path: root/cfrontend/Ctyping.v
diff options
authorBernhard Schommer <bernhardschommer@gmail.com>2015-02-19 17:24:01 +0100
committerBernhard Schommer <bernhardschommer@gmail.com>2015-02-19 17:24:01 +0100
commit959542e4cf126c4f46f00c764b5365804de637c6 (patch)
tree58eb44d941b65d15537a5c53bccd8257030aadf2 /cfrontend/Ctyping.v
parentb0c09b32f3e559ca22afc4dc40fdd60964cb3292 (diff)
parentb0eb1dfc9fd7b15c556c49101390d882b0f00f8a (diff)
Merge github.com:AbsInt/CompCert into compcert_windows
Diffstat (limited to 'cfrontend/Ctyping.v')
1 files changed, 1999 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cfrontend/Ctyping.v b/cfrontend/Ctyping.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..43d34007
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cfrontend/Ctyping.v
@@ -0,0 +1,1999 @@
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* *)
+(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
+(* *)
+(* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
+(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
+(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *)
+(* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
+(* *)
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(** Typing rules and type-checking for the Compcert C language *)
+Require Import Coqlib.
+Require Import String.
+Require Import Maps.
+Require Import Integers.
+Require Import Floats.
+Require Import Values.
+Require Import Memory.
+Require Import Globalenvs.
+Require Import Events.
+Require Import AST.
+Require Import Ctypes.
+Require Import Cop.
+Require Import Csyntax.
+Require Import Csem.
+Require Import Errors.
+Local Open Scope error_monad_scope.
+Definition strict := false.
+Opaque strict.
+(** * Operations over types *)
+(** The type of a member of a composite (struct or union).
+ The "volatile" attribute carried by the composite propagates
+ to the type of the member, but not the "alignas" attribute. *)
+Definition attr_add_volatile (vol: bool) (a: attr) :=
+ {| attr_volatile := a.(attr_volatile) || vol;
+ attr_alignas := a.(attr_alignas) |}.
+Definition type_of_member (a: attr) (f: ident) (m: members) : res type :=
+ do ty <- field_type f m;
+ OK (change_attributes (attr_add_volatile a.(attr_volatile)) ty).
+(** Type-checking of arithmetic and logical operators *)
+Definition type_unop (op: unary_operation) (ty: type) : res type :=
+ match op with
+ | Onotbool =>
+ match classify_bool ty with
+ | bool_default => Error (msg "operator !")
+ | _ => OK (Tint I32 Signed noattr)
+ end
+ | Onotint =>
+ match classify_notint ty with
+ | notint_case_i sg => OK (Tint I32 sg noattr)
+ | notint_case_l sg => OK (Tlong sg noattr)
+ | notint_default => Error (msg "operator ~")
+ end
+ | Oneg =>
+ match classify_neg ty with
+ | neg_case_i sg => OK (Tint I32 sg noattr)
+ | neg_case_f => OK (Tfloat F64 noattr)
+ | neg_case_s => OK (Tfloat F32 noattr)
+ | neg_case_l sg => OK (Tlong sg noattr)
+ | neg_default => Error (msg "operator prefix -")
+ end
+ | Oabsfloat =>
+ match classify_neg ty with
+ | neg_default => Error (msg "operator __builtin_fabs")
+ | _ => OK (Tfloat F64 noattr)
+ end
+ end.
+Definition binarith_type (ty1 ty2: type) (m: string): res type :=
+ match classify_binarith ty1 ty2 with
+ | bin_case_i sg => OK (Tint I32 sg noattr)
+ | bin_case_l sg => OK (Tlong sg noattr)
+ | bin_case_f => OK (Tfloat F64 noattr)
+ | bin_case_s => OK (Tfloat F32 noattr)
+ | bin_default => Error (msg m)
+ end.
+Definition binarith_int_type (ty1 ty2: type) (m: string): res type :=
+ match classify_binarith ty1 ty2 with
+ | bin_case_i sg => OK (Tint I32 sg noattr)
+ | bin_case_l sg => OK (Tlong sg noattr)
+ | _ => Error (msg m)
+ end.
+Definition shift_op_type (ty1 ty2: type) (m: string): res type :=
+ match classify_shift ty1 ty2 with
+ | shift_case_ii sg | shift_case_il sg => OK (Tint I32 sg noattr)
+ | shift_case_li sg | shift_case_ll sg => OK (Tlong sg noattr)
+ | shift_default => Error (msg m)
+ end.
+Definition comparison_type (ty1 ty2: type) (m: string): res type :=
+ match classify_cmp ty1 ty2 with
+ | cmp_default =>
+ match classify_binarith ty1 ty2 with
+ | bin_default => Error (msg m)
+ | _ => OK (Tint I32 Signed noattr)
+ end
+ | _ => OK (Tint I32 Signed noattr)
+ end.
+Definition type_binop (op: binary_operation) (ty1 ty2: type) : res type :=
+ match op with
+ | Oadd =>
+ match classify_add ty1 ty2 with
+ | add_case_pi ty | add_case_ip ty
+ | add_case_pl ty | add_case_lp ty => OK (Tpointer ty noattr)
+ | add_default => binarith_type ty1 ty2 "operator +"
+ end
+ | Osub =>
+ match classify_sub ty1 ty2 with
+ | sub_case_pi ty | sub_case_pl ty => OK (Tpointer ty noattr)
+ | sub_case_pp ty1 ty2 =>
+ if type_eq (remove_attributes ty1) (remove_attributes ty2)
+ then OK (Tint I32 Signed noattr)
+ else Error (msg "operator - : incompatible pointer types")
+ | sub_case_pp ty => OK (Tint I32 Signed noattr)
+ | sub_default => binarith_type ty1 ty2 "operator infix -"
+ end
+ | Omul => binarith_type ty1 ty2 "operator infix *"
+ | Odiv => binarith_type ty1 ty2 "operator /"
+ | Omod => binarith_int_type ty1 ty2 "operator %"
+ | Oand => binarith_int_type ty1 ty2 "operator &"
+ | Oor => binarith_int_type ty1 ty2 "operator |"
+ | Oxor => binarith_int_type ty1 ty2 "operator ^"
+ | Oshl => shift_op_type ty1 ty2 "operator <<"
+ | Oshr => shift_op_type ty1 ty2 "operator >>"
+ | Oeq => comparison_type ty1 ty2 "operator =="
+ | One => comparison_type ty1 ty2 "operator !="
+ | Olt => comparison_type ty1 ty2 "operator <"
+ | Ogt => comparison_type ty1 ty2 "operator >"
+ | Ole => comparison_type ty1 ty2 "operator <="
+ | Oge => comparison_type ty1 ty2 "operator >="
+ end.
+Definition type_deref (ty: type) : res type :=
+ match ty with
+ | Tpointer tyelt _ => OK tyelt
+ | Tarray tyelt _ _ => OK tyelt
+ | Tfunction _ _ _ => OK ty
+ | _ => Error (msg "operator prefix *")
+ end.
+Definition is_void (ty: type) : bool :=
+ match ty with Tvoid => true | _ => false end.
+Definition type_join (ty1 ty2: type) : res type :=
+ match typeconv ty1, typeconv ty2 with
+ | (Tint _ _ _ | Tfloat _ _), (Tint _ _ _ | Tfloat _ _) =>
+ binarith_type ty1 ty2 "conditional expression"
+ | Tpointer t1 a1, Tpointer t2 a2 =>
+ OK (Tpointer (if is_void t1 || is_void t2 then Tvoid else t1) noattr)
+ | Tpointer t1 a1, Tint _ _ _ =>
+ OK (Tpointer t1 noattr)
+ | Tint _ _ _, Tpointer t2 a2 =>
+ OK (Tpointer t2 noattr)
+ | Tvoid, Tvoid =>
+ OK Tvoid
+ | Tstruct id1 a1, Tstruct id2 a2 =>
+ if ident_eq id1 id2
+ then OK (Tstruct id1 noattr)
+ else Error (msg "conditional expression")
+ | Tunion id1 a1, Tunion id2 a2 =>
+ if ident_eq id1 id2
+ then OK (Tunion id1 noattr)
+ else Error (msg "conditional expression")
+ | _, _ =>
+ Error (msg "conditional expression")
+ end.
+(** * Specification of the type system *)
+(** Type environments map identifiers to their types. *)
+Definition typenv := PTree.t type.
+Definition wt_cast (from to: type) : Prop :=
+ classify_cast from to <> cast_case_default.
+Definition wt_bool (ty: type) : Prop :=
+ classify_bool ty <> bool_default.
+Definition wt_int (n: int) (sz: intsize) (sg: signedness) : Prop :=
+ match sz, sg with
+ | IBool, _ => Int.zero_ext 8 n = n
+ | I8, Unsigned => Int.zero_ext 8 n = n
+ | I8, Signed => Int.sign_ext 8 n = n
+ | I16, Unsigned => Int.zero_ext 16 n = n
+ | I16, Signed => Int.sign_ext 16 n = n
+ | I32, _ => True
+ end.
+Inductive wt_val : val -> type -> Prop :=
+ | wt_val_int: forall n sz sg a,
+ wt_int n sz sg ->
+ wt_val (Vint n) (Tint sz sg a)
+ | wt_val_ptr_int: forall b ofs sg a,
+ wt_val (Vptr b ofs) (Tint I32 sg a)
+ | wt_val_long: forall n sg a,
+ wt_val (Vlong n) (Tlong sg a)
+ | wt_val_float: forall f a,
+ wt_val (Vfloat f) (Tfloat F64 a)
+ | wt_val_single: forall f a,
+ wt_val (Vsingle f) (Tfloat F32 a)
+ | wt_val_pointer: forall b ofs ty a,
+ wt_val (Vptr b ofs) (Tpointer ty a)
+ | wt_val_int_pointer: forall n ty a,
+ wt_val (Vint n) (Tpointer ty a)
+ | wt_val_array: forall b ofs ty sz a,
+ wt_val (Vptr b ofs) (Tarray ty sz a)
+ | wt_val_function: forall b ofs tyargs tyres cc,
+ wt_val (Vptr b ofs) (Tfunction tyargs tyres cc)
+ | wt_val_struct: forall b ofs id a,
+ wt_val (Vptr b ofs) (Tstruct id a)
+ | wt_val_union: forall b ofs id a,
+ wt_val (Vptr b ofs) (Tunion id a)
+ | wt_val_undef: forall ty,
+ wt_val Vundef ty
+ | wt_val_void: forall v,
+ wt_val v Tvoid.
+Inductive wt_arguments: exprlist -> typelist -> Prop :=
+ | wt_arg_nil:
+ wt_arguments Enil Tnil
+ | wt_arg_cons: forall a al ty tyl,
+ wt_cast (typeof a) ty ->
+ wt_arguments al tyl ->
+ wt_arguments (Econs a al) (Tcons ty tyl)
+ | wt_arg_extra: forall a al, (**r tolerance for varargs *)
+ strict = false ->
+ wt_arguments (Econs a al) Tnil.
