T) :=
+ Uf.repr u (tTy Tint) <> Uf.repr u (tTy Tfloat).
+Lemma consistent_not_eq : forall (u : Uf.T) (A : Type) (x y : A),
+ consistent u ->
+ (if myreg.eq (Uf.repr u (tTy Tint)) (Uf.repr u (tTy Tfloat)) then x else y)
+ = y.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ unfold consistent in H.
+ destruct (myreg.eq (Uf.repr u (tTy Tint)) (Uf.repr u (tTy Tfloat)));
+ congruence.
+ Qed.
+Lemma equal_eq : forall (t : myT) (A : Type) (x y : A),
+ (if myreg.eq t t then x else y) = x.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ destruct (myreg.eq t t); congruence.
+ Qed.
+Lemma error_inconsistent : forall (A : Prop), consistent error -> A.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ absurd (consistent error); auto.
+ intro.
+ unfold error in H. unfold consistent in H.
+ rewrite Uf.sameclass_identify_1 in H.
+ congruence.
+ Qed.
+Lemma teq_correct : forall (t1 t2 : typ), teq t1 t2 = true -> t1 = t2.
+ Proof.
+ intros; destruct t1; destruct t2; try simpl in H; congruence.
+ Qed.
+Definition included (u1 u2 : Uf.T) : Prop :=
+ forall (e1 e2: myT),
+ Uf.repr u1 e1 = Uf.repr u1 e2 -> Uf.repr u2 e1 = Uf.repr u2 e2.
+Lemma included_refl :
+ forall (e : Uf.T), included e e.
+ Proof.
+ unfold included. auto.
+ Qed.
+Lemma included_trans :
+ forall (e1 e2 e3 : Uf.T),
+ included e3 e2 -> included e2 e1 -> included e3 e1.
+ Proof.
+ unfold included. auto.
+ Qed.
+Lemma included_consistent :
+ forall (u1 u2 : Uf.T),
+ included u1 u2 -> consistent u2 -> consistent u1.
+ Proof.
+ unfold consistent. unfold included.
+ intros.
+ intro. apply H0. apply H.
+ auto.
+ Qed.
+Lemma included_identify :
+ forall (u : Uf.T) (t1 t2 : myT), included u (Uf.identify u t1 t2).
+ Proof.
+ unfold included.
+ intros.
+ apply Uf.sameclass_identify_2; auto.
+ Qed.
+Lemma type_arg_correct_1 :
+ forall (u : Uf.T) (r : reg) (t : typ),
+ consistent (type_rtl_arg u r t)
+ -> Uf.repr (type_rtl_arg u r t) (tReg r)
+ = Uf.repr (type_rtl_arg u r t) (tTy t).
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ unfold type_rtl_arg.
+ rewrite Uf.sameclass_identify_1.
+ auto.
+ Qed.
+Lemma type_arg_correct :
+ forall (u : Uf.T) (r : reg) (t : typ),
+ consistent (type_rtl_arg u r t) -> mk_env (type_rtl_arg u r t) r = t.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ unfold mk_env.
+ rewrite type_arg_correct_1.
+ destruct t.
+ apply consistent_not_eq; auto.
+ destruct (myreg.eq (Uf.repr (type_rtl_arg u r Tfloat) (tTy Tfloat)));
+ congruence.
+ auto.
+ Qed.
+Lemma type_arg_included :
+ forall (u : Uf.T) (r : reg) (t : typ), included u (type_rtl_arg u r t).
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ unfold type_rtl_arg.
+ apply included_identify.
+ Qed.
+Lemma type_arg_extends :
+ forall (u : Uf.T) (r : reg) (t : typ),
+ consistent (type_rtl_arg u r t) -> consistent u.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ apply included_consistent with (u2 := type_rtl_arg u r t).
+ apply type_arg_included.
+ auto.
+ Qed.
+Lemma type_args_included :
+ forall (l1 : list reg) (l2 : list typ) (u : Uf.T),
+ consistent (fold2 type_rtl_arg u l1 l2)
+ -> included u (fold2 type_rtl_arg u l1 l2).
+ Proof.
+ induction l1; intros; destruct l2.
+ simpl in H; simpl; apply included_refl.
+ simpl in H. apply error_inconsistent. auto.
+ simpl in H. apply error_inconsistent. auto.
+ simpl.
+ simpl in H.
+ apply included_trans with (e2 := type_rtl_arg u a t).
+ apply type_arg_included.
+ apply IHl1.
+ auto.
+ Qed.
