path: root/cfrontend/Cop.v
diff options
authorxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2012-10-08 07:12:33 +0000
committerxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2012-10-08 07:12:33 +0000
commitc6d2ef0c5c896a82295c1fb8a717ea29ee3c0e4d (patch)
treea65010aa76a60a6025fc1ab1a966f0490938a569 /cfrontend/Cop.v
parentf7693b3d897b90fd3bc2533be002dc0bdcd9f6c2 (diff)
Make Clight independent of CompCert C.
Common parts are factored out in cfrontend/Ctypes.v and cfrontend/Cop.v git-svn-id: https://yquem.inria.fr/compcert/svn/compcert/trunk@2060 fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e
Diffstat (limited to 'cfrontend/Cop.v')
1 files changed, 822 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cfrontend/Cop.v b/cfrontend/Cop.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9d581b66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cfrontend/Cop.v
@@ -0,0 +1,822 @@
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* *)
+(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
+(* *)
+(* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
+(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
+(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *)
+(* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
+(* *)
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(** Arithmetic and logical operators for the Compcert C and Clight languages *)
+Require Import Coqlib.
+Require Import AST.
+Require Import Integers.
+Require Import Floats.
+Require Import Values.
+Require Import Memory.
+Require Import Ctypes.
+(** * Syntax of operators. *)
+Inductive unary_operation : Type :=
+ | Onotbool : unary_operation (**r boolean negation ([!] in C) *)
+ | Onotint : unary_operation (**r integer complement ([~] in C) *)
+ | Oneg : unary_operation. (**r opposite (unary [-]) *)
+Inductive binary_operation : Type :=
+ | Oadd : binary_operation (**r addition (binary [+]) *)
+ | Osub : binary_operation (**r subtraction (binary [-]) *)
+ | Omul : binary_operation (**r multiplication (binary [*]) *)
+ | Odiv : binary_operation (**r division ([/]) *)
+ | Omod : binary_operation (**r remainder ([%]) *)
+ | Oand : binary_operation (**r bitwise and ([&]) *)
+ | Oor : binary_operation (**r bitwise or ([|]) *)
+ | Oxor : binary_operation (**r bitwise xor ([^]) *)
+ | Oshl : binary_operation (**r left shift ([<<]) *)
+ | Oshr : binary_operation (**r right shift ([>>]) *)
+ | Oeq: binary_operation (**r comparison ([==]) *)
+ | One: binary_operation (**r comparison ([!=]) *)
+ | Olt: binary_operation (**r comparison ([<]) *)
+ | Ogt: binary_operation (**r comparison ([>]) *)
+ | Ole: binary_operation (**r comparison ([<=]) *)
+ | Oge: binary_operation. (**r comparison ([>=]) *)
+Inductive incr_or_decr : Type := Incr | Decr.
+(** * Type classification and semantics of operators. *)
+(** Most C operators are overloaded (they apply to arguments of various
+ types) and their semantics depend on the types of their arguments.
+ The following [classify_*] functions take as arguments the types
+ of the arguments of an operation. They return enough information
+ to resolve overloading for this operator applications, such as
+ ``both arguments are floats'', or ``the first is a pointer
+ and the second is an integer''. This classification is used in the
+ compiler (module [Cshmgen]) to resolve overloading statically.
+ The [sem_*] functions below compute the result of an operator
+ application. Since operators are overloaded, the result depends
+ both on the static types of the arguments and on their run-time values.
+ The corresponding [classify_*] function is first called on the
+ types of the arguments to resolve static overloading. It is then
+ followed by a case analysis on the values of the arguments. *)
+(** ** Casts and truth values *)
+Inductive classify_cast_cases : Type :=
+ | cast_case_neutral (**r int|pointer -> int32|pointer *)
+ | cast_case_i2i (sz2:intsize) (si2:signedness) (**r int -> int *)
+ | cast_case_f2f (sz2:floatsize) (**r float -> float *)
+ | cast_case_i2f (si1:signedness) (sz2:floatsize) (**r int -> float *)
+ | cast_case_f2i (sz2:intsize) (si2:signedness) (**r float -> int *)
+ | cast_case_f2bool (**r float -> bool *)
+ | cast_case_p2bool (**r pointer -> bool *)
+ | cast_case_struct (id1: ident) (fld1: fieldlist) (id2: ident) (fld2: fieldlist) (**r struct -> struct *)
+ | cast_case_union (id1: ident) (fld1: fieldlist) (id2: ident) (fld2: fieldlist) (**r union -> union *)
+ | cast_case_void (**r any -> void *)
+ | cast_case_default.
