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authorxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2010-03-03 10:25:25 +0000
committerxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2010-03-03 10:25:25 +0000
commit93d89c2b5e8497365be152fb53cb6cd4c5764d34 (patch)
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parent891377ce1962cdb31357d6580d6546ec22df2b4f (diff)
Getting rid of CIL
git-svn-id: https://yquem.inria.fr/compcert/svn/compcert/trunk@1270 fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e
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-The CIL Driver
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-<H2 CLASS="section"><A NAME="htoc14">7</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;The CIL Driver</H2><A NAME="sec-driver"></A>
-We have packaged CIL as an application <TT>cilly</TT> that contains certain
-example modules, such as <TT>logwrites.ml</TT> (a module
-that instruments code to print the addresses of memory locations being
-written). Normally, you write another module like that, add command-line
-options and an invocation of your module in <TT>src/main.ml</TT>. Once you compile
-CIL you will obtain the file <TT>obj/cilly.asm.exe</TT>. <BR>
-We wrote a driver for this executable that makes it easy to invoke your
-analysis on existing C code with very little manual intervention. This driver
-is <TT>bin/cilly</TT> and is quite powerful. Note that the <TT>cilly</TT> script
-is configured during installation with the path where CIL resides. This means
-that you can move it to any place you want. <BR>
-A simple use of the driver is:
-<PRE CLASS="verbatim">
-bin/cilly --save-temps -D HAPPY_MOOD -I myincludes hello.c -o hello
-<FONT COLOR=blue>--save-temps</FONT> tells CIL to save the resulting output files in the
-current directory. Otherwise, they'll be put in <TT>/tmp</TT> and deleted
-automatically. Not that this is the only CIL-specific flag in the
-list &ndash; the other flags use <TT>gcc</TT>'s syntax.<BR>
-This performs the following actions:
-<UL CLASS="itemize"><LI CLASS="li-itemize">
-preprocessing using the -D and -I arguments with the resulting
- file left in <TT>hello.i</TT>,
-<LI CLASS="li-itemize">the invocation of the <TT>cilly.asm</TT> application which parses <TT>hello.i</TT>
- converts it to CIL and the pretty-prints it to <TT>hello.cil.c</TT>
-<LI CLASS="li-itemize">another round of preprocessing with the result placed in <TT>hello.cil.i</TT>
-<LI CLASS="li-itemize">the true compilation with the result in <TT>hello.cil.o</TT>
-<LI CLASS="li-itemize">a linking phase with the result in <TT>hello</TT>
-Note that <TT>cilly</TT> behaves like the <TT>gcc</TT> compiler. This makes it
-easy to use it with existing <TT>Makefiles</TT>:
-<PRE CLASS="verbatim">
-make CC="bin/cilly" LD="bin/cilly"
- <TT>cilly</TT> can also behave as the Microsoft Visual C compiler, if the first
- argument is <TT>--mode=MSVC</TT>:
-<PRE CLASS="verbatim">
-bin/cilly --mode=MSVC /D HAPPY_MOOD /I myincludes hello.c /Fe hello.exe
- (This in turn will pass a <TT>--MSVC</TT> flag to the underlying <TT>cilly.asm</TT>
- process which will make it understand the Microsoft Visual C extensions)<BR>
-<TT>cilly</TT> can also behave as the archiver <TT>ar</TT>, if it is passed an
-argument <TT>--mode=AR</TT>. Note that only the <TT>cr</TT> mode is supported (create a
-new archive and replace all files in there). Therefore the previous version of
-the archive is lost. <BR>
-Furthermore, <TT>cilly</TT> allows you to pass some arguments on to the
-underlying <TT>cilly.asm</TT> process. As a general rule all arguments that start
-with <TT>--</TT> and that <TT>cilly</TT> itself does not process, are passed on. For
-<PRE CLASS="verbatim">
-bin/cilly --dologwrites -D HAPPY_MOOD -I myincludes hello.c -o hello.exe
- will produce a file <TT>hello.cil.c</TT> that prints all the memory addresses
-written by the application. <BR>
-The most powerful feature of <TT>cilly</TT> is that it can collect all the
-sources in your project, merge them into one file and then apply CIL. This
-makes it a breeze to do whole-program analysis and transformation. All you
-have to do is to pass the <TT>--merge</TT> flag to <TT>cilly</TT>:
-<PRE CLASS="verbatim">
-make CC="bin/cilly --save-temps --dologwrites --merge"
- You can even leave some files untouched:
-<PRE CLASS="verbatim">
-make CC="bin/cilly --save-temps --dologwrites --merge --leavealone=foo --leavealone=bar"
- This will merge all the files except those with the basename <TT>foo</TT> and
-<TT>bar</TT>. Those files will be compiled as usual and then linked in at the very
-end. <BR>
-The sequence of actions performed by <TT>cilly</TT> depends on whether merging
-is turned on or not:
-<UL CLASS="itemize"><LI CLASS="li-itemize">
-If merging is off
- <OL CLASS="enumerate" type=1><LI CLASS="li-enumerate">
