path: root/cparser/Elab.ml
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authorxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2014-03-28 08:20:14 +0000
committerxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2014-03-28 08:20:14 +0000
commitc677f108ff340c5bca67b428aa6e56b47f62da8c (patch)
treef75acecc7abe80cf06cfe01a938bdc56620137c6 /cparser/Elab.ml
parentf37a87e35850e57febba0a39ce3cb526e7886c10 (diff)
C: Support array initializers that are too short + default init for remainder.
Elab: Handle C99 designated initializers. C2C, Initializers: more precise intermediate AST for initializers. git-svn-id: https://yquem.inria.fr/compcert/svn/compcert/trunk@2439 fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e
Diffstat (limited to 'cparser/Elab.ml')
1 files changed, 313 insertions, 129 deletions
diff --git a/cparser/Elab.ml b/cparser/Elab.ml
index 90662a3e..e468ab29 100644
--- a/cparser/Elab.ml
+++ b/cparser/Elab.ml
@@ -1302,16 +1302,6 @@ let elab_for_expr loc env = function
(* Elaboration of initializers. C99 section 6.7.8 *)
-let project_init loc il =
- if il = [] then
- warning loc "empty initializer braces";
- List.map
- (fun (what, i) ->
- if what <> NEXT_INIT then
- error loc "C99 initializers are not supported";
- i)
- il
let init_char_array_string opt_size s =
let len = Int64.of_int (String.length s) in
let size =
@@ -1351,127 +1341,321 @@ let check_init_type loc env a ty =
"initializer has type@ %a@ instead of the expected type @ %a"
Cprint.typ a.etyp Cprint.typ ty
-(* Build an initializer for type [ty], consuming initialization items
- from the list [ile]. Return a pair (initializer, items not consumed). *)
-let rec elab_init loc env ty ile =
- match unroll env ty with
- | TArray(ty_elt, opt_sz, _) ->
- let rec elab_init_array n accu rem =
- match opt_sz, rem with
- | Some sz, _ when n >= sz ->
- (Init_array(List.rev accu), rem)
- | None, [] ->
- (Init_array(List.rev accu), rem)
- | _, _ ->
- let (i, rem') = elab_init loc env ty_elt rem in
- elab_init_array (Int64.succ n) (i :: accu) rem' in
- begin match ile with
- (* char array = "string literal" *)
- when (match unroll env ty_elt with
- | TInt((IChar|IUChar|ISChar), _) -> true
- | _ -> false) ->
- (init_char_array_string opt_sz s, ile1)
- (* wchar array = L"wide string literal" *)
- when (match unroll env ty_elt with
- | TInt _ -> true
- | _ -> false) ->
- (init_int_array_wstring opt_sz s, ile1)
- (* array = { elt, ..., elt } *)
- | COMPOUND_INIT ile1 :: ile2 ->
- let (ie, rem) = elab_init_array 0L [] (project_init loc ile1) in
- if rem <> [] then
- warning loc "excess elements at end of array initializer";
- (ie, ile2)
- (* array = elt, ..., elt (within a bigger compound initializer) *)
- | _ ->
- elab_init_array 0L [] ile
- end
- | TStruct(id, _) ->
- let ci = wrap Env.find_struct loc env id in
- let rec elab_init_fields fld accu rem =
- match fld with
- | [] ->
- (Init_struct(id, List.rev accu), rem)
- | {fld_name = ""} :: fld' ->
- (* anonymous bitfields consume no initializer *)