+Function classify_cast (tfrom tto: type) : classify_cast_cases :=
+ match tto, tfrom with
+ | Tint I32 si2 _, (Tint _ _ _ | Tpointer _ _ | Tarray _ _ _ | Tfunction _ _) => cast_case_neutral
+ | Tint IBool _ _, Tfloat _ _ => cast_case_f2bool
+ | Tint IBool _ _, (Tpointer _ _ | Tarray _ _ _ | Tfunction _ _) => cast_case_p2bool
+ | Tint sz2 si2 _, Tint sz1 si1 _ => cast_case_i2i sz2 si2
+ | Tint sz2 si2 _, Tfloat sz1 _ => cast_case_f2i sz2 si2
+ | Tfloat sz2 _, Tfloat sz1 _ => cast_case_f2f sz2
+ | Tfloat sz2 _, Tint sz1 si1 _ => cast_case_i2f si1 sz2
+ | Tpointer _ _, (Tint _ _ _ | Tpointer _ _ | Tarray _ _ _ | Tfunction _ _) => cast_case_neutral
+ | Tstruct id2 fld2 _, Tstruct id1 fld1 _ => cast_case_struct id1 fld1 id2 fld2
+ | Tunion id2 fld2 _, Tunion id1 fld1 _ => cast_case_union id1 fld1 id2 fld2
+ | Tvoid, _ => cast_case_void
+ | _, _ => cast_case_default
+ end.
+(** Semantics of casts. [sem_cast v1 t1 t2 = Some v2] if value [v1],
+ viewed with static type [t1], can be cast to type [t2],
+ resulting in value [v2]. *)
+Definition cast_int_int (sz: intsize) (sg: signedness) (i: int) : int :=
+ match sz, sg with
+ | I8, Signed => Int.sign_ext 8 i
+ | I8, Unsigned => Int.zero_ext 8 i
+ | I16, Signed => Int.sign_ext 16 i
+ | I16, Unsigned => Int.zero_ext 16 i
+ | I32, _ => i
+ | IBool, _ => if Int.eq i Int.zero then Int.zero else Int.one
+ end.
+Definition cast_int_float (si : signedness) (i: int) : float :=
+ match si with
+ | Signed => Float.floatofint i
+ | Unsigned => Float.floatofintu i
+ end.
+Definition cast_float_int (si : signedness) (f: float) : option int :=
+ match si with
+ | Signed => Float.intoffloat f
+ | Unsigned => Float.intuoffloat f
+ end.
+Definition cast_float_float (sz: floatsize) (f: float) : float :=
+ match sz with
+ | F32 => Float.singleoffloat f
+ | F64 => f
+ end.
+Function sem_cast (v: val) (t1 t2: type) : option val :=
+ match classify_cast t1 t2 with
+ | cast_case_neutral =>
+ match v with
+ | Vint _ | Vptr _ _ => Some v
+ | _ => None
+ end
+ | cast_case_i2i sz2 si2 =>
+ match v with
+ | Vint i => Some (Vint (cast_int_int sz2 si2 i))
+ | _ => None
+ end
+ | cast_case_f2f sz2 =>
+ match v with
+ | Vfloat f => Some (Vfloat (cast_float_float sz2 f))
+ | _ => None
+ end
+ | cast_case_i2f si1 sz2 =>
+ match v with
+ | Vint i => Some (Vfloat (cast_float_float sz2 (cast_int_float si1 i)))
+ | _ => None
+ end
+ | cast_case_f2i sz2 si2 =>
+ match v with
+ | Vfloat f =>
+ match cast_float_int si2 f with
+ | Some i => Some (Vint (cast_int_int sz2 si2 i))
+ | None => None
+ end
+ | _ => None
+ end
+ | cast_case_f2bool =>
+ match v with
+ | Vfloat f =>
+ Some(Vint(if Float.cmp Ceq f Float.zero then Int.zero else Int.one))
+ | _ => None
+ end
+ | cast_case_p2bool =>
+ match v with
+ | Vint i => Some (Vint (cast_int_int IBool Signed i))
+ | Vptr _ _ => Some (Vint Int.one)
+ | _ => None
+ end
+ | cast_case_struct id1 fld1 id2 fld2 =>
+ if ident_eq id1 id2 && fieldlist_eq fld1 fld2 then Some v else None
+ | cast_case_union id1 fld1 id2 fld2 =>
+ if ident_eq id1 id2 && fieldlist_eq fld1 fld2 then Some v else None
+ | cast_case_void =>
+ Some v
+ | cast_case_default =>
+ None
+ end.