+Lemma type_args_extends :
+ forall (l1 : list reg) (l2 : list typ) (u : Uf.T),
+ consistent (fold2 type_rtl_arg u l1 l2) -> consistent u.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ apply (included_consistent _ _ (type_args_included l1 l2 u H)).
+ auto.
+ Qed.
+Lemma type_args_correct :
+ forall (l1 : list reg) (l2 : list typ) (u : Uf.T),
+ consistent (fold2 type_rtl_arg u l1 l2)
+ -> map (mk_env (fold2 type_rtl_arg u l1 l2)) l1 = l2.
+ Proof.
+ induction l1.
+ intros.
+ destruct l2.
+ unfold map; simpl; auto.
+ simpl in H; apply error_inconsistent; auto.
+ intros.
+ destruct l2.
+ simpl in H; apply error_inconsistent; auto.
+ simpl.
+ simpl in H.
+ rewrite (IHl1 l2 (type_rtl_arg u a t) H).
+ unfold mk_env.
+ destruct t.
+ rewrite (type_args_included _ _ _ H (tReg a) (tTy Tint)).
+ rewrite consistent_not_eq; auto.
+ apply type_arg_correct_1.
+ apply type_args_extends with (l1 := l1) (l2 := l2); auto.
+ rewrite (type_args_included _ _ _ H (tReg a) (tTy Tfloat)).
+ rewrite equal_eq; auto.
+ apply type_arg_correct_1.
+ apply type_args_extends with (l1 := l1) (l2 := l2); auto.
+ Qed.
+(** Correctness of [wt_params]. *)
+Lemma type_rtl_function_params :
+ forall (f: function) (env: regenv),
+ type_rtl_function f = Some env
+ -> List.map env f.(fn_params) = f.(fn_sig).(sig_args).
+ Proof.
+ destruct f; unfold type_rtl_function; simpl.
+ destruct (repet fn_params); simpl; intros; try congruence.
+ pose (u := PTree.fold (type_rtl_instr (sig_res fn_sig)) fn_code Uf.empty).
+ fold u in H.
+ cut (consistent (fold2 type_rtl_arg u fn_params (sig_args fn_sig))).
+ intro.
+ pose (R := Uf.repr (fold2 type_rtl_arg u fn_params (sig_args fn_sig))).
+ fold R in H.
+ destruct (myreg.eq (R (tTy Tint)) (R (tTy Tfloat))).
+ congruence.
+ injection H.
+ intro.
+ rewrite <- H1.
+ apply type_args_correct.
+ auto.
+ intro.
+ rewrite H0 in H.
+ rewrite equal_eq in H.
+ congruence.
+ Qed.
+(** Correctness of [wt_norepet]. *)
+Lemma member_correct :
+ forall (l : list reg) (a : reg), member a l = false -> ~In a l.
+ Proof.
+ induction l; simpl; intros; try tauto.
+ destruct (peq a0 a); simpl; try congruence.
+ intro. destruct H0; try congruence.
+ generalize H0; apply IHl; auto.
+ Qed.
+Lemma repet_correct :
+ forall (l : list reg), repet l = false -> list_norepet l.
+ Proof.
+ induction l; simpl; intros.
+ exact (list_norepet_nil reg).
+ elim (orb_false_elim (member a l) (repet l) H); intros.
+ apply list_norepet_cons.
+ apply member_correct; auto.
+ apply IHl; auto.
+ Qed.
+Lemma type_rtl_function_norepet :
+ forall (f: function) (env: regenv),
+ type_rtl_function f = Some env
+ -> list_norepet f.(fn_params).
+ Proof.
+ destruct f; unfold type_rtl_function; simpl.
+ intros. cut (repet fn_params = false).
+ intro. apply repet_correct. auto.
+ destruct (repet fn_params); congruence.
+ Qed.
+(** Correctness of [wt_instrs]. *)
+Lemma step1 :
+ forall (f : function) (env : regenv),
+ type_rtl_function f = Some env
+ -> exists u2 : Uf.T,
+ included (PTree.fold (type_rtl_instr f.(fn_sig).(sig_res))
+ f.(fn_code) Uf.empty)
+ u2
+ /\ env = mk_env u2
+ /\ consistent u2.
+ Proof.
+ intros f env.
+ pose (u1 := (PTree.fold (type_rtl_instr f.(fn_sig).(sig_res))
+ f.(fn_code) Uf.empty)).
+ fold u1.
+ unfold type_rtl_function.
+ intros.
+ destruct (repet f.(fn_params)).
+ congruence.
+ fold u1 in H.
+ pose (u2 := (fold2 type_rtl_arg u1 f.(fn_params) f.(fn_sig).(sig_args))).
+ fold u2 in H.
