path: root/cil/src/ext/availexps.ml
diff options
authorxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2009-03-29 09:47:11 +0000
committerxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2009-03-29 09:47:11 +0000
commita5f03d96eee482cd84861fc8cefff9eb451c0cad (patch)
treecbc66cbc183a7c5ef2c044ed9ed04b8011df9cd4 /cil/src/ext/availexps.ml
parenta9621943087a5578c995d88b06f87c5158eb5d00 (diff)
Cleaned up configure script.
Distribution of CIL as an expanded source tree with changes applied (instead of original .tar.gz + patches to be applied at config time). git-svn-id: https://yquem.inria.fr/compcert/svn/compcert/trunk@1020 fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e
Diffstat (limited to 'cil/src/ext/availexps.ml')
1 files changed, 359 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cil/src/ext/availexps.ml b/cil/src/ext/availexps.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..28c22c0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cil/src/ext/availexps.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+(* compute available expressions, although in a somewhat
+ non-traditional way. the abstract state is a mapping from
+ variable ids to expressions as opposed to a set of
+ expressions *)
+open Cil
+open Pretty
+module E = Errormsg
+module DF = Dataflow
+module UD = Usedef
+module IH = Inthash
+module U = Util
+module S = Stats
+let debug = ref false
+(* exp IH.t -> exp IH.t -> bool *)
+let eh_equals eh1 eh2 =
+ if not(IH.length eh1 = IH.length eh2)
+ then false
+ else IH.fold (fun vid e b ->
+ if not b then b else
+ try let e2 = IH.find eh2 vid in
+ if not(Util.equals e e2)
+ then false
+ else true
+ with Not_found -> false)
+ eh1 true
+let eh_pretty () eh = line ++ seq line (fun (vid,e) ->
+ text "AE:vid:" ++ num vid ++ text ": " ++
+ (d_exp () e)) (IH.tolist eh)
+(* the result must be the intersection of eh1 and eh2 *)
+(* exp IH.t -> exp IH.t -> exp IH.t *)
+let eh_combine eh1 eh2 =
+ if !debug then ignore(E.log "eh_combine: combining %a\n and\n %a\n"
+ eh_pretty eh1 eh_pretty eh2);
+ let eh' = IH.copy eh1 in (* eh' gets all of eh1 *)
+ IH.iter (fun vid e1 ->
+ try let e2l = IH.find_all eh2 vid in
+ if not(List.exists (fun e2 -> Util.equals e1 e2) e2l)
+ (* remove things from eh' that eh2 doesn't have *)
+ then let e1l = IH.find_all eh' vid in
+ let e1l' = List.filter (fun e -> not(Util.equals e e1)) e1l in
+ IH.remove_all eh' vid;
+ List.iter (fun e -> IH.add eh' vid e) e1l'
+ with Not_found ->
+ IH.remove_all eh' vid) eh1;
+ if !debug then ignore(E.log "with result %a\n"
+ eh_pretty eh');
+ eh'
+(* On a memory write, kill expressions containing memory writes
+ * or variables whose address has been taken. *)
+let exp_ok = ref false
+class memReadOrAddrOfFinderClass = object(self)
+ inherit nopCilVisitor
+ method vexpr e = match e with
+ Lval(Mem _, _) ->
+ exp_ok := true;
+ SkipChildren
+ | _ -> DoChildren
+ method vvrbl vi =
+ if vi.vaddrof then
+ (exp_ok := true;
+ SkipChildren)
+ else DoChildren
+let memReadOrAddrOfFinder = new memReadOrAddrOfFinderClass
+(* exp -> bool *)
+let exp_has_mem_read e =
+ exp_ok := false;
+ ignore(visitCilExpr memReadOrAddrOfFinder e);
+ !exp_ok
+let eh_kill_mem eh =
+ IH.iter (fun vid e ->
+ if exp_has_mem_read e
+ then IH.remove eh vid)
+ eh
+(* need to kill exps containing a particular vi sometimes *)
+let has_vi = ref false
+class viFinderClass vi = object(self)
+ inherit nopCilVisitor
+ method vvrbl vi' =
+ if vi.vid = vi'.vid
+ then (has_vi := true; SkipChildren)
+ else DoChildren
+let exp_has_vi e vi =
+ let vis = new viFinderClass vi in
+ has_vi := false;
+ ignore(visitCilExpr vis e);
+ !has_vi
+let eh_kill_vi eh vi =
+ IH.iter (fun vid e ->
+ if exp_has_vi e vi
+ then IH.remove eh vid)
+ eh
+let varHash = IH.create 32
+let eh_kill_addrof_or_global eh =
+ if !debug then ignore(E.log "eh_kill: in eh_kill\n");
+ IH.iter (fun vid e ->
+ try let vi = IH.find varHash vid in
+ if vi.vaddrof
+ then begin
+ if !debug then ignore(E.log "eh_kill: %s has its address taken\n"
+ vi.vname);
+ IH.remove eh vid
+ end
+ else if vi.vglob
+ then begin
+ if !debug then ignore(E.log "eh_kill: %s is global\n"
+ vi.vname);
+ IH.remove eh vid
+ end
+ with Not_found -> ()) eh
+let eh_handle_inst i eh = match i with
+ (* if a pointer write, kill things with read in them.