+(** The following describes types that can be interpreted as a boolean:
+ integers, floats, pointers. It is used for the semantics of
+ the [!] and [?] operators, as well as the [if], [while], [for] statements. *)
+Inductive classify_bool_cases : Type :=
+ | bool_case_i (**r integer *)
+ | bool_case_f (**r float *)
+ | bool_case_p (**r pointer *)
+ | bool_default.
+Definition classify_bool (ty: type) : classify_bool_cases :=
+ match typeconv ty with
+ | Tint _ _ _ => bool_case_i
+ | Tpointer _ _ => bool_case_p
+ | Tfloat _ _ => bool_case_f
+ | _ => bool_default
+ end.
+(** Interpretation of values as truth values.
+ Non-zero integers, non-zero floats and non-null pointers are
+ considered as true. The integer zero (which also represents
+ the null pointer) and the float 0.0 are false. *)
+Function bool_val (v: val) (t: type) : option bool :=
+ match classify_bool t with
+ | bool_case_i =>
+ match v with
+ | Vint n => Some (negb (Int.eq n Int.zero))
+ | _ => None
+ end
+ | bool_case_f =>
+ match v with
+ | Vfloat f => Some (negb (Float.cmp Ceq f Float.zero))
+ | _ => None
+ end
+ | bool_case_p =>
+ match v with
+ | Vint n => Some (negb (Int.eq n Int.zero))
+ | Vptr b ofs => Some true
+ | _ => None
+ end
+ | bool_default => None
+ end.
+(** Common-sense relation between Boolean value and casting to [_Bool] type. *)
+Lemma cast_bool_bool_val:
+ forall v t,
+ sem_cast v t (Tint IBool Signed noattr) =
+ match bool_val v t with None => None | Some b => Some(Val.of_bool b) end.
+ intros.
+ assert (A: classify_bool t =
+ match t with
+ | Tint _ _ _ => bool_case_i
+ | Tpointer _ _ | Tarray _ _ _ | Tfunction _ _ => bool_case_p
+ | Tfloat _ _ => bool_case_f
+ | _ => bool_default
+ end).
+ unfold classify_bool; destruct t; simpl; auto. destruct i; auto. destruct s; auto.
+ unfold bool_val. rewrite A. unfold sem_cast. destruct t; simpl; auto; destruct v; auto.
+ destruct (Int.eq i0 Int.zero); auto.
+ destruct (Float.cmp Ceq f0 Float.zero); auto.
+ destruct (Int.eq i Int.zero); auto.
+ destruct (Int.eq i Int.zero); auto.
+ destruct (Int.eq i Int.zero); auto.
+(** ** Unary operators *)
+(** *** Boolean negation *)
+Function sem_notbool (v: val) (ty: type) : option val :=
+ match classify_bool ty with
+ | bool_case_i =>
+ match v with
+ | Vint n => Some (Val.of_bool (Int.eq n Int.zero))
+ | _ => None
+ end
+ | bool_case_f =>
+ match v with
+ | Vfloat f => Some (Val.of_bool (Float.cmp Ceq f Float.zero))
+ | _ => None
+ end
+ | bool_case_p =>
+ match v with
+ | Vint n => Some (Val.of_bool (Int.eq n Int.zero))
+ | Vptr _ _ => Some Vfalse
+ | _ => None
+ end
+ | bool_default => None
+ end.
+(** Common-sense relation between Boolean value and Boolean negation. *)
+Lemma notbool_bool_val:
+ forall v t,
+ sem_notbool v t =
+ match bool_val v t with None => None | Some b => Some(Val.of_bool (negb b)) end.
+ intros. unfold sem_notbool, bool_val.
+ destruct (classify_bool t); auto; destruct v; auto; rewrite negb_involutive; auto.
+(** *** Opposite *)
+Inductive classify_neg_cases : Type :=
+ | neg_case_i(s: signedness) (**r int *)
+ | neg_case_f (**r float *)
+ | neg_default.
+Definition classify_neg (ty: type) : classify_neg_cases :=
+ match ty with
+ | Tint I32 Unsigned _ => neg_case_i Unsigned
+ | Tint _ _ _ => neg_case_i Signed
+ | Tfloat _ _ => neg_case_f
+ | _ => neg_default
+ end.