- elab_init_fields fld' accu rem
- | fld1 :: fld' ->
- let (i, rem') = elab_init loc env fld1.fld_typ rem in
- elab_init_fields fld' ((fld1, i) :: accu) rem' in
- begin match ile with
- (* struct = { elt, ..., elt } *)
- | COMPOUND_INIT ile1 :: ile2 ->
- let (ie, rem) =
- elab_init_fields ci.ci_members [] (project_init loc ile1) in
- if rem <> [] then
- warning loc "excess elements at end of struct initializer";
- (ie, ile2)
- (* struct = elt, ..., elt (within a bigger compound initializer) *)
- | _ ->
- elab_init_fields ci.ci_members [] ile
+(* Representing initialization state using zippers *)
+module I = struct
+ type zipinit =
+ | Ztop of string * typ
+ | Zarray of zipinit (* ancestor *)
+ * typ (* type of elements *)
+ * int64 option (* size *)
+ * init (* default initializer *)
+ * init list (* elements before point, reversed *)
+ * int64 (* position of point *)
+ * init list (* elements after point *)
+ | Zstruct of zipinit (* ancestor *)
+ * ident (* struct type *)
+ * (field * init) list (* elements before current, reversed *)
+ * field (* current field *)
+ * (field * init) list (* elements after current *)
+ | Zunion of zipinit (* ancestor *)
+ * ident (* union type *)
+ * field (* current member *)
+ type state = zipinit * init (* current point & init for this point *)
+ (* The initial state: default initialization, current point at top *)
+ let top env name ty = (Ztop(name, ty), default_init env ty)
+ (* Change the initializer for the current point *)
+ let set (z, i) i' = (z, i')
+ (* Put the current point back to the top *)
+ let rec to_top = function
+ | Ztop(name, ty), i as zi -> zi
+ | Zarray(z, ty, sz, dfl, before, idx, after), i ->
+ to_top (z, Init_array (List.rev_append before (i :: after)))
+ | Zstruct(z, id, before, fld, after), i ->
+ to_top (z, Init_struct(id, List.rev_append before ((fld, i) :: after)))
+ | Zunion(z, id, fld), i ->
+ to_top (z, Init_union(id, fld, i))
+ (* Extract the initializer corresponding to the current state *)
+ let to_init zi = snd (to_top zi)
+ (* The type of the current point *)
+ let typeof = function
+ | Ztop(name, ty), i -> ty
+ | Zarray(z, ty, sz, dfl, before, idx, after), i -> ty
+ | Zstruct(z, id, before, fld, after), i -> fld.fld_typ
+ | Zunion(z, id, fld), i -> fld.fld_typ
+ (* The name of the path leading to the current point, for error reporting *)
+ let rec zipname = function
+ | Ztop(name, ty) -> name
+ | Zarray(z, ty, sz, dfl, before, idx, after) ->
+ sprintf "%s[%Ld]" (zipname z) idx
+ | Zstruct(z, id, before, fld, after) ->
+ sprintf "%s.%s" (zipname z) fld.fld_name
+ | Zunion(z, id, fld) ->
+ sprintf "%s.%s" (zipname z) fld.fld_name
+ let name (z, i) = zipname z
+ (* Auxiliary functions to deal with arrays *)
+ let index_below (idx: int64) (sz: int64 option) =
+ match sz with None -> true | Some sz -> idx < sz
+ let il_head dfl = function [] -> dfl | i1 :: il -> i1
+ let il_tail = function [] -> [] | i1 :: il -> il
+ (* Advance the current point to the next point in right-up order.