+ exists u2.
+ caseEq (myreg.eq (Uf.repr u2 (tTy Tint)) (Uf.repr u2 (tTy Tfloat))).
+ intros.
+ rewrite e in H.
+ rewrite equal_eq in H.
+ congruence.
+ intros.
+ rewrite consistent_not_eq in H.
+ apply conj.
+ unfold u2.
+ apply type_args_included.
+ auto.
+ apply conj; auto.
+ congruence.
+ auto.
+ Qed.
+Lemma let_fold_args_res :
+ forall (u : Uf.T) (l : list reg) (r : reg) (e : list typ * typ),
+ (let (argtyp, restyp) := e in
+ fold2 type_rtl_arg (type_rtl_arg u r restyp) l argtyp)
+ = fold2 type_rtl_arg (type_rtl_arg u r (snd e)) l (fst e).
+ Proof.
+ intros. rewrite (surjective_pairing e). simpl. auto.
+ Qed.
+Lemma type_args_res_included :
+ forall (l1 : list reg) (l2 : list typ) (u : Uf.T) (r : reg) (t : typ),
+ consistent (fold2 type_rtl_arg (type_rtl_arg u r t) l1 l2)
+ -> included u (fold2 type_rtl_arg (type_rtl_arg u r t) l1 l2).
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ apply included_trans with (e2 := type_rtl_arg u r t).
+ apply type_arg_included.
+ apply type_args_included; auto.
+ Qed.
+Lemma type_args_res_ros_included :
+ forall (l1 : list reg) (l2 : list typ) (u : Uf.T) (r : reg) (t : typ)
+ (ros : reg+ident),
+ consistent (fold2 type_rtl_arg (type_rtl_arg (type_rtl_ros u ros) r t) l1 l2)
+ -> included u (fold2 type_rtl_arg (type_rtl_arg (type_rtl_ros u ros) r t) l1 l2).
+ intros.
+ apply included_trans with (e2 := type_rtl_ros u ros).
+ unfold type_rtl_ros; destruct ros.
+ apply included_identify.
+ apply included_refl.
+ apply type_args_res_included; auto.
+Lemma type_instr_included :
+ forall (p : positive) (i : instruction) (u : Uf.T) (res_ty : option typ),
+ consistent (type_rtl_instr res_ty u p i)
+ -> included u (type_rtl_instr res_ty u p i).
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ destruct i; simpl; simpl in H; try apply type_args_res_included; auto.
+ apply included_refl; auto.
+ destruct o; simpl; simpl in H; try apply type_args_res_included; auto.
+ destruct l; simpl; simpl in H; auto.
+ apply error_inconsistent; auto.
+ destruct l; simpl; simpl in H; auto.
+ apply included_identify.
+ apply error_inconsistent; auto.
+ destruct l; simpl; simpl in H; auto.
+ apply included_refl.
+ apply error_inconsistent; auto.
+ apply type_args_res_ros_included; auto.
+ apply type_args_included; auto.
+ destruct res_ty; destruct o; simpl; simpl in H;
+ try (apply error_inconsistent; auto; fail).
+ apply type_arg_included.
+ apply included_refl.
+ Qed.
+Lemma type_instrs_extends :
+ forall (l : list (positive * instruction)) (u : Uf.T) (res_ty : option typ),
+ consistent
+ (fold_left (fun v p => type_rtl_instr res_ty v (fst p) (snd p)) l u)
+ -> consistent u.
+ induction l; simpl; intros.
+ auto.
+ apply included_consistent
+ with (u2 := (type_rtl_instr res_ty u (fst a) (snd a))).
+ apply type_instr_included.
+ apply IHl with (res_ty := res_ty); auto.
+ apply IHl with (res_ty := res_ty); auto.
+Lemma type_instrs_included :
+ forall (l : list (positive * instruction)) (u : Uf.T) (res_ty : option typ),
+ consistent
+ (fold_left (fun v p => type_rtl_instr res_ty v (fst p) (snd p)) l u)
+ -> included u
+ (fold_left (fun v p => type_rtl_instr res_ty v (fst p) (snd p)) l u).
+ Proof.
+ induction l; simpl; intros.
+ apply included_refl; auto.
+ apply included_trans with (e2 := (type_rtl_instr res_ty u (fst a) (snd a))).
+ apply type_instr_included.
+ apply type_instrs_extends with (res_ty := res_ty) (l := l); auto.
+ apply IHl; auto.
+ Qed.