+Function sem_neg (v: val) (ty: type) : option val :=
+ match classify_neg ty with
+ | neg_case_i sg =>
+ match v with
+ | Vint n => Some (Vint (Int.neg n))
+ | _ => None
+ end
+ | neg_case_f =>
+ match v with
+ | Vfloat f => Some (Vfloat (Float.neg f))
+ | _ => None
+ end
+ | neg_default => None
+ end.
+(** *** Bitwise complement *)
+Inductive classify_notint_cases : Type :=
+ | notint_case_i(s: signedness) (**r int *)
+ | notint_default.
+Definition classify_notint (ty: type) : classify_notint_cases :=
+ match ty with
+ | Tint I32 Unsigned _ => notint_case_i Unsigned
+ | Tint _ _ _ => notint_case_i Signed
+ | _ => notint_default
+ end.
+Function sem_notint (v: val) (ty: type): option val :=
+ match classify_notint ty with
+ | notint_case_i sg =>
+ match v with
+ | Vint n => Some (Vint (Int.xor n Int.mone))
+ | _ => None
+ end
+ | notint_default => None
+ end.
+(** ** Binary operators *)
+(** For binary operations, the "usual binary conversions", adapted to a 32-bit
+ platform, state that:
+- If both arguments are of integer type, an integer operation is performed.
+ For operations that behave differently at unsigned and signed types
+ (e.g. division, modulus, comparisons), the unsigned operation is selected
+ if at least one of the arguments is of type "unsigned int32", otherwise
+ the signed operation is performed.
+- If both arguments are of float type, a float operation is performed.
+ We choose to perform all float arithmetic in double precision,
+ even if both arguments are single-precision floats.
+- If one argument has integer type and the other has float type,
+ we convert the integer argument to float, then perform the float operation.
+(** *** Addition *)
+Inductive classify_add_cases : Type :=
+ | add_case_ii(s: signedness) (**r int, int *)
+ | add_case_ff (**r float, float *)
+ | add_case_if(s: signedness) (**r int, float *)
+ | add_case_fi(s: signedness) (**r float, int *)
+ | add_case_pi(ty: type)(a: attr) (**r pointer, int *)
+ | add_case_ip(ty: type)(a: attr) (**r int, pointer *)
+ | add_default.
+Definition classify_add (ty1: type) (ty2: type) :=
+ match typeconv ty1, typeconv ty2 with
+ | Tint I32 Unsigned _, Tint _ _ _ => add_case_ii Unsigned
+ | Tint _ _ _, Tint I32 Unsigned _ => add_case_ii Unsigned
+ | Tint _ _ _, Tint _ _ _ => add_case_ii Signed
+ | Tfloat _ _, Tfloat _ _ => add_case_ff
+ | Tint _ sg _, Tfloat _ _ => add_case_if sg
+ | Tfloat _ _, Tint _ sg _ => add_case_fi sg
+ | Tpointer ty a, Tint _ _ _ => add_case_pi ty a
+ | Tint _ _ _, Tpointer ty a => add_case_ip ty a
+ | _, _ => add_default
+ end.
+Function sem_add (v1:val) (t1:type) (v2: val) (t2:type) : option val :=
+ match classify_add t1 t2 with
+ | add_case_ii sg => (**r integer addition *)
+ match v1, v2 with
+ | Vint n1, Vint n2 => Some (Vint (Int.add n1 n2))
+ | _, _ => None
+ end
+ | add_case_ff => (**r float addition *)
+ match v1, v2 with
+ | Vfloat n1, Vfloat n2 => Some (Vfloat (Float.add n1 n2))
+ | _, _ => None
+ end
+ | add_case_if sg => (**r int plus float *)
+ match v1, v2 with
+ | Vint n1, Vfloat n2 => Some (Vfloat (Float.add (cast_int_float sg n1) n2))
+ | _, _ => None
+ end
+ | add_case_fi sg => (**r float plus int *)
+ match v1, v2 with
+ | Vfloat n1, Vint n2 => Some (Vfloat (Float.add n1 (cast_int_float sg n2)))
+ | _, _ => None
+ end
+ | add_case_pi ty _ => (**r pointer plus integer *)
+ match v1,v2 with
+ | Vptr b1 ofs1, Vint n2 =>
+ Some (Vptr b1 (Int.add ofs1 (Int.mul (Int.repr (sizeof ty)) n2)))
+ | _, _ => None
+ end
+ | add_case_ip ty _ => (**r integer plus pointer *)
+ match v1,v2 with
+ | Vint n1, Vptr b2 ofs2 =>
+ Some (Vptr b2 (Int.add ofs2 (Int.mul (Int.repr (sizeof ty)) n1)))
+ | _, _ => None
+ end
+ | add_default => None
+(** *** Subtraction *)
+Inductive classify_sub_cases : Type :=
+ | sub_case_ii(s: signedness) (**r int , int *)
+ | sub_case_ff (**r float , float *)
+ | sub_case_if(s: signedness) (**r int, float *)
+ | sub_case_fi(s: signedness) (**r float, int *)
+ | sub_case_pi(ty: type) (**r pointer, int *)
+ | sub_case_pp(ty: type) (**r pointer, pointer *)
+ | sub_default.