+Definition subtype (t1 t2: type) : Prop :=
+ forall v, wt_val v t1 -> wt_val v t2.
+Section WT_EXPR_STMT.
+Variable ce: composite_env.
+Variable e: typenv.
+Inductive wt_rvalue : expr -> Prop :=
+ | wt_Eval: forall v ty,
+ wt_val v ty ->
+ wt_rvalue (Eval v ty)
+ | wt_Evalof: forall l,
+ wt_lvalue l ->
+ wt_rvalue (Evalof l (typeof l))
+ | wt_Eaddrof: forall l,
+ wt_lvalue l ->
+ wt_rvalue (Eaddrof l (Tpointer (typeof l) noattr))
+ | wt_Eunop: forall op r ty,
+ wt_rvalue r ->
+ type_unop op (typeof r) = OK ty ->
+ wt_rvalue (Eunop op r ty)
+ | wt_Ebinop: forall op r1 r2 ty,
+ wt_rvalue r1 -> wt_rvalue r2 ->
+ type_binop op (typeof r1) (typeof r2) = OK ty ->
+ wt_rvalue (Ebinop op r1 r2 ty)
+ | wt_Ecast: forall r ty,
+ wt_rvalue r -> wt_cast (typeof r) ty ->
+ wt_rvalue (Ecast r ty)
+ | wt_Eseqand: forall r1 r2,
+ wt_rvalue r1 -> wt_rvalue r2 ->
+ wt_bool (typeof r1) -> wt_bool (typeof r2) ->
+ wt_rvalue (Eseqand r1 r2 (Tint I32 Signed noattr))
+ | wt_Eseqor: forall r1 r2,
+ wt_rvalue r1 -> wt_rvalue r2 ->
+ wt_bool (typeof r1) -> wt_bool (typeof r2) ->
+ wt_rvalue (Eseqor r1 r2 (Tint I32 Signed noattr))
+ | wt_Econdition: forall r1 r2 r3 ty,
+ wt_rvalue r1 -> wt_rvalue r2 -> wt_rvalue r3 ->
+ wt_bool (typeof r1) ->
+ wt_cast (typeof r2) ty -> wt_cast (typeof r3) ty ->
+ wt_rvalue (Econdition r1 r2 r3 ty)
+ | wt_Esizeof: forall ty,
+ wt_rvalue (Esizeof ty (Tint I32 Unsigned noattr))
+ | wt_Ealignof: forall ty,
+ wt_rvalue (Ealignof ty (Tint I32 Unsigned noattr))
+ | wt_Eassign: forall l r,
+ wt_lvalue l -> wt_rvalue r -> wt_cast (typeof r) (typeof l) ->
+ wt_rvalue (Eassign l r (typeof l))
+ | wt_Eassignop: forall op l r ty,
+ wt_lvalue l -> wt_rvalue r ->
+ type_binop op (typeof l) (typeof r) = OK ty ->
+ wt_cast ty (typeof l) ->
+ wt_rvalue (Eassignop op l r ty (typeof l))
+ | wt_Epostincr: forall id l ty,
+ wt_lvalue l ->
+ type_binop (match id with Incr => Oadd | Decr => Osub end)
+ (typeof l) (Tint I32 Signed noattr) = OK ty ->
+ wt_cast (incrdecr_type (typeof l)) (typeof l) ->
+ wt_rvalue (Epostincr id l (typeof l))
+ | wt_Ecomma: forall r1 r2,
+ wt_rvalue r1 -> wt_rvalue r2 ->
+ wt_rvalue (Ecomma r1 r2 (typeof r2))
+ | wt_Ecall: forall r1 rargs tyargs tyres cconv,
+ wt_rvalue r1 -> wt_exprlist rargs ->
+ classify_fun (typeof r1) = fun_case_f tyargs tyres cconv ->
+ wt_arguments rargs tyargs ->
+ wt_rvalue (Ecall r1 rargs tyres)
+ | wt_Ebuiltin: forall ef tyargs rargs,
+ wt_exprlist rargs ->
+ wt_arguments rargs tyargs ->
+ (* This is specialized to builtins returning void, the only
+ case generated by C2C. *)
+ sig_res (ef_sig ef) = None ->
+ wt_rvalue (Ebuiltin ef tyargs rargs Tvoid)
+ | wt_Eparen: forall r tycast ty,
+ wt_rvalue r ->
+ wt_cast (typeof r) tycast -> subtype tycast ty ->
+ wt_rvalue (Eparen r tycast ty)
+with wt_lvalue : expr -> Prop :=
+ | wt_Eloc: forall b ofs ty,
+ wt_lvalue (Eloc b ofs ty)
+ | wt_Evar: forall x ty,
+ e!x = Some ty ->
+ wt_lvalue (Evar x ty)
+ | wt_Ederef: forall r ty,
+ wt_rvalue r ->
+ type_deref (typeof r) = OK ty ->
+ wt_lvalue (Ederef r ty)
+ | wt_Efield: forall r f id a co ty,
+ wt_rvalue r ->
+ typeof r = Tstruct id a \/ typeof r = Tunion id a ->
+ ce!id = Some co ->
+ type_of_member a f co.(co_members) = OK ty ->
+ wt_lvalue (Efield r f ty)
+with wt_exprlist : exprlist -> Prop :=
+ | wt_Enil:
+ wt_exprlist Enil
+ | wt_Econs: forall r1 rl,
+ wt_rvalue r1 -> wt_exprlist rl -> wt_exprlist (Econs r1 rl).
+Definition wt_expr_kind (k: kind) (a: expr) :=
+ match k with
+ | RV => wt_rvalue a
+ | LV => wt_lvalue a
+ end.
+Definition expr_kind (a: expr) : kind :=
+ match a with
+ | Eloc _ _ _ => LV
+ | Evar _ _ => LV
+ | Ederef _ _ => LV
+ | Efield _ _ _ => LV
+ | _ => RV
+ end.
+Definition wt_expr (a: expr) :=
+ match expr_kind a with
+ | RV => wt_rvalue a
+ | LV => wt_lvalue a
+ end.
+Variable rt: type.
+Inductive wt_stmt: statement -> Prop :=
+ | wt_Sskip:
+ wt_stmt Sskip
+ | wt_Sdo: forall r,
+ wt_rvalue r -> wt_stmt (Sdo r)
+ | wt_Ssequence: forall s1 s2,
+ wt_stmt s1 -> wt_stmt s2 -> wt_stmt (Ssequence s1 s2)
+ | wt_Sifthenelse: forall r s1 s2,
+ wt_rvalue r -> wt_stmt s1 -> wt_stmt s2 -> wt_bool (typeof r) ->
+ wt_stmt (Sifthenelse r s1 s2)
+ | wt_Swhile: forall r s,
+ wt_rvalue r -> wt_stmt s -> wt_bool (typeof r) ->
+ wt_stmt (Swhile r s)
+ | wt_Sdowhile: forall r s,
+ wt_rvalue r -> wt_stmt s -> wt_bool (typeof r) ->
+ wt_stmt (Sdowhile r s)
+ | wt_Sfor: forall s1 r s2 s3,
+ wt_rvalue r -> wt_stmt s1 -> wt_stmt s2 -> wt_stmt s3 ->
+ wt_bool (typeof r) ->
+ wt_stmt (Sfor s1 r s2 s3)
+ | wt_Sbreak:
+ wt_stmt Sbreak
+ | wt_Scontinue:
+ wt_stmt Scontinue
+ | wt_Sreturn_none:
+ wt_stmt (Sreturn None)
+ | wt_Sreturn_some: forall r,
+ wt_rvalue r ->
+ wt_cast (typeof r) rt ->
+ wt_stmt (Sreturn (Some r))
+ | wt_Sswitch: forall r ls sg sz a,
+ wt_rvalue r ->
+ typeof r = Tint sz sg a \/ typeof r = Tlong sg a ->
+ wt_lblstmts ls ->
+ wt_stmt (Sswitch r ls)
+ | wt_Slabel: forall lbl s,
+ wt_stmt s -> wt_stmt (Slabel lbl s)
+ | wt_Sgoto: forall lbl,
+ wt_stmt (Sgoto lbl)
+with wt_lblstmts : labeled_statements -> Prop :=
+ | wt_LSnil:
+ wt_lblstmts LSnil
+ | wt_LScons: forall case s ls,
+ wt_stmt s -> wt_lblstmts ls ->
+ wt_lblstmts (LScons case s ls).
+Fixpoint bind_vars (e: typenv) (l: list (ident * type)) : typenv :=
+ match l with
+ | nil => e
+ | (id, ty) :: l => bind_vars (PTree.set id ty e) l
+ end.
+Inductive wt_function (ce: composite_env) (e: typenv) : function -> Prop :=
+ | wt_function_intro: forall f,
+ wt_stmt ce (bind_vars (bind_vars e f.(fn_params)) f.(fn_vars)) f.(fn_return) f.(fn_body) ->
+ wt_function ce e f.
+Fixpoint bind_globdef (e: typenv) (l: list (ident * globdef fundef type)) : typenv :=
+ match l with
+ | nil => e
+ | (id, Gfun fd) :: l => bind_globdef (PTree.set id (type_of_fundef fd) e) l
+ | (id, Gvar v) :: l => bind_globdef (PTree.set id v.(gvar_info) e) l
+ end.
+Inductive wt_program : program -> Prop :=
+ | wt_program_intro: forall p,
+ let e := bind_globdef (PTree.empty _) p.(prog_defs) in
+ (forall id f, In (id, Gfun (Internal f)) p.(prog_defs) ->
+ wt_function p.(prog_comp_env) e f) ->
+ wt_program p.
+Hint Constructors wt_val wt_rvalue wt_lvalue wt_stmt wt_lblstmts: ty.
+Hint Extern 1 (wt_int _ _ _) => exact I: ty.
+Hint Extern 1 (wt_int _ _ _) => reflexivity: ty.
+Ltac DestructCases :=
+ match goal with
+ | [H: match match ?x with _ => _ end with _ => _ end = Some _ |- _ ] => destruct x; DestructCases
+ | [H: match match ?x with _ => _ end with _ => _ end = OK _ |- _ ] => destruct x; DestructCases
+ | [H: match ?x with _ => _ end = OK _ |- _ ] => destruct x; DestructCases
+ | [H: match ?x with _ => _ end = Some _ |- _ ] => destruct x; DestructCases
+ | [H: match ?x with _ => _ end = OK _ |- _ ] => destruct x; DestructCases
+ | [H: Some _ = Some _ |- _ ] => inv H; DestructCases
+ | [H: None = Some _ |- _ ] => discriminate
+ | [H: OK _ = OK _ |- _ ] => inv H; DestructCases
+ | [H: Error _ = OK _ |- _ ] => discriminate
+ | _ => idtac
+ end.
