path: root/cil/src/ext/deadcodeelim.ml
diff options
authorxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2010-03-03 10:25:25 +0000
committerxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2010-03-03 10:25:25 +0000
commit93d89c2b5e8497365be152fb53cb6cd4c5764d34 (patch)
tree0de8d05bbd0eeaeb5e4b85395f8dd576984b6a9e /cil/src/ext/deadcodeelim.ml
parent891377ce1962cdb31357d6580d6546ec22df2b4f (diff)
Getting rid of CIL
git-svn-id: https://yquem.inria.fr/compcert/svn/compcert/trunk@1270 fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e
Diffstat (limited to 'cil/src/ext/deadcodeelim.ml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 173 deletions
diff --git a/cil/src/ext/deadcodeelim.ml b/cil/src/ext/deadcodeelim.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index e560e01d..00000000
--- a/cil/src/ext/deadcodeelim.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-(* Eliminate assignment instructions whose results are not
- used *)
-open Cil
-open Pretty
-module E = Errormsg
-module RD = Reachingdefs
-module UD = Usedef
-module IH = Inthash
-module S = Stats
-module IS = Set.Make(
- struct
- type t = int
- let compare = compare
- end)
-let debug = RD.debug
-let usedDefsSet = ref IS.empty
-(* put used def ids into usedDefsSet *)
-(* assumes reaching definitions have already been computed *)
-class usedDefsCollectorClass = object(self)
- inherit RD.rdVisitorClass
- method add_defids iosh e u =
- UD.VS.iter (fun vi ->
- if IH.mem iosh vi.vid then
- let ios = IH.find iosh vi.vid in
- if !debug then ignore(E.log "DCE: IOS size for vname=%s at stmt=%d: %d\n"
- vi.vname sid (RD.IOS.cardinal ios));
- RD.IOS.iter (function
- Some(i) ->
- if !debug then ignore(E.log "DCE: def %d used: %a\n" i d_plainexp e);
- usedDefsSet := IS.add i (!usedDefsSet)
- | None -> ()) ios
- else if !debug then ignore(E.log "DCE: vid %d:%s not in stm:%d iosh at %a\n"
- vi.vid vi.vname sid d_plainexp e)) u
- method vexpr e =
- let u = UD.computeUseExp e in
- match self#get_cur_iosh() with
- Some(iosh) -> self#add_defids iosh e u; DoChildren
- | None ->
- if !debug then ignore(E.log "DCE: use but no rd data: %a\n" d_plainexp e);
- DoChildren
- method vinst i =
- let handle_inst iosh i = match i with
- | Asm(_,_,slvl,_,_,_) -> List.iter (fun (s,lv) ->
- match lv with (Var v, off) ->
- if s.[0] = '+' then
- self#add_defids iosh (Lval(Var v, off)) (UD.VS.singleton v)
- | _ -> ()) slvl
- | _ -> ()
- in
- begin try
- cur_rd_dat <- Some(List.hd rd_dat_lst);
- rd_dat_lst <- List.tl rd_dat_lst
- with Failure "hd" -> ()
- end;
- match self#get_cur_iosh() with
- Some iosh -> handle_inst iosh i; DoChildren
- | None -> DoChildren
- * Also need to find reads from volatiles
- * uses two functions I've put in ciltools which
- * are basically what Zach wrote, except one is for
- * types and one is for vars. Another difference is
- * they filter out pointers to volatiles. This
- * handles DMA
- ***************************************************)
-class hasVolatile flag = object (self)
- inherit nopCilVisitor
- method vlval l =
- let tp = typeOfLval l in
- if (Ciltools.is_volatile_tp tp) then flag := true;
- DoChildren
- method vexpr e =
- DoChildren
-let exp_has_volatile e =
- let flag = ref false in
- ignore (visitCilExpr (new hasVolatile flag) e);
- !flag
- (***************************************************)
-let removedCount = ref 0
-(* Filter out instructions whose definition ids are not
- in usedDefsSet *)
-class uselessInstrElim : cilVisitor = object(self)
- inherit nopCilVisitor
- method vstmt stm =
- let test (i,(_,s,iosh)) =
- match i with
- Call _ -> true
- | Set((Var vi,NoOffset),e,_) ->
- if vi.vglob || (Ciltools.is_volatile_vi vi) || (exp_has_volatile e) then true else
- let _, defd = UD.computeUseDefInstr i in
- let rec loop n =
- if n < 0 then false else
- if IS.mem (n+s) (!usedDefsSet)
- then true
- else loop (n-1)
- in
- if loop (UD.VS.cardinal defd - 1)
- then true
- else (incr removedCount; false)
- | _ -> true
- in
- let filter il stmdat =
- let rd_dat_lst = RD.instrRDs il stm.sid stmdat false in
- let ildatlst = List.combine il rd_dat_lst in
- let ildatlst' = List.filter test ildatlst in
- let (newil,_) = List.split ildatlst' in
- newil
- in
- match RD.getRDs stm.sid with
- None -> DoChildren
- | Some(_,s,iosh) ->
- match stm.skind with
- Instr il ->
- stm.skind <- Instr(filter il ((),s,iosh));
- SkipChildren
- | _ -> DoChildren
-(* until fixed point is reached *)
-let elim_dead_code_fp (fd : fundec) : fundec =
- (* fundec -> fundec *)
- let rec loop fd =
- usedDefsSet := IS.empty;
- removedCount := 0;
- S.time "reaching definitions" RD.computeRDs fd;
- ignore(visitCilFunction (new usedDefsCollectorClass :> cilVisitor) fd);
- let fd' = visitCilFunction (new uselessInstrElim) fd in
- if !removedCount = 0 then fd' else loop fd'
- in
- loop fd
-(* just once *)
-let elim_dead_code (fd : fundec) : fundec =
- (* fundec -> fundec *)
- usedDefsSet := IS.empty;
- removedCount := 0;
- S.time "reaching definitions" RD.computeRDs fd;
- ignore(visitCilFunction (new usedDefsCollectorClass :> cilVisitor) fd);
- let fd' = visitCilFunction (new uselessInstrElim) fd in
- fd'
-class deadCodeElimClass : cilVisitor = object(self)
- inherit nopCilVisitor
- method vfunc fd =
- let fd' = elim_dead_code fd in
- ChangeTo(fd')
-let dce f =
- if !debug then ignore(E.log "DCE: starting dead code elimination\n");
- visitCilFile (new deadCodeElimClass) f