+Lemma step2 :
+ forall (res_ty : option typ) (c : code) (u0 : Uf.T),
+ consistent (PTree.fold (type_rtl_instr res_ty) c u0) ->
+ forall (pc : positive) (i : instruction),
+ c!pc = Some i
+ -> exists u : Uf.T,
+ consistent (type_rtl_instr res_ty u pc i)
+ /\ included (type_rtl_instr res_ty u pc i)
+ (PTree.fold (type_rtl_instr res_ty) c u0).
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ rewrite PTree.fold_spec.
+ rewrite PTree.fold_spec in H.
+ pose (H1 := PTree.elements_correct _ _ H0).
+ generalize H. clear H.
+ generalize u0. clear u0.
+ generalize H1. clear H1.
+ induction (PTree.elements c).
+ intros.
+ absurd (In (pc, i) nil).
+ apply in_nil.
+ auto.
+ intros.
+ simpl in H.
+ elim H1.
+ intro.
+ rewrite H2 in H.
+ simpl in H.
+ rewrite H2. simpl.
+ exists u0.
+ apply conj.
+ apply type_instrs_extends with (res_ty := res_ty) (l := l).
+ auto.
+ apply type_instrs_included.
+ auto.
+ intro.
+ simpl.
+ apply IHl.
+ auto.
+ auto.
+ Qed.
+Definition mapped (u : Uf.T) (r : reg) :=
+ Uf.repr u (tReg r) = Uf.repr u (tTy Tfloat)
+ \/ Uf.repr u (tReg r) = Uf.repr u (tTy Tint).
+Definition definite (u : Uf.T) (i : instruction) :=
+ match i with
+ | Inop _ => True
+ | Iop Omove (r1 :: nil) r0 _ => Uf.repr u (tReg r1) = Uf.repr u (tReg r0)
+ | Iop Oundef _ _ _ => True
+ | Iop _ args r0 _ =>
+ mapped u r0 /\ forall r : reg, In r args -> mapped u r
+ | Iload _ _ args r0 _ =>
+ mapped u r0 /\ forall r : reg, In r args -> mapped u r
+ | Istore _ _ args r0 _ =>
+ mapped u r0 /\ forall r : reg, In r args -> mapped u r
+ | Icall _ ros args r0 _ =>
+ match ros with inl r => mapped u r | _ => True end
+ /\ mapped u r0 /\ forall r : reg, In r args -> mapped u r
+ | Icond _ args _ _ =>
+ forall r : reg, In r args -> mapped u r
+ | Ireturn None => True
+ | Ireturn (Some r) => mapped u r
+ end.
+Lemma type_arg_complete :
+ forall (u : Uf.T) (r : reg) (t : typ),
+ mapped (type_rtl_arg u r t) r.
+ intros.
+ unfold type_rtl_arg.
+ unfold mapped.
+ destruct t.
+ right; apply Uf.sameclass_identify_1.
+ left; apply Uf.sameclass_identify_1.
+Lemma type_arg_mapped :
+ forall (u : Uf.T) (r r0 : reg) (t : typ),
+ mapped u r0 -> mapped (type_rtl_arg u r t) r0.
+ unfold mapped.
+ unfold type_rtl_arg.
+ intros.
+ elim H; intros.
+ left; apply Uf.sameclass_identify_2; auto.
+ right; apply Uf.sameclass_identify_2; auto.
+Lemma type_args_mapped :
+ forall (lr : list reg) (lt : list typ) (u : Uf.T) (r : reg),
+ consistent (fold2 type_rtl_arg u lr lt) ->
+ mapped u r ->
+ mapped (fold2 type_rtl_arg u lr lt) r.
+ induction lr; simpl; intros.
+ destruct lt; simpl; auto; try (apply error_inconsistent; auto; fail).
+ destruct lt; simpl; auto; try (apply error_inconsistent; auto; fail).
+ apply IHlr.
+ auto.
+ apply type_arg_mapped; auto.
+Lemma type_args_complete :
+ forall (lr : list reg) (lt : list typ) (u : Uf.T),
+ consistent (fold2 type_rtl_arg u lr lt)
+ -> forall r, (In r lr -> mapped (fold2 type_rtl_arg u lr lt) r).
+ induction lr; simpl; intros.
+ destruct lt; simpl; try tauto.
+ destruct lt; simpl.
+ apply error_inconsistent; auto.
+ elim H0; intros.
+ rewrite H1.
+ rewrite H1 in H.
+ apply type_args_mapped; auto.
+ apply type_arg_complete.
+ apply IHlr; auto.
+Lemma type_res_complete :
+ forall (u : Uf.T) (lr : list reg) (lt : list typ) (r : reg) (t : typ),
+ consistent (fold2 type_rtl_arg (type_rtl_arg u r t) lr lt)
+ -> mapped (fold2 type_rtl_arg (type_rtl_arg u r t) lr lt) r.