+Ltac DestructMatch :=
+ match goal with
+ | [ |- match match ?x with _ => _ end with _ => _ end ] => destruct x; DestructMatch
+ | [ |- match ?x with _ => _ end ] => destruct x; DestructMatch
+ | _ => idtac
+ end.
+(** * Type checking *)
+Definition check_cast (t1 t2: type) : res unit :=
+ match classify_cast t1 t2 with
+ | cast_case_default => Error (msg "illegal cast")
+ | _ => OK tt
+ end.
+Definition check_bool (t: type) : res unit :=
+ match classify_bool t with
+ | bool_default => Error (msg "not a boolean")
+ | _ => OK tt
+ end.
+Definition check_literal (v: val) (t: type) : res unit :=
+ match v, t with
+ | Vint n, Tint I32 sg a => OK tt
+ | Vint n, Tpointer t' a => OK tt
+ | Vlong n, Tlong sg a => OK tt
+ | Vsingle f, Tfloat F32 a => OK tt
+ | Vfloat f, Tfloat F64 a => OK tt
+ | _, _ => Error (msg "wrong literal")
+ end.
+Fixpoint check_arguments (el: exprlist) (tyl: typelist) : res unit :=
+ match el, tyl with
+ | Enil, Tnil => OK tt
+ | Enil, _ => Error (msg "not enough arguments")
+ | _, Tnil => if strict then Error (msg "too many arguments") else OK tt
+ | Econs e1 el, Tcons ty1 tyl => do x <- check_cast (typeof e1) ty1; check_arguments el tyl
+ end.
+Definition check_rval (e: expr) : res unit :=
+ match e with
+ | Eloc _ _ _ | Evar _ _ | Ederef _ _ | Efield _ _ _ =>
+ Error (msg "not a r-value")
+ | _ =>
+ OK tt
+ end.
+Definition check_lval (e: expr) : res unit :=
+ match e with
+ | Eloc _ _ _ | Evar _ _ | Ederef _ _ | Efield _ _ _ =>
+ OK tt
+ | _ =>
+ Error (msg "not a l-value")
+ end.
+Fixpoint check_rvals (el: exprlist) : res unit :=
+ match el with
+ | Enil => OK tt
+ | Econs e1 el => do x <- check_rval e1; check_rvals el
+ end.
+(** Type-checking of expressions is presented as smart constructors
+ that check type constraints and build the expression with the correct
+ type annotation. *)
+Definition evar (e: typenv) (x: ident) : res expr :=
+ match e!x with
+ | Some ty => OK (Evar x ty)
+ | None => Error (MSG "unbound variable " :: CTX x :: nil)
+ end.
+Definition ederef (r: expr) : res expr :=
+ do x1 <- check_rval r;
+ do ty <- type_deref (typeof r);
+ OK (Ederef r ty).
+Definition efield (ce: composite_env) (r: expr) (f: ident) : res expr :=
+ do x1 <- check_rval r;
+ match typeof r with
+ | Tstruct id a | Tunion id a =>
+ match ce!id with
+ | None => Error (MSG "unbound composite " :: CTX id :: nil)
+ | Some co =>
+ do ty <- type_of_member a f co.(co_members);
+ OK (Efield r f ty)
+ end
+ | _ =>
+ Error (MSG "argument of ." :: CTX f :: MSG " is not a struct or union" :: nil)
+ end.
+Definition econst_int (n: int) (sg: signedness) : expr :=
+ (Eval (Vint n) (Tint I32 sg noattr)).
+Definition econst_ptr_int (n: int) (ty: type) : expr :=
+ (Eval (Vint n) (Tpointer ty noattr)).
+Definition econst_long (n: int64) (sg: signedness) : expr :=
+ (Eval (Vlong n) (Tlong sg noattr)).
+Definition econst_float (n: float) : expr :=
+ (Eval (Vfloat n) (Tfloat F64 noattr)).
+Definition econst_single (n: float32) : expr :=
+ (Eval (Vsingle n) (Tfloat F32 noattr)).
+Definition evalof (l: expr) : res expr :=
+ do x <- check_lval l; OK (Evalof l (typeof l)).
+Definition eaddrof (l: expr) : res expr :=
+ do x <- check_lval l; OK (Eaddrof l (Tpointer (typeof l) noattr)).
+Definition eunop (op: unary_operation) (r: expr) : res expr :=
+ do x <- check_rval r;
+ do ty <- type_unop op (typeof r);
+ OK (Eunop op r ty).
+Definition ebinop (op: binary_operation) (r1 r2: expr) : res expr :=
+ do x1 <- check_rval r1; do x2 <- check_rval r2;
+ do ty <- type_binop op (typeof r1) (typeof r2);
+ OK (Ebinop op r1 r2 ty).
+Definition ecast (ty: type) (r: expr) : res expr :=
+ do x1 <- check_rval r;
+ do x2 <- check_cast (typeof r) ty;
+ OK (Ecast r ty).
+Definition eseqand (r1 r2: expr) : res expr :=
+ do x1 <- check_rval r1; do x2 <- check_rval r2;
+ do y1 <- check_bool (typeof r1); do y2 <- check_bool (typeof r2);
+ OK (Eseqand r1 r2 type_int32s).
+Definition eseqor (r1 r2: expr) : res expr :=
+ do x1 <- check_rval r1; do x2 <- check_rval r2;
+ do y1 <- check_bool (typeof r1); do y2 <- check_bool (typeof r2);
+ OK (Eseqor r1 r2 type_int32s).
+Definition econdition (r1 r2 r3: expr) : res expr :=
+ do x1 <- check_rval r1; do x2 <- check_rval r2; do x3 <- check_rval r3;
+ do y1 <- check_bool (typeof r1);
+ do ty <- type_join (typeof r2) (typeof r3);
+ OK (Econdition r1 r2 r3 ty).
+Definition econdition' (r1 r2 r3: expr) (ty: type) : res expr :=
+ do x1 <- check_rval r1; do x2 <- check_rval r2; do x3 <- check_rval r3;
+ do y1 <- check_bool (typeof r1);
+ do y2 <- check_cast (typeof r2) ty;
+ do y3 <- check_cast (typeof r3) ty;
+ OK (Econdition r1 r2 r3 ty).
+Definition esizeof (ty: type) : expr :=
+ Esizeof ty (Tint I32 Unsigned noattr).
+Definition ealignof (ty: type) : expr :=
+ Ealignof ty (Tint I32 Unsigned noattr).
+Definition eassign (l r: expr) : res expr :=
+ do x1 <- check_lval l; do x2 <- check_rval r;
+ do y1 <- check_cast (typeof r) (typeof l);
+ OK (Eassign l r (typeof l)).
+Definition eassignop (op: binary_operation) (l r: expr) : res expr :=
+ do x1 <- check_lval l; do x2 <- check_rval r;
+ do ty <- type_binop op (typeof l) (typeof r);
+ do y1 <- check_cast ty (typeof l);
+ OK (Eassignop op l r ty (typeof l)).
+Definition epostincrdecr (id: incr_or_decr) (l: expr) : res expr :=
+ do x1 <- check_lval l;
+ do ty <- type_binop (match id with Incr => Oadd | Decr => Osub end)
+ (typeof l) type_int32s;
+ do y1 <- check_cast (incrdecr_type (typeof l)) (typeof l);
+ OK (Epostincr id l (typeof l)).
+Definition epostincr (l: expr) := epostincrdecr Incr l.
+Definition epostdecr (l: expr) := epostincrdecr Decr l.
+Definition epreincr (l: expr) := eassignop Oadd l (Eval (Vint Int.one) type_int32s).
+Definition epredecr (l: expr) := eassignop Osub l (Eval (Vint Int.one) type_int32s).
+Definition ecomma (r1 r2: expr) : res expr :=
+ do x1 <- check_rval r1; do x2 <- check_rval r2;
+ OK (Ecomma r1 r2 (typeof r2)).
+Definition ecall (fn: expr) (args: exprlist) : res expr :=
+ do x1 <- check_rval fn; do x2 <- check_rvals args;
+ match classify_fun (typeof fn) with
+ | fun_case_f tyargs tyres cconv =>
+ do y1 <- check_arguments args tyargs;
+ OK (Ecall fn args tyres)
+ | _ =>
+ Error (msg "call: not a function")
+ end.
+Definition ebuiltin (ef: external_function) (tyargs: typelist) (args: exprlist) (tyres: type) : res expr :=
+ do x1 <- check_rvals args;
+ do x2 <- check_arguments args tyargs;
+ if type_eq tyres Tvoid
+ && opt_typ_eq (sig_res (ef_sig ef)) None
+ then OK (Ebuiltin ef tyargs args tyres)
+ else Error (msg "builtin: wrong type decoration").
+Definition sdo (a: expr) : res statement :=
+ do x <- check_rval a; OK (Sdo a).
+Definition sifthenelse (a: expr) (s1 s2: statement) : res statement :=
+ do x <- check_rval a; do y <- check_bool (typeof a); OK (Sifthenelse a s1 s2).
+Definition swhile (a: expr) (s: statement) : res statement :=
+ do x <- check_rval a; do y <- check_bool (typeof a); OK (Swhile a s).
+Definition sdowhile (a: expr) (s: statement) : res statement :=
+ do x <- check_rval a; do y <- check_bool (typeof a); OK (Sdowhile a s).
+Definition sfor (s1: statement) (a: expr) (s2 s3: statement) : res statement :=
+ do x <- check_rval a; do y <- check_bool (typeof a); OK (Sfor s1 a s2 s3).
+Definition sreturn (rt: type) (a: expr) : res statement :=
+ do x <- check_rval a; do y <- check_cast (typeof a) rt;
+ OK (Sreturn (Some a)).
+Definition sswitch (a: expr) (sl: labeled_statements) : res statement :=
+ do x <- check_rval a;
+ match typeof a with
+ | Tint _ _ _ | Tlong _ _ => OK (Sswitch a sl)
+ | _ => Error (msg "wrong type for argument of switch")
+ end.
