path: root/checklink/Validator.ml
diff options
authorBernhard Schommer <bernhardschommer@gmail.com>2015-10-20 14:45:56 +0200
committerBernhard Schommer <bernhardschommer@gmail.com>2015-10-20 14:45:56 +0200
commited6043fe910f7a320f7af6d3f9d35f39f5cf7ee1 (patch)
tree3fab134f5444f0472a1ff8c06e5b7686a40648dc /checklink/Validator.ml
parent4d542bc7eafadb16b845cf05d1eb4988eb55ed0f (diff)
parent8a95c3e07fd02eaa87f8cca447bc7d7c2642eb22 (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into named-externals
Conflicts: arm/TargetPrinter.ml backend/CMparser.mly backend/SelectLongproof.v backend/Selectionproof.v cfrontend/C2C.ml checklink/Asm_printers.ml checklink/Check.ml checklink/Fuzz.ml common/AST.v debug/DebugInformation.ml debug/DebugInit.ml debug/DwarfPrinter.ml debug/DwarfTypes.mli debug/Dwarfgen.ml exportclight/ExportClight.ml ia32/TargetPrinter.ml powerpc/Asm.v powerpc/SelectOpproof.v powerpc/TargetPrinter.ml
Diffstat (limited to 'checklink/Validator.ml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 132 deletions
diff --git a/checklink/Validator.ml b/checklink/Validator.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index f9ca0edb..00000000
--- a/checklink/Validator.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-open Check
-open Disassembler
-open ELF_parsers
-open ELF_printers
-open Fuzz
-let elf_file = ref (None: string option)
-let sdump_files = ref ([] : string list)
-let option_fuzz = ref false
-let option_bytefuzz = ref false
-let option_printelf = ref false
-let set_elf_file s =
- begin match !elf_file with
- | None -> elf_file := Some s
- | Some _ -> raise (Arg.Bad "multiple ELF executables given on command line")
- end
-let set_conf_file s =
- begin match !conf_file with
- | None -> conf_file := Some s
- | Some _ -> raise (Arg.Bad "multiple configuration files given on command line")
- end
-let read_sdumps_from_channel ic =
- try
- while true do
- let l = input_line ic in
- if l <> "" then sdump_files := l :: !sdump_files
- done
- with End_of_file ->
- ()
-let read_sdumps_from_file f =
- if f = "-" then
- read_sdumps_from_channel stdin
- else begin
- try
- let ic = open_in f in
- read_sdumps_from_channel ic;
- close_in ic
- with Sys_error msg ->
- Printf.eprintf "Error reading file: %s\n" msg; exit 2
- end
-let option_disassemble = ref false
-let disassemble_list = ref ([]: string list)
-let add_disassemble s =
- disassemble_list := s :: !disassemble_list;
- option_disassemble := true
-let options = [
- (* Main options *)
- "-exe", Arg.String set_elf_file,
- "<filename> Specify the ELF executable file to analyze";
- "-conf", Arg.String set_conf_file,
- "<filename> Specify a configuration file";
- "-files-from", Arg.String read_sdumps_from_file,
- "<filename> Read names of .sdump files from the given file\n\
- \t(or from standard input if <filename> is '-')";
- (* Parsing behavior *)
- "-relaxed", Arg.Set ELF_parsers.relaxed,
- "Allows the following behaviors in the ELF parser:\n\
-\t* Use of a fallback heuristic to resolve symbols bootstrapped at load time";
- (* Printing behavior *)
- "-no-exhaustive", Arg.Clear Check.exhaustivity,
- "Disable the exhaustivity check of ELF function and data symbols";
- "-list-missing", Arg.Set Check.list_missing,
- "List function and data symbols that were missing in the exhaustivity check";
- (* Alternative outputs *)
- "-debug", Arg.Set Check.debug,
- "Print a detailed trace of verification";
- "-disass", Arg.String add_disassemble,
- "<symname> Disassemble the symbol with specified name (can be repeated)";
- "-print-elf", Arg.Set option_printelf,
- "Print the contents of the unanalyzed ELF executable";
- (* ELF map related *)
- "-print-elfmap", Arg.Set Check.print_elfmap,
- "Print a map of the analyzed ELF executable";
- "-verbose-elfmap", Arg.Set Frameworks.verbose_elfmap,
- "Show sections and symbols contained in the unknown parts of the elf map";
- (* Fuzz testing related *)
- "-dump-elfmap", Arg.Set Check.dump_elfmap,
- "Dump an ELF map to <exename>.elfmap, for use with random fuzzing";
- "-fuzz", Arg.Set option_fuzz,
- "Random fuzz testing";
- "-fuzz-byte", Arg.Set option_bytefuzz,
- "Random fuzz testing byte per byte";
- "-fuzz-debug", Arg.Set Fuzz.fuzz_debug,
- "Print a detailed trace of ongoing fuzz testing";
-let anonymous arg =
- if Filename.check_suffix arg ".sdump" then
- sdump_files := arg :: !sdump_files
- else
- set_elf_file arg
-let usage =
- "The CompCert C post-linking validator, version " ^ Version.version ^ "
-Usage: cchecklink [options] <.sdump files> <ELF executable>
-In the absence of options, checks are performed and a short result is displayed.
-Options are:"
-let _ =
- Arg.parse options anonymous usage;
- begin match !elf_file with
- | None ->
- Arg.usage options usage;
- exit 2
- | Some elffilename ->
- let sdumps = List.rev !sdump_files in
- if !option_disassemble then begin
- let elf = read_elf elffilename in
- List.iter
- (fun s ->
- Printf.printf "Disassembling %s:\n%s\n\n" s (disassemble elf s)
- )
- !disassemble_list
- end else if !option_bytefuzz then begin
- Random.self_init();
- fuzz_every_byte_loop elffilename sdumps
- end else if !option_fuzz then begin
- Random.self_init();
- fuzz_loop elffilename sdumps
- end else if !option_printelf then begin
- let elf = read_elf elffilename in
- print_endline (string_of_elf elf)
- end else begin
- check_elf_dump elffilename sdumps
- end
- end