+Definition classify_sub (ty1: type) (ty2: type) :=
+ match typeconv ty1, typeconv ty2 with
+ | Tint I32 Unsigned _, Tint _ _ _ => sub_case_ii Unsigned
+ | Tint _ _ _, Tint I32 Unsigned _ => sub_case_ii Unsigned
+ | Tint _ _ _, Tint _ _ _ => sub_case_ii Signed
+ | Tfloat _ _ , Tfloat _ _ => sub_case_ff
+ | Tint _ sg _, Tfloat _ _ => sub_case_if sg
+ | Tfloat _ _, Tint _ sg _ => sub_case_fi sg
+ | Tpointer ty _, Tint _ _ _ => sub_case_pi ty
+ | Tpointer ty _ , Tpointer _ _ => sub_case_pp ty
+ | _ ,_ => sub_default
+ end.
+Function sem_sub (v1:val) (t1:type) (v2: val) (t2:type) : option val :=
+ match classify_sub t1 t2 with
+ | sub_case_ii sg => (**r integer subtraction *)
+ match v1,v2 with
+ | Vint n1, Vint n2 => Some (Vint (Int.sub n1 n2))
+ | _, _ => None
+ end
+ | sub_case_ff => (**r float subtraction *)
+ match v1,v2 with
+ | Vfloat f1, Vfloat f2 => Some (Vfloat(Float.sub f1 f2))
+ | _, _ => None
+ end
+ | sub_case_if sg => (**r int minus float *)
+ match v1, v2 with
+ | Vint n1, Vfloat n2 => Some (Vfloat (Float.sub (cast_int_float sg n1) n2))
+ | _, _ => None
+ end
+ | sub_case_fi sg => (**r float minus int *)
+ match v1, v2 with
+ | Vfloat n1, Vint n2 => Some (Vfloat (Float.sub n1 (cast_int_float sg n2)))
+ | _, _ => None
+ end
+ | sub_case_pi ty => (**r pointer minus integer *)
+ match v1,v2 with
+ | Vptr b1 ofs1, Vint n2 =>
+ Some (Vptr b1 (Int.sub ofs1 (Int.mul (Int.repr (sizeof ty)) n2)))
+ | _, _ => None
+ end
+ | sub_case_pp ty => (**r pointer minus pointer *)
+ match v1,v2 with
+ | Vptr b1 ofs1, Vptr b2 ofs2 =>
+ if zeq b1 b2 then
+ if Int.eq (Int.repr (sizeof ty)) Int.zero then None
+ else Some (Vint (Int.divu (Int.sub ofs1 ofs2) (Int.repr (sizeof ty))))
+ else None
+ | _, _ => None
+ end
+ | sub_default => None
+ end.
+(** *** Multiplication *)
+Inductive classify_mul_cases : Type:=
+ | mul_case_ii(s: signedness) (**r int , int *)
+ | mul_case_ff (**r float , float *)
+ | mul_case_if(s: signedness) (**r int, float *)
+ | mul_case_fi(s: signedness) (**r float, int *)
+ | mul_default.