+(** Using the smart constructors, we define a type checker that rebuilds
+ a correctly-type-annotated program. *)
+Fixpoint retype_expr (ce: composite_env) (e: typenv) (a: expr) : res expr :=
+ match a with
+ | Eval (Vint n) (Tint _ sg _) =>
+ OK (econst_int n sg)
+ | Eval (Vint n) (Tpointer ty _) =>
+ OK (econst_ptr_int n ty)
+ | Eval (Vlong n) (Tlong sg _) =>
+ OK (econst_long n sg)
+ | Eval (Vfloat n) _ =>
+ OK (econst_float n)
+ | Eval (Vsingle n) _ =>
+ OK (econst_single n)
+ | Eval _ _ =>
+ Error (msg "bad literal")
+ | Evar x _ =>
+ evar e x
+ | Efield r f _ =>
+ do r' <- retype_expr ce e r; efield ce r' f
+ | Evalof l _ =>
+ do l' <- retype_expr ce e l; evalof l'
+ | Ederef r _ =>
+ do r' <- retype_expr ce e r; ederef r'
+ | Eaddrof l _ =>
+ do l' <- retype_expr ce e l; eaddrof l'
+ | Eunop op r _ =>
+ do r' <- retype_expr ce e r; eunop op r'
+ | Ebinop op r1 r2 _ =>
+ do r1' <- retype_expr ce e r1; do r2' <- retype_expr ce e r2; ebinop op r1' r2'
+ | Ecast r ty =>
+ do r' <- retype_expr ce e r; ecast ty r'
+ | Eseqand r1 r2 _ =>
+ do r1' <- retype_expr ce e r1; do r2' <- retype_expr ce e r2; eseqand r1' r2'
+ | Eseqor r1 r2 _ =>
+ do r1' <- retype_expr ce e r1; do r2' <- retype_expr ce e r2; eseqor r1' r2'
+ | Econdition r1 r2 r3 _ =>
+ do r1' <- retype_expr ce e r1; do r2' <- retype_expr ce e r2; do r3' <- retype_expr ce e r3; econdition r1' r2' r3'
+ | Esizeof ty _ =>
+ OK (esizeof ty)
+ | Ealignof ty _ =>
+ OK (ealignof ty)
+ | Eassign l r _ =>
+ do l' <- retype_expr ce e l; do r' <- retype_expr ce e r; eassign l' r'
+ | Eassignop op l r _ _ =>
+ do l' <- retype_expr ce e l; do r' <- retype_expr ce e r; eassignop op l' r'
+ | Epostincr id l _ =>
+ do l' <- retype_expr ce e l; epostincrdecr id l'
+ | Ecomma r1 r2 _ =>
+ do r1' <- retype_expr ce e r1; do r2' <- retype_expr ce e r2; ecomma r1' r2'
+ | Ecall r1 rl _ =>
+ do r1' <- retype_expr ce e r1; do rl' <- retype_exprlist ce e rl; ecall r1' rl'
+ | Ebuiltin ef tyargs rl tyres =>
+ do rl' <- retype_exprlist ce e rl; ebuiltin ef tyargs rl' tyres
+ | Eloc _ _ _ =>
+ Error (msg "Eloc in source")
+ | Eparen _ _ _ =>
+ Error (msg "Eparen in source")
+ end
+with retype_exprlist (ce: composite_env) (e: typenv) (al: exprlist) : res exprlist :=
+ match al with
+ | Enil => OK Enil
+ | Econs a1 al =>
+ do a1' <- retype_expr ce e a1;
+ do al' <- retype_exprlist ce e al;
+ do x1 <- check_rval a1';
+ OK (Econs a1' al')
+ end.
+Fixpoint retype_stmt (ce: composite_env) (e: typenv) (rt: type) (s: statement) : res statement :=
+ match s with
+ | Sskip =>
+ OK Sskip
+ | Sdo a =>
+ do a' <- retype_expr ce e a; sdo a'
+ | Ssequence s1 s2 =>
+ do s1' <- retype_stmt ce e rt s1; do s2' <- retype_stmt ce e rt s2; OK (Ssequence s1' s2')
+ | Sifthenelse a s1 s2 =>
+ do a' <- retype_expr ce e a;
+ do s1' <- retype_stmt ce e rt s1; do s2' <- retype_stmt ce e rt s2;
+ sifthenelse a' s1' s2'
+ | Swhile a s =>
+ do a' <- retype_expr ce e a;
+ do s' <- retype_stmt ce e rt s;
+ swhile a' s'
+ | Sdowhile a s =>
+ do a' <- retype_expr ce e a;
+ do s' <- retype_stmt ce e rt s;
+ sdowhile a' s'
+ | Sfor s1 a s2 s3 =>
+ do a' <- retype_expr ce e a;
+ do s1' <- retype_stmt ce e rt s1; do s2' <- retype_stmt ce e rt s2; do s3' <- retype_stmt ce e rt s3;
+ sfor s1' a' s2' s3'
+ | Sbreak =>
+ OK Sbreak
+ | Scontinue =>
+ OK Scontinue
+ | Sreturn None =>
+ OK (Sreturn None)
+ | Sreturn (Some a) =>
+ do a' <- retype_expr ce e a;
+ sreturn rt a'
+ | Sswitch a sl =>
+ do a' <- retype_expr ce e a;
+ do sl' <- retype_lblstmts ce e rt sl;
+ sswitch a' sl'
+ | Slabel lbl s =>
+ do s' <- retype_stmt ce e rt s; OK (Slabel lbl s')
+ | Sgoto lbl =>
+ OK (Sgoto lbl)
+ end
+with retype_lblstmts (ce: composite_env) (e: typenv) (rt: type) (sl: labeled_statements) : res labeled_statements :=
+ match sl with
+ | LSnil => OK LSnil
+ | LScons case s sl =>
+ do s' <- retype_stmt ce e rt s; do sl' <- retype_lblstmts ce e rt sl;
+ OK (LScons case s' sl')
+ end.
+Definition retype_function (ce: composite_env) (e: typenv) (f: function) : res function :=
+ let e := bind_vars (bind_vars e f.(fn_params)) f.(fn_vars) in
+ do s <- retype_stmt ce e f.(fn_return) f.(fn_body);
+ OK (mkfunction f.(fn_return)
+ f.(fn_callconv)
+ f.(fn_params)
+ f.(fn_vars)
+ s).
+(** Soundness of the smart constructors. *)
+Lemma check_cast_sound:
+ forall t1 t2 x, check_cast t1 t2 = OK x -> wt_cast t1 t2.
+ unfold check_cast, wt_cast; intros.
+ destruct (classify_cast t1 t2); congruence.
+Lemma check_bool_sound:
+ forall t x, check_bool t = OK x -> wt_bool t.
+ unfold check_bool, wt_bool; intros.
+ destruct (classify_bool t); congruence.
+Hint Resolve check_cast_sound check_bool_sound: ty.
+Lemma check_arguments_sound:
+ forall el tl x, check_arguments el tl = OK x -> wt_arguments el tl.
+ intros el tl; revert tl el.
+ induction tl; destruct el; simpl; intros; try discriminate.
+ constructor.
+ destruct strict eqn:S; try discriminate. constructor; auto.
+ monadInv H. constructor; eauto with ty.
+Lemma check_rval_sound:
+ forall a x, check_rval a = OK x -> expr_kind a = RV.
+ unfold check_rval; intros. destruct a; reflexivity || discriminate.
+Lemma check_lval_sound:
+ forall a x, check_lval a = OK x -> expr_kind a = LV.
+ unfold check_lval; intros. destruct a; reflexivity || discriminate.
+Lemma binarith_type_cast:
+ forall t1 t2 m t,
+ binarith_type t1 t2 m = OK t -> wt_cast t1 t /\ wt_cast t2 t.
+ unfold wt_cast, binarith_type, classify_binarith; intros; DestructCases;
+ simpl; split; try congruence. destruct f; congruence.
+Lemma typeconv_cast:
+ forall t1 t2, wt_cast (typeconv t1) t2 -> wt_cast t1 t2.
+ unfold typeconv, wt_cast; intros. destruct t1; auto.
+ assert (classify_cast (Tint I32 Signed a) t2 <> cast_case_default ->
+ classify_cast (Tint i s a) t2 <> cast_case_default).
+ {
+ unfold classify_cast. destruct t2; try congruence. destruct f; congruence.
+ }
+ destruct i; auto.
+Lemma type_join_cast:
+ forall t1 t2 t,
+ type_join t1 t2 = OK t -> wt_cast t1 t /\ wt_cast t2 t.
+ intros. unfold type_join in H.
+ destruct (typeconv t1) eqn:T1; try discriminate;
+ destruct (typeconv t2) eqn:T2; inv H.
+- unfold wt_cast; simpl; split; congruence.
+- eapply binarith_type_cast; eauto.
+- eapply binarith_type_cast; eauto.
+- split; apply typeconv_cast; unfold wt_cast.
+ rewrite T1; simpl; congruence. rewrite T2; simpl; congruence.
+- eapply binarith_type_cast; eauto.
+- eapply binarith_type_cast; eauto.
+- split; apply typeconv_cast; unfold wt_cast.
+ rewrite T1; simpl; congruence. rewrite T2; simpl; congruence.
+- split; apply typeconv_cast; unfold wt_cast.
+ rewrite T1; simpl; congruence. rewrite T2; simpl; congruence.
+- destruct (ident_eq i i0); inv H1.
+ split; apply typeconv_cast; unfold wt_cast.
+ rewrite T1; simpl; congruence. rewrite T2; simpl; congruence.
+- destruct (ident_eq i i0); inv H1.
+ split; apply typeconv_cast; unfold wt_cast.
+ rewrite T1; simpl; congruence. rewrite T2; simpl; congruence.
+Variable ce: composite_env.
+Variable e: typenv.
+Variable rt: type.
+Corollary check_rval_wt:
+ forall a x, wt_expr ce e a -> check_rval a = OK x -> wt_rvalue ce e a.
+ unfold wt_expr; intros. erewrite check_rval_sound in H by eauto. auto.
+Corollary check_lval_wt:
+ forall a x, wt_expr ce e a -> check_lval a = OK x -> wt_lvalue ce e a.
+ unfold wt_expr; intros. erewrite check_lval_sound in H by eauto. auto.
+Hint Resolve check_rval_wt check_lval_wt: ty.
+Hint Extern 1 (wt_expr _ _ _) => (unfold wt_expr; simpl): ty.
+Lemma evar_sound:
+ forall x a, evar e x = OK a -> wt_expr ce e a.
+ unfold evar; intros. destruct (e!x) as [ty|] eqn:E; inv H. eauto with ty.
+Lemma ederef_sound:
+ forall r a, ederef r = OK a -> wt_expr ce e r -> wt_expr ce e a.
+ intros. monadInv H. eauto with ty.
+Lemma efield_sound:
+ forall r f a, efield ce r f = OK a -> wt_expr ce e r -> wt_expr ce e a.
+ intros. monadInv H.
+ destruct (typeof r) eqn:TR; try discriminate;
+ destruct (ce!i) as [co|] eqn:CE; monadInv EQ0; eauto with ty.
+Lemma econst_int_sound:
+ forall n sg, wt_expr ce e (econst_int n sg).
+ unfold econst_int; auto with ty.
+Lemma econst_ptr_int_sound:
+ forall n ty, wt_expr ce e (econst_ptr_int n ty).
+ unfold econst_ptr_int; auto with ty.
+Lemma econst_long_sound:
+ forall n sg, wt_expr ce e (econst_long n sg).
+ unfold econst_long; auto with ty.
+Lemma econst_float_sound:
+ forall n, wt_expr ce e (econst_float n).