- For every file <TT>file.c</TT> to compile
- <OL CLASS="enumerate" type=a><LI CLASS="li-enumerate">
- Preprocess the file with the given arguments to
- produce <TT>file.i</TT>
- <LI CLASS="li-enumerate">Invoke <TT>cilly.asm</TT> to produce a <TT>file.cil.c</TT>
- <LI CLASS="li-enumerate">Preprocess to <TT>file.cil.i</TT>
- <LI CLASS="li-enumerate">Invoke the underlying compiler to produce <TT>file.cil.o</TT>
- </OL>
- <LI CLASS="li-enumerate">Link the resulting objects
- </OL>
-<LI CLASS="li-itemize">If merging is on
- <OL CLASS="enumerate" type=1><LI CLASS="li-enumerate">
- For every file <TT>file.c</TT> to compile
- <OL CLASS="enumerate" type=a><LI CLASS="li-enumerate">
- Preprocess the file with the given arguments to
- produce <TT>file.i</TT>
- <LI CLASS="li-enumerate">Save the preprocessed source as <TT>file.o</TT>
- </OL>
- <LI CLASS="li-enumerate">When linking executable <TT>hello.exe</TT>, look at every object
- file that must be linked and see if it actually
- contains preprocessed source. Pass all those files to a
- special merging application (described in
- Section&nbsp;<A HREF="merger.html#sec-merger">13</A>) to produce <TT>hello.exe_comb.c</TT>
- <LI CLASS="li-enumerate">Invoke <TT>cilly.asm</TT> to produce a <TT>hello.exe_comb.cil.c</TT>
- <LI CLASS="li-enumerate">Preprocess to <TT>hello.exe_comb.cil.i</TT>
- <LI CLASS="li-enumerate">Invoke the underlying compiler to produce <TT>hello.exe_comb.cil.o</TT>
- <LI CLASS="li-enumerate">Invoke the actual linker to produce <TT>hello.exe</TT>
- </OL>
-Note that files that you specify with <TT>--leavealone</TT> are not merged and
-never presented to CIL. They are compiled as usual and then are linked in at
-the end. <BR>
-And a final feature of <TT>cilly</TT> is that it can substitute copies of the
-system's include files:
-<PRE CLASS="verbatim">
-make CC="bin/cilly --includedir=myinclude"
- This will force the preprocessor to use the file <TT>myinclude/xxx/stdio.h</TT>
-(if it exists) whenever it encounters <TT>#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;</TT>. The <TT>xxx</TT> is
-a string that identifies the compiler version you are using. This modified
-include files should be produced with the patcher script (see
-Section&nbsp;<A HREF="patcher.html#sec-patcher">14</A>).<BR>
-<A NAME="toc7"></A>
-<H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc15">7.1</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;<TT>cilly</TT> Options</H3>
-Among the options for the <TT>cilly</TT> you can put anything that can normally
-go in the command line of the compiler that <TT>cilly</TT> is impersonating.
-<TT>cilly</TT> will do its best to pass those options along to the appropriate
-subprocess. In addition, the following options are supported (a complete and
-up-to-date list can always be obtained by running <TT>cilly --help</TT>):
-<UL CLASS="itemize"><LI CLASS="li-itemize">
-<TT>--mode=mode</TT> This must be the first argument if present. It makes
-<TT>cilly</TT> behave as a given compiled. The following modes are recognized:
- <UL CLASS="itemize"><LI CLASS="li-itemize">
- GNUCC - the GNU C Compiler. This is the default.
- <LI CLASS="li-itemize">MSVC - the Microsoft Visual C compiler. Of course, you should
- pass only MSVC valid options in this case.
- <LI CLASS="li-itemize">AR - the archiver <TT>ar</TT>. Only the mode <TT>cr</TT> is supported and
- the original version of the archive is lost.
- </UL>
-<LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--help</TT> Prints a list of the options supported.
-<LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--verbose</TT> Prints lots of messages about what is going on.
-<LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--stages</TT> Less than <TT>--verbose</TT> but lets you see what <TT>cilly</TT>
- is doing.
-<LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--merge</TT> This tells <TT>cilly</TT> to first attempt to collect into one
-source file all of the sources that make your application, and then to apply
-<TT>cilly.asm</TT> on the resulting source. The sequence of actions in this case is
-described above and the merger itself is described in Section&nbsp;<A HREF="merger.html#sec-merger">13</A>.<BR>
-<LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--leavealone=xxx</TT>. Do not merge and do not present to CIL the files
-whose basename is "xxx". These files are compiled as usual and linked in at
-the end.
-<LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--includedir=xxx</TT>. Override the include files with those in the given
-directory. The given directory is the same name that was given an an argument
-to the patcher (see Section&nbsp;<A HREF="patcher.html#sec-patcher">14</A>). In particular this means that
-that directory contains subdirectories named based on the current compiler
-version. The patcher creates those directories.