+Definition classify_mul (ty1: type) (ty2: type) :=
+ match typeconv ty1, typeconv ty2 with
+ | Tint I32 Unsigned _, Tint _ _ _ => mul_case_ii Unsigned
+ | Tint _ _ _, Tint I32 Unsigned _ => mul_case_ii Unsigned
+ | Tint _ _ _, Tint _ _ _ => mul_case_ii Signed
+ | Tfloat _ _ , Tfloat _ _ => mul_case_ff
+ | Tint _ sg _, Tfloat _ _ => mul_case_if sg
+ | Tfloat _ _, Tint _ sg _ => mul_case_fi sg
+ | _,_ => mul_default
+Function sem_mul (v1:val) (t1:type) (v2: val) (t2:type) : option val :=
+ match classify_mul t1 t2 with
+ | mul_case_ii sg =>
+ match v1,v2 with
+ | Vint n1, Vint n2 => Some (Vint (Int.mul n1 n2))
+ | _, _ => None
+ end
+ | mul_case_ff =>
+ match v1,v2 with
+ | Vfloat f1, Vfloat f2 => Some (Vfloat (Float.mul f1 f2))
+ | _, _ => None
+ end
+ | mul_case_if sg =>
+ match v1, v2 with
+ | Vint n1, Vfloat n2 => Some (Vfloat (Float.mul (cast_int_float sg n1) n2))
+ | _, _ => None
+ end
+ | mul_case_fi sg =>
+ match v1, v2 with
+ | Vfloat n1, Vint n2 => Some (Vfloat (Float.mul n1 (cast_int_float sg n2)))
+ | _, _ => None
+ end
+ | mul_default =>
+ None
+(** *** Division *)
+Inductive classify_div_cases : Type:=
+ | div_case_ii(s: signedness) (**r int , int *)
+ | div_case_ff (**r float , float *)
+ | div_case_if(s: signedness) (**r int, float *)
+ | div_case_fi(s: signedness) (**r float, int *)
+ | div_default.
+Definition classify_div (ty1: type) (ty2: type) :=
+ match typeconv ty1, typeconv ty2 with
+ | Tint I32 Unsigned _, Tint _ _ _ => div_case_ii Unsigned
+ | Tint _ _ _, Tint I32 Unsigned _ => div_case_ii Unsigned
+ | Tint _ _ _, Tint _ _ _ => div_case_ii Signed
+ | Tfloat _ _ , Tfloat _ _ => div_case_ff
+ | Tint _ sg _, Tfloat _ _ => div_case_if sg
+ | Tfloat _ _, Tint _ sg _ => div_case_fi sg
+ | _,_ => div_default
+Function sem_div (v1:val) (t1:type) (v2: val) (t2:type) : option val :=
+ match classify_div t1 t2 with
+ | div_case_ii Unsigned =>
+ match v1,v2 with
+ | Vint n1, Vint n2 =>
+ if Int.eq n2 Int.zero then None else Some (Vint (Int.divu n1 n2))
+ | _,_ => None
+ end
+ | div_case_ii Signed =>
+ match v1,v2 with
+ | Vint n1, Vint n2 =>
+ if Int.eq n2 Int.zero
+ || Int.eq n1 (Int.repr Int.min_signed) && Int.eq n2 Int.mone
+ then None else Some (Vint(Int.divs n1 n2))
+ | _,_ => None
+ end
+ | div_case_ff =>
+ match v1,v2 with
+ | Vfloat f1, Vfloat f2 => Some (Vfloat(Float.div f1 f2))
+ | _, _ => None
+ end
+ | div_case_if sg =>
+ match v1, v2 with
+ | Vint n1, Vfloat n2 => Some (Vfloat (Float.div (cast_int_float sg n1) n2))
+ | _, _ => None
+ end
+ | div_case_fi sg =>
+ match v1, v2 with
+ | Vfloat n1, Vint n2 => Some (Vfloat (Float.div n1 (cast_int_float sg n2)))
+ | _, _ => None
+ end
+ | div_default =>
+ None
+(** *** Integer-only binary operations: modulus, bitwise "and", "or", and "xor" *)
+Inductive classify_binint_cases : Type:=
+ | binint_case_ii(s: signedness) (**r int , int *)
+ | binint_default.
+Definition classify_binint (ty1: type) (ty2: type) :=
+ match typeconv ty1, typeconv ty2 with
+ | Tint I32 Unsigned _, Tint _ _ _ => binint_case_ii Unsigned
+ | Tint _ _ _, Tint I32 Unsigned _ => binint_case_ii Unsigned
+ | Tint _ _ _, Tint _ _ _ => binint_case_ii Signed
+ | _,_ => binint_default
+Function sem_mod (v1:val) (t1:type) (v2: val) (t2:type) : option val :=
+ match classify_binint t1 t2 with
+ | binint_case_ii Unsigned =>
+ match v1, v2 with
+ | Vint n1, Vint n2 =>
+ if Int.eq n2 Int.zero then None else Some (Vint (Int.modu n1 n2))
+ | _, _ => None
+ end
+ | binint_case_ii Signed =>
+ match v1,v2 with
+ | Vint n1, Vint n2 =>
+ if Int.eq n2 Int.zero
+ || Int.eq n1 (Int.repr Int.min_signed) && Int.eq n2 Int.mone
+ then None else Some (Vint (Int.mods n1 n2))
+ | _, _ => None
+ end
+ | binint_default =>
+ None
+ end.