+ unfold econst_float; auto with ty.
+Lemma econst_single_sound:
+ forall n, wt_expr ce e (econst_single n).
+ unfold econst_single; auto with ty.
+Lemma evalof_sound:
+ forall l a, evalof l = OK a -> wt_expr ce e l -> wt_expr ce e a.
+ intros. monadInv H. eauto with ty.
+Lemma eaddrof_sound:
+ forall l a, eaddrof l = OK a -> wt_expr ce e l -> wt_expr ce e a.
+ intros. monadInv H. eauto with ty.
+Lemma eunop_sound:
+ forall op r a, eunop op r = OK a -> wt_expr ce e r -> wt_expr ce e a.
+ intros. monadInv H. eauto with ty.
+Lemma ebinop_sound:
+ forall op r1 r2 a, ebinop op r1 r2 = OK a -> wt_expr ce e r1 -> wt_expr ce e r2 -> wt_expr ce e a.
+ intros. monadInv H. eauto with ty.
+Lemma ecast_sound:
+ forall ty r a, ecast ty r = OK a -> wt_expr ce e r -> wt_expr ce e a.
+ intros. monadInv H. eauto with ty.
+Lemma eseqand_sound:
+ forall r1 r2 a, eseqand r1 r2 = OK a -> wt_expr ce e r1 -> wt_expr ce e r2 -> wt_expr ce e a.
+ intros. monadInv H. eauto 10 with ty.
+Lemma eseqor_sound:
+ forall r1 r2 a, eseqor r1 r2 = OK a -> wt_expr ce e r1 -> wt_expr ce e r2 -> wt_expr ce e a.
+ intros. monadInv H. eauto 10 with ty.
+Lemma econdition_sound:
+ forall r1 r2 r3 a, econdition r1 r2 r3 = OK a ->
+ wt_expr ce e r1 -> wt_expr ce e r2 -> wt_expr ce e r3 -> wt_expr ce e a.
+ intros. monadInv H. apply type_join_cast in EQ3. destruct EQ3. eauto 10 with ty.
+Lemma econdition'_sound:
+ forall r1 r2 r3 ty a, econdition' r1 r2 r3 ty = OK a ->
+ wt_expr ce e r1 -> wt_expr ce e r2 -> wt_expr ce e r3 -> wt_expr ce e a.
+ intros. monadInv H. eauto 10 with ty.
+Lemma esizeof_sound:
+ forall ty, wt_expr ce e (esizeof ty).
+ unfold esizeof; auto with ty.
+Lemma ealignof_sound:
+ forall ty, wt_expr ce e (ealignof ty).
+ unfold ealignof; auto with ty.
+Lemma eassign_sound:
+ forall l r a, eassign l r = OK a -> wt_expr ce e l -> wt_expr ce e r -> wt_expr ce e a.
+ intros. monadInv H. eauto 10 with ty.
+Lemma eassignop_sound:
+ forall op l r a, eassignop op l r = OK a -> wt_expr ce e l -> wt_expr ce e r -> wt_expr ce e a.
+ intros. monadInv H. eauto 10 with ty.
+Lemma epostincrdecr_sound:
+ forall id l a, epostincrdecr id l = OK a -> wt_expr ce e l -> wt_expr ce e a.
+ intros. monadInv H. eauto 10 with ty.
+Lemma ecomma_sound:
+ forall r1 r2 a, ecomma r1 r2 = OK a -> wt_expr ce e r1 -> wt_expr ce e r2 -> wt_expr ce e a.
+ intros. monadInv H. eauto with ty.
+Lemma ecall_sound:
+ forall fn args a, ecall fn args = OK a -> wt_expr ce e fn -> wt_exprlist ce e args -> wt_expr ce e a.
+ intros. monadInv H.
+ destruct (classify_fun (typeof fn)) eqn:CF; monadInv EQ2.
+ econstructor; eauto with ty. eapply check_arguments_sound; eauto.
+Lemma ebuiltin_sound:
+ forall ef tyargs args tyres a,
+ ebuiltin ef tyargs args tyres = OK a -> wt_exprlist ce e args -> wt_expr ce e a.
+ intros. monadInv H.
+ destruct (type_eq tyres Tvoid); simpl in EQ2; try discriminate.
+ destruct (opt_typ_eq (sig_res (ef_sig ef)) None); inv EQ2.
+ econstructor; eauto. eapply check_arguments_sound; eauto.
+Lemma sdo_sound:
+ forall a s, sdo a = OK s -> wt_expr ce e a -> wt_stmt ce e rt s.
+ intros. monadInv H. eauto with ty.
+Lemma sifthenelse_sound:
+ forall a s1 s2 s, sifthenelse a s1 s2 = OK s ->
+ wt_expr ce e a -> wt_stmt ce e rt s1 -> wt_stmt ce e rt s2 -> wt_stmt ce e rt s.
+ intros. monadInv H. eauto with ty.
+Lemma swhile_sound:
+ forall a s1 s, swhile a s1 = OK s ->
+ wt_expr ce e a -> wt_stmt ce e rt s1 -> wt_stmt ce e rt s.
+ intros. monadInv H. eauto with ty.
+Lemma sdowhile_sound:
+ forall a s1 s, sdowhile a s1 = OK s ->
+ wt_expr ce e a -> wt_stmt ce e rt s1 -> wt_stmt ce e rt s.
+ intros. monadInv H. eauto with ty.
+Lemma sfor_sound:
+ forall s1 a s2 s3 s, sfor s1 a s2 s3 = OK s ->
+ wt_stmt ce e rt s1 -> wt_expr ce e a -> wt_stmt ce e rt s2 -> wt_stmt ce e rt s3 ->
+ wt_stmt ce e rt s.
+ intros. monadInv H. eauto 10 with ty.
+Lemma sreturn_sound:
+ forall a s, sreturn rt a = OK s -> wt_expr ce e a -> wt_stmt ce e rt s.
+ intros. monadInv H; eauto with ty.
+Lemma sswitch_sound:
+ forall a sl s, sswitch a sl = OK s ->
+ wt_expr ce e a -> wt_lblstmts ce e rt sl -> wt_stmt ce e rt s.
+ intros. monadInv H. destruct (typeof a) eqn:TA; inv EQ0.
+ eauto with ty.
+ eapply wt_Sswitch with (sz := I32); eauto with ty.
+Lemma retype_expr_sound:
+ forall a a', retype_expr ce e a = OK a' -> wt_expr ce e a'
+with retype_exprlist_sound:
+ forall al al', retype_exprlist ce e al = OK al' -> wt_exprlist ce e al'.
+- destruct a; simpl; intros a' RT; try (monadInv RT).
++ destruct v; try discriminate.
+ destruct ty; inv RT. apply econst_int_sound. apply econst_ptr_int_sound.
+ destruct ty; inv RT. apply econst_long_sound.
+ inv RT. apply econst_float_sound.
+ inv RT. apply econst_single_sound.
++ eapply evar_sound; eauto.
++ eapply efield_sound; eauto.
++ eapply evalof_sound; eauto.
++ eapply ederef_sound; eauto.
++ eapply eaddrof_sound; eauto.
++ eapply eunop_sound; eauto.
++ eapply ebinop_sound; eauto.
++ eapply ecast_sound; eauto.
++ eapply eseqand_sound; eauto.
++ eapply eseqor_sound; eauto.
++ eapply econdition_sound; eauto.
++ apply esizeof_sound.
++ apply ealignof_sound.
++ eapply eassign_sound; eauto.
++ eapply eassignop_sound; eauto.
++ eapply epostincrdecr_sound; eauto.
++ eapply ecomma_sound; eauto.
++ eapply ecall_sound; eauto.
++ eapply ebuiltin_sound; eauto.
+- destruct al; simpl; intros al' RT; monadInv RT.
++ constructor.
++ constructor; eauto with ty.
+Lemma retype_stmt_sound:
+ forall s s', retype_stmt ce e rt s = OK s' -> wt_stmt ce e rt s'
+with retype_lblstmts_sound:
+ forall sl sl', retype_lblstmts ce e rt sl = OK sl' -> wt_lblstmts ce e rt sl'.
+- destruct s; simpl; intros s' RT; try (monadInv RT).
++ constructor.
++ eapply sdo_sound; eauto using retype_expr_sound.
++ constructor; eauto.
++ eapply sifthenelse_sound; eauto using retype_expr_sound.
++ eapply swhile_sound; eauto using retype_expr_sound.
++ eapply sdowhile_sound; eauto using retype_expr_sound.
++ eapply sfor_sound; eauto using retype_expr_sound.
++ constructor.
++ constructor.
++ destruct o; monadInv RT. eapply sreturn_sound; eauto using retype_expr_sound. constructor.
++ eapply sswitch_sound; eauto using retype_expr_sound.
++ constructor; eauto.
++ constructor.
+- destruct sl; simpl; intros sl' RT; monadInv RT.
++ constructor.
++ constructor; eauto.
+Lemma retype_function_sound:
+ forall ce e f f', retype_function ce e f = OK f' -> wt_function ce e f'.
+ intros. monadInv H. constructor; simpl. eapply retype_stmt_sound; eauto.
+(** * Subject reduction *)
+(** We show that reductions preserve well-typedness *)
+Lemma pres_cast_int_int:
+ forall sz sg n, wt_int (cast_int_int sz sg n) sz sg.
+ intros. unfold cast_int_int. destruct sz; simpl.
+- destruct sg. apply Int.sign_ext_idem; omega. apply Int.zero_ext_idem; omega.
+- destruct sg. apply Int.sign_ext_idem; omega. apply Int.zero_ext_idem; omega.
+- auto.
+- destruct (Int.eq n Int.zero); auto.
+Hint Resolve pres_cast_int_int: ty.
+Lemma pres_sem_cast:
+ forall v2 ty2 v1 ty1, wt_val v1 ty1 -> sem_cast v1 ty1 ty2 = Some v2 -> wt_val v2 ty2.
+ unfold sem_cast, classify_cast; induction 1; simpl; intros; DestructCases; auto with ty.
+- constructor. apply (pres_cast_int_int I8 s).
+- constructor. apply (pres_cast_int_int I16 s).
+- destruct (Int.eq n Int.zero); auto with ty.
+- constructor. apply (pres_cast_int_int I8 s).
+- constructor. apply (pres_cast_int_int I16 s).
+- destruct (Int64.eq n Int64.zero); auto with ty.
+- constructor. apply (pres_cast_int_int I8 s).
+- constructor. apply (pres_cast_int_int I16 s).
+- destruct (Float.cmp Ceq f Float.zero); auto with ty.
+- constructor. apply (pres_cast_int_int I8 s).
+- constructor. apply (pres_cast_int_int I16 s).
+- destruct (Float32.cmp Ceq f Float32.zero); auto with ty.
+- destruct (Int.eq n Int.zero); auto with ty.