+ Return None if no next point, i.e. we are at top *)
+ let rec next = function
+ | Ztop(name, ty), i -> None
+ | Zarray(z, ty, sz, dfl, before, idx, after), i ->
+ let idx' = Int64.succ idx in
+ if index_below idx' sz
+ then Some(Zarray(z, ty, sz, dfl, i :: before, idx', il_tail after),
+ il_head dfl after)
+ else next (z, Init_array (List.rev_append before (i :: after)))
+ | Zstruct(z, id, before, fld, []), i ->
+ next (z, Init_struct(id, List.rev_append before [(fld, i)]))
+ | Zstruct(z, id, before, fld, (fld1, i1) :: after), i ->
+ Some(Zstruct(z, id, (fld, i) :: before, fld1, after), i1)
+ | Zunion(z, id, fld), i ->
+ next (z, Init_union(id, fld, i))
+ (* Move the current point "down" to the first component of an array,
+ struct, or union. No effect if the current point is a scalar. *)
+ let rec first env (z, i as zi) =
+ let ty = typeof zi in
+ match unroll env ty, i with
+ | TArray(ty, sz, _), Init_array il ->
+ if index_below 0L sz then begin
+ let dfl = default_init env ty in
+ Some(Zarray(z, ty, sz, dfl, [], 0L, il_tail il), il_head dfl il)
+ end
+ else None
+ | TStruct(id, _), Init_struct(id', []) ->
+ None
+ | TStruct(id, _), Init_struct(id', (fld1, i1) :: flds) ->
+ Some(Zstruct(z, id, [], fld1, flds), i1)
+ | TUnion(id, _), Init_union(id', fld, i) ->
+ begin match (Env.find_union env id).ci_members with
+ | [] -> None
+ | fld1 :: _ ->
+ Some(Zunion(z, id, fld1),
+ if fld.fld_name = fld1.fld_name
+ then i
+ else default_init env fld1.fld_typ)
+ end
+ | (TStruct _ | TUnion _), Init_single a ->
+ (* This is a previous whole-struct initialization that we
+ are going to overwrite. Revert to the default initializer. *)
+ first env (z, default_init env ty)
+ | _ ->
+ Some (z, i)
+ (* Move to the [n]-th element of the current point, which must be
+ an array. *)
+ let index env (z, i as zi) n =
+ match unroll env (typeof zi), i with
+ | TArray(ty, sz, _), Init_array il ->
+ if n >= 0L && index_below n sz then begin
+ let dfl = default_init env ty in
+ let rec loop p before after =
+ if p = n then
+ Some(Zarray(z, ty, sz, dfl, before, n, il_tail after),
+ il_head dfl after)
+ else
+ loop (Int64.succ p)
+ (il_head dfl after :: before)
+ (il_tail after)
+ in loop 0L [] il
+ end else
+ None
+ | _, _ ->
+ None
+ (* Move to the member named [name] of the current point, which must be
+ a struct or a union. *)
+ let rec member env (z, i as zi) name =
+ let ty = typeof zi in
+ match unroll env ty, i with
+ | TStruct(id, _), Init_struct(id', flds) ->
+ let rec find before = function
+ | [] -> None
+ | (fld, i as f_i) :: after ->
+ if fld.fld_name = name then
+ Some(Zstruct(z, id, before, fld, after), i)
+ else
+ find (f_i :: before) after
+ in find [] flds
+ | TUnion(id, _), Init_union(id', fld, i) ->
+ if fld.fld_name = name then
+ Some(Zunion(z, id, fld), i)
+ else begin
+ let rec find = function
+ | [] -> None
+ | fld1 :: rem ->
+ if fld1.fld_name = name then
+ Some(Zunion(z, id, fld1), default_init env fld1.fld_typ)
+ else
+ find rem
+ in find (Env.find_union env id).ci_members
+ end
+ | (TStruct _ | TUnion _), Init_single a ->
+ member env (z, default_init env ty) name
+ | _, _ ->
+ None
+(* Interpret the given designator, moving the initialization state [zi]
+ "down" accordingly. *)
+let rec elab_designator loc env zi desig =
+ match desig with
+ | NEXT_INIT ->
+ zi
+ | INFIELD_INIT(name, desig') ->
+ begin match I.member env zi name with
+ | Some zi' ->
+ elab_designator loc env zi' desig'
+ | None ->