+ intros.
+ apply type_args_mapped; auto.
+ apply type_arg_complete.
+Lemma type_args_res_complete :
+ forall (u : Uf.T) (lr : list reg) (lt : list typ) (r : reg) (t : typ),
+ consistent (fold2 type_rtl_arg (type_rtl_arg u r t) lr lt)
+ -> mapped (fold2 type_rtl_arg (type_rtl_arg u r t) lr lt) r
+ /\ forall rr, (In rr lr -> mapped (fold2 type_rtl_arg (type_rtl_arg u r t)
+ lr lt)
+ rr).
+ intros.
+ apply conj.
+ apply type_res_complete; auto.
+ apply type_args_complete; auto.
+Lemma type_ros_complete :
+ forall (u : Uf.T) (lr : list reg) (lt : list typ) (r r1 : reg) (t : typ),
+ consistent (fold2 type_rtl_arg (type_rtl_arg
+ (type_rtl_ros u (inl ident r1)) r t) lr lt)
+ ->
+ mapped (fold2 type_rtl_arg (type_rtl_arg
+ (type_rtl_ros u (inl ident r1)) r t) lr lt) r1.
+ intros.
+ apply type_args_mapped; auto.
+ apply type_arg_mapped.
+ unfold type_rtl_ros.
+ unfold mapped.
+ right.
+ apply Uf.sameclass_identify_1; auto.
+Lemma type_res_correct :
+ forall (u : Uf.T) (lr : list reg) (lt : list typ) (r : reg) (t : typ),
+ consistent (fold2 type_rtl_arg (type_rtl_arg u r t) lr lt)
+ -> mk_env (fold2 type_rtl_arg (type_rtl_arg u r t) lr lt) r = t.
+ intros.
+ unfold mk_env.
+ rewrite (type_args_included _ _ _ H (tReg r) (tTy t)).
+ destruct t.
+ apply consistent_not_eq; auto.
+ apply equal_eq; auto.
+ unfold type_rtl_arg; apply Uf.sameclass_identify_1; auto.
+Lemma type_ros_correct :
+ forall (u : Uf.T) (lr : list reg) (lt : list typ) (r r1 : reg) (t : typ),
+ consistent (fold2 type_rtl_arg (type_rtl_arg
+ (type_rtl_ros u (inl ident r1)) r t) lr lt)
+ ->
+ mk_env (fold2 type_rtl_arg (type_rtl_arg
+ (type_rtl_ros u (inl ident r1)) r t) lr lt) r1
+ = Tint.
+ intros.
+ unfold mk_env.
+ rewrite (type_args_included _ _ _ H (tReg r1) (tTy Tint)).
+ apply consistent_not_eq; auto.
+ rewrite (type_arg_included (type_rtl_ros u (inl ident r1)) r t (tReg r1) (tTy Tint)).
+ auto.
+ simpl.
+ apply Uf.sameclass_identify_1; auto.
+Lemma step3 :
+ forall (u : Uf.T) (f : function) (c : code) (i : instruction) (pc : positive),
+ c!pc = Some i ->
+ consistent (type_rtl_instr f.(fn_sig).(sig_res) u pc i)
+ -> wt_instr (mk_env (type_rtl_instr f.(fn_sig).(sig_res) u pc i)) f i
+ /\ definite (type_rtl_instr f.(fn_sig).(sig_res) u pc i) i.
+ Proof.
+ Opaque type_rtl_arg.
+ intros.
+ destruct i; simpl in H0; simpl.
+ (* Inop *)
+ apply conj; auto. apply wt_Inop.
+ (* Iop *)
+ destruct o;
+ try (apply conj; [
+ apply wt_Iop; try congruence; simpl;
+ rewrite (type_args_correct _ _ _ H0);
+ rewrite (type_res_correct _ _ _ _ _ H0);
+ auto
+ |apply (type_args_res_complete _ _ _ _ _ H0)]).
+ (* Omove *)
+ destruct l; [apply error_inconsistent; auto | idtac].
+ destruct l; [idtac | apply error_inconsistent; auto].
+ apply conj.
+ apply wt_Iopmove.
+ simpl.
+ unfold mk_env.
+ rewrite Uf.sameclass_identify_1.
+ congruence.
+ simpl.
+ rewrite Uf.sameclass_identify_1; congruence.
+ (* Oundef *)
+ destruct l; [idtac | apply error_inconsistent; auto].
+ apply conj. apply wt_Iopundef.
+ unfold definite. auto.