+ also kill mappings from vars that have had their address taken,
+ and globals.
+ otherwise kill things with lv in them and add e *)
+ Set(lv,e,_) -> (match lv with
+ (Mem _, _) ->
+ (eh_kill_mem eh;
+ eh_kill_addrof_or_global eh;
+ eh)
+ | (Var vi, NoOffset) ->
+ (match e with
+ Lval(Var vi', NoOffset) -> (* ignore x = x *)
+ if vi'.vid = vi.vid then eh else
+ (IH.replace eh vi.vid e;
+ eh_kill_vi eh vi;
+ eh)
+ | _ ->
+ (IH.replace eh vi.vid e;
+ eh_kill_vi eh vi;
+ eh))
+ | _ -> eh) (* do nothing for now. *)
+| Call(Some(Var vi,NoOffset),_,_,_) ->
+ (IH.remove eh vi.vid;
+ eh_kill_vi eh vi;
+ eh_kill_mem eh;
+ eh_kill_addrof_or_global eh;
+ eh)
+| Call(_,_,_,_) ->
+ (eh_kill_mem eh;
+ eh_kill_addrof_or_global eh;
+ eh)
+| Asm(_,_,_,_,_,_) ->
+ let _,d = UD.computeUseDefInstr i in
+ (UD.VS.iter (fun vi ->
+ eh_kill_vi eh vi) d;
+ eh)
+let allExpHash = IH.create 128
+module AvailableExps =
+ struct
+ let name = "Available Expressions"
+ let debug = debug
+ (* mapping from var id to expression *)
+ type t = exp IH.t
+ let copy = IH.copy
+ let stmtStartData = IH.create 64
+ let pretty = eh_pretty
+ let computeFirstPredecessor stm eh =
+ eh_combine (IH.copy allExpHash) eh
+ let combinePredecessors (stm:stmt) ~(old:t) (eh:t) =
+ if S.time "eh_equals" (eh_equals old) eh then None else
+ Some(S.time "eh_combine" (eh_combine old) eh)
+ let doInstr i eh =
+ let action = eh_handle_inst i in
+ DF.Post(action)
+ let doStmt stm astate = DF.SDefault
+ let doGuard c astate = DF.GDefault
+ let filterStmt stm = true
+ end
+module AE = DF.ForwardsDataFlow(AvailableExps)
+(* make an exp IH.t with everything in it,
+ * also, fill in varHash while we're here.
+ *)
+class expCollectorClass = object(self)
+ inherit nopCilVisitor
+ method vinst i = match i with
+ Set((Var vi,NoOffset),e,_) ->
+ let e2l = IH.find_all allExpHash vi.vid in
+ if not(List.exists (fun e2 -> Util.equals e e2) e2l)
+ then IH.add allExpHash vi.vid e;
+ DoChildren
+ | _ -> DoChildren
+ method vvrbl vi =
+ (if not(IH.mem varHash vi.vid)
+ then
+ (if !debug && vi.vglob then ignore(E.log "%s is global\n" vi.vname);
+ if !debug && not(vi.vglob) then ignore(E.log "%s is not global\n" vi.vname);
+ IH.add varHash vi.vid vi));
+ DoChildren
+let expCollector = new expCollectorClass
+let make_all_exps fd =
+ IH.clear allExpHash;
+ IH.clear varHash;
+ ignore(visitCilFunction expCollector fd)
+(* set all statement data to allExpHash, make
+ * a list of statements
+ *)
+let all_stmts = ref []
+class allExpSetterClass = object(self)
+ inherit nopCilVisitor
+ method vstmt s =
+ all_stmts := s :: (!all_stmts);
+ IH.add AvailableExps.stmtStartData s.sid (IH.copy allExpHash);
+ DoChildren
+let allExpSetter = new allExpSetterClass
+let set_all_exps fd =
+ IH.clear AvailableExps.stmtStartData;
+ ignore(visitCilFunction allExpSetter fd)
+ * Computes AEs for function fd.