+ error loc "%s has no member named %s" (I.name zi) name;
+ raise Exit
- | TUnion(id, _) ->
- let ci = wrap Env.find_union loc env id in
- let fld1 =
- match ci.ci_members with [] -> assert false | hd :: tl -> hd in
- begin match ile with
- (* union = { elt } *)
- | COMPOUND_INIT ile1 :: ile2 ->
- let (i, rem) =
- elab_init loc env fld1.fld_typ (project_init loc ile1) in
- if rem <> [] then
- warning loc "excess elements at end of union initializer";
- (Init_union(id, fld1, i), ile2)
- (* union = elt (within a bigger compound initializer) *)
- | _ ->
- let (i, rem) = elab_init loc env fld1.fld_typ ile in
- (Init_union(id, fld1, i), rem)
+ | ATINDEX_INIT(a, desig') ->
+ begin match Ceval.integer_expr env (elab_expr loc env a) with
+ | None ->
+ error loc "array element designator for %s is not a compile-time constant"
+ (I.name zi);
+ raise Exit
+ | Some n ->
+ match I.index env zi n with
+ | Some zi' ->
+ elab_designator loc env zi' desig'
+ | None ->
+ error loc "bad array element designator %Ld within %s"
+ n (I.name zi);
+ raise Exit
- | TInt _ | TFloat _ | TPtr _ | TEnum _ ->
- begin match ile with
- (* scalar = elt *)
- | SINGLE_INIT a :: ile1 ->
- let a' = elab_expr loc env a in
- check_init_type loc env a' ty;
- (Init_single a', ile1)
- (* scalar = nothing (within a bigger compound initializer) *)
- | (NO_INIT :: ile1) | ([] as ile1) ->
- begin match unroll env ty with
- | TInt _ | TEnum _ -> (Init_single (intconst 0L IInt), ile1)
- | TFloat _ -> (Init_single floatconst0, ile1)
- | TPtr _ -> (Init_single nullconst, ile1)
- | _ -> assert false
- end
- | COMPOUND_INIT _ :: ile1 ->
- fatal_error loc "compound initializer for type@ %a" Cprint.typ ty
+ | ATINDEXRANGE_INIT(e1, e2) ->
+ error loc "GCC array range designators are not supported";
+ raise Exit
+(* Elaboration of an initialization expression. Return the corresponding
+ initializer. *)
+let elab_init loc env root ty_root ie =
+(* Perform the initializations described by the list [il] over
+ the initialization state [zi]. [first] is true if we are at the
+ beginning of a braced initializer. Returns the final initializer. *)
+let rec elab_list zi il first =
+ match il with
+ | [] ->
+ (* All initialization items consumed. *)
+ I.to_init zi
+ | (desig, item) :: il' ->
+ if desig = NEXT_INIT then begin
+ match (if first then I.first env zi else I.next zi)
+ with
+ | None ->
+ warning loc "excess elements at end of initializer for %s, ignored"
+ (I.name zi);
+ I.to_init zi
+ | Some zi' ->
+ elab_item zi' item il'
+ end else
+ elab_item (elab_designator loc env (I.to_top zi) desig) item il'
+(* Perform the initialization described by [item] for the current
+ subobject of state [zi]. Continue initializing with the list [il]. *)
+and elab_item zi item il =
+ let ty = I.typeof zi in
+ match item, unroll env ty with
+ (* Special case char array = "string literal" *)
+ TArray(TInt((IChar|IUChar|ISChar), _), sz, _) ->
+ if not (I.index_below (Int64.of_int(String.length s - 1)) sz) then
+ warning loc "initializer string for array of chars %s is too long"
+ (I.name zi);
+ elab_list (I.set zi (init_char_array_string sz s)) il false
+ (* Special case int array = L"wide string literal" *)
+ TArray(TInt(_, _), sz, _) ->
+ if not (I.index_below (Int64.of_int(List.length s - 1)) sz) then
+ warning loc "initializer string for array of wide chars %s is too long"
+ (I.name zi);
+ elab_list (I.set zi (init_int_array_wstring sz s)) il false
+ (* Brace-enclosed compound initializer *)
