path: root/cparser/ErrorReports.ml
diff options
authorBernhard Schommer <bernhardschommer@gmail.com>2015-10-26 13:00:45 +0100
committerBernhard Schommer <bernhardschommer@gmail.com>2015-10-26 13:00:45 +0100
commit51b059d9a5559cf06e13e82bcda3da9f1c70fad1 (patch)
treed2060251ae147a565e2d6297666effc5fe7fa7a0 /cparser/ErrorReports.ml
parent94163429293cef7410320f79fc5964fc546fccef (diff)
parent52c4f2622a32a88f9470111542b547514e6b21cc (diff)
Merge branch 'fpottier-clean'
Diffstat (limited to 'cparser/ErrorReports.ml')
1 files changed, 254 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cparser/ErrorReports.ml b/cparser/ErrorReports.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a271ece1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cparser/ErrorReports.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* *)
+(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
+(* *)
+(* François Pottier, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
+(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
+(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *)
+(* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
+(* *)
+(* *********************************************************************)
+open Lexing
+open Pre_parser.MenhirInterpreter
+module S = MenhirLib.General (* Streams *)
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* There are places where we may hit an internal error and we would like to fail
+ abruptly because "this cannot happen". Yet, it is safer when shipping to
+ silently cover up for our internal error. Thus, we typically use an idiom of
+ the form [if debug then assert false else <some default value>]. *)
+let debug = true
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The parser keeps track of the last two tokens in a two-place buffer. *)
+type 'a buffer =
+| Zero
+| One of 'a
+| Two of 'a * (* most recent: *) 'a
+(* [push buffer x] pushes [x] into [buffer], causing the buffer to slide. *)
+let update buffer x : _ buffer =
+ match buffer, x with
+ | Zero, _ ->
+ One x
+ | One x1, x2
+ | Two (_, x1), x2 ->
+ Two (x1, x2)
+(* [show f buffer] prints the contents of the buffer. The function [f] is
+ used to print an element. *)
+let show f buffer : string =
+ match buffer with
+ | Zero ->
+ (* The buffer cannot be empty. If we have read no tokens, we
+ cannot have detected a syntax error. *)
+ if debug then assert false else ""
+ | One invalid ->
+ (* It is unlikely, but possible, that we have read just one token. *)
+ Printf.sprintf "before '%s'" (f invalid)
+ | Two (valid, invalid) ->
+ (* In the most likely case, we have read two tokens. *)
+ Printf.sprintf "after '%s' and before '%s'" (f valid) (f invalid)
+(* [last buffer] returns the last element of the buffer (that is, the
+ invalid token). *)
+let last buffer =
+ match buffer with
+ | Zero ->
+ (* The buffer cannot be empty. If we have read no tokens, we
+ cannot have detected a syntax error. *)
+ assert false
+ | One invalid
+ | Two (_, invalid) ->
+ invalid
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* [extract text (pos1, pos2)] extracts the sub-string of [text] delimited
+ by the positions [pos1] and [pos2]. *)
+let extract text (pos1, pos2) : string =
+ let ofs1 = pos1.pos_cnum
+ and ofs2 = pos2.pos_cnum in
+ let len = ofs2 - ofs1 in
+ try
+ String.sub text ofs1 len
+ with Invalid_argument _ ->
+ (* In principle, this should not happen, but if it does, let's make this
+ a non-fatal error. *)
+ if debug then assert false else "???"
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* [sanitize text] eliminates any special characters from the text [text].
