path: root/cparser/MenhirLib/Grammar.v
diff options
authorJacques-Henri Jourdan <jacques-henri.jourdan@normalesup.org>2018-06-03 18:26:33 +0200
committerXavier Leroy <xavier.leroy@inria.fr>2018-06-06 17:18:18 +0200
commitb8552c55a3c65a3f598d155aeb764e68841ba501 (patch)
treebfedb4c0fd97bceb9dd76490913d5049c032be07 /cparser/MenhirLib/Grammar.v
parentda76ba512d1efbae8ab5ebcb79eb58c0085a026b (diff)
Fix menhirLib namespaces, following changes in Menhir version 20180530
Diffstat (limited to 'cparser/MenhirLib/Grammar.v')
1 files changed, 166 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cparser/MenhirLib/Grammar.v b/cparser/MenhirLib/Grammar.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8e427cd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cparser/MenhirLib/Grammar.v
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* *)
+(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
+(* *)
+(* Jacques-Henri Jourdan, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
+(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
+(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *)
+(* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
+(* *)
+(* *********************************************************************)
+Require Import List.
+Require Import Syntax.
+Require Import Alphabet.
+Require Import Orders.
+Require Tuples.
+(** The terminal non-terminal alphabets of the grammar. **)
+Module Type Alphs.
+ Parameters terminal nonterminal : Type.
+ Declare Instance TerminalAlph: Alphabet terminal.
+ Declare Instance NonTerminalAlph: Alphabet nonterminal.
+End Alphs.
+(** Definition of the alphabet of symbols, given the alphabet of terminals
+ and the alphabet of non terminals **)
+Module Symbol(Import A:Alphs).
+ Inductive symbol :=
+ | T: terminal -> symbol
+ | NT: nonterminal -> symbol.
+ Program Instance SymbolAlph : Alphabet symbol :=
+ { AlphabetComparable := {| compare := fun x y =>
+ match x, y return comparison with
+ | T _, NT _ => Gt
+ | NT _, T _ => Lt
+ | T x, T y => compare x y
+ | NT x, NT y => compare x y
+ end |};
+ AlphabetFinite := {| all_list :=
+ map T all_list++map NT all_list |} }.
+ Next Obligation.
+ destruct x; destruct y; intuition; apply compare_antisym.
+ Qed.
+ Next Obligation.
+ destruct x; destruct y; destruct z; intuition; try discriminate.
+ apply (compare_trans _ t0); intuition.
+ apply (compare_trans _ n0); intuition.
+ Qed.
+ Next Obligation.
+ intros x y.
+ destruct x; destruct y; try discriminate; intros.
+ rewrite (compare_eq t t0); intuition.
+ rewrite (compare_eq n n0); intuition.
+ Qed.
+ Next Obligation.
+ rewrite in_app_iff.
+ destruct x; [left | right]; apply in_map; apply all_list_forall.
+ Qed.
+End Symbol.
+Module Type T.
+ Export Tuples.
+ Include Alphs <+ Symbol.
+ (** [symbol_semantic_type] maps a symbols to the type of its semantic
+ values. **)
+ Parameter symbol_semantic_type: symbol -> Type.
+ (** The type of productions identifiers **)
+ Parameter production : Type.
+ Declare Instance ProductionAlph : Alphabet production.
+ (** Accessors for productions: left hand side, right hand side,
+ and semantic action. The semantic actions are given in the form
+ of curryfied functions, that take arguments in the reverse order. **)
+ Parameter prod_lhs: production -> nonterminal.
+ Parameter prod_rhs_rev: production -> list symbol.
+ Parameter prod_action:
+ forall p:production,
+ arrows_left
+ (map symbol_semantic_type (rev (prod_rhs_rev p)))
+ (symbol_semantic_type (NT (prod_lhs p))).
+End T.
+Module Defs(Import G:T).
+ (** A token is a terminal and a semantic value for this terminal. **)
+ Definition token := {t:terminal & symbol_semantic_type (T t)}.
+ (** A grammar creates a relation between word of tokens and semantic values.
+ This relation is parametrized by the head symbol. It defines the
+ "semantics" of the grammar. This relation is defined by a notion of
+ parse tree. **)
+ Inductive parse_tree:
+ forall (head_symbol:symbol) (word:list token)
+ (semantic_value:symbol_semantic_type head_symbol), Type :=
+ (** A single token has its semantic value as semantic value, for the
+ corresponding terminal as head symbol. **)
+ | Terminal_pt:
+ forall (t:terminal) (sem:symbol_semantic_type (T t)),
+ parse_tree (T t)
+ [existT (fun t => symbol_semantic_type (T t)) t sem] sem
+ (** Given a production, if a word has a list of semantic values for the
+ right hand side as head symbols, then this word has the semantic value
+ given by the semantic action of the production for the left hand side
+ as head symbol.**)
+ | Non_terminal_pt:
+ forall {p:production} {word:list token}
+ {semantic_values:tuple (map symbol_semantic_type (rev (prod_rhs_rev p)))},
+ parse_tree_list (rev (prod_rhs_rev p)) word semantic_values ->
+ parse_tree (NT (prod_lhs p)) word (uncurry (prod_action p) semantic_values)
+ (** Basically the same relation as before, but for list of head symbols (ie.
+ We are building a forest of syntax trees. It is mutually recursive with the
+ previous relation **)
+ with parse_tree_list:
+ forall (head_symbols:list symbol) (word:list token)
+ (semantic_values:tuple (map symbol_semantic_type head_symbols)),
+ Type :=
+ (** The empty word has [()] as semantic for [[]] as head symbols list **)
+ | Nil_ptl: parse_tree_list [] [] ()
+ (** The cons of the semantic value for one head symbol and for a list of head
+ symbols **)
+ | Cons_ptl:
+ (** The semantic for the head **)
+ forall {head_symbolt:symbol} {wordt:list token}
+ {semantic_valuet:symbol_semantic_type head_symbolt},
+ parse_tree head_symbolt wordt semantic_valuet ->
+ (** and the semantic for the tail **)
+ forall {head_symbolsq:list symbol} {wordq:list token}
+ {semantic_valuesq:tuple (map symbol_semantic_type head_symbolsq)},
+ parse_tree_list head_symbolsq wordq semantic_valuesq ->
+ (** give the semantic of the cons **)
+ parse_tree_list
+ (head_symbolt::head_symbolsq)
+ (wordt++wordq)
+ (semantic_valuet, semantic_valuesq).
+ Fixpoint pt_size {head_symbol word sem} (tree:parse_tree head_symbol word sem) :=
+ match tree with
+ | Terminal_pt _ _ => 1
+ | Non_terminal_pt l => S (ptl_size l)
+ end
+ with ptl_size {head_symbols word sems} (tree:parse_tree_list head_symbols word sems) :=
+ match tree with
+ | Nil_ptl => 0
+ | Cons_ptl t q =>
+ pt_size t + ptl_size q
+ end.
+End Defs.