path: root/checklink/Library.ml
diff options
authorJacques-Henri Jourdan <jacques-henri.jourdan@inria.fr>2015-11-04 03:04:21 +0100
committerJacques-Henri Jourdan <jacques-henri.jourdan@inria.fr>2015-11-04 03:04:21 +0100
commit5664fddcab15ef4482d583673c75e07bd1e96d0a (patch)
tree878b22860e69405ba5cf6fd2798731dac8ce660c /checklink/Library.ml
parentb960c83725d7e185ac5c6e3c0d6043c7dcd2f556 (diff)
parentfe73ed58ef80da7c53c124302a608948fb190229 (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into parser_fix
Diffstat (limited to 'checklink/Library.ml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 171 deletions
diff --git a/checklink/Library.ml b/checklink/Library.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 54bca411..00000000
--- a/checklink/Library.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-open Camlcoq
-type bitstring = Bitstring.bitstring
-module IntMap = Map.Make(struct type t = int let compare = compare end)
-module StringMap = Map.Make (String)
-module StringSet = Set.Make (String)
-let is_some: 'a option -> bool = function
-| Some(_) -> true
-| None -> false
-let from_some: 'a option -> 'a = function
-| Some(x) -> x
-| None -> raise Not_found
-let filter_some (l: 'a option list): 'a list =
- List.(map from_some (filter is_some l))
-type 'a or_err =
- | OK of 'a
- | ERR of string
-let is_ok: 'a or_err -> bool = function
-| OK(_) -> true
-| ERR(_) -> false
-let is_err x = not (is_ok x)
-let from_ok: 'a or_err -> 'a = function
-| OK(x) -> x
-| ERR(_) -> assert false
-let from_err: 'a or_err -> string = function
-| OK(_) -> assert false
-| ERR(s) -> s
-let filter_ok (l: 'a or_err list): 'a list =
- List.(map from_ok (filter is_ok l))
-let filter_err (l: 'a or_err list): string list =
- List.(map from_err (filter is_err l))
-external id : 'a -> 'a = "%identity"
-(** [a; a + 1; ... ; b - 1; b] *)
-let list_ab (a: int) (b: int): int list =
- let rec list_ab_aux a b res =
- if b < a
- then res
- else list_ab_aux a (b - 1) (b :: res)
- in list_ab_aux a b []
-(** [0; 1; ...; n - 1] *)
-let list_n (n: int): int list =
- list_ab 0 (n - 1)
-(** Checks for existence of an array element satisfying a condition, and returns
- its index if it exists.
-let array_exists (cond: 'a -> bool) (arr: 'a array): int option =
- let rec array_exists_aux ndx =
- if ndx < 0
- then None
- else if cond arr.(ndx)
- then Some ndx
- else array_exists_aux (ndx - 1)
- in array_exists_aux (Array.length arr - 1)
-exception IntOverflow
-exception Int32Overflow
-(* Can only return positive numbers 0 <= res < 2^31 *)
-let positive_int32 p =
- let rec positive_int32_unsafe = function
- | P.Coq_xI(p) -> Int32.(add (shift_left (positive_int32_unsafe p) 1) 1l)
- | P.Coq_xO(p) -> Int32.(shift_left (positive_int32_unsafe p) 1)
- | P.Coq_xH -> 1l
- in
- let res = positive_int32_unsafe p in
- if res >= 0l
- then res
- else raise IntOverflow
-(* This allows for 1 bit of overflow, effectively returning a negative *)
-let rec positive_int32_lax = function
-| P.Coq_xI(p) ->
- let acc = positive_int32_lax p in
- if acc < 0l
- then raise Int32Overflow
- else Int32.(add (shift_left acc 1) 1l)
-| P.Coq_xO(p) ->
- let acc = positive_int32_lax p in
- if acc < 0l
- then raise Int32Overflow
- else Int32.shift_left acc 1
-| P.Coq_xH -> 1l
-let z_int32 = function
-| Z.Z0 -> 0l
-| Z.Zpos(p) -> positive_int32 p
-| Z.Zneg(p) -> Int32.neg (positive_int32 p)
-let z_int32_lax = function
-| Z.Z0 -> 0l
-| Z.Zpos(p) -> positive_int32_lax p
-| Z.Zneg(_) -> raise Int32Overflow
-let z_int z = Safe32.to_int (z_int32 z)
-let z_int_lax z = Safe32.to_int (z_int32_lax z)
-let z_int64 = Camlcoq.Z.to_int64
-(* Some more printers *)
-let string_of_ffloat f = string_of_float (camlfloat_of_coqfloat f)
-let string_of_ffloat32 f = string_of_float (camlfloat_of_coqfloat32 f)
-let string_of_array string_of_elt sep a =
- let b = Buffer.create 1024 in
- Buffer.add_string b "[\n";
- Array.iteri
- (fun ndx elt ->
- if ndx > 0 then Buffer.add_string b sep;
- Buffer.add_string b (string_of_int ndx);
- Buffer.add_string b ": ";
- Buffer.add_string b (string_of_elt elt)
- ) a;
- Buffer.add_string b "\n]";
- Buffer.contents b
-let string_of_list string_of_elt sep l =
- String.concat sep (List.map string_of_elt l)
-let string_of_bitstring bs =
- let rec string_of_bitset_aux bs =
- bitmatch bs with
- | { bit : 1 : int ;
- rest : -1 : bitstring } ->
- (if bit then "1" else "0") ^ (string_of_bitset_aux rest)
- | { _ } -> ""
- in string_of_bitset_aux bs
-(* To print addresses/offsets *)
-let string_of_int32 = Printf.sprintf "0x%08lx"
-let string_of_int64 = Printf.sprintf "0x%08Lx"
-(* To print counts/indices *)
-let string_of_int32i = Int32.to_string
-let string_of_int64i = Int64.to_string
-let string_of_positive p = string_of_int32i (positive_int32 p)
-let string_of_z z = string_of_int32 (z_int32 z)
-let sorted_lookup (compare: 'a -> 'b -> int) (arr: 'a array) (v: 'b): 'a option =
- let rec sorted_lookup_aux (i_from: int) (i_to: int): 'a option =
- if i_from > i_to
- then None
- else
- let i_mid = (i_from + i_to) / 2 in
- let comp = compare arr.(i_mid) v in
- if comp < 0 (* v_mid < v *)
- then sorted_lookup_aux (i_mid + 1) i_to
- else if comp > 0
- then sorted_lookup_aux i_from (i_mid - 1)
- else Some(arr.(i_mid))
- in sorted_lookup_aux 0 (Array.length arr - 1)
-let list_false_indices a =
- filter_some (Array.(to_list (mapi (fun ndx b -> if b then None else Some(ndx)) a)))