+Function sem_and (v1:val) (t1:type) (v2: val) (t2:type) : option val :=
+ match classify_binint t1 t2 with
+ | binint_case_ii sg =>
+ match v1, v2 with
+ | Vint n1, Vint n2 => Some (Vint(Int.and n1 n2))
+ | _, _ => None
+ end
+ | binint_default => None
+ end.
+Function sem_or (v1:val) (t1:type) (v2: val) (t2:type) : option val :=
+ match classify_binint t1 t2 with
+ | binint_case_ii sg =>
+ match v1, v2 with
+ | Vint n1, Vint n2 => Some (Vint(Int.or n1 n2))
+ | _, _ => None
+ end
+ | binint_default => None
+ end.
+Function sem_xor (v1:val) (t1:type) (v2: val) (t2:type) : option val :=
+ match classify_binint t1 t2 with
+ | binint_case_ii sg =>
+ match v1, v2 with
+ | Vint n1, Vint n2 => Some (Vint(Int.xor n1 n2))
+ | _, _ => None
+ end
+ | binint_default => None
+ end.
+(** *** Shifts *)
+Inductive classify_shift_cases : Type:=
+ | shift_case_ii(s: signedness) (**r int , int *)
+ | shift_default.
+Definition classify_shift (ty1: type) (ty2: type) :=
+ match typeconv ty1, typeconv ty2 with
+ | Tint I32 Unsigned _, Tint _ _ _ => shift_case_ii Unsigned
+ | Tint _ _ _, Tint _ _ _ => shift_case_ii Signed
+ | _,_ => shift_default
+Function sem_shl (v1:val) (t1:type) (v2: val) (t2:type) : option val :=
+ match classify_shift t1 t2 with
+ | shift_case_ii sg =>
+ match v1, v2 with
+ | Vint n1, Vint n2 =>
+ if Int.ltu n2 Int.iwordsize then Some (Vint(Int.shl n1 n2)) else None
+ | _, _ => None
+ end
+ | shift_default => None
+ end.
+Function sem_shr (v1: val) (t1: type) (v2: val) (t2: type): option val :=
+ match classify_shift t1 t2 with
+ | shift_case_ii Unsigned =>
+ match v1,v2 with
+ | Vint n1, Vint n2 =>
+ if Int.ltu n2 Int.iwordsize then Some (Vint (Int.shru n1 n2)) else None
+ | _,_ => None
+ end
+ | shift_case_ii Signed =>
+ match v1,v2 with
+ | Vint n1, Vint n2 =>
+ if Int.ltu n2 Int.iwordsize then Some (Vint (Int.shr n1 n2)) else None
+ | _, _ => None
+ end
+ | shift_default =>
+ None
+ end.
+(** *** Comparisons *)
+Inductive classify_cmp_cases : Type:=
+ | cmp_case_ii(s: signedness) (**r int, int *)
+ | cmp_case_pp (**r pointer, pointer *)
+ | cmp_case_ff (**r float , float *)
+ | cmp_case_if(s: signedness) (**r int, float *)
+ | cmp_case_fi(s: signedness) (**r float, int *)
+ | cmp_default.
+Definition classify_cmp (ty1: type) (ty2: type) :=
+ match typeconv ty1, typeconv ty2 with
+ | Tint I32 Unsigned _ , Tint _ _ _ => cmp_case_ii Unsigned
+ | Tint _ _ _ , Tint I32 Unsigned _ => cmp_case_ii Unsigned
+ | Tint _ _ _ , Tint _ _ _ => cmp_case_ii Signed
+ | Tfloat _ _ , Tfloat _ _ => cmp_case_ff
+ | Tint _ sg _, Tfloat _ _ => cmp_case_if sg
+ | Tfloat _ _, Tint _ sg _ => cmp_case_fi sg
+ | Tpointer _ _ , Tpointer _ _ => cmp_case_pp
+ | Tpointer _ _ , Tint _ _ _ => cmp_case_pp
+ | Tint _ _ _, Tpointer _ _ => cmp_case_pp
+ | _ , _ => cmp_default
+ end.
+Function sem_cmp_mismatch (c: comparison): option val :=
+ match c with
+ | Ceq => Some Vfalse
+ | Cne => Some Vtrue
+ | _ => None
+ end.