+ (* Iload *)
+ apply conj.
+ apply wt_Iload.
+ rewrite (type_args_correct _ _ _ H0); auto.
+ rewrite (type_res_correct _ _ _ _ _ H0); auto.
+ simpl; apply (type_args_res_complete _ _ _ _ _ H0).
+ (* IStore *)
+ apply conj.
+ apply wt_Istore.
+ rewrite (type_args_correct _ _ _ H0); auto.
+ rewrite (type_res_correct _ _ _ _ _ H0); auto.
+ simpl; apply (type_args_res_complete _ _ _ _ _ H0).
+ (* Icall *)
+ apply conj.
+ apply wt_Icall.
+ destruct s0; auto. apply type_ros_correct. auto.
+ apply type_args_correct. auto.
+ fold (type_of_sig_res s). apply type_res_correct. auto.
+ destruct s0.
+ apply conj.
+ apply type_ros_complete. auto.
+ apply type_args_res_complete. auto.
+ apply conj; auto.
+ apply type_args_res_complete. auto.
+ (* Icond *)
+ apply conj.
+ apply wt_Icond.
+ apply (type_args_correct _ _ _ H0).
+ simpl; apply (type_args_complete _ _ _ H0).
+ (* Ireturn *)
+ destruct o; simpl.
+ apply conj.
+ apply wt_Ireturn.
+ destruct f.(fn_sig).(sig_res); simpl; simpl in H0.
+ rewrite type_arg_correct; auto.
+ apply error_inconsistent; auto.
+ destruct f.(fn_sig).(sig_res); simpl; simpl in H0.
+ apply type_arg_complete.
+ apply error_inconsistent; auto.
+ apply conj; auto. apply wt_Ireturn.
+ destruct f.(fn_sig).(sig_res); simpl; simpl in H0.
+ apply error_inconsistent; auto.
+ congruence.
+ Transparent type_rtl_arg.
+ Qed.
+Lemma mapped_included_consistent :
+ forall (u1 u2 : Uf.T) (r : reg),
+ mapped u1 r ->
+ included u1 u2 ->
+ consistent u2 ->
+ mk_env u2 r = mk_env u1 r.
+ intros.
+ unfold mk_env.
+ unfold mapped in H.
+ elim H; intros; rewrite H2; rewrite (H0 _ _ H2).
+ rewrite equal_eq; rewrite equal_eq; auto.
+ rewrite (consistent_not_eq u2).
+ rewrite (consistent_not_eq u1).
+ auto.
+ apply included_consistent with (u2 := u2).
+ auto.
+ auto.
+ auto.
+Lemma mapped_list_included :
+ forall (u1 u2 : Uf.T) (lr : list reg),
+ (forall r, In r lr -> mapped u1 r) ->
+ included u1 u2 ->
+ consistent u2 ->
+ map (mk_env u2) lr = map (mk_env u1) lr.
+ induction lr; simpl; intros.
+ auto.
+ rewrite (mapped_included_consistent u1 u2 a).
+ rewrite IHlr; auto.
+ apply (H a); intros.
+ left; auto.
+ auto.
+ auto.
+Lemma included_mapped :
+ forall (u1 u2 : Uf.T) (r : reg),
+ included u1 u2 ->
+ mapped u1 r ->
+ mapped u2 r.
+ unfold mapped.
+ intros.
+ elim H0; intros.
+ left; rewrite (H _ _ H1); auto.
+ right; rewrite (H _ _ H1); auto.
+Lemma included_mapped_forall :
+ forall (u1 u2 : Uf.T) (r : reg) (l : list reg),
+ included u1 u2 ->
+ mapped u1 r /\ (forall r, In r l -> mapped u1 r) ->
+ mapped u2 r /\ (forall r, In r l -> mapped u2 r).
+ intros.
+ elim H0; intros.
+ apply conj.
+ apply (included_mapped _ _ r H); auto.
+ intros.
+ apply (included_mapped _ _ r0 H).
+ apply H2; auto.
+Lemma definite_included :
+ forall (u1 u2 : Uf.T) (i : instruction),
+ included u1 u2 -> definite u1 i -> definite u2 i.
+ unfold definite.
+ intros.
+ destruct i; try apply (included_mapped_forall _ _ _ _ H H0); auto.
+ destruct o; try apply (included_mapped_forall _ _ _ _ H H0); auto.
+ destruct l; auto.
+ apply (included_mapped_forall _ _ _ _ H H0).
+ destruct l; auto.
+ apply (included_mapped_forall _ _ _ _ H H0).
+ destruct s0; auto.
+ elim H0; intros.