+ *
+ *
+ *)
+(*let iAEsHtbl = Hashtbl.create 128*)
+let computeAEs fd =
+ try let slst = fd.sbody.bstmts in
+ let first_stm = List.hd slst in
+ S.time "make_all_exps" make_all_exps fd;
+ all_stmts := [];
+ (*S.time "set_all_exps" set_all_exps fd;*)
+ (*Hashtbl.clear iAEsHtbl;*)
+ (*IH.clear (IH.find AvailableExps.stmtStartData first_stm.sid);*)
+ IH.add AvailableExps.stmtStartData first_stm.sid (IH.create 4);
+ S.time "compute" AE.compute [first_stm](*(List.rev !all_stmts)*)
+ with Failure "hd" -> if !debug then ignore(E.log "fn w/ no stmts?\n")
+ | Not_found -> if !debug then ignore(E.log "no data for first_stm?\n")
+(* get the AE data for a statement *)
+let getAEs sid =
+ try Some(IH.find AvailableExps.stmtStartData sid)
+ with Not_found -> None
+(* get the AE data for an instruction list *)
+let instrAEs il sid eh out =
+ (*if Hashtbl.mem iAEsHtbl (sid,out)
+ then Hashtbl.find iAEsHtbl (sid,out)
+ else*)
+ let proc_one hil i =
+ match hil with
+ [] -> let eh' = IH.copy eh in
+ let eh'' = eh_handle_inst i eh' in
+ (*if !debug then ignore(E.log "instrAEs: proc_one []: for %a\n data is %a\n"
+ d_instr i eh_pretty eh'');*)
+ eh''::hil
+ | eh'::ehrst as l ->
+ let eh' = IH.copy eh' in
+ let eh'' = eh_handle_inst i eh' in
+ (*if !debug then ignore(E.log "instrAEs: proc_one: for %a\n data is %a\n"
+ d_instr i eh_pretty eh'');*)
+ eh''::l
+ in
+ let folded = List.fold_left proc_one [eh] il in
+ (*let foldedout = List.tl (List.rev folded) in*)
+ let foldednotout = List.rev (List.tl folded) in
+ (*Hashtbl.add iAEsHtbl (sid,true) foldedout;
+ Hashtbl.add iAEsHtbl (sid,false) foldednotout;*)
+ (*if out then foldedout else*) foldednotout
+class aeVisitorClass = object(self)
+ inherit nopCilVisitor
+ val mutable sid = -1
+ val mutable ae_dat_lst = []
+ val mutable cur_ae_dat = None
+ method vstmt stm =
+ sid <- stm.sid;
+ match getAEs sid with
+ None ->
+ if !debug then ignore(E.log "aeVis: stm %d has no data\n" sid);
+ cur_ae_dat <- None;
+ DoChildren
+ | Some eh ->
+ match stm.skind with
+ Instr il ->
+ if !debug then ignore(E.log "aeVist: visit il\n");
+ ae_dat_lst <- S.time "instrAEs" (instrAEs il stm.sid eh) false;
+ DoChildren
+ | _ ->
+ if !debug then ignore(E.log "aeVisit: visit non-il\n");
+ cur_ae_dat <- None;
+ DoChildren
+ method vinst i =
+ if !debug then ignore(E.log "aeVist: before %a, ae_dat_lst is %d long\n"
+ d_instr i (List.length ae_dat_lst));
+ try
+ let data = List.hd ae_dat_lst in
+ cur_ae_dat <- Some(data);
+ ae_dat_lst <- List.tl ae_dat_lst;
+ if !debug then ignore(E.log "aeVisit: data is %a\n" eh_pretty data);
+ DoChildren
+ with Failure "hd" ->
+ if !debug then ignore(E.log "aeVis: il ae_dat_lst mismatch\n");
+ DoChildren
+ method get_cur_eh () =
+ match cur_ae_dat with
+ None -> getAEs sid
+ | Some eh -> Some eh