+Lemma pres_sem_binarith:
+ forall
+ (sem_int: signedness -> int -> int -> option val)
+ (sem_long: signedness -> int64 -> int64 -> option val)
+ (sem_float: float -> float -> option val)
+ (sem_single: float32 -> float32 -> option val)
+ v1 ty1 v2 ty2 v ty msg,
+ (forall sg n1 n2,
+ match sem_int sg n1 n2 with None | Some (Vint _) | Some Vundef => True | _ => False end) ->
+ (forall sg n1 n2,
+ match sem_long sg n1 n2 with None | Some (Vlong _) | Some Vundef => True | _ => False end) ->
+ (forall n1 n2,
+ match sem_float n1 n2 with None | Some (Vfloat _) | Some Vundef => True | _ => False end) ->
+ (forall n1 n2,
+ match sem_single n1 n2 with None | Some (Vsingle _) | Some Vundef => True | _ => False end) ->
+ sem_binarith sem_int sem_long sem_float sem_single v1 ty1 v2 ty2 = Some v ->
+ binarith_type ty1 ty2 msg = OK ty ->
+ wt_val v ty.
+Proof with (try discriminate).
+ intros. unfold sem_binarith, binarith_type in *.
+ set (ty' := Cop.binarith_type (classify_binarith ty1 ty2)) in *.
+ destruct (sem_cast v1 ty1 ty') as [v1'|] eqn:CAST1...
+ destruct (sem_cast v2 ty2 ty') as [v2'|] eqn:CAST2...
+ DestructCases.
+- specialize (H s i i0). rewrite H3 in H.
+ destruct v; auto with ty; contradiction.
+- specialize (H0 s i i0). rewrite H3 in H0.
+ destruct v; auto with ty; contradiction.
+- specialize (H1 f f0). rewrite H3 in H1.
+ destruct v; auto with ty; contradiction.
+- specialize (H2 f f0). rewrite H3 in H2.
+ destruct v; auto with ty; contradiction.
+Lemma pres_sem_binarith_int:
+ forall
+ (sem_int: signedness -> int -> int -> option val)
+ (sem_long: signedness -> int64 -> int64 -> option val)
+ v1 ty1 v2 ty2 v ty msg,
+ (forall sg n1 n2,
+ match sem_int sg n1 n2 with None | Some (Vint _) | Some Vundef => True | _ => False end) ->
+ (forall sg n1 n2,
+ match sem_long sg n1 n2 with None | Some (Vlong _) | Some Vundef => True | _ => False end) ->
+ sem_binarith sem_int sem_long (fun n1 n2 => None) (fun n1 n2 => None) v1 ty1 v2 ty2 = Some v ->
+ binarith_int_type ty1 ty2 msg = OK ty ->
+ wt_val v ty.
+ intros. eapply pres_sem_binarith with (msg := msg); eauto.
+ simpl; auto. simpl; auto.
+ unfold binarith_int_type, binarith_type in *.
+ destruct (classify_binarith ty1 ty2); congruence.
+Lemma pres_sem_shift:
+ forall sem_int sem_long ty1 ty2 m ty v1 v2 v,
+ shift_op_type ty1 ty2 m = OK ty ->
+ sem_shift sem_int sem_long v1 ty1 v2 ty2 = Some v ->
+ wt_val v ty.
+ intros. unfold shift_op_type, sem_shift in *. DestructCases; auto with ty.
+Lemma pres_sem_cmp:
+ forall ty1 ty2 msg ty c v1 v2 m v,
+ comparison_type ty1 ty2 msg = OK ty ->
+ sem_cmp c v1 ty1 v2 ty2 m = Some v ->
+ wt_val v ty.
+Proof with (try discriminate).
+ unfold comparison_type, sem_cmp; intros.
+ assert (X: forall b, wt_val (Val.of_bool b) (Tint I32 Signed noattr)).
+ {
+ intros b; destruct b; constructor; exact I.
+ }
+ assert (Y: forall ob, option_map Val.of_bool ob = Some v -> wt_val v (Tint I32 Signed noattr)).
+ {
+ intros ob EQ. destruct ob as [b|]; inv EQ. eauto.
+ }
+ destruct (classify_cmp ty1 ty2).
+- inv H; eauto.
+- DestructCases; eauto.
+- DestructCases; eauto.
+- unfold sem_binarith in H0.
+ set (ty' := Cop.binarith_type (classify_binarith ty1 ty2)) in *.
+ destruct (sem_cast v1 ty1 ty') as [v1'|]...
+ destruct (sem_cast v2 ty2 ty') as [v2'|]...
+ DestructCases; auto.
+Lemma pres_sem_binop:
+ forall ce op ty1 ty2 ty v1 v2 v m,
+ type_binop op ty1 ty2 = OK ty ->
+ sem_binary_operation ce op v1 ty1 v2 ty2 m = Some v ->
+ wt_val v1 ty1 -> wt_val v2 ty2 ->
+ wt_val v ty.
+ intros until m; intros TY SEM WT1 WT2.
+ destruct op; simpl in TY; simpl in SEM.
+- (* add *)
+ unfold sem_add in SEM; DestructCases; auto with ty.
+ eapply pres_sem_binarith; eauto; intros; exact I.
+- (* sub *)
+ unfold sem_sub in SEM; DestructCases; auto with ty.
+ eapply pres_sem_binarith; eauto; intros; exact I.
+- (* mul *)
+ unfold sem_mul in SEM. eapply pres_sem_binarith; eauto; intros; exact I.
+- (* div *)
+ unfold sem_div in SEM. eapply pres_sem_binarith; eauto; intros.
+ simpl; DestructMatch; auto.
+ simpl; DestructMatch; auto.
+ simpl; DestructMatch; auto.
+ simpl; DestructMatch; auto.
+- (* mod *)
+ unfold sem_mod in SEM. eapply pres_sem_binarith_int; eauto; intros.
+ simpl; DestructMatch; auto.
+ simpl; DestructMatch; auto.
+- (* and *)
+ unfold sem_and in SEM. eapply pres_sem_binarith_int; eauto; intros; exact I.
+- (* or *)
+ unfold sem_or in SEM. eapply pres_sem_binarith_int; eauto; intros; exact I.
+- (* xor *)
+ unfold sem_xor in SEM. eapply pres_sem_binarith_int; eauto; intros; exact I.
+- (* shl *)
+ unfold sem_shl in SEM. eapply pres_sem_shift; eauto.
+- (* shr *)
+ unfold sem_shr in SEM. eapply pres_sem_shift; eauto.
+- (* comparisons *)
+ eapply pres_sem_cmp; eauto.
+- eapply pres_sem_cmp; eauto.
+- eapply pres_sem_cmp; eauto.
+- eapply pres_sem_cmp; eauto.
+- eapply pres_sem_cmp; eauto.
+- eapply pres_sem_cmp; eauto.
+Lemma pres_sem_unop:
+ forall op ty1 ty v1 v,
+ type_unop op ty1 = OK ty ->
+ sem_unary_operation op v1 ty1 = Some v ->
+ wt_val v1 ty1 ->
+ wt_val v ty.
+ intros until v; intros TY SEM WT1.
+ destruct op; simpl in TY; simpl in SEM.
+- (* notbool *)
+ unfold sem_notbool in SEM; DestructCases.
+ destruct (Int.eq i Int.zero); constructor; auto with ty.
+ destruct (Float.cmp Ceq f Float.zero); constructor; auto with ty.
+ destruct (Float32.cmp Ceq f Float32.zero); constructor; auto with ty.
+ destruct (Int.eq i Int.zero); constructor; auto with ty.
+ constructor; auto with ty.
+ destruct (Int64.eq i Int64.zero); constructor; auto with ty.
+- (* notint *)
+ unfold sem_notint in SEM; DestructCases; auto with ty.
+- (* neg *)
+ unfold sem_neg in SEM; DestructCases; auto with ty.
+- (* absfloat *)
+ unfold sem_absfloat in SEM; DestructCases; auto with ty.
+Lemma wt_load_result:
+ forall ty chunk v,
+ access_mode ty = By_value chunk ->
+ wt_val (Val.load_result chunk v) ty.
+ intros until v; intros AC. destruct ty; simpl in AC; try discriminate.
+ destruct i; [destruct s|destruct s|idtac|idtac]; inv AC; simpl; destruct v; auto with ty.
+ constructor; red. apply Int.sign_ext_idem; omega.
+ constructor; red. apply Int.zero_ext_idem; omega.
+ constructor; red. apply Int.sign_ext_idem; omega.
+ constructor; red. apply Int.zero_ext_idem; omega.
+ constructor; red. apply Int.zero_ext_idem; omega.
+ inv AC; simpl; destruct v; auto with ty.
+ destruct f; inv AC; simpl; destruct v; auto with ty.
+ inv AC; simpl; destruct v; auto with ty.
+Lemma wt_decode_val:
+ forall ty chunk vl,
+ access_mode ty = By_value chunk ->
+ wt_val (decode_val chunk vl) ty.
+ intros until vl; intros ACC.
+ destruct ty; simpl in ACC; try discriminate.
+- destruct i; [destruct s|destruct s|idtac|idtac]; inv ACC; unfold decode_val;
+ destruct (proj_bytes vl); auto with ty.
+ constructor; red. apply Int.sign_ext_idem; omega.
+ constructor; red. apply Int.zero_ext_idem; omega.
+ constructor; red. apply Int.sign_ext_idem; omega.
+ constructor; red. apply Int.zero_ext_idem; omega.
+ apply wt_load_result. auto.
+ constructor; red. apply Int.zero_ext_idem; omega.
+- inv ACC. unfold decode_val. destruct (proj_bytes vl); auto with ty.
+- destruct f; inv ACC; unfold decode_val; destruct (proj_bytes vl); auto with ty.
+- inv ACC. unfold decode_val. destruct (proj_bytes vl); auto with ty.
+ apply wt_load_result. auto.
+Lemma wt_deref_loc:
+ forall ge ty m b ofs t v,
+ deref_loc ge ty m b ofs t v ->
+ wt_val v ty.
+ induction 1.
+- (* by value, non volatile *)
+ simpl in H1. exploit Mem.load_result; eauto. intros EQ; rewrite EQ.
+ apply wt_decode_val; auto.
+- (* by value, volatile *)
+ inv H1.
+ + (* truly volatile *)
+ eapply wt_load_result; eauto.
+ + (* not really volatile *)
+ exploit Mem.load_result; eauto. intros EQ; rewrite EQ.
+ apply wt_decode_val; auto.
+- (* by reference *)
+ destruct ty; simpl in H; try discriminate; auto with ty.
+ destruct i; destruct s; discriminate.
+ destruct f; discriminate.
+- (* by copy *)
+ destruct ty; simpl in H; try discriminate; auto with ty.
+ destruct i; destruct s; discriminate.
+ destruct f; discriminate.
+Lemma wt_bool_cast:
+ forall ty, wt_bool ty -> wt_cast ty type_bool.