+ apply conj.
+ apply (included_mapped _ _ _ H H1).
+ apply (included_mapped_forall _ _ _ _ H H2).
+ elim H0; intros.
+ apply conj; auto.
+ apply (included_mapped_forall _ _ _ _ H H2).
+ intros.
+ apply (included_mapped _ _ _ H (H0 r H1)).
+ destruct o; auto.
+ apply (included_mapped _ _ _ H H0).
+Lemma step4 :
+ forall (f : function) (u1 u3 : Uf.T) (i : instruction),
+ included u3 u1 ->
+ wt_instr (mk_env u3) f i ->
+ definite u3 i ->
+ consistent u1 ->
+ wt_instr (mk_env u1) f i.
+ Proof.
+ intros f u1 u3 i H1 H H0 X.
+ destruct H; try simpl in H0; try (elim H0; intros).
+ apply wt_Inop.
+ apply wt_Iopmove. unfold mk_env. rewrite (H1 _ _ H0). auto.
+ apply wt_Iopundef.
+ apply wt_Iop; auto.
+ destruct op; try congruence; simpl; simpl in H3;
+ simpl in H0; elim H0; intros; rewrite (mapped_included_consistent _ _ _ H4 H1 X);
+ rewrite (mapped_list_included _ _ _ H5 H1); auto.
+ apply wt_Iload.
+ rewrite (mapped_list_included _ _ _ H4 H1); auto.
+ rewrite (mapped_included_consistent _ _ _ H3 H1 X). auto.
+ apply wt_Istore.
+ rewrite (mapped_list_included _ _ _ H4 H1); auto.
+ rewrite (mapped_included_consistent _ _ _ H3 H1 X). auto.
+ elim H5; intros; destruct ros; apply wt_Icall.
+ rewrite (mapped_included_consistent _ _ _ H4 H1 X); auto.
+ rewrite (mapped_list_included _ _ _ H7 H1); auto.
+ rewrite (mapped_included_consistent _ _ _ H6 H1 X); auto.
+ auto.
+ rewrite (mapped_list_included _ _ _ H7 H1); auto.
+ rewrite (mapped_included_consistent _ _ _ H6 H1 X); auto.
+ apply wt_Icond. rewrite (mapped_list_included _ _ _ H0 H1); auto.
+ apply wt_Ireturn.
+ destruct optres; destruct f.(fn_sig).(sig_res);
+ simpl in H; simpl; try congruence.
+ rewrite (mapped_included_consistent _ _ _ H0 H1 X); auto.
+ Qed.
+Lemma type_rtl_function_instrs :
+ forall (f: function) (env: regenv),
+ type_rtl_function f = Some env
+ -> forall pc i, f.(fn_code)!pc = Some i -> wt_instr env f i.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ elim (step1 _ _ H).
+ intros.
+ elim H1.
+ intros.
+ elim H3.
+ intros.
+ rewrite H4.
+ elim (step2 _ _ _ (included_consistent _ _ H2 H5) _ _ H0).
+ intros.
+ elim H6. intros.
+ elim (step3 x0 f _ _ _ H0); auto. intros.
+ apply (step4 f _ _ i H2); auto.
+ apply (step4 _ _ _ _ H8 H9 H10).
+ apply (included_consistent _ _ H2); auto.
+ apply (definite_included _ _ _ H8 H10); auto.
+ Qed.
+(** Combining the sub-proofs. *)
+Theorem type_rtl_function_correct:
+ forall (f: function) (env: regenv),
+ type_rtl_function f = Some env -> wt_function env f.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ exact (mk_wt_function env f (type_rtl_function_params f _ H)
+ (type_rtl_function_norepet f _ H)
+ (type_rtl_function_instrs f _ H)).
+ Qed.
+Definition wt_program (p: program) : Prop :=
+ forall i f, In (i, f) (prog_funct p) -> type_rtl_function f <> None.
+(** * Type preservation during evaluation *)
+(** The type system for RTL is not sound in that it does not guarantee
+ progress: well-typed instructions such as [Icall] can fail because
+ of run-time type tests (such as the equality between calle and caller's
+ signatures). However, the type system guarantees a type preservation
+ property: if the execution does not fail because of a failed run-time
+ test, the result values and register states match the static
+ typing assumptions. This preservation property will be useful
+ later for the proof of semantic equivalence between [Machabstr] and [Mach].
+ Even though we do not need it for [RTL], we show preservation for [RTL]
+ here, as a warm-up exercise and because some of the lemmas will be
+ useful later. *)
+Require Import Globalenvs.
+Require Import Values.
+Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Integers.