+ They are (arbitrarily) replaced with a single dot character. *)
+let sanitize text =
+ String.map (fun c ->
+ if Char.code c < 32 || Char.code c >= 127 then '.' else c
+ ) text
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* [shorten k text] limits the length of [text] to [2k+3] characters. If the
+ text is too long, a fragment in the middle is replaced with an ellipsis. *)
+let shorten k text =
+ let n = String.length text in
+ if n <= 2 * k + 3 then
+ text
+ else
+ String.sub text 0 k ^
+ "..." ^
+ String.sub text (n - k) k
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* [stack checkpoint] extracts the parser's stack out of a checkpoint. *)
+let stack checkpoint =
+ match checkpoint with
+ | HandlingError env ->
+ stack env
+ | _ ->
+ assert false (* this cannot happen, I promise *)
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* [state checkpoint] extracts the number of the current state out of a
+ parser checkpoint. *)
+let state checkpoint : int =
+ match Lazy.force (stack checkpoint) with
+ | S.Nil ->
+ (* Hmm... The parser is in its initial state. Its number is
+ usually 0. This is a BIG HACK. TEMPORARY *)
+ 0
+ | S.Cons (Element (s, _, _, _), _) ->
+ number s
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* TEMPORARY move to MenhirLib.General *)
+let rec drop n (xs : 'a S.stream) : 'a S.stream =
+ match n, xs with
+ | 0, _
+ | _, lazy (S.Nil) ->
+ xs
+ | _, lazy (S.Cons (_, xs)) ->
+ drop (n - 1) xs
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* [element checkpoint i] returns the [i]-th cell of the parser stack. The index
+ [i] is 0-based. [i] should (ideally) be within bounds; we raise [Not_found]
+ if it isn't. *)
+let element checkpoint i : element =
+ match Lazy.force (drop i (stack checkpoint)) with
+ | S.Nil ->
+ (* [i] is out of range. This could happen if the handwritten error
+ messages are out of sync with the grammar, or if a mistake was
+ made. We fail in a non-fatal way. *)
+ raise Not_found
+ | S.Cons (e, _) ->
+ e
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* [range text e] converts the stack element [e] to the fragment of the source
+ text that corresponds to this stack element. The fragment is placed within
+ single quotes and shortened if it is too long. We also ensure that it does
+ not contain any special characters. *)
+let width = 30
+let range text (e : element) : string =
+ (* Extract the start and positions of this stack element. *)
+ let Element (_, _, pos1, pos2) = e in
+ (* Get the underlying source text fragment. *)
+ let fragment = extract text (pos1, pos2) in
+ (* Sanitize it and limit its length. Enclose it in single quotes. *)
+ "'" ^ shorten width (sanitize fragment) ^ "'"
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* We allow an error message to contain the special form $i, where is a 0-based
+ index into the stack. We replace it with the fragment of the source text that
+ corresponds to this stack entry. *)
+let fragment text checkpoint message =
+ try
+ let i = int_of_string (Str.matched_group 1 message) in
+ range text (element checkpoint i)
+ with
+ | Failure _ ->
+ (* In principle, this should not happen, but if it does, let's cover up
+ for our internal error. *)
+ if debug then assert false else "???"
+ | Not_found ->
+ (* In principle, this should not happen, but if it does, let's cover up
+ for our internal error. *)
+ if debug then assert false else "???"
+let fragments text checkpoint (message : string) : string =
+ Str.global_substitute
+ (Str.regexp "\\$\\([0-9]+\\)")
+ (fragment text checkpoint)
+ message
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* [report text buffer checkpoint] constructs an error message. The C source
+ code must be stored in the string [text]. The start and end positions of the
+ last two tokens that were read must be stored in [buffer]. The parser state
+ (i.e., the automaton's state and stack) must be recorded in the checkpoint
+ [checkpoint]. *)
+(* The start and end positions of the invalid token are [lexbuf.lex_start_p]
+ and [lexbuf.lex_curr_p], since this is the last token that was read. But
+ we need not care about that here. *)
+let report text buffer checkpoint : string =
+ (* Extract the position where the error occurred, that is, the start
+ position of the invalid token. We display it as a filename, a (1-based)
+ line number, and a (0-based) column number. *)
+ let (pos, _) = last buffer in
+ (* Construct a readable description of where the error occurred, that is,
+ after which token and before which token. *)
+ let where = show (extract text) buffer in
+ (* Find out in which state the parser failed. *)
+ let s : int = state checkpoint in
+ (* Choose an error message, based on the state number [s].
+ Then, customize it, based on dynamic information. *)
+ let message = try
+ Pre_parser_messages.message s |>
+ fragments text checkpoint
+ with Not_found ->
+ (* If the state number cannot be found -- which, in principle,
+ should not happen, since our list of erroneous states is
+ supposed to be complete! -- produce a generic message. *)
+ Printf.sprintf "This is an unknown syntax error (%d).\n\
+ Please report this problem to the compiler vendor.\n" s
+ in
+ (* Construct the full error message. *)
+ Printf.sprintf "%s:%d:%d: syntax error %s.\n%s"
+ pos.pos_fname
+ pos.pos_lnum
+ (pos.pos_cnum - pos.pos_bol)
+ where
+ message