+ | COMPOUND_INIT il', _ ->
+ (* Process the brace-enclosed stuff, obtaining its initializer *)
+ let ini' = elab_list (I.top env (I.name zi) ty) il' true in
+ (* Initialize current subobject with this state, and continue *)
+ elab_list (I.set zi ini') il false
+ (* Single expression *)
+ | SINGLE_INIT a, _ ->
+ let a' = elab_expr loc env a in
+ elab_single zi a' il
+ (* No initializer: can this happen? *)
+ | NO_INIT, _ ->
+ elab_list zi il false
+(* Perform initialization by a single expression [a] for the current
+ subobject of state [zi], Continue initializing with the list [il']. *)
+and elab_single zi a il =
+ let ty = I.typeof zi in
+ match unroll env ty with
+ | TInt _ | TEnum _ | TFloat _ | TPtr _ ->
+ (* This is a scalar: do direct initialization and continue *)
+ check_init_type loc env a ty;
+ elab_list (I.set zi (Init_single a)) il false
+ | TStruct _ | TUnion _ when compatible_types ~noattrs:true env ty a.etyp ->
+ (* This is a composite that can be initialized directly
+ from the expression: do as above *)
+ elab_list (I.set zi (Init_single a)) il false
+ | TStruct _ | TUnion _ | TArray _ ->
+ (* This is an aggregate: we need to drill into it, recursively *)
+ begin match I.first env zi with
+ | Some zi' ->
+ elab_single zi' a il
+ | None ->
+ error loc "initializer for aggregate %s with no elements requires explicit braces"
+ (I.name zi);
+ raise Exit
| _ ->
- fatal_error loc "impossible to initialize at type@ %a" Cprint.typ ty
+ error loc "impossible to initialize %s of type@ %a"
+ (I.name zi) Cprint.typ ty;
+ raise Exit
-let elab_initial loc env ty ie =
- match unroll env ty, ie with
- | _, NO_INIT -> None
- (* scalar or composite = expr *)
- | (TInt _ | TFloat _ | TPtr _ | TStruct _ | TUnion _ | TEnum _), SINGLE_INIT a ->
- let a' = elab_expr loc env a in
- check_init_type loc env a' ty;
- Some (Init_single a')
- (* array = expr or
- array or struct or union = { elt, ..., elt } *)
- | (TArray _, SINGLE_INIT _)
- | ((TArray _ | TStruct _ | TUnion _), COMPOUND_INIT _) ->
- let (i, rem) = elab_init loc env ty [ie] in
- if rem <> [] then
- warning loc "excess elements at end of compound initializer";
- Some i
- | _, _ ->
- error loc "ill-formed initializer for type@ %a" Cprint.typ ty;
- None
+(* Start with top-level object initialized to default *)
+in elab_item (I.top env root ty_root) ie []
+(* Elaboration of a top-level initializer *)
+let elab_initial loc env root ty ie =
+ match ie with
+ | NO_INIT -> None
+ | _ ->
+ try
+ Some (elab_init loc env root ty ie)
+ with
+ | Exit -> None (* error was already reported *)
+ | Env.Error msg -> error loc "%s" (Env.error_message msg); None
(* Complete an array type with the size obtained from the initializer:
"int x[] = { 1, 2, 3 }" becomes "int x[3] = ..." *)
@@ -1485,8 +1669,8 @@ let fixup_typ loc env ty init =
(* Entry point *)
-let elab_initializer loc env ty ie =
- match elab_initial loc env ty ie with
+let elab_initializer loc env root ty ie =
+ match elab_initial loc env root ty ie with
| None ->
(ty, None)
| Some init ->
@@ -1553,7 +1737,7 @@ let rec enter_decdefs local loc env = function
initializer can refer to the ident *)
let (id, env1) = enter_or_refine_ident local loc env s sto' ty in
(* process the initializer *)
- let (ty', init') = elab_initializer loc env1 ty init in
+ let (ty', init') = elab_initializer loc env1 s ty init in
(* update environment with refined type *)
let env2 = Env.add_ident env1 id sto' ty' in
(* check for incomplete type *)