+Definition wt_regset (env: regenv) (rs: regset) : Prop :=
+ forall r, Val.has_type (rs#r) (env r).
+Lemma wt_regset_assign:
+ forall env rs v r,
+ wt_regset env rs ->
+ Val.has_type v (env r) ->
+ wt_regset env (rs#r <- v).
+ intros; red; intros.
+ rewrite Regmap.gsspec.
+ case (peq r0 r); intro.
+ subst r0. assumption.
+ apply H.
+Lemma wt_regset_list:
+ forall env rs,
+ wt_regset env rs ->
+ forall rl, Val.has_type_list (rs##rl) (List.map env rl).
+ induction rl; simpl.
+ auto.
+ split. apply H. apply IHrl.
+Lemma wt_init_regs:
+ forall env rl args,
+ Val.has_type_list args (List.map env rl) ->
+ wt_regset env (init_regs args rl).
+ induction rl; destruct args; simpl; intuition.
+ red; intros. rewrite Regmap.gi. simpl; auto.
+ apply wt_regset_assign; auto.
+Variable p: program.
+Hypothesis wt_p: wt_program p.
+Let ge := Genv.globalenv p.
+Definition exec_instr_subject_reduction
+ (c: code) (sp: val)
+ (pc: node) (rs: regset) (m: mem)
+ (pc': node) (rs': regset) (m': mem) : Prop :=
+ forall env f
+ (CODE: c = fn_code f)
+ (WT_FN: wt_function env f)
+ (WT_RS: wt_regset env rs),
+ wt_regset env rs'.
+Definition exec_function_subject_reduction
+ (f: function) (args: list val) (m: mem) (res: val) (m': mem) : Prop :=
+ forall env,
+ wt_function env f ->
+ Val.has_type_list args f.(fn_sig).(sig_args) ->
+ Val.has_type res
+ (match f.(fn_sig).(sig_res) with None => Tint | Some ty => ty end).
+Lemma subject_reduction:
+ forall f args m res m',
+ exec_function ge f args m res m' ->
+ exec_function_subject_reduction f args m res m'.
+ apply (exec_function_ind_3 ge
+ exec_instr_subject_reduction
+ exec_instr_subject_reduction
+ exec_function_subject_reduction);
+ intros; red; intros;
+ try (rewrite CODE in H;
+ generalize (wt_instrs env _ WT_FN pc _ H);
+ intro WT_INSTR;
+ inversion WT_INSTR).
+ assumption.
+ apply wt_regset_assign. auto.
+ subst op. subst args. simpl in H0. injection H0; intro.
+ subst v. rewrite <- H2. apply WT_RS.
+ apply wt_regset_assign. auto.
+ subst op; subst args; simpl in H0. injection H0; intro; subst v.
+ simpl; auto.
+ apply wt_regset_assign. auto.
+ replace (env res) with (snd (type_of_operation op)).
+ apply type_of_operation_sound with function ge rs##args sp; auto.
+ rewrite <- H7. reflexivity.
+ apply wt_regset_assign. auto. rewrite H8.
+ eapply type_of_chunk_correct; eauto.
+ assumption.
+ apply wt_regset_assign. auto. rewrite H11. rewrite H1.
+ assert (type_rtl_function f <> None).
+ destruct ros; simpl in H0.
+ pattern f. apply Genv.find_funct_prop with function p (rs#r).
+ exact wt_p. exact H0.
+ caseEq (Genv.find_symbol ge i); intros; rewrite H12 in H0.
+ pattern f. apply Genv.find_funct_ptr_prop with function p b.
+ exact wt_p. exact H0.
+ discriminate.
+ assert (exists env1, wt_function env1 f).
+ caseEq (type_rtl_function f); intros; try congruence.
+ exists t. apply type_rtl_function_correct; auto.
+ elim H13; intros env1 WT_FN1.
+ eapply H3. eexact WT_FN1. rewrite <- H1. rewrite <- H10.
+ apply wt_regset_list; auto.
+ assumption.
+ assumption.
+ assumption.
+ eauto.
+ eauto.
+ assert (WT_INIT: wt_regset env (init_regs args (fn_params f))).
+ apply wt_init_regs. rewrite (wt_params env f H4). assumption.
+ generalize (H1 env f (refl_equal (fn_code f)) H4 WT_INIT).
+ intro WT_RS.
+ generalize (wt_instrs env _ H4 pc _ H2).
+ intro WT_INSTR; inversion WT_INSTR.
+ destruct or; simpl in H3; simpl in H7; rewrite <- H7.
+ rewrite H3. apply WT_RS.
+ rewrite H3. simpl; auto.