+ unfold wt_bool, wt_cast; unfold classify_bool; intros. destruct ty; simpl in *; try congruence. destruct f; congruence.
+Lemma wt_cast_self:
+ forall t1 t2, wt_cast t1 t2 -> wt_cast t2 t2.
+ unfold wt_cast; intros. destruct t2; simpl in *; try congruence.
+ destruct i; congruence.
+ destruct f; congruence.
+Lemma binarith_type_int32s:
+ forall ty1 msg ty2,
+ binarith_type ty1 type_int32s msg = OK ty2 ->
+ ty2 = incrdecr_type ty1.
+ intros. unfold incrdecr_type.
+ unfold binarith_type, classify_binarith in H; simpl in H.
+ destruct ty1; simpl; try congruence.
+ destruct i; destruct s; try congruence.
+ destruct s; congruence.
+ destruct f; congruence.
+Lemma type_add_int32s:
+ forall ty1 ty2,
+ type_binop Oadd ty1 type_int32s = OK ty2 ->
+ ty2 = incrdecr_type ty1.
+ simpl; intros. unfold classify_add in H; destruct ty1; simpl in H;
+ try (eapply binarith_type_int32s; eauto; fail).
+ destruct i; eapply binarith_type_int32s; eauto.
+ inv H; auto.
+ inv H; auto.
+ inv H; auto.
+Lemma type_sub_int32s:
+ forall ty1 ty2,
+ type_binop Osub ty1 type_int32s = OK ty2 ->
+ ty2 = incrdecr_type ty1.
+ simpl; intros. unfold classify_sub in H; destruct ty1; simpl in H;
+ try (eapply binarith_type_int32s; eauto; fail).
+ destruct i; eapply binarith_type_int32s; eauto.
+ inv H; auto.
+ inv H; auto.
+ inv H; auto.
+Lemma wt_rred:
+ forall ge tenv a m t a' m',
+ rred ge a m t a' m' -> wt_rvalue ge tenv a -> wt_rvalue ge tenv a'.
+ induction 1; intros WT; inversion WT.
+- (* valof *) simpl in *. constructor. eapply wt_deref_loc; eauto.
+- (* addrof *) constructor; auto with ty.
+- (* unop *) simpl in H4. inv H2. constructor. eapply pres_sem_unop; eauto.
+- (* binop *)
+ simpl in H6. inv H3. inv H5. constructor. eapply pres_sem_binop; eauto.
+- (* cast *) inv H2. constructor. eapply pres_sem_cast; eauto.
+- (* sequand true *) subst. constructor. auto. apply wt_bool_cast; auto.
+ red; intros. inv H0; auto with ty.
+- (* sequand false *) constructor. auto with ty.
+- (* seqor true *) constructor. auto with ty.
+- (* seqor false *) subst. constructor. auto. apply wt_bool_cast; auto.
+ red; intros. inv H0; auto with ty.
+- (* condition *) constructor. destruct b; auto. destruct b; auto. red; auto.
+- (* sizeof *) constructor; auto with ty.
+- (* alignof *) constructor; auto with ty.
+- (* assign *) inversion H5. constructor. eapply pres_sem_cast; eauto.
+- (* assignop *) subst tyres l r. constructor. auto.
+ constructor. constructor. eapply wt_deref_loc; eauto.
+ auto. auto. auto.
+- (* postincr *) simpl in *. subst id0 l.
+ exploit wt_deref_loc; eauto. intros WTV1.
+ constructor.
+ constructor. auto. rewrite <- H0 in H5. constructor.
+ constructor; auto. constructor. constructor. auto with ty.
+ subst op. destruct id.
+ erewrite <- type_add_int32s by eauto. auto.
+ erewrite <- type_sub_int32s by eauto. auto.
+ simpl; auto.
+ constructor; auto.
+- (* comma *) auto.
+- (* paren *) inv H3. constructor. apply H5. eapply pres_sem_cast; eauto.
+- (* builtin *) subst. auto with ty.
+Lemma wt_lred:
+ forall tenv ge e a m a' m',
+ lred ge e a m a' m' -> wt_lvalue ge tenv a -> wt_lvalue ge tenv a'.
+ induction 1; intros WT; constructor.
+Lemma rred_same_type:
+ forall ge a m t a' m',
+ rred ge a m t a' m' -> typeof a' = typeof a.
+ induction 1; auto.
+Lemma lred_same_type:
+ forall ge e a m a' m',
+ lred ge e a m a' m' -> typeof a' = typeof a.
+ induction 1; auto.
+Section WT_CONTEXT.
+Variable cenv: composite_env.
+Variable tenv: typenv.
+Variable a a': expr.
+Hypothesis SAMETY: typeof a' = typeof a.
+Lemma wt_subexpr:
+ forall from to C,
+ context from to C ->
+ wt_expr_kind cenv tenv to (C a) ->
+ wt_expr_kind cenv tenv from a
+with wt_subexprlist:
+ forall from C,
+ contextlist from C ->
+ wt_exprlist cenv tenv (C a) ->
+ wt_expr_kind cenv tenv from a.
+ destruct 1; intros WT; auto; inv WT; eauto.
+ destruct 1; intros WT; inv WT; eauto.
+Lemma typeof_context:
+ forall from to C, context from to C -> typeof (C a') = typeof (C a).
+ induction 1; simpl; auto.
+Lemma wt_arguments_context:
+ forall k C, contextlist k C ->
+ forall tyl, wt_arguments (C a) tyl -> wt_arguments (C a') tyl.
+ induction 1; intros.
+- inv H0. constructor; auto. rewrite (typeof_context _ _ _ H); auto.
+ constructor; auto.
+- inv H0. constructor; auto. constructor; auto.
+Lemma wt_context:
+ forall from to C,
+ context from to C ->
+ wt_expr_kind cenv tenv to (C a) ->
+ wt_expr_kind cenv tenv from a' ->
+ wt_expr_kind cenv tenv to (C a')
+with wt_contextlist:
+ forall from C,
+ contextlist from C ->
+ wt_exprlist cenv tenv (C a) ->
+ wt_expr_kind cenv tenv from a' ->
+ wt_exprlist cenv tenv (C a').
+- induction 1; intros WT BASE;
+ auto;
+ inv WT;
+ try (pose (EQTY := typeof_context _ _ _ H); rewrite <- ? EQTY; econstructor;
+ try (apply IHcontext; assumption); rewrite ? EQTY; eauto).
+* red. econstructor; eauto. eapply wt_arguments_context; eauto.
+* red. econstructor; eauto. eapply wt_arguments_context; eauto.
+- induction 1; intros WT BASE.
+* inv WT. constructor. apply (wt_context _ _ _ H); auto. auto.
+* inv WT. constructor; auto.
+Section WT_SWITCH.
+Lemma wt_select_switch:
+ forall n ce e rt sl,
+ wt_lblstmts ce e rt sl -> wt_lblstmts ce e rt (select_switch n sl).
+ unfold select_switch; intros.
+ assert (A: wt_lblstmts ce e rt (select_switch_default sl)).
+ {
+ revert sl H. induction 1; simpl; intros.
+ constructor.
+ destruct case. auto. constructor; auto.
+ }
+ assert (B: forall sl', select_switch_case n sl = Some sl' -> wt_lblstmts ce e rt sl').
+ {
+ revert H. generalize sl. induction 1; simpl; intros.
+ discriminate.
+ destruct case; eauto. destruct (zeq z n); eauto. inv H1. econstructor; eauto.
+ }
+ destruct (select_switch_case n sl); auto.
+Lemma wt_seq_of_ls:
+ forall ce e rt sl,
+ wt_lblstmts ce e rt sl -> wt_stmt ce e rt (seq_of_labeled_statement sl).
+ induction 1; simpl.
+ constructor.
+ constructor; auto.
+Variable prog: program.
+Hypothesis WTPROG: wt_program prog.
+Let ge := globalenv prog.
+Let gtenv := bind_globdef (PTree.empty _) prog.(prog_defs).
+Hypothesis WT_EXTERNAL:
+ forall id ef args res cc vargs m t vres m',
+ In (id, Gfun (External ef args res cc)) prog.(prog_defs) ->
+ external_call ef ge vargs m t vres m' ->
+ wt_val vres res.
+Inductive wt_expr_cont: typenv -> function -> cont -> Prop :=
+ | wt_Kdo: forall te f k,
+ wt_stmt_cont te f k ->
+ wt_expr_cont te f (Kdo k)
+ | wt_Kifthenelse: forall te f s1 s2 k,
+ wt_stmt_cont te f k ->
+ wt_stmt ge te f.(fn_return) s1 -> wt_stmt ge te f.(fn_return) s2 ->
+ wt_expr_cont te f (Kifthenelse s1 s2 k)
+ | wt_Kwhile1: forall te f r s k,
+ wt_stmt_cont te f k ->
+ wt_rvalue ge te r -> wt_stmt ge te f.(fn_return) s -> wt_bool (typeof r) ->
+ wt_expr_cont te f (Kwhile1 r s k)
+ | wt_Kdowhile2: forall te f r s k,
+ wt_stmt_cont te f k ->
+ wt_rvalue ge te r -> wt_stmt ge te f.(fn_return) s -> wt_bool (typeof r) ->
+ wt_expr_cont te f (Kdowhile2 r s k)
+ | wt_Kfor2: forall te f r s2 s3 k,
+ wt_stmt_cont te f k ->
+ wt_rvalue ge te r -> wt_stmt ge te f.(fn_return) s2 -> wt_stmt ge te f.(fn_return) s3 ->
+ classify_bool (typeof r) <> bool_default ->
+ wt_expr_cont te f (Kfor2 r s2 s3 k)
+ | wt_Kswitch1: forall te f ls k,
+ wt_stmt_cont te f k ->
+ wt_lblstmts ge te f.(fn_return) ls ->
+ wt_expr_cont te f (Kswitch1 ls k)
+ | wt_Kreturn: forall te f k,
+ wt_stmt_cont te f k ->
+ wt_expr_cont te f (Kreturn k)
+with wt_stmt_cont: typenv -> function -> cont -> Prop :=
+ | wt_Kseq: forall te f s k,
+ wt_stmt_cont te f k ->
+ wt_stmt ge te f.(fn_return) s ->
+ wt_stmt_cont te f (Kseq s k)
+ | wt_Kwhile2: forall te f r s k,
+ wt_stmt_cont te f k ->
+ wt_rvalue ge te r -> wt_stmt ge te f.(fn_return) s -> wt_bool (typeof r) ->
+ wt_stmt_cont te f (Kwhile2 r s k)
+ | wt_Kdowhile1: forall te f r s k,
+ wt_stmt_cont te f k ->
+ wt_rvalue ge te r -> wt_stmt ge te f.(fn_return) s -> wt_bool (typeof r) ->
+ wt_stmt_cont te f (Kdowhile1 r s k)
+ | wt_Kfor3: forall te f r s2 s3 k,
+ wt_stmt_cont te f k ->
+ wt_rvalue ge te r -> wt_stmt ge te f.(fn_return) s2 -> wt_stmt ge te f.(fn_return) s3 ->
+ wt_bool (typeof r) ->
+ wt_stmt_cont te f (Kfor3 r s2 s3 k)
+ | wt_Kfor4: forall te f r s2 s3 k,
+ wt_stmt_cont te f k ->
+ wt_rvalue ge te r -> wt_stmt ge te f.(fn_return) s2 -> wt_stmt ge te f.(fn_return) s3 ->
+ wt_bool (typeof r) ->
+ wt_stmt_cont te f (Kfor4 r s2 s3 k)
+ | wt_Kswitch2: forall te f k,
+ wt_stmt_cont te f k ->
+ wt_stmt_cont te f (Kswitch2 k)
+ | wt_Kstop': forall te f,
+ wt_stmt_cont te f Kstop
+ | wt_Kcall': forall te f f' e C ty k,
+ wt_call_cont (Kcall f' e C ty k) ty ->
+ ty = f.(fn_return) ->
+ wt_stmt_cont te f (Kcall f' e C ty k)
+with wt_call_cont: cont -> type -> Prop :=
+ | wt_Kstop: forall ty,
+ wt_call_cont Kstop ty
+ | wt_Kcall: forall te f e C ty k,
+ wt_expr_cont te f k ->
+ wt_stmt ge te f.(fn_return) f.(fn_body) ->
+ (forall v, wt_val v ty -> wt_rvalue ge te (C (Eval v ty))) ->
+ wt_call_cont (Kcall f e C ty k) ty.