+Function sem_cmp (c:comparison)
+ (v1: val) (t1: type) (v2: val) (t2: type)
+ (m: mem): option val :=
+ match classify_cmp t1 t2 with
+ | cmp_case_ii Signed =>
+ match v1,v2 with
+ | Vint n1, Vint n2 => Some (Val.of_bool (Int.cmp c n1 n2))
+ | _, _ => None
+ end
+ | cmp_case_ii Unsigned =>
+ match v1,v2 with
+ | Vint n1, Vint n2 => Some (Val.of_bool (Int.cmpu c n1 n2))
+ | _, _ => None
+ end
+ | cmp_case_pp =>
+ match v1,v2 with
+ | Vint n1, Vint n2 => Some (Val.of_bool (Int.cmpu c n1 n2))
+ | Vptr b1 ofs1, Vptr b2 ofs2 =>
+ if Mem.valid_pointer m b1 (Int.unsigned ofs1)
+ && Mem.valid_pointer m b2 (Int.unsigned ofs2) then
+ if zeq b1 b2
+ then Some (Val.of_bool (Int.cmpu c ofs1 ofs2))
+ else sem_cmp_mismatch c
+ else None
+ | Vptr b ofs, Vint n =>
+ if Int.eq n Int.zero then sem_cmp_mismatch c else None
+ | Vint n, Vptr b ofs =>
+ if Int.eq n Int.zero then sem_cmp_mismatch c else None
+ | _, _ => None
+ end
+ | cmp_case_ff =>
+ match v1,v2 with
+ | Vfloat f1, Vfloat f2 => Some (Val.of_bool (Float.cmp c f1 f2))
+ | _, _ => None
+ end
+ | cmp_case_if sg =>
+ match v1, v2 with
+ | Vint n1, Vfloat n2 => Some (Val.of_bool (Float.cmp c (cast_int_float sg n1) n2))
+ | _, _ => None
+ end
+ | cmp_case_fi sg =>
+ match v1, v2 with
+ | Vfloat n1, Vint n2 => Some (Val.of_bool (Float.cmp c n1 (cast_int_float sg n2)))
+ | _, _ => None
+ end
+ | cmp_default => None
+ end.
+(** ** Function applications *)
+Inductive classify_fun_cases : Type:=
+ | fun_case_f (targs: typelist) (tres: type) (**r (pointer to) function *)
+ | fun_default.
+Definition classify_fun (ty: type) :=
+ match ty with
+ | Tfunction args res => fun_case_f args res
+ | Tpointer (Tfunction args res) _ => fun_case_f args res
+ | _ => fun_default
+ end.
+(** * Combined semantics of unary and binary operators *)
+Definition sem_unary_operation
+ (op: unary_operation) (v: val) (ty: type): option val :=
+ match op with
+ | Onotbool => sem_notbool v ty
+ | Onotint => sem_notint v ty
+ | Oneg => sem_neg v ty
+ end.
+Definition sem_binary_operation
+ (op: binary_operation)
+ (v1: val) (t1: type) (v2: val) (t2:type)
+ (m: mem): option val :=
+ match op with
+ | Oadd => sem_add v1 t1 v2 t2
+ | Osub => sem_sub v1 t1 v2 t2
+ | Omul => sem_mul v1 t1 v2 t2
+ | Omod => sem_mod v1 t1 v2 t2
+ | Odiv => sem_div v1 t1 v2 t2
+ | Oand => sem_and v1 t1 v2 t2
+ | Oor => sem_or v1 t1 v2 t2
+ | Oxor => sem_xor v1 t1 v2 t2
+ | Oshl => sem_shl v1 t1 v2 t2
+ | Oshr => sem_shr v1 t1 v2 t2
+ | Oeq => sem_cmp Ceq v1 t1 v2 t2 m
+ | One => sem_cmp Cne v1 t1 v2 t2 m
+ | Olt => sem_cmp Clt v1 t1 v2 t2 m
+ | Ogt => sem_cmp Cgt v1 t1 v2 t2 m
+ | Ole => sem_cmp Cle v1 t1 v2 t2 m
+ | Oge => sem_cmp Cge v1 t1 v2 t2 m
+ end.
+Definition sem_incrdecr (id: incr_or_decr) (v: val) (ty: type) :=
+ match id with
+ | Incr => sem_add v ty (Vint Int.one) type_int32s
+ | Decr => sem_sub v ty (Vint Int.one) type_int32s
+ end.