path: root/cfrontend/PrintClight.ml
diff options
authorXavier Leroy <xavier.leroy@inria.fr>2015-01-23 09:33:59 +0100
committerXavier Leroy <xavier.leroy@inria.fr>2015-01-23 09:33:59 +0100
commitd594c5da5e11fb10775c2b772961b8a2383887c7 (patch)
tree750ed5d4a0829519a258f3c12f7d518e53504487 /cfrontend/PrintClight.ml
parent1e97bb4f6297b6fa7949684e522a592aab754d99 (diff)
parent2dd864217cc864d44e828a4d14dd45668e4ab095 (diff)
Merge branch 'named-structs'
- Switch CompCert C / Clight AST of composite types (structs and unions) from a structural representation to a nominal representation, closer to concrete syntax. - This avoids algorithmic inefficiencies due to the structural representation. - Closes PR#4. - Smallstep: make small-step semantics more polymorphic in the type of the global environment. - Globalenvs: introduce Senv.t (symbol environments) as a restricted view on Genv.t (full global environments). - Events, Smallstep: use Senv instead of Genv to talk about global names.
Diffstat (limited to 'cfrontend/PrintClight.ml')
1 files changed, 8 insertions, 63 deletions
diff --git a/cfrontend/PrintClight.ml b/cfrontend/PrintClight.ml
index c5a6e6e1..ebd06c54 100644
--- a/cfrontend/PrintClight.ml
+++ b/cfrontend/PrintClight.ml
@@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ let rec precedence = function
| Econst_float _ -> (16, NA)
| Econst_single _ -> (16, NA)
| Econst_long _ -> (16, NA)
+ | Esizeof _ -> (15, RtoL)
+ | Ealignof _ -> (15, RtoL)
| Eunop _ -> (15, RtoL)
| Eaddrof _ -> (15, RtoL)
| Ecast _ -> (14, RtoL)
@@ -100,6 +102,10 @@ let rec expr p (prec, e) =
expr (prec1, a1) (name_binop op) expr (prec2, a2)
| Ecast(a1, ty) ->
fprintf p "(%s) %a" (name_type ty) expr (prec', a1)
+ | Esizeof(ty, _) ->
+ fprintf p "sizeof(%s)" (name_type ty)
+ | Ealignof(ty, _) ->
+ fprintf p "__alignof__(%s)" (name_type ty)
if prec' < prec then fprintf p ")@]" else fprintf p "@]"
@@ -265,71 +271,10 @@ let print_globdef p (id, gd) =
| Gfun f -> print_fundef p id f
| Gvar v -> print_globvar p id v (* from PrintCsyntax *)
-(* Collect struct and union types *)
-let rec collect_expr e =
- collect_type (typeof e);
- match e with
- | Econst_int _ -> ()
- | Econst_float _ -> ()
- | Econst_single _ -> ()
- | Econst_long _ -> ()
- | Evar _ -> ()
- | Etempvar _ -> ()
- | Ederef(r, _) -> collect_expr r
- | Efield(l, _, _) -> collect_expr l
- | Eaddrof(l, _) -> collect_expr l
- | Eunop(_, r, _) -> collect_expr r
- | Ebinop(_, r1, r2, _) -> collect_expr r1; collect_expr r2
- | Ecast(r, _) -> collect_expr r
-let rec collect_exprlist = function
- | [] -> ()
- | r1 :: rl -> collect_expr r1; collect_exprlist rl
-let rec collect_stmt = function
- | Sskip -> ()
- | Sassign(e1, e2) -> collect_expr e1; collect_expr e2
- | Sset(id, e2) -> collect_expr e2
- | Scall(optid, e1, el) -> collect_expr e1; collect_exprlist el
- | Sbuiltin(optid, ef, tyargs, el) -> collect_exprlist el
- | Ssequence(s1, s2) -> collect_stmt s1; collect_stmt s2
- | Sifthenelse(e, s1, s2) -> collect_expr e; collect_stmt s1; collect_stmt s2
- | Sloop(s1, s2) -> collect_stmt s1; collect_stmt s2
- | Sbreak -> ()
- | Scontinue -> ()
- | Sswitch(e, cases) -> collect_expr e; collect_cases cases
- | Sreturn None -> ()
- | Sreturn (Some e) -> collect_expr e
- | Slabel(lbl, s) -> collect_stmt s
- | Sgoto lbl -> ()
-and collect_cases = function
- | LSnil -> ()
- | LScons(lbl, s, rem) -> collect_stmt s; collect_cases rem
-let collect_function f =
- collect_type f.fn_return;
- List.iter (fun (id, ty) -> collect_type ty) f.fn_params;
- List.iter (fun (id, ty) -> collect_type ty) f.fn_vars;
- List.iter (fun (id, ty) -> collect_type ty) f.fn_temps;
- collect_stmt f.fn_body
-let collect_globdef (id, gd) =
- match gd with
- | Gfun(External(_, args, res, _)) -> collect_type_list args; collect_type res
- | Gfun(Internal f) -> collect_function f
- | Gvar v -> collect_type v.gvar_info
-let collect_program p =
- List.iter collect_globdef p.prog_defs
let print_program p prog =
- struct_unions := StructUnion.empty;
- collect_program prog;
fprintf p "@[<v 0>";
- StructUnion.iter (declare_struct_or_union p) !struct_unions;
- StructUnion.iter (print_struct_or_union p) !struct_unions;
+ List.iter (declare_composite p) prog.prog_types;
+ List.iter (define_composite p) prog.prog_types;
List.iter (print_globdef p) prog.prog_defs;
fprintf p "@]@."