+Lemma is_wt_call_cont:
+ forall te f k,
+ is_call_cont k -> wt_stmt_cont te f k -> wt_call_cont k f.(fn_return).
+ intros. inv H0; simpl in H; try contradiction. constructor. auto.
+Lemma wt_call_cont_stmt_cont:
+ forall te f k, wt_call_cont k f.(fn_return) -> wt_stmt_cont te f k.
+ intros. inversion H; subst. constructor. constructor; auto.
+Lemma call_cont_wt:
+ forall e f k, wt_stmt_cont e f k -> wt_call_cont (call_cont k) f.(fn_return).
+ induction 1; simpl; auto.
+ constructor.
+ congruence.
+Lemma call_cont_wt':
+ forall e f k, wt_stmt_cont e f k -> wt_stmt_cont e f (call_cont k).
+ induction 1; simpl; auto; econstructor; eauto.
+Definition wt_fundef (fd: fundef) :=
+ match fd with
+ | Internal f => wt_function ge gtenv f
+ | External ef targs tres cc => True
+ end.
+Definition fundef_return (fd: fundef) : type :=
+ match fd with
+ | Internal f => f.(fn_return)
+ | External ef targs tres cc => tres
+ end.
+Lemma wt_find_funct:
+ forall v fd, Genv.find_funct ge v = Some fd -> wt_fundef fd.
+ intros. apply Genv.find_funct_prop with (p := prog) (v := v); auto.
+ intros. inv WTPROG. destruct f; simpl; auto. apply H1 with id; auto.
+Inductive wt_state: state -> Prop :=
+ | wt_stmt_state: forall f s k e m te
+ (WTK: wt_stmt_cont te f k)
+ (WTB: wt_stmt ge te f.(fn_return) f.(fn_body))
+ (WTS: wt_stmt ge te f.(fn_return) s),
+ wt_state (State f s k e m)
+ | wt_expr_state: forall f r k e m te
+ (WTK: wt_expr_cont te f k)
+ (WTB: wt_stmt ge te f.(fn_return) f.(fn_body))
+ (WTE: wt_rvalue ge te r),
+ wt_state (ExprState f r k e m)
+ | wt_call_state: forall b fd vargs k m
+ (WTK: wt_call_cont k (fundef_return fd))
+ (WTFD: wt_fundef fd)
+ (FIND: Genv.find_funct ge b = Some fd),
+ wt_state (Callstate fd vargs k m)
+ | wt_return_state: forall v k m ty
+ (WTK: wt_call_cont k ty)
+ (VAL: wt_val v ty),
+ wt_state (Returnstate v k m)
+ | wt_stuck_state:
+ wt_state Stuckstate.
+Hint Constructors wt_expr_cont wt_stmt_cont wt_stmt wt_state: ty.
+Scheme wt_stmt_ind2 := Minimality for wt_stmt Sort Prop
+ with wt_lblstmts2_ind2 := Minimality for wt_lblstmts Sort Prop.
+Lemma wt_find_label:
+ forall lbl e f s, wt_stmt ge e f.(fn_return) s ->
+ forall k s' k',
+ find_label lbl s k = Some (s', k') ->
+ wt_stmt_cont e f k ->
+ wt_stmt ge e f.(fn_return) s' /\ wt_stmt_cont e f k'.
+ intros lbl e f s0 WTS0. pattern s0.
+ apply (wt_stmt_ind2 ge e f.(fn_return)) with
+ (P0 := fun ls => wt_lblstmts ge e f.(fn_return) ls ->
+ forall k s' k',
+ find_label_ls lbl ls k = Some (s', k') ->
+ wt_stmt_cont e f k ->
+ wt_stmt ge e f.(fn_return) s' /\ wt_stmt_cont e f k');
+ simpl; intros; try discriminate.
+ + destruct (find_label lbl s1 (Kseq s2 k)) as [[sx kx] | ] eqn:F.
+ inv H3. eauto with ty.
+ eauto with ty.
+ + destruct (find_label lbl s1 k) as [[sx kx] | ] eqn:F.
+ inv H5. eauto with ty.
+ eauto with ty.
+ + eauto with ty.
+ + eauto with ty.
+ + destruct (find_label lbl s1 (Kseq (Sfor Sskip r s2 s3) k)) as [[sx kx] | ] eqn:F.
+ inv H7. eauto with ty.
+ destruct (find_label lbl s3 (Kfor3 r s2 s3 k)) as [[sx kx] | ] eqn:F2.
+ inv H7. eauto with ty.
+ eauto with ty.
+ + eauto with ty.
+ + destruct (ident_eq lbl lbl0).
+ inv H1. auto.
+ eauto.
+ + destruct (find_label lbl s (Kseq (seq_of_labeled_statement ls) k)) as [[sx kx] | ] eqn:F.
+ inv H4. eapply H0; eauto. constructor. auto. apply wt_seq_of_ls; auto.
+ eauto.
+ + assumption.
+Lemma preservation_estep:
+ forall S t S', estep ge S t S' -> wt_state S -> wt_state S'.
+ induction 1; intros WT; inv WT.
+- (* lred *)
+ econstructor; eauto. change (wt_expr_kind ge te RV (C a')).
+ eapply wt_context with (a := a); eauto.
+ eapply lred_same_type; eauto.
+ eapply wt_lred; eauto. change (wt_expr_kind ge te LV a). eapply wt_subexpr; eauto.
+- (* rred *)
+ econstructor; eauto. change (wt_expr_kind ge te RV (C a')).
+ eapply wt_context with (a := a); eauto.
+ eapply rred_same_type; eauto.
+ eapply wt_rred; eauto. change (wt_expr_kind ge te RV a). eapply wt_subexpr; eauto.
+- (* call *)
+ assert (A: wt_expr_kind ge te RV a) by (eapply wt_subexpr; eauto).
+ simpl in A. inv H. inv A. simpl in H9; rewrite H4 in H9; inv H9.
+ assert (fundef_return fd = ty).
+ { destruct fd; simpl in *.
+ unfold type_of_function in H3. congruence.
+ congruence. }
+ econstructor.
+ rewrite H. econstructor; eauto.
+ intros. change (wt_expr_kind ge te RV (C (Eval v ty))).
+ eapply wt_context with (a := Ecall (Eval vf tyf) el ty); eauto.
+ red; constructor; auto.
+ eapply wt_find_funct; eauto.
+ eauto.
+- (* stuck *)
+ constructor.
+Lemma preservation_sstep:
+ forall S t S', sstep ge S t S' -> wt_state S -> wt_state S'.
+ induction 1; intros WT; inv WT.
+- inv WTS; eauto with ty.
+- inv WTK; eauto with ty.
+- inv WTS; eauto with ty.
+- inv WTK; eauto with ty.
+- inv WTK; eauto with ty.
+- inv WTK; eauto with ty.
+- inv WTS; eauto with ty.
+- inv WTK; destruct b; eauto with ty.
+- inv WTS; eauto with ty.
+- inv WTK; eauto with ty.
+- inv WTK; eauto with ty.
+- inv WTK; eauto with ty.
+- inv WTK; eauto with ty.
+- inv WTS; eauto with ty.
+- inv WTK; eauto with ty.
+- inv WTK; eauto with ty.
+- inv WTK; eauto with ty.
+- inv WTK; eauto with ty.
+- inv WTS; eauto with ty.
+- inv WTS; eauto with ty.
+- inv WTK; eauto with ty.
+- inv WTK; eauto with ty.
+- inv WTK; eauto with ty.
+- inv WTK; eauto with ty.
+- inv WTK; eauto with ty.
+- econstructor. eapply call_cont_wt; eauto. constructor.
+- inv WTS. eauto with ty.
+- inv WTK. econstructor. eapply call_cont_wt; eauto.
+ inv WTE. eapply pres_sem_cast; eauto.
+- econstructor. eapply is_wt_call_cont; eauto. constructor.
+- inv WTS; eauto with ty.
+- inv WTK. econstructor; eauto with ty.
+ apply wt_seq_of_ls. apply wt_select_switch; auto.
+- inv WTK; eauto with ty.
+- inv WTK; eauto with ty.
+- inv WTS; eauto with ty.
+- exploit wt_find_label. eexact WTB. eauto. eapply call_cont_wt'; eauto.
+ intros [A B]. eauto with ty.
+- simpl in WTFD; inv WTFD. econstructor; eauto. apply wt_call_cont_stmt_cont; auto.
+- exploit (Genv.find_funct_inversion prog); eauto. intros (id & A).
+ econstructor; eauto.
+- inv WTK. eauto with ty.
+Theorem preservation:
+ forall S t S', step ge S t S' -> wt_state S -> wt_state S'.
+ intros. destruct H. eapply preservation_estep; eauto. eapply preservation_sstep; eauto.
+Theorem wt_initial_state:
+ forall S, initial_state prog S -> wt_state S.
+ intros. inv H. econstructor. constructor.
+ apply Genv.find_funct_ptr_prop with (p := prog) (b := b); auto.
+ intros. inv WTPROG. destruct f0; simpl; auto. apply H4 with id; auto.
+ instantiate (1 := (Vptr b Int.zero)). rewrite Genv.find_funct_find_funct_ptr. auto.