-<LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--usecabs</TT>. Do not CIL, but instead just parse the source and print
-its AST out. This should looked like the preprocessed file. This is useful
-when you suspect that the conversion to CIL phase changes the meaning of the
-<LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--save-temps=xxx</TT>. Temporary files are preserved in the xxx
- directory. For example, the output of CIL will be put in a file
- named <TT>*.cil.c</TT>.
-<LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--save-temps</TT>. Temporay files are preserved in the current directory.
-<A NAME="toc8"></A>
-<H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc16">7.2</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;<TT>cilly.asm</TT> Options</H3>
- <A NAME="sec-cilly-asm-options"></A>
-All of the options that start with <TT>--</TT> and are not understood by
-<TT>cilly</TT> are passed on to <TT>cilly.asm</TT>. <TT>cilly</TT> also passes along to
-<TT>cilly.asm</TT> flags such as <TT>--MSVC</TT> that both need to know
-about. The following options are supported:<BR>
-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <B>General Options:</B>
-<UL CLASS="itemize"><LI CLASS="li-itemize">
- <TT>--version</TT> output version information and exit
- <LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--verbose</TT> Print lots of random stuff. This is passed on from cilly
- <LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--warnall</TT> Show all warnings.
- <LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--debug=xxx</TT> turns on debugging flag xxx
- <LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--nodebug=xxx</TT> turns off debugging flag xxx
- <LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--flush</TT> Flush the output streams often (aids debugging).
- <LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--check</TT> Run a consistency check over the CIL after every operation.
- <LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--nocheck</TT> turns off consistency checking of CIL.
- <LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--noPrintLn</TT> Don't output #line directives in the output.
- <LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--commPrintLn</TT> Print #line directives in the output, but
- put them in comments.
- <LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--log=xxx</TT> Set the name of the log file. By default stderr is used
- <LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--MSVC</TT> Enable MSVC compatibility. Default is GNU.
- <LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--ignore-merge-conflicts</TT> ignore merging conflicts.
- <LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--extrafiles=filename</TT>: the name of a file that contains
- a list of additional files to process, separated by whitespace.
- <LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--stats</TT> Print statistics about the running time of the
- parser, conversion to CIL, etc. Also prints memory-usage
- statistics. You can time parts of your own code as well. Calling
- (<TT>Stats.time &#8220;label&#8221; func arg</TT>) will evaluate <TT>(func arg)</TT>
- and remember how long this takes. If you call <TT>Stats.time</TT>
- repeatedly with the same label, CIL will report the aggregate
- time.<BR>
-If available, CIL uses the x86 performance counters for these
- stats. This is very precise, but results in &#8220;wall-clock time.&#8221;
- To report only user-mode time, find the call to <TT>Stats.reset</TT> in
- <TT>main.ml</TT>, and change it to <TT>Stats.reset false</TT>.<BR>
-<B>Lowering Options</B>
- <LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--noLowerConstants</TT> do not lower constant expressions.
- <LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--noInsertImplicitCasts</TT> do not insert implicit casts.
- <LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--forceRLArgEval</TT> Forces right to left evaluation of function arguments.
- <LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--disallowDuplication</TT> Prevent small chunks of code from being duplicated.
- <LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--keepunused</TT> Do not remove the unused variables and types.
- <LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--rmUnusedInlines</TT> Delete any unused inline functions. This is the default in MSVC mode.<BR>
-<B>Output Options:</B>
- <LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--printCilAsIs</TT> Do not try to simplify the CIL when
- printing. Without this flag, CIL will attempt to produce prettier
- output by e.g. changing <TT>while(1)</TT> into more meaningful loops.
- <LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--noWrap</TT> do not wrap long lines when printing
- <LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--out=xxx</TT> the name of the output CIL file. <TT>cilly</TT>
- sets this for you.
- <LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--mergedout=xxx</TT> specify the name of the merged file
- <LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--cabsonly=xxx</TT> CABS output file name
- <B>Selected features.</B> See Section&nbsp;<A HREF="ext.html#sec-Extension">8</A> for more information.
-<LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--dologcalls</TT>. Insert code in the processed source to print the name of
-functions as are called. Implemented in <TT>src/ext/logcalls.ml</TT>.
-<LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--dologwrites</TT>. Insert code in the processed source to print the
-address of all memory writes. Implemented in <TT>src/ext/logwrites.ml</TT>.
-<LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--dooneRet</TT>. Make each function have at most one 'return'.
-Implemented in <TT>src/ext/oneret.ml</TT>.
-<LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--dostackGuard</TT>. Instrument function calls and returns to
-maintain a separate stack for return addresses. Implemeted in
-<LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--domakeCFG</TT>. Make the program look more like a CFG. Implemented
-in <TT>src/cil.ml</TT>.
-<LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--dopartial</TT>. Do interprocedural partial evaluation and
-constant folding. Implemented in <TT>src/ext/partial.ml</TT>.
-<LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--dosimpleMem</TT>. Simplify all memory expressions. Implemented in
-<TT>src/ext/simplemem.ml</TT>. <BR>
-For an up-to-date list of available options, run <TT>cilly.asm --help</TT>. </UL>
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